Jan/Feb 2015 - illinoisnapus.org


Jan/Feb 2015 - illinoisnapus.org
Jan Feb 2015
Postmaster News
Illinois Chapter, No. 6, National Association of Postmasters of the United States
PRESIDENT: Pam Bardell
Savana IL 61074
Office: Savana IL 815- 273-3621 Cell: 815- 291 -9726
NAPUS pres@yahoo.com
12646 SR 78 Havana IL 62644
Office: Havana IL 309-543-2581 Home: 217-836-2675
EDITOR: Cheryl Quaka
PO Box 577 Marseilles IL 61341
Office: Marseilles IL 815-795-2148 Cell: 815-685-7181
PO Box 1, Lincoln IL, 62656
Office: 217-732-4912 Cell: 217-899-9256
M arianne M iller
5213 N Rock City Rd, Rock City IL 61070
815 449 2434
cell: 815 908 9565
Meta Belford
O ffice :W yoming IL 61491
Office 309-695-6181
cell: 309-369-2071
D avid S mith
P o B ox 248 C oulterville IL 62237
1335 Morris Rd , Jacksonville, IL 62650
Cell: 217-473-0650
Membership: Liz Uphoff, Toluca 61369, 815-452-2226 uphoff1@mchsi.com
Legislative: Edmund Carley, Lincoln 62656, 217-899-9256, edmund.a.carley @att.net
PAC: Larry Wieneke, retired cell phone: 618-576-2550 larryawieneke@yahoo.com
Service Representative: Gail Smith, retiired 217-844-2158, glsmith07@hotmail.com
Constitution & By Laws: Deb Graves 815-541-2546
NAPUS Credit Union Secretary: Carol Sue Carnes, Brussels 62013, carnes2@frontiernet.net
Parliamentarian: Liz Schnitzler 815-598-3272
cell 815-275-7134
State Convention: Nancy Buening . Gail Smith (815)541-2546
Scholarship: Stevee Hall Wonderlake
Webmaster: Alice Wellen 618-616-7590 wellenpm@ezeeweb.com
Fill out an 1187
Fill out an1187R
NAPUS is not a union; it is a professional association.
It is an organization of people who hold, or have held, a
proud title for more than 200 years. It does not discriminate
by race, gender or salary level. It is, as a vehicle, an avenue,
a method, a tool that can and does help assist, benefit and
encourage YOU to be a better Postmaster.
“Let us do
together what
we cannot do
Illinois Postmaster News
can be found on our website at
Illinois Postmaster News is
published by Illinois Chapter 6
National Association of
Postmasters of the United States.
The views expressed in this
publication do not necessarily
represent the views of
Illinois Chapter 6
or its membership.
Pam Bardell ~ State President
2015 is your year to take a Leap of Faith and go for your dreams and
help NAPUS survive. Will Postmasters go down in history? I know that
things are changing fast and furious again. Clerk positions are changing.
We are losing part-time Postmasters and PMR positions in our 6 and
4-hour offices. All of this was happening during the busiest time of the year. With the changes
in the staffing situation, we are losing members. At this time, the NAPUS National office is
having a membership drive. Any new active member signed up during the contest period will
receive free membership for six months, regardless of how long they have been in office. Please
ask a neighboring Postmaster to join and see what NAPUS can do for them. If you are reading
this article, please HELP Postmasters keep their JOBS. We are going down in history if we do
not start fighting for our JOBS!
On that note, I would like to invite you to attend the Legislative Conference in Washington DC
March 14-18. Help us fight for our jobs. We will go to Capitol Hill to fight for our jobs. DC is a
great experience to go to the Hill and talk to your Senators and Congressmen. Do you care about
your job? What are you doing? Or are we going to make history because too many Postmasters
had excuses why they did not attend. Knowledge is Power, and Power is more with Teamwork.
I hope I can count on you to help support NAPUS!
There are many unanswered questions. Postmasters are forced to work Sundays. Who covers in
a level 18 when the clerk is on AL or other leave? Postmasters, please do not violate the contract. Give the clerk the hours. Are you working free for the USPS? Are you getting time off?
Read ELM 519.14. Postmasters are dedicated, and upper management expects us to be dedicated. What is in it for us? We are losing our jobs! It is time! What are you waiting for?
Thank you, Marianne Miller for hosting Region 1 meeting. Marianne hosted the meeting in
Chicago to get more to attend. Again, we had a very low attendance. I also say thank you to our
guest speakers Liz Wulf, Elizabeth Mikrut and Dave Janda for taking time out of your Saturday
to inspire and uplift the NAPUS members.
I hope you will sign up and join us at State Convention. Help save our jobs! If you would like to
get involved in NAPUS, please let me know!
How are you going to save our Postmaster positions? Are we going to make history?
Postmaster this year - not sure next year!
Pam Bardell
Ed Carley~Area 1 National Vice President
Postmasters & Mangers of America
As I write this I have been your National Vice President for 23 days. I have already
been to a weekend Region Meeting in Schaumburg Illinois and attended three
National Executive Board Meetings via telecom. 16 hours of telecoms, in 3 weeks!
Cheryl held up the final release of this issue of the Illinois Postmaster News to
bring you the following information.
The National Executive Boards of both NAPUS and The League of Postmasters of the United States have
agreed, overwhelmingly, to propose the dissolution of both organizations, the pooling of our joint resources,
and the formation of a new single management organization. If the motions are passed at our respective National Conventions we will all become members of the Postmasters and Managers of America or PMA.
The organization will be open to all Postmasters, Postmaster Relief, Managers, Supervisors or any other
EAS employees employed by the Postal Service. After a period of transition, the PMA will be governed by
a President, 12 Vice Presidents (one of whom will be Executive Vice President), a National Secretary-Treasurer and the President of Postmasters Retired. A State, Commonwealth, Territory, Possession or grouping
thereof that maintains a 10% minimum representation of their area, can form chapters with their own bylaws
and officers. There will be publications authorized at both the National and Chapter level as well as webpages etc. There will be provisions for the formation of a National Postmasters Retired organization and an
Auxiliary. The President may also appoint an Executive Director.
Postmasters and Managers of America will hold an annual National Convention where it will conduct business and provide networking and training. Voting will be by roll call of chapters with 1 vote per 10 members
of each chapter. There will be elections for Postal Area coordinators that serve at the pleasure of the National Executive Board. These individuals will be active members that will provide channels of communication
between PMA, its members and the USPS Area Offices. Their mandate will be to protect the interest and
welfare of PMA members. There will be five standing committees, Adverse Action, Articles and Bylaws,
Education, Legislative and Membership.
There will be a two-year period of transition where there will be Co-Presidents until October 31, 2018.
There will be Co-Secretary-Treasurers until October 31, 2017. Each organization (League and NAPUS) will
elect 6 National Vice Presidents from an East-West National Area in 2016. The financial year of the new
PMA will be November 1st to October 31st each year, starting in 2016. At the chapter level there will be
Co-Presidents, Co-Secretary-Treasurers and Co-Retiree Presidents from November 1st 2016 until the 2017
chapter convention at which time an entire Chapter Board will be elected. Until chapter bylaws are approved
by chapter members at convention, there will be a chapter President, an EVP, one or more VPs a SecretaryTreasurer and a PM Retired President.
Upon the approval of both the League and NAPUS to form PMA it is understood that all current members of
both organizations will automatically become members of the new organization. No amendments or changes
The Illinois Postmaster News (ISS Pending) is printed every six weeks by the Illinois Chapter of the National Association of Postmasters of the
United States.(NAPUS), 701 Broadway, Lincoln IL 626256-2367. Periodical postage paid at Lincoln, IL. Postmasters receive the Illinois Postmaster News as part of their membership. Non- members subscription price is $18 per year. POSTMASTER: Please send address labels clipped from
undeliverable copies, along with form 3579 to: Illinois Postmaster News, PO Box 577, Marseilles IL 61341.
to the Articles of Incorporation or the Bylaws can be enacted during the transition period. Needless to say,
if you wish to stay informed about NAPUS, PMA, the Postal Service and all the other things that may
affect your job, you have to stay engaged. Please, plan on coming to Region Meetings, State Convention
and Training Conference this fall. It is imperative that we have a knowledgeable membership base that can
help the leadership of this organization decide our futures.
As a National Organization, the Leadership and Legislative Conference in Washington DC will also be
the place to learn about all these proposals. Coupled with the fact that we will get to go up on the Hill,
and lobby our representatives about issues close to Postmasters, we will also be able to meet candidates
for National Office, looking to be elected in Mobile AL this fall. If you don’t come, you will miss out on
a wealth of information and the opportunity to network with fellow Postmasters from around the country.
We will all be there doing the same thing, learning, listening and communicating our wants and needs to
our NAPUS leadership and to the leaders of the country. Now is the time, more than ever, stay engaged,
stay vigilant be the leaders for NAPUS that you are in your homes, in your communities and within the
Postal Service!
I am helping our new State Legislative Chair Marianne Miller in her transition into that role. I will help
in scheduling the meetings and facilitating the organization of the roster of Postmasters who get to go up
on the Hill. It is important that we know you are going and which Congressional District you live and/or
work in. To that end, let me know as soon as possible, that you are going and which District you are in. As
always you can contact me by email or phone any time, unless of course I am on a four hour telecom, then
you will have to wait. 
Shelley Zellers ~ Secretary/Treasurer
The local newspaper printed an article this week about a fund raiser for the ’Honor
Flight’. This flight was established to provide veterans with an opportunity to visit
Washington, DC. They are flown on private planes to DC, escorted around the city
for the day and flown home. Many of these veterans would never see the monuments or the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier if the
‘Honor Flight’ didn’t exist. What a wonderful way to honor those who were the
inspiration for many of the sites in the city.
Napus travels to Washington, DC each year in the spring. Our purpose is to share
postal issues with our congressmen. Small groups of postmasters travel to the
hill, meet with their senator and/or representative and explain the current situation at USPS. This trip is more
important now, than it has ever been. None of us are sure about the future of our company. What we are sure of
is that congress can change the entire structure of our business in a single vote. It is our responsibility to make
them aware of our wishes.
We do our best to take care of business, but we also find some time to have some fun and see the city. I can’t
tell you how many times I’ve seen the monuments or visited the museums, but I’m always ready to do it again.
I just love DC!!
If you’ve considered joining us, I want to encourage you go this year. The trip is educational, informative, and
fun. Hope to see you in DC!
John Sertich~ Postmaster Rep
I want to thank President Leonardi for the confidence and trust he has demonstrated in me by appointing me to the National Postmaster Representation
committee. I am looking forward to working with Chairman Hall and the other
members of the team. As a long time member and chair of the Illinois PM
Representation committee, I have sought the advice and support of this committee many times. The assistance and guidance they provided allowed me to help
countless Illinois Postmasters in their times of need. I will continue to rely on
them as I progress to the national level of responsibility.
I have been with the Postal Service for 37 years. I spent my first eight years in the craft and the rest in a variety
of EAS positions and details. I have been the Postmaster of Belleville, IL (a level 22 office) since 2000 and
involved in NAPUS for 20 years.
When soliciting members for the Illinois PM Rep committee, invariably I have been asked what they would
have to do; would I provide training. I always responded by telling them the actual process was pretty straightforward and anyone could learn to do it. However, dealing with the individuals involved in discipline or adverse
action cases is more a work of art; getting people through difficult times, to be a good listener and most importantly have a relentless pursuit of the truth.
In most discipline cases, I find that there is usually a communication barrier that has to be removed in order for
a resolution or compromise to be reached. Emotions are tense. The boss wants to be right and the Postmaster
feels they have been wronged. But the boss is not always right and sometimes Postmasters do things that are
wrong. Getting each party to see and understand the other party’s point of view is fundamental in the communication process and in reaching a resolution. I have not always succeeded, but I always have and will continue to
make every effort to do so.
I am looking forward to this new challenge as well as networking with the veteran members of the committee.
I want to close with something I wrote in one of my Gazette articles last year. I try to follow these beliefs each
and every day. I encourage you to do the same.
“Doing what is right and making the right decisions are rarely the easiest things to do. As Postmasters we are
expected to be leaders in our offices and communities. Is character and integrity the foundation of your leadership? Resolve to make it so in every decision you make.”
“People may follow instructions out of fear, but they follow people out of respect. When you are faced with a
decision to do what is right or what is simply demanded, I hope you do the right thing. If you need any motivation, give me a call. I will be glad to assist.”
I look forward to seeing you at our next NAPUS event. Be it a Region Meeting, Leadership Conference, State
or National Convention. Many may be thinking, “What do I have to gain?” Believe me, there is still at lot at
stake. We need to continue to remain vigilant and viable. To do that, everyone in the organization has to participate in some manner. No contribution is too small.
John Sertich, Postmaster
Belleville IL 62220-9998
Cheryl Quaka ~State Editor
What if?
I want to thank Sara Martin and Morrie Smith for working on the articles for Jeff
Poole. As many of you know, Jeff passed away the day after Christmas and his Celebration of Life service was held on New Year’s Eve. He will be missed so much!
He lived BIG and loved BIG. We cannot replace him, but we can learn from all the
examples he gave us such as make sure you tell the ones you love how much they mean to you. On Christmas
Eve, Jeff sent out an email to some of his friends that said, “Big love to all of you!” Little did any of us know
that would be his last words to us…but just like Jeff, those were big words written with love from a big hearted
If you have talents…develop them! If you have things you want to do…get them done! Don’t put those things
off until tomorrow, because, what if tomorrow never comes? What does the future hold for you personally?
What changes would you make if you knew next week was your last day? This has been something I have been
thinking about. I hope that 2015 is good for all of us and that we make it better by asking ourselves these questions. Stop putting off until tomorrow what you can do today.
What if? What things can we do to stay healthy and strong? It is not good for us to be working seven days
a week and being paid for five; we need to stay healthy, mentally and physically. What if next week was your
last? Would you come in to the office? No matter how much we love our jobs…let’s face it, it is not going to
miss us when we are gone. They will find some other employee to treat badly. Let’s look into ways to be heard
and get the credit we deserve. Our paychecks should reflect all we do too. Craft employees would get paid
overtime and out-of-schedule pay if they were put in to replace a Postmaster. We need to stand strong and love
ourselves BIG enough to fight for it.
What if NAPUS and the League were to merge? What changes would we need to make?
There are strengths and weaknesses in both organizations. We would need to recognize these things in each
other and grow to be a bigger, better and stronger! We would no longer have to look at each other as competition but as comrades. If our associations decide to merge, we will be able to use this opportunity to fight harder
for Postmasters! We need to use our time not only to make our lives better, but to share our knowledge and
strengthen each other.
So, what if in 2015 we make our lives our jobs, and the lives of those we care about more fulfilling? Let’s
make the time to live and love BIG!
Marianne Miller ~ Region 1 VP
Not Goodbye, But Until We Meet Again
How do you say goodbye to someone who was so full of life; so generous of his time and talents?
How do you even begin to grapple with the loss…the void…the black hole that is trying to swallow
you up and drag you into the dark abyss? Memories. Memories which initially can make the loss feel
even greater, as impossible as that may seem at the time, will bring you to joy in the end.
In preparing to write my article this month I took some time to look back on previous years’ conventions and peruse some photos. I was especially interested in photos of our favorite band…The Associates; aka The “AR”sociates. As I
scrolled through the photos of our meetings I noticed all the faces of people whom I haven’t seen in quite awhile. It made me sad that
the one thing that brought us together (USPS) is also tearing us apart. Too many times work has taken precedence in our lives over
family, friends and community. Too many times, because of that precedence, we lose sight of what is truly important in life and that is
life itself.
As I looked upon photos of Jeff and the members of The Associates band, I could see there was a “brotherhood” between all the members. They all enjoyed playing music, and they really enjoyed playing music together. I have to be honest, as I looked upon the photos
of the band and the NAPUS groupies dancing together, laughing, and creating life-long memories together I began to cry.
There are times in your life when you realize there are people who have touched your life in a meaningful way. And sometimes it is
too late to tell them by the time you realize it. Jeff did not wait to tell people how much he loved them. “Love You BIG!” was a phrase
he used continually to let his friends and family know that he cared about them…a lot! He shared his love, his hugs, and his music
with everyone. No one was immune to his infectious smile and gregarious personality.
Memories of Jeff will always be in my heart. I will miss him and the raucous good times he created at our conventions. Thank you,
Jeff, for all the good times with my NAPUS family! Be it up on a stage or jammin’ in a hotel room, you made memories to last me a
May God Bless Jeff’s family and loved ones. May He bless all those who have suffered the loss of a loved one in their lives. May His
peace be with you and sustain you each and every day.
Love You BIG
Marianne Miller
Region 1 VP
Meta Belford ~ Region 2 VP
My New Year’s resolution was to tell those who are important to me, just how important they are in my life. “Those who are important” doesn’t just mean friends and
family, but also acquaintances in my everyday life. Now you’re thinking, does she
convey to her customers some sappy verbiage every time they come in? No, I don’t.
But I do tell them how important they are to the Post Office by saying hello, being
pleasant, taking the time to make sure they are satisfied with their transaction and saying thank you. Some
customers in small town USA come into the Post Office to buy one stamp and to say hello. We are important to them too. We take their birthday card clear across the country for a mere 49¢ to tell their loved ones
how important they are to them. In the changing Post Office, where all we seem to hear is how bad things
are financially or how a customer didn’t get their weekly advertiser, we need to remember we are important to the customer. No matter how busy you get in the office, be sure to convey to your customers how
important they are. We need them to keep those cards and letters coming.
Dave Smith ~ Region 3 VP
Hang in There!
620, 622, 624, 628, 629, offices, take note of the Region 3 meeting has been rescheduled
for March 7th due to the Rural Route Count.
It will still be at the Fairfield Inn and Suites at 217 Potomac Boulevard, Mount Vernon, IL
62864. Their phone number is 618-244-2300 to make hotel reservations. I have a block of
rooms reserved at $99.00 a room. Mention NAPUS when you make the reservations for a
room. The meeting will start at 1:00, so eat lunch before you get there. I will have food and
a hospitality room for later. If you can’t make it at 1:00, come anytime you can make it. It’s ok to come later. I know that
many of us work on Saturdays, so I thought I would try to have this a little later. Let’s show the other regions that Region
3 cares and wants to be heard. The cost will be $10.00 to attend (this is to help cover the cost of the meeting room and
food) and may be sent to Dave Smith @ PO Box 248 Coulterville IL 62237 make checks payable to Dave Smith. You may
also pay when you get there. All I ask is that you please let me know if you are planning on attending by via email, phone
call or even text me at 618-980-4229. If you email or text me please include your name and office. I always get something
out of attending Region Meetings and I know you will, too. Just the fact that you get to meet and talk to other Postmasters
is a big thing to me.
Can it get any crazier then what it has been? I sure hope not. The holiday season was insane. I have never seen so many
parcels before. I know that’s a good thing and I hope that part of our business keeps growing, but I’m not sure we can
survive on parcels alone.
The clerk craft seems to be the thing now days. They keep getting everything and we seem to be at the opposite end of
the spectrum. All the more reason to be involved in NAPUS! We have PMR’s becoming PSE’s. They are being moved
all over to other offices all because of test scores. I don’t want to lose my PMR! We also have our PTF’s becoming NTFT
clerks in Level 6 offices. I’m sure I’ll get that PTF replaced with another one…right? It seems that we just keep getting
more responsibility and more work amongst all this. I just saw an email telling us that the NTFT clerks in the level 6 offices will not be doing the cleaning. I’m sure that’s because they are fulltime clerks. Now we have to get contract cleaners
in these offices to do the cleaning. Didn’t we just get rid of most of the contract cleaners?
Make sure you are letting your clerks (if you have one) work the hours that they are supposed to work per the contract. If
your clerk is on AL or SL make sure you keep trying to get clerks from other offices to work for them. If you take AL or
SL and your clerk is working for you, that clerk is not working clerk hours; they are working higher-level hours. So you
should be trying to get another clerk to work the clerk hours. Make sure you document things to protect yourself. This
may not prevent a grievance, but at least you have documentation that you tried to get someone to work the clerk hours.
This all means extra work, more stress and usually more problems for all of us. Sometimes you may think that you are all
alone with these problems and that you have it worse than everyone else. I can reassure you that you’re not alone and you
probably don’t have it worse than everyone else. We all have certain level problems and stress that we deal with everyday.
I get to travel to many other offices. I hear it from everyone out there. We are all stressed out and feel like we are at our
wit’s end. Some Postmasters handle it better than others, but I still see and hear some frustration even with them. All I can
say is “Hang in there!” Do the best you can with what you have. Getting the mail delivered is still the number one priority
for our customers.
I want to remind all of you again that the 2015 Illinois State Convention is April 26-27 in Effingham. I’m not too sure it’s
going to get too much closer for Region 3 members, so make plans on attending. Write the dates down now. Do this for
yourself and your job.
I’ll leave you with this: I talked to a friend of mine that’s a city carrier. I know he could have retired at the end of last year.
I asked him “Why didn’t you retire yet? He replied, “ I want to stay to see what happens next!”
Hope to see you at the Region 3 meeting.
Liz Uphoff ~ Membership
Dear All IL NAPUS members,
These are the final reports for the Fall New Members Contest. Some of the new members do not have sponsors listed. That is OK unless there should be.
Congratulations! The contest was a huge success---with 424 new members from September 19-December 31,
2014. President Tony Leonardi and Retired President McDorman thank everyone and want to award the sponsors during the week of January 19-23, 2015.
Thanks, IL NAPUS members who spent tireless efforts on the phone. Your efforts were rewarded.
IL Retired new members are:
Debra Kepley Ingraham, IL
Gail Esker
Toledo IL
Scott Mann
Hoopeston, IL
John Hooks
Edwardsville, IL
Congratulations to our IL New Members are:
Brett Shallenbarger Postmaster Woodstock, IL
Catherine Campbell Postmaster Tuscola, IL
Liz Uphoff
IL Membership
Marianne Miller~ A Penny For Your Thoughts
On January 10th the Region 1 meeting was held in Schaumburg, Illinois. Guest speakers included Ms. Elizabeth Wulf, MPOO 7 Lakeland District, and Ms. Elizabeth Mikrut and Mr. David Janda, Lakeland District
Business Development Specialists (BDS). We welcomed a few new faces to the meeting and few familiar
ones as well; a special welcome to new NAPUS member, Catherine Levernier, from Lake Bluff Post Office.
Ms. Wulf spoke to her role as MPOO in mentoring Postmasters to overcome obstacles. She shared her insights on how to become “The Best” at anything you do in life. Some of the highlights of her speech included: Recognizing the value of a simple idea, and stop over complicating things; Remain patient, and get
“gritty” to overcome obstacles; Develop oratory skills by taking a class and practicing; Grow a thick armored
shield and surround yourself with people that are supporting and encouraging; Look for solutions instead of
excuses. Ms. Wulf emphasized the importance of never taking a mental break, yet develop the ability to laugh
at oneself; Build relationships and practice putting yourself in the other persons shoes before making any decisions; Recognize your talents and be great at one thing by investing in yourself before you move onto another
thing; Be curious about everything; and know the difference between leverage and delegation. The primary
responsibility to yourself and to your employees is to develop yourself, develop others, and develop critical
thinking skills.
Our Business Development team touched on the importance of promoting our products and services to our
customers and to our staff. We need to encourage our employees to be vigilant in looking for opportunities
to promote our business. Two products that are very beneficial to our customers are Every Door Direct Mail
(EDDM) and Stamps.com. The Stamps.com site allows customers to rate shop which more times than not directs them towards using the Postal Service.
The team also addressed questions and concerns from the audience. If you believe a lead needs further developing, their support and input are always available to assist you in closing a sale. We are all partners in promoting
our business and selling our services. They challenged us to generate enough sales to pay for all our own offices
expenses, including wages.
After the speakers we moved onto the business session of the meeting. The Region 2 meeting is January 24th
in Peoria and the Region 3 meeting is March 7th in Mt. Vernon. The State Convention is April 25th through
the 27th in Effingham. We talked about inviting neighboring states (Iowa, Missouri, and Wisconsin) in order to
reduce expenses. The banquet theme is Denim & Diamonds; dress up, dress down; the choice is yours. There is
discussion by The Associates band members in having a tribute to the late Jeff Poole at the banquet. The District panel will be Monday morning following breakfast.
The Legislative Conference in Washington D.C. is March 14th through the late afternoon of the 17th. The registration form indicates the 18th, but the NAPUS National website has nothing scheduled for that day. The State
Night dinner will be Sunday night at a location yet to be determined. If you are planning on attending the conference, please contact either your Region V.P. or President Pam Bardell. We will make sure you are included in
all the activities and kept abreast of any changes. Remember to invite your neighboring Postmasters.
I cannot stress enough the importance of everyone’s attendance at the Legislative Conference. Actions speak
louder than words and when only a handful of people from the state attend, it gives the impression to our Congressmen that we do not care about our jobs. …And if we do not care, why should they? Please, take the time
to attend and show your Congressman your career is important to you! They will only meet with constituents
from their own districts, so we need members from every part of the state in attendance. Our visit to “The Hill”
will be on Tuesday, March 17th. Register for the conference online at: www.napus.org. Fees increase on February 1, 2015 so act fast!
To date, the scholarship fund has received $226.00 in donations. Scholarship applications need to be mailed to
Steve Hall early so the committee has ample time to read through them all to make their decision. The award
will be made at the State Convention. All scholarship donations need to be directed to Steve as well.
Ed Carley mentioned there are major changes to be discussed at the upcoming convention. He was not able to
disclose the details but feels it is important for everyone to stay alert and involved. Ed has been asked to join
the National Legislative team and John Sertich has accepted a position on the National PM Representative team.
Congratulations to you both on your positions! We are truly proud of our “Boys from Illi-Noise.” Thank you
for always taking care of your fellow Postmasters!
I would like to extend a very heartfelt THANK YOU to John Sertich for all his hard work as our former National V.P. Your tireless efforts and many, many hours of meetings and telecoms are truly appreciated. You stepped
up to represent our state, to make the tough decisions, and to keep our organization solvent. I appreciate your
candor, your wisdom, and your leadership. I look forward to continue learning from you in the years to come.
I am excited to see my fellow Postmasters at the upcoming meetings and conventions. Re-iterating Ms. Wulf’s
insight, it is important to develop yourself to become “The Best” you can be. Help yourself by attending the
upcoming NAPUS events; invest in yourself and in your future.
God Bless~
Marianne Miller
Region 1 V.P.
IL Legislative Chair
Kevin Christiansen~ Postmaster LaSalle
My Friend-Jeff Poole
In the spring of 1993 I had just switched jobs. I moved from being the Delivery Supervisor up North in Arlington Heights IL 60004 to Delivery Supervisor Streator IL
61364. My Postmaster in Streator, Jim Sauers, was asked by our POOM to supply a
Central Illinois Route Inspection team with an examiner. I was asked if I could do it,
agreed, and before I knew it I was driving down to Decatur IL on a Sunday afternoon
to be ready to go Monday morning. I checked into the Holiday Inn and decided to mosey on down to the
Sports Bar for some late lunch.
I entered the bar and noticed a table of guys sitting around laughing and eating. After some formalities
I was asked to sit down and join them. This group of guys would soon be known, by ourselves, as the
Dream Team.
I became good friends with all the team members and over the next 30 weeks I traveled all over Central IL
doing route exams. Danville, Champaign, Springfield, and many others in between. Some of these towns
we would be in for 3 weeks. Needless to say we had a lot of time on our hands and during that time Jeff
and I would talk Music. We discovered that we both played an Instrument. Him the guitar and myself the
drums. Jeff would bring his Acoustic guitar on the road with us and I would keep time with whatever I
could. Soon that became a snare drum with a towel over it and some cymbals. Some of those early “Unplugged” sessions were filled with my best memories of Jeff and his guitar. There seemed nothing he
couldn’t play. We would entertain for hours in Hospitality rooms and sometimes these little gigs turned
into Jam sessions in the lobbies of the Hotel. Specifically the Milwaukee Hilton when the Manager had
come to our room about 4 times for noise complaints. He suggested we play in the lobby downstairs,
where he said we could play as long and as loud as we wanted. We set up shop and proceeded to rip it up
for another two hours or so, way into the wee hours. Those of you that were lucky enough to be there for
those sessions remember just how special they were.
Soon after that I was installed as Postmaster in La Salle IL and The A$$ociates were born. We played that
night in the fall of 2004. We decided to really get together and practice like a real band. We got ready for
a gig and we got hired to play the State Convention in Peoria IL in the spring of 2005. After that the rest is
as they say history.
What they don’t say is just how deeply Jeff loved the Band and all that went with it. Most of our practices
were at the Infamous “Healing Shed” at Jeff’s house. He kept all things A$$ociates. Banners, Tee shirts,
Sounds systems, all kept by Jeff. The Pre show stage work was also always done by Jeff. After sound
check many of us would try to slip away but Jeff would always have a few “tweaks” to see to before the
show. While we fixed these perceived wrongs, it was a pain in the A$$, however when the show went on
we saw the foresight Jeff had and his ideas payed big dividends.
We all lost a great man and true friend, but as a bandmate for 10 years I lost my best friend. Jeff could
make guitars talk in a way that God only blesses a few folks with the talent to make it happen. Jeff had
that and some. I don’t recall a song he couldn’t play, and his wide range of music gave him the ability to
satisfy the hardcore rocker as well as the fan of Country Music. Jeff opened my eyes to much more music
than I would have ever listened to had I never played with him. He gave us all so much so please let’s not
forget him in our prayers. I know Jeff thought the world of his family. Lindsey was becoming an Honorary member of the band and Alex could most likely join in on any number of songs. Jeff was very excited
about the future life he would be sharing with his fiancé, Shannon. Those folks will need our prayers and
friendship in the months to come.
When you think about his entertaining skills it’s no surprise he was called to the great gig in the sky. I can
just hear him now telling Jimi Hendrix and John Bonham that the stage needs to be looking west instead of
north, and somebody get some duct tape for these bad sections…
I love ya brother and I will miss you until that day when we get to play again.
Kevin Christiansen
Carol Sue Carnes ~ Credit Union
Now that 2015 has arrived perhaps it is time for you to reflect on the past year and think about things you can
do to achieve better financial goals. Why not log on to www.napusfcu.org and check out all the products and
services available to help you.
Did you know you can now open up a “Bump Up Certificate” and later on if you see the rate has gone up you
simply call 1-800-336-0284 and lock in a better rate on your CD? The rate can only be bumped up one time
per certificate term and the maturity date will not change when this takes place. And, did you know our Money Market accounts now start earning
dividends with just a $500 minimum balance? In addition, we have raised our tier one Money Market account rate to .35% annual percentage yield.
Again just give them a call if you need additional information.
Another new product is our Special Payroll Certificate. They are available in 1, 2 and 3 year terms and are a quarter of a percent lower in rate than
the regular 1, 2 and 3 year certificates. However, a Payroll Certificate allows you to set up a recurring automatic deposit into the certificate each
month, thus allowing you to increase the certificate amount.
There are so many benefits of Credit Union Membership. You have the ability to log onto your accounts through Internet Teller and through our
mobile banking app. There is also Remote Deposit Anywhere which allows you to deposit checks to your NAPUS FCU account by taking a picture
of the check using your smartphone or tablet. The Credit Union belongs to an ATM network that allows you to make “free” withdrawals from your
account at thousands of locations nationwide; many of the ATM’s also offer deposit services. On our website: www.napusfcu.org you can locate the
ATM closest to you.
Credit unions are member-based not-for-profit organizations. When you join, you become a member-owner and can participate in electing the Board
of Directors, since all members have an equal vote. Additionally, profits are returned to members in the form of attractive savings and loan rates.
Membership is a lifetime benefit – “Once a member, always a member” even if you change jobs, retire or move. And better yet your family and
friends are eligible for Credit Union membership.
With so many excellent share and loan options that go above and beyond banks, now is the time to take a closer look at our NAPUS FCU and take
advantage of all we have to offer.
Until next time,
Carol Sue Carnes, Secretary
NAPUS Federal Credit Union
Retired Postmaster
Brussels, IL 62013
Morrie Smith ~ Retiree President
Goodbye, My Friend
I​ recently heard that you don’t know the depth of someone’s power until their funeral
and I immediately thought,“isn’t that the truth.”
I had the honor to speak at Jeff Poole’s Celebration of Life ceremony, where many of
our NAPUS family members shared their connection to this special man. While his
loss has left quite a void in many lives, I have chosen to practice what I preached in
my November article and be thankful for the time that Jeff was a part of my life rather than focus on the emptiness inside
my heart. Some days that is easier said than done...
In tribute to Jeff, I’d like to share the remarks I spoke at his eulogy. I hope they mean as much to you as they do to me.
Big Love My Friends! This was the last message Jeff sent to me and some other friends on Christmas Eve morning, and I
believe it fully represents his legacy.
•Jeff had a Big Love for Life
•A Big Love for the outdoors and for adventure
•A Big Love for travel; I know he is now soaring the heavens
•He had a Big, Big Love for his children Lindsey & Alex, of whom he was so proud
•Also a Big, Big Love for Shannon, who made him happier than I had seen in years
•A Big Love for his many friends and family members; he had a heart “bigger than the moon”
(he would get that reference)
•He had a Big Love for music, a gift he shared with all who knew him
•A Big Love for his fellow Postmasters, who were not just peers, but loved ones
•A Big Love for laughter and good times; He was larger than life
I will mourn his loss; I will miss his wit; and I will rejoice that he was there to share my life.
So I say: Big Love to you our friend, our brother, our Jeffroe.
“It broke our hearts to lose you,
but you didn’t go alone.
A part of us went with you,
the day God took you home.”​
Larry Wieneke ~ PAC Chairman
We really need your
PAC Donations! Please Donate
Oh, My But That Little Country Boy Could Play…
by Sara Martin
“Deep down in Louisiana close to New Orleans,
Way back up in the woods among the evergreens...
There stood a log cabin made of earth and wood,
Where lived a country boy name of Johnny B. Goode.
He never ever learned to read or write so well,
But he could play the guitar just like ringing a bell…” ~ Chuck Berry
For those who have had the privilege of hearing the A$$ociates! rockin’ rendition of
this anthem — feeling the beat of every note and the insurmountable energy blasting from
the stage — we will forever remember the enormous energy of Jeff Poole.
Oh, my but that little country boy could play…
His daughter, Lindsey, has described him as being “larger than life.” LaSalle Postmaster and
band-mate Kevin Christiansen remarked, “He had that special charisma. Women loved
him, men loved being around him, and musicians loved playing with him.”
Jeff was a leader who didn’t need to be the center of attention. Instead,
he helped others step into the spotlight to shine, happy to accompany
them from the sidelines. As Postmaster Chuck Rutschke pointed out,
“There were a lot of people who were influenced by Jeff ’s leadership,
Jeff Poole
many of which became good leaders themselves. A lot of people who
passed through the doors of Lincoln under his watch became supervisors or Postmasters.” Jeff had the ability to see strengths in others that he could encourage. He was no saint, nor
did he always do everything right — he would be the first to admit that. But then he would grin that wonderful,
mischievous grin.
I first met Jeff when I became a city carrier in Bloomington in his early days of leading as a supervisor. He was the
only person to issue me a Letter of Warning, and he told me he had requested that duty because he knew I would
take it better from him. Wasn’t that nice? But he was right. He knew I was on the verge of quitting the Postal Service, and saw potential in me even though I had messed up. Twelve years later he called me and we talked as if no time had passed. He
had seen my name listed as a new Postmaster in a NAPUS publication, so he called to congratulate me on making it to the “big time.”
I will never forget that call. He told me how he had gotten around in the postal world; he had been on a route inspection team which
took him all over the state and he was promoted to Postmaster in Lincoln a year before my promotion. He mentioned a few people he
knew, including some I worked with too, and I began to realize how small the postal world was. A few years later, I went to Bob Dunlap’s Postmaster installation in Mahomet and there was Jeff sitting on a stool getting ready to perform. As it turned out, Bob knew Jeff
from their route inspection days, and now here he was in my hometown playing his guitar for Bob. That was the first time I heard Jeff
Jeff and Kevin Christiansen bonded over their mutual love of music while both were a part of
the route inspection team. Jeff would bring his guitar and Kevin drummed beats on anything
he could find, which kept them somewhat out of trouble after the inspections were done for the
day. They took their act to the Illinois NAPUS Convention in Peoria in 2005. Several Postmasters who attended told me Jeff and Kevin’s band sounded awesome, and I wished I would have
been there. I figured it was a one-hit wonder sort of thing, but boy was I wrong! Later that year,
they jammed long and loud in the hospitality room of the NAPUS National Convention in Milwaukee, WI, much to the irritation of hotel security. That moment in time started what would
become the greatest band Illinois NAPUS has ever known.
2009 Illinois State Convention in St. Charles
They teamed up with other Postmasters, practiced when they could and played wherever they were allowed to play. Jeff loved getting
the guys together in the Healing Shed, an old barn on his property out in the middle of nowhere in central Illinois. They came from all
over the state to combine their talents, make some noise and drink some beer. The memories they shared in the Healing Shed became
coveted secrets known only to their sacred brotherhood. Learning new songs wasn’t easy, but Jeff would say it somehow meshed together like magic. Sometimes it just worked and other times they had to work a bit harder, but it was always worth the effort. And then,
they would drink more beer.
The guys were hired to play at the NAPUS National Convention in Long Beach, CA. When the band fell short a guitar player, the first
non-Postmaster was asked to join the group on short notice. Jeff knew talent, and Bill Porter was exceptional. The energy that had
already been good became greater.
The only thing that didn’t seem to work at the National Convention was the sound system. Jeff
was determined to redeem the band’s reputation once they got home. They practiced more, played
at Illinois NAPUS events for free and worked on fine-tuning their music. However, weeks before
they were scheduled to perform at the NAPUS National Convention in Fort Worth, their second
national gig fell through. They traveled down to Texas anyway, playing unofficially as the Illinois
contribution during States’ Night. Other musicians noticed the fun they were having and joined in.
That is one thing you can say about The A$$ociates!...they knew how to have fun.
2008 Training Conference
Their music rocked three or more hours into the night at Illinois NAPUS conventions and conferences,
and their energy continued as they jammed in the hospitality room. They put all they had into their music.
Jeff said they not only thrived on the energy of the music, but the energy they received from the audience
increased their energy onstage. Their stage presence was a compilation of kinetic energy unleashed through
their music.
Jeff and his daughter Lindsey Poole
at her debut performance in 2010
Jeff with his fiance Shannon in 2013
Jeff decided the band needed a “big-A$$ banner” to use as a backdrop. He knew I could create the design
and he told me to get with Postmaster Cheryl Quaka because she could get the banner sewn. “You two are
a lot alike,” he told me. “I think you will hit it off well.” Cheryl and I have joked around about how he set us
up like a blind date, but it worked and we have been great friends ever since. Along with Postmaster Shelley
Zellers, we became the managers. Jeff handled the business and musical aspects, yet he referred to us as the
managers because we put together so many things for the band. And when it was time to unveil the banner
with spectacular fan-fair at the 2007 training conference, he had us do the honors. Jeff could have simply let
the banner appear as a backdrop, but I guess he wanted us to be in the spotlight for a moment too.
In 2008, two weeks after rockin’ out fabulously at the State Convention in Urbana, the guys packed up their
gear and took a road trip back up to Wisconsin. Jeff had gotten the band hired to play at the Wisconsin
NAPUS Convention in Oconomowoc. Several Postmasters boarded a “fan-bus” driven by Shelley’s husband
for the long trip north. Our excitement was in high gear all the way up there and it only increased once we
arrived and met up with the band. We checked in the hotel saying, “We’re with the band.” We knew we were
in for a rockin’ time. And it was a good thing we were there.
The crowd in Wisconsin didn’t seem to understand they were supposed to get up and shake it down; they
just sat there like lumps of cheese. Jeff told us the band needed energy from the dance floor, but this time the
dance floor was curdling. Postmasters Lynn Perkins, Barry DeJaynes, Cheryl, Shelley and I recruited Reedville, WI Postmaster Wendy Stradel to help us as we pulled folks out to dance. Before the second set was over,
we finally had the dance floor bopping as The A$$ociates! switched it into high gear.
Jeff knew highlighting the talents in the room would help make a better connection with the crowd. With the
help of Wendy, he found talent he could pull up on stage. That changed everything; the onlookers became
more responsive when they saw their own members perform with the band. NAPUS national presidential
candidate Hugh Hager was a great sport when he joined the band for a song, too. The crowd loved that. The
band included audience members by mixing their names into songs, and Jim Taylor mingled with the crowd
as he sang straight to them. People loved the connection with the band. They became a part of the energy in
the music. Mustang Sally and Johnny B. Goode were huge hits and helped make it a night to remember.
Original band members Jim Taylor, Jeff
Poole, Steve Schneider, Morrie Smith and
Kevin Christiansen.
Their shows in Urbana and Oconomowoc were preludes to the 2008 NAPUS National Convention in St.
Louis, another event that almost didn’t happen. Knowing all they had been forced to deal with in Long Beach,
Jeff insisted on making sure the sound was right this time. Some of the members needed some sort of help
with travel expenses; non-postal members had to take time off from their paying jobs and one of those had
never performed with the band before. It was a leap of faith and a lot of effort, but that performance turned
out to be their crowning achievement. When all seemed lost, we all stepped up to made it happen...and it
couldn’t have happened without the support of the fans!
To off-set costs of the trip, Cheryl, Shelley and I designed black t-shirts with the band’s logo printed in shiny
silver, thanks to a hot-press Cheryl had at her farmhouse and some creative glitter spraying. Jeff thought some
can-koozies would be appropriate too, so we hot-pressed a few of them as t-shirts for the beer. Every penny
earned by selling the merchandise went directly to the band for this trip. It didn’t cover the entire cost, but it
was a tremendous help.
Jeff wanted posters to advertise the performance at the Crystal Ballroom. He wanted to get as many people
in that room as possible. I took an image of him playing one of his guitars and made it the background for
the posters, adding details as per his specifications. When the design was finished, we got the image enlarged.
As soon as we arrived, we hung the posters strategically throughout the hotel. Those posters gave a sense of
credibility to the band, and people noticed. Jeff wasn’t real pleased some of the posters were stolen, but I told
him the fans liked to have mementos of a great time. He agreed and knew we could always make more. The
posters worked; the ballroom was packed that night with people who sang along with the band and danced
until they couldn’t dance anymore.
The band not only redeemed itself from the fiasco in Long Beach, but they proved they were a real band in St.
Louis and no one could dispute it. The energy in the Crystal Ballroom was loud and proud. Postmasters from
across the country joined them on stage and were included in songs, just like in Wisconsin. Jeff would step
back and smile that incredible smile of his as someone new showed his or her worth, including new nonpostal A$$ociate Greg Whitwood who rocked a bass guitar with such flare like no one had seen before and
Postmaster Melody McCormack from Vermont who played the fiddle as fast and furious as Charlie Daniels. Who could forget the air-guitar triumphs of Illinois’ own Postmaster Carol Rabe and Bob Umland? As
always, they finished their final set wailing a high-voltage version of Johnny B. Goode that lasted 10 minutes
or more. The energy from everyone was phenomenal and no one wanted it to end. Oh what a wild night that
The band changed members over the years, each adding something special to the group. Jeff knew how to
assemble musicians, that’s for sure, and he was proud of their accomplishments together. They began playing
50’s night n Bloomington
2011 State Convention in Fairview Heights
2011 Chenoa Street Dance
A$$OCIATES! fans in St.Louis, MO
Playing in Peoria 2013
Greg, Jeff and Bill
Performing at the 2010 Training Conference.
Effingham hospitality room 2011
The Arrsociates! Pirates at the 2012 Illinois State Convention in Springfield
outside NAPUS functions, including retirement parties, street dances and festivals. Eventually, Jeff added the vocal talent of his daughter Lindsey. She became a regular member of the band with a voice that echoed her father’s enormous energy. His son Alex joined them
on stage in Chenoa and could be seen behind the scenes at other times making sure everything was tuned just right. Jeff beamed with
pride watching them each do their thing. He often said they were the talented ones in the family, more so than him.
The image of Jeff ’s shirt and guitar remained as the background for several more posters we created over the years for different events.
Jeff was very particular about every poster. He had to approve each picture and nothing was final until it satisfied what he had in mind.
(He hounded me once, making me change a picture of him several times because he said he didn’t want to look like a toad.) It was like
working with him as my supervisor again. He had an idea and a vision for everything he did. He knew what people could do and he
pushed us all to be better than we thought we were; he saw something in the talents of each of us that made everything better when it
was put together, just like working with the notes and instruments to compose a song.
No one knows the countless hours of hard work and long practices Jeff and the band poured into this labor of love. They made each
performance seem effortless; disguising all the hurdles they jumped to get there. They played for the love of music, not fame or fortune.
They played for the love of NAPUS. They played for the love and respect of their fan-base — the ones they called family and friends.
Jeff Poole’s dream of making The A$$ociates! the best NAPUS band was a dream come true. We lived that dream and I, for one, am
thankful to have been a part of it. Plans were being made for a special 10th Anniversary farewell performance at the 2015 Illinois State
Convention in Effingham...one meant to rock the socks off everyone on the dance floor. Jeff had plans to make it a show to remember.
There will never be another band like them. There will never be another Jeff Poole to lead like he did. The shocking news of his sudden
death on December 26, 2014, left an enormous hole in many of our hearts and in the Illinois NAPUS organization. When I think of
how my life will never be the same without him, I can’t help but remember how my life has never be the same since I met him. Many
others can say that too. His leadership, his vision and his enormous energy was what made him what we will continue to love...the man,
the music and the memories.
So crank up the music — play it loud and play it proud! Sing
like you know the words, even when you don’t. Dance like no
one is watching. And remember the man who was the leader
of our big old band…The A$$ociates!
“His mother told him someday you would be a man,
And you would be the leader of a big old band.
Many people coming from miles around,
To hear you play your music when the sun go down.
Maybe someday your name will be in lights,
Saying ‘Jeffro be good tonight!’…”
photography by Sara Martin
USPS Corporate Communications Writer/Editor
Former Editor, Illinois Postmaster News
Jeff Poole was the Postmaster of Lincoln, IL, 2002-2008 and Manager of the Vehicle Maintenance Facility in Peoria 2008-2014.
All Postmaster positions mentioned in this article are located in Illinois unless otherwise noted. Chuck Rutschke (Sherman Postmaster), Barry DeJaynes (Dahinda/Roseville Postmaster), Lynn Perkins
(Oconee/Raymond Postmaster), Carol Rabe (Danforth/Gilman Postmaster), Kevin Christiansen (LaSalle Postmaster), Jim Taylor (Vermilion Postmaster), Morrie Smith (Champaign Postmaster), Tom
Dziewior (Dundee/DeKalb Postmaster), Cheryl Quaka (Marseilles Postmaster), Shelley Zellers (Virginia/Havana Postmaster) and Sara Martin (Royal Postmaster).
The A$$ociates! core members: Jeff Poole, Kevin Christiansen, Jim Taylor, Morrie Smith, Bill Porter, Barry DeJaynes, Tom Dziewior, Greg Whitwood, Lindsey Poole and Michael Clark.
2015 Illinois NAPUS State Convention
Thelma Keller Convention Center
Effingham IL
April 25-27, 2015
Register before MARCH 1st and receive $50 at the door!
The registration fee is $50 for everyone until MARCH 1st. When you attend the convention, your registration fee will be refunded to you in cash. So register early and take advantage of this great deal!
(Spouse and guests are excluded from the free registration offer, sorry!)
Denim and Diamonds is the theme this year.
Dress casual or dress-up - the choice is yours. (even for the banquet)
Postmasters/Retirees/First Timers/Nonmembers - $50 until March 1st
To receive your money back please have registration including payment postmarked by February 28th and
attend the convention. NO EXCEPTIONS and NO REFUNDS!
After March 1st, the fee is $75.00 and no opportunity for the cash back attendance refund.
Spouse/Guest - $50 until March 1st - $75 after March 1st.
Make checks payable to: Nancy Buening - IL NAPUS
NAME ________________________________________# years as Postmaster _____
OFFICE __________________________________ ZIP __________ REGION ______
(circle one) Postmaster___OIC___PMR___Associate Member___Postmaster Retiree___Guest
Are you attending the State Convention for the first time? Yes _____ No _____
Home Mailing Address ___________________________________________________
City ___________________________________ State _______ Zip ______________
Phone __________________ E-mail ________________________________________
I will bring: _____Baked goods for breaks and hospitality _____Door prize _____Item for auction
Send your completed registration form, along with payment to:
Illinois NAPUS State Convention Chair
Nancy Buening
101 E Central St
Sigel, IL 62462
Hotel Information:
Holiday Inn - 1301 Avenue of Mid America, Effingham, IL 62401
phone: 217-540-7777 or book online at www.holidayinn.com. Please ask for the NAPUS (Postmasters)
block to receive the rate and to meet our hotel room obligation for the contract. Reservations can be cancelled 24 hours prior to arrival. Reservations received after 4-1-15 will be accepted on a rate available basis
(higher price $120). We advise you to book your room prior to 4-1-15 to avoid paying higher prices or not
getting a reservation, then cancel within 24 hours if necessary.
2015 State Convention Chairs – Nancy Buening, Gail Esker and Gail Smith
Nomination for Postmaster of the Year
Illinois Chapter #6, NAPUS
Office____________________________________ZIP Code____________________________
Office Phone______________________________Home Phone__________________________
In your nominations, please be specific in regards to your nominee’s credentials and state the following
Describe what he/she has accomplished in the last year and throughout the nominee’s career.
A. Service to our organization
B. Committees served
C. Awards
Other accomplishments to be considered:
2. Postal Service
A. Years of Service
B. Awards received
C. Suggestions adopted
3. Community Service
A. Member of clubs or organizations
B. Time given to community for events
C. Awards received
D. Special information about person’s
relationship to their community.
4. Additional information
that you feel is valuable
toward this person’s
NOTE: Please attach you nomination to this form. The above named nominee was a Postmaster during
calendar year APRIL 1ST, 2015, and is a member in good standing of Illinois Chapter #6.
Nominated by (print)_____________________________________________________
Date______________________Office____________________________ZIP code_____________________
Please send your nomination to:
PO BOX 577
MARSEILLES, IL 61341-0577
FULL NAME __________________________________________________________________
HOME ADDRESS______________________________________________________________
DATE OF BIRTH____________________HOME PHONE NUMBER____________________
HIGH SCHOOL NAME AND ADDRESS ___________________________________
NAME OF PRINCIPAL______________________DATE OF GRADUATION_______________
Number of Students in your class (High School)_________YOUR RANK IN CLASS (High
GRADE POINT AVERAGE (High School) ___________Based on a 4.0 or 5.0 SCALE (Please circle)
ACT Score ________ and/or SAT Score___________
COLLEGE NAME, city & state (if attending now)_______________________________________
Full name, work location (city, zip code) and Relationship of your NAPUS member sponsor
HAVE YOU APPLIED FOR ADMISSION? (requirement) _______________________
HAS YOUR APPLICATION BEEN APPROVED? (requirement)___________________
DO YOU CURRENTLY WORK?___________IF YES, FOR WHOM?_______________
AVERAGE HOURS WORKED PER WEEK____________________________________
AND HOBBIES. List by name and year, Membership and other Participation and approximate time commitment for each school, community and volunteer activities. Example: Yearbook Staff (10,11, college)
25 hrs. per month for 6 mos / basketball (9,10,11,12, college) 40 hrs per month for 3 mos.
List by name and year, Leadership Positions and Offices held, and approximate time commitment for each
of school, community and volunteer activities. Example: Student Council Representative (9,10,11,12) 12
hrs. per month for 5 months / 4-H Leader (11,12, college) 5 hrs. per month for 4 months.
List by name and year, Honors and/or Awards you have received. Example: All Conference Basketball
(11, college) / Boys/Girls State (11) / Jr. Rotarian (10).
List any volunteer work positions you have had. Example: Candy Striper (11, 12, college) 20 hrs per
month for 3 mos / Farm helper (11, 12, college) 24 hrs. per month for 4 mos.
List any paid work positions you have had. Example: Grocery Store (11, 12, college) 16 hrs per month
for 2 mos / Café work (10, 11, 12, college) 20 hrs per month for 4 mos.
If you need clarification on any point either write to the above address or telephone: email:
8906 Burton Rd.
Wonder Lake IL 60097
815 575 2255
Make a tax deductible contribution today.
Donation Amount
IN MEMORY OF__________________________________________________
Please include name and address of family so I can send them notification
of the memorial donation.
IN HONOR OF_________________________________________________Please include address _______________________________Mail completed
scholarship form to:
Illinois NAPUS Scholarship Fund
Steve Hall
8906 Burton Rd.
Wonder Lake IL 60097-2255
It is with Deepest Sympathy
We express the loss of
Former Postmaster
Jeff Poole
He is survived by his
Children Lindsey and Alex
and his Fiance
Shannon Duvendack
and his Family of
It is with Deepest Sympathy
We express the loss of Retired Postmaster Ernest E.Dziewior
Who is the Father of Retired Postmaster Tom Dziewoir
Illinois Postmaster News
Permit No.2
Cheryl Quaka
PO BOX 577
Marseilles IL 61341
Postmaster Reps
Ruthie Cauble
PM Benton 62812
Franklin County
Cell: 818 435 3222
Home618 218 5608
Retired PM
cook co
cell 630 804 2740
Vermillion county
Home 217-443-6197
Cell 217-304-3165
Cook county
Cell 708-799-3345
Donough county
Home 309-833-5142
Cell: 309-333-9416
JoDaviess county
Home 815-598-3272
Cell: 815-275-7134
Morgan County
Cell 217-473-0650
Calhoun county
Home: 618-576-2550
Cell: 618-520-9068
John Sertich Chairman
PM Bellville IL 6220
St Clair County
Cell 618 830 6535
John Ball - Retired PM
Cook County
Home: 708-596-5108
I’ll do my share. Enclosed is:
Please return this with your contribution to:
Larry Wieneke
HC 61 Box 13B, Hardin, IL 62047-9702.
Make a tax deductible contribution today.
Donation Amount
Please include name and address of
family so I can send them notification
of the memorial donation.
Please include address
Mail completed scholarship form to:
Illinois NAPUS Scholarship Fund
Steve Hall
8906 Burton Rd.\
Wonder Lake IL 60097-2255
Legislative Leadership
Washington, DC
March 14-17,2015
Illinois State Convention
Effingham, IL
April 26-27, 2015
National Convention
Mobile. AL
Aug 29 - Sept 3, 2015