NAPUS Ohio State Buckeye October 2013.pd[...]


NAPUS Ohio State Buckeye October 2013.pd[...]
Ohio State Buckeye
National Association of Postmasters
of The United States
2013 Career Networking Conference
Cuyahoga Community College ~ Cleveland, OH
Legislative Conference ~ Washington, D.C.
State Convention ~ Worthington, OH
National Convention ~ Atlantic City, NJ
Attend your Fall District Meeting
Ohio NAPUS Executive Board and Officers
President: Randall Groves ~ Tiffiin OH 44830
419.355.1880 Home ~
Ohio Districts 1 –12
District 1
Pres: Pending Election
Sec/Tres: Mari Beth Kirkland ~ 440.834.8656 ~
Director: Ted Gedeon ~ 440.279.7040 ~
Secretary /Treasurer: Bill Judge ~ Piqua OH 45356
513.702.9702 Mobile ~
District 2
Pres: LeeAndra Karszewski ~ 419.836.9147~
Sec/Tres: Julie Walton ~ 419.686.2191 ~
Director: Barry Conley ~ 419.494.6161 ~
Editor: Janette Gugi Degen ~ Spencerville OH 45887
419.302.5842 Mobile ~
Executive Vice President: Mari Beth Kirkland ~ Burton OH 44021
District 3
Pres: Jenny Fox ~ 419.584.6272 ~
Sec/Tres: Diana Frater ~ 419.963.3515 ~ Rawson 45881
Director: Paul Joseph ~ 419.236.0166 ~
440.834.8656 Office ~
First Vice President: Rita Schemmel ~ Jackson Center 45334
937.596.6991 Mobile ~
District 4
Pres: Pending Election
Sec/Tres: Pending Election
Director: Richard Moore ~ 419.499. 2431 ~
Second Vice President: Paul Joseph ~ Celina 45822
419.236.0166 Mobile ~
District 5
Pres: Beth Brenckle ~ 330.525.7844 ~ Homeworth 44634
Sec/Tres: Della Fulk ~ 330.695.2722 ~ Fredericksburg 44627
Director: Joe Demonte ~ 740.922.2775 ~
National Vice Presidents Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio
Bill Judge ~ 513.702.9702 ~
Patti Bascom ~ 859.760.0808 ~
Ohio Appointed Chairs
Career Development:
Cheryl Judge ~ 513.405.9041 ~
Ted Gedeon ~ 440.279.7040 ~
LeeAndra Karszewski ~ 419.836.9147 ~
Political Action Committee:
Catherine Heidkamp ~ 480.399.0616 ~
PM Representation:
Steve Stapleton ~ 937. 902.0540 ~
Irene Dues ~ 937.526.3486 ~
Service Rep:
Justin Jackson ~ 740.532.0930 ~
PM Representation Committee
President: Judy Knitz ~ 419.829.4621
Vice President: Howard Foust ~ 614.879.6223
Sec/Treasurer: Betty Wilson ~ 419.360.1607
District 8
Pres ~ Steve Dunton ~ 614.873.4004 ~ Urbana 43078
Sec/Tres: Cindee McComas ~ 937.834.269 ~
Director: Connie Rittenhouse ~ 937.826.4911 ~
District 9
Pres: Pending Election
Sec/Tres: Pending Election
Director: Dana Carpenter ~ 740.425.2524 ~
District 10
Pres: Pending Election
Sec/Tres: Pending Election
Director: Catherine Heidkamp ~ 480.399.0616 ~
District 11
Pres: Michelle Arnold ~ 740.947.4333 ~
Sec/Tres: Suzette Adams ~ 740.710.6094 ~
Director: Justin Jackson ~ 740.532.0930 ~
Past President: Steve Stapleton ~ 937.902.0540
Webmaster: Jill Groves ~ 419.435.6651
OHIO Web Site:
NAPUS National Office: 703.683.9027
Hotline: 703.683.9038 Web Site:
Ohio Retiree Officers
District 7
Pres: Shawn Brown~ 937.2879444 ~
Sec/Tres: Brenda Bodey~ 937.308.3046 ~
Director: Irene Dues ~ 937.526.3486 ~
District 12
Pres: Thomas Kerns ~ 330.647.4134 ~
Sec/Tres: Pending Elelction
Director: Mark Anderson ~ 330.360.7981 ~
Steve Stapleton ~ 937. 902.0540 ~
Debbie Justice ~ 740.633.0629 ~
Mari Beth Kirkland~ 440.834.8656 ~
Debbie Ruffner ~ 740.635.4362 ~
Pat Turman ~ 419.302.1188 ~
District 6
Pres: Cheryle Torok ~ 740.859.4290 ~
Sec/Tres: Debbie Justice ~ 740.633.0629 ~
Director: TJ Balint ~ 740.768.2130 ~
from the editor
National VP IKO
National NAPUS
The ELM states:
“You have to come to work”
Come to work when scheduled.
Come to work on time.
Be ready to start work when you clock in.
As a manager you should:
Establish expectations.
Follow Postal Policy.
Comply with the contract and law.
Communicate the expectations to your employees.
Ohio President Message
2013 Scholarship Winners
Welcome Back Meeting…………..
Conduct a Welcome Back Meeting when an employee
returns back to work from an unscheduled absence. Your
resources are found at:
Retiree Fall Meeting
Blue Page
Human Resources
CHRO Executive Direct Reports
Strategic Complement Reassignment
Leave Control Made Simple
Welcome Back Meeting Policy
Welcome Back Instructions
District/Office Tracking
Postmaster of the Year………………………………7
Executive VP………….……….……………………… 8
Government Relations ……………………………...13
2013 Editors Awards…..…………..…………………14
Credit Union ...……………………………………..15
Career Networking Conference….………………...19
The following path will provide the resources that you need
for effective disciplinary action. (Charge Letter Samples;
LOW, Suspensions, ect.)
Blue Page
HR Home Page
Labor Contract Management
Field Labor Relations
Charge Letters Sample Files
Open Zip Files
NAPUS National
NAPUS Federal Credit Union
Thrift Savings Plan
NAPUS Postmasters Retired
Gugi Degen
OH State Editor
National Associate Editor
Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and
not necessarily those of the National Association of Postmasters of
the United States. Information contained in the newsletter is provided for the benefits of its members. Copies, Reproductions and
Revisions are not permitted.
e are entering FY 2014. It promises to
be more changes. As we enter the last
year of POStPlan many questions are
still being answered. Will there be
enough jobs for all the Postmasters that
want to stay? What will the APWU
arbitration mean to the Level 18 offices? How will DUO be
implemented in the RMPO offices? Will there be an incentive?
Will it be for all Postmasters, impacted Postmasters, or all EAS?
Will there be any legislation to help the Postal Service? What
will be the indicators in NPA?
before we get to October of 2014. They might move the route(s)
to one office and leave the APO office as another.
I think the odds of an incentive are better than 50-50. Who will
be eligible? Impacted or a targeted group of EAS to open up
opportunities for those that want to stay. We will see. With the
profit, the Postal Service is showing (without including the
charge per month for pre-funding) Congress will be slower to
move than usual. The parameters of the Postal Service plan
(health plan, 5-day delivery, and change in mode of delivery)
will take specific legislation. Not sure, this Congress considers
us that important. The new VP Human Resources made a commitment at the National Convention to have the NPA indicators
finalized before October 1.
I do not have the answers but I do have some guesses. I do not
think there will be enough Postmaster jobs for the impacted
Postmasters. Continued employment with the Postal Service
might entail a different EAS position or even a craft position.
Where are they going to come from? There could be a VERA or
targeted incentive to realign positions. The Postal Service says
they will commit to finding jobs. We have to do our part. If
you are going to be in field operations, you are going to have to
manage people. With the APWU arbitration and the limits to be
imposed on craftwork, does the Postal Service think you have 40
hours work? If they don’t what will you do for the rest of your
hours- maybe supervisory work at a neighboring office or helping the POOM. The routes probably will be leaving the RMPOs
Ohio NAPUS is going to start a monthly after hours training
session. The first topic will be finances and we will be going to
the websites to use. We will do CSV/SOV in October. If you
are interested, please contact one of the officers or me. Also,
check the website – We all need to prepare for
the future. Let your POOM know what jobs you want to get
training on, include one of the Ohio NAPUS officers on your
email or me.
William Judge
National Vice President, IKO
NAPUS 109th National Convention
General, Patrick R. Donahoe,
thanked everyone for doing a great
job and for
keeping their
chins up in a
very trying
time. He also
thanked the
retirees for all
the work they
do. He said we cannot blame all of our financial
issues on the retirement prefunding. If you are, you
are hiding your head in the sand. Our goal is to continue to move service in the right direction, and keep
prices at a minimum.
resident Bob Rapoza told of his
journey as our President for the last
four years. He said we have half the
number in membership that we
have had in the past. We need to
restructure the organization to meet the changing
times, and the number of members we have now.
NAPUS’ future is in our hands right now. No one
can predict what our future holds—something he
told us four years ago when he first took office.
He said we shouldn’t stand on the sidelines wringing our hands or moaning about how we are being
treated. We should stand tall and proudly represent Postmasters. We need to do the right thing
for our members, as well as our customers. He
plans on standing firm as our National President
until his last day in office. This time in our history has been the most challenging ever. He feels in
the future, every President will feel they are facing
the most challenging times, as there will be more
changes in our future.
Changes in the career and non-career status is something that will help us in the future. He said no one
will lose their job over this; they will find you a position somewhere in the organization. They are
looking at five-day delivery of mail and seven-day
delivery of packages. There will NOT be thousands
of layoffs. If they have to put some buyout money
on the table as they have in the past, that will be
looked at. He spoke in great detail of the issue with
a Postal only health care plan. We will have new
scanners in place so that we can give customers better answers as to where their packages are. We will
know within five minutes of when it was delivered.
He said that legislation is a major issue at this time.
We need Congress to make changes so that we can
be a more solvent organization in the future. We
need the authority to expand to having additional
products and services. He said we are all having a
tough time out there, and it isn’t a bowl of cherries
for him in Washington right now either. He then
took questions from the group, many of which he is
taking back with him to Washington to look into.
He thanked many people that
helped him along the way,
and said that he will continue
to fight for Postmasters after
his tenure with us is complete. He also thanked his
wife, Sharon, for standing by
him throughout his
Randall Groves
OH NAPUS President
ith fall and the
holidays approaching fast
one might wonder when the
train is ever
going to slow down. As I’ve stated in the
past “time waits for no one”.
For this issue, I’ve decided to do a recap
of the numerous events that transpired
since our last Buckeye.
Ohio NAPUS sponsored our annual state
convention in June in Perrysburg OH. If
you couldn’t attend, you really missed
out on a great event. Convention Chair
Lou Stuckey along with the support of
many others banded together to conduct
one of the best state conventions we’ve
ever held at a very minimal cost. The
meals were great, training was superb
and the networking productive. Our
members enjoyed reuniting with old
friends and making new ones. This was
an excellent opportunity to help our
members deal with the daily stress that
we all experience.
This year the retirees outnumbered active postmasters by a large margin. This
trend was echoed in all states and at the
National Convention this year. Our mission is clear. We must all work toward
recruiting those new postmasters and
converting those old postmaster nonmembers into our ranks. If there should
be any questions on membership recruitment, call our Membership Chair, LeeAndra Karszewski. She needs all of our
New state officers were elected and will
begin their terms in January 2014. They
are: Mari Beth Kirkland, President for
years 2014 – 2015; Debbie Justice, 1st
Vice-President and Lou Stuckey, Executive Vice-President for 2014. As some of
you may recall, I announced in our last
Buckeye that I was seeking the office of
the Executive VP position, but when
Lou stepped up to the plate, I felt that it
was in the best interest of the chapter to
withdraw my nomination. With their
new ideas and energy, I feel this slate of
officers will do an excellent job in moving our chapter forward into the future. I
will become the Immediate Past President and remain on the Executive Board.
Our next state convention will be held at
the Holiday Inn in Worthington OH on
June 22 -25, 2014. Mark your calendars
and plan to attend.
In mid July, I attended the Mid-States
Conference held in Davenport IA. This
event brings NAPUS state officers from
15 states around the Midwest to one location for the purpose of discussing
changes to our NAPUS National Policy
that were submitted from members all
over the country. If the assembly decides
that the changes are needed, then they
are forwarded to the Policy Committee
at the National Convention. However, no
policy changes were submitted as was
the case last year. Consequently, the
attendees spent their time discussing the
proposed National Constitutional changes and attended some excellent training
sessions. There was much discussion
concerning whether or not to continue
this conference in future years. Considerations were the cost of this conference
vs. the benefits to the states and NAPUS.
After much discussion, the decision was
made to hold the event at least one more
It is my opinion that this conference
should not be continued after next year.
These same training sessions that I attended can be attended at the National
Convention and other issues that need to
be discussed between the states can be
addressed in other forums. As we move
forward in these changing times, we
need to be willing to change and evolve
into a leaner organization.
In August I attended the National Convention in Bellevue WA. The postmasters of the state of Washington did a fantastic job on planning and conducting
one of the most challenging conventions
ever with the low attendance. Bob Repoza, National President; Charlie Moser,
Executive Director and Mike Quinn,
National Secretary Treasurer reported
that the national office this past year has
made major cuts in expenses and has
realigned and streamlined operations to
make us financially sound for the future.
Changes to our National Constitution
were made which will also help to keep
NAPUS viable in the future. You can
find the national constitutional changes
both on the National ( and
OHIO NAPUS ( websites. Next year’s National Convention
will be held September 13 – 18 in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
NAPUS needs to continue to offer training to our members both at the state and
national conventions as well as look for
other opportunities to offer training. As
the Postal Service continues to change,
one of our primary goals as an organization should be to offer training. One
might say that training should be the
responsibility of the employer, the Postal
Service. To that I say if you want to succeed in your career with the Postal Service, you must continually look for ways
to enhance your knowledge, skills and
abilities including seeking training off
the clock.
In closing; now is the time to think about
and get ready for the upcoming holidays
while keeping focus on our health. Remember “Time waits for no one”.
2013 Postmaster of the Year
William Judge
Picture l-r: Jim Flynn, William Judge, and Randall Groves
Life Time Achievement
Ted McCord
Ray Diersing
4,600 Postmaster impacted by POStPlan
and that there will be landing spots, but
everyone needs to work together and be
flexible. She encourages all to update
their eCareer and everyone to demonstrate a positive belief in the future.
USPS Chief Human Resources Officer
and Executive Vice President, Jeff Williamson spoke to the body addressing
change as well. He expressed the importance of Postmasters by stating, “You
don’t recognize the Postal Service without Postmasters.” He further stated,
“Postmasters are the face of this organization, they are critical-they drive daily
performance. “
Single Drawer
I attended the NAPUS National Convention in Bellevue Washington. If you have
not attended a National NAPUS Convention, I would highly recommend it.
The training and networking at these
conventions is excellent.
Postmaster General, Pat Donahoe,
addressed the membership in person on
Monday. He presented a very positive
speech. He also discussed the volume
decrease and the fact that it is not coming back, and stressed the need for new
retail revenue to be achieved. He discussed the increase in the parcel business
and how important it is for the financial
growth of the USPS. He held a Q and A
after his speech and appeared surprised
by some of the issues Postmasters have
been experiencing across the country.
USPS Chief Operating Officer, Megan
Brennan spoke on Wednesday morning.
Our National President, Bob Rapoza,
introduced her saying that she works
tirelessly with NAPUS on issues affecting Postmasters. Her response to that
statement was that she has great respect
for Postmasters. She discussed change
being constant in the USPS. She stated
that we will continue to evolve as an
organization and that Headquarters is
aware of the extreme need for training
especially in light of POStPlan. She
talked about finding landing spots for all
Through a lot of networking, I found that
our state is not the only state that is suffering confusion over POStPlan, Single
Drawer Accountability (SDA) and PSE
usage. Many unanswered questions surround the instructions for SDA, POStPlan, and the 2010-2015 APWU Contract.
SDA is for the 2 and 4-hour offices only.
One of the misunderstood requirements
for the SDA is that the office only maintains one Unit 1412. PS 1412’s do not
need to be completed for individuals. PS
3959, Stamp Stock Transactions and
Daily Recap, and PS 3295, Record of
Stamps, are no longer maintained. File
the PS 3295 and discontinue use. All
offices MUST be transferred to the APO.
The current OIC is to leave the day of
the transfer. This is a final count and
there are zero tolerances. Complete a PS
571 for any audit exceeding $100.00.
Accountability must not exceed
$5000.00. Remember to retain only one
drawer and one drawer key. One block
of money orders is shared. Instruct the
PMR’s to annotate their initials on the
money order daily listing report when
more than one PMR is working on any
given business day. PS 3977’s must be
redone with the APO Postmaster being
the responsible employee. Only three
bait money orders are needed for the
SDA and one set of three to stage in the
office at night. Remember that the
RMPO is the employee who orders the
stamps through eBay and the APO is the
Approver. I just read that stock orders
will no longer need approval. Keep a set
of RMPO keys at the APO office in a PS
3977, and the APO Postmaster should
hold a set of keys as well. Although
each RMPO Level 2 and Level 4 will
have a PMR and a replacement PMR,
the APO must learn eMoves, Postage
Meter, and the daily RMPO operation in
case of an emergency.
All POStPlan impacted offices will be
studied for Earned Hours in January
2014. Changes to office “level” will be
in September 2014.
In the past, there have been
"CREATIVE" ways to staff. Staffing is
a nationwide problem. On August 14,
2013, an APWU National Dispute was
resolved, which limits PSE usage more.
PSE 818’s are not allowed to work in
any offices that have career clerks on the
rolls. Therefore, if you are an APO the
818 PSE can only work in the RMPO.
Not only does this add to the staffing
problems, it also restricts the PSE 818’s
from working additional hours. They are
now limited to their 6-hour RMPO offices. The Postal Service will be converting 399 Clerk Craft PSE’s to a career
status. The USPS must also refrain from
hiring PSE’s in excess of the contractual
cap. In Level 22 and above the PSE
working the window is 10% of the window clerk career staff. In Level 21 and
below the percentage are 20% of the
window career clerks. PSE’s who work
the window in these offices must have
the designation code of 814. APWU is
monitoring this very closely and identifying violations.
Having just returned from 3 weeks of
one of the best vacations of my life, it is
hard to adjust to the daily routine of the
USPS, however I do feel refreshed, and I
am, as always, very thankful for my job
with the USPS. I am taking PMG Pat
Donahoe and Megan Brennan’s advice
and will try my best to adapt to change
and remain positive.
In closing, I would like to thank Ohio
NAPUS for electing me to be your Ohio
State NAPUS President for 2014-2015.
I am here to serve you in any way I can
and I thank you for your continued
The James Copham
Memorial Scholarships are
awarded each year to
outstanding graduating high
school students who are the son,
daughter, or grandchild of an
active or retired
member of the Ohio Chapter
and will be entering their first
year at a college,
university, technical or
vocational school.
James Copham
Memorial Scholarship
2013 NAPUS
Congratulations to Shelby Mulholland daughter of Delphos Postmaster Marilyn and Lynn Mulholland. She graduated from Spencerville High School 10 th in her class with an overall GPA of
She was a member of the National Honor Society, Spanish Club, SADD, Science Club, Industrial
Arts Club, Art Club, Buckeye Girls State Delegate, Scholastic Achievement, Merit Honor Roll,
St. Patrick’s Youth Group, and St. Patrick’s Catholic Church.
Shelby’s high school activities include volleyball, softball, scholar athlete in each sport, Captain,
Assist Volleyball Coach, St. Patrick’s Youth Group, and Community Samaritans.
Shelby Mulholland
Shelby will attend Saint Francis College and major in the Medical Field as a Nurse Practitioner.
Congratulations to Savannah Roughton daughter of the Retired Melrose Postmaster, Shelly and
Eric Roughton. She attended Paulding High School with a 4.08 GPA, and Valedictorian of her
She was a member of the National Honor Society, Science Olympiad, Quiz Bowl, Engineering
Team, Church Group and School Bible Group.
Savannah’s high school activities include participating in school plays and musicals.
Savannah Roughton
Savannah has chosen to pursue a career in the Medical Field as an Obstetrician and will be attending Bluffton University with a pre-med major.. Her plans include coming back to her community in Paulding County to live when she finishes college.
Congratulations to Chandler Siebenaler son of Stryker Postmaster, Amy, and Chip Siebenaler.
Chandler attended Edon High School and graduated with an overall GPA of 3.98.
He was President his senior year of the Honor Society, Spanish Club, Year Book and Chief Editor. Ran the sound system for all school musicals, softball and track announcer. Member of the
Golf Team, Honor Society, Spanish Club, and Year Book 4-years, and played in the school band
and jazz band. Chandler served as the basketball statistician and member of the Methodist Youth
Group. In his spare time he worked at the Edon Dairy Treat for six years.
Chandler Siebenaler
Chandler is attending Saint Francis College, his studies will include a degree in Radiologic
You will pay
the same Federal
Employee Health Benefits premiums as a full-time
career employee. The premiums will not be prorated.
The Postal Service will continue to pay the full cost
of Basic coverage for group life insurance; if you are
enrolled in Option B-Additional coverage, premiums
will decrease based on your annual rate of basic pay.
1. Can a 6-hour PM take leave in small increments,
for example, 2-hours for a medical appointment?
I believe that they are non-exempt positions so
they will be able to take hours at a time.
Your annual leave
advanced at the beginning of the year based on your
full-time schedule. If you move to a part-time position, your annual leave balance will be adjusted to
reflect your part-time accrual rate. The rate of accrual
for part-time employees is based on years of service
and hours in pay status. You will accrue 1 hour of
sick leave for every 20 hours in pay status. As a parttime employee you will earn less sick leave per pay
period because you will have fewer hours in pay status; however, there will be no adjustment to your sick
leave balance because sick leave is credited at the end
of the pay period in which it is earned for both full
and part-time career employees.
2. If a full time employee successfully bids on a 6-
hour Post Office, can they file for unemployment
since their hours are reduced?
Yes they can, it will be up to the state to either approve or deny and decide on the amount.
It will be up to the PM and the POOM to consider
working extra hours on Saturday; it will be additional pay. They do not get any additional compensation since it will still be less than 40 hours.
Retirement annuities
based on an employee's length of service and the
highest annual basic pay received for any three consecutive years. Each year of part-time service counts
as one full year toward the length of service required
to reach retirement eligibility. However, the annuity
calculation for periods of part-time service after April
6, 1986, is prorated to reflect the difference between
full-time and part-time service. An employee who is
full-time for most of a career and part-time for a short
while will have an annuity that is only slightly reduced because of the part time service. The proration
applies to both FERS and CSRS annuities.
Most 6-hour Postmasters will be working 32.5
hours Monday through Friday. Is there any
additional compensation for working their SDO
4. If you are a 6-hour Postmaster, can you be de-
tailed to an eight hour assignment? What happens to your wage? How will you be compensated for the additional work? Will you get a 5%
salary increase while on detail?
All premium pays are based on their Form 50 position. Once they take the RPMO position and are
in a higher level detail it will be their Form 50 rate
plus 5%, if they work over 40 they would get OT.
5. Between now and 10-1-14, I am on saved salary.
9. Can Postmasters not impacted by POStPlan or
My wage will then drop to $18.36 per hour. If I
bid on an 18 after 10-1-14, would I have to start
at the bottom of the pay scale for an 18?
EAS employees in non-Postmaster positions take
a voluntary downgrade into a 6 hour office and
receive saved salary?
No, the saved salary provisions discussed above
are applicable to POStPlan impacted Postmasters
when they voluntarily accept a downgrade to a
6- hour Post Office.
The answer that I received from the Area is that if
you would take a six hour office you would have
saved grade until Sept 2014. After that your pay
would drop to the PTPM rate 12-$18.36 per hour.
If you were to apply for and be selected for a Level
18 or above office, your salary would be the
PTPM level $18.36 plus 3-5% increase. You would
not be returned to your salary prior to the Sept
2014 level.
Using round numbers and a rhetorical scenario: consider this: a Postmaster currently makes $60K a year.
The office is going to drop to 6-hours. The Postmaster bids on a 6-hour office, but remains unsuccessful
in finding a higher level job. In October 2014, the
PTPM drops to $18.36 per hour, and works 32.5
hours per week. Annual salary is now $31K per year.
Three months later, a Level 17 Supervisor job comes
up, and the PTPM is the successful bidder. It is likely
the former Postmaster will start in as a full-time Level 17 Supervisor at the bottom of that pay scale,
around $45K per year. The questions above may help
clarify whether a current Postmaster wants to ride this
out, Retire, take the RIF, or look for something different in the coming months.
6. What if the starting annual salary is higher than
the $18.36 plus 3.5 to 5% as a part-time Post-
You would either get the $18.36 plus 3 to 5% / or
an increase to place you in the Level 17 or 18
salary range.
7. But what if I take a 6-hour office now at saved
grade, and get a Level 17 or 18 office before
Sept. 2014. Would I start in the new position at
saved grade salary?
Postmasters in offices reevaluated as 6-hour offices:
Postmasters whose offices are reevaluated as 6-hour
offices will be issued a Specific RIF Notice in June
2014 informing them that they will be demoted by
RIF effective October 1, 2014, to the EPM-55 parttime career Postmaster position that will staff their
Yes, their promotion increase would be their current salary, if saved grade it would be the saved
grade salary.
8. Who is responsible for running the 6-hour
The part-time Postmaster is responsible. When a
problem arises, the Postmaster goes to their APO
Postmaster instead of the POOM.
Article by Janet Puhak,
Postmaster Hadley, Pennsylvania
A. Tony Leonardi speaking at
the Ohio State Convention.
B. Ohio NAPUS Members
attending training class.
C. Ohio Postmasters enjoying
the State Convention.
D. Jenny Fox, Cindy Platfoot,
Christina Gulan, and Pat Turman review the placard upset
in Wapakoneta.
E. Newly retired Postmasters
enjoying retirement.
F. First Lady Sharon Rapoza,
National President Bob Rapoza and newly elected NAPUS
President Tony Leonardi and
G. Bob Rapoza greets Pat Donahoe in Bellevue WA.
H. The Judge family, Cheryl,
Austin, and BJ, Area VP.
I. Shelly Mulholland, Marilyn
Mulholland, Irene Dues,
Shelly Roughton, and Savannah Roughton.
J. Howard Foust, Mari Beth
Kirkland, and Sarah Kreitzer
K. Newly elected Ohio State
Officers taking their oath of
Government Relations
Employees who use their personal
Vehicle for Postal Business.
ongress has
taken little if
any new direction in the
last few
months to give the Postal
Service any relief from its
staggering debt and outmoded operating requirements. Although both
sides of Congress now
have bills presented to the floor, it’s debatable if anything in the proposed legislation will actually help the
Postal Service survive.
Complete PS Form 1164-E
Use the correct Finance Number being charged on
the form.
Enter the Social Security Numbers on Form 1164-E
not EIN
Confirm the traveler has inputted all information on
the form correctly and signed the form.
The “Approving Manager” signs the form basically
stating the mileage to be reimbursed is “correct” and
proper for payment.
Reason for Travel.
Facing the Future
I do not see Congress agreeing to pass anything. Both bills still
require the USPS to keep funding the future retiree health benefits, spreading the payments out over a 40-year period instead of
10. HR-2748 introduced by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) allows the
Office of Personnel Management to use Postal Data in computing the overpayment into FERS. HR-2748 would apply the
surplus funds to the pre-funding requirement, while the Senate
version, S-1468, allows the postal service to spend the surplus as
it wishes. There are many aspects of the legislation, which
could hurt customer service and postal employees. Mandating 5
-day delivery and centralized delivery while opening negotiations for new employee retirement benefits and establishing new
health plans are included in both bills. This would allow the
USPS to save millions of dollars in operating costs a year.
However, there is little hope of Congress agreeing on anything
this year, being a highly partisan year in both houses. However,
the proposed legislation does give us a feel for how Congress
now views postal issues. Sadly, this prevailing attitude doesn’t
offer much hope. I personally feel that we will all be paying
much more for fewer benefits in the near future.
Congratulations to
Tony Leonardi,
Our 2014-2016
National President!!
See you in
New Jersey 2014
The Postmaster General has been aggressively promoting the
idea to establish “a postal employee only” health plan and remove us from coverage under the FEHBP. This would save the
Postal Service untold billions of dollars because the pre-funding
requirement would be removed and the $5.5 billion annual payment could be negated. Mr. Donahoe maintains that coverage
would be equal or better than present plans available, and premiums would remain roughly the same. Nevertheless, so far, he
has no hard data to back up his assertions and must convince all
of the bargaining unions to accept his proposals. All of the unions must agree to the change before it is implemented. Remember several of the unions run their own benefit plans, which
are very profitable to their organizations. It is going to be a very
difficult sell.
Atlantic City, New Jersey
September 13-18, 2014
Ted Gedeon
OH Legislative Chair
2013 National
Editors Awards
Janette Gugi Degen Ohio’s editor is the proud recipient of this year’s
Prestigious National John Fitzgerald Award, presented to an Editor for
outstanding publications providing excellent information. She has been
the Ohio Editor for three years and has received 2012 Editor of the Year,
2012 John McGraw Award, and the 2011 and 2012 Honorable Mention
John Fitzgerald as well as numerous article awards. Gugi is appointed to
the position of National Associate Editor for the Postmaster Gazette.
Janette Gugi Degen and
National Editor, Drew Martin
Justin Jackson and Gugi Degen
won 1st place for the
Best Human Interest Story
“It’s A Celebration”
”Let us Do Together What We Cannot Do Alone" is one of many thoughts
that went through my mind when I was
presented with my Life Time Achievement Award in Toledo. How can I say
Thank You for such a great honor that
expresses all the emotions, great experiences and interesting people I have met
through the years by being active in
NAPUS, but to say I humbly Thank
You, the Postmasters of a great organization, NAPUS, for your honor. The
vast amount of talent and dedication I
have seen in the Postmaster ranks at
each convention or meeting I have ever
attended provided me with the inspiration to strive to do better as a Postmaster and to work for you the best I could
to contribute. Now, more than ever in
our histories we all need to think positive, and to participate, do what we can
to assist our officers. They cannot do it
alone. We all must do what we can to
live by our motto. Again, I humbly
thank you. Sincerely, Ray Diersing
Mari Beth Kirkland and Gugi
Degen won 1st place for the
Best Editorial
“Survey Says We Want our
Post Office”
My pledge is to serve you in a
professional manner. My plan
is to continue to serve the Ohio
NAPUS manner in which our
membership has been accustomed to over the years.
A Big Thank You to Ohio NAPUS,
I would like to thank the Ohio
NAPUS Chapter for allowing
me the opportunity to serve as
your next State President. I
appreciate the confidence that
you have all placed in me. The
support I have received has
been overwhelming.
I have set goals for myself to
serve our membership as the
next President. I have many
plans and I am very honored
by this appointment.
I am looking forward to a
very busy, yet rewarding and
productive term.
Mari Beth Kirkland
President Elect - Ohio NAPUS
State President
Postal Service Notifies Postmaster Organizations that Postmasters will be
Included in Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) Offer
VER-eligible employees will be mailed retirement applications and annuity estimates during
the week of September 16-20.
The Postal Service has notified both Postmaster organization presidents that Postmasters will be
included in the Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) opportunity offered to all field EAS employees.
VER-eligible employees may apply starting September 20 through the VER decision irrevocability date of November 29. VEReligible employees may select either of two VER effective dates: December 31, 2013 or January 31, 2014. FERS employees who
decide to take the VER opportunity will receive 100% retirement credit for accrued sick leave as long as these employees are on the
rolls January 1, 2014. If these employees select the December 31, 2013 VER effective date, they will not receive 100% retirement
credit for accrued sick leave. The Postal Service will not offer any financial incentives.
Article from NAPUS website by Charlie Moser
It’s for this reason I want to remind all NAPUS
members of the Credit Unions Student Visa Program. Some advantages of the Student Visa are,
7.99% APR, $100 Minimum Credit Line (the Student or Parent can set the limit) up to a Maximum
of $10,000. On a personal note I helped my daughter get one and set the limit at $500. It was for
emergency use and by using it in my daughters
name it helped her to establish a credit history.
There is NO Annual Fee, and No Minimum Finance Charge.
Justin Jackson
OH Service Rep
Also, another great program the Credit Union offers is its HOME EQUITY PRODUCTS. Need to
have a few things done around the house before
winter? The Credit Union offers this program with
No Origination Fee, No Discount Points, Closing
costs up to $1,000 paid by the Credit Union, in
most cases the interest is tax deductable and the
processing fee is just $150. Based on the amount
borrowed they also offer a Fixed Rate on these
loans, with up to 20 years repayment options and
they will loan up to 100% of the value of the property.
Believe it or not but Fall is
just around the corner, and
with the coming of Fall
many will have students
going off to, or returning
to college.
If you would like to speak with a NAPUS Federal
Credit Union Representative simply call
monthly after hours training session.
Are you looking for additional training to help prepare you for a higher level office.
Tried of requesting a detail to a higher level office only to be informed that you do not have
the experience for that level office.
Are you ready to give up because no one cares about your career. NAPUS cares and were
working hard to make sure all Postmasters find a landing spot, so join us after hours for a
relaxed and informative training session.
SOV/CSV— October
Finances — November
DUO — December
Submit suggestions or ideas to:
2.OPM – For NAPUS Postmasters Retired
Postmasters Retired may make automated contributions to PAC from their monthly annuity. You will
need your Civil Service Administration (CSA) number and your Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
PIN number. OPM provides three (3) easy ways to
sign up – telephone, on-line, or mail.
Dear NAPUS Members,
3. NAPUS Federal Credit Union Transfer OPM
Annuity Allotment By Mail
NAPUS members, both active and retired, who are
members of the NAPUS FCU may authorize the transfer of funds directly from their NAPUS FCU account
to NAPUS PAC on whatever frequency they choose
by completing the Authorization Agreement for Direct
Transfers to NAPUS PAC form. Forms are available
from Catie Heidkamp at 480-399-0616 or
NAPUS PAC provides four (4) innovative, convenient and secure ways for active and retired Postmasters to support Members of Congress and Congressional candidates who work to protect your title of
Postmaster, safeguard your earned benefits and annuity, protect your health insurance, and who defends your Post Offices.
1. PostalEase – For NAPUS Active Postmasters
Active Postmasters can use the established, confidential and secure PostalEase salary allotment system to make a “direct deposit” from their paycheck
to NAPUS PAC. Each postmaster currently has
available for use one “Net-to-Bank “transaction
(your payroll direct deposited to bank) plus two
allotments through PostalEASE. Always prepare
the PostalEase Allotments/Net-to-Bank Worksheet
in the block below before contacting PostalEase.
4. Recurring Credit Card Authorization
NAPUS members may authorize a recurring charge to
their credit card by completing the form for Authorization Agreement for Direct Credit Card Contributions to NAPUS PAC. Please update your credit card
information if your card has recently expired.
Please visit for more detailed information how to enroll into EPAC or please contact me
at 480-399-0616.
Retiree Annual Fall Meeting
Der Dutchman Restaurant
{ P L A I N
C I T Y }
Set near corn and soybean fields at the edge of town, Der Dutchman Restaurant is a
fixture in Plain City and a popular gathering spot for both its hardworking people
and those who are just passing through. It’s one place they can always count on for
Great food, good value, familiar comforts, and a real sense of community.
All Retires are cordially invited to the Annual Fall Meeting
Wednesday October 2, 2013. Bing and Euchre 10:00 a.m.
Lunch will be served at 12:00 noon.
Retirees at the 2013 Ohio State Convention
State Elections
National Elections
Congratulations to the
2014-2015 State President of the Retirees, Susan Grundy from
Fredericktown, OH
Congratulations to the
2014-2015 National
President of the Retirees,
Ann McDorman from
Wimberley, TX.
Debbie Ruffner, from St.
Clairsville OH, was elected
State Vice-President of Postmasters Retired for the years
2014-2015. Congratulations
Clara McCullar, from
Selmer, TN, was elected
National Vice-President
of Postmasters Retired
for the years 2014-2015.
Congratulations Clara!!
have had many conversations with Postmasters that are losing their job in September of 2014 that
cannot quite grasp
this reality that they will be
pushed out of their job. Then I
talk to Postmasters that are in the
new 18’s that are working many more hours than what they are paid. In this Postal world that we live
in today we may not like, understand, or agree, with everything that is happening. We must not let
our job consume us. I know this is easy to say but difficult to achieve.
Yesterday is History
Tomorrow is a Mystery
Today is a Gift
I read a quote not long ago “Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift,” that is
why they call today the Present. Treat each day as a Gift. It is up each one of us to make it each day a
Present. I have found that having a positive outlook on life and putting a smile on my face before I leave my house each day goes a
long way in making the best of everyday. A smile is not always easy to keep on your face when you get to your office. So many
things that can go wrong in our offices, a few examples are like carriers calling in sick, you have received a tray of letters or priority
packages for another office that have to get home today. With a smile on your face, “Greet” all the carriers and clerks that did show
up for work and are doing their job. Set a positive example. Open your retail window and greet customers with a smile when they
are explaining their postal problems and concerns. Customers react positively when they see a smile. Some people are constantly
complaining about something in their lives and others do not enjoy hearing these people. I think negative thinking breeds negative
actions and positive thinking breeds positive actions. So please everyday put a smile on your face and do and do your best to make
each day a Present for yourself and everyone you encounter each day.
Rita Schemmel
OH 1st Vice President
As part of the effort to avoid a RIF, USPS is offering a Voluntary
Early Retirement (VER) to field EAS employees at all locations, regardless of whether they’re impacted. An incentive is not a part of this
VER offering.
VER eligibility is based on a Dec. 31, 2013 VER-effective retirement
date. USPS will mail annuity estimates to VER-eligible employees the
week of Sept. 16. VER-eligible employees may retire either Dec. 31,
2013, or Jan. 31, 2014. Requests for early retirement must be submitted no later than Nov. 29 and can’t be withdrawn after that date.
More information related to the RIF and the VER is available on the
LiteBlue employee website, by following links found in the “Hot
Topics” section, or the “My HR” section in the upper right corner of
the home page:
USPS Organizational Changes pages at:
Forms submitted to the Scanning and Imaging Center (SIC)
after Oct. 1 will be returned.
When purchasing goods and services locally, the Postal
Service’s preferred payment options are eBuy2 catalogs,
national or area contracts or local suppliers that accept credit cards. Current suppliers who don’t accept credit cards but
who want to continue doing business with USPS after Oct.
1 should begin accepting credit card payments as soon as
Purchasing employees who have difficulties finding credit
card-accepting suppliers can contact the Purchasing Shared
Services Center (PSSC) for assistance.
The Workforce Connection site at:
USPS is eliminating PS Form
8230, Authorization for
Payment, beginning Oct. 1. After
that date, the form no longer can
be used to pay for local purchases
of goods and services.
For more information, email the PSSC at: or call 877-293-2410.
If you have been appointed
Postmaster since POStPlan and
would like to be Sworn In on
Saturday October 12, 2013 by
AVP Dr. Joshua D. Colin
please contact
Steve Heitic 216.443.4232
Gugi Degen 419.647.4640
AVP Dr. Joshua D. Colin is
the featured keynote
during the
2013 Northern Ohio Career
Networking Conference
What: 2013 Northern Ohio Career Conference
When: 4:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m., Friday, October 11, 2013
8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Saturday, October 12, 2012
Where: Cuyahoga Community College
Advanced Technology Center
3409 Woodland Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Cost: There is no charge; attendance is off the clock.
NAPUS Ohio Chapter
The Ohio State Buckeye
4252 Pioneer Road
Elida OH 45807-9784
U.S. Postage
Lima, Ohio
Permit No. 117
You Belong in NAPUS!
Congratulations on your appointment as Postmaster or
your assignment as an officer-in-charge (OIC). Now, take
the second most important step in your career by joining
the National Association of Postmasters of the United
Would more than eight out of 10 Postmasters pay dues to
NAPUS if they weren’t getting their money’s worth in
representation and services? Certainly not!
Founded in 1898—more than a century ago!—NAPUS
continues a proud tradition of responsibly representing
the interests of our nation’s Postmasters.
Postmasters—both active and retired—belong in
NAPUS! And so do OICs.
Publication Date:
Four times per year,
if you 15-20, 2014
Washington, DC……………….
have news, you may email it in
electronic form to
2014 Ohio
Worthington, OH………….…….. June 22–25 2014
Atlantic City, NJ………….. September 13-18, 2014
NOVEMBER 1, 2013