Conference Brochure - IEEE International Forum Smart Grids for
Conference Brochure - IEEE International Forum Smart Grids for
The Venue The Organizing Committee SG4SC will be held in “Les Salons de l’Hôtel des Arts & Métiers” located in the heart of Paris’ 16th district. It is a magnificent mansion located halfway between the Eiffel Tower and Place de l’Étoile. Chair | Nouredine Hadjsaid Vice Chair | Doug Houseman With all the charm of late nineteenth century private mansions, it has been the Maison des Ingénieurs Arts et Métiers since 1925 and was recently renovated. Now open to the public, it has kept alive the friendly spirit of the school and the memory of eminent inventors. The venue is served by the gastronomic restaurant Les Arts where participants will enjoy traditional French cuisine worthy of the highest praises; a delight for both eyes and palate. Committee Members | General Secretary | Bertrand Raison Smart Grid Program Chair | Raphael Caire Smart City Program Chair | Frederic Wurtz Sponsor Chair | Jean-Marc Molina Web | Florence François Laurent Schmitt Sebastien Henry Valerie-Anne Lencznar Welcome to StockInDesign! Join Us and Register Today 2016 IEEE International Forum on Smart Grids for Smart Cities (SG4SC) C u _ Cloud Data Service Dates | October 16-18, 2016 Website | Email | Conference Venue | Les Salons de l’Hôtel des Arts & Métiers 9 bis, avenue d’léna, 75116 Paris SPONSORED BY The Topics The Forum For the past few years, smart grids have been the main topic of fervent research and development at both industrial and academic level. They are expected to be the enablers of a high penetration of renewable energy, facilitate the wide adoption of electrical vehicles, increase the awareness and the involvement of the end-user in the energy scene, and altogether contribute to create a sustainable lifestyle for the eco-aware 21st century citizen. However, all these prospected transformations also bring with them numerous challenges and opportunities. IEEE International Forum on Smart Grids for Smart Cities (SG4SC) will feature about 40 notable speakers, each providing a unique international perspective on technology, applications, standards and policy pertaining to Smart Grids as Enablers for Smart Cities and Other Smart Community Solutions. The forum will offer a comprehensive technical program with panel sessions featuring prominent actors from Academia, Utilities and Companies, IEEE Societies, EU Institutions and Bodies, Ministry Organizations, Standard Associations, and more. Keynote 1 | Smart Grids as Enablers for Smart Cities Keynote 2 | Smart Grid Integration in Urban Infrastructure Investments SESSION 1 SESSION 2 SESSION 3 SESSION 4 SESSION 5 SESSION 6 SESSION 7 Building, Eco-district and Demand Response Challenges DER and EV Integration in Smart Cities Smart Metering & Standards Evolution Smart Energy Systems: Integrated Approaches New Stakeholder Roles - Citizen Engagement Challenges New Business Models, Regulation and Investment Strategies New ICT Architectures/SmartCity Apps & Cyber Security Technical Co-Sponsors This Forum's comprehensive technical program would not be possible without the support of our Sponsor - IEEE Smart Grid - and our Technical Co-Sponsors which include: IEEE Communications Society IEEE Computer Society IEEE Control Systems Society IEEE European Public Policy Initiative Working Group on Energy IEEE European Public Policy Initiative Working Group on ICT IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IEEE Industry Applications Society IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Society IEEE Power & Energy Society IEEE Power Electronics Society IEEE Region 8 IEEE Reliability Society IEEE Signal Processing Society IEEE Smart Cities IEEE Standards Association IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society IEEE Transportation Electrification Community IEEE Vehicular Technology Society