Winkie Arrives At The Elephant Sanctuary
Winkie Arrives At The Elephant Sanctuary
',@a:si;F ln this issue ... l" : 'ir!;ii ;ll ir, ti':j ;i I 1t ABUSE 'ri-,rlir' iiir,.l! ; illl o I pArk ll,.;i EJ:reareheqt ... lrttstl', WINKIE'S Kepv -$J5\etr.r. Wf,3Hts-G*Hlg GENE SIS ,,""1' ':;1 lt"',:1111, ,t:t' " S?d}T EAF q*E-q F.*L=dS, F- RED AJ"E=BI;g"g.*ffig"&gxx 5==:J=.:=9" Sen F}!eg<: =- = f€i?€ i- .:ill:, '.a . .,.a' '1. : g3* ffi s : B a 3{E*4 ... and more! f' . ill:S.:i:ti :".:,:1t-,tfti:..i4. ;1i. ,,.... : :1"..., a. ,a\:: :... ,t wii:$l.r,,rig was an exciring day on Sepl 12 in rhe smali town of I Hohenwald,Tennessee, rwo hours sourh of Nashville, and The ArkTrust was proud to be a part of if,. On chat day Winkie, an elephane -,, held captive at the Henry Vilas It ,, :1,,,, fan roam the lush groqnds of the.sanctuary at wifl, each of the other six resident pachyderms came over to say'lhi" to Winkie. The gentle giants intercwined their rrunks, with each elephant demonstrating excitement in her own way, at meetin$ihe newl arrival. ,l 7oo in Madison, Wisconsin, for 34 years, arrived atThe Elephant ,i I Sanctuary, joining six otherAsian '11, elephants in the only natural ' habitat elephant sanctuary in ::t: lllll., l,r , the world. The Elephant .lW:.,,,, Sanctuary was founded in l, 1995 by Carol Buckley, a "r,' I former circus elephant trainer who now campaigns ,i , tirelessly on behalf of caPtive elePhants. l , ',l t i'. :' Winl<ie traveled from ArkTrust Director of Programs MikeWinikoflwho had authored several newspaper opinion pieces arguing forWinkie! release to Sanctuary, attended Winkie's arrival. He noted that the the highlight of the trip was when Winkie's chains were cut off. "For the first time since she was less than a year old, Winl<ie is unchained, as are the other elephanrs at the Sanctuary," said Mike. "For the rest of her life, she will never again have to experience chains." Winl<ie will be free to roam 222 acres at the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary sits on 800 acres, which will eventually be fully fenced and available for the elephants. t, : r.',, rq:lr,.,,.:r 3,,,:;;;p.:r'"' Madison to Hohenwald in a specially designed trucl< donated by ., l: UPS. After acclimating herself to The Elephant Sanctuary's luxurious barn, which remains open 24 hours each day so the elephants Yisit lhe Arlr frust's Xew and lmproved \J AI Jlr-/ r t desisned and cronated t gX L Visitors to The Ark Trust site will be greeted by a fresh new look that allows quick and easy access to important animal-cruelty issues, Arl< Trust membership, media projects, the Genesis Awards and more. ln oddition, Ark Trust supporters con now make contributions ond purchase gifts online - Drivately and securely. To find out what else is new and The Arl< Trust is proud of the role it played facilitating Winl<ie's move to The Elephant Sanctuary, and we thanl< and applaud our partners in this effort, Citizens for the Humane Treatment ofVilas Elephants and The Elephant Sanctuary.You can see live,24-hour video of Winkie and the other elephants at the Sanctuary, and read inspiring daily updates from "Winkie's Diary" by visiting on the Web. The Ark Trust would like to say a special "Thdnk You" to ED STMPSON PHOTOGRAPHY for providing much of the animal photography featured in our newsletters, brochures and Web site. 'PL'' r,l-srf SIMPSONPHOTO.COM JI F lor I trti. 1r / r ,'1,,r' 'l'lioto 'l'r irtl: ttrtlttt aP t' €rll i l,tttJ:tLIltr ;. rltlittlttl:, t r ttt,c [, lrn tlmar k.s. J, :,r-PiJ For more information about iXL, please visit www.ixl,com. a'/ a!- '' i. q c.: ;e ,C aa-=! how you can get involved with The A,rk Trust, please visit J ,l Jo?ltr[l itrUS ,l tj lr-fr --+)_\-= l.QJ