Inside This Issue - Penney Memorial United Baptist Church


Inside This Issue - Penney Memorial United Baptist Church
March 2011
Inside This Issue
Page 2
• Pastor Rick’s Corner
Page 3
• Children & Youth
• Outreach & Missions
Page 4
• News &
• Small Groups
Page 5
• KBA Spring Meeting
Back Page
• Upcoming Events
Penney Memorial
United Baptist Church
393 Water Street
Augusta, ME 04330
Tel: 207.622.6401
Pastor Rick Moore
Pam Cullen,
Office Manager:
Office Hours:
8:00 — 4:00,
Worship Service:
Sundays— 10:00 a.m.
Newsletter Design by:
Recognizing that all people are made in God’s image and are loved by God, our church must
reach across cultural, social, economic and racial lines with practical acts of love within the
church and the community. Holistic ministries should address physical, social, psychological and
spiritual needs of individuals - particularly the needy, forgotten and defenseless. Our church
must be characterized by believers who are committed to the reconciliation of relationships
among all people.
Loving relationships within the local church produce unity, accountability and a powerful demonstration of God’s presence within our communities. Beyond the local church, they are manifested in cooperation and interdependent relationships with other Christians locally, nationally,
and internationally. Together we can make a difference for the cause of Christ by supporting the
America for Christ Offering 2011.
This year’s theme - “Touching Lives, Transforming People” - is an encouraging reminder that
Jesus’ public ministry was all about a transformational hope for people in need. With his hands,
Jesus touched, comforted, prayed and blessed people. The same hands, whose power restored
sight to the blind, made the lame walk and miraculously fed the 5,000.
In Christ, we have both the model and the strength to “touch and transform” people in the
church and the community. It is our personal walk with the Lord that transforms and enables us
through the power of Christ to live not for ourselves, but to serve God by serving our neighbors.
Our hands become the tools of Christ in a world of need and opportunity. Christ’s work of transformation is accomplished when we step into the lives of people around us.
We are impelled by this year’s theme to touch people with whom we come in contact every day
with the transformational love of Jesus Christ. Please give generously to the America for Christ
Offering 2011 and in helping us reach our goal of $1,000, in support of touching and transforming lives for the cause of Christ.
Mission Ministry Team
Penney Memorial United Baptist Church
Pastor Rick’s Corner
Why? Because. Why? Because. Why?
Because I said so. I can remember
how that answer worked for a while,
when our children were two or three
years old. But it really doesn’t cut it with adults, does it?
It certainly doesn’t cut it when it comes to some of life’s
toughest questions.
Starting on Sunday March 13, here at Penney, we’re
going to do a six week focus entitled WHY>. The
program comes from Pastor Jud Wilhite of Central
Christian Church, located just outside of Las Vegas NV.
We will look at six important questions.
1. Why am I here? We will look at what the Bible has
to say in response to the age old question of life’s
2. Why should I believe in God in the first place? Is
faith in God only for the weak and needy? What
difference does it make?
3. Why should I trust the Bible? Is the Bible just a
collection of stories? The Bible makes some serious
claims about itself that deserve an honest examination.
Why is the world so messed up? What’s with
the violence, dysfunction and natural disasters? And
where is God in all this?
Why the conflict…science and the Bible?
How does the average person sort it all out? Explore the
evidence on both sides.
Why Jesus? Is a person really ok as long as
they are sincere? For some answers, we will look at the
teachings of the most compelling person in human
This is an all church event. It is another opportunity for
the whole congregation to focus on and share with one
another the responses to these six challenging
questions. We will all receive a 40 day devotional based
on the questions. There will be small groups meeting,
many on Sunday morning before worship. You can still
sign up and get involved in these important discussion
times. Each Sunday, the message will set the tone for
the week’s readings and group interactions. If you are
“homebound” or unable to be with us on a regular
basis… you can call the office and we’ll get a devotional
book to you so you can follow along.
There is more to the answer of ”Why?” than “Because.”
In Christ,
Pastor Rick
strengthened by fellow Christians who are also applying God’s principles in daily life. If you have not
signed up for a Small Group, the lists are posted in
the narthex.
The five commitments of the 40-day campaign are
key to its impact. The more willing you are to participate, the more you’ll get out if the experience. One
commitment is to join a 40 Day Small Group.
Meeting with a Small Group keeps you motivated to
complete your study, helps you gain greater insight
through discussion time, and allows you to be
Most of the groups will be meeting during the Sunday School hour at the church but there may be
other groups that meet at individual homes during
the week for those who are unable to attend on Sunday morning.
Contact the church office for more information on
the Small Groups or any other parts of the WHY>
Children & Youth
Daycare Center News
Operation Christmas
- Michelle Atwood, Director Good Shepherd Learning Center
Well February was all about love and Valentine’s Day at
the Good Shepherd Learning Center but now we are
looking to March and the promise of spring!
During March, we will be participating in a couple of fundraisers. First we will be doing the Hop-a-Thon for the
Muscular Dystrophy Association and then a walk for the
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
March 22 we will be putting on our best smiles for Picture
Youth Group
The youth group will be attending Winter Bash 2011 at the
Alfond Center in Waterville on Friday, March 4 from 6:30 10:30 pm.
Pam Cullen, coordinator
Let’s keep Operation Christmas Child going for the
WHOLE year by collecting different shoe box items each
The March donations are new, small stuffed animals,
coloring books and washcloths. Please remember that you
can bring any of the suggested items. Often after a
holiday, you can purchase shoebox items at a discounted
price. Thank you all for your continued support.
The contribution box will remain in the narthex for your
donations. If you have ideas for shoe box items or fundraisers please let me know.
On Sunday, March 20, we will be ice skating at the
Kennebec Ice Arena from 1 - 3 pm.
Outreach & Missions
Community Dinner
- Tim Poulin, coordinator
Blood Drive
- Louise Lerley, coordinator
Across the country, severe winter storms have forced
thousands of expected pints of blood to go uncollected; up
to 30,000 and still climbing! As a result, Red Cross blood
collections in the month of January were the lowest seen
in a decade.
Join the recovery by making an appointment to donate
blood. The next Red Cross Blood Drive will be held at
Penney on Monday, March 21 from 1 - 7 p.m. in Perkins
We will hold our next Community Dinner on Saturday,
March 26 from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. The menu will include
Roast Turkey, potatoes w/gravy, peas, biscuits, cranberry
sauce and assorted pies for dessert. This is the biggest
dinner of the season and MANY hands are needed. Sign
up sheets are posted in the narthex.
Augusta Food Bank
Here is an updated list for the Food Bank:
Spaghetti (one pound packages)
Canned Pasta
Cereal (especially hot cereal like oatmeal)
Canned Soup
Baking Mixes (muffins, cake, cookies)
Canned Fruit
Coffee and tea
Penney Memorial United Baptist Church
period using a portion of the interest earned on the
church’s current investments at People’s United Bank in
Notes of Thanks
To my church family,
Thank you for all the heartwarming expressions of
sympathy. The visits, food, cards, phone calls, hugs and
all the prayers. It does help to know that others care.
In Christian Love,
Martha Stevenson & Family
News & Announcements
Property Purchase
At the February 13 annual meeting, the church voted to
purchase the property located at 7 E. Crescent Street. The
Board of Trustees have been discussing the purchase of
this property for the past two years and were finally able to
get the original asking price of $179,000 reduced to
The property is a 12,196 square foot lot with a 1,600
square feet structure originally built in 1900 as a single
family home with four bedrooms and two baths. It is
currently designed for office space The immediate use of
the property is additional parking and storage in the
Dear Penney Family,
Words cannot express the loving devotion that Penney
members have shown us with their many cards and
prayers sent during this past year of Clifton's illness,
hospitalization and death. I wish to thank Pastor Rick
especially for his many visits and prayers at home, in the
hospital and at the Hospice House which uplifted Clifton
and made his pain more bearable. Thank you all, our
precious friends, who brought dinners and desserts and
salads to our house. Mark and I, as well as Lee and
Carolyn and families were so very appreciative. God was
there all the time and as always - in control.
Nellie Clarke and Family
The church treasurer and the Board of Finance have made
arrangements to finance the purchase over a ten year
Small Groups
Children’s Church
The Christian Ed Board is seeking volunteers to staff
Children’s Church during the worship service each
week. Our volunteer list ended last week and a new
one is available in the narthex. Please consider taking a week for the kids (and parents). We have materials available for lessons. If you are interested but
not sure what is involved, just ask Mellissa Morrill for
more information.
The VIP’s is a group of folks ages 55+ that meets the
fourth Monday of each month.
The VIP group will meet on Monday, March 28 for a catered luncheon in Perkins Hall. The program, “Golden
Notes of Days Gone By” will follow in the overflow room.
Visit our website at for more information
and group events.
2:00 pm
2:30 pm
3:00 pm
3:45 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
5:15 pm
Welcome and worship
Mission Speaker – Ann Clemmer
Business Meeting – Moderator
KBA Mission Plan
KBA Missions
KBA Website
Church Surveys Results
ABCOM plan for 2011
China Lake Camps Presentation
Supper with closing worship
Directions to the Plains Church:
From the North: Go to Gardiner/Litchfield (Maine Turnpike) exit on Rte 295 take a Right on 126. Go approximately 5 miles to the second blinking yellow light and turn left onto Hallowell-Litchfield Road. Follow until you
get to the Fire station (on right), then turn left onto Plains Road. The church is across from the cemetery about
¼ mile on left.
Alternate directions: Go to the center of Gardiner, past McDonald’s and turn right onto Rte 126. Go to Middle
School and turn left onto Pond Street and follow signs to Pond Road and turn left onto Pond Road and go
about 7-8 miles. Pond Road turns into Plains road in Litchfield. The church will be on your right across from
the cemetery. (If you get to the fairground turn around and go about 500’ back).
393 Water Street, Augusta
Upcoming Events
KBA Spring Meeting
Red Cross Blood Drive
The Kennebec Baptist Spring Meeting will be held on
Sunday, March 20 at Litchfield Plains Baptist Church
from 2 - 6 pm. Guest speaker will be Missionary Ann
Clemmer from the Democratic Republic of the
Congo. Registration begins at 2 pm. See page 5 for
more information
Penney will host a Red Cross Blood Drive on Monday, March 21 from 1 - 7 pm. Contact the church office to schedule an appointment or walk-ins are welcome.
Community Dinner
The Penney Community Dinner will be held on Saturday, March 26 from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. The menu will
include Roast turkey, potatoes w/gravy, peas, biscuits, cranberry sauce, and assorted pies for dessert.
The dinner is free and all are welcome!
Visit our Website
Just a reminder that all of the information in this
newsletter and much more can be found by visiting
our website at
Penney News
Information for the April issue of Penney News is due
by Wednesday, March 16.