February 2014 Final - Encanto-Palmcroft Historic Preservation
February 2014 Final - Encanto-Palmcroft Historic Preservation
February 2014 ENCANTO~PALMCROFT NEWS E N C A N T O - P A L M C R O F T P R E S E R V A T I O N H I S T O R I C A S S O C I A T I O N Photo by Judy Sutton P a g e 2 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s E N C A N T O - P A L M C R O F T H I S T O R I C P R E S E R V A T I O N A S S O C I A T I O N The mission of the Encanto-Palmcroft Historic Preservation Association is to promote the preservation of the historic Encanto-Palmcroft neighborhood and enhance the quality of life within and around the neighborhood. Ephpa Board of directors MARY ELLEN BRADSHAW-WEISBUCH MARTIN CRIST BRENT KLEINMAN CHAD CHRISTIAN KELLY LARABEE MORLAN AMANDA FELT DEVESH PATEL CHARLESA FEINSTEIN JERRY POLLOCK BEV HAARMAN ERIC JOHNSTONE CHRIS SCHILLING JAMEY ANDERSON THOMPSON BILL JONES CHRISTOPHER TIMMONS STEPHANIE JONES LIZ KALLY DIANA KEM MARTIN VOGEL MIKE MARCH STEVE VOLLMER MONTHLY BOARD OF DIRECTOR MEETINGS Unless otherwise noted, all EPHPA Board of Directors meetings are open to the public and held at The Valley Garden Center - 1809 N. 15th Ave. 85007 Meetings are conducted on the third Monday of each month, scheduled to begin at 7:00 PM and usually last two hours. All residents and guests are welcome to attend and contribute. Please read your E/P News and emails for meeting agendas, special discussion items, presentations, notices and guest speakers. E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e Contact Information EPHPA President Liz Kally 602-818-8860 lkally@cox.net Newsletter Editor Ron Pick 602-254-0505 newsletter@encantopalmcroft.org EPHPA Website & Info http://www.encantopalmcroft.org Password: “lovethyneighbor” Block Captain Coordinator Cynthia Herrmann twors2ns@aol.com 602-254-8716 Encanto Security Corporation 602-345-1331 encantosecurity@gmail.com http://www.encantosecurity.org Phoenix Historic Preservation 602-261-8699 historic@phoenix.gov Phoenix Fire Dept. Info E/P Neighbor Chuck LeVinus 480 239-3058 clevinus@gmail.com Phoenix Police Dept. Crime Stop 602 262-6151 Activity in Progress 911 City Council Representative District 4 Laura Pastor 602-262-7447 Council.District.4@phoenix.gov 200 W. Washington St. 85003 Phoenix Police Dept Contact Officer Benjamin Harris 602 361-4501 benjamin.harris@phoenix.gov Mountain View Precinct YOUR NEWSLETTER IS YOU Neighbors are encouraged to submit photos or scribblings for your Newsletter Interesting contributions and neighborhood gossip will be thoughtfully considered. We accept anything electronic- email, Google Doc, Word, JPG, PNG FULFILL YOUR NEW YEAR RESOLUTION! BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! newsletter@encantopalmcroft.org. newsletter@encantopalmcroft.org. The DEADline for all submissions is very soon. Just Do It Now. Please don’t make me beg... 3 P a g e 4 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s EncantoEncanto-Palmcroft Historic Preservation Association 2014 SOCIAL EVENTS and ACTIVITIES • Neighborhood Sponsored Yard Sale: - in March • Ice Cream Social: Sunday, April 27th 5pm • Encanto Park Fun Run: Saturday, May 10th • Board Meeting Recess: Monday July 21st • Halloween Parade & Picnic: Sunday, October 26th 5pm • Annual Board Meeting & Elections: Monday, November 17th 7pm • Street Light Pole Ribbon Wrapping: Saturday, December 6th 10am • Holiday Dinner Party: Sunday, December 14th 5pm • Ribbon Un-wrap Brunch: Saturday, January 3, 2015 10am FULL COLOR BUSINESS AD’s $30 – 1/4 page $40 -- 1/3 page $60 – 1/2 page $100 – Full page 10% discount for pre-paid ads that run for 6 months Checks payable to: EPHPA Newsletter To place an ad contact: Editor Ron Pick newsletter@encantopalmcroft.org 317 N. 18th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85007 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 5 Neighborhood Child / Pet Care Providers Sam Grandaw age 17 wmtreash@msn.com 602602-788788-1290 Natalie Grandaw age 15 wmtreash@msn.com 602602-788788-1290 Mary Katherine Kem age 17 mkkem@cox.net 602602-653653-0002 Olivia Kem age 16 livkem@cox.net 602602-615615-9647 -Samantha Lawcock age 14 samsue912@gmail.com 602602-708708-2696 Isaac March age 15 Isaac.march@gmail.com 703703-829829- 6266 Veronika Pick age 18 ronnipick@gmail.com 602602-430430-5658 Ellery Rehovsky age 17 elleryrehovsky@gmail.com 623623-256256-1741 Some of these small business entrepreneurs even accept debit and credit cards! Call, text or email them to find out more. Doing work on your home or yard? Need some recommendations? Use our Encanto-Palmcroft Website! http://www.encantopalmcroft.org/residents/ contractorhandyman-recommendations Do you have a new neighbor? Smile, Introduce yourself, then send the info to Devesh Patel - E/P Welcome Committee Chair welcome@encantopalmcroft.org P a g e 6 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s EPHPA PRESIDENT'S LETTER by Liz Kally While the rest of the country seems to be buried in snow and ice, we here in Phoenix enjoy sunny days and warm green spaces to exercise our pets, our kids, and ourselves. Encanto Park, fresh from its ongoing renovations, is looking particularly inviting. Neighbors are already using the new tennis courts and other facilities Many thanks to Jessica Haines who has volunteered to organize a neighborhood yard sale in March. Keep an eye out for announcements about this through the newsletter and the e-mail network. In the past, our sales have been well attended and very successful. I know than John and I have lots of things we’ll be selling, and, hopefully, earning some cash as well. Although it’s been a quiet month since the holidays (except for the Super Bowl parties), I was reminded that Valentine’s Day is almost here. My 4-year old grandson is fascinated by all the hearts and flowers he sees in store and school window displays. Everyone he sees gets a Happy Valentine’s Day and, if they’re lucky, a hug from him. So, to all of you, Happy Valentine’s Day as well. Enjoy! Please support our efforts to provide security patrols in Encanto-Palmcroft with your 2014 Contributions Encanto-Palmcroft Security Corporation Payment Coupon - 2014 First Half Name: __________________________________ Amount Remitted: $150 (Jan.— June 2014) _______________ Address: _______________________________ $300 (Jan - Dec 2014) Additional donation Mail or drop off to : EPSC 1806 Palmcroft Drive NW, Phx AZ 85007 You may contribute with your debit or credit card via PayPal at: www.encantosecurity.org _______________ $______________ E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 7 P a g e 8 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 9 P a g e 1 0 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s Meeting Minutes (Draft Report) Encanto-Palmcroft Historic Preservation Association Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors January 20, 2014 - 7pm The Valley Garden Center ~ Phoenix, AZ Directors – Present: Diana Kem, Kelly Larabee Morlan, Martin Vogel, Eric Johnstone, Devesh Patel, Michael March, Brent Kleinman, Jerry Pollack Directors - Absent:, Mary Ellen Bradshaw-Weisbuch, Chad Christian, Charlesa Feinstein, Bev Haarman, Bill Jones, Stephanie Jones, Brent Kleinman, Jamey Anderson Thompson, Steve Vollmer, Liz Kally, Chris Schilling, Christopher Timmons, Martin Crist, Amanda Felt Guest Observers: Bill from Signal 88 Security and Ron Pick (E/P newsletter editor) The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM by Vice President Kelly Larabee Morlan EPHPA mission statement was read by Vice President Kelly Larabee Morlan Updates from our City of Phoenix Police Dept.representative and E/P Security Corp: Martin reported that officer Harris couldn’t attend the meeting, however, sent a report that there has been an uptick on mail and parcel theft in the areas surrounding E/P. The EPSC has not held a meeting since the December EPHPA meeting. The daily neighborhood patrols have been scaled back, due to a shortage of donations. Our security patrol provider - Signal 88 - has been patrolling our neighborhood with their marked Nissan Xterra with flashing yellow lights, instead of the electric cart. The Signal 88 patrol officers are no longer using the GPS based monitoring system. Martin has received detailed daily reports of the past 6 months. The EPSC may purchase two golf carts, according to Diana. Martin encourages residents to call Crimestop and / or 911. Martin talked about the multiple security incidents reported by E/P neighbors. Per their representative Bill, Signal 88 will give the golf cart that they had been using to the EPSC. Committee Reports: Outreach: Chair Kelly Larabee Morlan reported that the Friends of Encanto Park is starting a tennis group on 1/21 in the AM. The remodel work on the park restrooms is starting. Some E/P neighbors are working to establish and promote a foot race / fun run in the park to be held this May. E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 1 1 Social: Co-chairs Amanda Felt and Stephanie Jones were not present. No report. Architecture: Chair Eric Johnstone was present, but did not report. Secretary’s Report: A draft copy of the minutes of the December meeting were published in the January Newsletter - both on-line and hard copy. No corrections were offered. We could not vote on approval of the December minutes, due to the lack of a quorum at this meeting. Treasurer’s Report: Diana passed out copies of the year end financial statement. We could not vote on approval of this report, due to the lack of a quorum at this meeting. New Business: There was a call for volunteers to run the Annual Spring Picnic in the Park that Charlesa has coordinated for many years, since she is still not settled back in her E/P home. Volunteers should contact neighbor and EPHPA Board Member Eric Johnstone at 917 862-2204. A motion was made by Martin Vogel to adjourn the board meeting. Jerry seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 7:42pm. P a g e 1 2 Crime Incidents and Update on Encanto Palmcroft Security Patrols by Martin Vogel Neighbors: Community Action Officer Ben Harris believes that the incidents around January 13 were caused by a single suspect. Unfortunately, no clear description has been available to the investigating officers. If anyone has seen the suspect, please relay the best possible description to Officer Harris. The only description I have seen is the one below: but more details are needed: "Attempted break in 900 block of Coronado around 4:30 today. I saw him cut into neighbor's yard and called PD. Don't know if they caught him or not ..... he lost his bicycle in any case. Police arrived with dogs, helicopter,etc. Just felt funny as he was circling around on bicycle. Slightly built Hispanic guy, maybe mid 20s “ If it doesn't feel right.... call police. Please send a description to Officer Haris: benjamin.harris@phoenix.gov If you see suspicious behavior, please call 911 immediately. If you request a report from the investigating officer, you will be advised of the results after the response. For more routine calls, please call Crime Stop: 262-6151 and report your name and location of the problem, with the best possible description available. As an update on Security, since the last week in November 2013, the Security Corporation shifted to vehicle patrols. These occur at random times, but are done through a highly visible vehicle that typically uses flashing lights (unless requested to turn them off, in specific areas, as has been requested by some residents). Attached are pictures of the X-Terra vehicle by daylight-it is also parked at the Valley Garden Center during daytime hours, to raise the profile of the Security Patrols. A key reason for the shift to random patrols (as opposed to several hours of sequential patrols) was shortage of funds due to shortfalls in resident contributions. Coverage is again under review, and more information will be shared. E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 1 3 Thank You to everyone who supported our Encanto-Palmcroft Security Corp. in 2013! Philip & Betty Morgan Marc & Charleen Tobolski Bob Schneider Susan Gin-Shaw Barbara & Jim Durand Steve and Christy Smith Jill E Ray Billie Jo Harned / Jack N. Rudel Paul & Nan Steiner Jean & Rich Schmal Rebecca Winterscheidt / Bob Werner Stephanie Quincy Pam & Ray Slomski Ellen Arkin Gary and Susan Crane Stephen Pierce Julie & Chris Herstam Nick Walters Lisa Nathan Kyle Schlotfelt / Lisa Farrar Geri Morgan Charles & Francoise Krause Dorothy Wallace Steve Vollmer Brandon Bell Jack Tevlin Bill Morlan & Kelly Larabee Morlan Amy Miller Henri Van Gilse Kurt & Kari Zangerle Jon Sands / Joyce Grossman Valley Garden Center Arnold Lopez / Michael Gilbert Karen Battaglini Ian & Nancy Calkins Eric and Arlene Kahrs Gregory Bair / Bill Trumbo Carol Manly Jim & Brenda Howard Robert and Jane Wisniewski Yetta Gibson / AJ Sulka John & De De Mangum James & Helen Gibson Martin Crist Terry Gadaire / Michael Brekke Jonathan Weisbuch & Mary Ellen Bradshaw Chad Christian / Joe Bushong Courtney LeVinus A. Ennis & Susan Dale Joshua Wertlieb & Rebecca Light Kay Watkins-Jenkins Dan & Karen Robertson Michael & Laurie Little Jim & Laura Ward Jack & Barbara Norris Stephanie Jones Dennis & Nancy Dickerson Earlene and Mac McDonald Don Ryden, Architects Inc. Frank & Jane Bayham-Lesselyong Andy & Lori Roediger Belton & Marion Meyer Mrs. Joseph L. Refsnes Noel & Anne Fidel Scott Sayre / Linda Lewis Jim & Sue Flemming Mike Saavedra / George Abrams Jerry Hayes Frank & Carol Migray Alexandria Lim Kirby & Linda Yowell Lester & Eloise Hayt Angela & Mark Karp Anna Ward David & Virginia Foster Marc & TJ Cohen David & Susan Kennedy Jean Thomas Steve Egan - Tracy Pang Gary & Susan Stowe Colleen & Stephen Gula Molly Weinstein Clyde Granderson Tim and Uyen Sullivan David & Kristina Butler Bev Haarman Michael Walz / Anne Hermida Phil & Carolyn Robbins Dave & Joan Howell Michael Siurek and Amanda Felt Mark & Diana Kem Tom & Sally Brooks Amy & Buzz Bartylla Jim & Julie Rees Amy & Brad Vynalek Jeffrey Oliver Earl & Louise Carroll Sue Ann Gillies Dan & Renee McMahan David & Kristii Bell Joellyn & Jerry Pollock Marie Sullivan David & Brenda Thomson Mark and Rene Guido Kim Williamson Dudley Pyeatt / Steven Littleton Jay & April Murphy Janet Hayes Susan & Jonathan Harris Larry & Frances Hammond Cynthia and Dale Crogan Michael Reisig/Kristy Holtfreter Peter & Cynthia Herrmann Bob & Pat Robinson Simon Wheaton-Smith Rick & Patti Black Joe & Kristin Serrano Carl & Martha German Steve & Linda Pogson Alfred & Mary Jo, Laura, Al French Carol and Paul Hunt Gary Wright Gary & Cindy Cloud Paul & Barbara Barnes Jamey Anderson Jeanean Kirk / Bob Shaw Mark & Sylvia Guenther John & Liz Kally Mark & Linda Milversted Michael Ray P a g e 1 4 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 1 5 THE ACADEMY AWARD GOES TO… YOUR HEALTH! The more things change the more they stay the same. That does not apply to life expectancies. The average American only lived to be about 50 years old in 1900. Today we red, white, and blues are living on average to be octogenarians. However, there are some obstacles to getting to 80 years old and I’ve taken the liberty of introducing some of them. Take my hand and dance The Great Waltz with me as we uncover those heartbreakers of healthiness with an Academy Award winning theme. Stay away from instability and guns. It didn’t work out so well for Sean Connery’s character Jim Malone in the Untouchables as he was shot down in a blaze of glory. Not too many of the wise guys in The Godfather fared any better because of rampant cases of lead poisoning. There are over 30,000 deaths each year from firearms. Be on the alert for this Cavalcade of chaos! Of course cigarette smoking will cut short The Best Years of Our Lives. Lung cancer will get you, but not if heart disease, emphysema, or stroke put a bid on you first. No one was quite as witty while puffing on Parliaments as George Sander’s Addison DeWitt. Lighting up at every social occasion was what all the Ordinary People would do back in the day. But today you’re much smarter than that Mrs. Miniver; drop the habit before it drops you! Your weight is a great predictor of advancing, or not, into your ninth decade of life. There is no need to be the all American Beauty; you just need to be height weight appropriate. Check online for a body mass index and determine your level of acceptable. It’s not likely It Happened One Night if the weight is skewed in the wrong direction. Obesity occurs gradually so be constantly vigilant. Be certain to visit your doctor regularly My Fair Lady. You’re going to get ill Sooner or Later and you’re going to need medical care. Guys are less likely to go see the doc than women, and thus it’s one of the reasons women generally outlive men. It is true that Whatever Will Be, Will Be, but you can detect health problems early with frequent doctor visits and checkups. I’d be indebted to you for a ride to the office of Dr. Zhivago…if you’re Going My Way. Whether you are walking the Streets of Philadelphia during the dog days of summer or reading a book in The Apartment, you need plenty of water. Your body is comprised of mostly water and your body functions better with this essential liquid intake. There are good odds you will make it past your life expectancy with ample waves of water hitting your shores. Stay adherent to drinking at least eight cups of this good beverage each day and just maybe you’ll live From Here to Eternity. Cars come equipped with seat belts for a reason…they save lives! There is no reset button after a fatal car Crash. Get in the habit of strapping in for safety each time you head down Sunset Boulevard for a Sunday drive On the Waterfront. The Traffic is great anytime you are able to reach eighty years of age. The Greatest Show on Earth is the one you are in. Make some healthy changes in your life and don’t be joining that list of those dearly Departed just yet. I’ve got High Hopes that you’ll do The Right Stuff! This point of view shot is brought to you by that guy with Oscar aspirations. That guy with red carpet swagger is Ron Blake and he can be nominated for best story at ron@blakehousecleaning.com. P a g e 1 6 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s ENCANTOENCANTO-PALMCROFT REAL ESTATE ACTIVITY CURRENTLY FOR SALE $998,000 1631 N 13TH AVE $899,999 2118 N ENCANTO DR SW $649,000 1821 PALMCROFT WAY NW $939,000 2023 N 11TH AVE $839,000 901 W Palm LN $595,000 1609 PALMCROFT DR SE E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 1 7 CURRENTLY FOR SALE $565,000 940 W PALM LN $524,000 1107 W PALM LN $375,000 1611 N 11TH AVE PENDING $412,500 1644 PALMCROFT WAY SW $368,000 1321 W HOLLY ST RECENTLY SOLD $899,000 920 W Monte Vista RD $393,000 2202 N 11TH AVE For more information, contact your local Real Estate Agent P a g e 1 8 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 1 9 17 20 Mont 15 16 15 11 12 8B 5 21 19 13 14 1 2 10 8A 18 Pal Coro- 6 9 4 3 7 7th 15th 13th 11th 9th Ave McDowell Zone Block Captain Address Phone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8A 8B 9 10 11 12A 12B 13 14 15A 15B 16 17 18 19 20 21 Julie Franklin Bev Haarman David Niles Joellyn Pollock Cyndy Herrmann Nancy Sloan Linda Milversted Chris Schilling Patrick Barnes 1005 W. Coronado Rd. 1801 Palmcroft Dr NE 1635 Palmcroft Dr. SW 1628 Palmcroft Dr SE 1817 Palmcroft Way NE 1608 Palmcroft Way SE 1625 Palmcroft Way SW 1301 W Coronado 1811 Palmcroft Way NW 1611 N. 11th Ave 1808 N. 11th Ave. 1319 W. Palm Lane 1114 W. Palm Lane 1615 Palmcroft Way SE 929 W. Palm Lane 732 W. Palm Lane 1115 W. Monte Vista Rd 1133 W Holly 2033 N 11th Ave 1021 W. Encanto Blvd 934 W Palm Lane 727 Encanto Dr. SE 2225 N. 9th Ave. 2118 Encanto Dr SW 571-5007 258-7961 480-495-2025 254-4092 254-8716 334-1675 252-4988 252-2256 703-1835 271-0313 257-0707 271-0905 253-3289 296-7988 (480)577-2232 319-4186 340-1742 253-5430 712-0148 307-5050 716-9644 307-5916 258-5250 juliefranklin@cox.net sunshinebevh@aol.com NilesDavid@hotmail.com joellyn_pollock@yahoo.com Twors2ns@aol.com nancysloan@inficad.com lindamilv@cox.net chrisschil@cox.net jpb123jpb@yahoo.com ellenarkin@gmail.com cherstam@lrlaw.com clydehg@cox.net dinosaur.mom@cox.net seebabsrun@gmail.com tjcohen@cox.net Stephanie.a.padilla@hotmail.com george@georgeabrams.com denise.march@gmail.com ckkrause@fastq.com lagayleatwell@cox.net sutton.judith@gmail.com sbdale@attglobal.net rwday1@cox.net michellebuxbaum@yahoo.com 1817 Palmcroft Way NE 254-8716 Twors2ns@aol.com Ellen Arkin Chris Herstam Clyde Granderson Jean Thomas Barb Barnes T.J. Cohen Stephanie Padilla George Abrams Denise March Charles & Francoise Krause LaGayle Atwell Judy Sutton Susan Dale Amy Day Jason and Michelle Buxbaum Email Block Captain Coordinator Cyndy Herrmann P a g e 2 0 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s Councilwoman Kate Gallego to Rally Support for Dog Park Councilwoman Kate Gallego plans to gather support for a dog park at Cesar Chavez Park - 7858 S. 35th Ave. “It is time to bring a dog park to Laveen and South Phoenix – and Cesar Chavez Park is one of the leading places to make it happen,” said Councilwoman Gallego. “Dog parks have proven to add life and vibrancy to our city’s parks by serving as community gathering spaces for our residents and four-legged family members.” Councilwoman Gallego’s office will continue to explore private funding from local businesses to make the dog park a reality without negatively impacting the city’s general fund. For more information or to support a dog park, please call the District 8 office at 602-262-7493 or email: council.district.8@phoenix.gov. Mayor Stanton to Deliver State of the City Address The Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce (GPCC) and the City of Phoenix will host Mayor Greg Stanton’s annual State of the City Address on Wednesday, March 19 at the Phoenix Convention Center The general public may attend the State of the City Address free of charge by arriving prior to the Mayor’s speech at 12:15 p.m. Interested parties may reserve a seat by emailing Jessica Mayer at jmayer@phoenixchamber.com by Monday, March 17. E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 2 1 P a g e 2 2 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s http://friendsofencantopark.ning.com/ http://friendsofhancedogpark.com Homeless Need Help Staying Warm in the Winter When nighttime temperatures drop and days cool down, many of the community’s homeless end up on the streets without blankets, clothing and other necessities to keep them warm. The city of Phoenix is asking for donations to help. Blankets, new or used (but clean and freshly laundered), are the highest priority. Clean warm clothing, such as long-sleeve jackets and long pants, sweatshirts and sweatpants, warm hats and gloves, coats, underwear and socks (new only), shoes and hygiene items also will be accepted. The items above also are needed in children’s sizes for families. Additional needs are baby food/formula, diapers and children’s blankets. These are the only items the city will accept. The items will be collected through March. Donated items, which are tax deductible, may be delivered to any of the city’s three Family Services Centers. Centers are located at Travis L. Williams, 4732 S. Central Ave.; John F. Long, 3454 N. 51st Ave.; and Sunnyslope, 914 W. Hatcher Road. Large group or corporate donations can be arranged through the homeless programs coordinator. The program is coordinated by the city’s Human Services Department. For more information, contact Anissa Blair at 602-534-3071 or email anissa.blair@phoenix.gov. E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s Brewers, A’s Team Up to Benefit Phoenix City Pools Fans will have the opportunity to watch great major league baseball while supporting a great cause at the 17th Annual ABC Charity Classic, Feb. 27 at 1 p.m. The Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department hosts this charity contest each year between the Milwaukee Brewers and Oakland A’s to raise money for Kool Kids, a department program that provides free swimming at select city pools for youth ages 17 and under. Last summer, the Kool Kids program paid for more than 98,000 visits by children to city pools to cool off and have fun. This year’s game is at Phoenix Municipal Stadium, 5999 E. Van Buren St. Fans can pick up two-forone ticket vouchers at the Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department’s Aquatics office at 1802 W. Encanto Blvd. Additional information is available by phone at 602-534-6587 or by e-mail at aquatics.pks@phoenix.gov. Fans with vouchers can get one Outfield Reserved seat free with the purchase of one Outfield Reserved seat at regular price ($12). Spring into Nature Event at South Mountain Offers Outdoor Fun Live animal displays, guided nature walks, a climbing wall, and introductory archery clinics will highlight the free “Spring into Nature” outdoor celebration at South Mountain Park Feb. 23 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department is sponsoring the event in partnership with a host of other outdoor and public land agencies. P a g e 2 3 P a g e 2 4 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s The Valley Garden Center A Perfect Location for Photo by Judy Sutton your next Meeting or Party. We have hosted Photo by Judy Sutton thousands of Great Events from Formal Weddings to Neighborhood Get Togethers— Togethers— since 1939. A nonnon-profit 501(c)3 Historic designated facility. 1809 N. 15th Ave - 602 252252-2120 www.ValleyGardenCenter.org E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s Need to know when your garbage will be collected? When is the next bulk trash collection for your neighborhood? Looking for a place to dispose of old paint or antifreeze? Need to have your trash or recycling container repaired or replaced? Visit http://phoenix.gov/publicworks/index.html, call the Public Works Dept.Customer Contact Center at 602-262-7251 by 4 p.m. or email pwserve@phoenix.gov . P a g e 2 5 P a g e 2 6 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s AND THE STREET LIGHT POLES SHALL BE NAKED - ONCE AGAIN. Photo by Jay Murphy, E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 2 7 Photo by Judy Sutton P a g e 2 8 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s Phoenix Public Library has launched a new online service, providing access to thousands of titles in digital video, music and audiobooks – free to library cardholders. Titles are always available, enabling customers to forgo long waits for holds on popular items. They may be accessed as instant streaming or temporary download for use on a smartphone, tablet or desktop computer. Phoenix Public Library Launches New Digital Service Digital video and popular movies will be available. The service offers digital access to popular music and a selection of bestselling digital audiobooks. To get started, visit phoenixpubliclibrary.org and click on “eLibrary” in the grid. On the “eLibrary” page, select from “eVideo,” “eMusic” or “eAudiobooks.” From any of these pages, click on “hoopla” to learn more about the service. Library cardholders will be asked to create a hoopla account separate from their library account. The service offers apps for streaming or downloading on Apple and Android products. Phoenix Public Library cards are free to residents of Maricopa County and may be obtained at any library location. For more information, call 602-262-4636 or visit phoenixpubliclibrary.org. We’re challenging families to make reading a habit during our annual “We Read” winter reading program, which runs through March 31. Read together a total of 30 days. Children up to 12 years old, who participate in the program, will receive a “We Read” t-shirt. Parents, who read to their children during the challenge, will receive a “We Read” book bag. For additional information, visit phoenixpubliclibrary.org/kids. Photo by Judy Sutton E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 2 9 ENCANTO-PALMCROFT HISTORIC PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING AGENDA FEBRUARY 17, 2014 7:00 PM VALLEY GARDEN CENTER PHOENIX, AZ Call to Order Mission Statement Agenda Items Request Introduction of Guests Liz Kally Kelly Morlan Liz Kally Kelly Morlan Updates: · Phoenix PD Community Action Officer Ben Harris · Encanto Palmcroft Security Corporation Mike March ·Committee Reports: * Outreach / Friends of Encanto Park Kelly Morlan * Architecture Eric Johnstone * Social Amanda Felt / Stephanie Jones Approval of Dec & Jan Meeting Minutes Mike March Approval of Dec & Jan Treasurer’s Report Diana Kem Old Business: • Neighborhood Yard Sale · Jessica Haines New Business: Block Party Challenge P a g e 3 0 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s VACATION & STUDY SPANISH IN 2014 CUERNAVACA PROGRAM Generations of Arizona students and community members that include lawyers, educators, doctors and business people have participated in this now famous Spanish Immersion Program at la Universidad Internacional. Families with children are also welcome to study. Students are not only taught by Mexican professors, but they also live with Mexican families in a SAFE ENVIRONMENT. For more information, please Contact Virginia Ramos Foster, Ph.D at vrfvrf@gmail.com or call 602.254.9620. E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 3 1 Some Things Your Neighborhood Burglar Won't Tell You: * Of course I look familiar. I was here just last week cleaning your carpets, painting your shutters, or delivering things. * Hey, thanks for letting me use the bathroom when I was working in your yard last week. While I was in there, I unlatched the back window to make my return a little easier. * Those nice yard toys your kids leave out always make me wonder what type of nice gaming system they have. * Yes, I really do look for newspapers piled up on the driveway. And I might leave a pizza flyer in your front door to see how long it takes you to remove it. * If decorative glass is part of your front door, don't let your alarm company install the control pad where I can see it. * A good security company alarms the window over the sink, and the windows on the second floor, which often access the master bedroom and your jewelry. It's not a bad idea to put motion detectors up there, too. * It's raining, you're rushing and you forget to lock your door- understandable. But understand this: I don't take a day off because of bad weather. * I always knock first. If you answer, I'll ask for directions somewhere or offer to clean your yard. * Do you really think I won't look in your sock drawer? I always check dresser drawers, the bedside table, and the medicine cabinet. * You're right: I won't take the time to break into that safe where you keep your valuables. But if it's not bolted down real tight, I'll take it with me. * A loud TV or radio can be a better deterrent than the best alarm system. * Sometimes, I carry a clipboard. Sometimes, I dress like a lawn guy and carry a rake. I am good at never looking like a thief. * The two things I hate most: loud dogs, loud alarms and nosy neighbors. * I'll break a window to get in, even if it makes a little noise. If your neighbor hears one loud sound, he'll stop what he's doing and wait to hear it again. If he doesn't hear it again, he'll just go back to what he was doing. It's human nature. * I'm not complaining, but why would you pay for an alarm system and leave your house without setting it? * I love looking in your windows. I'm not admiring the architecture. I’m looking for signs that you're home, and for things I'd like to steal. I'll drive or walk through your neighborhood at dusk, before you close the blinds, to pick my targets. * Avoid announcing your vacation on your Facebook page. It's easier than you think to look up your home address. * To you, leaving that window open just a crack during the day is a way to let in a little fresh air. To me, it's an invitation to come on in. * If you don't answer when I knock, I try the door. Lots of times, I can just walk right in. I’m so glad that you don’t think you need those door locks. Sources: Convicted burglars in North Carolina , Oregon , California , and Kentucky ; security consultant Chris McGoey, who runs crimedoctor.com; and Richard T. Wright, a criminology professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, who interviewed 105 burglars for his book “Burglars on the Job”