flute society newsletter, vl. 8 is.5.pages


flute society newsletter, vl. 8 is.5.pages
Board of Directors
Please Join Us!
Renae Block, President
Roberta Goren, Vice
Colleen Law, Treasurer
Anna Meyer, Recording
Saturday, May 30th at 7:30 PM
(with flute exhibits open at 6:45 PM)
Rebecca Simon,
Corresponding Secretary
Ray Brebach
Cindy Anne Broz
Marian Concus
Ellen Fisher Deerberg
Karri Giamporcaro
Kimberly Reighley
Jennifer Silipino
Joan Sparks
Elivi Varga
Advisory Board
David Cramer
Cynthia Folio
Beverly Hawkins
Jeffrey Khaner
Thomas Meany
Beverly Pugh Corry
Adeline Tomasone
Suzanne Wray
Windworks Studio
Spring Members Recital and Reception
Hosted by Windworks Studio of Philadelphia
Olivet Covenant Presbyterian Church
22nd & Mt. Vernon Sts., Philadelphia
The Flute Society will cap off another wonderful season with its
annual Members Recital and Reception hosted by Windworks
Studio of Philadelphia who will exhibit and provide refreshments.
*New this year – we will spend the first half hour reading ensemble
music together, and then enjoy the performances of our colleagues
who wish to play solos, duets and small chamber ensembles.
Please RSVP on the website as soon as possible, and no later than
5/22, so we can prepare the ensemble music and estimate the
amount of food for the reception. Those who wish to perform on
the recital should use the online form to submit their program
information and bios.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
I look forward to seeing all of you and celebrating the year’s
successes with music!
Renae Block,
Inside This Issue:
Welcome…………………….pg. 1
Events and News…….…… pg. 2
Flute Flyers……….……….pg. 3-9
Corporate Sponsors..……pg. 10-11
Have news to share? Concerts or events to post?
The next FSGP newsletter will be published in
September 2015. Deadline for submissions is
August 20th. Email details to
Volume 8, Issue 5 May 2015 Page 2
2015 Events and Announcements
Upcoming Flute Society Events:
May 30, 2015 6:45pm-10:00pm: Annual
Member Recital.
Annual open recital opportunity for all members
with a reception to follow. Olivet Covenant
Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia
6:45pm- Visit the flute exhibits of Windworks
7:30pm- Flute Ensemble Reading Session
8:00pm- Recital performances
9:00pm- Reception
Sponsored by Windworks Studio
Upcoming 2015 Performance Events:
Please join members of the Flute Society of
Greater Philadelphia on Friday June 5th - 6:30 at
Calliope Music Store - 4 East Lancaster Ave. in
Ardmore. Members will play a selection of flute
choir music as part of "First Friday Main Line”
Performers include Ray Brebach, Diane Kay Clark,
Marian Concus, Karri Giamporcara, Roberta
Goren, Anne Levinson, Tom Meany and Rachell
The Meany/Simmons Flute and Classical Guitar
Duo will perform in recital for the Brown Bag
Concert Series at the Church of the Holy Trinity
on Rittenhouse Square - Wednesday, June 10th
at 12:30.
Works by Kleynjan, Giuliani, Villa-Lobos, Krouse,
Merlin and Castelnuovo-Tedesco will be featured.
Admission is FREE!
The Willow Grove Branch of the Settlement Music
School will holds its 4th Annual Summer Chamber
Music Camp for Strings and Woodwinds. The
camp runs from June 22nd to 26th - 9 am to
12:30. Students of all levels are encouraged to
apply. Musician will be grouped according to
instrumentation, ability and age. The schedule
includes daily rehearsals, coaching sessions and a
final concert. For more information contact Tom
Meany - 215 287-8266 or
August 13 at 10:00 am: A performance of Winds
for Change at the National Flute Association
Convention in Washington, D.C., performed by the
flute duo, ZAWA! (Claudia Anderson and Jill
Felber) and the Serafin String Quartet (the quartet
in residence at the University of Delaware), with
Douglas Mapp on string bass and Phillip O’Banion
on percussion. The location is the Washington
Marriott Wardman Park: http://
Flute News:
Announcing the release of a new edition for the
professional flute & harp duo:
April In Paris by E.Y. Harburg & Vernon
Arranged by Robert Schultz, available exclusively
from Schultz Music Publications
Includes flute/harp score plus separate flute part
Product Link to view sample pages /
purchase:April In Paris (for flute & harp)
Schultz Music Publications http://
Items For Sale
Approximately 35 year old Arista flute being sold by
2nd owner who purchased it in 1984 from Loren Lind
of the Philadelphia Orchestra. Asking $12,000.00.
Sterling silver throughout; open holes;newer
headjoint (fewer than 10 years old);both B and C
footjoints; D# roller; C# trill; in-line G. This flute is
highly responsive allowing the player great flexibility in
dynamics and tone color. A complete overhaul was
completed in the Arista shop in the past 10 years.
Servicing was completed by Clifford Trettick in the
past 2 years.
Recently appraised with a fair market value of
$15,000.00 (priced at $18,400.00 for a new Arista with
the same features).
If you would like to make an offer please contact
Donna Moore at either 609-845-3188 or
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Nestled in the beautiful hills of West Virginia alongside the Monongahela
River, West Virginia University will be hosting its fourth annual International
Flute Symposium July 15-19, 2015. This intensive retreat encompasses a
wholistic approach to artistic flute playing and music making, offering the
widest variety of performances, workshops, and master-classes as well as the
llargest roster of world-renowned flutists and university professors from the
oorchestral, classical and jazz fields of any summer flute symposium in the
United States. Due to the generous support of sponsors, this is the lowestp
priced event of its kind in the country! IFS is creative, eclectic, fun and alleencompassing.
Guest flutists include Nina Assimakopoulos of WVU, Lorna McGhee of the
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Alberto Almarza of Carnegie Mellon,
Wendy Kumer of the Pittsburgh Flute Academy, and Baroque flute specialist
Amara Guitry. Daily master-classes will cover Classical, Contemporary,
Orchestral, Baroque, Piccolo, and Jazz flute-playing. Participants will be
given the opportunity to perform for and/or audit these master-classes and every evening will conclude with a Gala
Concert performed by world renowned flutists, followed by fun activities back at the dorm for Junior High/ High School
Flute Camp participants.
Other guest artists include Kelly Wilson, both a flutist and Body Mapping coach, Hope Koehler, vocal professor at WVU,
and Hybrid-Arts Ensemble The Fourth Wall. IFS workshops will cover a wide array of topics, including Flute Pedagogy,
Movement and Body Mapping, Extended Techniques, Sight Reading, Audition Preparation, Stage Presence and
Performance Success, Theory, Career Shaping, Music Composition, Building a Home Studio, and more! Participants will
also have the opportunity to practice, perform with small and large flute ensembles, visit flute vendors and exhibits, work
with instrument repair, and enjoy recreational activities with other talented and ambitious flutists.
IFS hosts three competitions for which candidates may audition: High School Artist, Emerging Artist, and Orchestral
Audition Competitions. Candidates must register as full participants and submit a recording for the first round by June 28,
2015. Finalists will compete in the live final round in front of a panel of judges. All finalists will receive written judges’
comments and scholarships will be awarded to the top three places of each competition.
Participants may register for the Junior High/ High School Flute Camp (ages 12 through senior in high school) or the
Collegiate/ Amateur/ Professional Category. Those in the Camp will have the opportunity to participate in a project with
The Fourth Wall incorporating movement and acting with flute playing. This hybrid arts ensemble will perform at the
culminating concert on the last day for parents and friends. C/A/P Category members may apply and audition to
participate as auditors, workshop performers, or master-class performers. Day passes are also available for auditors and
parents! Housing is provided on campus and hotel accommodations are available for adult participants. Many tuition
waivers and scholarships are also available based on need and merit. Any teacher attending with two students or more will
receive a discount, and all Flute Society of Washington and Pittsburgh Flute Club Members receive an automatic discount
of 25%.
For more information, registration, scholarships, deadlines and more, visit the International Flute Symposium website at:
ifs.wvu.edu or contact Alyssa Schwartz at InternationalFluteSymposium@gmail.com. We hope to see you this
Alyssa Schwartz, WVU
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Volume 8, Issue 5
May 2015
Page 10
Corporate Members and Advertisers
We are extremely grateful for the generous support of our corporate members. If you know of any business
interested interested in becoming a corporate member or if you have an advertisement you wish to place in
our newsletter, please contact the administrator at flutesoc@voicenet.com
Landell Flutes
Volume 8, Issue 5
May 2015 Page 11
Corporate Members and Advertisers