to view the March 2015 Newsletter
to view the March 2015 Newsletter
VOLUME 8 ISSUE 4 THE FLUTE SOCIETY OF GREATER PHILADELPHIA FLUTE NEWS Board of Directors April Showers bring May Flowers…and the Flute Fair Day! Renae Block, President Please join us at West Chester University on Saturday, April 25th for what is sure to be a fabulous day of flute events! Tom Meany, Vice President Anna Meyer, Recording Secretary Rebecca Simon, Corresponding Secretary Ray Brebach Cindy Anne Broz Marian Concus Ellen Fisher Deerberg Karri Giamporcaro Roberta Goren Kimberly Reighley Jennifer Silipino Joan Sparks Elivi Varga Advisory Board David Cramer Cynthia Folio Beverly Hawkins Jeffrey Khaner Colleen Law Beverly Pugh Corry Adeline Tomasone Suzanne Wray Windworks Studio Lorna McGhee and Lois Herbine are our guest artists and will both present master classes and concerts. Lois will also give a workshop for teachers on how to start students on the piccolo - bring your students with you as she’ll be looking for volunteers to demo and experiment! Several performance and pedagogy-oriented workshops are on the schedule, along with a repair workshop presentation by The Flute Pro Shop’s Dave Kee. Dave will also be on hand all day for minor on-site repairs and estimates. About a dozen exhibitors will also be on hand with music, instruments, and accessories galore. A list of exhibitors is on the website – please feel free to contact them prior to April 25 with any requests you may have. There will also be flute choir reading sessions and lots of concert performances, including the new High School Honors Flute Choir, PA Flute Choir, WCU Flute Choir, and the Winners’ recital for the Young Artist Competitions and Scholarship Competition. There is still time to apply for the Student, Adult Amateur and Piccolo master classes, the honors flute choir and the Murray Panitz Scholarship Award Competition for college undergraduate students. Please visit the website for more information. A Potpourri recital is also in the schedule, and has openings for a few more performers – please contact me at for more info. Best wishes for a musical spring! Renae Block, FSGP President P.S. Don’t forget about our final event of the season – the annual Members’ Recital and Reception on May 30th. Plan now to perform – more info will be on the website soon! Inside This Issue: Welcome…………………….pg. 1 Events and News…….…… pg. 2-3 Flute Fair Info……….……….pg. 4 Corporate Sponsors..……pg. 11-12 Have news to share? Concerts or events to post? The next FSGP newsletter will be published in May 2015. Deadline for submissions is April 20th. Email details to Volume 8, Issue 4 March 2015 Page 2 2015 Events and Announcements Upcoming Flute Society Events: March: March 21, 2015 11am-4pm: The John and Helen Tomasone Young Artist Competition at Settlement Music School, Willow Grove April: April 25, 2015 9:00am-7:00pm: Third Annual Flute Fair Day. West Chester University, Swope Music Building May: May 30, 2015 7:30pm-10:00pm: Annual Member Recital. Annual open recital opportunity for all members with a reception to follow. Olivet Covenant Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia Upcoming 2015 Performance Events: Saturday, March 7 Two Cats for Flute and Clarinet by Daniel Dorff Heather Small flute, Nikolasa Tejero clarinet, Chattanooga Public Library ***************************************************** Tuesday, March 10 Flash! for Piccolo and Piano by Daniel Dorff Christine Beard piccolo, Christi Muse Zuniga piano University of Nebraska, Omaha ***************************************************** March 12, 2015 3:00 p.m. Performance of New Woodwind Quintet Composition “Frederick Douglas” by Dr. George E. Allen Diane Kay-Clark: flute / alto flute, Ernest Baker: oboe, Dr. George Allen: clarinet, Vanessa Taylor: bassoon, Marshall Sealy: french horn Ware Performing Arts Center, Lincoln University ***************************************************** Saturday, March 21 Three Fun Fables for Narrator and Orchestra by Daniel Dorff Utah Symphony, Emmanuel Fratianni conductor, Jim Christian narrator Saturday, March 21, 2015, 8 p.m. – The Church of St. Monica, 635 First Ave, Berwyn, PA AND Sunday, March 22, 2015, 3 p.m. – Trinity Episcopal Church, 6587 Upper York Rd, Solebury, PA Baroque ensemble La Fiocco Joseph Hill: countertenor, Eve Friedman: baroque flute, Claire Smith Bermingham: baroque violin, Vivian Barton Dozor: baroque cello & viola da gamba, Laudon Schuett: theorbo, Lewis R. Baratz: artistic director & harpsichord ***************************************************** The Pennsylvania Flute Choir will perform its annual Spring concert on Saturday, March 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary of The Forks of the Brandywine Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Glenmoore, Chester County ( Under the direction of Debra Torok, the performance features a varied program oforiginal compositions and arrangements from Mozart to Schocker and Senchuck, including an original composition entitled "Fanfare and Introduction" by Music Director Torok. Admission is free with a free-will offering. Please see www.paflutechoir.orgfor additional information. ***************************************************** Monday, March 23 Sonata (Three Lakes) for Flute and Piano by Daniel Dorff Patricia Surman flute, Kostas Chardas piano, Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, OK ***************************************************** Wednesday, March 25 Flash! for Piccolo and Piano by Daniel Dorff Christine Beard piccolo, Christi Muse Zuniga piano 9th Festival Internacional de Costa Rica ***************************************************** Sunday, March 29 Cape May Breezes for Woodwind Quintet by Daniel Dorff World premiere of commissioned work Monmouth Winds (Jenny Cline flute), Westfield NJ ***************************************************** Sunday, March 29, 7:30pm EZUZ with Eve Friedman, flute at Calvary Church,48th St & Baltimore Ave, West Philly Volume 8, Issue 4 March 2015 Page 3 2015 Events and Announcements Flute News: Announcing the release of a new edition for the professional flute & harp duo: April In Paris by E.Y. Harburg & Vernon Duke Arranged by Robert Schultz, available exclusively from Schultz Music Publications Includes flute/harp score plus separate flute part Product Link to view sample pages / purchase:April In Paris (for flute & harp) Schultz Music Publications http:// *************************************************** April 2015 String and Wind Clinics FOR HIGH SCHOOL FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, AND JUNIORS Flute Clinic: Dr. Christine Moulton TECHNIQUE • ensembles • audition preparation • coaching • much more! Monday, April 6, 2015 9 AM—2 PM Butler Music Center Mansfield University, Mansfield, PA 16933 Cost: free Go to: ******************************************************** Flute Fair Master Class Applications There are still openings in the following Master Classes for April 25th: *Piccolo Master Class (high school and college age) with Lois Herbine *Student (14 and under) Master Class with Adeline Tomasone *Adult Amateur Master Class with Cindy Anne Broz Applications will be accepted until all slots are filled. Visit the website for info and applications. Please contact the class coordinator for more details. Upcoming March Deadlines: High School Honors Flute Choir Applications Teachers - nominate your top students today! Information is available on the website. Spots are filling up quickly - don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity! Deadline for registration is March 15, 2015, or sooner if spots are filled. Murray Panitz Memorial Scholarship Award Competition (college undergrads) March 20, 2015 – Application Deadline April 24, 2015 – Live competition (West Chester University) April 25, 2015 – Winners’ Recital and Awards (West Chester University) Flute Fair General Registration is now open! Register online and register early to save $$! Visit for more details on all events and registration **************************************************** 2015 Flute Fair Program Book Advertising All members are welcome to place an advertisement in our flute fair program book. The book will be 5.5" wide by 8.5" long. Inside Front Cover and Inside/Outside Rear Cover pages are reserved for any event sponsors. Ad prices are as follows: • Full page (5.5" x 8.5") $60 • Half page (5.5" x 4.25") $ 35 • Business Card (3.5" x 2") $25 Ads should be emailed in JPG or PDF format to Once received, you will be sent an invoice which may be paid online via PayPal, or may be mailed with a check payment. All ads must be received by March 20th, and payments received by March 30th in order to be included in the 2015 program book. Items For Sale Approximately 35 year old Arista flute being sold by 2nd owner who purchased it in 1984 from Loren Lind of the Philadelphia Orchestra. Asking $12,000.00. Sterling silver throughout; open holes;newer headjoint (fewer than 10 years old);both B and C footjoints; D# roller; C# trill; in-line G. This flute is highly responsive allowing the player great flexibility in dynamics and tone color. A complete overhaul was completed in the Arista shop in the past 10 years. Servicing was completed by Clifford Trettick in the past 2 years. Recently appraised with a fair market value of $15,000.00 (priced at $18,400.00 for a new Arista with the same features). If you would like to make an offer please contact Donna Moore at either 609-845-3188 or " 2015 Flute Fair Day " # ! !! $452'$912,- 701(53,&5,-',/* !(34+(34(2/,6(23,49 0310/302('%92,-06$4, " 4+(!-54(/3(.%-( ,.%(2-9(,*+-(9,2(&402 ,3,4 !771+,-$)-54(30&,(4902* !!! # 5%.,4$20103$- # (*,34(2$3$/8+,%,402 0.1(4,4,0/$/'$34(2&-$33$11-,&$4,0/3 AEGEAN AIRS $)'(,$)'(-J<8JFE$ A forum for new ideas, new A R T nnn%d\cfdXe`\%fi^ GF9fo.)(-N`cd`e^kfe#;<(0/'* JLE;8P#D8I:?)0#)'(,)1''GD ;\cXnXi\:\ek\i]fik_\:fek\dgfiXip8ikj)''J%DX[`jfeJki\\kN`cd`e^kfe#;< Nfic[Gi\d`\i\8\^\Xe8`ijIfY\ikDX^^`f HlXik\k@@@`e;D`efiCfl`j$>XYi`\c>l`cc\dX`e Jl`k\`e:D`efi]fijfcfZ\ccfA%J%9XZ_ Jl`k\]fi?Xigj`Z_fi[Xe[=clk\8c\ZN`c[\i JfeXkX`e8DXafi]fim`fc`e#^XdYXYXjjfZfek`elf:Xic=i`\[i`Z_8Y\c K`Zb\kj1)'X[lckj(,jkl[\ekjj\e`fijPflk_k_ifl^_X^\(,]i\\% GliZ_Xj\Xknnn%d\cfdXe`\%fi^fi*')%.-+%-**/% D\cfdXe`\@j1KiXZpI`Z_Xi[jfe#_Xigj`Z_fi[B`dY\icpI\`^_c\p#Õlk\;feeX=flie`\i#m`fcX[X^XdYX ;fl^cXjDZEXd\j#Z\ccf:_i`jkf]I`Z_k\i#m`fc`e FliZfeZ\ik j\Xjfe`jdX[\gfjj`Yc\#`egXik#YpX^iXek ]ifdk_\ GXlcD%8e^\cc=Xd`cp =fle[Xk`fe% K_`jgif^iXd`jdX[\gfjj`Yc\#`egXik#YpX^iXek]ifdk_\;\cXnXi\ ;`m`j`fef]k_\8ikj#XjkXk\X^\eZp[\[`ZXk\[kfelikli`e^Xe[jlggfik`e^ k_\Xikj`e;\cXnXi\#`egXike\ij_`gn`k_k_\EXk`feXc<e[fnd\ek ]fik_\8 ] ikj% Murray Panitz (1925-1989) was the principal flutist of the Philadelphia Orchestra from 1961-1989. He was known for his dazzling technique, precise intonation, and a sound that could fill the largest halls. Many current FSGP members were former students of Murray Panitz. They wanted to find a way to both honor his memory and recognize his contributions to the Philadelphia flute world. The result is the establishment of this scholarship award which will go towards supporting continued flute study of local undergraduate students. The 2015 scholarship fund’s inaugural gift of $500 is being sponsored by Joan Sparks and the Flute Pro Shop. Powell Artist Paul Edmund-Davies Begins North American Tour Verne Q. Powell Flutes is pleased to announce the 2015 North American Tour dates for Powell artist and internationally acclaimed soloist, Paul Edmund-Davies. The tour begins March 13th and includes events in Toronto, Boston, State College (PA), Philadelphia, and New York City. Mr. Edmund-Davies will be performing recitals, conducting masterclasses, and offering private lessons throughout the tour. His appearances are made possible through the support of Verne Q. Powell Flutes and event hosts: Long & McQuade, Flutistry Boston, Windworks Studio of Philadelphia, and Flute Center of New York. Tour Dates and Locations (Click the dates below for full event details on the Powell website) March 13 - Toronto, Ontario Sonaré Flutes Workshop at Long & McQuade March 16 - Boston, MA Masterclass and Recital at Flutistry Boston March 14 - Toronto, Ontario Masterclass and Recital at Long & McQuade March 22 - Philadelphia, PA Private lessons at Windworks Center City Studio March 23 and 24 - New York, NY Masterclass and private lessons March 17 - Boston, MA Private Lessons at Flutistry Boston March 21 - State College, PA Masterclass and Recital at Penn State University *Photo on left: Venti headjoint, designed in cooperation with Mr. Edmund-Davies Maurice River Music Presents a Salon Concert Series Featuring: Beverly Pugh In Concert Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 2:30 P.M. Beverly Pugh Janet Somers, Flute Norma Meyer, Piano Acclaimed Flutist Come and enjoy an evening of delightful music! Be prepared for great music and some fun as Beverly plays her 3 different flutes for you Including her Piccolo and Pan Flute! Program to Feature A Delightful Variety of Classical Music Including “Fantaisie” (Hue), “Trio Sonata in A Minor” (Telemann), “Reverie” (Debussy), “6 Souvenirs For 2 Flutes” (Bennett) “Grande Polonaise” (Boehm) Donations Accepted Location: Mauricetown, NJ For Directions and To Reserve Seating , Please Phone: 856- 506-0580 Welcome WindSync to West Chester University WINDSYNC wind quintet Garrett Hudson, lute Erin Tsai, oboe Jack Marquardt, clarinet Tracy Jacobson, bassoon Anni Hochhalter, horn — ! ! # — " ! !! !" #—$ Hailed by the Houston Chronicle as “revolutionary chamber musicians,” WindSync is a fresh and energetic ensemble based in Houston, Texas. The group has presented concerts across North America with presenters and collaborators including Da Camera of Houston, Houston Arts Alliance, Chamber Music America, Young Audiences of Houston, Music for Autism, as well as Health Arts in Canada and begins a second season as the Ensemble in Residence with the Grand Teton Music Festival. WindSync’s mission to inspire audiences through innovative, interactive chamber music concerts and educational programs drives their highly creative approach. The group is a pioneer in unconventional performance practices that enhance their original musical concepts including the addition of costumes and choreography as well as new projects dedicated to teaching tolerance through music education in schools. This year WindSync was named a winner in the 2012 Victor Elmaleh Concert Artists Guild Competition and was awarded the Sylvia Ann Hewlett Adventurous Artist Prize. WINNER 2012 CAG VICTOR ELMALEH COMPETITION SYLVIA ANN HEWLETT ADVENTUROUS ARTIST PRIZE ! " ! ! ! !" Volume 8, Issue 4 March 2015 Page 11 Corporate Members and Advertisers We are extremely grateful for the generous support of our corporate members. If you know of any business interested interested in becoming a corporate member or if you have an advertisement you wish to place in our newsletter, please contact Tom Meany at 215-576-7056 or Landell Flutes Volume 8, Issue 4 March 2015 Page 12 Corporate Members and Advertisers
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