Call 2011 - Leonardo da Vinci
Call 2011 - Leonardo da Vinci
Partnership Projects Call 2011 AOC OOST MBO | International Florist Organisation | Municipality ’s-Hertogenbosch | Praktijkschool de Wissel AOC de Groene Welle | Citaverde College | Close Act Theatre Mobile Visual Theatre | College Communicatiewetenschap University of Amsterdam | De Regenboog Groep | Eurolinks | EUROPEA | Fontys OSO | Municipality ‘s-Hertogenbosch | Koning Willem I College | Helicon Opleidingen | Koning Willem I College | Sint Janslyceum | Sancta Maria Mavo | Hogeschool van Utrecht | INNOVAM | Kenniscentrum Stichting Pro Work | KCH International | Kellebeek College | University Medical Center | MBO Raad | Nederland Rugby League Bond | New Music Labs BV | Picos BV | Promotiebureau Biologische Speciaalzaak | Quarter Mediation | ROC Leeuwenborgh Opleidingen | ROC Midden Nederland | ROC van Twente | Royal Dutch Visio Leiden | STC-Group | Maritieme Academie Harlingen | Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek | Stichting Europees Instituut voor Bestuurskunde Strobouw Nederland | Technical University Eindhoven | The Dutch Alliance | University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam | V.O.F. Eskwadraat | Vereniging Biologische Productie- en handelsbedrijven | VHTO | VNPF | Zwaan Produkties Partnership Projects Call 2011 Dutch coördinators AOC OOST MBO International Florist Organisation Municipality ‘s-Hertogenbosch Praktijkschool de Wissel Dutch Partners AOC de Groene Welle Citaverde College Close Act Theatre Mobile Visual Theatre College Communicatiewetenschap (University of Amsterdam) De Regenboog Groep Eurolinks EUROPEA Fontys OSO Helicon Opleidingen VMBO Groen Den Bosch Hogeschool van Utrecht INNOVAM KCH International Kellebeek College (ROC West Brabant) Kenniscentrum Stichting Pro Work Koning Willem I College Maritieme Academie Harlingen MBO Raad Municipality ‘s-Hertogenbosch Nederlandse Rugby League Bond New Music Labs BV Picos BV Promotiebureau Biologische Speciaalzaak Quarter Mediation 02 Partnership Projects Call 2011 Partnership Projects Call 2011 ROC Leeuwenborgh Opleidingen ROC Midden Nederland ROC van Twente Royal Dutch Visio Sancta Maria Mavo Seminarium voor Orthopedagogiek (Hogeschool van Utrecht) Sint Janslyceum STC-Group Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek Stichting Europees Instituut voor Bestuurskunde Strobouw Nederland Technical University Eindhoven The Dutch Alliance University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam University Medical Center V.O.F. Eskwadraat Vereniging Biologische Productie- en handelsbedrijven VHTO VNPF Wageningen University Zwaan Produkties 03 Colophon Title Partnership Projects Call 2011 Composition and product coordination Franka van de Wijdeven NA LLP Leonardo da Vinci, the Netherlands Design Design Crew Printing ADC Repro Publication NA Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci, the Netherlands P.O. Box 1585 NL-5200 BP ’s-Hertogenbosch Tel.: +31(0)73 680 0762 © March 2012 NA Lifelong Learning Programma Leonardo da Vinci, the Netherlands This publication was produced with subsidy from the European Commission’s Education and Culture DG. ‘This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein’. 9001-2008 certified for European grant management 04 Colophon Colophon 05 Content 1 The Dutch approach10 1.1 Characteristics of partnerships 11 1.2 Aims and objectives – topics for cooperation 12 2 Overview selected projects 14 2.1 Overview of partnership applications 15 2.2 Types of organisations 15 2.3 European dispersal16 3 Partnership projects with Dutch coordinators 18 3.1 Overview approved projects 19 3.2 Topics addressed by Dutch coordinators 19 3.3 Project information20 4 Partnership projects with Dutch partners 28 4.1 Overview approved projects 29 4.2 Topics addressed by Dutch partners 32 4.3 Project information38 5 06 Content Content Explanation Dutch abbreviations 114 07 Foreword We are pleased to present you the fourth edition of Dutch Leonardo da Vinci Partnership projects. In this publication 51 Dutch Partnerships projects that got funded in 2011 present themselves to you. Leonardo da Vinci Partnerships are small scale projects that foster co-operation activities between schools, enterprises (in particular SMEs) and social partners in the field of vocational education and training (VET) on secondary level. The name ‘partnerships’ shows the importance and added value of cooperation and partnership in these projects. Working together towards a joint result which can be tangible or intangible. Partnership projects are very divers and can cover a wide range of topics and results. They are an excellent way of enabling grass roots peer-learning activities on policy issues in Europe. Partners can work on a specific topic or theme and visit each other to share experience and good practice. Partnerships can be used as a follow up of a former Transfer of Innovation project or as a starting point for a first international cooperation project. Each year many new organisations to the programme get a project funded. We think that Partnership projects are a valuable addition to the Leonardo da Vinci programme. May this publication inspire you and let it be an incentive to strengthen co-operation with European partners in the VET field. Please contact the project leaders if you think that the subject corresponds to your work, ideas, ambitions, etcetera. Ellen Hanselman NA Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci - the Netherlands 08 Foreword Foreword 09 1 The Dutch approach 1.1 Characteristics of partnerships Partnership projects are ideal for small scale European cooperation, where organisations of at least three countries work together on a topic. The Dutch National Agency LLP Leonardo da Vinci encourages partnerships to have more countries represented in a partnership, because it values broad European cooperation. The cooperation should not only include VET institutions or training providers but also partners from the world of work like enterprises, chambers of commerce or trade organisations. They can cooperate at national, regional or local level, but also at sector level, such as within VET-fields or economic sectors. The outcomes of a partnership project must allow use of the results after the project is finished. Results can be tangible: an instrument, a handbook or website etcetera or descriptive: a report, a conference, or a network. The projects are small scale compared to the Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation (TOI) projects that demand large scale cooperation and a big common budget. A partnership can be used as a first step towards a TOI project. However, the project should always have a value and results, even if it does not lead to a TOI project! On the hand, compared to Leonardo da Vinci mobility projects for professionals in VET, that are usually bi-lateral, partnerships have a stronger emphasis on the common results and involve a bigger number of countries. Trainees, students and other learners can be involved in partnerships. Their participation should contribute to the project results, for example by testing a method, helping in developing etcetera. In this respect, partnership projects differ from Leonardo da Vinci mobility projects (for IVT), where the individual learning experience is the most important goal of trainees going abroad. In a partnership project, partners receive a more modest budget as a lump sum, each from their own National Agency. Activities in a partnership project take place at two levels: on European project level, especially during the meetings and on the level of the individual organisation, typically between the meetings. The results at both levels are valued by the Dutch NA and will be assessed by experts at the end of the project. 10 1 The Dutch approach 1 The Dutch approach 11 1.2 Aims and objectives – topics for cooperation The aims of the partnerships projects follow both the objectives of the Leonardo da Vinci sub programme and the objectives of European cooperation in Vocational Education and Training (VET). The latter is known as the Copenhagen Process, a two yearly policy making cycle in Europe. The latest update was agreed on under the Belgium presidency in 2010, where the ministers of education issued the Bruges Communiqué, which contains excellent topics for cooperation in partnerships. The Bruges Communiqué presents a vision of a modern and attractive vocational training system which ensures: • maximum access to lifelong learning so that people have opportunities to learn at any stage in life and by making routes into education and training more open and flexible; • more opportunities for experience and training abroad to boost language skills, self-confidence and adaptability; • higher quality courses, providing the right skills for specific jobs; • more inclusion and access for disadvantaged people; • creative, innovative and entrepreneurial thinking. The Bruges Communiqué includes a mid-term plan aimed at encouraging concrete measures at national level and support at European level for the years 2011-2014. This calls for countries to: • review the use of incentives, rights and obligations to encourage more people to take up training; • implement the 2009 recommendation on quality assurance in vocational training; • encourage the development of vocational schools, with the support of local and regional authorities; • introduce internationalisation strategies to boost international mobility; • increase cooperation with business to ensure training is relevant, for instance by giving teachers the possibility of practical training in companies; • launch communication strategies to highlight the benefits of vocational training. Examples of topics: The list below of examples of topics that could be covered within Leonardo partnership projects is based on the Bruges communiqué reflecting present priority topics in common VET policy for example. Actions at national level: • organise activities aimed at promoting VET attractiveness and excellence, which may include campaigns and skills competitions; • support activities, which enable young pupils in compulsory education to become acquainted with vocational trades and career possibilities; • take adequate measures to implement the EQAVET Recommendation and make progress towards national quality assurance frameworks for VET; • as appropriate, ensure that key competences and career management skills are adequately integrated in I-VET curricula and that they can be acquired through training opportunities in CVET; • governments, social partners and VET providers should make the necessary arrangements to: - maximise work-based learning, including apprenticeships, in order to contribute to increasing the number of apprentices in Europe by 2012; - create opportunities for enhanced cooperation between VET institutions and enterprises (profit and non-profit), for example through traineeships for teachers in enterprises; - provide VET institutions with feedback on the employability of VET graduates. • pursue work on setting-up monitoring systems on transitions from learning to work. Support at European level: • policy document on the role of vocational excellence for smart and sustainable growth; • consider European support for VET promotion campaigns, including Eurobarometer on VET attractiveness; • encourage skills competitions at European and/or global levels; • guidance and technical support for EQAVET implementation; • review the implementation of EQAVET at national level in 2013; • thematic networking of Quality Assurance projects within the Leonardo da Vinci programme; • vademecum/study on successful work-based learning models (with input from Cedefop); • strengthen the anticipation of skills and competences development, notably through skills forecasts (Cedefop) and by setting up European Skills Councils; • • • 12 1 The Dutch approach develop a common language aimed at bridging the world of education & training and the world of work (ESCO), consistent with other EU instruments, such as the EQF; consider the adoption of an EU benchmark for employability on the basis of a Commission proposal; work on best practices and guiding principles with respect to the changing profiles of VET teachers and trainers (together with Cedefop). 1 The Dutch approach 13 Reason of rejection For the call 2011 we received a total number of 122 applications of which 17 were Dutch coordinators and 115 Dutch partners. Of these we could approve 51 projects. For more details see the table below. Approved Grant Total rejected Insufficient quality Insufficient score /budget Insufficient partners /countries Reason of rejection Total applications 2 Overview selected projects 2.1 Overview of partnership applications NL coordinators 17 4 1 313.000,- 13 2 7 4 NL partners 115 47 1 1.860.000,- 69 5 57 7 2.2 Types of organisations Enterprises (and in particular SME’s) and social partners were encouraged to participate in Leonardo da Vinci partnerships. Innovative vocational education and training is developed in close consultation with trade and industry. Cooperation between VET institutions and enterprises is extremely important in ensuring a close match between the education that colleges offer and the skills that companies need. In the graphics below you will find an overview of partner types. VET collegesInstitutes for higher education 100% Enterprises Institutes for secundary education Center of expertisePublic authorities 14 2 Overview selected projects 2 Overview selected projects 15 2.3 European dispersal European partners of the Dutch Partnership projects, excluding the Dutch coördinators European Partnership projects with Dutch partners, excluding the Dutch partners 4 40 35 30 3 25 20 2 15 10 1 5 0 16 BE DE DK EE GB GR IT NO PT RO SE SK 2 Overview selected projects 0 AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK ES FI FR GB GR HU IE IS IT LT LU NO PL PT RO SE SI SK TR 2 Overview selected projects 17 3 Partnership projects with Dutch coordinators 3.1 Overview approved projects Organisation Title Project number AOC OOST MBO AGRI TOURISM, multifunctional agriculture 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05066-1 International Florist Organisation Re-developing the international education European Master in Floral Design as an effective driver of cooperation of employers and the educational field 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05039-1 Municipality ‘s-Hertogenbosch The New Generation 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05059-1 Praktijkschool de Wissel Building Prospects on Employment 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05064-1 3.2 Topics addressed by Dutch coordinators Since Partnerships is a new action line within the Leonardo da Vinci programme and no specific priorities are compulsory to meet in Call 2010, we give you an overview of the topics addressed in the approved projects in 2010. Social inclusion, addressing target groups with special needs Co-operation in the area of transparency instruments in VET (ECVET, EQF, Europass) Quality improvement and educational management Teacher training and qualification of teachers New skills and jobs, cooperation between VET and the world of work Development of common training contents or concepts Cooperation within educational sectors Topics AOC OOST MBO 2011-1-NL1-LE004-05066-1 International Florist Organisation 2011-1-NL1-LE004-05039-1 Municipality ‘s-Hertogenbosch 2011-1-NL1-LE004-05059-1 Praktijkschool de Wissel 2011-1-NL1-LE004-05064-1 18 3 Partnership Projects with Dutch coordinators 3 Partnership Projects with Dutch coordinators 19 3.3 Project information AGRI TOURISM, multifunctional agriculture 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05066 Summary In the agricultural sector entrepreneurs face new challenges if they would like to diversify their enterprise in order to maintain a certain level of welfare (income). Especially agriculture entrepreneurs in remote areas (often with smaller farms) have to focus on additional products/markets. Some of them prefer to include new (non-agricultural) activities in their company: farm bed-end-breakfast, outdoor activities, sports, exhibitions, (farm) excursions, wellness, museum, mini-camping, education (biology, flowers, small live stock), horse riding, homecare for the elderly or for disadvantaged people. In the modern literature this is called: multifunctional agriculture. All these activities focus on strengthening the agricultural sector and the regional economy, in order to fight unemployabilty and prevent youngsters from moving to other regions. The partnership would like to do research and disseminate best practices. Partners carry out field and desk research about national or regional initiatives, national regulations, and compose a ‘green-book’ with suggestions for authorities and for schools, how to cope with this new phenomena and with examples of best practices. All activities will be focused on professional education and training: the possibilities of vocational education to (re-)educate or prepare/train students and adult learners (employees and the new entrepreneurs) for the new era, with suggestions for adaptation of existing curriculums or a new curriculum (EU level 3-4, including the ECVET framework), focussed on diversifying the agriculture sector. This includes the partnership also has to pay attention to modules (new) entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector (business plans, customer service/hospitality, marketing, leisure activities). Objectives The partnership intents to compare curricula for education in agriculture, business and tourisme (leisure) in order to compose suggestions for additonal training modules for business schools, tourism schools and agriculture schools in a ‘green book’. The partnership plans to include the ECVET system in the suggestions for the existing and new training modules, focused on multifunctional agriculture (Agri tourism). Because all partners operate in remote disadvantaged regions with more unemployability than the national average, it is important to increase co-operation and develop (innovative) practices in the field of vocational education and training. When the schools, in close cooperation with other stakeholders, manage to strengthen the regional economic sector, youngsters will no longer leave the region in order to find a job in big(ger) cities. In the AGRO-tourism sector, almost all that is achieved, is achieved by informal learning. The partnership plans to include in the ‘greenbook’ the experiences of non formal learning in order to include those practices in formal learning system, by dissemination of best practices. European Added Value Partners Organisation AOC OOST MBO Mr. Hanno Smit Gezellenlaan 16 NL-7005 AZ Doetinchem Tel.: +31(0)649 860 416 20 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05066 EE Kuressaare Ametikool GR I-skills S.A. NL Eurolinks NO Mosjoen videregaende skole PT Globipercepção association RO Colegiul Economic ‘Emanuil Gojdu’ Hunedoara SE Kungsgardsgymnasiet SK Obˇc ianske združenie YUVEN AGRI TOURISM, multifunctional agriculture All European countries face the same problem: how to upgrade the agriculture sector, in the framework of the new society: environmental friendly developments and support of this sector, diversifying their activities. Do the European countries have to subsidize farmers in order to survive and to produce enough food, or can (offer) other ways be found to support the sector in order to earn enough money by entrepreneurs, to survive, without damaging the natural landscape/environment. Therefore the European countries needs new entrepreneurial skills in the agricultural sector; entrepreneurs with a new vision, with modern ideas for sustainable development. Dissemination of ideas (best practices) already developed in some European coutries, to other countries, focused on entrepreneurs in the agriculture sector in distant/remote areas and suggestions for a common professional training curriculum Agri Tourism, based on already existing and/or new training modules in order to train future employees and entrepreneurs, with new visions on development of the agriculture sector. AGRI TOURISM, multifunctional agriculture 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05066 21 Re-developing the international education European Master in Floral Design as an effective driver of cooperation of employers and the educational field 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05039 Summary Main aim of the partnership is to (re)develop a top-level competence based education: the European Master in Floral Design for qualified florists. This education is to be executed in FLORNETs’ competence centres and recognized by FLORINT, the European representative of the flower retail branch. The EMFD was developed some ten years ago, in order to give a strong stimulus to the development of vocational training in floristry and thus ensure and improve the market position of the florist, especially the floral designer. The actual situation urgently asks for a renovation and rebirth of this top-level training. The FLORNET centres of excellence, having developed dedicated short courses on themes, relevant for the scope of the EMFD, create a unique opportunity to combine both initiatives and create a sure win-win situation. Using these courses/ modules for the EMFD will create more labour market relevance of the educational content of these modules. It will lead to the development of international key competences. It will give more attractiveness to these modules by adding the perspective of a top-level European diploma. The modules involved will be rebased on principles of competence based learning in authentic critical learning situations. Objectives The project will give a strong stimulus to the students’ mobility and teachers’ exchange between the 30 vocational colleges. Thus contributing to the strategic priorities mentioned in the mobility programmes of all FLORNET members to strengthen the European dimension and improve the significance of floral education and support sectoral developments in Europe. In order to achieve a structural cooperation of the industry and the education field in floristry a partnership floristry education – industry on European level will be installed; the existing dialogue between FLORNET (education) and FLORINT (industry) will be formed into a structural co-operation between the industry / employers organisations and the educational institutes. FLORINT and FLORNET so far co-operate informally, exchanging ideas, views and information during meetings of a common taskforce. The mutual trust has grown, but this basis for cooperation has to be strengthened and given a more permanent structure to ensure continuation. This is done by using the common working on specific goals, like the renewal of the European Master diploma, as drivers of this development. European Added Value Facilitating the development of innovative practices in the field of VET is implicitly incorporated in this project. As the various standardized qualifications offered by FLORNET schools are at stake and will be discussed, industry in floristry as well as staff members of training centres will develop insight into other teaching methods, cultural differences etc. Competence based education is not yet widely spread. It is however the basis for the development of the new EMFD, thus the colleges will take up the development of CBE, which implicates that CBE will be implemented in all countries involved as an innovative practice. The approach of FLORNET’s centres of excellence is innovative as such and will be further disseminated during this project. Organisation International Florist Organisation FLORINT Mr. T. Zwitserlood Da Vincilaan 5 NL-6716 WC Ede Tel.: +31(0)6 53 226 464 22 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05039 Partners DE Staatliche Fachschule für Blumenkunst Weihenstephan NL AOC de Groene Welle NL Wageningen University - Chair Group of Education and Competence Studies NO Blomsterdekoratørfagets opplæringskontor BLOK NO Vea – Statens fagskole for gartnere og blomsterdekoratører Re-developing the international education European Master in Floral Design as an effective driver of cooperation of employers and the educational field Improving the transparency and recognition of qualifications and competences clearly is at stake as different educational systems and pedagogies of the countries involved need to be compared to get sufficient insights for the process of redefining the various FLORNET modules on the basis of CBE. Representatives of the industry and staff members of the educational institutes meet to get insight and compare similarities and differences. The common framework of the CBE-based EMFD will create and improve transparency and harmonisation. Implicitly it will lead to further recognition of the qualifications and competences in floristry education in Europe. Re-developing the international education European Master in Floral Design as an effective driver of cooperation of employers and the educational field 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05039 23 The New Generation 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05059 Summary The Partnership is a project of six European countries to make an inventory of ‘The New Generation’ (TNG) with professionals (schools, experts/social scientists, pupils and the labour market) to share best practices on four specific topics. With The New Generation we mean youngsters born after 1985 and brought up in ‘the information society’, characterized by technological developments and new media. The main question of this partnership is: The New Generation: how can we train professionals- in the educational field and youth work- so, that they get a better access to the world of youngsters? By this, professionals are able to improve their competence of triggering and motivating youngsters and this will contribute to the prevention of early school leaving and therefore improve access to the labour market. The four topics are: Communication of teachers and students (how we see each other), 1. Social Media (how to use in education), 2. Social Participation in school, 3. Great future (expectations of schools, students and companies: match or mismatch?). 4. In this partnership learners of The New Generation play an important role in the workshops (in the meetings). So it’s not only a partnerships with professionals about The New Generation, but a partnership with direct involvement of The New Generation. Objectives There is a need for a good overview of The New Generation in a European context. What characterize this new generation? We want to investigate if there is a correlation between early school leaving and the quality of communication and the pedagogical approach in schools. We also want to get a clear picture of how professionals in youth work deal with The New Generation. Partners Organisation Municipality ‘s-Hertogenbosch Drs. Mw. Jennifer Artz P.O. Box 12345 NL-5200 GZ ‘s-Hertogenbosch Tel.: +31(0)73 615 9616 24 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05059 BE Kogeka 2 – Sint-Jozefinstituut DE DE Zukunftsbau GmbH DK EUC Syd GB City College Plymouth NL Koning Willem I College NL Sint Janslyceum NL Sancta Maria Mavo NL Helicon Opleidingen VMBO Groen Den Bosch PT Centro de Formação Profissional das Indústrias da Madeira e Mobiliário Pädagogisches Landesinstitut Rheinland-Pfalz The New Generation European Added Value In the paper ‘A renewed European strategy to invest in youngsters’ (Ad. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18), The Committee of the Regions pleads for a closer European cooperation on youth policy, such as education and social inclusion. They especially emphasize the need for better education and training and integration in the world of work. The perspective and opinion of youngsters should be taken into account with all strategies and activities. Youth policy has an intrinsic broad dimension. Attempts to organise policy cooperation on a European level, are still quite recent. With this attempts, there should continually build on regional and local insights. In this project, we contribute to further cooperation on a European level concerning youth in a broader context, by networking with local, national and European experts, teachers and professionals. We share knowledge and experience with partners regarding working with youngsters from The New Generation. Our ambition for the future is to continue the cooperation on this subject in a Leonardo da Vinci ToI project, focussing on teacher training. The New Generation 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05059 25 Building Prospects on Employment 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05064 Summary Educational institutes of The Netherlands, Italy, Germany and Northern Ireland will collaborate to develop a concept of proof for setting up work project for youngsters with a (learning) disability as part of the transition of the learners from school to work. Objectives The vocational training of learners with special needs asks a constant development of new approaches aiming at the improvement of prospects of the targetgroup on sustainable jobs. Collaboration on a European level offers the opportunity to look at similar problems from different angels. This will lead to more effective and efficient methods for preparing the learners for the labor market. European Added Value Inclusion of people with a disability is one of the key issues within the European countries. The Madrid Declaration (2003) has been the fundament for current policy in all European Member States. This Partnership is fully in line with this policy. By collaborating with institutes of four European countries we also give professionals the opportunity to look at their work from an European Perspective. The Partners will look at the possibility to set up a network of institutes involved in the vocational training of learners with special needs on a European level. For learners it will mean that they can profit of the insights and improvements based on shared European expertise and good practices. Organisation Praktijkschool de Wissel Mr. Jelle Gernler Bergweg 8 NL-4461 NB Goes Tel.: +31(0)113 211 323 26 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05064 Partners DE Josefsheim GmbH GB The Cedar Foundation IT Centro Studi – Opera don Calabria Building Prospects on Employment Building Prospects on Employment 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05064 27 4 Partnership projects with Dutch partners 4.1 Overview approved projects Organisation Title Project number AOC de Groene Welle Re-developing the international education European Master in Floral Design as an effective driver of cooperation of employers and the educational field (European platform of Education and Industry in Floristry) 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05039-3 Citaverde College Because of the environment 2011-1-FI1-LEO04-06132-4 Close Act Theatre Mobile Visual Theatre Vocational Training for Outdoor Arts 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05410-6 College Communicatiewetenschap Universiteit van Amsterdam Die Qualität von Bildungsmedien, Multimedia und Blended-Learning für eine effektive beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung, insbesondere zur Förderung von Migranten 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07908-9 De Regenboog Groep Training Guidelines and Professional Profile of the Outreach Worker in Harm Reduction 2011-1-PT1-LEO04-08499-5 Eurolinks AGRI TOURISM, multifunctional agriculture 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05066-6 EUROPEA Nederland Coping with CHAllenges in Vocational Education and Training 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19545-3 Fontys OSO Training the Change Agents: a programme for educational leaders and experts in the field of special educational needs 2011-1-DK1-LEO04-03526-3 Wageningen University Seminarium voor Orthopedagogiek (Hogeschool van Utrecht) Helicon Opleidingen VMBO Groen Den Bosch 4 Partnership Projects with Dutch partners 2011-1-DK1-LEO04-03526-6 The New Generation 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05059-5 Koning Willem I College 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05059-2 Sint Janslyceum 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05059-3 Sancta Maria Mavo 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05059-4 Hogeschool van Utrecht 28 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05039-8 Sharing best practice in the development of mathematical competence in the vocational classroom 4 Partnership Projects with Dutch partners 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05416-7 29 Organisation Title Project number Organisation Title Project number INNOVAM Creating a framework for training on electric bicycles in Europe 2011-1-BE3-LEO04-03609-3 STC-Group Simulators in inland navigation education and training 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07912-2 2011-1-BE3-LEO04-03609-5 Maritieme Academie Harlingen 2011-1-PT1-LEO04-08526-6 From Occupational Profiles to Educational programs and Curricula 2011-1-GR1-LEO04-06775-5 Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek Social Farming in Europe KCH International 2011-1-IT1-LEO04-01777-7 Clients Rights to Safe Care and Nursing 2011-1-FI1-LEO04-06133-3 Stichting Europees Instituut voor Bestuurskunde European New Skills for Public Administration Kellebeek College (ROC West Brabant) Strobouw Nederland Introducing standards of the best medical practice for the patients with inherited Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in Central Eastern Europe 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19715-5 European Learning Partnership for Professional Training in Straw Bale Building 2011-1-BE3-LEO04-03605-3 Leiden University Medical Center Technical University Eindhoven Information Technology Security for Public Financial Institutions 2011-1-TR1-LEO04-24320-6 MBO Raad Transparency Instruments in Education and Labour Market Policy 2011-1-AT1-LEO04-05051-9 The Dutch Alliance Care and Guidance Systems – Violence Prevention and Cisis Intervention in VET 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07750-4 Municipality ‘s-Hertogenbosch Mobilising Experts in job Guidance 2011-1-IT1-LEO04-01785-3 University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam Strengthening Inter-Disciplinary and InterOrganisational Practice towards Social Inclusion in Europe 2011-1-DK1-LEO04-03577-10 2011-1-IT1-LEO04-01785-7 V.O.F. Eskwadraat Reception and support adults with handicap in vocational reconversion, with mental health problems 2011-1-FR1-LEO04-24184-6 Vereniging Biologische Productie- en handelsbedrijven European Education Concept and Forum for Organic Food Processors 2011-1-BE2-LEO04-01960-4 VHTO SET4change: Social Entrepreneurship for Women in Business, Science, Engineering and Technology (B/SET) 2011-1-GB2LEO04-05409-5 VNPF MUSICATION 2011-1-FR1-LEO04-24198-7 Zwaan Produkties European Documentation of Contemporary Dance Education 2011-1-AT1-LEO04-05055-11 Kenniscentrum Stichting Pro Work Koning Willem l College Nederlandse Rugby League Bond European Rugby League technical foundation project 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05530-7 New Music Labs BV Innovative Media and Music Heritage Impacting Vocational Education 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05352-8 Picos BV Euro Job Coach 2011-1-LT1-LEO04-04863-4 Promotiebureau Biologische Speciaalzaak Concept of Code of Good Organic Retailing Practice 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07934-6 Quarter Mediation Increase Motivation and Improve Employability 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07890-4 Quarter Mediation Comparison of Occupational Healthy and Safety Policies and Conditions in EU Countries and Adaptation of Good Practices at VET Schools 2011-1-TR1-LEO04-24227-2 ROC Leeuwenborgh Opleidingen Euregionale Kappers-Ausbildung 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07909-4 ROC Midden Nederland EuroNetBBA 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07914-6 ROC van Twente New Ways into Employment and Learning 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05359-4 Royal Dutch Visio Training for Professionals working with individuals with multiple disabilities and visual impairment on finding jobs and opportunities that benefit society 2011-1-IS1-LEO04-01250-6 30 4 Partnership Projects with Dutch partners 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07912-3 4 Partnership Projects with Dutch partners 31 4.2 Topics addressed by Dutch partners Since Partnerships is a relatively new action line within the Leonardo da Vinci programme and no specific priorities are compulsory to meet in Call 2011, we give you an overview of the topics addressed in the approved projects in 2011. AOC de Groene Well 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05039-3 Citaverde College 2011-1-FI1-LEO04-06132-4 Close Act Theatre Mobile Visual Theatre 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05410-6 College Communicatiewetenschap (University of Amsterdam) 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07908-9 De Regenboog Groep 2011-1-PT1-LEO04-08499-5 Eurolinks 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05066-6 EUROPEA Nederland 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19545-3 Fontys OSO 2011-1-DK1-LEO04-03526-3 Koning Willen I College Municipality 's-Hertogenbosch 2011-1-IT1-LEO04-01785 Helicon Opleidingen VMBO Groen Den Bosch Koning Willem I College Sint Janslyceum Sancta Maria Mavo 2011-1-IT1-LEO04-05059 Hogeschool Utrecht 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05416-7 32 4 Partnership Projects with Dutch partners 4 Partnership Projects with Dutch partners Quality improvement and educational management Cooperation within educational sectors European citizenship and European dimension in education New technologies, ICT Social inclusion, addressing target groups with special needs New skills and jobs, cooperation between VET and the world of work Recognition of non-formal and informal learning Teachers training and qualification of teachers Development of common training contents or concepts Cooperation in the area of European transparancy instruments in VET (ECVET, EQF, Europass) Topics 33 INNOVAM Kenniscentrum Stichting Pro Work 2011-1-BE3-LEO04-03609 KCH International 2011-1-GR1-LEO04-06775-5 Kellebeek College (ROC West Brabant) 2011-1-FI1-LEO04-06133-3 Leiden University Medical Center 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19715-5 MBO Raad 2011-1-AT1-LEO04-05051-9 Nederlandse Rugby League Bond 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05530-7 New Music Labs BV 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05352-8 Picos BV 2011-1-LT1-LEO04-04863-4 Promotiebureau Biologische Speciaalzaak 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07934-6 Quater Mediation 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07890-4 Quater Mediation 2011-1-TR1-LEO04-24227-2 ROC Leeuwenborgh Opleidingen 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07909-4 ROC Midden Nederland 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07914-6 ROC van Twente 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05359-4 Royal Dutch Visio 2011-1-IS1-LEO04-01250-6 Seminarium voor Orthopedagogiek (Hogeschool Utrecht) 2011-1-DK1-LEO04-03526-6 34 4 Partnership Projects with Dutch partners 4 Partnership Projects with Dutch partners Quality improvement and educational management Cooperation within educational sectors European citizenship and European dimension in education New technologies, ICT Social inclusion, addressing target groups with special needs New skills and jobs, cooperation between VET and the world of work Recognition of non-formal and informal learning Teachers training and qualification of teachers Development of common training contents or concepts Cooperation in the area of European transparancy instruments in VET (ECVET, EQF, Europass) Topics 35 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07912 Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek 2011-1-PT1-LEO04-08526-6 Stichting Europees Instituut voor Bestuurkunde 2011-1-IT1-LEO04-01777-7 Strobouw Nederland 2011-1-BE3-LEO04-03605-3 Technical University Eindhoven 2011-1-TR1-LEO04-24320-6 The Dutch Alliance 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07750-4 University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam 2011-1-DK1-LEO04-03577-10 V.O.F. Eskwadraat 2011-1-FR1-LEO04-24184-6 Vereniging Biologische Productie- en handelsbedrijven 2011-1-BE2-LEO04-01960-4 VHTO 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05409-5 VNPF 2011-1-FR1-LEO04-24198-7 Wageningen University 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05039-8 Zwaan Produkties 2011-1-AT1-LEO04-05055-11 36 4 Partnership Projects with Dutch partners 4 Partnership Projects with Dutch partners Quality improvement and educational management Cooperation within educational sectors European citizenship and European dimension in education New technologies, ICT Social inclusion, addressing target groups with special needs Recognition of non-formal and informal learning Teachers training and qualification of teachers Development of common training contents or concepts Cooperation in the area of European transparancy instruments in VET (ECVET, EQF, Europass) STC-Group Maritieme Academie Harlingen New skills and jobs, cooperation between VET and the world of work Topics Topics 37 4.3 Project information Re-developing the international education European Master in Floral Design as an effective driver of cooperation of employers and the Summary Main aim of the partnership is to (re)develop a top-level competence based education (the European Master in Floral Design) for qualified florists, executed in FLORNETs’ competence centres and recognized by FLORINT, the European representative of the flower retail branch. The EMFD was developed some ten years ago, in order to give a strong stimulus to the development of vocational training in floristry and thus ensure and improve the marketposition of the florist, especially the floral designer. Originally successful, but the actual situation urgently asks for a rebirth of this top-level training. The FLORNET centres of excellence having developed dedicated short courses on themes, relevant for the scope of the EMFD, creates a unique opportunity to combine both initiatives and create a sure win-win situation. Using these courses / modules for the EMFD will create more labour market relevance of the educational content of these modules. It will lead to the development of international key competences. It will give more attractiveness to these modules by adding the perspective of a top-level European diploma. The modules involved will be rebased on principles of competence based learning in authentic critical learning situations. In order to do so a partnership floristry education – industry on European level will be installed; the existing dialogue between FLORNET (education) and FLORINT (industry) will be formed into a structural co-operation between the industry / employers organisations and the educational institutes. This cooperative project will largely improve the return on investment of two former Leonardo da Vinci projects by combining products, knowledge and experience gained to redesign and redevelop a functioning top-level European Education for florists. educational field 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05039 Organisations AOC de Groene Welle Mr. H. Meijer Koggelaan 7 NL-8017 JN Zwolle Tel.: +31(0)384 671 120 Wageningen University – Chair Group of Education and Competence Studies Mrs. J. Gulikers Hollandseweg 1 NL-6706 KN Wageningen Tel.: +31(0)317 484 332 38 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05039 NL International Florist Organisation Partners DE Staatliche Fachschule für Blumenkunst Weihenstephan NL AOC de Groene Welle NL Wageningen University – Chair Group of Education and Competence Studies NO Blomsterdekoratørfagets opplæringskontor BLOK NO Vea – Statens fagskole for gartnere og blomsterdekoratører Re-developing the international education European Master in Floral Design as an effective driver of cooperation of employers and the educational field Re-developing the international education European Master in Floral Design as an effective driver of cooperation of employers and the educational field 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05039 39 Because of the environment 2011-1-FI1-LEO04-06132 Organisation Citaverde College Mr. P. Gehlen Jagerstraat 6 NL-6042 KA Roermond Tel.: +31(0)47 534 6346 40 2011-1-FI1-LEO04-06132 FI Summary In this project agri- and horticultural schools will work as partners to learn new aspects on different topics of sustainable development and how waste management in the schools and school areas is organized. This will be realized before, during and after four study visits of the teachers and students, who participate in this project (two teachers and six students/study visit from each school). For every study visit the partner schools have chosen different topics they work on. Local companies are involved in this project as silent partners. In the partner schools sustainable development is part of their students’ studies. The theoretical background for the certain topics chosen for each study visit the student will get tasks, in their own classroom during normal lessons or at home, before travelling abroad. After this preparation, during the study visit to the partner school, the student groups from different countries see what sustainable development means in practice and how it can be taken into account in schools and practical working life or companies in a foreign country. The students also understand how they can take into account sustainable development and the different areas of it in companies where they are working after their graduation. Partners want to realize this project because sustainable development and sustainable growth is an important issue both in vocational education, school areas and in the working life, especially in the near future. Both the staff and the students of partner schools need more practical information and skills concerning these issues. Study visits to foreign countries and related project work are seen as tools to compare and share this information and deepen the theoretical background knowledge. Etela-Savon Koulutus Oy / Etela-Savon ammattiopisto (South Savo Vocational College) Partners NL Citaverde College SE Plonningegymnasiet Because of the environment Because of the environment 2011-1-FI1-LEO04-06132 41 Vocational Training for Outdoor Arts Summary This partnership project is to develop European best practice in vocational training in the field of professional Outdoor Arts. The project aims to increase employability of both creative and administrative practitioners currently working in the sector and to address barriers to employment for those entering the sector. The project will combine training activities and professional exchange aimed at achieving these aims directly with target groups and also draw from the partnership’s collaboration to develop and disseminate new approaches to vocational training that can be used in future practice by partners and more widely across the sector. Outdoor Arts is a fast-growing cultural industry in Europe employing an increasing number of practitioners every year. Entry into this field of employment is largely by informal routes and both commercial practitioners and public/ national bodies have identified the need to develop more opportunities for vocational training – both formal and informal - that can be delivered by both non-commercial bodies supporting the sector, commercial practitioners themselves and partnerships between the two. This partnership brings together commercial practitioners and publicly-funded non-commercial bodies to share skills, perspectives and methodologies in order to achieve this. 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05410 GB Organisation Close Act Theatre Mobile Visual Theatre Mr. T. Aerts Oude Hilvarenbeekseweg 38 NL-0000 EN Tilburg Tel.: +31(0)13 543 7370 42 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05410 The Seachange Trust Partners GB IE Theatre Bristol Ltd FR Le Fourneau, Centre National des Arts de la Rue NL Close Act Theatre Mobile Visual Theatre Bui Bolg Ltd Vocational Training for Outdoor Arts Vocational Training for Outdoor Arts 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05410 43 Die Qualität von Bildungsmedien, Multimedia und Blended-Learning für eine effektive beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung, insbesondere zur Förderung von Migranten, zur Verhinderung sozialer Ausgrenzung und Unterstützung interkultureller Kommunikation 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07908 Summary The project pursues the aim to promote the quality of educational media, multimedia and Blended-Learning for an actual professional education and continuing education in the involved countries. It is intended to explore exemplary educational media, multimedia products and Blended Learning programmes, to evaluate, to document and to spread in Europe. Main focus of the project is to be determined it within the scope of the professional education and continuing education, media for the support of migrants, for the prevention of social exclusion and support of intercultural communication, to value and to propagate. Besides, the following questions stand in the centre: • Which educational media, multimedia products and blended learning programmes are offered i n the involved countries for the professional education and continuing education and are used and which best of all practice-examples are there? • Which educational media, multimedia products and blended learning programmes are offered i n the involved countries within the scope of the professional education and continuing education to the support of migrants, for the prevention of social exclusion and for the intercultural communication and are used and which best of all practice-examples are there? • How can these educational media, multimedia products and blended learning programmes be e valuated and be recommended for the application in the professional education and continuing education in Europe? • Which high-class standards and high-class tests are suited for educational media (BM), didactic multimedia products (DMP), general multimedia products (AMP), teaching and learning management systems (LMS) and blended learning programmes (BLEP) in the professional education and continuing education? DE Institut für Bildung und Medien der Gesellschaft für Pädagogik und Information e.V. Partners Organisation College Communicatiewetenschap (University of Amsterdam) Mr. J. Hemels p/a Kroonsingel 23 NL-6581 BK Malden Tel.: +31(0)243 581 116 44 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07908 AT Österreichische Gesellschaft Für Bildung Und Kommunikation CY CZ RCI Research and Consultancy Institute Ltd. Karls-Universität Prag (Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften,Department of Media Studies) GR University Research Institute of Applied Communication (URIAC) HU Empirica Gazdasági és Társadalomkutató Intézet Korlátolt Felelösségü Társaság NL College Communicatiewetenschap (University of Amsterdam) SI Universität Maribor Die Qualität von Bildungsmedien, Multimedia und Blended-Learning für eine effektive beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung, insbesondere zur Förderung von Migranten, zur Verhinderung sozialer Ausgrenzung und Unterstützung interkultureller Kommunikation Die Qualität von Bildungsmedien, Multimedia und Blended-Learning für eine effektive beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung, insbesondere zur Förderung von Migranten, zur Verhinderung sozialer Ausgrenzung und Unterstützung interkultureller Kommunikation 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07908 45 Training Guidelines and Professional Profile of the Outreach Worker in Harm Reduction 2011-1-PT1-LEO04-08499 PT Summary The goal of this project is to identify the basic guidelines and contents for the training of outreach workers (OW) on harm reduction (HR). Through sharing experiences about HR and outreach work profile in the European context, we intend to create a great impact on the professional development of the OW and on HR itself. All over the world HR has gained particular relevance in the intervention on vulnerable and social excluded populations that engage in risk behaviours like drug use or sex work, reducing health and social harms and promoting social inclusion and citizenship. Although, HR background, lead it to a certain arbitrariness, especially regarding its intervention figures and its trainning. The definition and principals of HR don’t have the same echo in the forms of doing HR and its activities, in national and European contexts. The absence of common guidelines for the HR job, particularly for outreach work, is one of the topics that, in the actual moment, has to be discussed and addressed by the National, European and International policies on harm reduction. The HR workers/figures, the OW, face a sum of exigencies on the development of their career, which demand special training for a greater impact on the harm reduction outcomes/results. The lack of these kind of guidelines and training contents contributes to the vulnerability of OW (and HR), which have to continuously fight for their social and labour recognition of their important role. Therefore, its this project aim to contribute to the first step on the process of professionalization of OW, by involving major HR European organisations and networks on the development of a training manual for outreach workers on harm reduction. APDES - Agência Piaget para o Desenvolvimento APDES Partners BG Health and Social Development Foundation DE Akzept e.V. Bundesverband für akzeptierende Drogenarbeit und humane Drogenpolitik ES ABD - Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo FIA-klinikkasäätiö Organisation De Regenboog Groep Mr. E. Schatz P.O. Box 10887 NL-1001 EW Amsterdam Tel.: +31(0)20 570 7826 46 2011-1-PT1-LEO04-08499 FR Association Française de Réduction des Risques GB International Harm Reduction Association IT ITACA - Associazione Europea degli opertaori Professionali delle Tossicodipendenze - delegazione territoriale Italiana NL De Regenboog Groep NO Uteseksjonen, Rusmiddeletaten, Oslo kommune SE Riksorganisationen för sex & erotikarbetare ROSEA Training Guidelines and Professional Profile of the Outreach Worker in Harm Reduction Training Guidelines and Professional Profile of the Outreach Worker in Harm Reduction 2011-1-PT1-LEO04-08499 47 AGRI TOURISM, multifunctional agriculture Summary 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05066 The partnership would like to do research and disseminate best practices. Partners carry out field and desk research about national or regional initiatives, national regulations, and compose a ‘green-book’ with suggestions for authorities and for schools, how to cope with this new phenomena and with examples of best practices. All activities will be focussed on professional education and training: the possibilities of vocational education to (re-)educate or prepare/train students and adult learners (employees and the new entrepreneurs) for the new era, with suggestions for adaptation of existing curriculums or a new curriculum (EU level 3-4, including the ECVET framework), focussed on diversifying the agriculture sector. This includes the partnership also has to pay attention to modules (new) entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector (business plans, customer service/hospitality, marketing, leisure activities). NL In the agricultural sector entrepreneurs face new challenges if they would like to diversify their enterprise in order to maintain a certain level of welfare (income). Especially agriculture entrepreneurs in remote areas (often with smaller farms) have to focus on additional products/markets. Some of them prefer to include new (non-agricultural) activities in their company: farm bed-end-breakfast, outdoor activities, sports, exhibitions, (farm) excursions, wellness, museum, mini-camping, education (biology, flowers, small live stock), horse riding, homecare for the elderly or for disadvantaged people. In the modern literature this is called: Multifunctional Agriculture. All these activities focus on strengthening the agricultural sector and the regional economy, in order to fight unemployabilty and prevent youngsters from moving to other regions AOC Oost MBO Partners Organisation Eurolinks Mr. B. Muis Potdijk 8-d24 NL-7475 SL Markelo Tel.: +31(0)543 521 725 48 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05066 GR I-skills S.A. NL Eurolinks NO Mosjoen videregaende skole PT GLOBIPERCEPÇÃO, association PT Quinta dos Cozinheiros RO Colegiul Economic ‘Emanuil Gojdu’ Hunedoara SEKungsgardsgymnasiet SK ˘ Obcianske združenie YUVEN AGRI TOURISM, multifunctional agriculture AGRI TOURISM, multifunctional agriculture 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05066 49 COPCHAVET: Coping with CHAllenges in Vocational Education and Training 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19545 Summary The COPCHAVET partnership has its roots in the previous CHAVET project, promoted by twelve national EUROPEA associations (networks of green VET institutions). CHAVET resulted in a thorough mapping of the consequences for green VET of recent changes related to climate, youth culture, new technology and consumer expectations. Important conclusions have been drawn in collaboration with entrepreneurs, students, consumers and teachers but still further steps are needed in order to prepare green VET schools for the future. COPCHAVET will: enlarge greatly the number of EUROPEA associations involved; 1). update information; 2). (the most important) create practical tools in order to equip schools to adapt for the future. This work 3). will be done in close collaboration with major stakeholders such as farm enterprises, industry, students and their families. The structure developed by CHAVET will be used as it has demonstrated its ot hat hand robustness. International events with participation of teachers, students, professionals and entrepreneurs at all levels will be carried out. To develop the tools, each country will contribute national information and participate in multilateral workshops ot hat purpose. Every partner will have agreed tasks in the partnership. Results will be collected at and disseminated by the all national EUROPEA associations. Thus, COPCHAVET will become a learning community to integrate the European dimension into training activities, exchange good practice and help to enlarge and strengthen EUROPEA by means of cooperation. Policy makers from local to European levels will be informed of changes and demands in the green sector. ES Asociacion para el desarrollo intercomunitario de la formacion agraria-EUROPEA-ESPANA Partners Organisation EUROPEA The Netherlands Mr. Ton Stok Slakkenveen 257 NL-3205 GK Spijkenisse Tel.: +31(0)6 5176 6631 50 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19545 AT EUROPEA Austria FR EUROPEA France LU Lycee Technique Agricole NL EUROPEA The Netherlands SI Grm Novo mesto-center biotehnike in turizma, Kmetijska šola Grm in biotehniška gimnazija SK Stredná odborná škola Rakovice COPCHAVET: Coping with CHAllenges in Vocational Education and Training COPCHAVET: Coping with CHAllenges in Vocational Education and Training 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19545 51 Organisations Fontys OSO Mrs. J. Kamstra P.O. Box 90900 NL-5000 GA Tilburg Tel.: +31(0)6 2055 0967 Seminarium voor Orthopedagogiek (Hogeschool van Utrecht) Mr. B. Groeneweg Padualaan 97 NL-3584 CH Utrecht Tel.: +31(0)104 509 506 52 2011-1-DK1-LEO04-03526 Training the Change Agents: a programme for educational leaders and experts in the field of special educational needs Summary The first aim of the project is to enhance internationalisation of institutions offering vocational training in terms of in-service training and further education. The second aim is to share experience on special needs education and school leadership in Europe. The project targets a mixed group of professionals: teacher trainers, teachers, coordinators, school leaders and local authority representatives who are to support and sustain youngsters into the world of employability; they are change agents. As a part of their ongoing courses or further studies the participants will be invited to take part in study visits arranged by the partner institutions. For each visit the partners are invited to send a small group of learners and teacher trainers thus establishing a multilateral visiting group. Observations made and data collected during the study visits will form the basis of the participants' assignments or portfolios to be delivered to the course/study provider. All partners will host at least one study visit. The groups will visit local schools and organisations. The learners and the teacher trainers taking part in the study visits will add a European perspective to their studies and to their daily work. They get to know other ways of solving problems which are common in Europe. During the study trips multilateral problems will be discussed from various national point of views. Furthermore the participants can use their study group networks for future European cooperation projects. Institutions providing further studies and in-service training for teachers and school leaders are in general not internaternationalised. Study visits for learners including exchanges of teacher trainers will form the first steps in the internationalisation proces. 2011-1-DK1-LEO04-03526 DK University College Syddanmark Partners BE Haute Ecole de Namur DE Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel GB Kingston University NL Fontys OSO NL Seminarium voor Orthopedagogiek (Hogeschool van Utrecht) Training the Change Agents: a programme for educational leaders and experts in the field of special educational needs Training the Change Agents: a programme for educational leaders and experts in the field of special educational needs 2011-1-DK1-LEO04-03526 53 The New Generation 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05059 Summary The Partnership is a project of six European countries to inventarise ‘The New Generation’ with professionals (schools, experts/social scientists, pupils and the labourmarket) to share best practices on four specific topics. The main question is: The new generation: How can we train professionals- in the educational field and youth work- so, that they get a better acces to the ‘world’ of youngsters? By this professionals are able to improve their competence of triggering and motivating youngsters and this will contribute to the prevention of early school leaving and therefore improve acces to the labour market. The four topics are: Communication of teachers and students (how we see each other); 1. Social Media (how to use in education); 2. Social Participation in school; 3. Great future (expectations of schools, students and companies). 4. Organisations Koning Willem I College Mr. P. van Amelsfoort P.O. Box 122 NL-5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch Tel.: +31(0)73 624 9690 Sint Janslyceum Mrs. N. Krijger Sweelinckplein 3 NL-5216 EG 's-Hertogenbosch Tel.: +31(0)73 615 4780 Sancta Maria Mavo Mr. S. van Roy Aartshertogenlaan 108 NL-5212 CM 's-Hertogenbosch Tel.: +31(0)73 641 1712 Helicon Opleidingen VMBO Groen Den Bosch Mr. H. Cuppen Hervensebaan 7 NL-5232 JL 's-Hertogenbosch Tel.: +31(0)73 642 2155 54 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05059 NL Municipality ‘s-Hertogenbosch Partners BE Kogeka 2 – Sint-Jozefinstituut DE Zukunftsbau GmbH DE Pädagogisches Landesinstitut Rheinland-Pfalz DK EUC Syd GB City College Plymouth NL Koning Willem I College NL Sint Janslyceum NL Sancta Maria Mavo NL Helicon Opleidingen VMBO Groen Den Bosch PT Centro de Formação Profissional das Indústrias da Madeira e Mobiliário The New Generation The New Generation 2011-1-NL1-LEO04-05059 55 Sharing best practice in the development of mathematical competence in the vocational classroom 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05416 Summary ‘Excellence in teaching is the single most powerful influence on achievement.’ (Hattie, 2003) The aim of this partnership is to provide innovative solutions to improving the quality of teaching and learning mathematics through a European approach. The production of a ‘Resource Toolkit for Teaching Mathematics’ will provide learning materials for effective professional development of teachers in member states, thereby supporting the improvement of teaching and the delivery of mathematics to vocational students. The toolkit will be evidence-based and developed from the combination of expertise, knowledge and understanding of the partners. Existing best practice at local level will be identified, explored, adapted and improved to form the basis of the toolkit which may then be used across Europe. The final toolkit will be published on the web-based learning platform hosted by LSDA NI as well as on partners’ websites. Innovative policies, initiatives and practice in the professional development of teachers will be shared and explored in order to develop an agreed qualification with European currency and contributing to a distinctive European dimension of teacher training. The project has selected partners from different backgrounds who share the same aspirations for excellence in the teaching of mathematics. Participating organisations are from Scotland, Finland, The Netherlands and Denmark enabling specialist, cultural and social perspectives to the partnership. Each partner is involved in different aspects of teacher development and is from one of the high performing education systems internationally as measured by the OECD PISA 2006. This rich mix of expertise and experience will serve to enhance the project. DK Organisation Hogeschool van Utrecht Mrs. M. van Groenestijn Padualaan 97 NL-3584 CH Utrecht Tel.: +31(0)88 487 341 56 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05416 CSV SydØstfyn Partners DK Aarhus Universitet FI Vaasan ammattiopisto – Vasa yrkesinstitut GB Learning and Teaching Scotland NL Hogeschool van Utrecht Sharing best practice in the development of mathematical competence in the vocational classroom Sharing best practice in the development of mathematical competence in the vocational classroom 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05416 57 Creating a framework for training on electric bicycles in Europe Summary At the end of the 1990’s, the electric bike was launched on the market in Europe. It became more and more popular with about 750,000 sales in 2009 and an estimated 1,000,000 sales throughout Europe in 2010. The electric bike assures mobility of elderly people and people with health problems however car drivers, parents, shoppers, tourists are also attracted to it. Using the electric bike has its positive effects on mobility, health and environment. It makes you drive longer distances, leads to a healthy/healthier body weight and helps to decrease CO2 emissions. As the electric bike has enormous potential in the European Union, dealers, manufacturers, importers and bicycle repairers play a crucial role in informing people on electric bicycles and persuading them of the advantages of this innovation. Nowadays, there is dissatisfaction amongst e-bike users related to range, performance, weight, price, servicing and repair costs. To avoid this dissatisfaction, the products and their range need ot h diversified following the different user categories. Dealers and bike repairers should be able to advise the client on the most appropriate type of e-bike. ot hat hand s ot h optimally informed not only on the actual range of their vehicle but also on how to manage their energy use and charging batteries. Consumers should be informed on the characteristics of the vehicles as well as on the related price and quality ratio. Currently, dealers, importers and bike repairers lack knowledge and expertise to provide the above mentioned service ot hat (potential) clients. In this partnership project the partners will work on this issue by providing state-of-the-art training on e-bikes for dealers and bike repairers. 2011-1-BE3-LEO04-03609 Organisations INNOVAM Mr. R. Salceda Structuurbaan 2 NL-3439 MB Nieuwegein Tel.: +31(0)306 087 931 Kenniscentrum Stichting Pro Work Mr. T. Grefkens ‘t Schoolplein 8A NL-4328 AJ Burgh-Haamstede Tel.: +31(0)111 658 063 58 2011-1-BE3-LEO04-03609 Partners CZ EKOLO.CZ DK CELF LT Vilniaus Jeruzales darbo rinkos mokymo centras NLINNOVAM NL Kenniscentrum Stichting Pro Work Creating a framework for training on electric bicycles in Europe Creating a framework for training on electric bicycles in Europe 2011-1-BE3-LEO04-03609 59 OPEP: From Occupational Profiles to Educational programs and Curricula Summary In these times of economic depression and worrying high unemployment, most European countries make use of the so-called occupational standards to couple education with the labour market. This increases the employability of people and helps closing the gap between offer and demand on the labour market. This project focuses on opportunities and strengths of methods from different countries, in transforming occupational profiles to educational and training curricula and programs. Although a growing number of European countries are using occupational standards, the mechanisms and methods to link training programs and qualifications to these standards, vary from country to country. The lack of a common European approach, due to different vocational training systems is a weakness and exactly this is the starting point of this project: Using existing cases in the different countries of our network in order to develop the basic outlines for an ECVET based method. The objective of OPEP is to work in a partnership, exchanging knowledge and experiences, on the basic outlines in translating an occupational profile to an educational training program, using the ECVET principles and leading to a common memorandum of understanding at European level in our network. Within the project six workshop-meetings will take place to enable the partnership to work together on the subject and to carry out concrete activities. During the workshop-meetings best practices of concrete examples on converting an occupational profile on ECVET based methods are exploited for the development of common quality criteria and common guidelines. The aspiration of OPEP is to use the results to set up a bigger future European project. 2011-1-GR1-LEO04-06775 GR INE/GSEE – labour Institute of Greek General Conferedation of Workers Partners Organisation KCH International Mr. R. van Wezel P.O. Box 7001 NL-6710 CB Ede Tel.: + 31(0)318 698 498 60 2011-1-GR1-LEO04-06775 BE EVTA – Association Européenne pour la Formation Professionnelle CY INEK-PEO – Institouto Ergasias Kuprou ES IMELSA – Impulso economico local, SAU GR IME GSEVEE – Institouto Mikron Epicheiriseon Genikis Sinomospondias epaggelmation Viotechnon Emporon Ellados NL KCH International OPEP: From Occupational Profiles to Educational programs and Curricula OPEP: From Occupational Profiles to Educational programs and Curricula 2011-1-GR1-LEO04-06775 61 Clients Rights to Safe Care and Nursing 2011-1-FI1-LEO04-06133 Organisation Kellebeek College (part of ROC West Brabant) Mrs. G. van der Meer Kadeplein 2 NL-4703 GB Roosendaal Tel.: +31(0)6 5347 3242 62 2011-1-FI1-LEO04-06133 FI Summary ‘Client’s Right to Safe Care and Nursing’ is a partnership in which participating students and teachers focus on selected key competences that are included in curricula of colleges’ qualifications. The partnership consists of four social and health care colleges, training professionals for care work and nursing. (Finland, Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands) The key competences are broken into four working themes: 1) aseptic working; ergonomy, work safety, aids and accessories; 2) communication, respectful and emphatic care for clients; 3) assisting clients in activities of daily life (ADL). 4) Each partner college is responsible for the organisation of a collaborative international workshop week, around one of the key competences. Per country, a group consisting of students and teachers, will attend this workshop week. Prior to this week abroad, participants have to prepare assignments around one of the themes. The prior-to-workshop learning process at colleges focuses on building up presentations on nationally viewed essential skills and knowledge related to the theme of upcoming workshop. This is all done under guidance of teachers. During the workshop week students give presentations on the theme, in which they share their knowledge, skills and national view. The international group of participants will elaborate the theme into more practical topics. These chosen topics will be monitored and observed during two job-shadowing days at different placement addresses. The workshops end with building up a summary over experiences and observations dealt during the week, all of this under supervision of teachers. The communication, instructing and necessary assignments are processed on IT/web-based learning platform Fronter. Innovation of the partnership lies within collaborative learning process of different countries’ students . The collaborative learning: students process together each theme prior-to and during workshop. Helsinki City College of Social and Health Care Partners BE Ic Dien vzw HBO Verpleegkunde DE Katholische Bildungstätte für Gesundheits- und Pflegeberufe Gmbh NL Kellebeek College (part of ROC West Brabant) Clients Rights to Safe Care and Nursing Clients Rights to Safe Care and Nursing 2011-1-FI1-LEO04-06133 63 Introducing standards of the best medical practice for the patients with inherited Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in Central Eastern Europe 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19715 PL Summary The main goal of the project is to support development of Central Eastern European Network (CEE) for Alpha-1 Antytrypsin Deficiency (A1ATD) diagnostics and treatment that will function within AIR (Alpha One International Registry) European network of medical centers specializing in A1ATD. The project is designed to address specific CEE regional educational needs, therefore its aims are: • to develop individualized training program for respiratory professionals : physicians, physiotherapists, laboratory staff involved in A1ATD diagnostics and medical care in CEE; program will be tailored according to specific country needs; • • • to develop educational materials for respiratory professionals in national CEE languages; to create awareness of A1ATD problem and patient needs in CEE; to promote A1ATD European network in CEE European countries. Project Stages: Stage 1: central eastern European Network establishment: assessing local needs and potential to launch close cooperation both regionally as well as within the existing European network (AIR)- workshop; Stage Stage Stage Stage 2A:training visits; 2B:focus group workshops; 3A:European network AIR conference in Warsaw; 3B:educational materials for respiratory professionals and dissemination of results. The National Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Partners Organisation Leiden University Medical Center Mr. J. Stolk Albinusdreef 2 NL-2333 ZA Leiden Tel.: +31(0)71 526 2950 64 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19715 BG UMHAT ‘Dr.Georgi Stranski’ Pleven EAD, Clinic for pneumonology and phthisiatry’ DE Hannover Medical School IT Universita’ Degli Studi di Pavia LT Vilniaus Universitetas NL Leiden University Medical Center RO Institute of Pneumophtysiology ‘Marius Nasta’ SK PJ Safarik University, Faculty of Medicine Introducing standards of the best medical practice for the patients with inherited Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in Central Eastern Europe Introducing standards of the best medical practice for the patients with inherited Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in Central Eastern Europe 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19715 65 Transparency Instruments in Education and Labour Market Policy 2011-1-AT1-LEO04-05051 Summary Transparency instruments in vocational education such as EQF/NQF and Europass aim to foster the mobility in the labour market and to make education systems comparable in Europe. Still there are difficulties in the use of such instruments and their actual acknowledgement in real life. Often people do not know these instruments or the benefit of using them. On the other hand also the labour market policy does not fully integrate the transparency instruments in the daily work. The idea of this Leonardo da Vinci partnership is to provide a clear overview of transparency instruments used in education and how they are acknowledged in practice in the labour market policy. Thereby the different instruments will be analysed according to their customer orientation, their national values and their importance for the labour market. The project aims to produce results of benefit for people in vocational education, in the labour market and for representatives of this sector such as job counsellors, people working in career centres or employment services. Beside the development of material the project will improve the awareness level of transparency instruments but also the mobility in the labour market. The added value of the partnership is the close cooperation and exchange between vocational eduction, labour market and the economic sector. AT Schulungszentrum Fohnsdorf Partners Organisation Dutch Association for Vocational Training and Adult Education (MBO Raad) Mr. M. Polzin P.O. Box 2051 NL-3447 GM Woerden Tel.: +31(0)348 753 552 66 2011-1-AT1-LEO04-05051 AT E.N.T.E.R. – European Network for Transfer and Exploitation of EU Project Results BE Voka Chamber of Commerce East Flanders DE Oscar-Tietz-Schule (Oberstufenzentrum Handel II) FI WinNova West Coast Education LTDLänsirannikon Koulutus Oy FR Infa Lorraine Champagne Ardenne IE Meath Community Rural and Social Development Partnership Limited IT A.RE.S. SCARL – Agenzia Regionale Servizi SCARL NL MBO Raad SE Göteborgs universitet, Utbildningsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Centrum för yrkeskunnande TR Konak Kaymakamligˇ i Transparency Instruments in Education and Labour Market Policy Transparency Instruments in Education and Labour Market Policy 2011-1-AT1-LEO04-05051 67 Mobilising Experts in job Guidance 2011-1-IT1-LEO04-01785 Summary The European guidance systems are undergoing some changes that move on from the traditional idea of guidance (interventions linked to moments of major decision making in people’s lives), to lifelong guidance (services to face different needs, according to the specific moment in life and vocational experiences of a person). Guidance is also very important during a period of crisis that changes and transforms the organization of the labour market as well as the strategies of the intervention policies. As regards younger people, it is necessary to start from temporary employment paths that are typical when entering the labour market, building ways to recover past experiences and career resilience also through mobility in other countries. As regards adult workers, it is necessary to offer them counselling according to the skills they have and don’t have, but that they could achieve thanks to a mix of training and work. It is necessary to overcome the common place that adult workers are at the end of their career, favour individual support and enhance the skills acquired, delay one’s exit from the labour market and plan further career developments. This is where the project starts from and it identifies the following general goals: • a major qualification of guidance experts (by getting to know systems and best practices of other countries); • an improvement of the systems, especially an improvement of the quality of services (through the knowledge and transfer/adaptation of best practices). In order to achieve the general and operational goals, mobility of guidance experts will be very important and will foresee the presentation of scenarios and experiences in each country that will be discussed and finally re-processed for the definition of a shared Lifelong Guidance model. Organisations Municipality ’s-Hertogenbosch Mr. T. van de Veerdonk P.O. Box 12345 NL-5200 GZ 's-Hertogenbosch Tel.: +31(0)73 615 9024 Koning Willem l College Mr. P. van Amelsfoort P.O. Box 122 NL-5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch Tel.: +31(0)73 624 9690 68 2011-1-IT1-LEO04-01785 IT Provincia Autonoma di Trento – Servizio Europa – ufficio fondo sociale Europeoa Partners CH Conferenza della Svizzera italiana per la formazione continua degli adulti – CFC DE Arbeit und Leben Hamburg IT Regione Marche – Giunta Regionale LU Objectif plein Emploi NL Municipality ’s-Hertogenbosch NL Koning Willem l College Mobilising Experts in job Guidance Mobilising Experts in job Guidance 2011-1-IT1-LEO04-01785 69 EUROPEAN RUGBY LEAGUE TECHNICAL FOUNDATION PROJECT Summary The objectives of our project are to: • produce a pan-European corps of rugby league (RL) coach tutors / educators and match official (MO) tutors/educators, who are trained and qualified to produce RL coaches and MOs in perpetuity; • standardise the delivery of RL skills delivery throughout RLEF membership; • upskill, galvanise and encourage volunteer network and trans-national RL education; • promote revenue opportunities in RLEF Member National Governing Bodies (NGB) through upskilling of staff and development of coaching and MO courses, and the successful fiscal management of those courses. One of our activities is a review of facilities and pre-course meeting at Brunel University, around the RLEF AGM, 26 August 2011. Also a business development seminar where partners will learn how to maximise revenue specifically from the qualifications they will receive. This seminar will take place in August 2012. From October 2011 till March 2012 Tutor Courses will be organised. The RLEF project staff (two per destination) will travel to Ireland, Latvia, Norway, Czech Republic to deliver the RL Coach Tutor course to regional blocs. From May 2012 till June 2013 the RLEF staff (two per destination) will visit each partnership country individually to oversee local candidates delivering a Level 1 coaching course to local coaches following which the candidates will be qualified as RLEF Coach Tutors (Assessment & Qualification). From June till July 2012 (full schedule, including countries and dates, to be confirmed at a later date - can only be confirmed once the tournament schedules have been confirmed). Having undertaken the course, candidates will be deployed to officiate in official RLEF competitions and assessed by RLEF staff (Qualification, deployment & Assessment). 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05530 Organisation Nederlandse Rugby League Bond (NRLB) Mrs. I. van Zeijst Essenburgsingel 152A NL-3022 EN Rotterdam Tel.: +31(0)174 290 618 70 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05530 GB Rugby League European Federation Partners CZ Czech Rugby League Association (CZRLA) DE Rugby League Deutschland IE Rugby League Ireland (RLI) NL Nederlandse Rugby League Bond EUROPEAN RUGBY LEAGUE TECHNICAL FOUNDATION PROJECT EUROPEAN RUGBY LEAGUE TECHNICAL FOUNDATION PROJECT 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05530 71 Innovative Media and Music Heritage Impacting Vocational Education Summary This partnership is intended to create a cooperation network of organisations between those designing vocational courses for the music industry, those delivering vocational training to the music industry and those working in the music industry itself. The partners have been carefully selected based on the expertise of each partner, the wide coverage of Europe and the representation of the whole vocational education chain from design to delivery and work, in order that the partnership will be successful in its aims. The partnership will explore the value of both innovative media (new) and music heritage (old) to vocational education. In the first strand of the project, partners will transfer knowledge about the target group’s (employees in the music industry) current increasing need for media skills and the vocational education provision for these. In the second strand, partners will discuss the use of music heritage in vocational education to cross cultural barriers whilst restoring civic pride. Though this could be applied across many vocational education courses, this partnership will consider only those courses relating to the music industry in order to keep a realistic scope. The target group here is both those delivering training and the trainees. The activities will consist of consultations with trainees in the music industry and their employers; exchange visits between partners; development of the results and dissemination activities. The partnership will address the Leonardo da Vinci priorities of supporting improvements in innovation in vocational training practices and enhancing the attractiveness of vocational training to those in the music industry through responding to the needs of the labour market and creating closer links between vocational education and training and working life. 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05352 GB Birmingham City University Partners Organisation New Music Labs BV Mr. A. Boer Brugstraat 7A1 NL-9712 AA Groningen Tel.: +31(0)64 827 6532 72 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05352 DE Newthinking Communications GmbH ES Kpacita SCA FI Tampereen ammattiopisto GR Technical Institute of Heraklion Chamber (TIHC) HU Budapesti Müszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem IE Contemporary Music Centre Ltd NL New Music Labs BV Innovative Media and Music Heritage Impacting Vocational Education Innovative Media and Music Heritage Impacting Vocational Education 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05352 73 Euro Job Coach Summary The ambition of this project called ‘Euro Job Coach’ is to set a suitable training program for a profession that has recently appeared in all the participant’s countries: the ‘social job coach’. The ‘social job coach’ is the person that promotes the employment of those who are facing difficulties in finding a job on the labor market (e.g. people with disabilities, senior citizens, women, young people with no qualifications, people with disabilities, immigrants) monitoring professional integration and providing individual support in the working places. The need of this project lies on the difficulties experienced by each European partner of the project to train and specialize their ‘social job coaches’. Moreover, nowadays, there is a real lack of specific training program for such a profession in the participant’s countries. All the partner organizations work in the employment and/or vocational training sector. By working together the partners will develop a ‘social job coach’ training toolkit by working on best practices, most effective tools, case studies, achievements and personal experiences. This would help to find practical solutions for employment of people from disadvantaged groups in the labor markets hit by the economic crisis or in which major socio-cultural changes have taken place. 2011-1-LT1-LEO04-04863 LT VsI ‘SOPA’ Partners Organisation Picos BV Mrs. P. Heyman Brugplein 2 NL-5211 VR 's-Hertogenbosch Tel.: +31(0)6 2509 6781 74 2011-1-LT1-LEO04-04863 FR Finaliser Transmettre Mobiliser FR ARVISE – Cap Emploi IT Aeca – Associazione Emiliano-Romagnola di Centri Autonomi di Formazione Professionale NL Picos BV SK Inklúzia Euro Job Coach Euro Job Coach 2011-1-LT1-LEO04-04863 75 Concept of Code of Good Organic Retailing Practice 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07934 DE Summary Facing all the problems caused by globalization, financial crises and economical and social deregulations, doing business based on ethical standards is becoming more and more important. The organic food umbrella organizations and individual companies have recently realized that organic regulations and certification alone are not enough to assure the needed integrity and authenticity of organic products and businesses on today’s market. Therefore important stakeholders of the organic trade have started to develop a ‘Code of Good Organic Practice’. The intention of this self-assessment Code is to establish and later implement the following seven principles in the organic food supply chain: social responsibility, involvement in business chain, sustainable pricing and relationships, transparency, open communication, harmonized business chain system and quality management. The aim of this Partnership project is to create a concept for training of managers and employees in the organic food retail branch in order to implement the above stated principles of the Code into daily practice and thus establish a fully transparent and ethical supply chain, from “farm to fork” – from the producers up to the end consumers. Taking part in such training will help managers and staff of organic food retailers to improve their knowledge and competences in sustainability issues, active environmental protection, social competence and costumer orientation. The Partnership aims to develop first suggestions for the transfer and promotion of the Code and the regarding training concept both in the specialized organic food retail sector as well as in the non-organic retail sector, where most of organic food purchases happen today in the European member states. Hamburg University of Applied Science Partners Organisation Promotiebureau Biologische Speciaalzaak Mr. B. van den Idsert Celsiusstraat 68 NL-3817 XH Amersfoort Tel.: +31(0)334 656 009 76 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07934 AT ORA – Organic Retailers Association CZ DE Zivi Venkov DE KGGK Agentur fuer gute Kommunikation GmbH Equalita, Institut für Qualifizierung und Vernetzung in Europa e.V. FREcozept NL Promotiebureau Biologische Speciaalzaak Concept of Code of Good Organic Retailing Practice Concept of Code of Good Organic Retailing Practice 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07934 77 Increase Motivation and Improve Employability 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07890 DE Summary The consequences of (long-term) unemployment are often passive behavior, isolation and low self-esteem. As result, we often see the situation that unemployed people at some moment lose faith in themselves, their future and the society. Following a number of unsuccessful attempts to get a job, they have lost hope, motivation and initiative and are no longer willing to take on any further efforts to get a job. At the same time initiatives, entrepreneurial skills and intercultural competences are getting increasingly important in today’s workplace. The sense of initiative and entrepreneurship is the ability to turn ideas into action. It involves creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. Together with a healthy self-esteem these abilities are prerequisites for integration into work and vocational training. The Partnership is focused on the topic strengthening entrepreneurial skills and intercultural competences within the group of unemployed people. There is a long experience that Entrepreneurship workshops (‘learning by doing’) – if done the right way – can be very motivational and help people to find their own strengths and life goals. This can also be called a form of ‘Life design’. The goal is NOT primarily to get people to start their own businesses, but also to help them to find out own interests and to develop motivation to start studying again or to find ways to get a new job. In addition to teaching and strengthening the entrepreneurial skills within the group of unemployed, the partners will work out appropriate methods to promote intercultural competences. The material can be used in trainings and job placement for Unemployed and will be published in a practical guide (CD). Chancengleich in Europa e.V. Partners Organisation Quarter Mediation Mrs. C. Stefan Scheldestraat 7 NL-9406 PE Assen Tel.: +31(0)616 752 748 78 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07890 ES Fundación Ramón Rey Ardid IS Símenntunarmidstödin á Vesturlandi IT ASIS – Consorzio Cooperative Sociali NL Quarter Mediation PL Prywatne Centrum Ksztalcenia Kadr Increase Motivation and Improve Employability Increase Motivation and Improve Employability 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07890 79 CO-SAFE: Comparison of Occupational Healthy and Safety Policies and Conditions in EU Countries and Adaptation of Good Practices at VET Schools 2011-1-TR1-LEO04-24227 TR Summary Educational institutions, which provide vocational education services or courses, are the first model or pilot of real life labour market and their main interest is to give best skills and knowledge to the learners, in order to prepare them for the future labour market. Additionally, the main aim for employers is to employ qualified people with professional skills and competence. For this reason, the project ‘Co-SAFE’ will focus on raising awareness and knowledge of target group such as administrators, trainers, trainees and teachers who are concerned with this field. The project mainly concentrates on comparison of VET systems and practices, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) trainings and implementations at institutions which provide VET services and European policies related to the topic in participant countries. The aim of cooperation among participant countries is to increase knowledge of not only for the project participants, but also the other parties of VET institutions. Therefore, we seek wider collaboration with other institutions and cascade methodology effect which is always aimed of the wider usage of the results and stringer benefit. In this respect, the project outputs are: a guideline of training on OHS considering the European standards, a report for decision makers, a booklet for VET administrators and trainers and visual material for students about possible OHS accidents and diseases. All products and activities will be presented in a special album documenting the project course. What is more, the effects of our cooperation will be edited and published in English and – if necessary - also in partners’ national languages in forms of brochures, project platform and multimedia files. The Leonardo da Vinci programme will also be promoted among local community using media and other dissemination and exploitation ways. Kayseri Provincial Directorate of National Education Partners Organisation Quarter Mediation Mrs. C. Stefan Scheldestraat 7 NL-9406 PE Assen Tel.: +31(0)6 5493 8453 80 2011-1-TR1-LEO04-24227 DE Zentralstelle für Berufsbildung im Handel e.V. (zbb) IT Arte e fare Societa' Cooperativa LT VsI Svietimo ir kulturos mobiliuju technologiju Institutas NL Quarter Mediation SK Technical University in Zvolen TR Ahmet Erdem Trade Vocational Secondary School CO-SAFE: Comparison of Occupational Healthy and Safety Policies and Conditions in EU Countries and Adaptation of Good Practices at VET Schools CO-SAFE: Comparison of Occupational Healthy and Safety Policies and Conditions in EU Countries and Adaptation of Good Practices at VET Schools 2011-1-TR1-LEO04-24227 81 Euregionale KappersAusbildung 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07909 Organisation ROC Leeuwenborgh Opleidingen Mr. G. Reichrath P.O. Box 1825 NL-6201 BV Maastricht Tel.: +31(0)65 021 3919 82 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07909 DE Summary The project strives for a common approach in vocational training of hairdressers and the establishment of a common final examination in the region of the Euregio Maas-Rhine (EMR). It aims at developing a tri-diploma in order to contribute to the reduction of formal barriers on the labour market in the EMR. Mutual recognition of diplomas is an important precondition for the creation of a common labour market in the Euregio. Building up a euregional partnership and giving insights into the existing educational systems in the Euregio to teachers and trainers but also to apprentices should contribute to mutual trust, more transparency and better quality in vocational training. Therefore the project aims at comparing training curricula and final examinations of the involved partners and developing a common euregional final examination on this basis. Furthermore a classification of learning outcomes according to the EQF and an evaluation of core competences with ECVET shall help to create transparency. This goal requires the co-operation of all institutions participating in vocational training (enterprises, professional schools, training centers) and relevant bodies (Chamber of craft Aachen, Kenniscentrum KOC, IAWM). To promote the understanding of the different educational systems exchanges of teachers from professional schools, trainers and apprentices are particularly important. This can be realised by organising common activities such as group conversations, company visits, training visits and internships. The acquaintance of language and intercultural competences such as offered in the Euregio-Kompetenz are also an important element. The earlier these competences are acquired the [ot hat[ha easier will the integration of the economic region of the EMR proceed. Handwerkskammer Aachen Partners BE Zentrum für Aus- und Weiterbildung Eupen (ZAWM) DE Käthe-Kollwitz-SchuleBerufskolleg der StädteRegion Aachen NL ROC Leeuwenborgh Opleidingen Euregionale Kappers-Ausbildung Euregionale Kappers-Ausbildung 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07909 83 EuroNetBBA Summary Planning, organisation, and accomplishment of a conference for the issue of the theme of ‘vocational training and further education of deprived youngsters and adults: possibilities of the cooperation of educational institutions and advancement of educational offers in Europe’. 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07914 Arrangement of a network of European educational institutions for the qualitative enhancement of the vocational training and further education of deprived youngsters and adults of all partners under consideration of European interests and needs in vocational training and further education, long-term cooperation and if necessary a preparation of a mobility project for trainees and participants of further educations. Organisation ROC Midden Nederland Mr. N. Ruepert P.O. Box 3065 NL-3502 GB Utrecht Tel.: +31(0)30 285 2797 84 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07914 DE FAA Bildungsgesellschaft mbH, Nord Partners GR European Mobility NL ROC Midden Nederland EuroNetBBA EuroNetBBA 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07914 85 NEWEL: New Ways into Employment and Learning 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05359 GB Organisation ROC van Twente Mr. L. Folkerts Gieterij 200 NL-7553 VZ Hengelo Tel.: +31(0)748 525 193 86 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05359 Summary Many people have great difficulty when trying to find ‘traditional’ employment (fixed contract work with an employer). In times of recession, the competition for jobs becomes even more fierce, and there are additional challenges facing minorities, migrants, disadvantaged/disabled people. However, many people who want to work, but cannot find jobs, have the energy and commitment to create something for themselves. The NEWEL project will look at alternative employment routes: cooperatives; social enterprises, part-time and job-share work; home working. There is a huge range of options and ideas across Europe; we want to help our staff and learners to see these real examples for themselves, to gain motivation and ideas for new ways to create employment, and for new training and learning opportunities. There will be visits to workplaces, discussions with advisers, sharing of ideas about successful opportunities. The project will help us to answer questions such as: What training do people need? How can we offer this training in our centres? How can individuals gain motivation for the training, and What support do they need? We want to include planning and discussion about future mobility work between the partners, for learners interested in developing their skills in the alternatives to employment – through work placements and professional exchanges. This current project is focused on our own centres, our staff and our learners. Given the importance of the concept, however, we believe that this small-scale first project could develop into a major new initiative – we would therefore like to include some preliminary planning about a large-scale Lifelong Learning project in the work programme. Point Europa Partners DK Aarhus Social- og Sundhedsskole ES Asociacion Yarleku HU Diagonál Magyarország Ifjúságsegítök Országos Szervezete NL ROC van Twente NEWEL: New Ways into Employment and Learning NEWEL: New Ways into Employment and Learning 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05359 87 Training for Professionals working with individuals with multiple disabilities and visual impairment on finding jobs and opportunities that benefit society 2011-1-ISS1-LEO04-01250 IS Þjónustu- og Þekkingarmiðstöð fyrir blinda, Sjónskerta og daufblinda Einstaklinga Partners Organisation Royal Dutch Visio Mrs. L. de Jong Amersfoortsestraatweg 180 NL-1272 RR Huizen Tel.: +31(0)355 284 555 88 2011-1-IS1-LEO04-01250 DE Sudbayerische wohn –u. Werkstatten fur blinde und sehberhinderte GGMBH DE Berufsförderungswerk halle (Saale) GGMBH DK Institut for blinde og svagsynede, Ibos FI Keskuspuistion Ammattiopisto FR Centre de Rééducation pour déficients Visuels GB Vision Europe limited GB Positive Eye ltd HU Vakok Óvodája, Általános Iskolája, Speciális Szakiskolája, Egységes Gyógypedagógiai Módszertani Intézméneye, Diákotthona És Gyermekotthon IE Saint Joseph’s Centre for visually impaired Summary For a disabled person, and especially for those with multiple disabilities, reaching the labour market is a major challenge. It implies overcoming overwhelming barriers in school, when going to university, taking the local bus or even surfing on the Internet. Therefore, the partnership will address ways to overcome these barriers and help to implement the UN Declaration of Rights for People with Disabilities in all our member countries. The overall aim of the project is that, through transnational collaboration, the participants will explore and identify issues for the training of professionals. In order to develop methodologies addressing lifelong learning and work related issues in the development of people with multiple disabilities and visual impairment. Methodologies that will support people during their transition towards work, for people who have difficulties in accessing the formal vocational training system and/or the traditional employment market in their member states. Professionals are in need of training methodologies and curricula to rehabilitate and educate the target group. So they can increase their capacity, to improve their potential employability by acquiring or updating their basic and general work skills. The partnership and its work groups includes a range of expertise, such as adult educators, vocational trainers, special education teachers, university lecturers, researchers and private consultants, together with users organizations. They will look at the issues involved in enabling professionals to support the project beneficiaries to develop their citizenship. This includes routes to and forms of work, continuing education, personal and social development, and the methodologies, materials and staff training required to achieve this. Training for professionals and development of their skills to support people with MDVI in the transition to work and within the workplace, have been identified in the following areas: job mediation, valued activities, assistive technology, personal and social skills. Job mediation/coaching signifies a support system that helps the client to work as interdependently and with as much autonomy as possible whilst taking part in work. A valued activity is active participation – being part of a context in relation to other people/society/community. Personal and social skills implies having the skills to interpret and interact with other people in your surroundings. And assistive technology means that technology, not necessarily hi-tech, needs to meet the individual requirements of the person. Therefore the assessment needs to be thorough in order to understand what functions and processes the person needs to carry out and to ascertain what the most appropriate type of technology is to enable them to do so. Each of the mentioned areas will be explored during meetings which take place over the next two years. Participating countries will bring their best practices and professionals to the meeting, with specific presentations by partners who are making significant progress in the particular area. The best practices, information and methodologies gathered during the course of the project will result in guidelines. These guidelines will be presented during the last meeting of the project in The Netherlands in Spring 2013. ISBlindravinnustofan IT Lega del filo d’Oro Onlus NL Royal Dutch Visio RO Liceul Pentru Deficienti de Vedere Training for Professionals working with individuals with multiple disabilities and visual impairment on finding jobs and opportunities that benefit society For more information, please visit and/or contact your member state. Training for Professionals working with individuals with multiple disabilities and visual impairment on finding jobs and opportunities that benefit society 2011-1-IS1-LEO04-01250 89 Simulators in inland navigation education and training Summary The partnership consists of Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) education and training institutes from European Member States who are all part of the pan-european EDINNA (Education in Inland Navigation) network, consisting of 24 IWT education and training institutes from 13 countries. The idea of the partnership is to conduct practical research on the use of simulators in the different institutes and the underlying didactical concepts. Partners will develop their own assessment criteria and collect information on the different simulators used in the practical teaching world. These findings will be shared at a larger expert conference with other stakeholders such as research institutes, exam commissions, authorities etcetera. In order to develop draft recommendations on minimum standards for the use of simulators in European IWT education and training. Ideally, these draft recommendations could be fed into harmonised European ‘Standards of Training and Certification in Inland Navigation’ (STCIN). 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07912 Organisations STC-Group Mr. J. Gebraad Lloydstraat 300 NL-3024 EA Rotterdam Tel.: +31(0)10 448 6080 Maritieme Academie Harlingen Mr. A. Mintjes P.O.Box 58 NL-8860 AB Harlingen Tel.: +31(0)517 412 300 90 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07912 DE Schiffer-Berufskolleg RHEIN Partners DE KTA Zwijndrecht – Cenflumarin IT CFLI – Consorzio per la Formazione Logistica Intermodale NL STC-Group NL Maritieme Academie Harlingen Simulators in inland navigation education and training Simulators in inland navigation education and training 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07912 91 Social Farming in Europe Summary The project approaches the subject of Social farming in Europe, to create benefits in different sectors (Health, Social, Education, Economy, Environment) and positive impacts for people and society. In Europe,’Social Farming’ (S.F.) utilizes farming and agriculture as a therapeutic tool to provide health, social or educational care services for one or a range of vulnerable groups and demonstrated a number of health, economic, and societal benefits; positive impact on rural areas; positive economic impact on local economy and farms; positive social impact: unemployed, people with disabilities, etcetera; positive environmental impact. The consortium of the project is composed by four different organisations with specific and complementary competences, from research and academic to the farms and practitioners. One of the specific objectives is to create a good context for the development of a common European framework for the ‘Social Farming’ sector; to promote awareness raising about Social Farming; to improve the qualifications and competences of professionals working with different disadvantaged groups; to foster the integration of learning with working life (Europe 2020); to develop working methods about Social Farming using social media. 2011-1-PT1-LEO04-08526 There will be six transnational meetings that preview organisation of coordination meetings, workshops and conferences as also study visits and networking activities. Products are an online platform, a benchmark of the situation in partner countries, a guidebook on Social Farming in Europe, and thematic newsleters on Social Farming. The project will contribute to transform a pioneering situation ( as occurs in many countries on a voluntary basis) in a recognised system in social/health care system or even as an Inclusive model. Organisation Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek Mrs. M. Elings Costerweg 50 NL-6701 BH Wageningen Tel.: +31(0)317 480 549 92 2011-1-PT1-LEO04-08526 PT Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Coimbra - APCC Partners IE University College Dublin, National University of Ireland Dublin IT Cooperativa Sociale Ponte Verde NL Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek Social Farming in Europe Social Farming in Europe 2011-1-PT1-LEO04-08526 93 European New Skills for Public Administration 2011-1-IT1-LEO04-01777 Summary The partners of this project are training organizations which aim is to support the development of the Public Administration (in particular local and in decentralized states) and the upgrading of the professional skills of civil servants. Public Administration new skills play an active role in the economic, social and governance development processes. The partners, already experienced in cooperation projects, are convinced that, sharing knowledge and get in touch with other contexts and ideas are strategic for their capacity of innovation and of understanding and facing the changes requested nowadays to the Public Administration:“to become an active promoter of the economic/ social/governance development. The partners aim to cooperate for analysing their mutual experiences in thie field of ‘new skills’ of civil servants and local politicians and in the ‘training methodologies and strategies in order to: • promote an active role of the PA in sustaining the social, economic and governance development; • foster a better integration between ‘private and public actors’and between ‘training and labour market’. The partnership intends to focus on the following questions: • which are the new profiles of the civil servant and the local politician; which are their key-competences?; • which tools & methods must be adopted for identification and training of the new skills; • how to improve the qualification of teachers and trainers? How to implement quality assurance in training activities?; • which are the successful strategies and methodologies to promote training actions and involve participants?; • are there any relations between the civil servants’ new skills and the private actors’?; could ‘mix training actions – public/private – be useful for a best training effectiveness?; • how to transfer European good practices to the developing countries for improving PA?. IT Forser – Formazione e Servizi per la Pubblica Amministrazione Partners Organisation Stichting Europees Instituut voor Bestuurskunde Mr. T. Malterud P.O. Box 1229 NL-6201 BE Maastricht Tel.: +31(0)433 296 254 94 2011-1-IT1-LEO04-01777 DE University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration and Legal Affairs in Bavaria ES Andalusian Institut of Public Administration (IAAP) FR Institut Forhom / Egis Bdpa IT Formez pa – Centro Servizi Assistenza Studi e formazione per l’Ammodernamento Della p.a. NL Stichting Europees Instituut voor Bestuurskunde PT Institut of Management and Public Adminsitration PT UNAV, Association for Training and Research at the University of Aveiro European New Skills for Public Administration European New Skills for Public Administration 2011-1-IT1-LEO04-01777 95 European Learning Partnership for Professional Training in Straw Bale Building 2011-1-BE3-LEO04-03605 DE Summary Following two European conferences on straw-bale-building in 2007 and 2009, a large European network of ‘straw bale buildings professionals’ has been established. Members of this European network are now encouraging a continuous cooperation on both national and international level. Targets that are set, related to the ‘International climate change debate’ have, among other issues, increased the validity of straw-bale-building as a contemporary construction option for a sustainable and new building material. Straw as building material has a negative CO2 footprint and has also good insulation qualities. Several national associations have since established, with the aim of promoting straw-bale-building and gaining regulatory, approval for this new building method. Due to this promotion, various construction methods have been developed in the different regions of the European union. At this moment there is a strong need for extensive cooperation between the national associations to define and share ‘best building practice’. And this ‘best building practice’ must be transformed into a ‘professional training program’. In the European Learning Partnership for straw-bale-building of 2009, the most experienced national organizations developed the structure for a training program of ten units and created a model for comparing six common straw-balebuilding techniques from some European countries. The results of the first project now needs to be extended and developed, and it is necessary to incorporate the ‘build and training techniques’ of new partners, to produce clear guidelines on ‘best practice techniques’ and ‘details’, and incorporate these into a professional European ECVET training program for delivery throughout Europe. An intensive exchange of ‘knowledge’ and ‘best practice experience’ in both build and training will support the development of a higher quality training program. Each of the ‘detailed topics’ of the ten developed ‘units’ will each need: ‘session plans’ with a corresponding breakdown of ‘knowledge, skills and competencies’ to be met. And each ‘topic’ needs ‘supporting info, exercise and technical sheets’. The target group for this ‘best building practice’ and ‘ECVET training program’ will be the building professionals, crafts people and trainers. Fachverband Strohballenbau Deutschland e.V. Partners Organisation Strobouw Nederland Mr. W. Klijn Debussylaan 6 NL-5049 AC Tilburg Tel.: +31(0)13 455 8895 96 2011-1-BE3-LEO04-03605 AT asbn – austrian straw bale network – Österreichisches Netzwerk für Strohballenbau ES Red de Construcción en Paja, RCP FR Les Compaillons GB RESET NL Strobouw Nederland SK Pospolitost pre harmonicky zivot European Learning Partnership for Professional Training in Straw Bale Building European Learning Partnership for Professional Training in Straw Bale Building 2011-1-BE3-LEO04-03605 97 Information Technology Security for Public Financial Institutions Summary 2011-1-TR1-LEO04-24320 Regarding this background, project partners will develop a comprehensive strategy on electronic information security including practical guideline based on EU standards. The project will focus on the training procedure for staff on information security, the software and hardware technologies related to information security, as well as the implementation and monitoring of information security policies for business processes in public sector. TR Organisation Technical University Eindhoven Mr. H. Weffers Den Dolech 2 NL-5612 AZ Eindhoven Tel.: +31(0)40 247 2526 98 2011-1-TR1-LEO04-24320 The Information stored and processed by the public sector is quite different than by the private sector because it is a valuable asset of the whole society instead of a single institution. For example, a company’s upcoming investment strategy might be kept secure for the sake of the competitive and beneficiary purposes. Whereas, social security information, health records and bond reserves of citizens and companies should be kept private for the sake of the country. The government aims to deliver better quality public services that are accessible for all. It aims to increase the productivity in the public sector, so that services can be provided at a lower cost and time is freed up for more personal interaction. It can also enhance participation in public policy development and thus reinforce democracy, as well as help increasing the transparency and accountability of the public sector. Security plays central role in e-Government. Concerns about security of electronic networks and information systems have been growing along with the rapid increase in the number of network users and the value of their transactions. Security has now reached a critical point where it represents a prerequisite for the growth of electronic businesses and the functioning of the whole economy. Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Undersecretariat Of Treasury Directorate General of economic Research Partners DE Medical School Hannover DE Deutsche Bank Ag NL Technical University Eindhoven TR TOBB University of Economics and Technology Information Technology Security for Public Financial Institutions Information Technology Security for Public Financial Institutions 2011-1-TR1-LEO04-24320 99 Care and Guidance Systems – Violence Prevention and Crisis Intervention in VET Summary In this Partnership project the partners take a look at and analyse the different care and guidance systems for students in vocational education and training. The focus is also on approaches to violence prevention and the intervention in dangerous situations, especially when occurring in vocational education and training schools. The project is designed for educational psychologists, consulting teachers, school staff and cooperating partners, such as policemen, to exchange information on these issues on a European scale and approve methods and policies for transferability. By using and/or initiating trustful local, regional, national and international networking structures the results of the project will be analysed and a road map for implementation in further education, personnel and organisational development will be developed. 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07750 DE Friedrich-List-Schule, Kompetenzzentrum Internationale Beziehungen Partners Organisation The Dutch Alliance Mr. G. Reichrath Stappegoorweg 183 NL-5004 BH Tilburg Tel.: +31(0)88 001 5000 100 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07750 DE Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung ES Centro Integrado Publico De Formacion Profesional Mislata FI Federation of Education on central ostrerbothia, Finland GB GB NL PL PL TR Hackney Community College Learning and Skills Improvement Service The Dutch Alliance Miasto Stołeczne Warszawa Akademia Humanistyczno – Ekonomiczna W Łodzi Mersin Deniz Ticaret Odası Anadolu Denizcilik Meslek Lisesi Care and Guidance Systems – Violence Prevention and Crisis Intervention in VET Care and Guidance Systems – Violence Prevention and Crisis Intervention in VET 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07750 101 Strengthening Inter-Disciplinary and InterOrganisational Practice towards Social Inclusion in Europe 2011-1-DK1-LEO04-03577 DK Summary Too many young people are outside the job market in Europe and the field of working with marginalised young people is an increasing source of employment for graduates in Europe. Practitioners need new methods to integrate marginalised young people into work and or education. Marginalised people are entangled ‘cases’ and therefore need an inter-disciplinary and inter-organisational approach. Academic institutions that teach future social workers, teachers and social pedagogues as well as current practitioners lack knowledge of and methods for inter-professional and inter-organisational forms of collaboration. This partnership will create a European network of academic and practice-based institutions in the social care sector. The network will create a more structured theoretical framework of understanding combined with the practical approach of the field of inter-organisational and inter-professional work. During project run, the network will focus on forms of social entrepreneurship aimed at strengthening social inclusion and active participation of marginalised young people (15-30 years) that have social or other problems and are to be integrated into work or education. The network will conduct a survey of existing knowledge/experience of academic and practice-based partners. A shared analysis of collected data will be made thereby identifying areas of focus for further research. New research will then be performed and will be used to produce new knowledge and develop new methods to improve the service effort towards the target group. To disseminate new knowledge and methods to relevant stakeholders, a national in-service training seminar/conference will be held in each partner country and a cross-national in-service training seminar/conference will be carried out. VIA University College Partners Organisation Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Applied Sciences Mr. D. Herweg Wiboutstraat 80-86 NL-1091 GP Amsterdam Tel.: +31(0)20 548 8160 102 2011-1-DK1-LEO04-03577 DK IE NL ASV Horsens – Akademi for specialundervisning til voksne og unge (Academy for special needs education) RO Universitatea din Bucuresti RO ¸ Generala˘ de Asistenta ¸ ˘ Sociala˘ si ¸ Protectia Copilului Directia sector 1 Bucuresti ¸ RO Pro Vocatie (training and resource center for social occupations, Bucharest) Institute of Technology Sligo Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Applied Sciences Strengthening Inter-Disciplinary and Inter-Organisational Practice towards Social Inclusion in Europe Strengthening Inter-Disciplinary and Inter-Organisational Practice towards Social Inclusion in Europe 2011-1-DK1-LEO04-03577 103 Reception and support adults with handicap in vocational reconversion, with mental health problems Summary Problems concerning mental health and well-being are amongst the top challenges that are facing the workplace, in a global scale today. Since 2005, the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe and the European Commission have both recognized the importance of mental health and well-being and prevention of mental health problems at the workplace as well as overcoming stigma, discrimination and reintegration. In the current economic climate, issues around mental health, well-being and employment have never been more important. Increasing number of individuals in the European Union are experiencing mental health problems in varying degrees, that traditional models of vocational reconversion are no longer effective when it comes to helping them find and keep employment. This therefore calls for a more developmental, and open care approach that will solve, as well as prevent mental disorders in the workforce. This partnership is focused on raising awareness on this issue amongst employers and employees, but more importantly, developing mechanisms that will help employees and potential employees in preventing, coping with and solving mental health issues, to successfully reintegrate them in the workplace. 2011-1-FR1-LEO04-24184 FR Organisation V.O.F. Eskwadraat Mr. B. Schwartz Penant 3 NL-1834 TK Sint Pancras Tel.: +31(0)725 122 450 104 2011-1-FR1-LEO04-24184 Lycee professionnel Erp Gabriel et Charlotte Malleterreerp Partners ES University of Malaga. Facultad de Ciencias de la Education FR Association d’entraide Vivre-Centre Alexandre Dumas GB Higher Rhythm Ltd NL V.O.F. Eskwadraat Reception and support adults with handicap in vocational reconversion, with mental health problems Reception and support adults with handicap in vocational reconversion, with mental health problems 2011-1-FR1-LEO04-24184 105 European Education Concept and Forum for Organic Food Processors 2011-1-BE2-LEO04-01960 BE Organisation Vereniging Biologische Productieen handelsbedrijven Mr. B. van den Idsert Celsiusstraat 68 NL-3817 XH Amersfoort Tel.: +31(0)334 656 009 106 2011-1-BE2-LEO04-01960 Summary The Organic food processing sector is developing fast in Europe and worldwide. Numbers of companies processing organic food in European countries increase and existing companies expand their production and markets. In many countries consumer demands for different organic and sustainable products is higher than supply of organic processed food. Organic food processing and organic market development demands well educated and competent human resources. Next to general knowledge, skills and competence required in food processing, organic food processing depends on additional and specific know-how. The education sector in Europe is not answering the demand of the organic processors and its employees. Better organisation and recognition of education for organic processing is necessary to better meet needs of all partners of this sector. This project addresses these challenges. This project aims to create a European concept of trainings for the organic food processing sector. The concept will cover broadly all employees in the organic food processing sector and focus specifically on the most relevant employees groups. An exchange forum will be created as a platform for information exchange for organic food processing sector both as a tool to collect relevant information supporting realisation of the project aims and objective, as well as a tool for further communication and exchange after the project is finished. Partners will also exchange on and provide first suggestion for implementation of ECVET for training covered by the earlier developed concept of training for organic food processing sector. Additionally, strategy for promotion and implementation of the concept of training will be developed to encourage use of project results and further development of the educational offer. Syntra West vzw Partners DE DE FORUM Berufsbildung e.V. FI Kurmakka – Organic food OY LTD (Organic food Finland) NL Vereniging Biologische Productie- en handelsbedrijven PL Association of Polish Organic Food Producers and Processors’Polish Ecology’ Assoziation oekologischer Lebensmittelhersteller Aoel e.V. European Education Concept and Forum for Organic Food Processors European Education Concept and Forum for Organic Food Processors 2011-1-BE2-LEO04-01960 107 SET4change: Social Entrepreneurship for Women in Business, Science, Engineering and Technology (B/SET) 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05409 GB Organisation VHTO – (National expertise bureau girls /women and science / technology) Mrs. C. Booij Science Park 400 NL-1098 XH Amsterdam Tel.: +31(0)20 888 4220 108 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05409 Summary The phrase ‘social enterprise’ (SE) describes a business which has been set up primarily to contribute to combating social issues, and can be a powerful method to change society. Set4change aims to bring together experts in the fields of VET, entrepreneurship, SET experts and gender equality in order to explore synergies and share best practice in the area of creativity and ideas generation (focusing on the opportunities provided by promoting social enterprise to women in B/SET). Women are highly under-represented in entrepreneurship, but particularly so in the field of B/SET. Indicators show that numbers of women are far below those of men opening companies with a B/SET focus, only 8.3% of patents awarded by the European Patent Office were to women in 2008. However, it has been shown that women are more likely to be involved in opening a social enterprise. There is therefore an opportunity to explore methodologies of supporting women in B/SET to investigate social enterprise. The project aims to do this through a series of workshops exploring ideas generation and creative thinking for enterprise in women studying/working in B/SET. Four workshops will be provided throughout the project’s lifetime, aimed at trainers, VET stakeholders and women each focusing on a different aspect of creativity and ideas generation. All of the tools used also promote intrapreneurial thinking, supporting women in their career progression. By supporting women to explore the opportunities provided by social enterprise, the project aims to pilot the effectiveness of this approach in VET to support higher numbers of women in B/SET to set up their own business, support SE and inspire them to transform society using B/SET. An online guide to the workshops will be produced. Inova Consultancy ltd Partners CH Swiss Occidental Leonardo ES Plataforma Enlaces, Empresarias, Autonomas y Emprendedoras por el Progreso IT Apid Imprenditorialita’ Donna NL VHTO PT GHD – Global Human Development, Lda SET4change: Social Entrepreneurship for Women in Business, Science, Engineering and Technology (B/SET) SET4change: Social Entrepreneurship for Women in Business, Science, Engineering and Technology (B/SET) 2011-1-GB2-LEO04-05409 109 MUSICATION: Music and Education 2011-1-FR1-LEO04-24198 FR Organisation VNPF Mr. B. Schans Funenpark 1 NL-1018 AK Amsterdam Tel.: +31(0)6 1652 4278 110 2011-1-FR1-LEO04-24198 Summary The partners in this project are part of the ‘LIVE DMA’ network, representing 800 venues and festivals on the European territory. During the past five years, new categories of jobs seem to appear in European popular music venues. Alongside their main activity which is organising concerts, many of them also develop educative and social activities, meaning that new kinds of professionals are working in these venues. We think that it is a major issue for our venues, for the professionals who work in these organisations, for the public. What does this mean in terms of professionalisation, impact on the public, the venues’ projects and the territories? With MUSICATION we plan to build a collaborative network and a frame for exchanges between the professionals in charge of educative activities in modern music organisations in the partner countries, collate the partners’ experiences, conceive and experiment a common pedagogical frame aiming at professionalising the employees in charge of these educative activities. This also contributes to promote cultural diversity and European citizenship. We will pilot a research on the topic in each country. The results will be published on the internet. We will also organise work meetings between the employees in charge of educative activities in music organisations and the partners’ staff, consisting in the observation of activities organised in different countries and exchanges of experiences. We will build a common curriculum aiming at professionalising the employees. A final conference will allow us to disseminate the results of our project and imagine new opportunities and cooperations. La Fédurok, fédération nationale de lieux de musiques amplifiées/actuelles Partners BE Court Circuit ES ACCES NL VNPF PT d’Orfeu Associação Cultural MUSICATION: Music and Education MUSICATION: Music and Education 2011-1-FR1-LEO04-24198 111 European Documentation of Contemporary Dance Education 2011-1-AT1-LEO04-05055 AT Summary The ‘European Documentation of Contemporary Dance Education’ (EDOCDE) supports contemporary dance educators in their professional development, establishing ‘best practices’ and increasing the visibility and image of contemporary dance educators in the European market. Reflecting the diversity of contemporary dance education in Europe, EDOCDE will evaluate and develop the pedagogic practices of key teachers within the European Union, and investigate what is both unique and common to the teaching practices within each country. EDOCDE develops a practice of verbalizing, writing and reflecting upon the developments in contemporary dance education by documenting classes and by discussing the different practical and theoretical approaches. It helps dance educators to become fluent in technical terminology in English. EDOCDE uses online and ‘offline’ activities for contemporary dance educators: it creates a public, interactive online database and organize an European teacher exchange as well as an European symposium in cooperation with national dance associations in order to develop, collect and share innovative knowledge and skills. Alongside the international meetings, the project will also share the information and support the development of pedagogic practice on a national level through a series workshops with leading dance educators of the country and mentors from other participating countries involving invited key teachers based in that country. These events will contribute to a wider distribution of the gained knowledge. The online database, that will be created during the project, contains documents and evaluates the process and results of the involved dance educators. This website will be available for use, also for other dance educators, beyond the project duration. Wiener Tanzwochen Partners Organisation Zwaan Produkties Mrs. B.L. Bermudez Pascual Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 120 sous NL-1012 SH Amsterdam Tel.: +31(0)20 616 7240 112 2011-1-AT1-LEO04-05055 BE Ultima Vez vzw DE DE FI FR GB HU NL SE SI Ponderosa e.V. K3 – Zentrum für Choreographie | Tanzplan Hamburg / Kampnagel Internationale Kulturfabrik GmbH Eastern Finland Sports Institute Le Pacifique | CDC (association le pied à coulisse) Independent Dance Mühely Alapítvány Zwaan Produkties ECullberg Ballet Emanat, Zavod za razvoj in afirmacijo plesa in sodobne umetnosti TR Mimar Sinan Guzel Sanatlar Universitesi (Modern Dans Ana Sanat Dali) European Documentation of Contemporary Dance Education European Documentation of Contemporary Dance Education 2011-1-AT1-LEO04-05055 113 5 Explanation Dutch abbreviations ROC/AOC and KBB The Centres of Expertise on vocational education, training and the labour market (Kenniscentra Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven - KBB) are the institutions that develop the Dutch qualification structure for vocational education. Together with companies and schools they are responsible for senior secondary vocational education and training. The Netherlands have seventeen Centres of Expertise, specialised around one sector or branche of industry. Besides developing qualification files and the qualification structure, they recruit training firms and monitor the quality of these training firms. Centres of Expertise and educational institutes ensure sufficient influx of new and qualified talent in the various branches. Together with the Centres of Expertise, the social partners, training firms, stakeholders on education and training and government make a contribution to good and attractive vocational education. The VET sector consists in 70 VET colleges comprising VET colleges (Regionaal Opleidingen Centrum, ROCs in Dutch), agricultural VET colleges (AOCs in Dutch) and specialised vocational colleges. All VET colleges have a strong regional orientation. The VET colleges offer VET in technology, economics, personal/social services, health care and adult education. The agricultural VET colleges offer pre-vocational secondary and VET in the agricultural and food technology sectors. Specialised vocational colleges offer programmes for one branch of industry only, such as graphic arts and design, butchery, house painting, furniture making, the fishing industry and shipping and transport. 114 5 Explanation Dutch abbreviations 5 Explanation Dutch abbreviations 115 NA LLP Leonardo da Vinci - the Netherlands | T +31 (0)73 680 0762 | E | P.O. Box 1585 | NL-5200 BP ‘s-HERTOGENBOSCH