March/April 2014 - Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 1919
March/April 2014 - Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 1919
visit our website: VOL 14-7 MARCH-APRIL 2014 PATRIOT BULLETIN YOUR NEXT PURPLE HEART EVENT DATES PATRIOT BULLETIN THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART OF THE U.S.A. TEXAS CAPITAL CHAPTER 1919, DEPARTMENT OF TEXAS 15 MAR — 10 AM, STAFF MEETING, MUSEUM, CAMP MABRY, LOOP 1 & 35th ST 17 MAR — 8AM, “BREAKFAST AT JIM’S—SOUTH,” AT THE Y-IN-OAK-HILL, HWYS 290 & 71 22 MAR — 10AM, MEETING, WEEDEN’S, 1175 ENCHANTED OAK, DRIFTWOOD 27 MAR — 12 NOON, LUNCH, LA PLAYA RESTAURANT, 3010 WILLIAMS DR, GEORGETOWN 5 APR — 10 AM, STAFF MEETING, MUSEUM, CAMP MABRY, LOOP 1 & 35th ST 7 APR — 6:30AM, “BREAKFAST AT JIM’S—NORTH,” RESEARCH BLVD AT BURNET RD 12 APR — 10AM, CHAPTER MEETING / ELECTIONS, VFW POST 4443, 7614 THOMAS SPRINGS RD 27 APR — 12 NOON, LUNCH, LA PLAYA RESTAURANT, 3010 WILLIAMS DR, GEORGETOWN 3 MAY — ALL DAY, WHEELERS FOR THE WOUNDED, ADVENTURE PK, 7420 E FM 1431 MARBLE FALLS 5 MAY — 6:30AM, “BREAKFAST AT JIM’S—NORTH,” RESEARCH BLVD AT BURNET RD MARCH—APRIL THE NEXT CHAPTER MEETING WILL ALSO BE A RED, WHITE & BIKE EVENT ALL BEING FOLLOWED WITH BBQ LUNCH SATURDAY MORNING MARCH 22nd, at 10a.m. At the Weeden’s 1175 ENCHANTED OAK DRIFTWOOD, TX AFTER THE MEETING PROGRAM AND AFTER THE RED, WHITE AND BIKE PRESENTATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE, A “RUDY’S BBQ” LUNCH WILL BE SERVED UP FOR ALL IN ATTENDANCE, SO DON’T MISS OUT ! CHAPTER 1919’s MONTHLY MEETING & ANNUAL ELECTIONS 10a.m., SATURDAY APRIL 12th VFW POST 4443 7614 THOMAS SPRINGS ROAD AUSTIN, TEXAS 78736 THIS IS A NEW MEETING LOCATION FOR US AND IT HAS TREMENDOUS MEETING FACILITIES, COME YOU WILL LIKE WHAT YOU SEE. IT IS ON A SPACIOUS CAMPUS LOCATED NORTH AND WEST OF THE “Y-IN-OAK HILL,” AND SET BACK FROM THE ROAD. THOMAS SPRINGS ROAD CONNECTS HWY 290 AND HWY 71, AND THE VFW ADDRESS AT 7614 IS BETWEEN THE TWO HIGHWAYS, SO IT IS EASILY REACHED FROM EITHER DIRECTION ...Featured Patriot Story for this Issue is a WWII Marine... INSIDE: GABRIEL TAMAYO LEADER BOARD 2-3 GABRIEL WAS BORN AND RAISED IN LOCKHART, AND LEFT HIGH SCHOOL TO GO INTO THE MARINES. AFTER TRAINING HE WAS SENT TO THE FIRST MARINE DIVISION IN TIME TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TAKING OF PELEILU AND THEN OKINAWA. HE WAS WOUNDED DURING THE CLEARING OPERATIONS ON OKINAWA, AND SERVED IN THE FOLLOWING OCCUPATION OF CHINA BEFORE BEING DISCHARGED. HIS MARINE RESERVE UNIT WAS REACTIVATED FOR KOREA AND HE AGAIN SERVED WITH THE FIRST MARINE DIVISION. HIS STORY STARTS PG 8. NEW MEMBERS 4 ADJUTANT’S CALL 5 NEWS / FEATURES / PHOTOS DEPARTMENT OF TEXAS NEWS 4 - 12 10 BIRTHDAYS / BOOSTERS 12-13 TRIBUTES / TAPS 14-15 CHAPTER CALENDAR 16 Page 2 PATRIOT BULLETIN Chapter Notes PATRIOTS, OUR ANNUAL GEORGE WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY DINNER PARTY WAS SUCH A SPECIAL TIME FOR THE CHAPTER IT IS DIFFICULT TO RE-FOCUS ON COMING EVENTS, BUT IN THIS ISSUE, IN ADDITION TO CHAPTER MEETINGS, SEE OTHER OPPORTUNITIES COMING UP — FOR VIETNAM VETS, THE MARCH 29th MONUMENT DEDICATION — APRIL 6th THE MUSTANG HERITAGE FOUNDATION SHOWS WHAT IT DOES — APRIL 9th PURPLE HEART CEREMONY AT FIRE STATION #7 As we move into March and April we have a lot of things happening. Our raffle for the beautiful patriotic quilt is off to a good start. Rose Weeden is pulling out all the stops in selling tickets! You really don’t want to miss out on being the quilt owner. COMMANDER’S MESSAGE Greetings Patriots, I would like to thank everyone who attended this year’s General George Washington’s Birthday Dinner. It was a wonderful evening! To those of you who were unable to attend, you missed out on meeting a true hero, our own Patriot Brother Alan Babin Jr. Alan was accompanied by his sister, Christy, and his Mother, Rosalinda Babin. Rosie was our guest speaker for the evening. She shared with us what so many of our combat wounded troops and their families go through on their return home. I didn’t have to look too far to find the perfect example. It was right here in our chapter! Rosie, gave all in attendance a visual and emotional trip through time from Alan’s graduation from Round Rock High School, his decision to join the Army, the day he was wounded, his years of recovery, all those who helped, and how faith and prayer played a major role in where Alan is today. Chapter 1919 again sends an enormous thank you to Rosie, Christy, and Alan for joining and sharing with us. I would like to thank all of the Officers and Ladies Auxiliary for your help as well. A special thank you to Fred Lord, Senior Vice President, and to Milt Carr, and Michelle Collins for their help. Their experience was a great help. We really need more volunteers to help sell raffle tickets so please call to help out! On March 22nd we will share our meeting with Red, White and Bike, as they present 18 bikes to our Little Heros. Of those receiving bicycles, 13 of the children lost a parent as K.I.A.’s. The meeting will be held at the Weeden’s (Ranch) starting at 10 AM. On April 9th I hope that you will join me along with members of the Austin Fire Department as they honor Clarence Doherty who was killed in North Africa during WWII. I will be presenting his Purple Heart that was recently found at a garage sale. Clarence was a firefighter before joining the Army, so, to show your support, join me there at Fire Station 7, at 201 Chicon Street for the ceremony at 1:00 p.m. on April 9th and hear the rest of his story. Chapter 1919 mourns the recent passing of Past Commander, Lee Hagan, and two of our charter members, Jack Warden, and Billy Meier. Our prayers go out to their families and love ones. Milt Carr will be reflecting more in “Adjutant’s Call.” It was my honor to present the 2014 Chapter 1919, “Patriot of the Year” award to Raymond Diaz. Raymond has been our Welfare Officer and Purple Santa, helping needy veterans and their families, not just at Christmas time, but also during hard times throughout the year. He brings joy to so many hearts as well as this chapter. He spends an unimaginable amount of hours and we are grateful for his service. THE PATRIOT BULLETIN IS PUBLISHED, NORMALLY MONTHLY, BY THE TEXAS CAPITAL CHAPTER 1919, The MILITARY ORDER of the PURPLE HEART of the U.S.A., Inc., 5701 PAINTED VALLEY DRIVE, AUSTIN, TEXAS, 78759, FOR ITS MEMBERS. TO SUBMIT MATERIAL, OR COMMENTS, OR TO REPORT CHANGES OF ADDRESS, NOTIFY EDITOR, MILT CARR, (512) 343-7940. THE CUTOFF DATE TO SUBMIT MATERIAL FOR PUBLICATION IS EXACTLY 3-WEEKS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE NEXT CHAPTER MEETING. YOU CAN VIEW OUR NEWSLETTER IN COLOR, GO TO WEBSITE , FIND NEWSLETTER IN THE MENU. Yours In Patriotism, DANNY BAKER, Commander Chapter 1919, MOPH PATRIOT BULLETIN Page 3 Unit Notes LADIES, GEORGE WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY DINNER PARTY IN THE AUSTIN CLUB TRULY WAS A PATRIOTIC EVENT TO REMEMBER FOR ALL OF US IN ATTENDANCE, THANKS TO THE CHAPTER COMMANDER, DANNY BAKER, FOR PUTTING ON A GREAT PROGRAM. FEATURE SPEAKER, ROSIE BABIN’S INSPIRATIONAL PRESENTATION IS SOMETHING THAT EVERY ONE SHOULD HEAR. THE DINNER PARTY WAS ALSO A PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT THIS YEAR’S “LADY OF THE YEAR” AWARD TO JANE BAKER. NOW, EVERYONE COME TO THE MARCH 22nd MEETING. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Hello Ladies, As usual, George Washington’s Birthday Dinner was a huge success. We enjoyed a delicious buffet and birthday cake, along with fantastic entertainment. Jane E. Baker, wife of Chapter Commander Danny Baker, was introduced as the 2013-2014 LAMOPH Lady of the Year. Jane has been an indispensable asset to the auxiliary and has often represented us at Patriot events. Congratulations Jane! Thanks again for all you do. COMMAND AND PRINCIPAL STAFF CHAPTER / UNIT 1919 OFFICERS, MOPH CHAPT 1919 NOTE: AREA CODES NOT LISTED ARE ( 512 ) COMMANDER DANNY BAKER 965-7400 SENIOR VICE COMMANDER FRED LORD 733-2422 JUNIOR VICE COMMANDER I will attend the LAMOPH National Executive Committee (NEC) Midyear Conference in Louisville, Kentucky on March 11, 2014. Please pray for my safe travel. I will report on the NEC conference at our next gathering. SCOTT GARRETT The Department of Texas Convention will be June 12, 13, and 14, 2014 in Nacogdoches. The pertinent business for the Ladies Auxiliary will be completed on Friday, June 13th. We will have more information about the convention available at the meeting in March. TONY MOORE 652-8932 ADJUTANT MILT CARR 343-7940 FINANCE OFFICER JIM BROWN 773-8274 SERVICE OFFICER 417-4132 PUBLIC RELATIONS JOHN BURKHARDT 497-5857 JUDGE ADVOCATE JAY KIMBROUGH 450-9400 CHAPLAIN RUFUS DYE 926-5691 th The next meeting will On February 15 , I YOUR NEXT start at 10:00 a.m. on attended the Purple Heart PATRIOT BULLETIN Saturday, March 22, Ball, which was put on 2014. We will be by MOPH Chapter 1876 WILL BE THE graciously hosted by and LAMOPH Unit 1876 Harold and Rose in Harker Heights. The MAY ISSUE Weeden at their home Ball was at “Club Hood” ANNOUNCING THE at 1175 Enchanted on the base at Fort Hood, CHAPTER’S ANNUAL PICNIC Oak, Driftwood, Texas. I was impressed AND THE Texas. Betty Cepeda by the numerous things INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS will deliver the report individuals and groups were accomplishing for SATURDAY, MAY 17th at of the nominating committee at this veterans. The food and Weeden’s in Driftwood, meeting. Thanks to entertainment was 1175 Enchanted Oak everyone who has fabulous. I had a agreed to run for an wonderful time and office. We always have a good time thank everyone for making me feel welcome. I hope to go again next year at the Weeden’s, so I hope to see and would encourage others to attend many of you there. The election of officers will take place at the this event saluting General George meeting in April. Washington and our Patriots. Although it is not quite official, we are in the process of signing up ladies who will take us over the 100 member mark. Continue to keep LAMOPH membership applications available, because sometimes the first encounter is the only opportunity to register someone. Have a wonderful month. Please contact me if you have comments, questions, or need other assistance. Yours truly, AMERICANISM OFFICER ERNIE BANASAU WELFARE OFFICER RAYMOND DIAZ 444-6342 SERGEANT AT ARMS RICHARD CONTRERAS 282-0467 OFFICERS, LAMOPH UNIT 1919 PRESIDENT & SECRETARY JOSEPHINE MAYS 928-9238 SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT LAURIE ANNE HUDGEONS 335-1230 JUNIOR VICE PRESIDENT JENNY BANKSTON 252-1512 TREASURER BETTY CEPEDA 567-8569 TRUSTEES, 1-2-3 Yr MARY DIAZ JANIE BAKER GABRIELLE DIAZ 444-6342 246-6439 925-3088 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS JENNYNE BILSKY Josephine Mays, President Unit 1919, LAMOPH 894-0644 338-1999 HISTORIAN ELAINE BURKHARDT 479-5857 Page 4 PATRIOT BULLETIN NEW MEMBERS Three new members have been added to the rolls of Chapter 1919 since publication of the last issue of PATRIOT BULLETIN. Congratulations and Welcome to all: JOHNNY CISNEROS is an Army Vietnam veteran. Johnny was with the 173rd Airborne Brigade (Sky Soldiers) when wounded October 26, 1970 during an engagement in Tam Quan District. MICHAEL CROW is a twice wounded Army Vietnam veteran. He was serving in 2nd Battalion, 34th Armor, 1st Infantry Division when wounded on November 17, 1966 at Lai Khe, and on February 14, 1967 (happy Valentine’s day Mike) at Tay Ninh. CHRISTOPHER PRITT is a Marine Corps veteran, wounded in both Iraq and in Afghanistan when working as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Team Leader. He was with the 9th Engineer Support Battalion when wounded in Fallujah, Iraq on March 7, 2007, and he was with the 2nd Marine Special Operations Battalion on May 5, 2012 when wounded at Bala Murghab, Afghanistan. Applications in-process at National when this newsletter was published include: MARGARET LOPEZ, Navy, Yemen, Aden harbor ...It Has Been In The Works For Nine Years, Finally Now The Time Has Come, The Dedication Of The… TEXAS CAPITOL VIETNAM VETERANS MONUMENT ...Will Take Place At 10:00 a.m, Saturday, March 29, 2014, On The Grounds Of The Texas State Capitol... A great program is planned to honor Texas Vietnam Veterans as the Texas Capital Vietnam Veterans Monument is unveiled on March 29, 2014. All Texas Vietnam Veterans and their families and friends are invited to attend. Seating at the dedication site is open to all, first come, first served. But, the event organizers would like to know ahead Following the 10:00 a.m. ceremony, a “Welcome of time if you plan to attend, and you can make a Home Fair” in and around the Texas Capitol will reservation with them. Their webpage for reservainclude the Texas Vietnam Heroes Exhibit, Vietnam tions is way long, but easy to find, just do a search war equipment displays and exhibits about veterans for “texas capitol vietnam veterans monument services and programs. The “Texas Vietnam dedication,” and clicking on the “eventbrite” Heroes Exhibit” will be in the lower rotunda of the website. You can even print an admission ticket Capitol (and will remain on display there through (but, do not need it to attend). April 6th), Vietnam era helicopters and vehicles will be on display on the grounds, and there will All state parking garages will be open to the public be live music at the monument site by the “Clinton for paid parking on Saturday, March 29th. James Gang.” THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART WAS CHARTERED BY THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1958 (PUBLIC LAW 85-761, 85TH CONGRESS, H.R.13558). THE ORDER IS EXCLUSIVELY COMPOSED OF MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN WHO RECEIVED THE PURPLE HEART MEDAL FOR WOUNDS SUSTAINED IN COMBAT. ALTHOUGH MEMBERSHIP IS RESTRICTED TO THE COMBAT WOUNDED, IT SUPPORTS ALL VETERANS AND THEIR FAMILIES. THE MISSION OF THE M.O.P.H. IS TO FOSTER AN ENVIRONMENT OF GOODWILL AND CAMARADERIE AMONG COMBAT WOUNDED VETERANS, PROMOTE PATRIOTISM, SUPPORT NECESSARY LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVES, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, PROVIDE SERVICE TO ALL VETERANS AND THEIR FAMILIES. Page 5 PATRIOT BULLETIN ADJUTANTS CALL and / or Afghanistan wounded veterans on the rolls George Washington’s Birthday Dinner Party: The commander and president’s messages have now total exactly 100. already said a lot about what was one of our best Losses Sustained: Chapter 1919 took some hard ever. To that I add, congratulations to Chapter blows last month, losses that brief TAPS entries on “Patriot of the Year,” Raymond Diaz; and to Unit page 15 can’t begin to do justice for, and I know my “Auxiliary of the Year,” Jane Baker. They are both added words here don’t help that, but maybe I’ll feel highly deserving of far more accolades than those for better saying them. Lee Hagan commanded this their contributions to MOPH chapter two terms ago giving CHAPTER 1919 MEMBERSHIP STATS and LAMOPH. For those who me the benefit of serving this (CURRENT CHAPTER RECORDS) did not attend the dinner party, MEMBERS BY SERVICE & WAR WOUNDED chapter in close association I recommend that you look for with him, camaraderie that ARMY VIETNAM 227 some opportunity to attend a becomes even more precious MARINES VIETNAM 88 future presentation by ARMY IRAQ / AFGHANISTAN 83 with time. We also lost, only Rosalinda Babin like the one ARMY WWII 41 days apart, two of our few ARMY KOREA 23 she gave to us at the Austin remaining Chapter Charter AIR FORCE VIETNAM 18 Club last Friday night. The members, Jack Warden and MARINES IRAQ / AFGHANISTAN 16 story of her family experience NAVY Billie Meier, both WWII VIETNAM 15 after the wounding of her son, MARINES KOREA 13 veterans who lived locally Patriot Alan Babin Jr., in Iraq AIR FORCE WWII 11 and both of whom gave much MARINES WWII 8 was inspirational, one that to the nation in that war now ’91 GULF WAR 3 every American should hear. ARMY long past. NAVY WW II 1 Chapter Elections: are ARMY WWII & KOREA 2 PATRIOT BULLETIN is on WWII & KOREA 1 coming next month and this is MARINES the Internet: and you can MARINES ’91 GULF WAR 1 the last newsletter you will read it there, usually about a PANAMA 1 receive until after that day has ARMY week before you receive this ARMY SOMALIA 1 passed and the votes have all MARINES LEBANON 1 paper copy in your mail box. been counted. We always have NAVY KOREA 1 To find it, go to this address: IRAQ 1 a need for new volunteers, so AIR FORCE MARINES OTHER 1 if you are willing to serve, and find in the menu of that OTHER 1 now is the time to say so. New NAVY homepage “March-April members please know you are 2014 Newsletter” and open TOTAL……..558 needed and you are welcome that page. The photos and to join the team. Please consider this your invitation graphics are in color and a growing number of our to serve your fellow veterans. Contact me or any of members and friends are helping us save on printing the other officers if you are ready and willing to take and mailing costs by notifying us to stop sending on the responsibility of holding a chapter office. Our the paper copy while letting them know by e-mail phone numbers are all on page 3. each month when PATRIOT BULLETIN has been posted to the website. Upon your request, we will We have made the “Century Club” in two areas: suspend mailing your paper copy and add you to the Congratulations are in order to Unit President, e-mail notification list. To make sure we get your Josephine Mays and the Ladies in Unit 1919. Their 100th member’s application is now being processed. e-mail address correctly please request to me, And, the Chapter’s “Post 911” wounded member numbers have also reached that milestone. Notice in —MILT CARR, Adjutant, 512-343-7940 the table inset in the center that Chapter 1919’s Iraq Page 6 PATRIOT BULLETIN …A Photo Report On Chapter 1919’s Celebration At The... GEORGE WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY DINNER PARTY ...Friday Evening, February 28, 2014 in the Austin Club… PATRIOTS, LADIES, GUESTS, AND FRIENDS OF THE CHAPTER ASSEMBLED BEFORE THE EVENING’S PROGRAM BEGAN CHAPTER COMMANDER AND MASTER OF CEDREMONIES, DANNY BAKER, AT THE MIC PRESENTING THE CHAPTER’S 2014 “PATRIOT OF THE YEAR” AWARD TO RAYMOND DIAZ SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION PROVIDED THE HONOR GUARD. MARVIN MORGAN LEADS AS FLAG BEARERS, LARRY PEIK, L), AND JIM NELSON ARE PREPARING TO POST THE COLORS HAROLD AND EL ROSE WEEDEN RUFUS DYE AND ELIZABETH LARSON JOSEPHINE MAYS, LAMOPH UNIT 1919 PRESIDENT ANNOUNCING JANE BAKER, RECIPIENT OF THE UNIT’S “LADY OF THE YEAR” AWARD VOCALIST TINA LEE RENDERED THE NATIONAL ANTHEM AND LED SINGING OF GOD BLESS AMERICA PATRIOT ALAN BABIN JR., ONE OF THE EARLIEST IRAQ WOUNDED IN 2003, SMILES AS HIS MOM, ROSALINDA (SHOWN HERE WITH CDR DANNY BAKER); THE FEATURED SPEAKER PRESENTED HIS STORY COMING THE GREATEST DISTANCE WAS PATRIOT DANIEL KANNEGAARD, OUR WINTER TEXAN FROM IDAHO WITH NIECE, UNIT 1919’S LAURIE ANNE HUDGEONS WILLIAM AND LOIS ORR JUNIOR VICE COMMANDER, SCOTT GARRETT, NARRATING THE POW / MIA CEREMONY JAMES BRYANT AND TED SHRADER A.J. PEPPER CAME FROM BROWNWOOD AGAIN THIS YEAR PATRIOT BULLETIN Page 7 ...They Start Next Month, It Is Nearly Time For MOPH’s 2014... ROTC Leadership Awards MOPH has an ROTC Leadership Medal approved by the Department of Defense for award to selected Cadets in ROTC and Junior ROTC programs. The school year will soon be coming to an end and most award ceremonies are scheduled sometime between late April and mid-May. Ideally, the presentation of the award in each school should be made by one of our Purple Heart recipients. Chapter 1919’s ROTC Awards Coordinator is Chapter Senior Vice Commander, Fred Lord. Fred says, “What I am looking for is to identify Patriots who have some connection, any connection will do, with one or more of these schools (last year’s schools are shown below). Whether you graduated from the school, have a child or grandchild that is a cadet there, have a family member or friend who teaches there, or maybe you simply live conveniently near that school, you would be our natural best choice to make the presentation at that school. For example, Vic Frysinger in College Station does the work and makes the presentations for us at A&M.” If any of that fits for you, please report your name to add to his list. Patriots that match up to make one of the presentations, please contact Patriot Lord now, e-mail, or phone 512-619-8489. LEHMAN HIGH SCHOOL LOCKHART HIGH SCHOOL NcNEIL HIGH SCHOOL REGAN HIGH SCHOOL ROUND ROCK HIGH SCHOOL SAN MARCOS BAPTIST ACADEMY SAN MARCOS HIGH SCHOOL STONY POINT HIGH SCHOOL VISTA RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL TRAVIS HIGH SCHOOL WESTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL GEORGETOWN HIGH SCHOOL ROTC PROGRAMS UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY-SAN MARCOS TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY JUNIOR ROTC PROGRAMS AKINS HIGH SCHOOL BASTROP HIGH SCHOOL DEL VALLE HIGH SCHOOL HENDRICKSON HIGH SCHOOL JACK HAYS HIGH SCHOOL LEANDER HIGH SCHOOL Prequel to Tributes SEE PAGE 14 A Tribute To The Memory Of Patriot JAMES B. “JIM” DEETER ARMY, VIETNAM, WOUNDED: JAN 1968 25th EOD DETACHMENT, QUANG TRI RAY DIAZ 12/13 In Memory Of Patriot, and 2004 National Commander ROBERT LICHTENBERGER ARMY, VIETNAM, WOUNDED, CU CHI 20th Artillery, 1st Air Cavalry Div by both RAY DIAZ and RUFUS DYE 12/13 In Memory of Patriot IN MEMORY SURVIVOR OF THE Of the 27 crew chiefs and pilots Who died in a single plane crash In England during WWII BATAAN DEATH MARCH 439th Troop Carrier Group ARTHUR RICE WORLD WAR II MINNIE RICE 3/13 IN MEMORY OF JACK HADSELL MEMORIAL 10/13 In Memory Of Patriot J.M. HICKS SERVANDO C. VARELA P.O.W. IN JAPAN FOR 36 MONTHS ARMY, WWII, WOUNDED IN NORMANDY DURING WWII JACK HADSELL MEMORIAL 10/13 COMPANY B, 300th ENGINEER BATTALION by both RAY DIAZ & DON MORRISON 12/13 In Honor Of Tribute To The Memory Of In Memory Of Patriot JOE S. CASTRO DON BOSSERMAN WILLIAM A. BRANT ARMY, WWII, PACIFIC Medic, 105th Inf, 27th Infantry Division Wounded on Saipan, June 21, 1944 RAY DIAZ & JENNYNE BILSKY 12/13 Wounded Vietnam, Feb 1967 Soldier-Patriot- and Friend SETH SORELL 12/13 ARMY, WWII, EUROPE 1st Infantry Division, Wounded, Normandy RUFUS DYE 9/13 Page 8 PATRIOT BULLETIN GABRIEL TAMAYO Marine Corps, WWII, Pacific Patriot, Chapter 1919 Gabriel Tamayo was born in Lockhart, Texas in 1925. He grew up there and attended public schools. He was still in high school when his draft notice came in 1943, but Gabriel didn’t wait. He dropped out of school and enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve instead. He entered active duty in San Antonio on December 11, 1943, and was sent to San Diego where he went through boot camp. After boot camp and advanced individual training at Camp Pendleton, Gabriel was immediately sent off to the Pacific Theatre without having any home leave. His ship sailed on May 13, 1944, and his destination was Pavuvu, in the Russell Islands northwest of Guadalcanal. At that time, Pavuvu island was home to the First Marine Division, recently moved there after combat at Cape Gloucester, New Britain, and at Guadalcanal the year before that. It was a small island, without adequate infrastructure, and when Gabriel arrived the units were building camps to make the place livable. 1st MARINE DIV PATCH 11th MARINE REGIMENT INSIGNIA In his weapons training, Gabriel Tamayo had scored high in marksmanship and he came to the First Marine Division with the special military qualification of machine gunner. He was further assigned to 4th Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment. The 11th Marines constituted the artillery regiment for the division, tasked with providing fire support for the division’s three line regiments, the 1st, 5th, and 7th Marines. The 4th Battalion had only recently been formed and it was equipped with 105mm howitzers, whereas the older battalions were equipped with 75mm pack howitzers. Gabriel says, “My job was to position the machine gun to provide local security and defense for the artillery.” After he had been on Pavuvu for several months, the division was sent into combat, participating in the September 15, 1944 invasion landing on Peleilu, After a month of heavy fighting the First Marine Division was relieved and on October 20th, they returned to Pavuvu Island. The division reoccupied their island home and, for the next five months, continued to develop and improve the base camp facilities. Combat training exercises at unit level were limited by the small size of Tavuvu. Gabriel Tamayo’s artillery units did some firing, using the ocean for an impact area and positioning artillery spotters in boats offshore to adjust the fires. The division embarked at Pavuvu for the last time and sailed on March 15, 1945 for the huge anchorage at Ulithi Atoll where they joined the fleet being assembled for the invasion of Okinawa. After anchoring at Ulithi from 21-27 March, the massive convoy moved to take up positions off Okinawa, and landed the invasion forces on April 1st, Easter Sunday. The First Marine Division and Sixth Marine Division of the III Amphibious Corps went ashore at landing beaches in the middle of the island against Japanese opposition that was surprisingly light. As a result, Gabriel Tamayo and all the 11th Marines artillery went ashore safely during the afternoon of the first day. In the days that followed, the Marines encountered light resistance and soon secured the center and then the north of the island. However, the Army, assigned to take the south, had come up against the main body of the enemy force on the island (100,000 troops). The Japanese had withdrawn to the southern part of Okinawa where they had the advantage of a well prepared defensive line and could employ the most effective artillery that the Americans had faced anywhere in the Pacific up to that time. As a result the Army took heavy casualties both when they would gain ground in the attack and then from enemy counter attacks that followed. On April 9, 1945, the 11th Marines, Gabriel Tamayo among them, were moved to the south to provide their artillery fire support to the more heavily engaged Army units. During that phase of the fighting the artillery fired many counter-battery missions to neutralize Japanese artillery, and many fire missions to break up Japanese counter attacks. On April 30th, the First Marine Division moved into the line in the south, (relieving the Army’s depleted 27th Infantry Division), so the 11th Marine Regiment artillery was again back with its division. During weeks of bitter combat that followed, the Japanese defenses were under relentless pressure and by mid-May the general fighting along their main line of resistance had broken down so that it became more a series of isolated battles at separate points in each of the four American division’s sectors. That type of fighting continued even after Page 9 PATRIOT BULLETIN organized resistance had collapsed and the Okinawa Campaign was declared ended on June 22, 1945, and it was in one of those later actions after the official end of the campaign that Gabriel Tamayo was wounded. On June 30th, some unknown number of Japanese hold-out’s had been detected in a cave by a group of Marines that were clearing the area, and Gabriel was there supporting them. A tremendous blast, apparently of a quantity of explosives, possibly detonated by the Japanese in a final suicide act, also killed a lot of Marines, Gabriel never knew how many. He was among the wounded and Gabriel says, “I was taken back to a tent hospital where I was treated for fragmentation wounds, and they kept me there. It would take three weeks before I could return to my unit but they never sent me off the island.” Upon his return from hospital, Gabriel saw no more of the fighting. The First Marine Division was busy building camps on Okinawa in preparation for staging troops for the planned invasion of the Japanese home islands. Gabriel says, “A cyclone came through that tore everything up, but then the Atomic Bombs were dropped and the war was over so it didn’t matter. Work stopped on camp building because there wasn’t going to be an invasion. Not long after that the division was sent to China to disarm Japanese troops and repatriate them home to Japan. I was at Tientsin and remember Japanese being shipped out for home on LST’s.” The First Marine Division departed Okinawa on September 20, 1945 for occupation duty in China. The 11th Marine Regiment went to Hopeh Province where they were billeted in Tientsin at the East French Arsenal. The division would remain in China for almost two years, long after the last Japanese had been evacuated, but Corporal Gabriel Tamayo was no longer with them. The “point system” was in effect and his turn to depart for home came on January 31, 1946. He was discharged at Camp Pendleton, California on February 12th and returned home to Texas. In civilian life again, he worked the next several years as an electrician. He married in 1949 and because they could use the extra money, Gabriel joined the Marine Corps Reserve in Austin. After the Korean War started the next year his unit was re-activated and ordered to Camp Pendleton. They arrived in time to be assigned to the First Marine Division barely a month before they boarded ships and sailed for Korea on August 30, 1950. They went ashore at Inchon and were directly committed to action. Sergeant Gabriel Tamayo participated in the capture and securing of Seoul, the Wonsan-Hungnam-Chosin Campaign, the Northern Korea Campaign and in operations against enemy forces in south and central Korea until June 1951. His Marine Corps Reserve unit was returned to the U.S. and relieved from active duty on July 6, 1951. Gabriel was honorably discharged on August 5, 1951, and he resumed civilian life in Austin, Texas. For the next 45 years he was employed by Austin Armature Works and has been living in retirement since. He has been a member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart for twenty years this month, and Chapter 1919 proudly salutes Patriot Gabriel Tamayo in this issue of PATRIOT BULLETIN. LUNCH IN NORTH KOREA GABRIEL FACING CAMERA RICKSHA RIDE, KOBE JAPAN, 1951 GABRIEL IS IN LEFT FOREGROUND ON DUTY IN CHINA IN 1946 PATRIOT GABRIEL TAMAYO CHAPTER DINNER PARTY FEBRUARY 28, 2014 Page 10 PATRIOT BULLETIN DEPARTMENT OF TEXAS NEWS ...For Every MOPH Chapter & LAMOPH Unit… FOR MOPH CHAPTERS MOPH PHONE NUMBERS Patriots, This month I met with Mary and Robert Norby from Rio Valley Estates in Weslaco. They donated $1,300.00 to the MOPH. They wanted the money to go directly to veterans and veteran needs, after researching veterans organizations; they chose the Military Order of the Purple Heart. The veterans from the Lower Rio Grande Valley will benefit from this donation as the Department Chief-of-Staff is looking into purchasing handicap accessible picnic tables for local veteran’s homes. On the recruiting side; we have 3,701 Life Members on the roster. The goal for the Department is 4,000 so we need to get busy on the membership to get up to that point. We will have an excellent opportunity to recruit at the upcoming dedication of the Vietnam Memorial at the State Capitol on March 29, 2014 – 10 am – 3 pm. San Antonio Chapter 1836 will rent vans to transport Patriots to Austin for the ceremony. I invite all Patriots that can make the trip to do so and show our “Colors”. ***Important reminder*** Election of the Chapter Officers shall be held in APRIL of each year. Installation of newly elected and appointed officers NLT 31 May of that year. Chapter must have Election Report filed with Department before they can vote at the Department Convention. Please visit our Department website; MOPHTX.COM and send articles, pictures or comments to: Department Adjutant, Bill Crumlett Yours in Patriotism, Tony Roman Commander Department of Texas Military Order of the Purple Heart DEPARTMENT COMMANDER ANTONIO F.“TONY” ROMAN (210 ) 454-8620 SENIOR VICE COMMANDER GILBERT N. “GIL” BROWN (214) 605-7044 JUNIOR VICE COMMANDER RICHARD O. WHITEHEAD (817) 706-0697 ADJUTANT BILL E. CRUMLETT (210) 828-1126 FINANCE OFFICER WILLIAM S. “BILL” BACON (210) 621-4408 CHIEF OF STAFF AROLDO “AJ” GARCIA (210) 310-7635 SERVICE OFFICER PAUL C. DEVAULT (817) 558-8485 SGT-AT-ARMS OCTAVIO LAGUNA (409) 423-4977 JUDGE ADVOCATE JAMES L. GULLEY (832) 751-6961 INSPECTOR JOHN D. FOOTMAN (254) 681-8807 WELFARE OFFICER PETER ROSIE (210) 826-8714 NATIONAL EXCECUTIVE COMMITTEEMAN DELEON WESTON (915) 821-3880 ALTERNATE NAT’L EXEC COMMITTEEMAN HARRY SMART (210) 648-4529 LAMOPH DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT & SECRETARY JOSEPHINE D. MAYS (512) 928-9238 SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT JANE BAKER (512) 246-6439 JUNIOR VICE PRESIDENT TRISH ROSIE (210) 826-8714 TREASURER BETTY CEPEDA (512) 278-0292 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS MACRA BRUNSON (936) 559-0248 TRUSTEES 1-YR, LARUE TERRY (210) 637-6249 2-YR, GLORIA A. LUNA (281) 395-9152 3-YR, DORIS WILLIAMS (254) 698-6229 CHAPLAIN GLORIA LUNA (281) 395-9152 PATRIOTIC INSTRUCTOR JULIE BRIDGEWATER (972) 754-4393 FOR LAMOPH UNITS Hello Ladies, I attended the Purple Heart Ball on February 15, 2014 at Club Hood on Fort Hood Army Base in Killeen, Texas. The event in remembrance of George Washington’s Birthday was hosted by MOPH Charter 1876 and LAMOPH Unit 1876. It was a very enjoyable evening and I met many enthusiastic Patriots, Ladies, and guests. Thank you, Patriots and Ladies for the invitation. I look forward to attending this event again. Remember to forward information and pictures about activities and events to Region V President, Colleen Oltmann.— National Membership is requesting The Department of Texas and Unit assistance in transferring at-large members to Units. The President of the Unit(s) will be contacted if additional assistance or information is required. On March 11, 2014 I will attend the National Executive Committee (NEC) Mid-Year Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. I will report any relevant information from the NEC Conference in the next newsletter. I hope every Unit will have representatives at the Department of Texas Convention in Nacogdoches, Texas June 12, 13, and 14. The main Ladies Auxiliary business will take place on Friday, June 13th. I will forward the details regarding the convention to the Unit Presidents. As your Units are preparing to elect officers for 2014-2015 be sure to anticipate and prepare to submit the various reports to National Officers, such the installation, financial, and VAVS reports. Most of the requested information can be submitted prior to the June 30th deadline and you are encouraged to do so. Please send your installation reports to the LAMOPH National Secretary immediately after the installation of officers. Continue to keep LAMOPH membership applications handy. Thanks for everything you do for the Ladies Auxiliary and the Patriots. Yours in Patriotism, Josephine President, Department of Texas, LAMOPH Page 11 PATRIOT BULLETIN ...Chapter 1919 Participates With “Wheelers For The Wounded” For The Fifth Year Running In An... ADVENTURE WEEKEND FOR WOUNDED WARRIOR FAMILIES ...Saturday, May 3, 2014, “Adventure Park,” 7420 E FM 1431, Marble Falls, Texas... An estimated 200 off-road vehicle enthusiasts participating in this event organized by “Wheelers For The Wounded”—San Antonio, will be assembled for the weekend of May 3rd in “Adventure Park,” east of Marble Falls. Together with other volunteers and volunteer groups, including Chapter 1919, they will host approximately 200 guests that are wounded warriors and their family members from area military installations, and others in addition from the Fort Hood Warrior Transition Brigade. Chartered busses will bring in the military families from San Antonio installations and from Fort Hood, timed to arrive at the park about 10 a.m. Another bus will be coming from Houston that will be ...What The Purple Heart Golf Tourney Made Possible… MEET THE MUSTANGS ...So Chapter 1919 is invited to come and see… April 26, 2014 Hosted by the Mustang Heritage Foundation Proceeds from the Purple Heart Golf Tournament last September made it possible to acquire six wild Mustangs that were matched up with six veterans that successfully put them through the program. The Mustangs are now ready to be shown off and offered for adoption to invited prospective new owners who will be in attendance April 26th for what is described as “A Wild Horse Adoption and Education Event” that includes Mustang training and handling demonstrations, and learning about the Bureau of Land Management’s Wild Horse and Burro Programs, snacks and beverages provided, all going on from: 10AM—4PM, April 26, 2014 Mustang Heritage Foundation Adoption & Education Facility 870 County Road 156 Granger, Texas 512-869-3225 mostly transporting volunteers. The “Wheelers” will match up with their guests providing trail rides for all on trails across the 3,000 acre park throughout the day on Saturday (trails of varying difficulty, to please the timid or challenge the brave). Trail rides are what the “Wheelers” do, that being the main attraction of the park, but many other activities will be prepared for the day, and a hot dog lunch for all will be served in the main tent at noon. Throughout the day a variety of attractions will be set up for children and grownups alike, but especially to occupy and entertain the kids. For our part Chapter 1919 will be preparing the hot dog lunch and helping serve, as we have been doing in recent years; and patriots and family members who wish to do so are also welcome to come and participate and enjoy the trail rides and other events. Volunteers to help with the lunch meal are requested to first coordinate with Patriot John Burkhardt, 512-497-5857. ...A Book For All American Korean War Vets… KOREA REBORN ...As A Gift From The Republic Of Korea… PAUL DREISESZUN - L, RECEIVES HIS COPY FROM ADJUTANT, MILT CARR AT THE GEORGE WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY DINNER FEBRUARY 28th Chapter 1919 still has this book available in quantities sufficient to provide one for all our Korean War wounded or families of those deceased. If you are one of those and want your copy, contact Chapter Adjutant, Milt Carr or the PR Officer, John Burkhardt, phones listed on page 3. Page 12 PATRIOT BULLETIN PATRIOT BIRTHDAYS BIRTHDAYS FOR THE LADIES AUXILIARY Of the TEXAS CAPITAL CHAPTER Unit 1919 has eleven birthdays being celebrated in March and April, Happy Birthday ladies ! MARCH 2 LARRY ROMER MARCH 2 EDWARD P. "EDDIE" CRUZ 3 3 CLINTON N. (NAT) WOFFORD KATHRYN DIAZ 4 JOHN L. SCHUETTE 8 BETTY EDMUNDSON APRIL 4 SCOTT E. (PADRE) JOHNSON 5 ROBERT L. CRAWFORD 5 RONALD E. (RON) WEAVER 5 GEORGE D. JENNINGS 5 OLEN H. HOWARD JR. 6 MORRIS RIOJAS 6 SYDNEY J. ABBOTT 6 WILLIAM G. ORR 7 FRANK E. PECK 9 DAVID A. MILLER 9 PATRICK M. REILLY h a p p y 10 JAROD A. MYERS 10 RICHARD G. PEREZ 11 MICHAEL D. (MIKE) CLARK 11 MICHAEL M. BRUSCINO 12 RONALD G. (RON) FIESELER 13 EDWARD E. RIDGLEY 13 DARREL E. BABCOCK 14 DONALD J. GILLILAND 16 RENE M. LOPEZ 16 CHARLES A. JACKSON 20 BEN J. SORRELL 20 CHARLES R. BRUNE 21 DAVID M. (DAVE) WARD 22 MYRON G. PETERSON b i r t h d a y 8 17 25 30 LAURIE ANNE HUDGEONS MARY CAMPBELL TERRI RICE VIOLA GREENE —JOSEPHINE D. MAYS, President B’DAYS CONT’D 1 DAVID A. (DAVE) TOSH 2 THOMAS M. MADISON 2 WILLIAM L. ROCKWELL JR. 3 DOUGLAS SHREVE 6 MICHAEL G. STANLEY 7 CHARLES C. KELLEY 7 TED WALLACE 11 TROY J. PETERSON 13 CECIL E. EASLEY 15 CHARLES A. EDWARDS 15 PETER J. (PETE) FARMER 17 RONALD R. FORD 19 JOE CRUZ 19 KEN WALLINGFORD 20 TERRELL I. MURPHY 22 JAMES KINIMAKA 20 OSCAR SAENZ 23 CURTIS C. MCFARLAND JR. 20 JIMMIE R. (JIM) BULL 23 JOHN ALVARADO JR. 21 EDWARD R. RIVELL 24 ANACLETO A. SAUCEDO 22 CECIL R. HAMM JR. 25 CHAD B. FLEMING 23 WILLIAM D. (BILL) THOMAS 26 RICHARD M. PITTS 25 CHARLES S. (CHUCK) GAEDE 26 CHRISTOVAR M. JARAMILLO 26 DANNY L. BAKER 26 DOMINGO VASQUEZ JR. 27 EDDIE B. CRUMP 27 TIMOTHY L. (TIM) GUTHRIE SR. 28 BOBBY D. CALTON 28 STEPHEN K. (STEVE) SMITH 29 JOHN W. MCGINTY JR. 28 RONALD W. (RON) SELLERS 29 HUGO ALMARAZ 28 WALLACE E. (PETE) SNELSON 29 DANIEL C. KANNEGAARD 30 MELVIN D. CANADA 29 ROBERT F. DILLON 29 THOMAS P. MCNAMARA 31 CONRADO NIRA 31 JOHN H. (J.H.) HOMRIGHAUSEN SYLVIA COLE KATI E MURRAY DENISE YBARRA ROMIE TAFOYA GLORIA LUNA APRIL 9 HOWARD T. PRINCE II 10 ANTHONY J. (TONY) GEISHAUSER 7 17 19 26 30 CONT’D PATRIOT BULLETIN Page 13 BOOSTERS Help support Chapter 1919’s programs by becoming a “Booster” and adding your name to this distinguished list for one year following. Send check contribution of $10 or more payable to Chapter 1919, MOPH and designate for “Boosters” to: Adjutant, Milt Carr, 5114 Balcones Woods Drive Suite 307 #175, Austin, TX 78759-5212. INDIVIDUALS TED ACHESON 7/13 GARY ALFORD 10/12 LESLIE ALLEN 3/13 JOHN ALVARADO 9/13 PAUL & MILDRED ANDERSEN 2/14 DANNY & JANE BAKER 12/13 DARLINE BAKER 5/13 JON BAKER 3/13 ERNIE & VIRGINIA BANASAU 11/13 WILL & MARY ANN BEATTY 6/13 SANDY BETUS 3/14 BEN & MEGAN BIAS 3/13 IRVIN & JENNYNE BILSKY 10/12 STEPHEN BODNAR 5/13 CHARLES BONNEY 10/13 WILLIAM A. BRANT MEMORIAL 6/13 JIM & JULIE BROWN 12/13 JAMES P. BRYANT 8/13 JOHN & ELAINE BURKHARDT 3/13 MILT CARR 3/13 SEAN CARR 11/13 VIC FRYSINGER 3/13 GONZALO GARZA 3/13 JACK HADSELL MEMORIAL 10/13 LEE HAGAN MEMORIAL 2/14 JOE & GAIL HARTNESS 9/13 BOB HARWOOD MEMORIAL 6/13 HERMAN HAYDON 7/13 BOB HEFFORD 6/13 O.H. HUBBARD JR. 3/13 JASON & HEATHER KEESEE 3/13 JAMES C. KELLY MEMORIAL 2/13 THE KERR FAMILY 2/14 JACK LEDFORD 11/13 JOHN & ANN LINGO 5/13 FRED LORD 6/13 JIMMY & REGINA MARTINEZ 5/13 MEMORIAL, "PAPPY," MASCOT 3/13 "GENERAL PATTON," MASCOT #2 3/13 "THE JOHNNIE'S" MATL 3/13 JOSEPHINE D. MAYS 2/14 HOWARD MCKINNEY 6/13 JOHN McMAHON 12/13 JAMES D. SEYMOUR, JR. 5/13 MORTIMER C. SHEFFLOE 1/14 RON SIEBELS (NAT'L COMMANDER) 3/13 CARLOS SOZA 8/13 HARRY SWAN MEMORIAL 1/14 GABRIEL TAMAYO 2/14 MIKE TARPLEY 12/13 CHARLES TARVER 6/13 CHARLES WALLACE 12/13 ROBERT & MAURINE WARD 12/13 JACK WARDEN MEMORIAL 5/13 HARVEY & LOUISE WEBB 8/13 HAROLD & EL ROSE WEEDEN 10/13 JOE & MARY ANN ZORNICK 4/13 ORGANIZATIONS ACES 5/13 AMERICAN LEGION POST 76 1/14 HELP OUR WOUNDED 12/13 MOPH SERVICE FOUNDATION TEXAS MILITARY FORCES MUSEUM, Mo VFW POST 3377 VN VETS FOUNDATION 12/13 WFTW DONORS 9/13 ALL-STAR DONORS SPECIAL RECOGNITION IS DUE TO EACH OF OUR SUPER BOOSTERS, INDIVIDUALS WHOSE GIFTS HAVE TOTALED $100 OR MORE — AND CORPORATE LEVEL DONORS WHO HAVE GIVEN $1,000 OR MORE DURING THE PAST YEAR. PATRIOT BULLETIN SALUTES — John Alvarado — Paul Andersen — Danny &Jane Baker —Jon Baker— Charles Bonney —Jim Brown — — James P. Bryant — John & Elaine Burkhardt — Sean A. Carr — Michelle & Grady Collins — — Paul & Phyllis DeVault — Raymond M. Diaz — John Donnelly —Wallace E. Downey — Rufus Dye Jr .— — Jack Hadsell Memorial — Robert Harwood Memorial — Herman Haydon — James C. Kelly Memorial — — Carl Klein Mem. — Fred Lord — Josephine D. Mays — William H. Mays Mem. — John McMahon — — Howard McKinney — David Montgomery — Don Morrison — Henry Papke — Kerry Merritt Memorial — — Ronald L. Roberts — Mortimer C. Sheffloe — James D. Seymour — Robert & Maurine Ward — CORPORATE LEVEL: — MOPH Svc Fnd. — Mike Tarpley — Texas Roadhouse — Harold & El Rose Weeden — — Home Depot Dripping Springs — “Wheelers” WFTW donors — Mark Sandahl — JOLINDA CHINN 4/13 MICHELLE & GRADY COLLINS 2/13 BOB COOK 3/13 ROBERT S. DALTON 2/13 PAUL & PHYLLIS DEVAULT 5/13 RAYMOND DIAZ 12/13 ANONYMOUS DONORS 4/13 JOHN DONNELLY 5/13 WALLACE E. DOWNEY 11/13 PHILIP DREISESZUN MEMORIAL 3/13 RUFUS DYE 9/13 RICKEY D. ESTES 3/13 RONALD FARQUHAR 9/13 KERRY MERRITT MEMORIAL 11/13 DAVID MONTGOMERY 12/13 DONALD MORRISON 3/13 BILL NEWBERRY 3/13 CHAPTER 1919 OFFICERS 8/13 SETH ORELL 12/13 HENRY & DELORES PAPKE 4/13 FRANK & KATHY PLUMMER 11/13 FRED RETTIG 9/13 MARLENA RICE 3/13 MAUREEN YETT 3/13 MINNIE RICE 3/13 RONALD L. ROBERTS 10/13 BUSINESSES BIG SPRING AUCTION 3/13 BLANCO CREEK FARMS LLC 12/13 DIXON GOLF INC 10/13 HILL'S CAFÉ 5/13 HOME DEPOT DRIPPING SPGS 9/13 INSTY-PRINTS S [ELLER FAMILY] 4360 S CONG JW DATA LLC DRIVER CHALLENGE 10/13 MIKE'S PRINT SHOP 6448 HWY 290E RANDALLS FOOD MKTS, INC, QTRLY STEWART 6/13 TEXAS ROADHOUSE 8/13 Page 14 PATRIOT BULLETIN Tributes In Memory and Gratitude CPL BENNY MATIAS, JR. For a donation of $25, or more, we will place your message in subsequent publications of this bulletin for the next twelve months. Special Note: Your contribution may be tax-deductible to the extent of the law prescribed in the Internal Revenue Code. —MILT CARR, (512) 343-7940 9th Infantry Division 12-11-68-RVN In Memory of My Fallen Comrades 5th REGIMENTAL COMBAT TEAM CPL JOE GARCIA ARMY, KOREA 173rd Airborne Brigade 6-4-69-RVN Who gave their all to their country and will never be forgotten RAYMOND DIAZ 12/13 In TRIBUTE to the Men of Company “M” 223rd Infantry Regiment 40th Infantry Division KOREAN WAR JOHN & ANN LINGO 5/13 1950-1953 LEST WE FORGET JAMES P. BRYANT 8/13 In Memory and Honor of the Heroes of ADVISOR TEAM 1, I CORPS, VIETNAM-1971 And Of The Heroes of Operation Enduring Freedom Thank You For Sacrificing Your All To Ensure Peace and Freedom for all Mankind In Memory OF CARL H. KLEIN BETTY DYE ARMY, WWII, WOUNDED IN FRANCE AND ALL OTHER PATRIOTS AND LADIES 2nd BN, 38th INF, 2nd INFANTRY DIV OF THE CHAPTER & UNIT 1919 WHO HAVE PASSED ON In Memory of those pilots of the 367th Fighter Group —WWII Europe That made the supreme sacrifice RUFUS DYE 9/13 In Memory Of Patriot SAMUEL BIER ARMY AIR FORCE, WWII, EUROPE, POW 465th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force RUFUS DYE 9/13 RUFUS DYE 9/13 IN MEMORY Staff Sgt JOHN J. BROWN A Good Soldier, A Great Father JIM BROWN 12/13 In Memory Of Patriot HAROLD E. “HAL” LEWIS RAY DIAZ 12/13 In Memory of Members of Col Bill Brant MACV Advisory Team 79 WWII Vietnam who were killed or wounded, and to those who survived the conflict In Memory of the pilots of the 388th Tactical Fighter Wing VIETNAM WAR That Made the Supreme Sacrifice RUFUS DYE 9/13 “RAKKASANS” DURING THE KOREAN WAR HAROLD WEEDEN 10/13 HANG IN THERE MEN OF MOPH 1919 “HAVE A GREAT YEAR” RAY McKEE 1/13 TO THOSE WHO SERVED Semper Fidelis WILLIAM NEWBERRY 3/13 In Memory of “Troopers” Ron -Charlie -Dick -Johnnie KIA - Korean War - 1950 Eighth Cavalry Regiment First Cavalry Division JAMES LOGAN BROWN 12/13 IN MEMORY OF PRIVATE JAMES L. BROWN PRIVATE WIMBERLEY BAKER WOUNDED IN TWO WARS Army Service Training Program 3rd Inf Div—WWII & 1st Cav Div—Korea WORLD WAR ONE VA Coffee Bar Volunteer ‘ til age 90 To Honor HIS FAMILY 6/13 COMPANY “G” 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team JOE & GAIL HARTNESS 9/13 In Memory Of Patriot DONALD MORRISON 3/13 In Tribute To All The Men Who Served In Vietnam —1964 - 1965 HAL HUTH 2/14 In Memory of the Pilots of the JAMES LOGAN BROWN 12/13 IN MEMORY OF HAROLD MARBURGER COMPANY G, 127th INFANTRY REGIMENT 32nd INFANTRY DIVISION “RED ARROW DIVISION” WW II BETTY MARBURGER & FAMILY 3/13 In Memory of Patriot BUREN “LEW” LEDBETTER 18th Fighter / Bomber Group Who Lost Their Lives U.S. ARMY SPECIAL FORCES COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR, RETIRED During The WOUNDED IN TWO WARS KOREAN WAR KOREA AND VIETNAM RUFUS DYE 9/13 RAYMOND DIAZ 12/13 PATRIOT BULLETIN Page 15 More Tributes Honoring The Memory Of Patriot EDGAR L. PARKER JR. ARMY, KOREAN WAR Wounded, 1951, 2d INFANTRY DIVISION RAY DIAZ 12/13 In Memory Of Patriot WILLIAM J. DALLAS ARMY AIR FORCE, WWII, EUROPE, POW 303rd BOMB GROUP, 8TH AIR FORCE WOUNDED IN THE AIR OVER GERMANY RUFUS DYE 9/13 IN MEMORY OF PATRIOT R.M. (DON) BOSSERMAN JR. ARMY, VIETNAM PAST CHAPTER COMMANDER PAST DEPARTMENT COMMANDER RAYMOND DIAZ 12/13 In Tribute To The Memory Of JERONIMO DOMINGUEZ ARMY, WORLD WAR II WOUNDED IN GERMANY 702nd TANK DESTROYER BN RAY DIAZ 12/13 Deceased Chapter 1919 Patriots and Ladies FY — 2014 RAY R. ASHLEY BERN BALLARD CHARLES E. “CHUCK” BENGE JOHN H. GAHM JACK H. HADSELL LEE J. HAGAN ROBERT H. “BOB” HARWOOD WILLIAM C. “BILL” LANE WILLIAM S. LIVINGSTON THOMAS W. MATTHEWS BILLIE W. MEIER GUY S. “SANDY” MELOY III BERNARD C. MCPHEE HERMAN E. MOLEN JACK B. WARDEN TAPS Patriot LEE J. HAGAN, a Marine Corps veteran of Vietnam and Past Commander of Chapter 1919, passed away on Feb 12, 2014 at age 70. Lee was born in Austin, Texas in 1943, graduated from McCallum High School with the Class of 1962, and entered service in the Marine Corps in November 1963. He served in Vietnam with Headquarters Battery, 2nd Battalion, 12th Marines and was wounded in action August 26, 1966 in the Danang area. He was discharged in November 1969 and returned home to Austin, but remained active in the Marine Corps Reserve. He was called for service during Desert ShieldDesert Storm and later retired from the Marine Corps Reserve with the rank of Sergeant Major after 30 years. He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a B.A. degree in Government and a B.S. in Communications in 1977, and was a life member of the Texas Exes who was often seen doing volunteer work for Longhorn football games at D.K. Royal-Memorial Stadium, basketball games at the Erwin Center. He worked as a manager for HBH Co. in Saudi Arabia, 1980-1984, and later managed communications systems for the Texas Lottery. He was a Past President of the Greater Austin Council of the Navy League of the U.S., and in 2011-2012 was Commander, Texas Capital Chapter 1919, Military Order of the Purple Heart. Lee is survived by his beloved partner, Ms. Pat Peterson of Austin and four sisters; Patricia Holmes of Dallas, Mary Breckenridge of Georgetown, Linda Watkins of Austin, and Terri Beaty of Baltimore; and many other family and friends. Patriot BILLIE MEIER, an Army WWII veteran and one of the Charter Members of Chapter 1919, died on Valentines Day, Feb 14, 2014, aged 89 years. Billie entered active duty from Austin, Texas on July 20, 1944, and served in the 310th Infantry Regt, 78th Infantry Division in Europe. He was wounded during fighting at Remagen Bridge in March 1945. A memorial service will be held March 21st, 1PM, Cook-Walden Funeral Home, Austin. Patriot GUY S. MELOY III, a twice wounded Army Vietnam veteran and a retired Major General, died recently at age 83. “Sandy” Meloy was born in Walter Reed Hospital and his Army family moved often, but from ages 11 until 19, when he entered West Point, he was growing up in Texas and claimed having had the “privilege to play Friday night Texas football.” Commissioned in 1953, he commanded troops at every level up through and including assignment as Commanding General of the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg. His second wound in Vietnam happened on Nov 4, 1966, when he was a Major in command of 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division. That was during the difficult early phases of Operation Attleboro north of Dau Tieng and only one man in the battalion command group, an RTO, had not been wounded. Major Meloy remained on the field. At the time reinforcements were being sent in piecemeal until a total of 11 companies from various units had been placed under his command. He etired as a Major General when serving as the Director of Army Training in the Pentagon. He then worked for the Lockheed Company, and in recent years he had served on a number of boards and committees in Austin, and later in Georgetown, Texas. Patriot JACK B. WARDEN an Army WWII vet, and Charter Member of Chapter 1919, died Feb 11, 2014, at age 90. Jack entered active duty from Abilene, Texas in Feb 1943, served in the European Theatre, and was discharged in Feb 1946. Jack Warden is the only battlefield-commissioned soldier PATRIOT BULLETIN has ever heard of who was advanced from private to company commander without ever leaving his company. He started out as the “youngest man in 3rd Platoon,” Company B, 36th Armored Infantry, 3rd Armored Division and before being shipped home after the war was a 1st Lieutenant in command of Company B. He was wounded near Paderborn, Germany on March 24, 1945, but was most proud of having commanded the company in a battle on Christmas night 1944 when they turned back a final push by the Germans at Hotten, Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge; an engagement not found in official records, but you can read about it in the Sept 1997 back issue of this newsletter or under the WWII stories on our chapter website. T h e M I L I T A R Y O R D E R of th e PU R PL E H E A RT of t h e U . S .A . NONPROFITORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID AUSTIN,TX TEXAS CAPITAL CHAPTER 1919, DEPARTMENT OF TEXAS 5 70 1 P A I N T E D VA L L E Y D R A U S T I N , T E XA S 7 8 7 59 -5 5 27 “ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED” eeting March M Driftwood en’s in the Weed March 22nd , Saturday JULY ’14 NO MEETINGS* SUMMER BREAK ! AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 4th BREAKFAST-NORTH 18th BREAKFAST-S0UTH 28th LUNCH at Dukes 1st BREAKFAST-NORTH 15th BREAKFAST-SOUTH 25th LUNCH at La Playa 6th BREAKFAST-NORTH 20th BREAKFAST-SOUTH 23rd LUNCH at La Playa 2nd- STAFF 10AM 6th BREAKFAST-NORTH 20th BREAKFAST-SOUTH 23rd LUNCH at La Playa FEBRUARY 1st BREAKFAST-NORTH 15th BREAKFAST-SOUTH **No LUNCH at La Playa 25th is Christmas Day SAT., 18th, 9AM MONTHLY MEETING FRI, 28th, 6PM GEORGE WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY DINNER PARTY At “The Austin Club” Great Entertainment, Great Food, and, a Great Time at a Great Party Sat, 6th, 11:30am—2pm CHAPTER / UNIT HOLIDAY PARTY Combined with CHILDREN’S PARTY VFW POST 4443 7614 THOMAS SPRINGS RD FOLLOWS AT 11AM SOUTH STEPS OF THE CAPITOL BLDG TBA — FT HOOD PURPLE SANTA - WFTW APRIL MAY JUNE 7th BREAKFAST-NORTH 21st BREAKFAST-SOUTH 24th LUNCH at La Playa 3d Wheelers for the Wounded 5th, BREAKFAST-NORTH 19th BREAKFAST-SOUTH 22nd LUNCH at La Playa 15th —STAFF 10AM 5th — STAFF 10AM MUSEUM,CAMP MABRY 10th — STAFF 10AM MUSEUM,CAMP MABRY MEETINGS* SAT, 22nd, 10AM MONTHLY MEETING SAT, 12th, 10AM MEETING & ANNUAL ELECTION OFFICERS INSTALLATION At Patriot Weeden’s 1175 Enchanted Oak Driftwood, TX VFW POST 4443 7614 THOMAS SPRINGS RD MARCH 3rd BREAKFAST-NORTH 3rd BREAKFAST-NORTH 17th BREAKFASTSOUTH 17th BREAKFAST-SOUTH 27th LUNCH at La Playa 27th LUNCH at La Playa 22nd —STAFF 10AM MUSEUM,CAMP MABRY LEGION POST 76 404 ATLANTA ST 3rd BREAKFAST-NORTH 17th BREAKFAST-SOUTH **No LUNCH at La Playa, 27th is Thanksgiving Day 11th- STAFF 10AM 8th- STAFF 10AM MUSEUM,CAMP MABRY 13th- STAFF 10AM SAT, 9TH, 10:30 AM MUSEUM,CAMP MABRY PURPLE HEART DAY MUSEUM, CAMP MABRY CELEBRATION SAT, 18th, 10AM TUE, 11th, 9AM “The 231st Anniversary SAT, 20th, 10AM MONTHLY MEETING VETERAN’S DAY Of the Purple Heart” PARADE LUNCH IS FREE FOR VFW POST 4443 MONTHLY MEETING up Congress Ave, then PATRIOTS, FAMILY & 7614 THOMAS SPRINGS RD CEREMONY GUESTS VFW POST 4443 11th —STAFF 10AM MUSEUM,CAMP MABRY DECEMBER MUSEUM,CAMP MABRY *BUT OUR DEDICATED EARLY RISERS STILL HAVE BREAKFAST ON 1st & 3rd MONDAYS AND HUNGRY GUYS COME TO LUNCH AT POST 4443 DUKES 4th THURSDAY’s 7614VFW THOMAS SPRINGS RD MONTHLY JANUARY ’14 NOVEMBER MUSEUM,CAMP MABRY plus Red, White & Bike 7614 THOMAS SPRINGS RD , SAT, 17th 10AM & Annual Chapter PICNIC at the WEEDEN’s in Driftwood MEMORIAL DAY 11AM, MAY 26th, AT PFLUGERVILLE COOK-WALDEN CAPITAL PARK 14619 N IH-35 NO SUMMER BREAK ! *BUT OUR DEDICATED EARLY RISERS STILL HAVE BREAKFAST ON 1st & 3rd MONDAYS AND HUNGRY GUYS COME TO LUNCH AT La Playa 4th THURSDAY’s MONTHLY CY-2014 TEXAS CAPITAL CHAPTER 1919 EVENTS CALENDAR
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