Computational molecular modelling methods applied for a
Computational molecular modelling methods applied for a
Computational molecular modelling methods applied for a study of photosynthetic proteins Students: Martin Kozák & Vendula Lískovcová Supervisor: Dr. Michal Kutý This project has received financal support from the Europian Social Fund and from goverment of the Czech Republic The aim of the project Purification and isolation of photosynthetical membrane BBY Basic skills in crystalography Structure analysis of photosynthetical reaction centres (RC) from plants and bacteria Molecular dynamics on thylakoid lipid membrane Puriffication and Isolation of BBY membrane Introduction: ¾ BBY (Berthold, Babcock and Yocum) membrane – membrane purificated by BBY protocol. Methods: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Extract from green peas All steps in dark (only green light) and in 4°C BBY buffers in different compositions Put the sample in small black tubes Store the sample at -80°C Determinate concentration of chlorophyle in spectrofotometre Results: 1 – Molecular-weight marker (kD) 2, 3 – Purified BBYmembranes of grana thylakoids from Pisum sativum Remarks: • concentration c= 1. 0 mg chla/ml • lane 2 => 5 μl of the sample • lane 3 => 10 μl of the sample Crystalography Introduction: ¾ Growing crystals for protein structure solution by X-ray diffraction Methods: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Batch method Hanging and sitting drop techniques Dialysis method Microbatch crystallization under oil Counter – diffusion technique in capillaries Results: Capillary method Microbatch method Crash test Structure analysis Introduction: ¾ Application of modeling software on selected proteins (plant and bacterial reaction centres) and thylakoid lipid bilayer Methods (modeling software): ¾ Electron density - Coot (Wincoot) ¾ Sequence alignment - ClustalX2 ¾ Structure validation – Procheck ¾ Structure visualisation – VMD, DS Viewer and Swiss – PdbViewer ¾ Molecular dynamics - Gromacs and tools for MD analysis Experiment electron density maps Source: EDS server in Uppsala university PDB code: 3bz1 Fitting biomolecular structure into the electron density Software: WinCoot Experimental molecular structures Protein DataBank Worldwide source of biomolecular structures Photosynthetical proteins from plants and Bacteria PhotosystemII’s most importatn part – RC is formed from 2 protein subunits D1 and D2 Similarity in D1 and L like D2 and M (L and M are parts of BRC) PSII split water into molecular oxigen and protons and electrons The basic look of reaction centres, compared together. 1st PSIIRC 2nd BRC Chlorophyls in RC Photosystem II RC Bacterial RC Method: distance measurment Result: distance between Chlorophyls of special pair in PSIIRC is 0.5Ǻ longer => different optical spectrum Similarites between PSIIRC and BRC ¾ Structural aligment ¾ Align these subunits using crystal structures 2GNU and 3BZ1 in VMD D1 and L D2 and M Methods: Result: ¾ Subunits are similar, D1 RC has a more complex structure Sequence alignment Results: D1 and L: 54 total 61 mostly 38 partly of 281 (335) (total alignmented 153) D2 and M: 69 total 56 mostly 35 partly of 300 (340) (total alignmented 160) D1 on Procheck L on Procheck Molecular dynamics on lipid bilayers consisting of DGDG lipids DGDG = digalactosyldiacylglycerol One of active lipids in PSII (other MGDG, SQDG a PG) Molecular Dynamics of DGDG lipid membrane in water solution of NaCl MD analysis – charts - density Density of sugar2 1200 1100 1000 Density (kg m\S-3\N) E (kJ mol\S-1\N) Total Energy -130000 -140000 -150000 -160000 -170000 -180000 -190000 -200000 -210000 -220000 -230000 -240000 -250000 -260000 -270000 -280000 -290000 -300000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 0 200 2,5 5 7,5 10 Box (nm) Time (ps) 75000 70000 65000 60000 55000 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Water density 1100,0000 1000,0000 Density (kg m\S-3\N) E (kJ mol\S-1\N) Kinetic Energy 900,0000 800,0000 700,0000 600,0000 500,0000 400,0000 300,0000 200,0000 100,0000 0 200 Time (ps) 0,0000 0 2,5 5 Box (nm) 7,5 10 Many thanks to: Dr. Michael Kutý Dr. Ivana Kutá MSc.Ekaterina Sviridova Academic and university centre in Nové Hrady This project has received financal support from the Europian Social Fund and from goverment of the Czech Republic Thank you for your attention!!!
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