
Administrative Council
Jef Fuller
Henry Covington, Jr.
Todd Turner
Chad Cronshaw
Recording Secretary
Sandi Fratzke
Our Mission Is To Make Disciples For Jesus Christ!
Staff Pastor Parish Relations
Amy Taylor
My name is Kim Parkerson. I live in Centreville with my husband Keith and our three children. Our daughter Danielle is 22,
our son Brady is 21 and our son Jared is 19. I was born in Dover, DE. and raised in Smyrna, DE. I was a member of Asbury
United Methodist Church in Smyrna. My parents are from the
Queenstown area and graduated from Centreville High School.
My father really wanted to be back here so we moved from
Smyrna in 1982. I graduated high school in 1984 and attended
Delmarva Beauty Academy in 1987.
Methodist Women
Phyllis Hoffman
Memorial Fund Treasurer
Lynda Palmatary
Lay Members to Conference
Bob and Sandy Harris
Larisa Thomas
Pastor Mark
Bob Clark
Keith and I met in 1986 and we were married in 1992. We made our home in
Queenstown and later moved to Centreville in 2001. We attended Kent Island
United Methodist Church until we moved to Centreville and we began our journey
with CUMC. We have been very blessed here and have made some life-long
friends. I have volunteered in the Sunday School classroom, the Youth Group, the
nursery and as a greeter/usher. I have attended the early service for 10 years. My
son Brady has been a drummer in the Youth Praise Band and is still in the CUMC
band Backburner.
Along with being a licensed hair stylist I have been a daycare provider for over 20
years babysitting all of my nieces and nephews as well as a few of my friends’
children. I have worked part-time at Cottage Cuts Salon in Centreville for 20
years. Recently I have taken a part-time position at Compass Regional Hospice
as the Volunteer Assistant. I have been a volunteer at CRH for a couple of years
at Camp New Dawn, a grief camp for young kids and teenagers. Through camp I
met some amazing people who work for Hospice and I felt this was my next chapter as daycare was coming to an end. I started working at CRH in February of this
year and I absolutely love it!
I am very excited to be the Sunday School Superintendent and begin my work
with the little ones of this church. In a world of declining Christianity I believe we
need to nurture the children through their faith journey. Together with the Sunday
School teachers I am hoping we can continue to do great things here at CUMC as
we teach the kids about Jesus Christ. Here is a quote I recently read, " If we don't
teach our children to follow Christ, the world will teach him not to". Proverbs 22:6,
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart
from it.”
I am ready to begin this journey and I am hopeful that it will be a smooth transition. I have already felt the love and support from my CUMC family. I am blessed
and thankful every day for this opportunity to serve the Lord.
Love and prayers,
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All Things Prayer!
A Renewed Challenge to Pray for America: Praying for Leaders
In Paul’s teaching on prayer in 1 Timothy 2:1–4, one of the major thrusts is praying for those in authority. According to Paul’s reasoning, we want good government that allows us to live “peaceful and quiet lives”—ultimately freeing us to
evangelize those who are lost.
Paul would have been amazed that Christians could someday actually take part in selecting
those leaders. I believe he would have been even more amazed (and appalled) that many of
those Christians didn’t even bother to get involved in selecting those leaders for the purposes of
God to be fulfilled.
Praying for the electoral process is the first step in seeing the fulfillment of what Paul is writing
about to Timothy. I don’t believe we should wait for a leader to be selected before we move into
obedient prayer for those in authority. In prayer, we invite the Lord into the process of electing
those leaders who will ultimately allow us to lead “peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and
holiness” (v. 2).
So why pray for the elections? There are a number of compelling reasons:
The Bible commands us to pray for those who are in leadership, which would include those
who are vying to become
Godly leaders can help slow the erosion of religious liberties in our land, providing an increased window of opportunity for the Church to pray and evangelize.
The selection of leaders who understand and lead according to God’s righteous standards
can bring great blessing to a nation (Prov. 14:34)..
Scripture also says, “For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers” (Prov. 11:14). The determination of who leads our nation will also determine who advises that leader and how we are guided.
Lord God, Your Word is clear that we are to pray for those in authority over us! I ask that You
would guide my intercession through the power of Your Spirit so that I have great love even for
those leaders I strongly disagree with. Raise up leaders who would seek Your face, who search
for Your wisdom and not their own answers, and those who desire our nation to turn back to
You. Give favor to Your men and women of integrity, who speak Your truth and who are unafraid to stand for righteousness.
–Adapted from adapted from With One Cry: A Renewed Challenge to Pray for America by David Butts.
Prayer Points
Praise God for his patience. Thank the Lord for being patient with you and allowing you to come
to repentance in Christ (2 Pet. 3:9). Confess impatience you have felt or expressed toward God
or other people. Commit yourself to bearing the fruit of patience through the power of the Holy
Spirit (Gal. 5:22). Ask God to fill you with his patience.
Impatience is a hallmark of our me-first society. Pray that the church will have a softening influence, proclaiming and demonstrating a patient “Jesus-first” message. Ask that the church will
be patient even in the midst of affliction (Rom. 12:12).
–Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend.
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Prayer Workshop for September
Saturday, September 3rd, 9:30-11:30 am, our Guest Speaker will be Assoc. Pastor Robyn
Brown, who will be speaking on "The Power of Fasting & Prayer". Please make plans to join us
as we continue in our faith journey with Jesus Christ. Invite friends, neighbors....all are welcome! We meet in the Double Sunday-School classroom. Light refreshments will be served.
We look forward to hearing her encouraging message and fellowshipping around the Word!
News from the Trustees
We are looking forward to having our entire parking areas paved near the end of this month.
This church has been blessed with so many gifts large and small, towards the $80,000 cost.
We would encourage anyone who would like to help, that now is the time to make your contribution. The good news is we saved enough money by doing the whole project at one time. It
only makes sense to borrow a little now (if needed) than to wait and pave the overflow parking
area at a later date. Many Thanks, Your Trustees
If you have a love of children and a love of the Lord, we need you!
We are looking for volunteers to teach some of our Sunday School
classes during the school year beginning in September. All classes
have two teachers, and a curriculum will be provided for you. It is a
wonderfully rewarding opportunity to give back and help nurture the
faith of our children in the process! If you are interested in learning
more about the opportunities, contact our Sunday School Superintendent Kim Parkerson at Thank you!
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Reaching Out into our Community to
Make aDifference
Flood Buckets Supplies Needed!
Our country has been devastated by the flooding that has occurred in
West Virginia and Texas in the past weeks. Our early responders
from UMCOR (United Methodist Committee On Relief) brought supplies that are usually in short supply with such a crisis, including items
to start the clean-up. The cleaning supplies come in the form of a
bucket, that our community of churches puts together and stores in
warehouses, so there is enough on hand to respond when disaster
strikes. With these recent terrible natural disasters, our warehouses
are empty. We can help stock the shelves! CUMC is teaming together with Wye of Carmichael
and Calvary UMC to prepare buckets. We will be collecting supplies from the below list through
August 28. Look for the bin outside Fellowship Hall, and make sure you pick up items from the
list. Please note: due to the international usage of these buckets and shipping restrictions, the
size MUST be exact. Monetary donations will be welcomed to help us finish the buckets; simply
write the checks to CUMC VIM. Thank you!
5 gallon bucket with resealable lid
Liquid household cleaner (12‐20 oz. liquid cleaner that is mixed with water. No sprays)
1 insect repellant spray (6‐14 oz. aerosol or spray pump with protective cover)
1 scrub brush (plastic or wooden handle)
18 cleaning wipes
7 sponges
5 scouring pads
50 clothespins
Clothes line (two 50 ft. or one 100 ft. cotton or plastic.)
24 roll heavy duty trash bags (30-45 gallon size)
5 dust masks
pair disposable waterproof gloves (rubber or latex)
1 pair work gloves (cotton or leather)
Rebuilding Together
On June 11th, several members of CUMC worked with a group of local citizens to replace a roof
of a home in Chester through Rebuilding Together. The roof had been leaking in numerous
places and was around 30 years old. Barry Ebersole, Kristian Gragg, Patty Muller, Ryan Muller,
Janie Nickle, Tom Nickle, Jason Thomas and Larisa Thomas worked for 10 long hours (you
can’t leave a roof half finished!), but had to leave the last strip incomplete when they ran out of
shingles. Luckily, our construction guru Brad was able to go back and complete the project the
next week. Thank you to our incredible volunteers who never gave up and had a great attitude!
Coming in September:
August 24th: 7 PM Evening Outreach Meeting so working friends can attend!!!!
Sept. 11th: Volunteers needed to park cars at Shelter Run
Sept. 24th: Flea Market & Pancake Breakfast (tables available for you too!)
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Congo Missionary Update:
Dr. Jonathan & Donna Baker
Giving Update: CUMC has collected only $573 of our $2,500 Covenant Commitment, and we
are over the half year mark! The missions we support through this outreach are life-giving! If
you have not had a chance to donate, please pick up an envelope at church or note “Congo” in
the Memo line of your check. We ask for a minimum of $5/family member/year, but perhaps
some of you could donate a little extra to help us reach our goal. If you haven’t had a chance to
Bears in the Pew
check out the website with the details of the work taken on by the Central Congo Partnership,
go to or on Facebook at: Congo Partnership. Thank you!
Many thanks to all who have contributed bears and ribbons for the bear ministry. All contributions are greatly appreciated. We will be having a bear work session very soon; so if you have
in theforPew
any donations
this, please leave them in the bear closet by the office. Blessings from the
"Mama Bears"
Many thanks to all who have contributed bears and ribbons for the bear ministry. All contributions are greatly appreciated. We will be having a bear work
session very soon; so if you have any donations for this, please leave them in
the bear closet by the office. Blessings from the "Mama Bears"
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Are you a newer member at CUMC and you are looking for a great
way to connect with other people in the church and get involved?
Perhaps you are a long-time member and you simply want to try
something other than traditional Bible studies? Or maybe you have
been part of a small group in the past and want to connect with
some new people? If any of these sound like you, then consider
being a part of one of our small groups!
The groups are a wonderful way to grow spiritually and also connect
socially within the church. Groups meet regularly in homes in a variety of formats – sometimes one home will be the host each time, other times you will rotate
homes. Some groups meet weekly, and others less frequently. It all depends on what works for
you and your schedule! It can be for couples, singles, and any age. A typical evening includes
a time of food, fellowship, Bible study, and prayer.
Remember, being part of a “church” is about much more than an hour or so each Sunday!
Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to get connected within CUMC in a friendly, informal, and Godly way! For more information, or if you are interested in joining or hosting a small
group, contact Pastor Robyn at As Hebrews 10:25 reminds us, “Let us not give up meeting together… but let us encourage one another.” Blessings!
Summer is quickly approaching, so please be aware of some important information regarding our summer schedule:
OFFICE HOURS: Beginning the week of May 30th the church office hours will be Monday
through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (closed for lunch each day between 12:00 and 12:30
p.m.) During the summer the office will be closed on Fridays. This will be in effect through the
week of September 5th.
TRADITIONAL SERVICE: Due to the 8:40 contemporary service being moved into
the sanctuary, the traditional service will continue to meet at 11:00 a.m. throughout the summer and will not change to an earlier time.
CHURCH PICNIC: Will take place on Sunday, August 21st. There will be only one morning service that day at 11:00 a.m. The picnic will be held at the church this year immediately
following the morning service. The evening service will take place at its regularly scheduled
STAFF VACATIONS: Please contact the church office for any information related to
staff vacations during the summer months.
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2016 Peninsula-Delaware Conference
The 232nd session was held at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore
in Princess Anne, and led by Bishop Peggy Johnson.
The theme of the conference was “Racial Reconciliation" at The Tree of
Peace. This theme supports our Act of Repentance to our Native American Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Mike Fierce Arrow Hinman, Historian Accohannock Indian Tribe and Boe
Harris, CONAM were speakers.
They touched on the subject of how Native Americans were treated when
first settlers arrived, up until 1930’s. They also mentioned how they were
segregated and driven off native land and separated from native cultures.
Votes and Resolutions:
Resolution R-9, Support of Local Churches being Gun Free Zones. Many questions were
brought up for discussion, and the final decision was to table the resolution on gun possession
at this time.
Volunteers in Mission Ministries:
Jonathan and Donna Baker, Central Congo, DRC Africa were not able to continue the cataract
surgery mission scheduled for July 2016. This is due to the government in Democratic Republic of Congo which changed the Visa application. Please keep them in your prayers.
Other Highlights:
In 2012 hurricane Sandy hit the Town of Crisfield. Mayor Lawson shared with us that to date,
the town has received 12 million dollars in donations. Other organizations have continued to
support in many ways. The mayor also gave Bishop Johnson the keys to the city.
Quotes by Rev Eric H.F.Law
6 degrees of separation, 3 degrees of influence. Go and do what God has called you to do.
We have 3 degrees of influence to friends of friends of friends. 100 church members with
10 friends can influence 10,000 people.
Ordination Services:
Friday evening was the conference’s ordination of deacons and new elders. Our own Robyn
in the
Brown was
commissioned as provisional member Order of Deacon.
Our church is blessed to have her, and this was a beautiful ceremony.
Many thanks to all who have contributed bears and ribbons for the bear ministry. All contribuThis
mine and
Bob’s first time
the a
It was very
tions was
are greatly
We will
be having
bear work session
very soon; so if you have
any donations for this, please leave them in the bear closet by theMark
office. Blessings from the
Robyn was wonderful, and we are grateful to have them both.
Blessings to all,
Bob and Sandy Harris
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Month in Pictures
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Photographers Wanted!
If you attend the 8:40 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. service and would like to
take pictures, please bring your cameras to church! All you need to
do is snap a couple of pictures per service, then send them to me at and I will place them in the newsletter. I
would love to put some pictures in of the other services. Thank you!
Jennifer Gragg
Guardian Angels
Thank you to all the Guardian Angels. This past year was terrific. I
can’t believe it is time for our students are preparing to leave for their
next year at college. Each year we have our graduating high school
seniors entering a new phase of their educational career. Guardian
Angel forms will be available in the next couple of weeks for parents/
guardians to fill out. We are always looking for Guardian Angels
too. Please contact Mary Scull at or call 410758-8658. Enjoy the remainder of the summer.
ASP Presentation
The youth who attended the Appalachia Service Project this
year will be presenting their stories and a slide show presentation during all three services on August 14th. Please come
out to share in these experiences with the youth!
Meet Our Team
Rev. Mark Farnell, Pastor
Robyn Brown, Associate Pastor
Tammi Clark, Office Manager
Charlene S. Brown, Membership Secretary
Nancy Cook, Chancel Choir/Handbells
Jennifer Gragg, Newsletter
Rudy Draper, Youth Director
In our
“And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well” James 5:15
Centreville United Methodist Church
608 Church Hill Road
Centreville, MD 21617
Chestertown, MD
Centreville United
Methodist Church
Contemporary—8:40 a.m.
& 7:00 p.m.
Traditional—11:00 a.m.
Nursery Services Available
August 3rd - Sunday School Meeting 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
August 8th - Blood Bank 12:00 - 6:00 p.m.
August 14th - ASP Presentation at all Services
August 15th - Finance Meeting 7:00 p.m.
August 21st - Church Picnic after 11:00 Service
Scan for Online Giving
August 22nd - Worship Committee 7:00 p.m.
August 23rd - Administrative Council 6:30 p.m.
August 24th - Outreach Meeting 7:00 p.m.
August 29th - Trustees Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Adults 9:50 a.m.
Children 9:50 a.m.
Contact Information
(410) 758-0868
Fax (410) 758-1248
All dates are subject to change. Please confirm with the Calendar, Church Office or Ministry Chair.
Making disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.