ON-GOING PRAYER-CUMC FAMILY Betty Gene Alley Bob Becton Stu & Betty Bishop Bob & Jo Campbell Ruth Cunningham Sissy Dillard Howard Dinsmore Bill Gibbs Jane Gouldman Kent Hall Martha Hamilton Pilot Howell Stewart & Carol Huey Laura Jeffers Ben Johnson Faye Kitchens Suzanne McAliley Betty Miller Karen Minton Margaret Moedt Bill Monroe Sara Nash David Pickerel Melba Rilott Madellon Rogers Deborah Stewart Oleta Stoner Charlie Towers Joyce Watts Mary Uhl ON-GOING PRAYER - CUMC FRIENDS Prayers for: Relationship to church family: Eric & Mia Ascencio Gene & Sue Fetner’s grandchildren Doris Atkinson Jeanne Pickerel’s mother Calin Belser Bill Nichols’ niece Ricky & Misty Berry CUMC friends Robin Cary Sue Jones’ niece Holley Chambers Elaine Meister’s nephew’s wife Darrel Collier Barbara Pope’s son-in-law Hilda Christie Pierce Christie’s wife Ron Cox CUMC friend Bernie Cybul David Cybul’s father Kathy Davidson & Osa Green Jo Ann Guise’s friends Betty Dean, Bill Morrison, Nell Kennedy Jimmy Hayles’ family Tom & Faye Dillard, Dorothy Jones Marty & Libby Jones’ parents Clare Eanes, Laura Gash, Edee Temple Jane Gouldman’s friend & family Dan Edwards John & Phyllis Edwards’ son Marge Ferwick & Elizabeth Smith Bill & Nancy Duncan’s friend & niece Joanne Funicello Jo Ann Guise’s friend George Genutis Nancy Caponi’s father Erika Harry Randy Harry’s mother Wayne Hawkins Ken Hawkins’ brother Cora, Mac, & Patty Henry Jack Henry’s family Dave Hill Richard & Deborah Hinkle’s friend Jim Landrum Marty Jones’ friend Jo Ann Lee Bill Nichols’ friend Christine Lehn Donna & Phyllis Lehn’s mother Brittany Mathes Angie Moffitt’s daughter Julie Mathis Barbara Pope’s niece Mac & Helen McArthur Sarah Henry’s parents Carey McWhorter Ed and Joyce Chisolm’’s son-in-law Early Morris Larry Morris’ father Lynn Noecker Libby Jones’ cousin Pat Parker & Tara Moore Thomas Parker’s mother & cousin Barbara & Cherrie Reeser Rebecca Reeser’s mother & sister Chase Rogers Delia Neely’s great nephew Chris Rushton Jim Perkins’ friend David Schulhofer Karen Albert’s father Chris Spain Stan & Carol Orr’s son-in-law Rusty Thomas Ashley Pickerel Thomas’ father-in-law Bill & Madonna Tomsovic, Jo Ann Guise’s brother & sister-in-law Mary Lou Traster Ruth Cunningham’s sister Matt Turpin Ashlan Morris’ friend Jo Ann Yager Debbie Adams’ mother Prayers for: Rachelle Adams Tom Adams Alan Brice George Carpenter Claire Cunningham Melissa Daniel Robert Dobbin John Edwards Warner Heil George Henry Kathy Herbers Dave Hill John & Justin Joye Christine Lehn Del Lewis Charles McGovern Will & Margaret McRae Don O’Donnell Harry Owens Megan Parker Ray Ross Mildred Self Kim Sheek Jonathan Smith Matt Smith Barbara Todd Bill Tomsovic Martha Shiver Walker Martha Weeks Neal Wilbanks HEALING Relationship to our family: Tom & Debbie Adams’ granddaughter CUMC family Jo Campbell’s friend Hap & Nancy Pate’s friend Ron Cunningham’s mother Thurston Mack’s niece CUMC friend CUMC family Roy Redderson’s cousin CUMC family Debbie Adams’ friend Richard & Deborah Hinkle’s friend Jan Staffelbach’s friends CUMC family Richard Hinkle’s friend CUMC family CUMC family CUMC family Doug Odell’s friend CUMC family Hap & Nancy Pate’s friend Chuck Self’s mother Ida & Lynn Page’s son-in-law Angie Moffitt’s cousin Dillard & Patsy Alexander’s grandson Debbie Adams’ friend Jo Ann Guise’s brother Jimmy Hayles’ cousin Rayanna Redderson’s friend Katy Towers’ friend CASHIERS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH October 12, 2014 Abounding Grace The more we see our sinfulness, the more we see God’s abounding grace. Romans 5:20 To abound is to have a surplus, an abundance, an extravagant portion. Should the fish in the Pacific worry that it will run out of ocean? No. Why? The ocean abounds with water. Need the lark be anxious about finding room in the sky to fly? No. The sky abounds with space. Should the Christian worry that the cup of mercy will run empty? He may. For he may not be aware of God’s abounding grace. Are you? Are you aware that the cup will run dry? Your warranty will expire? Are you afraid your mistakes are too great for God’s grace? God is not a miser with his grace. Your cup may be low on cash or clout, but it is overflowing with mercy. Traveling Light By Max Lucado OTHER CONCERNS Travel mercies for our summer residents as they begin to return to their winter homes; Tyre family; worldwide conflicts; persecution of Christians in Iraq; all caregivers; Elliot Reeser, Sandra Ballentine, Carl & Kathie Blozan; Mary & Rich Vandermay; Dan Sem; MILITARY & THEIR FAMILIES Elaine Adams, Judith Branham, Matthew Buker, Forrest Butte, Andrew Clyburn, Brett Crawford, Jamie Dills, Peter Glass, Shaina Goodwin, Kirk Herman-injured, Wesley King, Daniel Long, Robert McNeil, Todd Oliver, John Reason, Jr., Robert Schantz, Sarah Sloan, Karl Stewart, Collin Taylor, & Josh Worden. BEREAVEMENT Henson family in the death of Charles, Brandon Henson’s father Carrier family in the death of Dee Dee, friend of Hap and Nancy Pate Wish to Send a Card? Carol Huey, 432 Blackberry Trail, #2068, Sapphire, NC encouragement Kent & Judy Hall, 409 Bonita Ave, Panama City, FL 32401 encouragement Brandon & Bridget Henson, PO Box 616, Cashiers, NC bereavement Christine Lehn, C/O Donna Lehn, P.O. Box 306, Cashiers, NC encouragement PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING FOR…. Jo Ann Guise’s good test results Dax Hawkins’ and family’s safe return from mission trip Jacqueline Madden’s safe return from mission trip George Henry’s successful cataract surgery Will McRae’s successful elbow surgery SERVICE OF PRAYER & HEALING AND HOLY COMMUNION EVERY TUESDAY @ NOON Please join us either occasionally or on a regular basis. When requesting prayer for someone, please remember - *approval is needed from the person in order for it to be published in the bulletin. With the exception of On-Going Prayer, all names will be removed after three weeks unless updated. FOR PRAYER REQUEST: CUMC 743-5298; cumcmain@gmail.com Please email if you would like to be on our email prayer line .