Tours Club
Tours Club
THE ALBUMOAA The Military Officers Association of America Albuquerque, New Mexico Chapter FIVE STAR CHAPTER 2002 - 2013 December 2013—January 2014 Volume XXXIV, No. 6 Printed Newsletter Awards: Winner 1983, 1991, 1992, 2007, 2008 1st Runner Up 1993, 2004, 2006, 2011; 2nd Runner Up 2011 Electronic Newsletter Awards: Winner 2003; 1st Runner Up 2004 Web Site Awards: Winner 2003, 2004, 2007 - 2009; 1st Runner Up 2006; 2nd Runner Up 2011 Table of Contents Presidents Message ············ 1 President’s Message Board, Staff & Assigns········ 2 MOAA Meeting Season Membership Matters ········· 4 September 20-21: New Mexico Council Meeting (Roswell). Council President Bob Worthington reported on the improved web site at Please take a look at the contents and recommend improvements. We continue to revise the “right” ZIP codes to be associated with each chapter; this sorting allows National MOAA members to be advised of their local chapter, a means of increasing chapter membership. Royce Taylor (Santa Fe/Roadrunner Chapter) was elected President; Jim Harbison (Las Cruces/Mesilla Valley) was elected Vice President. The May 3-4 Council meeting will be held in Las Cruces. Legislative Matters············· 4 Contacts of Interest ··········· 5 Policy Statement ················ 5 Breakfast Club Notes ········· 5 Charitable Giving Program 6 Chapter Endowment·········· 6 Tours Club News ··············· 8 Tours Club Pictures ········· 10 Chapter Auxiliary ············ 11 B-47 in Albuquerque ······· 12 Chapter Calendar············· 13 Taps·································· 13 Ski Club Pictures·············· 14 Ski Club News ·················· 15 Member Application ······ 16 Advertisers Kirtland FCU······················ 3 USAA·································· 7 Sandia Area FCU ·············· 12 Roger Mickelson, President October 13: Albuquerque Chapter Annual Meeting. More than 100 chapter members participated in the traditional “Beer and Brats” event. Most long-time members commented on the excellent turnout, wonderful food, and opportunity to socialize. Many thanks to Chuck Wood; the extensive “kitchen” staff; membership crew (Karen, Frances, Mary Kay); and others who made this a great success. November 15-16: MOAA National Convention (Colorado Springs). Another very well-organized and informative meeting, with perhaps 500 attendees. The Community Heroes dinner recognized several outstanding local organizations and individuals who support and serve the active military, veteran, and retired community population in the area. Saturday was a very busy day from 8:00 am until after 10:00 pm, beginning with a Congressional Recognition breakfast. Information seminars followed, with the Annual Meeting at which Chairman John Tilleli (General, USA, Retired) and President Norb Ryan (Vice Admiral, USN, Retired) reported (Continued on page 3) Albuquerque Chapter Board of Directors President COL Roger W Mickelson, USA (Ret ) (505) 332-9273 1st Vice President Col Frederic Brown, USAF (505) 856-1927 2nd VP-Programs LCDR Edwin L Brawley, Jr. USN (Ret) (505) 400-4562 Secretary Frances Spallina (505) 822-9642 Treasurer Col Rettig P Benedict, Jr, USAF (Ret) (505) 856-2787 Immediate Past President Col Charles E Wood, USMCR (Ret ) (505) 332-8268 Navy Rep LCDR Edwin L Brawley, Jr, USNR, (Ret) (505) 400-4562 Marine Corps Rep Maj Robert E Rider, USMC (Ret) (505) 821-2716 Army Rep COL Roger P Knight, USA (Ret) (505) 321-1730 Air Force Rep BrigGen Regner Rider, USAF (505) 828-3010 US Coast Guard Rep CWO4 James J Levesque, USCG (Ret) (505) 792-9307 USPHS Rep CAPT H. John Wirth, USPHS (505) 866-5943 Auxiliary Rep & Liaison Mary Kay Olson (505) 836-7840 Albuquerque Chapter Club Chairpersons Ski Club Rep BrigGen Regner C Rider, USAF (505) 828-3010 Breakfast Club LtCol Philip Messuri (505) 798-6941 Tours Club Reps Karen Brown (505) 856-1927 Judy Keppler (505) 293-5274 Golf Club Rep VACANT Special Assignments ROTC/AWARDS CDR Michael J Cochrane, USN (Ret) 806-790-0933 Veterans’ Memorial Rep COL Roger P Knight, USA (Ret) (505) 321-1730 Club Representative COL Roger P Knight, USA (Ret) (505) 822-0131 Membership Recruitment CAPT H. John Wirth, USPHS (505) 866-5943 Finance Col Rettig P Benedict, Jr, USAF (Ret) (505) 856-2787 Personal Affairs Col David A Camacho, USAF (Ret) (505) 275-0532 Legislative Affairs Capt David A Coulie, USAF (Ret) (505) 293-0996 Team Kirtland LCDR Marlene S. Mathis, USN (505) 299-7585 Membership Directory Karen Brown (505) 856-1927 Mary Kay Olson (505) 836-7840 Nominating LtCol Michael A O’Dell, USAF (505) 797-2386 City Military Affairs COL Roger P Knight, USA (Ret) (505) 321-1730 Consumer Advisory Board LCDR Marlene S. Mathis, USN (505) 299-7585 2 United Veterans Council COL Roger P Knight, USA (Ret) (505) 321-1730 Editor, ALBUMOAA Capt. William C. Walters, USAFR (505) 822-0899 Chapter Staff Officers Chaplain MG John JD Noel, NMSDF (Ret) (505) 804-5644 Historian Vacant streamer” on stage on Saturday evening on your behalf. This prestigious award was earned by you, the members, and the exceptionally diligent Board of Directors. I thank you sincerely for this great privilege; we enjoy an unusually active range of fun chapter activities. (Continued from page 1) on the impressive accomplishments of MOAA over the last year. They emphasized efforts to support a strong national defense and to protect earned benefits, the need for all members to contact legislators on key issues and to “spread the word” among non-members and the public, to promote outreach and advocacy. They reported that MOAA had almost 380,000 national members, with only 57,000 members in 409 chapters—this emphasized the urgent need to recruit national members into chapters, as well as seeking new members among our qualified acquaintances. Norb pointed out that attacks on the DoD health care costs ignore the facts that personnel and health care costs have historically been approximately one-third of the Defense budget—those costs are NOT growing out of control as emotional cost-cutters’ rantings argue. Lots of new ideas for the chapters—we’ll address those separately. In closing, I wish you Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and best wishes for a healthy, happy 2014. Thanks for letting me serve as your President (I’d much rather be Past President if y’all could help me to arrange that). Sincerely, Roger COL Roger W Mickelson, USA (Ret ) Chapter President The obvious highlight of the Annual meeting was General Tilleli’s presentation of the national Five Star Award to the Albuquerque Chapter of MOAA. I was honored to accept the 2013 “battle 3 Membership Directory, contact Karen Brown, & she will e-mail it to you as an attachment (free). Remember that you can also access the Member Directory online at after you login. Be sure to let Karen know if you have any problems logging in. Membership Matters Membership Stats (as of November 20) Regular – 320 Auxiliary - 73 Associate - 93 Total - 486 Legislative Matters The New Mexico State Legislature convenes in regular sessions on the third Tuesday in January each year. In 2014 that will be January 21.The Legislature meets for 60 days in odd numbered years and 30 days in even numbered years. Between regular sessions legislators serve on interim committees that study a variety of issues. The Legislature is composed of a 70-member House of Representatives and a 42-member Senate. The members are unpaid for their legislative work, but do receive a daily living allowance for each day of official legislative work. Legislators are elected from districts of approximately equal population Several counties with small populations may be combined to form a single district. Your ABQMOAA legislative team encourages everyone to be involved in the political process. In a small state like New Mexico the legislators do heed constituent concerns and recommendations particularly when they hear from several folks about the same issue. The NM State personal income tax (PIT)exemption for retired military members pay is a good case in point. Over the years that we have brought this issue to the Legislature more and more of the lawmakers are familiar with the issue because of feedback they get from their constituents. It is important that we continue to champion this issue and keep reminding the legislators that it makes sound economic sense to provide the noted NM PIT exemption. The left sidebar on the ABQMOAA Home Page ( under "Menu" has a link titled "Legislative Links". Click to this link and you'll find contact info for your NM Representative and Senator and a Fact Sheet about the proposed PIT exemption and the value of military retirees to the State of New Mexico. You'll also find the current power point briefing we use to brief legislators. Feel free to use or share one or both of these documents when communicating with your legisla- A warm welcome to the following new members & spouses: Regular Maj Raymond M Badua, USAF Ret (Julie) LTC Arthur C Brooks, USA Ret (Jennifer) Col David J Hood, USAF Ret (Barbara) LTC Richard G Priem, USA Ret (Janice) LtCol Paul E Wilson, USMC Ret (Judy) Associate Sharon E Barnett (Harold “Barney”) Charles “Chuck” M Gilman (Judy) Auxiliary Jan Feaster Georgean Weller Membership Dues for 2014 are now due. Thanks to everyone who has already paid! If you have not paid your dues yet, please do so as soon as possible. An addressed envelope is inserted in the mailed-out hard copy of this ALBUMOAA newsletter. Please fill out the application on the last page of this issue & mail it along with your dues payment (check made out Albuquerque Chapter, MOAA). For those of you receiving the electronic ALBUMOAA newsletter, please print the Membership application on the last page of this newsletter or go to the link at the bottom of this page and print the 2014 MOAA Renewal form. Note: Our Albuquerque Chapter is a 501c3, non-profit public charity organization, so all donations to our Charitable "Giving Program" are tax exempt. If you would like a hard copy of our Chapter's Membership Directory mailed to you, please include $5 to cover printing/mailing. If you would like an electronic copy of the Chapter’s (Continued on page 11) 4 Contacts of Interest Congressional Switchboard –toll free– provided by MOAA............................................................................1-877-762-8762 Senator Martin Heinrich ..................................................................................................................... Washington Office: B40D Dirksen Senate Office Bldg, Washington, DC 20510 (202)224-5521 (800)443-8658 Albuquerque Office: 625 Silver Ave. SW Ste 130, Albuquerque, NM 87102 ............................................ (505)346-6601 Senator Tom Udall .............................................................................................................................. Washington Office: 110 Hart Senate Office Bldg. Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20510 .........(202)224-6621 Albuquerque Office: 219 Central Ave. NW Ste 210, Albuquerque, NM 87102 ..........................................(505)346-6791 Congressman Michelle Lujan-Grisham ....................................................................................... Washington Office: 214 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington, DC 20515 ............................................(202)225-6316 Albuquerque: 505 Marquette NW Ste 1605, Albuquerque, NM 87102 .......................................................(505)346-6781 Congressman Steve Pearce ............................................................................................................. Washington Office: 2432 Rayburn House Office Bldg. Washington, DC 20515 ............................................ (202)225-2365 Los Lunas Office: 3445 Lambros Loop NE, Los Lunas, NM 87031 ................................................................ (855)473-2723 Congressman Ben Ray Lujan, Jr......................................................................................................... Washington Office: 330 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington, DC 20515 .......................................... (202)225-6190 Rio Rancho Office: 3200 Civic Center NE Ste 330, Rio Rancho, NM 87144 ............................................. (505)994-0499 MOAA National HQ: 20 N. Washington St. Alexandria, VA 22314 .. .................... 1-800-234-6622 MOAA Legislative Alerts ......................................................................................................... Online Access to DD-214’s............................................................................................................... Albuquerque Chapter of MOAA .................................................................................................... DD-214 On line ................................................................................................................................ Kirtland AFB ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................(505)846-0011 OR (505)853-0011 Pharmacy Refills: ...................................................................................................................................................... 846-5770 Casualty Assistance:................... Kirtland Casualty Assistance Office: 846-5508 or Retiree Office (BRAVO) 846-1536 Military ID Card Service: (serving all branches, military retirees, dependents and survivors)........................ 846-5431 Will Preparation/Change: (retirees, dependents, survivors by appointment only)............................................. 846-4217 Policy Statement Breakfast Club Notes The Albuquerque Chapter of MOAA is not associated with the Department of Defense. This Newsletter is published bi-monthly. Views expressed in articles or editorials in this Newsletter are not necessarily the views of the Chapter nor do they reflect its policies. Publication of advertisements or mention of any commercial businesses does not constitute Chapter endorsement. Comments , suggestions and articles of interest are welcomed. Send to: Bill Walters, 6629 Orphelia Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109; phone 822-0899 or by email: Where: Weck's Restaurant Louisiana and Montgomery When: The last Wednesday of each month Time: 0730 Hours Menu: Your choice and come hungry - large portions Cost: Pay for your own breakfast Speaker: See calendar inside back page. Reservations: Not required Contact Person: Phil Messuri, 798 –6941(W) or 867-3605 (H) Have a suggestion for a speaker? Call Phil! 5 Charitable Giving Program Albuquerque Chapter of MOAA Endowment The Albuquerque Chapter has been approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity. Each year the program has grown as the Ski Club, Tours, special projects, and individual donors contribute sizable amounts. Many members donate in conjunction with their dues payment. Donors may contribute to the overall Giving Program, or they may specify their donation to one of the causes listed below. Charitable Giving Causes: Charitable Giving Program (Unspecified) General John S. Lekson Memorial ROTC Awards Fund ROTC Senior MOAA Memberships Blue Star Mothers (Divided among the Albuquerque Area Chapters) Rio Grande Chapter Valencia Chapter Gold Star Mothers, Albuquerque Chapter NM VA Medical Center The Wounded Warriors Project NM Fallen Warriors Ceremony The Chapter has established the Albuquerque Chapter of MOAA Endowment at the Albuquerque Community Foundation (ACF). The Board took this action to enhance our current, and especially our future, ability to contribute to worthy charitable organizations that help our military personnel, veteran’s and their families. This endowment will provide for enhanced charitable giving in normal years and funds to maintain our donations through lean years. Each year the endowment will make available to the Chapter about 4 – 5% of the value that the Board can use for our giving program. In good years, the Board can decide to add to the principle of the endowment. The endowment can also be a part of our member’s estate planning and giving for those who are so inclined. Working with the ACF gives us an established organization to manage our funds ensuring that our charitable goals are met over the long haul. ACF performs this function for over 90 charitable organizations and 300 individuals in Albuquerque and has about $56M that their investment Board supervises. The ACF was founded in 1978 and its endowments are professionally managed. More information about the ACF, can be found at their website; The Chapter point of contact is the treasurer, Rett Benedict, or 505453-4962 (cell). Since the last edition, the Charitable Giving Program received donations from three people. They were the following: Ambos, Brooks L Armstrong, Donald R Baker-Brown, O Marilyn Baye, Alfred H Benedict, Rettig P Boedeker, Robert Christensen, Duane L Cloud, Bobbie Cochrane, Michael J Coulie, David A Delleney, Jim S Dexter, George E Duke, Terrance M Farber, Frances L Green, Frederick L Guenther, Hart J Hammitt, Charles E Haroz, C. Tom Hickman, Anne Hooker, Thomas Jackson, David L (Continued on page 9) 6 7 Tour Club News Our Death Valley National Park tour was enjoyed by 39 participants. See the pictures in this issue & our MOAA website Photo Gallery at link at the end of this paragraph. Carlsbad “Christmas on the Pecos” trip is next with 45 participants. Our tour to Yosemite & Sequoia/ Kings Canyon National Parks now has 39 participants with only 1 space for a gal available – see details below. Be sure to reserve your seats for the upcoming WAR HORSE and/or WICKED Broadway performances – the deadline for WAR HORSE is January 14. Singles & couples welcome! Falls (in the Park); 1 night at Best Western Cavalier Oceanfront Resort, San Simeon (viewing Pacific Ocean); and 2 nights at Golden Nugget, Laughlin, NV (1 night going & returning). Sights will include step-on guided tours in both Sequoia & Kings Canyon and Yosemite National Parks, and visit to Monterey Bay Aquarium. Cost also includes Wonder Valley Hayride with Cowboy entertainment, 2 hosted Happy Hours, 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches and 2 dinners. The fourth payment of $250 is due December 1 (totaling $800/person); the balance is due February 1. Non-members please add $5/person guest fee, unless family or houseguest. To date, we have 39 participants with only 1 space available for a lady. We will take a waiting list in case of cancellations. * April 30, 2014 (Wednesday), 7:30 p.m., Popejoy Hall - WAR HORSE: “Based on the beloved novel by Michael Morpurgo, this powerfully moving and imaginative drama is filled with stirring music and songs…. At its heart are astonishing life-sized puppets created by South Africa’s Handspring Puppet Company, that bring to life breathing, galloping, charging horses strong enough for men to ride.” Group cost for 2nd Price seats is $58/person (side seats in rows K-N and middle seats in row P); Premium seats cost $71/ person (middle seats in rows D, H and I) – non- * July 18, 2014 (Friday) – SANTA FE OPERA – “CARMEN” (compose by Georges Bizet) with Preview Dinner: “Carmen is an archetypal love story of irresistible dramatic sweep, a meditation on fate and freedom, and an unforgettable portrait of the definitive femme fatale. But most of all, it is music: the highest expression of Bizet’s genius, a trove of melodies that capture all the sun and sensuality of Carmen herself....” members please add $2/person guest fee, unless family or houseguest. To date, we have 75 partici- This opera is sung in French with Opera Titles on a display screen in front of every seat, offering instant translations in your choice of English or Spanish. We have reserved 40 seats for the 8:30 p.m. performance. Group cost is $192/person (opera seat in middle Section 4, row BB) or $165/ person (opera seat in side Section 3). Cost also includes deluxe Herrera coach transportation plus Preview Buffet Dinner, including wine and dessert, starting at 6:00 p.m. at the SFO’s new openair cantina on the beautifully landscaped rehearsal grounds. A guest speaker offers an informative preview talk about the evening's opera during the dessert course. A deposit of $50/person is due NOW to hold your space! PLEASE INDICATE pants. These seats can only be sold through MOAA until January 14, 2014, when any seats (not sold) will be released back to Popejoy Hall. * May 11-18, 2014 (7 nights, 8 days) – YOSEMITE & SEQUOIA/ KINGS CANYON NATIONAL PARKS & WONDER VALLEY RESORT, CA: Double occupancy cost is $1000/Senior (62+) with Golden Age Passport or Senior Pass** – add $20 if you do not have a Park Pass. This trip includes Herrera coach transportation; 2 nights at Wonder Valley Resort; 2 nights at Yosemite Lodge at the (Continued on page 9) For more Tour/Events information click on the link below. 8 WHAT SEAT SECTION YOU WANT (3 OR 4)! The balance will be due NLT June 1, 2014. Non-members pay an additional $2 guest fee, unless family/houseguest. We will need to depart Tanoan Country Club at ~4:30 p.m. NEXT MOAA ADVENTURE PLANNED BY SUN TOURS: ~3-20 October 2015 - MACHU PICCHU with GALAPAGOS (17 days): This tour includes the best sites in Peru plus a 7-night cruise of the Galapagos Islands in Premium and Deluxe staterooms on the finest ship sailing the islands. This is the luxurious and comprehensive choice for visiting Machu Picchu & the Galapagos Islands. This trip requires excellent physical mobility! The exact dates, costs & more details will follow. * September 18, 2014 (Thursday), 2:00 p.m., Popejoy Hall, WICKED, The Untold Story of the Witches of Oz: Group cost for 2nd Price seats is $83/ person (side seats in rows K-N and middle seats in rows N and P); Premium seats cost $154/person (middle seats in rows D-F) – non- members please add $2/person guest fee, unless family or houseguest. First pay, first serve! To date, we have 25 participants. These seats can only be sold through MOAA until May 31, 2014, when any seats (not sold) will be released back to Popejoy Hall. (Continued from page 6) Knowles, D Mike Kontny, Rodney A Leech, Frank J Mattox, Harry W Mickelson, Roger W Mingo, Louis E Miskimin, Paul A Morgan, Dolores R Olson, Mary Kay Opuszenski, Joseph M Patten, Freddie J Pierce, Barbara A Plikerd, Quinten T Resley, Regina Rider, Reg C Rider, Robert E Rimson, Ira J Strati, Tony J Taylor, H Tom Wright, Richard A Mail above payments (made out to Albuquerque MOAA Tours) to Karen Brown at 962 Antelope NE, 87122. For further information, call Karen at 856-1927; email or Judy Keppler at 293-5274; • Cancellation of any trip/event may result in loss of money, unless space is filled. Trip insurance is a good idea. Note: These prices/trip details are subject to small changes. You will be notified of any change. New Upcoming MOAA Tours (details to follow: Send your donation to: Albuquerque Chapter of MOAA P.O Box 5071 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-5071 June 2014 – Farmington, NM’s Outdoor Summer Performance & more. August 25-29, 2014 – North Rim Grand Canyon/Bryce National Parks & more. For more information contact Fred Brown at For more Tour/Events information click on the link below. MOAA Legislative Action Alerts: 9 Tours Club Pictures Death Valley ‐ Borax Museum ‐ Pat, Chuck & Dave Death Valley ‐ Scotty's Castle ‐ Pearl & Ginger at Wishing Well Death Valley ‐ Badwater Basin ‐ Barbara & Daphne Death Valley ‐ Borax Harmony Works ‐ Borax Hauling Wagons ‐ John & Karel 10 Chapter Auxiliary (Continued from page 4) tor. The data is very enlightening. It begs the question of why can't the legislature see the economic value of retaining and drawing more military retirees to the State? Hope you all are trying to stay abreast of the myriad issuing surrounding the launch of the "Affordable Care Act (ACA) also known as "ObamaCare". This proposed overhaul of the national health care system has wide ranging financial ramifications that will (and may already) have an impact on all of us and our future generations. I trust you are making your voice heard with your US Representative and Senator. What's the old saying? "Speak now or forever hold your peace". Hello All. The important issues this month are: 1. Military Coalition Luncheons: Call Frances or Marvin Spallina 822-9642 or Col Joe Loisel 8390969 for reservations. Please check, the dates are different in December. 2. Col. Roger Knight from the New Mexico Veterans Memorial needs volunteers to welcome visitors at the Memorial. His number is 505321-1730, you always work with another person. 3. The ROWC Retired Officers Wives Club meets the third Wednesday in September at the Pelican on Montgomery and Eubank. Call Barbra Bloom for reservations 505-271-9535. 4. Karen Brown and Judy Keppler remind you of all of the wonderful trips and events they plan each year. Read in this issue and call them with your questions and reservations. 5. Ski Club is busy planning their trips. Call if you are interested in skiing. Information is in our Newsletter. 6. I will be calling each of you over the next few months to see if there is anything you want to see in the Auxiliary part of the ALBUMOAA. Have a lovely Holiday and I hope that you are all enjoying family and friends. See page 5, “Contacts of Interest” for contact information for our legislators. Happy Thanksgiving to all: Capt David A Coulie, USAF (Ret) (505) 293-0996 Mary Kay Your Auxiliary Representative: Mary Kay Olson 505-836-7840 Albuquerque Chapter Coin 11 flew until 1977). For many years it was the mainstay in SAC until it was replaced by the B-52. The Museum’s B-47 is in good shape, but not perfect shape. It still needs some work, such as additional painting and some restoration. Also, there are still some outstanding costs associated with the transfer and assembly of the aircraft. The Museum is seeking donations and financial support to complete the relocation and repainting of the B-47 and assistance with the repainting of its B-29 and B-52. Contact Jim Walther at (505) 245-2137. Come see the aircraft at the Museum at 601 Eubank, Albuquerque. The Museum is open 9am5pm daily. B-47 in Albuquerque by Bill Dettmer A Boeing B-47E has arrived in Albuquerque at the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History. It was transported in sections from Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio. This is the last B-47E that was not on display in other museums. The B-47 Stratojet was a long range, six-engined, jet-powered strategic bomber designed to fly at high subsonic speeds and at high altitudes. Its mission was primarily to drop nuclear weapons, which makes it a great addition to the Museum. The aircraft entered operations with the Strategic Air Command (SAC) in June 1951 and was retired in 1969 (versions other than the bombers 12 Chapter Calendar Tours Club MOAA Breakfast Club When: April 30, 2014 - Popejoy Hall - WAR HORSE See dates below 7:30am – 9:00am Where: May 11-18, 2014—Yosemite National Park/Wonder Valley Resort, CA Weck's at Louisiana Blvd and Montgomery Speaker: June 2014 – Farmington, NM’s Outdoor Summer Performance See below (check Cost: Individual checks Hosted: MOAA July 18, 2014 - Santa Fe Opera "Carmen" August 25-29, 2014 – North Rim Grand Canyon/ Bryce National Parks Reservations not required. Contact: Phil Messuri, 798 6947 September 18, 2014 - Popejoy Hall -WICKED December—No meeting October 25-November 9, 2014—Viking River Cruise through France 2014 Jan 29th – Gail Rubin: A Good Goodbye. Funerals – The “party no one wants to plan.” Thanks to MOAA member, Marsha Thole ~3-20 October 2015 - MACHU PICCHU with GALAPAGOS (17 days) Feb 26th – Open March 26th – Elinor Reiners: New Mexico Veteran Integration Center (NMVIC): Know of a Possible Speaker? Please contact Phil Messuri, Lt Col, USAF (Ret) at: or at work at 798-6941. Taps Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to the family of those who have passed to their eternal rest. May all those who grieve be comforted. Come Hungry – Separate checks CHECKS NO LONGER HAVE THE TIP INCLUDED LTJG Steven G Weller, USNR Ret – 26 October 2013 (husband of Georgean Weller) Military Coalition Luncheon Please visit the link at the bottom of this page for information about the Coalition Luncheons. Link to web site calendar: 13 Ski Club Pictures Jerry, Diane & others at November MOAA Ski meeting Congratulations to Paul Souder, who was inducted to the NM Ski Hall of Fame! New MOAA members ‐ Barney & Sharon MOAA Ski Club President, Reg 14 Ski Club News Co-Chair: Jim Eddings, 822-0714; PRESIDENT: Reg Rider, VICE-PRESIDENT: Ron Salley, TREASURER: Bill Dettmer, MEMBERSHIP: Karen Brown, February 9-13, 2014 (Sunday a.m. – Thursday) – STEAMBOAT SPRINGS Coach transportation, lodging at Rabbit Ears Motel, Steamboat Springs, CO Trip Chair: Judy Chreist, 269-8742; Co-Chair: Karen Brown, 856-1927; This should be an outstanding season for skiing. All of our destinations have been receiving plenty of snow and are in good shape for the season. We still need more skiers on the Steamboat and Purgatory II trips to make them a go. Please look at your calendars and contact the Trip Chairs of these trips if you are interested. You can’t get a better deal anywhere else! Have a great Thanksgiving and Christmas! See you on the slopes. February 23-26, 2014 (Sunday a.m. – Wednesday) – CRESTED BUTTE: Coach transportation, lodging at Old Town Inn, Crested Butte, CO Trip Chair: Reg Rider, 828-3010; Co-Chair: Jim Eddings, 822-0714; December 13-15 2013 (Friday p.m. – Sunday) – WOLF CREEK: Coach transportation, lodging at Pagosa Inn/Suites, Pagosa Springs, CO Trip Chair: Tonya Bush, 807-1270, Co-Chair: Karen Brown, 856-1927; March 7-9, 2014 (Friday p.m. – Sunday) – PURGATORY: Coach transportation, lodging at Durango Lodge, CO Trip Chair: Ron Salley, 798-9904; Co-Chair: Reg Rider, 828-3010; January 10-12, 2014 (Friday p.m. – Sunday) – PURGATORY: Coach transportation, lodging at Durango Lodge, CO Trip Chair: Phil Vitale, 298-6765; Co-Chair: Ron Salley, 798-9904; January 25-28, 2014 (Saturday a.m. – Tuesday) – TELLURIDE: Coach transportation, lodging at Victorian Inn, Telluride, CO Trip Chair: Jack Menako, 797-1935; 15 The Albuquerque Chapter MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA P. O. Box 5071 Albuquerque, NM 87185 Non-Profit Org U.S. POSTAGE PAID ALBUQUERQUE, NM PERMIT NO. 903 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM Albuquerque Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America Eligible for membership: Commissioned or Warrant Officers, or their Surviving Spouses Army—Marine Corps—Navy—Air Force—Coast Guard—Public Health Service—National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Regular-Reserve-National Guard-Active Duty-Retired-Former Officers Please Print Clearly _____Enroll me as a REGULAR MEMBER at $24.00 for one year. _____Enroll me as an AUXILIARY MEMBER (as the surviving spouse of a deceased officer) at $12.00 for one year. _____Enroll me as a ASSOCIATE MEMBER (non-military) at $15.00 for one year. _____Enroll me for FREE Membership for remainder of current year as REGULAR or AUXILIARY applicant who will receive the Newsletter only electronically. I wish to donate $______ to the Chapter’s Giving Program, and my check includes this amount. I realize that the donation is Federal and State tax-free. ____________________________________________________ First Name Middle Initial Last Name ______________________________________ Street Apt _______________ Rank ______________________ ______ City State E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________ (___Active Duty, ___Retired, ___Former Officer) _______________ Service ________________________________ Spouse’s Name _________________ ZIP+4 ________________________________ Telephone Numbers National Membership Number: ________________________________ (___Regular, ___Reserve, ___National Guard) (___Male, ___Female) Would you be willing to assist in the operation of the Albuquerque Chapter of MOAA? If so, what would be your main area of interest? ___Legislative Affairs, ___Public Relations, ___Membership, ___Scholarship & Award, ___Personal Affairs, ___Legal Counsel ___Newsletter, ___Chaplain, ___Finance, ___Programs & Activities, ___Data Processing Other____________________________________, ____ Other ____________________________, Do you have an interest in any of the following clubs: ___Breakfast Club, ___Ski Club, ___Tours/Events, ___Golf Please make check payable to: Albuquerque Chapter, MOAA Mail to: Membership, Albuquerque Chapter, MOAA P.O. Box 5071 Applicant’s Signature:___________________________________ Date:__________________ Albuquerque, NM 87185-5071 MOAA Membership Application Form 03-13 Visit us on the web at 16