Newsletter - Winter, 2012


Newsletter - Winter, 2012
Placentia Founders Society
The Green Shingle
News from the Bradford House
136 Palm Circle
Placentia, CA 92870
Winter 2012
Concerts, photo show open 2012 activities
The Hillsboro Piano Trio will launch the
exciting 21st Annual Chamber Concert Series at
the Bradford House at 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 22.
Violinist Nancy Eldridge, cellist Wendy Velasco
and pianist Doris Chiang will play Beethoven’s
Piano Trio in D Major, Op. 70 #1, and Dvorak’s
Piano Trio in e minor, Op 90 “Dumky.”
Following up will be the Persinger String
Quartet on Feb. 5. Violinists Stephen Tavani
and Avi Nagin, violist Arianna Smith and cellist
Allan Steele will perform pieces by Mozart and
Hillsboro Piano Trio, from left,
Nancy Eldridge, Doris Chiang and
Wendy Velasco will play at 3 p.m.
Sunday, Jan. 22. Doors open at 2:30
Doors will open for the concerts at 2:30 p.m. All p.m. for concerts. Seating is on a
first-come basis.
concerts are free, but seating is limited.
Photographer Jon Haverstick, photo instructor
at Mt. San Antonio College, will mount a show
at the House Gallerie from 1-5 p.m. Sunday,
Feb. 26.
On the Calendar
 Sunday, Jan. 22—Hillsboro
Piano Trio, 3 p.m.
 Saturday, Jan. 28—Rose
Pruning Demo, 12 p.m.
Sunday, Feb. 5—Persinger String Quartet,
3 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 9—Marie Callender’s
Fundraiser, all day
Sunday, Feb. 26—Photography Exhibit,
1-5 p.m.
Sunday, March 4—Santiago String Quartet,
3 p.m.
 Sundays, Feb. 12, March 11—House open for
tours, 2-4 p.m. No open house in April.
 Tuesdays, Feb. 14, March 13, April 10,—
Board Meetings, 7 p.m.
Persinger String Quartet, from
left, Allan Steele, Ryan Meehan,
who will be replaced by Avi
Nagin, Arianna Smith and
Stephen Tavani will perform at 3
p.m. Sunday, Feb. 5.
Eat with Marie—and help our House
By Alice Husovsky
Activities VP
Husovsky, 714-996-4453, who will
get you a flyer.
The Founders will hold an all-day
fund-raiser at
126 East Yorba
Linda Blvd.,
...and don’t forget
Placentia, on
the pie!
Feb. 9.
Bring your family and friends for a
meal out and help our fund-raising
efforts to keep our historic house for
many years to come.
This is an all-day event so you can
enjoy breakfast, lunch or dinner—or
all three! The restaurant will give 20
percent of the cost of your meals to
the Bradford House.
June 10 is our annual meeting.
Installation of new officers will be
followed by entertainment.
The only thing you need is a flyer,
which will arrive in your e-mail box
shortly. If you haven’t registered an
e-mail address with PFS, call Alice
Wine Dinner coming up!
Plans are under way for our next
Wine Tasting Dinner to be held
May 20. Time and location will be
announced soon.
Galleria shows will be Sundays, Feb.
26 and April 22. Plan to enjoy a
Sunday seeing a fine local artist’s
most recent work and get to chat
with him or her.
Page 2
The Green Shingle
From the President’s Desk
John Walcek
This New Year is shaping
up to indeed be something
special. The house has
never looked so good,
inside and out. New
screens for the upstairs
windows will be installed
The Bradford House Gallerie,
which began in 2010, was
established to promote and
give local artists a venue to
display their work in the
classic ambience of this
special house. There will be
four shows this year.
The house is open for
tours, and I’m so pleased
with how the house is
being used. Be sure to
check out our free
concerts and upcoming
local artist receptions.
The first Gallerie show for the
year, Sunday, Feb. 26, will
feature photographer and
teacher Jon Haverstick.
The Bradford House is
indeed one of Placentia’s
cultural treasures.
Thank you all
for your
and support
of this historic
home; and a
thanks to our
active board
who labor to
keep the
house in
order and
open to the
PFS News and Notes
Everything’s Coming Up
By Lisa Quental
House Maintenance Chair
Do you have rosebushes in
your yard? Do you approach
the task of pruning them
with trepidation? Do you
wish you had some
instructions on how to care
for them? We have a
On Saturday,
Jan. 28, at
12 noon,
Society will
hold an
informal rose
demonstration with local
landscape specialist Barbara
Schafer here at the Bradford
House. Barbara will give us
a short presentation,
followed by a hands on
demonstration of how to
prune the roses here at the
Bradford House.
Members and friends are
invited to join in this free
event, no experience
necessary! Bring your
gloves, pruning shears, and a
hat and be ready to have some
one-on–one instruction of the
basics of rose pruning.
Please call the Bradford
House at 714-993-2470 to
reserve a spot.
The Value of Time
By Geri Bennett
Do you ever consider what it
takes to keep our House at
it’s best? Your yearly
membership is a sturdy
foundation for the House.
Your generosity to our special
appeals is heartwarming. It is
the day-to-day upkeep that I
want to address here.
The volunteer hours given to
the House was something I
did not think much about
before becoming the
Parliamentarian and having
to track them. As I tally them
each month, I am aware of the
time the little things take.
There are people who come in
every few days to check
phone messages and the mail.
Before tours, volunteers dress
the table and do a final look
through. There are minutes
typed and treasurer duties to
be filled. There is the Green
Shingle to be written and
mailed. There are acquisitions
to be received, catalogued and
placed. There are tours to be
scheduled. There are pictures
to be taken and scrapbooks to
be compiled. There is the
planning and preparing for
the special events at the
house. This year we had a
major project in the Painting
and Screen Project. This was
almost a full time job!
What is the worth of this
time? The Fullerton
Arboretum Newsletter stated
the a volunteer hour is worth
$21.36 ( based on a 2010
Independent Sector Rate).
Here is a tally of the volunteer
hours since this new Board
started in July. Most of the
volunteer hours are done by
your Board, but there are
many who donate time also.
I think you will be amazed.
July—81.75 hours
August—102.75 hours
September—147.75 hours
October—147.75 hours
November—140.75 hours
December—99.25 hours
That comes to 720 hours—or
$15,379.20. And, that’s a lot of
Jon Haverstick
will mount an
exhibit of his
photos on Feb. 26.
Looking for Tax
Savings? (Part 2)
In the last Green Shingle, PFS
Treasurer Beth Woodard listed
a couple of ways to save on tax
bills through donations made
by Dec. 31 of last year. This
month, she outlines more
opportunities that can be
applied this year.
1. You can donate money,
supplies or furnishings to PFS
and receive a deduction for the
current value of the items.
2. You can leave PFS a
donation within your estate,
and receive a deduction for
your estate taxes.
Please consult with your tax
professional regarding your
individual tax situation. If you
have questions about donating
to PFS, you may contact
Woodard at 714-993-2480 or
email her at
Just a reminder…
The PFS dues year runs from
July 1-June 30—not on the calendar year. So, if you’re wondering
if your dues are due, they aren’t
(unless you really haven’t paid
them)—until July 1, 2012.
The Green Shingle
Page 3
It was a merry Christmas at the Bradford House
More than 80 members and their guests celebrated the season at the
annual Holiday Party hosted at the House by the PFS board.
...with Santa..
Placentia City Council President Jeremy Yamaguchi
hangs out at the dessert table with Pat Irot,
Councilwoman Connie Underhill, Barbara Hemmerling
and Nancy Tollefson.
...and carolers...
An appreciative audience
gathered around the front
parlor Christmas tree to
enjoy carols by the Victorian
-clad Vocal Magic.
Richard DeVecchio enjoys wine donated
and poured by Beth Woodard.
Thanks to food donors Heather
Battaly, Cindy Brandom, Jeanne
Christensen, Larry deGraaf,
Kathy Frazee, Jackie O’Neil,
Ellie Rankin, Jackie Shumway,
Carole Sypherd, Avalon Bagels
to Burgers, Pick Up Stix, Rubio’s
and Starbucks.
...and a table laden with goodies being sampled
by Carole and Allen Sypherd, Heather Battaly
and Clifford Roth.
The Party’s Over
Even great parties
can’t last forever. Alice
Husovsky, activities VP,
and Nancy Murray,
party chair, undeck the
halls in January.
Page 4
The Green Shingle
Placentia Founders Society
The Bradford House
136 Palm Circle
Placentia, CA 92870
Phone: 714-993-2470
The Bradford House
Placentia Founders Society
Board of Directors, 2011-12
President—John Walcek
VP-Activities—Alice Husovsky
VP-Curator—Jan Henderson
VP-Education—Kay Pfaffle
Secretary—Judie Dee
Treasurer—Beth Woodard
Executive Committee
Concerts—Mary Castner,
Clairee Tynes
Historian—Pat Graham
House Maintenance—Lisa
Membership—Nancy Murray
Newsletter/PR—Lynda Baker
The Placentia Founders Society was established in 1974 to preserve and maintain the Bradford House, which was built in 1902. Now it is a living museum,
providing a glimpse into the lives of a pioneering family who made their fortune in the citrus industry. The House is open to the public for docent-led
tours from 2-4 p.m. the second Sunday of each month.
Bradford Family phonograph comes ‘home’
A Kimball phonograph, dated
c. 1917, was delivered to the House
last month by A.S. Bradford’s
great-granddaughter Debbie
Buderwitz, at left, where her
mother, Rene Kamin, right, related
the piece’s history. Buderwitz had
kept the phonograph in her home
for the past 23 years.
The record player originally was
hand-cranked, but was later
converted to an electric model.
Records that entertained the
family in the early 1900s are stored
below the turntable in felt-lined
Curator Jan Henderson hopes to
restore the record player to
working condition.

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