Newsletter - Winter, 2015


Newsletter - Winter, 2015
Placentia Founders Society
The Green Shingle
News from the Bradford House
136 Palm Circle
Placentia, CA 92870 714-993-2470
Volunteer Kudos
Concerts Fill House with Music
Special thanks to
A string quartet and a flute-harp duo will
Steve and Melinda Miller
3 p.m. Sundays, Feb. 22 and March 22, as the
for once again pruning
second and third of five programs in the 2015 Chamthe Bradford House
roses. They even called ber Concert Series.
The Santiago String Quartet
to remind us it needed
composed of violinists Linda Owen and
to be done. Thanks to
Carmen Hensley; violist Lisa Santana;
their gardening skills,
and cellist Patty Hicks will play Mothe bushes will enjoy a
zart’s String Quartet in G Major,
fresh, new growth of
K.387 and Brahms’ String Quartet in
flowers soon.
Bb Major, Op. 67, in February.
Decorating the
house for the holidays is
Santiago String Quartet members, clockwise from bottom,
always fun, but what
Violinist Carmen Hensley, Cellist Patty Hicks, Violist Lisa
Santana and Violinist Linda Owen
about those who
showed up to take down
The March concert by Arioso will be performed by
the decorations……not
Cindy Ellis, flute, and Michelle Temple, harp. In adnearly as much fun. We dition to music of Philippe Gaubert, Stella Sung,
thank Alice and Joe
Katherine Hoover, Joseph Jongen and Jules MouHusovsky, Judie Dee,
quet, they will present the world premiere of James
Hopkins’ “Aria and Villancico.”
Geri Bennett, Mary
Castner, and Steve and
Nancy Murray for
Flutist Cindy Ellis
clearing the holidays
and harpist
away and safely storing
Michelle Temple
everything in the
basement—until next
Rounding out the 24th Chamber Concert seaChristmas!
son will be the Dynamo Quartet on April 26th and a
special “bonus” concert by the Sundance Trio from
Utah at 7 p.m. Sunday, May 17th.
Calendar of Events
Tues., Feb. 17, 6:30 p.m.-Board Meeting*, Bradford
Sun., Feb. 22, 3 p.m.—
Chamber Concert, Santiago
String Quartet, Bradford
Sun., Mar. 8, 2-4 p.m.-Public Tours, Bradford
Tues., Mar. 17, 6:30 p.m.-Board Meeting*, Bradford
Sun., Mar. 22, 3 p.m.—
Chamber Concert, Arioso,
Bradford House
Sun., Mar, 29, 1-4 p.m.-Art Gallerie, Bradford House
Sun., Apr. 12, 2-4 p.m.-Public Tours, Bradford
Wed., Apr. 15--Restaurant
Fundraiser, TBD
Tues., Apr. 21, 6:30 p.m.-Board Meeting*, Bradford
Sun., Apr. 26, 3 p.m.—
Chamber Concert, Dynamo
Quartet, Bradford House
* Board Meetings are open
to all members.
Page 2
President’s Message By Nancy Murray
The Green Shingle
We wish a Happy 2015 to our PFS members. May it be a joyful year.
Our holiday party was a great success as usual. The Board enjoys putting on this event
as a thank you to all of our members. Be sure to view the pictures from the party in this
edition of the Green Shingle.
Our docent-led tours are increasing each year. In addition to our second-Sunday-of-each
-month open tour, you may not be aware of the number of group tours we give by reservation. In December alone, Main Street Tours brought two groups of more than
40 visitors, and Bradford Square brought a group of residents to tour the house.
We are also excited to begin the tours for third grade students as they study local history. They prefer
coming in the spring, and we are happy to accommodate them. We thank the Placentia Community
Foundation for funding the student transportation for these tours.
Be sure to support our Chamber Concert Series, our Art Gallerie shows, and our restaurant fund raisers as
we proceed into 2015. Sincerely, Nancy
The Bradford House
Needs Your Help
There are several small projects
that need the help of PFS members. It is a way you can help
without committing much time
or effort. If you can assist with
any of these, please let us know
by leaving a message at 714 9932470 or by sending an email to
*Sweep/hose off the front porch before special events
*Clean the chimney (or fund it)
*Clean the carpet(s) (or fund it)
*Remove a daisy bush from side of
*Install an outdoor bulletin board/
cabinet near front door
*Assist with electrical issues/
*Assist with cabinetry issues/
*Train to be a Docent
*Help with Wine Dinner
Bradford House Tour News
School Tours—Schools from the Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School District that will send classes of third graders to tour the
House this spring include Bryant Ranch, Glenknoll, Rose Drive and
Sierra Vista.
Teachers at all the district’s elementary schools have been sent
packets of information about and invitations to tour the Bradford
House Tours--The House hosted more than 85 visitors in two
tours in December that were from Main Street Tours and Good Times
Travel, companies that regularly schedule tours to the Bradford
House. The House is a popular destination for tour companies, especially during the December holiday season, when the House is decorated.
Special group tours may be scheduled by calling the House,
714-993-2470, or e-mailing at Kay Paffle,
vice president of education, works with groups and lines up docents
for the special tours. The House is open to the public for docent-led
tours from 2-4 p.m. the second Sunday of each month. – Pat Graham,
Tours Bring New Members--Four new memberships resulted from recent tours of the Bradford House. Added to our roster
are Gerry Carnevale, Tommie Kalman, Laurie Rhodes and
Rodger Salkeid, bringing total membership to 132.
New members are always welcome. Membership forms are
available in brochures at the House or on the website, -- Ellie Rankin, Membership Chair
Page 3
The Green Shingle
Anna-Lena Perumean
peeks through a couple
of her sculptures
displayed at the
Bradford House Gallerie
in November.
Local Artists Turn House into Gallerie
After expecting rain and wind for the November
Gallerie artist reception, the day turned out lovely for AnnaLena Perumean’s retrospective exhibit. More than 70 pieces
–sketches, watercolors, oil paintings and sculptures—were
displayed in the rooms downstairs and on the front porch.
We are seeking a local artist for the next Gallerie
event, slated for Sunday, March 29. If interested, please call
John Walcek at 714-528-1860.
Placentia artist Shirley Finton will display her oil artwork on May 31.
North Dakota Mother at 14
titles one of the works by
Shirley Finton that will be
shown at the Bradford House
Gallerie on May 31.
John Walcek, Gallerie Chair
Christmas at the Bradford House
More than 50 members and their guests partied at the annual holiday celebration hosted by the PFS
Pianist Carol Ann Tassios provided background accompaniment to the merrymaking, and led an enthusiastic round of carols. Santa made an appearance, presenting gifts to everyone.
The dining room table was loaded with appetizers, with desserts finding their place on the office
desk. Wine flowed—more than a little, as the table serving as a bar collapsed, spilling bottles and wine.
(Fortunately, there was no damage to the floor or carpet.)
The annual party is the board’s “gift” to members, who provide the primary support for renovations
and maintenance of the 1902 mansion.
Sing along !
Joe Husovsky &
Geri Bennett.
Happy talk was the order of the
evening for Barbara Hemmerling
and Jackie O’Neill.
Party planner Judie Dee
poses beside one of the
decorated trees.
Holiday spirit was shared
by Kristine Dennehy and
Larry deGraaf.
Two arms required for Santa’s Christmas hugs for Parliamentarian
Alice Husovsky and Green Shingle layout artist Tina Maraj.
Page 4
The Green Shingle
“California Sunset” Taken By Placentian Pat DeLaney
Placentia Founders Society
The Bradford House
136 Palm Circle
Placentia, CA 92870
Phone: 714-993-2470
Placentia Founders Society
Board of Directors, 2014—15
President—Nancy Murray
VP-Activities — Judie Dee
VP-Curator—Jan Henderson
VP-Education—Kay Pfaffle
Secretary—Geri Bennett
Treasurer—Joan Bennett & Jean Sabo
Parliamentarian—Alice Husovsky
Executive Committee
Concerts—Mary Castner
Historian—Pat Graham
House Maintenance—John Walcek
Membership—Elenore Rankin
Newsletter/PR—Tina Maraj
Technology Chair—open position
Members At Large—Jackie Shumway,
Lynda Baker
The Placentia Founders Society was established in 1974 to preserve and
maintain the Bradford House, which was built in 1902. Now it is a living museum, providing a glimpse into the lives of a pioneering family
who made their fortune in the citrus industry. The House is open to
the public for docent-led tours from 2-4 p.m. the second Sunday of
each month.
Apartment for Rent
Visit the Facebook page to
become a “friend” of the
Placentia Founders Society/
Bradford House and to
check out the calendar of
events and event pictures
and visit our webpage at
You can also email us: at
One-bedroom, four- room
apartment on the second story
of the Bradford House is available to rent for $1,000 a month.
Please share info with interested friends. Leave a message
at 714 993-2470 if interested.

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