November 22, 2015 - Incarnation Parish


November 22, 2015 - Incarnation Parish
November 22, 2015
55 Williamsburg Lane
Fax: 433.3263
Rev. Lawrence Mierenfeld
Pastor, 205
Rev. Brian Phelps
Parochial Vicar, 204
Rev. George Uralikunnel
Weekend Assoc. 776.4331
Mr. Robert Zinck
Deacon, 902.5428
Mr. Roger Duffy
Deacon, 269.6256
Mr. Tim Niesel
Pastoral Associate, 215
Mrs. Marilyn Porcino
Pastoral Associate, 201
Mr. Kevin Samblanet
Music Minister, 214
Mrs. Tiffany vonClausburg
Secretary, 200
Mrs. Linda Bottermuller
Bookkeeper, 216
Mr. George Molinsky
Bus.Mgr./Dev., 213
Mr. Richard Talda
Council Chair 885-7952
Religious Education
Mrs. Paula Weckesser
Coordinator, 211
Mrs. Cathy Winkofsky
Admin. Assnt., 210
Incarnation School
45 Williamsburg Lane
Mrs. Cheryl Reichel, Ph.D.
Principal, 138
Youth Ministry
Daniel Dunn, 209
Please plan for six months
New parishioners are
preparation time. Contact
asked to contact the office. Mrs. Porcino.
A warm welcome to all.
Hospital & Homebound
Baptisms are held on the We take particular care to
first three Sundays, after
visit those hospitalized
the noon Mass. Baptisms and homebound. If you or
may be scheduled on the a family member are
4th Sundays during the
hospitalized or
noon Mass (limit 4). First homebound, please call
time parents should plan the parish office. If there
to attend the Baptismal
is a need to be anointed,
Preparation Program
you may contact the office
offered the first Thursday with that request.
of each month (7:30 Parish
Mass Intentions
Call or visit the Pastoral
Obtain information on
The Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults by
calling Tim Niesel.
6:30, 8:30*: (*All school Mass Fridays 9:00 Church)
Saturday : 8:30am
Sunday Liturgy
Sat. 5:30pm Sun: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, noon—Church
9:30 and 11:00—Parish Center
Saturday mornings, 9:00-9:45
Eucharistic Adoration
3rd Mondays, 7:00pm, with Exposition and Benediction.
Church open (door closest to Rectory) throughout the week for
private adoration: M-Th, 6:00am-9:00pm; Fri, 6:00am-5:00pm;
Sat, 8:00am-6:30pm; Sun, 7:00am-9:00pm
Mon ... Dn 1:1-6, 8-20 • (Ps) Dn 3:52-56 • Lk 21:1-4
Tue .... Dn 2:31-45 • (Ps) Dn 3:57-61 • Lk 21:5-11
Wed ... Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28 • (Ps) Dn 3:62-67 • Lk 21:12-19
Thu .... Dn 6:12-28 • (Ps) Dn 3:68-74 • Lk 21:20-28
Fri ...... Dn 7:2-14 • (Ps) Dn 3:75-81 • Lk 21:29-33
Sat ..... Dn 7:15-27 • (Ps) Dn 3:82-87 • Lk 21:34-36
Sun .... Jer 33:14-16 • Ps 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14 • 1 Thes 3:12—4:2
.......... • Lk 21:25-28, 34-36
n this last Sunday of the liturgical year, the Church celebrates the feast of
Christ the King. Instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925, to combat the growing
secularism and atheism of his time, it is a feast that does not celebrate an event in
the life of Jesus but rather celebrates an aspect of his identity. We recognize and
honor Christ as ruler of all.
The theme of the kingdom permeates the Good News announced by Jesus. In
many respects the expression “kingdom of God” is original with Jesus. No other
biblical teacher makes it the center of his message.
Everyone is invited to enter the kingdom of God. No one is excluded, except those
who exclude themselves. Jesus asks from his followers to give everything in order to
obtain the treasure of the kingdom- therefore, words are not enough, deeds are
required. Love and Serve one another.
Tim Niesel, Pastoral Associate
Although Thanksgiving Day is a civil holiday, it is worth remembering that its
origin was a religious one. The pilgrims of the Plymouth colony gave thanks to
God for the blessings they had received, and especially for the rich harvest they
had reaped and so desperately needed to survive. For many of us today,
Thanksgiving Day has become a time when friends and family
gather together to give thanks. This is the real
meaning of our Thanksgiving Day celebration: to
acknowledge and give thanks for the blessings we
have received from God during the past year and
to commit ourselves to using these gifts on
behalf of all God’s people. To do so is to
make God’s kingdom more present in this world.
Please join our parish family as we give thanks to God for his blessings to our
Parish at the 8:30am Mass this Thursday.
Thank You! . . . Our new hymnals have arrived, they are in place and are now
in use. Our sincerest thanks are offered to those who have contributed to
offset costs and to a hymnal dedication. The dedication plates will be affixed
to the hymnals in the coming weeks. If you would like to make a dedication
there is still time to do so. Provide us with the loved one’s name, indicate
living or deceased and $25.00. Thanks Once Again!
Monday, November 23
6:30—Rita Maehlman (d)
8:30—Mary Powers Manly (d)
Tuesday, November 24
6:30—Dr. Joseph Mazzotta (L)
8:30—Camillus Mattingly (d)
Wednesday, November 25
6:30—Robert Knop (L)
8:30—Carl Breitenstein (d)
Thursday, November 26
8:30—Priest’s Intention
Friday, November 27
6:30—Robert Flohre (d)
9:00—Doris Vadeboncoeur (d)
Saturday, November 28
8:30—Eugene Solimine (d)
Blessed rest:
Richard Bohn
Saturday, November 28
5:30: Fr. Stretch
Sunday, November 29
7:30: Fr. Stretch
9:00: Fr. Stretch
9:30: Fr. Brian
10:30: Fr. George
11:00: Fr. Brian
12:00: Fr. George
November 15____$37,736
Give thanks and praise God by helping the
poor. The monthly St. Vincent de Paul
collection is next weekend. Have a blessed
Thanksgiving holiday.
The collection for the Catholic Campaign for
Human Development (CCHD) provides funding
for groups that make lasting change and uplift
the poor in the United States. CCHD’s grants
improve education, support economic
development, and create affordable housing in
low-income neighborhoods. Help us continue
to defend human dignity and build
communities of solidarity. Please give to the
CCHD Collection.
Beginning December 6 and following on the
first Sunday of every month.
More information to follow.
NINE MONTHS WITH CHRIST IN THE WOMB Jesus has discovered a new
favorite activity, sucking on his thumb! At six pounds, he is starting to look
adorably plump and very healthy. Jesus of the womb, Hear our prayers!
Registration is open for Intramural Basketball
Cost: $20
How to register: Go to
Where: Incarnation Multipurpose Room (cafeteria/gym)
When: Once a week starting January 9, 2016 (either Saturday or
What: Basketball league for K-3rd graders(teams for boys and
girls and split between K/1st graders and 2/3rd graders)
What to experience: each player will bring the ball up the court,
we stress fundamentals of the game (dribbling, passing, rebounding, defensive
stance), this league is for the kids to have fun and a very basic introduction to
basketball. There is NO stealing the ball in this league.
Parents: you are encouraged to sign up to coach. It is a great way to get involved in
your parish, meet friends of your child and meet other parents. Who knows.... you
may be asked to run the program some day:)
Questions: Contact Tom Doorley at
Please visit the lost and found in the Church and Parish Center. Items not
retrieved will be donated to local charities.
Wednesday, December 2, 7:00 – 8:30PM
We invite all Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers to come and reflect on the liturgical
ministries that you are fulfilling in our parish. We will begin at 7:00PM with Sung
Evening Prayer led by our choir. We will have a reflection following evening prayer
and a refresher on liturgical etiquette. We will be finished by 8:30 that evening.
PLEASE JOIN THE MOMS GROUP in room 105 on December 1, from 9-11AM, for
a question and answer session with Father Brian to wrap up our latest book,
"Walking with God". Then mark your calendars for December 8, 9-11AM, for our
annual Christmas Brunch! We will be selling our next book, "When Faith Causes
Family Friction". Come, relax and be in great company! We look forward to seeing
you there!
Youth Ministry Night 5-7:30pm, Community Room
Topic: St. Vincent De Paul
† We will meet to at Incarnation and then head down to serve a meal to the
guests at St. Vincent’s hotel in Downtown Dayton.
† ALL ARE WELCOME! As always, parent volunteers are always needed to drive!
† Please RSVP by e-mail or text if you plan on coming!
Maya Marie Hackitt
Daughter of John and Kelly (Jewell)
Grant William Johnson
Son of Benjamin and Lindsay (Marsico)
Sawyer Renee Naas
Daughter of Nicholas and Karissa (Kranov)
Katarina Elizabeth Perkins
Daughter of David and Erica (Papp)
Joseph Anthony Westendorf
Son of Adam and Jillian (Pizza)
Incarnation School is an excellent school that
reflects the faith values that are important to
your family. If you are interested in a Catholic
education, please contact the Principal, Dr.
Cheryl Reichel, for a meeting and a tour of the
school. Contact our Registrar, Mrs. Kim Shields,
433-1051, x134, to begin the registration
process. Visit our website at
Incarnation is looking for substitute teachers.
You can pick your days and grades that you
prefer to work. What a great way to earn some
extra money!! Substitute teachers are required
to have a 4 year college degree and Virtus
trained. Stop by the office or contact Suzie
Kreusch in the office at 433-1051 or to
get an application.
Incarnation School will be holding a craft
bazaar on Fri, Dec 4, from 7-9pm and
Sat, Dec 5, from 9:30am-2pm. If you would like
to participate in the bazaar, we are taking
reservations for a fee of $35 per booth. For
more information or to register, please go to
nChristmasFest, or contact Shawne Mazzei at
239-3109 (, or
Paul Robinson at 367-6592
The PTO sells gift cards to many major and
local retailers and restaurants. We will have gift
cards available in the Parish Center lobby on
the following Sundays: November 23 and 30
from 9am-12pm in conjunction with the
distribution of the Christmas Kindness gift
tags. Stop by our table and order your
Christmas Kindness gift cards from your
school’s PTO and save yourself a trip to the
Gift cards will also be available at the
Christmas Festival on December 4 and 5.
Please shop with the PTO for your gift card
needs. Your purchase of SCRIP gift cards helps
support all the PTO sponsored events which
includes Muse, Destination Imagination, Easter
Egg Hunt, Chess Club, and COSI.
Please pay with cash or check payable to
Incarnation PTO.
Christmas Kindness is a parish effort to provide gifts to needy families and individuals. Our parish project services Catholic
Social Services, St. Mary’s Parish and Christmas Party, Twin Towers Senior Center, Incarnation's St. Vincent de Paul Society,
the St. Vincent Hotel, and St. Vincent DePaul Supportive/Transitional Housing. Gift tags with specific requests can be picked
up at all Masses this weekend and next weekend, and then in the church vestibule. Gifts should be returned before or after
all Masses on December 12-13, to the classrooms on the front side of the school. All gifts need to be turned in no later than
1:00 PM on Sun, December 13. Gifts should be wrapped (unless otherwise noted) with gift tag affixed securely to package.
People are depending on us to fulfill their requests. Therefore, if you cannot participate, please do not take a tag. Remember
to include batteries if your gift requires them. Thank you for your participation.
If you have a question about a tag, please call Barb 436-0228 or Lynn 287-7081.
Adult volunteers and 7th & 8th grade students are needed to pass out Christmas Kindness tags before & after Masses on:
Weekend of November 21 – 22 (weekend before Thanksgiving)
Weekend of November 28 – 29 (Thanksgiving weekend)
You will need to report 20 minutes before Mass and stay about 10 minutes after the Mass you sign up for. You may attend
that Mass. Please report to the bride's room (next to the women's restroom) for the Masses at church or the Parish Center
lobby for the Masses in the Parish Center to sign in.
Adult volunteers and 7th & 8th grade students are needed for Christmas Kindness gift collection the weekend of December
12 – 13. You can sign up for one or more of the following 1-1/2 hour time slots (7th & 8th grade students are limited to one
time slot):
Saturday, December 12, 4:00-5:30 PM Set up
Saturday, December 12, 5:00-6:30 PM Collect Gifts
Sunday, December 13, 7:00-8:30 AM Collect Gifts
Sunday, December 13, 8:30-10:00 AM Collect Gifts
Sunday, December 13, 10:00-11:30 AM Collect Gifts
Sunday, December 13, 11:30-1:00 PM Collect Gifts
Sunday, December 13, 1:00-2:30 PM Load Truck and Clean Up
Please remember that if you are in 7th or 8th grade, you will be working outdoors and to dress for the weather. Adult
volunteers will be working inside organizing the gifts. Please report to the school lobby to sign in.
To volunteer, please contact Donna Binzer at (preferred method) or you can call her at (937) 361-7662
between the hours of 10 am and 10 pm. When you e-mail Donna, please include your name, a phone number (if you are a
student please provide a phone number of a parent who we can reach on the day you are working), and when you want to
work. Donna will send a return e-mail confirming your time. If you have not heard from her within a few days, please try
calling as that means she has not received your e-mail. If you call, please speak clearly and include the above information as
well as how late in the evening she can call you back. Donna will return your call to confirm if that slot is still open.
All scout troops, leisure clubs and students needing service hours are encouraged to make cookies for the St. Mary’s
Children Christmas Party. We are asking everyone to make at least one batch of cookies, which yields about 12 bags of
cookies. For those who enjoy baking please feel free to make more.
When baking and packaging please follow these guidelines:
 You can bake any kind of cookie, except no cream cheese.
 If you decide to make a peanut product free recipe label it clearly.
 Please put 4 or 5 cookies in a securely fastened zip locked or twist tie bag.
 Turn cookies in with your Christmas Kindness gifts.
If there are any questions please contact me via email or phone me 974-7846.
Harps of Grace Concert
December 7, 7:00PM, Normandy Church, 450 W. Alex Bell, Don’t miss this spectacular program of musical favorites by 12 harpists. FREE - donations accepted.
The Christmas Box Angel Memorial Vigil Sun, Dec 6, 7pm, St. Leonard Chapel, 8100 Clyo Road
Please join us as we come together as parents, grandparents, families and friends to remember and celebrate the lives of children and loved ones that we have
lost. For more information, to RSVP or to request the opportunity to share your story during the vigil, please contact Kelly Lance at 937.432.6549 or
Dayton’s Regional International Artisan Fair Trade Sale is moving to UD’s River Campus, 1700 S. Patterson Blvd., across from the Carillon Historic Park. Give
your family members gifts that give twice – delight to your loved ones and an ability for families in a developing country to lift themselves out of poverty. Beautiful
environmentally friendly gifts that echo Pope Francis call for Care for Our Common Home will be available at the sale along with housewares, jewelry, world
fashion apparel, Christmas décor and toys, Sat, Dec 5, from 9am-4pm. For more information call Pam Long at the Catholic Social Action Office 224-3026 ext.
5018 or email
Catholic Singles Dance featuring "Cold Smoke", Nov 28, 7:30-11:30pm. $15 Includes appetizers, snacks, soft drinks, and desserts. Beer & wine will be available
for purchase. Dance will be held at: Immaculate Heart of Mary, 7820 Beechmont Ave, 45255.
Advent Evening of Recollection Dec. 3 * 7-9pm, Si Lounge, Sieben Hall, Mount Saint John. You and your friends are cordially invited to an Advent evening of
recollection focused on the Annunciation-Incarnation. Bergamo's Jubilee Retreat Guide Anthony Franchina, who was taught how to lead Ignatian meditations by
the Jesuits while working at Georgetown University, will facilitate this prayerful experience complete with an Application of the Senses. You may register for this
free will offering event by calling the Bergamo Center at 937-426-2363 or online at under the Jubilees tab.
St. Charles Borromeo Parish Live Nativity December 6, from 5– 7pm. Live animals, indigenous to the middle-east, including camels will be present. Children
are allowed to pet the animals. Christmas carols will be sung throughout the evening. Free Hot Chocolate and cookies will be served indoors. Meatball sub
supper $7 per person. There is plenty of parking (Alter Parking Lot), and it’s easily accessible for all.
Angel Night Our free, family friendly event is Thurs, December 3 from 5:30-9PM at Calvary Cemetery Dayton. Music in the
historic St Henry's Chapel featuring The Beavercreek Brass, The Gem City Chorus, the Kettering Children's Choir, Holy Angels
Contemporary Choir, the Combined choirs of Chaminade-Julienne High School and the Miami Valley Music Men. Walking and
riding tours of illuminated Victorian Angels, cookie decorating and children craft area, refreshments. All parking is on cemetery
grounds. Rain or shine. For more information call 293-1221.
Missionary Discipleship It sounds intimidating, but active and informed discipleship is our vocation as Catholic Christians. The Lay Pastoral Ministry Program
can help you discern and develop gifts for ministry, grow in faith and gain the theological knowledge you need to evangelize and serve others effectively. Courses
in scripture, doctrine, morality, evangelization and liturgy fit into a busy adult schedule with evening and Saturday sessions. Classes forming now for Spring
semester and interviews are ongoing for full admission to Graduate and Non-Degreed programs. Locations include the main campus in Cincinnati and satellite
locations in Montfort Heights and Dayton. Call 419-305-5486 or 513-231-1200 for information or to schedule an appointment. The LPMP is sponsored by the
Archdiocese of Cincinnati and is celebrating 40 years of service in 2015-16.
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