Newsletter 1 - Moorings Presbyterian Church
Newsletter 1 - Moorings Presbyterian Church
November 2015 A GROWING CHURCH... DEDICATED MEMBERS… Eighty-six people signed the charter that resulted in Moorings Presbyterian Church being approved by the Presbytery of the Everglades. Of that dedicated number, just one is a member today---Penny McKay Strickland. Along with Penny Strickland it seems appropriate to recognize those people who became members in the first ten years---they joined a small church showing great promise. Their work over the years, alongside many others, provided the foundation for the Moorings we love and cherish today. Through their diligence we can find program after program in which Christ is glorified. As we celebrate fifty years, let us be thankful for these loyal members who were here in this place almost from the beginning: Penny Strickland Lil Williams Steve Williams Wayne Hook Mary Hook Paul Sprowls Ann Sprowls Stewart Macfarlane Mary Macfarlane Patricia Meixner Sharon Crimmel 11/3/1966 8/16/1970 8/16/1970 1/17/1971 1/17/1971 10/24/1971 10/24/1971 12/19/1971 12/19/1971 7/16/1972 12/24/1972 Jim Shannon Kathy Shannon Gary Bladich Eleanore Bladich Heather Dehnz Daniel Gorby Mark Gorby Bernard Blackburn Emmy Raulin Joan Webster Virginia Corkran 12/24/1972 12/24/1972 9/16/1973 9/16/1973 3/30/1975 4/6/1975 4/6/1975 9/29/1975 9/29/1975 9/29/1975 10/13/1975 Our 50th Anniversary Celebration! Saturday, November 14 Morning Prayer Vigil 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM Dedication of Needlepoint Chair Cushions 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM Afternoon Prayer Vigil 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Sunday, November 15 One Worship Service in the Sanctuary with Holy Communion 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM Luncheon and Celebration in Moss Hall at 11:30 AM Please RSVP for the luncheon: 261-1487 before Wednesday, November 11. . $10 adults, $5 children (payable at the door or in advance, cash or check noted 50th Anniversary). Gearing Up for our 50th Anniversary THE DREAM... ...A GROWING CHURCH WHERE CHRIST WOULD BE GLORIFIED ...the first 50 years 1965…September 15, the Reverend David C. Moss was called by Home Mission and Church Extension of the Everglades Presbytery to organize a church in north Naples; …November 14, a group of eight worshipers met in the Music Room at Naples High School; five of the eight were of the Moss family; …December 18, ground was broken for construction of Moorings Presbyterian Church. 1966…April 10, Easter Sunday service was held in the not completed Sanctuary; …June 6, the city granted the certificate of occupancy; …June 12, the first service in the new Sanctuary; …November 27, the building was dedicated to the Glory of God. 1967…Session was made up of eight Deacons and eight Elders who met jointly; a public address system was donated. 1968…Session began incorporation procedures and applied for a Florida charter. 1969…The church became self-supporting; the Carillon was donated, its chimes reminding Moorings neighbors, “We are here to worship God.” 1970…Moorings gave financial aid and teaching help to organize a church in Golden Gate. 1971…Ground was broken for building a wing on the west side of the Sanctuary and for a Fellowship Hall; ...Women of the Church were buying china and furnishings needed for fellowship potluck dinners. 1972…Our new Rogers console organ was dedicated to the Glory of god. 1973…Moorings sponsored a satellite church, Lely Chapel; ...Moorings assisted with financing and employed the founding pastor. 1974…The first monthly newsletter, The Moorings Line, was published; ...A Moorings Trust Fund was established. 2 1975…January 24, the Reverend David C. Moss was called to his Eternal Home following open-heart surgery in Miami; …November 17, the Reverend David C. Moss Fellowship Hall was dedicated. …Twenty-two of Moorings charter members attended the tenth anniversary celebration. 1976…The Moorings blood bank was initiated. 1977…March 13, congregation voted to build an Education Building; …May 27, with pledges in hand, congregation voted to proceed with the Education Building and to expand the Sanctuary; July 27, ground breaking; …December 18, service in the expanded Sanctuary; …First full-time organist was employed; …Moorings Men’s Fellowship was organized. 1978…February 12, first classes held in the new Education Building; …First closed circuit television to broadcast the worship service to overflow crowds in Moss Hall; …Members knocked on doors to find six boys and three men to begin Troop 2, Boy Scouts of America. 1979…The initial television broadcast of our worship service was made to the community; …Twenty youth and adults went on a work mission to Mexico. 1980…Thursday night Bible study drew a crowd—the parking lot was full. 1981…The Youth Group brought snow back to Naples to commemorate their ski trip. 1982…The Community Involvement Committee arranged for Emergency Relief and church vans to park by the church doors to collect food for Immokalee. 1983…Easter Sunday bulletin--We are grateful to Almighty God for the beautiful manner in which He has been blessing our church. It is the fastest growing church in Southwest Florida. ...We have expanded and completely renovated our Sanctuary; erected a new Education Building, a new Music Center, a new Chapel and enlarged our parking area and office space. 1984…Moorings Chancel Choir sang at the Naples Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast. 1985…Moorings sponsored a marriage enrichment seminar at Port of the Islands. 1986…A series of open houses was held in twenty different homes; 700 participated. 1987…Session conducted its first away-from-the church retreat Gearing Up for our 50th Anniversary 1988…The Sanctuary Stitchers completed over 200 beaded chrismons and skirt for the tree. 1989…Deacons arranged a major reorganization resulting in better records and services to our shut-in members. 1990…January 29, the closing hymn for the annual congregational meeting was “The Church Our Parents Founded Is Still Our Church Today.” 1991…A twelve-hour prayer vigil was held in the Sanctuary in celebration of Moorings 25 years and to provide a prayerful beginning for the next 25. 1992…Moorings hosted a Puppets Production Workshop—89 people came. 1993…The chancel cross was regilded, requiring many layers of gold. 1994…The Mother’s Day musical by our youth choirs was based on the story of Noah. 1995…The Church Mouse program was begun—members ‘adopt’ one or more college-aged young people with whom they stay in touch. 1996…A new computer lab was installed in the Weekday Preschool for use by all our youth. 1997…The debt on the Music Center was 93% paid in less than two years. 1998…37 people donated blood; blood is credited to MPC for use by members as needed. 2003…Small Groups Ministry was active—three groups met weekly in members’ homes to experience Christian fellowship, study and ministering together. 2004…The Timothy Botts calligraphy was placed in Moss Hall---“We Welcome You as We Would Welcome Christ Himself.” 2005…A memorandum of understanding with the Red Cross and with Collier County outlined the ways Moorings can assist the community after a disaster. Baker Family Life Center can serve as a hurricane recovery center for the Naples community. 2006…Hundreds of written prayers received from members were dedicated and buried beneath the chancel area of the foundation for the new Sanctuary. 2007…During the first worship service in the new Sanctuary, these symbols were dedicated: The Cross, The Bible, The Water for Baptism, The Chalice and Paten. 2008…The Sanctuary dedication service was held on Sunday, February 3, at 4:00 PM. 2009…4,320 people were served Thanksgiving dinner in the park in Immokalee. 2010…Over 100 members participated in “Read the Bible in 90 Days.” This required reading twelve pages per day; ...Moorings organized a work trip to New Orleans to aid victims of Hurricane Katrina. 1999…The Memorial Garden was dedicated. 2011…Diane Bish recorded “Diane Bish on World Famous Organs” on our Sterritte organ. …December 31, our Burn the Mortgage Committee realized the goal of $3.1 million with all pledges paid. 2000…Fourteen students from Lake Park Elementary were tutored by our members all year. 2012…The annual “Golden Agers” birthday celebration reported 97 members ages 90-102. 2001…Our TV ministry has a wide following. Our pastor was asked to conduct a funeral for a non-member who said his church was the “Moorings Lighthouse.” 2002…The Men’s Sunday Bible Study featured a special time for sharing their World War II experiences. 2013…Faith and Art Ministry staged the inaugural “Expressions of Faith” Art Exhibition. 2014...Wednesday evening dinners continue to be popular, resulting in intergenerational fellowship. 2015…FIFTY YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Thanks be to God for the many blessings! 3 Worship Preview Doug Learned Preaching 9:00 AM Casual Worship in Webster Chapel 10:00 AM Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary Church School for Children 10:00 AM Nursery/Childcare 8:45 AM November 1 "Be Alive in Christ" All Saints' Day John 11: 32-44 November 8 "Who Can You Believe? " Mark 12: 38-44 24th Sunday after Pentecost November 15 "The Church Alive" Ephesians 4: 1-7, 11-16 50 Anniversary Celebration November 22 "For the Truth" John 18: 33-37 Christ the King Sunday • Stewardship Sunday November 29 "Before the Son" 1st Sunday of Advent Luke 21: 25-36 Moorings Music Ministry Hyacinth Series Sunday, November 8 4:00 PM Alexandra Carlson and Friends (Michele Byrd, Marion Birsa, Brice Gerlach, and Ed Byrom) Internationally renowned pianist Alexandra Carlson has put together an outstanding chamber music program of varied selections from Johannes Brahms, Franz Liszt and Franz Schubert. The concert will open with the “Shepherd on the Rock” by Franz Schubert performed by Michelle Byrd, soprano, Paul Votapek, clarinet, and Alexandra. Following that will be the delightful Liebeslieder Waltzes (Lovesong Waltzes) by Johannes Brahms sung by a quartet of vocalists from right here in southwest Florida. After intermission Sasha will play "La Leggierezza” from Three Concert Études by Franz Liszt and the concert will conclude with the Johannes Brahms Trio for Piano, Clarinet and Violoncello a-minor featuring the cellist Adam Satinsky, clarinetist Paul Votapek, and Alexandra Carlson at the piano. Hyacinth Concerts are free of charge and open to the public. Donations encouraged. 4 Your Invitation to Join Us Church-Wide Wednesday Evening Dinners Continue 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM in Moss Hall $7/Adults $4/Children 3-12 Wednesday Night Dinners are off and running with good attendance and terrific volunteer help throughout the month of October. November brings dinners on three Wednesdays only, with our chefs Evie and Michael Viggiani offering an early Thanksgiving dinner on November 18. Sign up soon to reserve a spot for this special meal that gathers our church family for turkey and traditional sides, including Evie’s pumpkin pie. Reservations and payment can be made online if you have a church account, Sunday mornings at the kiosk in the Narthex, daily at the reception desk by Moss Hall entrance, or by calling the receptionist 261-1487. We ask that reservations be made before 1:00 PM on Mondays. November Menus November 4 Hawaiian Chicken Skewers Stir Fried Vegetables, Steamed Rice Hawaiian Rolls & Butter Coconut Cake November 11 BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwiches Sweet Potato Fries, Mixed Vegetables Cole Slaw Hot Fudge Brownie Sundaes November 18 Roast Turkey with Gravy & Dressing Mashed Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole Cranberry Sauce Butter & Rolls Pumpkin Pie & Fresh Whipped Cream Moorings Art Guild A Celebration of the Arts Tuesday, November 3 The Guild will kick off the season at 1:00 PM in Classroom A (second floor of Moss Hall.) Stained Glass Artist, Vickie Bausch, will give us a presentation regarding her 30-year journey as a stained glass artist. Vickie has designed and made everything From sun catchers to large stained glass church windows. Friday, November 6 At 1:00 PM in room 202, Beginning Watercolor Classes with award-winning artist and member of the National Watercolor Society, Robert Eoff, instructing. This is a 5-class series with a cost of $50, which will be donated for supplies to the Moorings youth art program. Email: to check availability. Tuesday, November 10 Crayton Cove Outing - In the morning, at your leisure, go to Crayton Cove to paint or photograph this picturesque enclave. At noon we will meet at Blue Provence restaurant for lunch. After lunch we will go to the Nora Butler Gallery for a presentation of how she does her medium. You can participate in part or all of this program. There is something for everyone. Email Jean Godden: jean.354@ to reserve your place for lunch. Sunday, November 29 After both worship services, plan to attend the opening of the member's art exhibit Into the Light, which will be held in the Pastor's Gallery on the second floor of Moss Hall. 5 Youth News Our middle-school and high-school Sunday school classes have been following the lectionary discussing the same scriptures that the congregation is hearing about in worship. We have had discussions about what Jesus is really challenging us to do with our lives and the ideas of sharing what we have, taking care of others, and keeping God the most important part of our lives. We have also carried these conversations into our youth fellowship meetings and have started to learn about how others from within our church, community, and beyond are living out this challenge from Jesus. David Granfield spoke with the middle-school group and shared his experiences with ECHO and Miracles In Action. Along with hundreds of others, we had the opportunity to hear from Bob Goff how he works alongside others putting Love into action. In November, JoDee Hanssen from St. Matthew's House will share details about their programs. In December, we look forward to learning more about the Jim Smith School. We are trying to experience love in action and looking for God in our everyday lives. Several of our high schoolers helped sort, count and box hundreds of stuffed animals from the Christmas in Guatemala Toy Drive. We visited ECHO and were inspired to look at things in a new way. We have been collecting non-perishable food, and the youth have been sharing their experiences of how they have been keeping their eyes open for those in need. We're Looking for Our College Friends! We would like to keep in touch with your college students. Please send us your/their latest information so we can mark our map, pray for them, and even send them a special message. Send information to Alicia Rowland at 6 Children’s News The Children's Mission Fair We are grateful for everyone who participated in and supported the 2015 Children’s Mission Fair. It is always a blessing for our children to have a chance to work with the Mission and Outreach Committee. During the process, the children had the opportunity to decide where their funds would be donated, create crafts and baked goods to sell, and work as merchants during the fair. Each stage has had a positive impact. Our Sunday school classes raised $600 to be donated to ECHO Global Farm and Love the Children. Several of our children were able to present our donation as part of a MPC Youth Day at ECHO Global Farm in Fort Myers on October 20, 2015. Upcoming Dates Sunday, November 8 – Milestone Acolytes – 4th grade Sunday, December 6 Advent Pajama Party Preschool News November will be a busy month for the preschool, as the children learn the true meaning of giving thanks during Thanksgiving. Pilgrims and Indians will appear everywhere, as lessons revolve around their lives and customs. The children will pick Indian names around a ceremonial fire, make Indian beads, and use their imaginations and map skills to go on a voyage aboard the Mayflower. Thanksgiving will not be complete without the annual Thanksgiving Feast. Dressed as Pilgrims and Indians, the children will enjoy a preschool style Thanksgiving feast, complete with turkey, Indian fry bread and trail mix. A reminder to anyone interested in registering their children for the 2016-2017 school year, to contact the preschool office and have their child’s name added to our registration list. You may call Nanette Rathbun at 213-5250 or email Nanette Rathbun, Director 7 Mission News An Opportunity to See What Volunteering is Like at New Horizons New Horizons is a relatively new “mission partner organization” for Moorings. At six different locations in Naples, Bonita Springs, Estero and Ft. Myers, New Horizons helps children in grades K – 5 with their after -school homework. The children who participate are largely from Hispanic-speaking families and may fall behind in school without this help. The after-school sessions engage the children in stories from the Bible. This is a very enjoyable and enriching volunteer experience as the children are such a joy to work with. (You may have seen their Super Kids Choir perform at Moorings earlier this year.) Ideally, a volunteer would commit to one day a week, 3:30 – 5:00 PM, Monday – Thursday, at the most nearby location. If you may possibly have interest and want to see what volunteering entails, Mary Lynn Moser invites you to just sit with her at a 3:30 – 5:00 PM session and observe. If you would like to join her on a Thursday at East Naples Baptist Church (Shadowlawn and Davis Blvd.), email Mary Lynn at mmoser@carolina. or call 263-2651. New Horizons is conducting a training session for new volunteers at East Naples Baptist Church (Shadowlawn and Davis), 9:00 – 11:00 AM on October 31. Opportunities to Volunteer at Grace Place Grace Place for Children and Families, a mission partner organization of our church, has many volunteer opportunities available to members of MPC. Located in Golden Gate city, their mission is to put faith into action – providing pathways out of poverty by educating children and families. Volunteer opportunities range from assisting in early childhood classrooms, homework help for elementary and middle school students, helping teach English classes to adults, and distributing food in the food pantry. There are opportunities in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings. For more information, contact the Volunteer Experience Manager, Hannah Vet, at 239-214-6401 or To learn more about Grace Place, visit November Food Donations Benefit Helps Outreach Their needs: peanut butter and jelly, Chicken Helper, Tuna Helper, macaroni and cheese, tuna, canned ham and chicken, roast beef, soups (all kinds), beans (all kinds), rice (family-size bags), pasta and pasta sauces, canned fruit and vegetables, canned milk, baby food and diapers. Donations can be dropped off in the two white wicker bins in the Narthex, or to the three large bins behind the Reception Desk in Moss Hall. Did You Know... In Collier County, 47% of third grade children cannot read with minimal proficiency. 33rd ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DINNER IN IMMOKALEE for farm workers and others less fortunate. TO HELP PREPARE THE DINNER THE DAY BEFORE (Wednesday, November 25) at St. John’s Catholic Church, 625 111th Ave North, Naples, FL. (note this change of place) please call Megan at The Guadalupe Center: 239-657-7124 or email: Two-hour shifts (8:30 AM — 4:30 PM). Please bring your own apron and carving knife. TO SERVE DINNER ON THANKSGIVING DAY IN IMMOKALEE (Thursday, November 26) Call Megan at The Guadalupe Center: 239-657-7124 or email: 8 MPC WILL BE RECEIVING FOOD & CASH DONATIONS on Tuesday, November 24 in Moss Hall kitchen (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM - note this change in day and time). We Are Only Collecting: •Turkeys (thawed, cooked) Note: If you plan to bring a turkey, please call 261-1487 or sign up at the Reception Desk so we know how many to expect. •Pies (commercially prepared only) •Cash/Checks payable to Moorings Presbyterian Church, noted “Immokalee Thanksgiving.” Church Financials Financial Report - September 30, 2015 Plate Income Other Income Total Operating Expenses Operating Gain/(Loss) September 2015 45,007 932 126,050 (80,111) YTD 2015 693,332 68,979 1,015,018 (252,707) Financial Giving for 2015 Donating Stock to MPC Please take a moment to make sure you have fulfilled your yearly pledge and consider making an extra gift so we can finish the year strong. See the notice to the right and consider making a stock donation. Moorings makes this process very easy. Anyone who is interested in learning more should phone Jana Geiger in the church office (213-5233), who will be pleased to help. You may also want to check with your tax advisor first, in the event you may have special circumstances to take into account. Stewardship Sunday - November 22, 2015 Commitment cards will be mailed soon and we ask that you please return yours before Stewardship Sunday. THE MOORINGS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Serve, Support and Strengthen Our Personal Commitment to Moorings' Ministries NAME(S)______________________________________________________ My (Our) Annual Commitment for 2016 is $______________. I (We) will give (check one) weekly __, monthly__, quarterly__, annually__ You may email your commitment confidentially to Jana at Please return your commitment card by Stewardship Sunday, November 22, 2015. Date:_____________________ Signature:_________________________________________________ 9 Presbyterian Women’s News Wow! This season is starting off with a bang! Distinguished Speaker, Bob Goff; our new Associate Pastor, Rev. Jaci Patman; and our 50th Anniversary Celebration! We have much for which to be grateful. We do ask you to please register ahead of time for an accurate lunch count. Call 261-1487 or sign up at the Reception Desk by Moss Hall. I hope you’ll join us for our first Gathering, Tuesday, November 10th at 11:30 in Moss Hall. Dudley Goodlette, Chair of the Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce, will be our keynote speaker. Our mission in action speaker is Angie Volentini, President and Founder of Helps Outreach. This organization is one of Moorings Presbyterian mission partners. Looking ahead: Blanket Sunday will be December 6. We’ve moved the collection up a month so that when the chilly nights set in those in need will not have to wait for a warm blanket. Any and all are welcome to come to our Gatherings – they are sponsored by Presbyterian Women, but our hope is to reach out to a greater audience within our congregation and beyond. Also, if you’ve been a bell ringer for the Salvation Army, it looks like our days will be December 3rd and 4th at Neapolitan Publix. Sign-up sheets will be available at the November 10 gathering. Be sure to sign up! PW Circle Meetings Elizabeth Circle Esther Circle Lydia Circle Martha/Rachel Naomi Circle Rebecca Circle November 19 November 19 November 19 November 17 November 24 November 17 9:15 AM 1:00 PM 6:00 PM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM Classroom 202 Church Parlor Church Board Room Church Parlor Church Parlor Home of Linda Osborne (315 Dunes Blvd.#907) Fellowship Opportunities Readers' Rendezvous Our 2016 Reader's Rendezvous Chairman, Marcia Williams, will be discussing Circling the Sun by Paula McLain on Wednesday, November 11, at 10:00 AM, in our Strozier Library located right off the courtyard. Be sure to mark your calendar and bring a friend. We'll also have a few refreshments to enjoy! Cooking Classes Are Back! Thursday, November 19 6:00 PM in Moss Hall S. Evie Viggiani will present the first cooking class of the season. Back by popular demand, this first class will feature more "Gifts from the Kitchen." Just in time for Christmas gift-giving, she has new ideas for homemade gifts and unique ways to package them for the special people in your life. Included in the class will be recipes and tips for making: Salted Chocolate Caramel Bars, Basil & Pignoli Nut Cheese Ball with Pine Nuts, Doggie Biscuit Treats, Porcini Mushroom Risotto Mix, and much more. The $25 cost includes recipes, delicious samples, fresh gift-packaging ideas, and gifts from the kitchen specially prepared by Evie. Contact Kris Doyle, (293-5032 or kdoyle@mooringschurch. org), to reserve a spot in this popular class. More classes will be offered starting January 2016. 10 Happy Birthday to You Suzanne Payne Sarah DeShields Anita Max Michael McNeal Carleton Cleveland Len Larsen Meredith Jones Greg Foster Chuck Carlsen Kathy Shannon Sarah Mihailoff Donald Campbell Lane Bonaquist Jennifer Lee Rob Carlson Tatum Johansson Stephen Lawson Steve Tynski Erica Vanover Jane Schmidt Larry Hardy Megan Kinney Fran Beamer Tom Dyke Gregory Graefe Tom Strickland 11/1 11/1 11/1 11/1 11/2 11/2 11/2 11/2 11/3 11/3 11/4 11/4 11/4 11/4 11/5 11/5 11/5 11/5 11/5 11/6 11/6 11/6 11/6 11/6 11/7 11/7 Bob Nichols Claudia Schmitt Donald Goldsmith Joey Nicol Mary Rowe Kathy O'Neill Jean Johnson Lois Bagwell BJ Wilson Jim Greer Byron Felter Richard Ponton Jack Clark Dick Chormann Allen Perry Charlotte Dailey Don Leber Judy Jacobson Travis Abbott Camille Lachesnez Joseph Sees Sharon Crimmel Ryan Rumberger Greg Franklin Samantha Sees Eleanor Brodrick 11/7 11/8 11/8 11/9 11/9 11/10 11/10 11/10 11/11 11/11 11/12 11/12 11/12 11/13 11/13 11/14 11/14 11/16 11/16 11/17 11/18 11/19 11/20 11/20 11/21 11/21 Grady Chronister Harlan Sessions James Boughton Robert Hatch Kathlene Stakely Mike Hawryluk Dale Taubensee Bret Boyd Graham Lausterer John Lawson Dorothy Hagman Iris Sessions Katie Dobbins Janette Rankin Joan Anderson Robert Keith Alexandra Maxson Zachary Maxson Norma McNeal Bane Lausterer Dan McDonald Nic Monette Sherree Woods Carrie Zundel Cindy Lausterer John Vanover 11/22 11/23 11/23 11/23 11/24 11/25 11/25 11/26 11/26 11/26 11/26 11/26 11/26 11/27 11/27 11/27 11/27 11/27 11/27 11/28 11/28 11/28 11/28 11/30 11/30 11/30 Happy Anniversary Paul & Marty Franklin Len & Sue Larsen Don & Deborah Baluch Allen & Virginia Granfield Matt & Allison Young Jerry & Susan Watkins Patrick & Wendy Dowling Charles & Ada Walz Howard & Susanne Landis Steve & Cynthia DeShields Philip & Joanne Wolfe Larry & Sally Tibstra Salomon & Jen Cardenas Chuck & Corky Carlsen 11/2 11/4 11/4 11/10 11/10 11/11 11/13 11/15 11/15 11/16 11/16 11/17 11/18 11/20 Tony & Nancy Pressley Max & Johanna Winia Martin & Emily de St Pierre Jeffrey & Susan Nunner Harry & Jane Dunn Marty & Terri Ringham Emily & Eric Hazlett William & Jill Keith George & Beverly Metcalf Robin & Kris Doyle Roy & Erna Nash Paul & Nancy Theado Jim & Karen Warnken Dyam & Melissa Sanchez 11/23 11/23 11/24 11/25 11/25 11/25 11/26 11/26 11/27 11/27 11/27 11/27 11/28 11/28 11 THE MOORINGS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID NAPLES, FL PERMIT NO. 88 In Memoriam Ann Snyder Dorothy Wigglesworth Sally Heckert Dr. Douglas A. Learned Rev. Jaci Smith Patman Dr. Frank T. Mohr, Jr. Dr. Herbert B. Anderson Rev. Nancy P. Stewart Dr. Edward Byrom Alicia Rowland Jen Sullivan Jennifer Clark Cindy Lauri Jana Geiger Kris Doyle Nanette Rathbun Steve Tynski Lea Leonard October 1, 2015 October 8, 2015 October 8, 2015 Pastor/Head of Staff Associate Pastor Parish Associate Parish Associate Parish Associate Interim Director of Music/Organist Director of Youth Ministries Assistant to the Pastor Director of Children and Family Ministries Church Communications/Administrative Assistant Finance and Stewardship Administrator Fellowship Coordinator Preschool Director Bldg. & Grounds Admin./Maintenance Technician Wings of Change Counseling 213-5223 TBA 213-5226 213-5240 213-5226 213-5246 213-5208 213-5225 213-5222 213-5201 213-5233 293-5032 213-5250 213-5219 287-0810 791 Harbour Drive, Naples, Florida 34103 (239) 261-1487 | FAX (239) 261-8740 | Pastor’s Emergency Line (239) 213-1582
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