ne WS lett R e - Femmes Regionales


ne WS lett R e - Femmes Regionales
femmes regionales
SS 2012
B ra n d
R e v i t a l i z a t i o n
Cr e a t i v e
D i r e c t i o n
Photography: Cover/ Signe Vildstrup Editorials/ Sacha Maric
With our new friends Noa Noa we have been working
on several developments. We have edited, art directed
and designed the new magazine concept ‘A Journal on
Romance’, which can now be found in Noa Noa stores
We've also been working on a new web design launching
later this year, along with numerous directional
concepts, a new tone of voice and graphic design for
their in store campaigns and brand materials…
and there is even more to come.
Click here to see more of the journal!
A r t
d i r e c t i o n
Only we art directed a colourful and quirky spring
2012 campaign - sure to charm young fashionistas
Click here to see the whole campaign.
Photography: Knotan / New Blood Agency
B R A n d
p l a t f o r m ,
g u i d e l i n e
g ra p h i c
m u c h
m o r e …
Baum und
We have loved working more in-depth with Baum und
Pferdgarten. Creating a new Brand Platform and
Graphic Guideline capturing that certain dualism
everything about their brand exudes.
Implementation is already in the making – with SS12
show styling and fair stand design. And as an addition
to our window designs in Copenhagen, happy shoppers
can now also enjoy custommade Baum und Pferdgarten
windows in downtown Oslo.
Photography: Copenhagen Fashion Week
Spring 2012
Baum und Pferdgarten
Press release Marts 2012
Summer is around
the corner
Spring- Summer 2012
Baum und Pferdgarten Orem quodiae pe ellantur rerem erchil
eatquam eum, sint endi sus molor adi aut ra ni to dolut exerspit
quistrum quam, nonsequiant minciusdant, cus dem res in remporum et que nis dolume non eum, exerum culpa comnihil iduntiorpor se liqui doleseq uaepro torepra as int eatium quia volor
sitiisquiae vendign atibus, omnim arcimolupti con natur simus
ius est harum aut ent.
Shop now —
Vognmagergade 2
DK - 1120 Copenhagen K
Henimporecab in et aute remolup tatium la volorerum si acid
ut qui utemoluptat et de cum sincit elitist ionsedi tasperum qui
voluptaquid quidempori offic tor saepre venisti aepudit velit, ullique quodistiis ea doluptam inciunt iatium quo bla vel ipsapit qui
tem etur re nam qui con porerem oluptaqui consequi culla quo
testoru ntiaeri blaborum nossi cupis ipis et liquidebis sit volut aut
et maiorporror adi voluptate sus, sit milles magnis nosto officte
nones aspid quid maximus, ut optas dollabore, necus, sit autem
fugiatem eatis etur asped explis dolorione intem as quo omnimod
itaecae landignat eium, corem dolut etur aut dolupta volupti
busam, aut venia et aut hicat.
As re, qui nonseque sin exero maio. Obit que nosandus, ad ut
quo vent officti berio ex eatia quae lias dolupta tenecate non
eat quas sus, none que officae sinus et ma dio quam quia quia
inullat estem. Daeribus mint, sequo bero eliquis ut intis doluptae
velent quam abor sunt esequae nis ium hicae dolorro reicillorum
es nobis mo occatibus et ad quae sum as si necaboritas untur
magnihici que re num ex eos solendam cum, ut ma nonsequ idenis
aut ulpa dolorporia cuptatem rehenihilici as magnihit doluptibus
et ut omnis evel intota sinveria cullaut ut que versper orerepuda
consequatum nonsequi volore nate alitasp ienihil id qui repuda
culparum sunt quam nobitate vel eatum cuptatiuntis ut atureperchil maiorrovit quod ulla quam et ipis re velecus, saeremquo
es audaerecta consed quid
Head Office and Showrooms
Baum und Pferdgarten
Vognmagergade 2
DK-1120 Copenhagen K
Tel +45 3530 1090
B ra n d
r e v i t a l i z a t i o n
/ g ra p h i c
d i r e c t i o n
We blew new life into the fabulous bag lovers Belsac with
a modernized logo, tone of voice, graphic identity and
direction on output in different categories such as sales
brochures and thwebsite.
R e t a i l
s p a c e
d e s i g n
For Field’s we’ve created a new special retail concept
showcasing their vast selection of fashion in oversized
wardrobes and peek-a-boo windows.
Keep an eye out for the upcoming fashion campaign
- more exciting and fashionable things are about to
C o n c e p t
f o r
d e s i g n
w e bs i t e
Nanna Drewes
Online Identities are growing and so is our portfolio for
it. Our latest example is a website concept design for
sculptress Nanna Drewes Brøndum. We came up with
clever design solutions, copy and structure to make the
most of Nannas portfolio. Website soon to be launched!
S h o w
g ra p h i c
i d e n t i t y
Photography: Copenhagen Fashion Week
For fashion week ss12 we wrapped up the talented new
graduates of TEKO in a new graphic identity and a
grand show at the beautiful town hall of Copenhagen.
Click here for lookbook
W i n d o w
d e s i g n
Bruuns Bazaar
We’ve been enhancing different kinds of spaces to make them stand out in the crowd. With Brunns Bazaar we’ve
done the ‘Don’t leave me hanging’ campaign windows for the first collection launch from new Creative Director
Rebekka Bay. To be enjoyed as we speak in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Stockholm and Oslo.
W o r k s h o p s
Add the detail
to your retail
Through workshops we provide brands with valuable
inspiration and directions on a variety of topics. For
Noa Noa and the CPH KIDS fair we’ve recently done
costummade workshops focusing on retail.
Curious to know more? Give as a call to learn about the
possibilities for you.
N e w
l o v e
Our new love affair with MONKI is blooming, as we have started an exciting new collaboration on producing
events for them. We’ll make sure to keep you posted…
E m i l i e
M ø l l e r
New lady
on the
Femmes team
And we’re super excited to have Emilie Møller starting as a Project Manager after 5 years of working her
magic at Copenhagen Fashion Week. Yet another great
Femmes joins the team!
Click here for contact
c o n t a c t
For more information
please contact us:
Project & Production Manager
Emilie Møller
+45 3049 4923
Á Bientôt!