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Cooking! A culinary journey through Europe Collaborators Students and teachers of Haupt- und Realschule Edewecht, Edewecht, Germany Miejski Zespół Szkół z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi Gimnazjum nr 3 im Polskich Olimpijczyków, Krosno, Poland Şcoala “Ion Simionescu” , Iaşi, Romania Eşe ve Halil Erdoğdu İlköğretim Okulu, Uşak, Turkey Responsible teacher Hella Fittje-Oltmanns - Germany Sebastian Staroń Polen - Poland Nicoleta Prepeliţa - Romania Virginia Arghiropol - Romania Mürüvvet Çavuş - Türkei Publication Coordinator Hella Fittje-Oltmanns Cover and Layout Ann-Kathrin Lorek Eske-Verlag Printed in Poland ISBN 978-3-00-031870-2 This Comenius Multilateral Partnership project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Cooking! A culinary journey through Europe Students and teachers of four schools in Edewecht (Germany), Krosno (Poland), Iaşi (Romania) and Uşak (Turkey) went on a culinary journey together and experienced a wonderful collaboration and a positive partnership over a period of two years. Food is looked upon as a culturally characterized part of human everyday–life and part of regional culture. Students of different ages researched and tried out traditional recipes and specialties. They became aware of their own identities, discovered similarities, recognized differences and enjoyed learning from each other. By the use of modern 4 technology the results of the project were exchanged, reflected and revised by other students and presented to the public. The final product is a multilingual travel guide describing regional recipes and specialties as well as the towns and regions of the participating schools. On behalf of the students and the staff of the four schools we want to thank all the people, especially the students’ parents, who helped in many different ways and who contributed a lot of time and work to support the project. Try out the recipes and enjoy the food! EINE KULINARISCHE REISE DURCH EUROPA KULINARNA PODRÓŻ PO EUROPIE Schülerinnen, Schüler und Lehrkräfte von vier Schulen in Edewecht (Deutschland), Krosno (Polen), Iaşi (Rumänien) und Uşak (Türkei) haben sich zusammen auf eine kulinarische Reise begeben und dabei über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren eine wunderbare Zusammenarbeit und positive Partnerschaft erlebt. Essen wird betrachtet als ein kulturell geprägter Teil des täglichen Lebens aller Menschen und der regionalen Kultur. Schüler verschiedener Altergruppen haben Gerichte und regionale Spezialitäten ausgesucht, sich über ihre Entstehung informiert und sie ausprobiert: Dabei sind sie sich ihrer eigenen Identität bewusst geworden, haben Ähnlichkeiten entdeckt, Unterschiede herausgefunden und mit viel Freude voneinander gelernt. Die Ergebnisse der Projektarbeit wurden mit Hilfe moderner Kommunikationstechnologien ausgetauscht, von den Schülern in den Partnerschulen überarbeitet, bewertet und der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert. Das Endprodukt ist ein mehrsprachiger kulinarischer Reiseführer, der regionale Rezepte und Spezialitäten vorstellt wie auch die Orte und Regionen der beteiligten Schulen. Im Namen der Schüler und Lehrkräfte der vier Schulen bedanken wir uns bei allen Personen, besonders bei den Eltern unserer Schüler, die uns auf viele verschiedene Art und Weise geholfen und viel Zeit und Arbeit zur Unterstützung des Projekts investiert haben. Uczniowie i nauczyciele czterech szkół z Edewecht (Niemcy), Krosna (Polska), Iasi (Rumunia) i Usak (Turcja) dwa lata temu wyruszyli wspólnie w kulinarną podróż po Europie. Ten czas zaowocował wspaniałą współpracą i wieloma pozytywnymi efektami naszego partnerstwa. Jedzenie jest uważane za jeden z ważniejszych czynników kulturowych charakteryzujących codzienne życie człowieka, jest także częścią kultury regionalnej. Celem projektu było uświadomienie uczniom w różnym wieku ich własnej tożsamości, możliwości odkrywania podobieństw, rozpoznawania różnic oraz radości uczenia się od siebie nawzajem. Drogą prowadzącą do celu było gromadzenie i wypróbowywanie w praktyce tradycyjnych przepisów kulinarnych, które dzięki nowoczesnej technologii mogły być wymieniane miedzy uczniami, porównywane, sprawdzane i prezentowane publicznie. Produktem końcowym jest multijęzykowy przewodnik prezentujący nie tylko regionalne przepisy i specjalności kuchni, ale także miasta i regiony szkół biorących udział w projekcie. W imieniu uczniów i nauczycieli wspomnianych szkół pragniemy podziękować wszystkim, którzy udzielili nam wsparcia, a szczególnie rodzicom uczniów. To głównie dzięki ich bezinteresownej pomocy, pracy i poświęconemu czasowi udało się zrealizować nasz projekt. Wir wünschen viel Spaß beim Ausprobieren der Rezepte. Guten Appetit! Zapraszamy do wypróbowania prezentowanych przepisów. Smacznego! 5 6 O CĂLĂTORIE CULINARĂ PRIN EUROPA AVRUPA BOYUNCA BIR YEMEK SEYAHATI Elevi şi profesori din patru şcoli: Edewecht (Germania), Krosno (Polonia), Iaşi (România) şi Uşak (Turcia), au realizat împreună o călătorie culinară, având o colaborare minunată şi un parteneriat fructuos pe o perioadă de doi ani. Alimentaţia este văzută ca o parte caracteristică a comportamentului uman cotidian care este influenţată de cultură şi, de asemenea, un element din cultura regională. Elevi de diferite vârste au cercetat şi au încercat prepararea unor reţete tradiţionale şi a unor specialităţi. Ei au devenit conştienţi de propria identitate, au descoperit similitudini, au recunoscut diferenţele şi s-au bucurat să înveţe unii de la alţii. Utilizând tehnologia modernă, rezultatele proiectului au putut fi schimbate între echipe, revizuite de către ceilalţi elevi iar apoi prezentate publicului. Produsul final este un ghid turistic multilingvistic, în care sunt descrise reţete şi specialităţi regionale, precum şi oraşele şi zonele în care se află situate şcolile participante. În numele elevilor şi a echipelor de proiect din cele patru şcoli vrem să mulţumim tuturor persoanelor, în special părinţilor elevilor, care au ajutat în diferite moduri, contribuind îndeosebi cu timp şi muncă pentru susţinerea proiectului. Încercaţi reţetele şi bucuraţi-vă de noile preparate culinare realizate! Almanya’nın Edewecht, Polonya’nın Krosno, Romanya’nın Iaşi, ve Türkiye’nin Uşak şehrindeki dört okulumuzun öğrenci ve öğretmenleri hep birlikte bir yemek seyahatine çıktılar ve iki yılı geçkin bir sürede harika bir işbirliğini ve pozitif bir ortaklığı bizzat yaşadılar. Yemek,insanoğlunun günlük yaşantısının ve bölgesel kültürünün geleneksel bir parçası olarak kabul edilir.Farklı yaşlardaki öğrenciler yöresel yemek tariflerini araştırdılar ve bu yemekleri yapmayı denediler.Kendi kimliklerinin farkına vardılar ,benzerlikleri keşfettiler,farklılıkları tanıdılar ve birbirleriyle paylaşımda bulunmaktan zevk aldılar. Modern teknoloji kullanılarak projenin sonuçları değiş tokuş yapıldı,yansıtıldı ve diğer öğrenciler tarafından gözden geçirildi ve halka sunuldu. Sonuç ürünü olan çokdilli seyahat rehberi, ortak ülkelerin bölgesel ve özel yemek tariflerini,aynı zamanda şehirlerini ve bölgelerini anlatıyor. Bu dört okulun tüm personeli ve öğrencileri adına herkese,özellikle projeyi desteklemek adına çalışan, bizlere yardımcı olan ve zamanlarını ayıran öğrencilerin ailelerine teşekkür ederiz. Yemek tariflerimizi beğenmeniz dileğiyle. Afiyet olsun! Germany Edewecht Even though Edewecht is not widely known as one of the famous holiday destinations in tourist guides, it is being visited by many tourists year after year. This is for various reasons, but to keep it simple: life there is simply a pleasure even though it might only be for a short period of time. But what makes life there so pleasurable? Is it the friendly and open-minded people? Looking around the village of Edewecht you might wonder where all 21,000 inhabitants of the community may be as the village itself is not home for all of them. Many of those live in the small villages around Edewecht, for example in Osterscheps, Westerscheps, Friedrichsfehn or Jeddeloh. So Edewecht´s population is spread over a number of different places. But one thing is for sure: You will always be welcomed with a cordial “moin” - which means as much as “Have a nice day” and sounds like speaking the English [moyne]. And do not be astonished if you are invited to a nice cup of tea. It is part of Edewecht´s hospitality. Another reason for tourists to visit Edewecht is the beautiful surroundings. It is a fantastic place for trips. Hundreds of kilometers of bicycle tracks will lead you around the county of “Ammerland” which Edewecht is part of. In fact, cycling is one of the most popular spare time activities - not only for tourists but also among the people of Edewecht themselves. Practically everbody owns his or her own bicycle. The well-maintained tracks and the landscape without any hills or mountains will also invite you to give it a try. And if you meet somebody on your way, do not forget: Saying “moin” is always a good idea. Edewecht provides different facilities which make it easy to spend some free time. Why not having a refreshing swim in the public bath? Have a good meal or some coffee in one of the many restaurants or cafes around. If you prefer shopping, you will find a wide range of different places where you can buy (almost) everything. EDEWECHT A precious little place in the northwest of Germany 8 9 10 Always worth a visit are some of the most well-known sights of the community: the windmills. In fact, the old koker windmill at the main road of Edewecht has become an official symbol for the village. You will find it on many brochures about Ammerland and Edewecht which are available for tourists at the town hall. But it is not the only windmill around nearby you will find different examples of these beautifully restored pieces of ancient technology. particularly rhododendron, which you will find in almost every garden - blooming in hundreds of different colours. The best time to enjoy the blossom is in May and June. Not far away you can visit the most popular Rhodo Park. By bicycle it will take about an hour to get there - it is worth a trip. Another highlight will be a visit to the “Zwischenahner Meer”, the second biggest lake in Lower-Saxony. There, lots of cafes will invite you to stay a little longer. Although traditions are valued (the 850th anniversary has recently been celebrated) Edewecht is far from old-fashioned. Have a glance into the modern industrial areas surrounding the village and you will get a picture of the wide range of businesses. Mainly dairy products and meat industry provide lots of jobs. As a result, unemployment is not a problem in Edewecht as there are some of the country´s biggest plants which produce cheese and sausages for all over Germany and even beyond. Another important branch of industry is the growing and cultivation of plants, Modern industry and business requires good education. Therefore, several schools can be found in Edewecht. At the age of six, children start at the primary schools which are situated in most of the surrounding villages (as well as nursery schools). But also secondary schools are nearby. At the “Haupt- und Realschule” about 1000 students are taught. Even higher level education is offered for gifted students at the newly-built “Gymnasium”. Edewecht is definitely a nice place to be just for a visit or even for longer. See you soon. 11 Schwarzbrot SALATE SALADS 14 KARTOFFELSALAT BUNTER BOHNENSALAT KAROTTENSALAT POTATO SALAD KIDNEY BEAN SALAD CARROT SALAD 14 15 16 SUPPEN SOUPS 17 PORREE-SUPPE MIT FLEISCHKLÖßCHEN KARTOFFELSUPPE KÜRBISSUPPE FLIEDERBEERSUPPE MIT GRIEßKLÖßCHEN LEEK SOUP WITH MEATBALLS POTATO SOUP PUMPKIN SOUP ELDERBERRY SOUP WITH SEMOLINA DUMPLINGS 17 18 19 HAUPTGERICHTE MAIN DISHES 21 AMMERLÄNDER MÖHRENEINTOPF FISCHFILET MIT KARTOFFELBREI GRÜNKOHL HÜHNERFRIKASSEE MIT REIS SAUERKRAUT BOOKWEETEN JANHINNERK (BUCHWEIZENPFANNKUCHEN) AMMERLAND CARROT STEW FISH FILLET W. MASHED POTATOES KALE (GREEN CABBAGE) FRICASSEE OF CHICKEN WITH RICE SAUERKRAUT 21 22 23 24 25 BUCKWHEAT PANCAKES 26 BACKWAREN CAKES 27 SCHNELLER BIENENSTICH KRÜLLKOKEN ODER NEUJAHRSKUCHEN OMAS MARMORKUCHEN SCHWARZBROT RHABARBERKUCHEN QUICK CAKE ON A BAKING SHEET 27 KRÜLLKOKEN/NEW YEAR’S BISCUITS 28 GRANNY’S MARBLE CAKE 29 BLACK BREAD 30 RHUBARB CAKE 31 NACHTISCH DESSERTS 32 ROTE GRÜTZE MIT GRIEßPUDDING SALAD 31 RED FRUIT DESSERT WITH SEMOLINA PUDDING 32TO 20 pe lsup Kartoffe Grünko hl Krüllkoken 12 13 Zutaten für 6 Personen: Ingredients for 6 portions: 1 kg Kartoffeln (festkochend) 1 Ei 1 Apfel 4 Gewürzgurken 1 Zwiebel 1 EL Schnittlauch oder Petersilie Salz, Pfeffer 1 kg potatoes (baking potatoes are NOT recommended, as they are too flaky) 1 jar of mayonnaise vinegar flavoured water from the pickled gherkins 1 hard-boiled egg 1 apple 4 pickled gherkins 1 sliced green onion 1 tbsp. chopped chives salt, pepper Zubereitung: Preparation: Die Kartoffeln mit Schale in einem Topf mit Salzwasser kochen, bis sie gar aber noch fest sind. Das heiße Wasser abgießen und die Kartoffeln mit kaltem Wasser abkühlen. Die Kartoffeln pellen, in dünne Scheiben schneiden und in eine Schüssel geben. Das Ei hart kochen (5 Minuten in kochendem Wasser), schälen und in kleine Stücke schneiden. In die Schüssel damit. Mayonnaise in eine große Rührschüssel geben. Mit etwas Essigwasser aus dem Gurkenglas verrühren. Die Kartoffeln und das Ei hinzugeben.Die Zwiebeln und den Schnittlauch fein hacken und hinzugeben. Den Apfel schälen, in kleine Stücke schneiden. Die Gewürzgurken auch in kleine Stücke schneiden. Alles in die Rührschüssel geben. Vorsichtig mit einem Holzlöffel verrühren. Probieren und mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Dazu passt: Spiegelei, Schnitzel, Frikadellen oder heiße Würstchen. Place unpeeled potatoes in cold salt water and bring to a boil. Boil gently until potatoes are tender, but still firm. Do not overcook. Pour off the boiling water and allow potatoes to cool until easy to handle. Peel cooled potatoes, slice, and then place in a large bowl. Boil the egg until it is hard (5 minutes in boiling water), peel it and cut it into small cubes. Put the mayonnaise into a big bowl and add a little of the vinegar flavoured water from the pickled gherkins. Stir well. Add the potatoes, the egg, the green onions, and the chives. Peel the apple and cut it into small cubes. Cut the gherkins the same way. Add the apples and the gherkins.Gently mix the potatoes so all ingredients are evenly blended. Taste and adjust seasonings, if necessary. 1 Glas Mayonnaise Essigwasser aus dem Gurkenglas Information: Kartoffelsalat in seinen vielen Variationen ist ein Klassiker der deutschen Küche und wird bei vielen Festen, Picknicks, Grillabenden. usw. serviert. Er ist einfach zuzubereiten, sogar für eine große Anzahl von Gästen. .Auch lässt er sich gut im Voraus herstellen und die Zutaten sind nicht teuer. 14 Serve with: hot dogs, fried eggs, schnitzel or meatballs. Information: This kind of salad is a real classic in the German cuisine and served at all kind of parties, picnics, barbecues and other events.. It is easy to prepare, even for a large number of people. It can be made in advance and the ingredients are not very expensive. Zutaten: Ingredients: 1 Dose Kidneybohnen 2 kleine Dosen Mais ½ rote Paprika ½ grüne Paprika 1 rote Zwiebel 2 EL gehackte frische Petersilie Gartenkresse 1 tin of Kidney beans 2 small tins of corn ½ red pepper ½ green pepper 1 red onion 2 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley garden cress für die Salatsoße (Vinaigrette): 2 EL Balsamessig 2 EL Wasser 2 EL Öl (Sonnenblumen-, Oliven- oder Maiskeimöl) Salz und Pfeffer for the salad dressing (Vinaigrette): 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar 2 tbsp. water 2 tbsp. oil (e.g. sunflower oil or olive oil) Zubereitung: Preparation: Die Kidneybohnen in ein Sieb geben und unter fließendem Wasser abspülen. Abtropfen lassen und zusammen mit dem Mais in eine Salatschüssel geben. Die Paprika in kleine Würfel und die Zwiebel in Ringe schneiden und dazu geben. Die Zutaten für die Soße in einen Schüttelbecher geben und gut schütteln. Die Kresse, die gehackte Petersilie und die Salatsoße zu dem Salat geben. Alles gut vermischen. Den Salat mit etwas Kresse und Zwiebelringen garnieren. Put the kidney beans in a sieve and wash under running water. Let them drip off and put the beans in a salad bowl together with the corn. Cut the peppers in small cubes and the onion in rings. Pour the ingredients for the sauce into a shaker and shake well. Add the cress, the parsley and the salad dressing to the salad. Mix well. Garnish the salad with some cress and onion rings. salt and pepper KARTOFFELSALAT BUNTER BOHNENSALAT POTATO SALAD KIDNEY BEAN SALAD 15 16 Zutaten: Ingredients: 4 fresh frying sausages 2 onions 1 kg of leek, cleaned approx. 500 g 1 l of broth 250 g of processed cream cheese salt, pepper, nutmeg Zutaten: Ingredients: 4-5 Karotten 2-3 Äpfel Sonnenblumenkerne 4-5 carrots 2-3 apples Sunflower cores 4 frische grobe Bratwürste 2 Zwiebeln 1 kg Porree, geputzt ca. 500 g 1 l Brühe 250 g Sahneschmelzkäse Salz, Pfeffer, Muskat für die Salatsoße: 1 EL Zitronensaft 1TL Honig 1 EL Öl (Sonnenblumen- oder Maiskeimöl) for the salad dressing: 1 tbsp. lemon juice 1tsp. of honey 1 tbsp. oil (sunflower or corn seed oil) Zubereitung: Preparation: Aus dem Bratwurstmett kleine Fleischklößchen formen und im heißen Suppentopf kurz anbraten. Die klein geschnittenen Zwiebeln und den in kleine Ringe geschnittenen Porree kurz mit anbraten. 1 l heiße Brühe dazugießen, umrühren und auf kleiner Flamme ca. 15 Min. köcheln lassen. Käse unter Rühren dazugeben, aufkochen und evtl. mit Gewürzen abschmecken. Fertig. Form small meatballs from the sausage meat and fry briefly in the hot soup pot. Chop the onions and cut the leek in small rings. Fry the onions and the leek briefly. Add 1 l of broth , stir and allow to simmer on small flame approx. 15 minutes. Add cheese whilst stirring, boil and taste. Add spices if necessary. Ready. Zubereitung: Preparation: Die Karotten und die Äpfel schälen und in große Stücke schneiden. Auf einer Reibe fein raspeln und in eine Schüssel geben. Für die Salatsoße Zitronensaft, Honig und Öl mischen und abschmecken. Die Salatsoße mit den Karotten und Äpfeln vermischen. Sonnenblumenkerne darüber streuen. Peel the carrots and the apples and cut them into big pieces. Rasp them well on a grater and put everything into a bowl. For the salad dressing mix lemon juice, honey, oil and taste. Mix the salad dressing with the carrots and apples. Scatter sunflower cores on the salad. Dazu passt: Graubrot oder Baguette. Serve with: Grey bread or French baguette. KAROTTENSALAT PORREE-SUPPE MIT FLEISCHKLÖSSCHEN CARROT SALAD LEEK SOUP WITH MEATBALLS 17 18 Zutaten: Ingredients: 1 l Brühe (z. B. Gemüsebrühe, Brühwürfel) 1 kg Kartoffeln 2 Karotten 2 kleine Stangen Porree 1 große Zwiebel 4 Prisen Paprikapulver etwas Pfeffer, Majoran 2 frische Bratwürste Petersilie 1 l of broth (from stock cube or dried broth) 1 kg of potatoes 2 carrots 2 stems of leek 1 onion 2 raw frying sausages 4 pinches of paprika, pepper, marjoram some fresh parsley Zubereitung: Preparation: Die Porreestangen in schmale Streifen schneiden und gut waschen. Die Kartoffeln und die Karotten waschen und in Würfel schneiden. Die Brühe erhitzen, bis sie kocht. Die Zwiebel klein schneiden. Alle Zutaten in die kochende Brühe geben und nach dem Aufkochen die Suppe bei schwacher Hitze noch 20 Minuten kochen lassen. Die Bratwurstmasse zu kleinen Bällchen formen und 10 Minuten in der Suppe garen lassen. Bring 1 l of water to the boil in a sauce pan and dissolve the stock cube or the broth in it. Prepare the leek and cut it into small pieces. Wash the leek well. Peel the carrot and the potatoes. Then cut them into small cubes. Cut the onion into small pieces. Add everything to the soup. Season it with paprika, pepper and marjoram. Close the lid and let it simmer for about 15 minutes. Form the meat of the sausage into small balls. Add them to the soup. Let the soup simmer for another 10 minutes. Chop the parsley. Fill the soup into a soup bowl and sprinkle the parsley on top. Zutaten: Ingredients: 500 g Kürbisfleisch ½ l Wasser 2 TL Gemüsebrühe Ingwer Sahne oder Crème Fraiche Petersilie 500 g pumpkin (already prepared) ½ l water 2 tsp. of vegetable broth ginger cream or sour cream parsley Zubereitung: Preparation: Das in Würfel geschnittene Kürbisfleisch in dem Wasser mit der Gemüsebrühe aufkochen. Wenn der Kürbis weich ist, alles pürieren. Ein etwa walnussgroßes Stück Ingwer schälen und fein reiben. Den Ingwer zu der Suppe geben. Die Suppe noch einmal kurz aufkochen. Beim Servieren etwas geschlagene Sahne oder Crème Fraiche auf jeden Teller geben. Die Suppe mit Petersilie bestreuen. Cut the pumpkin into cubes and put it in a saucepan. Cook it together with the water and the vegetable broth until it is tender. Use a blender to puree the soup. Grate a piece of ginger (the size of a walnut) and add it to the soup. Bring the soup to a boil again. Serve it with a tbsp. of cream or sour cream on each plate. Garnish with chopped parsley. KARTOFFELSUPPE KÜRBISSUPPE POTATO SOUP PUMPKIN SOUP 19 20 Zutaten: Ingredients: für die Suppe: ½ l Saft 250 g Äpfel 130 g Zucker 1 Zitrone 2 Nelken ½ Stange Zimt 30 g Speisestärke 1 l Wasser for the soup: ½ l juice of elderberries 250 g of apples 130 g of sugar 1 lemon 2 cloves ½ stick of cinnamon 30 g corn flour (thickening agent) 1 l of water für die Grießklößchen: ⅛ l Milch 1 EL Butter 1 Prise Salz 50 g Grieß 1 TL Zucker for the semolina dumplings: ⅛ l of milk 1 tbsp. of butter 1 pinch of salt 50 g of semolina 1 tsp. of sugar Zubereitung: Preparation: Den Saft in einen Topf mit 1 l Wasser geben. 80 g Zucker, etwas abgeriebene Zitronenschale, Gewürznelken und eine halbe Zimtstange hinzufügen. Alles aufkochen und bei geringer Hitze 10 Minuten mit geschlossenem Deckel köcheln lassen. Inzwischen die Äpfel waschen, entkernen und in Spalten schneiden. Apfelspalten mit 50 g Zucker und etwas Zitronensaft in ¼ L Wasser gar kochen. Speisestärke mit wenig Wasser glatt rühren, die Suppe nochmals aufkochen und damit binden. In einem separaten Topf Milch, Fett, Salz und 1 TL Zucker aufkochen. Grieß unter Rühren hinzugeben und so lange rühren, bis sich die Grießmasse als Kloß vom Topfboden löst. Mit 2 TL aus der Grießmasse kleine Klöße formen. Apfelspalten und Grießklößchen in die Suppe geben und sofort servieren. Pour the elderberry juice into a pot with 1 l of water. Add 80 g of sugar, a little bit rubbed off lemon skin, cloves and half a cinnamon stick. Allow everything to boil and let the soup simmer at a low temperature for half an hour with closed lid. In the meantime, wash the apples, peel them, cut the core and cut the apple into slices. Cook the apple slices with 50 g of sugar and some lemon juice in ¼l of water until they are done. Stir thickening agent with little water, pour it into the soup and bring the soup to the boil again. In a separate pot boil milk, fat, salt and 1 tsp. of sugar. Add semolina whilst stirring until the semolina mass frees itself as a dumpling on the pot ground. Take the pot off the cooker. Form small dumplings from the semolina mass with the help of two teaspoons. Add the sliced apples and the semolina dumplings to the soup and serve immediately. Zutaten: Ingredients: 4 geräucherte Mettwürstchen 500 g Möhren 500 g Gemüsezwiebeln 500 g Kartoffeln ¼ l Brühe 100 g Ammerländer Butterkäse (oder anderer Schnittkäse) Schnittlauch 4 smoked sausages 500 g of carrots 500 g of onions (use big mild onions) 500 g of potatoes ¼ l of broth 100 g of Ammerland mild cheese (or other hard cheese) Chives Zubereitung: Preparation: Mettwürstchen in dünne Scheiben schneiden und im Kochtopf leicht anbraten. Kleingeschnittene Zwiebeln, Möhren und Kartoffeln auf die Mettwürstchen geben. Die Brühe dazu gießen, aufkochen und 10 bis 15 Minuten auf kleiner Flamme weiterkochen lassen. Den Eintopf mit Käsewürfeln und Schnittlauch anrichten. Hmmm, lecker! Cut the sausages in thin slices and fry them briefly in the saucepan. Add chopped onions, carrots and potatoes to the sausages. Pour in the broth, let it boil and let it simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Arrange the stew with cheese cubes and chives. Hmmm, tasty! FLIEDERBEERSUPPE MIT GRIESSKLÖSSCHEN AMMERLÄNDER MÖHRENEINTOPF ELDERBERRY SOUP WITH SEMOLINA AMMERLAND CARROT STEW 21 22 Zutaten: Ingredients: 4 Fischfilets, etwa 200 g pro Portion, am besten Seelachs Zitronensaft, Salz Mehl 1 Ei Paniermehl Fett zum Braten 4 fish fillets, about 200 g per serving, (e.g. coalfish) lemon juice, salt flour 1 egg breadcrumbs fat for frying Zubereitung: Preparation: Fischfilet säubern, säuern und vorsichtig salzen. Evtl. in etwa gleich große Portionen schneiden. Nacheinander in Mehl, Ei und Paniermehl wenden und in dem erhitzten Fett von beiden Seiten hellbraun braten. Clean the fish fillet, acidulate and salt carefully. Cut into portions. Dip the fish successively in flour, egg and breadcrumbs. Fry the fish in the heated up fat until it is light brown. Dazu passt: Kartoffelbrei und ein leichter Salat. Serve with: Mashed potatoes and a light salad. Zutaten: Ingredients: 1 kg Grünkohl 500 g Kasseler 4 Pinkelwurst (Kohlwurst) 250g Speck 1-2 Zwiebeln 4 EL Hafergrütze oder Haferflocken ½ l Wasser Salz und Pfeffer 1 kg green cabbage (fresh, deep-frozen or in a tin) 500 g smoked pork loin (or lamb) 4 Pinkel sausages 250 g bacon 1-2 onions 4 tbsp. oatmeal or grain of pearl barley ½ l of water salt and pepper Zubereitung: Preparation: Den frischen Kohl von den Stielen abstreifen, gründlich waschen und fein hacken. Dann lässt man den Grünkohl mit Kassler, Speck, Zwiebeln, Kohlpinkel, Hafergrütze und Wasser ca. 60 min auf Stufe 1 gar kochen. Mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. Dazu passt: Salzkartoffeln und Senf. Shed the fresh cabbage from the stems, wash thoroughly and chop finely. Then cook the smoked pork loin with green cabbage, bacon, onions, cabbage Pinkel, oatmeal and water about 60 minutes on level 1 until it is done. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with: Boiled potatoes and mustard Information: In Norddeutschland ,hat sich eine regelrechte Kultur um den Grünkohl entwickelt. Im Winter ist es üblich, dass Vereine, Belegschaften von Firmen, Nachbarn, Kollegien von Schulen usw. eine Grünkohlfahrt unternehmen. Dazu gehört ein Spaziergang, der in einem Landgasthof endet, wo Grünkohl mit Pinkel verzehrt wird. Das schließt häufig auch den Genuss von Schnaps und die Wahl eines Kohlkönigs oder einer Kohlkönigin mit ein. Information: A whole culture around kale has developed in north-western Germany around the towns of Bremen and Oldenburg. There, most social clubs of any kind, families, staffs of schools or companies etc. will have a Grünkohlfahrt („kale tour“) sometime in winter, visiting a country inn to consume large quantities of kale, sausage and schnapps. This includes naming a „kale king“or “kale queen”. FISCHFILET MIT KARTOFFELBREI GRÜNKOHL FISH FILLET WITH MASHED POTATOES KALE (GREEN CABBAGE) 23 Zutaten: Ingredients: 1 Suppenhuhn 1,5 l Wasser Salz 1 Suppengrün 1 boiling chicken 1,5 l of water salt 1 bunch of herbs and vegetables for making soup 50 g of butter 50 g of flour 1 tbsp. of curry salt, sugar, capers, lemon juice 1 tin of mushrooms 1 glass of cooked asparagus, cut in pieces 1 yolk 50 g Butter 50 g Mehl 1 EL Curry Salz, Zucker, Kapern, Zitronensaft 1 Dose Champignons 1 Glas gegarter Spargel, in Stücke geschnitten 1 Eigelb 24 Zubereitung: Preparation: Das Huhn mit dem Suppengrün gar kochen und das Fleisch in mundgerechte Stücke schneiden. Aus Butter und Mehl eine helle Mehlschwitze herstellen. Curry kurz anrösten, mit etwa ¾ l Brühe unter Rühren ablöschen, aufkochen und mit Salz, Zucker, Kapern und Zitronensaft abschmecken. Fleisch, abgetropfte Champignons und Spargelstücke zur Soße geben und erhitzen. Eigelb mit etwas Soße verrühren und in das nicht mehr kochende Frikassee einrühren. Cook the chicken with the herbs and vegetables until it is done. Cut the meat in bite-sized pieces. Produce a bright sauce with butter and flour. Fry the curry lightly, wipe off under stirring with about ¾ l of broth, bring to the boil. Season with salt, sugar, capers and lemon juice. Add meat, dripped off mushrooms and asparagus pieces to the sauce and heat up. Turn off the heat and wait until the fricassee is not boiling anymore. Mix the yolk with some sauce and stir it into the fricassee. Dazu passt: körnig gekochter Reis Serve with: cooked rice Zutaten: Ingredients: 30 g fetter Speck 1 dicke Zwiebel 500 g Weinsauerkraut 1 gestrichener TL Salz 2 TL Zucker Pfeffer (Den fetten Speck kann man z. B. durch Gänseschmalz ersetzen.) 30 g fat bacon 1 thick onion 500 g wine sauerkraut 1 level tsp. salt 2 tsp. sugar pepper (The bacon can be substituted by goose fat.) Zubereitung: Preparation: Den fetten Speck würfeln und in einem Kochtopf ausbraten. Die Speckstücke herausnehmen (evtl. später zu dem Sauerkraut wieder hinzufügen) und die gewürfelte Zwiebel in dem Fett andünsten. Das Sauerkraut mit den Gewürzen hinzugeben, 1-2 EL Wasser zufügen und alles 30 – 40 Minuten schmoren lassen. Anschließend bei offenem Topf die Flüssigkeit etwas verkochen lassen und das Sauerkraut bräunen. Dazu passt: Kartoffelbrei und Bratwurst Cut the bacon into cubes and fry in a saucepan Remove the cracklings (maybe you can add them to the sauerkraut again later) and braise the diced onions lightly in the fat. Add the pickled cabbage to the spices, add 1-2 tbsp. of water and let it all braise for 30 - 40 minutes. Then take off the lid and let the liquid slightly boil away until the sauerkraut browns. Serve with: mashed potatoes and fried sausages Information: Sauerkraut ist feingeschnittener Weißkohl, der vergoren und damit länger haltbar gemacht wird. Sauerkraut ist ein traditionelles Gericht in deutschen und vielen anderen europäischen Küchen. Es enthält viele Vitamine und Mineralstoffe und war daher ein wertvolles Wintergemüse. Es ist auch bekannt in Nordchina, den USA, Chile (chucrut), und Kanada. Information: Sauerkraut is finely shredded cabbage that has been fermented. The word Sauerkraut comes directly from the German language, which literally translates to sour cabbage. Sauerkraut is traditional in German and many other European cuisines, it is also known in parts of Northeast China, Northern China, the USA, Chile (chucrut), and Canada. Sauerkraut contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. which made it a valuable vegetable during winter times. HÜHNERFRIKASSEE MIT REIS SAUERKRAUT FRICASSEE OF CHICKEN WITH RICE SAUERKRAUT 25 Zutaten: Ingredients: 250 g Buchweizenmehl ½ l Mineralwasser gut gekühlt 2 EL Pflanzenöl (am besten Sonnenblumenöl) 1 Ei 1 EL Sesamöl 2 Prisen Salz 250 g buckwheat flour ½ l mineral water well chilled 2 tbsp. vegetable oil (preferably sunflower oil) 1egg 1 tbsp. sesame oil 2 pinches salt Zubereitung: Preparation: Mehl in eine Backschüssel geben, alle genannten Zutaten dazugeben und mit dem Rührstab kräftig verquirlen. Nach einer Ruhezeit von 45 Minuten lassen sich aus dem Teig kleine handtellergroße Pfannkuchen formen. Diese werden von beiden Seiten (2-3 Min.) gebacken. dazu passt Zuckerrübensirup Fill the baking flour into a bowl, add all the above ingredients and give it a good stir. After a rest period of 45 minutes the dough can be formed into small pancakes. Bake them on both sides (2-3 minutes). Serve with: sugar beet syrup Information: Edewecht ist umgeben von Moor. Siedler, die dort in früheren Jahrhunderten das Moor kultivierten, konnten zu Anfang nur Buchweizen in dem sauren Boden anbauen. Deshalb ist Buchweizen ein wichtiges Nahrungsmittel für die Bevölkerung dieser Region gewesen.Anfang September wird in Westerscheps jedes Jahr ein großes Erntefest gefeiert. Der dort angebotene Bookweeten Janhinnerk, ein Buchweizenpfannkuchen mit Speck und Sirup, ist ein Muss für jeden Besucher. 26 Information: Around Edewecht there are a lot of moors. Settlers who tried to cultivate the moor could only grow buckwheat on the acidic grounds. Therefore it used to play an important role in the nutrition of the people of this region. At the harvest festival in Edewecht-Westerscheps in September the Bookweeten Janhinnerk, a buckwheat pancake, is a must for the hundreds of visitors there. It is served with sugar beet syrup. Zutaten: Ingredients: Für den Teig: 250 g Butter 150 g Zucker 1 Prise Salz 5 Eier 250 g Mehl 1 gehäufter TL Backpulver for the dough: 250 g of butter 150 g of sugar 1 pinch of salt 5 eggs 250 g of flour 1 piled up tsp. baking powder Für den Belag: 100 g Zucker 100 g Mandelblättchen 100 g Butter for the layer: 100 g of sugar 100 g of little almond flakes 100 g of butter Zubereitung: Preparation: Butter mit Zucker und einer Prise Salz schaumig rühren und die Eier nach und nach unterrühren. Mehl mit Backpulver mischen und löffelweise dazugeben. Teig gleichmäßig auf ein gefettetes Backblech streichen, mit Zucker und Mandeln bestreuen, Butterflöckchen darauf verteilen. Bei 200°C auf mittlerer Einschubleiste 20 Minuten backen. Stir the butter with sugar and a pinch of salt until it is foamy and stir in the eggs bit by bit. Mix the flour with the baking powder and add by the spoonful. Spread the dough on a greased baking sheet, sprinkle with sugar and almonds. Sprinkle butter flakes on the top. Place the baking sheet on the middle rail of the oven. Bake at 200°C for 20 minutes. BOOKWEETEN JANHINNERK SCHNELLER BIENENSTICH BUCKWHEAT PANCAKES QUICK CAKE ON A BAKING SHEET 27 28 Zutaten: Ingredients: Zutaten: Ingredients: 250 g Weizenmehl 150 g Butter 175 g Zucker (Kandis) 1 Ei Wasser Anis, Kümmel oder Kardamom 250 g of wheat flour 150 g of butter 175 g of sugar (rock candy) 1 egg water Aniseed, caraway or cardamom Zubereitung: Preparation: Zuerst den Kandis in dem kochenden Wasser komplett auflösen und abkühlen lassen. Die Butter langsam erwärmen. Nun die geschmolzene lauwarme Butter zu dem Zuckerwasser geben und gut miteinander verrühren. Eier und Mehl unterrühren und zuletzt die Gewürze untermischen. Der Teig sollte dickflüssig sein. Der Teig wird portionsweise mit einem Hörnchenautomat gebacken. Der noch heiße Teig wird dann zu einem Hörnchen gerollt. First dissolve the rock candy completely in boiling water and let it cool. Slowly heat up the butter. Now put the molten lukewarm butter in the sugared water and mix well. Stir in the eggs and the flour and then mix the spices. The dough should be thick. The dough is baked in helpings with a special waffle iron. Then the still hot dough is rolled to a croissant. für den hellen Teig: 250 g Butter 150 g Zucker 1 Päckchen Vanillezucker 1 Prise Salz 4 Eier 200 g Weizenmehl 100 g Speisestärke 2 gehäufte TL Backpulver 2 EL Milch zusätzlich für den dunklen Teig: 20 g gesiebtes Kakaopulver 20 g Zucker 2 EL Milch for the dough: 250 g of butter 150 g of sugar 1 package vanilla sugar 1 pinch of salt 4 eggs 200 g of wheat flour 100 g of cornflour (thickening agent) 2 piled up tsp. of baking powder 2 tbsp. milk for the chocolate dough: 20 g of sieved cocoa powder 20 g of sugar 2 tbsp. milk für die Glasur: Dunkle Kuvertüre for the coating: chocolate coating Zubereitung: Preparation: Zur Information: Krüllkoken wurden früher hauptsächlich im Winter zubereitet. Besonders zum Jahreswechsel werden sie gebacken und dem Besuch angeboten, wenn er ein gutes neues Jahr wünscht. Der Name „Krüllkoken“ kommt von dem plattdeutschen Wort „krüllen“ was aufrollen oder kräuseln bedeutet. Information: Earlier krüllkoken were made primarily in winter. Especially at the turn of the year they were baked and offered to the visitor when was wished a Happy New Year. The name „Krüllkoken“ comes from the Low-German word „krüllen“, which means to roll. Aus den oben angegebenen Zutaten einen hellen Rührteig herstellen Ca. ⅓ abnehmen und mit Kakao, Zucker und Milch verrühren. Den dunklen Teig in eine eingefettete und bemehlte Kastenform ( ca. 25 cm) füllen, eine Rille eindrücken und den hellen Teig darüber geben. Bei 200°C auf mittlerer Schiene 60 Min. backen. 15 Min. auskühlen lassen, auf ein Küchenrost stürzen und nach dem Erkalten mit geschmolzener Kuvertüre bestreichen. Make a soft dough with the ingredients given above. Take ⅓ of the dough and mix it with cocoa, sugar and milk. Fill the chocolate dough in a well greased loaf tin (approx. 25 cm), push in a groove and spread the other dough on top of the chocolate dough. Bake with 200°C on the middle rail for about 60 minutes. Allow to cool down for 15 minutes. Tip the cake out onto a culinary rust. After cooling off, cover it with melted chocolate coating. KRÜLLKOKEN / NEUJAHRSKUCHEN OMAS MARMORKUCHEN KRÜLLKOKEN / NEW YEAR’S BISCUITS GRANNY’S MARBLE CAKE 29 Zutaten: 280 g Roggenschrot 280 g Weizenschrot 500 g Weizenvollkornmehl 4 Päckchen Trockenhefe 2 TL Salz 150 g Sesam 130 g Leinsamen 100 g Sonnenblumenkerne 200 g Zuckerrübensirup 1000 ml lauwarme Buttermilch Ingredients: 280 g coarsely ground rye wholemeal 280 g coarsely ground wheat meal 500 g wheat wholemeal 4 packets dried yeast 2 tsp salt 150 g sesame seeds 130 g linseed 100 g sunflower seeds 200 g sugar beet syrup 1000 ml lukewarm buttermilk Zubereitung: Alle Zutaten zu einem glatten Teig verkneten. Den Teig in eine gut gefettete Kastenform (Länge 36 cm) geben und backen. Ober-/Unterhitze: 150 – 170 °C Backzeit:150 – 170 Minuten Nach dem Backen mit einem feuchten Tuch bedeckt auskühlen und 1 Tag ruhen lassen. Preparation: Knead all ingredients into a smooth dough. Put the dough into a well greased baking tin (length 36 cm) and bake. Heat from the top/heat from below: 150 - 170 ° C Baking time: 150 - 170 minutes After baking cover with a damp cloth to cool and let it rest for a day. Store in a cool place. Information: Schwarzbrot ist in Norddeutschland sehr beliebt. und wird in vielen verschiedenen Variationen hergestellt. Zum Frühstück und zum Abendbrot wird Schwarzbrot als Butterbrot oder belegtes Brot gereicht. Ein Scheibe Schwarzbrot wird mit Butter bestrichen und mit einer Scheibe Käse, Wurst oder Schinken belegt. Zum Frühstück kann man es auch mit Marmelade oder z.B. Honig essen. Ein Butterbrot ist das traditionelle Pausenbrot für die Schule oder am Arbeitsplatz. 30 Information: This kind of bread is very common in Northern Germany. There exist lots of varieties of different recipes. People usually eat thin buttered slices of bread topped with slices of ham, sausage or cheese (in the evening) or with jam and marmalade (for breakfast) A ‘Butterbrot’ is the traditional and nutritious snack for the break at school or at work. Zutaten: Ingredients: für den Teig: 175 g Butter oder Margarine 150 g Zucker 4 Eigelb 4 EL Milch 250 g Mehl ½ Päcken Backpulver for the dough: 175 g of butter or margarine 150 g of sugar 4 yolks 4 tbsp. of milk 250 g of flour ½ packet of baking powder für den Belag: 700 g Rhabarber 150 g Zucker 4 Eiweiß for the layer: 700 g of rhubarb 150 g of sugar 4 egg whites Zubereitung: Preparation: Die Butter mit dem Zucker und dem Eigelb schaumig rühren. Mehl, Backpulver und Milch unterrühren. Den Teig auf ein eingefettetes Backblech streichen. Den Rhabarber in kleine Stücke schneiden und auf dem Teig verteilen. Eiweiß steif schlagen. Dabei nach und nach den Zucker zugeben. Die Eiweißmasse über den Rhabarber streichen. Bei 200°C etwa 25 Minuten backen. Möglichst schnell verzehren. Stir the butter with the sugar and the yolk until it is foamy. Stir in flour, baking powder and milk. Spread the dough on a greased baking sheet. Cut the rhubarb into small pieces and place them evenly on the dough. Beat the egg white until it is stiff and add the sugar bit by bit. Spread the egg white mass over the rhubarb. Bake at 200°C for about 25 minutes. The cake tastes best when it is fresh. SCHWARZBROT RHABARBERKUCHEN BLACK BREAD RHUBARB CAKE 31 Zutaten : Ingredients: für die Rote Grütze: 500g rote Früchte (Himbeeren, Erdbeeren, Johannisbeeren, Kirschen, Blaubeeren, Rhabarber) ½ l Apfelsaft 1 gehäufter EL Speisestärke 1 Zimtstange 100 g Zucker for the red fruit desert: 500 g of red fruit (raspberries, strawberries, red currants, cherries, bilberries, rhubarb) für den Grießpudding: ½ l Milch 1 EL Zucker 1 Prise Salz 1 EL Mandelblättchen 50 g Grieß 1 Ei for the semolina pudding: ½ l of milk 1 tbsp. of sugar 1 pinch of salt 1 tbsp. of little almond flakes 50 g of semolina 1 egg Zubereitung: Preparation: Rote Grütze: Vorbereitete Früchte mit dem Apfelsaft und der Zimtstange aufkochen. Speisestärke mit etwas Wasser glatt rühren und in die Grütze geben. Noch einmal kurz aufkochen und mit dem Zucker abschmecken. Grießpudding: Milch mit Zucker, Salz und Mandelblättchen zum Kochen bringen, Grieß unter Rühren einstreuen und etwa 10 Minuten bei abgeschalteter Herdplatte quellen lassen. Ei trennen, Eiweiß steif schlagen, Eigelb mit etwas Wasser verrühren und unter den heißen Brei rühren. Eiweiß locker unterheben und erkalten lassen. Red fruit desert: Boil the prepared fruits with the apple juice and the stick of cinnamon. Stir the cornflour well with some water and add it to the fruit. Boil once again briefly and add sugar to your taste. Semolina pudding: Bring milk with sugar, salt and little almond flakes to the boil, add semolina whilst stirring constantly. Allow to swell up for about 10 minutes then turn off the heat. Separate the egg yolk from the egg white. Beat the egg white until it is stiff. Mix the yolk with some water and then put in the mixture. Then gently fold in the egg white and let the dessert cool off. ½ l of apple juice 1 piled up tbsp. of cornflour (thickening agent) 1 stick of cinnamon 100 g of sugar ROTE GRÜTZE MIT GRIESSPUDDING RED FRUIT DESSERT WITH SEMOLINA PUDDING 32 Poland Krosno Krosno in full The Royal Free City of Krosno, 1358 is a town in south-eastern Poland with 47,455 inhabitants. Krosno is on the river Wisłok. Slovakia is about 40 kilometers south, and Ukraine is about 85 kilometers east of the city. It is located in the heartland of the Doły (Pits), and its average altitude is 310 meters above sea level, although there are some hills located within the confines of the city. Neighbouring municipalities are Korczyna, Krościenko Wyżne, Miejsce Piastowe, Chorkówka, Jedlicze, and Wojaszówka. Krosno covers the area of 45 square kilometers, there are seven separate town quarters and 5 housing estates. The historical center is situated on a hill between the fork of the Lubatówka and Wisłok Rivers. Krosno - a mediaeval fortified town, former Royal Free Town, the centre of cloth, linen, canvas and Hungarian wine trade. Until recently it was a province capital. Today it is a medium-sized town with the population of fifty thousand, ranking as number six among Polish towns with the best living conditions. This evident success appears understandable when one looks at the history of the town. Krosno is located in an oil bearing region. Surface seepage of oil was locally used (unrefined) in lamps as early as the 16th century. In the 19th century Ignacy Łukasiewicz a local pharmacist began exploiting the deposits from hand-dug wells, years before the drilling in Pennsylvania which is usually said to be the beginning of modern petroleum development. One of the things that Krosno is well known for is the quality glassware and crystal that is produced in the town, and distributed throughout the world. KROSNO The Royal Free City of Krosno 34 35 GOŁĄBKI ’ ROSÓŁ SCHAB SERNIK ZE ŚLIW KĄ PRZYSTAWKI APPETIZERS 38 ‘ŚLEDZIE’ KING STYLE HERRINGS 38 ZUPY SOUPS 39 ‘ROSÓŁ’ ‘JARZYNOWA’ ‘BARSZCZ CZERWONY’ ‘ŻUREK’ ‘KAPUŚNIAK’ GOLDEN CHICKEN CONSOMMÉ WITH NOODLES VEGETABLE SOUP WITH MUSHROOMS RED BORSCH SOUP RYE SOUP SOUR CABBAGE SOUP 39 40 41 42 43 DANIA GŁÓWNE MAIN DISHES 44 ‘WĄTRÓBKA’ ‘WOŁOWE ROLADKI’ ‘SCHAB ZE ŚLIWKĄ’ ‘MIELONE’ ‘ŻEBERKA’ ‘KARP’ ‘PIEROGI’ ‘GOŁĄBKI’ ‘PLACKI ZIEMNIACZANE’ ‘KLUSKI ŚLĄSKIE’ CHICKEN LIVER WITH ONIONS AND APPLES BEEF ROULADES PORK WITH DRIED PLUMS MEATBALLS PORK RIBS CARP IN OLD FASHIONED WAY WITH POTATO AND CHEESE FILLING STUFFED CABBAGE POTATO PAN CAKES SILESIAN DUMPLINGS 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 WYROBY CUKIERNICZE / CIASTA CAKES AND PASTRY 54 ‘PIERNIK’ ‘SERNIK’ ‘FAWORKI’ ‘BABKA WIELKANOCNA’ GINGERBREAD CAKE CHEESE CAKE PASTRY TWISTS EASTER BUN CAKE 54 55 56 57 TO SALAD 36 31 37 38 Składniki: Ingredients: 6 marynowanych śledzi w oleju 1 puszka groszku 4 gotowane jajka bukiet młodej cebuli wraz z nacią szklanka majonezu 2 łyżki gęstej kwaśnej śmietany 1 cebula pietruszka sól, pieprz sałata dla dekoracji 6 pickled herrings in oil 1 tin of peas 4 boiled eggs 1 bunch of chive with young onions 1 glass of mayonnaise 2 tablespoons of thick sour cream 1 onion parsley salt, pepper lettuce for decoration Przygotowanie: Preparation: Posiekane jajka i szczypiorek zmieszaj z groszkiem, dodaj majonezu i kwaśnej śmietany. Wszystko ostrożnie wymieszaj, dodaj sól i pieprz. Umyj sałatę i rozłóż kilka liści na talerz, połóż nieco sałatki i śledzi, następnie znów sałatki itd. Pokrój cebulę i poukładaj na samą górę potrawy. Dla dekoracji dodaj pietruszkę. Join the chopped eggs and chive with peas, add mayonnaise and sour cream. Mix everything gently, add salt and pepper. Wash lettuce and put a few leaves on a platter, put some salad and herrings and again salad. Slice the onion and put it on the top of a dish. Decorate with parsley. Danie jest łatwe do przygotowania i często jedzone w okresie Wielkiego Postu, aczkolwiek bez dodatkowych składników, ponieważ byłoby zbyt bogate i nieodpowiedni dla okresu, w którym ludzie powinni pozostać w zadumie i przygotować swoje umysły i dusze na zmartwychwstanie Chrystusa (Święta Wielkiej Nocy). The dish is easy to prepare and often eaten during Fasting Days but without additional ingredients as it would be too ‘rich’ and is not ‘proper’ these days when people should stay in devotion and prepare their minds and souls for the Great Day of Christ‘s Resurrection. Składniki: Ingredients : 40 dekagramów wątroby drobiowej 3 szklanki zimnego mleka 2 duże cebule 4 plastry jabłka olej sól, pieprz majeranek mąka 400 grams of chicken liver 3 glasses of cold milk 2 big onions 4 slices of an apple oil salt, pepper pinch of majoram flour Przygotowanie. Preparation: Namocz wątrobę w mleku. Pokrój cebulę, wrzuć do mleka z wątrobą i zostaw na około 30 minut. Podgrzej olej na patelni i smaż wątróbkę przez 5 minut. Połóż wątrobę na talerz, dodaj nań trochę siekanej pietruszki i plastry jabłka. Zakryj i włóż do gorącego piekarnika. Odcedź cebulę, posyp mąką i smaż na tej samej patelni, na której smażyłeś wątrobę. Dołóż nieco oleju jeżeli to konieczne. Wyciągnij wątróbkę z piekarnika i dodaj doń smażoną cebulę. Podawaj gorące na ciepłym talerzu. Soak liver in milk. Slice onions, put into the milk with liver and leave for about 30 minutes. Heat oil on a frying pan and fry liver for about 5 minutes. Put liver on a warm platter, add some chopped parsley and put slices of apple on it. Cover and put into a hot oven. Drain onion, sprinkle with flour and fry on the same frying pan on which liver was fried. Put some oil if needed. Take the liver out from the oven and add fried onion to the liver. Serve hot on a warm plate. To danie pokazuję jak wpływ na Polskie menu ma ekonomia. Ludzie chcieli użyć wszystkich składników bez ich utraty. To pokazuje również wiedzę ludzi o wartościach odżywczych składników i jednym z nich na pewno jest wątroba. W dzisiejszych czasach wciąż jest popularna i często przygotowywana na wiele różnych sposobów. Jednym z nich jest prezentowany powyżej, bardzo smaczny, prosty do przyrządzenia i warty spróbowania. This meal shows how much influence economy had on Poles’ menu. People wanted to use all the ingredients without wasting any. But it also shows that people knew about nutritious values of some of the ingredients and one of them definitely is the very nutritious liver. Nowadays it is still popular and often prepared in many different variations. One of them is the dish presented above, very tasty, easy to prepare and worth trying. ŚLEDZIE WĄTRÓBKA KING STYLE HERRINGS CHICKEN LIVER WITH ONIONS & APPLES 39 40 Składniki: Ingredients: Składniki: Ingredients: 6 szklanek rosołu z kury 20 dekagramów grzyby (pieczarki) 2 małe pomidory 1 marchew pół średniej wielkości selera 1 cebula 2 łyżeczki oleju iść laurowy kilka ziarenek pieprzu i 1 szklanka kwaśnej śmietany warzywa 6 glasses of poultry broth 200 grams of small mushrooms (champignon) 2 small tomatoes 1 carrot ½ average size celeriac 1 onion 2 spoons of oil bay leaf a few grains of pepper and 1 glass of sour cream greens 4 duże buraki ćwikłowe cebula 2 ząbki czosnku 4-5 główek grzybów (borowików) bukiet warzyw (marchew, por, seler, pietruszka) sól, pieprz ostra papryczka liść laurowy sok z cytryny cukier 2 szklanki sok z buraków 4 big beetroots onion 2 cloves of garlic 4-5 mushroom tops (boletus) a bunch of mixed vegetables (carrot, leek, celeriac, parsley) salt, pepper pimento bay leaf lemon juice sugar 2 glasses of beetroot acid Przygotowanie: Preparation: Rozgrzej olej na patelni i usmaż posiekaną cebulę, dodaj pokrojone grzyby i smaż przez jakiś czas, dodaj pokrojone pomidory (obierz je przedtem). Smaż wszystko razem. Włóż pokrojoną marchew, seler i przyprawy do gotującego się rosołu. Gotuj razem przez około 10 minut. Dodaj smażoną wcześniej cebulę, grzyby i pomidory i gotuj aż wszystkie składniki będą miękkie. Dodaj przyprawy, przestań gotować i dodaj kwaśnej śmietany. Podawaj gorące. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the chopped onions, add the sliced mushrooms and fry for some time, add the diced tomatoes (peel them before). Fry everything together. Put the sliced carrots, celeriac and seasons into a boiling broth. Boil for about 10 minutes. Add the fried onion, mushrooms and tomatoes and boil till all ingredients become soft. Add seasonings, stop boiling the soup and add sour cream. Serve hot, sprinkled with greens. Przygotowanie: Preparation: Prezentowana tutaj potrawa jest bardzo pożywna i smaczna. Polacy przygotowują to danie kiedy warzywa pojawiają się w ogródkach bądź w sklepach warzywnych w miastach. Aby uczynić posiłek bardziej pożywnym jedzą go ze świeżo pieczonym chlebem. Jest to prawdziwa uczta dla tych, którzy nie mogą pozwolić sobie na drogie składniki i bardziej wyszukane dania. Dzisiaj sytuacja wygląda inaczej, ludzie mogą pozwolić sobie na więcej, wszystkie składniki są dostępne cały rok, a niektórzy dodają mięso drobiowe, aby uczynić danie bardziej interesującym. The dish presented above is very nutritious and tasty. Poles used to prepare this meal when early vegetables appeared on their farms or in greengrocers‘ shops for town people. To feel more fed they had it with a fine slice of freshly baked bread. Wrzuć grzyby do przegotowanej ale nie gorącej wody. Gotuj grzyby w wodzie, w której były moczone, aż staną się miękkie. Gotuj pokrojone buraki, warzywa i przyprawy razem przez 30 minut, później zostaw, aż ostygną. Odcedź rosół z warzyw, dodaj wywar z grzybów, sok z buraków, dodaj trochę soli, pieprzu, soku z cytryny, cukru i zostaw na jakiś czas aby składniki „przegryzły się”. Podawaj gorące ale nie pozwól aby barszcz przegotował się w przeciwnym wypadku nie będzie klarowny. Możesz podawać go z gotowanymi jajkami. Put the mushrooms in boiled but not hot water. Boil the mushrooms in the water in which they were soaked till they get soft. Boil the sliced beetroots, vegetables and seasonings all together for 30 minutes and leave to cool down. Strain the vegetable broth, add the mushroom broth and the beetroot acid, put some salt, pepper, lemon juice, sugar and leave for some time to let the ingredients combine the tastes. Serve hot but do not let the borsch come to the boil otherwise it will not be clear. You can serve it with boiled eggs. Łatwo zauważyć, że prawie każdy składnik może być uprawiany na farmie bądź znaleziony w lesie. Jak przy większości przypadków Polacy szukali prostych, tanich i pożywnych dań. Barszcz ma również bardzo pozytywny wpływ na nasze zdrowie dzięki burakom, których substancje odżywcze pomagają nam utrzymać czerwone krwinki we krwi w dobrej kondycji i na dobrym poziomie. It is easy to notice that almost every ingredient can be grown on farms or found in forests. Like with many different dishes Poles looked for easy, cheap and nutritious meals. This one has also great influence on our health because of the beetroot whose nutrients help us to keep red cells in our blood in good condition and on the right level. ZUPA JARZYNOWA BARSZCZ CZERWONY VEGETABLE SOUP WITH MUSHROOMS RED BORSCH SOUP 41 Składniki: Ingredients: 60dag surowej białej kiełbasy liść laurowy pieprz, pieprz turecki 2 ząbki czosnku suszone grzyby 2 szklanki kwasu żurkowego majeranek 600 g of raw, white sausages bay leaf pepper, pimento 2 cloves of garlic dried mushroom tops 2 glasses of sourdough marjoram Przygotowanie: Preparation: Wrzuć kiełbasę do garnuszka, wlej 6 szklanek wody, dodaj grzyby, czosnek, przyprawy i gotuj na małym ogniu przez 15 minut. Odstaw, wlej bulion, a następnie z powrotem postaw na ogień i mieszaj cały czas dodając kwas żurowy. Pokrój kiełbasy i wrzuć do zupy. Kilka ugotowanych jajek pokrój na ćwiartki, ułóż na talerzu przed nalaniem zupy Często serwuje się go z kromką chleba. Żurek to zupa gotowana na mące, jej głównym składnikiem jest kwas mączny. Żurek to tradycyjne Polskie danie, jest jednak popularny także w innych słowińskich krajach. Zupa tam jest zazwyczaj gotowana ze śmietananazywa się tłustym żurkiem lub jest przygotowany na bazie warzywno- mięsnej. Często jest serwowany z suszonymi grzybami. Najlepsze zupy są gotowane z kiełbasa, podsmażanym boczkiem lub łopatką. Put sausages in a pot, pour 6 glasses of water, add seasonings, mushroom, clove of garlic and start to boil on a small fire for 15 minutes. Take the sausages out of the pot, strain the broth, and start to boil the broth rapidly, stirring all the time, add rye acid and bring to the boil. Season it with the marjoram, slice the boiled sausages and put them into the soup. Boil some eggs, cut them into quarters, put them on a plate and pour the soup. It is popular to serve it with a slice of bread. Żurek is a kind of a flour soup, it’s made of flour leaving which has to be sour. Żurek is a very typical Polish dish, it is also popular among the north Slavs. The soup is usually cooked with cream and then it’s fasting żurek or might be prepared on meat or vegetable stock (extract). It is very often served with dried mushrooms. The best soups of this kind are cooked with sausages, smoked bacon or ribs. ŻUREK RYE SOUP 42 Składniki: Ingredients : 7 szklanek mięsa i warzywnego bulionu 40 dkg kiszonej kapusty 20 dkg wędzonej kiełbasy 20 dkg ??? 1 duża cebula 3 łyżki oleju 2 suszone grzyby sól, pieprz ostra papryczka ziele angielskie 4 ziarna owoców jałowca 7 glasses of meat and vegetables broth 400g of sauerkraut 200g of smoked sausage 200g of smoked bacon 1 big onion 3 spoons of oil 2 dried mushrooms salt, pepper pimento bay leaf 4 grains of juniper fruit Przygotowanie: Preparation: Umyte i namoczone grzyby gotować aż będą miękkie i zostawić do wystygnięcia. Pokroić kiszoną kapustę, nałożyć ugotowany bulion i plastry grzybów, postawić bulion i gotować przez jakiś czas. Plasterki cebuli, bekonu smażyć na patelni i wsadzić do bulionu. Na tej samej patelni smażyć plastry kiełbasy i włożyć do bulionu. Gotować około 10 minut i koniecznie przyprawić. Podawać z ugotowanymi ziemniakami. Boil the washed and soaked mushrooms till they are soft and leave to cool down. Cut the sauerkraut and put it into the boiling broth, slice the mushrooms and put them into the broth and boil for some time. Slice the onion and the bacon, fry in a pan and put into the broth. Fry slices of sausages in the same frying pan and put them into the broth. Boil for about 10 minutes and add some seasonings if necessary. Serve with boiled potatoes and fat crackling. KAPUŚNIAK SOUR CABBAGE SOUP 43 Składniki: Ingredients: 1 kurczak 30 dag wołowiny lub/i żeberka wieprzowe kilka zmiksowanych warzyw (marchewka, seler, pietruszka – korzeń) 1 cebula sól, pieprz pietruszka 1 chicken 300 grams of beef or/and pork ribs a bunch of mixed vegetables (carrot, celeriac, parsley-root) 1 onion salt, pepper parsley Przygotowanie: Preparation: Obmyj kurę i mięso, a następnie umieść je w garnku, wlej do niego około 3 litry wody, dodaj przyprawy (możesz dodać specjalne przyprawy do zup), całość gotuj na małym ogniu. Po około 2 godzinach umieść w garnku zmiksowane warzywa i gotuj przez 1 godzinę. Odcedź mięso oraz warzywa użyte przy gotowaniu zupy. Przygotuj trochę wody, podgrzej ją i ugotuj kluski. Jeżeli chcesz możesz sam przygotować swoje własne kluski, używając do tego ciasta z którego robi się również pierogi. Umieść trochę klusek na talerzu, weź nieco gotowanej marchewki, pokrój w kostkę i umieść na kluskach. Weź trochę pietruszki, pokrój ją i przecedź na kluski. To prosta droga do sprawienia, iż Twoja potrawa będzie bardziej malownicza i komponująca się z całością Wash chicken and meat and put into a pot, pour about 3 liters of water, add seasonings (you can add special seasonings for soups) and boil on small fire. After about 2 hours put the mixed vegetables into the soup, and boil for 1 hour. Strain the soup, separating meat and vegetables from the soup. Prepare some water, heat it and boil noodles. If you wish, you can make your own noodles making them from the pastry like for pierogi. Put some noodles on a plate, take some boiled carrots, dice them and put them on the noodles. Take some parsley, chop and sprinkle on noodles as well. It is an easy way to make your dish more vivid and it composes nicely with the soup Rosół is a traditional meat broth. The most popular variety is ‘rosół z kury’ (clear chicken soup). It is commonly served with fine noodles. A vegetarian version can be made, using vegetable stock cubes. ROSÓŁ Z KURCZAKA GOLDEN CHICKEN CONSOMMÉ WITH NOODLES 44 Składniki: Ingredients : 6 plastrów mięsa wołowego 30 dekagramów surowej białej kiełbasy 1 łyżeczka tartego chrzanu 1 cebula suchy chleb 1 łyżeczka kwaśnej śmietany sól, pieprz, mąka 6 slices of beef meat 300 g of raw white sausage 1 spoon of grated horseradish 1 onion dry bread 1 spoon of sour cream salt, pepper, flour ??? 2 kapelusze grzybów (borowików) pół szklanki śmietany tłuszcz Sauce: 2 mushroom tops (boletus) ½ glass of cream fat Przygotowanie: Preparation: Umyte i namoczone grzyby gotować aż będą miękkie i zostawić do wystygnięcia. Pokroić kiszoną kapustę, nałożyć ugotowany bulion i plastry grzybów, postawić bulion i gotować przez jakiś czas. Plasterki cebuli, bekonu smażyć na patelni i wsadzić do bulionu. Na tej samej patelni smażyć plastry kiełbasy i włożyć do bulionu. Gotować około 10 minut i koniecznie przyprawić. Podawać z ugotowanymi ziemniakami. Boil the washed and soaked mushrooms till they are soft and leave to cool down. Cut the sauerkraut and put it into the boiling broth, slice the mushrooms and put them into the broth and boil for some time. Slice the onion and the bacon, fry in a pan and put into the broth. Fry slices of sausages in the same frying pan and put them into the broth. Boil for about 10 minutes and add some seasonings if necessary. Serve with boiled potatoes and fat crackling. WOŁOWE ROLADKI BEEF ROULADES 45 Składniki : Ingredients: 1 kg wieprzowiny 10 dag suszonych śliwek tłuszcz do smażenia mąka do sosu sok ze świeżo wyciśniętej cytryny sok ze świeżo wyciśniętej pomarańczy ząbek czosnku tymianek sól, pieprz 1 kg of pork 100 grams of dried plums fat for frying flour for the gravy juice from fresh squeezed lemon juice from fresh squeezed orange clove thyme salt, pepper Przygotowanie : Preparation: Wieprzowinę pokropić octem, posypać solą, pieprzem i tymiankiem. Wieprzowinę posypać mąką, podgrzać tłuszcz na patelni i zapieczętować mięso. Włożyć mięso do brytfanny do pieczenia, wlać tłuszcz, następnie dodać wody, przykryć i włożyć do gorącego piekarnika (180 stopni Celsjusza) na 30 minut. Od czasu do czasu polewać mięso sosem âz pieczeniâ z brytfanny. Namoczone wcześniej śliwki włożyć do brytfanny i piec razem z mięsem w piekarniku przez około 10 minut. Wyjąć brytfannę z piekarnika i położyć mięso na podgrzanym talerzu. Dodać sok z pomarańczy, sól, sok z cytryny i dodać trochę mąki do zagęszczenia sosu âz pieczeniâ. Gotować przez 3 minuty. Pokroić mięso, położyć je na talerzu, udekorować śliwkami i polać sosem âz pieczeniâ. Rozgniecione ziemniaki i sałata z pokrojonym ogórkiem z przyprawami jest perfekcyjnym dodatkiem do dania (surówką). Sprinkle pork with vinegar, rub in some salt, pepper and thyme. Sprinkle flour on the pork, heat fat in a pan and seal the meat. Put the meat into a roasting pan, pour fat in it, then add water, cover and put into a hot oven (180 degrees Celsius) for 30 minutes. From time to time baste the roast with the gravy from the roasting pan. Put the earlier soaked plums into the roasting pan and roast together with the meat in the oven for about 10 minutes. Take out the roasting pan of the oven and put the meat on a heated platter. Add orange juice, salt, lemon juice and add some flour for thickening the sauce. Boil for 3 minutes. Slice the meat, put it on the platter, decorate it with plums and pour some gravy on it. Smashed potatoes and lettuce with sliced cucumber with dressing is a perfect side dish. SCHAB ZE ŚLIWKĄ PORK WITH DRIED PLUMS 46 Składniki: Ingredients: 50 dekagramów mielonej wołowiny i wieprzowiny 1 łyżka masła, ½ szklanka rosołu (z koncentratem) 1 łyżka bułki tartej 1 jajo i 1 białko 2 łyżki posiekanego kopru 1 łyżka koncentratu pomidorowego sól, pieprz papryka olej 2 ząbki czosnku mąka do obtoczenia klopsów 500 g of minced beef and pork Przygotowanie: Preparation: Moczyć bułkę tarta w ciepłym rosole, dodać masło i koncentrat. Wymieszać wszystkie składniki: mięso, jajo, białko jaja, koper, doprawić i zamiesić wszystko w jednolita masę. Formować małe klopsiki za pomocą rąk zwilżonych w zimnej wodzie. Kłaść je na ladzie lub na talerzu i wstawić do lodówki. Ciepły tłuszcz podgrzać z czosnkiem na patelni. Wziąć czosnek zanim stanie się brązowy. Klopsiki obtoczyć w bułce tartej zmieszanej z mąką, aż staną się brązowe. Pozostawić na 10-15 minut. Podawać z tłuczonymi ziemniakami warzywami i sałatką z czerwonej kapusty, marchwi, cebuli i oleju. Soak the breadcrumbs in warm broth, mix, add butter and concentrate. Mix all ingredients; meat, egg, egg white, dill, seasonings and knead everything into a homogenous mass. Moisten your hands in cold water and form small meatballs. Put them on a counter or a plate and put them into the refrigerator. Heat fat with garlic in a frying pan. Take the garlic out after it gets brown. Coat the formed meatballs in breadcrumbs mixed with flour and fry till they get brown. Leave for about 10-15 minutes. Serve with mashed potatoes, vegetables, seasonal salad or red cabbage, carrot, onion and oil salad. 1 spoon of butter ½ glass of broth (from concentrate) 1 spoon of breadcrumbs 1 egg and 1 egg white 2 spoons of chopped dill 1 spoon of tomato concentrate salt, pepper paprika oil 2 cloves of garlic flour for coating the meatballs MIELONE MEATBALLS 47 Składniki: Ingredients : Składniki: Ingredients : 1 kg żeberek olej do smażenia włoszczyzna liść laurowy kilka ziaren pieprzu ziele angielskie cebula sól, mąka 2 jajka bułka tarta olej i smalec do smażenia (50/50) 1 kilo of pork ribs oil for frying 1 bunch of mixed vegetables bay leaf a few grains of pepper pimento onion salt, flour 2 eggs breadcrumbs oil and lard for frying (50/50) 2 kilogramy karpia 4 duże cebule 25 dekagramów masła masło i olej (50/50) do smażenia sól, mąka jajka bułka tarta przyprawy rozbite w moździerzu: liść laurowy czarny pieprz ostra papryczka kilka ziarenek kolendry 2 kilos of carp 4 big onions 250 g of butter butter and oil (50/50) for frying salt, flour eggs breadcrumbs seasonings smashed in a mortar: bay leaf black pepper pimento a few grains of coriander Przygotowanie : Preparation: Przygotowanie: Preparation: Zagotować wodę w dużym garnku, dodać włoszczyznę, przyprawy i sól. Pokroić żeberka na 8 części, włożyć do gotującej się wody i gotować do czasu aż mięso zmięknie. Wyciągnąć żeberka i usunąć wszystkie kości. Następnie odstawić mięso aż ostygnie. 20 minut przed podaniem żeberka należy posypać mąką i zamoczyć w jajku i w bułce tartej. Smażyć na tłuszczu aż się zarumienią. Podawać na gorąco. Można podawać z frytkami lub zapiekanym pure ziemniaczanym. Dawniej żeberka jadano przeważnie jako danie główne w niedzielę lub podczas wakacji przez chłopów, którzy pracowali ciężko w polu i potrzebowali energii do ciężkiej pracy, ale nie często, ponieważ żeberka były zbyt drogie. Były podawane z ziemniakami i kapustą. Danie było bardzo tłuste i syte. Obecnie żeberka są przygotowywane na wiele innych sposobów. Dodawanych jest więcej składników takich jak miód, cebula, musztarda lub różne warzywa. W lecie ludzie w Polsce często degustują w potrawach z żeberek podczas grillowania w ogródkach. Boil water in a large pot, add the mixed vegetables, seasonings, salt. Cut the ribs into 8 pieces, put them into boiling water and boil till the meat is soft. Take the ribs out, remove all bones and leave meat to cool down. 20 minutes before serving sprinkle the ribs with flour, coat them in eggs and breadcrumbs. Fry in fat till they get brown on both sides. Serve straight from the frying pan. Serve with chips or casseroled potato puree. Umytą rybę pokrój w kawałki. Pokrój cebulę w cienkie plastry, obsyp rybę przyprawami, posól i połóż w garnku jeden kawałek ryby później cebulę, następnie kolejny kawałek ryby itd. Przykryj garnek i odstaw w chłodne miejsce na około 12 godzin. Wyciągnij rybę z garnka i około godzinę przed podaniem potrawy posyp mąką każdy jej kawałek, następnie ułóż w ubitych jajkach i bułce tartej. Smażone porcje wsadź do brytfanki i na każdy kawałek ryby połóż odrobinę masła. Zakryj brytfankę i odłóż w ciepłe miejsce. Podsmaż plastry cebuli, którymi zakrywałeś wcześniej rybę, w oleju i maśle, które służyły do usmażenia ryby. Podawaj na ciepłym talerzu udekorowanym smażonymi plastrami cebuli. Cut the cleaned and washed fish into pieces. Cut the onion into thin slices, rub the seasonings into the fish, salt and lay a first layer of fish in a pot and then add another layer with onions and again fish and onions. Cover the pot and leave in a cool place for about 12 hours. Take the fish from the pot and about an hour before serving the meal sprinkle flour on each piece of fish, then coat them in whisked eggs and breadcrumbs. Put the fried portions into a roasting pan and put some butter on each piece of fish. Cover the roasting pan and keep in a warm place. Fry the slices of onion which covered the fish earlier in the oil and butter which was used to fry the fish. Serve on a warm platter decorated with fried slices of onion. In the past zeberka were mainly eaten as the main dish on Sundays or during holidays by the peasants who worked hard in the fields and needed energy for hard work, but not very often as they were expensive. They were served with potatoes and cabbage. The dish was very fatty and filling. Nowadays zeberka are prepared in many different ways. More ingredients are added such as honey, onions, mustard or various vegetables. In the summer people in Poland often taste zeberka while having a barbecue in their gardens. ŻEBERKA PORK RIBS 48 Jest to jedno z dwunastu dań serwowanych podczas wieczerzy Bożonarodzeniowej w Polsce. Przed wieczerzą kupowany karp jest żywy i trzymany w wannie w domu. Dzieci cieszą się na widok pływającej ryby. Później ryba jest zabijana przez najodważniejszego członka rodziny, przygotowana i podana z pomidorami bądź kapustą, chrzanem lub chlebem. Jest to naprawdę smaczne KARP PO STAROPOLSKU CARP IN OLD FASHIONED WAY 49 Składniki: Ingredients : Ciasto: 2 ½ szklanki mąki 1 jajo ½ szklanki ciepłej wody 2 łyżki oleju szczypta soli mąka do podsypania Pastry: 2 ½ glasses of flour 1 egg ½ glass of warm water 2 spoons of oil 1 pinch of salt flour for the sprinkling board Farsz: 1 szklanka gotowanych ziemniaków 25 dekagramów sera 2 cebule 2 łyżki do podsmażenia cebuli sól i pieprz Filling: 1 glass of boiled potatoes 250 g of cottage cheese 2 onions 2 spoons of oil to fry the onions salt and pepper Przygotowanie: Preparation: Usmaż pokrojoną w kostkę cebulę na maśle, zmiel ziemniaki i ser, połącz wszystko. Dopraw do smaku. Wymieszaj mąkę i jajo z dodatkiem soli w misce, dodaj jajo, olej, wodę i wymieszaj. Wyrób ciasto na stolnicy tak by było miękkie. Podziel ciasto na dwie części przykryj ścierką i odłóż na 10 minut. Przygotuj farsz, musi być taki by trzymał nadaną formę. Rozwałkuj ciasto na stolnicy i wykrój krążki szklanką lub innym narzędziem. Nałóż farsz na krążki i uformuj pierogi. Gotuj na wolnym ogniu w gotującej się wodzie z dodatkiem soli przez ok. 3-4 minuty. Odcedź pierogi i podawaj gorące polane podsmażoną cebulką. Dough: Mix the flour and salt in a deep bowl. Add the egg, oil and water to make a medium soft dough. Knead on board until the dough is smooth. Divide the dough into 2 parts. Cover and leave for 10 minutes. Prepare the filling. Potato and cheese filling: Cook the onion in butter until tender. Combine potatoes and cheese. Season to taste with salt and pepper. The filling should be thick enough to hold its shape. Roll out a thin dough on a floured board. Cut rounds with the open end of a glass. Place a spoonful of filling on it, fold over to form a half circle and join edges together with the fingers. Place the pierogis on the floured board or a tea towel and then cover with another tea towel to prevent from drying out. Cooking: drop a few pierogies into a large quantity of boiling water. Stir gently and cook for about 3-4 minutes. Drain, place on plates and sprinkle generously with chopped fried onion and melted butter. ‘PIEROGI’ WITH POTATO AND CHEESE FILLING 50 Składniki: Ingredients : 1 duża głowa kapusty niedogotowany ryż 25 dekagramów wieprzowiny 1 cebula przyprawy do smaku: sól, pieprz, czosnek 1 puszka przecieru pomidorowego 1 duża puszka pomidorów plasterki bekonu pokrojone w paski 1 large head of cabbage regular uncooked rice 250 g pork 1 onion seasoning to taste: salt, pepper, garlic powder 1 can tomato soup 1 large can tomatoes bacon strips Przygotowanie: Preparation: Usunąć głąb kapusty i gotować dopóki nie zmięknie. Ugotować ryż według wskazówek na opakowaniu. Wieprzowinę i cebulę pokroić na małe kawałki i smażyć dopóki nie będzie krucha. Poczekać do wystygnięcia kapusty. Zdejmować delikatnie każdą warstwę, uważając by nie pękła. Zmiękczyć twarde żebro na końcu każdego liścia. Zmieszać ryż, dodając wieprzowinę i przyprawy. Łyżkę farszu włożyć w środek liścia i zagiąć na boku, następnie zagiąć na górze i na dole, tworząc tzw. paczkę. Umieścić faszerowaną kapustę w dużej patelni pokryta zewnętrznymi liśćmi. Puszkę przecieru pomidorowego zmieszać z ½ litra wody i przelać do patelni. Dodać ½ puszki pomidorów. Na wierzchu położyć kilka liści i plasterków bekonu pokrojonego w paski. Zalać resztą pomidorów. Zalać i piec w 350˚ przez 2 godziny. Podawać z sosem pomidorowym. To danie może być przygotowane bez mięsa, lecz z warzywami. Tak również smakuje pysznie. Gołąbki są tradycyjnym polskim daniem zrobionym z lekko ugotowanych liści kapusty, które są zawinięte w tzw. paczkę. W skład farszu wchodzi pokrojona wieprzowina lub wołowina, posiekana cebula i ryż lub jęczmień. Bardzo często podaje się pieczony i odsmażany w ostrym lub słodko-kwaśnym sosie pomidorowym. Take out the core of the cabbage and boil the cabbage until tender. Follow the direction on the rice package for cooking rice. Cut pork and onion into small pieces and fry until crisp. Cool the cabbage. Remove each layer gently; be careful not to crack. Slice off tough ribbing at the end of each leaf. Mix rice, pork and seasonings carefully. Spoon the mixture onto a leaf and fold in sides, then fold in top & bottom, making a package. Place the stuffed cabbage in a large pan lined with outer leaves. Pour the tomato soup mixed with ½ liter of water into the pan. Add ½ can of tomatoes. Put a few leaves on top with bacon strips. Cover with the rest of the tomatoes. Cover and bake at 350° for 2 hours. Serve with tomato sauce. This dish can be prepared without any meat which can be substituted by some vegetables. It also tastes delicious. Gołąbki are a traditional Polish dish made from lightly boiled cabbage leaves, which are wrapped in a parcel-like manner around minced pork or beef, chopped onions and/or rice or barley; most often baked and refried in a spicy or sweet-sour tomato sauce. GOŁĄBKI STUFFED CABBAGE 51 Składniki: Ingredients: 10 dużych ziemniaków 2 jaja 1 cebula ½ szklanki mąki olej sól, pieprz 10 big potatoes 2 eggs 1 big onion ½ glass of flour oil salt, pepper Przygotowanie: Preparation: Ziemniaki obrać, umyć i zetrzeć na tarce o drobnych oczkach. Cebulę obrać i zetrzeć na tarce o grubych oczkach (można drobno posiekać) i wymieszać z ziemniakami. Dodać jajko i mąkę, przyprawić solą i pieprzem. Wszystko dokładnie wymieszać. Olej rozgrzać na patelni. Ciasto nakładać łyżką na patelnię i smażyć z obu stron cienkie placki ziemniaczane Grate potatoes and onion, put in a bowl, wait for some time till the juice appears and strain. Add eggs, flour, salt, pepper and mix everything. If the mass is too watery put some more flour but not too much. Heat some oil in a frying pan and put in the mass using a table spoon making round or oval pancakes up to 1 centimeter thick. Fry both sides and put the pancakes on a paper towel to drain off the oil. Put 2 pancakes on a plate and serve with sour cream on top. This dish is popular with stew and grated cheese. This was and still is one of the most popular dishes in Poland. Because of the economic shortage in the past people were forced to be very economical and that is why they looked for cheap, easy and fast meals for preparing to save money, energy and time. Potatoes were and still are basic ingredients in many dishes as they are easy to grow and the harvest usually is big. Nowadays it is still very popular and many different variations of this dish appear for example with stew or cottage cheese. ‘PLACKI ZIEMNIACZANE’ POTATO PAN CAKES 52 Składniki: Ingredients: 1 kg ziemniaków 6 łyżek mąki ziemniaczanej 1-2 jajka 4 łyżki mąki pszennej sól 1 kg potatoes 6 tablespoon of potato flour 1- 2 large eggs 4 tablespoon of flour salt Przygotowanie: Preparation: Ziemniaki obrać i ugotować. Gdy ostygną przepuścić przez maszynkę, dodać jajka i mąkę ziemniaczaną. Posolić i zagnieść na gładkie ciasto. Na płaskim talerzu rozsypać mąkę pszenną. Z ciasta uformować małe kulki, każdą spłaszczyć i na środku zrobić mały dołek, obtoczyć w mące. Wrzucać porcję klusek do osolonego wrzątku trzymać pod przykryciem, aż woda ponownie się zagotuje. Zmniejszyć ogień i gotować kluski dopóki nie wypłyną na powierzchnię. Wyjmować łyżką cedzakową i podobnie postępować z resztą klusek. Podawać polane skwarkami ze słoninki lub jako dodatek do mięsa zamiast ziemniaków. Kluski śląskie są bardzo popularne w rejonie śląska, południowo zachodniej części Polski. Można wyszczególnić dwa rodzaje klusek, białe i czarne, które różnią się od siebie smakiem i wyglądem. Mają one charakterystyczne zagłębienie w środku. Kluski śląskie ze smażoną wołowiną i czerwoną kapustą są tradycyjnym i bardzo popularnym niedzielnym posiłkiem w wielu Śląskich rodzinach. Nadają się do ponownego odgrzania i podania z różnymi dodatkami. Boil the potatoes and mash them. Divide the mash into 4 parts and add the flour to match exactly one part of the mashed potatoes (in a relation 4:1). Add the eggs and mix everything. The dough should be like ‚modeling clay‘. It shouldn‘t be too dry or your dumplings will dissolve in the water. Form small balls and make a little hole with your finger, that‘s a traditional shape of the Silesian dumplings. Put them into boiling salted water. Boil them approximately 3 minutes from the moment in which they float on the surface. If you want to freeze them do that either before or after the boiling - both ways will be OK. Silesian dumplings( Polish:Kluski śląskie, Silesian: Gumiklyjzy,Silesian German: Schläsche Kließla,), are potato dumplings very popular in Silesia in the south – west of Poland. They are also popular in neighbouring regions. There are two major varieties: white dumplings and black dumplings, with quite different appearance and taste. The dumplings often feature a small hole or depression in the center. The dish consisting of the dumplings, fried beef roulades with rich gravy, and boiled red cabbage is (or used to be) an invariable component of the Sunday dinner in many traditional Silesian families. Left-over dumplings can be reheated or fried (like potatoes) for supper and eaten with left-over gravy, butter or many other kinds of sauces. ‘KLUSKI ŚLĄSKIE’ SILESIAN DUMPLINGS 53 Składniki: Ingredients: 60 dag maki 1 szklanka miodu 20 dag cukru ½ szklanki ciemnego piwa 6 żółtek 1 opakowanie przyprawy imbirowej 3 łyżeczki oliwy 1 łyżeczka sody oczyszczonej 3 dag drożdży 15 dag dżemu śliwkowego sól 600 g of flour 1 glass of honey 200 g of sugar ½ glass of dark beer 6 yolks 1 packet of ginger seasoning 3 spoons of oil 1 spoon of baking soda 30 g of yeast 150 g of plum jam salt Przygotowanie : Preparation: Podgrzej miód, następnie dodaj przyprawę imbirową. Ubij jajka z cukrem, dodaj miód, drożdże, oliwę, dżem śliwkowy, piwo, mąkę oraz szczyptę soli. Wymieszaj wszystko razem. Przełóż powstałą masę do formy i piecz przez 60min. Kiedy ciasto będzie gotowe, posyp go zmieloną czekoladą. Heat honey, add ginger seasoning. Whip yolks with sugar, join with honey, add yeast, oil, plum jam, beer, flour and a pinch of salt. Mix everything, put the mass into a form and bake in an oven for about 1 hour. When it is ready you can pour some melted chocolate on the cake. PIERNIK GINGERBREAD CAKE 54 Składniki: Ingredients : 25 dag masła 60 dag twarogu 40 dag cukru pudru 12 jajek wanillia świeża starta skórka z cytryny 2 łyżki mąki pszennej kruche ciasto 250 g of butter 600 g of cottage cheese 400 g of icing sugar 12 eggs vanilla fresh grated skin of a lemon 2 tablespoons of wheat flour wafer or shortcrust cake as a base Przygotowanie: Preparation: Utrzeć masło z cukrem na puszystą masę. Dodać żółtka i ser. Do masy dodać białka z dwoma łyżkami mąki pszennej. Wyłożyć wszystko na kruche ciasto i piec w piekarniku, w temperaturze 160 stopni Celsjusza przez 90 minut. Wyjąć upieczone i posypać cukrem pudrem.Dawniej większość ludzi żyjących na wsi przygotowywała potrawy z produktów z własnych gospodarstw. Chłopi produkowali masło i ser z krowiego mleka. Ludzie hodowali kury, które znosiły jajka, a chłopi uprawiali zboże. Dawniej przepisy nie zawierały takich składników jak cytryna czy vanillia. Ciasta serowe przygotowywano w prosty sposób. Były bardzo popularne podczas świąt Bożego Narodzenia i Wielkanocy. Beat the butter till its fluffy, add icing sugar, yolks and cheese. Whip egg whites, put to the mass and add 2 tablespoons of flour. Join stirring gently and put wafer into a form, spread the mass on top of it and bake in an oven (160 degrees Celsius) for about 90 minutes. Take out when it’s baked and sprinkle some icing sugar on it. In the past most people living in the countryside had food from their own farms. Peasants produced cheese and butter from cows’ milk. Other ingredients for making cheese cake came also from their farms as farmers kept chickens for meat and eggs and they grew cereals. In the past recipes did not contain such ingredients as lemon or vanilla because of the obvious reasons but simple versions of cheese cake were very popular especially during Christmas or Easter. SERNIK CHEESE CAKE 55 Składniki: Ingredients: 50 dag mąki tortowej 2 łyżki stołowe cukru pudru 3-4 łyżki stołowe kwaśnej śmietany ??? 5 żółtek 1 łyżka stołowa masła Cukier puder do posypania Tłuszcz do smażenia 500 g of cake flour 2 tablespoons of icing sugar 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream 1 tablespoon of spirit (e.g. rum, kirsch, vodka) 5 egg yolks 1 tablespoon of butter icing sugar for sprinkling fat for frying (lard) Przygotowanie : Preparation: Przesiać mąkę na stolnicę, dodać cukier puder, kwaśną śmietanę, spirytus i delikatnie ugniatać. Dodać żółtka i ugniatać (niezbyt mocno). Przykryć ciasto aby zachowało elastyczność podczas przeplatania. Wziąć kawałek ciasta i rozwałkować (niezbyt cienko) , pociąć na paski 3 cm szerokości. Paski ponacinać na środku, wzdłuż, wziąć jeden koniec i przełożyć przez otwór , tworząc rodzaj splotu. Wlać tłuszcz do garnka i rozgrzać. Sprawdzić temperaturę wkładając do niego plasterek ziemniaka (tłuszcz jest gotowy jeśli ziemniak wypłynie na powierzchnię). Włożyć kawałki splecionego ciasta na rozgrzany tłuszcz i smażyć na jednej stronie aż do uzyskania złotego koloru i odwrócić na drugą stronę. Kiedy będą gotowe wyjąć, położyć na papierowy ręcznik aby tłuszcz odciekł i posypać cukrem pudrem. Tradycja jedzenia chrustu (inna nazwa faworków) jest związana z tłustym czwartkiem. Jest to dzień poprzedzający czas postu. Faworki są bardzo słodkie i tłuste, smażone w głębokim tłuszczu i podawane na ciepło z cukrem pudrem. Sieve flour on the board, add icing sugar, sour cream and spirit and knead gently. Add egg yolks and knead (not too much). Cover pastry to keep it fresh while making twists. Take a piece of pastry, roll it with a rolling pin (not too thin), cut into 3 centimeter wide strips. Cut the strips in the middle, take one end and put through the hole making a kind of twist. Heat fat in a pot and check temperature putting a slice of potato (the fat is ready if potato floats on the surface). Put the pastry twists into the fat and fry on one side till it gets a golden colour and turn it over. When it’s ready take it out, put on a paper towel to soak the fat and sprinkle with icing sugar. The tradition of eating Chrust (it is another name for Faworki) is connected with SHROVE TUESDAY. It is the day before the period of Lent. Faworki are very sweet and fatty, they are fried in deep oil and served hot with icing sugar. FAWORKI PASTRY TWISTS 56 Składniki: Ingredients : 1 szklanka mąki tortowej 1 szklanka mąki ziemniaczanej 2 budynie śmietankowe 1 szklanka cukru pudru 25dag masła 4 jajka 1 stołowa łyżka proszku do pieczenia czekolada tłuszcz do posmarowania formy bułka tarta do opsypania formy 1 glass of cake flour 1 glass of potato flour 2 cream puddings 1 glass of icing sugar 250 g of butter 4 eggs, 1 table spoon of baking powder chocolate fat for the form breadcrumbs for the form Przygotowanie: Preparation: Utrzyj masło z cukrem pudrem i dodaj żółtka jednocześnie cały czas mieszając. Dodaj przesianą mąkę, budynie i proszek do pieczenia, a następnie mieszaj przez 4 minuty. Pod koniec mieszania dodaj ubite białka. Posmaruj formę tłuszczem i posyp bułką tartą. Wlej ciasto do formy i włóż do piekarnika rozgrzanego do 180 stopni Celsjusza i piecz przez około 50 minut lub więcej w razie potrzeby. Gdy ciasto będzie gotowe wyjmij z piekarnika i pozostaw na około 10 minut do wystygnięcia. Następnie polej czekoladą. Ciasto zazwyczaj podawane jest na Wielkanoc. Beat the butter with the icing sugar and add egg yolks, one at the time, stirring all the time. After the ingredients have combined add the sieved flours, puddings and baking powder and mix for about 4 minutes. By the end of mixing add the beaten egg white. Spread the fat on the form and sprinkle it with breadcrumbs. Pour the dough into the form and put it into an oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius and bake for about 50 minutes or more if needed. When it’s ready, take the cake out of the oven and leave for about 10 minutes. Later put it on a plate or some board and pour melted chocolate on it. This cake is usually served on Easter time. BABKA WIELKANOCNA EASTER BUN CAKE 57 Iaşi Romania Romania Romania is situated in the southeastern part of Central Europe and shares borders with Hungary to the northwest, Serbia to the southwest, Bulgaria to the south, the Black Sea to the southeast, Ukraine to the east and to the north and the Republic of Moldova to the east. Romania is the second largest country in the area, after Poland. Romania‘s territory features splendid mountains, beautiful rolling hills, fertile plains and numerous rivers and lakes. The Carpathian Mountains traverse the centre of the country bordered on both sides by foothills and finally the great plains of the outer rim. Forests cover over one quarter of the country and the fauna is one of the richest in Europe including bears, deer, lynx, chamois and wolves. The Danube River ends its journey of almost 1864 miles through Europe in south-eastern Romania. Here the river divides into 3 frayed branches (Chilia, Sulina, Sfântu Gheorghe) forming the Danube Delta. It is the newest land in the country, with beaches expanding almost 65 feet into the sea every year. Overall, the delta is a triangular swampy area of marshes, floating reed islands and sandbanks. It is a UNESCO Biosphere Reservation as well as a protected wetland and natural habitat for rare species of plants and animals. About a third of the country consists of the Carpathian Mountains (also known as the Transylvanian Alps). Another third is hills and plateaus, rich with orchards and vineyards. The final third is a fertile plain, largely devoted to agriculture. About 21,700,000 people live in Romania. Ethnic breakdown is 89% Romanian 7.5% Hungarian, 1.9% Gypsy, German, Ukrainian, Armenian, Croatian, Serbian and Turkish. More than 55% of Romania‘s population lives in towns and cities. There are 263 towns in Romania out of which 25 have a population of more than 100,000 while 8 cities count more than 300,000 inhabitants. The administrative division is called „judet“ (county). There are 41 counties in Romania. Iaşi Political, economic and cultural centre of the province of Moldavia 60 61 The capital city, Bucharest, has the status of a county. It has a population of more than 2,200,000. Moldova Moldova County is situated in the Northeastern Romania - between the Carpathian Mountains and the Prut River. Bucovina is situated in the northern part of the region of Moldova, bordering with Ukraine. Moldova has an area of 36,850 sq km. and a population of approximately 4.5 million inhabitants. This is the largest of the eight regions of the country and it is made up of six counties: Suceava, Botosani, Neamt, Iasi, Vaslui, and Bacau. The main cities are: Iasi, Suceava, Bacau, Piatra Neamt, and Botosani. Nestled in the rolling hills of northern Moldova is the region of Bucovina, home to one of the world’s greatest art treasures: the UNESCO World heritage sites of the Painted Monasteries of Bucovina. Built in the 15th and 16th centuries and featuring colorful exterior frescoes depicting dramatic religious scenes, these richly decorated houses of worship are unique in the world. 62 The most famous of these, often called “the Sistine Chapel of the East”, is Voronet Monastery. Erected in 1438 by Stefan the Great, its most stunning feature is a Last Judgment fresco painted – as at all the churches – on the exterior façade. The blue paint that has miraculously never faded is known throughout the world as ‘Voronet blue’. The artists here worked in isolation, guarding their trade secrets and to this day, the composition of the paint remains a mystery. Other painted churches not to be missed include Sucevita, with its distinctive greens, and Humor , where the frescoes are predominantly red. Also nearby are, Arbore , Dragomirna, Moldovita , and Putna monasteries. Agapia is one of the largest nun monasteries in the Orthodox world. It was painted by Nicolae Grigorescu, a famous Romanian painter. A visit to Moldova would not be complete without some stunning nature walks through Ceahlau National Park, Romania’s Olympus – the sacred mountain of the Dacians, the forefathers of the Romanian people. Make sure you bring binoculars as some 90 species of birds can be seen in the park area. Hikers won’t want to pass up taking a crack at the Bicaz Gores, a steep, twisting-andturning climb more than three miles long. Here tourists can also see The Red Lake, the name of which comes from the reddish alluvia deposited in the lake by the Red Creek. For centuries, Moldova has been renowned for its vineyards and wines. One third of the wine growing surface of Romania is to be found in this part of the country. Iasi Iasi is the most important political, economic and cultural centre of the province of Moldavia as well as one of the oldest cities in Romania. Located in the northeastern part of the country, Iasi was for many centuries the crossing point of the most important commercial routes linking Poland, Hungary, Russia and Constantinople. Deeply rooted in history, Iasi has been the main centre of Moldavian culture since 1408. The city prides itself with publishing the first Romanian newspaper and establishing the first Romanian university. Today, Iasi is home to five universities. Over the past 600 years, history, culture and religious life have molded the city‘s unique character. Iasi boasts an impressi- ve number of Orthodox churches, almost 100, most of them located in the so-called Golden Plateau (Platoul de Aur). The oldest, the Princely Saint Nicholas Church, dates from the reign of Stephen the Great (Stefan cel Mare, 1457-1504). The finest, however, are the 17th century St. Paraschiva Metropolitan Cathedral and Trei Ierarhi Church, the last a curious example of Byzantine art, erected in 1635-1639 by Vasile Lupu. Its outer walls and twin towers are intricately carved in what many think of as stone lace. In 1565, Iasi became the capital of Moldavia and for a short period of time, from 1859 until 1862, the capital of Romania. The Golden Plateau represents the nucleus of the city, around which the entire settlement developed over the centuries. With the Palace of Culture at one end and theUnion Square (Piata Unirii) at the other, the Golden Plateau features churches and princely palaces on both sides of Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Boulevard, which runs right through its centre. Many other important sites can be found on nearby streets. The Palace of Culture - This remarkable construction (1906-1925), built in 63 flamboyant neogothic style, stands partly on the ruins of a medieval royal court mentioned in documents dating from 1434. Today, the 365-room palace houses the Gheorghe Asachi Library and four of the city‘s museums: the Moldavian History Museum, the Ethnographic Museum, the Museum of Art and the Museum of Science and Technology. Built in Italian Renaissance style, the St. Paraschiva Metropolitan Cathedral is the largest Orthodox Church in Romania. The vast interior was painted in 1887 by Gheorghe Tattarescu and the stained glass windows were completed by a Bavarian factory in Munich. Every October 14, pilgrims from all corners of Romania and neighbouring countries flock to Iasi to kneel before the blue and gold bier containing the relics of Saint Paraschiva, the patron saint of the cathedral. The Church of the Three Hierarchs (constructed 1637 - 1639) is highlighted as a must-see in every guidebook. Nothing can prepare you, though, for its stunning ornate decoration: the entire exterior of the church is covered in delicate and intricate patterns sculpted into the stone and spread over 30 friezes. This „stone 64 embroidery“ is a mixture of western gothic, Renaissance and Oriental motifs. Legend has it that the exterior was covered in gold, silver and lapis lazuli but centuries ago, the invaders sat the church on fire and melted all the gold. Roznovanu Palace - This neoclassical Viennese-style palace was built in 1832 to the design of Gustav Frey Wald. Its façade was decorated with marble statues of mythological characters such as Diana and Apollo and it was said to be grander than all other mansions in Iasi. The palace burned down in 1844 and was rebuilt by Nicolae Rosetti Roznovanu. In 1891, the building became the City Hall but two years later, was transformed into a royal residence. Today, it once again serves as the City Hall. Moldova Philharmonic House -Built in 1815 by Alexandru Bals, this house became the venue of choice for theatre performances in Iasi. On January 18, 1847, the famous composer, Franz Liszt, played here. In 1868, Monsignor Salandarie founded the Catholic Institute here, enlarging the building and adding a spacious extension, which today, houses the Moldavia Philharmonic. The old building is home to the George Enescu Conservatoire. The National Theatre-Built in the late 19th century on the site of the old City Hall, this is one of the most elegant buildings in Romania. Richly decorated in Frencheclectic style, the theatre has one of the most splendid auditoriums in the country. It can seat 1,000 people and the acoustics are excellent. The theatre bears the name of the company‘s founder, Vasile Alecsandri (1821-1890), a renowned Romanian poet, playwright, politician and diplomat. “Al. I. Cuza” University, the main university, was built between 1893 and 1897. The Hall of the University, known as The Hall of the Lost Footsteps, served as a parliamentary debating chamber between 1917 and 1918. In 1967, the painter Sabin Balasa created a series of strongly romanticized frescoes for the arcades. The Central University Library -Located at the base of Copou Hill, this triangular building with Doric columns and cupola was built between 1930 and 1935. The building was decorated with Carrara marble and Venetian mosaics. By 1945, the Foundation library had become one of the biggest in the country with more than 300,000 volumes. Today, the library is the largest in Moldavia, with a great number of manuscripts and old books from the 15th to the 19th centuries. The Botanical Garden-Dating from 1856 and covering some 250 acres, it is the oldest and largest in Romania An educational and scientific laboratory, the garden houses a precious and rich collection of trees and plants. It also offers numerous shady lanes to explore, rose and orchid gardens, a collection of tropical plants, cacti, carnivorous plants, natural springs and a lake. Cetatuia Monastery -Located on a vast plateau, accessible from the city by road or a brave foot climb through the forest, Cetatuia Monastery (cetatuia means „fortress“) conceals within its walls an ensemble of white stone buildings with black tops. In addition to the church, the monastery has preserved a gothic hall, a museum of medieval art and its famous wine cellars with wine obtained from its own vineyard. Foreign visitors consider Romanians among the friendliest and most hospitable people on earth. Romanians are by nature fun loving, warm, hospitable and playful, with an innate sense of humor. 65 OUA INCONDE IATE I E URZIC BORŞ D TOCHIT U ROMÂN RĂ EASCĂ PASCA SCĂ MOLDOVENEA 66 APERITIVE APERITIVS 68 LEGENDA OULUI I ÎNCONDEIAT OUĂ ÎNCONDEIATE DROB DE MIEL PATE DIN FICAT DE PASĂRE PÂRJOALE MOLDOVENEŞTI TOBĂ THE LEGEND OF THE DECORATED EGG DECORATED EGGS LAMB DROB CHICKEN LIVER PATE MOLDAVIAN PÂRJOALE “DRUM” 68 69 70 71 72 73 CIORBE SOUPS 74 BORŞ MOLDOVENESC CIORBA RĂDĂUŢEANĂ BORŞ CU TĂIŢEI BORŞ DE URZICI BORŞ DE CHITICI BORŞ MOLDAVIAN BORTSCH RADAUTEANA CHICKEN SOUR SOUP NOODLE BORSHT NETTLE BORSHT SOUR SOUP FROM SMALL FISH BORSHT 74 75 76 77 78 79 FEL PRINCIPAL MAIN DISH 80 MASA URSITOARELOR. TOCHITURA TOCHITURĂ ROMÂNEASCĂ TOCANĂ ŢĂRĂNEASCĂ DE PURCEL MANCARURI TRADIȚIONALE DE CRACIUN. SARMALE SARMALE MOLDOVENEŞTI RĂCITURĂ DE COCOŞ PUI CU SMÂNTÂNĂ THE MEAL OF THE FATE SISTERS ROMANIAN STEW PESANT PIGLET STEW TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS DISHES SARMALE MOLDAVIAN SARMALE JELLIED CHICKEN CHICKEN WITH SOUR CREAM 80 81 82 DESERTURI DESSERTS 87 PAŞTELE LA ROMĂNI. PASCA PASCA MOLDOVENEASCĂ PLĂCINTE „POALE-N BRÂU„ COZONAC COLIVA ALIVENCI PRAJITURA ROMÂNEASCĂ ŞI TRADIŢIA RECENTĂ TORT JOFFRE EASTER IN ROMANIA. PASCA (EASTER CAKE) 87 MOLDAVIAN PASCA 88 “SKIRTS-UP” 89 COZONAC 90 KOLIVO 91 ALIVENCI 92 ROMANIAN COOKIES AND THE RECENT TRADITION 93 JOFFRE CAKE 94 83 84 85 86 67 Simbolul celei mai importante sărbatori din calendarul creştin ortodox este oul. Tradiţia populară spune că, la răstignirea lui Iisus Hristos, Maica Domnului a adus un coş cu ouă pe care a vrut să le dea paznicilor. Aceştia au refuzat darul, batjocorindu-L şi mai mult pe Iisus. Plângând în hohote, Maica Domnului a lăsat coşul la picioarele Răstignitului. Sângele, şiroind din trup, a împestriţat ouăle. Uitându-se la ele, Iisus Hristos a şoptit că din acea zi toţi creştinii vor vopsi ouă roşii. În felul acesta, ouăle roşii au devenit un simbol al Învierii Mântuitorului Dar mai există şi alte variante, în tradiţia populară. Legenda ouălelor roşii: două fete tinere, o romancă si o evreică, se întorceau de la targ cu cosurile pline cu ouă. Ele vorbeau pe drum despre credinţa crestină şi despre Domnul Iisus Hristos. Auzind despre Înviere de la romancă, evreica spunea că nu este adevărat, precum ouăle din coşurile lor sunt albe şi nu roşii. Uitându-se în coşuri, au văzut că ouăle se înroşiseră şi, de frică, au leşinat. Doi tineri care treceau pe acolo le-au stropit cu apa, iar când fetele s-au trezit le-au dăruit ouă roşii. In amintirea acestei zile, băieţii stropeau cu apă fetele a doua zi de Paşti şi primeau în schimb ouă roşii. Un obicei în ziua de Paşti era că, la masă, gospodarul să ciocnească un ou roşu cu soţia sa pentru a se întâlni în lumea cealaltă. Oul se tăia apoi în feliuţe mici din care mâncau toţi membrii familiei. Ei credeau că, dacă au mâncat aceste feliuţe, dacă se vor rătaci în pădure, va fi suficient să îşi amintească cu cine au mancat oul de Paşti ca să găsească drumul. Obiceiul încondeierii ouălelor este prezent mai ales in Moldova, dar şi in Vrancea. O foarte frumoasă datină se pastrează în Maramures. Dimineaţa în prima zi de Paşti, copiii (pâna la vârsta de 9 ani) merg la prieteni şi la vecini să le anunţe Învierea Domnului. Gazda dăruieşte fiecărui urător un ou roşu. La plecare, copiii mulţumesc pentru dar şi urează gospodarilor “Sărbatori fericite”. La aceasta sărbatoare, pragul casei trebuie trecut mai întâi de un băiat, pentru ca în acea gospodărie să nu fie discordie tot restul anului. 68 The symbol of the most important OrthodoxChristian holiday is the egg. The folk tradition says that, at Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, the Virgin Mary, the mother of Christ, brought a basket of eggs which She intended to give to the guards. They refused the gift, mocking even more at Him. Weeping bitterly, the Virgin Mary put the basket at the legs of the crucified One. His blood, flowing from His body, painted the eggs red. In this way, the red eggs became a symbol of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. But in the Romanian folk tradition, there are also other alternative stories. According to another Romanian legend about the red eggs, two young girls, a Romanian girl and a Jewish one, were coming back from the local market, with their baskets full of eggs. On their way back, they were talking about the Christian faith and about our Lord, Jesus Christ. Hearing from the Romanian girl about the resurrection, the Jewish girl contradicted her by saying that, just like the eggs from the basket which are white and not red, also the story cannot be true. But looking into their baskets, they saw how the eggs had turned red and, for fear, they fainted. Two young men, passing by, threw water on them and when the girls woke up, they gave them the red eggs as a gift. In order to remember that day, the legend says that the boys should throw water on the girls and receive red eggs in return. A custom on The Easter day is that the head of the family should hit two red eggs with his wife so as to be able to meet in the afterlife. Then, the egg is cut into small pieces and is eaten by all members of the family. It is believed that if you eat the pieces of the egg and you are, at one point, lost in a forest, it will be enough to remember with whom you had eaten the Easter egg and then you will find the right path. A very beautiful custom is kept in the Maramures region. On the first morning of Easter, the children (up to 9 years old), go to friends and neighbours and announce the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The host offers to each of them a red egg. On their leave, the children express their gratitude and wish “A Happy holiday!” to the hosts. Ingrediente: Ingredients: Ouă fierte sau golite de conţinut condei ceară de albine culori (galben, roşu, negru) naturale sau sintetice slănină pentru luciu. Boiled eggs or eggs emptied of their content a quill bee wax paints (yellow, red, black), which can be either made of natural ingredients or chemical fat for gloss Preparare: Preparation: Ouăle, spălate cu puţin detergent (pentru degresare) şi bine limpezite, se fierb la foc mic aprox. 15 minute. Între timp se Încălzeşte ceara de albine într-un vas metalic cu pereţii nu prea înalţi. Când devine lichidă, înmuiem condeiul în ceară şi începem să „scriem“ oul. Îl împărţim în două, apoi în patru, în funcţie de modelul pe care vrem să-l folosim. Când am terminat modelul de bază, scufundăm ouăle în culoare galbenă (la temperatura camerei, ca să nu se topească ceara şi să se strice modelul). După ce culoarea s-a prins de ou (10-15 minute), scoatem ouăle pe hârtie absorbantă şi le lăsăm să se zvânte. Acoperim cu ceară toate porţiunile care vrem să rămană galbene. Scufundăm ouăle în vopseaua roşie şi după ce am obţinut nuanţa dorită le lăsăm, iar la zvântat. În sfarşit acoperim cu ceară toate porţiunile care vrem să ramană roşii şi scufundăm ouăle în vopseaua neagră. Toate porţiunile neacoperite de ceară se vor colora în negru. Lăsăm ouăle din nou la zvântat, apoi fiecare ou, îl apropiem de o flacară destul de puternică (ca să poată topi ceara) şi cu ajutorul unei cârpe curate, din bumbac, ştergem ceara. Continuăm astfel până când oul rămane curat, fără ceară, iar desenul şi culorile ies la iveală. La final, ungem ouăle cu puţină slănină ca să capete luciu. The eggs, washed with some detergent (to degrease) and carefully cleaned, are boiled at moderate temperature for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, the bee wax is heated in a small metal bowl, but not very high. When the wax becomes liquid, we dip the quill in wax and we begin the “painting” process. The egg is divided into two parts, then into four, according to the kind of decoration or drawing we want to obtain. After finishing the main decoration, we dip the eggs in yellow paint. (The paint should have a mild temperature so as to prevent the wax from melting and to avoid spoiling the drawing). After the paint has dried on the egg (about 10-15 minutes), we take out the eggs and put them on an absorbent piece of paper and leave them to dry. We cover in wax all the parts which we want to remain yellow. Then, we dip the eggs in red painting and, after obtaining the desired colour, we also leave them to dry. Eventually, we cover in wax all the parts that we want to be red and then dip the egg in black paint. Thus, all the parts of the egg that were not covered in wax will be coloured in black. We leave the eggs again to dry, then each egg is brought close to a flame strong enough to melt the wax and then, by using a clean, cotton linen, we remove the wax. We continue the process until the egg is clean, without wax and the colours and the decorations come to light. At the end, we grease the egg with some fat in order to give it gloss. LEGENDA OULUI I ÎNCONDEIAT. OUĂ ÎNCONDEIATE OUĂ ÎNCONDEIATE THE LEGEND OF THE DECORATED EGG DECORATED EGGS 69 70 Ingrediente: Ingredients: 1 kg măruntaie miel – ficat, inima, plămâni, rinichi, splina 3 legături de ceapă verde, 2 cepe, mărar, pătrunjel 150 g unt 100 ml untdelemn 6 ouă mari sare, piper 1 prapur miel 1 kg lamb offal – liver, heart, lungs, kidneys, spleen 3 bunches of spring onions, 2 onions, dill, parsley 150g of butter 100 ml oil 6 large eggs salt, pepper 1 caul fat Preparare: Preparation: Se spală prapurul, se lasă în apa rece.Se spală măruntaiele în câteva ape, se opăresc scurt într-o apă clocotită.Se fierb în apă cu un praf de sare 30 minute de la primul clocot; se scot. Dacă s-au răcit, se toacă din cuţit, mărunt. Ceapa, ceapa verde, pătrunjelul şi mărarul se toacă mărunţel. Jumătate din ceapă se pune în grăsime la prăjit.Când s-a muiat şi s-a străvezit puţin, se adaugă tocătura - să sfârâie încă 5 minute; apoi se ia prăjeala de pe foc, se scurge bine de grăsime şi se răceşte. Ouăle se bat cu sare şi piper. Se amestecă tocătura, ceapa rămasă şi ouăle.Se usucă prapurul, se întinde uşor şi se umple cu amestecul de mai sus. Wash the caul fat and leave it in cold water Wash the offal a few times, scald it in boiling water Cook it in salted water for thirty minutes after the water comes to the boil; remove. Once it has cooled, dice it with a knife. Chop the onions, spring onions, parsley and dill finely. Fry half of the onions in butter When they have softened and cleared a little, add the meat - to sizzle for another five minutes; then take the frying pan off the hob, drain the oil well, and leave to cool. Whisk the eggs with salt and pepper. Mix the meat, the other half of the onions and the eggs. Drain the caul fat, delicately spread out its lacework and fill with the above mixture A. Se unge bine cu unt o tavă adâncă de cozonac, se potriveşte drobul în forma asta şi se dă la cuptor, la foc foarte mic, până se rumeneşte bine (maroniu deschis); B. Se turteşte drobul, rotunjit ca o ... turtă, se trece printr-o clisă făcută din 2 ouă şi 2 linguri de făină, şi se pune la prăjit în grăsime încinsă, până se rumeneşte; se mai pune şi în cuptor, vreo 15-20 minute, la foc minuscul, să se lege – usuce – pătrundă; C. Tava de cozonac se unge cu unt, se presară cu pesmet; se presară şi drobul cât de des cu pesmet; se pune în tavă şi se dă la cuptor. A. Grease a deep baking tray with the butter, fit the drob inside, and put it in the oven until it browns (dark brown) B. Squash the drob it into a round, using a paste made of two eggs and two tablespoons of flour, fry it in hot oil until it browns; put it in the oven for 15-20 minutes, at a low flame, so that it will binddry-penetrate C. Grease a baking tray with butter, sprinkle it thickly with breadcrumbs; generously sprinkle the drob with bread crumbs as well; put in the tray and place it in the oven. Ingrediente: Ingredients: ½ ceaşcă ceapă tăiată fin ½ ceaşcă plus 2 linguri unt, separat ¼ kg. ficăţei de pui 1 ½ linguriţă sare Un praf de piper Un praf de piper cayenne ½ cup finely chopped onion ½ cup plus 2 spoons butter, divided ¼ lb. chicken livers 1 ½ teaspoons seasoned salt Dash of pepper Dash of cayenne pepper Preparare: Preparation: Căliţi ceapa în ½ ceaşcă unt până devine aurie, cam 5 minute. Adăugaţi ficăţeii de pui; căliţi, amestecând din când în când, alte 5 minute. Luaţi de pe foc. Adăugaţi restul de unt, sarea şi piperul. Amestecaţi până se topeşte untul. Folosiţi un blender pentru a omogeniza amestecul până devine piure fin. Daţi o formă amestecului şi puneţi la frigider. Saute onion in 1/2 cup butter until golden, about 5 minutes. Add chicken livers; cook, stirring occasionally, until chicken livers are tender, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Add rest of butter, seasoned salt, pepper and cayenne. Stir until butter melts. Puree the chicken mixture in an electric blender at high speed. Shape the mixture into a bowl and refrigerate. DROB DE MIEL PATE DIN FICAT DE PASĂRE LAMB DROB CHICKEN LIVER PATE 71 72 Ingrediente: Ingredients: 2 picioare de porc 2 urechi de porc 2 rinichi 1 limbă 1 inimă jumătate de cap de porc 100 g bacon felii 2 căpăţâni usturoi, sare, piper frunze de dafin 1 stomac de porc sau de vacă 500g carne macră de porc 2 pig’s trotters 2 pig’s ears 2 kidneys 1 tongue 1 heart half a pig’s head 100g bacon, cut slices 2 bulbs of garlic, salt, pepper, bay leaves 1 pig’s bladder or a thick cow’s intestine 500g lean pork Ingrediente: Ingredients: 500 g carne viţel 500 g ceafă porc 150 ml lapte 350 g miez pâine albă 2 cepe mari, mărar, pătrunjel 4 ouă 300 g unt 1 cartof 200 g pesmet, piper, sare 500 g veal, 500 g pork neck 150 ml milk 350 g white breadcrumbs 2 large onions, dill ,parsley 4 eggs 300 g butter 1 potato 200 g dried breadcrumbs, pepper, salt Preparare: Preparation: Preparare: Preparation: Se toacă carnea. Se îmbibă bine pâinea în lapte, se scurge. Se bat ouăle. Se toacă ceapa, se înmoaie bine în unt, pe foc mic. Se toacă mărunt mărarul şi pătrunjelul. Se rade cartoful pe răzătoarea mică. Se amestecă-pastă carnea, pâinea, ceapa, ouăle, mărarul şi pătrunjelul, cartoful, piper, sare după gust, 100 g unt. Se pune într-o farfurie pesmet fin. Se ia (cu polonicul) tocătura, pentru că pârjoala e mare cât palma, se tăvăleşte prin pesmet, se turteşte la 1 cm grosime, se alungeşte (trebuie să arate oval, cam ca o palmă de copil). Se prăjeşte în unt încins, în tigaie acoperită, pe foc foarte mic, rumenindu-se bine pe ambele părţi. Mince the meat. Soak the bread in milk, and then wring. Whisk the eggs. Chop the onion, soften it in butter over a low heat. Chop the dill and parsley finely . Grate the potatoes. Mix the meat, bread, onion, eggs, dill and parsley, potatoes, salt and pepper, and 100g of butter into a paste. Put the dried breadcrumbs ( or coarse maize flour) in a dish. Take the mince – using a ladle, as the pârjoala should be as big as your palm! - and roll it in the dried breadcrumbs, flatten it to about 1 cm in thickness, then elongate it ( it should be oval in shape). Fry it in heated oil in a tapped pan, over a low heat, until it gets dark brown on both sides. Lăsaţi stomacul în apă rece să se înmoaie peste noapte. Spălaţi bine rinichii şi lăsaţi-i în apă cu oţet peste noapte. Fierbeţi capul, picioarele, urechile şi inima în apă - O parte carne la 2 părţi apă - cu sare, piper şi dafin, până când carnea se desprinde de pe oase. Fierbeţi limba, rinichii baconul şi carnea macră o oră sau mai mult, până se moaie. Îndepărtaţi pielea de pe limbă. Lăsaţi să fiarbă pâna scade şi este zeama cât şi carne sau chiar mai puţin. Pisaţi usturoiul. Tăiaţi toată carnea felii şi frecaţi cât e fierbinte cu usturoi, sare şi piper. După ce aţi spălat bine stomacul şi l-aţi clătit cu apă cu oţet, umpleţi-l cu bucăţile de carne şi zeamă. Coaseţi şi fierbeţi cam un sfert de oră. Lăsaţi să se răcească puţin apoi puneţi-l între 2 greutăţi să-i daţi o forma (să-l turtiţi), apoi afumaţi toba, dacă doriţi. Leave the bladder or intestine in cold water to soak overnight. Wash the kidneys thoroughly, then leave them in water and vinegar over night. Boil the head, trotters, ears and heart in water-one part meat to two parts waterwith a little salt, pepper and bay leaves, until the flesh separates from the bones. Boil the tongue, kidneys, bacon and lean pork for 1 hour or more, until they soften. Remove skin from the tongue. Let the water reduce until there is as much stock as there is meat (or even less stock). Grind the garlic. Cut all the meat into slices or long pieces, and rub it while it is still hot with garlic, pepper, and salt to taste. Fill the bladder ( after having washed it and rinsed it with water and vinegar) with the pieces of meat and the thickened stock. Stitch it up and boil it in water for a quarter of an hour. Let it cool for a little, then place it between two planks, to give it shape (to make a ‘drum’) , and if you like smoke it. PÂRJOALE MOLDOVENEŞTI TOBĂ MOLDAVIAN PÂRJOALE “DRUM” 73 74 Bucătăria românească este denumirea pe care o poartă rezultatul sintetizării, în timp, a gusturilor şi obiceiurilor gastronomice specifice poporului român. Ea este diversă, cuprinde nenumărate obiceiuri şi tradiţii culinare, mâncăruri specifice, împreună cu obiceiuri provenite prin intersectarea culturii gastronomice cu tradiţii ale altor popoare, cu care poporul român a intrat în contact de-a lungul istoriei. Romanian cuisine is the name for a synthesis over time of the tastes and gastronomic customs of the Romanian people. It is defined by diversity, comprising numerous culinary customs and traditional meals, along with customs that had resulted from the mingling of traditions. Prin formarea sa daco-romană cultura gastronomică a poporului român a moştenit numeroase obiceiuri culinare: de la romani vine plăcinta, turcii au adus ciorba de perişoare, grecii musacaua, de la bulgari există o largă varietate de mâncăruri cu legume, cum ar fi zacusca, şniţelul vine de la nemti iar coltunaşii de la polonezi. Through its Daco-Roman origin, the Romanian gastronomic culture has inherited many culinary customs: from the Roman culinary tradition we inherited the pie, the Turks brought the custom of the soup with meatballs, the Greeks introduced the mousaka, from the Bulgarians we inherited a large variety of dishes based on vegetables (such as the hors d’oeuvre), the schnitzel has a German origin and “coltunasi” are Polish. Bucatele româneşti sunt alcătuite atât din legume, cereale, uleiuri vegetale, lapte, produse lactate cât şi din carne şi subproduse din carne. Cele mai îndrăgite mâncăruri specific româneşti sunt: ciorbele, piftia, sarmalele, tochitura, cozonacul, pasca şi prăjiturile. Un loc aparte în bucătăria românească îl au borşurile care sunt practic nelipsite de la masa fiecărui român. The Romanian dishes are based on vegetables, cereals, vegetal oils, milk and lacteous products, as well as on meat and its varieties. The traditional Romanian dishes most loved are: soups, sarmale (stuffed cabbage roll), meat jellies, chopped meat stew (tochitura), pound cake, pasca (Easter cake) and cookies. Ingrediente: Ingredients: 1 piept de pui 2 morcovi 1-2 cepe 1 rădăcină de pătrunjel 1 ţelină mică 200g smântână 2 ouă 3-4 căţei de usturoi frunze de pătrunjel sare oţet sau zeamă lămâie 1 chicken breast 2 carrots 1-2 onions 1 root of parsley 1 small celery root 200 g sour cream 2 eggs 3-4 cloves of garlic parsley leaves salt vinegar or lemon Preparare: Preparation: Pieptul de pui se fierbe. Se ia spuma. Se curăţă legumele, se taie bucăţi mari şi se adaugă în oală. Se lasă totul să fiarbă. Apoi se taie pieptul de pui în fâşii subţiri, legumele se trec printr-o sită şi totul se pune înapoi în oală. Se lasă 5 minute să se racorească puţin. Se bat bine ouăle cu smântâna, se adaugă un polonic de supă. Se toarnă totul în oală şi se amestecă bine. Se pisează usturoiul şi se adaugă în oală. Sare şi oţet se pun după gust (oţetul se poate pune când se serveşte). Se ia de pe foc şi se adaugă la sfârşit frunze de pătrunjel tăiate mărunt. The chicken breast is placed in boiling water. Take the foam out continuously while boiling. Clean the vegetables, cut them into large pieces and add them to the pot. Let everything boil until it is soft. Then the chicken is cut into thin strips, the vegetables are passed through a sieve, and everything is put back into the pot. Leave for 5 minutes to cool down a little. Beat the eggs well with the cream, add a ladle of soup. Then pour it into the pot and mix well. Crush garlic and add to the pot. Add salt and vinegar to taste (vinegar can be added when serving the plate). Take pot from heat and finally add chopped parsley leaves. BORŞ MOLDOVENESC CIORBA RĂDĂUŢEANĂ MOLDAVIAN BORTSCH CHICKEN SOUR SOUP 75 Ingrediente: Zeama 1 găină , 1 litru borş 1 ou 100 ml smântână sare, piper (după gust) zarzavat: ceapă, morcov, ţelină, păstârnac, pătrunjel Tăiţei 200 g făină grâu 2 ouă sare leuştean, pătrunjel, mărar Ingredients: Soup 1 hen 1 litre of borsht 1 egg 100 ml cream salt, pepper vegetables: onion, carrot, celery, parsnip, parsley noodles 200 g wheat flour 2 eggs salt lovage, parsley, dill Preparare: Preparation: Zeama: Se curăţă găina, se taie bucăţi (se dau deoparte tacâmurile, măruntaiele) se pune la fiert. Se spumuieşte fiertura. Se curăţă zarzavatul (ceapa se lasă întreagă, restul se taie bucăţi mari) şi se pune lângă găină la fiert îndelungat, acoperit, aproximativ două ore. Se fac tăiţeii – se amestecă făina, ouăle, sarea cu puţină apă, până iese un aluat elastic. Se întinde aluatul, cât se poate de subţire, se taie tăiţeii. Dacă a fiert găina iar carnea, deşi e încă tare se va desprinde în curând de pe oase, se pune la fiert, zece minute, se adaugă tăiţeii. Se toacă verdeaţa. Se potriveşte zeama de sare şi piper, se toarnă borşul – să clocotească un pic – apoi se varsă smântâna cu ou şi se presară verdeaţă. Soup: Clean the hen, cut it into pieces (remove the claws and entrails), set it to boil. Skim the scum off the boiling water. Clean the vegetables (chop the vegetables, excepting the onion, into large pieces) and add it to the pot to boil with the hen; cover the pot and leave it to boil for at least two hours. Make the noodles — mix the flour, eggs, and salt with a little water, until you get an elastic dough. Roll the dough as thin as possible, cut it into noodles. If the hen has boiled, and the meat, although it is still firm, will soon separate from the bones, add the noodles to boil for ten minutes. Chop the parsley. Add salt and pepper to the soup, pour in the borsht - let it bubble for a little – then pour in the cream with an egg and sprinkle the chopped parsley. Tăiţei: Amestecaţi făina cu laptele. Adăugaţi ouăle şi sarea. Topiţi untul într-o tigaie. Adăugaţi aluatul, acoperiţi-l cu un capac şi prăjiţi-l la foc mic. Când s-a întărit şi a căpătat o culoare maronie, luaţi de pe foc şi tăiaţi sub formă de tăiţei. Se pun în borş sau musaca sau alte feluri de mâncare moldoveneşti pe bază de paste. 76 Noodles: Mix the flour with the milk. Then add the eggs and salt. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Add the dough, cover the pan, and fry it over low heat. When it has hardened and browned a little, remove the dough and cut it into noodles. Put them in a borsht or moussaka, or other Moldavian pasta dishes. Ingrediente: Ingredients: 1 castron mare cu urzici 2 ouă 1 cană cu lapte 1 litru de borş 1 lingură de făină 3 linguri untdelemn leuştean sare zarzavat: ceapă, morcov, păstârnac, ţelină, pătrunjel 1 large bowl of nettles 2 eggs 1 cup of milk 1 litre of borsht 1 spoon of flour 3 spoons of olive oil lovage salt vegetables: onion, carrot , parsnip, celery root, parsley Preparare: Preparation: Se curăţă urzicile, se rup frunzele de codiţe şi se pun 10 minute la fiert în 1 litru apă. Zarzavatul se toacă şi se pune la călit. Când s-anmuiat se scoate cu supiera şi se pune peste urzici, lăsându-le să clocotească. Se pune borşul la fiert, separat. Se bate laptele cu 2 ouă. În uleiul rămas se pune făina la rumenit, se stinge cu lapte. Se adaugã la ciorbã borşul şi laptele cu fãina, se lasă să clocotească 5 minute. Se toacă leuşteanul. Ciorba se potriveşte de sare, se presară leuşteanul. Clean the nettles, removing the leaves from the stalks, and boil for 10 minutes in 1 litre of water. Chop the vegetables and stew them. When they have softened, remove them with a slotted spoon, add them to the nettles, and bring to the boil. Boil the borsht separately. Whisk the milk with 2 eggs. Brown the flour in the remaining oil and quench it with milk. Add the borsht and milk and flour to the soup, and leave to boil for 5 minutes. Chop the lovage. Add salt and sprinkle lovage. BORŞ CU TĂIŢEI BORŞ DE URZICI NOODLE BORSHT NETTLE BORSHT 77 78 Ingrediente: Ingredients: 1 ceapă 1 pătrunjel 1 păstârnac 1 morcov 1 ţelină 1 1 borş 1 ardei gras 2 roşii 1 legătură leuştean 2 cartofi sare, piper 1 kg peşti de un deget: porcuşori, obleţi, cleniţori, cărăţei etc. 1 onion, 1 parsley root 1 parsnip 1 carrot, 1 celery root 1 litre borsht (borş) 1 pepper 2 tomatoes 1 bunch lovage 2 potatoes salt, pepper 1 kg small fish: gudgeon, bleak, small daces, small crucians and so on. Preparare: Preparation: Se pregătesc zarzavatul şi legumele, se taie bucăţi mari şi se pun la fiert în apa cu sare. Se curăţă peştişorii de maţe, solzi nu au. Când vegetalele au fiert, se pun şi peştii să undească, 10 minute maximum, că-s fragezi. Se toacă leuştean, se presară peste fiertură şi se serveşte. Diferenţa dintre borş şi ciorbă pare să fie nesemnificativă (când zeama e acrită cu mult borş – cam 1 litru – moldovenii îi spun desigur, borş; când e mai puţin borş, 1 pahar sau 1 ceaşcă, oltenii îi spun ciorbă). Prepare vegetables and greens (it doesn’t matter how many they are), cut into big pieces and put them to boil in salty water. Remove the small fish organs squeezing them between fingers, they do not have scales. When the vegetables are ready, add the small fish to boil a little, for maximum 10 minutes, because they are very soft. Chop the lovage, add it to the soup and serve. The difference between borş and ciorbă seems to be insignificant ( when a lot of borş - about 1 l – is added to the soup, the Moldavians are calling it, of course, borş; when there is less borş - a glass or a cup - the people from Oltenia are calling it ciorbă). Ingrediente: Ingredients: 3 kg tărâţe de grâu, 250 g de pâine neagră (integrală), 1 kg de porumb, 2 bucăţi de cărbune, 9 litri de apa, 500 g de tărâţe acrite de la un borş anterior frunze de cireş 3 kg wheat bran 250 g black bread (wholemeal) 1 kg maize 2 pieces of coal 9 litres of water 500 g bran soured by another borsht cherry leaves Preparare: Preparation: Se amestecă 250 g de tărâţe, 150 g de mărar, şi 1 litru de apă rece cu 500 g de pâine integrală sau neagră, în stare proaspătă . Se lasă la dospit pentru 10-12 ore dacă nu există tărâţe acrite. Se pune apa la fiert. Într-un borcan de sticlă, sau, mai bine într-un vas din stejar de 12 litri, , se amestecă tărâţele de grâu şi porumb. Se înmoaie cu apă rece. Apoi se toarnă apa fierbinte. Se amestecă. Se lasă să se răcească. Când apa este călduţă, se adaugă tărâţele fermentate, pâinea neagră, cărbunii, şi frunzele de cireş (le împrumută aroma). Dacă îl lăsaţi într-un loc cald, borşul va fi gata într-o zi şi o noapte. Obicei: În prima zi a Postului Mare, tărâţea este scoasă la fermentat. În jurul butoiului, sunt exprimate vrăji şi sunt făcute gesturi magice, sunt rostite formule fermecate pentru a asigura puritatea şi puterea vindecătoare a borşului pentru organismul uman care iese din iarnă. Mix 250 g of bran, 150 g of dill, and 1 litre of cold water with 500 g of black, hard, fresh wholemeal bread. Leave to leaven for 10-12 hours and there’s your soured bran. Put the water to the boil. In a glass jar, or, better still, a 12-litre oak cask, mix the wheat bran and the maize. Wet with cold water. Then pour in the boiling water. Stir. Leave to cool. When the water is lukewarm, add the fermented bran, black bread, coals, and cherry leaves (they lend aroma). If you leave it in a warm place, the borsht will be ready in a day and a night. Custom : On the first day of Lent, the bran is put out to ferment. Around the cask, spells are cast and magical gestures made, enchanted formulas are uttered to ensure the purity and the healing power of the borsht as the human body emerges from winter. BORŞ DE CHITICI BORŞ SOUR SOUP FROM SMALL FISH BORSHT 79 80 Eterna dorinţă a omului de a cunoaşte ordinea prestabilită a vieţii şi de a căpăta bunăvoinţa divină se exprimă la români şi prin invitarea la masă a divinităţilor destinului. Aceasta este o masă specială care se aşează special pentru ursitoare la câteva zile dupa naşterea copilului. Man’s constant wish to know the pre-established evolution of life and to gain the benevolence of the divine forces is expressed by Romanian people also by inviting at a meal the divinities of destiny. This is a special meal which is laid especially for the Fate Sisters, a few days after the baby’s birth. Legenda spune că ursitoarele, reprezentări mitologice feminine care determină destinul oamenilor, pot fi influenţate printr-un dar de forma unei mese bogate. Această tradiţie reflectă încercarea oamenilor de a găsi o cale de comunicare cu sacrul, de a căpta bunăvoinţa divinităţii. The legend says that the Fate Sisters, female mythological entities that establish people’s destiny, can be influenced through this meal which is like a gift. This tradition reflects people’s attempt to find a way to communicate with the divine, to win its benevolence. Masa ursitoarelor trebuie să conţină alimente care au o valoare simbolistică accentuată precum : pâine, sare, miere, făină, grâu, apă, vin şi preparate din carne. Conform acestei legende, ursitoarele se hrănesc cu ,,carne din furat” şi din această cauză mâncarea din carne trebuie să fie deosebit de apetisantă. O astfel de mâncare ce poate fi oferită ursitoarelor este şi vestita tochitură moldovenească. The meal of the Fate Sisters should contain products with strong symbolic value, such as: bread, salt, honey, flour, wheat, water and meat products. According to this legend, the Fate Sisters eat “stolen” meat and for this reason the meat products should be extremely appealing. Among such food that can be served to the Fate Sisters is the famous Moldavian chopped meat stew (Tochitura). Ingrediente: Ingredients: 500 g carne de porc (pulpa) 250 g cârnaţi afumaţi 250 g ficat porc 1-2 rinichi porc 300 g telemea oi 3-4 linguri untură 5 ouă sare, piper 10 căţei de usturoi (sau mai mult dacă vă place) 500 g of pork (leg) 250 g of smoked sausages 250 g of pork liver 1-2 pork kidneys 300 g of salted ewe’s cheese 3-4 spoons of lards 5 eggs salt, pepper 10 cloves of garlic (or more, if you like) Preparare: Preparation: Se curăţă rinichii. Se taie carnea în bucăţi mici. Se încinge untura şi se pune carnea la rumenit. Se fac 5 ochiuri romaneşti ( ochiuri fierte). Se rade brânza. Când s-a rumenit carnea se adaugă usturoiul şi se mai lasă puţin la prăjit. Se sărează, se piperează şi se pune în 5 farfurii. Se aşează câte un ou pe fiecare farfurie, peste carne şi se îmbracă în brânză rasă. Clean the kidneys. Cut all the meat into pieces. Heat the oil, brown the meat, poach the five eggs, grate the cheese. When the meat has browned, add the garlic, and let it sizzle some more; Add salt and pepper; serve on five plates; put one egg on each plate, over the meat and garnish with grated cheese. MASA URSITOARELOR. TOCHITURA TOCHITURĂ ROMÂNEASCĂ THE MEAL OF THE FATE SISTERS. ROMANIAN STEW ROMANIAN STEW 81 82 Ingrediente: Ingredients: 2 kg cartofi 3-4 cepe 3 linguri untură 1 varză murată 1 căpăţână usturoi 1 lingură ulei 1,5 kg carne grasă de purcel (tânăr, dar nu de lapte) 500 g costiţă afumată, bine împănată sare, piper, cimbru, paprică 2 kg. potatoes 3 – 4 onions 3 tbsp lard 1 pickled cabbage 1 head of garlic 1 tbsp of oil 1,5 kg fat pork (piglet, but not suckling) Preparare: Preparation: Carnea şi costiţa se taie îm bucăţi şi se prăjesc în untură încinsă. Cartofii se pun la fiert în coajă. Ceapa se taie peştişori. Usturoiul se pisează pastă. Când cartofii sunt aproape gata, dar încă cleioşi, se curăţă, se taie felii şi se pun la prăjit în untură, împreună cu ceapa, câteva minute; apoi, se lasă să aştepte (acoperiţi, să nu se răcească). Varza se toacă fideluţă şi se freacă cu boia şi ulei. Carnea fiind rumenită, se toarnă usturoiul, se mai lasă două clocote, se sărează-piperează şi se scoate pe un platou. În untura încinsă se răstoarnă varza, se suceşte de câteva ori, să se călească uşor. Pe platou se aranjează, lângă carne, cartofii şi varza, şi se presară cimbru praf. Cut the meat and bacon into pieces, rub them with thyme and paprika and fry in hot oil. Boil the potatoes in their skins. Cut the onion into little fishes Pound the garlic into a paste. Once browned and crispy, quench the meat and bacon with water and wine, and leave them to float until they soften. When the potatoes are almost ready, but still sticky, wash them, salt them, and fry them in the oil with the onion for a few minutes; then put them to one side and cover them to keep them warm. Wash the cabbage well, chop it finely, rub it with thyme, paprika and oil, and then stew it. Has the water boiled dry and the meat sauce thickened? Perfect, now take the lid off, so that it can brown, then pour in the garlic, bring it to the boil add salt and pepper, and put it on the plate. Pour the cabbage into the hot oil, turn a few times, to absorb the aroma and the taste. Arrange the potatoes and the cabbage on the plate next to the meat, sprinkle some dried thyme on top. 500 g. smoked, fatty bacon salt, pepper, thyme, paprika Sărbătoarea Naşterii Domnului Iisus Hristos, Crăciunul, reprezintă pentru poporul român (în special cel Creştin Ortodox) un prilej de mare bucurie. După postul Crăciunului, perioadă de înfrânare atât trupească cât şi spirituală, dezlegare la mâncare de dulce aduce după sine numeroase obiceiuri şi un belşug de preparate din carne de porc şi dulciuri de sărbătoare. Tăierea porcului se face în ziua de Ignat. Din carne de porc, pentru praznicul Crăciunului, se prepară slănină, cârnaţi, caltaboşi, tobă, sarmale, friptură de porc, ciorbă de oase. Dulciurile care sfârşesc masa de sărbătoare, sau cu care sunt omeniţi oaspeţii care calcă pragul casei şi colindătorii sunt: cozonacul, plăcinta şi lipiile. Toate aceste preparate prezintă diversificări în funcţie de zona etnografică şi sunt însoţite de băuturi specifice fiecărei zone. The celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth, Christmas, represents for the Romanian people (especially for the Orthodox- Christian ones) an occasion for great rejoice. After the Advent, period of both carnal and spiritual abstinence, comes a moment when people are free to eat whatever they please, a moment which brings along a large number of customs and an abundance of pork products and all kinds of traditional sweets. The pig is cut on Saint Ignatius’s Day. From pork, are prepared for the Christmas feast products like: bacon, sausages, black pudding (caltabos), thick sausage (toba), stuffed cabbage (sarmale), pork stake, bones soup. At the end of the meal, the traditional sweets which are served to guests and carol singers are: pound cakes, pies and flat loafs of bread. TOCANĂ ŢĂRĂNEASCĂ DE PURCEL MANCARURI TRADITIONALE DE CRACIUN. SARMALE PESANT PIGLET STEW TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS DISHES: SARMALE 83 Ingrediente: Ingredients: Umplutura: 500 g carne tocată de porc 500 g carne tocată de miel 4 linguri de orez 2 cepe tăiate şi undite 2 linguri de untură sare, piper, mărar tocat Filling: 500 g minced pork 500 g minced lamb 4 spoons of rice 2 chopped and stewed onions 2 spoons of lard salt, pepper, chopped dill Sosul: 1 lingură de untură 1 l de borş (sau suficient cât să acopere sarmalele) 1 cană de bulion (sau suc de roşii sau 1 kg de roşii proaspete) Varza: 1 varză murată – frunzele din exterior se folosesc pentru sarmale, restul se toacă mărunt cu cimbru 84 Sauce: 1 spoon of lard 1 litre of borsht ( or enough to cover the sarmale) 1 cup of tomato paste( or 1 can of tomatoes sauce, or 1 kg of fresh tomatoes) Cabbage: 1 sour Cabbage – the outer leaves for the sarmale and the rest chopped finely with thyme Preparare: Preparation: Sărmăluţele moldoveneşti se fac cât mai mici si mai îndesate, din cărnuri felurite. Se pun în oala de lut etaje de sarmale împărţite cu straturi de varză şi câte o rămurică de cimbru. Ultimul strat este de varză. Se ţin în cuptor sau pe marginea plitei minim 3-4 ore. Se oferă cu mămăliguţă şi smântână. Moldavian cabbage rolls are both smaller and stuffed tighter than other cabbage rolls. They are prepared with various meats Mix the ingredients for the filling and stuff the cabbage leaves. Fold the leaves tightly around the filling and roll them into Sarmale. Fill the rolls in layers of rolls and cabbage into an earthenware pot. Put the thyme in between the layers. The last layer should consist of cabbage. Prepare the sauce and pour it over the stuffed cabbage and the cabbage until everything is covered. The Sarmale should stay in the oven or on the hob for at least 3 - 4 hours. Sarmale is offered with polenta and cream. Ingrediente: Ingredients: 1 cocoş tăiat bucăţi 1-2 cepe 1 lingura de sare 1 căpăţâna de usturoi 1-2 pliculeţe de gelatină 1 chopped chicken 1-2 onions 1 tsp of salt 1 bulb of garlic 1-2 envelopes of gelatine Preparare: Preparation: Fierbeţi carnea la foc mic, cu sare si ceapa, până când se desprinde de pe oase. Adăugaţi gelatina. Puneţi carnea într-un castron. Pisaţi usturoiul si adăugaţi-l în zeama de la carne. Turnaţi zeama peste carne. Lăsaţi într-un loc rece să se întărească. Simmer the pieces of chicken with salt and onion until the flesh falls off the bones. Remove the bones. Add the gelatine. Place the meat in a dish. Grind the garlic into a paste and mix it with the chicken broth. Pour it in the dish over the meat. Leave in a cool place to solidify. SARMALE MOLDOVENEŞTI RĂCITURĂ DE COCOŞ MOLDAVIAN SARMALE JELLIED CHICKEN 85 86 Ingrediente: Ingredients: 1 pui 100 g unt 200 ml smântână 1 legătură de mărar sare, după gust 1 chicken 100 g butter 200 ml cream 1 bunch of dill salt, to your taste Preparare: Preparation: Puiul se taie bucăţi şi se pune la făcut în unt. Când s-a rumenit puţin, se stinge cu apă, se acoperă şi se lasă să năduşească pe foc mic. Se toacă mărarul. Se desface smântâna în puţină apă. Când puiul s-a frăgezit pe jumătate, se sărează, se toarnă smântână şi se dă cratiţa la cuptor, tot acoperită, să se desăvârşească, vreo jumătate de oră. Se scoate mâncarea, se presară mărar, se amestecă uşor, mai bună nu poate fi. Cut the chicken into pieces and roast in butter. When the chicken starts browning add some water to the roast, cover and allow to simmer at a low temperature. Chop the dill and add a little water to the cream. Cover the saucepan with a lid. When the chicken is halfway tender add salt, pour the cream, cover it with a lid and let everything simmer for about half an hour. Remove the food, sprinkle with dill, stir gently. Pastele este una dintre cele mai mari sărbători religioase ortodoxe. Meniul de Paşti este format din reţete tradiţionale, printre care ouăle vopsite, mancarea din miel si pasca sunt cele mai cunoscute. Easter is one of the most important Orthodox holidays. The Easter menu contains traditional recipes, among which the painted eggs, the lamb-based dishes and the “pasca” are the most famous. Pasca este o prăjitură care se pregăteste doar de Paşte şi se coace în Vinerea Mare. Pasca poate avea o formă rotundă (care aminteşte de scutecele copilului Isus-Hristos) sau dreptunghiulară (precum este şi Sfântul Mormânt). Referitor la pască, legenda spune că, în timp ce predica împreuna cu apostolii, Iisus a fost găzduit de un om foarte primitor, care le-a pus în traistă, la plecare, pâine pentru drum fără ştirea lor. Întrebându-l pe Hristos când va fi Paştele, Mântuitorul le-a spus că atunci când vor găsi pâine în traistă. Căutând, apostolii au găsit în traistă ce le pusese acel om. De atunci coc femeile pasca în ajunul Paştelui. Pasca (Easter Cake) is a dessert only for Easter and is cooked on Good Friday. The “Pasca” can have a round shape (reminding of the swaddling clothes of the baby Jesus Christ) or rectangular (just like the Holy Grave). With respect to the pasca, the legend says that, while Jesus was preaching along with His apostles, He was hosted by a very good man, who put bred into their bags when they left, but without their knowledge. Asking Jesus Christ when Easter will be, The Messiah told them that Easter will be when they will find bread in their bags. Searching, the apostles found in their bags what that man had put. Since then, women have been cooking “pasca” in the Easter eve. Se pregăteşte în mod special o pască ce se duce în noaptea de Înviere la biserică pentru a fi sfinţită de preot împreună cu ouă roşii şi cozonac. A doua zi dimineaţă toţi ai casei se spală pe faţă cu apa în care a stat un ou înroşit şi un ban . Oul se pune pentru a fi rumeni în obraz şi sănătoşi precum oul înroşit iar banul se pune pentru a avea spor la bani în anul următor. După acest ceremonial toţi ai casei mănâncă pască sfinţită. A special pasca is prepared in order to be taken to church on the midnight mass so as to be blessed with holy water, along with red eggs and pound cake. The next day, all the members of the house will wash their faces in a bowl in which there was a red egg and a coin. The red egg is placed there in order to make the cheeks red and healthy and the coin symbolizes the richness of the following year. After this ritual, all the members of the house eat the sanctified pasca (Easter cake). PUI CU SMÂNTÂNĂ PAŞTELE LA ROMĂNI. PASCA CHICKEN WITH SOUR CREAM EASTER IN ROMANIA. PASCA (EASTER CAKE) 87 88 Ingrediente: Ingrediente: 400 g zahăr tos, foarte vanilat 400 g brânză de vaci 100 g unt 100 ml smântână 2 gălbenuşuri 150 migdale măcinate coaja de portocală rasă şi zaharisită, stafide, după gust 400 g icing sugar 400 g cow‘s cheese 100 g butter 100 ml cream 2 egg yolks 150 ground almonds grated and sugared orange rind, raisins, to taste Preparare: Preparation: Se freacă untul cremă. Se freacă brânza cremă. Se adaugă pe rând la unt, gălbenuşurile, zahărul, smântâna, brânza, migdalele, coaja de portocală, stafidele, frecând cu putere. Se leagă strâns rezultatul într-un şervet curat, se aşează pe un fund de lemn înclinat, cu o greutate plată – 5-6 kg deasupra (să-i scoată apa). După opt – zece ore de stat la rece, se oferă ornamentată de biscuiţi sau pişcoturi Mash the butter into a cream. Mash the cheese into a cream. Add to the butter in turn: the egg yolks, sugar, cream, cheese, almonds, orange rind, raisins, mixing devotedly. Bunch the result into a clean cloth, put it on a sloping wooden board with a 5-6 kg, weight on top, to squeeze out the water. After eight-ten hours in a cool place, serve garnished with biscuits or wafers. We cannot call this cream barely coagulated (from our Eastern memory) Romanian, but, if the JewishOrthodox recipe has, for centuries, been on all far-eastern-trans-western-Easter tables as for the Carpathians, can we ignore it?On Easter Sunday, if two brothers younger than fifteen go eastwards towards the setting sun and take of all their clothes, and thus unclothed each peel linden bark with their teeth, then that bark will be a cure-all; it will even be able to prevent military conscription, but it is only effective if those who go off eastwards do not speak to each other or look back, neither when they are going nor when they are coming back homewards. Ingrediente: Ingredients: Aluat: 500 g făină 3 ouă 200 g unt 50 g zahăr 500 ml lapte sare (după gust) 15 g drojdie 50 g unt (pentru uns tăvi şi platouri) Umplutura: 500 g brânză de burduf (caş frământat cu sare, telemea frământată) 2 ouă Se freacă bine brânza cu ouăle. Dough: 500g of flour 3 eggs 200g of butter 50g of sugar 500ml of milk salt (to taste) 15g of yeast 50g of butter (for greasing) Filling: 500g of burduf cheese (or mashed cow’s cheese) 2 eggs Preparare: Preparation: Drojdia se desface într-o căniţă cu ceva apă călduţă, după care se amestecă cu 1 lingură făină şi 1 linguriţă de zahăr; se lasă să crească circa o jumate de oră. Se separă gălbenuşurile. Peste restul făinii se toarnă drojdia, laptele călduţ, gălbenuşurile, sarea şi zahărul; se frământă bine un sfert de oră. Adăugaţi untul topit şi călduţ, încorporat câte puţin, să se incorporeze. Se lasă să crească, acoperit, 1-2 ore. Dissolve the yeast in a cup of lukewarm water and then mix with 1 tablespoon of flour and 1 teaspoon of sugar; leave it to rise for half an hour Separate the egg yolks Pour the yeast, warm milk, egg yolks, salt and sugar over the rest of the flour; knead it for a quarter of an hour Add the lukewarm, melted butter – cooled little by little until it’s just right Leave the dough to rise for 1-2 hours Rub the cheese into the eggs After the dough has risen, roll it into a tube and cut it into pieces about the size of a small apple Grease a tin with butter Roll each piece of dough to about ½ thickness and fill them with a spoon of cheese Lift the “skirts” of the dough over the cheese and seal; leave them to breathe for another half an hour Glaze the pies with egg white, place them on the greased tray and put them in the oven at a medium heat for half an hour. După ce a crescut aluatul, îl faci sul şi-l tai în bucăţi cam cât un măr mic. Ungi un platou cu unt. Întinzi fiecare bucată de aluat pe platou – cam de o jumătate de degeţel grosime – şi le umpli cu câte o lingură de brânză Ridici „poalele“ aluatului peste brânză şi le lipeşti; lasă-le să de odihneasca o jumătate oră. Ungi o tavă cu unt, pui plăcintele, le ungi bine cu albuş, le dai la cuptor la foc potrivit – o jumătate de oră. PASCA MOLDOVENEASCĂ PLĂCINTE „POALE-N BRÂU„ MOLDAVIAN PASCA “SKIRTS-UP” 89 Ingrediente: 1kg faina de buna calitate, 7 gălbenuşuri, 4 albuşuri, 1 cana mare de zahar, 1 pachet de unt sau mai mult, 2 linguri ulei, esenţa rom, 50g drojdie, zahar vanilat, stafide, alune, nuci, rahat, 1 lingura sare, jumătate litru de lapte sau mai mult Preparare: Sfat: cozonacul trebuie făcut într-o cameră cât mai caldă. Dizolvaţi drojdia într-o ceaşcă cu lapte cald şi o linguriţă de zahar apoi lăsaţi amestecul să prindă viaţă. Intr-o cratiţă încălziţi 2 linguri de faina cu o ceaşcă de lapte fiert, amestecând bine să nu se facă deloc cocoloaşe. Când s-a mai răcit se amestecă cu drojdia şi se bate bine. Presăraţi făina şi lăsaţi să crească. Bateţi gălbenuşurile cu sare mai întâi, apoi puneţi puţin câte puţin zaharul pana se obţine o spuma. Bateţi albuşurile spuma. Topiţi untul. După ce a crescut plămădeala, frământaţi cu restul de faina şi gălbenuşurile, o ceaşcă de lapte cald şi albuşurile jumătate de ora. Când aluatul a prins forma, adăugaţi uleiul, zaharul vanilat si, puţin cate puţin, untul topit, apoi frământaţi. Daca aluatul este prea tare, mai adăugaţi lapte sa devina mai moale. Lăsaţi aluatul sa crească 2-3 ore intr-un loc uscat şi cald. Ungeţi tăvile cu grăsime. Ungeţi-vă mâinile cu unt şi rupeţi bucăţi de aluat (cat sa umpleţi o jumătate de tavă. Întindeţi-le, împletiţi-le şi modelaţi-le. Lăsaţi să mai crească o jumătate de oră, ungeţi cu ou şi presăraţi alune, nuci mărunţite, stafide şi rahat. Puneţi tăvile în cuptor şi lăsaţi la foc potrivit cam o oră. 90 Ingredients: 1 kg good flour 7 egg yolks 4 egg whites 1 large cup of sugar 1 packet of butter or more 2 spoons of oil 1 tsp of rum 50 g yeast vanilla sugar raisins, walnuts, hazelnuts Turkish delight 1 spoon of salt half a litre of milk or more Preparation: Tip: cozonac should be made în a room as warm as possible Dissolve the yeast in a cup of warm milk and one teaspoon of sugar and leave the mixture to come to life. In a pan, heat 2 spoons of flour with 1 cup of boiled milk, mixing well, so as to prevent lumps. When it has cooled enough not to scald the hand, mix in the yeast and beat thoroughly. Sprinkle with flour and leave to one side to breathe and rise. Beat the egg yolks with salt first of all, then sugar, pouring it in little by little until frothy cream results. Beat the egg whites into froth. Melt the butter. After the leaven has risen, knead it with the remaining flour and egg yolks, 1 cup of warm milk, and the egg whites, for half an hour. When the dough has taken shape, add the oil, vanilla sugar and, little by little, the melted butter, and knead. If the dough is too hard, add some more milk to soften it. Leave the dough to rise for 2-3 hours in a dry, warm place. Grease the trays with butter. Grease your hand with butter and tear off pieces of dough (enough to fill half a baking tray). Stretch them, plait them and mould them. Leave to rise for another half an hour, glaze with an egg and sprinkle with raisins, walnuts, hazelnuts, and Turkish delight. Place in the oven and leave for about an hour at a suitable heat. Ingrediente: Ingredients: 1 kg grâu 500g zahar 1 linguriţă coajă lămâie 1 linguriţă coajă portocala 1 linguriţă zahăr vanilat puţina scorţişoară 500g nuci tocate mărunt 1 kg of wheat 500 g sugar 1 teaspoon of grated lemon peel 1 teaspoon of grated orange peel 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar 1 pinch of cinnamon 500 g finely ground walnuts Preparare: Preparation: Se spală grâul de câteva ori în apa rece şi o data în apa calda. Se fierbe în 2 litri de apa, La foc foarte mic, intr-o oala acoperita. Se mesteca din când în când, să nu se lipească. Când este fiert, se acoperă cu o pânză şi se lasă la răcit. Se scurge zeama, daca este, se adaugă zahăr, coaja de lămâie şi portocală, nucile, zahăr vanilat şi un praf de sare. Se amestecă până se obţine o pastă. Se modelează într-o formă rotundă pe o tavă. Se presară deasupra zahăr, scorţişoară şi nuci tocate fin. Wash the wheat several times in cold water and once in warm water. Boil in 2 litres of water, over a very low flame, in a covered pot. Stir from time to time so that it will not stick. When the grains have softened, cover with a cloth and leave it to cool for 3 or 4 hours. Drain, if the case, add sugar, walnuts, lemon and orange peel, vanilla sugar and a little salt. Knead into a soft paste. Make a rounded heap on a tray. Dust with sugar, cinnamon and finely grounded walnuts. COZONAC COLIVA ”COZONAC” KOLIVO 91 Ingrediente: Ingredients: 6 ouă 250 ml smântână 150 g făină 200 g mălai 50 g unt 25 g unt (pentru uns tava) 250 ml lapte 100 g pesmet fin 6 eggs 250 ml of sour cream 150 g of flour 200 g of maize 50 g of butter 25 g of butter (for greasing) 250 ml of milk 100 g of bread crumbs 1 tbsp of salt 1 kg cow’s cheese 1 kg brânză de vaci (sau jumatate de vaci şi jumatate telemea puţin sărată) 92 Preparare: Preparation: Se frământă brânza până se face cremă. Gălbenuşurile se separă şi se frământă cu brânza. Se toarnă smântâna, untul şi sarea şi se frământă să iasă alifie. Adaugă treptat mălaiul care a fost frecat bine cu făină şi continuă să frămânţi. Laşi aluatul să se odihnească. Baţi bine albuşurile, până se face ca zăpada. Ungi o tavă cu unt şi o presari cu pesmet. Mash the cheese into cream. Add the yolks. Pour the sour cream, the butter and the salt and knead them into cream. Gradually add the maize which is previously mixed with the flour and keep kneading. Leave the dough to rest. Whisk the whites until they stiffen. Grease a tray with butter and sprinkle bread crumbs. Momentul de glorie al cofetăriei româneşti l-a marcat apariţia Casei Capşa înfiinţată de celebrul cofetar Grigore Capşa, cu studii înalte la Paris, ca elev al marelui Boissier. Toate reteţele realizate de Capşa erau rezultatul unui talent ieşit din comun şi a unei creativităţi pe măsură. Grigore Capşa preia idei de la marii maeştri cofetari francezi şi crează produse speciale cu ocazia unor evenimente speciale, sau care purtau numele unor personalitati importante din epoca. Aşa a aparut celebra prajitura Joffre, realizată cu prilejul vizitei in Romania a generalului Joffre. Fraţii Capşa au vrut să marcheze importanţa evenimentului realizând o prăjitură petit-four specială în cinstea mareşalului, pe care au hotarat să o denumeasca inspirat Joffre. Prăjitura a avut un success nemaipomenit, i-a placut maresalului, dar a placut şi românilor, care au vrut o prajitura cât mai mare, astfel apărând tortul Joffre. The zenith of the Romanian sweetshop was marked by the appearance of the Casa Capsa (The house of Capsa), founded by the famous pastry cooker Grigore Capsa, a man with a high education, who graduated from Paris and was the student of the great Boissier. All the receipts made by Capsa were the results of an outstanding talent of an equally extraordinary creativity. Grigore Capsa often made special products for particular occasions, or which bore the name of great personalities of the era. In this way was introduced the Joffre cookie, which was made on a special occasion represented by the visit in Romania of the French General Jofrre. The cookie had an immense success, was enjoyed by the marshal, but also by the Romanians, who wanted a bigger cookie, and thus appeared the Joffre cake. ALIVENCI PRAJITURA ROMÂNEASCĂ ŞI TRADIŢIA RECENTĂ ALIVENCI ROMANIAN COOKIES AND THE RECENT TRADITION 93 Ingrediente: Ingredients: 10 ouă 500 g margarină 100 g cacao 500 g zahar 125 ml apă 1 lingura făină 2 linguri pesmet fin 2 plicuri zahăr vanilat esenţă de rom 10 eggs 500 g margarine 100 g cocoa 500 g sugar 125 ml water 1 spoon of flour 2 spoons of dried crust of bread (refined) 2 envelopes vanilla sugar 1 spoon of rum. Preparare: Preparation: Se pun la fiert zahărul, cacaoa şi apa, se dau în clocot cinci minute şi se lasă puţin la răcit. In compoziţia caldă se adaugă pe rând toate gălbenuşurile.Compoziţia se împarte în trei părţi; Blatul O parte din compozitie se amestecă cu 1 lingură de faină cu vârf, 2 linguri de pesmet cu vârf şi la sfârşit, de jos în sus cu albuşurile bătute spumă, cu 2-3 linguri de zahăr. Se răstoarnă intr-o cratiţă de 3 kg, unsă şi tapetată şi se coace la foc potrivit spre mic. După coacere, blatul se răstoarnă pe un platou. Crema Celelalte două părţi se amestecă cu margarina şi se mixează foarte bine.Se adaugă 2-3 linguri de zahăr, zăharul vanilat, esenţa de rom şi 3 linguri cacao (ness), se mixeaza foarte bine; Se ţine la frigider o oră. Glazura Se topesc 50 g ciocolată cu o lingură de apă la foc foarte slab; Se freaca cu 50 g zahar pana devine o crema moale. Blatul se taie în două, se pune crema între blaturi şi se aranjează în forma dorită; Se acoperă cu glazura; Se taie în câte porţii se doreşte. Heat the sugar, the cocoa and the water, let them boil for about five minutes and leave them to cool for a while. On the hot mixture, add one by one all the yolks. Divide the mixture in three parts. The layer Mingle a part of the mixture with one spoonful of flour, 2 spoonfuls of dried crust of bread and, at the end, from bottom to top, with whipped yolks and 2 or 3 tablespoons of sugar. Then pour this into a bowl with a capacity of 3 kg, greased and glazed and leave it to cook at mild or low temperature. After cooking it, put the layer on a plate. The cream Mingle with margarine the other two parts and mix very well. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, add the vanilla sugar, the rum and 3 tablespoons of cocoa (ness) and mix very well. Keep it in the refrigerator for an hour. The glaze Melt 50 g of chocolate with a tablespoon of water at low temperature. Beat with 50 g of sugar until it turns into a soft cream. Cut the layer in two, put the cream between the layers and arrange it into the desired shape. Cover with the glaze. Cut it into as many portions as necessary. TORT JOFFRE JOFFRE CAKE 94 Turkey Uşak The historical background of Usak goes back to 5000 BC. This province, is situated at the inner side of Western Anatolia. Being closer to the central region, rather than the Aegean, a typical continental climate prevails in the area. The most distinct characteristic of the city is its location, constituting a pathway between four different regions of Turkey, namely the Marmara, Aegean, Central Anatolian and the Mediterranean regions THE FIRSTS AND DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF UŞAK Uşak became province in 1953.Uşak with means of access has a convenient geographical position.It takes place in the edge of Central west Anatolia which forms a gate between Aegean region and Central Anatolia.The province area looks like a wide tableland.Uşak in 2000 BC was in the borders of in the west of the Hittites country,later it became under the rule of the Lydians. - The first spinning mill. - The first sugar factory. - The first Anatolian city in which electrici ty has been used for the first time. - One of the first province in which railway cross. - The biggest gold seams of Turkey is in UŞAK BLANKETS IN UŞAK Blankets produced in Turkey are sold in 55 countries in the world, including many countries in Europe, Africa and South Africa. The Turkish blanket sector with a 25 million production quantity reached an amount of US $350 million. As 98 percent of the blanket productions in Turkey are realized in Usak, 16-18 million of cotton woven blankets are produced in Usak and around 7 million pieces printed blankets in plush look are produced in different provinces. Usak became the center of the blanket production UŞAK The center of the blanket production 96 97 - Usak is an important and lively weaving center. High quality cotton cloth and bed sheets are widely produced in the various towns; and the carpets and kilims traditionally woven here are world famous, with their many colors and beautiful motifs. There are also picnicking areas and thermal centers in the region THE HISTORICAL UŞAK HOUSES CANYONS CIRIT (THE GAME JERID) - The historical houses in Uşak are generally built as two storey buildings.Also there are single storey houses and three storey houses in Uşak. - The ground floor of the houses are arranged according to the daily life and the conditions of the winter as a result of careful use of the house. - There are canyons in the South and in South-west part of Uşak because of the geological structure of the region. - The total length of the canyons which are formed by Kazancı Stream and the River Banaz are 75 km in Uluğbey Province. - The Municipality of Uluğbey made the architects to arrange the landshape of the area with the held of the World Bank. - The Antic City of Blaundus and these canyons composes a very beautiful viewpoint. - The Cirit with a horse is a short which requires some different features quickness,mastery of riding a horse and the rider are inseperable parts of each other. - The Cirit with a horse is one of our ancestors’ sport.We have to provide doing of this sport according to our customs and traditional manners so as to grow up healthy and disciplined generations.Every year, the public races are held on April in our province. EŞME KILIMS Although antique carpets are world famous, today the provinceís weavers make kilims instead of carpets. Kilims are associated first and foremost with the district of Esme and the village of Takmak. The women of Takmak do not make kilims commercially, but only for the dowries of their daughters or grandchildren. Esme on the other hand has turned kilim weaving into a commercial asset, and has held a kilim festival every May. The sixty villages of the district are all cashing in on the growing popularity of kilims, and thanks to the efforts of some entrepreneurs traditional colors and designs have been revived. 98 THE ARCHEOLOGICAL MUSEUM OF UŞAK - In 1970, the exhibition and arrangement of the building was completed and on May 23rd, 1970, it was opened to service as the Museum Directorate of Uşak. The works in the other showcases are the earthenware pots and glass - made works, which have both remained from the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. - In the other showcase of the hall, gold jewelry, diadems, glass pots, coins belonging to every period, which are either confiscated or provided by the citizens and which are provided from rescue excavations performed by Uşak Museum are located CILANDIRAS BRIDGE - The bridge the Banaz Creek,has been built by Lydians on the king road for a water course Geçkili stones belongs to Rome period of time. - It is on the Banaz stream. - It is in our Karahallı town. - The length of its arch is 24 m,its depth is 17 m and its width is 1.75 m. - Stones of the arch,adorned with chisel are clamped into each other. 99 PIYAZ BASI A ÇOR TARHAN İZMİR K SALATA SALADS 102 PATLICAN SALATASI EZME SALATA ÇOBAN SALATASI PİYAZ BULGUR SALATASI (KISIR) EGGPLANT SALAD EZME SALAD SHEPHERD’S SALAD DRY BEANS SALAD (PIYAZ) BULGUR SALAD 102 103 104 105 106 ÇORBALAR SOUPS 107 TARHANA ÇORBASI PİRİNC ÇORBASI BULGURLU YEŞİL MERCİMEK ÇORBASİ EZOGELİN ÇORBASI ŞEHRİYELİ TAVUK ÇORBASI TARHANA SOUP RICE SOUP GREEN LENTIL SOUP WITH BULGUR EZOGELIN SOUP CHICKEN SOUP WITH VERMICELLI 107 108 109 110 111 ANA YEMEKLER MAIN DISHES 112 İZMİR KÖFTE KARNIYARIK MANTARLI TAVUK SOTE KEŞKEK YAPRAK SARMASI IZMIR KOFTE 112 STUFFED EGGPLANTS WITH GROUND BEEF 113 CHICKEN SAUTE WITH MUSHROOMS114 KASHKEK 115 GRAPE LEAVES STUFFED WITH RICE 116 HAMUR IŞLERİ CAKES 117 AÇMA POĞAÇA POĞAÇA ISPANAKLI BÖREK ELMALI KURABİYE HAVUÇLU KEK SOFT TURKISH BAGEL POGACA BOREK WITH SPINACH APPLE COOKIE CARROT CAKE 117 118 119 120 121 TATLILAR DESSERTS 122 BAKLAVA İRMİK HELVASI AŞURE KÜNEFE KABAK TATLISI TURKISH BAKLAVA SEMOLINA HALVAH NOAH’S PUDDING KUNEFE SWEET PUMPKIN 122 123 124 125 126 ÖFTE A KOLAY POĞAÇ 100 101 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 2 orta boy patlıcan 1-2 dolmalık biber (yeşil/kırmızı/sarı) 1 domates 1-2 diş sarımsak ¼ su bardağı zeytin yağı ( 50 ml) ½ limonun suyu 2-3 dal maydanoz 1 tatlı kaşığı tuz ( 5 ml) 2 medium-size eggplants 1-2 bell peppers (green,red,yellow) 1 tomato 1-2 cloves of garlic ¼ cup olive oil (50 ml) ½ lemon’s juice 2-3 sprigs parsley 1 tsp salt (5 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: Önce sosunu hazırlayın.Bir kabın içine limon suyu,zeytin yağı ve dövülmüş sarımsağı alın. Güzelce karıştırın. Patlıcan ve biberi ocak üzerinde ya da fırına vererek yumuşayıp kabuğundan ayrılana dek közleyin.Arzu ederseniz domatesi de közleyebilirsiniz. Közledikten sora hepsinin kabuklarını soyun ve küp küp doğrayın. Domatesi közlemediyseni z direk doğrayın. Hepsini sosun içine alın ve doğranmış maydanozu ilave edin. Üzerine tuz serpin ve tahta kaşıkla ezmeden karıştırın. Servis tabağına alın ve arzu ederseniz kıvırcık,roka gibi yeşilliklerle süsleyerek servis yapın. To prepare the sauce, place lemon juice, olive oil and minced garlic in a wide bowl. Mix them all. Roast the eggplants and bell peppers over the stove or in the oven till they get soft. If desired roast the tomato too. Then, remove the skins. Cut them all in cubes. If you do not roast the tomato, also cut it into cubes. Place them into the sauce and add parsley. Sprinkle with salt and stir slowly with a wooden spoon making sure not to crush the vegetables. Take them over to a serving plate and if desired serve with lettuce, arugula or other greens. PATLICAN SALATASI EGGPLANT SALAD 102 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 1 adet salatalık 1 yemek kaşığı nar suyu ( 15 ml) 4 adet domates 1 adet büyük soğan ½ dal maydanoz ½ tatlı kaşığı kırmızı biber (5 ml) 3 yemek kaşığı zeytin yağı (45 ml) 1 tatlı kaşığı sumak (5 ml) ½ limon suyu 1 çay kaşığı tuz (2 ml) 1 cucumber 1 tbsp pomegranate sauce (15 ml) 4 tomatoes 1 big onion ½ bunch parsley ½ tsp red crushed pepper (5 ml) 3 tbsp olive oil (45 ml) 1 tsp sumac (5 ml) ½ lemon (juice) 1 tsp salt ( 2 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: İlk olarak salatalığı ve domatesleri soyup küp küp doğrayın,soğanı ve maydanozu da ince ince kıyın ve orta boy bir kaseye koyun. Nar sosunu bir kavanoza dökün ve yarım limon suyunu, biberi, tuzu, yağı, sumak ekşisini de ilave ederek kavanozun kapağını kapatıp iyice çalkalayın. Nar karışımını salatanın üzerine dökün ve bunları karıştırın. First peel and dice the cucumber and tomatoes ,chop finely the onion and parsley and put all in a medium mixing bowl. Pour pomegranate sauce in a jar, add the juice of half a lemon, pepper, salt, olive oil, sumac, and put the lid on it and shake well. Drizzle the pomegranate mixture over the salad and toss well. EZME SALATA EZME SALAD 103 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 2 orta boy soğan 3 büyük boy domates 4 orta boy yeşil biber 2/4 Dal maydanoz 3 yemek kaşığı zeytin yağı (30 ml) 2 yemek kaşığı limon suyu 1 çay kaşığı tuz (2 ml) 2 medium size cucumbers 3 large size tomatoes 4 medium size green peppers 2/4 bunch parsley 3 tbsp olive oil (45 ml) 2 tbsp lemon juice (30 ml) 1 tsp salt (2 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: Sebzeleri yıkayıp, salatalığı soyun, yeşil biberin saplarını ve çekirdeklerini çıkartın. Soğan, yeşil biberi kalın, domates ve salatalıkları küp şeklinde doğrayın. Maydanozları ince ince kıyın. Limon suyu ve tuzunu da ilave ederek salatayı karıştırıp, servis edin. Wash the vegetables, peel the cucumbers, and remove stems and seeds of the green peppers. Chop the onions and the green peppers into thick pieces and the tomatoes and the cucumbers into cubes. Finely chop the parsley. Add lemon juice and salt to the salad. Mix well and serve. ÇOBAN SALATASI SHEPHERD’S SALAD 104 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 1 su bardağı fasulye (250 ml) 2 su bardağı su (500 ml) 1 orta boy soğan 1½ tatlı kaşığı tuz (5 ml) 1 dal maydanoz 1 orta boy yeşil biber 4 yemek kaşığı zeytin yağı (60 ml) 3 yemek kaşığı limon suyu (45 ml) 1 cup dry beans (250 ml) 2 cups water (500 ml) 1 medium size onion 1½ teaspoons salt (5 ml) 1 bunch parsley 1 medium size green pepper 4 tbsp olive oil (60 ml) 3 tbsp lemon juice (45 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: Kuru fasulyeleri yıkayıp ve bir gece önceden 2 su bardağı suya ıslatın. Yumuşayıncaya kadar yaklaşık 35-40 dakika pişirin. Soğanları soyup yıkadıktan sonra yarım ay şeklinde doğrayın. Maydanozun ve biberin saplarını ayırdıktan sonra ince ince kıyın. Fasulyeleri sebzelere ilave edip, tuzunu da ekleyipkarıştırın ve servis tabağına yerleştirin. Wash the dry beans and soak overnight in 2 cups of water. Cook for 35-40 minutes until tender. Peel the onion, wash, and chop finely into half moons. Separate the parsley leaves, remove the stem and seeds of the green pepper and chop both finely. Add the beans to the vegetables; add the salt mix and place in a serving dish. PIYAZ DRY BEANS SALAD 105 Malzemeler: Ingredients: ½ su bardağı köftelik bulgur (125 ml) 1 orta boy domates 4 yeşil soğan 1 yeşil biber 10 yaprak taze nane 1 su bardağı maydanoz ( 250 ml) 1 tatlı kaşığı tuz (5 ml) 1 yemek kaşığı domates salçası (15 ml) 1 yemek kaşığı biber salçası ( 15 ml) 2 yemek kaşığı nar ekşisi yada limon suyu (30 ml) 4-5 yemek kaşığı sızma zeytin yağı (75 ml) ½ cup Turkish bulgur, small grains (125 ml) 1 medium size tomato 4 green onions 1 green peppers 10 leaves of fresh mint 1 cup parsley (250 ml) 1 tsp salt 5 ml) 1 tbsp tomato paste (15 ml) 1 tbsp red pepper paste (15 ml) 2 tbsp pomegranate paste or lemon juice (30 ml) 5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (75 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: İlk olarak bulguru yıkayıp süzün. Sonra, geniş bir kaseye bulguru alıp üzerine kaplayacak şekilde sıcak su dökün. 15-20 dakika dinlenmeye bırak. Sonra suyunu süzüp birkaç defa bulguru yıkayın. Biberin tohumlarını çıkartın ve biberi, domatesi, soğanları, taze nane yapraklarını ve maydanozu küçük küçük doğrayın. Bulguru, kırmızı biber salçasını ve domates salçasını geniş bir kaseye yada geniş derin bir tabağa koyun. Hepsini birlikte yaklaşık 2-3 dakika yoğurun. Tüm sebzeleri ve tuzuda ekleyip karıştırın. Son olarak nar ekşisini ve zeytin yağını da ekleyin. Firstly wash bulgur and drain. Then, place bulgur in large bowl and cover with hot water. Let it stand for about 15-20 minutes. Then, drain, wash and drain few times. Discard the seeds of pepper and cut the pepper, tomato, onions, leaves of fresh mint and parsley in small pieces. Place bulgur, red pepper paste and tomato paste in a large bowl or large shallow plate. Weigh down and knead them very well all together for about 2-3 minutes. Add the vegetables and mix well. Add the sauce and mix. BULGUR SALATASI (KISIR) BULGUR SALAD 106 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 3 yemek kaşığı tarhana(45 ml) 5 su bardağı su(1250 ml) 2 yemek kaşığı çiçek yağı (30 ml) 2 diş sarmısak 1 tatlı kaşığı tuz (5 ml) 1 yemek kaşığı domates salçası(15 ml) 1 tatlı kaşığı kuru nane (5 ml) 3 tbsp tarhana (45 ml) 5 cups water (1250 ml) 2 tbsp sun flower oil (30 ml) 2 cloves of garlic 1 tsp salt (5 ml) 1 tbsp tomato paste (15 ml) 1 tsp dried mint (5 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: Çiçek yağı,domates salçası ve naneyi tencereye koyun. Sarımsakları soyup ezdikten sonra tencereye ilave edin. Yağ,domates salçası ve naneyi kavurun. Tencereye önce suyu ve sonra tarhanayı karıştırarak ilave edin.10 dakika karıştıdıktan sonra tuzunu ekleyin. 10 dakika daha kaynamaya bırakın. Çorbayı sıcak servis yapın. Put sun flower oil, tomato paste and pepper mint in a pot. Peel the garlic cloves, mash it and put them into the pot. Sauté sun flower oil, tomato paste and mashed garlic. Pour the water in the pot by mixing. After 10 minutes of stirring, add salt. Let it boil for 10 minutes. Serve it hot. Servis oneri: Eğer arzu ederseniz tarhana çorbasını haşlanmış nohutla ya da tereyağında kızartılmış ekmek küpleriyle servis yapabilirsiniz. Serve with: cooked chickpeas and fried bread cubes in butter Bilgi: Tarhana Çorbasının içerisindeki besinler ve vitaminler sayesinde insan sağlığı ve yaşamındaki herkes tarafından bilinmektedir. Leziz bir çorba olmasının yanında sindirim sistemi dahil bir çok hastalığa şifa olarak gösterilmektedir. for information: Everybody in Turkey knows that Tarhana Soup has got so many benefits to the human health and life. In addition to its being a delicious soup, it is shown as a recovery for many diseases including digestive system. TARHANA ÇORBASI TARHANA SOUP 107 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 4 su bardağı su (1 l) 2 su bardağı et suyu (½ l) ⅓ su bardağı pirinç (75 ml) 1 çorba kaşığı tereyağı (15 ml) 1 çorba kaşığı domates salçası (15 ml) 2 dal maydanoz 1 tatlı kaşığı tuz (5 ml) 4 cups water (1 l) 2 cups of meat broth (½ l) ⅓ cup of rice (75 ml) 1 tbsp butter (15 ml) 1 tbsp tomato paste (15 ml) 2 stems of parsley 1 tsp salt (5 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: Pirinci yıkayıp su ve et suyunuda ilave ederek bir tencereye koyun. Çorbayı 15 dakika ya da daha fazla,pirinç yumuşacınya kadar pişirin. Tereyağı ve domates salçasını bir tavaya koyup kavurun. Kavrulmuş tereyağı ve domates salçasını tencereye ilave edin. Çorbayı 5 dakika daha pişirin. Çorbayı üzerine kıyılmış maydanozları koyduktan sonra servis yapın. Wash the rice and put it into a pot with the water, salt and the meat broth. Let the soup cook for 15 or more minutes until the rice softens. Put the butter and tomato paste into a saucepan and sauté. Pour the sautéed butter and tomato paste into the pot. Cook the soup for 5 minutes. Serve the soup after topping it with chopped parsley. PIRINÇ ÇORBASI RICE SOUP 108 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 1 su bardağı yeşil mercimek (250 ml) 1 orta boy soğan 3 yemek kaşığı bulgur (45 ml) 1 yemek kaşığı domates salçası (15 ml) 2 yemek kaşığı zeytin yağı (30 ml) 9 su bardağı su (2 l) 1 tatlı kaşığı tuz (5 ml) 1 tatlı kaşığı nane (5 ml) 1 cup green lentil (250 ml) 1 medium onion 3 tbsp bulgur (45 ml) 1 tbsp tomato paste (15 ml) 2 tbsp of olive oil (30 ml) 9 cups of water (2 l) 1 tsp salt (5 ml) 1 tsp dried mint (5 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: Soğanı soyup ince ince doğrayın. Düdüklü tencereye zeytin yağı ve ince ince kıyılmış soğanı koyup 3 dakika kavurun. Domates salçasını ilave edip 2 dakika daha karıştırarak kavurun. Mercimeği ve bulguru yıkayıp süzün ve tencereye ilave edin. 9 su bardğı suyu ,tuzu ve naneyi de ilave edin. Çorbayı düdüklü tencerede 1 saat pişirin. Peel the onion and chop finely. Put olive oil and finely chopped onions into a pressure cooker and sauté it for 3 minutes. Add the tomato paste and sauté it for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Wash the red lentils and bulgur, drain them and add it to the pressure cooker. Pour 9 water glasses of water, add salt and mint. Cook the soup for 1 hour in the pressure cooker. BULGURLU YEŞIL MERCIMEK ÇORBASI GREEN LENTIL SOUP WITH BULGUR 109 Malzemeler: ⅔ su bardagı kırmızı mercimek (150 ml) ⅓ su bardağı pirinç (75 ml) ⅓ su bardağı ince bulgur (75 ml) 1 soğan 3 yemek kaşığı un (15 ml) 2 yemek kaşığı domates salçası (30 ml) 2 yemek kaşığı tereyağı (30 ml) 1 yemek kaşığı kuru nane (15 ml) 4 yemek kaşığı sıvı yağ (60 ml) 1 tatlı kaşığı pulbiber (5 ml) 2 su bardağı soğuk (½ l) + 6 su bardağı ılık su (1500 ml) 1 tatlı kaşığı tuz (5 ml) Ingredients: ⅔ cup red lentils (150 ml) ⅓ cup rice (75 ml) ⅓ cup extra fine bulgur (75 ml) 1 onion 1 tbsp flour (15 ml) 2 tbsp tomato paste (30 ml) 2 tbsp butter (30 ml) 1 tbsp dried mint (15 ml) 4 tbsp sun flower oil (60 ml) 1 tsp red pepper flakes (5 ml) ½ l cold + 1500 ml warm water 1 tsp salt to taste (5 ml) Lemon wedges or lemon juice Hazırlanışı: Mercimeği,pirinci ve bulguru yıkayıp süzün ve hepsini birlikte geniş bir tencereye koyun. 6 su bardağı suyu ilave edin. Yüksek ateşte kaynamaya bırakın ve kapağını kapatıp kısık ateste hepsi pişene dek yaklasik 20-30 dakika pişirin. Bu sırada soğanı ince ince kıyıp küçük bir tencerede tereyağı, sıvı yağ ve soganı soteleyin. Sonra, unu ilave edip sararana dek kısık ateste cevirin. Domates salcasi, nane ve pulbiberi ilave edin. Biraz daha cevirdikten sonra 2 su bardagi soguk suyu ilave edin ve iyice karıstırın. Un karışımı suyun icinde dagıldıktan sonra, tencereye ilave edin ve iyice karıştırın. Tuzu ilave edin. Arzu ettiginiz kıvama göre su ilavesi yapabilirsiniz. Corba kaynamaya baslayinca kapagını yarı aralık bırakarak kısık ateste 10 dakika kadar pisirin. Ezogelin Corbasi’ni servis tabaklarina alin ve uzerine limon sikarak veya limon dilimleri ile servis yapın. Preparation: Wash and drain the red lentils, rice and bulgur and place them in a large pot. Add 6 cups of warm water. Bring to the boil over high heat. Then close the lid and cook over low heat, till all the grains are cooked (for about 20-30 minutes). Meanwhile, chop the onion finely and put butter, sun flower oil and onions in a saucepan. Sauté them over medium heat. Then add flour and sauté till it turns yellow. Stir in tomato paste, mint and red pepper flakes. Cook for 2 minutes and add 2 cups of cold water. Stir well to dissolve the flour particles inside. And then, pour this mixture inside the pot and add salt. You can add more water to adjust the thickness as you desire. Once the soup boils, close the lid halfway and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Ladle Ezogelin Soup onto serving plates and serve with lemon juice or lemon wedges. Bilgi: Ezogelin Çorbası ismini güzelliği dillere destan olan fakat bahtı o kadar açık olmayan Gaziantep şehrinde yaşamış bir gelinden alır.Ezo Gelin yaptığı talihsiz evlilikler ,yakalandığı hastalıklar ve çektiği gurbet acısı sebebiyje birçok öyküye konu olmuştur.Ezogelin Çorbası da halk tarafından ona ithaf edilmiştir. For information: Ezogelin Soup takes its name from a bride who had a legendary beauty but sorrowful fortune and lived in Gaziantep. Ezo Gelin was used as a topic in many stories on account of her unlucky marriages, suffering diseases and homesickness. And Ezogelin Soup was dedicated to her by the public. EZOGELİN ÇORBASI EZOGELIN SOUP 110 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 1 bütün tavuk budu yada 225 gr tavuk ğöğsü 8 su bardağı su (2 litre) ½ su bardağı tel şehriye (125 ml) 1 orta boy havuç,rendelenmiş 3 diş sarımsak, dilimlenmiş 2 tatlı kaşığı tuz (5 ml) 1 çay kaşığı karabiber (5 ml) SOS: 1 yumurta,çırpılmış 2 yemek kaşığı limon suyu (30 ml) 1 whole chicken leg or 225 gr chicken breast 8 cups water ( 2 litre) ½ cup vermicelli (125 ml) 1 medium carrot,grated 3 gloves of garlic,sliced 1 tsp salt (10 ml) ½ tsp black pepper (5 ml) Sauce : 1 egg ,beaten 2 tbsp lemon juice (30 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: Tavuğu ve 6 su bardağı suyu bir tencereye koyun. 1 tatlı kaşığı tuzu da ekleyip pişene dek kaynatın. Tavuğu soğutun ve küçük parçalar halinde doğrayın. Tavuk suyuna havuçları ,sarımsağı ve 1 tatlı kaşığı tuzu ilave edin ve orta ateşte kaynatın. Tavuk suyu kaynamaya başlayınca tel şehriyeyi ve tavuk parçalarını ekleyin . 8-10 dakika pişirin. Ocağı kapattıktan sonra 10-15 dakika biraz soğumasını bekleyin. Derin bir kasede çırpılmış yumurta ile limon suyunu karıştırın ve yavaşça karıştırarak Şehriyeli Tavuk Çorbasına ilave edin. Son olarak karabiberi serpin ve sıcak servis yapın. Place the chicken in a pot and add 6-8 cups of water. Add 1 tbsp of salt and boil until the chicken is cooked. Then, cool the chicken and cut into small bite–sized pieces. Add carrot,garlic and 1 tsp of salt to the chicken broth you got before and cook over medium heat. When it boils, add vermicelli and chicken pieces. Simmer for 8-10 minutes. Let it cool for a while. Mix the beaten egg and lemon juice in a bowl and slowly stir in to the Chicken Soup with vermicelli. Finally sprinkle black pepper on top and serve warm. ŞEHRİYELİ TAVUK ÇORBASI CHICKEN SOUP WITH VERMICELLI 111 Malzemeler: Köfte: 300g yarım yağlı kıyma 4 yemek kaşığı ekmek içi (60 ml) 1 orta boy soğan 1 diş sarımsak ¼ su bardağı maydanoz (50 ml) 1 yumurta ¼ tatlı kaşığı kimyon (1 ml) ¼ tatlı kaşığı kırmızı biber (1 ml) ¼ tatlı kaşığı karabiber (1 ml) ¼ tatlı kaşığı tuz (1 ml) Kizartmak icin: ½ su bardağı ayçiçeği yağı (125 ml) 4 yemek kaşığı un (60 ml) Sos: 2 büyük boy domates 1 yemek kaşığı tereyağı (15 ml) 1 yemek kaşığı salça (15 ml) ⅓ su bardağı su (75 ml) 1 çay kaşığı tuz (2 ml) 1 çay kaşığı kırmızı biber (2 ml) 1 adet yeşil biber Ingredients: For Kofte: 300 g medium ground beef 4 tbsp breadcrumbs (60 ml) 1 medium size onion 1 garlic clove ¼ cup parsley (50 ml) 1 egg ¼ tsp cumin (1 ml) ¼ tsp red pepper (1 ml) ¼ tsp black pepper (1 ml) ¼ tsp salt (1 ml) For frying: ½ cup liquid oil (125 ml) 4 tbsp flour (60 ml) For the sauce: 2 large tomato, peeled, seeds discarded, cut in cubes 1 tbsp butter (15 ml) 1 tbsp crushed tomato, in a can (75 ml) ½ or ⅓ cup of water salt, pepper 1 green pepper Hazırlanışı: İlk olarak soğanı rendeleyin,sarımsak ve maydanozu ince ince doğrayıp geniş bir kasede diğer köfte malzemeleriyle birleştirdikten sonra yoğurun. Bu karışımı 12 parçaya bölün ve her parçaya uzun şekil verin Bir tavaya sıvı yağı koyup kızartın. Bir tabağa unu döküp köfteleri unla yuvarlayın. Köfteleri 3-4 dakika kızartın. Daha sonra, köfteleri kağıt bir havlunun üzerine fazla yağı emmesi için koyun. Köfteleri cam bir fırın kabına yerleştirin. Sosu hazırlamak için domatesleri soyup küp küp doğradıktan sonra küçük bir tencereye koyun ve yeşil biber hariç tüm sos malzemelerini de ekleyin. Orta ateşte yaklaşık 3-4 dakika pişirin. Sosu köftelerin üzerine dökün. Yeşil biberlerin saplarını kesip çekirdeklerini çıkartın ve 4 parçaya keserek köftelerin üzerine yerleştirin.Fırını 180°C’de önceden ısıtın ve yaklaşık olarak 30 dakika pişirin. Preparation: First grate the onion,chop the garlic clove and parsley finely and combine them with all the other köfte ingredients in a large bowl and mix all together using your hands. Divide it in 12 pieces and give each a long shape, as shown in the picture. Pour the liquid oil in a frying pan and heat it up. Place the flour on a plate and roll each köfte in it. Fry the köfte evenly for about 3-4 minutes. Afterwards, place them on a paper towel to soak up extra oil. Arrange in a casserole dish. To prepare the sauce, peel and cut the tomatoes in cubes and put in a small pot.Then add all the sauce ingredients into the pot except green peppers. Cook for about 3-4 minutes over medium heat. Pour the sauce all over the köfte Cut off the stems and discard the seeds of the green peppers, cut in 4 pieces and arrange on top. Preheat the oven to 375° F (180° C) and cook for about 30 minutes. İZMİR KÖFTE IZMIR KOFTE 112 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 4 küçük boy patlıcan ½ su bardağı ayçiçek yağı (125 ml) ¾ su bardağı kaynamış su ,1 yemek kaşığı salçayla birlikte (175 ml) KARNIYARIK İÇİ : 150g yarım yağlı kıyma 1 küçük soğan 1 orta boy domates 1 adet küçük boy yeşil biber 1-2 diş sarımsak 2 çay kaşığı tuz (5 ml) 1 çay kaşığı karabiber (5 ml) 1 yemek kaşığı salça (15 ml) ¾ su bardağı sıcak su (175 ml) 4 small eggplants ½ cup sunflower oil (125 ml) ¾ cup hot water with 1 tbsp crushed tomato (175 ml) Filling: 150g medium ground beef 1 small onion 1 medium tomato 1 small cubanelle pepper 1-2 garlic cloves 1 tsp salt (5 ml) 1 tsp black pepper (5 ml) 1 tbsp crushed tomato (15 ml) ¾ cup hot water (175 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: Her bir patlıcanın kabuğunu aralıklar bırakarak uzunlamasına soyun. Üzerine tuz serpin ve 20 dakika bekletin. Suyunu süzüp ,yıkayın ve kağıt havluyla kurutun. Yağı tavaya koyup orta ateşte ısıtın ve patlıcanların her tarafını iyice kızartın. Her patlıcanı ortasından uzunlamasına kesin ve çekirdeklerini çıkartın. Patlıcanları bir tavaya yerleştirin. İçini hazırlamak için soğanı ve sarımsağı dilimleyin,domatesi küp küp kesin(4 ince dilim ayırın) , biberi de doğrayın(4 ince dilim ayırın) ve sonra küçük bir tavada tüm iç malzemelerini orta ateşte pişirin. Bir tatlı kaşığı ile patlıcanları eşit bir şekilde içle doldurun Dilimlenmiş biber ve domatesleri her bir patlıcanın üzerine yerleştirin. 3/4 su bardağı sıcak suyu 1 yemek kaşığı salça ile birlikte karıştırın ve tavanın içine dökün. Kapağını kapatın ve orta ateşte yaklaşık 15 dakika pişirin. Peel alternating strips of skin lengthwise as seen in the picture for each eggplant. Sprinkle salt on top and put aside for about 20 minutes. Squeeze, wash and dry them with a paper towel. Heat the oil in a skillet over medium-high Heat and fry every side until nicely colored. Cut a slit in each eggplant and scoop out most of the seeds, making sure they don‘t fall apart. Place them in a pan. To prepare the filling, slice the onion and garlic cloves, dice the tomato (put aside 4 thin slices), chop the pepper (put aside 4 thin slices) and cook all the filling ingredients in a small pot at medium heat. Fill the eggplants equally with the filling using a teaspoon. Place the sliced tomato and green pepper on each eggplant. Pour ¾ cup of hot water with 1 tbsp crushed tomato into the pan from the side. Cover the lid and cook at medium-low heat for about 15 minutes. KARNIYARIK STUFFED EGGPLANTS WITH GROUND BEEF 113 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 500g mantar 500g tavuk göğsü 1 orta boy soğan 2 uzun dilimlenmiş yeşil biber 2 büyük boy domates 1 çay kaşığı tuz (5 ml) 1 çay kaşığı karabiber (5 ml) 2 yemek kaşığı zeytin yağı (30 ml) 500g mushroom 500g chicken breast 1 medium-size onion 2 green peppers,long sized 2 big-sized tomatoes 1 tsp salt (5 ml) 1 tsp black pepper (5 ml) 2 tbsp olive oil (30 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: İlk olarak,bir tencereye yağı koyun, küçük parçalar halinde kesilmiş tavuk göğsünü de tencereye ilave edin ve suyunu çekene kadar pişirin. Yarım daire şeklinde dilimlenmiş soğan ve ince dilimlenmiş biberleri ilave edin ve soğanlar yumuşayıncaya kadar pişirin. Domatesleri rendeleyin ve sonra karışıma ilave edin ve kaynayıncaya kadar pişirin. Mantarları küçük parçalar halinde kesin ve sonra tuz ve karabiberi ilave edin. Orta ateşte yaklaşık 15 dakika pişirin ve sıcak servis yapın. First put oil into the pot and add the chicken breast which is cut in bite-sized pieces and cook it until the water evaporates. Add sliced onions cut in half circles and finely sliced long green peppers, cook until the onions get transparent. Grate the tomatoes, add them to the mixture and cook until it starts to boil. Cut the mushrooms in bite-sized pieces and add them with salt and black pepper. Cook less than 15 minutes over medium heat and serve hot. MANTARLI TAVUK SOTE CHICKEN SAUTE WITH MUSHROOMS 114 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 1000g yumuşak, beyaz buğday 500g koyun eti 3 büyük boy soğan ½ yemek kaşığı kimyon (8 ml) 3 yemek kaşığı tereyağı yada margarin(45 ml) 1 tatlı yemek kaşığı tuz (5 ml) 1 yemek kaşığı çiçek yağı (15 ml) 1000g soft, white wheat 500g mutton 3 large onious ½ tbsp cinnamon (8 ml) 3 tbsp margerine or buttter (45 ml) 1 tsp salt (5 ml) 1 tbsp sunflower oil (15 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: Buğdayı soğuk suya 8 saat kadar önceden ıslatın. Buğdayı ve kuşbaşı doğranmamış eti geniş bir tencereye koyup üzerini örtecek kadar da su ilave edin ve et ve buğday yumuşayana kadar pişirin. Tuzunu da ilave edin ve tahta bir kaşıkla iyice karıştırın. Soğanları küp şeklinde doğrayıp, ayçiçeği yağında pembeleşinceye kadar kavurun . Kavrulmuş soğanları et ve buğday karışımına ilave edin ve tekrar tahta kaşıkla karışım hamur kıvamına gelinceye kadar karıştırın. Üzerine eritilmiş tereyağı ve kimyon dökerek servis yapın. Soak wheat in cold water and allow to stand for 8 hours. Put the wheat, the mutton, cut in small chunks and enough water to cover into a large saucepon and boil till the wheat and meat become tender. Add the salt and blend well with a wooden spoon. Dice the onions and fry in sunflower oil till golden. Drain the onions and add them to the meat and wheat and blend with a wooden spoon till the mixture becomes pasty. Top with melted butter and cinnamon before serving. BİLGİ: Keşkek hala Anadolunun pek çok bölgesinde düğün ziyafetlerinde ikram edilen geleneksel bir Türk yemeğidir.Son zamanlarda özel bir Türk yemeği olarak sunulan keşkeği lüks restorantların menülerinde de bulabiliriz. INFORMATION: Kashkek is a traditional Turkish dish,still being served in many regions in Anatolia,especially at wedding celebrations. Recently we find kashkek also on the menues in luxurious restaurants that serve Turkish specialities. KEŞKEK KASHKEK 115 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 25g çam fıstığı 250g üzüm yaprağı 1 çay kaşığı yenibahar (2 ml) 1 adet domates 3 çay kaşığı şeker (6 ml) 220 ml zeytin yağı 2 çay kaşığı tuz (4 ml) 6 adet küçük boy soğan 1 çay kaşığı biber ( karabiber – kırmızı biber ) (2 ml) 220g pirinç 25g kuşüzümü ½ limon 1 yemek kaşığı nane (15 ml) 1 demet dereotu 25g pine nuts 250g wine leaves 1 tsp allispice (2 ml) 1 tomato 3 tsp sugar (6 ml) 220 ml olive oil 2 tsp salt 6 small onions 1 tsp pepper (2 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: Pirinç ılık suya ıslatıp soğumaya bırakın. Su soğuduktan sonra süzün ve yıkayın. Bir tencereye kıyılmış soğanları, fıstıkları, tuzunu ve yağını ilave ederek orta ateşte kavurun. Pirincide ekleyerek yaklaşık 10 dakika karıştırın. İnce kıyılmış domatesi, 1 çay kaşığı tuzu ve biberi, şekeri ve 200 ml. suyu da ilave edin, iyice karıştırın ve 10-15 dakika suyunu çekene kadar pişirin. Baharatları ve kıyılmış dereotunu ilave edin. Kağıt havluyla kapatın ve yarım saat kadar bekletin. Asma yapraklarını kaynayan suya koyun ve 5 dakika pişirin. Süzün ve saplarını koparın. Bir yaprağı tabağın üzerine yerleştirin ve içine yarım yemek kaşığı pirinç karışımından koyun. Yaprağın kenarlarından başlayarak sıkıca sarın. Sarılan yaprakları tavanın dibine yerleştirin.250 ml. su ve yarım limon suyunu ilave edin. Dolmaların üzerine bir tabak koyun. Kapağını kapatın ve yaklaşık 1 saat pişirin. Soğumaya bırakın ve limon dilimleriyle servis yapın. NOT : Bu yemek soğuk servis edilir.. Cover the rice with warm water and let cool. Drain and wash. In a saucepan, add chopped onions, pine nuts, 1 teaspoon of salt and olive oil. Brown at medium heat. Add rice and stir for about 10 minutes. Add finely chopped tomatoes, extra salt and pepper, sugar and 200 ml of water. Mix well and simmer for 10-15 minutes until water is absorbed. Add the spices and chopped herbs. Cover with paper towels and place lid back on. Set aside for ½ hour. Mix well. Place wine leaves in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Drain and remove stems. Place one leaf at a time on a plate and place ½ tablespoon of rice mixture near the bottom of the leaf. Fold the sides towards the centre and roll it up firmly. Continue the procedure, placing ‘’dolmas’’ with a bread plate into a saucepan. Add 250 ml water and the juice of half a lemon. Cover with a lid and cook at low heat for about 1 hour. Let cool and serve with slices of lemon. 220g rice 25g currants ½ lemon 1 tbsp dried mint (15 ml) 1 bunch dill Malzemeler: 1 su bardağı ılık süt (250 ml) 1 su bardağı ılık su (250 ml) 1 su bardağı sıvı yağ (250 ml) 1 yumurta (beyazı hamur, sarısı üzeri için) 1 yemek kaşığı tuz (15 ml) 2-3 yemek kaşığı şeker (30-45 ml) 5-6 su bardağı un (1 litre 250-500 ml) 7g instant bira mayası/1 küp yaş maya 2 yemek kaşığı tereyağı, yumuşatılmış (30 ml) Üzeri için susam/çörek otu (isteğe bağlı) Hazırlanışı: Ilık suyu ve mayayı bir kaseye alın, içine şekeri ilave edin ve şekerle maya çözünene kadar iyice karıştırın. 10-15 dakika kabarmasını bekleyin. Sonra, süt, yumurta akı, sıvı yağ, tuz ve unu ilave ederek, 10 dakika kadar yoğurun. Üzerine şeffaf film örtün ve sıcak bir ortamda, hamur iki katı kadar kabarana dek, yaklaşık 2 saat, bekleyin. Yumurta büyüklüğünde hamur parçalari koparıp, elinizle açıp uzunca bir dikdörtgen elde edin. Yaklaşık 1 çay kaşığı tereyağını hamurun üzerine yayın ve uzunlamasına rulo şeklinde yuvarlayın. Elde ettiğiniz uzun ruloyu iki ucundan tutun ve ters yönlere doğru iki uçunda hafifce kıvırarak burgular oluşmasını sağlayın. Sonra uçlarını sıkıca birleştirerek simit şeklini verin ve yağlanmış tepsiye aralıklı olarak yerleştirin.Üzerlerini streç film ya da bir örtü ile örtüp, yaklaşik 1 saat boyunca tekrar kabarmasi için bekleyin. Üzerine yumurta sarısını sürün ve susam/ çörek otu ile süsleyin (isteğe bağlı). Önceden ısıtılmış 200°C (400 F) fırında 10 dakika pişirin. Sonra 190°C (375 F) de 15 dakika daha pişirin. Üzerleri kızardığı zaman çıkarın. Sıcak servis yapın. NOT: Poğaçalarınızın kurumaması, yumuşacık olmasi için fırından çıkarınca üzerini temiz bir bez ile hava almayacak şekilde ortun. Açma poğaçaları buzdolabında bir haftaya kadar saklayabilirsiniz. Yemeden önce mikrodalgada ısıtmanız yeterli olacaktır. NOTE : This dish is served cold. YAPRAK SARMASI GRAPE LEAVES STUFFED WITH RICE 116 Ingredients: 1 cup lukewarm milk (250 ml) 1 cup lukewarm water (250 ml) 1 cup sunflower oil (250 ml) 1 egg (yolk for brushing on the dough, white for dough) 2 tbp salt (15 ml) 2-3 tbsp sugar (30-45 ml) 5-6 cups all purpose flour ( 1 litre 250-500 ml) 7 g instant yeast /1 cube fresh yeast 2 tbsp butter, softened (30 ml) nigella/sesame seeds (optional) Preparation: Place the lukewarm milk, sugar and the yeast into a bowl. Stir well to dissolve the sugar and the yeast. Let it rise for 10-15 minutes. Then, add the salt, egg white, oil and flour, knead for about 10 minutes.Place a cling film over the dough and let it rest for 2 hours or till it rises up to double its shape. Grab egg sized pieces from the dough and flatten them into a rectangular shape. Elongate and spread ½ tsp butter all over. Then, roll it lengthwise and get a stick-like long piece of dough. Hold the ends and twist from the ends towards opposite directions, till getting some nice twists. Stick the ends making a wheel shape Place them on a greased baking tray, leaving some room. Cover the pogacas with a plastic wrap (cling film) or cloth and leave them to rise for an hour. Then, brush them with whisked egg yolk and sprinkle with some sesame seeds/nigella (optional). Preheat the oven to 400° F (200°C) and bake for 10 minutes. Turn the heat to 375° F (190°C) and bake for 15 more minutes till they turn golden brown. Serve warm. P.S: For softer pogacas, cover their surface with a clean cloth and make it air proof after taking them from the oven. You can also refrigerate the leftovers for up to one week and just microwave before eating. AÇMA POĞAÇA SOFT TURKISH BAGEL 117 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 1 yumurta (sarısı ayrılmış) 100g margarin/tereyağı, yumuşak ½ su bardağı ayçiçek yağı (125 ml) ½ su bardağı yoğurt (125 ml) 1 tatlı kaşığı kabartma tozu (5 ml) 1 tatlı kaşığı tuz (5 ml) 3 su bardağı un (750 ml) 1 yemek kaşığı çörek otu, üzeri için (125 ml) 1 egg (yolk separated) 100g butter/margarine, softened ½ cup sunflower oil (125 ml) ½ cup yogurt (125 ml) 1 tsp baking powder (5 ml) 1 tsp salt to taste (5 ml) 3 cups flour (750 ml) 1 tbsp nigella seeds for top (15 ml) İç malzeme: ½ su bardağı beyaz peynir/lor (125 ml) 2 yemek kaşığı maydanoz/dereotu, ince doğranmış (isteğe bağlı) (30 ml) Filling: ½ cup feta/Mexican crumbling cheese, crumbled (125 ml) 2 tbsp fresh parsley/dill, chopped finely (optional) (30 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: Geniş ve derince bir kaba bütün hamur malzemelerini alın. Elastik ve kulak memesi yumuşaklığında, pürüzsüz bir hamur elde edene dek yoğurun. Bir tabakta iç malzemesini karıştırın. Hamurdan yumurta ya da daha büyük parçalar koparın elinizle açarak yuvarlak şekil verin. Ortasına bir tatlı kaşığı iç malzemesi koyun ve ay şeklinde kapatın ve kenarlarını yapıştırın. Poğaçaları yağlanmış fırın tepsisine aralıklı olarak dizin ve üzerlerine ayırmış olduğunuz yumurta sarısını sürün. Çörek otu serpin ve önceden ısıtılmış 180°C (350°F) fırında üzerleri kızarana dek pişirin. Place all of the dough ingredients in a wide and deep bowl. Mix them all and knead with your hands till the dough gets elastic, non sticky and smooth. In a small plate, mix the filling ingredients. Grab egg size or bigger dough pieces and flatten them with your palms. Place one teaspoonful of filling in the middle and close it up like a half moon shape and stick the edges pressing with your fingers. Place the pogacas over a greased oven tray and glaze with egg yolk. Sprinkle with nigella seeds and bake at preheated 180°C (350°F) till they get light brown. POĞAÇA POGACA 118 Malzemeler: 4-5 adet yufka 3 lt lik Pyrex (borcam) ya da herhangi bir tepsi 2 yumurta 1 çay kaşığı tuz ( 2 ml) ⅔ su bardagi süt (150 ml) ⅓ ya da ½ su bardağı sıvı yağ(75 ml-125 ml) 2 tatlı kaşığı susam (10 ml) 2 çay kaşığı çörek otu (isteğe bağlı) (10 ml) Ispanaklı Börek için İç 1 paket donmuş ıspanak/konserve ıspanak/ taze ispanak, dogranmış (300 gr) 1 soğan, doğranmış 2 yemek kaşığı sıvı yağ (30 ml) 1 cay kaşığı tuz ½ çay kaşığı karabiber (isteğe bağlı) 150 g beyaz peynir Eğer dondurulmuş ıspanak kullanıyorsanız, çözündürmeden kullanın. Diğer yandan eğer konserve kullanıyorsanız suyunu süzün. Taze ıspanagı yıkayıp, doğrayın. Bir tavada yağ ve soğanlari 2-3 dakika orta ateşte kavurun. Ispanağı ve tuzu ilave edin ve ara sıra karıştırarak, kapağı kapalı olarak 8-10 dakika pişirin. Peyniride içine karıştırın.Hazır oldugu zaman üzerine karabiber serpin (isteğe bağlı). Hazırlanışı: Bir kasede süt, yumurta ve sıvı yağını karıştırın. Bu karışımı her 2-3 tane pastry arasına/her yufka arasında ve böreğin üstü için kullanacaksınız. Tepsiyi yağladıktan sonra, 1 yufkayı tepsinin dibine kenarları tepsinin dışarısına çıkacak şekilde yayın. 3 yemek kaşığı süt karışımından yayın ve kullandığınız içten bir miktar alıp eşit şekilde yayın. Diğer 1 yufkayi buruşturarak tepsinin boyutlarına göre yerleştirin ve yine sütlü karışım ve içten koyarak elinizdeki yufka bitene dek bu işlemi tekrarlayin . Son pastri/yufkayı koyunca, en alttaki yufkayı tepsinin içine doğru kıvırıp böreğin üzerini örtün. Geriye kalan süt karışımını eşit şekilde böreğin üzerine dökün ve susam ile çörek otu serpin. Önceden ısıtılmış 180°C (350 F) fırında, üzeri kızarana dek, yaklaşık 45 dakika pişirin. Sıcak servis yapın. Ingredients: 1 lb (454 gr) Phyllo Pastry / 4-5 yufka 3 L (13”9”2”) Pyrex casserole dish 2 eggs 1 tsp salt ⅔ cup milk (150 ml) ⅓ or ½ cup oil (75 ml,125 ml) 2 tsp sesame seeds (10 ml) 2 tsp nigella seeds (optional) (10 ml) Filling for Borek with Spinach : 1 packet frozen chopped spinach or spinach in a can (300g) 1 onion, chopped 2 tbsp oil (canola/ sunflower/vegetable/corn/ olive) (30 ml) 1 tsp salt ( 4 ml ) ½ tsp black pepper (optional) (2 ml) 150 g white cheese If you are using frozen spinach do not thaw. On the other hand, if you are using canned spinach, drain it. For the fresh spinach, wash, drain and chop. Place the oil and chopped onions in a pan and fry for 2-3 minutes on low-medium heat. Add the spinach, salt and cook for 8-10 minutes with the lid closed but stirring occasionally.Add the white cheese and mix. When it’s done, sprinkle black pepper (optional) Preparation: Place the eggs, oil and milk in a bowl. Mix them with a whisk. You will use this mixture between every two or three layers of the pastry and on top of the borek. After greasing the Pyrex dish, place two or three layers of pastry/ 1 yufka on the bottom and let it go over the sides of the dish. Spread 3 tbsp of the mixture on it and put some of the filling you are using and spread it evenly. Take the other 2-3 sheets of pastry and wrinkle them up in order to fit to the dish. Continue layering in the same way; first the liquid mixture and then the filling. When you place the last pastry sheets, fold the sides of the bottom sheets over. Pour the remaining liquid mixture on top of the borek and sprinkle nigella and sesame seeds.Preheat the oven to 350°F(180°C) and cook for about 45 minutes, until it turns golden brown. Serve warm. ISPANAKLI BÖREK BOREK WITH SPINACH 119 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 1 su bardağı yoğurt (250 ml) 1 su bardağı şeker (250 ml) 250g margarin/tereyağı, eritilmiş ½ su bardagi sıvı yağ (125 ml) 1 yumurta 1 tatlı kaşığı kabartma tozu/1 paket kabartma tozu 7-8 su bardağı un 1 çay bardağı pudra şekeri (125 ml) 1 cup yogurt (250 ml) 1 cup sugar (250 ml) 250g margarine/butter, melted ½ cup sunflower oil (125 ml) 1 egg 1 tsp baking powder ( 5 ml) 7-8 cup flour ½ cup icing sugar for garnish (125 ml) İç Malzeme: 3 elma 3 yemek kaşığı şeker (45 ml) 1 tatlı kaşığı tarçın (5 ml) 1 çay bardağı ceviz (125 ml) Filling: 3 apples 3 tbsp sugar (45 ml) 1 tsp cinnamon (5 ml) ½ cup walnuts/pecans (125 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: Pudra şekeri ve un hariç bütün malzemeleri karıştırın. Unu yavaş yavaş yedirerek elinize yapışmayacak bir hamur elde edin. Yaklaşık 4-5 dakika yoğurun. Hamurun üzerini temiz bir bez ile örtün ve dinlenmeye bırakın. Diğer yandan bir tencerede kabuğu soyulmuş ve rendelenmiş elma ve şekeri 10 dakika kadar orta ateşte pişirin. Elmalar kahverengiye dönecektir. Pişince ocaktan alın ve tarçın ile ufalanmış cevizi ilave edin. Hamuru 3 parçaya ayırın. Her parcayi oklava ile 1/2 cm kalınlıgında açın. 8 eşit parçaya kesin. Geniş taraflarına 1 tatlı kaşığı iç malzemeden koyarak rulo şeklinde sarın. Kurabiyeleri yağlanmış ya da yağlı kağıt koydugunuz fırın tepsisine aralıklı olarak dizin. Önceden ısıtılmış 180 °C (350 F) fırında kurabiyeler hafif pembeleşene dek yaklasik 30 dakika pişirin. Fırından çıkarınca üzerine pudra şekeri serpin ve servis yapın. Mix all the dough ingredients, but flour and icing sugar. Add flour slowly and form a non sticking dough. Knead for 4-5 minutes. Then, cover the dough with a clean cloth and leave for resting. Meanwhile, cook peeled and shredded apples with sugar for about 10 minutes over lowmedium heat. When they turn to brown stir in cinnamon and crushed walnuts/pecans. Cut the dough into 3 pieces and flatten each dough with a roller about 1/10 inch thickness. Then cut it into 8 pieces. Put 1 tsp filling on the wide side and roll it up. Use baking paper on the baking tray or grease it. Then place the apple cookie rolls on the tray and preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Bake them for about 30 minutes, till they get light brown. Make sure not to over bake. Sprinkle icing sugar on tops and serve. ELMALI KURABİYE APPLE COOKIE 120 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 3 yumurta 1½ su bardağı şeker (375 ml) 1 su bardağı sıvı yağ/ 100 gr erimiş margarin/ tereyağı (250 ml) 1 su bardağı havuç (250 ml) ½ su bardağı ceviz (250 ml) 2 su bardağı un (500 ml) 1-2 tatlı kaşığı tarçın (10 ml) 1 yemek kaşığı rendelenmiş limon/portakal kabuğu (15 ml) 1 paket/1 tatlı kaşığı kabartma tozu (5 ml) 3 eggs 1½ cup sugar (375 ml) 1 cup oil/7 tbsp melted butter or margarine (250 ml) 1 cup carrot (250 ml) 1 cup walnut/pecan (250 ml) 2 cups flour (500 ml) 1-2 tsp cinnamon (10 ml) 1 tbsp orange/lemon zest (15 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: Yumurta ve şekeri mikser ile köpük haline gelene kadar çırpın (3 dakika). Sıvı yağı ilave edip biraz daha karıştırın. Sonra rendelenmiş havuç, ufalanmış ceviz ve limon/ portakal kabuğunu ilave edin. Biraz daha karıştırıp, un, tarçın ve kabartma tozunu ekleyip 3-4 dakika daha karıştırın. Kek karışımını, yağladıgınız kek kalıbına dökün ve önceden ısıtılmış 180°C (350 F) fırında üzeri kızarana dek yaklaşık 40-50 dakika pişirin. Bir kürdanı kekin ortasına batırarak pişip pişmedigini kontrol edebilirsiniz. Eğer kürdan temiz çıkarsa kekiniz hazır demektir. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer till it becomes foamy (3 mins). Add oil/margarine and mix for a while. Then mix in shredded carrots, lemon/orange zest and crushed walnuts/pecans. Finally add flour, cinnamon and baking powder and mix for 3-4 minutes. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C) and grease you cake pan and pour the cake mixture in. Bake the Carrot Cake until it becomes golden brown, for 40-50 minutes. To check whether the cake is ready, insert a toothpick in the center and pull it out, if it comes out clean, your cake is done. 1 tsp baking powder (5 ml) HAVUÇLU KEK CARROT CAKE 121 Malzemeler: ½ kg Phyllo Dough, çözünmüş 250g tereyağı, eritilmiş 1½ su bardağı (375 ml) ceviz/ Antep fistigi (orat büyüklükte üğütülmüş) Şurup: 1¼ -1⅓ su bardağı su 1½ -1¾ su bardağı şeker 1 tatlı kaşığı limon suyu Ingredients: ½ kg Phyllo Dough, thawed 250g butter, melted 1½ cup (375 ml) walnuts/pistachios (coarsely ground) Syrup: 1¼ -1⅓ cup water 1½ -1¾ cup sugar 1 tsp lemon juice Hazırlanışı: Önce şurubunu hazırlamak için şeker ve suyu bir tencerede kaynatın. Kaynayınca limon suyunu ilave edin ve 2-3 dakika kaynatıp, soğumaya bırakın. Fırını 190°C (375° F) ısıtın. 23x35 cm’lik bir tepsinin dibini ve kenarlarını yağlayın. Phyllo yufka rulosunu açın ve baklavayı yaparken kurumalarını önlemek için üzerine nemli bir bez örtün. İki tane yufka alın ve tepsinin dibine yayın. Üzerini tereyağı ile güzelce yağlayın ve bu işlemi 14 tane yufka olana dek tekrarlayın. Ceviz/Antep fıstıgının yarısını üzerine serpin ve eşit olarak dağıtın. Tekrar 14 yufka için aynı yağlama işlemini tekrarlayın. Geri kalan ceviz/ Antep fıstığını üzerine yayın ve son 12 yufkayı da aynı şekilde yağlayarak işlemi tamamlayın. En üstüne geri kalan tereyağını sürün. Sonra, keskin bir bıçağı sıcak suya batırın ve baklavaya son şeklini vermek üzere kare ya da baklava dilimleri şeklinde kesin. 25 dakika 190°C (375° F) de pişirin ve sonra fırını 165°C (325° F) ye ayarlayıp, 30 dakika daha üzeri kizarana dek pişirin. Fırından çıkarınca, tekrar aynı bıcağı sıcak suda bekletip kesik yerlerden bir daha kesin. Sonra zaman kaybetmeden sıcak baklavanin üzerine soğuk şurubu dökün. Şurubu baklavanın kesik yerlerinden dökmeye dikkat edin. En az 3-4 saat bekleyip şurubu emmesini bekleyin. Baklavayi servis yapmadan önce üzerine ögütülmüş ceviz/Antepfıstığı serpebilirsiniz. Baklavanın üzerini kapatmadan saklayın, yoksa hamurlaşır. BİLGİ: Baklava asırlardır sure gelen gelenekselleşmiş, otantik bir Turk tatlısıdır. Özellikle bayramlarda her evde bulunan ve gelen misafirlere ikram edilen sevilen ve vazgecilmez bir lezzettir. Preparation: For the syrup: Boil the sugar and water until the sugar is melted. Then stir in lemon juice. Simmer for about 2-3 minutes and let it cool.Preheat oven to 375° F (190°C). Grease the bottom and sides of a 9x14 inch Pyrex dish/tray. Unroll Phyllo dough. Cover Phyllo Dough sheets with a dampened cloth to keep from drying out as you work. Place two sheets of dough in the Pyrex dish/ tray and butter their top thoroughly. Repeat this process until you have 14 layered sheets. Then sprinkle and spread evenly half of the walnuts/ pistachios on top. Continue to add two sheets of dough and butter brushing as you go for another 14 sheets. Then spread the remaining nuts and layer the last 12 sheets with 2 sheets of dough at a time and buttering as you did before. At the end, butter the top.Dip a sharp knife into hot water and cut into diamond or square shapes all the way to the bottom of the pan. You may cut into 4 long rows to make diagonal cuts.Bake for about 25 minutes at 375° F (190° C), then turn down to 325° F (165° C) and bake for additional 30 minutes until the baklava is golden and crisp. Remove the baklava from the oven and again dip the knife in hot water and cut the baklava all the way down from the same cut lines. Then immediately spoon syrup evenly along the cut lines. Let it cool at least 3-4 hours before serving. Sprinkle some pistachios or walnuts on top before serving. Leave it uncovered as it gets soggy if it is wrapped up. Malzemeler: Ingredients: 2 su bardağı irmik (500 ml) 1½ su bardağı şeker (375 ml) 4 su bardağı kaynar su/ süt (1 litre) 125g tereyağı 50g çam fıstığı 1 tatlı kaşığı / 1 paket vanilya 2 yemek kaşığı sıvı yağ (30 ml) 2 Cups semolina (500 ml) 1½ cup sugar (375 ml) 4 cups boiling water/milk (1 litre) 125g ( 1 stick) butter 50g pine nut 1 tsp vanilla extract / 1 package vanilla 2 tbsp oil (30 ml) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: Bir tencerede irmik ile tereyağını orta ateşte kavurun ve pembeleşince ateşten alın. Üzerine kaynar su/süt ilave edin ve karıştırıp kapağını kapatın. 10 dakika kadar çekmesini bekleyin. Daha sonra şeker ve vanilyayı ilave edin, karıştırın. Kapağını kapatıp 5 dakika kadar demlendirin. Küçük bir tavada fıstıkları yağla birlikte pembeleşinceye kadar kavurup irmiğe ekleyin. Helvayı soğumaya bırakın vr eğer isterseniz üzerine tarçın serperek servis yapabilirsiniz. Place semolina and butter in a pot and saute over medium heat.They will turn to light brown. Then turn the heat off. Stir in boiling water / milk and close the lid. Set aside for 10 minutes, so that semolina will absorb the water. Stir in sugar and vanilla, close the lid and leave for 5 minutes. In a small pan, saute pine nuts with oil until they turn golden brown. Stir in semolina. Let the semolina Halvah cool and serve with cinnamon on top if desired. INFORMATION: Baklava is a traditional and authentic Turkish dessert. It is especially being made on religious holidays to serve the guests. BAKLAVA BAKLAVA 122 İRMİK HELVASI SEMOLINA HALVAH 123 Malzemeler: 1 su bardağı buğday (250 ml) ½ su bardağı nohut (125 ml) ½ su bardağı fasulye (125 ml) ⅓ su bardağı pirinç (75 ml) ½ su bardağı kuru üzüm (125 ml) 10 adet kuru incir 15 adet kuru kayısı 2 su bardağı toz şeker (500 ml) Ingredients: 1 cup of whole wheat (250 ml) ½ cup of chick peas (125 ml) ½ cup of kidney beans (125 ml) ⅓ cup of rice (75 ml) ½ cup of raisins (125 ml) 10 dried figs 15 dried apricots 2 cups of granulated sugar (500 ml) orange zest Hazırlanışı: Bir gece önceden buğdayı, nohutu ve fasulyeyi farklı kaselerde 10 saat ıslatın. Ertesi gün fasulye, nohut ve buğdayın suyunu süzüp farklı tencerelere koyun. Buğdayın üzerine 6 su bardağı kaynamış su, nohuta 2 su bardağı, fasulyeye 2 su bardağı su ilave edin. Kaynamaya başladıklarında tencerelerin altını kısın. Buğdayı yaklaşık 2 saat iyice eriyene(yumuşayana) kadar pişirin. Buğdayın içine 1/3 su bardağı pirinç ve 2 su bardağı kaynamış su ilave edin ve pirinç yumuşayana kadar pişirin. Gerekirse su ekleyin. Nohut ve fasulyeleri de yumuşayana kadar pişirin. Gerekirse kaynamış su ilave edin. Fasulye ve nohutları da buğday tenceresine ekleyin. İncirleri ve kayısıları küçük küçük kesin. Kuru üzümü, incirleri , kayısıları ve şekeri tencereye ilave edip karıştırın ve meyveler yumuşayana kadar yaklaşık 10 dakika pişirin. Aşureyi küçük servis kaselerine koyun ve ılık yada soğuk servis edin. Üzeri ceviz, tarçın, nar, fındık, badem, fıstık yada susamla süslenebilir. BİLGİ: Aşure tarihi bir geçmişi olan geleneksel bir Türk tatlısıdır.Aşure’nin ilginç bir hikayesi vardır. Nuh Tufanında Hz. Nuh ve beraberindeki topluluk gemide kalan son malzemeleri karıştırarak lezzetli bir karışım hazırlamış ve açlıktan kurtulmuşlardır. Nuh’un gemisinde yapılan bu karışımın günümüze kadar ulaştığına inanılır. Preparation: Soak wheat, chickpeas, and kidney beans in different cups for 10 hours over night. Next day, drain the water of beans and take them different posts. Add 6 cups of boilng water to the wheat, 2 cups of boiling water to the chickpeas, and 2 cups of boiling water to the kidney beans. Bring them to the boil and turn the heat down to low. Cook wheat around 2 hours or until it is mushy. Add ⅓ cup of rice and 2 cups of boiling water to the wheat’s pot. Cook it until the rice is soft. Add chickpeas and kidney beans to the wheat’s pot. Chop figs and apricot and cook them with orange zest, raisins, figs, and apricots. Stir, cook about 10 minutes until fruits are soft. Add sugar to the pot and turn the heat off. With these ingredients, you will have a big pot full of pudding. Apportion the puding into small serving dishes and serve it warm or cold. Could be decorated with walnut, cinnamon, pomegranate, hazelnut, almond, pistachio, sesame seeds, etc. INFORMATION: This is very traditional Turkish dessert with a history behind it. Aşure has an interesting story.In the Noah’s Flood Hz. Noah and his community released from starving by preparing a mixture containing the last materials on the ship.And this mixture is believed to reach until today. AŞURE NOAH’S PUDDING 124 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 450g şeker 350g su 10g limon suyu 500g kadayıf 200g tereyağı 375g beyaz peynir 450g sugar 350g water 10g lemon juice 50g kadayıf ( shredded pastry) 200g butter 375g white cheese Hazırlanışı: Preparation: İlk olarak şeker ve suyu bir tencereye koyun. Kısık ateşte şeker eriyene kadar karıştırın. 5 dakika kaynatın. Limon suyunu ilave edin ve 1 dakika kaynatın ve beklemeye bırakın. Kadayıfı ve tereyağını bir tavada birleştirin. Kadayıfı parmak uçlarınızla kırın ve ikiye bölün. Ayrılan kadayıfın bir parçasını 25x25 cm. büyüklüğünde hafifçe yağlanmış bir fırın tepsisine yayın ve parmaklarınızla hafifçe bastırın. Üzerine peyniri yayın. İkinci parçayı da üzerine sıkıca bastırarak yayın. 220 °C ye ayarlanmış fırında yarım saat, tercihen üzeri kızarıncaya kadar pişirin. Üzeri kızarınca tepsiyi fırından alın ve 2 dakika bekletin. Üzerine şerbeti dökün ve üzerini kapatın. Şerbeti çekene kadar bekleyin ve 5 cm. lik parçalar halinde kesin. Servis tabağına yerleştirin ve ılık servis yapın. First combine sugar and water in a saucepan. Stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Boil gently for five minutes. Add lemon juice; stir. Boil for a minute.Set aside. Combine kadayıf shreds and melted butter in a pan. Break kadayıf shreds with finger-tips blending very well in butter. Divide into half. Spread one half in a slightly greased baking pan 25 cm x 25 cm ( 9x9 inch). Press slightly with fingers. Scatter cheese over kadayif shreds. Repeat the same with the remaining half, pressing firmly this time. Bake in a moderate oven for about half an hour until golden brown. Remove from oven. Let stand for two minutes. Pour warm syrup over the dessert. Cover and let stand until syrup is absorbed. Cut into five cm ( 2-2½ inch) pieces. Arrange on a serving plate. Serve warm. KÜNEFE KUNEFE 125 Malzemeler: Ingredients: 1500g (1½ kg) bal kabağı 2-3 su bardağı şeker (500-750 ml) ½ su bardağı ceviz (125 ml) kaymak ve uzeri icin antep fıstığı (isteğe bağlı) 1½ kg pumpkin (1500g) 2-3 cups sugar (500-750 ml) ½ cup walnuts or pistachios (125 ml) thickened cream (optional) Hazırlanışı: Preparation: Kabağı lokmadan daha büyük parcalar halinde kesin(istediginiz büyüklükte dilimleyebilirsiniz). Kabağın iç kısımlarını temizleyip, kabuğunu soyun. Geniş bir tencereye kabakları koyun ve üzerine şekeri eşit olarak yayın. Şekerin erimesi için 3-4 saat bekletin.Şeker eriyince, tencereyi düşük ateşe alıp kabakların rengi koyulaşana kadar,yaklasik 40-50 dakika pişirin.Suyun büyük miktari buharlaşmış olacaktır. Kabak tatlısı soğuyunca; ceviz ya da istediğiniz diğer kabuklu yemişler ile servis edin. Cut the pumpkin in chunks larger than bite size (you can cut them in any size you like). Clean the seeds inside and peel the pumpkin chunks. Place them in a large pot and spread the sugar evenly on the surface. Let them stand for 3-4 hours, for the sugar to dissolve. After the sugar has dissolved, place the pot on low-medium heat and cook for 4050 minutes until the pumpkins have darkened in color. The water should be mostly drained. When the pumpkins have cooled down; garnish them with thickened cream, walnuts, pistachios or any kind of nuts. KABAK TATLISI SWEET PUMPKIN 126 Dictionary ENGLISH POLSKI ROMÂNĂ TÜRKÇE ENGLISH celery cheese cherry chicken legs almond anchovy appetizers apple apricot aspic atlantic mackerel bacon Mandel Anchovis Appetithäppchen Apfel Aprikose Aspik Makrele migdały anszua przystawki jabłko morela galareta makrela morska migdały hamsie aperitiv măr caisă aspic scrumbie badem ançüez meze elma kayısı etli jöle orkinos Schinkenspeck boczek slănină baking sheet Backblech domuz pastırması yufka, pasta kalıbı muz barbekü parça çikolata foaie de copt barley basil bay leaf beef bell pepper bird black pepper blueberry borsch bowl brain bread warstwa (ciasta), placek Bananen banany Grillen grill Tafel Schokolade tabliczka czekolady Gerste jęczmień Basilikum bazylia Lorbeerblatt liść laurowy Kuh, Rind wołowina Paprika papryka Vogel ptak Schwarzer Pfeffer czarny pieprz Blaubeere borówki Rote Bete Suppe barszcz Schüssel miska Hirn mózg Brot chleb bread basket brine broccoli butter cabbage can, tin candy Brotkorb Pökellake Brokkoli Butter Kohl Konserve, Dose Bonbons koszyk na chleb marynata brokuł masło kapusta puszka cukierki coş de paine saramura broccoli unt varză conservă bomboană carrot cauliflower Karotte Blumenkohl marchew kalafior morcov conopidă bananas barbecue bar of chocolate 128 DEUTSCH banană frigaruie tabletă de ciocolată orz busuioc dafin vacă gogoşari pasăre piper negru afină borş bol creier pâine arpa fesleğen defne yaprağı inek dolmalık biber horoz siyah biber çayüzümü borç çorbası kase beyin ekmek ekmek sepeti salamura brokoli tereyağı lahana konserve bonbonşekerleme havuç karnabahar chicken wings chickpeas cinnamon cloth cloth cocoa coconut coffee cookie, biscuit coriander crawfish cream crystallize cucumber cutting meat decorative elements dried bread crust dill donut duck earth nut éclair egg eggplant elderberry endive fat, lard fish flour fork DEUTSCH POLSKI ROMÂNĂ TÜRKÇE Sellerie Käse Kirschen Hähnchenschenkel Hähnchenflügel Kichererbse Zimt Tischtuch Tischtuch Kakao Kokosnuss Kaffee Keks Koriander Flusskrebs Sahne Glasur Gurke Fleisch schneiden dekorative Elemente Paniermehl seler naciowy ser wiśnie udka kurczaka ţelină brânza cireaşă pulpă de pui sapkerevizi peynir kiraz tavuk bacağı skrzydełka groch włoski cynamon obrus serweta kakao kokos kawa ciastka kolendra rak krem glazura ogórek maszynka do siekania mięsa zdobnictwo aripioară de pui năut scortişoară fata de masă fata de masă cacao cocoş cafea biscuit coriandru rac crema glazură castravete tocător de carne tavuk kanadı nohut tarçın bez masa örtüsü kakao hindistancevizi kahve bisküvi kişniş kerevit krema şekerle kaplamak salatalık kıyma makinesi süsleyici parçalar panierka elemente decorative pesmet Dill Donut Ente Nüsse Eclair Ei Aubergine Holunderbeere Endivien Fett, Schmalz Fisch Mehl Gabel koper pączek kaczka orzeszki ziemne ekler jajo bakĩażan czarny bez cykoria tłuszcz ryba mąka widelec mărar gogoaşă raţă trufă eclere ou vânătă soc andivă untură peşte făină furculiţă dereotu hamur tatlısı ördek yerfıstığı ekler yumurta patlıcan olta maran hindiba domuz yağı balık un çatal kuru ekmek 129 ENGLISH POLSKI ROMÂNĂ TÜRKÇE ENGLISH lemonade Lime blossom tea liver lobster lollipop lovage mackerel maize (corn) Limonade Lindenblütentee lemoniada lipa limonadă tei limonata ıhlamur ağacı Leber Hummer Lutscher Liebstöckel Makrele Mais ficat homar acadea leuştean macrou malai ciğer ıstakoz lolipop yaban kerevizi uskumru mısır mango mashed potatoes meat meatball meringue microwave oven milk mint mixer morello , sour cherry mushroom napkins nectarine nettle noodles northern pike nutmeg Mango Kartoffelpüree wątroba homar lizak lubczyk makrela mąka kukurydziana mango tłuczone ziemniaki mięso zrazy beza mikrofalówka mleko mięta mikser wiśnia mango piure mango patates püresi carne chiftea bezele cuptor lapte mentă mixer vişină et köfte içiboş mikrodalga fırın süt nane mikser vişne ciupercă şerveţele nectarină urzică tăiţei stiucă nucşoară oil olive olive oil omelette onion oracle Öl Olive Olivenöl Omelett Zwiebel Melde pieczarka serwetki nektarynka pokrzywa makaron szczupak gałka muszkatoło wa olej oliwa oliwa z oliwek omlet cebula łoboda oregano Oregano oregano oregano mantar peçete tüysüz şeftali ısırganotu şehriye turnabalığı küçük hindistancevizi sıvı yağ zeytin zeytin yağı omlet soğan yeni zellanda ıspanağı keklikotu fridge, refrigerator fruits frying pan garlic gelatin ginger glass goat goose grapefruit grapes green beans Kühlschrank lodówka frigider buzdolabı Früchte Bratpfanne Knoblauch Gelatine Ingwer Glas Ziege Gans Pampelmuse Weintrauben Bohnen rożen patelnia czosnek galaretka imbir szkło, kieliszek koźlę gęś grejpfrut winogrona strąki fasoli fructe tigaie usturoi gelatină ghimbir pahar ied gâscă grapefruit struguri fasole păstăi meyve kızartma tavası sarımsak jelatin zencefil cam ,bardak keçi kaz grepfrut üzüm taze fasulye halvah ham hazelnut herring honey honeycomb horseradish husk jam jasmine jelly juice juice extractor Halva Kochschinken Haselnuss Hering Honig Honigwabe Meerrettich Hülsenfrüchte Marmelade Jasmin Gelee Saft Entsafter chałwa szynka orzechy śledzie miód plaster miodu chrzan otręby marmolada jaśmin galaretka sok sokowirówka helva jambon fındık ringa bal petekli bal bayırturpu kabuk reçel yasemin jöle meyve suyu meyve sıkacağı kebab kettle, teapot Kebab Wasserkessel, Teekanne Niere Kidneybohnen Kiwi Brotkranz kebab czajnik halva jambon alună hering miere fagure hrean tărâţe gem iasomie jeleu suc storcător de fructe kebab ceainic nerki fasola kiwi chałka rinichi fasole kiwi colac böbrek fasülye kivi açma Lamm Porree, Lauch Zitrone jagnięcina por cytryna miel praz lămaie kuzu pırasa limon kidney kidney-beans kiwi knot-shaped bread lamb leek lemon 130 DEUTSCH kebap çaydanlık DEUTSCH Fleisch Frikadelle Baiser Mikrowelle Milch Minze Mixer Schattenmorellen Pilz Serviette Nektarine Brennnessel Nudeln Hecht Muskatnuss POLSKI ROMÂNĂ ulei măsline untdelemn omletă ceapa lobodă TÜRKÇE 131 ENGLISH peach peanut peanut butter Pfirsich Erdnuss Erdnussbutter pear peas pepper pheasant pie pineapple pistachio pizza plate platter pomegranate polenta poppy seed pork pork cracklings pork skin Birne Erbsen Paprika Fasan Obsttorte Ananas Pistazien Pizza Teller Platte Granatapfel Polenta Mohn Schweinefleisch Grieben Schweineschwarte Kartoffel Konfitüre Rosenkonfitüre potato preserve preserve of roses pressed cheese pretzel pudding pumpkin rabbit radish raisins raspberry redcurrant rice roast roulade 132 DEUTSCH Schnittkäse Brezel Pudding Kürbis Kaninchen Radieschen Rosinen Himbeeren Rote Johannisbeere Reis Braten Roulade POLSKI ROMÂNĂ TÜRKÇE ENGLISH salad salami salmon salt salt sticks salty cheese sandwich schnitzel sesame seeds shark soup sour cream sour soup spices, seasonings spinach spit sponge cake stew stove, cooker strawberry strudel stuffed cabbage sugar sunflower syrup table knife table spoon tarragon tart thyme to add to bake to blend to boil to braise brzoskwinia orzeszki ziemne masło orzechowe gruszka groszek papryka bażant ciasto ananas pistacje pizza talerz półmisek granat mamałyga mak wieprzowina wieprzowina słonina piersică trufă unt de arahide şeftali yerfıstığı fıstık ezmesi păstaie mazăre ardei fazan placinta ananas fistic pizza farfurie platou rodie mămăligă mac porc jumară şoric armut bezelye kırmızı biber sülün turta ananas antep fıstığı pizza tabak plato nar sütlü yemek haşhaş tohumu domuz eti kızarmış jambon domuz derisi ziemniak konfitura konfitura różana patates şekerleme gül şekerlemesi ser żółty precel budyń dynia królik rzodkiewka rodzynki malina porzeczka cartof dulceată dulceată de trandafiri caşcaval covrig budincă dovleac iepure ridiche stafide zmeură coacază ryż piec rolada orez friptură ruladă pirinç rosto rulo yağsız peynir tuzlu simit puding bal kabağı tavşan turp kuru üzüm ahududu kuşüzümü DEUTSCH POLSKI ROMÂNĂ TÜRKÇE Salat Salami Lachs Salz Salzstangen salziger Käse Butterbrot Schnitzel Sesam Hai Suppe Saure Sahne Saure Suppe Gewürze sałatka salami łosoś sól paluszki solone słony ser kanapka sznycel sezam rekin zupa śmietana kapuśniak przyprawy salată salam somon sare saleu telemea sandvici şniţel susan rechin supă smântână ciorbă condimente salata salam som balığı tuz tuzlu kraker tuzlu peynir sandviç şinitzel susam köpekbalığı çorba ekşi krema ekşi çorba baharatlar Spinat Grillspieß süßes Weißbrot Gulasch Ofen, Herd Erdbeere Strudel Kohlroulade Zucker Sonnenblume Sirup Tafelmesser Esslöffel (EL) Estragon Törtchen Thymian hinzufügen backen mischen sieden schmoren szpinak widelec biszkopt gulasz kuchenka truskawka strudel gołąbki cukier słonecznik syrop nóż kuchenny łyżka tarragona tarta tymianek dodawać piec mieszać wrzeć, kìpìeć dusić spanac frigărui cozonac tocană aragaz capşună strudel sarmale zahar floarea- soarelui sirop cuţit lingură tarhon tartă cimbru a adăuga a coace a amesteca a fierbe a înăbuşi ispanak şiş pandispanya türlü fırın çilek meyvalı turta sarma şeker ayçiçeği şurup bıçak çorba kaşığı tarhun turta kekik eklemek fırında pişirmek karıştırmak kaynatmak kısık ateşte pişirmek 133 ENGLISH 134 DEUTSCH POLSKI ROMÂNĂ TÜRKÇE ENGLISH turnip vanilla Rübe Vanilleschoten rzodkiew wanilia nap vanilie vanilla essence Vanillearoma esentă de vanilie vanilya esansı vegetables vinegar walnut water whey Gemüse Essig Walnuss Wasser Buttermilch white pepper yoghurt weißer Pfeffer Joghurt esencja waniliowa warzywo, jarzyna ocet orzech włoski woda serwatka, maślanka biały pieprz jogurt to chop to clean to cook to cut to drain to dry to freeze to fry to grate hacken reinigen kochen schneiden abtropfen lassen trocknen einfrieren braten reiben siekać sprzątać czyścić gotować kroić osuszać suszyć mrozić smażyć trzeć a toca a curăţa a găti a tăia a scurge a usca a congela a prăji a rade doğramak temizlemek pişirmek kesmek süzmek kurutmak dondurmak tavada kızartmak rendelemek to grind to knead to marinate to mix to parboil to peel to pour to preserve mahlen kneten marinieren mischen ankochen schälen, pellen gießen konservieren mleć zagniatać, miesić marynować mieszać parzyć obierać wlewać przechowywać a măcina a frământa a marina a amesteca a opări a coji a turna a conserva to roast to salt to serve to sift to simmer braten salzen servieren sieben köcheln piec solić podawać przesiewać dusić a rumeni a săra a servi a cerne a fierbe to slice to stir krajać w plasterki a felia mieszać a amesteca to sweeten to taste to toss to whip toaster tomato tomato sauce schneiden rühren, umrühren süßen abschmecken wenden schlagen, mixen Toaster Tomate Tomatensoße öğütmek yoğurmak marina etmek karıştırmak yarı kaynatmak soymak dökmek konservesini yapmak kızartmak tuzlamak servis yapmak elemek içten içe kaynamak dilimlemek karıştırmak towel tuna turkey Handtuch Thunfisch Puter słodzìć próbować przewracać ubijać toster pomidor przecier pomidorowy serwetka tuńczyk indyk a îndulci a gusta a învârti a bate prăjitor de pâine roşie bulion tatlılaştırmak tatmak saçmak çırpmak tost makinesi domates domates sosu şervetele ton curcan havlu tonbalığı hindi DEUTSCH POLSKI ROMÂNĂ TÜRKÇE şalgam vanilya zarzavat otet nucă apă zer sebze sirke ceviz su yayık ayranı piper alb iaurt beyaz biber Yoğurt 135 This Comenius Multilateral Partnership project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. ISBN 978-3-00-031870-2