ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION as per ISO 14025 and EN 15804 Owner of the Declaration UAC Berhad Programme holder Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU) Publisher Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU) Declaration number EPD-UAC-20130008-IAC1-EN Issue date 29/05/2013 Valid to 28/05/2018 UAC Fibre Cement Board UAC Berhad www.bau-umwelt.com / https://epd-online.com Umwelt Produktdeklaration Name des Herstellers – Name des Produkts 1. General Information UAC Berhad UAC Fibre Cement Board Programme holder IBU - Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. Rheinufer 108 D-53639 Königswinter Owner of the Declaration UAC Berhad Jalan Portland, Tasek Industrieal Estate, 36 31400 Ipoh, Perak Malaysia Declaration number EPD-UAC-20130008-IAC1-EN Declared product / Declared unit Per tonne of UAC Fibre Cement Board This Declaration is based on the Product Category Rules: Fibre cement / Fibre concrete, 07-2012 (PCR tested and approved by the independent expert committee) Scope: Issue date 29/05/2013 Valid to 28/05/2018 This EPD declaration is based on average UAC Fibre Cement Board manufactured by UAC Berhad. These products are produced in the manufacturing plant located in Ipoh, Perak in which the production data for 2011 was recorded. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was conducted based on the cradle-to-gate approach (Modules A1-A3), where the entire production phase of the UAC Fibre Cement Board was considered in this LCA study. The Declaration holder is liable for the details and documentation upon which the evaluation is based. The owner of the declaration shall be liable for the underlying information and evidence; the IBU shall not be liable with respect to manufacturer information, life cycle assessment data and evidences. Verification The CEN Norm EN 15804 serves as the core PCR Independent verification of the declaration and data according to ISO 14025 internally x externally Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst J. Bossenmayer (President of Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.) Patricia Wolf (Independent tester appointed by SVA) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Wolf Reinhardt (Chairman of SVA) 2. Product 2.1 Product description The UAC Fibre Cement Boards are 100% abestos free in composition. These autoclaved composite materials are made from specially treated high grade cellulose fibre, Portland cement, refined sand and water. The declared products include: - UCO Superflex - UCO Decoceil/Ucoceil - UCO Vistaboard/Flexaboard/Multiflex - UCO Lattices - UCO Sedartex Woodgrain Plank/Panel - UCO Supertex Woodgrain Panel/Plank - UCO Smooth Plank - UCO Duravent - UCO Shingles - UCO Bargeboard All the declared products are produced at the same process flow with same raw material composition with difference of formulation (see 2.6) and geometrical output. 2 2.2 Application UAC Berhad manufactures a wide range of Fibre Cement Boards which are extensively used in residential, institutional, commercial and industrial buildings, as: - Fascia / Siding - Internal Lining and Wall Partitioning - Ceiling - Soffit and Eave Lining - Substrate for flooring - Fire and insulation application - Decorative and innovative application - Roofing 2.3 Technical Data UAC Fibre Cement Boards conform and certify to (a) MS1296:2010 for UCO Superflex and (b) EN12467:2004 for 7.5mm UCO Sedartex Woodgrain Plank. Product specification UAC Fibre Cement Board (6mm thickness) - Thermal conductivity (W/mK): 0.12 - Resistance of heat transmission, Ra (m2K / W): 0.19 - Dry density (kg/m3): 1350 to 1450 Environmental Product Declaration UAC Berhad – UAC Fibre Cement Board Sound proof: With a 6mm fibre cement sheet (1190mmx1190mm) installed in the opening between two adjacent but acoustically isolated reverberation rooms, 17-33dB sound transmission loss at frequency from 1255000Hz. Airborne noise insulation is determined as STC30 (tested in accordance to ASTM E90-09). 2.7 Manufacture Process flow of UCO Fibre Cement Board production: The difference between the sound absorption of the room with and without the 6mm fibre cement sheet is determine to obtain the total sound loss by using the reverberation time values. Noise reduction coefficient is determined as NRC0.10 (ASTM E423-90a). Sound transmission loss (UCO Vistabord): Estimated 25dB (6mm), 28dB (9mm). 2.4 Placing on the market / Application rules Product standard / approval: - Malaysia Standard MS 1296: 2010 Fibre cement flat sheets [for UCO Superflex] - European Standard EN 12467:2004 Fibre cement flat sheets – product specification and test methods [for 7.5mm UCO Sedertex Woodgrain Plank]. Under MS1296: 2010: - Saturated flexural Strength > 10MPa - Equilibrium moisture content at 23°C, 80% humidity: 6-8% - Moisture movement (from dry to wet condition) : 0.100.20% - Passed the requirements of warm water test. 2.5 Delivery status UAC Fibre Cement Boards are manufactured in a range of thicknesses from 3.2mm to 15.0mm. The boards can be up to 3660mm in length and up to 1220mm wide. 2.6 Base materials / Ancillary materials Value A uniform film is formed onto the sieves and the film will be picked up by felt which will then be transferred to a size roller to be rolled in layers for the manufacturing of `green sheet` (intermediate product formed during the production and yet to send to autoclave) according to the desired thicknesses. The speed of the felt is controlled in order to achieve consistent sheet thickness at a specified production rate. Individual size roller determines the length of sheet being produced. If patterned sheet is to be produced, a patterned sleeve will be placed on the size roller to create the desired patterns. Once the desired thickness is achieved, it will then be separated and taken off from size roller by a cut-off wire. The base materials, auxiliary substances and addictives for UAC Fibre Cement Boards are: Name UAC Fibre Cement Boards are produced with Hatschek process or wet process: The raw materials are mixed homogeneously and pumped to the tubs at controlled rate so that tubs are filled and overflow. Unit % of dry Base Material: Cement 30 – 40 mass % of dry Base Material: Silica 50 – 60 mass % of dry Base Material: Pulp / cellulose fibre 6–9 mass Auxiliary Substances / Additives: % of dry 0–5 Alumina / Alumina Tri-hydrate mass Auxiliary Substances / Additives: Silica % of dry 0–5 Fume mass Auxiliary Substances / Additives: Red % of dry 0–1 Pigment mass The green sheet will then be trimmed into size by high pressure water jet while the remaining scraps will return to scrap agitator which will then transferred back to feed agitator for reuse in order to minimise waste generated. The trimmed green sheets are stacked in tiers on steel base pallet. The stacked green sheets will then be air-cured for minimum 6-8 hours before curing in autoclave for a total process duration of 10-12 hours. The autoclaved sheets will undergo further cutting or trimming into the final dimension at sheet finishing with either guillotine knife or rotating saw. Sanding, edge recessing and slotting are also being done at sheet finishing. Quality Management System in accordance to ISO 9001:2008 for design and manufacture of fibre cement products. 2.8 Environment and health during manufacturing The UAC Berhad operation is compliances with OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational health and safety 3 Environmental Product Declaration UAC Berhad – UAC Fibre Cement Board management). Water: Water contamination was not reported during the production of UAC Fibre Cement Boards. All the waste water is treated at a designated waste water treatment plant before discharging into the environment, in accordance to the Environmental Quality Act 1974 /Act 127/. Noise: Sound protection analyses and close monitoring on exposure limits have been established in accordance to Factory and Machineries Act (Noise Exposure) Regulations 1989 /Act139/. Waste: All scraps and rejected UAC Fibre Cement Boards are classified as solid waste under the Malaysia Department of Environment (DOE) Regulations and will be treated in landfill /Act672/. 2.9 Product processing/Installation UAC Fibre Cement Boards are cut using guillotine knife or circular saw with tungsten carbide, and diamond saw blade. Dust generated from the processes is collected through the effective dust collecting system and filtered before release to air in accordance to Factories and Machinery Act (Mineral Dust) Regulations 1989 /Act 139/. Dust emission is below the Permissible Level under Regulation 25 of the Malaysia Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 1978 /Act 127/. 2.10 Packaging UAC Fibre Cement Boards are packed horizontally on wooden pallets and packaged with polyethylene stretch film, PET strap and cardboard edge protector. The wooden pallets are reused internally. 2.11 Condition of use UAC Fibre Cement Boards have passed organic emissions tests under the TUV Singapore emission standards for formaldehyde, phenylcyclohexene, phthalate, and total particle. Due to stable crystalline calcium silicate hydrate phase after the autoclave process, the emission of volatile organic compound (VOC) detected are low and negligible for normal use in line with the designated purpose of the respective products (see chapter 7.2). 2.12 Environment and health during use Environmental aspects: Hazards to water, soil and air cannot arise from fibre cement flat sheets based on current knowledge. Health aspects: During normal usage according to construction materials’ purpose, fixing and installation guides are being observed, no health impairment is known due to basic materials employed and their behavior according to current knowledge. 2.13 Reference service life The reference service life is non-relevant to this EPD as it covers cradle to gate (up till the factory) (boundary condition). 2.14 Extraordinary effects Fire For UCO Superflex, UCO Vistabord, UCO Decoceil, and UCO Supertex Woodgrain panel: Fire Propagation Index: range from 9.0-4.6, according to BS 476-6:1989. Surface spread of flame test: Class 1 surface spread of fame (actual result 0mm at 1.5m), according to BS 476-7:1997. Water UAC fiber cement board displays neutral reaction when exposed to water. No dissolved substances are found to be hazardous. Mechanical destruction Irrelevant 2.15 Re-use phase Disassembly: The façade and flat sheets can be removed through unscrewing or drilling the rivets, depending on the fastening system. If large quantities are assembled by plastering, it will be broken and removed. For floorings with tiles on top, disassembly will be done through destruction. Reutilisation: In their undamaged form, the dismantled form can be reused according to their original purpose or as foundation wall protection. For damaged form, it may be used as infill material for UCO SolidWall System (material recycling). Recycling: Possible uses as part of the constituent: - for UCO SolidWall System infill material - to make into a non-commercial value ‘timber blocks’ made of cementitious waste material for in house application to reduce the use of actual timber block 2.16 Disposal According to Malaysia Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007 /Act 672/, remains of Fibre Cement waste products from construction site or from demolition can be disposed as solid waste. Waste key ‘17 01 01 (Concrete)' in line with the European Waste Catalogue /EWC/. 2.17 Further information Further information on the products can be referred to the “Product Specifications” from www.uac.com.my 3. LCA: Calculation rules 3.1 Declared Unit Declared unit refers to the UAC Fibre Cement Boards manufactured with the mixing of cement, silica sand, pulp, alumina, silica fume and red oxide and dried under the high pressure and temperature in the autoclave machine. 4 All declared products show similar recipes with some differences in dosage of pre-products for certain products. The declared products are produced under the same production condition and procedure. The Environmental Product Declaration UAC Berhad – UAC Fibre Cement Board average metric tonne fibre cement product is calculated based on the annual production data. The declared functional unit of this study is 1 metric tonne of UAC Fibre Cement Boards with average bulk density 1350 kg/m3. Declared unit Name Declared unit Gross density Conversion factor to 1 kg Value Unit 1 1350 0.0007407 41 t kg/m3 - 3.2 System boundary Type of EPD: Cradle to gate. The following processes were included in the A1-A3 production stage of UAC Fibre Cement Boards manufacture: - Manufacture of preliminary products (cement, sand, pulp, alumina, silica fume and red pigment) - Transportation of raw materials and preliminary products to the plant - Manufacturing process in the plan including energy, manufacture of auxiliaries, disposal of residual materials incurred and consideration of any emissions incurred - Manufacture of packaging materials the transport expenses associated with all input and output data taken into consideration. Accordingly, material flows with a share of less than 1% were also considered in this study. It can be assumed that the total of all neglected processes does not exceed 5% in the effective categories. Machinery, plants and infrastructure required in the manufacturing process are not taken into consideration. 3.5 Background data The GaBi 4 software system for comprehensive analysis developed by PE INTERNATIONAL AG was used for modeling the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The consistent data items contained in the GaBi database are documented in the online GaBi documentation center. The basic data in the GaBi database was applied for energy, transportation, and consumables. The LCA was primary developed based on the Malaysia database. Average data from the other regions were incorporated where Malaysia database is not available. 3.6 Data quality All background data records related to the UAC operation were provided by UAC Berhad as well as GaBi database. The background data that was used was last revised less than 10 years ago. 3.7 Period under review The LCA study was developed based on the operation activities from January to December of 2011. 3.3 Estimates and assumptions No other estimations or assumptions were made regarding the specifications outlined in this section (Chapter 3). 3.8 Allocation No allocation rules were applied in the life cycle assessment of the foreground data of the examined products. 3.4 Cut-off criteria All operating data, i.e. all of the starting materials used, internal fuel consumption and electricity consumption, all direct production waste as well as all emission measurements available were taken into consideration in the analysis. Assumptions were made as regards 3.9 Comparability Basically, a comparison or an evaluation of EPD data is only possible if all the data sets to be compared were created according to EN 15804 and the building context, respectively the product-specific characteristics of performance, are taken into account. 4. LCA: Scenarios and additional technical information The documentation of the RSL is not required for the EPD of UAC Fibre Cement Boards as the entire life cycle is not declared (Module A1-A3). 5 Environmental Product Declaration UAC Berhad – UAC Fibre Cement Board 5. LCA: Results DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM BOUNDARY (X = INCLUDED IN LCA; MND = MODULE NOT DECLARED) Manufacturing Transport from the gate to the site Assembly Use Maintenance Repair Replacement1) Refurbishment1) Operational energy use Operational water use De-construction demolition Transport Waste processing Disposal ReuseRecoveryRecyclingpotential END OF LIFE STAGE Transport USE STAGE BENEFITS AND LOADS BEYOND THE SYSTEM BOUNDARYS Raw material supply PRODUCT STAGE CONSTRUCTI ON PROCESS STAGE A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D X X X MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND RESULTS OF THE LCA - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: 1 tonne of UAC Fibre Cement Board Parameter Unit A1-A3 Global warming potential [kg CO2-Eq.] Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer [kg CFC11-Eq.] Acidification potential of land and water [kg SO2-Eq.] Eutrophication potential [kg (PO4)3-- Eq.] Formation potential of tropospheric ozone photochemical oxidants [kg Ethen Eq.] Abiotic depletion potential for non fossil resources [kg Sb Eq.] Abiotic depletion potential for fossil resources [MJ] 673.22 9.56E-6 3.31 0.39 0.26 9.71E-4 7586.41 RESULTS OF THE LCA - RESOURCE USE: 1 tonne of UAC Fibre Cement Board Parameter Unit A1-A3 Renewable primary energy as energy carrier Renewable primary energy resources as material utilization Total use of renewable primary energy resources Non renewable primary energy as energy carrier Non renewable primary energy as material utilization Total use of non renewable primary energy resources Use of secondary material Use of renewable secondary fuels Use of non renewable secondary fuels Use of net fresh water [MJ] [MJ] [MJ] [MJ] [MJ] [MJ] [kg] [MJ] [MJ] [m³] 2381.81 213.44 2595.25 7944.33 0.00 7944.33 19.39 0.00 0.00 11.52 RESULTS OF THE LCA – OUTPUT FLOWS AND WASTE CATEGORIES: 1 tonne of UAC Fibre Cement Board Parameter Unit A1-A3 Hazardous waste disposed Non hazardous waste disposed Radioactive waste disposed Components for re-use Materials for recycling Materials for energy recovery Exported electrical energy Exported thermal energy [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg] [MJ] [MJ] 2.61 1481.77 0.12 IND IND IND IND IND 6. LCA: Interpretation Environmental Impacts In term of environmental impacts, due to the energyand resources-intensity of the raw material production processes, the cement production was recorded to be the major contributor to the environmental indicators for the production of 1 tonne UAC Fibre Cement Board. In overall, the production of 1 tonne of UAC Fibre Cement Board contributed 693.28 kg CO2-eq of GWP, 9.71E-4 kg Sb-eq of ADPE and 7566.408 MJ of ADPF. The carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide emitted during the cement production has significant contribution towards EP, AP and POCP. Resource Use This study revealed that the manufacturing activities within the UAC Plant have relatively lower environmental impacts profile as compared to the raw material production process. This is in grave contrast to the transportation, which constantly contributed the least to environmental impact as the 2 main raw materials (cements and sands) were locally sourced. 6 The LCA study revealed that the manufacturing of 1 tonne of UAC Fibre Cement Board consumed 7944.33 MJ of PENRT and 2595.25 MJ of PERT. The use of PERT was mainly resulted from the Malaysia’s energy grid mix, of which 40% was hydro-electricity. The production of raw material was responsible for 99% of the overall secondary material (SM) due to the reuse Environmental Product Declaration UAC Berhad – UAC Fibre Cement Board and burning of the waste pulp during the pulp production process. Lastly, the raw material preparation process within the UAC Plant, especially the hydropulper and sand grinding process were responsible for 52% of the overall water consumption (FW). Output Flows and Waste Categories The disposal of several type of machinery oils within the UAC Plant have contributed to 73% of the overall HWD; whilst the raw material extraction process was responsible for 85% of the overall NHWD, which primary consisted of waste paper. Finally, the use of nuclear energy during the production of raw materials (upstream process) was responsible for 95% of the overall RWD. 7. Requisite evidence 7.1 Leaching Test 7.2 VOC emissions Testing on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) using SW 846 6010 and 7473 methods were conducted for UAC Fibre Cement Board (represented by Flexaboard and Superflex) where the results are demonstarted in the table below. The “ASTM D5116-06: Standard Guide for small smallscale environmental chamber determinations of organic emissions from indoor materials/products” testing conducted by TUV Singapore certified that UAC Fibre Cement Board is: Leaching Test VOC emissions Name Arsenic (As) Barium (Ba) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Cr) Mercury (Hg) Plumbum (Pb) Selenium (Se) Silver (Ag) Value Unit < 0.018 ≤ 0.16 ≤ 0.0013 ≤ 0.017 ≤ 0.002 ≤ 0.02 ≤ 0.02 <0.01 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Name Value Total VOC emission rate 0.17 Formaldehyde emission <0.02 Phenylcyclohexene emission rate Not dectecte d* Phthalate emission 0.003 Total particle emission <0.02 Unit mg per m^3 per hour mg per m^3 per hour mg per m^3 per hour mg per m^3 mg per m^3 * Detection level: 0.002 mg per m^3 8. References Institut Bauen und Umwelt 2011 Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V., Königswinter (pub.): Generation of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs); General principles for the EPD range of Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU), 2011-09 www.bau-umwelt.de PCR 2011, Part A Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V., Königswinter (pub.): Product Category Rules for Construction Products from the range of Environmental Product Declarations of Institut Bauen und Umwelt (IBU), Part A: Calculation Rules for the Life Cycle Assessment and Requirements on the Background Report. September 2012 www.bau-umwelt.de ISO 14025 DIN EN ISO 14025:2011-10: Environmental labels and declarations — Type III environmental declarations — Principles and procedures EN 15804 EN 15804:2012-04: Sustainability of construction works — Environmental Product Declarations — Core rules for the product category of construction products 7 Act 127 Laws of Malaysia Act 127 – Environmental Quality Act 1974 – Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations, 1978 Act 139 Laws of Malaysia Act 139 – Factories and Machinery Act 1967 – Factories and Machinery (Mineral Dust) Regulations 1989 Laws of Malaysia Act 139 – Factories and Machinery Act 1967 – Factories and Machinery (Noise Exposure) Regulations 1989 Act 672 Laws of Malaysia Act 672 – Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007 ASTM E90-09 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions and Elements ASTM D5116-06 Standard Guide for small small-scale environmental chamber determinations of organic emissions from indoor materials/products Environmental Product Declaration UAC Berhad – UAC Fibre Cement Board BS 476 Part 6. Fire fropogation. Source: http://www.colorcoatonline.com/en/technical/regulations/fire_performance/b s476/ BS 476 Part 7. Surface spread of flame. Source: http://www.colorcoatonline.com/en/technical/regulations/fire_performance/b s476/ BS EN 12467:2004 Fibre-cement flat sheets. Product specification and test methods European Waste Catalogue (EWC) Chapter 17: Construction and demolition wastes (including excavated soil from contaminated sites) 8 GaBi 4 GaBi 4: Software and database for life cycle engineering. LBP, University of Stuttgart and PE INTERNATIONAL AG, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 2010 GaBi 4 Datasets GaBi 4: Documentation of GaBi4-Datasets for life cycle engineering. LBP University of Stuttgart and PE INTERNATIONAL AG, 2010. http://documentation.gabi-software.com/ MS1296 Malaysia Standard MS 1296: 2010 Fibre-Cement Flat Sheets SW 846 Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical / Chemical Methods Method 7473 - Mercury in Solids and Solutions by Thermal Decomposition, Amalgamation, and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Method 6010 - Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry Environmental Product Declaration UAC Berhad – UAC Fibre Cement Board Publisher Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. Rheinufer 108 53639 Königswinter Germany Tel Fax Mail Web +49 (0)2223 29 66 79- 0 +49 (0)2223 29 66 79- 0 info@bau-umwelt.com www.bau-umwelt.com Programme holder Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. Rheinufer 108 53639 Königswinter Germany Tel Fax Mail Web +49 (0)2223 29 66 79- 0 +49 (0)2223 29 66 79- 0 info@bau-umwelt.com www.bau-umwelt.com Author of the Life Cycle Assessment PE INTERNATIONAL (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Jalan 14/22, Right Angle 28-3 46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Tel Fax Mail Web +603 – 7960 3008 +603 – 7931 6269 info@pe-international.com www.pe-international.com Owner of the Declaration UAC Berhad Jalan Portland, Tasek Industrieal Estate, 36 31400 Ipoh, Perak Malaysia Tel Fax Mail Web +605 – 291 2033 +603 – 291 7712 tan_kean_leong@uac.com.my www.uac.com.my
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