John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions (AMS)


John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions (AMS)
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions (AMS)
Guidance, Telematics & Documentation
2 | Introduction & Overview
FarmSight solutions portfolio.
John Deere’s FarmSight service packages take your
operations to a new level of efficiency, reducing unnecessary
downtime and improving machine performance. With your
permission, your dealer can provide real-time remote
servicing as well as analysis and support.
With John Deere FarmSight you will benefit from:
– Better budget planning and preventative maintenance
– Increased uptime and lower fuel costs
– Improved operator skills, increased productivity and
optimised fleet management
An integral part of FarmSight is our
range of guidance products, essential
for successful precision farming.
Here’s what they can do for you:
■■Minimise skips and overlaps when
seeding and spraying
■■Maintain accurate machine and
implement positioning
■■Maximize overall logistics of
harvesting operations
Documentation and Application
Planning, controlling and recording
operational activities are the
headline functions. Our
documentation provides a suite
of in-depth capability:
The John Deere telematics
infrastructure that enables the tracking
of all your machines and applications
from wherever you have access to the
■■Accurate input cost control
■■Effective fleet management that
improves machine utilisation
■■Meeting environmental
requirements with less paperwork
■■Peak performance with significant
fuel cost reduction
■■Minimise wastage and boost
■■Remote diagnosis to avoid
unnecessary dealer call-outs
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 3
Season after season. Year after year
Ha r v e s t i
ng &
t io
Farming is much more
than a business. It’s like
managing a complex
enterprise, demanding
a long-term focus and
dedication whatever
obstacles the seasons
may bring. John Deere
Agricultural Management
Solutions (AMS) have been
developed to make that
task easier, more productive
and therefore more
Introduction and Overview������������������������������������������������� 2
Tailored solutions�������������������������������������������������������������� 4
StarFire 3000 Receiver������������������������������������������������������� 8
Accuracy levels������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
RTK network���������������������������������������������������������������������10
Documentation and Application Control����������������������������28
Information Management�������������������������������������������������36
G r ow
ing & Protecting
4 | Tailored solutions
Arable farming
The productivity of your arable operations will be enhanced
by intelligent use of AMS technology. It starts with
integrated AutoTrac automatic guidance, which can increase
productivity by up to 14 %, just by minimising the occurrence
of overlaps. Our AutoTrac Universal 200 automatic steering
kit can deliver similar benefits and is easily installed on other
brand as well as older John Deere machines.
MyJohnDeere is the web portal that provides you with
instant overview of your fields, tasks and machines.
Connecting via John Deere Wireless Data Transfer obviates
the hassle of using USBs and means that the field
information will be home before the operator.
Our StarFire 3000 receiver picks up signals from GPS and
GLONASS satellites, ensuring high levels of accuracy, fast
signal acquisition and recovery. All at no extra cost to you.
■■Common components
(pages 8 – 15)
■■SF1, SF2 & RTK accuracy
(pages 9 – 11)
■■Integrated AutoTrac automatic
guidance (page 19)
■■ATU 200 automatic steering
kit (page 21)
■■Machine Sync (page 25)
■■Variable Rate Application and
Section Control (pages 34 – 35)
■■MyJohnDeere (page 38 – 39)
■■JDLink (page 40)
■■Remote Display Access (page 42)
■■Wireless Data Transfer (page 43)
With RDA I can invite the dealer and the
implement manufacturer to a virtual optimisation
session, saving time and costs.
Andreas Reese, Germany
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 5
Peace of mind comes with the knowledge that your machines
and operators are performing at maximum capacity for your
customers. As a contractor, you can deliver outstanding
services to your customers by utilising HarvestLab for forage
constituent measurement, as well as AutoTrac or John Deere
Section Control – all John Deere solutions that ensure your
high working standards and build customer satisfaction and
When your machines and operators are in the field there’s
absolutely no time for downtime. In order to keep you up
and working, your dealer can – with your permission –
perform remote diagnostics and controller re-programming
as well as assist machine operation through John Deere
Remote Display Access.
Our Ag web portal, MyJohnDeere, shows you exactly where
every machine is and what it has accomplished, throughout
the working day.
■■Common components
(pages 8 – 15)
■■SF1, SF2 & RTK accuracy
(pages 9 – 11)
■■Integrated AutoTrac automatic
guidance (page 19)
■■AutoTrac RowSense (page 24)
■■HarvestLab real-time
constituent measurement
(pages 32 – 33)
■■Variable Rate Application and
Section Control (pages 34 – 35)
■■MyJohnDeere (page 38 – 39)
■■JDLink (page 40)
■■Remote Display Access (page 42)
■■Wireless Data Transfer (page 43)
Using Constituent Sensing means
I can offer exclusivity, something that
no other can offer at the same level.
Alberto Bernardi, Italy
6 | Tailored solutions
Livestock farming
We’ve made sure that all our AMS products are easy to install
and use. Take our GreenStar 2 1800 display: up and working
after just a few simple steps, thanks to our set-up wizard.
When you utilise AMS products like AutoTrac in the field, you
can choose between three accuracy levels. For most hay
and forage applications, SF1 signal accuracy is perfectly
adequate. John Deere receivers provide the SF1 signal totally
free of charge, with no time limitations.
Profit from your contractor using HarvestLab on his forage
harvester. The resulting accurate, real-time monitoring
of forage moisture and constituents is a boon for every
livestock farmer. is your entry-level documentation tool.
It displays work progress, field boundaries and yield maps
so you always know what’s going on.
■■Common components
(pages 8 – 15)
■■SF1, SF2 & RTK accuracy
(pages 9 – 11)
■■Integrated AutoTrac automatic
guidance (page 19)
■■ATU 200 automatic steering kit
(page 21)
■■HarvestLab real-time
constituent measurement
(pages 32 – 33)
■■MyJohnDeere (page 38)
Thanks to AutoTrac, I noted that I saved
5 % to 10 % of fuel consumption and input costs.
And even better, comfort has increased dramtically.
Grégoire Duffour, France
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 7
Speciality farming
On John Deere premium machines, you can benefit from the
top-of-the-line guidance performance and responsiveness of
integrated AutoTrac. Additonally, with a 6R tractor you can
go as slow as 0.1 km/h. And you can have a similar
experience with your smaller John Deere tractors or
machines of other brands by utilising ATU.
Crop damage can be totally eradicated by teaming up
AutoTrac with RTK accuracy and John Deere Active
Implement Guidance so that the steerable implement follows
the tractor path exactly.
Working with John Deere Section Control adds even more
precision, reducing input costs by up to €16.9 €/ha*.
■■Common components
(pages 8 – 15)
■■SF2 & RTK accuracy
(pages 9 – 11)
■■Integrated AutoTrac automatic
guidance (page 19)
■■AutoTrac Controller (page 20)
■■ATU 200 automatic steering kit
(page 21)
■■Active Implement Guidance
(page 26)
■■Section Control (pages 35)
■■MyJohnDeere (page 38)
■■JDLink (page 40)
■■Remote Display Access (page 42)
*A ccording to Nordrhein-Westfalen Landwirtschaftskammer, 2013
The signal repeatability of AutoTrac with RTK
makes it possible to work with sub-surface drip irrigation
systems and makes my business more profitable.
Antón Córdoba, Spain
8 | Components: Receivers & Signals
AMS: how to get started
The key to accessing John Deere Agricultural Management
Solutions is our proven StarFire 3000 receiver.
The StarFire 3000 receiver
Complete with an integrated Terrain Compensation Module
(TCM) as well as GPS and GLONASS satellite compatibility.
Entry-level accuracy SF1 is provided by John Deere at
absolutely no cost to you. The receiver works seamlessly
with all levels of signal accuracy (see opposite) and all
John Deere guidance systems. Capabilities include enhanced
signal sensitivity, easy activation and faster satellite
Overcoming shade resistance
Improved satellite availability, with signals from 56 GPS and
GLONASS satellites across the globe, keeps you on track
even in shaded conditions. Satellites that are just 5° above
the horizon can be acquired.
Faster signal acquisition
The rapid acquisition of satellites enables you to get started
with AutoTrac faster than ever at the beginning of a working
Reliable everywhere
Terrain compensation technology detects and assesses roll (x), pitch (y)
and yaw (z) to ensure true machine ground positioning across every field.
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 9
The accuracy you need
John Deere guidance technology offers you a choice of
accuracy levels to suit your operations enabling you to
upgrade the accuracy level should your requirements
change. Our StarFire 3000 receiver can acquire all the
signal accuracy you could need.
SF1 Signal
The perfect starting point
for tillage, grassland
application and harvesting:
■■± 23 cm pass-to-pass
■■No licence fees
SF2 Signal
More accuracy. Ideal for
seeding and planting:
■■± 5 cm pass-to-pass
■■Flexible licence periods
■■Delivered via radio or mobile signal
■■John Deere RTK Extend maintains consistent RTK accuracy
during temporary line-of-sight obstruction
€ 600**
SF2 one-year licence
± 23 cm
± 5 cm
SF1 signal for free
■■± 2.5 cm repeatable accuracy
■■RTK Extend includes free SF2 capability if required
€ 0*
RTK Signal
The highest possible guidance accuracy:
± 2.5 cm
10 | Components: Receivers & Signals
Perfect repeatability: RTK
John Deere Green AG management solutions are configured
to work seamlessly together to provide you with the
precision you require. For the highest possible levels of
accuracy, nothing outperforms RTK, which eliminates any
possibility of GPS drift.
And it’s repeatable. So it makes easy work of applications
where the highest precision is required year after year –
for example if growing high value crops.
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 11
RTK the easy way
You may find that a dealer-run RTK network is your best
solution. Because renting a usage licence from your dealer
eliminates the need to invest in your own base station. That
means you immediately benefit from your dealer’s
experience with RTK and you can forget about potential
maintenance issues.
Mobile RTK. The simple solution for challenging locations
Instead of a fixed base station, the Mobile RTK correction
signal is generated via mobile phone technology. This
provides unrivalled and repeatable accuracy virtually
everywhere, even in scattered fields and in hilly terrain.
It works with any machine equipped with a StarFire 3000
receiver and our Mobile RTK modem. The open modem
permits the use of third-party signals – your dealer can
provide full details.
RTK Extend. Bridging the gap
RTK Extend maintains RTK performance even during
temporary line-of-sight interruptions, such as working under
a line of trees. RTK accuracy will be maintained for
15 minutes after losing base station signal, as long as your
StarFire 3000 receiver has been powered up for at least one
hour. And if you’re operating beyond RTK availability, there’s
a cost-free SF2 signal to fall back on.
How Mobile RTK takes
accuracy to the extremes
The satellite GPS signal is
processed together with
geophysical correction data
generated from a countrywide
pool of existing base stations,
so there’s no need to own your
own. Machines equipped with
the John Deere Mobile RTK
modem receive the centrally
calculated correction signal
via the mobile phone network.
And it all works regardless of
terrain or geographical diversity.
Base Station
Rover with
John Deere Mobile
RTK Modem
12 | Components: Displays
Control at your fingertips: GreenStar displays
GreenStar 2 1800 display
The perfect entry-level guidance and ISOBUS implement
control display could not be easier to use. It has a scroll
wheel for easy navigation and ten mapped letter keys for
quick, one-touch operation. For more precision, it can be
upgraded to run automatic guidance and section control
for John Deere implements.
Using the GreenStar 2 1800 display is extremely easy and
intuitive. Operation is very straightforward: any farmer
will have the display ready to run in just a few simple steps,
thanks to the set-up wizard. The basic documentation
capabilities include pdf printouts with a task summary,
and there’s a USB port for data transfers. Free software
updates are also included.
Standard functions
Available upgrades
■■Parallel Tracking
■■John Deere
Documentation Basics
■■GreenStar Sprayer Pro
(John Deere Sprayer)
■■Display with 18 cm screen
■■Free Software updates
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 13
GreenStar 3 2630 display
The full-colour GreenStar 3 2630 display provides full
monitoring and control over all the Agricultural Management
Solutions you use in your John Deere tractor, combine,
forage harvester or sprayer. The brilliant 26 cm touch-screen
comes with advanced ISOBUS functionality and sets
standards for convenience, clarity and efficiency, is easy to
understand and use, robust, and there are all the features
and power you’ll ever need, year after year.
In addition, the GreenStar 3 2630 display supports advanced
telematics solutions such as John Deere Remote Display
Access and John Deere Wireless Data Transfer
(see pages 36 – 43).
Standard functions
Available upgrades
■■26 cm touch-screen
■■Parallel Tracking
■■Swap Track and
■■John Deere Section
■■AutoTrac RowSense
■■Telematics such as
Remote Display Access
and Wireless Data
■■iTEC Pro
■■Documentation and
■■3 Video inputs
■■Access Manager
■■Free Software updates
■■John Deere Active
Implement Guidance
■■John Deere Machine
14 | Components: Displays
CommandCenter: total integration
GreenStar 3 CommandCenter: built-in guidance
Standard equipment on S, T and W Series combines,
7080 and 8000 Series Self-Propelled Forage Harvesters
and 6R tractors with less than 175 hp (130 kw).
The monitor has an 18 cm screen – touch-screen
functionality is available as an option – and comes
with ISOBUS implement control.
Just hook up a StarFire 3000 receiver and Parallel
Tracking is ready to go. To upgrade to AutoTrac
or John Deere Section Control for your John Deere
implements, all you need to do is purchase
activation from your dealer.
Standard functions
Available upgrades
■■Display with 18 cm screen
■■Parallel Tracking
■■John Deere Section
■■Performance monitor
*I f touchscreen
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 15
Generation 4 CommandCenter:
the future at your fingertips
Working with the new Generation 4 CommandCenter
is easy and intuitive. It comes with tablet-like swipe
functionality and a simple, customisable interface.
Navigating through the options is made easy with
logical menus, button-like icons, a shortcurt bar as
well as on-screen help functions and context-based help.
This state-of-the-art display is essentially your
interface with the machine’s central information
system. Two screen sizes are available: the 18 cm 4100
and the 26 cm 4600 monitor.
The Generation 4 CommandCenter is already standard
equipment on the latest 6R tractors with a minimum of
175 hp (130 kw), as well as all current 7R and 8R tractors.
Standard functions
Available upgrades
■■Parallel Tracking
■■ISOBUS implement
■■Up to 4 Video inputs
■■Machine/work monitor
■■Wireless reprogramming
■■18 cm or 26 cm
■■On-screen help functions
■■John Deere Remote
Display Access capable
16 | Guidance
Machines and productivity on track: John Deere guidance solutions
John Deere pioneered machine guidance systems and we
have continued to innovate ever since. The benefits are
self-evident: lower fuel costs, reduced fertiliser and
chemical usage, higher productivity and profitability. And
considerably less stress for the operator.
We offer a complete range of integrated guidance systems,
from simple manual control to fully automated. If yours is a
mixed fleet, we also offer solutions for other brands so that
you can still enjoy the benefits of John Deere guidance.
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 17
The way to higher productivity
John Deere guidance solutions not only make life easier,
they also bring higher levels of productivity easily within
your reach. With John Deere AutoTrac, for instance,
the incidence of skips and overlaps is minimised, so that
input costs and fuel consumption are reduced, while the
work-rate is increased. Depending on the application
you can expect input savings of up to 8 %* and up to
14 %** increase in productivity.
Because precision is assured, tasks can be completed
in a shorter time (or at night) always with the same level
of accuracy. The operator, relieved of the stress and
fatigue of steering, can concentrate on implement
management and performance, all good news for the
productivity of your operations.
Up to 14 %
area h
  *From “Lohnunternehmen” 1/2010
**From “Landtechnik” 6/2006
18 | Guidance: Parallel Tracking & Integrated AutoTrac
All-terrain accuracy: Parallel Tracking
Parallel Tracking manual guidance is already preloaded on
your GreenStar display. It’s the ideal entry-level guidance
solution for expanding operations, because it’s easy to
upgrade to an automatic steering system whenever it suits
you. Once you’re on your chosen path it provides visual and
audible signals to help keep you on track.
What you need
■■Display: GreenStar 2 1800,
GreenStar 3 2630,
CommandCenter 3 or
CommandCentre 4
■■Receiver: StarFire 3000
How you benefit
■■Parallel tracking through
curves and straights
■■Faster field speeds even in
bad visibility
■■Reduced overlaps and gaps –
espacially with wider
implements like fertiliser
■■Visual and audible signals
Scalable accuracy for any type of field
Parallel Tracking lets you fertilise and spray with ease even on uneven
ground and slopes. Take advantage of the free SF1 signal or upgrade to the
more accurate SF2 signal.
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 19
Automatic guidance: Integrated AutoTrac
Precision from the start
Complete with all the advantages that automatic guidance
can offer, the integrated AutoTrac system is destined to raise
your productivity by reducing input costs and boosting
efficiency. It works on all the John Deere tractors, sprayers,
combines and forage harvesters that drive your business.
With AutoTrac you can easily master straight and curved
tracks and work comfortably in low visibility situations.
AutoTrac at slower speeds
John Deere 6R Series tractors can be specified with AutoTrac
Slow Speed, enabling operation at speeds as low as
0.1 km/h. Particularly useful when growing speciality crops.
What you need
■■Display: GreenStar 2 1800,
GreenStar 3 2630,
CommandCenter 3 or
CommandCenter 4
■■Receiver: StarFire 3000
How you benefit
■■Less operator stress
■■Up to 8 %* input cost reduction
– depending on the application
■■Reduced overlaps and gaps
■■Up to 14 %** productivity
  *From “Lohnunternehmen” 1/2010
**From “Landtechnik” 6/2006
Harvesting with AutoTrac
Faster, fuller cuts all season long.
20 | Guidance: AutoTrac Controller & ATU 200 Steering Kit
Multi-brand compatibility: AutoTrac Controller
Older John Deere machines, as well as those from other
manufacturers, can also benefit from the full potential
of John Deere guidance. Just install AutoTrac Controller and
you’ll enjoy the very fast line acquisition that only complete
component integration can bring. And you’ll have the same
guidance convenience that you’re used to from your
John Deere machines.
Your John Deere dealer can advise you on the suitability
of your machine.
What you need
■■Display: GreenStar 2 1800 or
GreenStar 3 2630
■■Receiver: StarFire 3000
How you benefit
■■Fully integrated
■■Fast line acquisition
■■All accuracy levels
■■Compatible with John Deere
Active Implement Guidance
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 21
Multi-brand compatibility: ATU 200 Steering Kit
Our proven, multi-brand, automated steering solution
can be fitted to over 600 different machines, from older
John Deere models to alternative brands. For livestock
and dairy farmers it’s a low cost solution that quickly
demonstrates the benefits of John Deere guidance.
The ATU 200 unit can be easily transferred from machine to
machine, in around 30 minutes. You can use it with a tractor
for precision tillage and planting in the spring, with your
combine or forage harvester in summer and with a tractor
again for seedbed preparation. It’s not only easy to install
and use, it’s also extremely robust and reliable. The ATU 200
enables operation at only 0.5 km/h, slower than other
Universal systems. Furthermore, no other system
accomplishes so many field hours with so little need of
attention, even in difficult working conditions.
Sharing John Deere expertise
The AutoTrac Universal 200 is
approved for over 600 models
from John Deere and alternative
brands. See your dealer or visit for
current information on all
approved platforms.
What you need
■■Display: GreenStar 2 1800
or GreenStar 3 2630
■■Receiver: StarFire 3000
How you benefit
■■Consistent guidance
across mixed fleets
■■Compatible with over
600 models
■■All accuracy levels
■■Benchmark 30 minutes
transfer time
■■Also functions when reversing
■■Minimum speed of only
0.5 km/h
22 | Guidance: iTEC Pro
Hands-free headland turns: iTEC Pro
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 23
Our innovative intelligent Total Equipment Control (iTEC Pro)
module integrates John Deere AutoTrac automatic steering
and the headland management systems in 6R, 7R, 8R, 8RT,
9R and 9RT tractors.
Whatever the shape of the field, iTEC Pro automatically
controls the entire headland turn and manages all tractor
and implement functions with ease and precision.
This includes forward speed changes, PTO switching and
the raising or lowering of front and rear linkages at exactly
the right time and position in the field, in addition to
automatically steering the tractor around each headland.
Perfect headland turns, no matter who is operating,
no matter what the conditions are.
What you need
■■Display: GreenStar 3 2630
■■Receiver: StarFire 3000
How you benefit
■■Faster headland turns
■■Reduced headland skips
and overlaps
■■Reduced input costs for
fertiliser, chemicals and fuel
■■Automatically controls
implement management
systems at headlands
■■Minimised soil compaction
at headlands
■■More comfort, less operator
24 |
Guidance: AutoTrac RowSense & Machine Sync
Precision in all conditions: AutoTrac RowSense
Make the most of your time – and your maize – with
AutoTrac RowSense. Designed for AutoTrac ready combines
and forage harvesters, this technology makes maize
harvesting more efficient, accurate and a lot less tiring for
AutoTrac RowSense merges the strengths of two systems.
Sensors on the header provide instant ground level feedback
about the position of the plant row, while AutoTrac, using
GPS information, instantly takes over in conditions where no
row information is available from the header.
What you need
■■Display: GreenStar 3 2630
■■Receiver: StarFire 3000
■■RowSense sensors
How you benefit
■■Maintains progress in laid crops
or crossing gaps
■■Can be programmed to follow
curved rows
■■Improves harvest efficiency
■■Enables maize harvesting under
many different crop conditions
■■More comfort, less operator
That means for you: productivity and precision in any
conditions – whether it’s laid crop, curves or unevenly
shaped fields. AutoTrac RowSense ensures maximum uptime
and let’s you harvest maize to perfection.
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 25
Co-ordinated control: John Deere Machine Sync
We know how stressful the harvesting season can be,
especially when unpredictable weather conditions threaten
your operating window. John Deere Machine Sync coordinates the operation of several in-field machines and
enables a tractor to automatically follow a combine during
unloading. Once within range, the tractor will steer and
change ground speed automatically to maintain a constant
distance from the combine and ensure an even grain cart fill.
While waiting at the field edge the tractor operator sees the
exact location of all in-field combines and tractor/trailer
units on his display. Additionally, he sees grain tank levels,
enabling him to quickly determine unloading priorities –
which combine needs to be unloaded next. Unloading can
also be initiated by the combine operator actively calling
an individual tractor/trailer through Machine Sync.
What you need
■■Display: GreenStar 3 2630
■■Receiver: StarFire 3000
■■John Deere Machine
Communication Radio
How you benefit
■■Easy unloading on-the-go to
maximise productivity
■■Optimised in-field logistics
■■Priority unloading
■■Less operator stress
■■No more half-loaded trailers
26 | Guidance: Active Implement Guidance & iGrade
Total accuracy: Active Implement Guidance
When the highest accuracy is an absolute must, Active
Implement Guidance ensures that tractor and implement
follow exactly the same path, ruling out crop damage on
subsequent passes. Essential when growing high-value
bedded or row crops and for strip till operations. It also
avoids accidental damage to irrigation pipes or channels.
The display-controlled system works with steerable
implements equipped with side-shift, drawbar, axle or disc
steering. StarFire 3000 receivers are mounted on both
tractor and implement, translating received signals to
precision on the ground. Straight, curved or circular tracks
can be followed, using RTK or SF2 signals. This Shared Signal
functionality allows two StarFire 3000 Receivers to share
correctional signal in dual-receiver applications and have the
benefits of the higher signal level.
Absolutely straight furrows can be achieved with iSteer
Plough on ploughs with variable working-width adjustment.
What you need
■■Display: GreenStar 3 2630
■■Receivers: 2x StarFire 3000
How you benefit
■■Tractor and implement are kept
on the same track
■■Perfect tracks
■■No crop damage
■■No irrigation pipe or
drip tape damage
*a vailable in selected countries
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 27
3D precision: iGrade
The ideal way to plane or level your land accurately is
John Deere iGrade*. Unlike delicate laser systems, this
RTK-based system works reliably in poor visibility and rough
weather conditions – even at night. The StarFire 3000
receiver is compatible with GPS and GLONASS satellites
ensuring the highest vertical precision. Whether you’re
making constant slopes for draining or perfectly levelled
planes for speciality crops, you can rely on iGrade to perform
smoothly and accurately every time.
The system fully automates scraper blades while calculator
tools assist operators in designing slopes and setting
directions. An AutoTrac ready tractor can also use automatic
guidance for even greater precision and convenience.
What you need
■■Display: GreenStar 3 2630
■■Receiver: StarFire 3000
■■John Deere Application
How you benefit
■■Reliable in rough weather and
low visibility (dust, fog)
■■Maximises vertical accuracy
*a vailable in selected territories
■■Automatic scraper height
■■Easy to use slope calculator tool
■■Larger signal range than
with laser
28 | Documentation and Application Control
Valuable information and precision productivity.
Documentation and Application Control.
Documentation and application control solutions deliver the facts in black and white that you
need to increase your profitability:
■■Accurately control your costs – with variable rate applications you can precisely budget
fertiliser, seeding and chemicals.
■■Cut down on paperwork – you’ll have everything you need to meet legal requirements,
agricultural subsidies and reliable crop traceability at the click of a mouse.
■■Farm more sustainably – precisely control your inputs to minimise wastage and avoid over
fertilising or over seeding.
■■Enjoy faster set-up – optimise your equipment once, use the same settings time after time.
All our systems are fully integrated too, so you can adapt as your needs grow.
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 29
30 | Documentation: GreenStar Documentation
GreenStar Documentation
GreenStar 3 2630 display
The integrated documentation systems in the GreenStar 3 2630 display includes map-based prescriptions,
on-screen mapping, real-time information of crops harvested and rates applied. It also comes preloaded
with variable rate application capabilities that enable you – based on prescription maps or sensor systems –
to match application rates on-the-go to field conditions.
GreenStar documentation brings instant benefits in preplanning jobs, managing tasks and record keeping. However,
it’s the longer-term analysis, year after year that delivers the
most significant value in agronomic management and cost
control. Documentation data is easily transferred from the
GreenStar 2630 display to MyJohnDeere to get a quick
overview over your operations and to your desktop software
for more detailed analysis. This enables you to build a solid
foundation for better decision making for the year ahead.
When setting up your equipment, John Deere Implement
Detection saves you time and eliminates errors by
populating all implement settings automatically on your
GreenStar 3 2630 display. Proper documentation is ensured.
GreenStar 2 1800 display
John Deere Documentation Basics on the GreenStar 2 1800 display
enables you to record all key operational details: date, time, operator,
field boundaries, area and location, type of application and overall
amount of inputs.
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 31
Your finger on the pulse:
John Deere Field Connect
Moisture levels vary from field to field, plot to plot.
John Deere Field Connect uses field-installed probes to
monitor moisture levels at various depths. It then
sends the information wirelessly to your computer or
mobile device, so you can make timely irrigation
decisions from anywhere.
And with environmental sensors that measure air and soil
temperature, wind speed, humidity, solar radiation,
rainfall and leaf wetness, you’ll know exactly what’s going
on – above the ground and below the surface.
What you need
■■John Deere Field Connect
■■John Deere Field Connect Probe
■■Field Connect subscription
How you benefit
■■Increase corn yield by up
to 0.35 t/ha*
Soil moisture graphs
help you to make timely
irrigation decisions
*Fonatanelle Hybrids, 2010, corn
■■Improve plant health
■■Reduce overall irrigation cost
32 | Documentaion: HarvestLab
Real-time constituent evaluation:
HarvestLab and John Deere Constituent Sensing
What you need
■■Display: GreenStar 3 2630
■■HarvestLab sensor
How you benefit
■■Harvested crop constituents
measured on-the-go
■■Moisture/dry matter, protein,
starch and NDF/ADF (fibre)
analysis for easy cattle fodder
■■Automatic adjustment of length
of cut depending on dry matter
content for better silage quality
■■Flexible billing options for
■■Contractors can provide
customers with Immediate
constituent print-out
Teamed with John Deere Constituent Sensing, HarvestLab
is the first complete constituent evaluation solution
for farmers, biogas plant operators, feedstock advisors
and nutritionists.
HarvestLab works together with the SPFH in order to
adjust the cut length depending on dry matter content.
This ensures an optimal silage quality. Additionally,
thanks to John Deere Constituent Sensing, livestock and
dairy farmers profit from real-time detection of changes
in feed quality. Based on this information they are now
able to manage the supplementary concentrates level in
a better way.
For biogas producers HarvestLab gives much greater
control over the use of silage additives for higher silage
quality preservation. For contractors it provides
additional capability for new value added customer
services and flexible billing options.
Developed and patented with Carl Zeiss, HarvestLab
uses Near Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy for the simultaneous
measurement of the various constituents of harvested
crops in less than one second. It is certified by the Deutsche
Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (DLG) for maize silage dry
matter analysis.
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 33
HarvestLab can be used on a forage harvester for documentation of crop
quality whilst the crop is being harvested or operated separately as a stationary
lab providing analysis and value determination for feed rations.
34 | Application Control: John Deere Section Control & GreenStar Rate Controller
No more overlaps: John Deere Section Control
John Deere Section Control automatically turns individual
implement sections on and off at predefined locations
in the field. The system is compatible with all John Deere
implements supporting section control functionality as
well as with ISOBUS-ready implements from other brands.
By reducing product overlap and gaps in the field,
John Deere Section Control enables you to apply exact
amounts of fertiliser, seed and crop protection – where it‘s
needed. As a result you save input cost and increase effiency
while minimising crop damage and environmental impact.
And by avoiding overspray and overplant, John Deere Section
Control also helps to create the best possible growing
conditions for your crops.
What you need
■■Display: GreenStar 2 1800*,
GreenStar 3 2630 or
CommandCenter 3
■■Receiver: StarFire 3000
■■Section Control activation
How you benefit
■■Automatically switch sections
on/off to avoid overlap
■■Eliminates overplanting
at headlands
■■Eliminates spraying outside
of field boundaries
*G reenStar Sprayer Pro, John Deere implements only
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 35
Reduced wastage, higher yields:
Application rates matched to field conditions
GreenStar Rate Controller
This compact unit enables rate and section control of
non-ISOBUS implements by serving as the interface for your
GreenStar display. You can automatically control fertiliser,
chemical, nutrient and seed delivery without the need of
a second console in the cab.
GreenStar Rate Controller integrates with many implements,
such as John Deere or non-John Deere pull-type sprayers,
anhydrous ammonia applicators, liquid manure spreaders,
liquid fertiliser systems and planters.
What you need
■■Display: GreenStar 3 2630
■■Receiver: StarFire 3000
■■GreenStar Rate Controller
How you benefit
■■Reduced input costs
■■Upgrade older implements to
section control functionality
36 | Information Management
Plan, run and manage your operation:
John Deere information management solutions
John Deere information management solutions combine your machine’s inbuilt CAN-Bus
system with satellite positioning and telematics, enabling you to run and monitor your fleet
of machines and manage your land.
The enabling component is the Modular Telematics Gateway (MTG) that comes pre-installed
on John Deere premium Ag machines, sending and receiving data via cellular networks.
Besides enabling services such as JDLink and MyJohnDeere, it also allows, with your
permission, your local John Deere dealer to support and assist you remotely, keeping your
machines running whenever you need them.
What’s more: John Deere telematics solutions are not just green and yellow either.
You can use many of the functionalities with multiple machine and implement brands.
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 37
38 | JDLink telematics:
Your Ag web portal:
Unlock the full productivity of your farming or contractor’s
business through The agricultural
web portal enables you to plan, run and manage your
operations – all from a central location.
Logging on to opens up the Operations
Center where you get instant information about ongoing
operations, being able to view agronomic information from
your GreenStar 2630 display. Also integrated in is the JDLink website where you can
monitor and analyse your machine’s performance.
You can also securely share data with your dealer or other
business partners and trusted advisors to get advice on how
to optimise operations across the value chain.
What you need
■■Internet connection
How you benefit
■■Operational information always
at your fingertips
■■Machine and field data at one
central location
■■Customer-managed access
rights to allow easy and secure
data sharing
■■Facilitates logistics and machine
performance optimisation
■■Ability to monitor multi-brand
■■Log on from any internet
capable device
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 39
MyJohnDeere takes data management to the next level by
combining machine
by combining
to to
monitor your
the work
of your
work progress
orders based
on latest
work orders
on latestoptimize
logistics of your
and make
of your
whole fleet
fact-based agronomic decisions.
40 | JDLink telematics: JDLink & Remote Support
Optimised machine performance: JDLink
John Deere’s Telematics system JDLink takes the guesswork
out of machine monitoring and machine performance
optimisation. It enables you to stay connected with your
fleet via smartphone, tablet or office PC.
JDLink Select is the perfect entry-level telematics solution –
compatible with John Deere equipment as well as equipment
from other brands.
By connecting to your machine’s inbuilt CAN-Bus, JDLink
Ultimate offers more detailed information about your
machine performance.
What you need
■■Modular Telematics Gateway
JDLink Select
How you benefit (JDLink Select):
JDLink Ultimate
Location (current and last 24 h)
Geofence and Curfew alerts
Machine hours
Remote diagnostics
■■Track machine idle,
transport and working hours
■■Track current machine location
and location history
Machine Performance indicators
Machine Settings
■■Geofence alerts via mobile phone
and email
How you benefit (JDLink Ultimate):
■■Monitor machine health remotely
Fuel level and consumption
Specific Combine/SPFH states and settings
Remote Display Access (page 42)
Wireless Data Transfer (page 43)
175,– €/year
275,– €/year
■■Increase performance through
machine CAN-Bus data analysis
■■Includes combine and forage
harvester specific data
Machine Diagnostic codes and alerts
Machine Utilisation (Idle, Work, Transport)
JDLink in your pocket
Machine location, alerts and machine performance data and John Deere
Remote Display Access are also accessible through the JDLink App available
for free in the App Store or Google Play Store.
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 41
Your virtual technician: Remote dealer support
Not only can you monitor the performance and health of
your machines. With your permission your dealer can utilise
the JDLink infrastructure to log on to your equipment to
deliver a new level of support. Through remote diagnostics
he can analyse or even prevent a potential breakdown and
re-programme machine controllers to maintain working
uptime. Remote recordings can be utilised for subsequent
This level of remote support can even do away with the need
for a technician call-out.
What you need
■■Modular Telematics Gateway
■■Included in JDLink subscription
How you benefit
■■Machine diagnostics
performed remotely
■■Time saved on repairs and
maintenance, reduced cost
due to no travelling needed
■■Rapid response and
increased uptime
■■Eliminate unnecessary
dealer call-outs
■■Remote reprogramming
of machine controllers
42 | JDLink telematics: Remote Display Access & Wireless Data Transfer
Enhanced connectivity: John Deere Remote Display Access
John Deere Remote Display Access gives you a live
connection to your machine’s in-cab display. So you or your
John Deere dealer can provide immediate advice on machine
set-up and operation that will optimise the working
efficiency of your operators and machines.
This includes:
■■Supporting the adjustment of tractor settings
(transmission, hydraulics, 3-point hitch, iTEC etc.}
■■Getting advice on combine settings (sieves, fan speed,
Interactive Combine Adjust etc.)
■■Reviewing AMS settings (guidance, documentation,
section control etc.) as well as ISOBUS implement settings
What you need
■■Modular Telematics Gateway
■■GreenStar 3 2630 display or
Generation 4 CommandCenter
All of this is especially valuable when you have purchased
new equipment which you and your operators are not yet
completely familiar with.
You can start a Remote Display Access session through
MyJohnDeere from any internet capable device and through
the JDLink App.
Benefit from Remote Display Access by adding 124 Euro to
your existing JDLink Select or Ultimate yearly subscription.
How you benefit
■■Reduce in-field operator
asistance costs
■■Maintain peak performance
in any condition
■■Rapid problem resolution
■■Maximise machine uptime
John Deere Remote Display
Access awarded the
Silver Medal at SIMA 2013
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions | 43
Instant field information:
John Deere Wireless Data Transfer
John Deere Wireless Data Transfer enables automatic data
transfer over the air between your GreenStar 3 2630 display
in the cab and Time consuming manual
transfer actions with an USB flash drive are obsolete, thus
eliminating the risk of data getting lost, saving you time and
making documentation easy.
Once a field is finished, data such as yield maps or as applied
maps is automatically transfered to the Ag web portal. Vice
versa you can send setup files or prescription maps to your
machines to ensure your operators are ready to start the
next job. With that, Wireless Data Transfer speeds up and
simplifies the whole documentation procedure and also
enables the wireless transmission of data between the
enabled GreenStar 3 2630 display, MyJohnDeere and your
farm management information system.
What you need
■■Modular Telematics Gateway
■■GreenStar 3 2630 display
How you benefit
■■Simplifies documentation
through automatic data transfer
■■Eliminates the risk of data
getting lost
■■Flexibility: send information
to your operators in the field at
any time from anywhere
■■Easy and secure data exchange
The future is green
John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions are evidence of our commitment to raising
the performance of your operations, maximising uptime and reducing operating costs.
John Deere Financial – A range of finance options as powerful as our products.
Contact your John Deere dealer for a comprehensive range of finance options to suit the specific needs of your business.
Not available in all countries please consult your local dealer.
This literature has been compiled for worldwide circulation. While general information, pictures and descriptions are provided,
some illustrations and text may include finance, credit, insurance, product options and accessories not available in all regions.
Please contact your local dealer for details. John Deere reserves the right to change specification and design of products described
in this literature without notice. The green and yellow colour scheme, the leaping deer logo and the JOHN DEERE word mark are
trademarks of Deere & Company.
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Our dealer technicians – all John Deere trained – are familiar with every nut, bolt and byte in
your equipment, and skilled at diagnosing any potential problems. So you can count them,
like you can count on us. After over 175 years in the farm equipment business, we can be sure
that together we’re better.