2011 Annual Report - Children`s Bereavement Center of South Texas
2011 Annual Report - Children`s Bereavement Center of South Texas
2011 Annual Report FROM THE board chair and PRESIDENT / CEO Perhaps they are not stars, but openings in the Heavens where the love of our lost ones pour through and shines upon us to let us know they are happy. Dear Friends, As leaders of this mission, we believe the spirit of healing lives here. We have been endowed with the distinct privilege of helping grieving children find healthy ways to move forward after being devastated by the loss of a loved one. During our 15th year of service, we served 1,137 children and their accompanying caregivers in Peer Support Groups and Counseling Services. We also helped 65 additional students in a pilot school-based outreach program. In addition we trained 547 community members through our Professional Training and Continuing Education Workshops. In total, your support has helped us serve 1,749 clients in 2011. Our goal is to make certain that the CBCST continues to be a safe haven for children in need of grief support in perpetuity. Achievement of that goal will require the support of every person who reads these words. UNKNOWN With 97% of our revenue coming from individual donors, private foundations and local corporations, we must carefully steward every dollar to provide the greatest possible level of service with the least possible amount of expense. Our average cost to deliver one session (one hour) of service was $139 per client in 2011. That number was 44% higher just five years ago. We believe the spirit of healing lives here at The Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas. We hear a calling to help all children reinforce positive connections with their memories of lost loved ones. We use our home as a tool for guiding children through the grief process. It provides us the room to administer support and provides the children the freedom they need to heal within a protected environment. As we grow, we continue to maximize our operating efficiency while maintaining quality in our service delivery. As donors, that is what you can expect from us. As leaders of this mission, we are determined to continue delivering on that promise so that we may earn your support year after year. As we seek to decrease the gap in service for children with unresolved grief, we will also prepare ourselves to accommodate those who have yet to experience such heartbreak. And, with your help, we will continue to be the primary resource for children challenged by loss. Sincerely, F. Michael Wood, Jr. Board Chair Every component of our facility is used to promote healing for grieving children. The star wall at The Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas (CBCST) provides children with one of many opportunities to memorialize their loved ones by using our physical space as a canvas. By writing the initials of their loved one on a star and then placing that star among the many others, Traci B. Gomez President / CEO we are able to diminish isolation and create unity for children from their very first visit to our house. Each star pictured here symbolizes the light from everyone who has lived, all who are living now and all who will come after us. The wall itself provides a visual representation of how we are all connected. It reminds us that our personalities, relationships, experiences, and memories are what, ultimately, link us all together as part of the human experience. 2011 Annual Report A 1 HISTORY In 2011, the CBCST celebrated 15 years of service to our community. The vision for this organization was born in the heart of our founder, Martha Atkins. While taking an Educational Psychology course at UTSA, led by the late Professor Dr. Larry Golden, Martha was assigned the task of writing a grant to create a children’s service that didn’t exist in San Antonio. She made her case for a bereavement center for children. When her graduate paper was returned, she saw that she had received an “A” along with a note from Dr. Golden saying, “You really must pursue this worthwhile endeavor.” With her passion ignited, and a little bit of seed money, Martha made her dream a reality. With a central office based out of the trunk of Martha’s car and some program space provided by a few local churches, the CBCST offered the first of its services to grieving children back in 1997, with a total of 15 families participating in peer support groups. From those humble beginnings, the Center has grown to be a healthy, viable organization that serves more than 1,200 children and their caregivers who are mourning the death of a loved one each year. The organizational model adopted by the CBCST is considered by youth-centered grief support experts to be among the most progressive in the nation and has been replicated by over 200 agencies across the country. Over the past 15 years, the children and their families who have come to the Center in search of healing, have left their marks on us and on the children who will come after them. They hang photos of their loved ones on our walls. They paint pictures and write messages that are left here so the “new kids” will know they are not alone. In the words of our Clinical Director, Patricia McNaught, “The trust and freedom to love again after tragedy does not come easily to those who mourn. Our home-like environment surrounds those lonely in painful grief, with support and compassion so they can find the courage and strength to move through the grieving process.” MISSION The missions of the CBCST is to foster healing for grieving youth, their families and the community through peer support programs, counseling, training, education and outreach. The CBCST is the only provider of FREE, open-ended grief support programs for children, teens and young adults in San Antonio and the surrounding communities of South Texas. PURPOSE Unresolved grief is often manifested as physical illness, depression, aggression, anxiety, hyperactivity, violence, alcohol and drug abuse, decreased academic performance and many other maladaptive problems and disorders. Our programs are dedicated to helping children and families, from every social and economic circumstance, process the profound psychological and emotional challenges of death and loss in a healing environment. Our staff and volunteers utilize expressive therapeutic techniques that incorporate art, writing, music and movement, Just like we do in our own homes, we hang pictures of family on the walls at the CBCST. Our memory walls give the children who come here an opportunity to add photos of their loved ones who they have lost. The photos remain here even after the families we have helped no longer need the CBCST. dance, and dramatic play to: 1 help process feelings of grief; 2 help grieving children develop healthy coping skills; 3 help stabilize and preserve family relationships. This format allows us to reduce stress and anxiety while providing a safe, These pictures link us all together with a common thread. When you walk by, you identify how many people are impacted by death comfortable medium for the expression of emotional, social, and physical needs. The result is that behavioral and emotional and grief and pain, but you also recognize that it is the love we have for others that connects us all together. The memory walls at issues are reduced or even avoided altogether. the Center remind us that we all belong to a larger family...that we are all connected...that we are never alone. 2 A The Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas 2011 Annual Report A 3 We use climbing to metaphorically place kids at the base of their journey through the pain of grief. We use the concept of climbing upward or across as part of the natural path toward healing. It represents their “last look” backward before they move forward. We help kids move forward with their memories, rather than without Physical opportunities for self-expression, like utilizing the obstacles built into our playscape, serve as tools to help children find ways to re-anchor themselves. While them. So often, children hear that they need to forget in order to move engaging in these activities, children on. We teach them that it is necessary to carry their memories with learn to hold on for support until they them in order to re-engage in life. All passages within our playscape are connected by ramps, tunnels and bridges. They represent the connections children make here and the relationships that are built. The support that children get from their peers who are going through feel strong enough and ready to move forward again on their own. the same thing helps them to reinvest in the life that awaits them. 4 A The Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas 2011 Annual Report A 5 In Narrative Therapy, we use journals, storyboards and collages as tools to provide grieving children a voice — they can express themselves without having to verbalize how they feel. When a young person is grieving, nonverbal communication can provide a less invasive opportunity to reach deep inside and discover an innate, internal ability to cope with stress, anxiety and pain. Recovery is aided when inner coping mechanisms are recognized — as such, writing and storytelling are used to bring about inner strength. Self-efficacy...found in the crash of a wave. Once you find your strength within, you are better equipped to allow in feelings of pain. It gives you the freedom necessary to allow the wave of grief to crash all over you. Pictured in the background is a symbol of that wave of grief...when it hits, you fall to the bottom. You find that, under the surface, it is peaceful; but you rise back up with resistance to the force that gives you struggle. You learn that the journey back to the surface does not drown or overwhelm you...you realize that once you stop your resistance, you can float within it...and survive it. 6 A The Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas 2011 Annual Report A 7 During Sand Play Therapy each tray provides a safe, protected boundary, which helps keep children selfdirected, focused, and in control of what objects they choose and where they place them in the sand. By using miniatures as symbolic representations of people, places and things, children are given an opportunity to connect the symbolic world Sand Play Therapy is used at the CBCST to help children express their powerful feelings of grief. The sand trays provide a tactile experience for kids along to the physical world through the use of concrete materials. There is no fear of verbal reprisal or of making anyone sad or angry when using the sand tray. By way of touching, pouring, hitting, manipulating, burying, smoothing, and relinquishing, children can represent their feelings that may otherwise be too painful to describe through the use of language. This technique allows the individuality of each child and their unique interpretation of the death experience to unfold in a nonthreatening and non-judgmental way. with the ability to explore and communicate non-verbally. 8 A The Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas 2011 Annual Report A 9 Music and Dance Therapies are designed to cultivate sensory motor capacities that have been disrupted by a traumatic experience. Music, as a therapeutic healing tool, promotes the restoration of expressive language after a traumatic experience. It stimulates areas deep within the brain where emotions are processed. Music not only elicits memories, but it also allows protected and concealed emotions the freedom to be released in a manner that feels safe and comforting to children. 10 A The Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas A great deal can be learned about how a child is processing trauma and grief by observing body movement. Music and dance therapies are founded on the basis that movement and emotion are directly related. In grief, people are often comforted by music. Songs and sounds elicit memories of lost loved ones. Music provides a medium by which feelings are freed without the use of words. As with music, Dance Therapy is also a form of expressive therapy. Dance allows the individual to express new ways of being. The use of movement and dance can be very therapeutic for many emotional, cognitive and social conditions. Dance Therapy follows the principle that movement reflects personality and ultimately the unity of mind, body and spirit that can be achieved through dance. Both therapies can help provide wholeness and healing. 2011 Annual Report A 11 PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Statement of Activities Counseling Services Our licensed professional counselors provide psychotherapy combined with an expressive arts Unrestricted revenue & other support focus to individuals and families who have experienced a death or are anticipating the death of a loved one. We provide individual and family therapy to help develop coping strategies for family issues that arise during the grieving process. Clients can choose expressive art modalities in a tranquil and supportive environment to accentuate the healing process. Contributions: Individuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $127,133 Corporate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235,339 grants — foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311,550 Support Programs Our peer support group programs bring together youth and families with similar loss experiences to help normalize feelings, share experiences, and grieve the death of a loved one. Peer support programs are open-ended and offered free of charge. Each group meets twice per month in our beautiful homelike setting, which provides a safe, nurturing contributed services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96,833 program fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,788 interest income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 environment conducive to healing. Children who attend groups engage in therapeutic activities such as: dramatic play, art, Fundraising events, net of direct benefits to attendees of $18,151 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172,342 poetry, journaling, music, meditation, guided imagery, dance/movement, and recreational activities to help process feelings of Other income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . grief. We offer the following on-going peer support groups: Sons & Daughters I For ages 6-24 who Sibling For ages 6-24 who have experienced have lost a parent to chronic illness the death of a brother or sister, either suddenly Sons & Daughters II For ages 6-24 who or as the result of a chronic disease have experienced the sudden death of a parent Family For ages 6-24 who have Sons & Daughters III For ages 6-24 who have experienced experienced the death of a grandparent Total unrestricted revenue & other support . . . . $973,824 Earned Income . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Contributed Goods & Services 10% Reclassifications Total unrestricted revenue & other support . . . . $1,142,858 Sons & Daughters IV For ages 6-24 who Little People For ages 3-5 who Program services education trainings. Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) are available to Social Workers and Licensed Professional Counselors. Supporting services General & administrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94,143 Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141,217 Clinical / Counseling Assessments (1.5 hours) Community Outreach Services Unduplicated Individuals Units of Service (Sessions) Total Number of Youth Served 420 1,397 Total Number of Adult Caregivers Served 303 1,015 TOTAL FOR PEER SUPPORT GROUPS 723 2,412 Total Number of Youth Served 220 963 Total Number of Adults Served 90 324 310 1,287 TOTAL FOR COUNSELING PROGRAM Clinical Assessments: Youth 428 642 Clinical Assessments: Adults 314 471 TOTAL CLINICAL ASSESSMENTS 742 1,113 Net Served In Clinical Assessments 104 1,113 Professional Training / Education 547 1,731 65 230 612 1,961 1,749 6,412 School-based Programs / Crisis Intervention TOTAL FOR COMMUNITY OUTREACH TOTAL FOR ALL PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: 12 A The Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas 37% 32% Community outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235,359 Community Outreach and Training We offer community presentations, crisis intervention, and professional INDIVIDUAL / FAMILY COUNSELING PROGRAM (1 hour) 18% Child services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $470,715 have experienced any death loss 3% 10% Net assets released from restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169,034 Expenses PEER SUPPORT GROUP PROGRAM (1 hour) Private Foundations . . . . . . . 32% Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . 18% or extended family member 2011 Program Service Numbers private Contributions . . . . . . 37% 2,386 the death of a family member or friend due to homicide have had a parent or sibling die by suicide Revenue By Source Expense by Function Total expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $941,434 Programs & community Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75% Increase in unrestricted net assets . . . . . . . . . . . . $201,424 Financial Development . . . . . . 15% Temporarily restricted net assets Management & General . . . . . 10% Individuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182,507 Corporate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,786 foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447,350 10% 15% net assets released from restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . (169,034) Increase (decrease) in temporarily restricted net assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $494,609 75% Change in net assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $696,033 Net assets, beginning of year . Net assets, end of year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,229,156 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,925,189 2011 Annual Report A 13 2011 Contributors 5 Broads Off Broadway A-Class Luxury Limos A.E. Leonard Family Giving Council Abiding Presence Lutheran Church Academy Sports + Outdoors Ms. Lisa Acosta Mr. & Mrs. James R. Adams Adelante Boutique Aladdin Cleaning & Restoration Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Alamo Heights Chamber of Commerce Alamo Plants and Petals Mrs. Jean Albright Mr. & Mrs. David Alcantar Alfred S. Gage Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Allbritton Amar American Business Women’s Association, San Antonio Council Americus Diamond Mr. & Mrs. Bill Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Brian Anderson Mr. & Mrs. David T. Anderson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Greg Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Rick Andrus Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Anthon Ms. Laura Aranda The Arch & Stella Rowan Foundation, Inc. Ms. Julie Arellano Miss Tarah Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Glendon Arnold Mrs. Kari Arnold Ms. Mary Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Brian Arriaga Ms. Ann G. Ash Mr. Michael E. Austin Ms. Kimberly Autry AV Source Ms. Diane Avallone Ms. Joela Avelar Mrs. Nancy Avellar Aztec Events & Tents Mr. Matt Badders BAE Systems Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand Baetz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Bailey Mrs. Sue Bain Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Baldwin Mr. Harry Balling Bambinos Boutique Ms. Sheri Barenblat Ms. Danielle Barnes Dr. Lorraine Barnes Ms. Jennifer Barrera Mrs. Ann Barron Mr. Tommy Barrow Mr. Mike Barry Basil Scaljon Antique Oriental Rugs Mr. & Mrs. Chris Basse Baylor University Women’s League Mr. & Mrs. Doug Beach Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Beahm Mrs. Dana Beal Dr. & Mrs. John S. Beauchamp Mr. Brandon Behrens Mr. & Mrs. Tom Beighley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Beldon Ms. Carolyn Bell Mrs. Jean Bell Bell Mountain Vineyards Mr. & Mrs. John Benage Mr. & Mrs. Leo Bendele The Bendikt Family Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bergin Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Berry Best Buy Mr. & Mrs. Pat Bibb Mrs. Pam Bilbrey Biga on the Banks Mrs. Carole Blackwell Mrs. Charlene Blackwell Ms. Sharyn Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. Jose Blanco Mr. & Mrs. Byron Blaschke Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Blaschke Blessed Sacrament Catholic School Blue Bird Auxiliary Mr. & Mrs. Javier Bocanegra Mr. & Mrs. Cooper Boddy Mr. Jesse Boeder Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Bolado Bolner’s Fiesta Products Mrs. Edward Bondurant Mr. & Mrs. Elwood B. Boone III Mrs. Jean Bordelon Mrs. Roger Bose Mrs. Betty Boston Boudro’s Mr. Scott Boynton Dr. & Mrs. Doug Brackenridge Mr. Richard T. Brady Ms. Yvette Bray Mr. & Mrs. William Brieden Mr. & Mrs. Wesley E. Bright Mr. & Mrs. V.W. Brinkerhoff III Ms. Sandra Broach Mr. Rocky Bromley Mr. & Mrs. R.E. Brotherman III Mr. & Mrs. Charles Brown Mrs. Stella Brown Mrs. Willis E. Brown, Jr. The Brown Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Carolyn Brown-Simpson Ms. Sherri Brunner Mr. James Bryan Mr. & Mrs. John C. Brzezinski Mr. & Mrs. John Buchek III Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Buck Mr. & Mrs. Mike Budenholzer Mr. & Mrs. Ted Burkhart Mrs. Martha Burnett Mr. & Mrs. John Burton Mr. & Mrs. Trace Burton Mr. Guy Bob Buschman Ms. Kristina Bustamonte Ms. Valerie Butler Ms. Pattye Byrom Mrs. Grady Cage Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Calder Dr. Debra L. Callanan Mrs. Sandra Callahan Cappy’s Mrs. Karen Catanzaro Camino Del Rey Baptist Church Camp Oil Company Dr. & Mrs. Scott Campbell Capital One Cappy’s, Inc. Mr. James Carr Mr. & Mrs. Craig Carson Mr. David P. Carter Mr. & Mrs. Bill Caskey Mr. & Mrs. Jim Casey Ms. Susan Caster Mr. Eddie Castro Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Catalano Mrs. Karen Catanzaro Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cavender Central Market Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Barry Chasnoff Cheesy Jane’s Ms. Sherrilynne Cherry Ms. Debbi Chesney Chet Todd Memorial Golf Tournament CINCO Vodka Circle Bar Foundation City Year Mr. & Mrs. David Clapp Mrs. Arlene Clark Mr. Jason Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Tom Clark The Classic Theater of San Antonio Mrs. William Clyborne, Jr. Ms. Amanda Cochran Mr. & Mrs. Chris Cochran Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coco Mr. & Mrs. Mike Coffey Mr. & Mrs. Bennie L. Cole Mrs. Sandra Coleman Mr. Carl Collazo Ms. Meryl Collins Colorado Bag’n Baggage Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Conger’s Smoke Shack Ms. Anne Connor Ms. Hillary Conrey Ms. Amy Contreras Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cook Cooper’s Meat Market Mr. Frederick Costa The Cottage Antiques Mr. & Mrs. Brad Cox Ms. Laura Cox Ms. Linda Cox Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Craig Crate and Freight San Antonio Mr. & Mrs. Ben Crawford Ms. Laurel Crawford Creative Chocolates Dr. Matthew & Dr. Ann Cross Mr. & Mrs. Bill Crow Mr. & Mrs. D. R. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. William Crump Mr. & Mrs. Ben Culpepper Fr. Anthony Cummins Ms. Gayle Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Curtis 14 A The Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas Ms. Rebecca Cyr Mr. & Mrs. James Daniell Mr. Craig Davis Mr. James Dawes Dealer Alternative Ms. Cynthia DeLeon Mr. & Mrs. Ty DeLeon Mr. & Mrs. Carl DeNisio Dennis Jewelry Co. Mrs. Neil Denton III Mr. & Mrs. Gary Dewbre Ms. Barbara Dielmann Diffuser Specialist Mr. & Mrs. William Dimick Ms. Angela Dittmeier Mr. Dennis Dixon Ms. Maureen Doebbler Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Dorris Mr. & Mrs. Moulton Dowler Mr. & Mrs. Dave Drapela Dry Comal Creek Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dudley Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dullnig Mr. & Mrs. Terry Dunklin Dr. & Mrs. John Dunn Dr. & Mrs. Frank D. Duperier Ms. Carla Eaton Mr. & Mrs. Brian Eickhoff Ms. Earl Fae Eldridge El Tropicano Hotel Elegant Notions Elizabeth Huth Coates Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ellis Ms. Lisa Endresen Ms. Karen Erfurth Ms. Betty Esquivel, RMT ETS Ms. Stephanie Etter Mrs. June Eubank Mr. & Mrs. Barrett Evans Ms. Tina Evetts Ewing Halsell Foundation Ms. Julia Eyer Mrs. Richard Eyster Mr. & Mrs. John Facey Fair Oaks Automotive Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Lee Fairall The Fairmount Hotel Fair Oaks Ranch Golf & Country Club Ms. Beth Ann Falcon Mr. & Mrs. Fred Falls Mrs. Mark Falvo Ms. Alissa Fanning Mr. Bruce Farmer Mr. & Mrs. T. D. Faught Mr. & Mrs. J.J. Feik Mrs. Morgan Fenoglio Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Figueroa, Sr. Mr. & Dr. Rob Finney First American Realty First Presbyterian Church Ms. Mary Beth Fisk Dr. & Mrs. John Fitch Dr. & Mrs. William Fitch Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fitzsimons Five Star Custom Pools & Five Star Pool Services Mr. & Mrs. Rob Flannery Flight Safety International Dr. Joshua & Dr. Sharon Florence Mr. William Fore Forethought Life Insurance Mr. & Mrs. Charles Forney The John & Bette Foster Family Trust Ms. Staci Foster Four Quarter Beaches Ms. Sarah Fox Ms. Bertie Frank Mrs. Alison Frey Ms. Elizabeth Fritz Frost Bank Ms. Rose Mary Fry Mr. & Mrs. Bill Fugit Gabriel’s Mr. & Mrs. William Galbreath Mrs. Catherine Galle Ms. Mary Galle Mr. & Mrs. Joe Gallegos Mr. & Mrs. Norman Galyon Miss Teresa Garces Ms. Christina Garcia Ms. Renee C. Garcia Mr. Vicente Garcia Mr. Michael Gardin Ms. Ilse Garrett Mr. Harold Gaskill Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Gates Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Gates Gavin Metalsmith Ms. Kathryn Gentry Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gentry Ms. Valerie Georgia Get Nailed Mr. & Mrs. Charles Giesey Dr. & Mrs. James Gilley Ms. Maggie Giltner Ms. Marijane Gish Mr. & Mrs. Rob Gish Global Maintenance Ms. Rachel Goeres Dr. Katherine Goethe Gold Tender Manufacturing Goldsbury Foundation Golf San Antonio Mr. & Mrs. Roger Gomez Ms. Veronica Gonzales Miss Christy Gonzalez Goodsearch Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Goodson Dr. & Mrs. Hubert Gootee Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Grady Mrs. Barbara Green Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Green Mrs. Robin Greiner Grey Moss Inn Mr. & Mrs. Morris Griffin Mr. Bob Grimes Dr. & Mrs. Billy Groos Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Grossman Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Grossman Gruene Hall Dr. & Mrs. Fernando Guerra Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Gurwitz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Guy Ms. Marilyn Gwosdz Dr. Amy Haby Mrs. Robyn Hadley Ms. Barbara Hajek Ms. Kathryn Hale Mrs. Amelia Haley Mr. & Mrs. Derek Handley Hanley-Wood Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hanrahan Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Hansborough Mrs. Julie Hardaway Mr. & Mrs. Steven Harper Mrs. Melinda Harrod-Keller Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Hartman Mr. Bruce Hathaway Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hays Healthy Skin Heartstrings by Jennifer Jennings H-E-B Mr. & Mrs. Christian Herff Mr. J. Jonathan Hess Ms. Emma Heymann Mr. John Heymann Hideout on the Horseshoe Ms. Pruyn Hildebrand Mr. & Mrs. Don Hilkemeier Ms. Jennifer Hilliard Ms. Marsha Hillman Mrs. Mary Hime Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hitzfelder Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hodge III Mr. Richard Hoffman Mrs. Jennifer Hogue Mr. Justin Holley Mr. & Mrs. Justin Holliday Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Holliday Mr. Robert Lee Holman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Holt Mr. & Mrs. Troy Holzhaus Mr. & Mrs. Walter Holzhausen Ms. Lynn Hood Mrs. Mary Anne Horn Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Hornberger Hornberger Sheehan Fuller & Beiter Hotel Contessa Hotel Havana Hotel Valencia Mr. Barcley Houston Mr. & Mrs. Will Howard Mr. & Mrs. David Howitt Mr. Darwin Huartson Mr. & Mrs. H. Glenn Huddleston Ms. Helen Huff Ms. Lisa Huff Ms. Janet Hughes Hyatt Hill Country Resort IMAX Theater Impact San Antonio Foundation, Inc. Ms. Victoria G. Imrie Innovative Senior Care Invitations, Etc. Ms. Lisa Ivie Ms. E.J. Jackson Jackson Middle School Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Jacobs Ms. Mary Rose Jaeckle James Avery Craftsman Mr. & Mrs. Joe James Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Jardan Mr. & Mrs. Frank Jasso Jefferson Bank Ms. Shelly C. Jewett Ms. Caley Johns Mr. & Mrs. Dan Johnson Gene & Jerry Jones Family Charities Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Jowers Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Judson Julian Gold Junior League of San Antonio Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kaase Mrs. Christina Kahn Mr. & Mrs. Dale Kane Kate’s Next Door Kathleen Sommers Dr. & Mrs. Charles Karulak Mrs. Sara Katz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Keahey Mr. Harmon Kelley Ms. Jennifer Kelley Dr. Margaret Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Griffin Kelly Mr. Kevin Kelly Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kemp Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kerr Mr. & Mrs. John C. Kerr Ms. Shari Keyes Keystone School Kiddie Park KIPP San Antonio Ms. K.P. King Dr. & Mrs. Duane Klaus Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kleberg III Ms. Terri Klein Mr. Jonathan Klug Curry Koch Mrs. Sharon M. Kocurek Dr. & Mrs. Gary Koehl Mr. & Mrs. Scott Koehler Mr. & Mrs. Ed Kohutek Koontz McCombs, LLC Kopplow Construction Company Mr. Ed Kopplow Mr. & Mrs. Will Kothmann Kronkosky Charitable Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Krueger Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kruger Mr. & Mrs. Darren Kuper Kym’s Kids of SA Ms. Judith Lackritz La Hacienda de los Barrios Mr. & Mrs. Lance Lahourcade Landscape Architects, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Rick Lane, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lange Lange Family Foundation Lantana Garden Club Mrs. Paula Larson Law Offices of William Doug Bineham Mr. & Mrs. Cappy Lawton LeeLee & Carlos Ms. Ingrid Lee Legacy Mutual Mortgage Legal Marketing Association Mr. David Leggett Mr. James Lehmann Ms. Lisa Lemkowitz Mr. & Mrs. Charles Leone III Mrs. Cindy Levy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Levy, II Mr. & Mrs. James Lewis The Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Gary R. Lillibridge Lily’s Cookies Lincoln Heights Animal Hospital Mr. & Mrs. Hans Lindberg Dr. & Mrs. Robert Lira, Jr. Mrs. Jean Littleton Mr. Alvin Loewenberg Ms. Paula Loring Luke & Merle Soules Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James Lukefahr Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lutz M-Spa Mr. & Mrs. Jed Maebius Mr. Carl Magaro The Magik Theatre Ms. Gloria Malone Mr. & Mrs. Clark Mandigo III Marietta K. Randall Foundation Trust Mr. & Mrs. Randy Markert Mrs. Rivian Markey Ms. Cecilia M. Martaus Mr. Elmer Martin Mr. & Mrs. John Martin Dr. Nancy Martin Marx Communications by Mark Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Kirby Mask Mrs. Tracey Mather Mr. & Mrs. David Mather Ms. Jacqueline R. Mather Mrs. Zoe Mather Mr. Doug Mathes Mr. & Mrs. John Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Carlisle Maxwell Mr. & Mrs. James E. McCann, IV Ms. Anne L. McClanahan Mr. & Mrs. Rob McClane Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Richard McCullough Ms. Karen McMillan Mr. & Mrs. Douglas McNeel Mr. & Mrs. Jean McPherson Mr. & Mrs. William McVey Mr. & Mrs. Joe Meador Meadow Mr. & Mrs. Mike Meadows Medical Business Consultants Ms. Sonya Medina Medlar’s Fine Jewelers Ms. Brenda Melton Mr. & Mrs. Nick Mendez Menger and Associates Mr. & Mrs. David Meriwether Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Mery Ms. Beverly Meyer Methodist Healthcare Ministries Mrs. Carolyn Meyer The Mike Coolbaugh Memorial Foundation Midland Mission Ministries Ms. Lisa Miele Mr. Daniel Miller Ms. Glee Miller Ms. Sherri Miller Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Milligan Mr. & Mrs. Allen Millsap Dr. Pat Mims Mission CrossFit SA Ms. Thelma Mize Mrs. Janet Molak Molina Health Care of Texas Mont Blanc Monte Vista Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. David Moore Mr. & Mrs. James K. Moore Ms. Renee B. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Lewis J. Moorman IV Mr. & Mrs. Josh Moran Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Morehouse Ms. Laura Moreno Mrs. Judy Morton Mr. Jimmy Moses Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Moss Mrs. Susan Moulton Ms. Carol Muir Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mullady Ms. Michelle Muniz Ms. Elizabeth Murry Myra Stafford Pryor Charitable Trust Dr. & Mrs. Claude Nabers Mr. Harvey E. Najim Mr. Benjamin Napier National Charity League, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. David Navarro Neiman Marcus Mr. & Mrs. Dan Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Netting Netting & Pace Ms. Kim Neuberg Ms. Cathy Neville New Opportunities Mr. & Mrs. John Newell Mr. & Mrs. John E. Newman, Jr. Mr. Robert Nicol NIX Realty Company The Nordan Trust Northeast Pediatric Associates, P.A. Mr. & Mrs. McCann Northington Nursery Couture NuStar Energy Oak Park Cleaners Mr. & Mrs. James Oesterling Mr. & Mrs. Keith O’Gorman Ms. Kathleen Olivarez Mr. Peter Olson Mrs. Christina O’Neill Mr. Americo Ongaro OrderUp Mr. & Mrs. Charles Orsag Ms. Theresa Orsinger The Genevieve & Ward Orsinger Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William Osborn, III Outlooks: Quality Blinds, Shades & Shutters Mr. & Mrs. Robert Owen Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery L. Owen Paesanos: Lincoln Heights Page Barteau Catering Mr. & Mrs. Robert Page Mr. Frank Pakuszewski Mr. Joel Palmer Papa John’s Pizza Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Paprskar Dr. & Mrs. Paul Park Mr. & Mrs. Clint Parker Ms. Mary Handy Parker Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Parks Mr. & Mrs. Scott Paschall Ms. Michele Pauli Mrs. Imogene Pawelek Mr. George Paz Mr. & Mrs. Paul Peace Dr. & Mrs. Dan Peavy Hon. & Mrs. David Peeples Ms. Patti Pena Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Perez Ms. Madeline Perez-Rossello Mrs. Blair Perry Mr. & Mrs. George Persyn Petroleum Auxiliary of San Antonio Ms. Jace Pierson Pilates Body Shop Pinky’s Boutique Mr. & Mrs. Encarnacion Ponce, Jr. The Pool in Alamo Heights Gregg Popovich Ms. Andrea Porter Porter Loring Family Care Services Porter Loring Mortuaries Porter, Rogers, Dahlman & Gordon Mrs. Joy Potts Ms. Lydia Powell Ms. Rebecca Power Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio Previtera Mrs. Mary Pritchard Quadrangle Press, Inc. Ms. Jennifer Quintero R & R Auction Company, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Trey Rabke Ms. Betty Radwin Dr. & Mrs. Robert Raney Ms. Ruby Rayborn Real Life Photographs Mr. Peter Reaven The Honorable Bonnie Reed Mr. Robert L. Remig Mrs. Cheryl Remmert Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Resendez Ms. Pam Rew Ms. Veronica Reyes Mr. & Mrs. Joel Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. John Reynolds Ric Marmolejo Salon Mr. & Mrs. Jack Richmond Dr. & Mrs. Lewis H. Richmond Mrs. Louis J. Richter Mr. & Mrs. Otto Richter, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Mark Rittenhouse Mr. Charles Roadman Robert Shaw Portraits Miss Kyle Roberts Mr. James Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. J. Raul Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. David M. Rogers Dr. & Mrs. James H. Rogers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rohlfs Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Romero The Rose Shop Mr. & Mrs. Allan Ross Ms. Terri Pena Ross Dr. & Mrs. Alexander Rowland Royal Canvas Mr. & Mrs. Rollins Rubsamen, Jr. Rudy’s BBQ Ms. Sandra L. Ruffo Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ruhmann Mr. & Mrs. Chris Rulon Mrs. Pamela Russell Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Saathoff Ms. Lori Sada Ms. Glenna Sabin Safeguard Sam Ash Music Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Samples Ruth Lang Charitable Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation San Antonio Children’s Foundation San Antonio Children’s Museum San Antonio Junior Forum San Antonio Museum of Art San Antonio Opera San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo San Antonio Symphony San Antonio Zoo Mr. & Mrs. William Sano Santikos Theater Ms. Rebecca Sargeant Mr. & Mrs. Henry Sauer Mr. & Mrs. Bill Saunders Ms. Ruth Sawtelle Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Scanio, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Scanlan, Jr. Scentsy by Tara Carter Bentancourt Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Schaper Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Schattenberg Mr. & Mrs. Dale Schaufel Mrs. Caryn Schmidt Schnabel’s True Value Hardware Dr. & Mrs. George Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schrade Mr. & Mrs. Allen Schramek Ms. Rosemary Schramek Ms. Tondre Schulte Mr. & Mrs. John Schwab Mr. & Mrs. Wade Scroggins Mrs. Josephine Seeligson Ms. Kay Segrato Dr. & Mrs. Brian Senger Dr. & Mrs. David Senn Shady Meadow Farm Guest House by Joy Wilcock Shafer Services Ms. Virginia Shannon Sharon Turner Presentations Mr. & Mrs. Adam Sharpe Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Shaw Mr. & Mrs. George Sheldon Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Sherrington Shetler Wade Jewelers Shield Ayres Foundation Mr. Stefan Shilgalis Ms. Patrice Shinn Mr. Dutch Short Ms. Jenny Sien Silver and Black Give Back Silver Eagle Distributors Silver Ventures, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Brian Simmons Mr. & Mrs. James Simms Mr. & Mrs. John Simonick Mr. David W. Simpson Ms. Anne Sims Mr. & Mrs. Russ Sims Ms. Tara F. Singleton Ms. Vicki M. Siptak Mr. & Mrs. William H. Sirakos Six Flags Friends Ms. Mary Skekel Mrs. Richard S. Slocomb Mr. & Mrs. David Smith Mr. David Smith Mrs. Harvey P. Smith Mrs. Lisa Smith Mr. & Mrs. Madison Smith Mr. Mike Smith Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Paul H. Smith, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Paxton Smith Dr. & Mrs. Reeves Smith Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Smith Ms. Lori Smithers Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sohn Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Solomon Ms. Eliza Sonneland Mr. & Mrs. Joe C. Soules South Texas Blood & Tissue Center South Texas Money Management Southeast OB/GYN Associates, P.A. Southwestern Motor Transport, Inc. The Spa @ Folawns Sparkles Mr. Tremaine Spencer Dr. Catherine Spezia Dr. & Mrs. Jim Spickard Ms. Lisa Spielhagen Mr. Bryan Sprinkle Spurs Foundation SRO Associates, Inc. St. Luke’s Lutheran Health Ministries, Inc. St. Susie Charitable Foundation Rabbi & Mrs. Samuel Stahl Mr. Brian Stansberry Mrs. Marilyn Stanton-White Dr. & Mrs. James Stedman Ms. Mary Shelby Steed Mr. & Mrs. John T. Steen, Jr. Felix L. & Jo Stehling Foundation Stella & Dot by Christina Welch Ms. Barbara Stevens Ms. Dorothy Stevens Mrs. Kathy Steves Mr. & Mrs. Jay Stinson Ms. Nancy Stinson Ms. Rae Stone Mr. Weston Stone Stowers Furniture Mr. George Straight Ms. Kara E. Stringer Studio J Mrs. Louis H. Stumberg Ms. Irene Suarez Ms. Elsa Sulazar Mr. & Mrs. Jerrod Summers Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Swartz Sycamore Springs Ranch Ms. Susana Tablada Team Acquisto Mr. John Teeter Terry & Regina Armstrong Family Charitable Foundation Tetco Texas Capital Bank Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation Texas Creative Texas Hills Vineyard Texas Rangers Texas Young Professionals Ms. Mary Theriot Mr. Kenneth Thieme Mr. & Mrs. Alex Thomas Mr. & Mrs. David Thomas Mr. & Mrs. John C. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Rick Thomas Dr. & Mrs. Todd Tibbetts Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Tietz Mr. & Mrs. Trent R. Timberlake 2011 Annual Report A 15 2011 Boards, Friends, and Staff 2011 Contributors (continued) TJ Maxx Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Roger Tolar Mr. & Mrs. Martin Tomerlin Ms. Judith Tor Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Tottenham Mrs. Terry Touhey Toyota Motor Credit Corp Mrs. Phyllis Traeger-Ferguson Lt. Col. & Mrs. Edward Travis Tre Trattoria Mrs. Sara Trimyer Trinity Flowers by Danny Cuellar True Firm Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Allan Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Nick Tummers Mr. & Mrs. David Turner Ms. Diana Turner Mrs. Harvey Turner The Twig Bookshop Twirl Hair Salon, Casey Wiatrek Twister Sisters Uhl, Fitzsimons & Jewett, PLLC Ultimate Fitness by Tony Darden United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County University Bowl Mr. & Mrs. Don Urban USAA Mrs. Laura Vaccaro Valero Energy Foundation Dr. & Mrs. George J. Vassar Mr. Wallace Vaughn Mr. & Mrs. David Vela Ms. Patty Vela Ms. Sylvia Vela Miss Franchesca Velten Venado Blinds and Feeders Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Verstuyft Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vielock Victor Rodriguez Jeweler Mrs. Robert Vielock Villa Finale Mrs. Hilary Vinas VITAS Innovative Hospice Mr. & Mrs. Steve Viteo Mr. Buzz Wagner Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Waitrovich Mr. & Mrs. James P. Walker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Justin Walker Mr. & Mrs. Leon Walthall, III Walthall, Sachse & Pipes, Inc. Ms. Brandi Ware Mr. David Warner Mr. John Richard Warren Mr. & Mrs. Richard Warren Wash Shake Wag Waters Mr. Derek Waters Ms. Leslie Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Tim Watt Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Wauters, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. David Way Ms. Betty Webb Mr. & Mrs. John W. Weber, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William W. Weber Mr. & Mrs. Donald Weeks Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wehner Mr. Ronald Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Welch Welch Communications Wells Fargo Mr. Timothy Wells Ms. Katie Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Fred Wernli Ms. Lindsay Wester Ms. Jill Wheatley Whitacre Family Foundation Mr. Kevin White Whole Foods Market Ms. Alexis Wiesenthal Ms. Elizabeth Wilde Will Smith Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Bill Willcock Mr. & Mrs. David Williams Mr. Gregory Willliams Mr. & Mrs. James Y. WIlliams Ms. Marion Williams Mr. & Mrs. George Williamson, Jr. Mr. Daniel Wilson Ms. Jan Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Wilton Mrs. Barbara Winship Witte Museum Mr. Kevin Wolff Mrs. Jess Y. Womack II Womack Interests Women of St. Luke’s Mrs. Andrea Woods Mrs. Barbara Wood Dr. & Mrs. Dale A. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wood, Jr. Mr. Michael Wood, III Woodrose Winery Mr. & Mrs. Trip Worden Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Wormley Mr. & Mrs. Charles Worrel Mr. Brian Worth Mr. & Mrs. James Worth Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Worth, Jr. Mrs. Eilene Wright Mr. Jack C. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Bill Wyatt The Yarn Barn of San Antonio Mr. & Mrs. Brian Young Mr. & Mrs. Sam Youngblood Mr. & Mrs. David Youngquist You’re Invited Fine Stationary Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zachry Zachry Corporation Zachry Holdings, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zapf The Rev. & Mrs. Louis H. Zbinden, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Josh Zeller Mr. & Mrs. Frank Zoch our leadership The CBCST Board of Directors is legally charged with the responsibility to govern the agency by defining the mission and participating in strategic planning to review our priorities, financial standing and goals. Directors ensure financial responsibility by approving the annual budget and ensuring compliance, contracting for an independent audit, and controlling investment and fiscal management policies. Advisory Board GOVERNING BOARD Janie & Jim Worth Mike Wood Chairs Don Anderson Patricia Shield Ayres Margaret Berton, Ph.D. Patricia Bose Chairman Kitty Lange President/CEO Camille Mandigo Honorary Chairman & Sustaining Advisor Tracey Mather Vice Chairman Sally Sohn Secretary Ronald Weiss Almeda Hodge Sustaining Advisor Janie Worth Sustaining Advisor Barbara Stevens Michelle Muniz, LPC-S, RPT President & Live Auction Chairman Program Operations Manager Day Smith Volunteer Coordinator Linda Fugit Susan & Bill Galbreath Maggie Giltner Kathleen & Curtis Gunn Jennifer Kelley Almeda & Ed Hodge III Nancy Martin Julianna Hawn Holt & Peter M. Holt Dave Navarro Jacqui Peace Gala Chairman Janet & Boxy Hornberger Angela Rabke Elizabeth Bright Susan & John Kerr Chris Rulon Ed Kopplow Mike Smith Kitty & Rick Lange Pam Thomas Paula Loring Sharon Turner David Vela Raffle Chairman Ann & John E. Newman, Jr. Buzz Wagner Ted Burkhart Laura & Jack Richmond Penny Viteo Barbara Wood Amy & Hal Zesch Vanessa Casey Rose Mary Fry Ty West Frank Zoch Recording Secretary Amanda Williams Intern Program & Education Coordinator Sharron Arnold Program & Counseling Services Assistant Silent Auction Chairman Gala Treasurer Janice Clyborne Franchesca Velten Cultivation & Stewardship Specialist NEW in 2012: Debby Gil-Hernandez, LPC Porter Loring Spring Event Chairman Chief Operating Officer Susan Childers Chief Development Officer Heather Finerghty Jonathan Dear Josie Dorris Mary Beth Fisk in Harmony Gala, Rockin’ Hearts Round-Up, Porter Loring Speaker Event and the Friends of the Children’s Bereavement Center Barbara Sano our volunteers Morgan Fenoglio, LPC Maria Rodriguez Paula Loring help support the work of the CBCST. Julia Anderson, M.Ed. Underwriting Chairman awareness and supporting our charitable and educational mission. This work includes planning and hosting the annual Hearts Annual Support Campaign; as well as hosting other special events, increasing financial support and recruiting new “Friends” to Director of Resource Development Clinical Director Weezie & Mac Chesney Jim Spickard, Ph.D. Christin Gish Sustaining Advisor Laura Nell Burton NEW IN 2012: Director of Administration Patricia McNaught, LPC-S, RPT-S Sallie & Barry Chasnoff Anne & Paul Smith Traci Burkhart Gomez Sallie Chasnoff Treasurer Mertie & Dale Wood Established in 2006, the Friends of the CBCST is a group of volunteers dedicated to raising funds, increasing community Staff Carolyn Brown Eliza Sonneland our friends FORUM Friends of the CBCST Board Robin Sherrington Mary Lou Vielock 2011 Governing Board LEFT IMAGE: (Clockwise from left) Sally Sohn, Mike Smith, Pam Thomas, Ronald Weiss, Linda Fugit, Jennifer Kelley RIGHT MAGE Volunteer recruitment and development is imperative to the success of our agency. The CBCST does not charge a fee for peer support programs; and as a result, we rely heavily on the tireless efforts of our interns, practicum students and community volunteers who commit more than 10,000 hours annually and make it possible for us to serve more children and families. Our valued volunteers serve in the following capacities: support group facilitators, greeters, dinner sponsors, event coordinators, and special project volunteers. 16 A The Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas (Clockwise from left) Jacqui Peace, Penny Viteo, Chris Rulon, Buzz Wagner, Camille Mandigo NOT PICTURED Mike Wood, Laura Nell Burton, Maggie Giltner, Nancy Martin, Dave Navarro, Angela Rabke, David Vela 2011 Annual Report A 17 At the end of each support group, our families, volunteers and staff all circle together to sing our CBCST song. Through the joining of hands, we symbolize the support we offer each other despite the pain of loss. We find hope with each lyric and leave the house feeling fortified in our grief journey toward healing. We stand together Lean on each other We stand together Hand in hand Cry in the sad times Laugh in the glad times We stand together through it all Hand in hand 205 W. Olmos Drive San Antonio, Texas 78212 phone: (210) 736-4847 fax: (210) 832-8919 www.cbcst.org