Language and the brain What is the brain? Korbinian Brodmann
Language and the brain What is the brain? Korbinian Brodmann
Language and the brain n n n Language & The Brain n n n What is the brain? What is the brain? What is language?: The neurological perspective The classical language areas u Wernicke’s area u Broca’s area u A typology of aphasia What about syntax? What (or how) does it all mean?: A word on semantics The role of the right hemisphere Humans have relatively huge amounts of association cortex. Adapted from: W. Penfield (1975) The Mystery Of The Mind Korbinian Brodmann (1868-1918) What is the brain? What is the brain? What is language?: The neurological perspective 22 44/45 Spoken Word Auditory Analysis Visual Analysis Sub-word level orthographicto-phonological conversion Auditory Input Buffer Auditory Input Lexicon Sub-word level auditory-tophonologial conversion * Phonological Output Buffer Sub-word level orthographicto-graphemic conversion Phonological Output Lexicon Phonological to auditory conversion PHONOLOGY Graphemic Output Buffer Sub-word level phonological to orthographic conversion Phonological Output Buffer Writing Speech BUFFER Visual Analysis Sub-word level orthographicto-phonological conversion CONVERTER Orthographic Input Buffer To * Auditory Input Lexicon Orthographic Input Lexicon Sub-word level auditory-tophonologial conversion * Graphemic Output Lexicon LEXICON Written Word Auditory Analysis Auditory Input Buffer Graphemic to orthographic conversion Orthographic Input Lexicon Cognitive System Speech Spoken Word Orthographic Input Buffer To * Phonological to auditory conversion INPUT WHOLE WORD PATHWAY SUBWORD PATHWAY CONVERSION PATHWAY FEEDBACK PATHWAY Written Word Graphemic to orthographic conversion Sub-word level orthographicto-graphemic conversion Phonological Output Lexicon Graphemic Output Lexicon Sub-word level phonological to orthographic conversion ORTHOGRAPHY Graphemic Output Buffer Writing A model of single word processing: 14 ‘nodes’ Redrawn from Howard & Franklin (1988) (after Morton, 1980) A model of single word processing: 14 ‘nodes’ The structure of single word language access The structure of single word language access PHONOLOGY ORTHOGRAPHY X RECEPTION PRODUCTION SUBWORD X WHOLE WORD X Reception OUTPUT ACCESS(RECOGNITION) RECEPTION STORAGE (RECALL) PRODUCTION Production Reception Subword Whole word Subword Production Whole word Phonology 1 2 3 4 Orthography 5 6 7 8 Spoken 1 2 What is the brain? 44/45 PRODUCTION Broca’s & Wernicke’s areas 22 RECEPTION Paul Broca (1824-1880) What is Broca’s aphasia? n n What is Broca’s aphasia? n Example: "I feel very well. My hearing, writing been doing well, things that I couldn't hear from. In other words, I used to be able to work cigarettes I don't know how...This year the last three years, or perhaps a little more, I don't know how to do me any able to." Also called motor, expressive, or nonfluent aphasia Main characteristic: prominent deficit in production u morphology and syntax are often also disrupted, with patients tending to rely heavily on unaffixed word forms u adjectives, articles, and adverbs are often eliminated altogether = 'telegraphic speech' Motor areas of the brain Motor areas of the brain Carl Wernicke (1848-1904) Broca’s area What is Wernicke’s aphasia? n n n n Primary Auditory Cortex Also called sensory or fluent aphasia Main characteristic: prominent deficits in comprehension Sometimes disruption of visual input or written output Speech production is normal: normal rate, prosody, rhythm u however, production errors increase, especially phoneme & syllabic repetition errors and neologisms (made up words): known as 'word salad' u production can sometimes become excessive: 'press of speech' or 'logorrhea' u speech can also become semantically empty: 'empty speech' u example: When asked where he lived "I came there before here and returned there." Auditory areas of the brain Wernicke’s area Sensory association areas Wernicke’s area Sensory association areas The arcuate fasciculus The arcuate fasciculus How language breaks down Adapted from Lichtheim, 1885 How language breaks down Conduction aphasia - Predicted by Wernicke X X Adapted from Lichtheim, 1885 X - What would you expect? Conduction aphasia - perceptual word image (Wernicke’s area) is cut off from motor image (Broca’s area) - patient can comprehend and produce but cannot connect comprehension to production = a total inability to repeat words X Transcortical sensory aphasia X - Main feature: a deficit in accessing (thinking about or remembering) the meanings of words - comprehension is therefore severely impaired - the patient can neither read nor write and has major difficulty in word finding Transcortical motor aphasia X Transcortical sensory aphasia - Main feature: a Broca’s-like nonfluent aphasia- no creative speech, and can usually utter only few syllables - writing is usually impaired too - difference from Broca's aphasics: can repeat words and phrases X = disconnection of Wernicke's area from its route through parietal association areas What would you expect? Transcortical motor aphasia X = disconnection of Broca’s area from its route through frontal premotor areas What would you expect? Mixed Transcortical aphasia X X What would you expect? Mixed Transcortical aphasia X X - Also called ‘isolation of the speech area’ - patients have no language functions at all- cannot understand or produce speech spontaneously - however, they can repeat words and characteristically do = echolalia Mixed Transcortical aphasia X X - Also called ‘isolation of the speech area’ - patients have no apparent language functions at all- cannot understand or produce speech spontaneously - however, they can repeat words and characteristically do = echolalia Question: How can we know that their speech area is isolated and not just gone? Other aphasias • Subcortical aphasia: lesions to basal ganglia (caudate nucleus and putamen) or thalamus can cause transient aphasia similar to the transcortical aphasias • Global aphasia • Anomic (or amnesic) aphasia • Alexia •Agraphia •Word deafness Other aphasias • Subcortical aphasia • Global aphasia • Anomic (or amnesic) aphasia: With superior temporal damage, fluent speech, no articulation disorders, good comprehension; wordfinding difficulties with failures (anomia) and errors (paraphasias) • Alexia •Agraphia •Word deafness Other aphasias • Subcortical aphasia • Global aphasia: multiple sites of damage, with laborious articulation, poor comprehension, poor comprehension, poor repetition • Anomic (or amnesic) aphasia • Alexia without agraphia •Agraphia •Word deafness Other aphasias • Subcortical aphasia • Global aphasia • Anomic (or amnesic) aphasia • Alexia: inability to read: damage is usually in temporal lobe, but varying locations •Agraphia •Word deafness Other aphasias • Subcortical aphasia • Global aphasia • Anomic (or amnesic) aphasia • Alexia without agraphia •Agraphia: Inability to write: damage is usually in left supramarginal gyrus (= inferior parietal lobe, just above Wernicke's area) •Word deafness Other aphasias • Subcortical aphasia Global aphasia • Anomic (or amnesic) aphasia • Alexia without agraphia •Agraphia •Word deafness: With superior temporal damage, poor auditory comprehension, repetition, but unimpaired production and reading Why is aphasia so common? 1.) Because language-related tissue is ubiquitous What about syntax? 2.) Because of the middle cerebral artery What about syntax? Zones where electrical stimulation produces reading errors involving syntax What about syntax? - Morpho-syntactic deficits in patients differ by properties of the language (highly versus weakly inflected) - a bewildering variety of morphological dissociations have been documented - some patients have difficulty only when non-local operations are involved - some patients have difficulty with bound morphemes in sentences, but not in isolation - some patients are worse at inflectional morphology only - some are much worse at compounding than inflections and derivations - some delete affixes, and some substitute them - Libben (1990) reported a patient who produced repetition errors only for nontransparent multimorphemic words (illegible, regularity), not transparents (unhappiness, materialism) What about semantics? Humans have relatively huge frontal lobes. Adapted from: T. Deacon (1997) The Symbolic Species What about the right hemisphere? Humans are developmentally retarded (especially in their prefrontal cortex and inferior parietal cortex) Adapted from: J Eccles (1989) Evolution Of The Brain The corpus callosum The ‘myth’ of lateralization Asymmetries in the planum temporale - Left hemisphere = analytic, logical, local, and rational - Right hemisphere = synthetic, Gestalt, holistic, global, and intuitive - These characterizations do not adequately capture the phenomenon of lateralization: -The computations carried out within the right hemisphere require the same degree of precision and difficulty as those in the left. - Cerebral lateralization/ specialization is not a battle for dominance between two competing processes, but a developmental streamlining of complementary functions Symptoms of right-hemisphere damage are wideranging and complex: u They include verbosity; tangentiality; cognitive rigidity; lack of self-monitoring in verbal responses; difficulty with pragmatic inference, with the production and comprehension of humor, irony sarcasm, metaphor, & ‘mind-reading’ (inference of mental states); and with the production and comprehension of emotional dimensions of language. What are right/left differences due to? - The LH has: i.) Greater cell density ii.) More nonmyelinated (= short) fibers, especially in the frontal regions = good for computations requiring faster, routinized, localized processing involving collections of cells working together in close spatial proximity. - In the RH, more myelinated (long) axons may be specialized for computations that do not require the same degree of localized, sequential processing or that require integration of different types of input coming in from different parts of the brain. - in sum: RHD patients exhibit difficulty processing decoupled or alternative interpretations or meanings of a stimulus - A large body of work provides solid support for differences in how the two hemispheres process meaning. - The right hemisphere use slow, coarse-grained means: - it shows longer lasting facilitation effects (maintains activation over longer prime-target intervals) than the LH - it is more likely than the LH to process weak or diffuse associations and low frequency alternative meanings