NAIFA Amarillo Area Newsletter


NAIFA Amarillo Area Newsletter
NAIFA Amarillo Area
February 2013
Volume 7, Issue 7
And the second matter was to elect the new officers. Steve Ehlers & Dee
Carter were both vying for
National Committeeman-Dee
especially water and again
Carter was elected. Then
the role of agents. We also
because of the defeat of the
had a great visit with our
bylaw amendment, the four
Senator Kel Seliger. Kel
people running for Trustee at
shared many insights about
large, were all nominated by
what is going on within Texas acclamation. But yours truly
politics and what he is trying was voted in with the highest
to do about it. He is on sevvote, so I was selected to
eral influential committees,
begin immediately to fulfill
and takes his responsibility
the unexpired term of anvery seriously. Of utmost
other Trustee that had reconcern to him was the same signed in December.
as with our delegation: that of
I’m very excited to
keeping the agent in the loop be allowed to serve both you
with exchanges & within the
in Amarillo and the state asentire health industry.
sociation. I think it will be a
After our meetings
great experience, and give
with the Legislators’ & their
us some additional voice in
staffs, we went back to the
how our state & national asSheraton for a luncheon in
sociation is being run. Thank
which our Chief Lawyer for
you for your support, and I
Texas, Attorney General
want you to please contact
Gregg Abbott, gave the key- me with any issues or innote speech.
sights you may have. It is a
Later in the day,
great honor to be NAIFANAIFA-Texas had their State
Texas Trustee, and I pledge
convention business meetto continue to do a great job
ing. The primary agenda
for you here in our local aswas to address a by-law
amendment in which it was
proposed to reduce the numHollie Gandy,
ber of NAIFA-Texas Trustees
from 7 to 5-that was defeated. President
President’s Message
Inside this issue:
Luncheon Info
NAIFA Notices 3
Tri City Sales
MDRT Minute
Contact Info
& Awards
Please make plans
to attend the 11th
Annual Tri City
Sales Forum on
Wednesday, February 20th, 2013 at
the Ashmore Inn
and Suites.
More information
on page 3 of this
I’m bringing you a
special report from our
state’s capital, the NAIFATexas state convention &
Legislative Day. As many
of you know, Kirk Haworth,
our past Texas Trustee from
this area, Jim Thompson,
President-elect and Jack
Knight-past president, and
I all attended our special
Legislative Day that was in
conjunction with our sister
organizations, Texas Association of Health Underwriters (TAHU) and TALHI, the
Texas Association of Life &
Health Insurers. It was a
fast & furious trip on January 21-22.
The four of us
were able to have some
really great conversation
with several lawmaker’s
staff people, as many of the
Legislators were in their
home districts because of
Martin Luther King Day on
Monday. We spoke with
Walter “Four” Price’s aid,
as well as John Smithee’s
chief of staff, about several
issues concerning our area,
Officers and Directors of NAIFA Amarillo Area
President – Hollie Gandy
Publicity – Hollie Gandy
President-Elect – Jim Thompson
Nat’l Comm/Gov Relations – John Denton
Secretary/Treasurer – Kirk Haworth
YAT - Jason Permenter
Past President – Tom Moore
IFAPAC — Jim Thompson
Executive Director – Lindsay Haworth
LUTC - Brian Moore
Membership — Shirley Clark
Tri City Sales Forum— Sammy O’Dell
Programs — Helen Burton
Board Members: Jackie Bennett, Greg Hall, Jim Hutson
Page 2
February Luncheon: 2/12/13 @ 11:45am
Please Note:
There will be no
monthly membership
meeting this month
due to the 11th Annual
Tri City Sales Forum.
The Amarillo Club
30th Floor
Meal Catered by:
The Amarillo Club
NAIFA Amarillo’s Own Wins Position of Trustee
Four of our local members recently returned from the state convention down in
Austin. While there, our local president Hollie
Gandy, ran for a position of State Trustee.
We are pleased to announce that she
is the newest Texas Trustee on your state
board! “Because of a resignation on the current Board, I was also appointed as the highest ‘vote-getter’ to fulfill the unexpired term of
that person,” said Gandy. “Ironically, it was he
who first suggested that I throw in my hat to the
She is making the commitment to you as
your current president to fulfill my duties to local
chapter first, the new position second. She also
has the full support from Jim Thompson, Preselect & Kirk Haworth, Secretary.
(Pictured below from left to right: Jack Knight, President
Hollie Gandy, Secretary Kirk Haworth and President-Elect
Jim Thompson in Austin, TX.)
Page 3
NAIFA Notices
Did You Know?
Do to the increasing price of our luncheons, we will no longer be giving first time guests a free lunch. Also,
meals for guests will now be $15.
NAIFA Amarillo recently won a $400 state award for most retention in a medium sized chapter. Thanks to
you all. Now, let's go after IFAPAC commitments & membership. Way to go!!
Upcoming Events
NAIFA Fly-In in Washington, DC April 8-9, 2013.
The 11th Tri City Sales Forum is set for February 20th, 2013. Tickets are on sale now! Get yours today.
LUTC Course
We are looking into the possibility of teaching another CE course but we need interest
from our chapter. If you are interested in
going through the LUTC course, please let
Lindsay know. We’ll keep you posted.
Tri City Sales Forum
The 11th Annual Tri City Sales Forum in quickly approaching! We’ve got
an awesome line-up of seven speakers
coming in from all over the region to
speak on multiple topics in our industry.
This is a great networking and
learning opportunity and we hope you
make time in your schedule to attend.
The Forum is set for Wednesday,
February 20, 2013 at the Ashmore Inn and
Suites in Amarillo, TX from 9:00am3:30pm. In between speakers, we’ll have
time for you to speak and network with
vendors who will be coming in from all
across the United States. Lunch will also
be included.
Tickets are $50 for NAIFA and NAHU
members and $75 for non members and at the
door. Contact our executive director, Lindsay,
or our chair, Sammy O’Dell, for tickets and/or
more information on becoming a vendor or
Lindsay Haworth:
Sammy O’Dell:
MDRT Minute: “Maximizing Your Free Time and Productivity”
Early on in my career, I quickly realized that if I did not find strategies to carefully manage my time and energy, I’d never
attain the ambitious goals I’d set for my business. I was finding myself putting out fires throughout each day, only to find
that I would suddenly look up to find another whole day gone. I would have no idea what I accomplished and could only
hope that, somehow, tomorrow I would be able to get things done. But alas, there was hope. With the help of a few valuable resources, I was able to create successful daily habits, and as a result, stay motivated and accomplish all of my objectives — and you can, too.
Allocate time
The MDRT Productivity Guide — the result of the MDRT Bottom Line Committee, which analyzed MDRT members and
drew conclusions about what it takes to be productive and successful in this business — helped me understand the critical
importance of carving out and allocating a significant amount of time to sales activities while I’m in the office.
• Qualifying: 13 hours, 27% of time
• Qualifying and Life: 9 hours, 19% of time
• Court of the Table: 22 hours, 48% of time
• Top of the Table 25 hours, 52% of time
Clearly, if you want to attain Court of the Table or Top of the Table levels of productivity, you’ll need to spend approximately half of your time engaged in sales activities. If you can productively spend your time engaged in sales activities,
you’ll be able to sell more (help more people) and do it in less time, thus freeing up time to be home with your family. And
last, but not least, make more money. Number of hours worked; average income per hour:
Qualifying: 2,115; USD 52.48
Qualifying and Life: 2,074; USD 93.38
Court of the Table: 1,978 (% fewer hours worked); USD147.62 (% higher income per hour)
Top of the Table: 1,892 (% fewer hours worked); USD296.51 (% higher income per hour)
Control each day
Let the gravity of this sink in for a moment: If you can’t find ways to control your day, today, you will never be able to
control where you will be in a year. The solution to maintaining high energy and, thus, attaining all of your goals, is to
hold yourself accountable to the accomplishment of daily goals. Doing so will reenergize and motivate you on a daily basis, creating a snowball effect of accumulating and accelerating energy. I highly recommend Tony Gordon’s book, “It
Can Only Get Better,” as an invaluable resource to help you design your own energy management system.
Put it into practice
Ian Green’s book, “The Financial Advisor: How to Be a Successful Practitioner,” outlines an outstanding plan for managing your energy and time during the day. I’ve based my energy management system very closely on his success plan,
which entails two major parts: keeping track of your time throughout the day in 15-minute increments by color coding
your day into categories of how that time and energy was spent, and keeping a daily numerical score of sales cycle activities.
You are entirely in control of your future — no one else. Nothing can hold you back from accomplishing your objectives
— not the economy, nor the markets, nor the regulators. If you take actionable, measurable steps every day, nothing can
hold you back. The future is yours to seize!
John J. Demboski, CFP, is an eight-year MDRT member with two Top of the Table qualifications and an MDRT Foundation Bronze Knight. He is Chair of the newly established MDRT Young Lions Committee. His practice, Chapman Financial Group, helps clients identify and attain their financial objectives. Demboski is an investment advisory representative
of ValMark Advisors Inc. He served as president for National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors—Santa
Barbara and is a member of several professional industry organizations. You may purchase Demboski’s entire proceedings, or any of the products referenced, at the MDRT Store at
NAIFA Amarillo Area
If you or someone you know is interested
Lindsay Haworth
Executive Director
6900 I-40 West Suite #160
Amarillo, TX 79106
in advertising with NAIFA Amarillo Area, or, if you
Phone: 806-681-2465
Fax: 806-353-2366
Executive Director at 806-681-2465. Our rate is
would like more information, please contact our
$100 per year for a business card size ad and your ad will be seen
in all 12 issues.
We’re on the Web!!!
NAIFA Amarillo Area 2012 Awards
2011 National Quality Award
2012 Million Dollar Round Table
S. Sean Saied, FIC
Danny Cathy
Kip Hutto
Landon Landry
Sean Saied
Todd Selmon, FICF
Todd Selmon
James Baker
Kris L. Bosley, FIC
Patrick Phillips
John Denton
Michael R. Ruff Q
Jack Fuqua, CLU
John S. Denton QL
Darren Fincher, FIC
Darren G. Fincher, FICF QL
Samuel G. Saied, FICF
**Samuel Saied, FICF
Michael Thomas, CLU
Kirk H. Haworth, CLU, ChFC QL
Robert Curl, CLU, ChFC
B. J. Gililland QL
Joe Flores
Robert Curl
** Denotes Top of the Table qualification

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