FALL 2015 Professional Learning Brochure


FALL 2015 Professional Learning Brochure
FALL 2015 Professional Learning Brochure
From September 1st, 2015 to December 31st, 2015
Registration opens on Wednesday August 19, 2015 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
At this time, in-person registrations will be available.
“How Does Learning Happen?”
Study groups to support our understanding of
Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years
• Professionalism in Early Childhood-3-Part Series
• Family Child Care Training—Level Three
• Understanding Continuous Professional Learning-3 Part Series
• Deconstructing the Reggio Myth
“How Does Learning Happen?”, Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years, is an invitation to
think more deeply about foundations for learning in the early years. It’s foundational role
in the new Child Care and Early Years Act heightens the importance of beginning an investigation of the pedagogy to fully understand the notions of belonging, well-being, engagement and expression.
Begin or deepen your study in a number of ways:
• Motivating, Inspiring & Rewarding Your Employees
Planned PL Study Groups (4 parts) - Your team may choose to take part in one of the
planned study groups to be held at ASCY (as indicated in PL Brochure);
September 16, 30, October 14 & 28, 2015 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
September 23, October 14, 28 & November 11, 2015 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
• Pedagogy in Practice
• Art of Play-6-Part Series
• Loose Parts
Community Outreach: A mentor from ASCY can facilitate a study group to co-learn
with your staff during in-service staff meetings.
• Physical Literacy 101-2 Parts
• How to Make Things Right, When Things Go Wrong!
• Pathways to Excellence: How to Ensure High Standards in Your Program
Begin your individual or small group study by exploring the many resources found at
To begin planning, contact Liz Soyka at 905-574-6876 ext 224 or email lsoyka@ascy.ca
Professional Resource Library Closures
Attention ASCY Resource Library Members
Saturday October 10th, 2015
Christmas & New Year Closure:
Thursday December 24th, 2015 to January 2, 2016
Re-opening on Tuesday January 5th, 2016
Starting this Fall , we will be offering a few
on-line courses to all current members.
Please refer to the following page for available courses.
Our Professional Learning sessions are available to anyone working in the Early Learning and Child Care sector.
This may include: Registered Early Childhood Educators, Home Child Care Providers, Kindergarten Teachers, OEYC and PFLC Staff and other Early Learning and Child
Care Professionals, Supervisors, Managers, Executive Directors, Owners and Boards of Directors of Early Learning and Child Care Services.
Please visit www.ascy.ca for closures & updates
Coming Events 2015/16
Dr. Stuart Shanker - Friday September 25, 2015 – this is an afternoon session. **THIS EVENT IS FULL**
Infant Toddler Pedagogical 2-day Institute with Lorrie Baird and
Anne Marie Coughlin on December 4 and 5, 2015. A flyer with more
details will be available in September.
February Flurry Saturday February 6, 2016 - Drew Dudley, Susan
Stacey and Marc Battle are booked for this event.
Registration will open in October 2015.
For more information on these PL opportunities or on formalizing a
mentoring relationship, please contact Liz Soyka lsoyka@ascy.ca
Contact Angela Curto acurto@ascy.ca for registration support for all PL
Look for the stream that is right for you!
- Raising the Bar (Professional Learning for Quality)
O - Registered Early Childhood Educators, Home Child Care
Providers, Kindergarten Teachers, Extended-Day Program Staff,
School-Age Staff, OEYC and PFL Staff and any other Early Learning and Child Care Professionals
F- Supervisors, Managers, Home Child Care Consultants, Aspiring Leaders, Mentors, Owners, Operators, Executive Directors,
Board Members of Early Learning and Child Care organizations.
“Children always
#OL5689 R.O.S.I.E –Rating Observation Scale for
Inspiring Environments
This on-line webinar will allow the user to explore the history,
resources and principles of ROSIE. Strategies, videos and
pictures will guide the participant on how to incorporate aspects of ROSIE into their own environments.
#OL5690 Infant Toddler Early Literacy Checklist
The Infant Toddler Literacy Checklist is a reflective self-assessment
tool for early years professionals, working with young children, to
evaluate to what extent they are supporting literacy in infants and
toddlers, and their families. This 3-module online series examines
the emergent literacy environment as well as language and communication-building practices. Participants will complete an action
plan to build current practices, and to develop those areas that require additional supports.
Note: Participants need to take photographs of their early learning
rooms, as well as download and complete Part 1 A of the Infant
Toddler Checklist before starting the webinar. The Infant Toddler
Checklist is available here https://ascy.ca/early-literacy/
#OL5691 Understanding Your Profession—Exploring
the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
This on-line learning experience will give the participants an
opportunity to self-explore the Code of Ethics and Standards
of Practice put forth by the College of Early Childhood Educators. Each participant will be encouraged to reflect on the
ethics and standards in relation to their own practice.
To sign-up for one of these on-line courses please
email ascy@ascy.ca. Indicate course code and
provide your current ASCY membership number.
You will then receive a confirmation email and
further steps to sign-on.
learn - not necessarily what we want them to learn”
Lilian Katz
#5609 “How Does Learning Happen?”Study Group-4 Parts
Wednesday September 16, 2015
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location: ASCY
#5596 Taking Notice
Thursday September 10, 2015
Location: ASCY
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
A video study designed to hone your observation skills. In this session,
you will watch videos of children at play and practice observing and
documenting what you see. Alongside other educators, you will discuss
your perceptions and interpretations and consider the meaning for your
Facilitated by: Tracey Webster
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
#5605 Professionalism in Early Childhood– 3-Part Series
Tuesday September 15, 2015
Location: ASCY
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
With the significant changes of early learning today, our practice demands a certain level of professionalism on behalf of educators. Expectations from the Ministry of Education, the College of Early Childhood
Educators and the Child Care Human Resources Sector Council, have
outlined specific standards for the practice of early childhood education
and its practitioners. There is a huge responsibility for educators to
know and understand these expectations and keep current in their professional learning in order to provide and advocate the best for children
and families. This series will help participants to learn and better understand the required expectations for practice and will encourage and inspire them to continue to strive for excellence in the profession.
Dates are: Sept 15, 29 & Oct 20, 2015
Facilitated by: Andrea Topic
Cost: $15.00 Members
$20.00 Non-Members
“How Does Learning Happen?”, released in April 2014 by the Ministry of
Education offers an invitation to think more deeply about foundations for
learning in the early years. Together, we will familiarize ourselves with
pedagogy and explore the notions of “belonging”, “well-being”,
“engagement” and “expression”. Objectives: Defining pedagogy, Explore
four foundations for early learning, Reflect on current knowledge and
practice and Plan next steps.
Dates are: Sept 16, 30, Oct 14 & 28, 2015
Facilitated by: Andrea Topic
Cost: $5.00 Members
$5.00 Non-Members
#5593 Supervisors’ Learning Community
Wednesday September 16, 2015
Time: 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Location: Peoples Church Hamilton
An opportunity for supervisors to network with peers and discuss current
trends and issues in early learning and care in our community. An
agenda with community updates and topics will be e-mailed one week
prior to the Network. The half-hour between 12:30 pm and 1:00 pm is
optional. You are invited to bring your lunch for a half-hour of informal
networking. A detailed agenda will be emailed out a week prior.
Location Address: 510 Mohawk Road West, Hamilton
Facilitated by: Tracey Webster
Cost: FREE but registration is required
#5594 Supervisors’ Quality Practice Network
Wednesday September 16, 2015
Time: 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location: Peoples Church Hamilton
This Network provides a regular monthly opportunity for directors, supervisors, site coordinators and leaders to meet with a mentor for guidance
and support in implementing quality monitoring practices, supervision
strategies and developing or revising operating practices for their program.
Location Address: 510 Mohawk Road West, Hamilton
Facilitated by: Antonella Zezza
Cost: FREE but registration is required
#5601 RECE—What’s in a Name?
Wednesday September 16, 2015
Location: TBA
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Are you a member of the College of Early Childhood Educators? How
much do you know about your legislated responsibilities under the Early
Childhood Educators Act? What will be the impact of the new Child Care
and Early Years Act on these responsibilities?
Upon becoming a registered early childhood educator, each member
makes a commitment to abide by the ethical and professional standards
of the profession, to enhance the care and learning of children and to be
accountable to the public of Ontario. The Code of Ethics and Standards
of Practice states that RECEs have a responsibility to “know, understand
and abide by the legislation” related to their professional practice. Attend
an interactive session with the College of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario’s self-regulatory body for RECEs. This session will provide key information and updates about the College, and incorporate discussion about
the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and the newly launched
Continuous Professional Learning program.
Facilitated by: Melanie Dixon, RECE
Cost: FREE but registration is required
#5677 Family Child Care Training Program – Level Three
Wednesday September 16, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: ASCY
Session #1– Enhancing Children’s Self-Esteem
This level consists of 12 sessions. You can register for all 12 sessions for
$99.00. A certificate will be issued to those who attend all 12.
Please see www.ascy.ca for flyer.
Facilitated by: Antonella Zezza
Cost: $10.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
#5610 Infants’ & Toddlers’ Learning Community
Thursday September 17, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: ASCY
Come and join our learning community where we can share and discuss
specific topics. We will network and explore together various issues surrounding child development, current trends and issues in our field of
Early Childhood as well as articles and DVDs.
Facilitated by: Lisa Bellardini
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
#5600 Book Club-”Reflecting in Communities of Practice ”
—4 Parts
Monday September 21, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: ASCY
Join us as we engage in conversation and dialogue around the book
“Reflecting in Communities of Practice” written by Deb Curtis & Margie
Carter. This workbook is designed for Early Childhood Educators looking
to enhance their reflective practice. We will participate in a series of exercises and discussions as a learning community that will help us to
connect theory and best practice in the classroom.
Dates: Sept 21, Oct 5, 19 and Nov 2, 2015
Facilitated by: Chrissy DiBussolo & Andrea Topic
Cost: $30.00 Members
$35.00 Non-Members
#5618 Mentors’ Professional Learning Community
Tuesday September 22, 2015
Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Location: ASCY
This opportunity is suited to anyone in a leadership capacity who is
mentoring others in the implementation of play-based learning
(emergent curriculum), building on the four foundations and principles
of Ontario’s pedagogy frameworks. This professional learning community provides a safe environment of critical inquiry where mentors can
share their successes and challenges, co-construct knowledge, reflect on
assumptions and beliefs about their role as a pedagogical leader. The
dialogue will be guided by the experiences and interests of the group.
Facilitated by: Tracey Webster
Cost: FREE but registration is required
#5602 Expression Learning Community
Tuesday September 22, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: ASCY
#5626 Popcorn & A Movie-Thinking Big Extending Emergent
Curriculum Projects
Wednesday September 23, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: ASCY
Exploring Art Mediums
Come and view this DVD on how 2 preschool teachers set the stage
As a learning community, we will look at and discuss the benefit of using with a flexible environment, schedule and engaging materials. They
adapt the Reggio approach for their group of preschool children. During
different art mediums with children and discover how this will enhance
this DVD you will also see the role of documentation in extending a protheir inquiry and creativity.
and making children’s learning visible.
Facilitated by: Chrissy DiBussolo
by: Lisa Bellardini
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
#5604 Emergent Approach Learning Community
Wednesday September 23, 2015
Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: Umbrella Family-Templemead
Wednesday September 23, 2015
Wednesday September 23, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: ASCY-Lynwood Boardroom
The Emergent Approach is a community of learners that meets regularly
in community programs. Participants have the opportunity to tour the
host settings, exchange ideas and engage in reflective dialogue around
pedagogy. At our September meeting we have the opportunity to tour
Umbrella Family – Templemead’s toddler, preschool and school-age
spaces. This program opened its doors with a full commitment to offering an Emergent Curriculum inspired by Reggio Emilia. We’ll hear from
the educators how their understanding of the approach has evolved, with
a particular focus on their study and consideration of “How Does Learning Happen?” and its four foundations.
Site address: 62 Templemead Drive Hamilton, Ontario L8W 3Z7
Facilitated by: Andrea Topic
Cost: FREE but registration is required
#5627 Cooks’ Learning Community
#5625 “How Does Learning Happen?”-4 Parts
Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location: Fortino’s Community Room—Mall Rd.
This is an opportunity for cooks to come together to network, share resources and ideas.
Topic: Snack & Lunch Ideas Using Seasonal Foods with Chef Rojas!
Facilitated by: Antonella Zezza
Cost: $15.00 Members
$20.00 Non-Members
“How Does Learning Happen?”, released in April 2014 by the Ministry of
Education offers an invitation to think more deeply about foundations
for learning in the early years. Together, we will familiarize ourselves
with pedagogy and explore the notions of “belonging”, “well-being”,
“engagement” and “expression”. ASCY mentors invite you to join us in
study. Together, we’ll explore resources and building from our previous
learning and experiences, co-construct knowledge, thinking and ways of
being with very young children and their families. Objectives: Defining
pedagogy, Explore four foundations for early learning, Reflect on current knowledge and practice and Plan next steps.
Dates are: Sept 23, Oct 14, 28 & Nov 11, 2015.
Facilitated by: Antonella Zezza
Cost: $5.00 Members
$5.00 Non-Members
#5611 Understanding Continuous Professional Learning—3-Part
Thursday September 24, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
#5617 Making Thinking Visible – 6-Part Series
Location: ASCY
Location: Beasley Community Centre
The renewal process for registration with the Ontario College of Early
Childhood Educators (CECE) now includes participation in a 2 year continuous professional learning process. This series is designed to support
RECEs as they develop their personalized professional learning plan.
The CPL program acknowledges that College members are motivated
adult learners. Engagement in the CPL program provides members with
opportunities for self-reflection, self-directed learning and personalized
decision-making about enhancing their professional practice.
The 3 part series will include: an overview of the two year CPL Cycle,
Completing the Self Assessment, and a session on Reflective Practice
and Self-directed Learning. Dates are: Sept 24, Oct 29 & Dec 1, 2015
Facilitated by: Chrissy DiBussolo & Tracey Webster
Cost: $15.00 Members
$20.00 Non-Members
This series will focus on pedagogical documentation within an emergent
Session #1 -The Difference between Documentation and Display
Session #2 – The Features of Documentation Through an Inquiry Lens
Session #3 – The Art of Awareness
Session #4 – Learning Stories
Session #5 – The Components of Making Learning Visible
Session #6 – Considering Aesthetics in Zoom Documentation
Series dates are: Sept 29, Oct 6, 13, Nov 3, 10 & 17, 2015
Registrant must be able to take all 6 workshops
Facilitated by: Louise Jupp
Cost: $100.00 Members $120.00 Non-Members
#5658 Deconstructing the Reggio Myth
#5620 Réseau en littératie émergente
Saturday September 26, 2015
Wednesday September 30, 2015
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Tuesday September 29, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: ASCY
Location: ASCY
The Reggio Emilia approach to education grew out of a desire for change
and reconnection to community. Yet, when we try to adapt Reggioinspired theories into our own culture and practice, we often encounter
feelings of intimidation and inadequacy. Discover ways to make your
Reggio-inspired journey functionally accessible and affordable – as we
deconstruct the myths while engaging in a Reggio-inspired environment.
An hour break will be provided, please bring your own lunch.
Facilitated by: Simone Spiegel & Aviva Fudem, Thinkin Education
Services (For more info on Simone & Aviva go to, www.thinkined.com)
Cost: $60.00 Members
$70.00 Non-Members
"All children deserve recognition of their competence &
reassurance that their ideas & actions have value in the world."
Susan Stacey
Assistez à ce réseau pour apprendre d'autres pratiques d'excellence dans
la programmation en alphabétisation.
Facilitated by: Evette Sauriol
Cost: $10.00 Members
$15.00 Non-Members
#5678 Family Child Care Training Program – Level Three
Wednesday September 30, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: ASCY
Session #2– Reflective Practice
This level consists of 12 sessions. If space allows, you may register for
individual workshops. A certificate will be issued to those who attend all
12. Please see www.ascy.ca for flyer.
Facilitated by: Jan Smith
Cost: $10.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
#5631 Early Literacy Learning Community
Thursday October 1, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: ASCY
Thursday October 8, 2015
Attend this Network to learn more about Best Practices in literacy programming.
Facilitated by: Kim Burns
Cost: $10.00 Members
$15.00 Non-Members
#5632 Motivating, Inspiring & Rewarding Your Employees
Friday October 2, 2015
Location: ASCY
Time: 9:30 am to 11:30 am
Every supervisor and manager will tell you that employees that are
happy, inspired and feel successful are easier to lead and motivate. But
how do you ensure success in doing so? Everyone is different and everyone has different reasons for what they do and consequently the rewards are different too. This workshop examines what it takes to lead
others through positive leadership.
Facilitated by: Michael Lewis
Cost: $25.00 Members $30.00 Non-Members
#5633 Centre Bus Tours – Early Learning and Child Care SitesΟF
Tuesday October 6, 2015
#5636/5638 Early Literacy Extravaganza
“It’s More Than a Box: Linking Literacy to Loose Parts”
Wednesday October 7, 2015
Time: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm &
Time: 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: ASCY
Join us on our field trip to two Early Learning and Child Care locations in
Dundas! Gather at ASCY and we will be leaving at 6:15 pm. The tour
will begin at YMCA Sir William Osler, 330 Governors Rd, continue to
HWCCCC St. Bernadette Children’s Centre, 270 Governors Rd., and
then back to ASCY.
Facilitated by: Antonella Zezza
Cost: $10.00 Members
$15.00 Non-Members
Time: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Location: ASCY
Literacy encompasses a wide variety of skills children acquire through
the manipulation of materials and interactions with peers and caregivers.
When educators incorporate loose parts in their classroom, opportunities
for language and literacy development, critical thinking skills and symbolic play flourish. Drop in to experience literacy and communicationbuilding play while exploring loose parts.
Please check www.ascy.ca for the flyer.
Facilitated by: Kim Burns & Evette Sauriol
Cost: FREE but registration is required
#5635 Pedagogy in Practice
Tuesday October 13, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: ASCY
This session will bring together those that have already participated in a
How Does Learning Happen? study group and give them an opportunity
to meet with other professionals and share their continued learning and
experience in working with and implementing Ontario’s new pedagogy.
Participants are encouraged to bring stories and/or documentation of
how they see the four foundations demonstrated in their programs.
Facilitated by: Andrea Topic
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
#5629 Supervisors’ Learning Community
Wednesday October 14, 2015
Time: 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Location: Peoples Church Hamilton
An opportunity for supervisors to network with peers and discuss current
trends and issues in early learning and care in our community. An
agenda with community updates and topics will be e-mailed one week
prior to the Network. The half-hour between 12:30 pm and 1:00 pm is
optional. You are invited to bring your lunch for a half-hour of informal
networking. A detailed agenda will be emailed out a week prior.
Location Address: 510 Mohawk Road West, Hamilton
Facilitated by: Tracey Webster
Cost: FREE but registration is required
#5628 Supervisors’ Quality Practice Network
#5642 ITERS-R Intro Training (3 Parts)
Wednesday October 14, 2015
Thursday October 15, 2015
Time: 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location: Peoples Church Hamilton
This Network provides a regular monthly opportunity for directors, supervisors, site coordinators and leaders to meet with a mentor for guidance
and support in implementing quality monitoring practices, supervision
strategies and developing or revising operating practices for their program.
Location Address: 510 Mohawk Road West, Hamilton
Facilitated by: Antonella Zezza
Cost: FREE but registration is required
#5679 Family Child Care Training Program – Level Three
Wednesday October 14, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: ASCY
Starting new this fall we will be following the new recommendations for
ages when doing the ITERS-R. Even though we will not be using
the ECERS-3 in classrooms until 2016 in order to prepare the community
for the ECERS-3, there is a change of age for when to use both the
ECERS-3 and the ITERS-R. 75% of the children need to be 3 years old or
older for the use of the ECERS-3 (3 to 5 year olds). ITERS-R will be used
for children 3 and under, so this means that if the “preschool” classroom
has 16 children in it and 5 of them are under 3 years of age this classroom will have an ITERS-R done on it due to the ages of the children.
Dates are: Oct 15, Nov 19 & 26, 2015
Cost includes book.
Facilitated by: Cathy Robb
Cost: $35.00 Members
$40.00 Non-Members
Location: ASCY
#5693 Art of Play—6-Part Series
Session #3– Everyday Problem-Solving
Thursday October 15, 2015
This level consists of 12 sessions. If space allows, you may register for
individual workshops. A certificate will be issued to those who attend all
12. Please see www.ascy.ca for flyer.
Facilitated by: Andrea Topic
Cost: $10.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
Location: Beasley Community Centre
#5639 Sensory Processing
tle differences that can have a huge impact on our minds and ultimately our beliefs.
3. The Art of Colour–Adding depth to illuminate the process of questioning,
experimenting and learning.
4. The Art of Sound–Playing with sound as a vehicle for noticing, listening,
and responding.
5. The Art of Nature–Aligning ourselves with the pace of nature leads to
richer observations and reflections.
6. The Art of Remix–Where imagination, creativity and innovation collide–
bringing it all together and moving forward.
Thursday October 15, 2015
Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Location: ASCY
Sensory processing is the way our brains interpret the information given
to us by our senses (touch, hearing, sight, smell, taste, movement and
pressure). Difficulties are sometimes identified when a person has a hard
time processing the information and may react in ways that are unexpected. We will discuss sensory systems, sensory processing and how an
occupational therapist can help when there are difficulties.
Facilitated by: Desiree Edmonds & Lindsay Bray
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Join us for a series of creative opportunities to look closely at our pedagogy and practice. This learning journey is inspired by The Art of Play –
an interactive pop-up exhibit that brought together educators and families to explore the inter-relationships between art, play and nature.
1. The Art of Line–Every line begins with a dot that leads us on a journey.
2. The Art of Perspective–Slowing down to look closely helps us notice sub-
Series dates are: Oct 15, 22, 29, Nov 12, 19 & 26, 2015
Registrant must be able to take all 6 workshops
Facilitated by: Simone Spiegel & Aviva Fudem, Thinkin Education Services
Cost: $150.00 Members
$175.00 Non-Members
#5651 Emergency First Aid/CPR Training
Saturday October 17, 2015
#5650 Loose Parts
Time: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Thursday October 22, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: ASCY
Location: ASCY
Professional Firefighters teach Emergency First Aid/CPR in a clear and
easy-to-understand format. CPR Level C & Standard First Aid taught.
Certification Card provided upon course completion.
Please bring your own lunch.
Facilitated by: Hearts Helping Hearts
Cost: $95.00 Members
$100.00 Non-Members
When we play and interact with loose parts so many wonderful skills
like problem-solving, team work and theoretical reasoning open up. The
inquiry of “what if” leads to the ability to think creatively and bring a
sense of adventure and excitement to play. Come join us as we explore
loose parts and we ask participants to bring in their favourite
loose part item.
Facilitated by: Lisa Bellardini & Chrissy DiBussolo
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
#5646 School-Age Learning Community
Wednesday October 21, 2015
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
#5643 Emergent Approach Learning Community
Location: ASCY
Thursday October 22, 2015
This Network provides opportunities for educators working in school-aged
programs, including before-and-after school and extended-day programs,
to come together in order to learn and support members of a similar
community of learners. In supporting an inquiry-based approach to
learning, session topics will emerge based upon participant request and
Facilitated by: Lisa Bellardini
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
Location: TBA
#5647 Self-Regulation– 3 Part Series
Wednesday October 21, 2015
Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
The Emergent Approach is a community of learners that meets regularly
in community programs. Participants have the opportunity to tour the
host settings, exchange ideas and engage in reflective dialogue around
Facilitated by: Andrea Topic
Cost: FREE but registration is required
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
#5692 Introductory Signed English – 6-week course
Location: ASCY
Thursday October 22, 2015
How are young children being encouraged and supported to develop selfregulation? Participants will learn about and consider new ways to enhance the development and support of children’s self-regulation on a daily
basis in their programs. This will include: teacher-directed and childreninitiated activities, transitions, routines, as well as children’s daily interactions with adults and peers in the program. This first session in the series
will begin with learning some background information based on Stuart
Shanker’s research and book, “Calm, Alert and Learning”.
The following two sessions will allow participants to further explore practical strategies to use in their programs based on discussions with other
educators, group work and reflecting on current practices or strategies
and other research. Dates are: Oct 21, 28, & Nov 11, 2015
Facilitated by: Andrea Topic
Cost: $15.00 Members $20.00 Non-Members
Location: ASCY
Time: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
ASCY is offering a 6-week Introductory Sign Language course in Hamilton this fall. Space is limited and will be allocated on a first-come / firstserved basis. This six-week introductory course introduces a basic 250word-sign-vocabulary geared to the preschool population. The course is
open to parents, professionals and interested community members.
Dates: Oct 22, 29, Nov 5, 12, 19 & 26, 2015
Presented by: Nanc Haveman
Cost: $50.00 (includes a textbook)
#5655 Reaching In, Reaching Out—2 Parts
Saturday October 24, 2015
Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
#5637 Mentors’ Professional Learning Community
Tuesday October 27, 2015
Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Location: ASCY
Location: ASCY
Part 1- Adult Skills Training - October 24, 2015
RIRO training gives professionals skills and theory to support a relationship-based reflective practice and provides a framework for creating a
"culture of resilience" in programs serving young children. RIRO teaches
"3Rs of Resilience"– skills to help Relax, Reflect and Respond effectively to life's challenges. The Adult Skills Training helps adults build
their own foundation of the critical resiliency abilities described above.
Participants learn resiliency skills they can model with children and families. Specifically, they learn to: identify and strengthen critical abilities
associated with resilience, use strategies to stay calm and focused in
stressful times, identify how their thoughts can affect their ability to cope
with stress and challenges, challenge thinking habits that hinder resilience and generate alternative ways to handle conflict, problems and
Part 2- Child Skills Training –November 7, 2015
Designed to reach young children from birth to seven years, RIRO works
by laying a strong foundation of thinking and coping skills that support
resilience in the adults who care for and work with them. In the Child
Skills Training, participants learn to apply the skills with children. They
learn to model the skills and foster resilience in the children around
them, use their own resiliency skills to increase their understanding of
children's behaviour and incorporate resiliency skills into their work setting by using child-friendly approaches such as children's literature, puppets, and play-based activities. Please note: RIRO Adult Skills Training is
a prerequisite .
Presented by: Tracey Webster
Cost: $30.00 Members
$40.00 Non-Members
This opportunity is suited to anyone in a leadership capacity who is mentoring others in the implementation of play-based learning (emergent
curriculum), building on the four foundations and principles of Ontario’s
pedagogy frameworks. This professional learning community provides a
safe environment of critical inquiry where mentors can share their successes and challenges, co-construct knowledge, reflect on assumptions
and beliefs about their role as a pedagogical leader. The dialogue will be
guided by the experiences and interests of the group.
Facilitated by: Tracey Webster
Cost: FREE but registration is required
#5634 Infants’ & Toddlers’ Learning Community
Tuesday October 27, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: ASCY
Come and join our learning community where we can share and discuss
specific topics. We will explore and network together various issues surrounding child development, current trends and issues in our field of
Early Childhood as well as articles and DVDs. Please provide email address when registering as sessions may be hosted at various sites and
may feature a site tour.
Facilitated by: Lisa Bellardini
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
#5680 Family Child Care Training Program – Level Three
Wednesday November 4, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: ASCY
Session #4– Challenging Behaviours
This level consists of 12 sessions. If space allows, you may register for
individual workshops. A certificate will be issued to those who attend all
12. Please see www.ascy.ca for flyer.
Facilitated by: Lisa Cushnie & Sandy Ciprietti
Cost: $10.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
#5667 Supporting a Healthy Eating Environment
Thursday November 5, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
#5675 Cooks’ Learning Community
Tuesday November 10, 2015
Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location: ASCY
Location: ASCY
At this interactive workshop for cooks, supervisors and RECEs, participants will:
-Find out how to avoid mealtime battles
-Discover how the classroom setting can promote healthy eating
-Learn about tools to help parents determine their child’s nutrition risk
-Discuss ways to support a healthy body image
-Pick up helpful resources
Presented by: Public Health Dietitians
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
This is an opportunity for cooks to come together to network, share resources and ideas. Topic: Promoting Positive Mental Health
We will look at the importance of maintaining positive mental health,
identifying what is positive mental health, and what strategies we can
use to achieve positive mental health. The presentation will also highlight some of the signs and symptoms related to specific mental health
diagnoses and when to seek medical attention.
Facilitated by: Erin Weatherston
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
#5640 Physical Literacy 101-2 Parts
#5657 SACERS Training – 2-part session
Tuesday November 10, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Wednesday November 11, 2015
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location: ASCY
Location: ASCY
Physical Literacy is just as important as the ability to read and
write. Participants will take part in fun and interactive activities that will
help to define what physical literacy means and how professionals and
parents can integrate concepts into their programs and home lives. Information and activities that will give a better understanding of what
physical literacy is and how it fits with play-based early learning programs. Practical activities will use minimal to no equipment, demonstrating how easy it is to incorporate these fundamental movement skills into
multiple environments. Part one will focus on the theory & part two will
be putting the theory into practice.
Dates: Nov 10 & 19, 2015
Facilitated by: Andrea Topic & Mark Verbeek, HWDSB
Cost: $10.00 Members
$15.00 Non-Members
Participants will be trained to use the School-Age Care Environment Rating Scale to monitor and maintain healthy child care environments.
Part 2 on November 25, 2015. Cost includes book. If you already
own an up-to-date book, then the cost is $15.
Facilitated by: Lisa Bellardini
Cost: $35.00 Members
$40.00 Non-Members
#5652 Supervisors’ Learning Community
Wednesday November 11, 2015
Time: 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Location: Peoples Church Hamilton
An opportunity for supervisors to network with peers and discuss current
trends and issues in early learning and care in our community. An
agenda with community updates and topics will be e-mailed one week
prior to the Network. The half-hour between 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 pm is
optional. You are invited to bring your lunch for a half-hour of informal
networking. A detailed agenda will be emailed out a week prior.
Location Address: 510 Mohawk Road West, Hamilton
Facilitated by: Tracey Webster
Cost: FREE but registration is required
#5654 Supervisors’ Quality Practice Network
Wednesday November 11, 2015
Time: 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Monday November 16, 2015
Location: Peoples Church Hamilton
This Network provides a regular monthly opportunity for directors, supervisors, site coordinators and leaders to meet with a mentor for guidance
and support in implementing quality monitoring practices, supervision
strategies and developing or revising operating practices for their program.
Location Address: 510 Mohawk Road West, Hamilton
Facilitated by: Antonella Zezza
Cost: FREE but registration is required
#5670 Duty to Report
Thursday November 12, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: ASCY
Susan Stacey’s latest publication, Pedagogical Documentation in Early
Childhood: Sharing Children’s Learning and Teacher’s Thinking, offers
readers a practical understanding of pedagogical documentation. This is
an opportunity to engage in rich conversations with colleagues that are
also exploring similar ideas around documenting children’s learning.
Dates: Nov 16, 23, 30 and Dec 7, 2015
Facilitated by: Chrissy DiBussolo & Andrea Topic
Cost: $35.00 Members
$40.00 Non-Members
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
#5672 Early Literacy Learning Community
Tuesday November 17, 2015
Location: ASCY
Enrico Di Giandomenico from the Children's Aid Society of Hamilton will
be "walking" us through the protocols of reporting abuse.
Presented by: Enrico Di Giandomenico, Hamilton Children’s Aid
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
#5673 How to Make Things Right, When Things Go Wrong! FΟ
Friday November 13, 2015
Location: ASCY
#5669 Book Club- “Pedagogical Documentation in Early Childhood” —4 Parts
Time: 9:30 am to 11:30 am
When things are said, feelings are hurt and healing isn’t optional, supervisors and managers must take on the pivotal role of mending fences
and building bridges. But where to start? And what questions must be
asked and answered before, during and after an issue or incident. Rebuilding trust and working through anger means being skilled and patient, firm and understanding and above all…caring enough to let
wounded parties heal and move on.
Facilitated by: Michael Lewis
Cost: $25.00 Members $30.00 Non-Members
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: ASCY
Attend this Network to learn more about Best Practices in literacy programming.
Facilitated by: Kim Burns
Cost: $10.00 Members
$15.00 Non-Members
#5671 School-Age Learning Community
Wednesday November 18, 2015
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location: ASCY
This Network provides opportunities for educators working in schoolaged programs, including before-and-after school and extended-day programs, to come together in order to learn and support members of a
similar community of learners. In supporting an inquiry-based approach
to learning, session topics will emerge based upon participant request
and feedback.
Facilitated by: Lisa Bellardini
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
#5664 Infants’ & Toddlers’ Learning Community
Wednesday November 18, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
#5641 Popcorn & A Movie-Fizzle, Bubble, Pop and WOW!
Tuesday November 24, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: ASCY
Location: ASCY
Come and join our learning community where we can share and discuss
specific topics. We will explore and network together various issues surrounding child development, current trends and issues in our field of
Early Childhood as well as articles and DVDs.
Facilitated by: Lisa Bellardini
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
Struggling with math/science? Come and explore some ideas to incorporate simple age-appropriate math/science activities into your curriculum.
During this session, we will view "Fizzle, Bubble, Pop and WOW!" a DVD
by Lisa Murphy to help support our learning.
Presented by: Lisa Bellardini
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
#5663 Réseau en littératie émergente
#5665 Mentors’ Professional Learning Community
Wednesday November 18, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Tuesday December 1, 2015
Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Location: ASCY
Location: ASCY
Assistez à ce réseau pour apprendre d'autres pratiques d'excellence
dans la programmation en alphabétisation.
Facilitated by: Evette Sauriol
Cost: $10.00 Members
$15.00 Non-Members
This opportunity is suited to anyone in a leadership capacity who is mentoring others in the implementation of play-based learning (emergent
curriculum), building on the four foundations and principles of Ontario’s
pedagogy frameworks. This professional learning community provides a
safe environment of critical inquiry where mentors can share their successes and challenges, co-construct knowledge, reflect on assumptions
and beliefs about their role as a pedagogical leader. The dialogue will be
guided by the experiences and interests of the group.
Facilitated by: Tracey Webster
Cost: FREE but registration is required
#5666 Emergent Approach Learning Community
Thursday November 19, 2015
Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: TBA
The Emergent Approach is a community of learners that meets regularly
in community programs. Participants have the opportunity to tour the
host settings, exchange ideas and engage in reflective dialogue around
Facilitated by: Andrea Topic
Cost: FREE but registration is required
ASCY’s Winter PL In-person Registration is on
Wednesday November 25th, 2015
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
#5681 Family Child Care Training Program – Level Three
Wednesday December 2, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: ASCY
Session #5– Inclusion
This level consists of 12 sessions. If space allows, you may register for
individual workshops. A certificate will be issued to those who attend all
12. Please see www.ascy.ca for flyer.
Facilitated by: Antonella Zezza
Cost: $10.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
# 5653 Supervisors’ Learning Community
Wednesday December 9, 2015
Time: 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm
#5661 Infants’ & Toddlers’ Learning Community
Tuesday December 15, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: Peoples Church Hamilton
Location: ASCY
An opportunity for supervisors to network with peers and discuss current
trends and issues in early learning and care in our community. An
agenda with community updates and topics will be e-mailed one week
prior to the Network. The half-hour between 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 pm is
optional. You are invited to bring your lunch for a half-hour of informal
networking. A detailed agenda will be emailed out a week prior.
Location Address: 510 Mohawk Road West, Hamilton
Facilitated by: Tracey Webster
Cost: FREE but registration is required
Come and join our learning community where we can share and discuss
specific topics. We will explore and network together various issues surrounding child development, current trends and issues in our field of
Early Childhood as well as articles and DVDs. Please provide email address when registering as sessions may be hosted at various sites and
may feature a site tour.
Facilitated by: Lisa Bellardini
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
#5674 School-Age Learning Community
Thursday December 10, 2015
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location: ASCY
This Learning Community provides opportunities for educators working
in school-aged programs, including before-and-after school and extended-day programs, to come together in order to learn and support
members of a similar community of learners. In supporting an inquirybased approach to learning, session topics will emerge based upon participant request and feedback.
Facilitated by: Lisa Bellardini
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
#5662 Pathways to Excellence: How to Ensure High Standards in Your
Friday December 11, 2015
Time: 9:30 am to 11:30 am
Location: ASCY
The pursuit of excellence suggests that it is never truly captured but
that when you arrive there you discover the desire and often need to
raise the bar again. Great leaders know to get a lot you need to be bold
enough to ask for it. High standards are an expectation but they require
diligence, commitment and discipline. Discover how you can see your
program and centre be a real leader and one in which you and your
team can be proud.
Facilitated by: Michael Lewis
Cost: $25.00 Members $30.00 Non-Members
Look for the stream that is right for you!
- Raising the Bar (Professional Learning for Quality)
Ο − Registered Early Childhood Educators, Home Child Care Providers, Kindergarten Teachers, Extended-Day Program Staff, School-Age Staff, OEYC and
PFL Staff and any other Early Learning and Child Care Professionals
F - Supervisors, Managers, Home Child Care Consultants, Aspiring Leaders,
Mentors, Owners, Operators, Executive Directors, Board Members of Early
Learning and Child Care organizations.
Phone number(s):
Check ALL applicable:
Member ( )
Non-Member (
Org Member (
Please remember our Policy states:
There are no refunds or credit notes issued for workshops you do not attend. Organizational members will be charged if
a registered participant does not attend. If you call to cancel and we cannot fill your spot, you will be charged.
Workshop ID#
Workshop Title
Make cheques payable to: ASCY
CHEQUE TOTAL: ____________________________
Mailing Address: ASCY - PL Registration, 526 Upper Paradise Road Unit A, Hamilton, Ontario, L9C 5E3.
Call: 905-574-6876 ext 229
E-Mail: ascy@ascy.ca
Fax: 905-574-8843
ASCY Professional Learning Fall 2015
Registration Policy
We would like to thank all members and workshop participants for their patience during the registration process. We
value ALL the feedback and although we recognize that everyone’s needs cannot possibly be met, we will continue to
review the process and implement any necessary changes.
On Wednesday August 19th, 2015 @ 6:30 PM registration and payment will be accepted on an in-person basis
only. Staff of Organizational memberships may register and charge on an in-person basis only. Note: Only 2 staff
members from each centre will be permitted to register per workshop at this time.
At 6:30 PM, a staff member will accept completed registration forms with payment and number them according to
your position in line. Registrations will be entered into the system according to the number. Only those people who
did not get into their requested workshops will be contacted re: wait list.
On Thursday August 20th, 2015 @ 9:00 AM, phone, email, on-line and fax registrations for no-charge and organizational registrations to be charged will be accepted. In-person registrations will be taken during Library hours
Registrations from centres will be limited to 2 participants. If a centre is interested in a specific training for 8 or
more staff, please call and request an Outreach presentation.
PL registration is limited to those who live and/or work in the City of Hamilton. Out-of-area clients will be placed on
a waiting list and contacted if all spaces in the workshop are not filled.
If there are spaces available after Tuesday September 15th, 2015, registration will be open allowing for additional
staff from centres.
The following registration policies remain in place:
• A waiting list will be maintained for workshops that are full.
• If you are unable to attend a workshop, call to cancel your spot as soon as possible. There are often many people on
the waiting list. If your spot is filled by someone else, a credit note will be issued for the workshop charge.
• There are no refunds or credit notes issued for PL workshops that you do not attend.
• Organizational members will be charged if a participant has registered and does not attend.
• As always, it is expected that all participants will behave in a professional manner while at ASCY.
The Professional Learning fees cover: equipment, presentation prep and delivery, administration fees, presenter fees,
materials, handouts and facility costs when applicable.
No registrations will be taken prior to our “in-person” registration date.
Phone, mail and e-mail registrations will be processed after 9 a.m. on the next business day following
our “in-person” registration.