Quarter 2 Lessons - Youngstown City Schools


Quarter 2 Lessons - Youngstown City Schools
8th Grade - Grading Period 2 Overview
Ohio's New Learning Standards
The composition and properties of Earth's interior are identified by the behavior of seismic waves.
Earth's Crust consists of major and minor tectonic plates that move relative to each other. (8.ESS.2)
A combination of constructive and destructive geologic processes formed Earth's surface. (8.ESS.3)
Evidence of the dynamic changes of Earth's surface through time is found in the geologic record.
Clear Learning Targets
"I can"
____ compare and contrast the speed and movement of different seismic waves.
____ evaluate seismic data and relate it to how scientists have determined the layers of Earth's interior.
____model and explain how S and P waves move through the earth.
____ describe various historical theories and data evidence that have led to the present-day Plate
Tectonic Theory
____ describe Wegener's Theory of Continental Drift.
____ model and explain the process of sea-floor spreading.
____ model and explain how convection currents in the mantle cause the movement of tectonic plates.
____ describe the movement and interaction of the 3 primary types of plate boundaries (convergent,
____ use a boundary map to explain various plate interactions around the world.
divergent, transform).
10. ____ explain the resulting geologic effects of plate boundary movement and interaction.
11. ____ identify specific geologic events and features around the world and explain how plate movement
or interaction is responsible for such events.
12. ____ identify various landforms on a map (i.e. mountains, valleys, ridges, plateaus, depressions)
13. ____ use maps to determine what caused constructive and destructive features.
14. ____ compare maps of various locations to identify differences in landforms.
15. ____ construct a model of a beach that is experiencing erosion and deposition
16. ____ design an experiment to test the best method to reduce erosion
17. ____describe the conditions and constructive/destructive processes that form various landforms.
18. ____explain how plate tectonics acts as constructive and destructive processes that can cause
changes in earth's surface.
19. ____ investigate virtual dig sites using various methods in order to determine relative and absolute ages
of rock layers.
20. ____interpret index fossils and radiometric dating results to explain the law of superposition
21. ____ interpret and understand past environments by developing and using ice core models
8th Grade - Grading Period 2 Overview
Essential Vocabulary/Concepts
Inner Core
Outer Core
P w a ve
S w a ve
Seismic Waves
Continental Drift
Convection Currents
Hawaiian Islands
Mariana Trench
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
New Madrid Fault System
Plate Boundaries
Plate Tectonic Theory
Ring of Fire
San Andreas Fault
Sea-Floor Spreading
Constructive Processes
Contour Lines •
Destructive Processes
Geological Processes
Glaciers •
Plate Tectonics
Topographic, Physical, Arial Maps
Absolute Age
Fossil Evidence
Geologic Record •
Geologic Time
Ice Core Sampling
Index Fossils
Law of Superposition
Radiometric Dating •
Relative Age
8th Grade Science Unit:
Earthly Waves
Unit Snapshot
Topic: Physical Earth
Grade Level: 8
9 days
The following activities allow students to experience the differences of speeds at
which S and P seismic waves travel through the earth which demonstrates
how scientists have determined the different layers of the Earth.
Clear Learning Targets
"I can"statements
____ compare and contrast the speed and movement of different seismic waves.
____ evaluate seismic data and relate it to how scientists have determined the
layers of Earth's interior.
____model and explain how S and P waves move through the earth.
Activity Highlights and Suggested Timeframe
Day 1
Days 2-3
Day 4
Engagement: Teacher prompts students with questions about earth's interior.
Students examine and theorize how to determine what is inside a mystery cup
which relates to how scientists understand and study Earth's interior.
Exploration: The objective of this activity is to give students the opportunity to
investigate the reflection and refraction of seismic waves. Students will observe an online
earthquake simulation.
Explanation: Students will utilize the textbook to research the answers to their
questions from the engagement activity..
Day 5-7
Elaboration: Students will use seismic wave data to determine the depth range of
each layer of Earth and well as provide evidence to support the claims of other
Day 8
and on-going
Evaluation: The objective of the assessments is to focus on and assess student
knowledge and growth to gain evidence of student learning or progress
throughout the lesson, and to become aware of students misconceptions related
to the seismic waves and the layers of Earth's interior. A teacher-created shortcycle assessment can be used to assess all learning targets (Day 8)
Day 9
Extension/Intervention: Based on the results of the short-cycle assessment,
facilitate extension and/or intervention activities.
8.ESS.1B - The composition and properties of Earth's interior are identified by the behavior of
seismic waves.
The refraction and reflection of seismic waves as they move through one type of material to another
is used to differentiate the layers of Earth's interior. Earth has an inner and outer core, an upper and lower mantle,
and a crust.
Note: The thicknesses of each layer of Earth can vary and be transitional, rather than uniform and distinct as often
depicted in textbooks.
During the years of grades K-12, all students must use the following scientific inquiry and application practices with appropriate
laboratory safety techniques to construct their knowledge and understanding in all science content areas:
Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering) that guide scientific
• Developing descriptions, models, explanations and predictions.
• Planning and carrying out investigations
• Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)that conclude
scientific investigations
• Using appropriate mathematics, tools, and techniques to gather data/information, and analyze and
interpret data
• Engaging in argument from evidence
• Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating scientific procedures and explanations
*These practices are a combination of ODE Science Inquiry and Application and Framework for K-12
Science Education Scientific and Engineering Practices
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.3 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.7 Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with
a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.8 Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using
search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and
conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.
*For more information: http://www.corestandards.org/assets/CCSSI_ELA%20Standards.pdf
Prior Concepts
K-2: Properties of materials can change. Pushing and pulling can affect the motion of an object.
Grades 3-5: Forces change the motion of an object. Rocks have specific characteristics. Heat is a form of energy.
Energy can be conserved. Earth's surface has specific characteristics. Heat results when materials rub against each
other. Gravitational force and magnetism also are studied.
Grades 6-7: Rocks have characteristics that are related to the environment in which they form. Thermal
energy is a measure of the motion of the atoms and molecules in a substance. Energy can be
transformed, transferred and conserved. Thermal energy can be transferred through radiation, convection and
Future Application of Concepts
High School: Thermal energy, gravitational energy, radioactive decay and energy transfer are studied. In
the grades 11/12 Physical Geology course, further studies of plate tectonics, seismology and volcanism are found.
• Worksheet "Engage Mystery Cup"
• Mystery Cup (A paper or thin plastic cup with wax paper covering
the lid). The wax paper lid acts as a translucent viewing if it is held up to a
light source. A sphere "cup" would be ideal for students to translate the
conversation to earth's interior.
• Worksheet for online simulation "Explore Seismic Waves Online
• Projector and internet access for teacher
• "Mystery Cup Explained" handout
• Earth Science Textbook
Mapping Earth's Interior:
• Worksheets "Mapping Earth's Interior"
• Projector and internet access for teacher
What's Your Wave?:
• Large space indoors or outdoors preferred
• Clipboards
• Sidewalk chalk or masking tape to draw/label a model of Earth's
layers on the ground.
• Large Index cards numbered 1-15 to place around the circle
• Student Task Cards 1-20
• Student worksheet "What's Your Wave?"
(1 day)
(What will draw students into the
learning? How will you determine
what your students already know
about the topic? What can be
done at this point to identify and
address misconceptions? Where
can connections be made to the
real world?)
P w ave
S w a ve
Seismic Waves
Inner Core
Outer Core
All Safety and Laboratory Procedures/Rules apply.
Gather materials for laboratory investigations
Copy student worksheets and articles
Create one or more mystery boxes with an object inside. Preview
online simulation.
If completing the Earthquake walk outside, plan ahead and check the weather
forecast. If completing the activity inside, identify and reserve the space.
Teacher needs to mark the area that students will be using for the
activity. See activity page.
Objective: The objective of this activity is to engage students and assess
student knowledge related to the study of Earth's interior through a
mystery box activity.
What is the teacher doing?
Mystery Cup (Day 1)
• Preparation prior to activity:
Mystery Cup (A paper or thin
plastic cup with wax paper
covering the lid). The wax paper
lid acts as a translucent viewing if it
is held up to a light source. A sphere
"cup" would be ideal for
students to translate the
conversation to earth's interior.
What are the students doing?
Mystery Cup (Day 1)
Distribute entrance ticket to
Read the questions aloud to
t hem .
Prompt students to share and
explain their conjectures.
Show students the Mystery Cup.
Have students hypothesis how
we can figure out what is inside
of it without shaking it, cutting it
open, or disturbing it in any way.
(Expected answers include using
some type of tool (i.e. X-ray.)
Discuss with students how they
think scientists know what is
inside the earth.
This activity should be used as a
formative assessment for the
teacher to collect
misconceptions and also assess prior
Students examine the
mystery cup from afar and
determine how they could
discover what is inside of it
without disturbing it.
4. Students transfer their ideas
about the mystery cup to the
earth and how scientists
know what is inside the earth.
Students answer questions on
the "Engage Mystery Cup"
student handout.
They share their ideas and
are involved in a class
Objective: The objective of this activity is to get students to visualize how S and
P waves move and create earthquakes as well as guide scientists
into understanding what is inside the earth using an on-line
What is the teacher doing?
(2 days)
(How will the concept be
developed? How is this relevant to
students' lives? What can be
done at this point to identify and
address misconceptions?)
Refraction and Reflection of Seismic
Waves (Days 2-3)
Day 2 Online Simulation:
• See Teacher Page
• Project the online simulation
on a projector or SMARTBoard in
the front of your classroom.
• Lead students through the
simulation, discussing what is
going on in the diagram.
• The webpage is interactive; if
you have a SMARTBoard you
may consider having students
volunteer to move labels to
corresponding areas of
diagram during interactive
class discussion.
• Stop and discuss worksheet
questions as you go through
• Pull out the mystery cup and
relate it to the simulation.
What are the students doing?
Refraction and Reflection of Seismic
Waves (Days 2-3)
Day 2 Online Simulation:
1. Actively engaged in simulation
on board and class discussion
2. Asking clarifying questions
3. Filling out corresponding
4. Relating the simulation to the
mystery cup and to what they
already know about the layers of
the Earth.
Day 3 Online Simulation:
• See Teacher Page
• This activity can be completed
as a class with the teacher as
the facilitator, or
individual/partner work if
laptops, Ipads, or computer lab
is available.
• Project the same on-line
simulation on to the board as
day 2 or assist students in
finding the website if they are
using individual devices.
Day 3 Online Simulation:
1. Actively engaged in the online simulation on the
board/individual devices.
2. Students complete the
corresponding worksheet as a
guide and for assessment.
3. Students relate the simulation
to the mystery cup and to
what they already know about the
layers of the Earth.
Reference the Earth Science
Textbook if needed.
Objective: The objective of this activity is to cite contextual evidence from the
textbook and revisit student answers from the Engage section of the unit,
while also reviewing the layers of the earth.
(1 day)
(What products could the
students develop and share?
How will students share what they
have learned? What can be
done at this point to identify and
address misconceptions?)
What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?
Mystery Cup Explained (Day 4)
• Hand back student Engage
worksheets " Engage Mystery
• Have students revisit their
engage paper from the
• Walk around and clarify
questions/ misconceptions as
students answer questions.
• Handout "Mystery Cup
explained" and ensure that
students are citing the text
to support their answers.
• Ask students:
What ideas did you have
What ideas can you now
clarify with your new
knowledge from today?
• Students should be able to
relate a seismograph to the
study of earth's layers as the
tool they were discussing
during engage.
Mystery Cup Explained (Day 4)
• Complete a close read with
the "Mystery Cup explained"
• Actively reading text from the
Science Textbook
• Answering questions with fullsentences using data and
information gained from the
• Thinking back to their answers
from yesterday and
clarifying/correcting their
Objective: Students will use seismic wave data to determine the depth range
of each layer of Earth and well as provide evidence to support the
claims of other seismologists. As a summative assessment and/or
reinforcement, students will model the movement of seismic waves going
through the earth.
What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?
Mapping Earth's Interior (Days 5-6)
• TEACHER BACKGROUND Consider watching the
following video tutorial from
Khan Academy for
background information
related to S and P waves and the
composition of the Earth.
Mapping Earth's Interior (Days 5-6)
(3 days)
(How will the new knowledge be
reinforced, transferred to new
and unique situations, or
integrated with related
Show the Discovery Ed
videoclip: Inside our Planet
1. Students watch the video clip
and write down any questions that
they have.
Facilitate a read-aloud of
page 1 of the student
2. Students are engaged in
reading Page 1 of the student
Assist students with graphing of
S and P wave data and
answering questions using their
3. Students graph P and S wave
data using provided graph
4. Students use their graph to
respond to questions on their
student handout.
Divide students into small
groups and assign one of the
provided Seismologist Claims.
Assist students with citing
evidence from their data and
graphs that support the claim.
Have each group share their
supporting evidence for each
What's your wave? (Day 7)
• Suggested - Reserve a large
space outside, the playground
is ideal as you can use
sidewalk chalk to draw a
model of Earth's Layers. If
outside space is not available,
5. In assigned groups, students
must cite evidence from their
graph that supports a claim.
6. Share with the class.
What's your wave? (Day 7)
the gym or a large open
classroom will also work.
If possible draw a circle or use
masking tape on the ground
large enough to fit a large class of
students around it.
Repeat to show the layers of
the Earth inside the large circle.
Place the index cards 1-20 in
numerical order around the outside
of the circle.
See Teacher Page
Divide students into pairs.
Distribute a Student
task/question card to each
student pair. It will tell them
what action they will be
responsible for and the
question that they will ask their
Distribute student worksheets
and clip boards(if available). •
Discuss the directions before
moving to the large open space.
Facilitate the activity by
directing each student pair to
perform their task on their card
one at a time, and then ask
their question.
Assist students as they fill out
their student sheet.
Follow-up with a class
discussion to assess student
1. Student pairs are given a task
card with a number on it, a
task, and a question.
2. Students stand around the
circle by their number.
3. As directed by the teacher,
each student performs his/her
task that is on the card. The
student then asks the question
on their card.
4. After each student asks his/her
question, the rest of the class
writes their answer on their
student sheet.
OPTIONAL Reinforcement:
• Earth Science Textbook EnrichDifferences in Arrival
Objective: The objective of the assessments is to focus on and assess student
knowledge and growth to gain evidence of student learning or progress
throughout the lesson, and to become aware of students misconceptions
related to the seismic waves and the layers of Earth's interior. A teachercreated short-cycle assessment can be used to assess all learning targets (Day
How will you measure learning as it occurs?
(What opportunities will students
have to express their thinking?
When will students reflect on
what they have learned? How
will you measure learning as it
occurs? What evidence of
student learning will you be
looking for and/or collecting?)
Consider developing a
formative assessment
1. The Mystery Cup activity can
used to formatively assess
student's prior knowledge related
to how scientists study Earth's
2. The Mystery Cup Explained and
Mapping Earth's Interior activities
can be used to assess student
knowledge related to how
scientists use seismographs and
seismic data to understand the
composition of the Earth.
1. Earth Science Textbook
Technology Lab: Design a
2. Earth Science Textbook
Laboratory Investigation:
Investigating the Speed of
Earthquake Waves (
What evidence of learning will demonstrate to
you that a student has met the learning
1. What's your Wave? Activity can
be used to assess knowledge of
seismic waves, the layers of the
earth, and how seismic waves are
used to study Earth's interior.
2. Teacher-created short cycle
assessment will assess all clear
learning targets.
1. www.Discoveryeducation.com
related videos
2. Earth Science Textbook Earth's
Interior Guided Reading and
3. Earth Science Textbook Earth's
Interior Review and Reinforce
3. How do Seismic Waves Travel
Through Earth?
(1 day or as needed)
3. Write a narrative from the
perspective of a P wave or S
wave going through the
various layers of the earth.
Strategies to address misconceptions:
• Earth's interior is hollow
• Earth's interior is one solid mass
• All earth's layers are solid materials.
• All seismic waves travel through all materials
• All seismic waves travel in straight lines
• Scientists have been able to study the layers of the Earth, by digging
deep into the Earth and taking samples of materials.
Misconceptions can be addressed through the use of
www.discoveryeducation.com video clips, pictures/diagrams
Earth's layers, as well as through the use of models.
of seismic waves and
Lower-level: Provide additional text resources (tradebooks, articles) that are
appropriate for the reading level of the student. For the
Investigation Labs consider mixed grouping strategies. Integrate
www.unitedstreaming.com videos into instruction.
Higher-Level: Consider having students create their own tasks and questions for
the What's Your Wave? Activity. Consider assigning extension
Strategies for meeting the needs of all learners including gifted students, English
Language Learners (ELL) and students with disabilities can be found at ODE.
Textbook Resources:
Science Textbook:
Holt Series
• The USGS provides seismic data for all 50 states, including real-time
data, at:
• http://geophysics.ou.edu/solid_earth/notes/seismology/seismo_interior/
• http://www.visionlearning.com/library/module_viewer.php?mid=69
• Annenberg Learner - Earth and Space Science Session 3:
• P and S Wave Animation:
Discovery Ed/Other Video Links:
• Inside our Planet [6:59]
• Types of Waves [1:15]
• Seismology [3:38]
• The Earth's Interior [3:33]
• Teacher Background:
• Gallant, Roy. (2003). Exploring Earth's Interior. New York: Benchmark
• West, Krista, (2009). Layers of the Earth. New York: Chelsea House.
• Mathez, Edmond A. (2001). Earth: Inside and Out. New York: New Press.
Name:_________________________________________________ Date:___________ Period:__________
Engage Mystery Cup
Expectations: Try to answer all questions. Getting the correct answer is not necessary.
I want to know what you know. Write in Full-Sentences.
1. What methods do you think scientists could use to discovery what is
inside the Earth? ____________________________________________________
2. What do you think is inside the Earth? Why do you think that?
3. Observe Mystery Cup - The mystery cup is a lot like the Earth. We cannot shake it, we
cannot cut it open, and we cannot disturb it. How could we find out what is inside of it?
Brainstorm ideas.
4. Why haven't scientists been able to journey to the center of the Earth? Be detailed.
Reflection and Refraction of Seismic Waves - TEACHER PAGE
(Day 1 of 2)
Use the on-line simulations on the following website:
1. Read the information to the class about Seismic Waves, or allow students to read to
2. See simulation directions below.Using the Mighty Wave Maker simulator, show the
movement of both S waves (transverse waves - up and down) and P Waves
(longitudinal waves - forward and back). *Students may be familiar with this topic, as waves
are included in the 7th grade physical science standards.
3. Students answer the following questions during the simulation manipulation.
P Waves
1) P waves (pressure or primary waves) travel as a region of compression. How would this
appear? Using the simulation make the green dots move left and right. Observe what
happens to the distance between the dots. During compression, the dots move:
A) closer together
B) further apart.
2) This wave is similar to the way _______________________ travel through air.
A) sound
B) light waves
3) As a P wave travels, the green dots vibrate back and forth __________ to the direction of
wave travel.
A) parallel
B) perpendicular
P waves are the fastest kind of seismic wave. A longitudinal P wave has the ability to move
through solid rock and fluid rock, like water or the semi-liquid layers of the earth. It pushes and
pulls the rock it moves through in the same way sound waves push and pull the air.
Have you ever heard a big clap of thunder and heard the windows rattle at the same time?
The windows rattle because sound waves push and pull on the glass much like P
waves push and pull on rock. Sometimes animals can hear the P waves of an earthquake, but
usually humans only feel the "bump" of these waves.
S Waves
4) S waves (shear waves) travel like vibrations in a bowl of Jello. How would this appear? Using
the diagram above, make the green dots move up and down.
A) Does the distance between the green dots change,
B) Is the rectangular shape between the dots distorted?
5) The movement of the green dots is ______________ to the direction of the wave travel. As an
S wave travels, the material is distorted but the green dots do not compress (the space
between them pretty much stays the same.)
A) parallel
B) perpendicular
S waves are the second wave you feel in an earthquake. An S wave is slower than a P wave and
only moves through solid rock. This wave moves rock up and down, or side-to-side.
Because P waves are compression waves, they can move through a liquid. However, S waves
cannot move through a liquid. This is because a liquid is not rigid enough to transmit an S
wave. S waves travel more slowly than P waves and, again, S waves cannot travel through a liquid.
So how can scientists use this information about wave travel to determine the internal structure
of planet Earth? P and S waves, which are usually generated by earthquakes, volcanoes, or
large objects like meteors hitting the earth, can also be produced by man using explosives or other
large machinery. Scientists have used this method to gather evidence about the Earth's
internal structure. You need just a tiny bit more information regarding this, and then you can try
it out for yourself!
Name:_________________________________________________ Date:___________ Period:__________
Explore Seismic Waves - Online Simulation
Define P waves: __________________________________________________________________________
Define S waves: __________________________________________________________________________
Color of P wave in simulation :__________
Color of S waves in simulation:__________
As a class, experiment with the four seismograph locations to answer the following questions.
1. What type of wave travels the farthest?
A. P wave
B. S wave
2. What type of wave is bent (refracted)? ____________________
3. Guessing from the behavior of the waves shown here, how many layers of the Earth's
interior are there? What observations lead you to your choice?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4 or more
4. Label the following layers of the earth on the diagram to the right:
Inner Core Liquid
5. Observe the simulation. What type of wave goes through the earth's center (core)?
6. P waves do not go through solids. P waves do not go through the earth's core. This
indicated the earth's core is a ________________.
7. Do you think that density would increase or decrease the closer a molecule or particle
gets to the center of the earth?
A. Increase
B. Decrease
8. Do you think that pressure would increase or decrease the closer a molecule or particle
gets to the center of earth?
A. Increase
B. Decrease
9. Do you think the temperature would increase or decrease the closer a molecule or
particle gets to the center of the earth?
A. Increase
B. Decrease
10. Mantle: Would you expect the density of the mantle to be greater or less than the density
of the core? Explain your answer using S and P waves.
11. Would you suspect the density of the mantle to be greater or less than the crust? Why?
12. Do P waves travel through the mantle? ____ Do S waves travel through the mantle? ____
13. Do you think the mantle is a solid or a liquid? __________________________________________
14. Would you expect the crust to be less dense or have a greater density than the mantle?
A. Crust is less dense than mantle
B. Crust has a greater density than mantle
15. What is the crust's average density? ___________ units ________
What is the mantle's average density? _________ units ________
Date:___________ Period:__________
Explore Seismic Waves Online Simulation
Define P waves: P waves are the fastest seismic waves. A longitudinal earthquake wave that
travels through the interior of the earth.
Define S waves: S waves are transverse shear waves. They cause side-to-side motion
perpendicular to their direction of travel.
Color of P wave in simulation : Pink
Color of S waves in simulation: Red
As a class experiment with the four seismograph locations to answer the following questions.
1. What type of wave travels the farthest?
A. P wave
B. S wave
2. What type of wave is bent (refracted)? _____Both_______________
3. Guessing from the behavior of the waves shown here, how many layers of the Earth's
interior are there? What observations lead you to your choice?
A. 1
Can see a pattern of 3 types of wave behavior making 3 concentric
B. 2
circles. These are the inner core, outer core and mantle.
C. 3
D. 4 or more
4. Label the following layers of the earth on the diagram to the right:
Inner Core Liquid
5. Observe the simulation. What type of wave goes through the earth's center (core)?
6. P waves do not go through solids. P waves do not go through the earth's core. This
indicated the earth's core is a Solid.
7. Do you think that density would increase or decrease the closer a molecule or particle
gets to the center of the earth?
A. Increase
B. Decrease
8. Do you think that pressure would increase or decrease the closer a molecule or particle
gets to the center of earth?
A. Increase
B. Decrease
9. Do you think the temperature would increase or decrease the closer a molecule or
particle gets to the center of the earth?
A. Increase
B. Decrease
10. Mantle: Would you expect the density of the mantle to be greater or less than the density
of the core? Explain your answer using S and P waves. I would expect the mantle to be less
dense than the inner core because P waves do go through it so it is a liquid. Liquids are less
dense than solids. The mantle is floating on the inner core because it is less dense.
11. Would you suspect the density of the mantle to be greater or less than the crust? Why?
The mantle is denser than the crust because as you get closer to the inner core gravity
12. Do P waves travel through the mantle? yes Do S waves travel through the mantle? yes
13. Do you think the mantle is a solid or a liquid? Liquid (Plastic)
14. Would you expect the crust to be less dense or have a greater density than the mantle?
A. crust is less dense than mantle
B. Crust has a greater density than mantle
15. What is the crust's average density? 2.5-3.5
units g/cm3
What is the mantle's average density? 2.5-5.8 units g/cm3
Name:_________________________________________________ Date:___________ Period:__________
"Mystery Cup" Explained
Close Reading Expectations: Use the Earth Science textbook to answer the following
questions. Cite specific text to support your answer. Write in Full-Sentences.
1. What methods do scientists use to discover what is inside the
Earth?(pp. 124-26)___________________________________________________
2. What is inside the Earth? Why do scientists think that? (pp.128-130)
3. Hold the mystery cup up to a strong light source. Can you see more of what's inside? If a
heat source was inside the cup, how do you think your observations would change?
4. Why haven't scientists been able to journey to the center of the Earth? Cite the textbook
examples or an analogy (p.127)
Mapping Earth's Interior - TEACHER PAGE
Consider watching the following video tutorial from Khan Academy for background
information related to using S and P waves to understand the composition of the
Earth. http://www.khanacademy.org/science/cosmology-and-astronomy/earthhistory-topic/plate-techtonics/v/how-we-know-about-the-earth-s-core
Background Information:
Seismic reflection: Seismic waves bounce (reflect) off rock boundaries of different rock type,
and their travel times are recorded on a seismogram. The seismogram records the time it
took for the waves to travel to the boundary, reflect off of it and return to the surface.
Seismologists can measure the time this takes and calculate the depth to the boundary.
Seismic waves reflect off of a rock boundary in the earth and return to a seismograph station
on the surface.
Seismic refraction: Waves change velocity and direction (refract) when they enter a
medium of different density than the one they just passed through.
Seismic Waves will travel at different speeds depending on the medium or materials through
which the wave is traveling. Examples:
Low-velocity layer: Seismic wave travels slow. Example: Granite Highvelocity layer: Seismic wave travels fast. Example: Gabbro
Research from seismic reflection and refraction has led to important discoveries such as:
1. There are four main layers of the Earth: The crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core.
2. The continental crust is thicker than oceanic crust and seismic waves travel slower in the
continental crust meaning that they are made up of different kinds of rock
3. There is a distinct boundary between the crust and the mantle called the Mohorovicic
discontinuity, or, simply, the Moho. At this boundary, seismic waves are refracted. This is
supported through seismic data in which wave speed changes at the boundaries
between layers.
4. There is a layer within the mantle up to 70 km thick beneath the ocean and up to 250 km
thick beneath the continents where waves travel slower than in more shallow layers. This
layer is called the low-velocity zone, and scientists have concluded that this zone is at
least partially liquid. In plate-tectonic theory, it is called the asthenosphere, which is the
semi-molten region of the earths' interior just below the earth's rigid crust that allows for tectonic
plate movement.
5. P-waves can pass through the outer core but S-waves cannot since S-waves only travel
through solids. The outer core is a molten liquid.
S-waves cannot travel through liquids because they are shear waves, which attempt to change
the shape of what they pass through. Simply put, a liquid "doesn’t care"
what shape it's in—for example, you can empty a bottle
of water into an empty box, and it will change shape with
the shape of container. Liquids cannot support shear stresses, so shearing has no effect on them.
Therefore, a liquid will not propagate shears waves.
6. Both P- and S-waves slow down when they reach the asthenosphere. Because of this,
scientists know that the asthenosphere is partially liquid
7. Changes in velocity (km/s) of P- and S-waves allow seismologists to identify
the locations of boundaries within the earth such as the Mohorovicic boundary
core. near the earth's surface and the boundary between the mantle and outer
Mapping Earth's Interior
Earthquakes happen when large parts of the Earth's crust and upper mantle move suddenly.
It is difficult to predict exactly when and where an earthquake will happen, even when a lot of data
is available.
Earthquakes produce shockwaves called seismic waves. These waves can be detected
using seismographs. Some seismic waves are surface waves, while others can travel through
the Earth. The table shows the properties of the two types of seismic wave that can travel
through the Earth.
P waves
S waves
Type of wave
Relative speed
What can they travel through? solids and liquids solids only
Seismic reflection: Seismic waves bounce (reflect) off
rock boundaries of different rock type,
and their travel times are recorded by a seismograph.
The seismogram records the time it takes for the waves to
travel to the boundary, reflect off of it, and return to
the surface. Seismologists can measure the time this
takes and calculate the depth to the boundary.
Seismic waves reflect off of a rock boundary in the earth
and return to a seismograph station on the surface.
Seismic refraction: Waves change speed and direction (refract) when they enter a medium
of different density than the one they just passed through.
Seismic Waves will travel at different speeds depending
on the medium or materials through which the wave is
traveling. Examples:
Low-speed layer: Seismic wave travels slow.
Example: Granite
High-velocity layer: Seismic wave travels fast.
Example: Gabbro
Fellow Seismologists - We have just received data from the field. It is your job to
analyze the data and determine the depth of the layers of the Earth. Also, there have
been claims made by other seismologists. We need you to provide evidence that
supports these claims. Good Luck!
1. Based on the given data, create a double line graph showing the relationship between
P-wave speed/S-wave speed and depth within the Earth.
2. Determine the depth range for each layer of earth.
3. Analyze data and provide evidence that supports the claims of other seismologists.
Seismic Wave Data
Wave Type
Wave Type
Mapping Earth's Interior - Data Analysis
We know that seismic waves move at various speeds depending on the material
through which the wave is traveling. Therefore, we can determine where there may be a
change in material (layer) based on the data and your graph.
1. Develop a way to label your graph to show the depth boundaries of each of
Earth's layers .
2. What is the crust's approximate depth range (km)?
From ______________km to ______________km
What is the mantle's approximate depth range (km)?
From ______________km to ______________km
What is the Outer Core's approximate depth range (km)?
From ______________km to ______________km
What is the Inner Core's approximate depth range (km)?
From ______________km to ______________km
OPTIONAL: Use the information above to draw a scale model of the Earth and
each of its layers.
Based on your graphs, answer the following questions:
3. As it relates to wave speed, what are the similarities between the S and P waves
based on your graph?
4. As it relates to wave speed, what are the differences between the S and P
waves based on your graph?
The following claims have been made by seismologists. In your assigned group, cite
evidence from your graph that supports each claim. Present your evidence to the class
and explain how the evidence supports the claim.
S waves can only travel through solids.
P waves can travel through all materials.
There are 4 main layers that make up earth's interior.
S waves and P waves travel at different speeds.
Seismic waves travel at different speeds depending on
the material through which they are traveling.
The outer core is made of a liquid.
Seismic waves travel faster through solids than liquids.
Note: The S-waves portion of the
data and graph in relation to the
Inner Core has been omitted for this
lesson, as details concerning this
phenomena are not appropriate at
this level.
Name______TEACHER ANSWER KEY________Date________________________Period_______
Mapping Earth's Interior - Data Analysis
We know that seismic waves move at various speeds depending on the material
through which the wave is traveling. Therefore, we can determine where there may be a
change in material (layer) based on the data and your graph.
1. Develop a way to label your graph to show the depth boundaries of each of
Earth's layers . (see previous page)
2. What is the crust's approximate depth range(km)?
From __0___km to ____50___km
What is the mantle's approximate depth range(km)?
From ____50_____km to ____2900______km
What is the Outer Core's approximate depth range(km)?
From ___2900_____km to ____5200____km
What is the Inner Core's approximate depth range(km)?
From ___5200_____km to ___6400_____km
OPTIONAL: Use the information above to draw a scale model of the Earth and
each of its layers.
Based on your graphs, answer the following questions:
3. As it relates to wave speed, what are the similarities between the S and P waves
based on your graph?
S and P waves both change speed when coming in contact with a new
layer of material.
4. As it relates to wave speed, what are the differences between the S and P
waves based on your graph?
S waves move slower than P waves
Name___TEACHER ANSWER KEY_____Date__________________________Period_________
The following claims have been made by seismologists. In your assigned group, cite
evidence from your graph that supports each claim. Present your evidence to the class
and explain how the evidence supports the claim.
S waves can only travel through solids.
• The S waves on the graph stop(drop to a speed of 0 km/s) when they reach the
outer core, which we know to be solid.
P waves can travel through both solids and liquids.
• The P waves on the graph travel through all layers.
There are 4 main layers that make up earth's interior.
• Based on the P waves graph, there are 3 distinct points in which the speed
suddenly decreases showing a difference in material, and separating the 4 areas.
3 distinct points are: 50-100km; 2900 km; 5200km
S waves and P waves travel at different speeds.
• Based on the data and graphs, the S waves travel at a slower rate of speed than
the P waves at any depth.
Example: At a depth of 1000km, P waves are traveling at 11 km/s while S waves are
traveling at 6 km/s.
Seismic waves travel at different speeds depending on
the material through which they are traveling.
• Based on the graph, when a wave passes from one layer to another there is a
dramatic change in speed.
Example: When P waves travel from the mantle(solid)to the outer core(liquid), the
speed decrease from 14 km/s to 8 km/s.
The outer core is made of a liquid.
• Since we know that S waves do not travel through solids, and the graph shows that
S waves drop to 0 km/s(stop) when traveling from the mantle into the outer core, we
can conclude that the outer core is made of liquid.
Seismic waves travel faster through solids than liquids.
• Based on the P waves graph, the P waves travel at a faster speed while moving
through the mantle and inner core (both solids), while traveling slower through the outer
core (liquid).
What's Your Wave? - TEACHER PAGE
Reserve a large space outside, in the gym, or a large open classroom will also work
Draw with sidewalk chalk or use painters/masking tape on the ground and create a large
model of Earth's Layers. Label the layers A, B, C, and D as seen in the diagram below.
Using large index card tents, number them 1-20, and place evenly spaced along the
circumference of the Earth layers model.
Layer A
Layer B
Layer C
Layer B
Layer D
Layer B
Layer C
Layer B
Cut out and distribute student task cards to student pairs. One # to each pair.
Students should line up by their index card number.
Upon direction by the teacher, one student performs the assigned task from their card
and the other asks the corresponding question.
Other students observe the action by the student and answer the related question.
Answers are recorded on the student sheet.
Student Task Cards/Questions: Cut out and distribute one to each student pair
Task: Stand in Layer D
Task: Stand somewhere in Layer C
Question: What is the name of the Earth layer
that I'm standing in?
Question: What is the name of the Earth layer
that I'm standing in?
Task: Walk to the boundary line between
Layers B and C, and stop.
Question: I'm an S wave and I can't seem to
go any further. Why not?
Task: Stand in layer D
Question: Why is my layer underneath all
other layers?
Task: Jump up and down in place 3 times.
Question: I have just created an Earthquake.
What type of waves am I producing?
Task: Walk to #13 (only through layer B) in a
zigzag pattern
Task: Walk to the boundary line between
Layers B and C, then walk back to your
original position.
Question: I am an S wave. When I hit the outer
core, my movement reversed and I ended
back where I started. What is this movement
Task: Stand on Layer A
Question: What is the name of the Earth layer
that I'm standing in?
Question: What type of seismic wave am I?
Task: Run to #20
Question: What type of seismic wave am I?
Task: Stand in place
Question: If I were an S wave, identify a
location # that I might travel to.
Task: Stand somewhere in Layer B
Task: Jump up and down 3 times
Question: What is the name of the Earth layer
that I'm standing in?
Question: I am an earthquake that just
occurred in the North Pole. Could detectors in
the South Pole detect my S waves?
Task: Stand in Place
Task: Walk to the boundary line between
Layers B and C, then walk back to your
original position.
Question: I am a person that studies
earthquakes and the mechanical properties
of the earth. What am I called?
Task: Walk to the boundary line between
Layers B and C, then walk to #7.
Question: I am a P wave. But when I hit the
outer core, my direction shifted slightly. What
is this shift in direction called?
Task: Jump up and down 3 times.
Question: I am an earthquake that just
occurred in China. Could sensors on the
other side of the world in Argentina detect
my P waves?
Task: Stand in place.
Question: I am a detector that senses and
records S and P waves. What device am I?
Question: What type of seismic wave am I?
Task: Stand in layer A
Question: Why is my layer on top of all of the
other layers?
Task: Very slowly, walk to #3.
Question: What type of seismic wave am I?
Task: Run to #10
Question: What type of seismic wave am I?
What's your Wave? Answer Sheet
Summarize in your own words, how scientists use seismic data to understand earth's interior.
Name___TEACHER ANSWER KEY____Date____________________Period_________
What's your Wave? Answer Sheet
1. Inner Core
2. Outer Core
3. The inner core is made up of
liquid and S waves only travel
through solids
5. Seismic Waves
4. The inner core is made of solid
iron and is the most dense.
7. S Wave
8. Crust
9. P Wave
10. Any location between #4 and
12. No, I cannot travel through
the liquid inner core.
11. Mantle
6. Reflection
13. Seismologist
14. S Wave
15. Refraction
16. The crust is the least dense.
17. Yes
18. S Wave
19. Seismograph
20. P wave
Summarize in your own words, how scientists use Seismic Data to understand Earth's interior.
Answers will vary. An example answer:
Scientists analyze the direction, movement, and speed of S and P Waves as they move
through the Earth. They can then determine the depth at which each layer resides, the state
of matter, and composition of each layer.
8th Grade Science Unit:
History Helps When It Comes To Plate Tectonics
Unit Snapshot
Topic: Physical Earth
Grade Level: 8
10 days
The following activities engage students in historical contributions that have
led to current day perspectives related to the Theory of Plate Tectonics.
Students will also take a deeper look into the internal workings of Earth, in
order to understand the physical mechanism of convection that drives plate
Clear Learning Targets
"I can"statements
____ describe various historical theories and data evidence that have led to the
present-day Plate Tectonic Theory
____ describe Wegener's Theory of Continental Drift.
____ model and explain the process of sea-floor spreading.
____ model and explain how convection currents in the mantle cause the
movement of tectonic plates.
Activity Highlights and Suggested Timeframe
Days 1-2
Days 3-4
Days 5-6
Days 7-8
Day 9
and on-going
Day 10
Engagement: The objective of this activity is to engage students and assess
student knowledge related to historical data and ideas that have led to the
current-day Theory of Plate Tectonics through an on-line simulation
Exploration: The objective of this activity is to provide students with the
opportunity to explore Continental Drift Theory which has led to the current-day Theory of
Plate Tectonics through reading and textbook activities.
Explanation: The objective of this activity is to provide students with the
opportunity to explore Sea-Floor Spreading which has led to the current-day Theory of
Plate Tectonics through reading, modeling, and textbook activities.
Elaboration: The objective of the following activities is to give students the
opportunity to apply acquired knowledge in order to understand the physical
mechanism of convection that drives the movement of the plates.
Evaluation: The objective of the assessments is to focus on and assess student
knowledge and growth to gain evidence of student learning or progress
throughout the lesson, and to become aware of students misconceptions related
to historical theories and data related to Plate Tectonics. A teacher-created
short-cycle assessment can be used to assess all learning targets (Day 9)
Extension/Intervention: Based on the results of the short-cycle assessment,
facilitate extension and/or intervention activities.
8.ESS.2a -Earth's Crust consists of major and minor tectonic plates that move relative to
each other.
Historical data and observations such as fossil distribution, paleomagnetism, continental drift and seafloor spreading contributed to the theory of plate tectonics. The rigid tectonic plates move with the molten rock
and magma beneath them in the upper mantle.
Convection currents in the crust and upper mantle cause the movement of the plates. The energy
that forms convection currents comes from deep within the Earth.
During the years of grades K-12, all students must use the following scientific inquiry and application practices with appropriate
laboratory safety techniques to construct their knowledge and understanding in all science content areas:
Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering) that guide scientific
• Developing descriptions, models, explanations and predictions.
• Planning and carrying out investigations
• Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)that conclude
scientific investigations
• Using appropriate mathematics, tools, and techniques to gather data/information, and analyze and
interpret data
• Engaging in argument from evidence
• Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating scientific procedures and explanations
*These practices are a combination of ODE Science Inquiry and Application and Framework for K-12
Science Education Scientific and Engineering Practices
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.3 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.7 Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with
a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.8 Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using
search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and
conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.
*For more information: http://www.corestandards.org/assets/CCSSI_ELA%20Standards.pdf
Prior Concepts Related to Forces, Movement and Igneous Environments
K-2: Properties of materials can change. Pushing and pulling can affect the motion of an object.
Grades 3-5: Forces change the motion of an object. Rocks have specific characteristics. Heat is a form of energy.
Energy can be conserved. Earth's surface has specific characteristics. Heat results when materials rub against each
other. Gravitational force and magnetism also are studied.
Grades 6-7: Rocks have characteristics that are related to the environment in which they form. Thermal
energy is a measure of the motion of the atoms and molecules in a substance. Energy can be transformed,
transferred and conserved. Thermal energy can be transferred through radiation, convection and conduction.
Future Application of Concepts
High School: Thermal energy, gravitational energy, radioactive decay and energy transfer are studied. In the
grades 11/12 Physical Geology course, further studies of plate tectonics, seismology and volcanism are found.
• Computer/Projector/Internet; If possible - computer lab, laptops, or
• Simulation worksheets
• Computer/Project/Internet
• Earth Science Textbooks
• Student Textbook Worksheets
• Computer/Project/Internet
• Earth Science Textbooks
• Student Textbook Worksheets
• Earth Science Textbook
• 2 large glass jars - large canning jars work well or glass flasks
• Hot Plate/Pot to heat water
• Hot and Cold Water
• Red and Blue Food Coloring
• A spoon for stirring
• 2 Large index cards
• A tray to set the experiment in - large enough to hold any spilled
water from the jars.
• Student Copies of the Convection Demo Worksheet
• Students Textbook Worksheets
(2 days)
(What will draw students into the
learning? How will you determine
what your students already know
about the topic? What can be
done at this point to identify and
address misconceptions? Where
can connections be made to the
real world?)
Continental Drift
Convection Currents
Sea-Floor Spreading
Plate Tectonic Theory
• All Safety and Laboratory Procedures/Rules apply.
• Be careful when using heating elements to warm the water. • Glass
bottles can breaks if not handled carefully. • Hot glass looks the same as
cold glass.
• Gather materials for laboratory investigations/demonstrations
• Copy student worksheets and articles
• Reserve the computer lab/laptop cart if possible
Objective: The objective of this activity is to engage students and assess
student knowledge related to historical data and ideas that have led to the
current-day Theory of Plate Tectonics through an on-line simulation
What is the teacher doing?
Plate Tectonics Simulation (Days 1-2)
• Teachers Guide, Student Pages,
and Teacher Answer Key can all
be accessed through the
What are the students doing?
Plate Tectonics Simulation(Days 1-2)
Pre- activity: Matching
coastlines (10 - 15 minutes)
Using a classroom world map,
ask students to look closely at
the coastlines of Africa and
South America. Ask them what they
notice, and whether they
think that the fit of these
continents is just a coincidence or
something important.
1. Students are engaged in the
teacher led discussions about
matching coastlines.
Prior to using the sim (10 - 15
2. Students answer the priorminutes)
knowledge questions.
Before students are at the
3. As a class students complete the
computers, pass out the Student
Exploration sheets and ask
students to complete the Prior
Knowledge Questions. Discuss student
answers as a class, but do not provide
correct answers
at this point. Afterwards, if
possible, use a projector to
introduce the sim and
demonstrate its basic operations
using the sim Warm-up. Be
sure to demonstrate how to take
a screenshot and paste the
image into a blank document.
sim activities(10 - 15 minutes
4. Students complete sim
per activity)
activities A, B, and C either as a
Assign students to computers.
class, partners, or individuals.
Students can work individually or
in small groups. Ask students to
work through the activities in the
Student Exploration using the
sim. Encourage students to
paste screenshots of their results
into a document so they can compare
their work.
Alternatively, you can use a
projector and do the Exploration as a
teacher-led activity.
Follow-up with a discussion
about each activity.
Consider showing the following
Discovery Ed Video Clip if needed:
Pangaea: The History of the Continents
Objective: The objective of this activity is to provide students with the
opportunity to explore Continental Drift Theory which has led to the currentday Theory of Plate Tectonics through reading and textbook activities.
What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?
Wegener and Continental Drift Theory
(Days 3-4)
Wegener and Continental Drift Theory
(Days 3-4)
Show the following Discovery
Ed Video Clip if needed:
Continental Drift [2:21]
Drifting Continents
• Assist students with reading the
Earth Science Textbook
1. Students view the videoclip
and discuss any questions they
may have.
2. Students read
(2 days)
• OPTIONAL: Guided Reading
(How will the concept be
developed? How is this relevant to
students' lives? What can be done
at this point to identify and
address misconceptions?)
and Study: Drifting Continents
3. OPTIONAL: Complete the
guided reading and study
worksheet using Earth Science
Distribute the Analyzing
Evidence: Continental Drift
4. Students complete the
Analyzing Evidence:
Continental Drift
Consider for HW Earth
Science Textbook Enrich - The
Curious Case of Mesosaurus
Objective: The objective of this activity is to provide students with the
opportunity to explore Sea-Floor Spreading which has led to the
current-day Theory of Plate Tectonics through reading, modeling, and
textbook activities.
(2 days)
(What products could the
students develop and share?
How will students share what they
have learned? What can be
done at this point to identify and
address misconceptions?)
What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?
Sea-Floor Spreading (Days 5-6)
Sea-Floor Spreading (Days 5-6)
Consider showing the following
Discovery Ed Video Clips
The Sea Floor is Spreading
(Greatest Discoveries with Bill
Nye [4:01]
The Ocean Floor: Clues about
Continental Drift on Earth [2:40]
1. Students view the video clip
and discuss any questions they
may have.
2. Students read.
OPTIONAL: Guided Reading
and Study: Sea-Floor
OPTIONAL: Complete the
guided reading and study
worksheet using Earth Science
Facilitate Earth Science
Textbook Skills Lab: Modeling
Sea-floor Spreading (can be
found on pp.331-334 of the All- inone Teaching Resources Unit 1
3. Complete Skills Lab: Modeling
Sea-Floor Spreading.
Assist students with Review and
Reinforce: Sea-Floor Spreading
4. Students complete the Review
and Reinforce: Sea-Floor
Spreading Worksheet.
-Use Earth Science Textbook
Objective: The objective of the following activities is to give students the
opportunity to apply acquired knowledge in order to understand
the physical mechanism of convection that drives the movement of the
(2 days)
(How will the new knowledge be
reinforced, transferred to new
and unique situations, or
integrated with related
What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?
Convection Currents (Days 7-8)
Temperature and Density Demo
• Gather materials for the
• Use student volunteers to help
during the demonstration.
Consider showing the following
Discovery Ed Video Clip:
How the Inner Structure of Planet Earth
Affects Plate Tectonics [5:43]
Convection Currents (Days 7-8)
1. Students are engaged in the
temperature and density
2. Students complete aligned
Convection and the Mantle
• Assist students with Review and
Reinforce: Convection and the
What's Happening During
• Assist students with Enrich
3. Students view the Discovery Ed
video clip.
4. Students complete Earth
Science Textbook Review and
Reinforce activity.
5. Students complete Earth
Science Textbook Enrich
(What opportunities will students
have to express their thinking?
When will students reflect on
what they have learned? How
will you measure learning as it
occurs? What evidence of
student learning will you be
looking for and/or collecting?)
(1 day or as needed)
Distribute Exit Ticket.
Objective: The objective of the assessments is to focus on and assess student
knowledge and growth to gain evidence of student learning or progress
throughout the lesson, and to become aware of students misconceptions
related to historical theories and data related to Plate Tectonics. A teachercreated short-cycle assessment can be used to assess all learning targets(Day
How will you measure learning as it occurs?
Consider developing a
formative assessment
1. Sim can be used to assess
student's prior knowledge related
to the movement of plates on
Earth's surface.
2. Textbook activities can be used
to assess student knowledge
Earth Science Textbook
1. Laboratory Investigation:
Mapping a Future World
2. Drifting Continents - An
engineering activity:
3. Science News for Kids ArticleEarth's Big Breakup by:
Stephen Ornes.
6. Complete Exit Ticket.
What evidence of learning will demonstrate to
you that a student has met the learning
1. Teacher-created short cycle
assessment will assess all clear
learning targets.
Earth Science Textbook
1. Guided Reading and Study:
Convection and the mantle.
2. Skills Lab: Modeling Mantle
Convection Currents
3. Guided Reading and Study
Drifting Continents
4. Review and Reinforce Drifting
www.discoveryeducation.com related
video clips.
Only the continents move
The plates move at a fast rate
The plates used to move but currently have stopped moving
Weather patterns cause the plates to move
Plates only consist of continental crust
All geologic events are caused by plate movement
Present oceans only began as Pangaea broke apart - tied to general idea that
Pangaea was the original continent at the Earth's start (few
educational earth science films mention what came before Pangaea &
emphasis on Atlantic spreading leads to Pacific being overlooked).
The edge of a continent is the same thing as a plate boundary.
Strategies to address misconceptions:
• Misconceptions can be addressed through the use of
www.discoveryeducation.com video clips, pictures/diagrams, as well as
through the use of models.
• Misconceptions regarding Earth Science, including those dealing with
plate tectonics and Earth history, can be determined through a
professional "gallery walk." Discussing the conclusions and findings can be a very
useful way to determine possible misconceptions that exist for
the class and address them. Carleton College offers a gallery walk
website at
• The Journal of Geoscience Education contains an article (Visual Abilities
and Misconceptions about Plate Tectonics), Sept. 2005, outlining the
use of student drawings to identify misconceptions at
• NASA provides a list of overarching Earth Science questions that address
many of the common misconceptions at this grade level. There are
resources and information that help address questions that center on
Earth Systems Science at http://science.nasa.gov/big-questions/
• Misconceptions can be addressed through the teaching of
metacognition at "ah-ha" moments. A good resource for activities and
strategies that do this is "Strategies for Teaching Metacognition"
• Not all students have the same misconceptions, therefore "Think-PairShare" is an excellent peer strategy for challenging misconceptions.
Lower-level: Provide additional text resources (tradebooks, articles) that are
appropriate for the reading level of the student. For the
Investigation Labs consider mixed grouping strategies. Integrate
www.unitedstreaming.com videos into instruction.
Higher-Level: Consider having students create their own models to show
continental drift, sea-floor spreading, or convection. Consider
assigning extension activities.
Strategies for meeting the needs of all learners including gifted students, English
Language Learners (ELL) and students with disabilities can be found atODE.
Textbook Resources:
Grade 8 Textbooks: Holt Series
• USGS: http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/dynamic/dynamic.html
• PhET: http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/plate-tectonics
• Paleomap Project: http://www.scotese.com/
• http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/geology/tectonics.html
Discovery Ed/Other Video Links:
• Continents Adrift: An Introduction to Continental Drift and Plate
Tectonics [26:05]
• Greatest Discoveries with Bill Nye: Exploring the Earth [10:54]
• The Endless Voyage: Making the Pieces Fit [27:22]
• Stille, Darlene R. (2007). Plate Tectonics: Earth's Moving Crust.
Minneacpolis, Minnesota: Compass Point Books.
• Silverstein, Alvin. (2009). Plate Tectonics. Minneapolis: Twenty-First
Century Books.
• Hooper, Meredith. (2004). Island That Moved: How Shifting Forces Shape
Our Earth. New York: Viking Books.
• Saunders, Craig. (2011). What is the Theory of Plate Tectonics? New
York: Crabtree Publishers.
• How the Earth Was Made [ DVD]. Produced by Pioneer Productions for
the History Channel; Director, Peter Chin. Journey in time to the erupting
volcanoes that created Earth's crust, to the depths of the ocean that
housed the first complex creatures, through devastating ice ages, and finally to
the future, when life on Earth comes to an end.
Analyzing Evidence: Continental Drift
Is it Evidence?
Does it support
the idea
that the
have moved?
1858: Geologist Eduard Seuss points out that fossils of the
Glossopteris plant are found in southern Africa, South
America, Australia, Antarctica, and India.
Wegener examines the location of tiny rocks and the
direction of grooves formed by large glaciers scraping
across southern areas of Africa, South America, Australia,
Antarctica, and India. He concludes that if all these
places were fitted together, they would form a
continuous ice sheet expanding outward in all directions.
Frankfurt News, January 6, 1 912: Announcement that
German scientist Alfred Wegener will speak at the
Geological Association meeting.
Popular Geology magazine, March 12, 1912: "Continents
are so large they must always have been where they
Wegener observes that a South American mountain
range in Argentina lines up with an ancient African
mountain range in South Africa when the two continents are
placed together. He writes: "It is just as if we were to
refit the torn pieces of a newspaper by matching their
edges and then check whether the lines of print ran
smoothly across. If they do, there is nothing left but to
conclude that the pieces were in fact joined
in this way."
1927: Geologist Alexander du Toit observes rock layers on
the western coast of Africa in the following sequence: basalt
rock, shale containing fossil reptiles, coal layers
containing Glossopterisfossils, rocks containing
Mesosaurus fossils, and shale. He discovers an almost
identical sequence of rock layers on the eastern coast of South
1944: Geologist Baily Willis calls Wegener's theory a fairy
tale. He argues that the theory should be ignored.
1965: Geologist Edward Bullard uses computers to match
coasts of South America and Africa. They match
extremely well at an ocean depth of 1,000 meters.
1980s: Satellites and lasers are used to measure the
movement of continents. They continue to move at an
average of about 2 cm (0.8 in) per year.
Fossils of Megascolecina earthworms are found in South
America, Africa, India, and Australia, as well as the
islands of Madagascar and New Guinea.
Evidence Summary
Directions: List the evidence from the statements above.
Adapted from © 2012 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
Name____TEACHER ANSWER KEY_______Date_________________________Period_______
Analyzing Evidence: Continental Drift
Is it Evidence?
Does it support
the idea
that the
have moved?
1858: Geologist Eduard Seuss points out that fossils of the
Glossopteris plant are found in southern Africa, South
America, Australia, Antarctica, and India.
Wegener examines the location of tiny rocks and the
direction of grooves formed by large glaciers scraping
across southern areas of Africa, South America, Australia,
Antarctica, and India. He concludes that if all these
places were fitted together, they would form a
continuous ice sheet expanding outward in all directions.
Frankfurt News, January 6, 1912: Announcement that
German scientist Alfred Wegener will speak at the
Geological Association meeting.
Popular Geology magazine, March 12, 1912: "Continents
are so large they must always have been where they
Wegener observes that a South American mountain
range in Argentina lines up with an ancient African
mountain range in South Africa when the two continents are
placed together. He writes: "It is just as if we were to
refit the torn pieces of a newspaper by matching their
edges and then check whether the lines of print ran
smoothly across. If they do, there is nothing left but to
conclude that the pieces were in fact joined
in this way."
1927: Geologist Alexander du Toit observes rock layers on
the western coast of Africa in the following sequence: basalt
rock, shale containing fossil reptiles, coal layers
containing Glossopterisfossils, rocks containing
Mesosaurus fossils, and shale. He discovers an almost
identical sequence of rock layers on the eastern coast of
South America.
1944: Geologist Baily Willis calls Wegener's theory a fairy
tale. He argues that the theory should be ignored.
1965: Geologist Edward Bullard uses computers to match
coasts of South America and Africa. They match
extremely well at an ocean depth of 1,000 meters.
1980s: Satellites and lasers are used to measure the
movement of continents. They continue to move at an
average of about 2 cm (0.8 in) per year.
Fossils of Megascolecina earthworms are found in South
America, Africa, India, and Australia, as well as the
islands of Madagascar and New Guinea.
Evidence Summary
Directions: Summarize the evidence that supports the idea that the continents have moved.
• Similar plant and animal fossils found on various continents
• Tiny rocks and Glacier groove marks in different countries, that would
match up if put together.
• Mountain ranges on different continents that would match up if put
• Similar order of rock layers on different continents •
Coastlines of different continents matching up.
• Satellite and laser evidence showing continent movement.
Adapted from © 2012 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
Temperature and Density Demo - Teacher Page
4 identical glass jars (large canning jars work well) or
Hot water
Cold water
Food coloring
Large Index cards
A large, shallow baking pan/tray (if you don't have
one, do this activity over the sink--it can be messy)
1. Fill one of the jars with very hot tap water. Add a drop of red food coloring.
Ask students What happens to the drop? Watch for a minute, then put the red jar into the tray.
2. Fill the other jar with cold water. Add a drop of blue food coloring. What happens to that drop?
3. Slowly add more water to the blue jar until you can see a bulge of water over the rim of the jar.
Ask students to predict and record what they think will happen when the blue jar is placed on top of the red jar.
4. Lay the square card carefully onto the top of the blue jar. Tap the card gently with your finger. (Don't poke it.
You want the card to be flat and form a seal with the water and the jar.)
5. This part is very tricky. You may want to practice it a few times over the sink with a jar of plain water. Pick up
the blue jar and turn it straight upside-down. You don't need to put your hand on the card. The water will
hold the card in place. (Just flip the jar over. Don't hesitate. If the jar is tilted but not turned over completely, the water will
gush out and make a mess.) Put the upside-down blue jar right on top of the red jar.
6. Have someone hold onto both jars while you very slowly and carefully pull the card out.
What happens? What color is the water in the top jar? What color is the water in the bottom jar?
Ask students to record what actually happened when the blue jar is placed on top of the red jar.
7. Empty both jars. Rinse them. Repeat steps 1 through 6--but put the jar with the blue-colored cold water in the
baking pan and put the card on top of the jar with the red-colored hot water. Turn the red jar upside-down and put it on
top of the blue jar.
8. Slowly pull out the index card. What happens? What color is the water in the top jar? What color is the water
in the bottom jar?
Heating a substance causes molecules to speed up and spread slightly further apart, occupying a
larger volume that results in a decrease in density.
Cooling a substance causes molecules to slow down and get slightly closer together, occupying a
smaller volume that results in an increase in density.
Hot water is less dense and will float on room-temperature water.
Cold water is more dense and will sink in room-temperature water.
Video clip example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP2wDmaThjA
Temperature and Density
Predict what will happen.
What actually happened?
Predict what will happen.
What actually happened?
Label the arrows: Hot or Cold
How does CONVECTION influence tectonic plate movement?
Label the arrows: Hot or Cold
How does CONVECTION influence tectonic plate movement?
8th Grade Science Unit:
Geological Effects of Plate Tectonics
Unit Snapshot
Topic: Physical Earth
Grade Level: 8
14 days
The following activities provide students the opportunity to become familiar with
the current theory of Plate Tectonics and the constructive and destructive
process involved in plate motion and interaction, resulting in various
geological events and features.
Clear Learning Targets
"I can"statements
____ describe the movement and interaction of the 3 primary types of plate boundaries
(convergent, divergent, transform).
____ use a boundary map to explain various plate interactions around the world.
____ explain the resulting geologic effects of plate boundary movement and interaction.
____ identify specific geologic events and features around the world and explain how
plate movement or interaction is responsible for such events.
Activity Highlights and Suggested Timeframe
Days 1-2
Day 3-4
Days 5-7
Day 8-12
Day 13
and on-going
Day 14
Engagement: The objective of this activity is to engage students and assess
student knowledge related to the current plate tectonics theory through the use
of a mapping activity and interactive plate boundary map, guided-questions,
and discussion. Students will map the locations of Earthquakes and Volcanoes
around the world using data in order to infer the relationship between these events and
plate boundaries.
Exploration: Students will explore the movements of various tectonic plates and
discover real-world events that occur due to plate interactions through interactive websites.
Explanation: Students will gain deeper understanding of the current theory of
plate tectonics and vocabulary through Earth Science Textbook guided reading
and study, as well as a kinesthetic vocabulary reinforcement activity (Whoosh).
Elaboration: Students will use research, explain details, and provide evidence
related to Plate Tectonic Theory to explain the cause and effects of various
geologic events that could possibly occur around the world. Students will use 21st Century
skills to create a news broadcast of an event.
Evaluation: The objective of the assessments is to focus on and assess student
knowledge and growth to gain evidence of student learning or progress
throughout the lesson, and to become aware of students misconceptions related to the
current theory of plate tectonics. A teacher-created short-cycle assessment
can be used to assess all learning targets (Day 13)
Extension/Intervention: Based on the results of the short-cycle assessment,
facilitate extension and/or intervention activities.
8.ESS.2b -Earth's Crust consists of major and minor tectonic plates that move relative to
each other.
There are three main types of plate boundaries: divergent, convergent and transform. Each type of
boundary results in specific motion and causes events (such as earthquakes or volcanic activity) or features (such as
mountains or trenches) that are indicative of the type of boundary.
During the years of grades K-12, all students must use the following scientific inquiry and application practices with appropriate
laboratory safety techniques to construct their knowledge and understanding in all science content areas:
• Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering) that guide scientific
• Developing descriptions, models, explanations and predictions.
• Planning and carrying out investigations
• Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)that conclude
scientific investigations
• Using appropriate mathematics, tools, and techniques to gather data/information, and analyze and
interpret data
• Engaging in argument from evidence
• Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating scientific procedures and explanations
*These practices are a combination of ODE Science Inquiry and Application and Framework for K-12
Science Education Scientific and Engineering Practices
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.7 Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with
a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.8 Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using
search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and
conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.2b Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details,
quotations, or other information and examples.
*For more information: http://www.corestandards.org/assets/CCSSI_ELA%20Standards.pdf
Prior Concepts Related to Forces, Movement and Igneous Environments
K-2: Properties of materials can change. Pushing and pulling can affect the motion of an object.
Grades 3-5: Forces change the motion of an object. Rocks have specific characteristics. Heat is a form of energy.
Energy can be conserved. Earth's surface has specific characteristics. Heat results when materials rub against each
other. Gravitational force and magnetism also are studied.
Grades 6-7: Rocks have characteristics that are related to the environment in which they form. Thermal
energy is a measure of the motion of the atoms and molecules in a substance. Energy can be transformed,
transferred and conserved. Thermal energy can be transferred through radiation, convection and conduction.
Future Application of Concepts
High School: Thermal energy, gravitational energy, radioactive decay and energy transfer are studied. In the
grades 11/12 Physical Geology course, further studies of plate tectonics, seismology and volcanism are found.
• Earth Science Textbook Skills Lab Student Worksheets
• Colored Pencils
• Computer/Projector/Internet
• Computer/Projector/Internet
• Optional: laptops, computer lab, iPads
• 3 Primary Types of Plate Boundaries graphic organizers
• Plates on the Move Student Sheets
• Earth Science Textbooks
• Guided Reading and Study Worksheets from textbook resources
• Review and Reinforce Worksheet from textbook resources
• Optional: laptops, computer lab, iPads
• Earth Science Textbooks
• Library Books or articles related to the given various geologic
locations for research
• Optional: Video cameras
Plate Boundaries
Plate Tectonics
(2 days)
(What will draw students into the
learning? How will you determine
what your students already know
about the topic? What can be
done at this point to identify and
address misconceptions? Where
can connections be made to the
real world?)
Hawaiian Islands
Mariana Trench
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
New Madrid Fault System
Ring of Fire
San Andreas Fault
Sea-Floor Spreading
All Safety and Laboratory Procedures/Rules apply.
Gather materials for laboratory investigations
Copy student worksheets
Reserve computer lab/laptops if possible
Objective: The objective of this activity is to engage students and assess
student knowledge related to the current plate tectonics theory
through the use of a mapping activity and interactive plate
boundary map, guided-questions, and discussion. Students will map the
locations of Earthquakes and Volcanoes around the world using
data in order to infer the relationship between these events and
plate boundaries.
What is the teacher doing?
Skills Lab: Mapping Earthquakes and
Volcanoes (Day 1)
• Distribute the Earth Science Textbook
Skills Lab Worksheets: Mapping
Earthquakes and Volcanoes.
• Provide colored pencils
• Facilitate activity and follow-up with
What are the students doing?
Skills Lab: Mapping Earthquakes and
Volcanoes (Day 1)
1. Students complete Skills Lab:
Mapping Earthquakes and
Plate Boundaries Map (Day 2)
• See Teacher Page
• Project the following website module
on the board and make sure you on
the Maps Tab:
• Click on the Boundaries Tab to show
the boundary lines between the
• Next click on the Volcanoes tab to
show where volcanoes are located
around the world, and that many of
them are aligned along plate
Next Click on Earthquakes to show
the relationship between Volcanoes and
Next Click on hotspots and explain
the difference between plate
boundaries and hotspots.
Next Click on the Velocity Tab to
show the direction and movement of the
Finally click on the names.
Facilitate a discussion using the map
and the provided guided questions.
Plate Boundaries Map (Day 2)
1. Students view the interactive
website as a class.
2. Students are engaged in
conversation related to the
map features as the teacher
3. Students use and analyze the
map to answer teacherguided questions.
Consider showing the following
Discovery Ed Video Clip if needed:
Discovering Plate Tectonics [7:08]
Plate Tectonics [5:46]
Objective: Students will explore the movements of various tectonic plates and
discover real-world events that occur due to plate interactions through
interactive websites.
What is the teacher doing?
(2 days)
(How will the concept be
developed? How is this relevant to
students' lives? What can be done
at this point to identify and
address misconceptions?)
Plate Boundary Motion (Day 3)
• Project the same website from Day 2:
or provide students with individual
devices (computers, laptops, Ipads).
• Distribute the 3 Primary Types of Plate
Boundaries graphic organizer.
What are the students doing?
Plate Boundary Motion (Day 3)
Click on the "Details" Tab and show or
allow students on their own to view
each animation and the related
Ocean-Continent Subduction
-Continent-Continent Collision
-Ocean to Ocean Supbduction
-Continental Rift
-Mid-Ocean Ridge
-Continental Transform
-Oceanic Transform Oceanic Hot Spots
-Continental Hot Spots
Assist students with completing the
graphic organizer using the information from this
Plates on the Move (Day 4)
Either project the following website on
the board or have students use
individual devices to view:
animations to
Assist students in completing page one
of the handout.
Click on:
1. Students view various
animations related to
plate boundary
movement and complete the
organizer using the
information related to the
Plates on the Move (Day 4)
1. Students use the website
information and
learn more about the
plate boundaries and the
events caused by plate
interactions or
2. Students complete Plates
on the move student
• The Intro should be read aloud
Emphasize that students my NOT click
on "Skip the Intro". This is the core
• Assist students with completing part 2 of
the worksheet individually, in partners, or as a
Objective: Students will gain deeper understanding of the current theory of
plate tectonics and vocabulary through Earth Science Textbook
guided reading and study, as well as a kinesthetic vocabulary
reinforcement activity (Whoosh).
What is the teacher doing?
Guided Reading and Study/Review
and Reinforce (Days 5-6)
• Provide students with the Earth
Science Textbook and Plate
Tectonics Guided reading and
Study Worksheet/Review
What are the students doing?
Guided Reading and Study/ Review
and Reinforce (Days 5-6)
1. Students complete the Plate
Tectonics Guided Reading and
• Assist students as they read
complete the worksheets.
Plate Tectonics WHOOSH (Day 7)
• A WHOOSH is used as a kinesthetic
way to get students excited about
(3 days)
(What products could the
students develop and share?
How will students share what they
have learned? What can be
done at this point to identify and
address misconceptions?)
• Begin by modeling a WHOOSH for
Plate Tectonics WHOOSH (Day 7)
2. Students participate in the Whoosh
activity by creating movements that
represent vocabulary words related
to Plate Tectonics Theory.
your students
• Students will develop their own
movements to go along with the unit's
vocabulary and share their movements
with a partner.
• The teacher will tell a story using
the new vocabulary words. When a student
hears these words, they
will do their corresponding
• The class will then split into small
groups and each group will create
their own story using the
• Groups will then present their
WHOOSH to the class and the
teacher can assess their learning of new
Objective: Students will use research, explain details, and provide evidence
related to Plate Tectonic Theory to explain the cause and effects of various
geologic events that could possibly be occurring around the world. Students will use
21st Century skills to create a news broadcast of an event.
What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?
Earthquake Entrance Ticket (Day 8)
• Distribute the provided Entrance
• If needed, show students a plate
boundaries map.
• Discuss student responses.
• Optional Article: GeoFacts No. 3:
Earthquakes and Seismic Risk in
Earthquake Entrance Ticket (Day 8)
1. Complete entrance ticket 2.
Discuss answers.
(5 days)
(How will the new knowledge be
reinforced, transferred to new
and unique situations, or
integrated with related
ENN Breaking News Report (Days 812)
• Distribute the ENN Breaking News
Task Sheet and Rubric.
• Go over the task with the students.
Ask for a student to paraphrase the
Group students into production
teams to allow for differentiation
and have them research an event
(simple one for lower level,
increasing complexity for more
advanced learners.)
Assist as students plan their
"broadcast" and model, and
assign roles within the group.
Teacher ensures that students will
have the materials necessary to
build the models.
Assist students as they write the
script and begin rehearsing, while
teacher facilitates the groups'
Assist as students build the model
and practice their broadcast.
Students present their broadcasts
while teacher assesses learning
ENN Breaking News Report (Days 8-12)
3. Students are placed into
production teams.
4. Students are given one of the
following topics to study:
Volcanic Eruption - Ring of Fire
Volcanic Eruption - Hawaiian
• Earthquakes near San Andreas
• Hot Springs and Geysers Yellowstone
• Hot Springs-Iceland
• Earthquakes-New Madrid Fault
• Earthquakes near the
Himalayan Mountains
5. Students plan and develop their
broadcast and develop their
6. Students practice their broadcast.
7. Students perform and/or video
record their news broadcast.
Objective: The objective of the assessments is to focus on and assess
student knowledge and growth to gain evidence of student learning or
progress throughout the lesson, and to become aware of students
misconceptions related to the current theory of plate tectonics. A teachercreated short-cycle assessment can be used to assess all
learning targets (Day 13)
How will you measure learning as it occurs?
(What opportunities will students
have to express their thinking?
When will students reflect on
what they have learned? How
will you measure learning as it
occurs? What evidence of
student learning will you be
looking for and/or collecting?)
Consider developing a
teacher-created formative
1. The Skills Lab engage activity and
Plate Boundaries Map with
discussion can assess students'
prior knowledge of the current
Theory of Plate Tectonics.
2. Plates on the Move and textbook
guided reading activities can
assess student progression
towards mastery of the
1. Earth Science Textbook
Performance Assessment:
Modeling Plate Boundaries.
2. Earth Science Textbook
Chapter Project: Design and
Build an Earthquake-Safe
(1 day or as needed)
What evidence of learning will demonstrate
to you that a student has met the
learning objectives?
1. ENN News Broadcast can assess
students' ability to explain current
plate tectonic theory as it relates
to a real-world geologic event.
2. Teacher-created short cycle
assessment will assess all clear
learning targets. Consider utilizing
assessment questions from the
Earth Science Textbook Chapter
1. Discovery Ed
com/) related videos.
2. www.phet.colorado.edu
Plate Tectonics
3. Earth Science Textbook Enrich:
Magnetic Reversals Through
the Ages.
Only continents move (Wegener's original concept, along with the
common use of 'Continental Drift' term in general texts, secondary
education earth science films, etc.)
Most crust motions (especially those associated with processes of
mountain building or deep sea trench formation) are due to vertical motions,
not lateral (terms like 'mountain uplift' and earth science textbook terminology,
as well as relict idea from old cosmologies).
Divergent ocean ridges are due to vertical uplift or convergence, rather
than divergence (In students' experience, buckling is usually due to
convergence or uplift, not heat/density differences, so illustrations of ridges do
not readily fit with a pulling apart motion).
Present oceans only began as Pangea broke apart - tied to general
idea that Pangea was the original continent at the Earth's start (few
educational earth science films mention what came before Pangea &
emphasis on Atlantic spreading leads to Pacific being overlooked).
Plate movement is imperceptible on a human timeframe (common use
of fingernail growth analogy is only true for slowest plates and
underestimates importance of motion).
Plate motion is rapid enough that continent collision can cause
financial and political chaos, while rifting can divide families or separate
a species from its food source.
Oceans are responsible for oceanic crust (rather than being closer to
other way round).
Continental 'shelves' are similar to shelves in homes, extend out over
edge of continent and can break and collapse to form tsunamis (so
Boxing Day tsunami was due to shelf collapse)
The edge of a continent is the same thing as a plate boundary.
A plate boundary type is the same thing as a plate. For example, a
plate has to be divergent or convergent.
*The misconceptions listed above came from:
Strategies to address misconceptions:
Misconceptions can be addressed through the use of
www.discoveryeducation.com video clips, pictures/diagrams of plate interactions,
boundaries, and geologic events/features, through the use of models, and on- line
Lower-level: Provide additional text resources (tradebooks, articles) that are
appropriate for the reading level of the student. Integrate
www.unitedstreaming.com videos into instruction. Provide pictures and
diagrams to help students visualize plate tectonics concepts.
Provide an alternative or appropriate revised version of the
broadcast project to meet the needs of your students.
Higher-Level: Consider having students interpret real-data as evidence for plate
movement. Consider having students compare and contrast
former theories related to Earth's surface movements (i.e.
Continental Drift) with the more current theory. Consider assigning
extension activities.
Strategies for meeting the needs of all learners including gifted students, English
Language Learners (ELL) and students with disabilities can be found at ODE.
Textbook Resources:
Grade 8 Science Textbooks: Holt Series
• Plate and Boundaries - Annenberg Interactives:
• http://www.iris.edu/hq/files/programs/education_and_outreach/aotm/11/2
• Mountain Maker, Earth Shaker:
Discovery Ed/Other Video Links:
• Discovering Plate Tectonics [7:08]
• Plate Tectonics [5:46]
• Hot Spots and Plate Tectonics [2:35]
• Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes, and Earthquakes
• Stille, Darlene, R. (2007). Plate Tectonics: Earth's Moving Crust.
Minneapolis, Minn.: Compass Point Books.
• Silverstein, Alvin. (2009). Plate Tectonics. Minneapolis, Minn.: Twenty-First
Century Books.
• Saunders, Craig. (2011). What Is the Theory of Plate Tectonics? New
York: Crabtree Publishing.
• Erikson, Jon. (2001). Plate Tectonics: Unraveling The Mysteries of the
Earth. New York: Facts on File.
• Snedden, Robert. (2010). Earth's Shifting Surface. Chicago, Ill.: Raintree
• Hooper, Meredith. (2004): Island That Moved: How Shifting Forces Shape
Our Earth. New York: Viking Publishers.
• Science News for Kids - A Volcano Wakes Up, by Kate Ramsayer:
ENGAGE: Plate Boundary Map - TEACHER PAGE
(Day 2)
1. Project the following website module on the board and make sure you on the Maps Tab:
2. Click on the Boundaries Tab to show the boundary lines between the plates.
3. Next click on the Volcanoes tab to show where volcanoes are located around the world, and
that many of them are aligned along plate boundaries.
4. Next Click on Earthquakes to show the relationship between Volcanoes and Earthquakes.
5. Next Click on Hotspots and explain the difference between plate boundaries and hotspots. 6. Next
Click on the Velocity Tab to show the direction and movement of the plates. 7. Finally click on the
8. Facilitate a discussion using the map and the following guided questions:
A. Where are some areas where two plates are coming together? Plate Names?
Answer: North American Plate and Pacific Plate; Eurasian plate and Pacific Plate/IndianAustralian Plate/Arabian Plate/African Plate
B. Where are some areas where two plates are moving apart? Plate Names?
Answer: Antarctic Plate and Pacific Plate/ Indian-Australian Plate; African and Eurasian
Plates; North American and Eurasian Plates; North American and African Plates; South
American and African Plates; Nazca and Pacific Plates; Cocos and Pacific Plates
C. Where are some areas where two plates are sliding past one another? Plate Names?
Answer: Scotia and Antarctic/South American Plate; Antarctic and African Plates; African
and South American Plates; Caribbean and North American Plates
D. Do you see volcanoes forming more around certain types of plate boundary
Answer: Yes - Volcanoes form more around plates that move towards one another
(convergent boundaries).
EXPLORE: Plate Boundary Movement - TEACHER PAGE
(Day 3)
1. Project the same website from Day 2:
http://ees.as.uky.edu/sites/default/files/elearning/module04swf.swf or
provide students with individual devices (computers, laptops, Ipads).
2. Distribute the 3 Primary Types of Plate Boundaries graphic organizer.
3. Click on the "Details" Tab and show or allow students on their own to view each
animation and the related information.
-Ocean-Continent Subduction Continent-Continent Collision –
Ocean to Ocean Subduction
-Continental Rift
-Mid-Ocean Ridge
-Continental Transform
-Oceanic Transform
-Oceanic Hot Spots (optional)
-Continental Hot Spots (optional)
4. Assist students with completing the graphic organizer using the information from
this website.
Explore: Three Primary Types of Plate Boundaries
1) In Box 1, List the various types of crust movements for each type of boundary.
2) In Box 2, describe what type of movement is occurring in each type of plate boundary.
3) List the major geological events that result from each type of plate boundary
2) Directions of Plate Movement:
1) CONVERGENT Boundary
3) Major Geological Events:
2) DIVERGENT Boundary
2) Directions of Plate Movement:
3) Major Geological Events:
2) Directions of Plate Movement:
3) TRANSFORM Boundary
3) Major Geological Events:
Name____Teacher Answer Key____Date:____________Period:______
Explore: Three Primary Types of Plate Boundaries
1) In Box 1, List the various types of crust movements for each type of boundary.
2) In Box 2, describe what type of movement is occurring in each type of plate boundary.
3) List the major geological events that result from each type of plate boundary
2) Directions of Plate Movement:
1) CONVERGENT Boundary
Oceanic-Continent Subduction
Continent-Continent Collision
Ocean-Ocean Subduction
3) Major Geological Events:
Mountain Building
2) Directions of Plate Movement:
2) DIVERGENT Boundary
Continental Rift
Mid-Ocean Ridge
3) Major Geological Events:
Sea-Floor Spreading
Ocean Basins creation
Small Volcanic Eruptions
2) Directions of Plate Movement:
3) TRANSFORM Boundary
Continental Transform
Oceanic Transform
3) Major Geological Events:
This i mag e c annot currentl y be dis played.
Explore: Plates on the Move
Google: Plates on the move
Or http://www.amnh.org/ology/features/plates/index.php
When edges of
plates meet, four
things can
1 (transform boundary)
2 (divergent boundary)
3 (convergent boundary)
1. Click on a red dot to explore a volcano, mountain, hot spot, or earthquake.
2. After you zoom into it, look at the map to see how the plates are moving. Record the
location, the plates involved, and the type of plate interaction/movement
(slip,spreading, collision, subduction, hotspot).
3. To the left play the animation about the plate interaction.
4. Click on STATS, and record information.
5. CLICK on STORY. Write 4 sentences about the location.
Location 1 : ______________________________________
Plates Involved are: _____________________________________________________________________
Type of interaction: (circle one)
**Play animation**
Event: __________________________ Date: _________________________
STORY: __________________________________________________________________________________
Location 2 : ______________________________________
Plates Involved are: _____________________________________________________________________
Type of interaction: (circle one)
**Play animation**
Event: __________________________ Date: _________________________
STORY: __________________________________________________________________________________
Name____TEACHER ANSWER KEY_________Date_____________________Period__________
Explore: Plates on the Move
Google: Plates on the move
Or http://www.amnh.org/ology/features/plates/index.php
When the edges
of plates
meet, four
things can
Two plates slide past each other
Two plates move a part from each
Two plates crash and fold up
One plate sinks below the other
1. Click on a red dot to explore a volcano, mountain, hot spot, or earthquake.
2. After you zoom into it, look at the map to see how the plates are moving. Record the
location, the plates involved, and the type of plate interaction/movement (slip, spreading,
collision, subduction, hotspot).
3. To the left play the animation about the plate interaction.
4. Click on STATS, and record information.
5. CLICK on STORY. Write 4 sentences about the location.
Teacher Page
A WOOSH is used as a kinesthetic way to get students excited about vocabulary.
Begin by modeling a WHOOSH for your students
Students will develop their own movements to go along with the unit's vocabulary and share
their movements with a partner.
The teacher will tell a story using the new vocabulary words. When a student hears these
words, they will do their corresponding movement.
The class will then split into small groups and each group will create their own story using the
Groups will then present their WHOOSH to the class and the teacher can assess their learning
of new vocabulary.
Use the following story as a guide on how to facilitate a Whoosh in your class.
1. Explain to students that they will begin the unit by giving movement to the vocabulary
they will be learning.
2. The class will form a circle, and you will tell a story using three of the unit's vocabulary
a. As you read the story, pull individual students out to perform the movement you
assign. Movement is indicated by (parenthesis)
3. When WHOOSH is called all students return to their spots in the circle.
Story using: Tectonic Plates, Convection Currents, Fossils, Climate, Convergent Boundary,
Divergent Boundary, & Transform Boundary
The earth's crust is made up of tectonic plates (Student crosses arms) that are in constant
motion. Through years of researching fossils (student makes a "T-Rex" pose), and
changes in climate (student begins fanning themselves to shivering as if cold) scientists
have discovered the plates are moving because of convection currents (Student
moves arms in a circular motion).
WHOOSH! (All Students return to their spots in the circle)
These Convection Currents (Student moves arms in a circular motion) move the plates
into each other, convergent boundaries (two students with crossed arms bump into
each other) move them away from each other, divergent boundaries (two students with
crossed arms begin back to back, and then move away from each other), and
move by sliding past each other, transform boundaries (Two students with crossed
arms move in opposing directions and lightly bump shoulders)
WHOOSH! (All Students return to their spots in the circle)
Repeat multiple times to allow all students to participate.
Now pair up students to create their own whoosh using the following vocabulary words
and a Prentice Hall Earth Science Textbook: pp. 122 - 155
Plate Tectonic Theory
Continental Drift
Convection Theory
Sea Floor Spreading
Plate boundaries
Convection Currents
For additional information about Whoosh, go to:
Name ___________________________________________ Date ___________________ Period __________
Entrance Ticket: We practice tornado and fire drills, but not earthquake drills. Should we have
earthquake drills? Explain why or why not.
Name ___________________________________________ Date ___________________ Period __________
Entrance Ticket: We practice tornado and fire drills, but not earthquake drills. Should we
have earthquake drills? Explain why or why not.
ENN: Earth News Network - TEACHER PAGE
1. Distribute the ENN Breaking News Task Sheet and Rubric.
2. Go over the task with the students. Ask for a student to paraphrase the directions. 3.
Group students into production teams to allow for differentiation and have them
research an event (simple one for lower level, increasing complexity for more
advanced learners.)
Possible EVENT Topics:
A. Volcanic Eruption @ Mount. St. Helens: Highlights should include - location(Ring of
Fire), plate movement impacting volcano formation/eruption, the process
involved in the eruption; effects of volcanic eruptions on environment and
B. Volcanic Eruption - Hawaiian Islands: Highlights should include - location (Hot
Spot), plate movement affecting formation of island chain, the process involved in the
eruption; effects of volcanic eruptions on environment and civilization.
C. Earthquakes - San Andreas Fault, California: Highlights should include location(fault line/transform plate boundary); plate movement causing the
Earthquakes; Seismic waves; effects of Earthquakes on the environment and
D. Hot Springs ,Geysers, or Volcanism -Yellowstone National Park: Highlights should
include - location (hot spot/supervolcano below the surface); plate movement
causing geologic activity; hot spring/geyser/volcano formation; effects of hot
springs, geysers, or volcanism on the environment.
E. Hot Springs-Iceland: Highlights should include- location (Mid-Atlantic Ridge); plate
movement/divergent boundary and the effects of sea-floor spreading; Hot spring
formation; Effects on environment and civilization.
F. Earthquakes-New Madrid Fault System: Highlights include - location (fault line);
description of plate movement; seismic waves; effects on environment and
G. Earthquakes near the Himalayan Mountains: Highlights should include- location
(convergent boundary); plate movement causing earthquakes due to the
compression forces; mountain building process; seismic waves; effects on the
environment and civilization.
H. Tsunami headed towards Hawaii due to an Earthquake in Japan: Highlights should
include- location (JapanRing of Fire); plate movement causing Earthquakes;
seismic waves traveling through water; effects on the environment and civilization.
4. Students plan their "broadcast" and model, and assign roles within the group. Teacher
ensures that students will have the materials necessary to build the models.
5. Students write the script and begin rehearsing, while teacher facilitates the groups'
6. Students build the model and practice their broadcast. 7.
Teacher facilitates and critiques the rehearsals.
8. Students present their broadcasts while teacher assesses learning outcomes.
News****Breaking **News****
There are geologic phenomena and events
occurring all over the Earth!
As an Earth Science Expert for ENN, you will be given a specific
phenomenon/event that is occurring in a certain location and must go
before the viewing audience to explain the following:
Where the phenomenon/event is occurring
Why the phenomenon/event is occurring - the cause as it
relates to plate tectonics theory
When did the phenomenon/event start and how long it will
Details that explain the phenomenon/event more in depth
How this phenomenon/event influences the population and
environment of the affected areas
Our audience expects to see ACTION, so you must include a
working model to demonstrate the processes, which caused the
event. You must assemble a team of no more than 4 to gather
the facts, create a model, write the script, and perform your
Plate Tectonics
Use of Data
The presentation
exhibits an
understanding of
the current
scientific view of
Earth's dynamics
involved in plate
An original model
(physical or digital)
is constructed
which is
accurate and
movable to show
how the event
Exceptional care
and effort have
been taken to make
the model neat and
interesting to view.
Voice is clear and
loud. Eye contact is
maintained with the
camera. Speaker
shows respect to
the viewing
The presentation
includes GPS and
Seismic data
related to the event
and the relevance
of the data is
clearly explained to
the viewers.
The presentation
exhibits a proficient
knowledge of the
current scientific
view of Earth's
dynamics involved
in plate movement.
The presentation
exhibits a basic
understanding of
the current
scientific view of
Earth's dynamics
involved in plate
There are
confusions or major
about plate
tectonics evident in
the presentation.
An original model
(physical or digital)
is constructed
which is mostly
accurate and
movable to show
how the event
happened. Care and
effort have been
taken to make the
model neat and
interesting to view.
An original model
(physical or digital)
is constructed
which is
accurate to show
how the event
happened. Some
care and effort have
been taken to make
the model neat and
interesting to view.
An original model
(physical or digital)
is constructed
which is movable to
show how the event
Little care and
effort have been
taken to make the
model neat and
interesting to view.
3 out of 4 of the
underlined items
are met.
2 out of 4 of the
underlined items
are met.
1 out of 4 of the
underlined items
are met.
The presentation
includes GPS or
Seismic data
related to the event
and the relevance
of the data is
clearly explained to
the viewers.
The presentation
includes GPS or
Seismic data
related to the event
and the relevance
of the data is
mentioned to the
The presentation
includes GPS or
Seismic data
related to the event
with no
explanation to the
8th Grade Science:
Constructive and Destructive Geologic Processes
Unit Snapshot
Topic: The Physical Earth
Grade Level: 8
15 Days
The following activities engage students in exploring the constructive and
destructive geologic processes due to interactions between the
hydrosphere and lithosphere that shape Earth's surface. Students will be
able to describe the conditions and factors that are responsible for the
formation of various landforms including plate tectonics, climate, glaciers,
streams and floodplains, etc.
"I can"statements
____ identify various landforms on a map (i.e. mountains, valleys, ridges, plateaus, depressions)
____ use maps to determine what caused constructive and destructive features.
____ compare maps of various locations to identify differences in landforms.
____ construct a model of a beach that is experiencing erosion and deposition
____ design an experiment to test the best method to reduce erosion
____describe the conditions and constructive/destructive processes that form various landforms. ____explain
how plate tectonics acts as constructive and destructive processes that can cause
changes in earth's surface.
UNIT Highlights and Suggested Timeframe
Days 1-3
Days 4-5
Days 6-9
Days 10-13
Days 14
and on-going
Day 15
Engagement: Students will use LANDSAT photos and topographic maps to view
and describe various landforms.
Exploration: Students will create a beach model and design a solution to erosion
and deposition that occurs in the model.
Explanation: Students are assigned topics that depict constructive and/or
destructive processes. Students will then create a before and after landform model that
shows a constructive and destructive process. Students share their models through a
Gallery Walk activity.
Elaboration: Students will learn about different geographical locations that are
experiencing major problems relating to constructive/destructive processes. Students
will work in teams to develop a solution related to a problem that a specific geographic
location is experiencing.
Evaluation: Formative and summative assessments are used to focus on and
assess student knowledge and growth to gain evidence of student learning or
progress throughout the unit, and to become aware of students misconceptions related to
constructive and destructive processes. A teacher-created short cycle
assessment will be administered at the end of the unit to assess all clear learning targets
(Day 14).
Extension/Intervention: Based on the results of the short-cycle assessment,
facilitate extension and/or intervention activities.
8.ESS.3 A combination of constructive and destructive geologic processes formed Earth's
Earth's surface is formed from a variety of different geologic processes, including but not limited to
plate tectonics.
Note: The introduction of Earth's surface is found in ESS grade 4.
This topic focuses on the physical features of Earth and how they formed. This includes the interior of Earth, the rock
record, plate tectonics and landforms.
During the years of grades K-12, all students must use the following scientific inquiry and application practices with appropriate
laboratory safety techniques to construct their knowledge and understanding in all science content areas:
Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering) that guide scientific
• Developing descriptions, models, explanations and predictions.
• Planning and carrying out investigations
• Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)that conclude
scientific investigations
• Using appropriate mathematics, tools, and techniques to gather data/information, and analyze and
interpret data
• Engaging in argument from evidence
• Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating scientific procedures and explanations
*These practices are a combination of ODE Science Inquiry and Application and Frame-work for K-12
Science Education Scientific and Engineering Practices
• CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.8.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and
expressing their own clearly.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.8.4 Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused,
coherent manner with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate
eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and
technical texts.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.3 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments,
taking measurements, or performing technical tasks.
*For more information: http://www.corestandards.org/assets/CCSSI_ELA%20Standards.pdf
Prior Concepts Related to Earth's Surface
K-2: Water can be found in many forms and locations. Wind is moving air.
Grades 3-5: Characteristics of rocks and soil, weathering, deposition, erosion, landforms, mass wasting and weather
events (e.g., flooding) are studied.
Grades 6-7: Igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary formation, interactions between Earth systems, and patterns of
erosion and deposition are studied.
Future Application of Concepts
High School: Gravitational forces and movement of matter are explored. In the grades 11/12 Physical
Geology course, glaciation, sedimentation, stream evolution, seismology, volcanics, bathymetry and further information
about weathering, erosion and deposition are included.
• Sample Topographic Maps
• Computers/Computer Lab for Gizmo
Constructive Processes
• LANDSAT images
• All Activity Worksheets
Destructive Processes
• Reading "What Causes Beach Erosion?"
• Dry sand
Geological Processes
• Tray (15cm x 45cm x 60cm)
• Ruler
• Pencil
• Water (500 ml per group)
• Gravel
• Plastic bags
Plate Tectonics
• Aluminum Foil
Suggested materials but not limited to:
• Soil
• Sand
Contour Lines
• Gravel
• Play doh or clay
• Water
Topographic, Physical, Arial Maps
• Fan
• Camera
• Pans/Container
• Internet Access
• All Lab Safety Procedures and Protocols should be taken into
consideration. See Science Lab Safety Contract.
• Review Computer and Internet Safety with students
1. Reserve time in a computer lab if necessary for use of Simulations
2. Copy LANDSAT images for each station. (Color copies would be best)
3. Copy worksheets for LANDSAT MYSTERY
4. Gather materials for demos and experiments
5. Create a teacher model
6. Print out Article "What Causes Beach Erosion"
7. Teacher may want to obtain and organize print material on each of the
geographic locations. These are found in the ADDITIONAL RESOURCES
Objective: Students will be able to use LANDSAT images to identify landform
features (both natural and manmade. Students will explore a gizmo related to
reading a topographic map to identify mountains, depressions, valleys, and
cliffs. They will also observe contour lines and make the realization that contour lines
(3 days)
indicate areas of constant elevation.
(What will draw students into the
learning? How will you determine
what your students already know
about the topic? What can be
done at this point to identify and
address misconceptions? Where
can connections are made to
the real world?)
What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?
Formative Assessment (Day 1)
• Show students the provided
images of various landforms
formed by constructive or
destructive processes. Ask
students if they can explain
how each landform was
Formative Assessment (Day 1)
1. Students view pictures and try
to determine how the
landforms were formed.
• If possible, show students video
to introduce LANDSAT - (NASA
• Split class into 10 groups.
• Distribute LANDSAT Mystery
sheet to each student.
• Circulate the room and
facilitate discussions as
students look at LANDSAT
images and make predictions
about what they see.
• After students have visited
each station, go over each
station together and point out
distinctive features (i.e.
runways on an airport, roads in
a city, rectangular patterns in
an agricultural field, etc.)
Lead a discussion on how
these images can provide
information to people on
How can farmers use
these pictures to
monitor crops?
How would geologists
use these pictures to
study rocks in an area?
How would a biologist
use these pictures to
study the vegetation in
a certain area?
Revisit predictions and see if
students want to add anything to
their previous thoughts.
Distribute Discussion Questions
Have students think about the
provided questions and
answer them on their sheet
2. Students visit 10 stations to look
at LANDSAT images.
3. Students make predictions
about what they are observing
in the picture and record on
the student sheet. The features
they see are both natural and
4. Students will share predictions
with the rest of the class.
5. Class discussion to determine
the purpose of LANDSAT
6. Complete Discussion questions
on student sheet.
After the class discussion, show
students Time Lapse Video
using LANDSAT images. You
can choose from Dubai,
Columbia Glacier, The
Amazon and Las Vegas
Topographic Maps (Days 2-3)
Topographic Maps (Days 2-3)
www.phet.colorado.edu -simulations
Topographic Maps
• This activity can be completed
as a whole class (teacherfacilitated), or small
group/individual (laptops,
computer lab, or Ipads.
• If possible, reserve computer
lab in advance.
• Assist students with prior
knowledge questions and
discuss student responses.
• Project the Topographic Maps
sim and model how to use
the Sim by facilitating the Sim
Warm-up as a class.
• Facilitate and assist students in
completing the remainder of
the Sim tasks using the
provided student worksheet.
Interpreting a Topographic Map
• This worksheet can be
assigned as an in-class
reinforcement, homework
assignment, intervention
activity, or assessment tool.
1. Complete prior knowledge
questions individually as a
formative assessment.
2. Practice how to use the Sim
by completing the sim Warmup as a class.
3. Complete the Sim student
4. Complete Interpreting a
Topographic Map Worksheet.
Objective: Students will experience beach erosion through hands on learning
and will develop a solution to this problem.
What is the teacher doing?
Teach About the Beach (Days 4-5)
• Distribute the article "What
Causes Beach Erosion?" and
conduct a close reading.
• Facilitate class discussion
(2 days)
(How will the concept be
developed? How is this relevant to
students' lives? What can be done
at this point to identify and
address misconceptions?)
Group students
Distribute procedures list for
model creation.
Read over procedures
Share teacher model with
Teacher will distribute the
scientific design objective
What are the students doing?
Teach About the Beach (Days 4-5)
1. Students take turns reading
parts of the article to the class.
2. Students cite evidence from
the text to answer questions
about the article and engage
in a discussion on how erosion
occurs, and why it is a problem on
the east coast of the US.
3. In lab groups, students will
create a model of a beach
water system and will follow a
detailed procedure list to
create their model.
4. Students will use materials to
devise a solution to the
problem of beach erosion.
Teacher will instruct, monitor
and facilitate groups on how
to create a solution to this
Facilitate experimentation and
group work by ensuring data
collection and results are
correctly obtained.
Assess groups knowledge of
scientific design, and content
knowledge throughout lab,
and during the optional
5. Students then design an
experiment to test the success
of their solution.
6. In groups students perform the
experiment they designed
7. Collect data to support or
reject hypothesis(Their Solution)
8. OPTIONAL: Communicate
results to the class by
presenting their findings
Objective: Through open inquiry, students will create models to demonstrate
constructive and destructive processes that impact landforms.
(4 days)
(What products could the
students develop and share?
How will students share what they
have learned? What can be
done at this point to identify and
address misconceptions?)
What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?
Constructive and Destructive Processes
at Work - (Days 6-8)
• Split students into groups of 3-4
students per group.
• Assign one of the following
geologic processes in which
constructive and destructive
forces cause a change in
-Coastline Erosion and
-River/Stream Erosion and
-Glacier Erosion and Deposition Desert Erosion and Deposition
-Hot Spots
-Convergent Plate Boundary
-Divergent Plate Boundary
• Facilitate student research
using textbook and/or other
• Provide materials such as soil,
gravel, sand, clay, water, etc.
and faciliate and assist students
with creating a model
representing the original land
formation before the change.
Constructive and Destructive
Processes at Work - (Days 6-8)
1. Students will split into groups
2. Students will be assigned a
group topic and conduct
research related to the
geologic processes involved
using the Textbook and/or
other resources: Prentice Hall
Earth Science Students will use
the following questions to
guide their research:
o What processes are at
(building up),
Destructive (breaking
down), or both?
o How do these
processes work? What
forces are involved?
o What is the resulting
effect on the land?
3. Students will create a
"BEFORE" landform with the
provided materials, and take a
Teacher/students will take
BEFORE pictures of student
landform models.
Teacher will assist students in
modeling the processes
4. Students will then make
modifications to their
landform to show the
influence of their geologic
process on the land form. (i.e.
Students might create a river
delta that shows the influence
of their topic - deposition.)
Teacher/Students will take an
AFTER picture once groups
have finished creating their
landforms shaped by their
assigned processes.
5. Students will take an "AFTER"
picture of the final landform.
Teacher will display all groups
pictures around the room for the
Gallery Walk.
6. Attach pictures to the
provided sheet and hang
around the room for the
Gallery Walk.
7. Students will write a
paragraph explaining the
conditions and factors that
influenced the changes
shown in their before and
after pictures.
Collect student written
explanations of their picture
models and consider using as an
Gallery Walk (Day 9)
• Facilitate the Gallery Walk
activity by having students l
view each group's "before and
after" photographs and
complete the student
Gallery Walk (Day 9)
8. Observe each group's
"before and after"
photographs and complete the
student worksheet.
Objective: Students will learn of different geographical locations that are
experiencing major problems that may be able to be solved
through science. Students will research a problem and design a solution.
(4 days)
(How will the new knowledge be
reinforced, transferred to new
and unique situations, or
integrated with related
What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?
World Problem Solvers (Days 10-13)
8. Teacher will inform students
that they are members of a
group of top scientists picked
to solve some of the world's
worst problems.
9. Teacher will introduce 4
geographical areas where
problems are occurring using the
provided resources. -See
teacher page.
o Iceland Ash
o Tsunami Mitigation
o Haitian Buildings Fall
to Earthquakes
o Mississippi River
World Problem Solvers (Days 10-13)
1. Students record notes about
each region and the problems they
are experiencing.
10. Teacher will assist students
through obtaining research. 11.
Teacher will monitor student
progress and intervene/
direct research when
12. Teacher is assessing student
comprehension and progress
through observation.
13. Teacher will use student's
experimental designs to
formatively assess student
comprehension and
2. Students will research a
geographic location, and the
problems that location is facing.
3. Students will use print, online,
and other provided sources to
complete research.
4. Students will organize their
research to identify problem.
14. Facilitate student solution
proposal development.
15. Facilitate student proposal
5. Students will develop a possible
solution to the problem and
create a proposal to carry out that
6. Students will create visual aids to
assist in a short presentation that
explain their solution proposal.
Objective: : Formative and summative assessments are used to focus on and
assess student knowledge and growth to gain evidence of student learning
or progress throughout the unit, and to become aware of
students misconceptions related to constructive and destructive
processes. A teacher-created short cycle assessment will be
administered at the end of the unit to assess all clear learning targets
(Day 13).
How will you measure learning as it occurs?
(What opportunities will students
have to express their thinking?
When will students reflect on
what they have learned? How
will you measure learning as it
occurs? What evidence of
student learning will you be
looking for and/or collecting?)
Consider developing a
teacher-created formative
1. The Landforms Formative
Assessment Pictures can be used
to assess students' prior
knowledge related to Landform
2. The LANDSAT Mystery activity can
be used to assess student
knowledge related to identifying
landform physical characteristics
and formation using images and
What evidence of learning will demonstrate to you
that a student has met the learning objectives?
1. Constructive and Destructive
Processes Model Creation,
paragraph, and Gallery Walk can
be used to assess the students
knowledge related to geologic
processes that impact landforms.
2. World Problem Solvers activity will
assess the ability of students to apply
their knowledge of constructive and
destructive geologic processes in
order to solve a problem that is
occurring in the real-world.
2. Teacher-created short cycle
assessment will assess all clear
learning targets (Day 14).
1. www.discovereducation.com related
2. Landforms Review:
3. Examine real landscapes formed by
4. Prentice Hall Earth Science All-InOne Teaching Resources: pp. 93-154
NASA provides a list of overarching Earth Science questions that address many
of the common misconceptions at this grade level. There are resources and
information that help address questions that center on Earth Systems Science at
Have students go to Google
Earth and search different
famous landmarks that interest
them. They can then identify
the landforms they see in those
pictures. Google Earth www.google.com/Earth (free
Ohiorc.org aligned lessons:
Strategies to address misconceptions:
Misconceptions can be addressed through the use of Discovery Ed video clips,
experiments, pictures and diagrams of reaction, as well as through the use of models.
Lower-level: Consider creating mixed groups so that lower-level students are
working with higher level students. Consider using trade books instead
of or in addition to textbook resources and performing
read-alouds for reading activities. Consider modeling through a
demonstration and then allowing students to explore these topics through
guided inquiry.
Higher-Level: Consider offering extension activities. Allow students to go
beyond the minimum requirement for each activity. Offer
opportunities to use technology to share or communicate
Strategies for meeting the needs of all learners including gifted students, English
Language Learners (ELL) and students with disabilities can be found at ODE.
Textbook Resources:
8th grade Science Text book: Holt series
• NASA - LANDSAT program http://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/
• http://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/education/teacherkit/html/lesson2.html
• NASA - A LANDSAT Fly By - Video
• Google Maps - www.maps.google.com
• Google Earth - www.google.com/Earth (free download)
• Time Lapse Video using LANDSAT images http://world.time.com/timelapse/
• Landforms depicted on topographic maps:
Discovery Ed:
• Glaciers and Glaciation [25:05]
• Geologist's Notebook: Why Land Goes Up and Down [11:00]
• Geography Basics: Landforms and Living Patterns [20:00]
• Gifford, Clive. (2006). Weathering and Erosion. Smart Apple Media.
• Mattern, Joanne. (2006). Weathering and Erosion and the Rock Cycle.
PowerKids Press.
• Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw. (2000). Shaping the Earth. Clarion Books.
• Taylor, Barbara. (2008). Understanding Landforms. Smart Apple Media • Van
Gorp, Lynn. (2010). Landforms. Compass Books.
• Snyder, Timothy A. (2009). Rainbows of Rock, Tables of Stone: The
Natural Arches and Pillars of Ohio. McDonald & Woodward Pub.
Landforms Formative Assessment: How did this happen? TEACHER PAGE
Directions: Project and show the following photographs to students. Ask
1) Can you identify the landform?
2) Can you explain how this landform was formed?
Answer Key
1) The Grand Canyon - The Colorado River weathered and eroded the rock to
form the deep canyon formation.
Photograph from: http://www.grand-canyon-travel-guide.com/
2) Desert Rock Formations and Sand dunes - The wind weathered and eroded
the rock into sand particles. The sand dunes are caused when wind carries,
moves, and deposits the sand.
Photograph from: http://www.temehu.com/Cities_sites/Acacus.htm
3) Mountain - This mountain was formed by the collision and force of a
continental crust boundary converging with another continental crust
boundary. Then the mountain has been weathered and eroded due to wind and
water over thousands of years.
Photograph from: http://www.wallsave.com/wallpaper/1366x768/rani-mukherjee-himalayanmountains-148792.html
4) Black Sand Beach, Hawaii - The volcanic rock was formed by magma making
its way to the surface and cooling at a hot spot. Then wind and water
weathered and eroded the rock, as well as formed the beach coastline.
Photograph from: http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-black-sand-beaches.php
Landforms Formative Assessment: What is this and how did this happen?
Landforms Formative Assessment: What is this and how did this happen?
Landforms Formative Assessment: What is this and how did this happen?
Landforms Formative Assessment: What is this and how did this happen?
LANDSAT - Station 1
LANDSAT - Station 2
LANDSAT - Station 3
LANDSAT - Station 4
LANDSAT - Station 5
LANDSAT - Station 6
LANDSAT - Station 7
LANDSAT - Station 8
LANDSAT - Station 9
LANDSAT - Station 10
Name: _______________________________ Date: _________________ Period: _______
At each station observe the LANDSAT image. Make predictions about what you
see. Remember the features may be natural and manmade.
Name: _______________________________ Date: _________________ Period: _______
At each station observe the LANDSAT image. Make predictions about what
you see. Remember the features may be natural and manmade.
Name _______________________________ Date ________
LandSAT Mystery
Discussion Questions
1. What information can the LANDSAT images provide?
2. What information are you NOT able to gather from LANDSAT images?
3. How can LANDSAT images help you learn about the Earth if you were a
Teacher Answer Key
LANDSAT - Station 1
*Garden City, KS
*Agricultural Land
*Circular Irrigation Plots
LANDSAT - Station 2
*Golden Gate Bridge
*San Francisco, CA
*City Streets/Buildings
LANDSAT - Station 3
*Chicago, IL
LANDSAT - Station 4
*Aspen, CO
LANDSAT - Station 5
*Maui, HI
LANDSAT - Station 6
*Columbus International Airport
* Freeways
* Vegetation
*Residential Areas
LANDSAT - Station 7
*Cincinnati, OH
*Ohio River
LANDSAT - Station 8
*South Beach, Miami, FL
LANDSAT - Station 9
Columbus City Schools
Curriculum Leadership and Development
Science Department June 2013
*Charleston, SC
LANDSAT - Station 10
*Mississippi River Delta
Teacher Guide: Reading Topographic Maps
Learning Objectives
Students will 
• Understand that contour lines represent lines of constant elevation.
• Recognize the physical features represented by contour lines on a topographic map. •
Use index contours to determine the contour interval used on a topographic map.
• Estimate the height of a mountain or the depth of a depression based on contour lines.
Compare the steepness of slopes based on the spacing of contour lines. • Calculate the
gradient of a slope on a contour map.
contour interval, contour line, depression contour, elevation, gradient, index contour, relief,
topographic map
Lesson Overview
A topographic map uses contour lines to show hills,
valleys, depressions, and other physical features of
the landscape. Topographic maps are an
invaluable tool to hikers, architects, engineers, and
anyone who needs to know about the features of a
The Reading Topographic Maps Gizmo™ allows
students to visualize how contour lines represent
elevation by showing a three-dimensional
landscape on one side and the corresponding
topographic map on the other side.
Activity A - Students use contour lines to estimate the elevation of landforms.
Suggested Lesson Sequence
1. Pre-Gizmo activity: Drawing contour lines
Have each student (or group) build a realistic "mountain" out of clay or modeling
compound. Place the mountains in plastic shoeboxes or Tupperware® containers. Place a
piece of masking tape vertically on the side of the container, marked off in centimeters.
Have students carefully add water to the container until the water level is at the lowest
mark on the tape. Students can then use the tip of a pencil to scratch out a contour line
where the water meets the clay. Next, instruct students to fill to the next mark, scratch
out the contour line on the landscape, and continue until they have reached the top.
After carefully pouring out the water, have each student look at their landscape from
above. Students can place a sheet of clear plastic (such as an overhead transparency)
on top of the container and trace out their topographic map. Discuss how these maps
reflect the features of the landscapes built by the students.
2. Prior to using the Gizmo
( 10 - 15 minutes)
Before students are at the computers, pass out the Student Exploration sheets and ask
students to complete the Prior Knowledge Questions. Discuss student answers as a
class, but do not provide correct answers at this point. Afterwards, if possible, use a
projector to introduce the Simulation and demonstrate its basic operations. Demonstrate
how to take a screenshot and paste the image into a blank document.
3. Simulation activities
( 15 - 20 minutes per activity)
Assign students to computers. Students can work individually or in small groups. Ask
students to work through the activities in the Student Exploration using the Simulation.
Alternatively, you can use a projector and do the Exploration as a teacher-led activity.
4. Discussion questions
( 15 - 30 minutes)
As students are working or just after they are done, discuss the following questions:
As the water level is raised, how does the "shoreline" relate to the contour lines?
Suppose the contour interval is 50 meters and the highest contour line on a hill is
at 750 meters. How do you know that the hill is no more than 800 meters high?
What pattern of contour lines would indicate a vertical cliff?
Can contour lines ever cross one another? Why or why not?
5. Follow-up activities
( 45 - 60 minutes)
Ask students to bring in examples of topographic maps from their home, or bring in
maps from your own collection. (Free topographic maps can be found online, see the
Selected Web Resources on the next page of this document.) With each map, ask
students to determine the contour interval, determine the highest and lowest elevations,
calculate the relief (highest elevation - lowest elevation), and measure the distances
between various points on the map using a ruler and the map key. Students also can
calculate the gradient of various slopes on the map and locate physical features such as
mountains, ridges, stream valleys, roads, and trails.
Scientific Background
A topographic map uses contour lines, or lines of equal elevation, to indicate the physical
features of a landscape. The contour interval is the vertical distance between successive
contour lines. Usually, only the elevation of every fifth contour line is labeled—these are the
index contour lines. To calculate the contour interval, find the elevation difference between two
index contours and divide by five. The chosen contour interval usually depends on the amount
of elevation change, or relief, in the landscape. A smaller interval will reveal more detail but may
lead to an excessive number of contour lines on the map.
Many landscape features are characterized by
particular patterns of contour lines. Hill or
mountain tops are shown by contour lines in
concentric circles (figure A). Stream valleys
are often marked by V-shaped contour lines,
with the angle of the V pointing upstream
(figure B). Depression contour lines contain
hachure marks (figure C). Glaciers are
indicated by blue contour lines on a white
background (Figure D). Other symbols indicate
marshes, lakes, roads, trails, buildings, and other
natural or manmade features.
The steepness of a slope can be determined from
the spacing of contour lines. The closer the lines
are spaced together, the steeper the
slope. Figure A, for example, shows a
mountain that is very steep on its southeast
side and relatively gentle on its northwest side.
Gradient is a measure of steepness. To calculate the gradient between two points, divide the
vertical elevation change by the horizontal distance. Gradient may be measured in meters per
kilometer, feet per mile, or meters/meter (no units).
Historical Connection: Surveying Mt. Everest
One of the greatest cartographical challenges in history was to survey
the Himalayas, a rugged and remote mountain range in central Asia.
In 1802, the British East India Company began the Great
Trigonometric Survey to establish the locations and heights of the
world's tallest peaks. The survey project was complicated by the fact
that Nepal and Tibet were closed to foreigners, forcing the survey
team to make their observations from locations in northern India.
In 1849, hauling a 500 kg optical instrument called a theodolite through the mountains, James
Nicolson made over 30 observations of Everest, which was then known as "peak b." His raw
data gave an estimated height of 30,000 ft (9,200 m). Later calculations that took light refraction
into account yielded a height of 29,000 ft (8,839 m), but this figure was changed to 29,002 ft
(8,840 m) to appear more "accurate." Today the official figure is 29,029 ft (8,848 m).
Selected Web Resources
Topographic maps: http://adventure.howstuffworks.com/how-to-read-a-topographic-map.htm
Clay mountain activity: http://www.libraryvideo.com/ssl/data_sheets/V6421.pdf
Map practice: http://www.sir-ray.com/Topographic%20Map%20Lab.htm
USGS topographic maps: http://store.usgs.gov/b2c_usgs/b2c/display/(xcm=r3standardpitrex_
Name: ______________________________________
Date: ________________________
Gizmo - www.explorelearning.com
Student Exploration: Reading Topographic Maps
Vocabulary: contour interval, contour line, depression contour, elevation, gradient, index
contour, relief, topographic map
Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.)
A house sits on the side of a small hill near a lake. The elevation, or height, of each point above
the lake is shown by the contour lines on the landscape below.
1. Suppose it rained for a while, and the lake level rose
up 5 meters. Would the house be safe? Explain.
2. What would happen if the lake level rose 10 meters?
A topographic map is a map that contains contour lines to
show elevation. Each contour line connects points that are at the
same elevation. The Reading Topographic Maps ™
allows you to see how a two-dimensional map can represent a
three-dimensional landscape.
The controls at the top allow you to manipulate the
landscape on the left and the map on the right. Try each tool:
With the Rotate tool selected, click and drag to turn the map or landscape.
Select Zoom In and click the landscape several times. Then select Zoom Out and click
the landscape again to return it to its original size.
Click the Add button, and then click several times on the landscape or map to add a hill.
Then dig a hole using the Subtract tool.
Enter a new Interval using your keyboard. The contour interval is the elevation change
between contour lines.
Now use the slider to change the Water level. Look out for a flood!
Try the remaining tools and buttons on your own.
Get the Simulation ready:
Activity A:
Contour lines
• Click Flat to start with a flat landscape.
• Set the Interval to 50 m.
• Set the Water level to 0 m.
Question: How do contour lines indicate elevation?
1. Observe: Select Add, and then click in the center of the landscape exactly four times. Click
Horizontal View and use the Zoom In tool to magnify the landscape.
A. What feature have you created? _________________________________________
B. Look at each contour line on the horizontal view at left. What do you notice?
2. Calculate: Notice that one contour line is labeled with an elevation. This is an index
contour. The elevation is given in meters above sea level. Because the contour interval is
50 meters, each line above the index contour represents an elevation gain of 50 meters.
A. What is the elevation of the highest contour line on the hill? ____________________
B. What is the elevation of the lowest contour line you can see? __________________
C. What is the maximum height the hill could be? Explain. _______________________
D. Raise the Water level until the water is just at the top of the hill. To the nearest 10
meters, what is the actual elevation of the hill? ______________________________
3. Create: Reduce the Water level to 0 m, and click Flat. Select the Subtract button and click
the center of the landscape exactly three times. Choose the Isometric view.
A. What feature have you created? ___________________
In real topographic maps, depression contours are
indicated by hachure marks, shown at right.
B. Based on the contour lines, what is the lowest possible elevation of the deepest point
in the depression? ________________
C. Check with the Water level slider. What is the lowest elevation? ________________
Reading Topographic Maps
Answer Key
Vocabulary: contour interval, contour line, depression contour, elevation, gradient, index
contour, relief, topographic map
Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the simulation.)
[Note: The purpose of these questions is to activate prior knowledge and get students thinking.
Students are not expected to know the answers to the Prior Knowledge Questions.]
A house sits on the side of a small hill near a lake. The elevation, or height, of each point above
the lake is shown by the contour lines on the landscape below.
3. Suppose it rained for a while, and the lake level rose
up 5 meters. Would the house be safe? Explain.
Answers will vary. [The house would be safe
because the water would rise up to the 5 m line.]
4. What would happen if the lake level rose 10 meters?
Answers will vary. [The house would be flooded
because it is between 5 and 10 meters above the
level of the lake.]
A topographic map is a map that contains contour lines to
show elevation. Each contour line connects points that are at the
same elevation. The Reading Topographic Maps ™
allows you to see how a three-dimensional landscape can be
represented by a two-dimensional map.
The controls at the top allow you to manipulate the
landscape on the left and the map on the right. Try each tool:
With the Rotate tool selected, click and drag to turn the map or landscape.
Select Zoom In and click the landscape several times. Then select Zoom Out and click
the landscape again to return it to its original size.
Click the Add button, and then click several times on the landscape or map to add a hill.
Then dig a hole using the Subtract tool.
Enter a new Interval using your keyboard. The contour interval is the elevation change
between contour lines.
Now use the slider to change the Water level. Look out for a flood!
Try the remaining tools and buttons on your own.
Get the simulation ready:
Activity A:
Contour lines
• Click Flat to start with a flat landscape.
• Set the Interval to 50 m.
• Set the Water level to 0 m.
1. Observe: Select Add, and then click in the center of the landscape exactly four times.
Click Horizontal View and use the Zoom In tool to magnify the landscape.
A. What feature have you created? I have created a small hill.
B. Look at each contour line on the horizontal view at left. What do you notice?
The contour lines are horizontal and are always the same distance apart.
2. Calculate: Notice that one contour line is labeled with an elevation. This is an index
contour. The elevation is given in meters above sea level. Because the contour interval
is 50 meters, each line above the index contour represents an elevation gain of 50
A. What is the elevation of the highest contour line on the hill? 550 or 600 meters
B. What is the elevation of the lowest contour line you can see? 300 meters
C. What is the maximum height the hill could be? Explain. Answers will vary:
[The maximum height is 599 meters or 649 meters, depending on the elevation of
the highest contour line on the hill (550 m or 600 m). The maximum height of the hill
is just less than 50 meters higher than the elevation of the highest contour line.]
D. Raise the Water level until the water is just at the top of the hill. To the nearest 10
meters, what is the actual elevation of the hill?
Answers will vary. [The height of the hill should be between the elevation of the
highest contour line and the maximum possible height of the hill.]
3. Create: Reduce the Water level to 0 m, and click Flat. Select the Subtract button and
click the center of the landscape exactly three times. Choose the Isometric view.
A. What feature have you created? A depression or hole
In real topographic maps, depression contours are
indicated by hachure marks, shown at right.
B. Based on the contour lines, what is the lowest possible elevation of the deepest point in
the depression? 51 meters
C. Check with the Water level slider. What is the lowest elevation? 50 or 60 meters
Name: _________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _______
Interpreting a Topographic Map
Imagine you are taking a hike through a national park. The park ranger gives you a topographic map
to help you find your way. Use the map below to answer the following questions.
1. At what end of the park is the ranger's station?
a. northwest
b. southwest c.
d. northeast
2. What is in the northwest corner of the park?
a. A mountain
b. A depression
c. a lake
d. A hill
3. At what elevation is the ranger's station? _________________________
4. At what elevation is the bridge? _____________________
5. How many cabins are at or above an elevation of 750 m? _______________
6. What land feature is in the southwest corner of the park? ____________
7. How high is the highest point in the park? ________________________
8. How long is the path from the ranger station to the lake? _____________
9. What is the contour interval of this map? _________________________
10. The river has eroded away some of the soil. What feature of the
topographic map indicates this?
Name: _________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _______
Interpreting a Topographic Map - Answer Key
Imagine you are taking a hike through a national park. The park ranger gives you a topographic map
to help you find your way. Use the map below to answer the following questions.
1. At what end of the park is the ranger's station?
a. northwest
b. southwest c.
d. northeast
2. What is in the northwest corner of the park?
a. A mountain
b. A depression
c. a lake
d. A hill
3. At what elevation is the ranger's station? ______Between 450 & 500____
4. At what elevation is the bridge? ____ Between 700 & 750___
5. How many cabins are at or above an elevation of 750 m? ______2____
6. What land feature is in the southwest corner of the park? ___mountain__
7. How high is the highest point in the park? _______1,050 m_____
8. How long is the path from the ranger station to the lake? _____5.5 km___
9. What is the contour interval of this map? ______50 m___________
10. The river has eroded away some of the soil. What feature of the
topographic map indicates this?
____The contour lines over that cross the river show a decrease in
elevation compared to the surrounding land.__________
Permanent Address: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=what-causes-beach-erosion
What Causes Beach Erosion?
| Wednesday, December 17, 2008 | 2
Is beach erosion a natural cycle or is it worse with rising
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that
80 to 90 percent of the sandy beaches along America's
coastlines have been eroding for decades. Individual
beaches may lose only a few inches per year; others may
lose much more. Of particular concern is the effect of
climate change, which causes sea level rises and also
increases the severity and frequency of harsh storms, has on
beach erosion. Image: Dr. David Lindbo, courtesy Flickr.
Dear EarthTalk: I've noticed a lot of beach
erosion along the eastern U.S. coast. Beaches are
virtually nonexistent in places. Is this a usual
cycle that will self-correct, or are these beaches
permanently gone from sea level rise or other
environmental causes?
-- Jan Jesse, Morristown, TN
Unfortunately for beach lovers and owners of high-priced beach-front homes, coastal
erosion in any form is usually a one-way trip. Man-made techniques such as beach
nourishment—whereby sand is dredged from off-shore sources and deposited along
otherwise vanishing beaches—may slow the process, but nothing short of global cooling or
some other major geomorphic change will stop it altogether.
According to Stephen Leatherman ("Dr. Beach") of the National Healthy Beaches
Campaign, beach erosion is defined by the actual removal of sand from a beach to
deeper water offshore or alongshore into inlets, tidal shoals and bays. Such erosion can result
from any number of factors, including the simple inundation of the land by rising sea levels
resulting from the melting of the polar ice caps.
Leatherman cites U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that between 80 and
90 percent of the sandy beaches along America's coastlines have been eroding for
decades. In many of these cases, individual beaches may be losing only a few inches per
year, but in some cases the problem is much worse. The outer coast of Louisiana, which
Leatherman refers to as "the erosion 'hot spot' of the U.S.," is losing some 50 feet of beach
every year.
Of particular concern is the effect of climate change, which not only causes sea levels to
rise but also increases the severity and possibly the frequency of harsh storms, has on
beach erosion. "While sea level rise sets the conditions for landward displacement of the shore,
coastal storms supply the energy to do the 'geologic work' by moving the sand off
and along the beach," writes Leatherman on his DrBeach.org website. "Therefore,
beaches are greatly influenced by the frequency and magnitude of storms along a
particular shoreline."
Besides collectively lowering our greenhouse gas emissions substantially, there is little
that individuals—let alone coastal landowners—can do to stop beach erosion. Building a
bulkhead or seawall along one or a few coastal properties may protect homes from
damaging storm waves for a few years, but could end up doing more harm than good.
"Bulkheads and seawalls may accelerate beach erosion by reflecting wave energy off the
facing wall, impacting adjacent property owners as well," writes Leatherman, adding
that such structures along retreating shorelines eventually cause diminished beach width
and even loss.
Other larger scale techniques like beach nourishment may have better track records, at
least in terms of slowing or delaying beach erosion, but are expensive enough as to
warrant massive taxpayer expenditures. In the early 1980s, the city of Miami spent some
$65 million adding sand to a 10-mile stretch of fast-eroding shoreline. Not only did the
effort stave off erosion, it helped revitalize the tony South Beach neighborhood and rescue
hotels, restaurants and shops there that cater to the rich and famous.
CONTACTS: Stephen Leatherman, www.drbeach.org; National Healthy Beaches
Campaign, www.ihrc.fiu.edu/nhbc.
EarthTalk is produced by E/The Environmental Magazine. GOT AN ENVIRONMENTAL
QUESTION? Send it to: EarthTalk, c/o E/The Environmental Magazine, P.O. Box 5098,
Westport, CT 06881; submit it at: www.emagazine.com/earthtalk/thisweek/, or e-mail:
earthtalk@emagazine.com. Read past columns at:
Answer the following questions citing evidence from the text.
1. What is causing the beach to erode?
2. Where is this occurring the most frequently?
3. What is one possible solution to keep the beaches from eroding?
Answer the following questions citing evidence from the text.
1. What is causing the beach to erode?
2. Where is this occurring the most frequently?
3. What is one possible solution to keep the beaches from eroding?
Teacher & Student documents for
"Teach about the Beach"
Materials List for Beach Water System Model
Dry sand
Tray (15cm x 45cm x 60cm) - Consider using the CPO Physical Science
Wave Trays.
Water (500 ml per group)
Bottle/Other Utensil that could create waves in the water
Materials for open inquiry solution
Plastic bags
Aluminum Foil
Name: ______________________________ Date: _________________ Period: _______
Procedures List
Beach Water System
1. Begin by placing a sheet of paper into the tray, and mark the area where
your beach will begin.
2. Using your large spoon, place the sand in your tray so that it has a depth
of 10 cm.
3. Carefully pour the 500 ml of water onto the side of the tray that does not
have sand covering it.
4. Using your fingers to slightly push the water side of the tray, simulate the
waves that occur in the ocean.
5. Record the depth of sand at the water's edge
6. Repeat the simulation of waves three more times, each time pausing to
record the depth of the sand at the water's edge.
Height of sand
before wave
Height of sand
after wave
Other Observations
of simulation
Presentation Rubric
Group Names: ____________
information in a
sequence that
is interesting for
the audience.
Students are
engaged in the
Student presents
information in
logical sequence
which audience
can follow.
Audience has
difficulty following
because student
jumps from topic to
Audience cannot
because there is no
sequence of
U se d a
strategy and
revised strategy
appropriate to
complete the
Used a strategy
that led to
completion of the
Used a strategy that
was somewhat
useful, leading to
partial completion
of the
No evidence of a
strategy or
procedure, or used a
strategy that did
not bring about
completion of
Precisely and
used scientific
Appropriately used
Used some relevant
No use, or mostly
inappropriate use of
Total Points Given: _______________________
Student Group Reflection:
In this area respond to your score, list areas you need to improve on, and
content that you may still not have a full grasp on.
Constructive and Destructive Processes at Work
Erosion and
Erosion and
Erosion and
Erosion and
Hot Spots
Plate Boundary
My topic is: _______________________________________________________
Part I. Based on your assigned topic, your group task is to show constructive
and/or destructive forces at work and the resulting change in landforms.
Suggested Timeline
1. Conduct research to learn more about the processes that cause the
land to change.
2. Then, create a model that represents an area where your assigned
process would occur.
3. Take a "before" photograph to show the original condition of the land.
4. Using the research your group collected, change your landform to
reflect the effects of the constructive or destructive processes that occur
5. Take an "AFTER" picture of your modified landform.
6. Write a paragraph that describes the conditions for formation and the
process that caused the changes between your before and after
7. Post before and after pictures around the classroom.
Use your Prentice Hall Earth Science Textbook and other resources to find out
more about your assigned topic.
1) What processes are at workConstructive (building up), Destructive
(breaking down), or both?
2) How do these processes work? What forces are involved?
3) What is the resulting effect on the land?
Name: _____________________________________Date_______________________Period______
Name: _____________________________________Date_______________________Period______
Describe the conditions for formation and the process that caused the changes shown
in your before and after pictures.
Name: _____________________________________Date_______________________Period______
Geologist Gallery Walk
Part II. Your next task is to become geologists investigating what caused some of the
"present day" landforms. You will travel around the room and use your background
knowledge of constructive and destructive forces to create an explanation of your
classmate's landforms. Record your findings on the Geologist Gallery Walk sheet.
Group # __________
Explanation of Landform:
Justify your findings:
Group # __________
Explanation of Landform:
Justify your findings:
Group # __________
Explanation of Landform:
Justify your findings:
Name: _____________________________________Date_______________________Period______
Group # __________
Explanation of Landform:
Justify your findings:
Group # __________
Explanation of Landform:
Justify your findings:
Group # __________
Explanation of Landform:
Justify your findings:
Name: _____________________________________Date_______________________Period______
Group # __________
Explanation of Landform:
Justify your findings:
Group # __________
Explanation of Landform:
Justify your findings:
Group # __________
Explanation of Landform:
Justify your findings:
Name: _____________________________________Date_______________________Period______
Group # __________
Explanation of Landform:
Justify your findings:
Group # __________
Explanation of Landform:
Justify your findings:
Group # __________
Explanation of Landform:
Justify your findings:
World Problem Solvers - Teacher Page
Iceland Ash
• http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1982787,00.html
• http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/04/100416-iceland-volcano-ash-plumehealth-europe/
• Website comparing masks for smoke/ash blocking
Tsunami Mitigation
• http://courses.washington.edu/larescue/precedents/prevention.htm
• http://www.tsunami.civil.tohoku.ac.jp/hokusai2/topics/counter.html •
Haitian Buildings Fall to Earthquake
• http://articles.cnn.com/2010-01-13/world/haiti.construction_1_building-code-haitiearthquake?_s=PM:WORLD
• http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/01/21/haiti-earthquake-understa_n_431695.html
• http://www.discoveryeducation.com/teachers/free-lesson-plans/constructingearthquake-proof-buildings.cfm
Mississippi River Deposition
• http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/06/090629-mississippi-river-sealevels.html
• http://www.classzone.com/books/earth_science/terc/content/visualizations/es0604/es06
Accurate information
taken from several
sources in a
systematic manner.
Accurate information
taken from a couple
of sources in a
systematic manner.
Accurate information
taken from a couple
of sources but not
Information taken
from only one source
and/or information
not accurate.
Constructive or
destructive force is
identified. Effects of
this force is
identified. Previous
attempts to corect
problem are listed
Constructive or
destructive force is
identified. Effects of
this force is
identified. Previous
attempts to correct
problem are not
Constructive or
destructive force is
identified. Effects of
this force goes
Previous attempts to
correct problem are
not listed
Constructive or
destructive force is
not identified. Effects
and previous
attempts to correct
problem go
Clear evidence of
based on data or
scientific principles.
Clear evidence of
troubleshooting. Not
based on scientific
Some evidence of
Little evidence of
testing or refinement.
Presentation Content
provides a complete
overview of all
components in detail.
provides an overview
of other components,
but lacks detail.
provides an
incomplete overview
of other components.
Presentation does
not provide any
information that
relates to the
problem or solution.
8th Grade Science Unit:
The Mystery of Earth's History
Unit Snapshot
Topic: Physical Earth
Grade Level: 8
9 Days
The following activities engage students in exploring Earth's geologic
history through virtual and hands-on lab experiences. Students will learn
about and use various methods to determine ages of rock layers, as well
identify past environments and climate conditions.
"I can"statements
____ investigate virtual dig sites using various methods in order to determine relative
and absolute ages of rock layers.
____interpret index fossils and radiometric dating results to explain the law of
____ interpret and understand past environments by developing and using ice core
Activity Highlights and Suggested Timeframe
Day 1
Days 2-3
Days 4-5
Days 6-7
Day 8
and on-going
Day 9
Engagement: The objective of the following activity is to give students the
opportunity to explore an overview of geologic time through an engaging
interactive web-based activity as well as formatively assess students' prior
Exploration: The objective of the following activity is to give students the
opportunity to engage in various testing methods using fossils and geologic
features to determine the relative and absolute ages of rock layers through a virtual
Explanation: The objective of the following activities are for students to apply their
knowledge through reading and interpreting real data in order to develop
conclusions related to geologic history.
Elaboration: The objective of the following activities is to give students the
opportunity to apply knowledge of geologic time through the Earth Science Textbook
Laboratory investigation that models ice core sampling.
Evaluate: Formative and summative assessments are used to focus on and assess
student knowledge and growth to gain evidence of student learning or progress
throughout the unit, and to become aware of students misconceptions related to
Earth's geologic history. A teacher-created short cycle assessment will be
administered at the end of the unit to assess all clear learning targets (Day 8).
Extension/Intervention: Based on the results of the short-cycle assessment,
facilitate extension and/or intervention activities.
8.ESS.4 Evidence of the dynamic changes of Earth's surface through time is found in the
geologic record.
• Earth is approximately 4.6 billion years old. Earth history is based on observations of the geologic
record and the understanding that processes observed at present day are similar to those that
occurred in the past (uniformitarianism). There are different methods to determine relative and
absolute age of some rock layers in the geologic record. Within a sequence of undisturbed
sedimentary rocks, the oldest rocks are at the bottom (superposition). The geologic record can help identify past
environmental and climate conditions.
Note: Environmental and climate conditions also can be documented through the cryosphere as seen through ice
During the years of grades K-12, all students must use the following scientific inquiry and application practices with appropriate
laboratory safety techniques to construct their knowledge and understanding in all science content areas:
Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering) that guide scientific
• Developing descriptions, models, explanations and predictions.
• Planning and carrying out investigations
• Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)that conclude
scientific investigations
• Using appropriate mathematics, tools, and techniques to gather data/information, and analyze and
interpret data
• Engaging in argument from evidence
• Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating scientific procedures and explanations
*These practices are a combination of ODE Science Inquiry and Application and Frame-work for K-12
Science Education Scientific and Engineering Practices
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.2 Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; provide an accurate
summary of the text distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.3 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
*For more information: http://www.corestandards.org/assets/CCSSI_ELA%20Standards.pdf
Prior Concepts Related to Rocks and Fossils
PreK-2: Some living things that once lived on Earth no longer exist because their needs were not met.
Grades 3-5: Rocks have characteristics and form in different ways. Earth's surface changes. Most types of
organisms that have lived on Earth no longer exist. Fossils provide a point of comparison between the types
of organisms that lived long ago and those living today. Rocks can change size and shape due to weathering,
water and wind. Ice can physically remove and carry rock, soil and sediment.
Grades 6-7: Igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks form in different ways. Each type of rock can provide
information about the environment in which it was formed.
Future Application of Concepts
Future Application of Concepts
High School: The age of Earth is further explored through learning about the evolution and extinction of
species throughout Earth's history. In grades 11/12 Physical Geology, the interpretations of sections of the rock
record and geologic time periods are explored.
• A Computer
• Internet Connection
• Projector
• WS: Understanding Geologic Time
• Earth Science Textbook
• Computers/laptops •
Internet connection
• Projector
• WS: Virtual Lab: Fossil Data
• Article: Invisible fossils of the first animals
• WS: Earth Science Textbook Skills Lab:
Finding Clues to Rock Layers
• Possible materials for Lab(per group): 1-L
Milk Carton, white-colored sand, potting soil
or mud, ground up leaves or grass,
fossils(seeds, rice, beans), mixing bowl, thick
plastic drinking straws, wooden or plastic
rod that fits into the straw, paper, ruler.
Absolute Age
Fossil Evidence
Geologic Record
Geologic Time
Ice Core Sampling
Index Fossils
Law of Superposition
Radiometric Dating
Relative Age
All lab safety rules apply
Reserve computers for Virtual Lab: Fossil Data
Gather materials for Ice Core Sampling Lab Activity
Objective: The objective of the following activity is to give students the
opportunity to explore geologic time through a web-based activity as well as
formatively assess students' prior knowledge.
Day 1
(What will draw students into the
learning? How will you determine
what your students already know
about the topic? What can be
done at this point to identify and
address misconceptions? Where
can connections are made to
the real world?)
What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?
Understanding Geologic Time Class
Activity(On-line) (Day 1)
• It is suggested that this activity
be completed as a class
demonstration, in order to
formatively assess student
knowledge. Consider
projecting website on to the
board or SMARTboard and
have students manipulate the
computer or SMARTboard.
• Distribute copies of the
Geologic Time WS
• Facilitate web-based activity
Understanding Geologic Time Class
Activity(On-line) (Day 1)
1. As a class, with teacher
facilitation, complete
Understanding Geologic Time
Objective: The objective of the following activity is to give students the
opportunity to engage in various testing methods using fossils and
geologic features to determine the relative and absolute ages of rock
Days 2-3
(How will the concept be
developed? How is this relevant to
students' lives? What can be done
at this point to identify and
address misconceptions?)
What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?
Virtual Lab: Fossil Data (Days 2-3)
• Facilitate a close reading of
in the Earth Science
• If needed, show
video clip: Geologic Time [6:44]
Virtual Lab: Fossil Data (Days 2-3)
1. Perform a close reading of
in the Earth Science
This activity can be completed as a
class demonstration, or students can
work on laptops or in a computer lab. It
is suggested that students work in
partners. Consider also breaking the
class into 3 groups so that each group
completes 1 dig site. Then groups share
• Distribute copies of the Virtual
Lab: Fossil Data WS.
• Facilitate web-based activity
• Use (The Geologic Time Scale) as
a resource.
2. This activity can be
completed as a class
demonstration, or students
can work on laptops or in a
computer lab. It is suggested that
students work in partners.
3. Students complete virtual lab.
-Use (The
Geologic Time Scale) as a
Objective: The objective of the following activities are for students to apply
their knowledge through reading and interpreting real data in order to
develop conclusions related to geologic history.
Days 4-5
(What products could the
students develop and share?
How will students share what they
have learned? What can be
done at this point to identify and
address misconceptions?)
What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?
Reading Information Text Article:
Invisible fossils of the first animals and
Skills Lab (Days 4-5)
• OPTIONAL: Distribute copies of
the article: Invisible fossils of the
first animals (Science News for
Kids)find the article at:
Reading Information Text Article:
Invisible fossils of the first animals and
Skills Lab(Days 4-5)
• Facilitate a close reading of the
article. Article questions have
been provided.
Consider using various literacy
strategies and techniques to
assist students in reading and
comprehension of information t ex t .
1. Complete a close reading of
the article: Invisible Fossils of
the First Animals
Distribute Skills Lab : Finding
Clues to Rock Layers WS from
the Earth Science Textbook
and facilitate activity.
2. Complete Skills Lab: Finding
Clues to Rock Layers WS.
Objective: The objective of the following activities is to give students the
opportunity to apply knowledge of geologic time through a
textbook laboratory investigation that models ice core sampling.
Days 6-7
(How will the new knowledge be
reinforced, transferred to new
and unique situations, or
integrated with related
What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?
Exploring Geologic Time Through Core
Samples (Days 6-7)
• Show the
video clip: Answers in Ice Cores
• Facilitate a quick-write of how
ice cores can be used to
interpret and understand past
• Distribute and facilitate the
Laboratory Investigation:
Exploring Geologic Time
Through Core Samples WS
Exploring Geologic Time Through
Core Samples (Days 6-7)
1. Watch the
video clip: Answers in Ice
Cores [8:24]
2. Complete the laboratory
investigation: Exploring
Geologic Time Through Core
3. Complete a quick write of
how ice cores can be used to
interpret and understand past
Objective: The objective of the assessments is to focus on and assess student
knowledge and growth to gain evidence of student learning or
progress throughout the lesson, and to become aware of students
misconceptions related to geologic history and record.
Day 8 & on-going
(What opportunities will students
have to express their thinking?
When will students reflect on
what they have learned? How
will you measure learning as it
occurs? What evidence of
student learning will you be
looking for and/or collecting?)
Consider developing a
teacher-created formative
1. The Understanding Geologic Time
on-line activity can be used to
formatively assess students
understanding of geologic time and to
elicit misconceptions.
2. The Virtual Lab: Fossil Data can be
used to assess students knowledge of
absolute and relative dating as it
pertains to rocks and fossils.
3. The Skills Lab: Finding Clues to Rock
Layers, can be used to assess
students ability to analyze diagrams that
represent fossil clues in order to interpret
relative ages of rock layers.
1. Ice Core Sampling Investigation
conclusions/answers can be used
to assess students overall
understanding of how fossils and
rock layers help scientists to
determine geologic history and t i m e.
2. Standardized Test Prep: Earth
Science Textbook
3. A Trip Through Geologic Time
Performance Assessment: Layers of
Rock from the Earth Science
4. Teacher-created short cycle
assessment will assess all clear
learning targets (Day 8).
Day 9
1. Adventures at Dry Creek
Educational Module:
2. Paleoenvironment Booklet:
3. A Cross-country Trip in the Old
4. Radioactive Dating Game:
related videos
2. Stories from the Fossil Record Web-based interactive
-Past Lives
-Geologic Time
All rock layers on the bottom are the oldest, and all rock layers on the
top are the youngest.
-Sometimes faults or other factors can cause uplift, which may overturn lrock
All rock types can be used for radiometric dating.
-Sedimentary rock is composed of the weathered remains of a variety
of rocks of all ages. It would therefore only be possible to date specific
components of a sample, none of which would equate to the age of
the sedimentary rock as a unit. Sedimentary rock is dated by its
association in the geologic column with igneous and metamorphic rock
which can be dated by radioactive dating techniques
Strategies to address misconceptions:
Misconceptions can be addressed through the use of United Streaming video
clips, pictures and diagrams of fossils and rock layers, as well as through the use of
models or actual samples.
Lower-level: Consider partnering students with higher-level students for webactivity, and lab. Consider performing a read-aloud of the textbook
readings and article.
Higher-Level: Consider assigning extension activities and/or further research on
a particular topic related to this unit.
Strategies for meeting the needs of all learners including gifted students, English
Language Learners (ELL) and students with disabilities can be found at ODE.
Textbook Resources:
8th Grade Science Textbooks
• Ice Cores: http://wosu.org/2012/education/category/ice-coresunlocking-past-climates/
• Understanding Geologic Time:
• Virtual Lab- Fossil Data:
• Stories from the Fossil Record:
Discovery Ed:
• Geologic Time [6:44] • Rocks
of Ages [8:56]
• How Do Scientists Discover Information about Earth's Past [2:00]
• Radiometric Dating [8:51]
• Ball, Jaqueline. (2004) Earth's History. Gareth Stevens Publishing.
• Bjornerud, Marcia. (2005) Reading the Rocks: The Autobiography of the
• Hantula, Richard. (2007). Rocks and Fossils. Gareth Stevens Publishing.
• All about Earth's History. (2005) Schlessinger Media. Barrud Productions.
Understanding GEOLOGIC TIME
1. The Earth has a long and unique history.
2. The earth is billions of years old and a lot has happened in that time.
What happened
• 4.6 billion years ago (4,600,000,000)?
• 3.9 billion years ago (3,000,000,000)?
• 420 million years ago (420,000,000)?
• 248 million years ago (248,000,000)?
• 65 million years ago (65,000,000)?
• 4 million years ago (4,000,000)?
3. Putting events in order is important.
4. We can order events along a timeline. 5.
The history of life has an order to. 6. RELATIVE
TIME is recorded in rocks.
Label the oldest layer and the
youngest layer on the diagram
Explain the Law of Superposition
7. Evidence of the events in Earth's history is found within the rocks.
• We can apply the Law of Superposition to the fossils as well as to the rocks.
Which of the fossils is the earliest (oldest)?
a.) Brachiopod
c.) Trilobite
b.) Eurypterid
d.) Ammonite
How can fossils and the Law of Superposition help us to understand the
relative age of rocks?
8. RADIOMETRIC DATING gives absolute dates.
• How can we determine accurate ages of rock layers?
Which would be the correct age range for
the fossil layer we are interested in?
a.) 470-472 million years
b.) 465-472 million years c.)
465-467 million years d.)
468-470 million years
9. The Geologic Time Scale is an important vertical timeline.
• The Geologic Time Scale represents the entire history of
the Earth since its formation. How long ago was the
Earth formed?
Name one organism from each of the following
sections of the geologic time scale:
Paleozoic ____________________
Mesozoic ____________________
Cenozoic ____________________
What PERIOD of the geologic time scale were most
dinosaurs a part of?
10. Putting the Pieces Together:
(1) Scientific evidence suggests that the Earth is:
a) less than 1 million years old
b) less than 1 billion years old
c) more than 4 billion years old
d) more than 6 billion years old
e) none of the above
(2) Evidence for past events in Earth's ancient history are provided by:
a) rocks and the fossils within them
b) history books
c) time lines
d) the clothes people wore
e) the biodiversity of North America
(3) The Law of Superposition allows us to determine:
a) which rock layers are the oldest
b) the relative age of layers of rocks and the fossils in them
c) the exact or absolute age of rock layers
d) a and b are correct
e) a and c are correct
(4) Radiometric dating allows us to determine:
a) which rock layers are the oldest
b) the relative age of layers of rocks and the fossils in them
c) the exact or absolute age of rock layers
d) a and b are correct
e) a and c are correct
(5) The divisions of time in the Geologic Time Scale represent:
a) the Law of Superposition
b) the results of radiometric dating
c) major changes in biodiversity
d) multiples of 35 million years
e) all of the above
Understanding GEOLOGIC TIME - Teacher Key
1. The Earth has a long and unique history.
2. The earth is billions of years old and a lot has happened in that time.
What happened
• 4.6 billion years ago (4,600,000,000)?
Formation of the Earth and Moon
• 3.9 billion years ago (3,000,000,000)?
Earliest Life
• 420 million years ago (420,000,000)?
Early Land Plants
• 248 million years ago (248,000,000)?
Largest Mass Extinction
• 65 million years ago (65,000,000)?
Dinosaur Extinction
• 4 million years ago (4,000,000)?
"Lucy" Early Hominid
Youngest Layer
3. Putting events in order is important.
4. We can order events along a timeline. 5.
The history of life has an order to. 6. RELATIVE
TIME is recorded in rocks.
Label the oldest layer and the
youngest layer on the diagram
Oldest Layer
Explain the Law of Superposition
As more and more layers are deposited, the older rock layers end up at
the bottom of the sequence and the newer ones toward the top.
7. Evidence of the events in Earth's history is found within the rocks.
• We can apply the Law of Superposition to the fossils as well as to the rocks.
Which of the fossils is the earliest (oldest)?
a.) Brachiopod
c.) Trilobite
b.) Eurypterid
d.) Ammonite
How can the Law of Superposition help us to understand the relative age
of rocks and fossils?
Based on the Law of Superposition, the rocks and fossils that are
deposited on the bottom are oldest, and the ones on top are youngest,
8. RADIOMETRIC DATING gives absolute dates.
• How can we determine accurate ages of rock layers?
Since the chemical composition of the rocks has changed through time
at a certain rate, we can determine how old rocks are by analyzing
their chemistry.
Which would be the correct age range for
the fossil layer we are interested in?
a.) 470-472 million years
b.) 465-472 million years c.)
465-467 million years
d.) 468-470 million years
9.The Geologic Time Scale is an important vertical timeline.
• The Geologic Time Scale represents the entire history of
the Earth since its formation. How long ago was the
Earth formed?
Roughly 4.6 billion years ago
Name one organism from each of the following
sections of the geologic time scale:
Paleozoic ____________________
Mesozoic ____________________
Answers will Vary
Cenozoic ____________________
What PERIOD of the geologic time scale were most
dinosaurs a part of?
10. Putting the Pieces Together:
(1) Scientific evidence suggests that the Earth is:
a) less than 1 million years old
b) less than 1 billion years old
c) more than 4 billion years old
d) more than 6 billion years old
e) none of the above
(2) Evidence for past events in Earth's ancient history are provided by:
a) rocks and the fossils within them
b) history books
c) time lines
d) the clothes people wore
e) the biodiversity of North America
(3) The Law of Superposition allows us to determine:
a) which rock layers are the oldest
b) the relative age of layers of rocks and the fossils in them
c) the exact or absolute age of rock layers
d) a and b are correct
e) a and c are correct
(4) Radiometric dating allows us to determine:
a) which rock layers are the oldest
b) the relative age of layers of rocks and the fossils in them
c) the exact or absolute age of rock layers
d) a and b are correct
e) a and c are correct
(5) The divisions of time in the Geologic Time Scale represent:
a) the Law of Superposition
b) the results of radiometric dating
c) major changes in biodiversity
d) multiples of 35 million years
e) all of the above
Teacher sheet for Science News for Kids Article: "Invisible fossils of the first animals"
• Article can be found at:
Before reading:
1. What is a fossil?
2. When did animals first form — and where?
3. What are molecules?
4. Where might scientists look for clues to early life if there are no stone fossils of those
During reading:
1. What are the cores that Gordon Love examined, and where were they collected?
2. What are molecular fossils and how do they differ from conventional fossils?
3. How long ago did animals exist, based on the new molecular fossil data - and
how much older is that than previous, conventional animal fossils?
4. One of the detected molecular fossils — 24-IPC — is a marker of the former
presence of what class of animals?
5. Scientists sometimes try to determine the age of fossils on the basis of
molecular clocks. What biological material do these "clocks" rely on?
6. What was the argument for why sponges might have been the first animals?
After reading:
1. Why do scientists care about the kinds of animals that lived in the oceans
millions of years ago?
2. Are molecular fossils harder or easier to interpret than conventional
stone-based ones? Explain your answer.
3. If you can't "see" molecular fossils, what good are they in telling you
something about the organisms they represent?
• Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 — 200 years ago. What hypothesis did he propose to
describe evolution?
• How does the study of fossils, conventional or molecular, contribute to understanding the evolution of
• Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born on the same day. In your opinion, who made a more
important, lasting contribution to the world? Give at least three reasons to support your view.
• Describe a day in the life of two scientists: one who studies conventional stone fossils and one who
investigates molecular fossils. At the end of the day, which type of scientist would you prefer to be and
• Scientists study fossils of all types to better understand the emergence of new species and chronicle
information on the lives of those that have gone extinct. Research an organism that went extinct in the
distant past. Write an essay of five paragraphs or more describing what scientists know about that plant or
animal based on the fossil record.
• Write new lyrics to a song (it can be something as simple as the "Happy
Birthday" or "Yankee Doodle") that have to do with paleontology and the
investigation of fossil animals. Let your imagination run wild!
Name ____________________________________________ Date ________ Period______
Virtual Lab: Fossil Data
Virtual Lab: How can fossil and rock data determine when an organism lived?
Background: Fossils are the remains, imprints, or traces of organisms that were once alive. By
studying fossils, scientists can learn where, when, and how those organisms lived.
Fossils are usually found in sedimentary rocks. This is because the intense pressure and heat
that creates igneous and metamorphic rocks often destroy fossils.
Scientists use special fossils called index fossils, to date rocks. Index fossils are fossils from a
species that existed on Earth for relatively short periods of time and were abundant and
widespread. Index fossils found in a sedimentary rock layer can be used to help date the layer.
Another way scientists might determine the age of a rock layer is by using the principle of
superposition. This principle states that in undisturbed layers of rock, the oldest rocks are on
the bottom and the youngest rocks are towards the top. However, layers do not always
remain undisturbed. A fault could cause a rock layer to overturn. In this case, scientists use
relative dating to determine the order of events and the relative ages of rocks by looking at
the positions of rocks in a sequence. Relative dating does not indicate the exact age of rock
layers. It does indicate, however, that a layer is younger than the layers below it and older than a
fault cutting through it.
Besides using index fossils, superposition, and relative dating, scientists also use a more
precise method called absolute dating, to date rocks. Absolute dating uses the radioactive decay
of radioactive isotopes of minerals in rocks to determine the age of the rock. When a radioactive
isotope (parent material) decays, it forms a new isotope, a daughter product.
The half-life of a radioactive element is the time it takes for half of its atoms to decay into the
daughter product. After two half lives, one-fourth of the original isotope's atoms remain and threefourths have turned into the daughter product. After three half-lives, only one-eighth of
the original isotope's atoms remain. After many more half-lives, a very small amount of the
original parent's isotope remains.
By measuring the amounts of parent and daughter materials in a rock and by knowing the
half-life of the parent, a geologist can calculate the absolute age of the rock. This method is called
radiometric dating.
In this Virtual Lab you will confirm or refute the age of a rare fossil and determine when the
organism that produced it was alive. To date the fossil you will use radiometric dating of rock layers
and information about index fossils.
Name ____________________________________________ Date ________ Period______
1. Begin at one of the three dig sites. Click and drag a nail with a label into each of the
four rock layers.
2. Drag the magnifying glass over the rock and sediment layers to look for fossils. Note: A
hand is displayed on the handle of the magnifying glass. As you move the magnifying
glass, the layer the hand is on indicates the rock layer where a fossil may be found.
You will need to move the magnifying glass slowly and carefully to find the fossils. If you
go too quickly or don't search thoroughly you may miss some.
3. When you find fossils, compare them with those shown in the field guide. To access the
field guide, click the laptop computer. Under Menu click field guide. Compare the
geologic rock layers shown with those of the dig site. Click the Next button to research
the fossils.
4. Record the names of the fossils and the layers in which you found them in your Table.
Use the Geologic Time Scale on Textbook page 328 as a resource to determine the
time period. Return to the dig site.
5. Click and drag the hammer to the layers you want samples from. The samples will be
placed in the tray according to the layers from which they are taken.
6. Click and drag each of the samples to the Utility Truck's front driver side window.
7. Click the truck window again to send the rock samples to the lab for absolute dating.
(the truck will drive away)
8. Click the laptop computer to check your email. Under menu click email to read the
results of the absolute dating tests.
9. Click the Next button and read the graph to determine the age of your rock sample.
Find the flashing point on the graph. Convert the number of half-lives into millions of
years. You may use the calculator if necessary. If you received data for more than one
sample, click the Next button again and determine the age of that rock sample. Record your
findings in the Table.
10. To explore a different site click the Reset button until you see a new site number that
you have not explored near the top of the screen.
Name ___________________________________________________ Date ________ Period________
Data Table:
Dig Site 1
Name of Fossils Found
(at least 2 in
layers 1 and 3)
Time Period of
Fossil Found
Radiometric Dating
(layers 2 and 4)
Name of Fossils Found
(at least 2 in
layers 1 and 3)
Time Period of
Fossil Found
Radiometric Dating
(layers 2 and 4)
Name of Fossils Found
(at least 2 in
layers 1 and 3)
Time Period of
Fossil Found
Radiometric Dating
(layers 2 and 4)
Dig Site 2
Dig Site 3
Name _______________________________________________ Date ____________ Period______
Virtual Lab: Fossil Data
1. What does the principle of superposition state?
2. Which dig site(s) data supports the principle of superposition? Explain.
3. How can you explain the fact that at Dig site 3 there is an older rock layer above a
younger rock layer?
4. What is the difference between relative dating and absolute dating?
5. Why could you use radiometric dating to date the igneous rock layers, but not the
sedimentary rock layers?
Name ___________________________________________________ Date ________ Period________
Dig Site 1
Name of Fossils Found
(at least 2 in
layers 1 and 3)
Time Period/Era of
Fossil Found
Radiometric Dating
(layers 2 and 4)
Fossil W
Permian (248my-290my)
Fossil T; Fossil Z
400my x 1 halflife=400my
550my x 1 halflife=550my
Dig Site 2
Name of Fossils Found
(at least 2 in
layers 1 and 3)
Time Period/Era of
Fossil Found
Fossil V
Fossil S; Fossil Y
Radiometric Dating
(layers 2 and 4)
100myx3 halflives=300my
Paleozoic/before Permian
Dig Site 3
Name of Fossils Found
(at least 2 in
layers 1 and 3)
Time Period/Era of
Fossil Found
Radiometric Dating
(layers 2 and 4)
Fossil V; Fossil W
Fossil S; Fossil X
100my x 1 halflives=100 my
Paleozoic/End of Permian
25my x 3 halflives=75my
Name _______________________________________________ Date ____________ Period______
Virtual Lab: Fossil Data - Teacher Key
1. What does the principle of superposition state?
This principle states that in undisturbed layers of rock, the oldest rocks are on the
bottom and the youngest rocks are towards the top.
2. Which dig site data supports the principle of superposition? Explain.
Digsite #2 supports the principle of superposition because the oldest layers are on the
bottom, and get younger as they layer on top.
3. How can you explain the fact that at Dig site 3 there is an older rock layer above a
younger rock layer?
A fault, uplift, glacier, or other geologic event could cause a rock layer to overturn.
4. What is the difference between relative dating and absolute dating?
Relative dating does not indicate the exact age of rock layers. It does indicate,
however, that a layer is younger than the layers below it and older than a fault cutting
through it.
Absolute dating uses the radioactive decay of radioactive isotopes of minerals in
rocks to determine the age of the rock.
5. Why could you use radiometric dating to date the igneous rock layers, but not the
sedimentary rock layers?
Absolute dating methods cannot be used to determine the age of sedimentary rocks,
because the age of the sediment is determined, not the age of the rock itself.