2013 Issues (All) - Inland Northwest Region


2013 Issues (All) - Inland Northwest Region
Über Alles
new names on the Board
A History Lesson
Tech Session
Christmas Party photos
PedrosGarage: Brake Fluid
Parade 2013 Preview
Journal for the Inland Northwest Region Porsche Club of America
Volume 42 Issue 1
January-February 2013
©2010 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. Optional equipment shown is extra.
Porsche recommends
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8:00am to 7:00pm
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January - February 2013
Über Alles
From the President
Table of Contents
From the President.......................3
2013 Calendar..............................4
INWR Board Members................5
From the Editor............................7
Online Membership Roster..........7
A History Lesson..................... 8-9
Tech Session...............................10
Christmas Party photos..............11
Announcements............ 12-13, 19
Cars & Coffee(s)........................12
Monthly Meeting.......................12
Porsche Parade 2013..................19
Saturday Coffee Dates...............12
Winter Banquet..........................13
New Members &
PedrosGarage: Brake Fluid.. 16-18
Parade Preview..................... 19-22
Meeting Minutes.................. 24-25
Marketplace.......................... 27-28
On the Cover
The classiest thing to come through
the Stargate: Dennis Garrood’s 911
Photo by Dennis Garrood
January - February 2013
From the President
New Year, new challenges,
new expectations, new
commitments. Hope for
a better, a more secure, a more
just tomorrow. Is it important to
reflect on the past, especially at
the beginning of a new year. Do
we really take the time to go back
the past 12, in our case even the
past 24 months. Should we? A
good friend of mine in France
likes to say, “Time flies if you
have fun.” These last 24 months
did indeed fly by in no time. They
were filled with incredible trips,
wonderful events, much laughter,
and definitely fun. We do owe our
Past President, Matt and his team,
a big ‘thank you’ for guiding our
club, the INWR, in a masterful and
exciting way. Just take a moment
and cruise through the Über Alles
issues, covering the last 24 months
and so brilliantly created and
assembled by our publication chair,
Linda Polgar. Once again, Matt,
thank you so much!
President, I thought about it for a
couple of days, mostly trying to
understand what this would mean,
how much time such a job would
require, whether I could indeed be
the right guy for the job, not having
been a race driver, not being a
Tom Smith, a Bob Westmoreland,
a Tom Johnson, or a Frank Perry,
who could build Porsches in their
sleep and can still be found on race
tracks today.
I do know by now that the job takes
a bit more time than I originally
had thought. That, however, is
okay. I have spent some time
with Matt, also with our new Vice
President, Keith Martin, to review
the past two years. More important
yet, I have thought a lot about the
next 12 months. I do like to think
that we, together, can make this
new year an exciting one. I will
rely on a terrific, experienced team.
For me the word ‘we’ will be key.
Yes, I will do my best to help guide
our activities, to be a fair leader.
Only change is constant, everything I, too, am committed to listen to
flows, nothing stays still. It was
you, to better understand what you
your decision, the decision of the
expect your club to do for you.
INWR membership, to have me as
your new President. When Matt
Let’s have a wonderful year!
did ask me, more than 24 months
ago, whether I would be his Vice
Our Advertisers
Alpine Motor Cars.......................6
Fort Knox by NAI Black............23
Carrera Motors...........................15
Chee Chee’s...............................16
Porsche of Spokane......................2
Columbia Valley Luxury Cars...26
Precision Pointe.........................26
EBS Racing................................23
Spinal Diagnosics, Dr. Watanabe
European Autohaus....................26
Ad Rate Sheet............................26
Über Alles
Inland Northwest Region
Calendar 2013
2013 Calendar
Do you know of an event that should
be here but is not listed?
Please let us know!!
Any and all events are subject to change. Stay informed through the President’s emails and on our web site.
Membership Meeting
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
12 Yakima Coffee Social
19 Spokane Coffee Social
26 Installation Dinner
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
13 Membership Meeting
16 Spokane Coffee Social
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
Griots Tech Session Tri-
13 Membership Meeting
16 Spokane Coffee Social
23 Club Social
13 13 13 20 20 25 27 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
Progressive Lunch/Poker Run
Spokane Coffee Social
Membership Meeting in
European Car Cruise
Penny Drive
Membership Meeting
11 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
11 Yakima Coffee Social
17-18 Tri-Cities Wine Tour
18 Spokane Coffee Social
23 Club Social
European Car Cruise
January - February 2013
1-2 Festival of Speed Car Club Concours
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
12 Membership Meeting
15 Spokane Coffee Social
23-29 Porsche Parade in Traverse City, Michigan
27 European Car Cruise
27-30 Can-Am/Banff Tour
10 13 13 13 20
20 25 27 Membership Meeting
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
Pendleton Underground Tour
Spokane Coffee Social
Chee Chee’s BBQ
European Car Cruise
Thompson Falls Drive
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
10 Yakima Coffee Social
14 Membership Meeting
17 Spokane Coffee Social
17 Priest Lake Drive/
Schweitzer Drive
29 European Car Cruise
6-8 Commemorating 50 Years of 911 Drive
11 Membership Meeting
14 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
14 Yakima Coffee Social
14-15 Whoop n Holler Car Museum Drive
21 Spokane Coffee Social
26 European Car Cruise
5-6 High Performance Driving School
11-13 Octoberfest in Leavenworth
12 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
12 Yakima Coffee Social
19 Membership Meeting in Tri-Cities
19 Spokane Coffee Social
European Car Cruise
26 Fall Color Tour & Free Rein Fundraiser
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
Membership Meeting
Spokane Coffee Social
Tech Session
Board of Directors and Officers Meeting
22 Club Social
Christmas Party Tri-Cities
11 Membership Meeting
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
14 Yakima Coffee Social
21 Spokane Coffee Social
Über Alles input submission
deadline: the 15th of any given
Even Month.
Über Alles
Board Members
Membership Chair
Klaus Huschke
3419 South Saxon Ct.
Spokane, WA 99203
Rick Jordan
5324 W Woodview Court
Spokane, WA 99208
Vice President
Insurance/Safety Chair
Technical Chair
Keith Martin
408 W 28th Avenue
Spokane, WA 99203
Gregory “Spud” Hesse
4437 E. North Glenngrae Ln.
Spokane, WA 99223
Bill Massy
207 N Idaho Rd.
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Tom Smith
15425 N. McKinnon Rd.
Mead, WA 99201
Competition Chair
Bill Roberts
512 Lodi Loop
Richland, WA 99352
Past President
Matthew F. Gerber
1717 East 27th Ave.
Spokane, WA 99203
PCA Zone 6 Rep
Dave Cooley
2313 47th Ave SW
Great Falls, MT 59404
Social Chair
Janet Gerber
1717 East 27th Ave.
Spokane, WA 99203
Karch Polgar
P.O. Box 3
Mead, WA 99021
January - February 2013
Klaus Kindor
5120 S. Menaul Ct.
Spokane, WA 99224
Board Members at Large
Herman Jackson
1937 Meadows Drive N.
Richland, WA 99352
Diane Rochelle
2915 Lorayne J Blvd.
Kennewick, WA 99338
Kirk Gilday
7505 Farm Country Ct.
Yakima, WA 98908
Über Alles Newsletter Editor
Linda Polgar
P.O. Box 3
Mead, WA 99021
Über Alles
Alpine Motor
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A big thanks to all of our
members that contributed photos,
articles, invitations, updates and
news about our advertisers and
Porsche events and activities. It
is your contribution that makes
the Über Alles fun for so many to
read and enjoy!
INWR Club grill badge:
INWR Club patch and pin:
Patch – 3” Diameter
Pin – 1 1/8” Diameter
$6.00 each
(non PCA members $10.00)
For ordering details, please log on to:
January - February 2013
Decorate your car with this stunning cloisonné
badge with the INWR Logo in Full Color.
3” Diameter, Gold Tone Metal,
two threaded posts with thumb nuts on the back
$35.00 each
Sturdy mounting plate with longer posts
available for $10 each
Pick up in Spokane or in Tri Cities,
or $5 shipping.
For ordering details, please contact:
Bill Roberts, Treasurer
Details also appear on the Website!
Über Alles
Editor’s Page
From the Editor
Happy New Year!
s you can see, I have done
a little rearranging. Just a
little. I am quite pleased
with how the Board of Directors
page turned out.
My next self appointed task is to
see whether moving advertisements
around, i.e., placing them among
articles like they do in so many
magazines and in some other
newsletters, will make any bit of
sense. It might improve visibility
for the ads. We shall see.
On to what the region is doing, the
INWR has again much in store for
all of us this year. Take a look at
the 2013 calendar. As a bonus, you
can expect to see an actual printed
calendar to appear in your mailbox
very soon. Stick that colorful thing
up on your refrigerator. Mark
down what you might want to do.
Start making plans! Thank you,
President Klaus, for initiating the
printed calendar and seeing it to
invitation to write an article for the
Über. Enjoy in this issue a bit of
history provided unsolicited but
very welcome by Diane Rochelle.
Also enjoy a write up on the
November Tech Session by Cam
Allen and some photos from the
Christmas Party by Chet Hinman.
Thank you to you all!! This
newsletter would contain only the
schedule and the minutes and ads if
nobody contributed anything else.
Think about it.
As always, I am thrilled when
someone takes the initiative or the
Linda Polgar, Editor
Membership Roster
Join our INWR members-only Membership Roster!! Why not let
your Porsche friends know how to contact you or find that couple
you saw on a drive?? Chuck Rodman is collecting the information.
In the Club News section of our web site are the details you might
include. Send your roster information to:
and he’ll get you added to our Roster.
Concerned about security? Access to this online Roster is available
only to verified INWR members who register on the web site.
EDITORIAL POLICY: Über Alles is the official publication of the INLAND NORTHWEST REGION of the
PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA. Statements appearing in the Über Alles are those of the author and are not
necessarily the opinions of the CLUB or its editorial staff. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted to
the Über Alles, with the exception of copyrighted material.
January - February 2013
Über Alles
A History Lesson
A History Lesson
How much do you really know
about the Inland Northwest
Region (INWR) formerly known
as Canadian-American Region
(Can-Am) of the Porsche Club of
America (PCA)? Do you know
the geographical boundaries of our
Region? Do you know what PCA
zone INWR belongs to? Hopefully,
within this overview I will answer
those questions and include a little
more information about the origin
and history of our Region.
In 1962-63 a small PCA region,
Inland Empire, with only 10
members was headquartered in
Spokane, but it “never really got
a good start”. In 1968 a Tri-City
resident wrote to PCA requesting
information on forming a new
region in the Tri-Cities area where
rapid growth in the Porsche
population was happening – 30
Porsches in 2 years! At that time
Eastern Washington was part of the
Pacific Northwest Region (PNWR),
not a satisfactory arrangement. So
PCA gave the green light to form a
new region in Eastern Washington.
Putting this new region together
didn’t happen instantly – in 1972
correspondence was still being sent
to and received from the National
PCA office. Finally in March 1972,
a “Letter of Petition” was sent to
PCA requesting recognition as a
“Chartered Region” known as
Canadian-American Region (CanAm). The new region received
approval from PCA on March 30,
January - February 2013
1972. Although the individual
who started this process originally
lived in the Tri-Cities, he relocated
to Spokane, moved again, and
was not a member by the time
the Charter was granted. Another
Spokane Porsche enthusiast
assumed the lead and completed
the process; hence, the new CanAm Region was headquartered in
Establishing Can-Am Region
required taking some areas
included in PNW and Silver
Sage Regions. The founders
requested from PNWR the
counties from the western ridge
of the Cascade mountains, and
from Silver Sage all of northern
Idaho, and northwestern Montana.
PCA assigned our new Region
unassigned territory in Canada: the
province of Alberta and Eastern
British Columbia. In other words,
Can-Am originally included areas
in Montana, Idaho, Canada as well
as Washington. Through the years
boundaries changed several times,
but today INWR only includes
all of Eastern Washington (20
counties), and part of Idaho (9
counties). As you can imagine, the
INWR Region still covers a huge
geographical foot print, much of
it sparsely populated. (Boundary
map on page 9)
Article by Diane Rochelle
Map from INWR files
Tri-Cities, it is interesting to note
that in 1983 all Board positions
were filled by women. Because
the Region no longer included the
Canadian provinces, in February
1984 a letter was sent to PCA
requesting approval to change the
name of the Region from CanAm to INWR. Obviously it was
approved. After 20 plus years in
the Tri-Cities and a large increase
of Porsche owners in the Spokane
area, the decision was made
in 1997 re-locate the Region’s
leadership to Spokane. For several
years the leadership positions were
filled by Spokane area folks, but
today our Board members reside
in the Spokane area, the Tri-Cities,
and Yakima – a good representative
make up of our Region.
That is the INWR history in a nut
shell. Hopefully some of your
questions have been answered. Oh,
I almost forgot - INWR is a part of
PCA Zone 6.
End of class -
In 1975, the Can-Am Region
relocated its headquarters in the
Tri-Cities where the new Board
members resided. While in the
Über Alles
A History Lesson
January - February 2013
Über Alles
National Park
Porsche Technical Session
The morning of the technical
session dawned overcast, with a
distinct threat of mid day rain, so
most INWR Porsche members
left their garage queens garaged.
Unthinking, I fired up the old ’75
911, it being an all weather driver.
some of his stores. Tom’s demos
are a popular event, and turnout
was large, “guestimated” at 15-17
To get a good idea of what Tom
offers in the way of products and
services, check out his website at
However, Tom’s plan was not
entirely complete, for he needed
a donor car on which to display
his skills. Casting his eyes over
the parking lot filled with new
Porsches, he seized on my lonely
chocolate brown 911 and in two
minutes it was front and center for
his attentions. I felt a little bit leery
about this, but rationalized that I
would at least get a fully detailed
car out of the deal.
Article and photo
by Cam Allen
and dozens of bottles of various
washing, cleaning, polishing, and
waxing products from Griot, Tom
attacked the roof panel of my
911 before an enthusiastic crowd,
all the while keeping up a rapid
monologue of what to do, and what
not to do.
When asked about scratch removal,
Tom quickly determined that the
driver door had some qualifying
modest scratches and demonstrated
how to remove these with ultra
fine wet sanding and final waxing
and buffing. Amidst a clamor for
his Griot’s Garage products, Tom
opened the sales department and
was soon doing a brisk business
with all and sundry until the tech
event concluded at 12 noon.
The technical session was to
feature PCA member Tom Sharp
and his weekend second job - that
of owner and chief technician for
Precision Pointe Auto Detailing.
Tom has a totally mobile trailer
shop filled with all the possible
technical goodies and Griot’s
Garage products that would warm
any PCA member’s heart. Tom’s
plan was to conduct a demo on dry
washing, deep cleaning, waxing
As for me, I ruefully admired the
and polishing; perhaps a demo
So, in a blur of random orbital
two square feet of roof panel and
A well detailed driverʼs door is apparent, but the remainder of the 911 awaits to be done.
on scratch removal; and to sell
polishers, microfiber towels
two square feet of driver’s door
that had been meticulously detailed
and quietly resolved to bring it
back next year so that he could
finish the job. It was either that, or
lash out a few hundred dollars on
polishers and supplies, and do it
myself. But then I couldn’t match
the quality of work that Tom can
[For the record, Tom and Precision
Pointe support Über Alles through
their advertising. Tom also drives a
well detailed gold colored 944]
A well detailed driver’s door is apparent, but the remainder of the 911 waits to be done.
Text andJanuary
photo -by
Cam Allen
Über Alles
Christmas Party
The INWR Christmas Party was held on December 8, 2012 at
Nathan and Suzy Merz’s Columbia Valley Luxury Cars
Paulette Mitchell looks pleased
with her choice!
Photos by Chet Hinman
Local microbrews from Whitstran Brewing Co. are always a hit
If it can’t be a Porsche, how about a nice Maserati or Bentley? Chip Hammond, Bob Westmoreland, and
Bill Roberts seem to be discussing the finer points of the Bentley
January - February 2013
Über Alles
Saturday Coffee
Feb 16th & Mar 16th
9:00 AM
Spokane & Coeur d’Alene
Porsche of Spokane
Feb 9th & Mar 9th
Yakima, 9:00 AM
Starbuck’s on 56th &
Tri-Cities, 8:30 AM
Monthly Membership Meeting
Don’t miss out on the monthly membership
meeting at restaurant MAX
at Mirabeau Park Hotel
1100 North Sullivan Road, Spokane Valley
on February 13th
and March 13th
Columbia Valley Luxury Cars
2500 Aileron Road
Ample, safe parking
on the south side of the Hotel.
Upcoming Events
watch your email and the web site
for details
January 2013:
26: Officer Installation and Winter Banquet,
Northern Quest Resort & Casino,
Spokane, WA
(see details on page 13)
starting in April:
The last Thursdays of each month will feature
the European Car Cruise, 5pm, at
Jaremko Sports & Classics, Spokane
June 23-29, 2013:
National is really on top of things. See pages
19-22 for information about Porsche Parade
2013, Traverse City MI
January - February 2013
Cars and Coffee
Nathan Merz at Columbia Valley Luxury Cars
hosts this monthly event at his showroom in
Richland. The event is called “Columbia Valley
Cars & Coffee” and will be held on the second
Saturday of each month starting at 9:30 AM. This
event will be open to all car enthusiasts.
Nathan will continue to host the INWR-PCA
monthly coffee at his showroom at a new time
starting at 8:30 AM on the same day as Columbia
Valley Cars & Coffee (the second Saturday of
every month). The time from 8:30 AM to 9:30
AM will be for the Porsche club then other
enthusiasts will join at 9:30 AM. You don’t have
to leave at 9:30 AM but can stay and participate
in the fun with the other car enthusiasts!
Über Alles
Join us for our annual Winter Banquet and Officer Installation
from Matt Gerber:
The event will start on January 26 at 6pm at the Northern Quest
Resort. I really hope you plan to join us for this event as the feedback
from last year was overwhelmingly positive: great venue, fabulous
food, wonderful hotel rooms, and lots of fantastic after-dinner
entertainment options.
Dinner this year includes canapés presented by the Northern Quest
butlers, followed by a dinner of House Salad, your choice of Prime
Rib, Alaskan Halibut, or a Vegetarian Entrée (Grilled Portobello
Mushroom over Spaghetti Squash), followed by a Chef’s Selection
Petit Dessert Sampler. A no-host cash bar will be available throughout
the event, including wine for purchase by the bottle.
background photo from NorthernQuest.com
January - February 2013
Über Alles
William Bost & Robert Harmon
1983 944, Tan
Spokane, WA
Alan & Jacquelyn McCord
2001 Boxster, Red
Spokane Valley, WA
Michael & Lisa Schleich
1983 928, Brown
Newman Lake, WA
Tom Boyer
1959 356, White
Lewiston, ID
Richard Mott & Debbie Mott
2006 Boxster, Silver
Coeur d’Alene, ID
Lynn Hanna & Leah Doerr
1988 911
Kennewick, WA
Bryan & Sarah Rogers
2002 996C4S, Silver
Pasco, WA
Thomas & Susan Summerfield
2006 Cayman S, Black
Entiat, WA
(from Pacific Northwest)
40 Years
Hal Copeland
Richland, WA
1982 911SC
January 2013
25 Years
Tom & Diane Johnson
Hayden Lake, ID
1964 356 Cab, 2011 Boxster
January 2013
January - February 2013
15 Years
Lance & Karla Forsee
Yakima, WA
1996 993, 2002 996
December 2012
10 Years
Terry & Susan Nab
Lewiston, ID
1986 930
December 2012
5 Years
Matt & Janet Gerber
Spokane, WA
2007 Boxster
February 2013
Greg (Spud) & Denise Hesse
Spokane, WA
2013 Boxster
February 2013
Mark & Elaine Miller
Richland, WA
2005 Boxster
February 2013
Über Alles
January - February 2013
Über Alles
Brake Fluid Q/A
Article written and graphics submitted
by Pedro P. Bonilla, GCR PCA
Reprinted with permission
The most powerful system in your car is also the most important and many times one of the most neglected.
I’m referring to your brakes, and in particular to the hydraulic fluid also known as brake fluid.
Why do I say that it’s the most powerful?
Many people think that the most powerful system in their car is their engine, which, in a Porsche, can develop 300+ HP
and can accelerate the (3000+ lbs) car from 0 to 60 mph in less than 5 seconds.
But consider this: Your brakes have to decelerate your car much quicker!
A modern Porsche can go from 60 to 0 mph in just under 2 seconds. That makes the braking system much more powerful
than your engine.
Why do I say that it’s one of the most neglected?
Because many, many people have never replaced the hydraulic fluid in their brakes.
Porsche recommends doing a complete flush every 2 years, but if you track your car you should flush prior to every event,
because the boiling point of the fluid can drop to a potentially dangerous level due to moisture contamination and may not
even meet the Federal requirements for brake fluid.
January - February 2013
Über Alles
What exactly is brake fluid?
There are two basic types of brake fluid: silicone-based (DOT 5) and glycol-based (DOT 3, DOT 4, DOT 5.1). But there
are also several classifications within those two types, based on their boiling points.
Silicone-based fluids are generally used in military-type vehicles, and cannot be used with ABS systems because they
don’t lubricate the pump like a glycol-based fluid does, so we won’t mention them again.
Polyalkylene Glycol Ether - based fluid is what we have in our cars.
The Department of Transportation (DOT) classifies it based on it’s boiling point temperatures.
What is boiling point?
Wet boiling point is the minimum temperature at which the brake fluid will begin to boil when the brake system contains
3% water by volume in the system.
Dry boiling point is the temperature at which that brake fluid will boil with no water present in the system.
But if my system is closed, how can it get contaminated with moisture?
Well, glycol-based brake fluid is very hygroscopic. This means that it will aggressively absorb water from the moment
the container is opened. Many manufacturers pack brake fluid under nitrogen to extend its shelf life. Brake fluid will
absorb water through minute, even microscopic pores in brake hoses, lines and piston seals and when it is exposed to air.
In South Florida, where the humidity level is usually very high the problem is exaggerated. Also, as caliper and brake line
temperatures increase and then cool repeatedly, condensation occurs, leaving behind an increase in moisture.
How can moisture deteriorate the fluid?
Over time the moisture becomes trapped in the internal sections of calipers, lines, master cylinders, etc. Brakes generate
heat because of the friction between the pad and the rotor and rotors can actually glow red at track events. When this
trapped water reaches 212º F it turns into steam (water vapor). Many times air in the brake system is a result of water that
has turned to water vapor. The build up of steam will create a higher pressure in the system, sometimes to the point that
enough pressure is created to push caliper pistons into the brake pads. This will in turn generate brake drag as the rotor
and pads make contact and will also create more heat in the system.
Water vapor (steam) is a gas. Gas is much more compressible than liquid. So, when you get enough water vapor in the
system and you press the brake pedal hard, it will compress the water vapor before the pistons push the pads into the
rotors, giving you a “mushy” pedal feel, or brake-fade.
January - February 2013
Über Alles
So, which fluid is the recommended one?
There are several excellent brake fluids on the market which are suitable for Porsche brake systems. Obviously the
Porsche-brand is what comes in our cars but many enthusiasts tend to switch to other brands such as ATE, Motul, Castrol,
Brembo, AP, Pentosin or others due to availability, cost and or performance.
Because I replace my fluid so often (once per month – as I attend DEs and AXs on a regular basis) I personally use ATE
Gold and ATE Super Blue. Both are the same except for the color. By alternating colors you can actually see when the
new (fresh) color makes it through the system and that way you don’t use more than needed.
One liter of fluid is enough to completely flush the brake and clutch hydraulics in a Porsche.
What do I need to remember?
If fluid is changed often with fresh fluid it will contain very little water
Never use silicone-based fluids in your Porsche
Using racing fluid will increase the braking performance of your system
Never reuse fluid or mix brands
Use smaller fluid containers and discard remnants
When replacing fluid, flush the complete system
Immediately replace the reservoir’s cap following any maintenance
For more information on brake systems and more, please visit my website at: www.PedrosGarage.com.
Happy Porsche-ing,
January - February 2013
Über Alles
58th AnnuAl PCA PorsChe PArAde
June 23–29
Traverse CiTy, MiChigan
ConCours, rallIes,
auto Cross, teCh QuIz
great Food
new FrIends
Join Us for a week fUll of Porsche fUn
RegistRation opens MaRch 12th
Grand Traverse resorT & spa
For More InForMatIon & regIstratIon - VIsIt
January - February 2013
Über Alles
Parade by PCA
Porsche Parade 2013: Traverse City, Michigan
Article distributed from PCA
Nestled on the shores of Lake Michigan and the Grand Traverse Bay, the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa will
host our fun-filled 58th Porsche Parade this summer: June 23 through 29, 2013. With 900 acres of rolling
greens, woodlands and waterfront, a multitude of vineyards, orchards and coastal roadways nearby, there is
much to see, much to do, and much to enjoy!
The Porsche Parade is the PCA’s annual convention. It is a week-long extravaganza of car events, tech sessions,
social events and FUN. Whether you like to autocross, rally, tour or, Concours, there is plenty to do and see.
Attendance is roughly 2000 people, most of whom arrive in their beautiful and much loved Porsche automobile.
The Parade is a great family vacation, and the Traverse City area has a wide variety of kid-friendly activities.
You must register in advance for Parade as there is no onsite signup. Registration opens March 12th. There will
be a link to register on www.pca.org and parade2013.pca.org.
Parade has four competitive events each year:
The Porsche Concours d’Elegance gets started early on Monday, June 24th on the beautiful fairways of
the Grand Traverse Resort. Whether you are an experienced Concours participant, a first time entrant, or
a volunteer, there is an opportunity for every Parade entrant to get involved in this prestigious event. The
Concours d’Elegance is not just about the competition, it’s about getting involved and participating with others
who share a common appreciation for the Porsche marque.
New this year! The Concours will include a “street” class for those who want to show their cars, but on more of
an entry level. In the new street class, only the interior and exterior, including wheels and tires, will be judged.
The Mobil TSD Rally on Tuesday June 25th takes us in and around the beautiful vineyards, orchards, forests
and dunes of the area in a rally that’s sure to be remembered.
The Michelin Autocross is on Wednesday and Thursday, June 26 and 27 at the nearby Antrim County Airport.
With the Parade team promising a challenging old-school runway autocross, this is sure to be a fun event.
The Technical/Historical Quiz will be presented to those who dare on the morning of Friday, June 28. Entrants
will be tested on their knowledge of general Porsche interests, mechanical details, and the historical aspects of
the Porsche family, business, and the ever-growing line of models and variants. Be sure to study for a top score
or just show up to see what you think you know. Source materials for studying will be available on the Parade
website as the date draws near.
January - February 2013
Über Alles
Parade by PCA
As we say in PCA, it’s not just the cars, it’s the food! We host five banquets during the week at the resort. We
also have two “open” nights for you to sample the local fare of Traverse City.
Other activities
You can’t do it all! We have activities for kids and teens, an Art Show, Goodie Store, a 5K run/walk, a Gimmick
Rally, an RC contest, and our local Tourmeister has assembled several driving and van/motorcoach tours to
show us the beauty and interesting locations around the Grand Traverse Bay area of Upper Michigan. We end
the week with a true Parade of Porsches through the east side of Traverse City and up Old Mission Peninsula.
The Parade Tech Academy will be held Friday, June 28th, and once again, we have an exciting mix of our
outstanding PCA Technical Committee and outside speakers. Michelin hosts a “drive and compare” where you
can take laps in two identical Porsches, with two different types of tires. We will have a golf tournament on The
Bear golf course at the resort, host to the state’s oldest and most prestigious tournament, the Michigan Open
Championship from 1985 through 2008.
The Grand Traverse Resort and Spa is our host hotel, and can accommodate all Parade goers. The resort
properties range from beachfront condos in a variety of configurations, to the centrally located hotel & tower
rooms. Special PCA rates will be available; upon registration you will receive an authorization code to access
these rates.
Entrant Eligibility and Fees
You must be a PCA member to register for Parade and only registered attendees may participate in Parade
activities. Entrants and co-entrants must be PCA members, but they need not be family or affiliate members.
Automobile eligibility for the Autocross, Concours and TSD Rally is outlined in the Parade Competition
Rules (PCRs) available on the pca.org website. An entrant and/or co-entrant may enter up to two automobiles
(thus separate cars for the Concours, rally, and autocross), and only Porsches as defined in the PCRs may be
registered. Entrants may participate in other events (such as tours or gimmick rally) in any automobile, even if it
is not a Porsche.
Everyone signing up for Parade must pay an entrant fee of $159, which covers the entrant and co-entrant.
Fees for the four major competitive events are:
Concours -- $30 per car,
Autocross -- $30 per driver,
TSD Rally -- $15 per car, and
Tech/Historical Quiz -- $15 per person.
January - February 2013
Über Alles
Parade by PCAr
Entrant fees for guests are as follows:
• JPP/CAFP -- $20,
• Child age 13-15 -- $15,
• Child under age 13 -- $10.
• Adult guests -- $30.
JPP (Junior Participant Program) entrants are the sons, daughters, nieces, nephews and grandchildren of PCA
members who are 16 or 17 years old. CAFP (College-Aged Family Program) entrants are the sons, daughters,
nieces, nephews and grandchildren of PCA members who are 18-25 years old.
Other guests are welcome, however, only the entrant, co-entrant and JPP/CAFP entrants may enter the
competitive events (except children ages 13-15 may register for the Tech Quiz). If other guests are PCA
Members, they must submit their own registration and pay their own registration fee to enter the competitive
Additional fees apply for banquet tickets and selected other activities.
If you have questions regarding Parade, please consult the Parade website at parade2013.pca.org. If you are
unable to find your answer there, email Kathleen Behrens, Parade Registrar at registrar@pcaparade.org or call
503.579.3423 (please leave a message).
INWR’s Website!
You’re already here,
why not take a look
January - February 2013
Über Alles
January - February 2013
Über Alles
Meeting Minutes
INWR Meeting Minutes
Monthly Membership Meeting
November 14, 2012
Mirabeau Park Hotel
Spokane Valley, WA
Officers Present:
Matt Gerber
Klaus Huschke
Officers’ , Uber Editor’s and
Webmeister’s Reports:
Klaus discussed the “50 Years
of 911” celebration that is being
planned within Zone 6. More to
come as the event firms up.
Matt reported on the INWR’s
balance sheet. We have $7896 in
checking and $3576 in savings.
Karch and Linda reported on the
Website and Uber respectively.
Membership is at 282 and we have
224 Affiliates.
The October 20 Tri-Cities
Membership Meeting was
discussed. Attendance was good
at 30, with many attendees being
members that have not been to a
meeting in the past.
The October 27 Oktoberfest at
Porsche of Spokane, along with
the breakfast at EJ’s Bistro was
discussed. Klaus Kindor has
left Porsche of Spokane. All
present thanked Klaus for all
of his support for the club, and
for a fantastic Oktoberfest. Joe
Dinnison introduced himself to
the membership as the now senior
sales representative at Porsche of
January - February 2013
The November 17 Tech Session
was discussed. Tom Sparks plans to
have his Precision Pointe Detailing
trailer at Porsche of Spokane for a
session on the latest in car care.
The annual Board Meeting is also
scheduled for November 17 at
Porsche of Spokane.
INWR Meeting Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
November 17, 2012
Porsche of Spokane Boardroom
Officers present: Klaus Huschke,
Bill Roberts, Matt Gerber and Bill
The President opened the meeting
@10:35 AM
The Christmas Party at CVLC on
December 8 was discussed.
1. Bylaws and Articles of
Incorporation Issues.
A. We need to align incorporation,
article and bylaws to meet new WA
state laws.
The Region needs a new
Competition Committee Chair and
Membership Chair. Klaus will
be working with the Board and
candidates to try and fill these roles.
Matt reviewed the status of the
amendment necessary to the
Bylaws to align the club’s Bylaws
and Articles of Incorporation with
Washington State law.
The October 6 & 7 HPDE was
discussed. Cam Allen mentioned
that several of the participants were
Porsche Club members that had not
attended any other events. It was
agreed that we should reach out
for these members to keep them
No other membership issues were
Stump the Chump again baffled all
of the attendees. Bob Westmorland
provided an inner support brace for
an M96 & M97 engine oil filter.
With no other business the meeting
was adjourned.
B. We have Counsel (probono)
to review our bylaws and offer
suggestions to a committee for
review. Some of the points to review
will be.
Director Elections, Term of service
and Election timing.
C. A Committee was formed that
includes: Keith, Diane, Bill Rambo
and Greg.
2. INWR PCA proposed 2012
Events Calendar was presented
from Klaus and Keith. The Show
and Shine will be removed from the
calendar. Matt will send a hard copy
to all members.
3. A Job description will be written
for our open Membership Chair and
will be reviewed next meeting.
4. The Competition Chair will be
filled by Klaus K.
5. Our Installation Dinner will
be held on Jan 26, 2013 and the
Über Alles
Meeting Minutes
deadline for signing up is Jan 15th,
6. INWR/PCA Charities for 2012
was reviewed and discussion for
2013. We added to our list Post falls
food bank and Meals on Wheels
this year.
7. The membership Chair will
be reviewing and updating our
membership file.
8. Yearly 2012 nominations for
our awards was reviewed. Matt
will E-Mail the nominations for:
President’s, Sparkplug,Copeland
and Sluggo.
Meeting ended @ 1:05 PM
INWR Meeting Minutes
Monthly Membership Meeting
December 12, 2012
Mirabeau Park Hotel
Spokane Valley, WA
Officers Present:
Matt Gerber
Klaus Huschke
Vice-President’s Report
Klaus thanked Nathan Merz for
hosting the Christmas Party
Treasurer’s Report
Matt reported that the HPDE earned
$1187.52 for the INWR
Uber Editor’s Report
Linda reported that Pano has a new
Editor, and she has submitted the
Glacier Tour for publication as a
feature article
Webmaster’s Report
Karch will explore options for
adding calendar email invitation
Social Chair
Janet reported that attendees
are starting to register for the
Installation Dinner
The Nov 17th Tech Session was
discussed. Matt thanked Tom
Sparks and Precision Pointe
Detailing for a great session.
The Nov 17th Board meeting
agenda was discussed, including
Awards, the 2013 Schedule and the
proposed revisions to the Bylaws
and Articles of Incorporation.
The Dec 8th Christmas Party was
discussed. Thanks again to Nathan
and Suzy Merz for hosting the party
at Columbia Valley Luxury Cars.
The status of the Installation Dinner
was discussed. We currently have
16 attendees registered.
Member’s Input
Bob Westmoreland asked for
volunteers for the Festival of
Speed. For members interested in
volunteering they can contact Jim
Sloane at 509-220-4655, james.
sloane@painehamblen.com, or Judi
Sloane at judisloane1@msn.com
Nathan discussed cars he has for
sale and the 993 Fest event he
With no other business the meeting
was adjourned.
The Hammond’s bears are always well
dressed at any occasion.
Photo by Chet Hinman from the Christmas Party
on December 8, 2012
January - February 2013
Über Alles
Advertising Rates per Issue (6 Issues per Year)
Business Card
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
All articles, advertising, photos and other insertions
must be submitted by the following dates for
inclusion in that Über Alles issue.
February 8
April 8
June 8
August 8
October 8
December 8
January - February 2013
March - April
May - June
July - August
September - October
November - December
January -February
Über Alles
Linda Polgar, PO Box 3, Mead, WA 99021; lcpolgar@yahoo.com
On August 9, 2012, Matt Gerber sent this message via email: At yesterday’s membership meeting we discussed a
necessary cleanup of the classified advertisement sections of our website and Über Alles. In the next week we will be
deleting all classified ads from both the website and Über. If you do not want your ad deleted from the website please
email Karch Polgar at kcpolgar@yahoo.com. If you do not want your ad deleted from the Über please email Linda
Polgar at lcpolgar@yahoo.com. Going forward all classified ads will expire after 90 days and automatically be deleted.
Note that this does not apply to our sponsor advertisements.
In response to this, I have done some house cleaning. Each ad will be marked with the issue in which it first appears or
in which the owner has indicated he or she would like to retain the ad. Unless the ad’s owner indicates he or she would
like to continue the ad, each ad will be removed after the third issue of appearance. Please also note the revised editorial/
advertising policy on the last page of this issue.
1968 912
Rebuilt engine with less than 5k
and less than100k on car. Numbers
close/match. Rust replaced with
welded metal. Like new rubber,
euro headlight trim, bra, steering
strut and trunk carpet. Tool kit,
owner’s manual, Hellas, ski/
luggage rack and jack. Honest
car that drives like a dream.
Needs new windshield and return
to original paint. Will provide
invoices/referrals to mechanics and
body/paint men.
Rich Faletto
(208) 255-9550
1974 Lightweight Wide-body
California car, dark gray/black,
huge amount of upgrades including
Ruf wheels, has SC motor which
needs head studs done.
Mike Pendergrass
v41 i6
v41 i5
1985 944 Porsche
Options: C88,401,404, 418, 425,
431, 454, 650, and 946. Metallic
Anthracite gray, tan partial leather.
Fuchs 7X15” and 8X15” wheels.
Maintained by Alpine Motors in
Hayden. r134 upgrade. Custom
stereo installed by Aspen Sound.
Front and rear sway bars upgraded
to M030, Rennsport front sway bar
braces installed. Koni adjustables.
Rennsport headlight upgrade.
Front end bra. Tool kit. Sunroof
cover. Extra set of 7X15” phone
dials with Michelin X-Ice 205/6015 winter tires. 6 volume shop
manual. Well maintained, good
running, reliable car. Call Richard
at Alpine for verification. 128K
$6500.00 obo
Doug Porter
(208) 667-5682
v41 i5
January - February 2013
Über Alles
Navigation CD’s
NAVTEC North American
navigation CD’s (8) for 2003 &
2004 Cayenne navigation system,
and 1 PCM 2.0 MultimediaUpdate
CD. All 9 CD’s in original leather
zippered case.
$ 225
Chuck Rodman
v41 i5
356 and 912 Parts
356 2 Zenith 32NDIX Carburetors
- rebuilt
912 Blasted and Ceramic coated
Bursch/Bursch Style header
Both are really nice...
Art Watanabe
(509) 475-9488
Thanks for letting us know
when you sell your ride,
your doohickie, or your
Miscellaneous 911 parts
Many parts from Dale Davis’
collection of new and vintage
parts. Among them:
911/930 tan flannel indoor car
cover, $150 firm
Carrera decklid grill, new with
stickers still on it
Factory style 911 exterior car cover
from the 80’s, really nice quality,
soft touch interior, silver.
George Follmer signed picture
Large framed Monterey Historics
poster, with collage including hat,
race pass, tickets, etc. $200
v41 i6
4 15x7 Cookie Cutters. Fits 924,
944, 911 thru ‘89. Good for snow
$ 150 for the set
Phil Rochelle
509-396-4280 or 509-627-1684
v41 i5
Complete 911 SC exhaust system
manufactured 1982. Part number
930. 211. 025.02. Includes both
heat exchangers in good condition,
stainless steel test pipe in like new
condition, crossover pipe in good
condition and muffler in very good
condition. Parts over $1500 new
will sell for $350.
Pioneer car stereo model BP-780
with Graphic Equalizer booster
in like new condition.. Two used
2 way Alpine speakers, 60 Watts.
Code 6203. Complete stereo
system $150.
Front and Rear Nerf bars for 356 in
excellent condition. Quality steel
construction $200.
Two new front side markers for
997. Part number 997.631.033 in
original package never been used
Bob Westmoreland
(509) 990-9379
84-89 911 Carrera struts, brand
new in box $100
v41 i5
911SC/Carrera Bra $80
Large selection of Griots car care
products, new and partially used
bottles $25
Michael Moran (on behalf of
Maxine Davis)
(509) 993-0927
v41 i5
We are:
P.O. Box 206
Richland, WA 99352
EDITORIAL POLICY: Über Alles is the official publication of the INLAND NORTHWEST REGION of the
PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA. Statements appearing in Über Alles are those of the author and are not necessarily
the opinions of the CLUB or its editorial staff. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted to Über Alles,
with the exception of copyrighted material.
ADVERTISING POLICY: Advertisements and classified ads appearing in Über Alles are the representation of the
advertisers. Any disputes arising over any items bought or sold through the advertisements here shall be resolved
between the buyer and the seller. The PCA, the INWR, Über Alles, and its Editor assume no liability.
January - February 2013
Über Alles
Über Alles
Installation Dinner
features: INWR Car Profile: Rodman
Klaus’ Korner: What Have You Been Missing?
PedrosGarage: Freeze Your Road Grime
Journal for the Inland Northwest Region Porsche Club of America
Volume 42 Issue 2
March - April 2013
©2010 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. Optional equipment shown is extra.
Porsche recommends
Test the Cayenne and the very notion
of what a hybrid can be.
Your first thought behind the wheel of the new Cayenne S Hybrid may very well be a
question: “How on Earth can this be a hybrid?” The answer is hybrid technology, the
Porsche way. Honed on the track by revolutionary race cars like the 911 GT3 R Hybrid,
yet translated to the road. The Cayenne S Hybrid is the epitome of the Porsche Intelligent
Performance philosophy “more from less.” Come in for a test drive and find all the
answers on the road. Just like we did. Porsche. There is no substitute.
Experience the new Cayenne S Hybrid.
of Spokane
Dealer Name
Dealer Address 1 Here
E George
2 Here
WA 99019
(555) Lake,
555 - 5555
Dealer Web Site Address Here
8:00am to 7:00pm
to 6:00pmhours
March - April 2013
Über Alles
Table of Contents
2013 Calendar..............................4
INWR Board Members................5
From the President.......................7
Online Membership Roster..........7
Installation Dinner................... 8-9
INWR Car Profile: Rodman10-11
Klaus’ Korner: What Are You
Missing?............................... 12-13
Announcements............ 14, 22-27
Cars & Coffee(s)........................14
Monthly Meeting.......................14
Porsche Parade 2013..................24
Saturday Coffee Dates...............14
Wine Tour............................. 22-23
50 Years of the 911............... 25-27
New Members &
PedrosGarage: Freeze Your Road
Grime................................... 17-21
Meeting Minutes.................. 28-30
On the Cover
Aiming high
Photo by Sean Sweeney
of Megan’s and his “new” ride
March - April 2013
A Call for Articles
t is true; not everybody can be a
William Shakespeare, a Fyodor
Dostoyevsky, or an Alessandro
Manzoni. However, most people
do know how to write, many even
know how to write very well. Like
painting, writing is an art or, should
I say, can be an art. Creating a
beautiful painting, like writing an
interesting book, is work. Some
authors can write non-stop; others
take their time. This is true also for
a painter. One needs to be in the
right mood to create a masterpiece.
Professor Porsche also was, in a
way, an artist but also a brilliant
engineer. Indeed, his creations
were very different from those of
Paul Cézanne, Vincent van Gogh,
and Pablo Picasso; nonetheless,
they too were pieces of art.
You might begin to believe that
I am proposing to open an art
department within the Inland
Northwest Region of the Porsche
Club of America. That is not
the case. I do have a much more
modest request.
We probably do have one of the
finest and most talented people
running our Publication activities.
Linda, however, needs the Region’s
cooperation. As she tries to fill
our Über Alles every other month,
some of us have to help to provide
worthy articles our membership
would like to read and appreciate.
More, we would like to see our
magazine to be considered as one
of the best in the PCA nation.
Exciting articles can get us there.
Let’s find the time and collaborate.
Just 30 to 40 articles per year
will do it. In other words, 30 to
40 members would have to write
just one article each, or 15 to 20
members writing two articles each.
Let’s do it! Be a contributor! It’s
your Club.
Thank you,
Editor’s Note: As this pertains so
very much to my mission, I have
forgone my own “From the Editor”
submission for this issue. Thank
you, Klaus, for saying it so well
and thank you for the compliment.
Linda Polgar, Editor
Our Advertisers
Alpine Motor Cars.......................6
Fort Knox by NAI Black............28
Carrera Motors...........................16
Chee Chee’s.................................6
Porsche of Spokane......................2
Columbia Valley Luxury Cars...12
Precision Pointe.........................12
EBS Racing................................29
Spinal Diagnosics, Dr. Watanabe
European Autohaus......................9
Ad Rate Sheet.............................6
Über Alles
Inland Northwest Region
Calendar 2013
2013 Calendar
Do you know of an event that should
be here but is not listed?
Please let us know!!
Any and all events are subject to change. Stay informed through the President’s emails and on our web site.
Membership Meeting
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
12 Yakima Coffee Social
19 Spokane Coffee Social
26 Installation Dinner
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
13 Membership Meeting
16 Spokane Coffee Social
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
13 Membership Meeting
16 Spokane Coffee Social
23 Club Social
13 13 13 20 20 25 27 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
Progressive Lunch/Poker Run
Spokane Coffee Social
Membership Meeting in
European Car Cruise
Penny Drive
Membership Meeting
11 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
11 Yakima Coffee Social
17-18 Tri-Cities Wine Tour
18 Spokane Coffee Social
23 Club Social
European Car Cruise
March - April 2013
1-2 Festival of Speed Car Club Concours
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
12 Membership Meeting
15 Spokane Coffee Social
23-29 Porsche Parade in Traverse City, Michigan
27 European Car Cruise
27-30 Can-Am/Banff Tour
10 13 13 13 20
20 25 27 Membership Meeting
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
Pendleton Underground Tour
Spokane Coffee Social
Chee Chee’s BBQ
European Car Cruise
Thompson Falls Drive
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
10 Yakima Coffee Social
14 Membership Meeting
17 Spokane Coffee Social
17 Priest Lake/Schweitzer Drive
29 European Car Cruise
6-8 Commemorating 50 Years of 911 Tour
11 Membership Meeting
14 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
14 Yakima Coffee Social
14-15 Whoop n Holler Car Museum Tour
21 Spokane Coffee Social
26 European Car Cruise
5-6 High Performance Driving School
11-13 Octoberfest in Leavenworth
12 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
12 Yakima Coffee Social
19 Membership Meeting in Tri-Cities
19 Spokane Coffee Social
26 Fall Color Tour & Free Rein Fundraiser
European Car Cruise
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
Membership Meeting
Spokane Coffee Social
Tech Session
Board of Directors and Officers Meeting
22 Club Social
Christmas Party Tri-Cities
11 Membership Meeting
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
14 Yakima Coffee Social
21 Spokane Coffee Social
Über Alles input submission
deadline: the 15th of any given
Even Month.
Über Alles
Board Members
Membership Chair
Klaus Huschke
3419 South Saxon Ct.
Spokane, WA 99203
Rick Jordan
5324 W Woodview Court
Spokane, WA 99208
Vice President
Insurance/Safety Chair
Technical Chair
Keith Martin
408 W 28th Avenue
Spokane, WA 99203
Gregory “Spud” Hesse
4437 E. North Glenngrae Ln.
Spokane, WA 99223
Bill Massy
207 N Idaho Rd.
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Tom Smith
15425 N. McKinnon Rd.
Mead, WA 99201
Competition Chair
Bill Roberts
512 Lodi Loop
Richland, WA 99352
Past President
Matthew F. Gerber
1717 East 27th Ave.
Spokane, WA 99203
PCA Zone 6 Rep
Dave Cooley
2313 47th Ave SW
Great Falls, MT 59404
Social Chair
Janet Gerber
1717 East 27th Ave.
Spokane, WA 99203
Karch Polgar
P.O. Box 3
Mead, WA 99021
March - April 2013
Klaus Kindor
5120 S. Menaul Ct.
Spokane, WA 99224
Board Members at Large
Herman Jackson
1937 Meadows Drive N.
Richland, WA 99352
Diane Rochelle
2915 Lorayne J Blvd.
Kennewick, WA 99338
Kirk Gilday
7505 Farm Country Ct.
Yakima, WA 98908
Über Alles Newsletter Editor
Linda Polgar
P.O. Box 3
Mead, WA 99021
Über Alles
Ad Rates
Alpine Motor
Cars, L.L.C.
Repair & Service
North-Idaho’s premiere German automotive specialist.
Over 27-years experience servicing Porsche, VW, Audi,
BMW & Mercedes-Benz. From routine maintenance, to
performance upgrades, to engine restoration; make your
new, vintage, or classic car run like a champion.
Call for your appointment today!
Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.;
Friday, by appointment only
10632 N. Government Way
between Miles Way and Lacey Way
Hayden Lake, ID 83835
A big thanks to all of our members who
contributed photos, articles, invitations,
updates and news about our advertisers and
Porsche events and activities. It is your
contribution that makes the Über Alles fun
for so many to read and enjoy!
Advertising Rates per Issue
(6 Issues per Year)
Business Card
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
All articles, advertising, photos and
other insertions must be submitted by the
following dates for inclusion in that
Über Alles issue.
February 15
April 15
June 15
August 15
October 15
December 15
March - April 2013
March - April
May - June
July - August
September - October
November - December
January -February
INWR Club patch and pin:
Patch – 3” Diameter
Pin – 1 1/8” Diameter
$6.00 each
(non PCA members $10.00)
For ordering details, please log on to:
INWR Club grill badge:
Decorate your car with this stunning cloisonné
badge with the INWR Logo in Full Color.
3” Diameter, Gold Tone Metal,
two threaded posts with thumb nuts on the back
$35.00 each
Sturdy mounting plate with longer posts
available for $10 each
Pick up in Spokane or in Tri Cities,
or $5 shipping.
For ordering details, please contact:
Bill Roberts, Treasurer
Details also appear on the Website!
Über Alles
From the President
e often, perhaps even
too often, try to get
away from home. Is
there something within us that
invites most of us to conquer,
to cover ever new territories, to
collect new experiences? Are we
dissatisfied with what our own
community has to offer or is this
just human nature? Then again,
who wouldn’t like to travel?
If your neighbor returns from
France, the Bahamas, or even
Australia, you wouldn’t want to
look “inexperienced.” Absolutely
not! On the contrary, you would
probably like to tell your neighbor
about your last trip to New York
City, to New Orleans, or even to
beautiful Hawaii. No, I am not
suggesting not to think “globally.”
The opposite: you should be
informed; you should know the
world, the good and the bad. Only
then will you be able to appreciate
what you really have. You will
be surprised to find out how much
more you have than you were ever
willing to believe.
From the President
Know the world! Yes, definitely.
Know more about the world,
again definitely. But this doesn’t
mean you should forget your ever
important immediate surroundings:
your home, your friends, your
neighbors. All of us are faced with
multiple tasks day in and day out
and seem to never have enough
But do remember, there are so
many wonderful people living
right next to you. Some you know,
others you will never know. Think
about it for a moment. More
important yet, do something about
it! Go out and meet your neighbor.
I had one of the finest experiences
this past Saturday. I drove down
to Richland to attend, with many
Porsche friends and their friends,
this month’s Coffee Social at
Columbia Valley Luxury Cars. I
went there to meet with friends,
and share some stories, primarily
Porsche stories.
But, I also went for another reason.
When I learned that our INWR
PCA member Hal Copeland, soon
93 years old, reached his 40th PCA
Anniversary this past January,
it was clear to me that I had to
congratulate him personally on
this remarkable achievement. And
even much more importantly, Hal
had to share some fantastic stories.
Here is the most amazing one.
I don’t know if you ever knew
that Hal ran some 106 marathons.
More incredibly that he started
running at age 52. His last
marathon he ran in 2006. As he
told us, he finished last, yet was
first in his age group. Listening to
him reliving those marathons you
had to be proud to know Hal. I, for
one, have a huge respect for Hal
and what he has accomplished in
his life. Whenever you meet Hal
in the future, take a few minutes
and pay attention to what he has to
share with you. He is a wonderful
gentleman. Yes, I am very proud
to know him, and yes, I will share a
laugh with him whenever possible.
Membership Roster
Join our INWR members-only Membership Roster!! Why not let your Porsche friends know how to
contact you or find that couple you saw on a drive?? Chuck Rodman is collecting the information. In
the Club News section of our web site are the details you might include. Send your roster information
and he’ll get you added to our Roster.
Concerned about security? Access to this online Roster is available only to verified INWR members
who register on the web site.
March - April 2013
Über Alles
Installation Dinner
Installation Dinner
Article by Klaus Huschke
Photos by Paulette Mitchell
and Diane Westmoreland
Originally in an email dated
January 27, 2013
ear INWR member,
First of all, my most
sincere thanks to all who attended
last night’s Porsche Officer
Installation Dinner, held at the
Northern Quest Resort & Casino in
Airway Heights. And to those of
you who couldn’t and didn’t make
it, you missed a wonderful evening
of friendship, fun, and laughter,
and another terrific presentation of
pictures of past year’s drives and
events, arranged by [Bill Massy].
[Bill], my most sincere thanks
for all the work you so willingly
gave. As you will have noticed,
the excitement watching those
many scenes /drives was present
throughout the evening. Just a
wonderful job. Thanks go also
to our sponsors, to Porsche of
There were plenty of nice items to
win, including another beautiful
painting done by our own highly
talented member Larry Chmura.
Larry, thank you so much and
the very best of health to you. It
was a friend of Larry’s who had
carved, for this very occasion, a
true piece of art - a wooden 356.
It came however at a price. The
winner - actually the buyer - was
Bill Rambo. Bill, congratulations!
That was not yet all for Bill. He
also was given the first Dale Davis
Memorial Award, sponsored by
Dale’s wife Maxine. Maxine,
thank you so much. I had invited
Maxine to join us for dinner; she,
however, declined. It would have
been just too difficult for her. This
Dale Davis Memorial Award will
remain with the winner for one
year and then move on to the next
victor. Other awards were given,
beginning with The President’s
Award, won and well earned by
Karch and Linda Polgar; the Spark
Plug Award won by Rick Jordan;
the Copeland Award won by Bill
and Judy Addis; and finally the
Herman Jackson poses with his prize, an original Chmura
March - April 2013
Sluggo Award given to Keith
Graves. Congratulations and many
thanks to all of you.
Allow me to thank once again Matt
and his team for two wonderful
years. The progress our [region]
has achieved under his leadership
in these last two years was
significant. We will do our best
to continue what Matt and his
team started. Matt, the awards
- for those of you who were not
present last night, Matt earned not
just one but two awards - are to be
considered an expression of thanks
to you, also to Janet who shared
and gave so willingly of her time
throughout these last two years.
W hile I had the intent to be brief
during my few remarks, I did fail.
I had actually planned to say much
more, but was reminded in a polite
way by Bob Westmoreland that it
was enough. Bob was probably
right. When I was asked what I
would like to see us, our [region],
accomplish this year, I was well
prepared to tell you exactly that.
But I have to admit, it would have
taken more than 20 minutes to
get it done. It has to be my poor
English that I do need more time
to get a point across others can do
within seconds.
Here are then, hopefully very
quickly [are] the key points I
would like to see us concentrating
on during the coming 12 months:
increase our membership;
increase overall participation in
our drives and events - please,
Über Alles
Installation Dinner
Matt Gerber (left) receives Thank You awards from Klaus Huschke
Bill Rambo with the Dale Davis
Memorial Award
always remember that our [region]
consists of almost 300 members;
introduce some new drives and
events - here we do need the help
of all members; appoint younger
members to assume leadership
positions; recognize membership
anniversaries - especially those of
25 years and higher; arrange for
competition events /Klaus Kindor;
complete updates of INWR bylaws
March - April 2013
/Keith Martin; continue building
on what Matt and his team have
attained; have plenty of fun and
good laughter; 2 membership
meetings in the Tri-Cities; attend
coffee socials in the Tri-Cities, at
least also once in Yakima; strong
participation in the ‘50 years of
the 911’ - more information on this
event to come in early February;
let’s begin planning to attend the
2014 Porsche Parade in Monterey,
California; receive more frequent
input on the club’s activities from
the general membership.
Let’s have a fun and enjoyable
Über Alles
Glacier Car
Chuck Rodman’s Story
e & my Porsches
During my 1st DE
session at Spokane County
Raceway Park in Oct 2012, it
dawned on me that I had been
around Porsches for nearly 50
years. Considering that I have only
owned my most favorite car for 12
years, it’s quite a story.
Back to the DE event. Before my
70th birthday I signed up for the
BMW Driving event, with some
trepidation, as I had not driven
my 993 on the track. It’s been
something I have wanted to do
since my 9 laps at Daytona in a
NASCAR track car in 2011. Doing
148 mph at Daytona International
Speedway is much more than I had
expected. Obviously, it’s nowhere
near or even like a Porsche; but
it’s a speed/adrenalin thing. So,
when the DE day showed up on the
INWR-PCA calendar I got out my
Taking your pristine 1996 993 out
to the track for the first time creates
an adrenalin build up that begins
once you send off the check. As
the day approaches, you hope for
good weather, listen to anyone’s
prior experiences and suggestions,
and get more attuned to your daily
driving methods. I even bought
some painters tape to protect the
wheel well openings from flying
rocks based on some 3rd hand
advice which didn’t apply. It’s
funny how your anticipation of
track driving creeps into your every
day driving.
March - April 2013
The day is cool and bright, all
that anyone could ask for on your
first day REALLY driving your
Porsche at “the Track”. Thankfully
I wasn’t the only newbie at the
Track. We all were enamored at
the opportunity to see what our
cars could do with us behind the
wheel. It was not until I got behind
the wheel with an instructor in the
passenger seat that I found out how
little I knew. After eight 30-minute
sessions over 2 days, I realized that
there was still a lot to be learned
about driving my car. Before you
get to the Track you think you are a
pretty good driver. Then after you
get a little education, you realize
how much you still can learn about
driving AND how much more your
Porsche can perform than you can
drive. Can’t wait for the next DE!!
Back to my 50 years with Porsches.
It all started when I was assigned
to Stuttgart while in the Army
back in the early 1960’s. My
barracks were just over the hill
from Zuffenhausen, so when I
had to drive my OIC (officer in
charge) to Frankfurt, my route
took me right by the front door of
the Porsche works. Frequently, I
would see several of the racing cars
parked outside while being worked,
repaired or serviced. Other times,
as I pulled onto the Autobahn, I
would see a long string of Porsches
coming off the Autobahn, with
their protective bras on after their
test run. This started me thinking
about the car, but as a PFC it
was WAY out of my price line.
Reading Road & Track magazine
Article by Chuck Rodman
gave me more insight as to the
handling and performance specifics
thereby adding to my limited
knowledge. However, the images
and information stuck in my head
and over the years a Porsche was
my idea of the car I REALLY
wanted to have. But college,
getting married, raising two boys,
and spending 30 years working
all over the world sidetracked my
dream. The longtime family joke
was that if I hadn’t married my
first wife, Cheryl, I would be rich
and have a Porsche. When she
died in 2002, her insurance payoff
provided the funds for my first
Porsche – a 1982 SC! Boy, do you
really learn a lot after getting your
first Porsche. Things like broken
starter cables, incorrect tires on the
front, and A/C problems to name a
few. All of these experiences made
me a smarter driver and expanded
my appreciation of the car. When
dating my eventual wife, Shirley,
we took in the Yakima Wine Tour
and we both got a full appreciation
of what a 20-year old car with
120,000 miles on it was capable
of doing. Trying to keep up with
a string of cars driving to the
Columbia Crest Winery at 80+
mph with no strain or difficulty
was a serious adrenalin rush
for me...not so sure about my
passenger. As I learned more about
Porsches in general, after joining
the local Porsche club, I longed
for a newer air-cooled car. My
Internet and local search educated
me on the ins & outs of buying a
newer car. The local dealer had
a bright yellow 993 in the lot one
Über Alles
INWR Car Profile
winter. The more I looked at it and
drove it, the more I realized that it
was the car I wanted. I got hooked
and decided to take the plunge
and bought the car. It didn’t take
much driving to realize that what
I had bought was a quantum leap
over the SC and it was ALL very
Not long afterward, I decided to
dispose of my 8 year old Chrysler
T&C and we started looking at
SUV’s for a replacement. As it
happened a local club member had
a maroon 2004 Cayenne he was
looking to sell and we made a deal.
Shortly after that we took a long
trip to Corpus Christi, Texas, via
Denver with the Cayenne. Enroute
we encountered a bothersome
problem with one headlight
assembly, so I stopped at a dealer
in San Antonio to try and do a
road fix. While I was shopping
for parts, Shirley was looking at
another/newer Cayenne. But the
dealer wanted the title to the car
before we could close the deal.
Who carries the car title with you
when you travel, so the deal fell
through. During our overnight in
Albuquerque, on the way home, I
checked the local Porsche dealer’s
website and found he had a 2008
Cayenne S that fit our needs. After
looking at it closely and driving
it, we made an offer. Because the
dealer didn’t need the title until
after we got home, we closed the
deal and drove home in a blue 2008
Cayenne S - after leaving Spokane
in a maroon 2004. There were
several family members in Denver
who didn’t pick up on the color
March - April 2013
change of the cars as the interiors
of the two cars were the same. It
has been fun telling the story to
family and friends.
As you can see, I’ve been a long
term Porsche nut and have even
infected my wife with a little
interest in Porsches. She hasn’t
gotten the driving bug, but she
surely appreciates the comfort
and ease the Cayenne presents.
Our joint interest in Porsches has
taken us to Dubai and to Parade in
Keystone, Colorado. Both events
added to and broadened our interest
and knowledge about our two
German cars. These events and the
numerous local drives, poker runs,
and occasions have reinforced
our interest and confirm the fact
that it’s not totally the cars; but
additionally, the neat people that
drive Porsches.
Editor’s Note: What’s YOUR
story? We would love to hear
about your first Porsche...your
favorite Porsche...all of your
Porsches!!! Write something up
and send it on in.
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Über Alles
Klaus’ Korner
Klaus’ Korner:
What Have You Been Missing?
hat have you been
missing, nearly hitting?
Racing provides a plethora of
tools, all of which can be applied
to everyday driving and when
used, can help the everyday driver
in becoming a far more proactive
rather than reactive and ultimately
safer driver. Using simple driving
techniques/tools we can learn
to become far more aware of
our surroundings and by simply
making ourselves more aware; we
can avoid becoming a statistic.
The basics of seating position,
hand position, and visual skills,
learned well, will keep us more
alert and make us safer drivers.
Unfortunately, most of us have
never been taught the basics...
worse yet, we pass down the
same skill sets that we have
learned, resulting in compounded
poor driving skills. Don’t shoot
the messenger here. I am only
reporting on what I have seen and
see everyday.
MY CAR” Sorry, no there isn’t!
Reality is that most licensed drivers
have never been taught how to
adjust their rear view and outside
mirrors properly. Knowing what
March - April 2013
is going on around and next to
you would be good information to
have, wouldn’t it? Allow me to
rephrase: if you are traveling at
70 miles per hour, you and your
car are covering about 100 feet of
asphalt per second. Count to one…
you have now covered 100 feet.
Now then, would knowing what is
going on around you all the time be
good information to have? Yes?
Excellent…let’s fix one of the
biggest problems facing drivers
today. We can not fix everyone’s
lack of driver education, but, if
we start with ourselves, we have a
far better chance of avoiding that
costly accident or worse….here we
Proper mirror adjustment: If we
adjust our rearview and outside
rearview mirrors properly, a
number of things will reveal
themselves to us, like “Oh, my god,
there is another car there”!!! So
the answer to the question, “what
have I been missing, rather nearly
hitting?” will fix itself, starting
Sitting in our cars, the seat back
should be nearly straight up; I’ll
cover why in another segment.
The inside rearview mirror should
Article and photos
by Klaus Kindor
be positioned so that you can see
directly behind you but also to
both sides of the vehicle. NOTE:
The rear view mirror is NOT to be
used for applying make-up or for
shaving while driving! NOT, NOT,
Once we have adjusted the
rearview mirror properly we can
begin to focus on both outside
rearview mirrors. The outside
mirrors should be positioned
in such a way as so to see the
lane next to you but, not ANY
YOUR CAR. If you can see any
piece of the side of your car in
your outside rearview mirrors, they
are improperly adjusted; period.
There is no argument here. I have
have people tell me, “I need to be
able to see the side to give me a
reference.” No, no you don’t...the
back of the car is going to follow
the front of the car, folks, as they
are both going the same direction,
I promise. And although you
may have done a masterful job of
waxing and detailing your car, you
don’t need to admire your work
while driving. Also, no-one is
going to try to steal your gas cap at
70mph; I promise that too.
Über Alles
Klaus’ Korner
Proper mirror adjustment (right photo) reveals traffic approaching your side
The point is to get the outside
rearview mirrors adjusted so far
out that you can actually see the
lane next to you -- all of the lane
next to you -- up until the point
that your peripheral vision can take
over; yes the mirrors need to be
adjusted that far out! I know this
is going to seem odd at first, but, it
will become natural very quickly
and I promise you’ll find yourself
asking “why have I been doing this
so wrong and for sooooo long?” A
new world will open up for you,
I promise. You will see things
you have never seen before, rather
nearly hit.
Once all three mirrors have been
properly adjusted you will also
find that there is no blind spot.
It doesn’t matter what you are
driving...don’t believe me? Next
time you see me, I’ll be delighted
to help you with your own car, just
ask. Consider it self preservation.
Most importantly you’ll be able to
scan the three mirrors in your car
and if done often, (about every 8
seconds) and diligently, you will
always know what is coming up to
you. You will always know what
is going to go past you and you
will always know what is next to
you. ALWAYS! You will actually
see the truck, the motorcyclist, the
car…you’ll know where there is
March - April 2013
space should you need it. You’ll
know if you can make a lane
change to avoid an incident….even
without having to turn your head!!
I can hear you already….did he
really say “make a lane change
without turning your head?” Yes,
yes I certainly did and I know
what you were told. Here is a little
test...play along, it is fun and an
eye opener. Remember, cars will
always go where we look (another
lesson for another day) but, they
do. So, put your hands out in
front of you like you are holding a
steering wheel...do it. Your hands
should be positioned at 3:00 and
9:00 ( I know, I know) …now, look
over your left shoulder. If you
STOP and look at your hands, they
have already turned your steering
wheel to the left! You have already
made the lane change, but, you still
don’t know if that lane is occupied
by another vehicle, perhaps even a
motorcycle. Your car goes where
you look!
If your mirrors are properly
adjusted and IF you are scanning
your mirrors about every 8 seconds
and IF you are paying attention to
everything that is going on around
you all the time, you will rarely
of ever have to turn your head to
make a lane change. This allows
your eyes the time to look ahead
and look for space. I have never
hit space and damaged a car. If as
a driver I am also always aware of
what is around me, I will always
know where space is available
should I need it and THAT folks, is
darned good information.
There’s enough room for a car in that space you can’t
see in this incorrectly adjusted mirror.
Über Alles
Saturday Coffee
March 9th
Tri-Cities (8:30), Yakima (9:00)
March 16th
Spokane & Coeur d’Alene (9:00)
April 13th
Tri-Cities (8:30), Yakima (9:00)
April 20th
Spokane & Coeur d’Alene (9:00)
Spokane & Coeur d’Alene
Porsche of Spokane
Columbia Valley Luxury Cars
2500 Aileron Road
Starbuck’s on 56th &
Monthly Membership Meeting
March 13th monthly membership meeting
at restaurant MAX
Mirabeau Park Hotel
1100 North Sullivan Road, Spokane Valley
April 20th monthly membership meeting at
Red Lion Hotel
802 George Washington Way, Richland
11:30 AM
Upcoming Events
watch your email and the web site
for details
12th: Registration opens for Parade in
Traverse City, MI. See page 24 (this issue)
and the January February 2013 issue for
23rd: Club Social: Windows Restaurant, Red
Lion at the Park, Spokane. Noon - 2 PM. See
email announcment for RSVP information
13th: Progressive Lunch and Poker Run
25th: The last Thursdays of each month
starting in April will feature the European Car
Cruise, 5pm, at Jaremko Sports & Classics,
27th: Spokane Guilds’ School Penny Drive,
57th and Regal, Spokane
March - April 2013
Cars and Coffee
Nathan Merz at Columbia Valley Luxury Cars
hosts this monthly event at his showroom in
Richland. The event is called “Columbia Valley
Cars & Coffee” and will be held on the second
Saturday of each month starting at 9:30 AM. This
event will be open to all car enthusiasts.
Nathan will continue to host the INWR-PCA
monthly coffee at his showroom at a new time
starting at 8:30 AM on the same day as Columbia
Valley Cars & Coffee (the second Saturday of
every month). The time from 8:30 AM to 9:30
AM will be for the Porsche club then other
enthusiasts will join at 9:30 AM. You don’t have
to leave at 9:30 AM but can stay and participate
in the fun with the other car enthusiasts!
Über Alles
Marty Dailey & Eva Dailey
1996 911, Silver
Sandpoint, ID
(from Las Vegas Region)
Joe & Mary Dinnison
2005 Cayenne
Spokane, WA
Mark & Stephanie Fleishman
1987 911, Red; 2007 Carrera S,
Coeur d’Alene, ID
(from Sacramento Valley Region)
Bryan Hollenbaugh
2000 Boxster, Red
Yakima, WA
James Hoyt
1988 911, Silver
Selah, WA
(from Yosemite Region)
Rick & Nancy James
1987 911
Spokane, WA
15 Years
15 Years continued
Randy & Leticia Lewis
1973 ½ 911T
Greenacres, WA
5 Years
Fred Edward
1985 928S
Kennewick, WA
Robert & Mikayla Ahlin
1975 914, 2006 Cayman
Spokane, WA
Steve & Nita Gregg
1962 356B
Loon Lake, WA
Larry Banks
2000 Boxster
Liberty Lake, WA
Harold & Chris Hedge
1987 911, 1982 911SC
Kennewick, WA
Van Bennett & Jan Kennedy
1954 356, 1987 911
Coeur d’Alene, ID
March - April 2013
Dale Thames & Susan Thames
1983 911, Tan
Spokane, WA
George Mellinger
1997 993 C4S, Red
Richland, WA
30 Years
Norm Smith & Becky Harris
1974 911
Spokane, WA
(from Pacific Northwest Region)
5 Years continued
Richard & Betty Faletto
1968 912
Sagle, ID
Patrick Hart
2007 Cayman
West Richland, WA
Paulette Mitchell
1966 912, 1983 911SC
Coeur d’Alene, ID
Michael & Holy Morgan
2003 Boxster
Coeur d’Alene, ID
Über Alles
March - April 2013
Über Alles
Freeze Your Road Grime
Article written and graphics submitted
by Pedro P. Bonilla, GCR PCA
Reprinted with permission
In this era of eco-friendliness where everyone wants to be green and help preserve and protect the planet,
sometimes it seems that we can’t.
I mean, how can you remove years and years of road grime on a Porsche’s engine, tranny, and under carriage
without using harsh chemicals such as degreasers, solvents, abrasives, acids, etc., etc.?
Well, I just ran into the coolest and most eco-friendliest way of doing this.
I went to visit a friend, who is the owner a local Porsche Shop in the area, and when I got there I saw something
that made my heart skit a beat or two.
They had a Carrera GT (yes, the $400,000
supercar from Porsche) on a lift and I could
have sworn that they were sandblasting the
$20,000 CCCB (Carbon Ceramic Composite
Brakes) rotors and calipers. I though my
friend had just lost it!
I quickly ran over to stop the madness, but as I
got closer, I saw that what was coming out of
the nozzle wasn’t sand, but what looked like
water vapor.
“Cool”, I said to the owner, “using steam to
clean the car?” “Nope”, he said, “that’s not
steam, it’s CO2 “ (carbon dioxide).
I was immediately intrigued and started asking
“So, what is it and how does it work?”, “How
do you generate CO2 under pressure?”, “Will
it peel off the caliper’s paint?”, “What other
chemicals do you add to the CO2 in order to
clean?”, and a bunch of other ones.
He stopped what he was doing and started to
“This is called Cryo Detailing and we’re
the first ones in the South East to apply the
technology to automotive use. It has a very
powerful, specially designed air compressor
to blast away oil, grease, and stuck-on grime
using only CO2”.
March - April 2013
Über Alles
“It is safe on paint, soft rubber, decals, etc.” and
he then showed me how safe it was by blasting the
beautiful, Carrera Silver, left fender on the Carrera
GT with his nozzle. I carefully inspected it, and it
was perfect!
“We do not add anything else. It’s just pressurized
air and CO2“. “Come with me, let me show you
what’s inside the machine”. I followed him and
we went to a giant blue plastic bin which as he
opened it I could see that it was full of what looked
like steaming rice. It was obviously rice-like CO2
As they were reloading the unit again with the pellets I took a handful (which almost burnt my hand from the
intense cold) to photograph them, next to a penny to give you an idea of their size.
“The machine is fairly simple”, he said, “it’s a big air compressor which generates very dry, pressurized air, then
uses the pressure and a venturi to add the CO2 pellets to the stream of compressed air through a hose. Before it
reaches the end, we install the correct size-for-the-task mesh and nozzle for the particular job we’re doing”.
“So, depending on the air pressure, on the dry-ice particle size and on the nozzle’s diameter and length we can
do such delicate work as clean the white thread’s stitching on a leather seat or we can strip off paint.”
“Why dry ice?” I asked.
He answered: “The cold temperature, which can be brought down to 111°F below zero basically deep-freezes
the grime which is then blasted away by the air pressure and the small dry ice pellets. That’s why there’s no
residue other than the dirt we’ve just removed.”
“So did you guys invent this or what?”
“No”, he said, “this technology is actually used by Porsche and its dealers in Germany, as a standard service.
We’re just the first in the area to offer this service.”
March - April 2013
Über Alles
When I got back to my office I went online to check and I found this on Porsche’s European Website:
March - April 2013
Über Alles
But, the skeptic that I am I said: “well, this is nice and dandy on a concour-ready Carrera GT, but does it really
work on old, baked-in crud as that on my 14 year-old, 214,000 mile Boxster? ;) ;)
He said, “bring it in tomorrow and I’ll show you.”
The next day I was there bright and early with my old girl.
First I took a couple of “before” pictures to have something to compare. Now, you be the judge:
March - April 2013
Über Alles
But maybe what impressed me the
most was how delicately the Cryo
Detail takes off the grime but leaves
the part completely undisturbed.
Take a look at this aluminum
suspension part which was scribed at
the factory. You can see how well it
cleaned, yet you can still see that the
original aluminum surface was not
altered (sandblasted) in any way.
This is really interesting technology, in particular for engine builders, car restorers and councour d’legance
enthusiasts or just anyone who wants their Porsche as clean as possible, even in places that no one ever sees.
And the best part – it’s eco-friendly!
If Cryo Detail is not in your area, wait for it, or better yet ask for it.
To learn more about Cryo Detail and more, please visit my website at:
Happy Porsche-ing,
© 2011 Technolab/PedrosGarage.com
March - April 2013
Über Alles
Wine Tour
Friday May 17 and Saturday May 18, 2013
Please contact Tillie Hammond for information at (509) 735-1672 or
Join the Inland Northwest Region, on a tour of the Walla Walla valley. We will enjoy
lunch at Zerba Cellars in Milton-Freewater. After lunch we will depart in smaller groups
Walla Walla and head out to some pre-arranged wineries. Further details on this will be sent out
as the event gets closer.
Join Zone 6 members for a picnic, tour and dinner on Saturday May 18th. Plan to
meet for a picnic brunch at 10:30 am at Goose Ridge Winery located in West
Richland, WA. Bring your own picnic lunch or sign-up for a Catered Brunch$20 per person. A Tri-Cities group will depart Saturday morning at 10:10 a.m.,
from the Marriott Courtyard hotel parking lot in Richland. At Goose Ridge we will be
having brunch and the splitting into 3 groups to visit some specific wineries or you
could choose to go on your own way. Goose Ridge will be charging a $10 tasting fee,
which is refundable with a purchase of a bottle of wine.
A block of rooms are being held at The Marriott Courtyard, 480 Columbia Point Dr.,
Richland, for Friday and Saturday evenings. Please make your hotel reservation by
calling (800) 321-2211 or (509) 942-9400. The room rate is $103.00 + tax for a “King
City View”. You may upgrade to a “River View” room on a first come basis for $123.00
+ tax. Be sure to mention Porsche Club 2013 code (PCGS). Parking lot security will
be provided Saturday evening. A hot breakfast is available for purchase at the hotel in
the morning. Reservation Deadline is Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Dinner Saturday evening will be at Columbia Crest Winery in Paterson, WA, located
about 45 miles from the Tri-Cities. Groups will depart from the Marriott parking lot in
Richland for the winery starting at 5:30 p.m. Plan to arrive around 6:20-6:45 p.m.
Seating will begin at 6:50 p.m. with dinner at 7:00 p.m. The cost for the evening is
$50.00 per person and includes wine tasting. Please submit your check by Friday,
April 26th, payable to:
P.O. Box 206
Richland, WA 99352
Please include the registration form with your specific information. Your name tag will
be provided on Friday, if you join us, otherwise at Brunch. No one will be served
wine for tasting or dinner without the event name tag. Your cooperation is certainly
Seating is limited. Dinner reservations will be taken in order of the checks
received until the chateau is full.
CALL Tillie Hammond AT (509) 735-1672, HERMAN JACKSON AT (509) 627-6105 OR BILL ADDIS AT
(509) 627-2221
March - April 2013
Über Alles
Wine Tour
MAY 17-18, 2013
Please fill out the registration form and mail with your payment.
Names of participants:
Please Print Names
Friday, May 17th Walla Wall
Tour Lunch
Friday Dinner, for count only,
responsible for purchasing your
own dinner.
Saturday, May 18th
Brunch (optional)
Dinner at Columbia Crest
# Attending
Cost per/person
By Donation
Total Included
Total Included
Please submit your check by Friday, April 26 , payable
P.O. Box 206
Richland, WA 99352
March - April 2013
Über Alles
Parade by PCA
58th AnnuAl PCA PorsChe PArAde
June 23–29
Traverse CiTy, MiChigan
ConCours, rallIes,
auto Cross, teCh QuIz
great Food
new FrIends
Join Us for a week fUll of Porsche fUn
RegistRation opens MaRch 12th
Grand Traverse resorT & spa
For More InForMatIon & regIstratIon - VIsIt
March - April 2013
Über Alles
50 Years of 911
Commemorating 50 Years of the Porsche 911
Presented by Sunset Porsche
A Porsche Club of America
Oregon Region, Zone 6 Event
Join us for the “largest gathering” of Porsche 911’s in the Great Pacific Northwest
September 6th, 7th and 8th, 2013
At the majestic Skamania Lodge overlooking the Scenic Columbia River Gorge

People’s Choice Awards in 10 Classes
This is a Shine and Show event to encourage the greatest participation from the Membership
Special Guest Speaker Prescott Kelly
Renowned Porsche collector, author, speaker, and historian
With a special 911 presentation
Special Room Rates!
$125 per Guest Room per Night
Superior Forest View Guest Rooms
“Room Rate noted does not include Daily Lodge Fee @ $16 per day nor applicable taxes”
(Rooms are separate from Event Fees)
Participate in the Lodge’s 20th Anniversary Events
Skamania Lodge
1131 SW Skamania Lodge Way
Stevenson Washington 98648
Accepting reservations NOW
For Reservations Call
509-427-7700 or 800-221-7117
Mention PCA or Porsche Club of America for the special price
Or make reservations online at www.skamania.com
And enter in the drop down menu Group Code PCA
Don’t miss this once in a lifetime event
March - April 2013
Über Alles
50 Years of 911
(Tentative Schedule Subject to Change)
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Sidedraught City Car Salon – Detail your car and
product demonstrations at car wash area located behind Golf Pro-shop.
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm: “Registration and No-Host Reception” at the Lodge.
7:00 am – 10:30 am: Sidedraught City Car Salon – Detail your car and
product demonstrations at car wash area located behind Golf Pro-shop.
8:00am - 9:30 am: ORPCA Continental Breakfast at Sunset Porsche
9:30 am: ORPCA Arrive and Drive from Sunset Porsche to Skamania Lodge.
9:00 am – 11:00 am: Late Registration for Show Participants.
8:00 am - 11:30 am: Placement of cars on the Display Field.
11:30 pm: “Commemorating 50 Years of the Porsche 911 presented by Sunset Porsche”
Interviews and announcements by Master of Ceremonies Peter Linsky
Voting for the “People’s Choice Awards” Ten Classes as follows:
1964-1968 911 SWB
1969-1973 911 LWB
1974-1977 911
1978-1983 911SC
1984-1989 911 Carrera
1990-1994 964
1995-1997 993
1998-2004 996
2005-2011 997
2012-2013 991
Ballots available to all spectators at the Oregon Region Membership information kiosk
(voting closes at 3:30 pm).
Noon - 1:00 pm: Lunch Break. Visit the Greenside Grill or Cascade Room restaurant in the
Lodgefor food and drinks. Box lunches available to registered participants.
1:00 pm: Commentary from Peter Linsky, as he travels around the grounds visiting with car
3:30 pm: People’s choice voting closes, Group Photo.
5:00 pm: “Commemorating 50 Years of the Porsche 911 presented by Sunset Porsche” closes.
6:00 pm: Social Hour “No-Host Bar.”
7:00 pm: Dinner in the “Cascade Locks Ball Room” hosted by Principal Financial Group.
8:00 pm Guest Speaker Prescott Kelly, Special presentation “The History of the Porsche 911,”
Door Prizes, plus People’s Choice Award Presentations.
7:00 am: Golf “Butzi Open” nine holes in the morning (Greens fees separate for this event).
11:00 am: Tour thru Stevenson to Maryhill Museum, Stonehenge Memorial.
Presented by Sunset Porsche
March - April 2013
Über Alles
50 Years of 911
Full Registration Package
It includes:
Friday Night No-host Reception
Saturday Field Display and Box Lunch
Saturday Night Banquet (at the Lodge)
Sunday Tour (to Maryhill Museum/Stonehenge Memorial)
March 1st - June 30th: $160
July 1st - August 1st: $185
August 2nd - September 6th: $210
March 1st - June 30th: $80
July 1st - August 1st: $105
August 2nd - September 6th: $130
Display Only -- It includes participation in the
“Commemorating 50 Years of the Porsche 911 presented by Sunset Porsche” Car Show Only
March 1st - June 30th: $25
July 1st – August 1st: $35
August 2nd - September 6th: $40
Commemorative Dash Plaque for all Registered Participants
Additional tickets are available for the Saturday night Banquet.
Additional Box Lunch tickets are available for Saturday.
95% refund if cancelled by July 15th
50% refund if cancelled by August 31st
NO REFUNDS after September 1st
All Registration Starting March 1st at
Contact Event Chairperson
Paul Kust
or phone 360.256.3873
March - April 2013
Über Alles
Meeting Minutes
INWR Meeting Minutes
Monthly Membership Meeting
January 9, 2013
MAX at Mirabeau Park Hotel
Spokane Valley, WA
Officers present: Klaus Huschke,
Keith Martin, Bill Roberts, and Bill
The President opened the meeting
@7:00 PM
VP’s report: The bylaw committee
is just cleaning up things and will
have the final Bylaws and Articles
of Incorporation ready for the
board’s review next month.
Secretary’s report: Looking
forward to another great year.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance in
checking and savings is $11,199.00
regarding club drives and to have
the waivers filled out.
Über Alles Editor’s Report: New
issue will be posted next week,
Still looking for people to write
some articles.
Technical Chair’s Report: No
Webmaster’s Report: New photo
gallery’s posted and the 2013
calendar has been updated.
Social Chair’s Report: No report
Membership Chair’s Report:
284 members and 225 affiliated
Insurance/Safety Chair’s Report:
No report. Bob Westmoreland
reminded us that the insurance is
Competition Chair’s Report:
Klaus Kindor is our new Chair.
He thanked all for voting him to
the position. “We have a great
opportunity to learn about our cars
using the track.” He will start
looking into track rental and costs.
Past President’s Report: Out of
1. The Christmas party could have
been better if the food was not cold.
March - April 2013
Über Alles
Meeting Minutes
1. Welcome new Chairs: Rick
Jordan (Membership), Klaus Kindor
2. PCA Awards Nominations: Please
submit your nominations if any.
3. Kick-off Board Meeting January
12th: All board members are asked
to attend a separate meeting for
planning the 2013 year.
4. Coffee Social Tri-Cities / January
5. Coffee Social Yakima / January
6. Coffee Social Liberty Lake /
January 19th.
March - April 2013
7. Officer Installation Dinner
January 26th. We have 43 people
signed up.
1. Cam Allen remarked that we own
fast cars, yet we are more of a social
group that likes to go out to lunch.
He would like to have more track
days so we can all learn what our
cars and skills can do. Klaus Kindor
will be looking into scheduling
more events and training.
Stump the chump: Bill Massy. got
it right. It was a magnetic timing
End of meeting: 8:25pm
INWR Meeting Minutes
Monthly Membership Meeting
February 13, 2013
MAX at Mirabeau Park Hotel
Spokane Valley, WA
Officers present: Klaus Huschke,
Keith Martin, Bill Roberts, and Bill
The President opened the meeting
@7:00 PM
VP’s report: Planning a club social
for March 23rd.
Secretary’s report: No Report
Treasurer’s Report: Balance in
checking and savings is $8,528.91
Über Alles
Meeting Minutes
Über Alles Editor’s Report:
In the new issue you will see
the advertisements have been
intermixed throughout the Über.
Webmaster’s Report: Working on
if it would be possible to download
the calendar to your smart phone.
Website is current. Klaus Huschke
will send a letter out regarding
renewal of classified ads.
Social Chair’s Report: Report will
be in the New Business section for
this meeting.
Membership Chair’s Report:
287 members and 226 affiliated
members. Rick Jordan gave out a
25th anniversary award to Tom &
Diane Johnson. Tom spent some
time sharing his 25 years with the
Insurance/Safety Chair’s Report:
No report.
Technical Chair’s Report: No
Competition Chair’s Report: We
learned that the track rental charges
are much less for Mondays,
Tuesdays, and Wednesday. It was
agreed by the members to move
forward regarding upcoming DE
Past President’s Report: He is here
and has no report.
1. Installation Dinner: All enjoyed
the event and it would be nice to
have a photographer next year.
March - April 2013
2. Update on INWR Bylaws: Bill
Massy received 11 yes votes and
4 board members did not respond.
The new Bylaws have been passed
by the board. The next step is to
put the bylaws up for a vote to the
general membership.
3. Hal Copeland’s 40th INWR
anniversary get together was fun
and Hal had many stories to share
with the group that attended.
4. PCA Awards Nominations: The
group decided that we do not have
enough time for this year. (due date
is March 1st). We will be keeping
an eye out for next year.
5. The event calendar has been sent
1. PCA Emailer is very tough to
use. Klaus Huschke has purchased
Constant Contact. He likes it very
much. The board approved that he
should be reimbursed for the cost of
the software.
5. Ron Hannum gave a presentation
on several name badges. He will
check with PCA regarding the
usage of the Porsche logo.
6. Janet and Matt Gerber spent
some time reviewing several venues
for next years Installation Dinner.
Red Lion at the Park is the tentative
7. Can-AM / Banff tour. June 27th30th. Rick Jordan and Keith Martin
let the group know that this year’s
event will have a limit of 30 cars.
Stay tuned for the sign up date.
8. 993 fest/ Columbia Valley
Luxury Cars, June 8th and 9th. All
are welcome to attend.
9. Coffee this February 16th /
Liberty Lake.
Other Topics: None
End of meeting: 8:35pm
2. Porsche of Spokane and INWR
PCA New Member promotional
Rick Jordan has been in touch with
Porsche of Spokane and is going to
move forward. Nathan Merz is also
willing to support this effort in the
3. Reminder about the upcoming
Walla Walla Columbia Valley wine
Tour May 17th/18th. Hotels are
filling up fast.
4. 50 years of the Porsche 911
celebration Sept 6,7, and 8 at
Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, WA.
The new administration:
Klaus Huschke and Keith Martin
Photo by Diane Westmoreland
Über Alles
Linda Polgar, PO Box 3, Mead, WA 99021; lcpolgar@yahoo.com
Each ad will be marked with the issue in which it first appears or in which the owner has indicated he or she would like to
retain the ad. Unless the ad’s owner indicates he or she would like to continue the ad, each ad will be removed after the
third issue of appearance.
1968 912
Rebuilt engine with less than 5k
and less than100k on car. Numbers
close/match. Rust replaced with
welded metal. Like new rubber,
euro headlight trim, bra, steering
strut and trunk carpet. Tool kit,
owner’s manual, Hellas, ski/
luggage rack and jack. Honest
car that drives like a dream.
Needs new windshield and return
to original paint. Will provide
invoices/referrals to mechanics and
body/paint men.
Rich Faletto
(208) 255-9550
356 and 912 Parts
356 2 Zenith 32NDIX Carburetors
- rebuilt
Thanks for letting us know
when you sell your ride,
your doohickie, or your
912 Blasted and Ceramic coated
Bursch/Bursch Style header
Both are really nice...
Art Watanabe
(509) 475-9488
v41 i6
We are:
v41 i6
P.O. Box 206
Richland, WA 99352
EDITORIAL POLICY: Über Alles is the official publication of the INLAND NORTHWEST REGION of the
PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA. Statements appearing in Über Alles are those of the authors and are not necessarily
the opinions of the CLUB or its editorial staff. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted to Über Alles,
with the exception of copyrighted material.
ADVERTISING POLICY: Advertisements and classified ads appearing in Über Alles are the representation of the
advertisers. Any disputes arising over any items bought or sold through the advertisements here shall be resolved
between the buyer and the seller. The PCA, the INWR, Über Alles, and its Editor assume no liability.
March - April 2013
Über Alles
Über Alles
March Club Social
Rally and Progressive Lunch
features: INWR Car Profile: Polgar
Klaus’ Korner: More Basics
PedrosGarage: The Bad, the Ugly, and
the Good, part 1
Zone 6 Meeting Notes
Journal for the Inland Northwest Region Porsche Club of America
Volume 42 Issue 3
May - June 2013
©2010 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. Optional equipment shown is extra.
Porsche recommends
Test the Cayenne and the very notion
of what a hybrid can be.
Your first thought behind the wheel of the new Cayenne S Hybrid may very well be a
question: “How on Earth can this be a hybrid?” The answer is hybrid technology, the
Porsche way. Honed on the track by revolutionary race cars like the 911 GT3 R Hybrid,
yet translated to the road. The Cayenne S Hybrid is the epitome of the Porsche Intelligent
Performance philosophy “more from less.” Come in for a test drive and find all the
answers on the road. Just like we did. Porsche. There is no substitute.
Experience the new Cayenne S Hybrid.
of Spokane
Dealer Name
Dealer Address 1 Here
E George
Address 2Gee
WA 99019
(555) Lake,
555 - 5555
Dealer Web Site Address Here
8:00am to 7:00pm
to 6:00pmhours
May - June 2013
Über Alles
Table of Contents
From the Editor
From the Editor............................3
A big thanks to all of our members who
contributed photos, articles, invitations,
updates and news about our advertisers and
Porsche events and activities. It is your
contribution that makes the Über Alles fun
for so many to read and enjoy!
2013 Calendar..............................4
INWR Board Members................5
Name tags, badges, patches, pins6
From the President.......................7
March Club Social................... 8-9
Rally & Progressive Lunch.. 10-11
INWR Car Profile: Polgar..........12
Klaus’ Korner: More Basics13-14
Announcements............ 15, 18-23
Bogus Basin Bacchanalia...........20
Can-Am Banff Tour...................22
Cars & Coffee(s)........................15
Festival of Speed........................19
Monthly Meeting.......................15
Porsche Parade 2013..................21
Saturday Coffee Dates...............15
Wine Tour...................................18
50 Years of the 911.....................23
New Members &
From the Membership Chair......17
Membership Roster request.......17
PedrosGarage: The Bad, the Ugly,
and the Good, part 1............. 25-27
Zone 6 Meeting Notes.......... 28-30
Meeting Minutes.................. 31-33
On the Cover
Photo by Bill Massy
from the Rally,
Debi & Steve Schiffelbein’s 912
May - June 2013
hank you.
This humble little box above
with its earnest little message has
existed in every Über Alles issue I
and Karch before me have edited.
Really. It’s there in every issue.
I had to move the text box this time
and I thought I would give it some
prominence. It is true, without the
contributions from the members of
the INWR, I would have nothing to
edit, nothing to puzzle together for
you six times per year.
Thank you to our shutterbugs
without whom we would have no
graphic memory of our travels and
our gatherings.
Thank you to our writers. You
ALL can do this. The stories and
reports don’t have to be long or
eloquent. They just have to be.
Thank you to our event organizers.
Without you, we wouldn’t
have happenings to record in
photographs and words.
Thank you to our advertisers for
supporting our publication. I hope
you are gaining something from us
in return.
Thank you from someone who
really does like doing what
everyone calls “the most difficult
job in the Club.”
Please keep it all coming!!! Who
is next with his or her Porsche
Linda Polgar, Editor
Our Advertisers
Alpine Motor Cars.......................6
Fort Knox by NAI Black............33
Carrera Motors...........................24
Chee Chee’s.................................9
Porsche of Spokane......................2
Columbia Valley Luxury Cars...17
Precision Pointe.........................17
EBS Racing................................14
Spinal Diagnosics, Dr. Watanabe
European Autohaus......................9
Ad Rate Sheet.............................6
Über Alles
Inland Northwest Region
Calendar 2013
2013 Calendar
Do you know of an event that should
be here but is not listed?
Please let us know!!
Any and all events are subject to change. Stay informed through the President’s emails and on our web site.
Membership Meeting
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
12 Yakima Coffee Social
19 Spokane Coffee Social
26 Installation Dinner
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
13 Membership Meeting
16 Spokane Coffee Social
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
13 Membership Meeting
16 Spokane Coffee Social
23 Club Social
13 13 13 20 20 25 27 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
Progressive Lunch/Poker Run
Spokane Coffee Social
Membership Meeting in
European Car Cruise
Penny Drive
Membership Meeting
11 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
11 Yakima Coffee Social
17-18 Tri-Cities Wine Tour
18 Spokane Coffee Social
23 Club Social
European Car Cruise
May - June 2013
1-2 Festival of Speed Car Club Concours
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
12 Membership Meeting
15 Spokane Coffee Social
23-29 Porsche Parade in Traverse City, Michigan
27 European Car Cruise
27-30 Can-Am/Banff Tour
10 13 13 13 20
20 25 27 Membership Meeting
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
Pendleton Underground Tour
Spokane Coffee Social
Chee Chee’s BBQ
European Car Cruise
Thompson Falls Drive
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
10 Yakima Coffee Social
14 Membership Meeting
17 Spokane Coffee Social
17 Priest Lake/Schweitzer Drive
29 European Car Cruise
6-8 Commemorating 50 Years of 911 Tour
11 Membership Meeting
14 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
14 Yakima Coffee Social
14-15 Whoop n Holler Car Museum Tour
21 Spokane Coffee Social
26 European Car Cruise
5-6 High Performance Driving School
11-13 Octoberfest in Leavenworth
12 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
12 Yakima Coffee Social
19 Membership Meeting in Tri-Cities
19 Spokane Coffee Social
26 Fall Color Tour & Free Rein Fundraiser
European Car Cruise
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
Board of Directors and Officers Meeting
Tech Session
Membership Meeting
Spokane Coffee Social
22 Club Social
Christmas Party Tri-Cities
11 Membership Meeting
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
14 Yakima Coffee Social
21 Spokane Coffee Social
Über Alles input submission
deadline: the 15th of any given
Even Month.
Über Alles
Board Members
Membership Chair
Klaus Huschke
3419 South Saxon Ct.
Spokane, WA 99203
Rick Jordan
5324 W Woodview Court
Spokane, WA 99208
Vice President
Insurance/Safety Chair
Technical Chair
Keith Martin
408 W 28th Avenue
Spokane, WA 99203
Gregory “Spud” Hesse
4437 E. North Glenngrae Ln.
Spokane, WA 99223
Bill Massy
207 N Idaho Rd.
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Tom Smith
15425 N. McKinnon Rd.
Mead, WA 99201
Competition Chair
Bill Roberts
512 Lodi Loop
Richland, WA 99352
Past President
Matthew F. Gerber
1717 East 27th Ave.
Spokane, WA 99203
PCA Zone 6 Rep
Dave Cooley
2313 47th Ave SW
Great Falls, MT 59404
Social Chair
Janet Gerber
1717 East 27th Ave.
Spokane, WA 99203
Karch Polgar
P.O. Box 3
Mead, WA 99021
May - June 2013
Klaus Kindor
5120 S. Menaul Ct.
Spokane, WA 99224
Board Members at Large
Herman Jackson
1937 Meadows Drive N.
Richland, WA 99352
Diane Rochelle
2915 Lorayne J Blvd.
Kennewick, WA 99338
Kirk Gilday
7505 Farm Country Ct.
Yakima, WA 98908
Über Alles Newsletter Editor
Linda Polgar
P.O. Box 3
Mead, WA 99021
Über Alles
Ad Rates
Alpine Motor
Cars, L.L.C.
Repair & Service
North-Idaho’s premiere German automotive specialist.
Over 27-years experience servicing Porsche, VW, Audi,
BMW & Mercedes-Benz. From routine maintenance, to
performance upgrades, to engine restoration; make your
new, vintage, or classic car run like a champion.
Call for your appointment today!
Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.;
Friday, by appointment only
10632 N. Government Way
between Miles Way and Lacey Way
Hayden Lake, ID 83835
Advertising Rates per Issue
(6 Issues per Year)
Business Card
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
All articles, advertising, photos and
other insertions must be submitted by the
following dates for inclusion in that
Über Alles issue.
February 15
April 15
June 15
August 15
October 15
December 15
May - June 2013
March - April
May - June
July - August
September - October
November - December
January -February
INWR Club name tag:
Identify yourself to new members and existing members who know your
face or your car but who can’t quite recall your name at the moment.
Embellished with the Porsche crest and “Inland Northwest Region,” your
name will be displayed First then Last.
Order yours from the INWR website today!!
INWR Club patch and pin:
Patch – 3” Diameter
Pin – 1 1/8” Diameter
$6.00 each
(non PCA members $10.00)
For ordering details, please log on to:
INWR Club grill badge:
Decorate your car with this stunning cloisonné
badge with the INWR Logo in Full Color.
3” Diameter, Gold Tone Metal,
two threaded posts with thumb nuts on the back
$35.00 each
Sturdy mounting plate with longer posts
available for $10 each
Pick up in Spokane or in Tri Cities,
or $5 shipping.
For ordering details, please contact:
Bill Roberts, Treasurer
Details also appear on the Website!
Über Alles
From the President
t Schweitzer Mountain
the end of April (2013)
looking at the masses of
snow still covering the many ski
runs, it’s a bit difficult to believe
that spring and summer will be
here very soon. As you might
have read, the Northwest has been
showered with plenty of snow
these past three years. Schweitzer
Mountain alone received 400
inches this ski season of which
over 100 inches are still there. And
yet, even Schweitzer Mountain will
look quite different very soon. The
season of skiing will be replaced
with a season of hiking and biking.
Spring is on its way. For us, this
means to get ready for another
exciting Porsche year. Plenty of
fantastic drives and events are
planned. I want to thank once
again Frank Perry, the organizer
of this year’s first drive, the
Progressive Luncheon Rally. What
a wonderful and challenging drive
this was. Thanks go also to Janet
Gerber who cared so diligently
about our well being. The
luncheon and desserts were just
Take a look at your Porsche
calendar. Do you remember
the many drives and events we
enjoyed last year? If you checked
your Porsche calendar, you already
know that we will repeat our most
popular drives, although with a few
Obviously, there will be our annual
Walla Walla Columbia Valley
Wine Tour (May 17th, 18th).
Chip and Tillie Hammond are
May - June 2013
From the President
prepared to make this year’s drive
an unforgettable experience. The
Wine Tour will be followed by
the Can Am Banff drive June 27th
through June 30th. Knowing Keith
Martin and Rick Jordan, do expect
some spectacular scenery and never
to be forgotten roads throughout
the trip. Follow the various
announcements already published,
more to come as we get closer to
the end of June.
Come July, we are invited, as now
already for many years, to Chee
Chee’s BBQ. If you have never
joined us for this “Summerfest,”
plan to do it this year. Chee Chee’s
property is located on the splendid
shores of Lake Coeur d’Alene, a
place you just will not forget.
In August, it’s back to Hill’s
Resort at Priest Lake. This year,
however, we will extend our drive
from Priest Lake to Schweitzer
Mountain. Those of you who have
never been to Schweitzer, you
are going to enjoy the captivating
views not just of the mountains but
also of Lake Pend Oreille. Take
a lift ride up (and also down) the
mountain or opt for a hike back
to the village at the base of the
mountain. At some point that
afternoon, we have arranged for
some wine tasting, complimented
by different cheeses and bread, at
a very reasonable price at the well
known Gourmandie located in the
White Pine Lodge. And should
you fall in love with the mountain,
you may plan to stay an extra
day; the Resort offers a variety of
There are two highly interesting
and exciting tours/events in
our program for the month of
September. The Oregon Region
will be organizing a “Three Day
Fest” commemorating 50 years
of the 911. Festivities will take
place at the Skamania Lodge in
Stevenson, Washington. If you
have not signed up yet, please, do
so quickly.
And there is more: on the 14th
and 15th of September, Mark and
Elaine Miller will lead us to the
Whoop n’ Holler Car Museum in
Bickleton, Washington. Try not to
miss this drive. Finally, October
11th/12th/13th are reserved for
the Oktoberfest in Leavenworth.
German beer, good food, and
genuine fun are guaranteed.
In addition, there are our
membership meetings, club socials,
coffee sessions in Yakima, the
Tri-Cities and Spokane. And don’t
forget the European Car Cruises.
For dates, take a look at your
Porsche calendar.
I really hope to see you at many of
your Porsche events throughout the
year. I guarantee you will have fun
and will meet wonderful people.
Über Alles
March Club Social
March Club Social -Fun and Enjoyable
hile I stood there
welcoming and guiding
our club members
as they trickled in one or two
at a time, the lobby of the Red
Lion at the Park in downtown
Spokane was buzzing with activity.
People from all over were here
in Spokane to root on their home
town teams playing in the NCAA
Girls’ Basketball Tournament
Article by Keith Martin
Photo by our server Kimberly
or the Regional Volleyball
Championships being held at
Gonzaga and the nearby Spokane
Unlike the sports fans, we had
arrived at our destination, the
Windows Restaurant, for our first
club social of the year. Seated on
the lower level, we were treated to
picturesque Spokane River views;
while enjoying good friends, good
food, and good service provided
by the wait-staff. Attendance
exceeded expectations with 19
joining in. A handful of us dared
to drive our Porsches, and were
rewarded as the weather couldn’t
have been nicer for a March 23rd.
The beautiful sunlit room lifted
spirits and helped to make all the
“Outside” of table, left to right: Diane Johnson,Tom Johnson, Matt Gerber, Rick James, Nancy James,
Megan Sweeney, Keith Martin, Lena Martin, Denise Hesse, “Spud” Hesse, Linda Polgar
“Inside” of table, left to right: Tom Frey, Rick Jordan, Ron Hannum, Klaus Huschke, Jennifer Gatts,
Ron Harris, Judy Harris, Karch Polgar
May - June 2013
Über Alles
March Club Social
conversations that much more
lively and fun. Many laughs
were had from stories that were
shared around the large table.
Stories ran the gambit, but some
of the ones that stick out in my
memory include: Klaus being on
a first name basis with a Driver’s
Ed Instructor in California due
to multiple tickets received
driving his first Porsche 911;
Tom Johnson’s introduction to
Porsches by nearly being run over
by a 356 in Germany as a young
serviceman; Ron and Judy Harris’
beloved 914 that remains in their
family today; Spuddy and Denise’s
first grandchild due to arrive in
July; and Tom Frey attending Yogi
Barra’s wedding as a boy with
his Dad, Lonny Frey, a member
of the 1947 World Champion NY
May - June 2013
The goal of the social was to get
to know our fellow members just
a little bit better. I believe we
accomplished that, and hopefully
everyone came away from the
luncheon with something of value
to them: a piece of advice, a laugh,
a how to, a shared experience,
etc. For my wife, Lena and I, we
mostly came away feeling grateful
for having the opportunity to spend
time with such wonderful people.
Special thanks to Janet Gerber,
our Social Chair, for selecting this
nice venue and for helping me
coordinate this event.
Thank you Janet, and thanks to all
who attended. See you at the next
Our members are a treasure trove
of knowledge, experience and
great stories just waiting to be
discovered. So, stick out your hand
at the next club event and say hello
to someone you don’t know all that
well. You’ll be glad you did.
Über Alles
Rally and Progressive
Follow that Volvo!
Progressive Lunch 2013
Article and photos by Bill Massy
This road would turn into dirt and
go by my house. I’m positive the
rally masters would not put our
beloved Porsches on dirt. Just
then I noticed Bob Westmoreland
chugging alone down the road we
turned off of.
I gave the high sign to the Volvo
and spun around to follow Bob.
he morning started out at
Porsche of Spokane around
nine. We had a great turn
out for our first INWR Summer
driving trip. We enjoyed coffee
and donuts before we started out
for the drive. This drive we do
every year. Last year was a poker
run for charity followed by lunch
and dessert at Klaus Huschke’s
This year the lunch and dessert
would be the same with a twist.
We would be driving a course
through the countryside of Idaho
and Washington on a timed event
for charity. The course had been
timed by several drivers before
the event to verify the time. The
event chair even told us that the
grand poobah of timed events
drove the course. If you follow all
the posted speed limits and drive
May - June 2013
the correct route you win and get
to pick the charity of your choice.
The cars participating lined up to
the start line. Every minute, the
timer handed the navigator driving
directions and started the clock.
Several drivers chose to run the
rally in other than their Porsches
due to an unfavorable weather
report. I had only one more car to
go before I got my instructions and
start the timer. I was getting excited
when I pulled up to the starter and
he said, “Follow that Volvo.” I
was told by the starter that because
I don’t have a navigator, I will
not be able to participate due to
safety concerns. Bummed, but
determined to have a good time,
I set out after the Volvo without
a map. The drive started through
the back side of Liberty Lake. The
Volvo made a turn that I knew was
I caught up with Bob and then
drove through the woods on well
paved roads. We passed a few
bison on a ranch and then popped
out to Hwy 95 and Lake Coeur
d’Alene. I knew this road and was
figuring out the route.
I waved to Bob as I passed him
and I was off looking for some of
our group and to take some photos.
I noticed some black clouds
hanging over the pass and put the
top up. Good thing because the
temperature dropped from a balmy
45 down to 29 with snow falling.
It only lasted through the pass and
then I was back to top down mode.
As planned, I passed a pack of our
group and found a safe turn out to
snap photos as they drove by. I
leaped frogged the pack several
times and got some great photos. I
found another group heading down
the road very near to Beacon Hill
Über Alles
Rally and Progressive
where we were having lunch. I was
able to get some shots of our rally
drivers as they checked in with the
usual Club Drive Smile. Lunch
was awesome and the visit with
old and new members is always a
wonderful time. I had to leave the
event and I missed the dessert part
of the program. I heard that the
goodies were yummy as always.
The saying, “It’s not just the cars,
it’s the people,” becomes even
more evident with every event.
May - June 2013
As Klaus Huschke (left) takes pictures, “Spud” Hesse, Bill Roberts,
and Cam Allen discuss the rallly. Bobbie Roberts waits just out of
view behind Spud.
Über Alles
Glacier Car
How I Came to Love Porsches
t’s grey,” he said, “with an
orange interior.” I was doing
dishes or something at our
kitchen sink in San Jose, CA. I
stopped and looked at Karch.
“Orange?!! Why would you want a
car with an orange interior?” “It’s
in excellent condition and it has
everything I’m looking for. Come
take a look at it again with me and
bring the checkbook.”
Karch had been combing the
internet and ads for weeks during
the summer of 1999, the year he
decided he was going to fulfill his
dream of owning a Porsche. He
wanted an SC from 1980 to 1983
that was not heavily modified.
Apparently, this orange-interiored
car was what he was looking for.
Thankfully, the leather wasn’t
orange. It was the standard interior
color Tan and looked just fine. I
guess a guy might call it orange.
And the paint wasn’t just grey,
it was Meteor Grey...that lovely
dark grey with a hint of purple
otherworldliness. It was a 1982 SC
Targa with 46K on the odometer.
The car was gorgeous. The owner
had just bought a Millenium
Edition 996 and didn’t have
enough room for all of his vehicles.
Everything was in order and we
made payment arrangements with
the fellow and she was soon home
in our garage.
You’ll notice I just went from “it”
to “she.”
Up until I met Karch I had not been
much of a car enthusiast of any
May - June 2013
kind. My family had a Volkswagon
Transporter and a Mercedes
190D, both from 1963, so I
was not unfamilar with German
engineering. I did appreciate the
finer examples. I met Karch in
1994 and, as many of you know,
his enthusiasm for certain things
is rather infectious. He was very
much a BMW aficionado when
I met him, with a fondness for
the E21 designation, the very car
he owned. I began to appreciate
As Karch searched for his Porsche,
he pointed out to me the details
of the cars in the marque. I
admittedly hadn’t much noticed
them before but I soon became
to admire those distinctive lines.
When Karch truly loves something,
he will eventually get it. So here
we had our first Porsche, our first
911 and she was beautiful.
At the time, I didn’t have much
need to drive anywhere by myself.
I used public transportation to and
from work and waited to do my
household errands in the evenings
when Karch would return with the
Bimmer. Now we had two cars and
I was afforded a little freedom.
It came time for me to actually
drive our 911. Karch had the
Bimmer that day and I needed to
run some errand. I was encouraged
by Karch to go ahead and take her
out. Alone, I sat in the driver’s
seat and started the engine. Oh,
that growl! That purr! I’d heard
it before, of course, but this time, I
had turned the key; I had wakened
the tiger.
Article by Linda Polgar
I was in love. I “got” it.
Mine has been a strong love ever
since. I adore these cars. With
proper handling, they seem to teach
you how to really drive. I enjoy
having that power at my beckoning.
They are ever so beautiful. I really
can’t think of a model I don’t
admire at least somewhat. “There
is no substitute,” the motto of
Porsche, is indeed true.
We eventually had to sell our first
Porsche when we moved from
California to Washington. I had
tears in my eyes when I watched
our buyer drive her away.
In Spokane, it was another few
years before we could adopt
another Porsche; however, the
members of the INWR never cared
about that. You all seemed to know
we’d have one again and welcomed
us as your own. That’s where I
learned the Club motto “It’s not
just the cars, it’s the people.” Also
true. There is no substitute for our
friends in this Club who share my
recently realized passion for this
amazing marque.
Editor’s Note: What’s YOUR
story? We would love to hear
about your first Porsche...your
favorite Porsche...any or all of your
Porsches!!! Write something up
and send it on in.
Über Alles
Klaus’ Korner
Klaus’ Korner:
Driving Safely: More Basics
n our last episode we talked
about how we should properly
adjust our rearview mirrors.
I do hope that some of you have
taken this valuable information
to heart. Actually, I hope that all
of you have taken this valuable
information to heart....it can save
your life and the lives of others.
Proper mirror adjustment is one of
the most simple of things we can
do to help insure our safety.
But, there is more...
As a high performance driving
instructor and one who has spent
a vast amount of time teaching
young drivers car control skills,
accident avoidance skills, and the
basics of driving well, I am often
surprised at how the basics of
driving are overlooked by mature
(read “experienced”) drivers.
Worse yet, those who have children
and who have poor driving habits,
pass these same driving habits on
(sometimes unknowingly) to their
own children; compounding the
problem even further.
The basics of seat position, hand
position, leg position and visual
skills are often overlooked (we
will leave the visual skills for our
next story, your eyes are THE most
important tool you have for safe
driving) In the meantime, look
at the driver next to you…or look
no further than yourself and ask,
“Have I, or rather am I, practicing
the basics of good driving????
Remember, there is only one thing
we should be doing when driving
May - June 2013
an automobile..and that would be
driving the automobile!
Your seat back should be adjusted
so that you are upright, your
shoulders are square to the seat
back, you have a slight bend to
your legs and your arms have a
slight bend when your hands are
positioned at the proper 3:00 and
9:00 o’clock position. THAT was
a hint. Your seat back should be
more upright than you might think.
First of all it keeps you more
involved and it keeps you more
alert. A seat leaned back to what I
refer to as “the lazy boy position”
and some might refer to as the “rice
rocket position” actually takes
away from your ability to stay alert
as that position (just like at home in
your favorite chair) your body tells
you it is time to go to sleep.
Your legs and arms should have
a bend to them should they need
to absorb impact. Like a shock
absorber, they can then absorb
impact rather than transferring that
impact directly to the spine or neck
if they were to be rigid and fully
extended. By the way…race car
drivers DO NOT drive with their
arms fully extended. Hint: So the
next time you are driving there
Your hands should be positioned
on the steering wheel at the
3:00 and 9:00 o’clock positions
ALWAYS!!!!!!! Why? Good
question! First of all having your
hands at 3:00 and 9:00 tells your
computer (brain) what straight is...
Article by Klaus Kindor
always! THIS is good information.
Your hands being in the proper
3:00-9:00 position afford you
more leverage and ultimately
more control. In addition, today’s
modern cars have something in the
middle of the steering wheel...an
Who wants to go a round or two
with Mike Tyson????? Any
takers? NO? C’mon….many of
you make that choice everyday…I
watch you do it!
Picture this...you are driving
down the road…seat back tilted
back, slumped over to your left,
your right hand is laying on top
of the steering wheel. You’re
“cruising.” (By the way, your
kids are also watching you saying
to themselves, “Someday I’m
gonna drive like dad”) and all of
a sudden...ACCIDENT! Modern
cars are equipped with airbags.
Should that air bag need to deploy,
your fist lying on top of your
steering wheel will now accelerate
towards your face at approximately
180 to 200 miles per hour! Mr.
Tyson cannot hit you that hard!!!!!
Should you be wearing a Rolex,
your forehead will now have
become an advertising spot for
your watch. ANYTHING you
put or place between you and the
airbag will hit you with that same
force, a cell phone, a can of soda,
etc. There is a story of a gentleman
who was smoking a pipe when his
airbag needed to deploy...got the
visual? Anything placed between
the steering wheel and you is
Über Alles
Klaus’ Korner
potentially lethal. Your hands need
to be at 3:00 and 9:00 ALWAYS !
In addition to your hands being
placed in the “correct position,”
remember that it is also not
necessary to choke the living
hell out of the steering wheel. I
see it time and time again where
students have this death grip on
the wheel. FOLKS, IT NEVER
your hands grip the wheel tightly
a number of things happen. Your
hands are tense and therefore so
are your forearms, your arms,
your shoulders, your neck, and
you quit breathing. RELAX!
May - June 2013
Part of good driving behavior is
for you to be relaxed…alert, but,
relaxed. Having a nice light grip
on the steering or what we refer
to as “easy hands” allows you to
“FEEL” what the front tires are
doing, again…good information!
The basics of driving are
remarkably simple and potentially
lifesaving, yet most people I see
driving are just trains looking for
a wreck. Seats are improperly
adjusted; hands are in the
wrong place, mirrors….WHAT
MIRRORS? Most importantly, the
lack of attention being paid to the
driving a lethal weapon is downright scary…perhaps even more
frightening are the poor driving
habits that are being handed down
to our young drivers.
We’ll get into visual skills in our
next segment…in the meantime,
ask yourself, “How many people
can you kill with just one bullet?
How many people can you kill just
with one car?” We place the keys
of loaded weapons into the hands
of ourselves and our young drivers
every day. Perhaps working on the
basics might be a good idea.
Über Alles
Saturday Coffee
May 11th
Tri-Cities (8:30), Yakima (9:00)
May 18
Spokane & Coeur d’Alene (9:00)
June 8th
Tri-Cities (8:30), Yakima (9:00)
June 15th
Spokane & Coeur d’Alene (9:00)
Spokane & Coeur d’Alene
Porsche of Spokane
Columbia Valley Luxury Cars
2500 Aileron Road
Starbuck’s on 56th &
Monthly Membership Meetings
At restaurant MAX
Mirabeau Park Hotel
1100 North Sullivan Road, Spokane Valley
May 8th and June 12th
Upcoming INWR-related Events
watch your email and the web site
for details
17-18: Wine Tour. See page 18 for details
1-2: Festival of Speed. See page 19 for
23-29: Porsche Parade, Traverse City, MI.
See page 21 for details
27-30: Can-Am Banff Tour. See the web site
and page 22 for details.
Last Thursdays of Each Month
5PM: European Car Cruise at parking lot,
corner of Trent & Argonne, Spokane Valley
May - June 2013
Cars and Coffee
Nathan Merz at Columbia Valley Luxury Cars
hosts this monthly event at his showroom in
Richland. The event is called “Columbia Valley
Cars & Coffee” and will be held on the second
Saturday of each month starting at 9:30 AM. This
event will be open to all car enthusiasts.
Nathan will continue to host the INWR-PCA
monthly coffee at his showroom at a new time
starting at 8:30 AM on the same day as Columbia
Valley Cars & Coffee (the second Saturday of
every month). The time from 8:30 AM to 9:30
AM will be for the Porsche club then other
enthusiasts will join at 9:30 AM. You don’t have
to leave at 9:30 AM but can stay and participate
in the fun with the other car enthusiasts!
Über Alles
Chris & LeeAnn Cheeley
2012 Panamera, White
Post Falls, ID
John Nixon
2006 911S, Gray
Ellensburg, WA
Robert Trautmann
1975 911S, Silver
Otis Orchard, WA
Roger & Miriam Devaney
2013 Boxster S, Yellow
Spokane, WA
Michael Nowling
2003 911, Yellow
Spokane, WA
Steve & Jane Grubb
2006 Cayenne, Black
Spokane, WA
Frank Smith
2009 911, Gray
Wapato, WA
George Varughese &
Maylin Padayatty
2009 Carrera
Kennewick, WA
Richard Larner
1973 914 2.0L, Orange
Spokane, WA
Megan & Sean Sweeney
1984 911, Red
Fairchild AFB, WA
Edwin & Geri Webster
2013 911, Blue
Prosser, WA
50 Years (1963)
Robert & Ross Lewis
May 2013
1962 356 Rdstr, 1977 911
Yakima, WA
30 Years (1983)
Dexel Peters
May 2013
1999 996 Cab
Honolulu, HI
25 Years (1988)
Chet Hinman
April 2013
2008 997SC
Richland, WA
May - June 2013
15 Years (1998)
Jerrel & Sandra Lochner
May 2013
1980 911 SC Targa
Mead, WA
Robert & Diane Westmoreland
April 2013
1960 356B, 1963 356B,
1971 911 Targa, 1999 996
Spokane, WA
10 Years (2003)
Fred & Shirley Swindler
May 2013
2002 996, 2005 Cayenne,
2009 911S
Kennewick, WA
Contacts on page 5
5 Years(2008)
Robert & Susan Boulton
March 2013
1972 911T
Kennewick, WA
Lynette & Brian Luce
June 2013
1962 356B
Coeur D Alene, ID
Duaine & Judy Reiker
June 2013
1982 911 Targa
Hayden Lake, ID
Über Alles
More Membership
From the Membership Chairman
In an effort to ensure the Club is communicating with the membership I have been working on scrubbing the
club E-mail distribution list to eliminate any connection problems.
I could really use your help by you taking a minute to ensure the following:
#1 – Check and make sure your E-mail address is current/correct at PCA National. If you need it updated
you can do it yourself by going to http://www.pca.org/Home.aspx or contact me and I would be happy to do
it for you.
#2 – If your address is current and you have not been receiving E-mail announcements from the Club please
contact me and we will try to fix any connection issues to ensure you are getting timely notification of club
news and events.
Thanks for your time.
Rick Jordan
(509) 468-0688 or Nskookum@comcast.net
Membership Roster
Join our INWR members-only Membership Roster!! Why not let your Porsche friends know how to
contact you or find that couple you saw on a drive?? Chuck Rodman is collecting the information. In
the Club News section of our web site are the details you might include. Send your roster information
and he’ll get you added to our Roster.
Concerned about security? Access to this online Roster is available only to verified INWR members
who register on the web site.
May - June 2013
Über Alles
Wine Tour
Friday May 17 and Saturday May 18, 2013
Please contact Tillie Hammond for information at (509) 735-1672 or
Join the Inland Northwest Region, on a tour of the Walla Walla valley. We will enjoy
lunch at Zerba Cellars in Milton-Freewater. After lunch we will depart in smaller groups
Walla Walla and head out to some pre-arranged wineries. Further details on this will be sent out
as the event gets closer.
Join Zone 6 members for a picnic, tour and dinner on Saturday May 18th. Plan to
meet for a picnic brunch at 10:30 am at Goose Ridge Winery located in West
Richland, WA. Bring your own picnic lunch or sign-up for a Catered Brunch$20 per person. A Tri-Cities group will depart Saturday morning at 10:10 a.m.,
from the Marriott Courtyard hotel parking lot in Richland. At Goose Ridge we will be
having brunch and the splitting into 3 groups to visit some specific wineries or you
could choose to go on your own way. Goose Ridge will be charging a $10 tasting fee,
which is refundable with a purchase of a bottle of wine.
A block of rooms are being held at The Marriott Courtyard, 480 Columbia Point Dr.,
Richland, for Friday and Saturday evenings. Please make your hotel reservation by
calling (800) 321-2211 or (509) 942-9400. The room rate is $103.00 + tax for a “King
City View”. You may upgrade to a “River View” room on a first come basis for $123.00
+ tax. Be sure to mention Porsche Club 2013 code (PCGS). Parking lot security will
be provided Saturday evening. A hot breakfast is available for purchase at the hotel in
the morning. Reservation Deadline is Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Dinner Saturday evening will be at Columbia Crest Winery in Paterson, WA, located
about 45 miles from the Tri-Cities. Groups will depart from the Marriott parking lot in
Richland for the winery starting at 5:30 p.m. Plan to arrive around 6:20-6:45 p.m.
Seating will begin at 6:50 p.m. with dinner at 7:00 p.m. The cost for the evening is
$50.00 per person and includes wine tasting. Please submit your check by Friday,
April 26th, payable to:
P.O. Box 206
Richland, WA 99352
Please include the registration form with your specific information. Your name tag will
be provided on Friday, if you join us, otherwise at Brunch. No one will be served
wine for tasting or dinner without the event name tag. Your cooperation is certainly
Seating is limited. Dinner reservations will be taken in order of the checks
received until the chateau is full.
CALL Tillie Hammond AT (509) 735-1672, HERMAN JACKSON AT (509) 627-6105 OR BILL ADDIS AT
(509) 627-2221
May - June 2013
Über Alles
Festival of Speed
[details from an email sent by Klaus Huschke, May 12, 2013]
We have always supported the Spokane Festival of Speed Historic races for several reasons:
1.We have several club members who are participants: Bob Westmoreland, Brian Westmoreland, Bruce
Hunt, and Bill Simer.
2.It is a great way to support yet another worthy local charity: Northwest Parkinson’s Foundation and their
effort to bring an informational conference to Spokane and outlying regions.
The reasons above are not the ONLY benefit to participation... we have the opportunity to see some amazing
cars and watch some exciting racing as well.
This year is even a bit more special. There will be an exclusive Wine and Cheese reception for racers,
the Porsche Club and the BMW Club members as well as our guest celebrity, Tony Adamowicz and
vintage racing legend, Peter Giddings:
Thursday, May 30th
6 - 9 pm
Jaremko Sports & Classics, corner of Sprague & Thierman, Spokane Valley
The race ‘weekend’ begins with the Thursday night reception and continues at the track Friday, with a Test
n’ Tune and on Saturday and Sunday with races. We have the opportunity to participate in the Car Corral on
Saturday and Sunday for $25 which gives us premier parking and a few laps on the track both Saturday and
See the form (up soon!) on the INWR website to register to participate
You can learn more about Tony Adamowicz at www.a2zracer.com and more about Peter Giddings at www.
May - June 2013
Über Alles
Bogus Basin
2013 Bogus Basin Bacchanalia June 21-23 in Idaho
The Silver Sage Region will again host the Bogus Basin Bacchanalia (BBB) weekend that includes
PCA’s only hillcross. BBB is a multi-region event first held in 1976 that includes the hillcross, a TSD
rally, and a mystery event on June 21-23, 2013.
The BBB weekend starts with registration and a get-acquainted dinner on Friday evening at Porsche of
Boise in Boise, Idaho. Saturday is dedicated to the hillcross, where you can drive your Porsche as it was
meant to be driven: safe, fast and on a beautiful stretch of winding mountain road. The course is nearly
two miles long and features eight major turns and over 500 feet of elevation gain. If you’re heading east
to Traverse City for Parade autocrossing, stop by and get some hillcross seat time. If you want to be
challenged by the BBB hillcross, be sure to register early since the number of entrants in the hillcross
is limited. New this year is a chance for “fun runs” on the hillcross course, with no timing, just drive at
your own pace, with an experienced hillcrosser along if you like. On Sunday a TSD rally is run in and
around Boise. Sunday’s final event is a Champagne reception and awards banquet, at which trophies
will be handed out. Sometime during the weekend, a mystery event will take place. Since it’s a mystery,
that’s all you get to know for now.
You can learn more about BBB and get an application form by visiting the Silver Sage Region’s
web site, ss.pca.org. Information is also available from Registrar Chris Beeson at (208) 318-6614 or
May - June 2013
Über Alles
Parade by PCA
58th AnnuAl PCA PorsChe PArAde
June 23–29
Traverse CiTy, MiChigan
ConCours, rallIes,
auto Cross, teCh QuIz
great Food
new FrIends
Join Us for a week fUll of Porsche fUn
RegistRation opens MaRch 12th
Grand Traverse resorT & spa
For More InForMatIon & regIstratIon - VIsIt
May - June 2013
Über Alles
Can-Am Banff
June 27th through 30th
Mark your calendar for a four day/ three night adventure into the Canadian Rockies with the focal point being
Banff Provincial Park, Alberta. The basic itinerary is:
• Thursday 27th - Spokane to Fairmont Hot Springs, BC
• Friday 28th – Fairmont Hot Springs, BC to Banff, Alberta
• Saturday 29th – Banff, Alberta to Nakusp, BC
• Sunday 30th – Nakusp, BC to Spokane
This will be four days of great driving in one of the most beautiful parts of Canada and the Rocky Mountains
Co-Tourmeistered by Rick Jordan and Keith Martin.
There is no limit on the amount of participation in this year’s tour; however, for planning and logistics, May
15th will be the final day to register. So don’t delay and miss out on what should be one fantastic drive
through a beautiful part of Canada in the company of a great group of people.
One last but very important reminder….Don’t forget all in your party will need a Passport or Enhanced
Driver’s License to travel to and from Canada.
For more information, check the INWR web site for an informative PDF.
Contact Rick Jordan @
Nskookum@comcast.net or (509) 468-0688.
Contact Keith Martin @
trutagrande@comcast.net or (509) 838-0211
Either of these guys would be happy to give you more information or answer your questions. There will be
more information regarding meals coming as we confirm the details
May - June 2013
Über Alles
50 Years of 911
Commemorating 50 Years of the Porsche 911
Presented by Sunset Porsche
A Porsche Club of America
Oregon Region, Zone 6 Event
Join us for the “largest gathering” of Porsche 911’s in the Great Pacific Northwest
September 6th, 7th and 8th, 2013
At the majestic Skamania Lodge overlooking the Scenic Columbia River Gorge

People’s Choice Awards in 10 Classes
This is a Shine and Show event to encourage the greatest participation from the Membership
Special Guest Speaker Prescott Kelly
Renowned Porsche collector, author, speaker, and historian
With a special 911 presentation
Special Room Rates!
$125 per Guest Room per Night
Superior Forest View Guest Rooms
“Room Rate noted does not include Daily Lodge Fee @ $16 per day nor applicable taxes”
(Rooms are separate from Event Fees)
Participate in the Lodge’s 20th Anniversary Events
Skamania Lodge
1131 SW Skamania Lodge Way
Stevenson Washington 98648
Accepting reservations NOW
For Reservations Call
509-427-7700 or 800-221-7117
Mention PCA or Porsche Club of America for the special price
Or make reservations online at www.skamania.com
And enter in the drop down menu Group Code PCA
Don’t miss this once in a lifetime event
For further details, please see the March - April issue of Über Alles, pages 26-27.
May - June 2013
Über Alles
May - June 2013
Über Alles
The BAD, the UGLY
and the GOOD, part 1
Article written and graphics submitted
by Pedro P. Bonilla, GCR PCA
Reprinted with permission
f you own a Boxster, a Cayman, or a water-cooled Carrera up through model year 2008 (inclusive), this
should interest you.
I’ll try to dispel the myths from the facts and tell it to you straight, as we believe it to be true. First read through
the bad and the ugly; you need to understand it, but I promise there’s a good as well at the end.
• All M96 and M97 engines have an
intermediate shaft, supported by bearings on
both ends. A small (but important) percentage
of these cars are known to have issues with the
intermediate shaft (IMS) bearing nearest the
flywheel. This end of the IMS, in contrast to
the other end does not receive pressure fed oil
for lubrication, hence the failures.
May - June 2013
Über Alles
• The list of the M96/M97 shod cars includes all
Boxsters (’97 - ’08), all Caymans (’06 -’08) and
all Carreras (’99 -’08) - except the Turbo, the GT2
and the GT3 which share the old air-cooled engine
design based on the 964 engine case.
• These IMS bearings have been known to fail with
as little as 5,000 miles while at the same time there
are vehicles with 250,000 plus miles still on the
original bearing.
• Porsche made the first revision of the IMS
bearing in model year 2000 going from a doublerow bearing in the earlier models to a single-row
• Porsche made the second revision of the IMS
bearing in model year 2006 going to a much larger
single-row bearing.
• The single-row shod cars (’01 – ‘05) have the
highest failure rates.
• All of the three IMS bearings Porsche installed in
the M96 and M97 engines have been known to fail.
• The double-row and single-row (up to ’06) can be
extracted and replaced without having to remove
the engine from the car, just the transmission.
• The larger single-row (’06-’08) cannot be
extracted from the engine without removing the
engine and opening the engine case.
• Porsche has never acknowledged that there was
an issue with the IMS bearing and its design, but
for model year 2009 the factory introduced a brand
new engine, the MA1, which does not have an
intermediate shaft (IMS) nor the IMS bearing.
May - June 2013
Über Alles
• Cars that are driven regularly and driven hard
have less IMS bearing failures than those that are
babied and sit in a garage or are not tracked or
driven spiritedly.
• If the IMS bearing fails the most likely result is
catastrophic engine failure.
• The intermediate shaft (IMS) bearing in all of
these cars needs to be treated as a wear item,
replaced roughly every 50,000 miles.
• Every time you replace the clutch (or drop the
transmission) it is recommended that you check/
replace the IMS bearing.
What’s the percentage of failure?
On the model years 2000 through 2005 (which use the smaller, single-row IMS bearing and have the worst track
record) the failure rate is accepted at nearly 10% of all cars by the time they reach 100,000 miles.
Why do these bearings fail?
The simple answer is lack of proper lubrication.
Porsche installed these IMS bearings completely sealed with lifetime grease.
With time, heat and a little splash of rancid oil found inside the IMS, the grease dissolves and the bearing dries
out. Very soon thereafter it starts to overheat and starts to wear the race and or the balls, eventually leading to
catastrophic failure.
The opposite side of the IMS is also supported by a bearing which is constantly lubricated with a stream of oil
from one of the oil pumps. This bearing has never been known to fail.
What can be done?
There are several manufacturers that offer replacement aftermarket IMS bearings (including ceramic ball
I want to let it be known that replacing the IMS bearing does not cure the problem, it just treats the symptom,
like a (temporary) pain killer.
These aftermarket bearings (including the stronger and more efficient ceramic-ball types) are also recommended
to be replaced every 50,000 miles and also have been known to fail as well.
To get to the good part, and it’s REALLY good, please check out the next issue where we will explain about the
FINAL (and affordable) IMS bearing solution.
To learn more about the IMS and more, please visit my website at: wwwPedrosGarage.com.
Happy Porscheing,
© 2013 Technolab / PedrosGarage.com
May - June 2013
Über Alles
Zone 6 Meeting
Klaus Huschke’s Notes from the PCA Zone 6 Meeting
PCA Zone 6 Meeting
Bend, Oregon
Carrera Motors’ Conference
Dave Cooley, Zone 6
March 8th /9th, 2013
* DE - Drivers Education
Understand what you have to
do for any given DE event. Cars
participating in any DE event
must be inspected by an outside
mechanical expert.
For all DE related activities, get in
touch with Pete Tremper (important
In attendance :
to know for Klaus Kindor).
Do read the available Manual.
Caren Cooper, Vice President, PCA Do know what you have to do and
Dave Cooley, Zone 6
what you do need to respect.
Joe Evers <joevers@yahoo.com>
is available as an instructor if
Regional Presidents /Vice
needed for our first DE session.
Know always what is going on
/stay on top of the event.
Big Sky, Columbia Falls, Montana Have insurance coverage in place
Absaroka, Billings, Montana
Safety first - always, at any time !!!
Wild Rose, Calgary, AB
Please, do read the rules.
Inland Northwest Region, Spokane, Again, safety must remain our
main concern /the number ‘1’
Yellowstone, Jackson, WY
Polar, Edmonton, AB
Dos and Don’ts are clearly spelled
BC Interior, Kelowna, BC
out in the existing PCA rules.
Silver Sage, Boise, ID
Those rules must be read and
Pacific Northwest, Seattle, WA
understood by all instructors as
Olympic Peninsula, Bremerton, WA well as all DE participants.
Oregon, Portland, OR
The rule has to be : TRUST but
High Desert, Bend, OR
Canada West, Vancouver, BC
Do read the RPM
Vancouver Island, Nanaimo, BC
Competition Chair must be totally
Cascade, Medford, OR
familiar with all DE requirements.
Rules are spelled out in the
* Dave Cooley will retire as Zone
PCA rules book (electronically
6 representative the end of this
Every participant must sign a
* New Zone 6 representative will
The PCA insurance will not cover
be appointed on January 01, 2014
‘Karting’ events.
If multi club events, sign only one
* Dave Cooley will continue on as
waiver, never two (2).
Zone Manager
If Porsche and BMW arrange for a
DE event, sign or the BMW or the
Porsche waiver, never both. It is
May - June 2013
not possible that each club at such
an event has its own waiver.
* Zone 6 Emblem contest /Zone 6
logo design
Design and submit a Zone 6
Emblem. All entries must be
received by August 1st, 2013.
* Escape 2015, Bremerton
Sponsored and organized by the
Olympic Peninsula Region. A new
Motorsport Park in Bremerton is
under construction.
Escape - it’s a 4 day socially
- oriented complement to
the Porsche Parade. Zone
Representatives do select the sites.
In the future there might be two
(2) Escape events per year, never,
however, interfering with the
Porsche Parade.
* Porsches on the Pier, Port
Angeles, WA
This event takes place each year
towards the end of July at Port
Angeles, WA. Contact Jon Wyman
for detailed information.
* Multi Region Event & Drive
Tour throughout the entire Zone 6
territory. Dave Cooley has mapped
out this Multi Region Drive that
will lead through all regions of
Zone 6. Total distance of the drive
is about 4,300 to 4,600 miles.
The drive will take about 11 days.
Bill Bauer, President, Pacific
Northwest Region, Seattle, will
designate a member of its club
to help with the work associated
with the proposed drive. Stay in
touch with Bill Bauer or designated
member of the Pacific NW Region.
Über Alles
Zone 6 Meeting
For now, Bill plans to have a first
meeting scheduled for the end of
April 2013. Keep both Dave and
Bill informed. Ideas on how to
enrich and eventually complete the
design of this trip are welcomed
and should be forwarded to the
attention of Dave Cooley. Each
region would probably have to
designate one (1) better two (2)
members to help with preparations
for such a Multi Region Drive. For
more information go to : <www.
zone6-pca.org> .
* Membership
Do collaborate with local
Porsche dealership. Recognize
new members. Hand cards out
to prospective members, at
dealerships, at Porsche related
events, etc.
* Regional Events & Drives
Share planned 2013 events &
drives with all regions within Zone
* Porsche Clubs
There are 750 Porsche Clubs
worldwide. PCA remains the only
independent Porsche Club. PCA is
larger than all 750 clubs combined.
* Local Dues
Some regions do charge, in addition
to the annual PCA fees, extra
dues for club activities, printed
newsletter, etc. (between $20 to
$40 per year). Presently charging
for such services are : Pacific
Northwest, Seattle, Canada West,
Edmonton. It’s not a PCA endorsed
rule, PCA, however, doesn’t mind
if regions do apply these extra
* Risk Management
Don’t bring any cameras to driving
events. Do not publish any photos.
Published photos could, in case
of accidents, work against you. If
you do use racing tires, guarantees
might not apply anymore. True for
911s and Boxsters.
* Insurance
PCA carries a liability insurance of
$10M. PCA lawyer for insurance
issues : Mr. Ken LeBord.
May - June 2013
* Local Newspaper
Try to work with local newspapers.
New PCA members to be
announced in local newspapers
(perhaps every three to four
* Regional PCA merchandise
(like shirts, etc.) can be ordered
via the PCA website with our
own logo (INWR) on it. Get more
information through Vu.
* The PCA was established in 1955
* As of February 2013:
The PCA had 63,000 members
There are 108,000 members
140 regions within the PCA
(USA and Canada)
The regions are organized in 13
The PCA is the largest single
marque car club in the world
* Manny Alban : President of the
* Major PCA goals for the year
2013 :
Increase membership
Overhaul the PCA website and
address Social Media presence
Plan evolution
Club racing : Support new
Tech : Evolution of resources
National Office : Expanding its
* PCA objectives for 2013 and also
beyond :
4th generation of PCA website
Improve PCA website
Weekly Newsbrief : E-news
PCA E-mailer
The PCA Garage
Social Media: Facebook and
* Representative
Facilitate communication between
EC and regional offices, and viceversa.
Representatives do represent the
* Executive Council
There are five (5) members on the
Executive Counsel
14 Region Presidents
Chair of the 10 ‘standing’
* National Staff (paid employees)
Executive Director
Denise Hovington
Office Manager
Charlotte Chirinos
Josh Saia
Club Racing
Susan Shire (Illinois)
Panorama Editor
Pete Stout (California)
Über Alles
Zone 6 Meeting
* Office space
New office space now in
Colombia, MD - since March 2011
Panorama Operations are located
in San Rafael, CA - since Nov.
* PCA members drive :
18% Boxsters
52% of Porsche people do own a
late Porsche model.
44% purchased a new Porsche
within the past three (3) years.
51% of Porsche Members (PCA)
attend 1 - 5 events a year.
65% of PCA Members who don’t
participate in events say they are
too busy.
* What is important to PCA
Members :
75% - technical information
73% - Panorama /Newsletter
61% - Regional Newsletter
* Revenue resource
The primary revenue resource for
the PCA comes from membership
dues, not from advertising and
* Paul Gregor - Paul is PAG’s
liaison to the PCA. He is reporting
to Andre Oosthuizen.
* Club Racing
Club racing is self-supporting
* Tech Tactics :
It involves a day totally devoted
to all things technical.
PCNA Training, Easton, PA
Parade Tech Academy, always on
Fridays at the Porsche Parade
Tech Tactics West, PCNA facility
in Ontario, CA
DIY Bolt-on 30+ HP Kit
We have the technoPower
DIY Kits in stock, ready to ship.
These kits are designed for
the 2.5, 2.7 and 3.2 liter
Boxster (1997 - 2004).
We also carry the IMS Guardian Kit ready to ship
Call 954.385.0330 technolab/pedrosgarage
Florida Pre-Purchase Inspections (PPI)
FREE DIY tutorials
and technical info
on our website.
We also offer: ECU Tuning, Bored TBs,HID/LED
Performance Parts, Brake Caliper Restoration & Painting,
AX & DE Magnetic Bras and Numbers, much more.
* The Porsche Parade is a selfsupporting event.
* PCA is a very conservative
organization - investment portfolio
in CDs.
* Cayenne & Panamera
C & P sales count for 60% of total
Porsche revenues over the past two
(2) years.
* National Awards
PCA invites all regions to
participate in the National Awards
competition. We should revisit
this request.
* Waivers
Signed waivers (drives, events)
should be kept for four (4) years
and one (1) month.
Then we can dispose of them.
We might have kept waivers
for the past 10 years or even
longer. Important to remember
and to respect is: No Waiver, No
Coverage !!!
Klaus Huschke
954.385.0330 • www.PedrosGarage.com
May - June 2013
Über Alles
Meeting Minutes
INWR Meeting Minutes
Monthly Membership Meeting
March 13, 2013
MAX at Mirabeau Park Hotel
Spokane Valley, WA
minutes: Diane Rochelle
The President opened the meeting
at 7:00 p.m.
Officers Present:
Klaus Huschke
Bill Roberts
Matt Gerber
VP Report:
Since Keith Martin was not
present, Klaus reported the INWR
Articles of Incorporation and the
By-Laws now have all required
signatures. He will meet with Greg
Johnson for finalization.
Secretary’s Report:
Bill Massy was not present.
Treasurer’s Report: (Bill Roberts)
Bill reported as of March 13,
2013, the balance in checking
is $10,145.74 and in savings
Über Alles Editor’s Report: (Linda
The March/April issue of the Uber
is on the INWR website. Linda
also reported she has sent 2 issues
(as required) of the Über for Parade
newsletter contest.
Webmeister’s Report: (Karch
All updates have been posted and
Karch was also able to post the
Constant Comment format on the
website. He will also be submitting
the INWR website to the Parade
website competition.
May - June 2013
Social Chair: (Janet Gerber)
Janet confirmed the Installation
dinner will be located at the
Spokane Red Lion.
Membership Chair: (Rick Jordan)
INWR has 3 new members and
1 new affiliate member. Rick
also reported he will have the
membership buyer promo at
Porsche of Spokane by the
weekend – March 16.
Insurance/Safety Chair’s &
Competition Chair’s Reports:
Spud Hesse and Klaus Kindor were
not present.
Past President’s Report:
Matt reported he is enjoying his
• The Festival of Speed test and
tune/DE still has not been finalized.
• Four people have registered
for the Progressive Luncheon to
be held on April 13. If you are
planning on attending, payment
is due by April 3. Klaus reported
the group will leave Porsche of
Spokane at 10:00 a.m.
• The Wine Tour – May 17-18
– already has 44 people registered.
The registration deadline for this
event is April 26 and, if you need a
hotel room, you must reserve your
room by April 13.
• The Penny Drive scheduled for
April 27, will take place at the
usual location – 9:00 a.m. to 2:00
p.m. If you plan to participate,
there will be both a morning shift
and an afternoon shift. Please
arrive by 8:00 a.m. if you want to
work the morning shift. Ron Harris
also needs a grill for the event – if
you have one you can loan, call
Ron. Klaus H. volunteered to
• You can now register for the 50
Years of the Porsche 911 scheduled
for September 6-8. Attendance is
limited to the first 125 people who
• Ron Hannum passed around the
proposed new INWR name badge.
After discussion, a motion was
made for the Board to vote on the
name badge. The Board approved
the name badge using the Porsche
Crest, member’s name, and Inland
Northwest Region spelled out
under the member’s name. Klaus
will present the decision to the
INWR membership.
• A Tech Session has been
scheduled for November 9 to be
held at the Westmoreland’s at 11:30
a.m. Prior to the tech session, the
INWR Board will hold their annual
meeting at 9:30 a.m. at the Porsche
of Spokane board room.
Zone 6 Regions Presidents’
Klaus and Keith attended the
Zone 6 Region Presidents meeting
held in Bend, OR on March 9
where all 15 Zone 6 Regions were
represented. Also in attendance at
the Zone 6 meeting was the PCA
VP, Caren Cooper.
Klaus reported Dave Cooley will
resign as Zone rep at the end
of 2013. Already there are 3-4
candidates who have expressed an
interest in the position. Whoever
is selected will take over effective
January 1, 2014.
Dave shared his vision of a multi
region drive which would cover all
the regions in Zone 6. This would
Über Alles
Meeting Minutes
cover approximately 4,000 miles
and would take about 11 days to
complete. Dave also thinks we
should have a logo for Zone 6. If
you are interested in designing a
proposed logo, please submit your
design by August 1, 2013 to Dave
An Escape Event is scheduled for
2015 in Bremerton, WA. This
will be a 4 day event and will
be organized by the Olympic
Peninsula Region.
Just a couple of interesting facts
that came out of the meeting –
there are 750 Porsches Clubs in the
world, but PCA has more members
then any other Porsche Club in
the world. Also, the Cayenne and
the Panamera bring in 60% of the
Porsche revenue.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30
INWR Meeting Minutes
Monthly Membership Meeting
April 20, 2013
Red Lion Hotel
Richland, WA
minutes: Bill Massy
Officers present: Klaus Huschke,
Keith Martin, Bill Roberts, and Bill
The President opened the meeting
@11:45 AM
VP’s report: Glad to be here. We
had 19 people at the club social.
Thanks to Janet for helping get
thing together for the event.
Secretary’s report: I am very
pleased with Constant Contact and
the updates Klaus and Jenifer have
put together.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance in
checking and savings is $17,050.04
Über Alles Editor’s Report: Next
issue is coming together. The Über
Alles has been entered into the
national contest.
Webmasters Report: We entered the
webpage into the national contest.
May - June 2013
Many tweaks have been made and
we hope this will get the page over
the top.
Social Chair’s Report: The next
installation dinner will be on the top
floor ballroom in the Red Lion of
Spokane. A meeting was held with
some corporate members of the Red
Lion to organize a club drive.
Membership Chair’s Report:
295 members and 231 affiliated
members. We had no new members
from our buy a Porsche and receive
a one year membership to the PCA.
The cars that have been sold by
Porsche of Spokane have been out
of state.
Insurance/Safety Chair’s Report:
No report.
Competition Chair’s Report: We
are still moving forward on our DE
The big hurdle now is finding a
classroom. Spokane Raceway Park
does have a warehouse, but it’s full
of stuff and cannot be used. We
have plenty of instructors and 38
responses having interest in the
Über Alles
Meeting Minutes
Past President’s Report: No report.
1. Progressive Lunch Rally was a
huge success and all had a great
2. Name badges have been handed
out and many thanks to Ron for all
of his hard work on this project.
1. Walla Walla car club to join us on
the last day of the wine tour. Bring
your favorite 45 record to the event.
A food truck will also be available
on the last day.
2. Festival of Speed June 1st
and 2nd. This is a big event for
Spokane. All members will receive
a memo from Klaus regarding
this event. We also expect several
racing celebrities at the event. We
will also have our car corral and a
few laps on the track during lunch.
3. Can Am Banff Tour, June 27th30th. We have 39 cars and 77
people signed up. The 15th of May
is the cut off for sign up regarding
meals. A detailed itinerary will be
published in the next few weeks.
4. Special deal if you’re visiting
Spokane. Mention INWPCA at the
Mirabeau Park Hotel for special
lodging rates.
5. 57th and Regal @ 8:00 for the
Penny drive and BBQ April 27th.
6. Articles of Amendment of INWR/
PCA signed March 29th,2013 and is
being filed by Greg Johnson.
7. European Car Cruise, April
25th 5pm. The parking lot Trent/
Argonne, Spokane Valley. Please
8. Two events coming up @ Pacific
Raceway. July 5,6&7 and Sept.
Members Input:
1. We are looking into using Pay
Pal for our club events.
Stump the Chump: Chip presented
a little tool to align the emblem on
your wheels.
Next membership meeting is May
8th, 2013, Mirabeau Park Hotel,
Spokane Valley
End of meeting: 12:35 pm
May - June 2013
Über Alles
Linda Polgar, PO Box 3, Mead, WA 99021; lcpolgar@yahoo.com
Each ad will be marked with the issue in which it first appears or in which the owner has indicated he or she would like to
retain the ad. Unless the ad’s owner indicates he or she would like to continue the ad, each ad will be removed after the
third issue of appearance.
The larders are bare!
If you have something Porsche
related to sell, trade, or request,
do it here!!! All ads requested to
be in the Über Alles also appear
in the Classified section on our
web site.
If you had an ad here you would
like to reinstate, let me know!!
Thanks for letting us know
when you sell your ride,
your doohickie, or your
We are:
P.O. Box 206
Richland, WA 99352
EDITORIAL POLICY: Über Alles is the official publication of the INLAND NORTHWEST REGION of the
PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA. Statements appearing in Über Alles are those of the authors and are not necessarily
the opinions of the CLUB or its editorial staff. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted to Über Alles,
with the exception of copyrighted material.
ADVERTISING POLICY: Advertisements and classified ads appearing in Über Alles are the representation of the
advertisers. Any disputes arising over any items bought or sold through the advertisements here shall be resolved
between the buyer and the seller. The PCA, the INWR, Über Alles, and its Editor assume no liability.
May - June 2013
Über Alles
Über Alles
Guilds’ School Penny Drive
Spring Wine Tour
Festival of Speed
356 Drive, a few photos
Klaus’ Korner: Visual Skills
PedrosGarage: The Bad, the Ugly, and the Good, part 2
Journal for the Inland Northwest Region Porsche Club of America
Volume 42 Issue 4
July - August 2013
©2010 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. Optional equipment shown is extra.
Porsche recommends
Test the Cayenne and the very notion
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Your first thought behind the wheel of the new Cayenne S Hybrid may very well be a
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Experience the new Cayenne S Hybrid.
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to 6:00pmhours
July - August 2013
Über Alles
Table of Contents
From the Editor............................3
2013 Calendar..............................4
INWR Board Members................5
Name tags, badges, patches, pins6
From the President.......................7
Penny Drive............................. 8-9
Spring Wine Tour................. 10-13
INWR Car Profile: Who’s Next?16
356 Drive...................................17
Klaus’ Korner: Visual Skills18-19
Announcements............ 20, 23-26
Cars & Coffee(s)........................20
Monthly Meeting.......................20
PCA Escape.......................... 24-26
Saturday Coffee Dates...............20
50 Years of the 911.....................23
New Members &
From the Membership Chair......22
From the Editor
have recently discovered that at least one editor in the PCA is in the
habit of republishing (without permission, I am certain, in many
cases) others’ content to fill her newsletter. While I find this revelation
disturbing,I have to step back and say thank you, again, to all of you in
the INWR. While sometimes I have to wait or, on occasion, step into
the role of writer, I always have enough content from our own region
to publish a substantial newsletter for you. I do have the exception of
the feature PedrosGarage; however, those technical articles are shared
with Gold Coast Region Pedro Bonilla’s knowledge, encouragement,
and agreement and they are always relevent to our region, too. I will
sometimes also reprint items sent to us from PCA National if I feel we
need some filler or if it covers an event INWR folks might want to attend.
For example, this very issue holds an article about the upcoming PCA
Escape in Los Angeles. Again, these are articles reprinted with permission
and with relevance to the INWR.
One of the suggestions I received from a judge in this year’s Newsletter
Contest is that I include content from National about new cars and
models and racing events and other such. I resist this unless they happen
in our region. If readers want material from National, they can read it in
Panorama. There is no need for me to duplicate it here.
Above all, this is OUR newsletter about events and musings in OUR
region by OUR writers and photographers. For this, I am very proud.
Linda Polgar, Editor
Membership Roster request.......22
PedrosGarage: The Bad, the Ugly,
and the Good, part 2............. 28-31
Meeting Minutes.................. 32-34
A big thanks to all of our members who contributed photos,
articles, invitations, updates and news about our advertisers and
Porsche events and activities. It is your contribution that makes
the Über Alles fun for so many to read and enjoy!
Our Advertisers
On the Cover
Smile for the camera!
Photo by Dennis Garrood
His own shiny ride in the
Festival of Speed Corral
July - August 2013
Alpine Motor Cars.....................17
Fort Knox by NAI Black............31
Carrera Motors NEW AD!........26
Chee Chee’s...............................21
Porsche of Spokane......................2
Columbia Valley Luxury Cars...13
Precision Pointe.........................21
EBS Racing................................16
Spinal Diagnosics, Dr. Watanabe
European Autohaus......................7
Ad Rate Sheet.............................6
Über Alles
Inland Northwest Region
Calendar 2013
2013 Calendar
Do you know of an event that should
be here but is not listed?
Please let us know!!
Any and all events are subject to change. Stay informed through the President’s emails and on our web site.
Membership Meeting
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
12 Yakima Coffee Social
19 Spokane Coffee Social
26 Installation Dinner
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
13 Membership Meeting
16 Spokane Coffee Social
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
13 Membership Meeting
16 Spokane Coffee Social
23 Club Social
13 13 13 20 20 25 27 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
Progressive Lunch/Poker Run
Spokane Coffee Social
Membership Meeting in
European Car Cruise
Penny Drive
Membership Meeting
11 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
11 Yakima Coffee Social
17-18 Tri-Cities Wine Tour
18 Spokane Coffee Social
23 Club Social
European Car Cruise
July - August 2013
1-2 Festival of Speed Car Club Concours
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
12 Membership Meeting
15 Spokane Coffee Social
23-29 Porsche Parade in Traverse City, Michigan
27 European Car Cruise
27-30 Can-Am/Banff Tour
10 13 13 20
20 25 27 Membership Meeting
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
Spokane Coffee Social
Chee Chee’s BBQ
European Car Cruise
Thompson Falls Drive
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
10 Yakima Coffee Social
14 Membership Meeting
17 Spokane Coffee Social
17 Priest Lake/Schweitzer Drive
20 Driver’s Education,
Spokane Raceway Park
29 European Car Cruise
6-8 Commemorating 50 Years of 911 Tour
11 Membership Meeting
14 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
14 Yakima Coffee Social
Whoop n Holler Car Museum Tour
21 Spokane Coffee Social
26 European Car Cruise
5-6 High Performance Driving School
11-13 Oktoberfest in Leavenworth
12 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
12 Yakima Coffee Social
19 Membership Meeting in Tri-Cities
19 Spokane Coffee Social
26 Fall Color Tour & Free Rein Fundraiser
European Car Cruise
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
Board of Directors and Officers Meeting
Tech Session
Membership Meeting
Spokane Coffee Social
22 Club Social
Christmas Party Tri-Cities
11 Membership Meeting
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
14 Yakima Coffee Social
21 Spokane Coffee Social
Über Alles input submission
deadline: the 15th of any given
Even Month.
Über Alles
Board Members
Membership Chair
Klaus Huschke
3419 South Saxon Ct.
Spokane, WA 99203
Rick Jordan
5324 W Woodview Court
Spokane, WA 99208
Vice President
Insurance/Safety Chair
Technical Chair
Keith Martin
408 W 28th Avenue
Spokane, WA 99203
Gregory “Spud” Hesse
4437 E. North Glenngrae Ln.
Spokane, WA 99223
Bill Massy
207 N Idaho Rd.
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Tom Smith
15425 N. McKinnon Rd.
Mead, WA 99201
Competition Chair
Bill Roberts
512 Lodi Loop
Richland, WA 99352
Past President
Matthew F. Gerber
1717 East 27th Ave.
Spokane, WA 99203
PCA Zone 6 Rep
Dave Cooley
2313 47th Ave SW
Great Falls, MT 59404
Social Chair
Janet Gerber
1717 East 27th Ave.
Spokane, WA 99203
Karch Polgar
P.O. Box 3
Mead, WA 99021
July - August 2013
Klaus Kindor
5120 S. Menaul Ct.
Spokane, WA 99224
Board Members at Large
Herman Jackson
1937 Meadows Drive N.
Richland, WA 99352
Diane Rochelle
2915 Lorayne J Blvd.
Kennewick, WA 99338
Kirk Gilday
7505 Farm Country Ct.
Yakima, WA 98908
Über Alles Newsletter Editor
Linda Polgar
P.O. Box 3
Mead, WA 99021
Über Alles
Ad Rates & SWAG
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We have the technoPower
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954.385.0330 • www.PedrosGarage.com
INWR Club name tag:
Identify yourself to new members and existing members who know your
face or your car but who can’t quite recall your name at the moment.
Embellished with the Porsche crest and “Inland Northwest Region,” your
name will be displayed First then Last.
Order yours from the INWR website today!!
Have you visited the PCA Goodie Store? Check it out here:
Advertising Rates per Issue
(6 Issues per Year)
Business Card
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
All articles, advertising, photos and
other insertions must be submitted by the
following dates for inclusion in that
Über Alles issue.
February 15
April 15
June 15
August 15
October 15
December 15
July - August 2013
March - April
May - June
July - August
September - October
November - December
January -February
INWR Club patch and pin:
Patch – 3” Diameter
Pin – 1 1/8” Diameter
$6.00 each
(non PCA members $10.00)
For ordering details, please log on to:
INWR Club grill badge:
Decorate your car with this stunning cloisonné
badge with the INWR Logo in Full Color.
3” Diameter, Gold Tone Metal,
two threaded posts with thumb nuts on the back
$35.00 each
Sturdy mounting plate with longer posts
available for $10 each
Pick up in Spokane or in Tri Cities,
or $5 shipping.
For ordering details, please contact:
Bill Roberts, Treasurer
Details also appear on the Website!
Über Alles
From the President
From the President
n Frankfurt, Germany, this past May, standing on
the Eiserner Steg (steel footbridge) which crosses
the river Main, I met a young couple. They were
taking pictures of the many locks attached to the
iron ornaments of the bridge. There are more than
a thousand of those locks on this bridge alone. It is
especially young couples who commit to “lock” their
lives together forever. After the lock is attached to the
bridge, they will then throw the key into the river. The
process doesn’t replace any official marriage, but it’s
some kind of a commitment, different yes, but still a
commitment, perhaps a bit more than a promise.
Printed there was this sentence: “And in the end, it’s
not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in
your years.” His (Fabian’s) business card is crediting
President Abraham Lincoln with this aphorism. Others
believe it might have been Adlai Stevenson or even
Edward J. Stieglitz in 1952 and/or 1947 who coined
this expression. But, by the year 2000, the saying had
been reassigned apparently once again to Abraham
Lincoln. There are also slightly different versions.
What probably matters much more is the fact that a
young German businessman carries this saying (in
English) on his business card.
After taking photos of locks and then of each other
(I am speaking about the young couple), I offered
to take a few shots of the both of them. They were
delighted and agreed at once. Once done, I promised
to email them copies if they would give me their email
address. He, Fabian Fischer, a Project Manager for
Digital Media, gave me his business card. I have since
emailed him a number of photos, also some with the
many locks on that famous Eiserner Steg.
Because it is so true that the life in your years really
count and not the years in your life, we should forever
remember it. In other words, try to make the utmost of
your life, don’t waste it, aim for the maximum, and,
very importantly, not just once. Enjoy! You can be
assured, your daily responsibilities will never leave
you. Those will, forever, need your attention. It’s
like with a well maintained engine; if you take good
care of it, it will perform accordingly. Life is not so
different. And yet, we are often so careless, moving
things ahead of us, pushing urgent matters into the
weeks ahead instead of taking care of them now. Some
of us even ignore health issues.
It was a bit later that afternoon when sitting down
with friends, including my sister, for a good German
beer, when I took another look at Fabian’s business
card. There was his address, his phone number, his
title, his email address. When I turned to the other side
of the card, I, at first, thought I was holding the wrong
business card. So I checked again. It was the one of
Fabian Fischer.
July - August 2013
Try to take a break. Reserve time for it, for there is
time. Just stop and think. Take a look at your life and
then decide whether change is needed.
Über Alles
Penny Drive
Guild’s School Penny Drive
James Conway
Email from Klaus Huschke, 6/26/2013
Photos from the Guilds’ School web page
he Guild School Penny Drive is one of our
favorite charity events that we, as a region,
participate in. Many thanks to Ron & Judy
Harris for spearheading this event for us. We have
exciting news to share with you regarding the results.
2013 Collected Funds for 57th & Regal
Total Checks: $1375
Total Cash: $3493
Total Checks and Cash: $4868
Total pounds of coins: 720
(times 1.8 per pound = $1296)
Grand Total at site $6164
Our site, corner of 57th & Regal, Spokane, ranked 2nd
in cash and check collection for 2013. The number one
site was the Guilds’ School site itself.
Our site family, the Conways, were selected as The
Guilds’ School “Family of the Year”.
Our site leader, Stacey Cossey, was honored with an
award for her outstanding service for our site.
The “Family of the Year” award needs a bit more
From Stacey, “This award is not for the parent that
loves their children the most... every parent loves
their children. This award is given to the parents
who embrace the school and all it offers, who are
role models for other parents, who are exceptional
volunteers and ambassadors of the school. I can’t
think of a more deserving family!!”
I know you will join me in congratulating James and
his family on their award. It was a pleasure to meet
little James and see the determination that he has.
We know that it is a tough road, but with the help
of the Guilds’ School and the assistance that we, as
a community, can give, maybe it will be a little bit
Thanks again for your continued commitment to give
back to our community. I am proud to be a member of
this organization and you should be too. I would like
to propose that we all start saving our change for next
year’s Penny Drive. Let’s make it a goal to surpass
$7,000 in 2014!
All the Best,
July - August 2013
Über Alles
Penny Drive
A few words from Linda Polgar
Photos by Bill Massy
hese are a few images from the corner of 57th
and Regal on the day of the Guilds’ School
Penny Drive. It’s for the kids and we have fun
doing it. Some of us dress funny for the occasion.
I would like to extend thanks to my dance sisters
Carimeeah, Sue, and Vhaldis who also came out to
KREM 2’s Laura Papetti, James Conway,
and Theresa Conway visit with Klaus
Bill Massy and Klaus Huschke show us the money
Dick Boysen, Executive Director of the Spokane Guilds’ School,
with Guilds’ School alumnus Jason Brill who always comes back
to see the belly dancers. In this case, it is Parizadah known to the
INWR as Linda Polgar. Keith Martin, seen behind Mr. Boysen,
watches for donations from the passing motorists.
July - August 2013
Über Alles
Spring Wine Tour
Spring Wine Tour 2013, two articles
Articles by Diane Rochelle and Klaus Huschke
Photos by Chet Hinman
2013 INWR Spring Wine Tour
Walla Walla
nother successful wine tour took us through
Walla Walla on Friday and the Columbia
Valley on Saturday. Since these tours cover
so much activity, Klaus and I have again decided to
divide the duties – he will cover the Columbia Valley
tour and the dinner at Columbia Crest and I will try to
do justice to the Walla Walla tour.
Friday started out with all the Tri-Cities folks meeting
at the Red Lion in Pasco to caravan to Walla Walla.
But, due to road construction, there was a change in
our route this year. We drove through the Burbank
area, then towards Touchet, and onto Walla Walla
where we stopped at Zerba Winery. There we met up
with the group who drove down from Spokane, had
lunch, and tasted the wonderful wines produced at
Zerba. Zerba has become a “home” to INWR thanks
to the hospitality provided by Marilyn and her crew
– and the dogs!
July - August 2013
left to right: Bobbie Roberts, Ron Casavant, Marilyn Zerba of
Zerba Winery, Nancy Montano, Phil Rochelle
Über Alles
Spring Wine Tour
Although it is always hard to get up and get going
after a wonderful lunch, we had to head out to other
wineries in the Walla Walla area. After Tillie divided
us into 2 groups, off we went. Phil and I were in the
first group and our first stop was Saviah Winery. Yes,
a few of us missed the turn and had a little extra drive
time in the country side. But we finally figured out
our error and arrived at Saviah a little tardy! This year
we saw that Saviah had completed their remodeling
– what a change. It no longer is like a warehouse. The
new space is relaxing and gives you the opportunity to
look at the art work on display while tasting wine.
The next stop was at the Foundry Vineyards, a new
winery to most of us although it has been featured in
a couple of recent wine magazines. This winery was
appropriately named when considering the art work on
display. The art ranged from forged pieces, sculptures
made from drift wood, and oil paintings. It seemed to
be an art gallery with a tasting room attached. They
also had a courtyard filled with large multi media
sculptures. It was a great place to walk around with a
glass of wine in your hand and enjoy the art.
After the Foundry Vineyards, we were off to Gramercy
- another new winery on the itinerary this year. Their
wines, in my opinion, were very different then most
of the wines we had been tasting throughout the day.
And the winery was a little difficult to find – they
didn’t have a bold, “in your face” sign announcing
“Gramercy”. In fact, you had to get out of your car to
read their name painted on the window – just part of
the mystery which drew you into their tasting room.
July - August 2013
By the time we walked to Canoe Ridge (just across the
street from Gramercy) I think all of us were ready for
some food and relaxation. And Canoe Ridge provided
us with just the right setting for casual conversation.
They had the local culinary institute food wagon
parked in the courtyard where we could order food
to go along with our wine. Canoe Ridge also had
invited the local car club to join us. They displayed
their cars in the courtyard giving us the opportunity
to take a look. Although Phil and I understand and
appreciate the fact there are many types of sports cars,
we will remain loyal to Porsche. At the end of a day
of great weather and good wines, we had to convince
ourselves it was time to get into the Porsche and drive
home. After all, we had to prepare for yet another
day of wine tasting starting with brunch and ending
with dinner.
The INWR wine tours are not just about wine, it also
gives us the chance to meet new people, make new
friends, and see a great display of Porsches. Join us
next year and see for yourself. And, we even celebrate
special birthdays – more about that in Klaus’ piece.
Über Alles
Spring Wine Tour
were willing to help. We had a great time. Well done!
We couldn’t have started Saturday, May 18th - day
two of our Walla Walla and Columbia Valley Wine
Tour - any better than with a rich and delightfully
prepared brunch at the Goose Ridge Winery. Happy
faces everywhere. The sun shining, the short drive
from our hotel in Richland to the nicely situated
winery, the many Porsches filling also the last
available parking spot...could it have been really any
better? If you share my opinion, let Chip & Tillie
Not that too many Porsches is ever a problem, but not
every winery would be able to handle such a large
group as ours (I believe we had close to 40 cars) - all
arriving at the same time to Goose Ridge Winery. That
required, following our brunch, a break-up into three
contingents before continuing our journey through
the ever growing wine country. While tasting wine
was high on our list, however always in moderation,
some of us couldn’t resist stopping at a magnificent
micro brewery in Prosser. It happened to be located
on our way to the next winery. As you see, timing is
everything. When next in Prosser, don’t forget to have
a cold and good tasting beer at the Whitstran Brewery.
Not much convincing would have been needed for
some of us to spend the rest of the afternoon at this
relaxing place.
Birthday Dude Bill Addis and our gracious hostess
Tillie Hammond
Columbia Valley Wine Tour May 2013
Thanks Chip & Tillie !
hanks to Chip & Tillie, with some assistance
from friends in the Tri-Cities, INWR friends
that is, we enjoyed yet another marvelous tour
through the beautiful wine countries of Walla Walla
and the Columbia Valley. Can it indeed still get any
better, any more exciting? While it might look all like
routine, rest assured that hours of preparations are
invested to see such an event organized while still
leaving room for a lot of fun. Those who have done it
in the past, know very well what it takes. Our thanks
therefore again to Chip & Tillie and all those who
July - August 2013
But, there was more to see; more to experience. Our
next stop was at the Kestrel Winery. More good wines
to taste. And the more we tasted the more critical we
became. Did we feel already like real wine experts?
The answer is that some of us did, at least for one
afternoon. However, much more sampling might be
required before being considered a true expert. But
then again, I wouldn’t doubt that we do have already
some authentic wine connoisseurs amongst our
The Blue Flame Distillery in Prosser was our final
stop of the afternoon. Planned or not, it was the right
place to end Saturday’s tasting tour. Had we started
here, we might have never gone any further. The
Distillery calls its various liquid merchandise, “The
Spirit of Blue Flame.” Fond of good Grappa, I can
confirm that the Grappa offered by the Blue Flame
Über Alles
Spring Wine Tour
Distillery is simply outstanding. I do agree therefore
with the writing on the label of the special designed
Grappa bottle. It reads, “Only the highest quality local
ingredients are used to make this truly sensational
After a brief rest, probably just for a few of us, it
was time to leave for the Columbia Crest Winery for
our annual Wine Tour Dinner. Could there be a more
appropriate place than the Columbia Crest Estate,
presenting itself, now already for many years, with a
degree of elegance and beauty? Arriving there at the
evening hour, catching the last little bit of sunshine,
is an experience in itself. You feel relaxed, enjoy a
glass of delightful wine, engage in conversations with
friends, try to relive perhaps one more time the events
of the past two days before appreciating dinner and
some last presentations of the 2013 Walla Walla and
Columbia Valley Wine Tour. This year, however, was
slightly different. We had the honor to congratulate our
dear friend and long-time INWR member Bill Addis
on his 75th birthday. Bill, again, the very best to you
for the coming year and many more.
Allow me to thank once again Chip & Tillie for a
wonderful experience, for two enjoyable days. Thanks
go also to our loyal friends from the Silver Sage
Region. Please, come back again. We also appreciated
the presence of friends from the Pacific Northwest
Region. Thanks again to all who participated in
this annual event. A very special thank you to those
who helped make all this possible. What a brilliant
Happy Birthday, Bill Addis!!
July - August 2013
Über Alles
Festival of Speed
2013 Festival of Speed
Article by Megan Sweeney
otta people go through life doing things
badly. Racing’s important to men who do it
well. When you´re racing, it’s life, anything
that happens before or after is just waiting.” (Steve
McQueen, 1971)
to be able to be through the fence and standing by the
barriers, as close to the track as I could get to watch.
On Saturday, I was proud to park my Carrera in our
area of the car corral, thinking back to the first time
I attended and couldn’t have imagined I’d have my
own Porsche out just two years later. Saturday also
The only way I could figure out to start this off was
showed me the great ups and downs of racing -- Bob
to open with that very well known quote from Steve
had some great morning sessions in his Formula Vee,
McQueen. When you attend the Festival of Speed,
but then had a very unfortunate, nasty accident in the
you see a lot of people who embody that very idea,
afternoon. I’m thankful that he’s okay -- we know
the one that racing is life. For many of the racers that
racing isn’t always kind to its drivers, especially
came to the SOVREN races, it’s not hard to see how
in light of Allan Simonsen’s passing at this year’s
racing becomes a way of life -- many set up camp at
the various tracks they race at, and the entire weekend LeMans. Whether on a professional level or those that
is dedicated to one focus -- the race. In fact, everything race with SOVREN as a hobby, racing comes with
before and after the race really is waiting... Albeit busy significant risk and racers and fans alike should not
forget that. Again, I’m very thankful that Bob is okay,
though I’m sure he’s ready to get out of his brace!
The magic of a race weekend isn’t reserved for just
Saturday night, after the day’s excitement, there is a
the racers themselves, thankfully. I’ve been fortunate
banquet for the racers, crews, & workers. This was a
in that I’ve been attending the Festival of Speed since
treat for me to attend, as it was great to get together
the very first year, and since that year I’ve slowly
to discuss the day’s events, hopes for the next day,
gotten to be more involved. That first year I was
and just enjoy the company of others who love the
simply a spectator, I didn’t even have a car in the car
sport of racing. Tony Adamowicz shared many of his
corral! I was lucky in that a couple very generous
wonderful stories with everyone, making it a very
PCA members allowed me to go for rides during the
special night.
parade laps -- not only my first laps out on our track
here, but my first rides in any Porsche. Between those
Sunday was full of weather most racers would rather
experiences and the vintage race cars, I was hooked. I
not see -- rain. For some, it ended the weekend early.
couldn’t wait for the year to pass for the next event.
For others, it lead to some impressive on track battles.
The break in the clouds in the afternoon made sure
This year, as I mentioned, I was offered the chance to
that even the open-wheeled drivers who skipped the
be more involved than either of the previous years.
wet morning got at least one race in before the end
This was thanks to Bob Westmoreland, who let my
of the weekend. The weather put a damper on the
husband Sean crew chief for him and his son Brian
for the weekend. For me, it was the chance to be there spectators as well; there were a lot less people out to
watch and quite a few less cars in the corral. (Yes, my
the whole weekend and to see more than what some
Carrera was one that stayed in the garage and out of
spectators get -- one of my favorite parts was being
the rain. Guilty!)
at the track on Friday for the testing day. It was a
laid back day, much different from the race days that
All in all, it was a great weekend of racing, despite
followed. Everyone was busy getting the cars sorted
and final shakedowns were being made. It was also the the very scary accident. I highly, highly recommend
getting involved beyond spectating if you enjoy the
chance to see all the cars from the various classes on
track at once, which was quite unique! I felt very lucky races -- after all, the banquet is for volunteers as well.
July - August 2013
Über Alles
Festival of Speed
(Plus the flag workers get the best track views!) If you
can, getting to help out with a team is great as well,
I was thankful for the chance to be there to see all
that goes into a race weekend. Someday, I hope to be
one of the racers myself..... Until then, I plan to keep
helping out & being closely involved with the vintage
races as much as I can.
I guess that means I’ll be spending a lot of time
waiting..... But hopefully for the chance to race, and
experience that life that Steve McQueen talked about.
(Special thanks to Bob, Diane, and Brian
Westmoreland for the chance to be there with you;
it made it spectacular. Sean and I cannot thank you
A selection of photos by Dennis Garrood
1935 Alfa Romeo owned and driven by Peter Giddings
July - August 2013
Über Alles
Glacier Car
Come on! Who’s Next?
A plea from Linda Polgar
e have heard from Chuck Rodman. We
have heard from Linda Polgar. We want
to hear about your first Porsche. We want
to hear about your most fabulous fun time in your
Porsche. We want to hear what you are in pursuit of.
Let’s keep this ball rolling!!!
July - August 2013
Editor’s Note: What’s YOUR story? We would
love to hear about your first Porsche...your favorite
Porsche...any or all of your Porsches!!! Write
something up and send it on in.
Über Alles
356 Drive
356 Drive
A number of the 356 owners in the INWR decided to gather on May 11, 2013 for a little drive. These pictures
were supplied by Frank Perry and Dennis Garrood.
Alpine Motor
Cars, L.L.C.
Repair & Service
Cam Allen and Bob Westmoreland discuss matters in the
company of a fine specimen.
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July - August 2013
Über Alles
Klaus’ Korner
Klaus’ Korner:
Driving Safely: Visual Skills
Article by Klaus Kindor
FOR THE TREE!” Remember when our
parents taught us how to ride a bicycle?
They’d push us down the street yelling, “Pedal, pedal,
pedal – look out for the tree, LOOK OUT FOR THE
TREE!!!” What did we hit? The Tree! Of course we
did, it was EXACTLY where we were looking.
Driving a car is no different; the car goes were we
look. Unfortunately, most drivers are so focused on
what is directly in front of them that they never have
an opportunity to avoid the “tree” (read accident).
We have already discussed the proper use and
adjustment of our rear view mirrors while driving and
how we should properly position ourselves in a car
and our hands on the steering wheel. Good news - I
have already been told by one reader, “Even though it
was initially difficult getting used to, the mirror thing
actually works.” Yes, I know and thankfully there is
ONE less person I share the road with that I no longer
have to worry about; thanks Bill! I have my work cut
out for me though as there are still a few million that
just don’t get it. One of them almost clobbered me this
morning as I rode a motorcycle to work….he NEVER
looked. Well he may have, but his outside rearview
mirror was adjusted so he could admire the wax job
down the side of his Ford 350 rather than see the lane
next to him that I WAS IN. I pay attention to stuff
like that. If I can’t see your eyes, you can’t see me
and THAT can be really good information. This guy
wouldn’t have seen the Space Shuttle if it would have
been next to him.
Visual skills are THE most important part of driving
and sadly overlooked more than one might think. One
can drive with one arm or with hand controls should
the need arise, but, one cannot drive blind. We do
however, live in a very focal world. Computers are
right in front of us, so are our televisions, books, etc.
We are therefore “trained” if you will, when we drive,
to focus on what is right in front of us. This we must
fix if we are going to truly improve and become safer,
July - August 2013
more conscientious drivers. The good news is that it
can be fixed, but like properly adjusting our mirrors, it
will take time and practice.
It is imperative that when we drive we learn to take in
the “BIG PICTURE.” We must learn to not focus on
what is directly in front of us and must force ourselves
to get our eyes up, looking through the top half of the
windshield. We must always look for space, an out if
you will. Where can I go should the need arise? Where
is there space? I can assure you that I have NEVER
hit space and damaged a car. The only way this can
be accomplished however, is to look as far ahead as
possible and to quit focusing on what is directly in
front of us. I promise this will all start to make sense
and the next time you actually avoid an accident
because of your new found ability to look well ahead
of where you are, you’ll say, “Dang, that worked,” or
something to that effect. I have a feeling it may be just
a bit more colorful
When driving, our anxiety level is directly
proportional to how far ahead we are looking, or not!
The more one focuses on what is directly in front of
the car, the higher the anxiety level. The further ahead
we look, the lower our anxiety level becomes. This is
due to the simple fact that the further ahead we look,
the more time we have. Time is a commodity that
cannot be bought. However, when we get our eyes up
and look way ahead, we actually do effectively “buy
time.” All of a sudden we see what we had not seen
before, we have time to avoid rather than react.
Racing drivers “buy time” using this same skill set.
They look though a corner rather than at a corner.
They are looking way, way, way ahead to determine
where they want the car to end up, not where the
car is. They are at the same time, looking for space.
Looking way ahead slows the proverbial “movie”
down, again, buying time. They are allowing the track
to come to them rather than attacking the track. Next
time you watch a race, pay attention to the in-car
cameras. Even though the car may be going 200mph
Über Alles
Klaus’ Korner
the driver’s hands are actually putting in very little
steering input. The driver is focused on where he
wants to car to end up, not where it is. His eyes, tell
his brain (computer) how much his hands need to
move to get to a specific bit of track well down the
road. Find some old You Tube in-car video of Michael
Schumacher. At speed, his hands move very little even
though the circuit bends left and right continuously.
He makes it look so very easy, he is relaxed and has
time to place the car exactly where he wants it. He
has bought time and even though he is going warp
speed fast, it is pretty much a Sunday drive for him.
This is ONLY accomplished by his looking well ahead
of where he is. He is looking at the next corner well
before he even gets there. We must learn to do the
This same principle can be used when we drive our
own cars. The further ahead we look, the more we
actually take in and the more time we have to make
any needed adjustments or find space should the need
arise. At the same time, we must also learn to turn our
heads and look through a corner BEFORE we turn the
steering wheel. This is important! WE MUST LEARN
WHEEL. Modern cars have glass in both the driver’s
and passenger’s front doors. Here is an amazing bit
July - August 2013
of information; you can look through the glass!!!!!
I know, huh! Nearly everyone I have ever been in
a car with habitually approaches a corner; slows
down, turns and THEN looks. WRONG, WRONG,
WRONG!!!!! We must learn to slow, look and THEN
turn. Slow, LOOK; then turn! Slow, look- actually turn
your friggen head, look; THEN turn. Again, your eyes
will tell your brain (computer) just how much your
hands need to move the steering wheel to get where
you are looking. If you turn BEFORE you look, you
have already committed AND most likely gone past
any point of making a correction. Make sense?
I cannot emphasize enough the importance of using
your visual skills properly. At 70mph your car is
traveling at approximately 100 feet per second. Snap
your fingers. You have just traveled 100 feet. We have
all either seen or been the driver who had to SLAM
on their brakes to avoid rear ending another car. Why?
Simple, we were trying to figure out the vanity plate
on the car in front of us instead of looking at what was
going on ¼ mile in front of it and beyond. Getting
our eyes UP and looking out the top half of the
windshield will afford us the opportunity to see what
is coming well before we get there, buying us time,
quite possibly saving our own lives, perhaps the life of
Über Alles
Saturday Coffee
July 13th
Tri-Cities (8:30), Yakima (9:00)
July 20th
Spokane & Coeur d’Alene (9:00)
August 10th
Tri-Cities (8:30), Yakima (9:00)
August 17th
Spokane & Coeur d’Alene (9:00)
Spokane & Coeur d’Alene
Porsche of Spokane
Columbia Valley Luxury Cars
2500 Aileron Road
Starbuck’s on 56th &
Monthly Membership Meetings
At restaurant MAX
Mirabeau Park Hotel
1100 North Sullivan Road, Spokane Valley
July 10th and August 14th
Other Events
6-8: 50 Years of the 911, Skamania Lodge,
Stevenson, WA. See page 22 for details
24-26: PCA Escape, Los Angeles, CA. See
pages 23-25 for details.
Every Saturday
9AM-11AM: Cars and Coffee hosted by
Klaus Kindor at Jaremko Sports and Classics,
corner of Sprague & Thierman, Spokane
Last Thursdays of Each Month
(during driving season)
5PM: European Car Cruise at parking lot,
corner of Trent & Argonne, Spokane Valley
July - August 2013
Cars and Coffee
Nathan Merz at Columbia Valley Luxury Cars
hosts this monthly event at his showroom in
Richland. The event is called “Columbia Valley
Cars & Coffee” and will be held on the second
Saturday of each month starting at 9:30 AM. This
event will be open to all car enthusiasts.
Nathan will continue to host the INWR-PCA
monthly coffee at his showroom at a new time
starting at 8:30 AM on the same day as Columbia
Valley Cars & Coffee (the second Saturday of
every month). The time from 8:30 AM to 9:30
AM will be for the Porsche club then other
enthusiasts will join at 9:30 AM. You don’t have
to leave at 9:30 AM but can stay and participate
in the fun with the other car enthusiasts!
Über Alles
Robert & Roberta Aranowski
2002 996
Richland, WA
Rudolf & Christopher Kreps
1985 911, Blue
Sagle, ID
David & Crystal Bingham
2012 911S, Blue
Spokane, WA
Thomas & Mary Schumacher
2008 Cayenne, Red
Kennewick, WA
Ronald Brunke
2000 996, Black
Richland, WA
Chad Knodel & Shawna Swanson
1987 911, Black
Spokane, WA
Doug Herrman & Diana Churchill
2014 981, Blue
Spokane, WA
Neil & Ann Wimberley
1984 911, Silver
Hope, ID
William Bonaudi
2012 Carrera S, Red
Moses Lake, WA
(From the Pacific NW Region)
Dale and Sandi Helman
1997 911, Black
Liberty Lake, WA
(From the Pacific NW Region)
40 Years (1973)
Larry Chmura
August 2013
1960 356B, 1973 911
Coeur D Alene, ID
35 Years (1978)
Charles McCorkle, Jr.
July 2013
1974 914, 1978 928
Sagle, ID
10 Years (2003)
Steven Mohr
July 2013
1988 944
Spokane, WA
5 Years (2008)
James Montano
August 2013
2004 911 C2
Richland, WA
Douglas Porter
July 2013
1985 944
Coeur D Alene, ID
Shawn McMahon
August 2013
1988 911 Cab
Hayden, ID
Contacts on page 5
July - August 2013
Über Alles
More Membership
From the Membership Chairman
In an effort to ensure the Club is communicating with the membership I have been working on scrubbing the
club E-mail distribution list to eliminate any connection problems.
I could really use your help by you taking a minute to ensure the following:
#1 – Check and make sure your E-mail address is current/correct at PCA National. If you need it updated
you can do it yourself by going to http://www.pca.org/Home.aspx or contact me and I would be happy to do
it for you.
#2 – If your address is current and you have not been receiving E-mail announcements from the Club please
contact me and we will try to fix any connection issues to ensure you are getting timely notification of club
news and events.
Thanks for your time.
Rick Jordan
(509) 468-0688 or Nskookum@comcast.net
Membership Roster
Join our INWR members-only Membership Roster!! Why not let your Porsche friends know how to
contact you or find that couple you saw on a drive?? Chuck Rodman is collecting the information. In
the Club News section of our web site are the details you might include. Send your roster information
and he’ll get you added to our Roster.
Concerned about security? Access to this online Roster is available only to verified INWR members
who register on the web site.
July - August 2013
Über Alles
50 Years of 911
Commemorating 50 Years of the Porsche 911
Presented by Sunset Porsche
A Porsche Club of America
Oregon Region, Zone 6 Event
Join us for the “largest gathering” of Porsche 911’s in the Great Pacific Northwest
September 6th, 7th and 8th, 2013
At the majestic Skamania Lodge overlooking the Scenic Columbia River Gorge

People’s Choice Awards in 10 Classes
This is a Shine and Show event to encourage the greatest participation from the Membership
Special Guest Speaker Prescott Kelly
Renowned Porsche collector, author, speaker, and historian
With a special 911 presentation
Special Room Rates!
$125 per Guest Room per Night
Superior Forest View Guest Rooms
“Room Rate noted does not include Daily Lodge Fee @ $16 per day nor applicable taxes”
(Rooms are separate from Event Fees)
Participate in the Lodge’s 20th Anniversary Events
Skamania Lodge
1131 SW Skamania Lodge Way
Stevenson Washington 98648
Accepting reservations NOW
For Reservations Call
509-427-7700 or 800-221-7117
Mention PCA or Porsche Club of America for the special price
Or make reservations online at www.skamania.com
And enter in the drop down menu Group Code PCA
Don’t miss this once in a lifetime event
For further details, please see the March - April issue of Über Alles, pages 26-27.
July - August 2013
Über Alles
Escape L.A.
PCA Escape to L.A. 2013
By Robert Friedman
[article provided by Tom Brown, Zone 8 Representative, via PCA
For several years now the Escape has been one of the most
sought after and exciting events on the PCA calendar. Consisting
primarily of tours and social events, this non-competitive
weekend is the perfect relaxing PCA holiday. Held each year in
a different area of the country, this weekend is rich with regional
flavor and draws a national audience that enjoys a long weekend
of spending time with their Porsche cars, Porsche friends and
participating in Porsche activities.
Escape to Los Angeles is the theme for 2013, and the Escape is
headquartered at the elegant Sheraton Fairplex in Pomona, CA
(just outside of LA). Officially the dates are October 24-26, but you are encouraged to come early and stay late.
There’s a lot to do!
From Pomona we will radiate out on a wide variety of activities. You will find no shortage of things to do,
places to go and food to eat. You will be among 500-600 other Porschephiles, seeing the best that Southern
California has to offer.
Hard at work, the 2013 Escape team has been busy finalizing the various tour routes throughout Southern
California. The Escape will offer a variety of tours of varying lengths and activities to satisfy the interests of
every attendee. From a leisurely drive of the San Gabriel Valley highlighting local architecture, the Huntington
gardens, or the Los Angeles Arboretum; to, for the drivers amongst us, exciting mountain tours such as the
Angeles Crest Highway, Highway 18 to Big Bear Lake, or to Mount Baldy along Glendora Canyon Road.
Another option is an all day trip to Joshua Tree National Park with a stop in Palm Springs for dinner. There are
even special tours planned of several unique museums; such as the Nethercutt and Mullin automotive museums,
as well as a few intimate tours of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (a NASA nerve center for space exploration),
and Space X (a private space exploration company). I’ll get back to the activities with a bit more detail, but for
a moment let’s switch to banquets.
July - August 2013
Über Alles
Escape L.A.
The Escape has two official dinners planned, starting on Thursday night with the opening Car Show and
Drive-in Movie banquet. Remember your high school years of polishing up the car to show off to your friends,
cruising to the hamburger stand and seeing the latest movie at the drive-in? While watching a classic movie (or
socializing if you prefer), Escape attendees will munch on Kobe sliders, tacos, fries, margaritas, sodas, and milk
shakes. The car show will also include the ever popular “People’s Choice” awards. Don’t forget to pack your
letterman’s jacket and bring your girl!
On Saturday night, the closing banquet starts with a reception at the NHRA Museum. This museum, housed
in a beautifully restored 28,500 square foot art deco Style 1939 WPA building, is home to the very essence of
American Motorsports. More than 80 vehicles are displayed: everything from Ed Iskenderian’s 1925 T roadster
to Mickey Thompson’s Challenger I, the first American car to go 400 mph. Hors d’oeuvres will be served during
the reception. Afterwards, and just a short stroll away, the Gala dinner will be held in the newly constructed
Sheraton Fairplex Convention Center. PCA will have exclusive use of the entire facility. Dinner will be three
courses, specially prepared for the Escape. A no host bar will be available throughout the night as well as special
guest speakers, exhibits, and of course some great door prizes. All this and more will be part of the Saturday
night Gala Dinner.
NHRA Museum
There are numerous museums in the area such as, the Huntington Library, Tournament of Roses House (Wrigley
Mansion), Tournament of Roses Float Barns, the 1908 Greene & Greene Gamble House, the Mullin Automotive
Museum, the Nethercutt Collection, the Norton Simon art museum and the L.A. County Arboretum.
The Escape will feature two historic architectural tours, one based around the Pasadena/San Marino area, and
the other showcasing the La Verne, Claremont and Pomona area (including the old Kellogg’s Ranch, now
California Polytechnic College). Did you know that of the 211 registered Historic Sites listed in Los Angeles
County, 119 of them are in the city of Pasadena? We have assembled 30-35 sites in the greater Pasadena, South
Pasadena and San Marino areas for a self-guided tour
designed for you to spend as much or as little time as
you’d like enjoying these wonders of a bygone era.
Turning our attention back to cars, I think you will
enjoy the Nethercutt Collection, which houses several
hundred exquisite old cars in an early 20th Century
automobile salon setting (lots of marble). This array
of Concours winning cars (Pebble Beach, Amelia
Island, Palos Verdes, Dana Point and other prestigious
Nethercutt Museum
July - August 2013
Über Alles
Escape L.A.
events) will make your head spin. It is certainly one of the best car collections in the country. While you are
there, you will also see an amazing collection of hood ornaments (Mascots - does Lalique ring a bell?), brass
gas lamps, horns and other automotive items. Additionally, the Nethercutt’s did not limit their interests to
merely automobiles. Amongst the artistry of the vehicles, you will also find an incredible collection of musical
instruments (the largest collection of Orchestrions in the world), listen to an amazing recording of George
Gershwin (that is, an actual recording of George Gershwin) playing Rhapsody in Blue on a reproducing piano,
listen to one of the world’s biggest pipe organs, and see a collection of incredible 18th & 19th Century furniture.
On top of all this, there is a fabulous collection of David Winter cottages, dolls, coins and crystal figurines.
One of the more renowned museums in the San Gabriel Valley is the Huntington Library, Art Collection and
Botanical Gardens. Arrangements have been made for a private tour of the grounds and museums accompanied
by morning tea.
For you drivers, you’ll definitely see the twisties, catch some incredible vistas, have some great food and see
some of Southern California’s rural beauty. You’ll get a little appreciation of what living in LA means - being
able to visit the ocean, snow, desert, mountains and forests in an hour or less (OK, OK, traffic permitting...).
If you are fortunate enough to drive a Cayenne to the Escape, we have a tour just for you. We know that you
have heard that every Cayenne was designed to be a competent off road vehicle, and some of us actually take
our Cayenne’s off road. Our tour is designed for the NOVICE off-road driver, as we help you learn off-roading
and build your confidence. Technically, this is an “off paved road” tour; it is not truly “off road.”
As you can see, you have plenty to look forward to in Escape 2013. Did I forget to mention Rodeo Drive,
Hollywood, Beverly Hills, air museums (pick one of many), Griffith Park, the Reagan Library, the California
missions? The list goes on and on. Registration opens soon, so mark your calendars and keep your eye on our
website and PCA’s eBrake News for more information: http://escape2013.pca.org
Huntington Library
Mt. Wilson Telescope
July - August 2013
Über Alles
Have your scenery call our scenery,
let’s do lunch.
What does INWR and Bend, Oregon have in common?
Breathtaking vistas, fantastic roads and awesome cars.
So, you know, don’t be a stranger.
Carrera Motors
1045 SE 3rd Street
Bend, OR 97702
Showroom hours:
M–F 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Saturday 9:30AM – 5:00PM
Sunday 11:00AM – 5:00PM
July - August 2013
Über Alles
The BAD, the UGLY and the GOOD, part 2
Article written and graphics submittedby Pedro P. Bonilla, GCR PCA
Reprinted with permission
f you haven’t read “The BAD, the UGLY and the GOOD part 1” go back and do it. It’s important to
understand the causes that create the failures and therefore how to fix the issues.
If you’ve read it, fret no longer the answer is here ... THE GOOD ! ...
This is an OEM single row bearing which just came
off a Carrera 996.
You can see how the bearing is sealed.
There is no way that this bearing would get proper
lubrication under the conditions where it is installed.
This bearing was extracted as it had just begun to fail.
The owner was very lucky we caught it in time.
July - August 2013
Über Alles
OK!, so what’s the BIG SOLUTION?
Actually it is a quite simple concept with a not-so-simple execution.
If the problem is lack of lubrication, then the solution has to be proper lubrication. Duh!
But the location of the bearing and the shape of the flange create difficulties.
The bearing and flange are sandwiched between the engine’s block and the rotating flywheel just a few
millimeters away so there is very little room to work in. You can see what we mean below: The top shaft with
a sprocket is the starter motor which engages with the outside teeth of the flywheel which in turn is bolted to the
crankshaft in the center of the engine. The triangular piece on the bottom of the bell housing is the flange which
supports the bearing at the end of the intermediate shaft.
The solution is to install direct oil injection to the IMS bearing using the engine’s own pressurized oil.
The M96/M97 engines have several unused high
pressure oil ports already built into the block, so it is
very easy to tap into one of them.
A high-pressure stainless-steel-braided oil line is
connected to the port which will carries pressurized
oil when the engine is running and its oil pumps are
July - August 2013
Über Alles
Then, a new flange is installed, replacing the factory
flange. This flange, as you can see, is much flatter than
the OEM to make room for the integrated oil injection
This is where the other end of the high-pressure oil
line that comes from the engine connects to.
A small notch needs to be cut into the edge of the bell
housing to allow for the routing of the oil hose.
When this new flange is installed, it is recommended
that the existing IMS bearing be replaced with either
a new ceramic-ball bearing or a new OEM all steel
When an OEM bearing is installed, the outside seal is removed to allow the oil to completely bathe the rotating
balls and inner race of the bearing in clean, filtered, circulating oil, which reduces friction and heat, and thus
guarantees a long life for the bearing.
The oil that overflows from the bearing, just makes its way down to the oil pan to be filtered again and pumped
through the system once more.
To install the kit, the transmission, the clutch and/or the torque converter and the flywheel need to be removed
from the car.
The engine then needs to be locked in TDC and then removal of the flange and/or bearing and installation of the
new parts can be done.
It also makes sense to replace the clutch at this point, since there won’t be additional labor in doing so, just the
cost of the new clutch parts.
Any Porsche shop will be able to install this kit as well as knowledgeable individuals with the right tools and
This IMS Bearing Fix was developed in South Florida where it’s been installed and tested it on street and race
July - August 2013
Über Alles
There is another somewhat similar (in concept) solution developed in Georgia. This other solution includes the
replacement of the OEM IMS ball bearing with a plain journal bearing, which also has a direct oil feed system.
Unfortunately this solution only applies to the first generation single-row IMS bearing cars from MY 2000
through 2005.
It is important to note that other conditions have also been considered to be additional possible causes of
bearing damage in these engines, in particular, vibration.
These M96/M97 engines all develop a 3,000 RPM harmonic vibration intrinsic to the design of the engine.
We recommend that you do not sustain a 3,000 RPM engine speed for extended periods of time when driving
on the highways. It is easy to set the cruise control at 72 MPH which, in high gear is very close to the
described 3,000 RPM. Just reduce or increase speed a bit to avoid holding the engine at a steady at 3,000 RPM.
Also, the front engine mount on the Boxster and
Cayman is a wear item, generally neglected, that
needs to be replaced at 50,000 mile intervals. A good
front engine mounts helps to mitigate the 3,000 RPM
shudder and transmits much less vibration from the
To learn more about the Final Fix for the IMS bearing and how to order one, please visit my website at:
Happy Porscheing,
July - August 2013
© 2013 Technolab / PedrosGarage.com
Über Alles
Zone 6 Meeting
INWR Meeting Minutes
Monthly Membership Meeting
May 8, 2013
MAX at Mirabeau Park Hotel
Spokane Valley, WA
minutes: Bill Massy
Webmasters Report: Name Badge ordering link will be
put on the main page. Photo gallery updated.
Social Chairs Report: No Report.
Officers present: Klaus Huschke, Keith Martin, Bill
Roberts, and Bill Massy.
Membership Chair’s Report: 3 new members. 298
members, 233 affiliates.
New member badge program in place and Klaus has a
box of unclaimed badges.
The President opened the meeting @7:00 PM
Insurance/Safety Chair’s Report: No report.
VP’s report: Great Guilds’ School Penny Drive turnout.
Competition Chair’s Report: We are looking for a
classroom for our DE program at the track.
Secretary’s report: Drive the limit from Richland or you
will pay.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking $12,034.34, Savings
$3,576.88 and $100.46 in cash
Über Alles Editor’s Report: Rough draft sent out for
review. Still waiting for an article.
Past President’s Report: No report.
1. Penny drive exceeded last year’s amount. We
collected $6,164 this year.
Thanks to all that attended and the BBQ and belly
July - August 2013
Über Alles
Meeting Minutes
2. European Car Cruise May 30th
3. Name badge program going well. Thanks to Ron
1. Walla Walla Columbia Valley Wine Tour May 17th.
We have about 75 people signed up. We have people
from the Silver Sage region who will join us.
2. Club Social for May 23rd. We need somebody to
chair this event.
3. Festival of Speed June 1st and 2nd. This is a big
event for Spokane. Please come and join us at the car
corral located on the old turn 10 of the track.
4. Can Am Banff Tour, June 27th-30th. We are one
week away from the cutoff date for hotels. We have 40
booked. Stay tuned for an announcement regarding our
meal plans and the itinerary.
Neat perspective shot by Dennis Garrood from the
356 drive
5. Let’s see if we can help our Vets’ Garage.
6. Restated Articles of Amendment now filed by the
Washington Secretary of State.
1. Oktoberfest: Ron Hannum is looking for input
regarding the trip.
2. This Saturday morning from 9-11 AM. Cars and
coffee, Jaremko Sports and Classics.
3. Cam Allen talked about the Snoqualmie Falls car
driving class.
INWR Meeting Minutes
Monthly Membership Meeting
June 12, 2013
MAX at Mirabeau Park Hotel
Spokane Valley, WA
minutes: Bill Massy
Officers present: Klaus Huschke, Keith Martin, Bill
Roberts, and Bill Massy.
Stump the Chump: The part was a Shifter boot. Bill
Rambo, Bob Westmoreland, and Cam Allen guessed it
correctly and donated the winning pot to the club.
The President opened the meeting @7:00 PM
End of meeting: 8:00 pm
VP’s report: No Report
Karch introduced Lauri and Deserée Segmetti from
Next membership meeting is June 12th, 2013, Mirabeau Commellini Estates. They gave a presentation about
their venue as a possible INWR destination for lunch.
Park Hotel, Spokane Valley
Secretary’s report: Thanks for helping me in my article
for the Über, Linda Polgar.
July - August 2013
Über Alles
Meeting Minutes
Treasurer’s Report: Checking $10,066.65, Savings
$3,577.03 and $130.41 in cash $4,064.76 in our PayPal
account that is for the Can Am trip.
Über Alles Editor’s Report: May/June publication is on
the webpage.
Webmasters Report: Keeping it fresh and no news
about the web page contest.
Social Chairs Report: No Report.
Membership Chair’s Report: 294 members, 229
Insurance/Safety Chair’s Report: No report.
Competition Chair’s Report: We will be sending an
E-mail to all the interested members. The date that
looks like a winner is Aug 27th. $250 is the suggested
cost. Keith Martin asked about Tech inspections per the
PCA. Competition Chair will look into this.
Past President’s Report: No report.
1. Walla Walla Columbia Valley Wine Tour: Thanks to
Chip and Tillie for a great time. Your hard work paid
2. Festival of Speed: 35 Porsches showed up at the
3. Bob Westmoreland: We received an update about
Bobs recuperation. Bob was racing at the Festival of
Speed and crashed hard. He will be in a back brace for
90 days.
1. MAC / Exhibition of Porsches. All are invited to the
Museum of Art and Culture, Spokane, on Father’s Day
starting at 11AM. We have 15 spots reserved for our
2. Can Am Banff Tour, June 27th-30th. 2 weeks away
and we will be sending out the final details next week.
3. Porsche Parade, Traverse City, Michigan.
4. Vancouver Island Region / June 17th. They are
visiting Spokane. 5pm get together at Picabu Bistro.
5. June/July calendar. Many events coming up.
6. The Pendleton Underground Drive has been
7. 2013 Bogus Basin Bacchanalia- June 21-23, Boise
Idaho. Show up if you can.
8. Chee Chee’s BBQ- July 20th. Janet will call with a
head count.
9. Thompson Fall’s Drive- July 27th. Put this on your
10. PHWN (SOVREN) July 5th-7th. Kent, WA.
1. The club now has a debit card.
End of meeting: 8:00 pm
A refreshing water feature
Photo by Chet Hinman
July - August 2013
Über Alles
Linda Polgar, PO Box 3, Mead, WA 99021; lcpolgar@yahoo.com
Each ad will be marked with the issue in which it first appears or in which the owner has indicated he or she would like to
retain the ad. Unless the ad’s owner indicates he or she would like to continue the ad, each ad will be removed after the
third issue of appearance.
Thanks for letting us know
when you sell your ride,
your doohickie, or your
Powell’s Pirelli tires
Pirelli Scorpion Ice & Snow tires
275 45 R-19. 50% tread
remaining. Mounted on 19”
Porsche wheels. Used on 2009
Porsche Cayenne GTS
$1,500 or make offer
Craig Powell
v.42 i4
New Michelin Latitude tires
295 55 R-21. Purchased for 2009
Cayenne GTS, but not used
$1,000 or make offer
Craig Powell
v.42 i4
We are:
P.O. Box 206
Richland, WA 99352
EDITORIAL POLICY: Über Alles is the official publication of the INLAND NORTHWEST REGION of the
PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA. Statements appearing in Über Alles are those of the authors and are not necessarily
the opinions of the CLUB or its editorial staff. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted to Über Alles,
with the exception of copyrighted material.
ADVERTISING POLICY: Advertisements and classified ads appearing in Über Alles are the representation of the
advertisers. Any disputes arising over any items bought or sold through the advertisements here shall be resolved
between the buyer and the seller. The PCA, the INWR, Über Alles, and its Editor assume no liability.
July - August 2013
Über Alles
Über Alles
Can Am Banff Tour
Thompson Pass
Hill’s Resort/Schweitzer
High Performance Driver Education
INWR Car Profile: Rochelle
Klaus’ Korner: All of Your Senses
PedrosGarage: Top 10 List of Don’ts
Journal for the Inland Northwest Region Porsche Club of America
Volume 42 Issue 5
September - October 2013
©2010 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. Optional equipment shown is extra.
Porsche recommends
Test the Cayenne and the very notion
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Your first thought behind the wheel of the new Cayenne S Hybrid may very well be a
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yet translated to the road. The Cayenne S Hybrid is the epitome of the Porsche Intelligent
Performance philosophy “more from less.” Come in for a test drive and find all the
answers on the road. Just like we did. Porsche. There is no substitute.
Experience the new Cayenne S Hybrid.
of Spokane
Dealer Name
Dealer Address 1 Here
E George
Address 2Gee
WA 99019
(555) Lake,
555 - 5555
Dealer Web Site Address Here
8:00am to 7:00pm
to 6:00pmhours
September - October 2013
Über Alles
Table of Contents
From the Editor............................3
2013 Calendar..............................4
INWR Board Members................5
Name tags, badges, patches, pins6
From the President.......................7
CanAm Banff Tour................. 8-11
Thompson Pass Drive................12
High Performance Driver Ed15-17
INWR Car Profile: Rochelle......18
Klaus’ Korner: All Senses..........19
Announcements............ 20, 23-24
Cars & Coffee(s)........................20
Monthly Meeting.......................20
Oktoberfest, Leavenworth..........24
PCA Escape................................24
Saturday Coffee Dates...............20
New Members &
From the Membership Chair......22
From the Editor
hen I am at events or at meetings, there is often at least one
person who tells me he or she really enjoys the Über and
appreciates the hard work I am putting in and thanks me for
the good job I am doing. Blushing aside, well, thank you. I am going to
posit to you this, however: when people thank me they’re thanking the
contributors to the newsletter. I just happen to be good at pulling together
and puzzling into place the fabulous photos and writings submitted by all
of you. From photographers to writers, we have some real talent in this
Region. This fact, too, is mentioned to me...about the talent we have.
Every now and again, we get to hear a new voice. In this very issue,
we have the poetic, thoughtful article about the Can Am Tour written by
Jennifer Gatts. What a treat!
I...make that WE...would love to hear from ALL of you. I do know it’s
sometimes difficult to write. I have to put something in this space I have
allotted myself in every issue. We are not asking for much...start by
telling us a car profile story. Then, the next time you’re on a club drive or
at an event, you might be inspired to share your experience in writing or
in photographs.
Thank you, as always, for providing content for our newsletter.
Linda Polgar, Editor
Membership Roster request.......22
PedrosGarage: Top 10 Don’ts26-30
Meeting Minutes.................. 31-34
On the Cover
Nice view!
Photo by Dennis Garrood
Can Am Banff Tour
Oh and the river valley in the
background is nice, too.
September - October 2013
A big thanks to all of our members who contributed photos,
articles, invitations, updates and news about our advertisers and
Porsche events and activities. It is your contribution that makes
the Über Alles fun for so many to read and enjoy!
Our Advertisers
Alpine Motor Cars.......................6
Fort Knox by NAI Black............31
Carrera Motors NEW AD!........25
PedrosGarage NEW AD!.........34
Chee Chee’s.................................7
Porsche of Spokane......................2
Columbia Valley Luxury Cars...33
Precision Pointe...........................7
EBS Racing................................16
Spinal Diagnosics, Dr. Watanabe
European Autohaus....................18
Ad Rate Sheet.............................6
Über Alles
Inland Northwest Region
Calendar 2013
2013 Calendar
Do you know of an event that should
be here but is not listed?
Please let us know!!
Any and all events are subject to change. Stay informed through the President’s emails and on our web site.
Membership Meeting
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
12 Yakima Coffee Social
19 Spokane Coffee Social
26 Installation Dinner
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
13 Membership Meeting
16 Spokane Coffee Social
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
13 Membership Meeting
16 Spokane Coffee Social
23 Club Social
13 13 13 20 20 25 27 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
Progressive Lunch/Poker Run
Spokane Coffee Social
Membership Meeting in
European Car Cruise
Penny Drive
Membership Meeting
11 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
11 Yakima Coffee Social
17-18 Tri-Cities Wine Tour
18 Spokane Coffee Social
23 Club Social
European Car Cruise
September - October 2013
1-2 Festival of Speed Car Club Concours
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
12 Membership Meeting
15 Spokane Coffee Social
23-29 Porsche Parade in Traverse City, Michigan
27 European Car Cruise
27-30 Can-Am/Banff Tour
10 13 13 20
20 25 27 Membership Meeting
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
Spokane Coffee Social
Chee Chee’s BBQ
European Car Cruise
Thompson Falls Drive
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
10 Yakima Coffee Social
14 Membership Meeting
17 Spokane Coffee Social
17 Priest Lake/Schweitzer Drive
20 Driver’s Education,
Spokane Raceway Park
29 European Car Cruise
6-8 Commemorating 50 Years of 911 Tour
11 Membership Meeting
14 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
14 Yakima Coffee Social
Whoop n Holler Car Museum Tour
21 Spokane Coffee Social
26 European Car Cruise
11-13 Oktoberfest in Leavenworth
12 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
12 Yakima Coffee Social
19 Membership Meeting in Tri-Cities
19 Spokane Coffee Social
26 Fall Color Tour & Free Rein Fundraiser
European Car Cruise
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
Board of Directors and Officers Meeting
Tech Session
Membership Meeting
Spokane Coffee Social
22 Club Social
Christmas Party Tri-Cities
11 Membership Meeting
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
14 Yakima Coffee Social
21 Spokane Coffee Social
Über Alles input submission
deadline: the 15th of any given
Even Month.
Über Alles
Board Members
Membership Chair
Klaus Huschke
3419 South Saxon Ct.
Spokane, WA 99203
Rick Jordan
5324 W Woodview Court
Spokane, WA 99208
Vice President
Insurance/Safety Chair
Technical Chair
Keith Martin
408 W 28th Avenue
Spokane, WA 99203
Gregory “Spud” Hesse
4437 E. North Glenngrae Ln.
Spokane, WA 99223
Bill Massy
207 N Idaho Rd.
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Tom Smith
15425 N. McKinnon Rd.
Mead, WA 99201
Competition Chair
Bill Roberts
512 Lodi Loop
Richland, WA 99352
Past President
Matthew F. Gerber
1717 East 27th Ave.
Spokane, WA 99203
PCA Zone 6 Rep
Dave Cooley
2313 47th Ave SW
Great Falls, MT 59404
Social Chair
Janet Gerber
1717 East 27th Ave.
Spokane, WA 99203
Karch Polgar
P.O. Box 3
Mead, WA 99021
September - October 2013
Klaus Kindor
5120 S. Menaul Ct.
Spokane, WA 99224
Board Members at Large
Herman Jackson
1937 Meadows Drive N.
Richland, WA 99352
Diane Rochelle
2915 Lorayne J Blvd.
Kennewick, WA 99338
Kirk Gilday
7505 Farm Country Ct.
Yakima, WA 98908
Über Alles Newsletter Editor
Linda Polgar
P.O. Box 3
Mead, WA 99021
Über Alles
Ad Rates & SWAG
Alpine Motor
Cars, L.L.C.
Repair & Service
North-Idaho’s premiere German automotive specialist.
Over 27-years experience servicing Porsche, VW, Audi,
BMW & Mercedes-Benz. From routine maintenance, to
performance upgrades, to engine restoration; make your
new, vintage, or classic car run like a champion.
Call for your appointment today!
Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.;
Friday, by appointment only
10632 N. Government Way
between Miles Way and Lacey Way
Hayden Lake, ID 83835
INWR Club name tag:
Identify yourself to new members and existing members who know your
face or your car but who can’t quite recall your name at the moment.
Embellished with the Porsche crest and “Inland Northwest Region,” your
name will be displayed First then Last.
Order yours from the INWR website today!!
Have you visited the PCA Goodie Store? Check it out here:
Advertising Rates per Issue
(6 Issues per Year)
Business Card
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
All articles, advertising, photos and
other insertions must be submitted by the
following dates for inclusion in that
Über Alles issue.
February 15
April 15
June 15
August 15
October 15
December 15
March - April
May - June
July - August
September - October
November - December
January -February
September - October 2013
INWR Club patch and pin:
Patch – 3” Diameter
Pin – 1 1/8” Diameter
$6.00 each
(non PCA members $10.00)
For ordering details, please log on to:
INWR Club grill badge:
Decorate your car with this stunning cloisonné
badge with the INWR Logo in Full Color.
3” Diameter, Gold Tone Metal,
two threaded posts with thumb nuts on the back
$35.00 each
Sturdy mounting plate with longer posts
available for $10 each
Pick up in Spokane or in Tri Cities,
or $5 shipping.
For ordering details, please contact:
Bill Roberts, Treasurer
Details also appear on the Website!
Über Alles
From the President
From the President
t is too early to reflect on the events of 2013 for
there is still much more to come. First, the 50th
Anniversary of the 911 at the Skamania Lodge
in Stevenson, Washington, September 6th, 7th, and
8th. I hope to see many of you there. On Saturday,
September 14th, we will undertake our second drive
to Bickleton, WA, which will also include a visit of
the Whoop n’ Holler Car Museum. Don’t miss it.
In October, it’s off to Leavenworth and a side trip to
Lake Chelan. While it will be impossible to compete
with the Münchner Oktoberfest, Leavenworth
offers its own charm, good Bratwurst and authentic
Münchner Bier. At Lake Chelan, Bier will be replaced
with some delightful wines and Italian food. If
you have not signed up for this October 11/12/13
weekend, do so immediately. And don’t forget, our
October Membership Meeting (October 19th, 11:30
a.m.) will take place in Richland. We are still working
on a program for our Tech Session on the 9th of
November (soon to be announced). The year will end
with our Christmas party at Columbia Valley Luxury
Cars, December 7th, 2013.
It is always pleasing to see some new faces at our
drives, gatherings, coffee socials. This encourages
September - October 2013
us to think about new avenues for our program in the
hopes to reach out at those who we see, unfortunately,
very seldom, if at all. Just think for a moment. Our
membership hovers around 300. Adding wives, other
family members, we do exceed 500. You will agree, a
pretty sizable club.
This year, we added Schweitzer Mountain (thanks
to Janet) to our annual Priest Lake drive, organized
(the work of Keith and Rick) an incredible Can Am
/Banff experience, pulled off our first flawless HPDE
class (Klaus K., thanks again) and will extend the
Octoberfest in Leavenworth with a drive to Lake
Chelan. More is possible. Or, are we doing too much
already? Summers are short in the Northwest. Time
therefore is very precious, especially if you have
children and grandchildren who have their own
expectations. Whether too much or too little, I would
like to hear from you. Share your opinions, provide
recommendations. It’s your club. My primary interest
is to make you feel good, to make you feel excited
when thinking about your Porsche Club.
Über Alles
CanAm Banff Tour
An Island or a Continent? You Decide
Article by Jennifer Gatts
Photos by Dennis Garrood, Suzanne Hood, Bill Massy,
Diane Rochelle
he week leading up to, what some may call, the
drive of the season was somewhat precarious.
With the rain that plagued not only Spokane but
also British Columbia and Alberta, many of us were
concerned that our long awaited drive through Canada
would be thwarted by Mother Nature. But, as Rick
Jordan, tourmeister extraordinaire, reminded us… he
“ordered sunshine” and that is what we received…
September - October 2013
We began our tour bright and early at the Porsche
of Spokane dealership, where Ben Olson had coffee
and doughnuts waiting for us at 7 am. Some of our
Tri-Cities friends arrived the night before in order
to make it to the dealership that early and I’m sure
they appreciated the caffeine and sugar to begin the
day. Driving in to the dealership the organization of
our tourmeisters, Rick Jordan and Keith Martin, was
already evident as the cars for group A were already
lined up on George Gee Parkway. The organization
continued with the packets for everyone containing
not only our route but our arrival and departure times
at each stop along the way. We certainly can’t forget
Lena Martin, who was in charge of making sure we
all signed the waiver form before leaving. There was
excitement in the air as group A headed out to ‘start
your engines’ so to speak.
The first leg of our tour Spokane to Fairmont Hot
Springs started under the cover of high, wispy
clouds with beautiful blue skies behind. Enjoying the
remarkable sight of eight Porsches in front of us we
Über Alles
CanAm Banff Tour
traveled with Johnny Cash as our personal musician.
The song ‘Without Love’ began and as I listened
I thought it was fitting with just a few quick word
changes. “Without love, I am an island” became really
about our friends that we began this journey with.
Any of us could take a tour to Canada at anytime
individually, but the fun comes with the group. We
weren’t an island… we were a continent as we moved
It must have been an impressive sight for the Border
Patrol as we crossed into Canada at Kingsgate.
Watching the onlookers is always a fun pastime
on a Porsche tour. One thing I have noticed since
participating in the many drives that our region offers
is that singly “a” Porsche does not get the gawking
stares that say a Ferrari will get… but get a string of
Porsches together and you will stop traffic. We did
not go unnoticed at any of our destinations. It was a
beautiful sight to see all of the Porsches lined up in the
drive and circle at Trickle Creek Golf Course where
we ate our first meal together.
September - October 2013
Once we arrived at Fairmont Hot Springs and checked
in, our evening was our own. Many made plans with
other members for dinner, others settled in for the
evening. After a quick soak in the hot springs pool,
we met with a few friends and drove into Invermere
for dinner at Strands Restaurant. It was superb! A
beautiful older home converted into a restaurant, the
service was impeccable and the food first class. If you
are ever up that way again it is highly recommended.
After a good night’s rest, the group continued the tour
to Banff. Some continued in our very well organized
groups and others continued in smaller groups or on
their own. The drive from Fairmont north to Banff
and Lake Louise was incredible. The sun was shining
and the scenery that unfolded was just amazing. It
is beautiful to see how much emphasis is placed on
wildlife in this area, complete with wildlife crossings
and fences along the highway. Even though we were
warned of flooding, there was very little to see. The
roads were all clear and perfect for Porsche driving.
Über Alles
CanAm Banff Tour
enjoy the town of Banff, but we did make it up to that
incredible hotel. It is a sheer marvel that something
so massive and detailed could be built in Banff in the
early 1900’s. Imagine the labor that went into every
detail, and all of that must be completed in basically a
4 month window each year due to weather constraints.
Others in our group chose to head up on the gondola
and hike around, while yet others perused the town
shops and more in the city. It was nice to have the
freedom to choose what interested you the most, with
only the request that we meet together once per day
for a meal and more tour information.
Our next leg was from Banff to Nakusp on Saturday.
The day began beautiful as we wound our way down
the road with sunshine and 73 degrees. We crossed
through mountains, down valleys along beautiful
canyons, gorgeous rivers with majestic glacier views.
We drove in procession with a serpentine of Porsches
to guide the way.
Our group decided to drive straight to Lake Louise.
There is little more to say than simply breathtaking!
The first thing that comes into view is the majestic
Chateau Lake Louise, but the show stopper is really
the Lake itself and the glacier. There is nothing quite
as beautiful as the rising glacier in the background
with the green blue water below. Even with all of
the tourists (there were quite a few languages to be
overheard) there is something peaceful about that
place. We capitalized on the opportunity to experience
the nature before us as we took the walk around the
lake. Seeing many Porsche friends scattered around
as we walked was a nice reminder that we are so
fortunate to be able to enjoy this beauty with friends.
After a bite to eat on the patio of one of the restaurants
at the Chateau it was time to continue to Banff. As we
drove Highway 1 and approached Banff you could
see the Banff Springs Hotel rising out of the mountain
like a lone castle peeking above the tree tops. Because
of our first stop in Lake Louise, there was not time to
September - October 2013
As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow says, “Into every
life a little rain must fall.” We were slammed with
rain as we crossed back into British Columbia from
Alberta. It was hard to imagine that we would (or
could) get out of the rain. As we arrived at Revelstoke
for lunch, we had to do some puddle jumping in
order to get through the parking lot. Once we were
inside, we were treated to a gourmet spread: fantastic
grilled meats and a feast of accompaniments. We were
replenished and ready to continue our drive to Nakusp.
An amazing thing happened when we arrived in
Nakusp. The sun again appeared, and we again were
graced with temperatures in the high 70’s and low
80’s. It was perfect weather for an outdoor dinner at
the Leland Hotel with a view of Upper Arrow Lake.
The evening was complete with a few Limoncello and
Grappa after dinner drinks which added to the overall
relaxation after a long day of driving.
Our final day;s drive, and last leg of the tour from
Nakusp back to Spokane, on Sunday probably offered
the most exciting Porsche roads. The winding roads
with sweeping curves and slight hills with a beautiful
river rushing by, lush green foliage and mountains
of pines towering above simply couldn’t be more
picturesque. The sun was shining with Porsches in
front and Porsches in back… what could be better?
Über Alles
CanAm Banff Tour
The final meal together in Nelson, our pit stop
before crossing back into the States, at Ric’s
Restaurant in The Prestige Hotel on Kootenay Lake
was phenomenal. The service was fantastic, food
incredible, and of course enjoying it with our friends
made it the perfect end to a wonderful weekend. Sitting
on the patio enjoying the view of the lake with the very
tip of Kokanee Glacier to be seen, Klaus addressed the
group thanking our tourmeisters for a job well done.
Possibly more important, without diminishing the
work of Rick and Keith, was the next portion of Klaus’
speech, “Most of all thank you to Canada for your
hospitality, friendship and kindness.”
Maybe John Donne has it right rather than Johnny
Cash… “no man is an island.” We are companions,
friends, a group, a club, and we shared an
extraordinary drive through a beautiful part of a
beautiful country. Thank you Canada indeed, we look
forward to another trip soon.
Congratulations to a Tour well done. Tourmeister
Rick Jordan and Vice President Keith Martin
September - October 2013
Über Alles
Thompson Pass
Thompson Pass Drive
Article by Klaus Huschke
Photos by Bill Massy
elevations, equipped with plenty of water and also
food. Only they could tell us how beautiful the
‘higher’ scenery must have been.
Thompson Falls, Montana
July 27th, 2013
ccording to Matt Gerber, the drive up to the
pass (before descending to Thompson Falls)
could have been, like in years past, a bit more
exciting. Getting stuck behind campers, motorhomes
and trucks can indeed be frustrating when driving on a
perfect for Porsches made road. I couldn’t agree more
with Matt. Maybe we should wait until the end of
September and then do it again.
Otherwise a just wonderful day and an enjoyable
drive. We met at the Rose Lake restaurant (just off
I/90, I believe exit no. 34). The breakfast there, like it
always is, was very nourishing, important especially
for those - Janet and Matt Gerber, Christine and
Dick Miller - who took off from the pass to higher
Matt and Janet Gerber with Christine and
Dick Miller head for the hills
September - October 2013
The majority of us continued the drive down to the
city of Thompson Falls where most of us, after some
‘limited’ walking, had a good lunch. Overlooking
the Clark Fork river, on which Thompson Falls is
situated, I learned from a local that it was a certain
Mr. Thompson, a British cartographer, who gave this
town its name. That was back in 1809. Mr. Thompson,
not just a cartographer but also a fur trader, is credited
with the foundation of the North West Company fur
trading post called Saleesh House. The railroad arrived
in 1881. According to Wikipedia, once the gold rush
hit nearby Coeur d’Alene, Thompson Falls grew
considerably to accommodate the men going over the
Murray Trail to the mines. The city of Thompson Falls
was established in 1910.
If you have missed past drives to Thompson Falls,
plan to do it next year. And if you do feel sporty
enough, Matt and Janet would love to have you
joining them on their hike up the mountain.
Montana delivers all you could ever want...including
huckleberries and ethanol free fuel
Über Alles
Hill’s Resort/Schweitzer Drive
Article by Klaus Huschke
Photos by Klaus Huschke, Bill Massy, and our guest Karen
Priest Lake /Schweitzer Mountain
August 17th, 2013
It’s a very attractive winter sport location, proposing a
variety of activities and excellent accommodations.
ill’s Resort at the scenic and so serene Priest
Lake has not lost its ever-present fascination,
certainly not for many members of the Inland
Northwest Region of the Porsche Club of America.
Like in years past, we consider Priest Lake as one of
our most preferred, therefore “must,” destinations. It’s
that simple beauty, surrounded by those impressive
mountains, that keeps us captivated and almost
speechless. And it wasn’t any different this year.
But Schweitzer Mountain is not only exciting during
the winter months. It, too, offers a very diversified
summer program that stretches from May through
September of each year - and keeps on expanding.
Time for us, so we thought, for some first hand
And yet, we wanted to introduce you to something
new, something different. Most people associate
Schweitzer Mountain with skiing. It’s true, Schweitzer
Mountain offers some of the best skiing in our area.
September - October 2013
It is a nice drive from Hill’s Resort to Schweitzer
Mountain, first through a wooded area, then along
the Priest river to Sandpoint. From there it’s up to the
Schweitzer Resort in not more than 25 minutes.
The views from there are breathtaking. You will
see the magnificent Pend Oreille lake, the majestic
Über Alles
and inviting mountains. And if the village isn’t high
enough, you can take a lift ride (Great Escape) up
all the way to the top. The views from there are even
more spectacular. It will take you less than an hour to
hike back down to the village. If that isn’t fast enough,
rent a mountain bike (or bring your own). The descent
(on a bike) might be a very new experience. Caution
is recommended for those who don’t ride their bikes
every day. If this seems too challenging, just opt for
another lift ride.
Instead of extensive hiking and biking, we had
arranged for some wine tasting at the Gourmandie,
located in the White Pine Lodge. With the wine
came a variety of delicious cheeses and salami with
crackers. The overall arrangements were marvelous,
the Gourmandie an inviting and very pleasing locale.
And the service couldn’t have been any better. A few
of us, continuing tasting different wines, decided to
stay for the night at the Mountain. We had dinner at
the Chimney Rock, many stories to tell and some
good laughter. The fresh air on Sunday morning, the
blue skies, the sun-soaked mountains will remain
unforgettable. Yes, it was difficult, very hard, leaving
the Schweitzer Mountain Resort. I hope we will come
back next year. Don’t miss it.
Janet, thank you so much, Klaus
September - October 2013
Über Alles
High Performance Driver’s Education
Article and photos
by Klaus Huschke
Bill Rambo gets everyone in order
Inland Northwest Region /PCA
August 20th, 2013
T IS UNANIMOUS: Our first HPDE class was a
full success. Dave Cooley, Zone 6 representative
of the PCA and one of the instructors, gave us an
“A+.” Students and instructors enjoyed a day of fun,
a day of safe driving. All participating cars passed the
mandatory tech inspection, performed by approved
and certified mechanics. The track (Spokane Raceway
Park, Airway Heights) and weather conditions were
perfect. No incidents. The entire day - from start
to finish - could not have been better organized.
Activities started on time, the needed facilities (tent
with 30 chairs and tables) were set up, instructors and
students ready to go.
He was the man in charge. His experience as an
instructor and race driver was key to the overall
success. Klaus knew where /when and how to start
and what to say. He spent a good hour to familiarize
instructors and, most of all, students with the ‘ins’
and ‘outs’ of a High Performance Drivers Education
school. There was never a doubt, the single most
important item on Klaus’s agenda for that day was
safety, safety and again safety.
We were told again and again, that this HPDE
class would not be a race, but a Driver’s Education
September - October 2013
class. The objective was to learn more about the
cars (Porsches only) in general, about the possible
performances of these cars, about the skills of the
individual drivers. Believe it, amazing discoveries
were made both about the cars and the students. Most
of the 21 students were HPDE “freshmen.” While
all of them knew how to drive high performance
automobiles, most were surprised about what they
didn’t know yet. Yes, all of them left enriched, all
of them knew more about their cars and their own
capabilities. It was a day filled with some very
new challenges, but also plenty of fun. Indeed an
unforgettable day. Again, thank you Klaus!
THANK YOU, Instructors
I was very happy to see our instructors taking the
first laps Tuesday morning. Everything thereafter
was work. The sound of their cars was inviting. And
as they performed their laps, it got more and more
difficult for the students to concentrate on what Klaus
K. had to tell them.
It didn’t take long and Group A (later followed by
group B) was asked to line up for the first practice
run. Instructors in the left seats, students in the right
seats. Seat positions were changed after a few laps
(students moved into the left seats, instructors into
the right seats). It took actually only a couple of turns
to realize that our instructors knew indeed a lot more
about our cars than we did. Disappointing? Not at all.
The reason we opted to participate in this HPDE class
Über Alles
was to learn more about our cars and our capabilities
to drive these cars. At the end we all did.
be on time. Bill was in command which allowed for as
many drives as possible. Bill, our sincere thanks!
Learning is wonderful, and if you really want to learn,
it isn’t all that difficult. Teaching, on the other hand,
demands a number of very special skills, patience,
determination, and the willingness not to give up. Our
instructors were brilliant, showed a great sense of
humor, didn’t get discouraged, were always ready to
get back onto the track. They worked the hardest.
Thank you again, Dave Cooley, Tom Smith, Bruce
Hunt, Brian Poullet, Mark Lang, Steve Dowd, Hank
Moore, Rick Langston, Larry Chumura, John Lee,
Doug Smith
The program couldn’t have started without corner
workers. As we learned from Klaus K., no track
session is without corner workers. And there are no
exceptions! Corner workers play a very important
role. They inform drivers about the status on the track
at all times. Different colors have different meanings.
Drivers do need to know the definitions of those flags.
From the first to the last track session, Bill, the INWR/
HPDE’s Grid Meister, kept us under control. He knew
when to call the next group of drivers, where exactly
to line them up and when to start the next class.
Instructors as well as students learned very quickly to
September - October 2013
Checkered Flag: It is waved to signal the end of the
race. Red Flag: Signals that the race has been stopped.
Yellow Flag: To warn drivers to slow down and not
to overtake other cars. Blue Flag: It is shown when a
faster driver is approaching and is trying to overtake
the slower car. Black Flag: It is shown to a driver to
tell him to enter the pits immediately. Red and yellow
striped Flag: It warns drivers of a slippery track due
to oil or water. Green Flag: Track has been cleared of
Über Alles
dangers and drivers can, once again, proceed at racing
speeds. Black Flag with orange disk: To warn driver
that the car has a mechanical problem and needs to
return to the pits. White Flag: Warns drivers of slow
moving vehicles on the track like safety cars.
Due also to our diligent and very attentive corner
workers, we made it through the entire day without a
single incident. Congratulations! Thank you, Megan,
Sean, and Mike.
Not only did we feel very honored that we had our
Zone 6 Representative, Dave Cooley, attending this
our first HPDE class, we too were most thankful that
we had him as one of our instructors.
Dave, thank you for all your help /your advice /your
kind words which meant a lot to us.
No event organizes itself. From the very first
discussions, the first official announcement to the
membership until the scheduled event day, there are
plenty of smaller and larger tasks that need to be
handled, unseen by most, and often enough during
late evening and weekend hours. There are plenty
of follow-up phone calls to be made, dates to be
established, sandwiches to be ordered and delivered,
etc. And every single task has a very precise delivery
date. Everything needs to be “on time.” Failure is not
expected, can not happen. Jennifer, your performance
was absolutely flawless. Many thanks again!
There wouldn’t have been a HPDE class without those
21 “freshman” drivers, or should I better call them
advanced “freshman” drivers, for some of them have
attended similar classes before. Based on comments
of instructors I have heard, all students did very well,
were attentive, were willing to listen and to learn, and
did indeed learn quite a lot. All of them, I do assume,
are better drivers today than a few days ago. That was
definitely one of our most important objectives. Have
you adjusted your side view mirrors, not just on your
Porsches, but on all your cars? Are you looking further
ahead to get a better overview of the overall traffic,
thus allowing you to make better and safer decisions?
September - October 2013
Most important, however, is to drive safely. As per
Klaus Kindor, it’s rule number ONE. Don’t forget it.
It couldn’t have happened without the assistance
of Doug Smith. In charge of the Spokane County
Raceway, whenever it goes “hot,” already for many
years, he is indeed one of the finest and willing experts
when it comes to organizing a day of racing. Thanks
to Doug we have those important guiding cones in
spots that counted most. Also the radios we used were
provided by Doug.
Doug, many thanks again!
What a day of fun it was. What a team of expert
instructors who showed endurance, diligence and
fortitude. Their patience translated into motivation,
built confidence in every single student. And the
man who showed optimism and firmness from the
beginning, who gave the word ‘safety’ a real new
meaning, who knew that this our first HPDE class
would be a success, has truly earned more than just
a simple “thank you”. Klaus (like in Klaus Kindor),
accept our utmost respect and gratitude.
While we will run out of time this year, we will be
back with at least two HPDE classes in 2014.
Organizer Klaus Kindor.
Instructor Larry Chmura looks on.
Über Alles
Glacier Car
My First Porsche
Article by Diane Rochelle
ave you ever had a “pity party” for yourself?
Well, I have and it led me to my first Porsche.
But, let me back up to the beginning.
travel with him. It was one of those times when he
was off racing and I was on my way to work when I
had my pity party. I didn’t like the idea he was away
having fun with his Porsche and, when I participated
I was first introduced to Porsches when Phil and I were in INWR events, I was driving an Altima! Although I
dating. People at work told me Phil owned a Porsche
did learn it could go 100 mph while trying to keep up
and had I seen it? They seemed to be impressed, but
with INWR Porsches. So I decided I needed my own
I wasn’t. I thought my Toyota Celica was a pretty
cool car. After my first ride in Phil’s ’75 911 Carrera,
I still couldn’t figure out what was so special about
When Phil came home from racing, I told him about
the car. At the time, Phil was auto crossing and he
my idea expecting a little resistance. To my surprise,
kept nagging me about giving it a try. So, just to get
he said great – let’s find you a 911. We spent a few
him “off my back,” I agreed to participate in an auto
months looking with no success until we learned
cross if I could drive his Porsche. After my first drive an INWR member was selling his ’87 911 Carrera
through the course, I understood what this Porsche
cabriolet. We made arrangements to look at the car,
car was all about. How the car handled and “stuck”
test drove it, and, although I wasn’t looking for a cab,
was amazing. Although my skill level needed a lot of I decided it was going to be my first Porsche. Talk
improving, I still got that adrenaline rush.
about pride – my buttons were bursting the first time
I drove that car to work and when asked, I said yes,
Ok, that was my introduction to Porsches; now back
that is MY Porsche. After 10 years of ownership, I
to my pity party. In the mid ‘90s, Phil decided to start sold the ’87 911 a year ago and I now have my second
racing in the PCA Club racing program. He started
Porsche – a 2004 996 Twin Turbo – another great ride.
turning his 911 into a race car making all the required
changes – roll cage, racing seat, window net, brake,
and mechanical changes. Then he started traveling
Editor’s Note: What’s YOUR story? We would
to various PCA races which took him to the east and
love to hear about your first Porsche...your favorite
west coasts as well as the mid-west. He was doing 6
to 8 races a year. Oh, did I tell you I was still working Porsche...any or all of your Porsches!!! Write
and he took an early retirement? I joined him as often something up and send it on in. Thank you to those
who already have. I enjoy these!
as I could, but he didn’t stay home when I couldn’t
September - October 2013
Über Alles
Klaus’ Korner
Klaus’ Korner:
All of Your Senses
Article by Klaus Kindor
couple of weeks ago I was given the
opportunity to help organize the Inland
Northwest Region’s first track day event. I
must first offer my many thanks to all of those who
helped put on a flawless show, including our “fearless”
leader, our instructor group, the corner workers, all of
those behind the scenes, and of course, our students. I
could not be more proud of all involved. Listen very
carefully and you will hear the applause.
I did find myself wondering a couple of things. Had
my previous ramblings on driving been read by any
of our students? Did they apply anything that I had
mentioned? Did it help?
In previous articles, yours truly had written about
the basics of driving; seating position, hand position,
mirror position and visual skills. I find myself
wondering if those lessons hold more meaning now
for those who attended the driving school and if
they are being implemented more often. The focus
level required at speed is intense, as our students
will certainly attest to. At the same time however, we
become increasingly aware of everything happening in
and around the car. There is a certain calm that comes
about us when all of these basic skills are put to good
use; even when speeds climb to well into triple digits.
Have these basic skills, coupled with a track event,
made our students better everyday drivers? Time
will tell, but, I tend to think; yes. I strongly believe
that those same basic driving skills taught well and
perhaps magnified in a track environment give drivers
a new perspective on what “safe” driving is really
all about. Everything taught on track is applicable to
everyday driving. How you sit, where your hands are
positioned, how your mirrors are adjusted and most
importantly your visual skills are tested to the extreme
in a track environment. Now apply these same skills to
everyday driving and we have a driver who is simply
far more aware and far more proactive rather than
reactive, quite simply, a safer driver. A driver who now
understands. It is about all of your senses.
More photos from the CanAm Banff Tour by
Dennis Garrood and Suzanne Hood
September - October 2013
Über Alles
Saturday Coffee
September 14th
Tri-Cities (8:30), Yakima (9:00)
September 21st
Spokane & Coeur d’Alene (9:00)
October 12th
Tri-Cities (8:30), Yakima (9:00)
October 19th
Spokane & Coeur d’Alene (9:00)
Spokane & Coeur d’Alene
Porsche of Spokane
Columbia Valley Luxury Cars
2500 Aileron Road
Starbuck’s on 56th &
Monthly Membership Meetings
September 11th monthly membership
meeting at restaurant MAX
Mirabeau Park Hotel
1100 North Sullivan Road, Spokane Valley
October 19th monthly membership meeting
Red Lion Hotel
802 George Washington Way, Richland
11:30 AM
Other Events
15: ORPCA Autocross, Portland International
Raceway. Visit http://msreg.com/ax72013 for
24-26: PCA Escape, Los Angeles, CA. See
page 24 for details.
Every Saturday
9AM-11AM: Cars and Coffee hosted by
Klaus Kindor at Jaremko Sports and Classics,
corner of Sprague & Thierman, Spokane
Last Thursdays of Each Month
(during driving season)
5PM: European Car Cruise at parking lot,
corner of Trent & Argonne, Spokane Valley
September - October 2013
Cars and Coffee
Nathan Merz at Columbia Valley Luxury Cars
hosts this monthly event at his showroom in
Richland. The event is called “Columbia Valley
Cars & Coffee” and will be held on the second
Saturday of each month starting at 9:30 AM. This
event will be open to all car enthusiasts.
Nathan will continue to host the INWR-PCA
monthly coffee at his showroom at a new time
starting at 8:30 AM on the same day as Columbia
Valley Cars & Coffee (the second Saturday of
every month). The time from 8:30 AM to 9:30
AM will be for the Porsche club then other
enthusiasts will join at 9:30 AM. You don’t have
to leave at 9:30 AM but can stay and participate
in the fun with the other car enthusiasts!
Über Alles
Doug Herrman & Diana Churchill
2014 981
Spokane, WA
Stuart Terhune
1973 911 Targa
Spokane, WA
45 Years (1968)
Rainer Burg
September 2013
‘69 912
Kennewick, WA
20 Years (1993)
Richard Miller
September 2013
‘64 356SC, ‘00 Boxster
Spokane, WA
Richard Quantrille, Jr
September 2013
‘83 944, ‘79 911SC, ‘98 Boxster
Spokane Valley, WA
Gregory True
September 2013
’98 911SC, ’73 Carrera RS
Spokane, WA
5 Years(2008)
5 Years(2008) continued
Barry Anderson
September 2013
‘03 911 Cab
Andover, KS
Jack Holmes
September 2013
’91 911
Spokane, WA
David Bailey
September 2013
’92 Carrera
Moses Lake, WA
Duane Lenkersdorfer
September 2013
’09 Boxster
Richland, WA
Frank Brunetti
September 2013
’01 911 Turbo, ’86 911 Cab
Hayden, ID
Kevin McCrink
September 2013
’76 911
Post Falls, ID
Robert Crothers
October 2013
’91 964
Lewiston, ID
Jarrod Snyder
September 2013
‘97 911
Newman Lake, WA
10 Years (2003)
Carl Beyer
October 2013
’03 996, ’04 Cayenne
Pasco, WA
Contacts on page 5
September - October 2013
Über Alles
More Membership
From the Membership Chairman
In an effort to ensure the Club is communicating with the membership I have been working on scrubbing the
club E-mail distribution list to eliminate any connection problems.
I could really use your help by you taking a minute to ensure the following:
#1 – Check and make sure your E-mail address is current/correct at PCA National. If you need it updated
you can do it yourself by going to http://www.pca.org/Home.aspx or contact me and I would be happy to do
it for you.
#2 – If your address is current and you have not been receiving E-mail announcements from the Club please
contact me and we will try to fix any connection issues to ensure you are getting timely notification of club
news and events.
Thanks for your time.
Rick Jordan
(509) 468-0688 or Nskookum@comcast.net
Membership Roster
Join our INWR members-only Membership Roster!! Why not let your Porsche friends know how to
contact you or find that couple you saw on a drive?? Chuck Rodman is collecting the information. In
the Club News section of our web site are the details you might include. Send your roster information
and he’ll get you added to our Roster.
Concerned about security? Access to this online Roster is available only to verified INWR members
who register on the web site.
September - October 2013
Über Alles
Schedule inforamation for the Oktoberfest in Leavenworth Excursion
OCTOBER 11th - 13th, 2013
Check the INWR web site home page for the original email and links.
•8:30 am Meet at Walmart in Airway Heights
•9:00 am Leave for Leavenworth Approximately 3 hour drive
•9:30 am group meeting
•10:00 am depart for Chelan, WA
•12:00 noon group lunch at Sorrento’s Ristorante @ Tsillan Cellars
•6:00 pm group dinner at Icicle Village Resort
Return home on your own schedule.
SORRENTO RISTORANTE located at Tsillan Cellars. Cost is $25/person (tax and tip included):
•Choice of:
•Sorrento Sandwich
•Grilled Salmon Caesar Salad
•Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad
•Coffee, Tea or Lemonade
Cost is $30/person (tax and tip included):
•Bavarian Buffet
Afternoon is free to tour the Chelan Area, including any of 20 wineries in the immediate area. Click on the
map image in the right side bar for a .pdf driving map of the Lake Chelan Wineries. Drive on your own back
to Leavenworth in time for our group dinner.
NEW: Our member Dennis Garrood from Chelan has offered to guide a tour to a few of his favorite
wineries in the area. Please indicate on your registration if you would like to join his tour.
There are a lot of things to see and do in Leavenworth. Click on the 2013 Oktoberfest logo to get an
overview of what is happening during our stay. Most of the information that is available online now is from
2012. They will be updating the information with the 2013 schedule of events the first part of September.
Outside of the Bavarian pastime of drinking beer, locking arms and singing songs, there are:
Hiking Trails, Museums, Shops and more shops...
Register NOW for the tour
background photo by Frank Perry from the 2011 Leavenworth tour
September - October 2013
Über Alles
Escape L.A.
September - October 2013
Über Alles
Have your scenery call our scenery,
let’s do lunch.
What does INWR and Bend, Oregon have in common?
Breathtaking vistas, fantastic roads and awesome cars.
So, you know, don’t be a stranger.
Carrera Motors
1045 SE 3rd Street
Bend, OR 97702
Showroom hours:
M–F 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Saturday 9:30AM – 5:00PM
Sunday 11:00AM – 5:00PM
September - October 2013
Über Alles
Top 10 List of Don’ts
Article written and graphics submitted by
Pedro P. Bonilla, GCR PCA
Reprinted with permission
thought I’d put together a quick “top 10”
but it hasn’t been quick at all. This has
taken serious thinking, to put them in order
and to pick the top 10.
No. 10
Don’t drive on worn tires
Make sure you regularly inspect your tires, and
especially look at the inside edge which, because of
the negative camber in our cars, tends to wear quicker.
Worn tires can be very dangerous especially when wet
since they loose their capability of pumping out water
and can easily hydroplane and lose adhesion to the
No. 9
Don’t drive with the wrong psi
It’s almost as bad as driving on worn tires. Make
sure to check the tires’ pressure often and adjust
accordingly. On new cars there’s a warning light to
remind you, but on older cars you need to make it a
The correct psi should be shown on a sticker inside
one of the door frames.
September - October 2013
Über Alles
No. 8
Don’t try to $ave using cheap gasoline
By using a lower and cheaper grade
of gasoline than the one recommended
by Porsche, you may think you’re saving
money, but in the long run the car will
consume more gallons per miles driven,
throwing your “savings” out the window.
The recommended gasoline grade is specified in your owner’s manual and/or next to the gas cap.
No. 7
Don’t put oil in your coolant
It’s very easy to mistake (if you’re color blind) the
coolant cap and the oil cap especially in a Boxster or
Cayman where they are side-by side.
The oil cap is always yellow and the coolant is blue.
People who remove both caps at once could easily
make the mistake.
If you do mistakenly put oil in your coolant, the whole
system needs to be flushed and replenished with new
September - October 2013
Über Alles
No. 6
Don’t put coolant in your oil
I know at least of half a dozen cases in the last couple
of years where someone has put coolant in the oil or
If coolant is mixed with the oil by mistake, the oil
needs to be drained, filled with fresh oil, run for a few
minutes and drained/filled again.
No. 5
Don’t go over 5,000 mi. without an oil & filter change
The new synthetic oils can certainly go well over 5,000
miles without breaking down, but the only (cheap) way
of “looking” inside your engine is by inspecting your
oil filter and carefully looking to see if there are any
metal particles embedded in the filter’s paper folds.
At our shop we always cut and spread out each and
every oil filter element that we replace and then we
carefully inspect it under a strong light source, with
a magnifying glass and a magnet. A small amount of
aluminum particles are normal and come from regular
use. What you don’t want to see are shards, strands
or large chips or any ferrous particle (attracted by the
magnet) which are indications of unhealthy wear.
September - October 2013
Über Alles
No. 4
Don’t go over 2 years without a brake flush
Because brake fluid is very hygroscopic (water absorbing) it will pull
in water molecules from the air, through the brake lines and into the
brake fluid.
As we all know, liquids are very hard to compress and that’s why
brake fluid is a liquid. But when water mixes in as soon as the fluid’s
temperature reaches 212 ºF the water boils and becomes water vapor
which is now a gas and is easily compressible. When this happens
your brakes become mushy and the pedal feels like it wants to go
down to the floorboard.
No. 3
Don’t go over the recommended service mileage
Porsche recommends specific
service intervals for each particular
car. Make sure you know your car’s
service intervals and stick to them.
The services performed at each
interval makes sure that your car
runs in optimal condition and
therefore saves you money in the
long run.
September - October 2013
Über Alles
No. 2
Don’t overlook an “idiot” light
First, make sure that they are all working by testing
them regularly. If one of them is not working then
when it needs to warn you of that issue you won’t
To test the “idiot” lights switch on the ignition and
look at the dash lights.
They should all momentarily light up. If some don’t
their bulbs may be burnt.
Don’t overlook your IMS
If you have a “wasserboxer” (water-cooled flat-6) from
1997 through 2008* you could have an issue with your
IMS (intermediate shaft) bearing.
The good news is that there now is a final fix for the
IMS bearing malady. It’s called the DOF (Direct Oil
Feed). Contact us for details.
(*) except Turbos and GT3s.
If you follow this list of 10 don’ts you and your car will be happy for a long time.
To learn more about all of these technical topics and more, please visit my website at: wwwPedrosGarage.com.
Happy Porscheing,
September - October 2013
© 2013 Technolab / PedrosGarage.com
Über Alles
Meeting Minutes
INWR Meeting Minutes
Monthly Membership Meeting
July 10, 2013
MAX at Mirabeau Park Hotel
Spokane Valley, WA
minutes: Keith Martin
President Klaus Huschke opened the meeting at 7:00
Total present: 15, Porsches driven 8
Officers Present: Klaus Huschke, Keith Martin,
Bill Roberts
Chairpersons Present: Rick Jordan, Klaus Kindor,
Karch Polgar, Linda Polgar
VP Report: None
Secretary’s Report:
Bill Massy was not present.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bill Roberts reported as of July 10,
2013, the balance in checking
is $9,757.70, savings $3,577.18, cash $143.41, and
PayPal Acct $3,876.28
Über Alles Editor’s Report:
Linda Polgar - The July/August issue is in progress.
Plenty of time to write articles for the CanAm Banff
Tour and other events that will be published in the
September/October issue.
Webmeister Report:
Karch Polgar - Has updated photos on the web page.
Said he has received an updated roster from Chuck
Rodman which has been pending for a while.
Membership Chair Report:
Rick Jordan - INWR has 4 new active members and
3 new affiliate members bringing our total membership
to 530, and he thought we might have broken the 300
active member mark this month.
September - October 2013
Über Alles
Meeting Minutes
Competition Chair Report:
Klaus Kindor – HPDE scheduled for August 20th.
Have 23 people signed up. He and Klaus Huschke are
working though the contractual details with the track
operator Craig Smith. Anticipating a very successful
event. Looking for members to loan their helmets for
those who don’t have one. Still time to sign up.
CanAm Banff Tour. Klaus thanked Rick and Keith
again for pulling off another good tour, which Rick
and Keith sincerely appreciated. Klaus and Karch
will work on setting up a photo site, like Flicker, that
people can post photos to. Jennifer took copious notes
of the tour, and will be the featured writer for the story
in the Über. Many thanks in advance to both Klaus
and Jennifer for taking this article on. Should be great.
Don’t miss it.
Porsche Parade, Traverse City MI. Bill Roberts
shared the highlights of this year’s Parade. Said Chip
and Tillie, and he and Bobbie just had a great time
participating in the Tech Quiz, and various Auto
Cross and Rally events. Tillie won her Auto Cross
Class, and Chip even won his age group in the 5k run.
Miscellaneous results from this year’s Parade can be
found on the PCA website. Check it out and see how
our fellow Club members did against the competition.
Karch and Linda moved up in the Webmeister and
News Letter competitions. Linda moved up 2 places
from last year to 5th this year and Karch moved up one
spot to 4th. This is a great accomplishment and their
efforts reflect very positively on our Region.
Chee Chee’s BBQ on July 20th already has 24 cars
registered. Should be another fun event. Don’t forget
your speedo or bikini so Klaus doesn’t have to swim
alone again this year.
European Cruise Night. Now that the evenings are nice
and warm, join in the fun the last Thursday of each
month until it gets too cold to loiter around the Dairy
Queen Parking lot just west of Argonne on Trent.
Thompson Falls drive coming up on July 27th. Matt
Gerber is the tourmeister for the day. Sign up and drive,
hike, and eat in beautiful Montana.
Priest Lake / Schweitzer Mountain Drive on August
17th. The Club really has a fantastic series of events
this year, and this one will be no exception. There
may be an opportunity to stay the night at Schweitzer
following the wine and cheese tasting. Please contact
Klaus for more information.
Klaus mentions a 6 month survey to ask members what
they think about the events held so far. More details to
follow as this takes shape.
Photo from the Can Am Banff Tour by
Suzanne Hood
September - October 2013
There was a gentleman by the name of Roger Brown,
who unfortunately perished while driving his 930 turbo
in Montana. No details, and no one present at tonight’s
meeting knew Mr. Brown. Anyone with information
regarding this incident, please contact Klaus.
Über Alles
Meeting Minutes.
Other Topics.
Many wanted to know how Bob Westmoreland is
doing. Klaus Huschke gave a positive report on Bob’s
progress and said his body brace will come off next
week, and his neck brace will come off at the end
of August. Just an amazing recovery, and we’re all
looking forward to having Bob back at the monthly
meetings and other club events in the near future.
Keith thanked Karch and Linda Polgar for the use
of their quality walkie talkie radios; most recently
used on the CanAm Banff tour, and many other club
events over the years. Keith said the battery packs
are no longer holding a charge so suggested the club
purchase replacement packs and a fourth charging
unit to reimburse the Polgars for the wear and tear on
their equipment. The suggestion was accepted by the
group present. The Polgars will purchase the equipment
and forward the receipt to Klaus and Bill Roberts for
Member input. None.
No stump the chump tonight.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm
INWR Meeting Minutes
Monthly Membership Meeting
August 14, 2013
MAX at Mirabeau Park Hotel
Spokane Valley, WA
minutes: Bill Massy
Officers present: Klaus Huschke, Keith Martin, Bill
Roberts, and Bill Massy.
The President opened the meeting @7:00 PM
Welcome to new guests and Members.
Klaus presented a trophy and kinds words for Larry and
Kathleen Chmura’s 40 year membership to the PCA
VP’s report: Our updated Article of Incorporation has
been filed and completed.
Secretary’s report: All is going well. I have posted the
Can Am, Chee Chee’s and Thompson falls photos on
the web.
Treasure’s Report: Checking $8,829.01. Savings
$3,577.33. Cash $157.91. Pay Pal $4,112.19
Über Alles Editor’s Report: Any articles, reports
to be submitted by the end of August. Linda also
has been talking to Greg Johnson’s office about the
complimentary ad for all of Greg’s pro bono work
review and amendments of the INWR bylaws.
Webmasters Report: The web has been updated with
Oktoberfest, Priest Lake / Schweitzer Mountain,
August/September events announcements. New ads
have been posted for Mike Pendergrass.
Social Chairs Report: The installation dinner was
discussed and agreed by membership the it will be a
Plated dinner. Nathan will again host the location in the
Tri-Cites for the Christmas Party Buffet.
Membership Chair’s Report: We have 297 Primary and
234 affiliates.
Insurance/Safety Chair’s Report: No report.
September - October 2013
Über Alles
Meeting Minutes
Competition Chair’s Report: Some discussion was
tabled for later and the DE event is only a few days
3. A reminder of the Commemorating 50 years of
the Porsche 911, September 6th-8th 2013. Skamania
Lodge, Stevenson, WA
Past President’s Report: No report.
4. Bickleton / Whoop n’ Holler Car Museum drive,
September 14th, 2013: Our Tourmeister will be Chip
Hammond. We will start our drive at Nathans. 9am
meeting and launch @ 10am
1. Thompson Falls Drive: Everybody had a great drive
until we caught up to a camper pulling a boat up the
mountain. Several brave folks went on a hike and
others headed down the back side of the mountain for a
great drive and lunch in the town of Thompson Falls.
Other Topics: None
Member input: None
2. Chee Chee’s: The weather was perfect and as always
a great turn out with good food. Klaus delivered some
flowers to Chee Chee to say thank you.
Stump the Chump: Larry brought in a rubber bushing
for the bumper to car interface for a 356. $13.00 went
to the treasury as the chumps got stumped.
3. European Car Cruise-July 25th: We had several PCA
club members attend. The turnout always attracts some
“cool cars” Bill Rambo reported. 6 Porsches, 8 BMW’s
and 1 Maserati.
End of meeting: 7:50 pm
1. Priest Lake/ Schweitzer Mountain drive-August
17th, 2013: Our tourmeister will be Ron Harris.
All are welcome and enjoy the drive and great food
with friends.
2. HP Drivers Education class- August 20th, 20137:00 am. Klaus Kindor has reviewed the roster and
noticed we have one advanced driver enrolled. He
had a concern that this driver would be bored not
get the track experience as he wanted. Klaus would
talk with the participant regarding a refund for the
class if he would like to wait until a more advanced
class was offered. The board agreed that if the
participant did not want to attend that a full refund
would be granted.
The IMS bearing fix: DOF
We have the technoFix
IMS bearing Direct Oil Feed
solves the lubrication issue
of the bearing affordably
fits all ‘97-’08 Porsches
We carry the techNOwind clear windstop for 981
Call 954.385.0330 technolab/pedrosgarage
Florida Pre-Purchase Inspections (PPI)
FREE DIY tutorials
and technical info
on our website.
We also offer: Bolt-on HP kits, ECU Chip, HID/LED
Performance Parts, Brake Caliper Restoration & Painting,
AX & DE Magnetic Bras and Numbers, much more.
954.385.0330 • www.PedrosGarage.com
September - October 2013
Über Alles
Linda Polgar, PO Box 3, Mead, WA 99021; lcpolgar@yahoo.com
Each ad will be marked with the issue in which it first appears or in which the owner has indicated he or she would like to
retain the ad. Unless the ad’s owner indicates he or she would like to continue the ad, each ad will be removed after the
third issue of appearance.
1974 lightweight Wide-body
Calif car, dark gray/black, huge
amount of upgrades including Ruf
wheels, has SC motor which needs
head studs done
Mike Pendergrass
208 772 6430
v.42 i5
Thanks for letting us know
when you sell your ride,
your doohickie, or your
Powell’s Pirelli tires
Pirelli Scorpion Ice & Snow tires
275 45 R-19. 50% tread
remaining. Mounted on 19”
Porsche wheels. Used on 2009
Porsche Cayenne GTS
$1,500 or make offer
Craig Powell
v.42 i4
New Michelin Latitude tires
295 55 R-21. Purchased for 2009
Cayenne GTS, but not used
$1,000 or make offer
Craig Powell
v.42 i4
SC engine
Dupposedly has 55k miles, needs
head studs replaced, but has all
the upgrades, Carrera tensioners,
telescoping oil-return tubes, etc,
includes exhaust, CIS system, hear
it run
Mike Pendergrass
208 772 6430
v.42 i5
We are:
P.O. Box 206
Richland, WA 99352
EDITORIAL POLICY: Über Alles is the official publication of the INLAND NORTHWEST REGION of the
PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA. Statements appearing in Über Alles are those of the authors and are not necessarily
the opinions of the CLUB or its editorial staff. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted to Über Alles,
with the exception of copyrighted material.
ADVERTISING POLICY: Advertisements and classified ads appearing in Über Alles are the representation of the
advertisers. Any disputes arising over any items bought or sold through the advertisements here shall be resolved
between the buyer and the seller. The PCA, the INWR, Über Alles, and its Editor assume no liability.
September - October 2013
Über Alles
Über Alles
911 50th Anniversary
A Drive Back in Time
INWR Car Profile: Rochelle 2
Klaus’ Korner: CARFAX or Car Faux?
PedrosGarage: There’s a Brighter Future!
Journal for the Inland Northwest Region Porsche Club of America
Volume 42 Issue 6
November - December 2013
©2010 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. Optional equipment shown is extra.
Porsche recommends
Test the Cayenne and the very notion
of what a hybrid can be.
Your first thought behind the wheel of the new Cayenne S Hybrid may very well be a
question: “How on Earth can this be a hybrid?” The answer is hybrid technology, the
Porsche way. Honed on the track by revolutionary race cars like the 911 GT3 R Hybrid,
yet translated to the road. The Cayenne S Hybrid is the epitome of the Porsche Intelligent
Performance philosophy “more from less.” Come in for a test drive and find all the
answers on the road. Just like we did. Porsche. There is no substitute.
Experience the new Cayenne S Hybrid.
of Spokane
Dealer Name
Dealer Address 1 Here
E George
Address 2Gee
WA 99019
(555) Lake,
555 - 5555
Dealer Web Site Address Here
8:00am to 7:00pm
to 6:00pmhours
November - December 2013
Über Alles
Table of Contents
From the Editor............................3
2013 Calendar..............................4
INWR Board Members................5
Name tags, badges, patches, pins6
From the President.......................7
911 50th Anniversary............. 8-10
A Drive Back in Time.......... 11-12
Oktoberfest........................... 13-15
INWR Car Profile: Rochelle 16-17
Klaus’ Korner: CARFAX or Car
From the Editor
he show must go on. There are important items missing, but this
issue has to get out.
Please accept my apologies for the dreadful tardiness of this issue of the
Über Alles. I resolve to get started working on the issues earlier. Also,
due to unfortuate, coincidental circumstances, there are no meeting
minutes from September or October in this issue. Please expect to find
them in the next issue.
Apologies made, I would like to take a moment to thank former Member
at Large Herman Jackson for his contributions to the INWR and, more
personally, for his eagle eyes when asked to proofread each issue of the
Über Alles. You will be missed, Herman. Best wishes from all of us to
you on your new adventures in South Carolina!!
Linda Polgar, Editor
Announcements..................19, 22
Cars & Coffee(s)........................19
Christmas Party..........................22
Monthly Meeting.......................19
Saturday Coffee Dates...............19
New Members &
From the Membership Chair......21
Membership Roster request.......21
PedrosGarage: There’s a Brighter
Future!.................................. 24-27
Notes and Minutes............... 28-30
Marketplace.......................... 31-32
On the Cover
Glamour shot of his car with fall
colors by Dennis Garrood
November - December 2013
Photo by Klaus Huschke
A big thanks to all of our members who contributed photos,
articles, invitations, updates and news about our advertisers and
Porsche events and activities. It is your contribution that makes
the Über Alles fun for so many to read and enjoy!
Our Advertisers
Alpine Motor Cars.......................7
Fort Knox by NAI Black..........XX
Carrera Motors NEW AD!........23
PedrosGarage NEW AD!...........6
Chee Chee’s.................................7
Porsche of Spokane......................2
Columbia Valley Luxury Cars...10
Precision Pointe.........................10
EBS Racing................................15
Spinal Diagnosics, Dr. Watanabe
European Autohaus....................18
Ad Rate Sheet.............................6
Über Alles
Inland Northwest Region
Calendar 2013
2013 Calendar
Do you know of an event that should
be here but is not listed?
Please let us know!!
Any and all events are subject to change. Stay informed through the President’s emails and on our web site.
Membership Meeting
1-2 Festival of Speed Car Club 11-13 Oktoberfest in Leavenworth
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
12 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
12 Yakima Coffee Social
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
12 Yakima Coffee Social
19 Spokane Coffee Social
Yakima Coffee Social
19 Membership Meeting in 26 Installation Dinner
12 Membership Meeting
15 Spokane Coffee Social
19 Spokane Coffee Social
23-29 Porsche Parade in Traverse 26 Fall Color Tour & Free 9
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
City, Michigan
Rein Fundraiser
Yakima Coffee Social
27 European Car Cruise
European Car Cruise
13 Membership Meeting
27-30 Can-Am/Banff Tour
16 Spokane Coffee Social
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
10 Membership Meeting
Yakima Coffee Social
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
13 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Board of Directors and 9
Yakima Coffee Social
13 Yakima Coffee Social
Officers Meeting
13 Membership Meeting
Spokane Coffee Social
Tech Session
16 Spokane Coffee Social
20 Chee Chee’s BBQ
Membership Meeting
23 Club Social
25 European Car Cruise
Spokane Coffee Social
27 Thompson Falls Drive
13 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
Christmas Party Tri-Cities
13 Yakima Coffee Social
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
11 Membership Meeting
13 Progressive Lunch/Poker 10 Yakima Coffee Social
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
14 Membership Meeting
14 Yakima Coffee Social
20 Spokane Coffee Social
17 Spokane Coffee Social
21 Spokane Coffee Social
20 Membership Meeting in
17 Priest Lake/Schweitzer January 2014
Membership Meeting
25 European Car Cruise
20 Driver’s Education,
Tri-Cities Coffee Social
27 Penny Drive
Spokane Raceway Park
Spokane Coffee Social
29 European Car Cruise
Installation Dinner
Membership Meeting
11 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
6-8 Commemorating 50 Years 11 Yakima Coffee Social
of 911 Tour
17-18 Tri-Cities Wine Tour
11 Membership Meeting
18 Spokane Coffee Social
14 Tri-Cities Coffee Social
23 Club Social
14 Yakima Coffee Social
Über Alles input submission
European Car Cruise
Whoop n Holler Car deadline: the 15th of any given
Museum Tour
Even Month.
21 Spokane Coffee Social
26 European Car Cruise
November - December 2013
Über Alles
Board Members
Membership Chair
Klaus Huschke
3419 South Saxon Ct.
Spokane, WA 99203
Rick Jordan
5324 W Woodview Court
Spokane, WA 99208
Vice President
Insurance/Safety Chair
Technical Chair
Keith Martin
408 W 28th Avenue
Spokane, WA 99203
Gregory “Spud” Hesse
4437 E. North Glenngrae Ln.
Spokane, WA 99223
Bill Massy
207 N Idaho Rd.
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Tom Smith
15425 N. McKinnon Rd.
Mead, WA 99201
Competition Chair
Bill Roberts
512 Lodi Loop
Richland, WA 99352
Klaus Kindor
5120 S. Menaul Ct.
Spokane, WA 99224
Past President
Matthew F. Gerber
1717 East 27th Ave.
Spokane, WA 99203
PCA Zone 6 Rep
Dave Cooley
2313 47th Ave SW
Great Falls, MT 59404
Social Chair
Janet Gerber
1717 East 27th Ave.
Spokane, WA 99203
Karch Polgar
P.O. Box 3
Mead, WA 99021
November - December 2013
Board Members at Large
Diane Rochelle
2915 Lorayne J Blvd.
Kennewick, WA 99338
Kirk Gilday
7505 Farm Country Ct.
Yakima, WA 98908
Über Alles Newsletter Editor
Linda Polgar
P.O. Box 3
Mead, WA 99021
Über Alles
Ad Rates & SWAG
The IMS bearing fix: DOF
We have the technoFix
IMS bearing Direct Oil Feed
solves the lubrication issue
of the bearing affordably
fits all ‘97-’08 Porsches
We carry the techNOwind clear windstop for 981
Call 954.385.0330 technolab/pedrosgarage
Florida Pre-Purchase Inspections (PPI)
FREE DIY tutorials
and technical info
on our website.
We also offer: Bolt-on HP kits, ECU Chip, HID/LED
Performance Parts, Brake Caliper Restoration & Painting,
AX & DE Magnetic Bras and Numbers, much more.
954.385.0330 • www.PedrosGarage.com
INWR Club name tag:
Identify yourself to new members and existing members who know your
face or your car but who can’t quite recall your name at the moment.
Embellished with the Porsche crest and “Inland Northwest Region,” your
name will be displayed First then Last.
Order yours from the INWR website today!!
Have you visited the PCA Goodie Store? Check it out here:
Advertising Rates per Issue
(6 Issues per Year)
Business Card
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
All articles, advertising, photos and
other insertions must be submitted by the
following dates for inclusion in that
Über Alles issue.
February 15
April 15
June 15
August 15
October 15
December 15
March - April
May - June
July - August
September - October
November - December
January -February
November - December 2013
INWR Club patch and pin:
Patch – 3” Diameter
Pin – 1 1/8” Diameter
$6.00 each
(non PCA members $10.00)
For ordering details, please log on to:
INWR Club grill badge:
Decorate your car with this stunning cloisonné
badge with the INWR Logo in Full Color.
3” Diameter, Gold Tone Metal,
two threaded posts with thumb nuts on the back
$35.00 each
Sturdy mounting plate with longer posts
available for $10 each
Pick up in Spokane or in Tri Cities,
or $5 shipping.
For ordering details, please contact:
Bill Roberts, Treasurer
Details also appear on the Website!
Über Alles
From the President
From the President
s the year 2013 will come soon to a close,
much quicker than most of us had anticipated,
it might be time to begin thinking about the
New Year. Will we be overwhelmed with, hopefully,
more good than bad news? Will the stock market set
new records? A number of well known investment
strategists are extremely optimistic while economists,
on the other hand, have more mixed opinions. All,
however, seem to agree that our major companies,
the global enterprises, will continue to produce
record profits. Demand for products, so they say, is
increasing around the world. Reason to get excited?
If you would ask me, I probably would say yes to a
degree. Let’s remember, the old year isn’t over yet,
and things don’t often work out as planned. And then
there are those unpleasant fiscal problems, left in
the hands of politicians and not the business world.
However the dice are going to roll, there are some
good reasons that the overall recovery of the economy
will continue.
But whatever the outcome, we shouldn’t be too
worried. And regarding Porsche, Porsche worldwide,
you can be assured the company will set new sales
records in 2014.
Looking at the Inland Northwest Region of the
Porsche Club of America, I would like to ask all
of you what we should possibly do differently in
2014. Were you satisfied with the 2013 program?
Did we meet your expectations? I do know, one can
always do better, or will some of you say enough is
enough? A few of us have already looked at 2014,
at some new opportunities, new drives, drives we
have never done before. Especially two of them seem
really exciting. Still plenty of work to be done, some
detailed planning. If anybody of you would like to get
involved, helping to organize, please, let me know at
once. The more input the better. Whatever the final
program, there will be time left for the 2014 Porsche
Parade in Monterey, California (June 15th through
21st). If you can at all, please, do plan to attend.
Enjoy the remaining weeks of the year!
Alpine Motor
Cars, L.L.C.
Repair & Service
North-Idaho’s premiere German automotive specialist.
Over 27-years experience servicing Porsche, VW, Audi,
BMW & Mercedes-Benz. From routine maintenance, to
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Call for your appointment today!
Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.;
Friday, by appointment only
10632 N. Government Way
between Miles Way and Lacey Way
Hayden Lake, ID 83835
November - December 2013
Über Alles
911 50th Anniversary
Commemorating 50 Years of the Porsche 911
A PCA Oregon Region, Zone 6 Event
Article by Spencer Mitchell
Photos by Klaus Huschke
ifty years of the 911, WOW! At the last minute
an opportunity came up for me to accompany
Keith Graves in his 993 to the Skamania
Lodge, residing along the Columbia River Gorge near
Stevenson, WA. The 911 party was held on a beautiful
mostly sunny weekend, September 6th, 7th, and 8th.
The event, presented by the Oregon Region, PCA
was chaired by Paul Kust. The sponsors were Sunset
Porsche, Principal Financial, and Sidedraught City,
a Griot’s distributor. The weather was beautiful and
there were at least 130 911s of almost every year in
attendance. Of these, 20 were those of our INWR
members according to our President Klaus Huschke.
There would be a lot going on over the weekend.
We would be meeting people from all over Zone 6
and beyond as well as the opportunity to visit Sunset
Porsche in Portland for their annual parking lot swap
meet on Saturday morning. Other highlights would
include the cars on display at the resort’s golf course
Saturday afternoon and the people’s choice awards to
be given out at that evening’s banquet along with a
special presentation, “The History of the Porsche 911,”
by guest speaker Prescott Kelly.
November - December 2013
It was lightly unusual for me to be in attendance, I
thought. Although I had always admired, even envied,
those with a 911, in my almost 40 years with PCA,
I have owned one for barely four. This was a chance
to company with other 911 pilots and maybe rethink
some of those years I spent with four bangers. In truth,
I totally enjoyed all of my four cylinder Porsches.
After breakfast in Richland, Keith and I got on the
road about 9 a.m., headed across the Columbia
at Umatilla and down 84. After stopping for an
hour or so in Moser to talk Porsches with Stephen
Demosthenes at Route 30 Classics, we crossed back
to Washington at Hood River and arrived at Skamania
around 2 p.m. We soon met up with Event Chairperson
Paul Kust and the Oregon Region’s Membership Chair
Ahn Le. We received a lot of valuable information and
directions. I can’t say enough about the extent of their
helpfulness. Then we were off to find our room and
the car wash area.
Many 911s had lined up for their baths when we
arrived so we spent time talking with others who were
waiting, watching, or drying their cars. About the
time we finished cleaning Keith’s 911, Klaus drove
up and we found that many of our INWR friends
Über Alles
911 50th Anniversary
were arriving. Sponsor Neil d’Autremont, owner of
Sidedraught City, supplied Griot’s car care products
for everyone’s use preparing their cars. Registration
continued during the rest of the evening and many met
at the resort’s pub for food and chat before retiring.
There were some late registrations Saturday morning
and I heard there was a “Butzi Open” for golfers. I
believe some participated, at some time during their
visit, on the Skamania Zip Line Tour. Others continued
to prepare or place their cars for the afternoon’s 911
display on the grass of the golf course’s driving range.
Keith and I missed most of that activity and left early
to attend Sunset’s parking lot swap meet. They had a
buffet breakfast that we enjoyed and soon met up with
Jeff Pintler. Jeff had come to also take advantage of
the deep discounts Sunset was offering as well as to
peruse through the various vendor’s odds and ends.
Bob McCarthy, the Sunset Parts Manager and his crew
Luke Rogers, Phil Coy, Jesse South, and Andraya
Hayward made sure everyone enjoyed the activity
and hopefully departed with something they couldn’t
live without. Bob’s wife Sharon and daughter Amy
manned the cash registers.
After a stop at Trader Joe’s, it was back to Skamania
in time for viewing all of the prepared 911s arranged
by model and year. The afternoon was beautiful and
there were Porsches sitting in the sun, in the shade,
on the hillsides, and almost everywhere you looked.
Registered participants voted their choice in each class
for the awards to be made that evening.
After the Porsches were retired for the night, their
owners came out to eat, party, and play. Social
activities began at 6 p.m. with dinner following at 7.
Peter Linski of the Oregon Region was our Master of
Ceremonies and it wasn’t long before he, with the help
of others, announced the people’s choice awards for
the cars on display that day. INWR did well with three
class winners. Nathan Merz won in the 964 class, Chip
and Tillie Hammond took home the honor with their
997, and Larry’s* Turbo outclassed the other 996s.
Lots of door prizes were given. It wasn’t my night and
I might be leaving someone out but I didn’t recognize
*Editor’s Note:
The full name of the recipient
of the people’s choice award
for the 996 class will be
updated once this information
is verified.
November - December 2013
Über Alles
911 50th Anniversary
any of those that had lucky numbers. Keith took home
the table centerpiece, a Porsche coffee cup with flags,
for sitting in the lucky chair that night.
Prescott Kelly, a former National PCA President along
with many other credentials, followed with a delightful
slide presentation and talk about 911s through the
years. He talked about his interaction with many of
the models and persons he had encountered during his
involvement. He also gave us his view of Porsches to
purchase and those that were not so desirable, at least
from a collector’s standpoint. A very good speaker
and an interesting talk. After the banquet many retired
to the bar to socialize, some went swimming, and I
assume others just crashed.
November - December 2013
Sunday, we had a great breakfast on the lodge’s
outdoor patio with a beautiful view up the Columbia.
It was truly a super weekend and a nice celebration
for the marque we all appreciate. People left for
their various destinations throughout the morning,
some stopping to visit at the Maryhill Museum and
Stonehenge Memorial.
Oh, Bob Westmoreland locked himself out of his
Targa while getting ready to depart. Keith broke into it
with a coat hanger in less than two minutes.
Spencer Mitchell, 9/17/2013
Über Alles
Back in Time
A Drive Back in Time
Article by Diane Rochelle
Photos by Chet Hinman and Diane Rochelle
ur drive to Bickleton, WA, and to the Whoop
n Holler Ranch and Museum was indeed
like going back in time. It started with a
sprightly drive to Bickleton leaving from Columbia
Valley Luxury Cars in Richland, through Mabton, and
arriving at the Blue Bird Café where Nielda and her
staff had prepared our lunch and were awaiting our
arrival. The Blue Bird Café staff were very friendly
and accommodating – the service couldn’t have been
better. While at the cafe, we asked some questions
about the history of the bluebird houses that line the
fence posts along the route to Bickleton and about the
pool table that resides at the café.
The building of the bluebird nesting boxes was started
by a woman in Kennewick, but today many different
groups take on the project to build new ones, including
elementary school classes. It seems that each group
has a different twist on how the nesting boxes should
be made, some using metal hinges and some leather
hinges. And some have bottoms that drop down to
enable the volunteers to clean out old nests. They also
have learned to make the entrance hole small with no
roosting stick so the hawks cannot use it to get to the
baby birds. And, no, the blue roofs do not attract the
November - December 2013
It seems the pool table, along with another one, was
shipped in the 1800s around Cape Horn. Although the
destination of both pool tables was Bickleton, no one
seems to know what happened to the second table – as
our waitress put it, it could be in someone’s basement
perhaps won in a poker game.
After lunch, we were off to the Whoop n Holler
museum. Most of us thought we were going to see
just a car museum, but it was so much more than
cars. Lawrence and Ada Whitmore, the owners of the
ranch and museum, have lovingly put together an
amazing collection of history – Lawrence has one of
the largest antique and classic auto collections in the
state and Ada has put together memorabilia used by
area pioneers from pipe organs to an 1800’s version
of a Murphy bed built into an oak cabinet. While in
the memorabilia museum, Klaus surprised us when he
played a song on one of the antique pianos. Klaus has
been hiding his musical talent from us!
We also got to view an old 1900 one room school
house complete with desks, books, the old school bell,
and pictures. Mr. Whitmore’s great aunt taught in this
school house. From the school house, we walked to
the next building which housed the antique/classic
Über Alles
Back in Time
The car museum was filled to capacity with horse
drawn buggies, Model T Fords, a Maxwell, an Edsel,
and Studebakers including Studebaker trucks. Mr.
Whitmore has a fondness for Studebakers since it was
the first car he owned. Most of the cars still ran and are
in good condition considering their age – it wouldn’t
take much restoration to bring them back to life.
As we walked from building to building, the
Whitmores shared many stories that brought to life
the history we were viewing. Many of the artifacts
they have in their collection have been handed down
through their families. And where did the name Whoop
n Holler Ranch come from? It was named after the
antics of their five now grown children.
What a treat it was visiting with everyone at the
Blue Bird Café and with the Whitmores. After a long
afternoon, we left the Bickleton area and headed home
thinking about what we had seen and the history of
the area we had the privilege to hear about. There is so
much to learn about the area in which we live.
November - December 2013
Über Alles
Oktoberfest in Leavenworth und Chelan
Article by Megan Sweeney
Photos by Dennis Garrood and Klaus Huschke
very other year, our region makes the trip out to
Leavenworth, Washington, for their Oktoberfest
celebration. Lucky for us, we were ready
to take out our darling 911 and make the trek with
everyone else and see what this Bavarian village had
to offer. We showed up bright and early at the meeting
point Friday morning and we must have been excited.
We showed up an entire half an hour early and beat
everyone else there!
later, and on Friday night we all headed out in small
groups for dinner and then on to the actual Oktoberfest
celebration. This was a great time, filled with beer,
some wine for others, great music, and awesome
company. There was plenty of proof all around to
show you that beer makes people happy!
Saturday morning came earlier for some of the group
than others, but I believe everyone made it out to
breakfast. Now our group had just over ten cars and
The drive over on highway 2 was a nice route, and
we made the trip over to Chelan, with its beautiful
Ron Hannom did a great job of leading the group. We
lake and multiple wineries all along its shore. Our
didn’t get lost or lose one of our seven cars once. The
stop was at Tsillan Cellars, where we were promptly
four 911s and three Boxsters rolled into the beautiful
greeted with a tasting next to their koi pond and
town of Leavenworth just in time to head into the heart surprised with a tour of their lovely winery. Our tour
of Leavenworth for a well-deserved lunch of brats and
beer. A couple cars from the Tri-Cities joined us a bit
November - December 2013
Über Alles
included a tasting of their merlot straight out of the
barrel! It was delicious as was the lunch that followed
our tour, with a great view of Lake Chelan as well as
the numerous Porsche cars in the parking lot.
From Tsillan Cellars, a few small groups departed in
various directions to spend the rest of the afternoon
at their leisure. A small group went on to a few other
wineries, another took a different route back to
Leavenworth, and we headed out solo back the way
we came. We ended up rendezvousing with a couple of
the Boxsters in our group at one of the antique malls
on the way to Leavenworth. (We got quite a haul of
November - December 2013
911 figures there!) The rest of the time until dinner
was quiet for us, so I cannot speak for the others there.
Dinner Saturday night was a Bavarian buffet at the
host hotel, featuring sausages and what the resort
called Jägerschnitzel and apple streusel for dessert.
The food was great and I can say with a fair degree
of certainty that everyone had a great time eating
and chatting with their fellow club members. At our
table, Chip and Tillie shared tales of Porsche Parades
past and SEMA stories, while Ron and Judy Harris
dazzled us with pictures and tales of their trip to the
Goodwood Festival of Speed this year. After the
Über Alles
dinner was over, a small group of us headed back
into Leavenworth for a few more beers and some live
music at one of the venues outside of the festival area.
Sunday morning was our last in Leavenworth, with
everyone left on their own to make the journey home.
One last breakfast with our friends and we made the
trip back, our 911 tucked back safely into her garage
until the next excuse to come out again.
Overall, it was a fantastic trip that was made even
better by the company, as always. Sean greatly
enjoyed his first overnight trip with the club, and I’m
always happy to have another one to look fondly back
on. I’m wondering how many photos were taken of
our cars while we were there, we attracted quite a bit
of attention! I can’t wait to do it all again in another
couple of years.
November - December 2013
Über Alles
Glacier Car
My First Porsche
Article by Phil Rochelle
ometime in High School I decided I liked sports
cars better than the American Iron my friends
all admired and drove. Living in Republic,
there weren’t many sports cars and in that day and
age no foreign cars. So I read a few car magazines
from the rack at my Grandmother’s “Republic Variety
Store” and dreamed of having a car someday in the
distant future. Out of High School in 1962 and off
to the University of Washington, still no car of my
own much less a foreign sports car. Had to drive my
father’s ’57 Ford Ranchero (wish I still had that one)
to Seattle to register for school and bring it right back.
So I walked or bummed rides the rest of that year and
the next. I even had to take the Greyhound when I
went home for school vacations. Greyhound only went
as far as Omak, and it was called the Okanogan Valley
Bus Line. The last 60 miles to Republic took a day
or so if no one could drive over to pick me up right a
I worked in Alaska at a salmon cannery in the
summers and before my junior year one of our
fishing tender skippers said he was going to sell his
‘50 Dodge when he got back to Seattle. We quickly
struck up a deal and for $75 I was the proud owner of
a giro-matic Dodge sedan with maybe a million miles
on it. Not a sports car, but wheels that worked most of
the time – except the winter quarter when the brake
line broke after Christmas and it was parked until I
could afford to fix it spring quarter. Since I was a poor
student, the tires were recapped snow tires ($10 at
Sears). At the end of my fourth year in school, I had
a really good summer in Alaska. With one quarter to
go to a degree and my draft physical already passed,
I figured I’d better live it up. So I took my Alaska
money and bought a sports car – an $800 MG Midget
and - to solve the other problem (the draft) by joining
the Air Force before the Army or Marines could send
me to Vietnam. I should have skipped the MG. It was
English through and through, electrical problems,
clutch problems, the plastic windows and top leaked,
and on and on. It was gone - sold by that December.
After commissioning, the AF sent me to
Communications School in Mississippi. By this
November - December 2013
time my driver was a new ’67 VW Beetle. Newly
commissioned officers had great credit; so for $125
and $69 a month it was mine. Not a sports car, but it
was foreign and reliable. In the AF, making $320 a
month I could now afford to buy sports car magazines
and wore out a lot of them. In Mississippi, I even
stopped at a used car lot near my apartment and test
drove a 356 on the lot. From my reading, I wondered
what the Porsche thing was all about. After driving, I
still didn’t know what Porsche was all about because it
sounded and drove a lot like my VW. A few years later
I would learn but it would take a few more English
sports cars for it to sink in.
From Comm School, the AF assigned me to a base in
England. The sports car magazines really got worn
out then. TVRs with a Ford V-8, the new E-Type,
Morgans, Austin-Healeys, Triumphs, Sunbeam Tigers,
and Lotus. I was ready to ship out – now. So I’m off to
England. Remember the $320 a month; the VW went
to England with me.
After a year of learning to drive on the wrong side and
still wanting something in a real sports car, the VW
helped me out. I had already bought a ’47 Morgan
from an Englishman for about $700 but it was neither
practical nor to be trusted more than 15 miles from
home and then only on a sunny day. Mechanical
brakes and friction shocks on a rainy day are not fun.
England remember. The VW died a horrible death
rolling end over end in a corner on an English country
road after passing the Vauxhall that thought it could
beat the VW to the corner. The VW could have used
some suspension work to keep it right side up.
Since I was carless, a Captain in my squadron with
a Lotus Elan decided that a BMW 2002 better suited
his life style with a wife and baby on the way, so I
relieved him of his Lotus for a really reasonable sum
and drove it for a couple years. It was a great sports
car for England, weighing nothing and having a lot
more horse power than a car that size should have.
Handling was fantastic with the right tires (another
story) and the only problem being English. A few
gearboxes later, some ignition and electrical problems,
Über Alles
INWR Car Profile
and a little fiberglass body work, electric windows
that don’t work, and having positive grounding so the
eight track wouldn’t work either, I still liked it for the
handling and acceleration. The biggest problem was
the Autobahn. It could hold its own in those days with
the German cars – until it would overheat. Then it was
slow down, cool it off, and drive sedately while the
Porsches went by. I did bring it back home to the US
and it had a successful autocross career in New York.
Some time before the AF decided my 3 year tour was
up, my Captain buddy bought a new Porsche 914 that
he let his girl friend drive most of the time. He also
would have me drive if we went somewhere together
– remember I had an English car so we wouldn’t take
my car. The mid engine car handled like the Lotus
but was much heavier and had fewer horses, but was
a real pleasure to drive. When I got my orders for
the US, being a real racing fan having experienced
some real sports cars, I went over to our local base
GM dealer and ordered a new Corvette 370 Hp 350
CID, heavy duty everything, AC not available, to be
picked up at the factory in St Louis on my way to the
west coast. Then a month or so later, the AF changed
policy and said anyone who wanted an additional year
in Europe could just apply. I immediately canceled
my Corvette order and went to my local base Porsche
dealer (AFN Motors) (AFN stands for Austin Frazer
Nash) the then Porsche franchisee in London. A 1971
911 T Targa in Conda green with alloy wheels and S
trim was delivered in a few months.
From then on all my trips in England and to the
continent were without problems; no overheating, no
backing off when the hood would fly open (Lotus),
always started, and on and on. It was the first sports
car I had that was comfortable, quick, reliable, and
that could get from Frankfurt Airport to Munich in
three hours with a stop for lunch and fuel. In June
of 1971, four of us went to Le Mans in the Targa,
camped, and watched Porsche win with their 917s. In
September, the Targa went on a three week 6000 mile
road trip through most of Europe. The picture below
was taken at the Rhone Glacier in Switzerland on
that trip. The story does not have a happy ending, the
Targa was rear ended and totaled on an English road.
As soon as I returned to the US I searched for and
bought another 911.
Editor’s Note:
What’s YOUR
story? We would
love to hear
about your first
favorite Porsche...
any or all of your
Porsches!!! Write
something up
and send it on
in. Thank you to
those who already
have. I enjoy
November - December 2013
Über Alles
Klaus’ Korner
Klaus’ Korner:
CARFAX or Car Faux?
Article by Klaus Kindor
hile CARFAX and AutoCheck can be
helpful tools in trying to insure that
consumers are buying good pre-owned
cars, their reports are not the know-all, tell-all that
they advertise themselves to be.
Remember – they will only report “accident” no
matter how severe or minor the incident may have
been. A $400 repaint of a front bumper for example
could cost the owner of the car thousands come tradein time.
Here is reality: if a car has been involved in an
accident and there was no police report or insurance
claim, the damage would most likely not be reported
to anyone. This means that any reporting agency,
CARFAX, AutoCheck, etc., cannot accurately report
the history on every car on the road. Consumers
need to be made aware that even though a report like
CARFAX might be helpful, it is not always the whole
and complete story.
I have been in the car business more than 30 years.
It angers me that companies like CARFAX use
advertising to persuade consumers into thinking that
with their report, the consumer is safe. It is not true. I
look at cars for clients all the time and even cars with
a “clean” CARFAX report have had damage repaired
but not reported. The only ones making money in
the entire process are CARFAX and AutoCheck.
CARFAX and AutoCheck are not the holy grail of a
car’s previous history.
There is another point that the consumer may want
to consider. Should your car become involved in a
minor fender bender and there is a police report or
insurance claim, the value of your car is now severely
compromised. CARFAX or AutoCheck will report
an “accident” (regardless of how minor) and when a
report is run on your car, more will be reluctant to buy
it or the car will be valued so low (on a trade-in for
example) that it won’t make sense. This reporting can
hurt the consumer more than it helps.
I will agree that when it comes to title issues – salvage
titles, buybacks, lemon-law cars – cars with branded
titles – these reporting agencies are helpful. Still, your
best bets are getting a car looked at by a mechanic
whom you trust and using your own two eyes. Don’t
believe everything that you read, even if you do have
to pay dearly for it.
Klaus K
November - December 2013
Über Alles
Saturday Coffee
November 9th
Tri-Cities (8:30), Yakima (9:00)
November 16th
Spokane & Coeur d’Alene (9:00)
December 14th
Tri-Cities (8:30), Yakima (9:00)
December 21st
Spokane & Coeur d’Alene (9:00)
Spokane & Coeur d’Alene
Porsche of Spokane
Columbia Valley Luxury Cars
2500 Aileron Road
Starbuck’s on 56th &
Monthly Membership Meetings
Second Wednesdays!
November 13th and December 11th
monthly membership meetings at
restaurant MAX
Mirabeau Park Hotel
1100 North Sullivan Road, Spokane Valley
Other Events
Cars and Coffee
Every Saturday
9AM-11AM: Cars and Coffee hosted by
Klaus Kindor at Jaremko Sports and Classics,
corner of Sprague & Thierman, Spokane
January 2014
25: Installation Dinner/Winter Banquet. Look
for details in your email!
Look for details to come early in the year
about the “West Coast Holiday” presented by
356 Group Northwest in Stevenson, WA, in
August 2014.
November - December 2013
Nathan Merz at Columbia Valley Luxury Cars
hosts this monthly event at his showroom in
Richland. The event is called “Columbia Valley
Cars & Coffee” and will be held on the second
Saturday of each month starting at 9:30 AM. This
event will be open to all car enthusiasts.
Nathan will continue to host the INWR-PCA
monthly coffee at his showroom at a new time
starting at 8:30 AM on the same day as Columbia
Valley Cars & Coffee (the second Saturday of
every month). The time from 8:30 AM to 9:30
AM will be for the Porsche club then other
enthusiasts will join at 9:30 AM. You don’t have
to leave at 9:30 AM but can stay and participate
in the fun with the other car enthusiasts!
Über Alles
Thomas Burns
2005 Boxster
Spokane, WA
William Morse
2002 Boxster
Post Falls, ID
Andrew Smythe
1999 911
Spokane, WA
Perry Lamprey
2006 Cayman
Kennewick, WA
Gerald & Jean Morse
2006 Cayman
Pullman, WA
George Sturgis & Beth Revels
2012 911 Turbo
Post Falls, ID
Jeff McGarrah
2001 996
Richland, WA
Philip & Lovelyn Rasmussen
1998 993S
Wenatchee, WA
30 Years (1983)
20 Years (1993)
Bruce Reid
December 2013
‘79 928, ‘85 944, ‘07 911
Pasco, WA
25 Years (1988)
Jeff Pintler
December 2013
‘76 911
Richland, WA
5 Years (2008)
Timothy Doyle
December 2013
’87 930
Kennewick, WA
Michael Alvarez
November 2013
’85 91
Richland, WA
Robert Yasek
December 2013
’73 911T, ’95 911
Richland, WA
Paul Humphrey
November 2013
’89 911
Selah, WA
Dave Mandyke
November 2013
’04 Boxster
Spokane, WA
C. Woodward
December 2013
’01 911
Greenacres, WA
Contacts on page 5
November - December 2013
Über Alles
More Membership
From the Membership Chairman
In an effort to ensure the Club is communicating with the membership I have been working on scrubbing the
club E-mail distribution list to eliminate any connection problems.
I could really use your help by you taking a minute to ensure the following:
#1 – Check and make sure your E-mail address is current/correct at PCA National. If you need it updated
you can do it yourself by going to http://www.pca.org/Home.aspx or contact me and I would be happy to do
it for you.
#2 – If your address is current and you have not been receiving E-mail announcements from the Club please
contact me and we will try to fix any connection issues to ensure you are getting timely notification of club
news and events.
Thanks for your time.
Rick Jordan
(509) 468-0688 or Nskookum@comcast.net
Membership Roster
Join our INWR members-only Membership Roster!! Why not let your Porsche friends know how to
contact you or find that couple you saw on a drive?? Chuck Rodman is collecting the information. In
the Club News section of our web site are the details you might include. Send your roster information
and he’ll get you added to our Roster.
Concerned about security? Access to this online Roster is available only to verified INWR members
who register on the web site.
November - December 2013
Über Alles
Christmas Party
Saturday Evening
December 7, 2013
6:00 pm Social Hour
7:00 pm Dinner Buffet
November - December 2013
Columbia Valley Luxury Cars
2500 Aileron Road
Richland, WA 99354
Über Alles
Have your scenery call our scenery,
let’s do lunch.
What does INWR and Bend, Oregon have in common?
Breathtaking vistas, fantastic roads and awesome cars.
So, you know, don’t be a stranger.
Carrera Motors
1045 SE 3rd Street
Bend, OR 97702
Showroom hours:
M–F 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Saturday 9:30AM – 5:00PM
Sunday 11:00AM – 5:00PM
November - December 2013
Über Alles
There’s a Brighter Future!
Article written and graphics supplied by
Pedro P. Bonilla, GCR PCA
Reprinted with permission
little history first.
The very first headlights were introduced in the early
1800s. Two common types were oil and acetylene
lamps with a reflective mirror behind the flame and
they were used on carriages.
The acetylene type quickly became more popular
since they would stay lit in high wind conditions.
The first electric headlight was introduced in 1898 on
the Columbia Electric Car from the Electric Vehicle
Company. Peerless made electric headlights standard
in 1908.
Around 1910, the Corning Glass Co. introduced the
first lens-focused headlight.
When “High” and “Low” beams were first introduced, it meant that the headlights were
directed high or pointed low, literally and their positions were changed manually.
In 1912 Cadillac integrated their vehicle’s Delco electrical ignition and lighting system, creating
the “modern” automotive electrical system.
Osram introduced dual filament high/low beam bulbs in 1924.
Between 1940 and 1983 sealed beam headlights were used. When the bulb burned out the
whole unit was replaced. In 1983 composite headlights became available in which only the
bulb needed replacing when it burned out.
The earlier electric bulbs used tungsten filaments in a vacuum. These were not very efficient
and soon gave way to halogen lamps which use chlorine and iodine gas to make the tungsten
element burn brighter, also using less energy.
November - December 2013
Über Alles
In 1991, the BMW 7-series was the first car to have HID or High Intensity Discharge headlights.
HID, also known as Xenon or Litronics in our Porsches, use light bulbs filled with the inert gas
xenon inside a high-quality quartz or tungsten glass tube. Two tungsten electrodes arc a powerful
electric discharge which interacts with the gases that surrounds them vaporizing the metal salts
present in the bulb, producing a plasma that emits very intense light.
In 2008, Lexus first introduced the next generation in automotive lights, LEDs as headlights. LEDs
had already been in use as parking lights, turn signal, taillights and daytime running lights on
some vehicles for several years. Light Emitting Diodes while currently expensive, offer several
advantages. They illuminate 200 times faster than a comparable halogen bulb, and they are low heat
producers since they don’t heat up an element to produce light. However, there is heat produced
from the back of the lamp which requires the use of complex and expensive heat sinks.
The main disadvantage of LED is seen in cold weather, since LEDs will not melt ice or snow which
has accumulated on the headlight. They are also temperature-sensitive, giving off different light
levels depending on the ambient temperature.
If your Porsche didn’t come with Litronics
(HID) and you’d like to benefit from the
advantage of having brighter roads ahead, you
can easily convert your headlights to Xenon
HIDs by installing a simple kit.
HID bulbs come in the same type base as your
halogen bulbs therefore there’s no need to
modify the headlight itself.
November - December 2013
Über Alles
Aside from the fact that you will get whiter (daylight) and brighter light, there is a lot less heat generated
by the HID bulb which wont burn or turn yellow the inside of your headlight.
Below I installed an HID kit on the driver’s side headlight (on your right) while leaving the passenger
side the original halogen bulb for comparison.
You can see the difference in brightness and color, but also notice the difference in the temperature
measured with a LASER thermometer below.
November - December 2013
Über Alles
Newer model Porsches also include LED DRL (Daytime Running Lighs) which make you
more visible to traffic, and have been shown to reduce accidents.
You can also add LED DRLs easily to your car with another simple kit.
So, as you can plainly see, there can be a brighter future ahead if you upgrade your
halogen headlights and take advantage of these new automotive lighting technologies:
HID and LED.
To learn more on automotive lighting, upgrade kits and more, please visit my website at:
Happy Porscheing,
© 2012 Technolab / PedrosGarage.com
November - December 2013
Über Alles
Notes and Minutes
President’s Notes
Annual Board and Planning Meeting
November 9, 2013
Porsche of Spokane
Liberty Lake, WA
Klaus Huschke
Agenda items discussed /approved:
(01) Social Chair
The Board approved the appointment of Diane
Westmoreland, Denise Hesse, Jennifer Gatts as
Social Chairpersons. Effective: January 01, 2014
(02) Installation Dinner
Matt /Janet Gerber in charge of our January 2014
Installation Dinner (Red Lion, Spokane). More
detailed information regarding the dinner event will be
given (by Janet) to Jennifer for respective
(03) Mirabeau Park Hotel
Meet with Marcia Hunt /Aileen regarding 2014
calendar (exact dinner dates). This to be done as
soon as the 2014 calendar is completed. To be handled
by Klaus H.
(04) Über Alles
Committee (Keith, Karch, Linda, Klaus) will
investigate cost for a printed Über Alles version, also
determine whether just black & white or color, exact
format, frequency of publishing. Today:six (6) editions
per year. Should we consider four (4) editions instead?
Arrange for a first meeting/discussion.
(05) HPDE 2014 classes /dates
May 21st and September 9th. Discuss dates with
Klaus K.
(06) HPDE Certified Instructors
If at all possible, we should increase the number
of certified instructors within our club. Klaus K.to
investigate what would be possible, should try to
locate interested parties, willing to become a certified
instructor. We should try first and foremost to find
candidates within our own club.
November - December 2013
(07) Autocross
We decided not to pursue the idea of organizing an
Autocross event within the INWR /PCA for now.
Should inform the membership of existing Autocross
events within the Northwest. As per Dave Cooley,
both the Oregon and Pacific Northwest Regions do
run several Autocross races per year. Another option
would be the SCCA (Northwest chapter).
(08) Nomination of Zone 6 Representative /
Replacement for Dave Cooley
Bill Roberts as well as Bill Rambo would be interested
in the Zone 6 Representative position. Both however
don’t have the time (work /private commitments)
to accept such a responsible job. Will contact Dave
Cooley to find out who will be selecting a Zone
Representative. There should be substantial input from
the Regional Presidents. Also agreed to ask the entire
INWR membership if anybody would be interested in
this position.
(09) Charities
The board approved donations (for the year 2013) to
the following charities:
Guild’s School, Spokane $ 500
Post Falls Food Bank $ 500
Meals on Wheels, Spokane $ 500
Meals on Wheels, Tri-Cities $ 500
Hospice of Spokane $1,254
Matilda Messer $ 400
Free Rein /estimated $ 420
Total $4,074
Final amount to be confirmed by Bill Roberts.
(10) Year-end trophies /recognition (candidates have
been selected)
President’s Award
Spark Plug Award
Copeland Award
Sluggo Award
Dale Davis Award
(11) 2014 calendar
To be corrected /finalized (our 2014 calendar) within
the next few days.
Über Alles
Notes and Minutes
(12) 2014 INWR /PCA Driving Events
April 12th Progressive Lunch
May 16th/17th Tri-Cities Wine Tour
June 15th/21st Porsche Parade, Monterey
July 19th Chee-Chee’s BBQ
August 2nd Quinn’s Hot Springs
August 16th Priest Lake /Schweitzer Drive
September 20th/21st Mount Rainier
October 11th/12th Fall Color Tour
bylaws & articles?
• Cal Cathcart – If we don’t have one already, there
should be a board book for each board member that
contains a copy of the bylaws and articles.
Bill Massy was not in attendance. He said he would
have the meeting minutes emailed to Linda the
following day.
(13) 356 Treffen /Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, WA
Searching for detailed information on this event. When Bill Roberts was not in attendance, however he sent
obtained to be published to the INWR membership.
his report which was distributed and Klaus Huschke
(14) INWR /PCA Appreciation Day
$12,878.72 as of 10/31/13. There are some outstanding
bills to be paid and some money to be received from
Recommended by Bill Rambo and Karch Polgar
PCA National.
(at the board meeting), I propose September 6th as
Should end the year with around $13,000
the INWR /PCA Appreciation Day. Details to be
Octoberfest netted $65.98 in the black.
discussed. Also, feel free to give the event another
Question from Dave Mandyke: How much do we get
back from PCA National per member?
• Answer $15
Question from Cam Allen: Should we consider more
INWR Meeting Minutes
donations for charities since we are at $13,000 at the
Monthly Membership Meeting
end of the year?
November 13, 2013
• Answer from Klaus Huschke: An email was sent to
MAX at Mirabeau Park Hotel
the board and charitable giving was discussed at the
Spokane Valley, WA
Board Meeting. The board is discussing giving more
minutes: Jennifer Gatts
money to less charities to make a bigger impact for
some of the charities. More investigation needs to be
conducted and the general membership asked for their
Klaus Huschke, Klaus Kindor, Keith Martin, Karch
input possibly via a survey.
Polgar, Linda Polgar, Rick Jordan
Linda Polgar – nothing to report.
Keith Martin
After the Board Meeting it has been determined that
there are some members who would prefer to have a
printed Über Alles. A subcommittee has been formed
for investigating the options and costs. It is made up
of Linda and Karch Polgar, Klaus Huschke, and Keith
The Bylaws have been wrapped up and done thanks to
the help of Greg Johnson.
Do we want to have a link on the website to our
November - December 2013
Investigating printing the Über. We should send a
survey to our membership to find out how many would
prefer to have a printed copy.
Karch Polgar
The server that PCA provided stopped working
sometime ago. When it was discovered, Karch found a
Google server for free and fixed the problem.
There are 100+ registered users of the member only
section of the website.
Chuck Rodman began a project to list members with
Über Alles
Notes and Minutes
a photo of their car in a member roster that included
contact information. The project has been somewhat
abandoned. Is there someone who would like to
continue the project?
European Car Cruise for October. No one attended.
Janet Gerber was not in attendance.
Klaus Huschke reported:
There are new social chairs as of Janary 2014: Diane
Westmoreland, Denise Hesse, and Jennifer Gatts.
Janet and Matt Gerber will take care of the Installation
dinner and the new chairs will handle the remaining
2014 year.
Klaus Huschke:
We are losing Herman Jackson as a Board Member at
Large as he moves to South Carolina. It was proposed
and accepted that Tom Johnson (Hayden Lake
member) be inducted as a Board Member at Large.
Welcome Tom.
Rick Jordan:
303 Primary members and 233 Affiliate Members as
of 10/31/13. There was a net loss of 10 for the month
of October.
Klaus Kindor:
Will there be an Autocross for the 2014 calendar Year
• Klaus Huschke: The board voted against that for
right now.
• Klaus Kindor: It is not that difficult but is solely
dependent upon participation. You would need 15-20
participants to make it worth while.
• Tom Sparks: NW Motorsports currently does several
autocross events per year. Maybe partner with them or
“hire” them to run an INWR PCA Autocross.
• Klaus Huschke proposed meeting with Klaus Kindor
and Tom Sparks to discuss the possibility.
Cam Allen offered to take on the task as well and
expressed the interest to see more variety in the
region’s offerings to the membership, more diversity
than just drives and social events.
Greg Hesse was not in attendance.
Matt Gerber was not in attendance.
Westmoreland Tech Party was simply fantastic.
There were somewhere between 75 – 85 people in
November - December 2013
Board Meeting was held at Porsche of Spokane on
November 9th. All went well.
Looking for recommendations for the Zone 6
Representative to replace Dave Cooley. If anyone is
interested in the position contact Klaus Huschke.
We are in need of a projector for the Installation dinner
on January 25th.
• Tom Sparks has a projector. Connect Tom Sparks and
Bill Massey for the technical needs.
Porsche of Spokane is looking for an old (60’s) 911
for a display for the 50th Anniversary 911 that will be
arriving at the dealership.
(2) HPDE dates on the calendar
• Klaus Kindor prefers to do the event the same week
as the Spokane Festival of Speed.
Possibly combine the SFOS Test & Tune with the
Fall Color Tour on the calendar should include the
optional trip to Nakusp, BC. Keith Martin will cotourmeister this event with Greg Johnson in October
Bill Rambo was not in attendance… how come? It
was noted that it might be the first meeting EVER that
Bill has missed.
The Mount Rainier Drive needs to be listed on the
calendar as 2 nights and 3 days instead of 1 night and
2 days.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:59 pm
Über Alles
Linda Polgar, PO Box 3, Mead, WA 99021; lcpolgar@yahoo.com
Each ad will be marked with the issue in which it first appears or in which the owner has indicated he or she would like to
retain the ad. Unless the ad’s owner indicates he or she would like to continue the ad, each ad will be removed after the
third issue of appearance.
1974 lightweight Wide-body
Targa, complete less motor
Rust-free Calif car, dark gray/
black, huge amount of upgrades
including Ruf wheels, big bars,
widebody done right, fully
adjustable Sparco Torino seats,
Autopower roll bar, RSR type front
bumper, etc, etc
Mike Pendergrass
208 772 6430
v.42 i6
November - December 2013
Über Alles
Linda Polgar, PO Box 3, Mead, WA 99021; lcpolgar@yahoo.com
Each ad will be marked with the issue in which it first appears or in which the owner has indicated he or she would like to
retain the ad. Unless the ad’s owner indicates he or she would like to continue the ad, each ad will be removed after the
third issue of appearance.
Michelin Pilot Alpine Tires
Two, 205/55 R16 with lots of tread
left; only used one season.
$80.00 for both.
Herman Jackson
v.42 i6
Powell’s Pirelli tires
Pirelli Scorpion Ice & Snow tires
275 45 R-19. 50% tread
remaining. Mounted on 19”
Porsche wheels. Used on 2009
Porsche Cayenne GTS
$1,500 or make offer
Craig Powell
v.42 i4
New Michelin Latitude tires
295 55 R-21. Purchased for 2009
Cayenne GTS, but not used
$1,000 or make offer
Craig Powell
v.42 i4
Wheels and Tires
Cayman/Boxster 17” Wheels and
Snow Tires
Rear: 235-50 Pirelli Sottozero,
used 700 miles
Front: 205-55 Continental
ContiWinterContact TS810, 13K
Dan Roth
v.42 i6
Thanks for letting us know
when you sell your ride,
your doohickie, or your
We are:
P.O. Box 206
Richland, WA 99352
EDITORIAL POLICY: Über Alles is the official publication of the INLAND NORTHWEST REGION of the
PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA. Statements appearing in Über Alles are those of the authors and are not necessarily
the opinions of the CLUB or its editorial staff. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted to Über Alles,
with the exception of copyrighted material.
ADVERTISING POLICY: Advertisements and classified ads appearing in Über Alles are the representation of the
advertisers. Any disputes arising over any items bought or sold through the advertisements here shall be resolved
between the buyer and the seller. The PCA, the INWR, Über Alles, and its Editor assume no liability.
November - December 2013
Über Alles

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