Hiawatha District Bulletin February 2015
Hiawatha District Bulletin February 2015
HIAWAT HA DI S T RI CT B U LLET I N Volume XLII, Issue 2 February 2015 Inside this Issue SU PE R I NT E ND E NT ’S M E S SAG E Hello everyone! • JH Student of the Month Page 2 • HS Honor Roll Page 2 • EL/JH Honor Roll Page 3 • Art News Page 4 • AG/FFA News Page 5 • PTO Happenings Page 5 • Alumni Basketball Page 5 • Lion’s Egg Hunt Page 6 • Greenhouse Plant Sale Page 6 Next issue: May 2015 BULLETIN EDITOR & PRODUCTION We have several opportunities coming up to showcase our students’ talents. The student directed one act plays are taking place February 13-14 at 7:00 p.m. These are always entertaining and provide an opportunity for a Valentine’s Day date night. Mr. Golladay had chosen “The Music Man” for our spring musical on April 17, 18, and 19. This ambitious undertaking will be a challenging event for our students and I would love to see them have lots of community support. Specifically for families we have two opportunities being sponsored by our Parent Teacher Organization and Fine Arts Boosters. Family Movie Night is being held February 27 th by PTO. Family Fun Night is March 13 by FAB. These will be opportunities to get out of the house with your families and enjoy an activity. Please join us for any or all of the above! Remember to consult the new website for updated calendar and other information. It seems to be working well and we welcome any feedback you may have. The new website address is www.hiawatha426.org. Please take a look when you get some free time. During the next month, we will be administering the 5Essentials School Improvement Survey to all 6-12 graders and all certified teaching staff. We are required to administer this survey every two years and the results will be publicly available on the upcoming school report card, which will be available next fall. Parents will be notified and given an opportunity for their child to opt out on an individual basis, but we are required to have a minimum of a 50% participation rate to publish results. The survey measures how we are doing in the 5Essentials of Effective Schools. The Illinois 5 Essentials Survey identifies five indicators that lead to important student outcomes, including improved attendance and larger test score gains. The five indicators that positively affect school success are: Effective Leaders Collaborative Teachers Karen Keneway karen.keneway@hiawatha426.org Involved Families 815.522.2669 Supportive Environments Ambitious Instruction Research derived from the Five Essentials for School Success has proven that schools strong on at least 3 of the 5Essentials are 10 times more likely to improve student outcomes. The new report card includes a number of new pieces of information that are being introduced gradually, including teacher attendance and staff turnover. Please feel free to check out either the survey or the new report card at the web addresses listed below: School Report Card- http://illinoisreportcard.com/ 5Essentials- http://www.isbe.net/5essentials/ Students have been busy preparing for the format of the new online assessments that are being given in place of ISAT and PSAT. We have done some test runs to make sure our equipment is up to the task. The new Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers is designed to assess the readiness of students to perform adequately to pass a beginning level class in either a 2 or 4 year college or some kind of technical training program. It is an exciting time to be in education and we are committed to preparing our students to compete with anyone, whether from another district, state, or country. (Continued on page 3) Jr High Students of the Month Recognized The November Student of the Month is Austin Sunderlage. Austin has become a very good student in and out of the classroom. He models positive behaviors and contributes to the classroom environment. Outside of the classroom he is also a very important part of the 7th grade basketball team. Austin has embraced the true meaning of being a leader and a student athlete. Congratulations Austin Sunderlage for being selected as November’s Hiawatha Junior High Student of the month. Austin will be receiving recognition on the Student of the month picture wall and a $25 monetary award sponsored by the Alpine Bank of Kirkland. The December Student of the Month is Alex Jindrich. Alex has been described as being kind and caring to others. He is always willing to include others in whatever he may be doing. He is an exceptional student who always comes to class prepared, is willing to assist others when needed, turns all work in on time, and meets PBIS behavior expectations. Congratulations Alex Jindrich for being selected as December’s Hiawatha Junior High Student of the month. Alex will be receiving recognition on the Student of the month picture wall and a $25 monetary award sponsored by the Alpine Bank of Kirkland. High School 2nd Quarter Honor Roll 9th Perfect Honors Haley Ackerman Josephine Downen Nicole Kilcullen Hayden Klein Cecilia Snider Kayla Taft 9th High Honors Harrison Barrett Cole Dunbar Ethan Heilman Ryan Lauritzen Jonathon Moore Dane Snow 9th Honors Garrett Braden Jacob Edwards Adriana Hugunin Kevin Martinez Niya Miller Darlene Niezgodzki Justin Parisot Jack Sunderlage Hana Warren 10th Perfect Honors Madeline Dashney Dale Giebel Kristen Hoffman Jessica Znamenski 10th High Honors Madelynn Bramm Annalee Collins Hannah Corn Elizabeth Embury Megan Exner Naomi Franklin Joseph Hessing Michelle Percudani Alexis Ross Evan Snow Adam Spear Savanna Taylor Edwin Yockey 10th Honors David Gonzalez Lluvia Rubio Kylie Tangerose Braden Watson Hazel West 11th Perfect Honors Anthony DeBenedetto James Haberstich Lauren Watson 11th High Honors Cassandra Barrett Kaitlyn Carlson Arielle Emmens Brooke Koehnke Madison Marshall Daniela Orozco Cassandra Puentes Evan Williams 11th Honors Jaceton Clark Ian Engel Bart Hall Briana Hugunin Shelby Mech Jacob Mlodzianowski 12th Perfect Honors Kelly Aves Monica Hakes Tyler Hamrick Trevor Heiman Lexie Leffelman Casey Martinez Lirio Rubio Jay Watson 12th High Honors Nick Doolittle Francis Elmore Donald Getzelman Amber Groebner Hannah Hehn Flavia Heine Kyle Hines Kristy McMurray Skyler O'Hern Alexis Schmarje Chris Schuck Amber Sheehan Alanna Sterling 12th Honors Courtney Bolin Emilea Bramm Will Corn Alex Flores Teah Gates Gabriel Gil Danya Isham Levi Novotny Brandon Phelps Danielle Scanlan Michael Speer Elementary/Jr High 2nd Quarter Honor Roll 4th High Honors Kaylee Akers Kaylee Bottom Paige Carver Emma French Justine Garcia William Hentschel Nicholas Rotstein Paulina Tinajero Jacob Whittington 4th Honors Laci Bennett Brendon Best Cole Brantley Bryson Cardot Lars Carlson Alivia Cooper Crystal Haack Marlie Hampton Mckenna Kelly Logan Kor Christopher Korb Carter Lee Bryce Overton Kaitlyn Ross Kaite Schultz Marcella Scott Mikalah Simmons Ethan Vasak 5th High Honors Autumn Carver Christina Fischer Colton Halter Brooke Kilcullen Kaylee Knasiak Naomi Langley Lucia Moorehouse Makenzie Moser Qemal Ramadani Olivia Rotstein Evan Sarver Calli Schell Noah Spear 5th Honors Maxell Banks Serenity Baskins Zach Bennett Hayden Bingaman Brianna Block Lillian Bock Aidan Brokaw Paige Clem Francisco De La Torre Robert Emmens Danny Fisher Alexander Hakes Leah Ingle Bryson Lovell David Manzano-Castillo Rachel Piscopo Andrew Rast Meghan Rush Annalea Taylor Austin Thomas Aiden Vasak Caden Warren 6th Perfect Honors Perla Gonzalez Matthew Korb Regina Lauritzen Lillian Marbutt 6th High Honors Molly Bramm Jared Hooker Sophie Orozco Nicholas Phelps Josue Rubio Jacob Smith Jacob Sterling Emalee Thompson 6th Honors Madolyn Bellah Weston Bramm Austin Brantley Jace Brizzolara Anna Gideon Trace Kunkel Kaleb Richardson Madison Rylko Magdalena Taylor Alexis Truran 7th Perfect Honors Chloe Block Gianna Bottom Alexis Brokaw Rhiannon Davids Rebeca Embury Hunter French Miriam Heilman Alex Jindrich Rachel Taylor 7th High Honors Chase Akers Nora Baron Damian Bennett Avery Bingaman Taylor Haag School closings are announced on Radio stations Television stations WLBK – 1360 AM WIFR – 23 WDKB – 94.9 FM WREX – 13 WZOK – 97.5 FM WTVO - 17 along with our automated calling system. If any of your contact information changes please inform the office so we can keep you updated. Tyler Kilcullen Ethan Knasiak Laney Melendez Alyssa Milligan Jaclyn Plutz Haleigh Schell Maysen Sitz Quarey Weikal Bradley Welding 7th Honors Pablo Garcia Tiana McAllister Evelyn Morales Liliana Padilla Adrien Stark Maria Suitor Austin Sunderlage Kyle Thompson Jacob Tinajero 8th Perfect Honors Emma Carlson Crystal Gonzalez Travis Haak Breanna Hamrick Theo Heilman Ethan Hoffman 8th High Honors Nicole Ackerman Hunter Bingaman John Haberstich Caitlyn Hines Abigail Ingraham Alexa Norvell Franklin Novotny Tori Pasko 8th Honors Amelia Bock John Collins Hanna Delaney Miguel Delvalle Makenzie Hampton Taylor Jenkins Tyler Morataya Kaelee Spear Cassidy Sterling Autumn Tangerose (Superintendent’s Message continued from page 1) Another initiative you will be hearing about over the next couple of months, both from board meetings and the media, is the Vision 20/20 initiative being undertaken by a number of professional organizations banding together, including the Illinois Association of School Boards. This is an attempt to try and influence the direction of education reform in Illinois. We will be asking our Board of Education to support it by adopting a resolution. Currently, 155 school districts, large and small, have done so. The people in the field, administrators and teachers alike, see this as a positive development. It is a true grassroots effort to attempt to have a voice in what is passed in the legislature and get back to focusing on what is best for our kids when it comes to education. Please take a look at the website and familiarize yourself with this project. Feel free to give me some feedback by email so I can see how parents and community members are feeling about it. The website is http://illinoisvision2020.org/. In these tight budget times in our state, it is critical that we maintain our voice in Springfield to ensure that any cutting is done fairly and does not hinder our ability to deliver a quality education! Finally, you may remember hearing about Senate Bill 16 in the news prior to the election of our new governor. It is being resurrected as Senate Bill 1. The purpose is still to shift funds from property rich school districts to property poor school districts in Illinois. While the funding formula is in dire need of review, this is not a solution that works well for most districts. We would have seen an increase on paper but there were components in the bill that would take back some of the increase by cutting other funding. As this bill is resurrected, please take some time to follow it and see how our district may be affected as it progresses. I am hoping that the legislature takes a look at the overall effects of this revised version before passing it. If you would like more information, just search for Senate Bill 1 on the internet. I am very hopeful that the divided government of the Illinois House, Senate and the Governor’s office can work together to produce something that is fair to all involved. Spring will be here before we know it. Enjoy the changing weather and season. Each day is one closer! Sincerely, Dr. Sarah A. Willey Artist of the Month By Mrs. Jenna Araujo, HS/JH Art Hiawatha’s art program is filled with lots of talent. The goal with each lesson and project that is taught in the art classes is to provide students with the history/background of a certain technique, as well as develop the skills needed to successfully accomplish that technique. Students are provided with ample opportunities to develop their own drawing, painting and sculpting skills while constantly seeking to achieve strong craftsmanship and compositional layout. To honor students who demonstrate outstanding achievement in Art, the Fine Arts Boosters provide a $10 award to the winner of Artist of the Month. Students are encouraged each month to submit their artwork to Mrs. Araujo to be voted on for the Artist of the Month. All art students are welcome to submit any artwork created in class during the current school year. Students may submit as many artworks as they would like and can submit them as many times as they would like during the year until they win; students can only win once in a school year. The artwork is voted on by the high school staff and the vote is based on technical skill, craftsmanship and composition. At the end of the school year, all Artists of the Month are then placed in a vote for Artist of the Year. This award is given at the end-of-year Awards Ceremony in which the winner receives a gift of art supplies provided by the Fine Arts Boosters. September: Ariel Emmens First Semester Artist of the Month Award Winners October: Alyssa Sheehan November: Lexie Leffelman December: Dale Giebel Hiawatha AG Education and FFA News A very special thank you goes out to everyone who supported the FFA Grain Show and Auction! It was a huge success! Thank you! Exciting things are happening in the agriculture courses this semester. The greenhouse management class is in full swing as they prepare the greenhouse for the spring plant sale. Many different varieties of vegetables and flowers are being started from seed while other plants are being brought in from a nursery. A big thank you goes out to the Hiawatha Foundation for the grant that was used to purchase 3 new hydroponic systems which will be used to grow fresh produce. The agriculture science class is learning about poultry production as they carefully raise eggs in incubators. Several different breeds of chicks are due to hatch just in time for FFA week (Feb. 23-27). The agriculture mechanics class is learning about gasoline and diesel powered engines as they disassemble small engines in the agriculture shop. The students are learning how to diagnose engine problems and identify major engine functions. The 8th grade agriculture class has begun their plant experiments on soybean and corn plants. Students are learning how to apply the scientific method to agriculture experiments. The 7th grade agriculture class is studying where their food comes from, as well as how and where it is produced. Upcoming FFA Events FFA week February 23-27 Monday Feb.23rd - FFA shirt day / Agriculture in the classroom K-5th grade Tuesday Feb. 24th - FFA Official Dress day / Agriculture in the classroom K-5th grade Wednesday Feb. 25th - Faculty appreciation lunch and Pedal Pull Thursday Feb. 26th - Dress like a farmer day / Animal petting zoo Friday Feb. 27th - Tractor day and equipment safety demonstration PTO Happenings Hey Hawk families! The PTO would like to thank all of the students, parents and families for all of their support with our fundraising efforts so far this year. Thanks to you we are able to provide some fantastic programs for our teachers and students. We are excited for a big event that is coming up soon . Family Movie Night is Friday, February 27 at 6:00 pm. We will be showing The Lego Movie. Mark your calendars and let your family and friends know! Get your jammies, blankets and chairs ready for a fun-filled family night! We thank you for all of your support! 1st Alumni Basketball Tournament a Fun Success! The Hiawatha Sports Boosters would like to congratulate our champions, pictured at left, the 1997-2001 team along with thanking our sponsors Blake Oil, the Kirkland Family Restaurant, and the Kirkland Quick Stop for so generously donating to the 1st Alumni Basketball Tournament held on January 10th. 58 players participated and many volunteers made it a great day! There were over 180 spectators there to enjoy the fun. We would also like to thank so many others for their support, donations and help. Without them this would not have happened. Thanks go out to ALL the players, Jim Durham, Mr & Mrs Dave Clark, Angie Moore, Carlene Giebel, Mr & Mrs Ken Sterling, Michael Moderhack, Staci Ramos, Todd Humphry, Mr & Mrs Mark Zych, Bob Taylor, The Kirkland Fire Department, the Kirkland Police Department, Dr Sarah Willey and the Hiawatha Board of Education. Please support these wonderful businesses and tell them thank you along with letting these volunteers know they are appreciated! Upcoming Events and Dates Lion’s Club February 13th - Early out SIP Day, NO PreK Classes K-5th out 11:30am, 6th-12th out 11:40am February 13th & 14th - Student Directed One Acts 7:00pm February 16th - No School, President’s Day February 21st - Winter Formal March 23rd - March 27th - No School, Spring Break April 3rd - No School April 17th, 18th, 19th - Spring Musical May 9th - Prom, Grand March 5:00pm May 25th - No School, Memorial Day For up-to-date information go to www.hiawatha426.org The Kirkland Lion’s Club will hold its annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 4, 2015. There will be over 3,000 candy-filled, plastic eggs up for grabs. There are also prizes! The fun starts promptly at 1:00pm on the football field. In case of bad weather, the event will be held in the gym. The Greenhouse Plant Sale will take place from April through the end of May. Specific times will be announced on the school website. Many new flower varieties will be offered this year as well as a wider selection of vegetables and herbs. HOME OF THE HAWKS HIAWATHA C.U.S.D. #426 Dr. Sarah A. Willey Superintendent Administration Offices 410 South First Street Kirkland IL 60146 Phone: (815) 522-6676 Fax: (815) 522-6619 www.hiawatha426.org It’s A Great Day To Be A Hawk Board of Education Sharon Miller, President Henry Burgweger, Vice President Christina Badgley, Secretary Tim Hall Mike Luepkes Jack Novelli Mark Wittwer KIRKLAND RESIDENT KIRKLAND IL 60146
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