Jan 2011 Newsletter


Jan 2011 Newsletter
President, Mary Urich
The annual Arizona MG Club Holiday Party was a success. Madeline and Dennis
Kemp worked with Riazzi’s Italian Garden to arrange delicious menu selections,
excellent service, and a gathering area large enough to hold all of us. Karen
Timian was recognized for her years of invaluable service, support, and
‘whatever you need’ volunteer as the club newsletter editor. Although we will
miss Karen, Don Pottenger has been voluntarily recruited as the newsletter
editor and has been operating in this role since October. Thank you Don for
your willingness to donate your time, energy and talents to the club. The annual Toys for Tots collection demonstrated the generosity of our membership.
The Governing Board elections went quickly – five names on the ballot with
five open positions. The current members were re-elected: Ginger as Treasurer, Bob as Membership, Ed as Secretary, Buckey as Vice-President, and I as
President. I speak on behalf of the board when I say we are looking forward
to a fun-filled active Arizona MG Club year in 2011.
The 2011 events calendar appears later in this newsletter. As always, we welcome suggestions from members for tech sessions, trips, and general event
activities. This is your club so please let your voice be heard. If you would
like to host or organize an event, do not be shy! We welcome your participation and will reward you by covering the renewal cost of your membership for
one year. Contact Buckey with your ideas or to discuss activities and events.
Enjoy the photos, check out the events calendar, and remember to register
for events.
2011 has arrived. I wish each of you renewed hope for each morning,
strength for the day, and unlimited joy along the way.
Highlights in This Issue ….
Membership. . . . . . . .2
Calendar . . . . . . . . . .3
Minutes . . . . . . . . . . 4
Tech Article . . . . . . . 5
Event Articles . . . . . . . . 7
Other Flyers . . . . . . . . . .9
Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Renewals—Thank You!
Steve and Sally Landry MEMBERSHIP
53 MGTD, 58, 59 & 60 MGA, 60 Morgan +4 Pat and Bev Lynch 77 MGB Herman Stephenson 58 MGA No NEW MEMBERS
Watch for your name in this section of the newsletter and if you see it, mail your check and the Fast
Registration form (on the last page of every newsletter) to the address on the form. Thanks!
Jerry and Joanna Barringer
John and Maura Elmgren
Martin and Phyllis Levendusky
Larry McLaughlin and Sharon Gray
Larry and Lorene Ryerson
Charlie and Suzi Wright
Calling all Prospective Event Hosts
The Board has assembled a list of event ideas for the 2011 calendar year. The best way we know how to prepare an exciting line-up
of events is to let the membership pick their own.
Suggest an event or pick one from the list, select a month where the weather is compatible, and volunteer to host. Vice President
and Events Coordinator, Buckey McChesney will help you through the details. webuck1@cox.net
Reminder … if you volunteer for an event and prepare an article for the newsletter, you will earn one year of free membership.
Traditional Annual Events
Pizza Party (typically August)
Pool Party (typically June or July)
Holiday Party (December)
Yarnell Daze Parade
Half Day Mystery Drive from Phoenix
Scottsdale Pavilions Show & Shine
Drive-In Movie Night
Wildlife World Zoo
Verde Valley Railway
Other Event Types
Tech Session & Lunch
Poker Run
East Meets West Progressive Garage Dinner
Double Decker London Bus Holiday Lights Tour
Penske Luxury Auto Shop Tour, Racing Museum, and Lunch
Drive to a Cave Creek Restaurant for Lunch or Dinner
Drive to a Wickenburg Restaurant for Lunch or Dinner
Mystery Breakfast Run
Impromptu Dinner Social
Impromptu Breakfast Social
Overnight Events
Prescott Mile High Club Drive & Dinner
Brits at the Bridge – Lake Havasu
Meet the Flagstaff Members
Annual Sedona Classic Car Show
Jerome “Establishment” Hopping
Williams / Grand Canyon Polar Express
Pomona California Swap Meet
Tucson Pima Air Museum & Boneyard
January 15th: Mystery Run, host Bob Schaulin. Meet at 9 AM at Encanto Park parking lot off 15th Avenue. Run will begin at 9:30 AM. MGers that will be participating in the mystery run please RSVP Bob Schaulin at 602‐
415‐1846 BEFORE January 12th. February 26th: Poker Run, host Bob and Sandee Taylor (please contact Bob if you would like to help with the Poker Run). Meet 9 AM (west side location TBA). Drive time under two hours, ending at a location, to be an‐
nounced, for lunch. RSVP Bob & Sandee Taylor ‐ 480‐730‐3555 or taylormgb@cox.net *March 13th: Wheels of Britain ‐ Heritage Square, Phoenix *April: The British –Euro Auto Tour (The B.E.A.T) watch for more information May: Desert Bell dinner cruise. More information in future Newsletter. Group rate for 10 or more. (adults $20, kids $10) June: Annual Pool Party – Nancy & Dean Horvath host. More information and date to follow. July: Open August: Annual Pizza party September: Open October: Cruise on Central, Flagstaff *‐ Indicates not an AZMG Club Event Want to host an event (it pays for your membership for the year)? Need more information? Send comments to Buckey McChesney, Vice President & events coordinator at 623‐979‐4302 (before 10 PM) or we‐
buck1@cox.net or AZMG Club President, Mary Urich at mu‐
rich@cox.net 3
Mary Urich
(480) 664-3655
Vice President
Buckey McChesney (623) 979-4302
Ed Striffler
(623) 478-0282
Ginger Pottenger
(602) 548-8774
Bob Taylor
(480) 730-3555
Tech Talk
Our annual holiday party continues to be a great
event for our club. With our party being tied to the
annual meeting as well as celebrating the holidays,
we always get a great turnout. This year we visited
Riazzi’s Italian Restaurant in Tempe. They gave us
the entire bar area and we filled it up with 34 people
attendance. The food was great and the folks at Riazzi’s treated us very well. The restaurant was decorated nicely for the holidays and really made our
event feel special, with a home like atmosphere.
Those who enjoyed a wonderful evening were Jon
and Leslie Baney, John and Maura Elmgren, Richard and Elaine Glass, Dean and Nancy Horvath,
Tim and Brenda Hovan, Don and Marilyn Kozak,
Dennis and Madeleine Kemp, Patrick and Beverly
Lynch, Buckey and Nancy McChesney, Barbara
Mandalfino and quests, Don and Ginger Pottenger,
Ed and Emily Striffler, Gary, Tracy, and Colton Sattler, Rick and Karen Timian, Bob and Sandee Taylor,
John and Mary Urich.
We began our evening with almost an hour of socializing and cocktails. It was a challenge to get everyone
to sit down for dinner. Everyone was having a great
time. There were selections from a limited menu for
all to enjoy. The Italian food was wonderful and the
staff did a great job in getting everyone served in good
fashion. As we were finishing dinner Ed Striffler
guided us through the voting process on approving the
bylaws adjustments, and electing the new board for
next year. We were happy to approve the board members coming back for another year. It is a thankless job
and we as a membership appreciate all you do for the
club. Those board members are Mary Urich, Ed Striffler, Buckey McChesney, Bob Taylor, and Ginger Pottenger.
With all of the club business out of the way, we got
down to the important part, the gift exchange. There
was a lot of stealing going on and that’s what makes it
fun. It seems the most popular gifts always center
around alcohol or the glasses/mugs to drink from. We
truly have a membership with priorities in the right
place. Following the party several from the group
dropped off the Toys for Tots gifts at one of the
Tempe fire stations. I think there were eight of us, my
memory was a bit fuzzy by then, and the guys manning the station must have thought what a group. It
was fun and we all had some good laughs.
I would like to thank all who attended and helped to
make the party special, and a great big thank you
goes out to the club for hosting and contributing for
every ones dinner. Thank you all and hope this
finds everyone recovering from a fun filled holiday
Dennis and Madeleine Kemp
Don’t forget, “ drive’em you’ll have fun!”
Earn One Year of Free Membership
Have you been thinking about hosting an event for the Arizona MG Club, but just haven’t reached that point of volunteering?
In July 2010, the Board of the Arizona MG Club voted to begin a trial campaign of rewarding volunteers with a free
year of club membership. Starting August 1st, any member who volunteers to plan / host an event will receive a free 1
year extension of their current club membership (a $35 value). Contact Vice President and Events Coordinator Bucky
McChesney to discuss your event ideas.
In the case of jointly hosted events, the Board will determine whether the one year is extended to each joint host or if a split is required. Event size
and complexity will be considered.
The Board and Board Chairpersons are not eligible as dues are currently waived during their term.
The event host must work with the VP to ensure that the event is documented for the newsletter.
The Board will evaluate all situations where membership expiration / renewal immediately precedes the planned event.
Would you like to be notified of additional opportunities to socialize with fellow classic British car owners of
other marques? If so, consider sending your email contact information to Shirley Blahak, President of the
Arizona Mini Owners and organizer of the British Motor Enthusiasts, a sort of umbrella entity over the many
individual clubs. Learn about upcoming car shows, monthly breakfast drives, and regional car show opportunities open to members of all of the various British car clubs in the Phoenix metropolitan area.
For Sale:
1977 MGB
Selling my MGB, Weber Carturetor, 1980
limited edition wheels. Good top. Tonneau
cover. Runs good. $3000
Please call Jerry Barringer @
For Sale – Gunson Colortune 14mm
Are you frustated trying to achieve the right fuel / air mixture on
your carbureted classic car? Let the Gunson Colortune inform
you when you the mixture is correct by evaluating the spark
Used once for a tech session. Have since sold my MG.
Like new in box. $95 New.
Asking $30 + Postage
Contact Ed Striffler at estriffler@msn.com
North American MGB Register
The Arizona MG Club is affiliated with these great organizations!
North America MGA Register
John Drake
7522 SE 152nd Ave.
Portland, OR 97236-4861
New England MGT Register
P O Box 1028
Ridgefield, CT 06877- 9028
North American MGB Register
PO Box 55
Whittington, IL 62897-0055
Editorial contributions and advertisements for the Newsletter must be received by
25th of each month. Newsletter contributions from the membership are encouraged.
Editors reserve the right to edit for length and suitability.
Thank You!
North American MGB Register
Offers all MGB, Midget, and MG 1100/1300 owners a
great deal for your money. Non-profit, democratic,
run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts.
Super 56 page magazine—”MGB Driver”. Technical
advice, 37 local chapters, National and Regional
Conventions, all for $30.00 per year. The only official
MGB Register in the US recognized by the MG Car
Club. Write P.O. Box MGB, Akin, IL 62805 or call tollfree 1-800-NAMGBR-1.
Full page
Half page
Quarter page
Business card
Member ads FREE/3 months (cars & parts only)
Contact Don Pottenger
14488 N 58th Drive
Glendale, AZ 85306
Make checks payable to:
The Arizona MG Club
Mail application with dues to:
14488 N 58th Drive
Glendale, AZ 85306
New Members ONLY (Name badge & Newsletter)
Additional/replacement badge
Annual membership renewal
Hard copy of Newsletter sent by regular mail