CabBerra Issue #8 May 2013


CabBerra Issue #8 May 2013
ISSUE #8 - may 2013
Taxi facilities fee
page 5
Turner from the tate
page 13
Commendable Drivers
page 27
page 26
King Cabbie’s Tips
Put the Meter ON
It must be on EVERY trip
It's the LAW
It's your SECURITY
Point of View
The taxi industry is feeling the pain of a quiet trading period.
Operators talking to me highlight the low number of jobs per
car and their difficulty finding and keeping good drivers motivated.
Aerial has increased our advertising budget to help build
work for Aerial’s taxi fleets. CabBerra’s message is all about
getting everyone in our industry to do that little bit extra to
help our passengers and to encourage passengers to keep
coming back.
Development work is underway to hopefully put an innovative program into the evening restaurant market linked to
taxi travel. More on this later in the year. Read it first in CabBerra. With some luck and hard work CabBerra will have another scoop.
King Cabbies message for the month is “Put the Meter ON”
– This reminder is there to remind all drivers that the meter
is our business; it has to be turned on, at the correct rate,
on all jobs. This is a safety net for drivers. If a complaint is
recorded against any driver the meter records are the first
thing checked. King Cabbie says “ make the meter work for
you – correct rate, and ON with every job”.
Business is picking up in 2013. Aerial is experiencing strong
interest in our Silver Service fleet. Also, Aerial is one of the
main sponsors of NGA’s Turner exhibit which opens in June. I
hope this initiative works for NGA and the Taxi industry. NGA
events are major draw cards for Canberra. For this to work
for us ‘we ALL must make the passenger our most important priority
The Airport Commissionaires are there to make everything run smoothly during peak periods.
Their working hours are:
7.00am to 11.00pm Monday to Friday and,
4.00pm to 11.00pm Sundays.
On long weekends the Commissionaires do not work on Sunday.
The hours on the Public Holiday Monday are 4.00pm to 11.00pm.
Mark Bramston
Managing Director
Fleet News...............................................................................2
Radio Room.............................................................................3
Taxi Ranks................................................................................4
Taxi Facilities Fee...................................................................5
The Training Room................................................................. 7
Safety Tips..............................................................................8
Hello Taxi..................................................................................9
Letter from the Chairman................................................. 10
CTIA Update.......................................................................... 11
One Very Big Year............................................................... 12
Turner from the Tate........................................................... 13
Events of the Month............................................................ 14
Events..................................................................................... 16
Out and About...................................................................... 18
Where was this picture taken?......................................20
Meet the Driver.................................................................... 21
CabSpot 31........................................................................... 22
Pick up Location.................................................................. 23
Landmark............................................................................. 24
LOL.......................................................................................... 25
History................................................................................... 26
Commendable Drivers.......................................................27
As we see through this quiet period in the number of jobs,
it is a time to reflect on what appeals to people when purchasing a good or service.
Visual appeal or the ease with which a service can be ordered or booked can lead to that first purchase. This is a
connection through the physical senses. Like a bee flitting
from flower to flower or purchasing Tshirts you see in shop
windows. This is a superficial connection. To ensure repeat
business, the emotions must be engaged.
A taxi has substitutes, whether it be taking the bus, a rental
car or organising a friend etc. To stand apart from these options, your service must be exemplary. You need to be the
number one choice when people arrive in Canberra or when
they organise a great night out. For this to happen everyone
must do their part to not only be visually appealing but also
to offer that extra level of service and knowledge. This will
help make sure customers come back time and time again.
We all ‘Like Canberra’ but it is time for everyone to “Love
Canberra’s Taxis.
For any enquiries regarding the CabBerra magazine, please give us a call on 02 6126 1696 or email us at
The Airport Commissionaire levy of $1.20 is to be charged to customers during these times.
Radio Room
Fleet News
Many Friday and Saturday night drivers will have noticed
that we have three new Marshalls working on the Alinga rank.
Responses from the public so far have been positive. The
Marshalls are Matt, Chris and Sven. If you have a chance,
introduce yourselves to them and if you think they are doing
a good job why not let them know. Please work with the Marshalls and follow any directions given to you as any direction
is in the interest of getting passengers into taxis quickly and
efficiently. And when you have a passenger in the taxi, please
move off the rank immediately to allow other vacant taxis
to pull onto the rank. If you need to negotiate a fare deposit
with the passenger or program your navigation system you
can move up to the vacant area in front of the rank. If the
passenger decides to leave the taxi for any reason, the Marshall will direct another passenger into your taxi so you will
not have to return to the back of the rank.
At fleet inspections it has been noticed that most taxis are
carrying their child harnesses in the boot. This is understandable for the protection of the harness from theft. However,
they should be readily available and not in the bottom of a
box with cleaning material, oils, etc. One child harness was
found in the bottom of the wheel well and covered in dirt.
Would you be happy to put your child into that harness?
Wherever you keep the harness it should be easily accessible and protected from dirt or contamination from other
Thanks to all those drivers who have gotten into the spirit
of the Centenary celebrations and who have been promoting Canberra and the taxi industry. Remember that a clean
car and a neatly dressed driver in full uniform with their shirt
tucked in, creates a great first impression with the travelling public. Taking pride in your profession not only creates a
positive attitude from passengers, it also gives you the satisfaction of a job well done.
Phil Skipper
Hi all,
We would like to thank the drivers that keep us
updated on how much work is at busy places
during the busy peak periods. Please remember
on the busy mornings when we send peak time
messages the more updates we get the more
info we can give to other drivers to get customers picked up as efficiently as possible. This also
means letting us know if no one is waiting so we
can let the drivers know that no cars are needed
Mobile Apps and Safety
Fleet Manager
It is important to use a Smart Phone application
affiliated and administered with an accredited
Taxi 2 Me
If you don’t, you or your passengers safety is at
risk as there will be no benefit of constant taxi
GPS tracking or regulation. This means there is
very limited means for authorities to identify the
driver or passengers involved or collect evidence
such as recordings if an incident occurs.
$2..50 COFFEE
Getting a taxi the smart way.
Download The App Now.
Available on Apple & Android.
Taxi Facilities fee @ the airport
CTIA in collaboration with Aerial has started
a very effective dialogue with the road development authorities for improving the ranks
and various other pick up locations around
our capital. These development plans revolve
around improving the ranking facilities for
passengers, making more room for our taxis
with safe and more accessible locations for
our ranks.
We have proposed to the government that
the ranks should have some seating capacity
and should be better lit at night time for both
driver and passenger safety. These proposed
plans are aimed at improving the outlook of
the industry and to better facilitate the industry needs.
There is an indication that airport fees would be increased
to $3 from the 1st of May. According to the authorities this
fee has not been increased since 2000, 13 years ago. The
Airport has been going through major redevelopments for
the last 6 years, uplifting the image of the entire city to its
visitors. Improvements have been brought to the terminal
roadwork system, including Pialligo Ave interchange and the
delivery of a grade separate elevated road system.
Furthermore, the terminal construction works will deliver a
new indoor taxi rank, glazed and air-conditioned, with a new
taxi queuing area. A new dedicated taxi road is also in the
pipeline allowing access to the front of the terminal. The
increases to the fee will contribute towards the continuing
operating, maintenance and development costs.
The various locations under discussion are
the Jolimont Rank, Mort St Rank, ANZAC Park
West building, Exhibition Park and Manuka
Oval etc. There will be a new rank setup on
Lonsdale St Braddon replacing the old Ipima
St rank. The aim is to bring the location of the
ranks closer to where business is. This is to
make taxis more visible and accessible to the
The Training Room
By making sure you choose the right foods and by timing
your meals and snacks will help increase your mental alertness and manage fatigue while driving. Eating good foods will
help regulate your energy levels and by stopping to have a
snack can help revitalize yourself.
The key to a healthy, safer and enjoyable driving experience
is to plan ahead. Have a quick and healthy meal before you
take to the road. Eat plenty of foods such as bread, breakfast cereal, rice, pasta, vegetables or fruit.
Low fat and low salt foods that don’t need to be kept cool
are a good idea. Fresh fruits, muffins, scones, fruit bread,
plain popcorn or dried fruit are good options too. Pack a
cooler with a variety of healthy foods such as sandwiches,
fresh fruit, cheese, yoghurt and raw vegetables.
Drinking lots of water is essential. It’s easy to get dehydrated
during long driving expeditions, particularly in summer, so
make sure you have fresh water available.
Health tips from
Know where and when you can break up your shift for a
snack or meal and make the most of the time by getting
some fresh air. Consider some healthy, quick options to avoid
getting the lethargy that can occur after eating a large meal.
Dress like a slob, treated like a slob
Try things such as:
The school has been really busy in the past month with the
class numbers being really strong.
• Avoid fried foods and choose grilled when possible
• Salad, rice or baked potatoes instead of fried
options like chips
• Sandwiches on wholemeal bread
• When having a coffee, ask for reduced fat milk
• Eat as much fresh fruit as possible as it’s fast and
Hello to all the drivers out there on the road from the
training school.
One of the key focuses in the past month in the classroom
has been to enhance the image of Taxi Drivers in the eyes of
our most important asset, the customer.
One of the reasons why this has become a focus is because
many students have noted the poor dress and grooming
standards on display when they are undertaking their jockeying.
The training room is trying to explain to the new drivers that
respect in their appearance is one of the most important
aspects of customer service.
In 2012 Readers Digest Most conducted a survey of 40 Australian professions. The survey ranked professions from
most trusted to least trusted. Taxi Drivers ranked 33rd out
of 40 surveyed. The three most trusted professions were
Paramedics, Firefighters and Rescue Volunteers.
Now, I will admit that Taxi driving hardly relates to the work
of paramedics so lets relate it to other transport providers.
Truck Drivers were ranked 26th and Bus/Train/Tram Drivers
Many Taxi Drivers will suffer from a lack of exercise.
Prolonged sitting will cause static loading and eventually
causes problems with the spine.
Any exercise is better than none! Drivers need to get out of
the taxi when waiting at the rank or waiting for the customer
to come to the cab at a pick up. When you get out of the cab
stand tall, do some simple spinal twists (go to for a free exercise chart).
I believe driver appearance and customers trust are directly
If a police man walked past you in uniform with his shirt untucked would you respect him?
Or if a Doctor was examining you and he had really bad
breath because he didn’t brush his teeth would you trust him
to do his job properly?
What image do we present to the community as a whole?
Some of the drivers do a fantastic job of coming to work
dressed in full uniform and well groomed but that’s not
across the board.
Some drivers are not tucking their shirts in, not ironing their
shirts before wearing them, not brushing their hair, teeth or
body adequately.
Generally, some drivers just are failing to prepare for work
when they leave their homes.
We must take pride in the way we look when we get ready
for our shifts. Recently I asked a driver why he didn’t have his
shirt tucked into his pants to which he replied, “I’m not comfortable with it tucked in”.
I explained to the driver that’s it’s not about comfort. I told
the driver if the aim was to be comfortable I would train the
new students wearing board shorts and a singlet.
Every time one taxi driver doesn’t take time to wash his shirt,
tuck it in and iron it, the respect and trust that we are talking
about goes flying out the window.
In the real world, people in business must dress to impress
the client.
So the message to the new drivers has been clear.
Dress like a slob and you will make the money of a slob,
dress like a businessman and you will make the money of a
Jason Shields
When you get home go for a walk (20 minutes minimum).
After that do some floor exercises for 10 minutes to mobilise
your back and neck. If these exercises don’t help, you may
need to see a chiropractor to find out what is really going on
with your spine.
Safety Tips
Hello Taxi
Power Check
It’s 3 am in the morning and I am yawning. I have to hop into
bed early at about 4am so I can get up at a decent hour in
the afternoon (1pm). I have to quickly rush my way to the
bank to deposit some cash and before I start my shift again
at 3pm I have to submit my assignment at university.
This story holds true for quite a few of our night drivers in
the industry.
Due to the routines of night drivers, there is often a long list of
chores in the afternoon and starting a shift on time (usually
at 3pm) is always a close call. Due to this pressure of starting on time they often jump into the car, sign into the MTdata
and write the odometer reading on the envelope and set off
for their first job. This is definitely not the right way.
When signing an envelope towards the end of the shift, drivers automatically agree to any conditions on the envelope.
One of the conditions on the envelope is to refer to the daily
checklist before the shift starts. Drivers should look into this
more seriously to avoid complications during their shifts. It
is very important to refer to the checklist for you and your
passenger’s safety.
The POWER check is a great way to remember what to
check before starting your shift. POWER stands for Petrol,
Oil, Water, Electric and Rubber. You should be checking all
these things every day to avoid complications on the road.
This will make the roads safer, your shifts less stressful and
ensure the continuity of your shift with peace of mind.
Complications can range from the car running out of petrol, the engine seizing because of an empty radiator, or the
brakes not working due to an absence of brake oil in the container. Completing the check could also help prevent accidents that can easily be caused by a broken indicator light or
a flat or worn tyre. Do not assume the driver before you has
checked and seen to any issues. It is your responsibility to
complete the checklist before starting your shift. Always remember to POWER check before you get behind the wheel.
These stickers will be placed on the back inside window of
every taxi over the coming weeks. If you don’t have one yet,
make sure you ask Aerial Reception next time you are near
the base and we’ll make sure you are in the running.
Taxis are very important to a city’s dynamics and Aerial’s
transport services have been a driving force for Canberra
for nearly 60 years. We have a big history here in Canberra
and taxi drivers and commissionaires have a big role to play
in creating an exciting new future for Canberra and our taxis.
You are the ambassadors of Canberra.
In recognition of your hard work and determination to make
the taxi Industry shine this year we are asking Canberrans
and visitors alike to vote for the Canberra taxi employee
of our Centenary year. Lets make a difference and be the
influence to a bright new 100 years of great taxi service in
The stickers act as a quick easy portal for passengers to
commend you on your great service. Using the QR code or
URL, passenger can go straight to a couple of quick questions where they identify you and let us know what a great
job you are doing. Encourage your passengers to vote for
We understand that more often then not you go out of your
way to help your customers. We also understand that people more often than not only report when something goes
wrong. We want to change that and that’s what Hello Taxi is
all about. Helping the Canberra community to thank you for
your contribution to Canberra and making it easier for us to
hear about and reward you for your great service.
Consult us before you apply
any Australian Visa.
Sohail Cheema
Registered Migration Agent
Totterdell Street
Belconnen ACT 2617
(O) 02 6251 2597
(M) 0430 586 030
The need for unity
There needs to be a balance.
One fleet operator has stated that he believes there are
some within the taxi industry that would like to eliminate fleet
operators so that separate single operators operate each
taxi. Let me assure operators that this notion could not be
further from the truth. The fact is, to operate smoothly the
taxi industry requires a mix of multiple and single operators.
Fleet operators can be their own worst enemy.
In the mid nineties, with the emergence of multiple taxi fleets
in Canberra, operators leased their licences from ownerdrivers who then pursued other interests or retired. This
meant a loss of fulltime day drivers whose places were taken
by former night drivers whose places in turn became hard
to fill.
Those who have been committed to the taxi industry for
many years are likely to lament the passing of the owner/
driver. To finance the purchase of his licence, the owner/driver of the past usually had his house “on the line”. He (nearly
always he) was committed to pay off a large loan and to
work long hours “overtime” to achieve his goal. Many worked
over 70 hours each week and engaged part time drivers to
fill the Thursday night, Friday night and Saturday shifts.
Some engaged drivers for every night shift whilst many
worked on until about 9:00pm. The result was that taxis
worked during all peak times and were appropriately manned
at other times.
The beauty of in-debt owner/drivers was their sensitivity to
the needs of customers, to the need for efficiency of the
dispatch system, to complaints, and to the need to co-operate if the deregulators were to be kept at bay. Leasing of
licences was not permitted so if a person was tired of the
business or built up some equity that could be applied to
another business, he sold out and moved on. After it was
acknowledged that a taxi licence was an asset that may be
rented, leasing of licences was permitted, and fleet operators appeared.
The presence of fleet operators who seek to make a margin
on each vehicle in their fleet, puts pressure on them the have
their vehicles continually manned. The remaining owner/drivers or single car lessees are free to more or less pick their
hours or to engage relief drivers.
The fact is, the industry needs operators who are under
pressure to fully man their vehicles but they would be under
undue stress if all operators were fleet operators. Similarly, if
single lessee operators, who chose their hours or used relief
drivers for a limited number of shifts, operated all taxis, service delivery could fall away significantly.
Canberra Taxi Industry Association
CTIA Update
The numbers of recruits were limited so the growing fleets outgrew the driver supply. The fleet operators then turned on the
Aerial co-operative blaming it for not doing enough to recruit
drivers. They campaigned unsuccessfully to change the composition of the board. They had upset the balance. They saw
themselves as the centre and future of the industry, when in
fact, they were simply an important part, which with respect
to drivers, was directly subject to the forces of supply and
At the present time, because of the excessive number of
taxis on issue, both fleet operators and single operators alike
are finding it hard to earn a decent income. A group of mainly fleet operators have formed a group called the Canberra
Taxi Welfare Society (CTWS). They have approached both
Aerial and the Department with lists of demands based on
what they think will improve their situation. From what they
have put forward, it can be seen that if it were possible to
accede to their various demands to address their costs,
their situation would not improve.
The same may be said of the Canberra Taxi Alliance. Wellmeaning volunteers, who, like the CTWS are in no position to
present arguments based on facts or statistics, represent
them. The CTIA has tried to work with CTA representatives in
the past and will be happy to work with both the CTWS and
the CTA in the future. The role of industry representatives is
to argue the case for the taxi industry, to convince, to persuade, to educate and to learn from officers of the Office of
Regulatory Services, politicians, and other business people;
to work on a two-way street with a clear focus.
Three or four factions with conflicting agendas all claiming
to represent an industry can turn a potentially productive
meeting into a waste of time. Most issues that affect the
industry can, after consultation, be addressed clearly by one
body. When times are tough we all have a tendency to blame
“them”, the people who say they are there to help. Times are
tough, and it is time for all of “them” to get together to see
what might be done to present a united front on day-to-day
regulatory issues.
So I invite members of the CTWS and the CTA to seek solutions to industry problems by working with the CTIA and
coordinating any efforts to advance the taxi industry.
The CTIA has experience, access to statistics, some financial
support, many local business, tourism and government contacts, and enjoys interstate and national affiliations, all very
necessary if an organisation is to be functional. [It must be
said that the position of board member of the CTIA attracts
no income whatsoever. Its very dedicated, hard-working executive officer receives a very modest salary] By all means,
people should come in, argue, teach and learn; but always
go forward with a united front, and be in touch with reality.
The reality is outlined below.
There is no doubt that by far the greatest problem for the
taxi industry in Canberra is the number of jobs per car per
day. Each extra job is worth $20. Three extra jobs per car
per day means about $800 each per month for operator
and driver. Trip numbers are up, but trips per car per day are
down 23% since 2006. The percentage rise in the number of
taxis in that time is close to 48%.
A number of government-leased licences are being returned
every month and a far lower number is being re-issued.
There was initially a large number of potential operators on
a reserve list for government licences, but each time a licence is returned or a person on the top of the list rejects
an offer to take up a licence, the reserve list gets shorter.
When the list is exhausted, the government will be obliged
to conduct another ballot for new applicants. This should not
happen until the taxi release model, endorsed by the government after the 2010 ACT Taxi Review, indicates a need
for new licences.
But it should not be forgotten that models are only models.
Many times in the past, political pressures have over-ridden
models. So it is up to operators and drivers to meet the demands of good, responsible service. [The proportion of fleet
to single operator taxis is to be determined by operators’
decisions, not administrators]. It is up to Aerial to provide the
best possible facilities and training for operators and drivers
to enable them to perform their task, to market taxi services
to business, tourist and community interests, and to support
the interests of the taxi industry. These things it does.
It is up to industry representatives to promote and protect
the best interests of the industry, on a united front. So what
the industry needs to do is concentrate on holding the work
we now have by providing prompt, courteous and well-presented service. This is going to take time and patience. There
has already been a downturn in visitors to Canberra this year
because of the long election campaign, so we are fortunate
that the Canberra Centenary is providing some extra work.
We need to cherish any centenary work that comes our way
and to work harder to promote Canberra and the Centenary. To quote somebody- “United we stand, divided we fall”.
Think about it.
John McKeough
RTA on road inspections- greatly appreciated
Some may have heard of the report made by RTA inspectors on the presentation of taxis and drivers at the Canberra
It was pleasing to note that several cars and drivers gave
a favourable impression to the inspectors. A small number of cars were reported as unsatisfactory. The faults
were matters such as out-of –uniform, missing livery,
or unapproved advertising. Those who were “pinged”
should feel grateful. They could have been fined far
more by an RTA inspector than by an Aerial marshal. But
they weren’t. Other drivers would also have felt grateful. From the complaints made by some of them, they are
sick of carrying those who denigrate the image of the taxi
A dirty taxi, a rude or untidy taxi driver, or a missing taxi livery,
are saying to our visitors “this is good enough for you”. This is
not good enough during our centenary year, and especially
not good at Canberra’s gateway, the Canberra Airport.
Most cars and drivers look great these days. By the way,
Queanbeyan police have been paying attention to out-ofuniform ACT taxi drivers. The word is they will continue to
target them.
program vol 1 Available to view online.
program VOL 2 Available to view online or pick up a copy from the
CANBERRA • 1 JuNE – 8 SEptEmBER 2013
Book your date & time now
or 132 849
J.M.W. Turner, Spithead: Two Captured Danish Ships Entering Portsmouth Harbour (detail) 1807-9, photo: © tate, 2013
oRgANiSEd By
ACCommodAtioN pARtNER
SuppoRtiNg pARtNER
Fash Fest
Cotter Restoration Celebration
Family in Business Race Day
Fash Fest: is a 4 night showcase of fashion parades and
live musical performances by top artists. It’s expected
to transform Canberra from May 1 – 4. Held at 7pm for
8.30pm at 3 Molonglo Drive, Brindabella Business Park,
Canberra Airport. A cash bar will offer Preshow drinks on
arrival. An after party will be held each night at Tongue
and Groove in the city.
Cotter Restoration Celebration: Presented by Canberra 100
and Greening Australia
A great afternoon of horse racing in the nation’s capital at Thoroughbred Park.
When: Sunday 5th May 9.30am - 3pm
This event is dedicated to the wonderful achievement of the
volunteers who worked to rehabilitate the fire ravaged areas
of the ACT after the catastrophic bush fires 10 years ago.
Free admission, snack bar, bookies and tote facilities available.
Friday 24th May 2013.
Local race starts approx. 12:30pm.
Free family friendly event offering tree planting, live music,
and Indigenous Australian plant use demonstrations.
Lunch and fresh coffee will be provided, free of charge, and
disabled amenities will be available on-site.
Directions: Bullock Paddock Road, Uriarra Forest. If driving,
drive along Uriarra Rd to Uriarra Crossing, turn left immediately after crossing the Murrumbidgee river. Continue on
this road for approximately 8km, then turn left onto Bullock
Paddock Rd. Directional signs will be in place from Uriarra
Date and Time
Date and Time
From 1 May 2013 to 4 May 2013
3 Molonglo Drive
Gustav Mahler’s 9th Symphony
16 May 2013
The Hall, National Museum of Australia
Nightly from around 7pm
Brindabella Business Park
Thursday: 8.30pm
Acton Peninsula
Canberra International Airport
Canberra ACT 2609
The Seekers
From 3 May 2013 to 4 May 2013
Royal Theatre, National Convention Centre
Friday and Saturday: 7pm
31 Constitution Avenue
Canberra ACT 2600
100°C—Stories of Canberra Scientists: My 14
billion year search for ET
4 May 2013
Questacon - The National Science
Saturday: 11am
and Technology Centre
King Edward Terrace
Possum Magic - The Final Farewell Tour
4 May 2013
Canberra Theatre, Civic Square
Saturday: 10am and 11.45am
London Circuit, Canberra City
Canberra ACT 2601
Everything Fashion Market
The Musical Offering presents the Austrian
Choir Canberra with Austria in the Autumn
Platypus Pursuits
Brumbies v Crusaders
Canberra ACT 2600
Landmark women: Marilyn Chalkley
17 May 2013
Friends Lounge, National Museum of Australia,
Friday: 10 - 11.30 am
Acton Peninsula
Canberra ACT 2600
National Portrait Gallery Canberra
Centenary Speaker Series: Helen
19 May 2013
National Portrait Gallery
2.00 - 3.00pm
King Edward Terrace
Old Bus Depot Markets - A Celebration of
19 May 2013
Old Bus Depot Markets
Sunday: 10am to 4pm
21 Wentworth Avenue
The Musical Offering presents
Canberra Baptist Choir
19 May 2013
High Court of Australia, Public Hall,
Concert times: 2.30pm - 3.20pm.
Level 2
Parkes, Canberra ACT 2600
Kingston, Canberra ACT 2604
4 May 2013
National Convention Centre
Saturday: 10am - 4pm. Shop Handmade will also
31 Constitution Avenue
Normal opening hours: Monday to
Parkes Place, Parkes
be open on Market days until 2pm.
Canberra City, Canberra ACT 2601
Friday: 9.45 am to 4.30 pm Sunday:
Canberra ACT 2600
5 May 2013
High Court of Australia, Public Hall,
12 pm to 4 pm. Closed on public holidays.
Concert times: 2.30pm - 3.20pm. Normal opening
Level 2
hours: Monday to Friday: 9.45 am to 4.30 pm,
Parkes Place, Parkes
Sunday: 12 pm to 4 pm. Closed on public holidays.
The Musical Offering presents Canberra
Baptist Choir, With a Voice of Singing
19 May 2013
High Court of Australia, Public Hall,
Concert times: 2.30pm - 3.20pm.
Level 2
Canberra ACT 2600
Normal opening hours: Monday to
Parkes Place
From 5 May 2013 to 26 May 2013
Tidbinbilla Road, Tidbinbilla
Friday: 9.45 am to 4.30 pm Sunday: 12 pm to 4
Sundays: 3.30pm
Canberra ACT 2620
pm. Closed on public holidays.
Canberra ACT 2600
5 May 2013
Canberra Stadium
From 22 May 2013 to 25 May 2013
The Playhouse, Canberra Theatre Centre
Kick off 4.05pm
Battye Street, Bruce
Nightly: 8pm
London Circuit, Canberra City
A Clockwork Orange
Canberra ACT 2601
Canberra ACT 2617
From 7 May 2013 to 11 May 2013
The Street Theatre
Tuesday to Saturday: 6:30pm for
15 Childers Street, Canberra City
7:30pm showSaturday matinee: 1pm
Canberra ACT 2601
for 2pm show
Llewellyn 13.2 - Pictures At An
National Portrait Gallery Wednesday gallery talk: Searching for the family
Darren Percival
100°C—Stories of Canberra Scientists: From
CSIRO to Clonakilla.
One winemaker’s story
Canberra Raiders v Newcastle Knights
Various venues
Check their website for concert times
Various locations
22 May 2013
Llewellyn Hall
Wednesday: 7:30PM-9:00PM
William Herbert Place, Canberra City
From 8 May 2013 to 9 May 2013
Llewellyn Hall
Free pre-concert talk at 6.45pm.
William Herbert Place
Event times 7.30pm-10pm
Canberra City, Canberra ACT 2601
From 23 May 2013 to 25 May 2013
Canberra Theatre Centre
8 May 2013
National Portrait Gallery
Thursday and Friday: 7.30pm
London Circuit, Canberra City
12.30 - 1pm
King Edward Terrace
Saturday: 1.30pm and 7.30pm
Canberra ACT 2601
24 May 2013
Thoroughbred Park
Canberra ACT 2601
Australian Ballet - The Symmetries
Family In Business Race Day
From 10 May 2013 to 19 May 2013
Various venues
Local horse racing starts approximately 12:30pm.
Randwick Road, Lyneham
Check their website for concert times
Various locations
Times to be confirmed closer
Canberra ACT 2602
Canberra ACT 2600
to the race date
10 May 2013
Southern Cross Club Woden
Friday: Dinner and show at 6.30pm,
92-96 Corinna Street
Show only 8.30pm
Phillip, Canberra ACT 2606
11 May 2013
Questacon - The National Science
Saturday: 2pm
and Technology Centre
Canberra International Music Festival
From 10 May 2013 to 19 May 2013
Various venues
Check their website for concert times
Various locations
Canberra ACT 2600
How To Be (Or Not To Be) Lower by Max
From 25 May 2013 to 27 June 2013
The Street Theatre
25 May to 1 June: Nightly 6:30pm for 7:30pm
15 Childers Street
King Edward Terrace
Canberra City
Parkes, Canberra ACT 2600
Sunday 26 June: 3pm for 4pm show
Canberra ACT 2601
From 29 May 2013 to 1 June 2013
The Playhouse, Canberra Theatre Centre
Wednesday to Friday: 8pm
London Circuit, Canberra City,
Saturday: 2pm and 8pm
Canberra ACT 2601
31 May 2013
Canberra Stadium
Kick off 7.40pm
Battye Street, Bruce
12 May 2013
Canberra Stadium
Main game kicks off 2pm
Battye Street, Bruce
Canberra ACT 2617
Ten Tenors - Mum’s The Word!
The Tour
From 10 May 2013 to 19 May 2013
Canberra ACT 2600
Beethovens Pastoral Symphony
Parkes, Canberra ACT 2600
Canberra International Music Festival
Canberra International Music Festival
12 May 2013
Canberra Theatre Centre
3pm - 5pm
London Circuit ,Canberra City
Canberra ACT 2601
Major Minor Party, The
Brumbies v Hurricanes
Canberra ACT 2617
Out & About
m ay
Bachittar @ caltex Braddon
Dushan & Drago @ the airport
Dushan and Yousafi @ the airport
Guriqbal @ the airport
Gurpreet Singh @ middle rank
Harvinder and Bodh @ the airport
Harvinder, Dushan, Drago & Bodh @ the
Ijlal @ the airport
Jag jeet Singh @ the base
Jag jit @ the airport
Jatin, Bodh, John & Gurtejwar @ the base
Karnbir @ the airport
Kumar, Balinder & Kumar @ the airport
Lam @ the base
Mansoor @ Middle
Masood & Butt @ the airport
Mulu and Cregan @ Manuka
Phil @ Dickson rank
Paul and Dushan @ the airport
Shafiq, Van & Vibol @ the airport
Sukhjeet @ the base
Where Was This
Picture Taken?
Meet the Driver
Gurtej Sandhu
Guess the names of these two streets and send your replies to 0427946975 or
au. The first 10 correct replies will be entered into a draw and
there will be two lucky winners. Good Luck.
Age: 31
Driving Since: 3 months
What do you think about the new
commissionaires outfits:
Living at: South Side
I think it’s a wonderful initiative and they stand out. I think the
new outfits with bright orange and hats grab the attention of
the visitors’ coming into town.
How is April treating you?
What do you think about the hello taxi campaign?
All I know is that I am working towards it and will try my
level best to win it. I think it will bring a sense of competition amongst the drivers and the end result would be better
service delivery.
I don’t know as I am a new driver. More experienced drivers
say that it’s pretty quiet but its meeting my expectations at
least. May be next year I will be one of them saying it is pretty
quite. But the good news is, as I have heard that May will be
much busier.
How was your experience of Toulouse Lautrec?
Well being honest I am not into art but I happened to get the
tickets at the right time. A friend of mine was visiting me from
Melbourne and she is quite artsy fartsy. She enjoyed it and I
enjoyed the experience.
Pick Up Location
Parkland Apartments
In Dickson & Tall Trees Motel (Best Western) in Ainslie.
CabSpot 31
6 Hawdon Pl dickson & 21 Stephen St Ainslie
CabSpot 31 is in Mtdata as:
31 Constitution Ave, City
Pick up: National Convention Centre
Australian National Botanic Gardens
Entry to the Gardens is free.
Located at the base of Black Mountain Tower,
off Clunies Ross Street in Acton, The Australian National Botanic Gardens’s objective is to
inspire, inform and connect people to Australian flora.
Opening Hours:
The Gardens are laid out for the enjoyment
and education of visitors and offer everything
for a perfect family day out. A relaxing stroll
with a range of walking trails to chose from
catering to all tastes and abilities. There are a
number of interesting plant and animal specimens, a Botanical Resource Center and herbarium of preserved plant specimens to discover, and educational activates to take part
in. There are also lawns for playing games and
romantic rainforest boardwalks to explore. It is
the perfect place to take a picnic for a relaxing
day out; there are numerous picnic tables and
a café and bookshop.
The Botanic gardens is home to a wide variety
of plants collected from across Australia and
is used for research into plant classification
and biology. Plant specifies currently threatened in the wild are cultivated and protected
from extinction. Research is conducted into
what might assist towards reintroduction of
endangered and endemic flora to their natural habitat.
The Gardens are open daily
from 8.30am to 5.00pm, except
Christmas Day.
During January
the closing time is extended to
8.00pm on weekends.
Visitor Centre Hours:
9:30am to 4:30pm 7 days
(Closed Christmas Day).
9:30am to 4:30pm 7 days
(Closed Christmas Day).
The Garden’s Café Hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm 7 days
(Closed Christmas Day)
Hint: square some numbers
Joke 1:
During the big DUI Dragnet, a Highway Patrolman waited
outside a popular local bar, hoping for a bust.
A cabbie picks up a nun. She gets into the cab, and the cab
driver won’t stop staring at her. She asks him why is he staring and he replies, ‘’I have a question to ask you but I don’t
want to offend you.
At closing time as everyone came out, he spotted his potential quarry. The man was so obviously inebriated that he
could barely walk.
He stumbled around the parking lot for a few minutes, looking for his car. After trying his keys on five others, he finally
found his own vehicle.
He sat in the car a good ten minutes as the other patrons
left. He turned his lights on, then off, wipers on then off. He
started to pull forward into the grass, then stopped. Finally
when he was the last car, he pulled out onto the road and
started to drive away.
The Patrolman, waiting for this, turned on his lights and pulled
the man over. He administered the breathalizer test, and to
his great surprise the man blew a 0. 00! The Patrolman was
“This equipment must be broken!” exclaimed the Patrolman.
“I doubt it,” said the drunk, “tonight I’m the Designated Decoy!”
The 1970s saw the Botanic Gardens develop
into one of Canberra’s major national attractions and in October 1970 they were officially
opened by the then Prime Minister, John
Make sure you visit the Gardens in all their glory today. Take the time to soak in their serenity and enjoy the diverse and unique collection
that Australia’s endemic flora has to offer.
Message us @ Facebook/aerialcg or 0427946975 with
answers to both questions.
Find the missing number!
The Botanical Bookshop Hours:
The National Botanic Gardens started in the
1930s. Canberra was known then as ‘A City
of Flowers’ in its official tourist guide but was
missing a botanic garden. In 1933 there was
unanimous support to start laying out botanic
gardens with a scientific basis , which were not
“for ornamental purposes only”. The Garden
officially opened to the public for the first time
in 1967 with interpretive signs placed along the
paths to help visitors understand the complex
labeling of the plants.
She answers, ‘My dear son, you cannot offend me. When
you’re as old as I am and have been a nun a long as I have,
you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I’m
sure that there’s nothing you could say or ask that I would
find offensive.’
‘’Well, I’ve always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me.’
She responds, ‘’Well, let’s see what we can do about that: #1,
you have to be single and #2 you must be Catholic.’
The cab driver is very excited and says, ‘’Yes, I am single and
I’m Catholic too!’
The nun says ‘’OK, pull into the next alley.’
He does and the nun fulfils his fantasy. But when they get
back on the road, the cab driver starts crying. ‘’My dear child,
said the nun, why are you crying?’ ‘
‘’Forgive me sister, but I have sinned. I lied, I must confess, I’m
married and I’m not catholic”
The nun says, ‘’That’s OK, my name is Kevin and I’m on my
way to a Halloween party.’ ‘
There will be two lucky winners drawn out of the first 10
who send us the correct replies.
We are always looking for funny taxi jokes or industry stories to tell let, share them with us at and they could be published in the next
edition of the CABberra.
C mmendable Drivers
Make the meter work
for you – correct rate,
and ON with every job.
Canberra’s Taxis
At a special general meeting of Aerial Taxi Cabs Cooperative Society Limited on 26th May 1998, the members voted to change
the trading
of the
Cabs andSociety
to adopt
a livery
At a special
of Aerial
Cabs Cooperative
on 26th
May 1998,
voted to
the trading name of the cooperative to Canberra Cabs and to adopt a livery featuring the official Canberra colours.
At a special general meeting of Aerial Taxi Cabs Cooperative Society Limited on 26th May 1998, the members voted to change
the trading name of the cooperative to Canberra Cabs and to adopt a livery featuring the official Canberra colours.
At a special general meeting of Aerial Taxi Cabs Cooperative Society Limited on 26th May 1998, the members voted to change
the trading name of the cooperative to Canberra Cabs and to adopt a livery featuring the official Canberra colours.
At a special general meeting of285-9222
Aerial Taxi Cabs Cooperative Society Limited on 26th May 1998, the members voted to change
After 2005, Silver Service Canberra, Elite Taxis and Elite Supershuttles were introduced to the Canberra market to provide luxury
the trading name of the cooperative to Canberra Cabs and to adopt a livery featuring the official Canberra colours.
to our
2005, Silver
Elite Taxis and Elite Supershuttles were introduced to the Canberra market to provide
After 2005, Silver Service Canberra, Elite Taxis and Elite Supershuttles were introduced to the Canberra market to provide luxury
alternatives to our growing city.
After 2005, Silver Service Canberra, Elite Taxis and Elite Supershuttles were introduced to the Canberra market to provide luxury
alternatives to our growing city.
After 2005, Silver Service Canberra, Elite Taxis and Elite Supershuttles were introduced to the Canberra market to provide luxury
to our
In 2007, Aerial
significant milestone of providing transportation to the canberra region for 50 years.
Years of
50Years of
Serving Canberra
In 2007, Aerial celebrated the significant milestone of providing transportation to the canberra region for 50 years.
In 2007, Aerial celebrated the significant milestone of Years
providing transportation
to the canberra region for 50 years.
In 2007, Aerial celebrated the significant milestone of providing transportation to the canberra region for 50 years.
In 2008, Canberra Cabs and Elite Taxis merged maintaining the official Canberra colours of Canberra Cabs and the
2007, Aerial
of providing
to the
50 years.
of Elitethe
to become
taxi company
we identify
Canberra with
Vibol Long
Moses Dhieu A Acol
Your passengers commended you with the following
words: I would like to submit a compliment; I had a
lovely taxi driver he moved to Canberra from Cambodia 12 years ago. I just wanted to let you know he was
the nicest driver I’ve had in the past 9 years in Canberra. Hopefully he can be recognised in some way.
Moses you have proved your honesty by returning
very expensive lost property. As a token of appreciation you will be rewarded with two movie tickets.
Alan J Seal
Gurtejwar Singh
It’s very hard to find honest people like yourself. Returning a bag with money is no doubt a great deed
and we would like to commend you on your great
service and give two movie tickets as a reward.
Gurtejwar will also be rewarded with a double movie
pass for his passion for his profession. We would
like to have people like you in our industry. Keep the
good work up.
In 2008, Canberra Cabs and Elite Taxis merged maintaining the official Canberra colours of Canberra Cabs and the
service standards of Elite to become the taxi company we identify Canberra with today, Canberra ELite Taxis.
In 2008, Canberra Cabs and Elite Taxis merged maintaining the official Canberra colours of Canberra Cabs and the
In 2008,
the official
of ELite
of Elite
taxi company
we identify
with today,
Taxis. Cabs and the service
of Elite
to become
we identify the
with today,
In 2008,
Cabs andthe
merged maintaining
official Canberra
of Canberra
and the
service standards of Elite to become the taxi company we identify Canberra with today, Canberra ELite Taxis.
C mmendable Drivers
Specialising in qual
ity repairs to all ve
If you have had the misfortune to be involved in an accident then please call
Bill O’Brien Smash Repairs, with over 50 years in the industry we will guarantee
you quality service and repairs with finish time of repairs also guaranteed.
If we quote you 2 days to complete the repairs and it takes 3 we will pay you
$300.00 per day till completed. Yes, if quoted 2 days and we take 4 days we will
pay you $600.00 for your loss of profits.
To help in repair turnaround times we carry in stock headlights, bonnets, grills,
bumper bars, radiators and condensers. The main parts required for average repair.
If you have a small accident and it does not require insurance assessment we will
start repairs within one hour of your acceptance of our quote. If we can help you
in any way please phone Jamie or Tim on 6280 4642
31 Kembla Street Fyshwick ACT 2609
Ph. 02 6280 4642 Fax. 02 6280 4649
A.B.N 62 136 387 098
Harvinder Singh
Awais Ahmed
Harvinder Singh returned lost property. We thank you for
your honesty and you will also be given a double movie pass.
Awais has received a $50 reward for returning lost property. His passenger was very impressed by the promptness
and service delivery. He will also be rewarded with a double
movie pass.
Jim Poulakis
A HUGE thank you has come in for you from the National Gallery. They said your patience, professionalism and sense of
humour made life so easy during the very busy days of the
conference and that you are to be commended for doing
your job so well.
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