Newsletter March 2016
Newsletter March 2016
D o o r a N. S . Newsletter March 2016 Editorial By Beate Welcome to our March newsletter. We have lots of news for you. All teachers and pupils were busy with 1916 history work and preparing for Proclamation Day. Some pupils were busy with their Write-A-Book entries as they had to be done by Easter. We celebrated some special occasions in March too. We only had 12 days at school in March as we got our Easter holidays on 16th. We will come back on Monday 4th April for a long term with the 3 months of April, May and June. We wish you all a very Happy St. Patrick’s Day and a Happy Easter! Birthdays March 3 - Jasmin Haan 4 - Laura Burke 9 - Ciaran Griffin 6 - Patrick Duggan Doora Celebrates Proclamation Day 11 - Alex Kirwan Staff, pupils and parents commemorated the 1916 Rising on Tuesday 15th March. 11- Ciara O’Halloran It was held in the yard and we were lucky the day was sunny. Pupils and staff were 14 - Daire O’Connor dressed in our Irish colours of green, white and orange. Our commemoration began April at 12 noon with the Raising of the National Flag and the reading of the Proclama2 - Evan Creavan tion. Then we continued with a school celebration of being Irish with music, song 3 - Lily McGuire and dance. 3rd to 6th presented their projects based on the men and women of the 6 - Cillian Foley Rising. Parents viewed various projects which the pupils completed over the last Happy Birthday to all! few weeks. Read more on page 2 and see all the reports and photos on our Blog and also some photos in the Clare newspapers. Junior Entrepreneur Showcase Day Newsletter Team—2nd 5th and 6th class unveiled their project on Tuesday 15th March. We worked hard since January to set up our small business. We received some orders for our product and will continue with our marketing. Read more about our business and our JEP day Showcase Day on page 3 and see all the reports and photos on our Blog and also some photos in the Clare People newspaper. March Special Days Beate Vitenberga Cathal McMahon Ciara Flynn Ciaran Griffin Ellie Molyneaux Emily Kelly Gracjan Ciesielski Thomas O’Connor Lent Lent started on the10th February and it last until Easter Sunday. Mothers’ Day Mothers Day was on Sunday 6th March this year. It was a very special day for all mothers. We gave them a break, did jobs for them and Co-ordinator: made their day nice. Many gave their mothers gifts or flowers. Children in Infants Miss Geraldine Greene and 1st and 2nd made cards at school. By Beate & Emily St. Patricks Day Celebrations by Ciara Flynn Many pupils will take part in the Ennis parade and many will watch it with their families. Flags and bunting in green, white and orange will be everywhere. Parades will be held too. We hope the weather will be nice for the day. Some floats will be about the 1916 Rising and the Fleadh Cheoil in Ennis. Easter We will celebrate the Easter days at the end of March. Holy Thursday is on 24th, Good Friday is on 25th, Holy Saturday is on 26th and Easter Sunday is on 27th. Some Infants helped Miss Greene decorate a bush in a pot with plastic Easter eggs and lots of daffodils. Infants, 1st and 2nd had an Easter Egg Treasure Hunt on Wednesda 16th March. Dates & Events March 2016 2nd - 3rd & 4th trip to Limerick 3rd - World Book Day 5th - Hurley Hoey 6th - Mothers Day 8th - Boys’ Basketball 11th - Daffodil Day 13th - Ceremony of Light 15th - Proclamation Day 15th - JEP Showcase Day 16th - Easter Holidays 17th - St. Patrick’s Day 27th March - Easter Sunday 4th April-Back to school 9th April - Confirmation Spring is here Spring is here and the weather is improving. The evenings are getting longer and the mornings are getting bright earlier. We can play for longer in the Spring evenings. Nature is busy and flowers, buds and grass are growing. We see the beautiful colours and we can hear the birds singing. Baby animals are being born on the farms and other animals are waking up from hibernation. Special occasions in Spring are Mothers Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Daffodil Day and Easter. By 2nd Weather in March The weather in March has been mostly dry and we had a few sunny days. We had some rain too. It has been cold at night. The days get longer in Spring and it is bright from 7am to 7pm. The clocks will change on the last weekend in March and then it will be bright until after 8pm. We can play outside later and stay up later in the evenings. Next Newsletter - end April 2016 Our BLOG is online. Log on and enjoy! News and information welcome. Drop them to Miss Greene or pupils in 2nd class by last week in the month. The Editors 1916 Commemorations - Proclamation Day Stafff and pupils commemorated the 1916 Rising on Proclamation Day on Tuesday 15th March. Many parents also attended. It was held in the yard and we were lucky the day was sunny. Pupils were dressed in our Irish colours of green, white and orange. Many pupils wore badges, hats and special hair accessories. 1st & 2nd had special Easter 1916 Rising badges. The school building was decorated with the Irish colours and shamrocks. Our commemoration began at 12 noon when Miss Curley introduced the events in Irish. The Raising of the National Flag was done by Michael O’Connell from Knockhogan in Doora. His wife and daughter were with him. Mr O’Connell’s uncle John was the bodyguard for Michael Collins who was shot dead at Beal na mBlath in Cork in August 1922. Then the 1916 Proclamation was read by Oisin, Kate and Josh from 5th and 6th. After that, Laura Burke and Cillian Foley read the Doora Proclamation which was written by Ciara O’Halloran and Ava Flynn in 6th class. Then we all stood facing the flag and sang our National Anthem Amhran na bhFiann. We continued with a school celebration of being Irish with music, song and dance. Zoe and Emilie Keane danced a brush dance. Three girls from Senior Infants danced an easy reel. Four girls Aoibhinn, Avril, Laura and Zoe from 3rd and 4th danced some reels and the St. Patrick’s Day. Eight adults including teachers and parents danced a figure of a Caledonian set. All pupils danced the Siege of Ennis together with help from all the teachers. It was the first time most pupils danced it and all did really well especially the Infants. All the pupils sang some songs Oro Se Do Bheatha Bhaile, the Foggy Dew and Off to Dublin in the Green. Thanks to Miss Curley for teaching the songs. 3rd to 6th presented their projects based on the men and women of the Rising. Parents viewed various projects the pupils have completed over the last few weeks.3rd and 4th did projects about the men involved in the 1916 Rising. 5th & 6th did projects about the role of women during and after the 1916 Rising. We had worked in groups, typed and made posters with our work. We learned much about the 1916 Rising in history from them. Their projects were put them on display for all to see and read in the foyer and Mr Darmody’s classroom. All the pupils stood in the numbers 1916 in the basketball yard. Photos were taken by Jackie Elger and will be on our school blog soon. By Beate Junior and Senior Infants by Ciara Flynn We coloured the Irish flags and hung them up on our classroom windows. We learned about what life was like for children in 1916 - how they dressed, what games they played, what school was like and what the GPO was like. 1st & 2nd class By Thomas, Gracjan & Cathal We made buildings from 1916 Sackville Street in Dublin. It is now called O’Connell Street. We made the GPO, buildings, houses and shops. We covered them with the 1916 newspaper. We made Nelson’s Pillar. Pauline spray-painted Nelson on a shoe box and a yoghurt carton. We also made Kilmainham Gaol. We painted the buildings a lot of different colours - red, yellow, gold, rusty brown and grey. Our street is about 2 metres long and 1 metre wide. We painted it grey. We also made footpaths. We made lamp-posts from straws and sellotape which we covered with a black bin liner. We worked in groups. We used cardboard boxes, cardboard tubes, newspaper, paints and other materials. We put Lego people and soldiers around the buildings. It was put on display on a few tables in Miss Clune’s classroom and Irish flags were put around the edges. We also had a display with many books and newspapers about the Rising. The parents and visitors thought it was brilliant. Thanks to Mrs O’Grady and Pauline for doing this project with us. We also learned a lot about the streets and the Rising on some virtual websites. We liked the Dublin Easter Rising Tour on the internet. Miss Greene entered some pictures of our art work in the Clare Conradh na Gaeilge competition. We hope to display our project in other places soon - maybe in the Museum, the Library or Clare Education Centre. We will have more news in our April Newsletter and the Blog. 3rd to 6th class Classes from 3rd to 6th sang some songs on Proclamation Day. 3rd and 4th did projects about the men involved in the 1916 Rising. 5th & 6th did projects about the role of women during and after the 1916 Rising. We worked in groups, typed and made posters with our work. We all gave short presentations on our projects and also then put them on display in the foyer and Mr Darmody’s classroom. By Seamus Og & Kate There will be more reports and photos on our Blog. Thanks to all the photographers Michael Cusack, Jackie Elger and some parents for taking and sharing their photos. They will bring back many memories of our special day. Doora School 2016 Proclamation Pupils in 5th and 6th wrote their own Proclamations for 2016 and had to make the content of it relevant to the times we have now. Ciara O’Halloran and Ava Flynn in 6th class wrote their own ones then they were combined to one full Proclamation. It was well thought out and put together. Laura Burke and Cillian Foley read it out to all the people gathered on Proclamation Day. The adults were very impressed with it and thought the girls will be great leaders in the future. Well done to all. We hope to have a copy of it on our School Blog soon. By Emily & Beate Junior Entrepreneur Project Showcase Day World Book Day Our JEP Showcase Day was held after on Tuesday 15th March. Brian Hoey on behalf of 5th and 6th told everyone about the JEP and encouraged all to put in orders. Many parents and guests viewed the range of products available and read the posters in the classroom. Clare People Newspaper, the sponsors sent their photographer to take many photos of our launch, our products and each group who worked on the project. Thanks to Mr.Darmody for his help. By Kate, 5th and Brian, 6th 5th and 6th class were busy working on our JEP for the last few weeks. We designed Hurley Hooks and Initial Hooks in the shape of a person’s initial letters of their names in various colours. Both have hooks to hang keys or medals. We worked in different teams such as Marketing, Finance, Public Relations, Design, Production, and Sales. The roles of the different teams include designing, marketing, selling, reporting in our JEP folders and filming the products. We did some team-building games such as Talent Hunt to help match our talents to our skills and help us decide which teams to join. We selected a manager and assistant manager of each group. The Finance group manage the loans from the Principal, our class teacher & Parents’ Council and the manage the orders. The Marketing team are in charge of advertising, flyers and marketing. The Design and Production team are in charge of creating and producing the products. We also got assistance and advice from a business man named Conor Naughton who has the proud owner of the Suas cafe business in Ennis. He told us about how he started his business, profits and losses. We also had a mini Dragons Den at school when Michael Loughnane, Chairperson of the Board of Management, Miss Curley and Mr Darmody looked at the many various original options we had and decided that the Hurley and Initial Hooks was the most suitable project. Our market will be adults, children, families, clubs, schools, halls, tourists etc. We have become junior entrepreneurs and learned much about business. We will have more news in our April Newsletter and also have photos on the blog soon. By Ava and Ciara, 6th by Cathal World Book Day was on Thursday 3rd March. All pupils got special book tokens worth €1.50 to use in book shops for free books especially published for World Book Day or money off other books. Most children used their tokens to get money off their Setanta Book Club orders. Some new books were bought for our library. Thanks to Miss Greene and 4th class for co-ordinating the orders. Write-A-Book by Ellie Pupils in Miss Curley’s 3rd class English group wrote stories. Ellie and Beate in 2nd and Cillian in 1st wrote stories and typed them with Miss Greene. We wish them all well in the competition which is run by the Clare Education Centre. The books will be on display in the school in May. 3rd & 4th trip to Limerick 3rd & 4th went on a trip to Limerick with Miss Curley on Wednesday 2nd March. We travelled by bus at 10am and returned at 3:15pm. First we went to the Science of Dragon Show at UL. We saw many experiments and found out that dragon burp is explosive. We learned a lot and enjoyed the trip. Avril was a volunteer helper for the experiments. We ate our own lunches at UL. by Cillian Foley Next we went to King John’s Castle. We learned about how the Normans came to Ireland and about their life in Limerick. We saw the interactive screens and the church. Some of us got to dress up in the clothes the Normans used to wear. We went inside and outside the castle. We got rubbers from the girl who works there and got to take photos too. By Jodie Poems and Limericks Miss Curley’s English group read a funny poem called “Gorilla” which told the story of a gorilla who came to tea! We learned that it is fun to have rhyming words in poems and we wrote poems which had some. We also learned how to write Limericks and wrote some funny ones. We have put some of our poems and limericks on our blog and we hope you enjoy reading them. by 3rd class 1st & 2nd trip to Glor & Library Coppers Collection Doora are having a Coppers Collection and the proceeds will be given to Nurture Africa. A student named Johanna Murray will travel to a school in Uganda and this money will be a huge support to the pupils there. When she returns from Uganda, she will visit our school and speak to the pupils about her time there and how the money collected benefitted the pupils. Any 1c, 2c or 5c coins would be greatly appreciated so we would love everyone to have a look around the house, the car and other places to find some coins! Thanks Green Schools News We are continuing our work for our Green Schools flag on water conservation. We check the water metre every day and keep a record. We decided that each class would do different jobs for different flags. Juniors, Seniors, First and Second class are doing the energy. Third and Fourth are doing the litter and Fifth and Sixth are doing the water. We must keep doing these jobs because we were doing poorly at them after we received the flags. Litter wardens must keep doing their jobs. By Thomas We went on a day trip on Monday 29th February with Mrs O’Grady and Pauline. First we went to Glor to see Monday’s Child, a play about a young teenager and an older lady who cannot remember very well. Then we went to the Library in Ennis. We also went to Lees Road and enjoyed running, the playground and obstacle course in the forest. Lastly, we went to Dennis Den and enjoyed all the indoor activities there. We were lucky to be inside because it was a really wet day outside. We went by bus. We had a great day. Thanks to Mrs O’Grady for bringing us. There are many photos of our day on our class blog. 5th & 6th News We are busy preparing for our Confirmation. Our Ceremony of Light was on Sunday 13th March in Doora church. Our Confirmation will also be in Doora Church on Saturday, April 9th at 11 am. We are looking forward to our special day. There will be more news and photos in our April Newsletter and Blog. Doora School Sports News Boys’ Basketball Gymnastics We played our matches on Tuesday 8th March. We beat Inch 10 points to 2. Luke Enright scored 6 points and Brian Hoey scored 4. In the second match, we beat Crusheen 3 points to 2. Seamus Enright scored 2 points and Cian O’Loughlin scored a late throw-in. In the final, we beat Tulla after a very tough game. We went 4 nil behind before a late flurry of scores from Cian with 4 points and Luke with 2 to steal at the very end. We now move forward to the next stage. Well done to the boys involved. Our team was Kevin Burke, Kieran Sheedy, Brian Hoey, Darragh McMahon, Cian O’Loughlin, Sean Griffin, Luke Enright, Daniel Kirwan, Conall Dorgan, Evan Creaven, Colm Hynes, Luke Enright, Seamus Og and Oisin Enright. Thanks to Mr Darmody for coaching us and to our parents for lifts. By Kevin & Seamie, 5th Congratulations to Emily Kelly in 2nd class who won 2 medals in gymnastics. She won them for vault and floor gymnastics at UL on Sunday 6th March. Her team from the Ennis Gymnastics Club got best U8s and first in the regionals. She now has 6 medals and 6 grading photos. My Football Game By Leon Guerin, 1st Boys’ Football Mini 7s On Monday 14th March, our Doora football team took part in the Mini 7s at the Gaelscoil in Ennis. We played 4 matches and each match was 7 minutes per half. We won 2 matches and lost 2 matches. We won our matches against Scoil Chriost Ri and Toonagh. We lost to Barefield and the Gaelscoil. Unfortunately, we did not get into the final and are now out of the competition. Our team was Seamus Og and Oisin Enright, Cian and Ruairi O’Loughlin, Evan Creaven, Darragh and Eoin McMahon, Henry Kennedy, Kevin Burke and Sean Griffin. Everyone got a chance to play. Thanks to Mr Darmody for coaching us and to our parents for lifts. By Eoin McMahon and Henry Kennedy, 4th class Hurley Hoey 2016 This year’s Hurley Hoey was on Saturday 5th March. It started and finished at Gurteen GAA Club Grounds. The weather was nice and sunny but started cold in the morning. The 50km cycle started at 10:30 and the 10km run or walk was at 11am. The attendance was very good but we don’t know the exact number yet. This year it was in aid of Slainte an Chlair in Kilnamona and Kilrush Lifeboats. The main organisers were John and Siobhan Hoey and Seanie McMahon. Michael Fennelly and Richie Power were both at the Launch of the event. There are some more reports and photos on the Doora-Barefield GAA website. By Brian Hoey & Darrragh McMahon, 6th class About 10 pupils from Doora School took part in the fun run which was on Friday 4th March. It was one lap of pitch 1 for U6s, U8s and U10s and was on around 7 o’clock. Some pupils did the walk and cycle on Saturday. Darragh McMahon ran the 10km.. Well done to all. By Cathal McMahon Seamie, Luke and Brian were volunteers on the Saturdaythey handed out cups of water as the runners or walkers passed by. By Seamie Darragh and Eoin McMahon at the Launch of Hurley Hoey 2016 First I cut the top off a cardboard box. I coloured the pitch green. Then I put brown marker on the inside edge to be the mud. I used ice-cream sticks as goal posts. I taped a bookmark of a football player scoring a goal to the box. I used plasticine or mala to make the players and stuck them on pins. Chelsea are the white team and Liverpool are the brown team. I stuck them on their positions on the pitch. I stuck the goalies at the goalposts. I stuck a medal on the box. I stuck some stickers on the outside of the box as well. Community Games The Doora-Barefield Swimming will take place at teh Ennis Swimming Pool on Tuesday 5th April. Registration will be at 5m and the competitions will start at 6pm. The competitions are for U8, U10, U12, U14 and U16. All pupils got notes about the events from Joe Queally last week. There is more information on the DooraBarefield website. We will all pupils well in their sports. Matches in April Girls Basketball will be held at Gurteen on Monday 4th April. This is our first day back to school after the Easter holidays. Girls from 3rd to 6th have been training on Fridays at lunchtime by themselves and with Mr Darmody sometimes. The team will be just girls from 5th and 6th classes. By Seamie & Kevin After-school hurling After-school hurling training for boys and girls from 3rd up will start on Tuesdays in April with Mr Darmody. Liam Clancy will also help with this training. We hope the pitch conditions will be perfect for training and matches. By Seamie & Kevin We have had good weather this month. The pitch is now dry enough to play on. Most school teams have been training during lunch time or at PE. We enjoy getting out to play at break and lunch times especially when the days are dry. We hope the weather will be good for our Easter holidays and for the next 3 months of April, May and June. By Beate