Central VPA Weekly eBlast Newsletter


Central VPA Weekly eBlast Newsletter
Central VPA Weekly
eBlast Newsletter
In Eagle Spirit & Activities News :
September 16:
Senior Dues Due $25
Night School Starts
Navy Lunchroom Visit
September 17:
AP Government Field Trip
September 19:
High School Night
5:00PM —6:00PM
Parent Assembly Meeting
September 20:
Art Field Trip
Josten’s Meeting with
Juniors 8:00AM—8:30AM
$50 deposit due with order
September 21:
National ACT Test Date
SLPS Recruitment Pep
Rally 10:00AM —2:00PM
September 26:
Earthquake Drills
September 27:
PD Day for Teachers
No Students
September 30:
Benchmark Exams Begin
Students interested in entering the STL250 Competition may
use the brand new recording equipment recently added in the
CVPA Theatre. The new facilities are capable of producing
and recording works in many mediums, including vocal works,
instrumentals, and computer DAWs. See Domenic in the theatre to discuss your piece and to set up a recording session.
Timeslots are very limited and will be assigned on a first come
first serve basis, while they last for eligible students.
It was a close race for the name of our new school
newspaper, but in the end - with all the votes counted –
one name emerged as the victor! The new name for the
Central VPA newspaper is… Rumor Has It!
Art Students at Central Visual & Performing Arts High
School are working with the Soulard Oktoberfest on an
enormous, exciting project this year! The students are
decorating over a mile of fabric in the style of artist
Jackson Pollock, famous for his use of the “splatter”
technique of painting. The students are rolling out
200-yard-long sections of the fabric on the sidewalk next
to Central Visual & Performing Arts High School, and
using turkey basters to cover them in lively, spontaneous
designs in the Soulard Oktoberfest colors: red, yellow,
and black. Workers
for the Oktoberfest
will then use this
fabric to decorate the
fencing that will surround the Oktoberfest
location this year. The
Soulard Oktoberfest
will take place two
blocks south of
Soulard Market on
October 11-13th this
year. Look for the
Central students’
artwork at this year at
Soulard Oktoberfest!
Eagle Shout-Outs:
From the Principal’s Desk :
Rachel Moore, Asia Coleman, and
Diasha Duncan have been selected
as interns at Artwork! Give these
Eagles a soaring Eagle High Five!
REMINDER to Seniors! Another $25 was due on
Monday towards your mandatory Senior dues. In total,
$150 should be paid by now. Make your payments
to Ms. Anderton in the main office today!
Central VPA’s Alexis Jones participated in a live
Urban musical called “Real Life” produced by
Hollywood star Dre Kelly last Friday, Sept. 13th!
When you see Alexis in the hallway, please give her
a soaring Eagle High Five!
The following students had interviews for the St.
Louis Art Works paid internship program last
Saturday, September 7th:
Dianna Coleman, Sydney McDaniel, Taylor Prince,
Tanisha Tolbert, Keli Morales, Diasha Duncan,
Veronica Lathan, Rachel Moore, Grace Taber,
Emily Jenkins, Asia Coleman, Torin Triplett,
Taylor Bryant and Tamara Brookins.
Please give these Eagles a high-five! Way to go!
The votes are in and counted! We are proud to
announce the 2013-2014 Student Council:
President, Ayont Yount
Vice President, Jacob Anderson-Little
Secretary, Bailey Harvey
Treasurer, Ciera Watson
Freshmen, Olycia Bennett and Kheemata Pickens
Sophomores, Chelsey Brooks and Cydney Collins
Juniors, Robert Crenshaw and Alexus Jones
Seniors, Demetia Patterson and Kendric Carlock
Have you signed up for a Target Red Card? It can be a debit
card or credit card. In addition to receiving 5% off all purchases,
CVPA will receive 1% back of your purchases too! Visit
www.Target.com/rcam to sign up!
The Sheldon Concert Hall & Art Galleries
Attention songwriters celebrate our city’s
250th Anniversary in 2014 with an original
song inspired by St. Louis!
1 st place: $500.00 and a four-hour
session at In
the Studio,
2 nd place: $250.00
3 rd place: $100.00
Students can pick up more information
regarding the contest in the main office.
This year our students are designing and
painting the gates for the Shaw Art Fair,
Saturday and Sunday, October 5th and
6th. To select the best possible design,
the Art Department held a contest,
juried by the Artists in Residence at
Craft Alliance Grand Center. The
winning design was by senior Reanna
Peterson. Second prize in the contest
went to Jeremy Lamear. Third prize
went to Charles Sanders.
Images of the winning designs are on
the second page of this week’s eBlast!
Congrats guys!
Se p. 1
of :
6, 201
Volume 2, Issue 2
Attention all Students: Would you like to learn the arts of
persuasion and argumentation? If so, join CVPA Debate this
Wednesday with Mr. Chase! We will be learning how to
debate and competing in several tournaments each semester.
Sign-up sheet will be located in Room #210.
Attention Theatre Lovers!
The Fox Charitable Foundation is offering two-for-one ticket
coupons for the November 1st performance of “Beauty and the
Beast.” If you are interested in seeing this live Broadway
production, drop-by Mr. Bagnall’s room #103 for details.
From the Counselor’s Corner :
Clyde C. Miller Career Academy is offering Fall Night School for
juniors and seniors. Night School will operate on Mondays and
Wednesdays September 16 thru December 11. Registration will be
held at Clyde C. Miller High School September 16th through
September 18, 2013 from 2 to 4 p.m. (Monday, Tuesday and
To register, please make an appointment with your counselor during
your lunch time or during passing periods only.
Cultural Leadership - two informational meetings: October 8th @ 7
p.m. at Central Reform Congregation—5020 Waterman Ave., St. Louis,
MO 63103 and October 15th @ 7 p.m. at B”nai Amoona—324 South
Mason Rd., St. Louis, MO 63141. Applications are available from your
counselor. The deadline is: November 8th.
The 2013-2014 SportQuest: Playing With Purpose Program is
accepting applications beginning on September 1, 2013! The
Playing With Purpose Scholarship Program is a unique program
that recognizes and rewards the nation’s outstanding Christian
Student Athletes!
Applying student athletes must meet ALL the following criteria:
Currently a high school sophomore, junior or senior
Maintains a minimum "C" grade average or higher
Currently a varsity level athlete in one or more sports
A committed follower of Jesus Christ
Please go to the Counselors office for additional information.
College visits have been scheduled as follows:
September 17 — Southeast MO State University 9:00 a.m.
September 18 — University of Illinois Carbondale 10:30 a.m.
September 19 —University of Central Missouri 9:00 a.m.
September 24 — Stephens College 12:00 p.m.
October 7 — Cal Arts 9:00 a.m.
October 8 — Saint Louis University 10:00 a.m.
October 9 — DePauw University 9:00 a.m.
October 30 — University of MO, St. Louis 9:00 a.m.
Students should see their counselor for additional information.
College visits are for Seniors only. Meet in room 321. Please get a pass
from Mr. Robinson (209a) during your College Summit class.
The Navy will have lunchroom visits on the third Monday of
each month—September 16, October 21, and Nov. 18, 2013.
National Association for College Admission Counseling
invites students to the St. Louis National College Fair—Sunday,
October 20, 2013—12:00 pm to 4:00 pm—St. Louis University—
Simon Recreation Center—Students are encouraged to register
for this national College Fair online at www.gotomyncf.com.
Southeast Missouri State University—Jack Buck ScholarLeadership Award—the recipient must demonstrate outstanding
character, academic ability and the potential to be a leader in the
community—GPA of 3.6 in the 6th or 7th semester of high school
and a minimum ACT composite score of 27. Two letters of reference must accompany the application. Postmarked by Dec 1, 2013.
Miss Missouri Teen USA Pageant 2014 will be held on the
campus of Lindenwood University. Application deadline is Oct. 1,
2013. Applications are available in the Counseling Office.
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship — the
criteria is graduate from high school in spring 2014; be enrolled
fulltime in an accredited 4 year college beginning in fall 2014; cumulative 3.5 or above; SAT 1200+ or ACT 26+; demonstrate unmet
financial need. Visit www.jkcf.org to complete an application today!
Please visit www.centralvpa.com for the most current and up to date CVPA news!