Watchdog Bulletin JANUARY 2015


Watchdog Bulletin JANUARY 2015
January 2015
* Phoenix drama
continues; response
by an ineffective NA
*Suggested agenda
at January Dallas
TP/GBC meeting
* Will the dollar
“crash” in 2015?
* New I.I.A. - Iskcon
Internal Affairs?
...and more!
"When somebody does not
agree, you try to get them
out by calling the police.
This is never to be done."
Letter to Mukunda 11-6-73
from SrilaPrabhupada
(story on page 2)
incompetence or reluctence
Big, big egos, and serving
Srila Prabhupada don’t mix!
By The WDB Staff
Is it incompetence, or reluctence when a GBC shows a deaf ear to
legitimate complaints and concerns
of their own deviations? Is it
incompetence or reluctence, when
the GBC turns a blind eye to
corrutpion in its own ranks, yet their
own list of banning devotees from
ISKCON, over more minor
offenses, grows and grows? Is it
reluctence or incompetence, when
the GBC know on a certain issue
(like the centralization of temples in
North America), that Srila
Prabhupada said, “no” to, and they
say, “yes?”
Makes you wonder, what’s
going on. We all joined Srila
Prabhupada’s Hare Krishna
Movement, not some schism
hatched out of the brain of some
devotees who enjoy conjuring up
thier own inventions of “change”,
and continuously present newer and
newer editions of ISKCON, some
even with the “whip cream” of
corruption decorating the top.
How so? Who could be so
brazen? Have some of them forgot
what Srila Prabhupada was? A
shatyavesa avatar! Has some of them
forgot, who Srila Prabhupada is THE ACARYA of ISKCON! Have
some of them forgot their own
position, as tiny insignificant
servants of the Supreme Personality
of Servitor Godhead? Have some of
them esopecially forgot - who saved
Yes, you can do a lot with
“absolute power,” and it can do a
lot to you. For most of us - it is
better not to have it. It has done
many in - hit the dirt! It is much
better to see oneself, as the servant
of the servant, of the servant, that
is, if we want to try to please Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It is so
much safer for ISKCON and one’s
own spiritual advancement, if we
continue the param para “as it is.”
It will attract the “trust” of
devotees, if they see a new GBC appear
in 2015, that truly wants to listen,
that truly cares, that really wants to
please Srila Prabhupada by putting
his house back together - a house in
which we feel we can all live in,
1) Pro-Iskcon / Pro-GBC / Anti-Corruption
because it is truly Prabhupada that
is in the center!
We think that Srila Prabhupada
would be extremely concerned, in
fact he wrote in a letter to a devotee:
“ I can see that you are doing
something wrong, because there are
so many complaints from the
devotees about your
management....where there is
smoke, there is fire!”
The ones in the GBC, who do
not honor our Founder-Acarya by
keeping their own motives pure, and
want to see how much they can get
away with, testing the faith of the
innocent masses of bhaktas - they,
those deviators, should leave, and
leave us all with that feeling of
perfect love, contentment, the
feeling of having the shelter at the
lotus feet of the ireplacable jagat guru
- His Divine Grace A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
No more imitation bottles! Just
the good ‘ol “simply wonderful” life
of doing eveything the Prabhupada
way! Is that too much to ask for?
Politics Drag On In ISKCON Phoenix
easy solutions, stubborn obstacles
By Dasarath Das - Founder of ISKCON Phoenix temple
Dr. Misra,
threatened by
GBC and
banned by
Prema Dhatri.
Yesterday I met an Indian lady here in Sedona,
walking the hiking trails with her family. I aksed
where she was from. She replied - Chandler,
Arizona. I asked her if she had been to the Hare
Krishna ISKCON Phoenix temple there. She relied
yes. I told her that I was the one who started the
temple, but that now so much politics and deception
by the temple management is going on. Then with a
serious and soft vocie, she said to me, “That is why I
don’t go there any more.”
What politics? The Phoenix GBC, Hari Vilas,
threatened an elderly Indian gentleman Dr, Misra,
that he would “break his legs” if he came back to the
temple. The temple president, Prema Dhatri, under
the order of her own “guru” Romapada Swami” and
Hari Vilas, took out a legal restraining order against
Dr. Misra, making out some false charges against
him, which he got overturned in an Appeals Court.
They banned 20 more devotees as a response!
Nevertheless, three times at the temple, and one
time at a home satsang program, when Dr. Misra
tried to come by the temple and have darshan, and
after he won the Appeal, the temple president Prema
Dhatri called the police to have him kicked out. His
crime - he was having darshan of the Lord!
Where has such hate come from? How does
this behavior from Prema Dhatri (Pratibha Somaiya)
and the GBC Hari Vilas, resemble in any way the
teachings of Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita? It is
not sanctioned by any saintly character, as should be
possessed by a Vaishnava devotee.
Founded in 1996
Phoenix temple
Prema Dhatri
Somaiya) and
( Ramesh)
Madhava Hari
Das. She has
banned 2o
Indian temple
members from
visiting the
women and
Rumor has it that the GBC man Hari Vilas will
be replaced soon. However, no apologies by the
North American GBC Executive Committee (NA
GBC EC) headed by Nityananda dsa, have been
made to any of those families or Dr. Misra, for the
threats and abuse they have had to endure from the
hands of this thug-like behavior of the ISKCON
Phoenix temple authorities.
Readers should know that this is NOT in any
way the manners as taught by His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who was
the Founder-Acarya of ISKCON, and who himself
opened 108 hare Krishna temples throughpout the
world, from 1966 to 1977. Members of ISKCON,
especially temple leaders and GBC (Governing Body
Commissioners) who oversee the Society’s activities
and missionary work, are duty bound to exhibit
proper humility and Vaishnava behavior in all
dealings. This “out of place” and agreesive disorder
exhibited by the Phoenix temple president and her
commanding GBC Hari Vilas, clearly shows a gross
transgression of human decency, a deficit of spiritual
character, and dis-regard of Vaishnava teachings.
Members of the “banned” are calling for the
resignation of Mrs. Somaiya and her husband from
being the temple officers. So far, the NA GBC EC
has only backed up her actions, and labeled the
innocent banned devotees as trouble makers who
need to learn from Somaiya, how a proper Vaishnava
behaves, according to statements by Nityananda
Das, the chairman of the NA GBC EC. Amazing!
Heavy handed tactics leading to call
for resignation of temple president,
vice president of ISKCON Phoenix.
It was Pratibha Somaiya (Prema Dhatri)
who allegedly filed illegal name changes of
Board of Directors of ISKCON Phoenix in
2007 making herself in charge. (See pages
8 thru 10). For her illegal and unethical
actions, she should be removed as TP.
2) Pro-Iskcon / Pro-GBC / Anti-Corruption
The face is the index of the mind!
Badrinarayan Swami
Kuladri Das
Hari Vilas Das
What makes these men think that lying
to deceive and presenting false
information to temple authorities (as in
the documented case of the Phoenix
temple “coup” of 2007), lying to fellow
members of ISKCON’s Governing Body
Commission (GBC), lying to devotees in
general as well as to temple
congregations and the general public
(as in the recent 2014 NA GBC cover-up
of an “unfinished” audit of the temple
funds and personal finances of temple
president Prema Dhatri), is standard
ethical behavior expected of GBC
members? Why haven’t these men
been held accountable for their breach
of fiduciary duty as GBC members? A
brahmana’s or GBC’s integrity is
measured by his honesty. Where do
they get their authority to break the
rules of the GBC, or to break the faith
of devotees, in their double-standard in
Tamohar Das
Nityananda Das
Romapada Swami
APPENDIX: From the ISKCON Law Book
Culpable Falsehood Before The GBC
A person who commits perjury
(intentional falsehood) while asserting
something or testifying something before the
GBC or a body representing the GBC is to be
corrected with a suitable remedial measure.
What ever a “great” man does
the whole world follows / Bhagavad-gita
By WDB Staff
While banning innocent families from coming to Krishna’s
temple, lying and providing false information to other GBC
authorities and temple leaders, and cover-ups of incomplete
audits of the temple and its leader, would not be called “great,”
still such erroneous behavior sets a very bad precedent for others
to follow and would be called by any other name - corruption!
It IS the duty of those who are in the leadership position,
GBCs of ISKCON, to behave without duplicity, without a
double-standard for their own members, and to be thoroughly
honest in all dealings. Forsaking such important guidelines and
brahminical ethics, would open the door for future cheating also,
by self-interested parties who wish to cause chaos in an
important religious Movement and tradition.
The example of perfect behavior was followed by His
Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, who trained his disciples how to
similarly act selflessly for the spiritual welfare of the entire world.
The Krishna consciousness Movement calls for complete
dedication and surrender to a “guru” or spiritual authority.
But the acceptance of persons in the dress of leaders who
use political and duplicitous tactics for manifesting their own
personal dream for power and control, makes it nearly
impossible to be trusted, what to speak of being followed.
Therefore, the Watchdog Staff calls for a probabtion on all
those whose names and pictures are illustrated above, for
deliberate neglect of proper duty and truthfulness.
It is also the advice of the WDB that the GBC should ask
the body of temple presidents for their help, in electing a
supervisory committee who have jurisdiction to investigate and
suggest remedial measures for those GBC members who wish to
bring into their management parameters, highly unacceptable
ethics of management that will degrade the standard of purity in
ISKCON and jepordize the faith of its followers.
NOTE: For info on the above persons regarding their
transgresssions, see
3) Pro-Iskcon / Pro-GBC / Anti-Corruption
Checks and Balances
“It is high time
that the GBC
takes seriously,
accountability of
their own
By WDB Staff
It has been suggested, that just as in a
police department, they have an Internal
Affairs that investigates and corrects
“bad cops,” similarly in ISKCON,
perhaps it is time we start something
similar. This way, any corruption in the
GBC won’t go on unanswered.
We are looking for three to five devotees,
who would like to begin to form a model
of an I.I.A. Such devotees should be
serious but kind hearted, and wanting to
see a GBC that is regulated by purity
with no tolerance of any kind of inhouse corruption. As the present GBC
may not be “feeling the need” for such
an I.I.A., perhaps with an initial model
we can exhibit to some open minded
members of the GBC, the significance
and critical need of an Internal Affairs
for ISKCON, to help guard against
Interested devotees may contact us at
- ISKCON Sannyasi
WIKIPEDIA:The internal affairs (United States terminology) division of a law
enforcement agency investigates incidents and plausible suspicions of lawbreaking
and professional misconduct attributed to officers on the force. In different systems,
internal affairs can go by another name as "Internal Investigations Division" (usually
referred to as 'IID'), "professional standards," "inspectorate general", Office of
Professional Responsibility or similar.
is illustrated in the recent expose website
on Romapada Swami, with reports of
his many questionable and
uninvestigated activities. See recent
reader’s comments to the website here:
suggested topics
By WDB Staff
and ISKCON Dallas temple president:
“I would expect some corruption in
the GBC. It is Kali-yuga. It is the
material world.”
1) Reversing the “centralized by-laws” of
the NA GBC EC, of which their was
never any mandate or resolution from
the International GBC Office to adopt.
It puts the temples at leagal risk, and
gives the local GBCs too much power.
2) How to un-do the banning of so many
devotees, with apology from the heads,
the GBCs, and start to see every devotee
as an asset in the sankirtan preaching
3) How to start local farms for each temple,
in keeping with Srila Prabhupada’s
desire, and preparing for the upcoming
world chaos and necessity of survival.
4) How to encourage the 4 natural divisions
in society, both material and spiritul,
varnasrama, and set up some experimental
role models in the U.S.A.
5) The almost billionaire, Gopal Bhatta
prabhu, should be encouraged to buy an
expensive building in Washington D.C., not
far from the White House, for a world class
Govinda’s and combination cultural Vedic
preaching center, with a focus on attracting
world leaders to Krishna consciousness.
This could have a big strategic impact of
KC in this country. Another idea would be
for Gopal Bhatta prabhu to help finance
Bhagavad-gita billboards in major cities. He
could also buy land for varnasrama.
4) Pro-Iskcon / Pro-GBC / Anti-Corruption
2015 “crash” of the U.S. dollar? Are we ready?
Srila Prabhupada predicted the demise of the western civilization.
Do we believe it, or are we too attached?
Death Knell of the Dollar? Looking ahead, we see that the
A Vedic astrological chart next lunar eclipse occurs on 8th
By Abhaya Mudra dasi - Bulgaria, May 2014
The cities which are artificially
propped up will become living
October in Pisces. It is followed by nightmares when faith in
another solar event in Libra a
fortnight later. These coming
eclipses (which occur before
Saturn leaves Libra) will put to the
wall both Ukraine and the dollar
although Jupiter will try to protect
both Ukraine and the dollar. Jupiter will cast his friendly glance
from his exalted position in Cancer
(which occurs within weeks of
Ketu’s entrance into Pisces).
However, once Jupiter moves
ahead into Leo on July 14th 2015, government is lost and paper
things may again turn ugly. If our
currency tanks. At such times, only
supposition that Virgo was rising
Krishna conscious farms will
when the dollar was created is
insure that the followers of Shrila
correct, then we may see this world Prabhupada will live to preach
standard currency suffer some fatal another day.
downturn. For some time now, the
US dollar has been slowly fading
Financial and
away as the world medium of
Government Expert
exchange, a slow demise that has
already caused untold havoc
The following is a report by some
around the world. Although the
financial and government experts.
dollar may not completely
disappear and will continue to exist It was posted on the
in some form, its position as the
I look at it like this. If a weather
international currency appears
reporter gives their forecast
With a coming collapse of world opinion about a chance for
tornadoes, it would be foolish not
economy, devotees should
to make some preparation.
seriously adopt self-sufficient
living as per the instructions of the A real leader looks into the future
and makes ready for the needful.
farsighted Founder-Acharya of
ISKCON Srila Prabhupada. Paper Prabhupada did.
savings may lose their value
articles/rickards/25-year-greatovernight. As Shrila Prabhupada
further warned, “You can’t eat nuts depression.php?iris=252778
and bolts,” either. Devotees must
prepare themselves by organizing
MKTNews/Stock-Collapse-Crashagrarian communities far from
industrialized areas. Such
communities must work towards
becoming locally self-sustainable. aboola&utm_medium=referral
Since the planetary portents point
to a tilt in the world economy then
—where does the American dollar
fit into the coming arrangements of
world trade and domination? A
new Euro-Asian Union signed by
Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia is
already in place and will start
functioning from 1st January 2015.
This pact stands as proof that new
trade entities are forming around
the world.
But how does the dollar link to
these global changes? For some
clues, let us examine the history of
the US dollar. The dollar was
adopted as the American national
currency on April 2nd 1792. Surely
that day was precariously close to
an eclipse in Pisces as Sun and
Ketu were both positioned there.
Saturn and debilitated Mercury
were also in Pisces when the dollar
was formed. The green color of the
dollar is due to the influence of
Mercury. It seems that Virgo must
have been rising when the dollar
was accepted as America’s national
currency. The heavy gathering of
planets in the 7th house shows
popularity for the currency despite
the debility of its rising sign lord
Mercury. Only through the clever
tactics of the banks and the
legerdemain of the politicians does
the shrinking fiat dollar continue to
exist. Is there some connection of
Russia with the future of the
dollar? Both Ukraine and the dollar
are heavily influenced by Pisces.
For the eighteen months following
12th July 2014 Ketu will be
moving in Pisces while Rahu is in
(continued next page)
5) Pro-Iskcon / Pro-GBC / Anti-Corruption
In the future, where will you get
your sour cream?
5) Take steps now towards self sufficiency, and have
your options ready or in place
Most everyone expects the death of the US dollar
and gold/silver going to new heights. However,
because two thirds of the world’s debt and contracts
are in USD (a status that will not change quickly
despite publicity about BRIC’s increasing avoidance
of dollar use), as the pressure to salvage one’s assets
increases by paying off debt to avoid default,
demand for the USD will increase relentlessly. The
USD is far above its lows of years ago and has
clearly established its uptrend.
The dollar is not dying yet, although in a few years,
after a complete equalization of debt by deflation,
From a lifetime of business and the amateur study of then probably hyperinflation will follow due to
economics, and taking a special interest in the
actual massive cashnote printing. Precious metals are
“credit crisis” since 2007, I am now confidently of
not going up, the economy is NOT improving, real
the opinion that the world faces an immediate and
estate languishes far below former highs, and most
unavoidable financial upheaval and deflationary
commodities are in downtrends. The theory of
collapse of credit. Everyone expects inflation, but if
$50 trillion of central bank infusions into the system inflation is negated by what is actually occurring- it
may seem counter-intuitive, that in the face of
since 2008 has not yet produced inflation, WHAT
unprecedented credit expansion, still the economy is
WILL? The forces of deflation are overwhelming
slowing and falling. At a certain point, further
inflationary forces and have gotten the upper hand.
increase of debt CAUSES deflation instead of
We are not in a Weimar Republic scenario of
inflation, as defaults destroy existing debt faster than
printing actual paper money; the monetary
it can be created. It takes willing and capable lenders
expansion of today is largely an increase in
electronic DEBT, not of paper money in circulation. and borrowers to expand the economy, but when
there is no will to lend (banks are just parking their
This overall debt load can no longer be serviced,
funds) and no will to borrow (people cannot afford
resulting in default, restructuring, liquidation, asset
to), the debt pyramid collapses as defaults spread.
shedding, bankruptcy, and shortage of cash. Some
The financial house of cards today can collapse
things are still inflating, e.g. food, but if one looks
closely, practically everything else, namely secondary within a few days, at best a few years. Life as we
know it will cease to exist !
stock indices, general commodities, foreign
This discussion may seem a little off-topic, but if
currencies, bonds, real estate (now even London &
devotees lose everything, residence, income, and
New York) - all have markedly declined in value.
The 2007-09 episode was a warning that the end of cannot access savings, it becomes difficult to spread
Krishna consciousness due to being so
hundreds of years of financial expansion has
inconvenienced ourselves. Please consider the
reached its ultimate sustainable limit. The lies of
deflation scenario carefully and hopefully this note of
official statistics and central bank bluffing cannot
caution and steps to take will be useful to
remedy the underlying disease of over-borrowing
Prabhupada’s mission and his servants. Be prepared,
from the future. The age of easy money and
be safe; times are dangerous, risk should be avoided.
inflation is over; a new reality has arrived, and
We should preserve what we have, not put it at risk
although I may be wrong, my two-cents of
unsolicited advice is that devotees everywhere should in hopes of a continuation of the inflationary
do the following:
environment that has ended. Now cash is king, debt
1) Eliminate secured debt as much as possible lest it is a death-knell. To me it appears that the modern
cannot be serviced and there is default
civilization is self-destructing- by war and an
2) Be prepared to withdraw your cash from the
economic depression far worse that the 1930’s,
banks before they disallow or restrict this (I know a
lasting past our children’s lifetimes. The existing
devotee who lost big-time with the Cyprus banking
financial system is totally artificial and is an illusion
only. The next major episode in the history of the
3) Precious metals are in a long-term downtrend &
world is a massive neutralization of debt. The
are most likely going MUCH LOWER, so don’t use godless snake is eating its own tail. My apologies if I
metals as an inflation hedge when they are declining am proved wrong.
in dollar terms
4) Liquidate for cash all unnecessary possessions
while there are still ready buyers
Here is a newsletter from a Prabhupada disciple, who buys
and sells international currencies and so has a good feel for
what is happening to the economy. He has started quite a few
agraian communities also. Although his opinion of details
varies from the previous page, he is of the same conviction that
we have some serious economic concerns ahead of us - soon!
Since Srila Prabhupada wanted the GBC to move in this
direction of self-sufficiency and varnasrama, it should now
become a top concern!
6) Pro-Iskcon / Pro-GBC / Anti-Corruption
In 2015: Creating a happy and unified ISKCON
honesty, love, trust
and the absence of corruption
Devotees are resevoirs of good qualities. You will find no
negative qualities in the character of a real devotee.
Sri Krsnadasa Kaviraja, the author of Caitanya-caritamrta,
says that all good qualities become manifest in the body of a
Vaisnava and that only by the presence of these good qualities
can one distinguish a Vaisnava form a non-Vaisnava.
Krsnadasa Kaviraja lists the twenty-six good qualities of a
Vaisnava: (1) He is very kind to everyone. (2) He does not make
anyone his enemy. (3) He is truthful (4) He is equal to everyone.
(5)No one can find any fault in him. (6) He is magnanimous. (7)
He is mild. (8) He is always clean. (9) He is without
possessions. (10) He works for everyone's benefit. (11) He is
very peaceful. (12) He is always surrendered to Krsna. (13)
He has no material desires. (14) He is very meek. (15) He is
steady. (16) He controls his senses. (17) He does not eat more
than required. (18) He is not influenced by the Lord's
illusory energy. (19) He offers respect to everyone. (20) He
does not desire any respect for himself. (21) He is very grave.
(22) He is merciful. (23) He is friendly. (24) He is poetic. (25)
He is expert. (26) He is silent."
To be a GBC in ISKCON, it should be required that one must
possess these 26 qualities of a Vaishnava, then everyone he or
she deals with, will be happy. As Srila Prabhupada said, “there
7) Pro-Iskcon / Pro-GBC / Anti-Corruption
Evidence of Phoenix temple TP filing “fudged” legal documents. (continued from pg.2)
Dear Madhusevita das (GBC Chairman), (sent several years ago with no response)
Jai Prabhupada.
These state documents (attached below) filed by Pratibha Somaiya show
that she is not only very dishonest, but disloyal to Iskcon and the GBC.
She and friends were planning a second coup to take over the temple.
On August 26th, 2006, State Corporation papers were filed showing Daru
Krishna (Dennis Kelly) as the temple president. On February 26th, 2007,
Pratibha Somaiya filed different papers, naming a different person as the
temple president other than Daru Krishna, who was still the bone fide
president appointed by Romapada Swami.
So she changed not only him as president, but added other persons as
directors without the knowledge or sanction of the GBC Hridayananda
Maharaj. Notice on the forms how she crosses out Daru Krishna as stauatory
agent, and signs the paper in her own blood, binding herself as the
conspirator. This is no small thing. Her and her friends she brought in as
Directors are not initiated and do not follow the regulative principles.
She has illegally changed names of the bone fide directors of the
corporation and established new people as such. This lady is the person
who Hari Vilas entrusts to run the temple now, and she and her husband own
a resort that has a bar. We are going to trust such persons with the
Iskcon Phoenix temple?
Romapada Swami still favors this lady (his future disciple) because
through her he can get in the back door now and increase his laxmi
collection. Research it if you care to. Your servant, Dasarath das
EVIDENCE #2 thru #8 shows State Corporation documents illegally
changed and filed by Pratibha Somaiya (Pratibha Dhatri devi dasi)
Page 8
Page 9
Type to enter text
"The previous GBC (in Phoenix) was
unceremoniously removed from his
position there by the NA GBC executive
committee because of the speculation
that he would allow the temple to be
taken out of Iskcon. There was not
proper procedure followed for this
drastic step and it has set a terrible
precedent." - email from Trivikram
Swami, Feb., 2014
Whereas, Pratibha Somaiya, aka/Prema Dhatri,
did in fact, file legal documents changing the
Board Of Directors of the corporation
ISKCON of Phoenix, without the knowledge or
consent of the real Board of Directors;
Whereas, Pratibha Somaiya, aka/Prema Dhatri,
has banned innocent members from the temple,
who have had to undergo hardship and
humiliation for more than one year, the
Watchdog Bulletin Editors suggest that she and
her husband be removed from their positions.Page 10