calendar - Experience Anacortes
calendar - Experience Anacortes
AUGUST 2013 819 Commercial Avenue Anacortes, WA 98221 360.293.7911 Volume 23 / Issue 8 calendar chamber luncheon Anacortes Arts Festival Friday, August 2 – Sunday, August 4 Anacortes Arts Festival Thursday, August 8 All-County After Hours Chinook Enterprises 4:00 – 7:00 pm Friday, August 16 Finance/Executive Meeting Chamber Office Tuesday, August 30 VIC Meeting Chamber Office 10:30 am 9:00 am Upcoming Events: Saturday, September 7 Taste Anacortes Depot Arts & Community Center Friday, Saturday, Sunday, September 27, 28 & 29 Anacortes Fall Boat Show Cap Sante Marina Friday and Saturday, October 4 & 5 Oktoberfest Port Transit Shed cornerstone members TESORO Puget Sound Refinery I n its 52nd year, the Anacortes Arts Festival (August 2–4) is still evolving and growing. Here’s what to look for that’s new and different. The first-ever Festival Fashion Show is Saturday at 2 pm at the KPLU Stage on 8th Street. It features wearable attire from booth artisans, including clothing, jewelry and accessories. Both the KPLU and Main Stage on 3rd Street offer a wide variety of music throughout the festival. The working artist area on Saturday and Sunday will focus on large-scale chalk painting of famous masterpieces (on the street). Bellingham artist Brian Major will reproduce Klimt’s “The Kiss” and festival attendees will have the opportunity to participate in painting “The Wave” by Hokusai. This area also includes demonstrations of a range of traditional and contemporary crafts. Expect to see more street performance this year—at a new location on 7th Street (west side) as well as 5th Street. These charismatic performers draw the audience in with performance art including magic, juggling and music. Of the booth artisans filling the street, 29 are brand new to the festival. The jury process ensues that the festival gets fresh, creative artists each year. In total there are over 250 booths, representing a spectrum of mediums. In an effort to be environmentally responsible, the festival is asking visitors to bring their own bags for purchases. But please leave the dogs at home! The Arts at the Port juried exhibition will include over 100 pieces from 46 regional artists, including eight Anacortes artists. The Allen Family Gallery focuses on stone. Join the free Fine Art Opening celebration on Saturday, July 27th from 6–8 pm. There’s even something new in culinary art. Sample smoked salmon chowder from The Kokopelli Grill or a mac & cheese dog from the Surfin Pig. Wash it down with beer or wine, now being served in both of our alcohol gardens adjacent to the stages. Last but certainly not least, the festival bids farewell to Joan Tezak, our director of 22 years. While this will certainly bring change in the year ahead, the festival will continue to celebrate art, music and community far into the future. FLOORING CONNECTIONS INC. Experience Matters. Allen Workman Managing Broker 360.770.4948 Full time top producing Real Estate Broker Experienced negotiator • Exceptional Marketing Top Search Engine placement Residential and CommeRCial Your connection to quality flooring Hardwood • Laminate • VinyL Carpet • traVertine • SLate • tiLe 9019 molly Lane • anacortes pHone 360-588-9663 Tesoro volunteers boost United Way, Cancer Society T esoro has a strong tradition of community outreach, dating back to the 1950s when refinery engineers donated their services to assist with City of Anacortes street improvements. In the same era, refinery employees were also instrumental in establishing Skagit County’s United Way organization. Today, refinery employees participate in community volunteer initiatives including the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life and the refinery-hosted March Point Run. The 19th Annual Tesoro March Point Run was held under sunny skies on June 22, drawing dozens of runners and generating $5,000 to be split between the American Cancer Society and the United Way of Skagit County. The popular running event began and ended at Tesoro’s Anacortes refinery and included a half-mile Kids Run, a 5K course and a 10K course. More than 30 employee volunteers contributed to the day’s success, which began with the Kids Run on the company lawn. The 5K race, with 202 participants, saw a first place finish time of 16:33 from Kristen Carter. The 10K race, with 90 participants, had a first place finish time of 34:26 from Clay Wing. As always, runners, friends and family were treated to a hot dog picnic, ribbons, trophies and door prizes after the race. Tesoro employee Buck Hammock and his country band provided live entertainment. Plant Maintenance Coordinator Steve Dundin served as race director and Plant Manager Dan Cameron was on the scene to start the race and present trophies. “It’s been awhile since I slipped on my running shoes to participate in this race,” said Cameron. “But it’s always a pleasure to be here for this great community event. It’s gratifying to be part of a strong tradition that yields not only happy participants, but funds for charity as well.” Tesoro was also a key sponsor of the Anacortes Relay for Life, held this year on June 29 and 30 at Anacortes High School’s Memorial Stadium. Perennial event volunteer and Senior Engineer Chris Zimmerman served once again in a leadership role, with dozens of Tesoro employ- 2 Left: Tesoro was one of the leading sponsors of the Anacortes Relay for Life. Right: And they’re off! 5K and 10K runners share a common start at the sun-splashed 2013 Tesoro March Point Run. Tesoro was the largest single contributing company to the Skagit County United Way campaign last year. ees stepping up to participate in the fundraiser as well. The community of Anacortes raised more than $125,000 during this year’s Relay—$30,000 from the 18-hour June event alone. Tesoro takes pride in its environmental protection measures. The company was honored by Puget Sound Air Control Authority for voluntarily producing a special gasoline blend that helps reduce air pollution in Seattle area during summer months. The refinery supports an “EAGLES” program, an employee committee, to coordinate environmental projects—roadside litter cleanup, Earth Day activities and environmental awareness talks with employees. The refinery holds a leadership role in the chamber of commerce, including “Cornerstone Partner” status, and supports a range of chamber initiatives. Tesoro employees Helen Zimmerman (right) and husband Chris (not pictured) are perennial Relay for Life volunteers. Tesoro Plant Manager Dan Cameron presents a trophy to 9-year-old runner Robert Ayden Castle. PHOTOS BY STEVE BERENTSON Considering Buying or Selling Real Estate? AT T H E F R A M E M A K E R Regional Fine Art and Custom Picture Framing 420 Commercial Ave. • Anacortes • 360-293-6938 • member profile Beth Meenaghan Sustenance B eth Meenaghan grew up in Hickory, North Carolina. She spent much of her childhood on her grandfather’s dairy farm in nearby Granite Falls, NC, where her love of gardening and eating fresh produce began. As an adult, Beth was educated in the health benefits of fresh grown produce and considers eating fresh vegetables a survival skill for her health and nutrition. Due to her desire to serve her family fresh produce and to have them eat vegetables that tasted like real vegetables, Beth started growing fresh vegetables in her backyard about 12 years ago. During this process, Beth discovered that many of the vegetables that she grew up with would not grow in the tepid Anacortes climate. She researched different types of vegetable seeds that would grow and produce in the local environment, and planted these varietals with success. Her enthusiasm grew and her garden rapidly outgrew her entire backyard. Beth was so consumed with gardening and growing produce that she looked for another plot of land in order to expand her garden. It was during this time that her passion for gardening turned into her desire to start Sustenance, a small scale suburban farm. Sustenance supplies a variety of naturally grown vegetables to local farmers markets and restaurants. Beth is also growing several types of fresh produce that are not normally found in the grocery store produce department. She is very excited about her new business venture. Even though Beth has been growing fresh produce for 12 years, this is her first year offering her produce to the public. She has been successful and is excited to expand her farm even more next year. You can find Beth at our local farmers market every Saturday and at Viva Farms during the week. Stop by her booth to say hello and buy some delicious naturally grown fresh produce. Taste Anacortes 2013 at the Farmers Market T his September 7th brings back Taste Anacortes at the Farmers Market where local restaurants partner with local farmers to showcase their delectable talents under one roof at the Depot Arts & Community Center. Each restaurant will team up with a local farmer to highlight fresh foods available at the market and their own culinary skills. You will find the restaurants located inside the Depot building offering bites that will gratify your inner foodie and tempt your taste buds. A beer and wine garden will be located outdoors along with music, family style seating and music. Tickets will be available at the door ($1 per ticket) each taste and tastes will be priced between 1-4 tickets. Proceeds will go to the Farmers Market and to promote Anacortes as a dining destination. “Like” Taste Anacortes on facebook ( or check our website ( for the list of restaurants and more details. 12 to 4 pm at the Depot Arts Community Center Local Restaurants, Local Farmers, Beer Garden, Live Music Benefitting Anacortes Farmers Market 611 R Avenue Anacortes • 360-293-7911 • 3 DOES YOUR FINANCIAL ADVISOR KNOW YOUR FINANCIAL GOALS? IF NOT LET'S TALK. DOES YOUR ADVISOR KNOW KNOW DOES YOURFINANCIAL FINANCIAL ADVISOR YOUR FINANCIAL GOALS? IF NOT LET'S TALK. YOUR GOALS? IF NOT LET'S TALK. Jeffery C FINANCIAL Pleet Financial Advisor . Jeffery C Pleet 630 Southeast Midway Financial Advisor . Jeffery C Pleet Boulevard 630 Southeast Midway Financial AdvisorWA 98277 Oak Harbor, . Boulevard 360-679-2558 Oak Harbor, WA 98277 630 Southeast Midway Member MemberSIPC CIPF Member MemberSIPC CIPF Member MemberSIPC CIPF Your Anacortes American print subscription now includes premium access to local news and online-only content from your computer, tablet or mobile device. 360-679-2558 Boulevard Oak Harbor, WA 98277 360-679-2558 The Salvation Army (sponsor agency) in partnership with the Anacortes School District Ready to Learn Fair 2013 The 13th annual Ready to Learn Fair will be held Saturday, August 17 and we need help NOW from our local community (PTAs, PTSAs, churches, businesses, etc.) to pay for school supplies and other amenities for children in need. Financial donations from the community are needed now to assist us in ordering the necessary back packs, school supplies and other amenities (in bulk). All donations should be made out to the local Salvation Army and earmarked for the Ready to Learn Fair. All donations are tax deductible. The Ready to Learn Fair serves families who are not able to afford all the costs associated with getting their children ready to start school in September. Last year, over 300 students (K-8) were provided school supplies, backpacks and other amenities including haircuts, good condition used clothing, shoe vouchers, socks, books, and hygiene packs. To recognize you for your support: Your organization’s name will be listed on the Family Resource Sheet distributed at the event Your organization’s name will be listed on a Welcome Banner posted at the event highlighting donors. Your organization’s name will be mentioned in a thank you Letter to the Editor published in the Anacortes American and Skagit Valley Herald. For more information please contact: Nicole Struth RTL Fair Leadership Committee Anacortes School District (360) 503-1160 Visitor Information Center volunteers gathered in June to enjoy food and fun. Stop by the visitor center and thank these hardworking volunteers who are the ambassadors to Anacortes! 4 Visit! Encouraging Words Vacation W hen was the last time you had a vacation? Many business owners laugh out loud when I ask this question but such a thing is possible—with the right plan. When helping my clients plan for time off, we use exactly the same processes we use for succession planning—preparing for a change in ownership of a business. While ownership won’t be changing, the same principles apply. First, we review operations on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Next, we look at mission critical owner inputs—things the business can’t survive without. Then, we look at the owner’s role in mission critical activities and plan for alternate ways to meet the needs of the business in the absence of the owner. Technology gives us advantages never before available—remote access to company data, easy communication and even the ability to log on to a web camera and watch business operations. The not-so-pleasant news here is that some small business owners find that they must be away – health problems, family emergencies, etc. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a plan in place if you’re facing an emergency? Would you like to know more? Call Kevin, your free and confidential business adviser at (360) 336-6114 to better your business. Interested in starting a new business or gaining market share by exporting? Call James at (360) 336-6114 to get started! Encouraging Words is a service of EDASC, enhancing our quality of life through the creation and preservation of healthy businesses and good jobs. Learn more at Carla Cummins Your Full Service Travel Agent Specializing in Unique, Customized, Romance Travel 360-293-4856 or 360-630-6453 THE N O BIER W e would like to thank the following businesses for their support: PIER Barrel: • Birch Equipment Keg: • KWLE 1340 AM The Whale • Shell Puget Sound Refinery • Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company Fourth drawing winner of Thank You Thursdays is Judy Cole of Anacortes. Growler: Northwest Breweries • Anacortes American • Rockfish Grill/H2O/Anacortes Brewery October 4 & 5 2 Days • Live Music $20 advance $35 2 day advance Fri 5-9 & Sat 12-6 For more info: / 360-293-7911 Historic Port of Anacortes Warehouse • 1st Street & Commercial Avenue Stein: • Island Rental and Supply Sponsorships are still available; please call Cecilie at the chamber to inquire 360-293-7911. tourism August E-News Judy won by shopping at Ana-Cross Stitch. Look for a list of participating businesses at Anacortes • Keep an eye out for our August E-News in your email • Learn about Anacortes businesses that made KING 5 Evening Magazine’s Best of the Northwest 2013 • And more… Then forward the email onto your business contacts, email lists. Come see us for all your vehicle or vessel needs! Registration renewals, title transfers, disabled parking placards, monthly tonnage, trip permits, dealer work 819 COMMERCIAL AVE STE. B ANACORTES, WA 98221 (360) 293-5533 5 Tim Eslick, Proprietor Tel: 360.293.8757 Cell: 360.770.3813 Anacortes WA Supporting Home Owners At Home Or Away. . . ambassador profile Matt McKay M att McKay was born in Michigan and moved to Anacortes from Denver, Colorado about ten years ago. He married his wife, Caren, in 2012 and together they have four sons: Brandon (15), Collin (15), Evan (12), and Kyle (11). Matt is the owner of Anchor Catering, and he and Caren are innkeepers at the Nantucket Inn. Matt has been an active chamber member since 2007. He served on the Board of Directors from 2009–2011, was the head of the Membership Division and head of the Ambassadors group from 2009–2010, and is currently the co-chair for the Restaurant Trades Association. Matt has served on many event committees, including the Waterfront Festival, Oktoberfest, and the Spring Wine Festival. Matt enjoys spending time with his family, watching football (Go Broncos!), and doing anything that takes him outside— especially playing golf and tennis. What Matt loves most about Anacortes is the small town atmosphere, the variety of events held throughout the year, the abundant recreational opportunities, and the people who call Anacortes home. Fun fact: Matt proposed to Caren by creating a scavenger hunt that involved seven chamber member businesses, and he and Caren share the same birthday. new members ALPINE HEATING AND COOLING 1957 Park Lane Burlington, WA 98233 (360) 293-6210 Gary Kirkendall Heating & Cooling Systems ISLAND STYLES 1006 6th St Anacortes, WA 98221 (360) 393-3211 Dennis Troxell Retail Clothing MARINE SERVICECENTER— MIKE MULLENBERG Anacortes, WA 98221 (360) 333-8382 Mike Mullenberg Marine, Yacht Broker SALON ROUGE SPA 623 Morris Street LaConner, WA 98257 (360) 466-4247 Karin Baldwin Hair Salon DEER HARBOR CHARTERS 6179 Deer Harbor Rd Deer Harbor, Wa 98243 (360) 376-5989 Tom Averna Whale Watching KELLI LANG, COLDWELL BANKER BAIN 3110 Commercial Ave. #101 Anacortes, WA 98221 (360) 929-2217 Kelli Lang Real Estate ROTH WINDOW AND PRESSURE WASHING (360) 770-4916 www. rothwindowandpressurewashing. com Mary Roth Pressure Washing SOUND EXPERIENCE 211 Seton Road Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-0438 Catherine Collins Education LYNN M. LANG ACCOUNTING & BUSINESS SERVICES CO. 2707 Commercial Avenue Anacortes, WA 98221 360) 588-1414 Lynne M. Lang Accounting and Business Services ROXY S. & ASSOCIATES LEGAL SHIELD (360) 421-ROXY Roxy Seligman Legal Services HYPERFUND, INC. 5408 Kingsway Anacortes, WA 98221 (800) 663-8421 David Schmelke Financial Services 6 Treating Illness, Cultivating Wellness 902 28th St. Anacortes, WA 98221 Alethea Fleming, ND 360-630-3022 member renewals • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Anacortes Family Center Autumn Leaves Bed & Breakfast Rich & Gail Ballow, John L. Scott Real Estate Bob’s Chowder Bar & BBQ Salmon Candlewood Suites Burlington Cap Sante Inn Cascade Natural Gas Conservation Program Express Employment Professionals Frontier Building Supply Garner’s Northwest, Inc. Christina Hansen Highland Woods, LLC John L. Scott Real Estate/Anacortes KWLE Radio Lake Campbell Lodging Majestic Inn & Spa Northwest Rigging Piston Service Auto Plus Kathy Rogers, Windermere Real Estate San Juan Airlines San Juan Safaris/San Juan Outfitters Sebo’s Hardware & Equipment Rentals The Red Door Thrift Shop Outreach of Christ Episcopal Church • West Yachts thanks... A standing ovation to ACT Theatre, Anchor Catering and Anacortes Brewing for hosting a very lively and fun-filled after hours, cheers! And thank you to the following businesses for providing gifts for the give-away: • AFLAC—Hope Roe • Anacortes Brewery/H2O/Rockfish Grill • Anacortes Community Theatre • Steve Wilhoit—Chamber Member • Foundation Massage Therapy • Friends of Fidalgo Pool • Impressions Salon • Lighthouse Park RV Park & Mini Storage • Mount Vernon Carpet One • Nantucket Inn • North Islands Young Life •pflynn+associates • Read Me A Story • The Apothecary Spa • Upstage Boutique & Men’s Store Mitch Everton, Laurie Gere, Brian Geer and Dean Maxwell enthusiastically hold up YES signs to the question “ Are you in favor of bringing new manufacturing jobs to Anacortes?” during the chamber’s Candidate’s Forum lunch on July 11, 2013. 2013 Ambassadors Jessica Cantrell—Farmers Insurance Carla Cummins—All About Honeymoons & Vacations Lara Dunning—Fine Edge Jim Gordon—Freedom Wireless Media, Inc. Jack Hamilton—Cap Sante Court Retirement Community Barry Harter—Central Payment Corporation Lisa Helm-Morrow—KeyBank Lanaya Holm—Opulence Salon & Day Spa Sarah Jurkovich—Washington Federal Kari Kennedy—KeyBank Matt McKay—Nantucket Inn; Anchor Catering Jeffery Pleet, CLU, ChFC—Edward Jones Therese Rudzis—Individual member Michelle Scheremeta—Aulday Bookkeeping Solutions Veronica Spencer—Take Shape For Life Mary Staley—Marketing with Mary Mark Van Oort—Business Bank Boyd Veer—Seaside Autobody & Accessories John Williams—Skagit Publishing Chamber Board President, Kathy Larson (Puget Sound Energy), Leadership Skagit scholarship recipient, Tammy Masalonis (McGregor Benefits) and Stephanie Hamilton celebrate at the Leadership Skagit graduation. The Anacortes Chamber of Commerce received the 2013 Inspiring Leadership Award for outstanding dedication to the development and education of community leaders through our annual Leadership Skagit scholarship. 7 PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID ANACORTES, WA PERMIT NO. 44 819 Commercial Ave., Suite F Anacortes, WA 98221 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED chamber officers vic (visitor information center) statistics Executive Board June 2013 June 2012 June 2013 June 2012 Visitors 18261695 Relocation Requests 14 15 Phone Calls 255 286 Web Visits 14,199 14,074 Information Requests 46 69 Web Page Views 36,667 42,129 Visit us on the web at Volunteer Hours 446 313 Thank you, volunteers! PRESIDENT Kathy Larson Puget Sound Energy PRESIDENT ELECT Mark Lawrence Simply Yards Landscape and Design TREASURER Karin Baldwin Quantum Construction Pirate Contests Awards Outdoor Pirate Bar John Wayne’s Yacht “Norwester” Chowder Eating Contest Coast Guard Helicopter Rescue Demonstration Car Show Live Music Food & Grog Free All Day PA S T P R E S I D E N T Kristi Gabrielse Ana-Cross Stitch B OA R D M E M B E R AT L A R G E Matt Miller Read Me A Story Board of Directors Jody Ayón Shell Puget Sound Refinery Bela Berghuys Islands Inn Dan Cameron Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co. Duane Clark Cap Sante Court Retirement CommunityPeggy Flynn pflynn+associates Jim Gordon Freedom Wireless Media, Inc. Bob Hyde Port of Anacortes Gary Jacobson Attorney Dean Maxwell City of Anacortes Curt Oppel John L. Scott Real Estate Andy Schwenk Northwest Rigging Mary E. Staley Marketing With Mary Bernadette Stanek Island Hospital Chris Terrell How It Works Carol Van Iterson Bank of the Pacific Mark Wenzel Anacortes School District Chamber Staff Stephanie Hamilton Executive Director Mary Talosi Visitor Information & Operations Director Cecilie Miller Event & Communications Director Leah Hines Marketing & Promotions Director Kristi Daniels & Crystal Johnson Licensing Sub-Agents Photography by Steve Berentson Newsletter designed by LMac Graphics PRINTING BY BAYSHORE OFFICE PRODUCTS 603 Commercial Ave. • Anacortes, WA 360-293-4669 • BOAT PARADE 1:00 RACES 1:30 PIER 1, 100 COMMERCIAL AVE
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calendar - Experience Anacortes
attending this year’s festival with various mediums to browse and buy. With all that artistic
talent in one place there is bound to be something that intrigues you. The Experience Art Area