By Word of Mouth Catering - The International Caterers Association


By Word of Mouth Catering - The International Caterers Association
Catie Awards
ICA Caterer of the Year
Business Proficiency
Business License
Liability Confirmation
: By Word of Mouth Catering
Attention of
: Johann Coertzen
Facsimile no
: Email
: Eileen Breakey
: 011-669-3209
: 011-669-2027
: 26 August 2011
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contains information that is privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the
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recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication
is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by
telephone, and return the original message to the address below, at our cost.
Insurance Confirmation – By Word of Mouth Catering (It’s a Matter of Taste t/as)
We hereby confirm that Liability Insurance is in place as follows:
By Word of Mouth Catering (It’s a Matter of Taste t/as)
Camargue Underwriting Managers
D00853 (785939*006)
: Stalker Hutchison Admiral
General Public Liability and (Top up Liability)
01/09/2011 to 31 August 2012
R 3 000 000 - General Liability
R 3 000 000 - Products Liability
R30 000 000 - Top-Up Liability
Kind regards
Eileen Breakey
Manager Client Services – Commercial Solutions
Alexander Forbes Risk Services Pty Ltd
Mobile: 082 453 2168
P O Box 781692, Sandton, 2146
Alexander Forbes Place, 90 Rivonia Road, Sandton, 2196
Tel: +27 (11) 669 3000 (s/b)
For your convenience, please refer to our direct lines
Alexander Forbes Risk Services (Pty) Ltd
Co. Reg. No : 2007/018288/07
An Authorised Financial Services Provider - FSB/FSP Licence No : 9299
Directors: MS Moloko (Chairman) CD Nortje (Managing Director) GW Bishop * JJ Erwee GS Jameson *
(* Alternate) (** Independent)
N Madungandaba N Makhubela BL McClatchie * AJ Ossip MH Zilimbola **
Credit Clearance
Credit Clearance
Credit Clearance
Credit Clearance
Vat Registration
Bank Details
Staff Orientation Booklet
Staff Orientation Booklet
Staff Orientation Booklet
Staff Orientation Booklet
Staff Orientation Booklet
Staff Orientation Booklet
Staff Orientation Booklet
Staff Orientation Booklet
Staff Orientation Booklet
Staff Orientation Booklet
Staff Orientation Booklet
Staff Orientation Booklet
Staff Orientation Booklet
Staff Orientation Booklet
Staff Orientation Booklet
Certificate of Acceptability
Tax Clearance
Financial Viability
After two decades of strong financial results BWOM made a considerable investment in 2012 to expand its operations to take advantage of new ventures and
market opportunities, namely Sport suite management and catering, staff restaurants, sports clubs catering and functions, express distribution, own venue
etc. etc. The company incurred capital expenditure in excess of R11 000 000
(SA Rand) in relation to the expansion project and securing and fitting out new
premises. The return from this initial investment is only expected to see fruition
in 2013, and beyond, due to the lead times in closing and signing these new
ventures and opportunities. The additional associated expenses in respect of
this initial investment were enormous and estimated at R3 200 000 (SA Rand),
but the benefits in respect of this initial investment are already bearing fruit
with new ventures being signed and additional revenue streams coming on
board in 2013.
Had these additional expenses related to the expansion and improved IT software and infrastructure costs not been incurred the loss would have been reduced to 3% of sales.
Letter of Good Standing
Extra - Curricular activities
We send all our left over food to the Village Safe Heaven and reconstitute it into meals. We feed over 750
child headed households due to aids.
The Village Safe Haven
12 Downing Street, Buccleuch, Sandton • PO Box 526, Buccleuch 2066
Telephone : 011 802 1461 • Cell : 084 519 3159 • Fax: 086 684 7301
Email: • Website:
12 July 2011
By Word of Mouth Catering
20 Ridge Road
Attention: Karen Short
Dear Karen
If we look back at our humble beginnings and see where we started and where we are
today, we can only say thank you, we could not have done this without you. The difference
your food has made is huge and we would like to give our ongoing sincere thanks for this.
In turn we have been telling many about the wonderful work you are doing for us and we
trust and pray that you will be blessed more abundantly year after year.
Please pay us a visit when you are able to.
Kind regards
Michael and Susan Harris
084 519 3159 / 082 370 6991
011 802 1461
040-871 NPO
Extra - Curricular activities
Artangels Charity Auction raised over R 1.3 Million Rand.
Charity auCtion
17 November 2011
Extra - Curricular activities
ArtAngels seeks to raise funds for selected organisations with a
track record of success and to provide you with a fun, easy and
effective manner to contribute to these success stories.
NGO’s have a good cause, passion and people that care, but in
addition, we look for people that have the ability to make things
happen. Having worked with them for many years, I believe that
our 2011 beneficiary, PEN, truly meets this criteria.
We have specifically chosen to support PEN’s Early Childhood
Development (ECD) and paediatric health programs in the belief
that investment in developing the children of South Africa is
imperative in order to create a brighter future for South Africa.
In planning this event I have been overwhelmed by the
immense generosity of artists, corporates, service providers,
colleagues and friends. I wish to take this opportunity to thank
everyone involved, contributing to or attending this event for their
support. Your support has ensured that event costs have been kept
to a minimum and over 90% of the funds raised to date and all
funds raised from the auction will go to PEN.
The concept for the ArtAngels arose from a wish to combine
the annual year-end fundraising drive with the desire to throw
one hell of a party at CIRCA – with that, I hope you find some
appealing art to buy and have a fantastic evening.
Nicola Harris
Artangels Charity Auction
Extra - Curricular activities
PEN, is an NGO that was founded in 1992 and focuses on children and
children’s programs in the Pretoria CbD with a vision to Ignite Change,
Nurture Togetherness and Heal Communities.
Thousands of people flock from rural areas and countries north of
the South African border to Tshwane with the dream of setting up a
better life. Sadly, reality is met when they end up in the city, sharing a
small one bedroom flat with ten or more people, where there are very
little opportunities of finding work and sometimes little food to eat.
In circumstances like this family structures fall apart, moral standards
drop and crime and gangsterism becomes a way of life. Amidst all of
this hardship it is very often the women and children who suffer the
most. fathers leave to seek a better life and mothers are left to care
for the children on their own, mostly with devastating consequences.
Mothers and/or children fall prey to drug lords, prostitution and those
ever preying adults, some are also victims of abuse. basic needs like
shelter, food and clothing become luxury items and quality day-care and
education for children only a dream.
It is in these circumstances that PEN works towards bettering the lives
of people living in the inner city of Pretoria and helps to create a vision
of what a city can be to its inhabitants, if there was a caring and loving
community at its centre. At PEN the focus is firstly on enhancing the
quality of life of the people and secondly on the provision of basic needs
e.g. housing, food, clothing, health services and psychosocial support.
In addition to the above, PEN operates a low cost and supportive housing
project whereby rooms are rented to students and psychosocial services
are provided to help tenants sustain a healthy lifestyle. Rental income
generated from this project covers both the costs of the project and the
mission support staff salaries and basic running costs of PEN. This selfsustained model ensures that donations are channelled directly to the
projects with minimal leakage to administrative costs.
Within the City of Tshwane, it is estimated that thousands of children
InterestIng statIstIcs
PEN’s staff consists of 135 full time personnel
Per Week
3,000 children and teenagers spend time in PEN programs
4,125 meals are served within PEN
Per Month
840 people in counselling sessions with PEN social workers
400 people are tested for HIv/AIDS at PEN’s Sebida Hope Clinic
Per Annum
50 children cared for in PEN homes of safety
560 social housing units are rented out
Sebida Hope Medical Centre
Orphan’s & vulnerable Children
Psyco-Social Services
Early Childhood Development
faith Communities
Government R0.2m
Churches R1.5m
Rent recived from 570 residents R7.8m
International Donations R1.3m
Companies R2.3m
Camps and School fees R1.2m
Individuals R2.2m
2010 Income = R16.5m
2011 budget = R20.5m
Public Relations, Marketing, finance, Human Resourses,
Administration, IT systems
between the ages of 3 months and 6 years are taken care of and provided
for with very limited resources. In addition, their caregivers are not
trained in child development or education. As a result, these children
spend their formative days being inactive, without access to educational
material and toys. The ultimate effect is that most of these children are
under-developed and ill-prepared when they begin attending school.
In order to address this problem, in 2007, PEN established The Inner
City Pre-School forum for Early Childhood Development (the “forum”).
The forum provides workshops for basic pre-school training throughout
the year to pre-schools that are members of the forum. The member
pre-schools are required to pay a yearly subscription fee of R250. This
fee entitles the member pre-schools to send a caregiver to attend the
workshops which are presented at PEN nursery schools. In addition to
the basic pre-school training, the workshops also include training in the
further to the workshops, equipment and educational resources are
made available to the member preschools. A qualified teacher employed
The Hide and Seek, find and Treat Project is a partnership between the
Tshwane Mayoral AIDS council (TMAC), the foundation for Professional
Development (fDP) and PEN and is managed through the Sediba Hope
Clinic. The objective of the project is the early diagnosis and treatment
of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIv) in children living within the
Tshwane Metropolitan area.
Registered nurses and counsellors attend pre-schools within the area
to undertake paediatric and child HIv testing as well as HIv testing of
parents, together with counselling pre and post testing and education
on HIv and antiretroviral therapy (ART).
Despite the existence of functional ART-clinics in the public health
sector, many parents fail to bring their children to these clinics timeously
or at all. As a result, children in South Africa generally only have access
to ART after they become symptomatic. It is therefore imperative that
projects such as this be implemented for the early diagnosis of HIvinfected children and their subsequent referral for appropriate treatment
and care.
In addition to the testing and counselling, the following activities will
also be performed:
first aid and
fire prevention
Setting up a
daily pre-school
baby care
Health matters
Identification of
Kitchen hygiene
development Children’s rights
and cooking
of music &
Art activities &
administration &
story lessons
staff matters
by PEN attends the member schools on a weekly basis to facilitate
and assist with the implementation of what has been learned by the
During the last four years, PEN has witnessed the positive
transformation of the member pre-schools as their caregivers continue
to develop through the forum’s workshops. As a result, the children
attending these preschools are able to grow to their full potential, both
academically and socially, ultimately providing them with a better
future and quality of life.
Presently, the forum consists of 17 ECD centres which reach
approximately 1,070 children between the ages 0 and 6 years.
In order to run the forum successfully in 2012, the following funds
are required:
Cost per
Cost per
Capital expenses:
Educational equipment
Development of therapy room
Conversion of playground for bicycle track
Capacity building:
Roaming teacher – remuneration
Training equipment
6 x uNISA 1 year ECD course
Operational cost:
Telephone bill
Training cost (use of facilities, refreshments, etc)
Educating parents who frequent the Clinic about the necessity of having their
children tested for HIv
Providing referrals to the Tshwane District Hospital to access care, support
and ART treatment
Providing regular follow-ups with parents to ensure that their children have
been given access and treatment at public clinics
Organising monthly HIvcampaigns at pre-schools, health facilities and
community organisations within the Tshwane Metropolitan area
The project aims to test, on average, between 40 and 60 children per
month and is expected to have the effect of reducing the neurological
complications and resultant developmental delays that are so prevalent
in children who do not have access to ART. As a result, the project will
not only have an impact on the lives of these children and their parents,
but also on the community as a whole. This project has the potential to
be scaled to a national level in order to save the lives of thousands of HIv
positive children.
In order to implement and run the project in 2012, the following funds
are estimated to be required:
Cost per month
Annual cost
Paediatric Doctor
Professional Nurse
Clinic Coordinator
Social Workers
Data Capturer
financial Administrator
Auxillary Social Worker
Project Manager
Pathology services
Rent – Clinic
IT support
Providing mobile HIv testing units
Partnering with various community organisations
Training heath care providers on HIv-disease and testing of children
Artangels Charity Auction
Extra - Curricular activities
We were very proud to support the Click Foundation throught the ArtAngelsinitative at
the Everard Read Gallery on 15 November. The ArtAngels raised in total in 2012 R2.5m.
With this money they will be puchasing 125 new computers and teaching 2,000 kids
to learn to read through the Click Foundation’s online education support programme
(Reading Eggs).
CATIE AWARD 2008 (Las Vegas) our company wins Best Themed Menu and Presentation
The CATIE Awards are presented annually by the International Caterers Association (ICA)
and Catersource. The CATIE Awards started in 2004 and are designed to recognize the
achievements of caterers throughout the world. There are 17 categories and to keep the judging fair the caterers are not allowed to identify themselves in their actual entry binder, allowing every entry an equal opportunity.
Best Caterer – (1999-2012)
GEDA Golden Arrow Award
Based on the survey results of the GEDA (Gauteng Economic Development Agency) Gauteng provincial survey; We have received the following award:
In the Business Sector: EXECUTIVE CATERER. We received a rating of 4.09 out of a possible 5.00 and received the Golden Arrow Award. We were the highest rated in the category!
Article in Times News
Cover of the Garden and Home Magazine
Feature on Fancy Nancy party in Food and Home
Feature on Designer Wedding in Bride’s Diary
bdrsa13_p022~025_Layout 1 2012/11/19 3:34 PM Page 1
THE BRIDE’S DIARY ® Real Life Wedding
Maxine and Steve met through mutual friends and immediately hit it off. After
about a week of dating they knew that this was the real deal.
They share a love for good food and travel, and dashed off overseas every
opportunity they got. Their family and friends expected a proposal every time they
jetted off on another fabulous holiday, but Maxine said she knew the day Steve
would ask her hand in marriage, he would do this at home, with both their families
around to share in their joy.
Four years into their relationship, Steve proposed on a very intimate and
romantic evening at his apartment and the couple was joined by both their families
straight after – which is exactly what Maxine always wanted, and an evening they’d
never forget.
Maxine and Steve said it was easy for them deciding what they wanted for their
wedding day. Being very family orientated, Maxine wanted a wedding at her
parent’s home. The tennis courts were used for the reception area, while the pool
was covered and used as a cigar bar and cocktail lounge.
They wanted their wedding to be timeless and elegant, but relaxed, since it’s
taking place at home, and being the ‘foodies’ they are, the food had to be out of this
world! Their wedding co-ordinator, Debbie Moon, suggested they enlist the services
of Johannesburg based events company By Word of Mouth.
Maxine says from the very start of the planning process By Word of Mouth’s
professionalism and attention to detail confirmed that they were indeed the right
people to make their wedding the event they dreamed it would be. Exceeding all
of their expectations and going above and beyond what was required from them,
making sure this was an event not to be forgotten!
Feature on Wedding Trends in My Wedding Day
My wEddinG dAy
in depth
MAkE A stAtMEnt with
Feature on Entertaining in Summer in Verve
Feature in Marie Claire
Thank you - Old Mutual
Hi Angelique and Rowena I just wanted to send a note extending my thanks for all your hard work
in pulling together the arrangements for Mike’s farewell function last night. Everything came together beautifully and the result was a very special evening. I can confidently speak on behalf of all
of our guests to say that it was a very memorable event. Angelique – thank you for the many emails
backwards and forwards creating and recreating the plan. Your patience was wonderful and nothing
was ever too much trouble. You were an absolute star. Rowena – Thank you to you and your team of
staff who were all so professional and took care of us so well last night. I was truly impressed with
the level of professionalism of your staff and it was a pleasure to work with you all.
Kind regards, Lindsay Fiamingo
Corporate Marketing Manager Old Mutual Property
Thank you for the most splendid evening you created at our home on Monday evening! The food,
decor, lighting all came together beautifully! Both Mike and I were so impressed that you personally come to see that all went well and compliments to your staff who were just fabulous! My
apologies that the mail is only being done today, but as you can imagine, yesterday was a busy day!
Thank you once again for all the trouble you went to in making the evening so magical. I trust we
will be able to have a glass of wine or two on the beach shortly!
Cheers for now,
Sandy Harper
Good day
I would like to thank for the excellent service that was given at the function for Mr & Mrs
Rothschild. The word back from the guests that evening was exceptional. Everybody enjoyed the
food and the service was complimented to the extreme. Please can you communicate
the appreciation of Mr & Mrs Rothschild’s in the successful planning and execution of the event to
all the staff involved. Thanks again for all the effort in making the night a memorable evening, it was
highly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Jenny Martin
A very big thank you for all the hard work and effort that went into making last night a success.
Trade Marketing Manager
Our company has had the pleasure of serving a number of VIP clients including:
- South African Presidents Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki and Jacob Zuma;
- Dignitaries & heads of state visiting South Africa including; Hillary and Bill Clinton, George
Bush, Tony Blair, Princess Anne and Prince Andrew not to mention the catering at the Coronation
of King of the Bafokeng Nation;
- Celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Kevin Spacey, and Celebrity Chefs Ainsley Harriot & Renza Mohammed;
- Sports heroes including; Bafana Bafana players, the All Black Rugby Team, and Christiano Ronaldo ; and
Some of larger events include:
Catering for large corporate functions
- Launch of Toyota’s Corola and Auris coupled with a national road show
- RMB and FNB annual Starlight Classics
Catering at international sporting events
- Cricket world cup
- FIFA Confederations cup
- FIFA Soccer World Cup 2010 - catered for 120 000
Catering for official events
- ANC centenary gala dinner
- Inauguration of President Zuma - State luncheon
- Cabinet dinner for President Mbeki
- President Bush at US Embassy
Large Weddings
- Wedding in Botswana on Chobe river
- 5 day wedding in Seychelles
- Ellis wedding Durban
Catering at large international conferences
- World Oil Summit
Central Production Kitchen
• KDH Catering Design Concepts were the consultants on the new Central Production kitchen for the
• ALL the health requirements for a facility of this type have been met and in many cases exceeded.
• Temperature control for product is maintained from the moment goods arrive to the moment product
leaves to be delivered to the clients facility or function.
• Only the highest grades of stainless steel has been used on equipment
and the shelves are the latest Antimicrobial units seldom used in this country.
• The staff facilities, inclusive of showers, toilets and lockers, have been included in the design, and
health standards throughout the facility are compliant with all health regulations.
• All building finishes from the floors, to walling and ceilings are compliant with health standards
expected in the industry for such a facility.
• The facility is fitted with an Ansul fire suppression system which is compliant with all fire
• In order to reduce the carbon footprint in this facility Iso walling and a Multiplex refrigeration
system have been used, both of which reduce the energy consumption on site by up to 40%.
Energy Efficiency
Glacier Doors (Pty) Ltd manufacture their range of cold room panels with injected polyurethane
foam that uses HCFC 141b as the prime blowing agent. HCFC 141b has a significantly reduced
Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) of 0,12 and is fully compliant with the Montreal Protocol on
Ozone Depleting Substances(ODS) as it applies to South Africa.
Rigid polyurethane foams have one of the best R values of all insulating materials and especially
so when one considers it’s Long Term Thermal Resistance (LTTR) i.e. the products ability
to maintain it’s insulating efficiency over the long term. This translates into energy efficiency
over longer term.
Energy Efficiency
Greening Report
We have created our new website will blog and menus which are updated regularly.
Our Facebook page also went life and keep reaching more and more likes everyday. Facebook
page helps as a lot with marketing as clients can see all our new functions weekly.
We have also been featured in quite a few magazines and got a cover for garden and Home
magazine which is one of the most popular magazines in SA.
The biggest and most important marketing event that we had this year was our office launch.
We invited 400 guests to our new premises to introduce them to our new offices, hiring facilities
and state of the art kitchen. Guests were welcomed by a Champagne Lady serving chilled
champagne, and then proceeded to have a tour through our offices and kitchen. The guests
were then welcomed into the tented area to enjoy the best in new food décor and entertainment
Company Structure
Culinary Philosophy
At my fourth birthday party I received a very special gift - a gleaming set of working pots and pans,
measuring spoons and cups and even a little liquidizer. I knew right there and then, in a blinding
flash of light – a kitchen epiphany – exactly what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to be a magician; an artist; an entertainer - only, with food. From that point on Iimmersed myself in the world of
food and started taking action to make my dream come true.
Almost 20 years ago my dream became a reality as I opened a small one-man catering company in
my friend’s kitchen. It was not easy in the beginning trying to juggle everything single-handedly. On
one occasion I remember personally doing four catering deliveries in my little red Citi Golf to afunction of 350 people, cheffing the job, and then doing another four deliveries to get the dirty dishes
back home, and then washing the dishes through the night, and then putting on a power-suit to go
to a meeting in Pretoria in the morning, only to get back into my chef ’s kit and start prepping for the
next function.
We have come along way over the years, and owing to all-consuming passion, hard work, commitment, youthful energy and relentless hunger for success, it has expanded rapidly, and now employs
over 120 people. We have opened various operating divisions including Function Catering, Design,
Decor and Event Rental, Staffing, Beverage, Sports Catering, Floral Design and a Contract Catering
division. All these divisions are housed under one roof.
WhileI’m kept busy mainly focusing on food and function design, I am very lucky that my colleague,
partner, and husband, with his enormous business acumen and management know-how, runs the
business side of the company, including the logistics, administration, supply chain, processes, planning and project management.
People are the life force of any company, and feeling confident and secure in the knowledge that
we have a dynamic, talented team who enthuse energy, passion and pride, and consistently deliver
exceptional value to our clients, gives me and Adrian the energy and creativity to constantly think
about and pursue new business avenues.
I am inspired everyday by other chefs, foodies and bloggers. I try and employ better chefs than myself
and they alone teach and inspire me. I am friendly with lots of owners of catering companies around
the world and we all help and mentor eachother. I also gain inspiration and stay abreast of industry
trends by reading a lot and travelling overseas as often as possible.
I love what I do for a living, because I make my living from doing what I love. But it’s not an easy job.
In fact, it’s not a job at all. It’s an all-consuming passion, and the more you do it, and the better you do
it, the more you will find yourself faced with people wanting to consume your product or service.
Running your own company can consume your every waking moment if you let it, so it is important
to ensure you maintain some degree of work/ life balance. I have four sons, between the ages of 6 and
12 years of age, and a wonderful husband, so it is very important to me to spend quality time with my
family. For my own sanity and well-being, I also make time to exercise, read, garden and paint.
My practical advice is find something you love doing, and do it with all your heart.If you can make
your living from it and build your life around it, then you will be blessed with the gift of your own
happiness, and the happiness you bring to others.Share your gift. Don’t keep it to yourself. Let it belong to the world. Let it help, in one way or another, to make the world a better place.
Creativity and Originality (Affordability)
Jungle Themed Kid’s Party
Bright colourful lined buckets filled with popcorn muddle with dried fruit and
chocolate chip bits
Sticky chicken chipolata sausages
Colourful bowls of fresh veggie crudités fingers
Fresh fruit skewers with duo of melons, naartjie wedges and pineapple,
served on colourful platters
Swirly twirly lollipops standing upright out of colourful pots, more for wow and
decorating purposes
Cute sugar cookies, cut into shapes and iced with various coloured icing.
(cut into animal shapes)
Elegant iced tea display on arrival. Iced tea to be served in a trio of large vases
filled with loads of ice
and served with ladles. Guests to help themselves to ice tea in plastic cups
Refreshing summer iced tea display:
“ Tangy and refreshing homemade citrus lemonade with hint of mint
“ Rooibos with a smoky tartness mellowed with honey, wild hibiscus and a touch of lime
“ Daring and stylish lavender with a touch of orange and sage
Avocado fashion sandwiches served on mini coloured plates with wasabi,
soya sauce and pickled ginger (V)
Sun dried tomato, goat’s cheese and rocket verrine, served in a mini glass pot
with crispy rosemary focaccia shards
Sourdough baguette filled with smoked salmon, caper creme fraiche and watercress served with
lemon wedges and dill spiked with a tinsel cocktail stick
Pecorino shortbread cups filled with basil pesto tossed feta and cherry tomatoes
served on brightly
coloured upside down mini glass vases (v)
Seeded mini roll filled with “American style” chicken salad and spiked with a tinsel cocktail stick
Rolled tortilla filled with marinated lamb salad, julienne of cucumber and finished
with crumbled
Boursin and minted tzatziki served on white platters with colourful garnish
Chicken and wasabi salad mini baguette with julienne mange tout,
fresh coriander and sliced spring
onion finished off with colourful garnish
Creamy tarragon chicken pot pies topped with a puff pastry star and
garnished with fresh rosemary
served with colourful wooden forks
Glass bauble bowls filled with a duo of decadent dark and white
chocolate mousse garnished with
chocolate shards and plump berries, served with a mini wooden spoon
painted with coloured dots
Orange blossom crème Brule garnished with a ginger tuille and chopped
pistachio nuts painted with coloured stripes
Creativity and Originality (Affordability)
Ice Tea Bar
Make your own ice cream
Watch while our chef tosses your choice of ice cream together with your favourite toppings on an iced
marble slab to give you an icy taste sensation.
Chocolate, vanilla pod and strawberry ice cream
Vases of toppings to mix in and flavour your ice cream:
• Smarties
• Fudge crumbles
• Chocolate brownie bites
• 100’s and 1000’s
• Crushed nuts
• Assorted vermicelli
• Crushed meringues
• Peppermint crisp bits
Sauces to drizzle over:
• Passion fruit and berry coulis
• Decadent chocolate sauce
• Rich and creamy butterscotch sauce
Creativity and Originality
French Patisserie
French Patisserie Menu
Using our W stands, we will display a selection of petit French desserts
Vases of macaroons in various pastel colours
Assorted handmade chocolate truffles
Homemade florentines
Slices of delicious opera cake touch with gold leaf
Paris Brest – choux pastry filled with almond praline
Concerto – flourless chocolate biscuit soaked in cocoa syrup with layers of crispy feuilletine and
chocolate mousse
Douceur Noissette – gianduja, milk chocolate and feuillentine base topped with hazelnut dacquoise and milk chocolate mousse
Feuille d’automme – hazelnut biscuit with French meringue, hazelnut marquise and surrounded by
chocolate modelling paste to look like a flower and topped with whole hazelnuts
Schuss – vanilla sponge soaked in vanilla syrup and layered with cream cheese mousse and raspberry jelly
Volute chocolate – chocolate biscuit under a dome of dark chocolate mousse filled with crème
brule mix
Emeraude – pistachio biscuit, creamy vanilla mousse, layered with berry jelly
Mini glazed fruit tarts – blueberry, strawberry, mixed seasonal fruit etc
Assorted mini tartlets - Honey and almond tartlets, Lemon tartlet topped with blow torched meringue, dark chocolate, frangipane
We will use our metal tree’s hung with coloured ribbon and assorted doughnut. These will flank a
dessert display
Traditional cinnamon sugar dusted
Vanilla bean and chocolate glazed
Orange zest and pistachio glazed
Creativity and Originality (Affordability)
Bridal Shower
Creativity and Originality (Affordability)
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Shots of very berry smoothie with a hint of mint
Coffee shot with mini sugared doughnut holes
French toast cubes filled with creamy nutella and topped with whipped double cream and
chocolate shavings
Refreshing mixed summer berry fruit salad served in elegant glass bubble pots
drizzled with a vanilla
syrup and garnished with long sugar shards and freshly picked garden mint
Mini bagels and smoked salmon lox served with whipped cream cheese and dill
Mini pancake stack with a maple syrup drizzle, spiked with a knotted skewer
Sticky chicken chipolata sausages tossed in honey and sesame seeds,
spiked with a wooden fork and served with mustard
Vanilla breakfast panna cotta, served in a martini glass, topped with homemade granola and a
drizzle of berry coulis and finished with a shard of homemade biscotti
Mini glass pot of oatmeal crème Brule, finished with a granola shard and fresh mint
Homemade mini English muffins stacked with smoked chicken slices, eggs and cheddar
Tea and coffee accompanied by vases filled with:
Spiced phyllo shards
Long white and dark chocolate shards
Freshly sliced lemons
Sprigs of freshly picked garden mint
Wooden spoons dipped in white and dark chocolate
Long cinnamon sticks
Creativity and Originality
Apple Sours station
Menu and Design Concept
Concept behind station was to provide a fun interactive
wedding dessert station for summer
The look and feel included a very clean look with contemporary elements
and a bright saturated colour scheme with red being the dominant colour
Stems of carnations, strelitzias and lime green spider sprays were used in
consol bottles atting to the texture and over all look
Cheese cake base, Rocky Road, Pecan caramel, and a fun M & M coated
toffee apple were on the stations menu to mention a few
Apple wedges are also provided at the station for guests to dip
into the amazing selection
The Apple Sours added to the ‘fun’ as well as the bright colour palette
Toffee apples coated the traditional toffee as well dark, white and milk chocolate
Our pastry chef also provided Chocolate Vermicelli and butterscotch sauce
Glass vases were filled with an eye-catching array of Liquorice Allsorts,
dried chopped fruit, nuts, sour worms, crumbled fudge, 100’s & 1000’s, M & M’s
The shooter glasses were displayed alongside the toffee apples and added
to the colour scheme; shot glasses were filled with a mix of candy including
sour worms, jelly babies and, liquorice allsorts
Shooter flavours included Apple sours; cranberry, pineapple and of
course traditional apple. With liquid cocaine adding the touch of blue to
the display.
Creativity and Originality (Affordability)
Tapas Bar
Deconstructed Summer Tapas Bar
A fresh and divine display of tapas items to snack on. We will use white boxes lined with BWOM wax
paper for guests to help themselves from.
Wild rocket
Slow roasted Rosa tomatoes
Marinated calamata olives
Marinated feta and sun dried tomatoes
Griddled marinated aubergine slices
Marinated artichokes
Avocado chunks drizzled with lemon juice and fresh black pepper
Blanched green beans tossed with sea salt and Extra Virgin olive oil
Selection of fresh breads, grissini sticks and crisp bruschetta shards
Calamari salad
Bowls of homemade hummus, taramasalata and tzatziki
Freshly sliced parma ham
Traditional salami
Slices of saucison
Parmesan shavings
Bottles of extra virgin olive oil and balsamic reduction
Creativity and Originality
Fancy Nancy Birthday Party
Children’s Menu
Arrival Drink for the kids
Sparkling apple juice, served in our disposable champagne saucers tied with fancy ribbon
Pretzel sticks dipped into white and pink chocolate and then into silver and pink sparkles and sprinkles
Clear Perspex boxes of pink sweeties in different shades
Freshly popped popcorn in striped hat boxes and bright pink boxes stuck with diamante’s
Ice cream pops dipped in pink chocolate
Plump strawberries dipped in white chocolate and then into pink sugar
“Fairy Wands” of star shaped seasonal fruit
The best sugar cookies cut into various shapes and decorated accordingly, such as crowns, shoes, dress’s
Homemade pizza’s cut into shapes to match the theme
Ham and cheese sandwiches cut out into stars, crowns and shoes
Adults Menu
The adults table will also be decorated along the theme of the Fancy Nancy books, but will play more on
the more grown up side of things. We will use pink candelabra’s, silver boxes and mirror balls as well as
our leopard print Perspex plates. We will also have feather boas, mini pink glass votives and pale pink
glasses to create texture on the table.
Assorted sushi (including vegetarian) served on mini silver dishes with wasabi, pickled ginger and soy
Sliced seasonal fruit displayed on glass slabs and garnished with pink edible flowers
Waffle BLT sandwiches filled with crispy bacon, slow roasted tomato slices and rocket, finished with Dijon aioli and spiked with a black prism skewer
Pepperdew mousse, set at an angle in a bubble pot and served with smoked chicken salad and finished
with a snipped chive
Homemade red velvet cake finished with cream cheese icing and garnished with pink rose petals in
shaded horizontal stripes
Vases of macaroons in shades of pink and white
Creativity and Originality
Cricket Themed Birthday
8TH Birthday Party
Cricket themed
Vanilla Glazed Doughnuts
Freshly popped popcorn
Candy floss – machines x2 at Karen’s house
Jelly boats
Ice creams served on red dry ice – Karen to supply ice creams
Cake – wickets bat and ball – ordered from exquisitely yours
Sushi – 50pieces exciting mixed sushi – 30 of which must be vegetarian,
incl Avo Fashioned sandwiches
2 cakes- to be tested for synergy
Slices of watermelon decorated with edible flowers
BLT waffles – small waffles, filled and on skewers
Lemon curd ebelskivers
Red Lolli pop trees x2 look like a cricket ball
Creativity and Originality
Daily Sun Shabeen Themed
Creativity and Originality
Daily Sun Shabeen Themed
Dried wors or sliced beef biltong
Assorted roasted nuts
Mini bunny chows served in bamboo boats with fresh coriander garnish:
Spicy vegetable and lentil curry
Delicious butter chicken
Traditional boerewors and lamb boerewors served with fresh white hotdog rolls and large potjies
with our layered pap bake.
Accompanied by:
“ Sowetan chakalaka
“ caramelised onions
“ grated cheddar cheese
“ trio of mustard wholegrain,
Dijon and sweet mustard
“ Tomato sauce.
“ Spicy peri peri sauce
please see description
Pot pies served in sake cups with cake forks:
Mustard and tarragon chicken pot pie with assorted field mushrooms topped with puff pastry
Yummy steak and Guiness pot pie with fresh thyme and slow roasted garlic topped with puff pastry
Samp and bean casserole in individual ramekins
Hot and spicy chicken and butternut stew
Delicious beef and mushroom stew cooked for hours with fresh thyme
Garlic mash potatoes with tomato and onion gravy
Delicious pap, cooked in chicken stock for flavour
Sweet potato and ginger mash
Creamed spinach with pan flashed onions
* no stout in beef option * pap addition
Juicy charred lamb cutlets in a zesty black olive and rosemary marinade
Chicken tikka kebabs with fresh coriander
please make smaller grammage up
the quantity
Whole marinated sirloin seared on the braai and served sliced with our BBQ sauce
Mini mason jars of warming malva pudding served with jugs of vanilla bean creme anglaise
Retro old fashioned trifle with strawberry jelly and fresh fruit, finished with whipped
cream and edible
flowers and served in a mini glass pot
please use very little custard, more cream
Our family favourite chicken pie of tender shredded chicken, mushrooms and peas in a creamy
parmesan sauce topped with a puff pastry lid
Cocktail rolls with butter pats
Traditional Greek salad with all the trimmings
Our famous chocolate brownies dusted with icing sugar and topped with fresh strawberries
dipped in
chocolate and fresh mint
Creativity and Originality
Bubble Bar
Bubble Bar
The bubble bar will be served on a raised white table, with tall white table plinths on
either side. Above the bar, we will hang large clear beach balls as a point of interest.
Trio of salads served from our new bubbles with wooden forks
•Traditional Caesar salad with croutons, parmesan shavings and drizzled with homemade dressing (v)
•Sesame beef salad tossed with julienne of mange tout and brown mushrooms,
finished with toasted sesame seeds
Creativity and Originality (Affordability)
Chip, Dip and Gravy Bar
Chip, Dip and Gravy Bar
Chip Bar – step 1, take a bamboo boat and whichever chips take your fancy
An assortment of different chips including:
Veggie chips (beetroot, butternut and sweet potato)
Corsican sea salt
Wicked Wasabi
Tamarind Chutney
Mustard zest
Dip Bar – step 2, load up different salsas, dips and gravy’s
A variety of toppings to choose from:
Zesty guacamole
Tomato, red onion and coriander salsa
Crispy bacon bits
Corn and black bean salsa
Homemade chilli relish (spicy!)
Roasted sliced peppers
Chunky chopped Greek salad with kalamata olives and feta
Some yummy gravy and sauce toppings including:
Mature cheddar sauce
Creamy wild mushroom sauce with a hint of truffle
Green peppercorn sauce
Creamy artichoke dip
Culinary Diversity
Designer Wedding
Culinary Diversity
Designer Wedding
Culinary Diversity
Italian Feast
50th Birthday celebration
Canapés on arrival
For the arrival canapé platters we will use a mixture of black, mirror and white porcelain platters. The mini
dishes used will be in silver, white or black and to garnish the platters we will use simple delicate white
flowers, glass beads, coarse sea salt and patterned mini platters
Spiced, dry cured tuna served with toast in elegant mini glasses with a spicy mustard vinaigrette
Silver curly wurly spoon of minted pea puree, topped with slow roasted lamb and finished with a drizzle of
mint jus
Asian beef roll-ups served on a sliced lime and spiked with a clear prism skewer
Salmon sashimi, served on mini white dishes with wasabi, pickled ginger and soy sauce pippettes
Starters Feast on the Tables
On the tables we will have cake stand with lots of grapes, fresh fruit and figs with olive twigs and fresh
herbs. We will also have bottles of balsamic reduction and olive oil, large wooden pepper grinders and mini
dishes of Maldon Salt.
There will be vases and silver goblets filled with lavender, rosemary bread sticks, grissini sticks and French
loaves (decor subject to quotation)
On wooden boards placed along the tables
Hand cut cubes of Italian parmesan
Plates of thinly sliced parma ham
Marinated artichokes
Marinated feta
Assorted marinated olives
Sliced pate terrine
Marinated chilli prawns
Calamari salad
Hummus, tapenade and sundried tomato tapenade
Piles of rocket
Plated Pasta (please choose 1 option)
Lemon zest linguine with a hint of garlic and finished with extra virgin olive oil, cracked black pepper, parmesan shavings and wild rocket salad (v)
Fresh tomato and basil pasta finished with extra virgin olive oil and chopped kalamata olives (v)
Plated Main (please choose 1 option)
Lemon and fennel baked Norwegian salmon served with braised fennel and roast potato and green
bean salad tossed in lemon and black pepper crème fraiche and finished with a lemon wedge and dill
Cumin-crusted salmon with citrus butter served on a bed of chive mashed potatoes accompanied by
pan flashed green vegetables and garnished with half a griddled lime, baby radish herbs and sesame
seed phyllo shards
Our delicious lentil and butternut strudel, served with melange of vegetables and finished with a sage
cream sauce (v) (we automatically cater 10%)
Dessert Display
A stunning display of mini desserts with an Italian influence. All desserts will be served on mini dishes
that will make them easier to eat.
The display will be decorated using mirror table plinths and platters, large silver and glass cake stands as
well as glass slabs and bricks to create height on the display.
We will be serving a duo of Digestifs, being grappa (to come from Bar Bill) and the Waterford Heatherleigh dessert wine (client to supply).
Honey panna cotta topped with crystallised ginger and served with a sesame tuille
Boozy Frangelico tiramisu in mini elegant glass pots with crème anglaise and almond biscotti
Homemade macaroons piled high in glass vases
Grilled pears topped with Amaretto mascarpone drizzled with a berry coulis and garnished with strawberries and freshly picked garden mint
Italian Gelato Bar
Italian kisses, served on ice
Trio of authentic, creamy Italian gelato
Trio of fruity sorbets including lemon, mango and mint and berry
All served with a choice of glass bowls or sugar cones
Cheese display
An opulent cheese display using some of the best local cheese as well as a few imported cheeses as well.
Gourmet cheeses served with homemade preserves, fresh seasonal fruit, plump grapes dusted with edible glitter, assorted biscuits and sliced fresh breads with vases of crispy phyllo shards, crunchy honeycomb and our famous brownie bites dusted with icing sugar and garnished with plump blushing strawberries.
Culinary Diversity
Starlight Classics
We would like to have our Champagne lady serving glasses of chilled local bubbly as guests arrive. She
will be dressed in elegant traditional African dress using shweshwe fabrics in bright bold colours.
(alcohol to come from bar bill)
Arrival Snacks to be placed in square glass vases on cocktail tables for guest to help themselves
Marinated olives (in Perspex cones)
Salted pretzel knots
Our spice roasted nuts
Wasabi nuts
All food stations to be labelled
Provide more bins
Sushi and Salmon Station as well as some passed around
A selection of assorted gourmet sushi served in mini bamboo boats (3x sushi pieces per boat). This
includes salmon, crab and vegetarian:
California rolls
Fashion sandwiches
Assorted handrolls
Accompanied by soy sauce, wasabi and sweet pickled ginger as well as vases filled with chopsticks
Seared Salmon skewer with a lemongrass dipping sauce
Thai fish cakes served with lime spiked mayonnaise garnished with onion sprouts
Champagne Salad Bar
A trio of delicious salads served in our disposable champagne saucers with wooden forks
Chunky Greek salad topped with a lemon and oregano dressing
Sesame Thai beef salad tossed with julienne of mange tout and brown mushrooms, finished with
toasted sesame seeds
Pesto pasta salad with roasted cherry tomatoes, parmesan and rocket (v)
HOT STATIONS (please choose 3)
We will have our display set up with mirror boxes, white table plinths and glass. Using our silver taco
stands to display tacos that are constantly being made by the chefs. Guests can then finish their tacos to
individual tastes using a variety of toppings.
Traditional chilli con carne
Chicken stir fried with peppers and onion
Accompanied by:
Mexican tomato, red onion and coriander salsa
Zesty guacamole with fresh coriander
Chunky red kidney bean and corn salsa
Chive sour cream
Grated cheddar cheese
Moroccan Station (Tagines to be less spicy and mild)
Served in paper bowls with wooden forks
Bowls to have a recyclable sticker on it
Fragrant chicken tagine with olives and lemon topped with fresh coriander
Succulent lamb, artichoke and capsicum tagine topped with fresh Italian parsley
Fragrant Moroccan vegetable tagine with chickpeas
Herbed green couscous topped with crushed pistachio nuts
Trio of melon salad with a refreshing date, honey and mint dressing
Accompanied by: breadsticks, assorted lavash and Middle Eastern dips (hummus, minted tzatziki and
Prego Station
Beef prego steaks in our famous prego sauce served with wild rocket, fluffy Portuguese rolls and lemon
Corrugated cardboard cups of delicious hot soup, served with wooden spoons and a serviette
Minted pea soup with a swirl of cremefraiche and a crack of black pepper
A stunning display on a round table, served in the Chapel on the premises. We will
use a selection of glass slabs and silver cake stands to create height. Using ribbons
and coloured paper, we will add colour to the table as well as using mini dishes and
brightly coloured platters.
Vases and stands of macaroons in passionfruit yellow, mint green, orange, purple
beetroot and vanilla bean
Vases of homemade Florentines
Crème brule pots topped with traditional brulee
Delicious hand rolled chocolate truffles
Assorted tartlets:
French fruit tartlets
Lemon meringue
White chocolate and raspberry
Culinary Diversity
Oriental Party
Oriental Year End Menu
On arrival
Champagne tea, served from glass teapots (Omage to supply) into champagne glasses
Canapés to be passed around on arrival
(NOTES: all items to be individually sauced. Platters to be predominantly black with banana leaves)
Spicy teriyaki tuna served with a mirin cucumber salad
Mini peking duck pancakes
Traditional Chinese spring rolls, served in bamboo cups with an Asian dipping sauce
(NOTES: crispy springrolls with individual saucing. Presentation as per tasting)
Divine mini sesame prawn toasts
Broccoli and blue cheese wontons, served in individual dishes with hoisin sauce and garnished with
spring onions
(These are the deep-fried wontons. The Blue cheese is not overpowering at all. You hardly taste it. If
you like, we can offer vegetarian option?)
Assorted sushi, served 2 in a portion on different coloured melamine plates with vases of pickled ginger, wasabi and soy sauce pipettes.
(Salmon, tuna, vegetarian and possibly linefish – depending on availability. Each coloured plate to
relate to the type of food ie: fish / vegetarian etc)
Mini handrolls
Californian rolls
Fashion sandwiches
Egg rolls with soy sauce served on coloured sushi dishes
Crispy tempura, cooked a la minute, served on mini white dishes with a duo of sauces
(Clearly marked with stationary)
Tempura vegetables such as carrots, zucchini, potatoes, aubergine, baby corn and butternut
Tempura seafood such as prawns, fresh linefish and calamari
Accompanied by a sesame ginger sauce and a lime chilli sauce (nuoc cham)
Thai bar featuring aromatic dishes such as:
Traditional Thai green curry done in both chicken and vegetarian, served with fragrant jasmine rice
Beef Mussamaun curry on coconut jasmine rice (100% Halaal)
Thai asparagus (phat hawy malaeng phuu ta-khuai) (v)
Coconut, lemongrass and cashew nut curry (v)
Minted lamb salad with herb and spicy dressing (100% Halaal)
A typical Chinese station, featuring old favourites all served into white Chinese take away boxes with
Stir fried sesame and soy marinated fillet strips with loads of wild mushrooms and mange tout,
topped with sprouts
(We will advise if this will be possible to make it 100% halaal as well)
The ultimate chicken chow mein with sliced scallions, cabbage, ginger, sherry and soy sauce
Chinese vegetable and julienne carrots, leeks, celery and scallions fried together
Accompanied by
Fresh fragrant eggplant
Egg fried rice
Chinese egg noodles
Bowls of chopped peanuts, spring onions, extra chilli
A stunning sweet display, for guests to enjoy as well as creating a centrepiece for your function
Chocolate and coconut sushi
Fruit Station with sobet’s in half fruit shells
Trio of sorbet’s served in Sake teacups
Coconut halves used to display sweets and fortune cookies as well as to serve sorbet into
(R15 per coconut half)
To be quote separately
Assorted jars and vases of traditional white rabbits
Fortune cookies at
Wasabi and Green tea infused chocolates
Culinary Diversity
Sushi Bar
Sushi Bar
Live Sushi Chef at an additional
A selection of assorted gourmet sushi, this includes salmon, prawns, crab and vegetarian:
California rolls
Fashion sandwiches
Assorted handrolls
Accompanied by soy sauce, wasabi and sweet pickled ginger
Vases filled with chopsticks and piles of bamboo boats for guests to use
Culinary Diversity
Meat Station
Menu Items
Bacon sausage
Dry Wors
Parma Ham
Duck Biltong
Ostrich Carpaccio
Ostrich Brizola
Decisions Made to Control Product Quality
1. The new state-of-the-art HACCP compliant kitchen, which has been installed based on European
models, is the heart of this eventing hub. With this wonderful new 1200-square-metre
kitchen facility we have attracted the topchefs from all over South Africa.
2. The new food production facility is equipped with electronic temperature controlled sections
and the most advanced refrigeration equipment currently available in the industry,
which reduces electrical consumption and ensures maximum energy efficiency.
3. There are separate fridges and freezers for different food items to avoid cross contamination,
and the heat generated from the fridges heats the geysers. To maintain the highest standard
of freshness at all times, the cold chain is never broken as the food is loaded into refrigeratedtrucks
in the fridge.
4. The flow of the kitchen was designed for maximum productivity and best hygiene practices.
There are separate raw and cooked food production areas, and separate dry and cold pack
up areas. There is also a dedicated sushi section and dedicated butchery section. The food chain
is not interrupted from production through to the loading bays right the away to the client’s
function. This way, food temperature is monitored throughout the delivery process with trucks
even loaded in a fridge.
5. The new kitchen has enabled our company to launch its contract catering (staff restaurants)
division and express service too, which focuses on high-end corporate canteens. Contract
catering will replace staff canteen food with wholesome nutritious offerings, differentiating
them from other canteen operators.
6. To improve the administration side of the business, our company has also upgraded its
computer system to ensure effective menu costing. It is now possible to cost the menus more
accurately especially in a market where there are huge price fluctuations. This system can also be
integrated into thecustomer database and stock control system.
7. Our company staff keeps up with the current international food trends by travelling to the
various catering shows and have even won international catering awards over the years.