Paola Lenti è un’azienda che si avvicina al progetto di design sperimentando i materiali e interpretando le caratteristiche che li rendono unici e diversi. La conoscenza tecnica unita alla curiosità per i filati le hanno dato la capacità di superare le tradizionali barriere fra spazi interni ed esterni. L’interesse per la ricerca le ha permesso di sviluppare materiali innovativi; l’equilibrio le ha dato la chiave di lettura della forma, che risulta contemporanea e senza tempo. Il rispetto per la tradizione, per le pratiche artigianali di tessitura, ricamo e cucito l’hanno resa un punto di riferimento. Paola Lenti crea e contrasta colori e forme, sottolinea la qualità e le possibilità che i materiali le offrono. La sintesi del suo lavoro trova uno sbocco istintivo in prodotti dal design sapientemente semplice, che combina strutture architettoniche, sedute e tappeti in un insieme coerente, dove nulla è lasciato al caso, ma tutto appare naturale; dove colori e dimensioni sono studiati per dare il meglio senza eccesso; dove poter cogliere una tranquilla, piacevole empatia fra natura e prodotto. Paola Lenti is a company which approaches each design as an interpretation of materials and textiles. Through experimentation, technical knowledge merges with curiosity to create fibres and yarns that allow the company to go beyond traditional barriers between indoor and outdoor spaces. Through this research the company has developed signature materials that are the key to the creation of the contemporary yet timeless forms that are characteristic of Paola Lenti’s singular style. The company has also become a reference point in its working of these modern fibers in ways that honor and incorporate traditional handcrafted techniques such as weaving, embroidery and sewing. Emphasizing the inherent quality and innate potential of each material, Paola Lenti creates and contrasts colours and shapes. This intrinsic synthesis leads to a naturally evolving design that combines rugs, seating and architectural structures, all in a coherent style. Paola Lenti pieces offer a design where colours and dimensions are studied to create harmony without excess; a style which is able to convey an empathy between nature and product. AQUA COLLECTION 6 Nido Poltrona e pouf in corda Rope / Armchair and pouf in Rope cord: T3128. Ami Divano in corda Rope / Sofa in Rope cord: T3736. 9 Ami Sedie in corda Rope / Chairs in Rope cord: T0529, T0531. 11 Sand Poltrona in tessuto Rope / Lounge chair in Rope fabric: 06. 13 Surf Lettino in tessuto Rope / Sun bed in Rope fabric: 37. Stone Pouf in tessuto Rope / Poufs in Rope fabric: 03, 05, 11. Island Divano in tessuto Rope / Sofa in Rope cord: 37. 17 Frame Piattaforma in treccia Rope / Platform in Rope braid: T03. 19 Frame Divano e poltrone in treccia Aquatech / Sofa and armchairs in Aquatech braid: A06. 21 Pavilion Struttura ombreggiante componibile / Modular shading structure. Orlando Divano in tessuto Luz / Sofa in Luz fabric: LT029. Orlando Poltrona in tessuto Brio / Lounge chair in Brio fabric: BT671466. Welcome Divano in tessuto Brio / Sofa in Brio fabric: BT671466. 27 28 Wave Chaise longue in corda Rope / Chaise longue in Rope cord: T137. Baia Poltrona e lettino in tessuto Rete / Lounge chair and sun bed in Rete fabric: RS32. 31 Sabi Lettino con materassino in Luz / Sun bed with seat padin in Luz fabric: RT05, RT03 Wave Chaise longue in corda Rope / Chaise longue in Rope cord: T105. 33 Cove Lettino in tessuto Rope T / Sun bed in Rope T fabric: RT05. Cove Piattaforma in tessuto Rope T / Platform in Rope T fabric: RT05. 35 Swell Lettino in tessuto Brio / Sun bed in Brio fabric: BT595758. Daydream Lettino in corda Rope / Sun bed in Rope cord: T128. Afra Poltrone e pouf in corda Rope / Armchairs and poufs in Rope cord: T128, T135. 41 Otto Poltrone in corda Rope / Armchairs in Rope cord: T114, T118. Ease Seduta in treccia Aquatech / Seat in Aquatech braid: A01. 43 Wabi Dondolo in corda Samo / Lawn swing in Samo cord: CS05. 45 Wabi Poltrona e divano in corda Samo / Armchair and sofa in Samo cord: CS61. Baia Poltroncine in corda Rope / Lounge chairs in Rope cord: T114, T120. 47 Float Easy chair in tessuto Rope M / Easy chair in Rope M fabric: RM14. Haven Poltrona in tessuto Rete / Armchair in Rete fabric: RS03. Haven Divano in tessuto Rete / Sofa in Rete fabric: RS01. 51 Swing Dondolo in legno di frassino / Lawn swing in ash wood. Adagio Seduta sospesa in corda Rope / Suspended seat in Rope cord: T118, T128. Ala Struttura ombreggiante / Shading structure. Mellow Divano in tessuto Light Righe / Sofa in Light Righe fabric: LG406. 57 Cove Divano in tessuto Brio / Sofa in Brio fabric: BT675862. Cove Divano in tessuto Rope T / Sofa in Rope T fabric: RT31. Cove Piattaforma in tessuto Brio / Platform in Brio fabric: BT595758. 61 Canvas Divano in tessuto Luz / Sofa in Luz fabric: LT01. Canvas Piattaforma in tessuto Brio / Platform in Brio fabric: BT031918. Teatime Divani e poltrone in tessuto Thuia / Sofas and armchairs in Thuia fabric: TH43. 65 Greenery Giardino verticale in acciaio / Vertical garden in steel: ME021. Sunset Tavolo con piano in Sassofrasso / Table with Sassafras wood top: LE002. 69 Kiti Sedie in corda Rope / Chairs in Rope cord: T6757, T5731, T5715, T5866, T5826, T5807. Mira Sedie in tessuto Light Righe o rete poliestere / Chairs in Light Righe fabric or polyester net: LG426. 71 Giro Tavolino con piano in cemento / Side table with concrete top: 007. Giro Tavoli con piano in cemento / Tables with concrete top: 007. 75 Abri Quinte in tessuto Kimia / Shading elements in Kimia fabric: KA36. Ombra Parasole in tessuto Thuia / Sunshade in Thuia fabric: TH36. 85 Plano Libreria con piani in cemento / Bookshelf with concrete shelves: 032. Shield Coprivaso in acciaio / Planter cover in steel: ME002. Cove Tavolino con piano in Accoya / Side table with Accoya wood top: LE005. Sunset Tavolino con piano in Sassofrasso / Side table with Sassafras wood top: LE002. 81 Taiki Lampada in corda Rope / Lamp in Rope cord: T6766. Giro, Heron, Strap Tavolini con piano in cemento, legno o metallo / Side tables with concrete, wood or metal top. Agadir Lanterne in corda Rope / Lanterns in Rope cord: T128, T0503, T115. 85 Sika Cesti in corda Rope / Baskets in Rope cord: T106, T126. 87 Otto Pouf in corda Rope / Poufs in Rope cord: T6731, T6668, T6766, T6706. Shell Pouf in corda Rope / Poufs in Rope cord: T6807, T6919, T6937. 89 HOME COLLECTION Atollo M Divano in Feltro / Sofa in Felt: FC010. 93 Kimono Divano in tessuto Steelcut 2 / Sofa in Steelcut 2 fabric: KS120. 95 Allnew Divano in tessuto Bliss / Sofa in Bliss fabric: BL107. Cover Divano in tessuto Steelcut Trio 2 / Sofa in Steelcut Trio 2 fabric: KST653. Shito Poltrona in essenza / Veneered armchair: LE237. 101 Ribbon Divano in tessuto Steelcut 2 / Sofa in Steelcut 2 fabric: KS110. 103 Pillar Divano in tessuto Steelcut 2 / Sofa in Steelcut 2 fabric: KS950. 105 Smile Divano in tessuto Sailor / Sofa in Sailor fabric: SL078. So Divano in tessuto Seti / Sofa in Seti fabric: SE000. Linea Chaise longue in Feltro / Chaise longue in Felt: FC198, FE216. Ami Sedia e poltrone in Maglia Chain / Chair and armchairs in Maglia Chain: CPT11, CPT01, CPT04. 111 112 Ami Divano in Maglia Chain / Sofa in Maglia Chain: CPT02. Flip Tavolino con vassoio in essenza / Side table with veneered tray: LE243. Heron Tavolino con piano in essenza / Side table with veneered top: LE237. Ivy Tavolino con piano in essenza / Side table with veneered top: LE243. INDOOR RUGS Origami Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FE146. 119 Graffito Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FC215. 121 Flussi Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FC219. 123 Greca Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FC010. Greca Particolare tappeto in Feltro / Detail of Felt rug: FC207. 125 Imperfetto Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FC229. 127 Tatami Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FC218. 129 Yard Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FE103. Onda Particolare tappeto in Feltro / Detail of Felt rug: FE078. 131 Fashion Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FE069, FE177, FC215. 133 Cornice 25 Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FC020, FE025. Cornice 50 Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FC026, FE103. 135 Quadri 100 Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FE045. Quadri 50 Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FE065, FE092. 137 Cucitura perimetrale / Border stitching: Punto Cavallo Cucitura perimetrale / Border stitching: Punto Pettine. Flower Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FE007. Flower Particolare tappeto in Feltro / Detail of Felt rug: FE126. 141 Script Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FE144. Script Particolare tappeto in Feltro / Detail of Felt rug: FE007. 143 Kaleidoscope Custom made. Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FC238, FE107, FE092, FE074. Kaleidoscope Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FE007, FE149. 145 Pixel Particolare tappeto in Feltro / Detail of Felt rug: FC203,FC216, FE007. 147 Prisma Custom made. Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FC198, FC215, FC216, FC218, FC219. Prisma Custom made. Tappeto in Feltro / Felt rug: FE005, FE102, FE176. 149 Dune Tappeto in lana / Wool rug: E01. 151 Deep Tappeto in lana / Wool rug: L03. 153 Raya Particolare tappeto in lana / Detail of wool rug: N04. Raya Tappeto in lana / Wool rug: N07. 155 Signs Tappeto in lana e seta / Wool and silk rug: D02. 157 Shore Tappeto in lana / Wool rug: I06. 159 Ros(a)e Tappeto in lana / Wool rug: A02. Decori in seta / Silk designs: M10, N08, I02. 161 Alkazar Particolare tappeto in lana e seta / Detail of wool and silk rug: B03. 163 Arabesque Particolare tappeto in lana / Detail of wool rug: L01. Arabesque Tappeto in lana / Wool rug: C08. 165 Daisy Tappeto in lana / Wool rug: E06. Decoro / design: F09, D09, B06. 167 Tune Tappeto in lana / Wool rug: BW174. Decori in Feltro / Felt designs: FE140, FE143. Tune Tappeto in lana / Wool rug: BW149. Decori in Feltro / Felt designs: FE007. 169 Zoe Tappeto in corda di lana / Rug in wool cord: CL703. Zoe Tappeto in corda di lana / Rug in wool cord: CL702, CL703. 171 Spin Custom made. Tappeto in corda di lana mélange / Rug in mélange wool cord. Shang Tappeto in corda di lana / Rug in wool cord: CL107. 173 OUTDOOR RUGS Air Tappeto in filato Rope / Rug in Rope yarn: 28. 177 Wind Particolare tappeto in filato Rope / Detail of rug in Rope yarn: 07. Wind Tappeto in filato Rope / Rug in Rope yarn: 26. 179 Wind Low Tappeto in filato Rope / Rug in Rope yarn: 06 Mat + Tappeto in filato Rope / Rug in Rope yarn: 20. Mat + Tappeto in filato Rope / Rug in Rope yarn: 37. 183 Marea Tappeto in filato Aquatech / Rug in Aquatech yarn: 02. Marea Tappeto in filato Aquatech / Rug in Aquatech yarn: 12. 185 Sahara Particolare tappeto in filato Aquatech / Detail of rug in Aquatech yarn: 04. Sahara Tappeto in filato Aquatech / Rug in Aquatech yarn: 01. 187 Ray Tappeto in filato Rope / Rug in Rope yarn: R12. Ray Particolare tappeto in filato Rope / Detail of rug in Rope yarn: R107. 189 Samo Custom made. Tappeto in corde Samo mélange / Rug in mélange Samo cords. Samo Tappeto in corda Samo / Rug in Samo cord: SAR195. 191 Policromo Tappeto in filato Rope / Rug in Rope yarn: PL771. 193 Zoe Tappeto in corda Rope / Rug in Rope cord: T103, T137. Zoe Custom made. Tappeto in corda Rope / Rug in Rope cord: T117. 195 Zoe Tappeto in corda Rope / Rug in Rope cord: T0616. 197 Crochet Tappeto in corda Rope / Rug in Rope cord: 05, 11, 15. Echo Tappeto tessuto in corda Rope / Woven rug in Rope cord: EHR602. 199 Spin Tappeto in corda Rope / Rug in Rope cord: T6907. Giardino Particolare tappeto ricamato in corda Rope / Detail of Rope cord embroidered rug: 15. 201 Orto Tappeto ricamato in corda Rope / Rope cord embroidered rug: 28. 203 Shang Tappeto in corda Rope / Rug in Rope cord: T103. Shang Custom made. Tappeto in corda Rope / Rug in Rope cord: T118. 205 Cosmo Tappeto in corda Rope / Rug in Rope cord: T1505. 207 Spin off Tappeto in corda Rope / Rug in Rope cord: T112. 209 TECHNICAL DRAWINGS Cabanne collection Strutture architettoniche modulari, in metallo, legno o tessuto. Grandi teli ombreggianti e morbide quinte per dividere gli spazi. Ombrelloni e complementi dalle forme essenziali, in colori e materiali coordinati. Una collezione pensata per integrarsi con semplicità e garbo nella natura. Modular architectural structures made of metal, wood or fabric. Large shading sails and semitransparent screens to provide luminous divisions of space. Sunshades and accessories with essential forms, in coordinated materials and colours. A collection designed to be integrated into nature with ease and harmony. 483 483 BB 333 333 DD B Ala design A A Bestetti Associati AA 596 596 AA C A A CA05E C 566 400 C AA C front A 250 C front C 400 400 226 273 226 273 B 333 240 400 400 400 227 265 227 265 D 483 BB BB D front B D D front D D A 596 A 244 244 400 400 400 CC 400 Cabanne design Bestetti Associati CC 384 234 265 227 400 400 384 400 B Quadro module 400 240 Tunnel module Veranda module DD DD 200 200 244 244 400 200 C 240 400 388,8 384 234 400 400 234 384 200 384 244 D 200 388,8 150 Pavilion design m-ar by Renato J. Morganti Abri design Francesco 150Rota single hexagon element 147 right screen CA04CD 110 150 150 107 147 147 CA04CS left screen 107 107 187 CA04E central screen 0 20 150 187 110 487 150 150 150 110 150 150 187 147 255 303 107 147 107 150 110 152 107 CA04DD right screen 590 147 CA04DS left screen 150 CA04F central screen 152 187 three hexagons element 150 187 752,5 147 187 150 187 187 107 110 152 150 110 150 110 209 314 152 150 187 187 1117,5 152 187 150 110 150 110 150 110 213 187 238 Ombra design Bestetti Associati 200 Greenery design CRS Paola Lenti con Verde Profilo Shield design Bestetti Associatiw AC232A one-faced structure AC204 planter cover 232 CA07A 160 52 65 200 35 AC232B two-faced structure 52 65 AC202 planter 52cover 65 52 65 65 238 200 160 80 65 80 65 65 225 200 35 80 planter cover AC203 80 CA07B 75 105 75 105 75 105 75 105 planter cover AC206 56 121 121 238 121 121 200 232 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 Outdoor and indoor products Un’ampia proposta di divani modulari, lettini, piattaforme, pouf, poltrone, sedie, tavoli e tavolini. La qualità dei materiali usati, la cura delle lavorazioni e l’infinita gamma di sfumature di colore permettono di creare e personalizzare zone di benessere e di relax sia all’esterno sia all’interno. A wide range of modular sofas, sun beds, platforms, poufs, armchairs, chairs, tables and side tables. The quality of the materials, the accurate craftsmanship used in production and the countless colour hues provide personalized creative options when designing leisure areas both outdoors and indoors. 77 39 72 77 63 37 79 154 63 37 79 77 Ami 90 79 design Francesco37Rota 77 154 90 140 154 B32CE sofa 77 77 214 214 90 90sofa B32DE 65 65 154 39 7273 214 65 B32EE 39 72 39 72 86 65 65 B32LE 37 79 63 63 86 37 79 37 79 37 79 45 75 86 154 154 65 low 37 79 34 64 34 64 65 214 214 B32HE chair 73 73 73 86 86 Wabi design Francesco Rota wabiwabi wabiwabi B35A armchair wabiwabi 86 86 33 8233 82 105 105 33 8233 8296 96 105 105 B35B sofa 105 105 33 8233 82 96 96 96 33 8233 82 96 191 191 33 8233 8296 96 191 191 33 8233 82 96 96 96 96 140 37 7937 7950 50 37 7986 154 86 86 191 191 B35C lawn-swing 67 45 7545 75 140 140 65 37 50 7950 65 86 86 65 65 34 6434 64 45 75 50 65 63 191 191 86 214 50 39 72 77 86 37 37 50 chair 7950 79 154 37 79 37 79 50 65 86 37 79 140 140 45 75 73 45 75 154 154 50 34 64 armchair 34 64 37 7937 79 90 37 79 37 7950 154 154 37 7937 79 90 154 154 86 45 75 63 63 37 79 37 79 214 37 79 37 79 140 77 B32GE armchair 37 7937 7963 140 37 79 amiami 154 ami ami 73 37 79 154 39 7239 72 140 73 90 154sofa B32BE 154 191 191 191 191 67 67 67 67 67 96 96 96 96 96 96 50 50 37 79 37 79 214 214 37 79 86 86 90 73 45 75 45 75 37 79 65 65 154 65 65 154 50 50 140 34 64 34 64 37 79 50 50 86 37 79 86 214 45 75 65 50 34 64 65 36 8236 82 50 238 238 36 8236 82 96 238 238 36 8236 82 96 96 238 238 96 96 96 180 35 67 Teatime Teatime 35 67 255 Sabi 255 design Francesco Rota Teatime Teatime design Francesco Rota 42,5 42,5 68 68 62 62 42,5 68 62 sofa B56B 84 sabi 84 sabi 84 60 200 190 B39B sofa 200 190 B56C166,5 sofa 246,5 246,5 246,5 39 68 85 85 275 35 67 180 192 85 180 192 180 39 39 68 68 39 68 85 85 85 B39CD corner element 180 180 265 265 275 180 170 265 B39NS170 corner element 265 170 180 170 265 180 265 180 265 element B39ND corner 180 265 265 180 265 180 265 170 265 255 265 255 20 84 84 20 84 200 35 67 35 67 35 67 35 67 35 67 35 35 67 67 35 67 35 67 35 35 67 67 35 67 35 67 35 67 35 67 255 20 265 20 35 67 35 67 35 67 35 67 35 67 35 35 67 67 35 67 35 67 35 67 35 67 35 67 35 67 67 35 35 67 35 67 B39ES corner 255 element 84 35 67 35 97 35 67 35 97 35 67 35 35 67 67 190 180 180 84 24 35 67 35 67 200 180 85 96 85 96 96 96 170 275 180 255 265 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 84 170 265 20 265 84 84 180 265 B39D central 265element 180 180 200255 170 265 B39F central element 180 180 265 255 20 84 B39G sun bed 192 35 35 67 67 35 35 67 67 35 67 35 67 35 35 67 67 265 B39MD180 corner 265 element 84 35 67 35 67 35 67 35 67 67 35 35 67 35 67 35 67 24 35 35 67 67 35 67 84 20 200 265 255 85 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 35 67 96 85 96 96 96 35 67 35 67 96 35 67 96 96 35 97 35 67 96 96 96 265 24 35 67 35 67 84 85 96 96 35 67 24 96 96 96 96 35 67 24 35 67 24 35 97 B39MS192 corner element 96 96 96 85 96 35 67 67 35 35 35 67 67 35 97 180 190 180 265 192 96 200265 96 85 35 97 84 192 20 96 180 85 200265 192 180 84 84 35 67 67 35 24 170 190 200 35 67 35 67 275 sabi B39CS corner 275 element 84 35 67 B39ED corner element 190 275 39 39 68 68 166,5 166,5 275 84 275 265 24 35 67 24 35 67 35 67 67 35 190 20 84 96 20 B39A sofa sabi 84 20 60 60 96 sabi sabi B56A armchair 96 84 84 35 67 96 96 35 67 24 35 97 35 67 217 96 85 96 96 220 170 B69AS element with left armrest 37 66 37 66 37 66 145 95 37 66 145 95 145 95 145 95 B69AD element with right armrest 145 145 145 145 42 88,5 B37B170 armchair with low backrest90 42 66,5 76 83 haven 42 66,5 76 83 armchair with high backrest B37D haven 76 83 42 88,5 76 83 135 135 135 135 B37A sofa with low backrest 95 95 95 95 B69B platform 145 145 145 145 37 66,5 220 37 66,5 220with high backrest B37C sofa 37 66 37 66 37 66 37 66 90 42 88,5 95 95 95 95 B69C central element 37 66 37 66 37 66 37 66 112 112 Heaven220 42 88,5 Rune design Claesson, Koivisto, Canvas design Francesco Rota 37 66 37 66 37 66 37 66 37 66,5 112 112 42 88,5 170 145 145 145 145 42 88,5 170 90 90 42 66,5 83 76 42 66,5 76 83 42 88,5 83 83 76 42 88,5 76 150 40 70 150 119 131 119 131 40 70 119 119 Island design Francesco Rota Frame on Frame 2012 designnew Francesco Rota Frame new 2012 B11CLS element cl with left arm B18AA small two seater sofa 34 67 35 63 127 35 63 127 three seater sofa B18AB 75 98 170 75 B11CLD element cl with right arm 35 63 242 242 35 63 75 34 67 170 75 98 B11S element with left arm 34 67 98 140 B11D element with right arm 34 67 140 98 B11C central element 34 67 98 140 B11PA pouf 34 98 98 B11PB pouf 34 140 98 219 10340 70 103 40 70 40119 70 103 84 40 70 85 40 70 119 75 Frame con70 tavolino integrato senza bracciolo 75 75 poltroncina31 108 75 119 150Frame B18Z poltrona armchair119 Frame divano CL 40 70 10340 70 103 103 40 70 40 70 162 119 119 162 Frame divano 40 70 B18SS element with left arm Frame poltroncina con tavolino integrato Frame 103 divano40 70 162 Frame new 2012 40 70 Frame 103 divano 162 40 70 31119 70 103 40 40 70 70 75 84 150 103 B18SD 40 40 70 70 element with 84 103 103 127 40 70 40 70 35 70 63 40 150 103 119 119 162 157 right arm 119 162 119 119 119 75 40 70 Frame poltrona40 70 119 103 central element B18SC 35 70 63 119 40 85 Frame poltrona Frame new 2012 40 70 242 85 40 70 103 Frame divano 40 CL 70 85 75 119 119 119 103 divano CL 119 31 70 Frame Frame poltroncina con tavolino 31 70 integrato 40 70 B18TS armchair with table/left armrest 157 75 31 70 Frame divano 157 75CL Frame con tavolino 103 poltroncina 40 70 35162 63 integrato 157 75 40 70 40 70 75 40 70 40 31 70 75 162 157 119 162 63 40 70with35 119 162 B18TD armchair table/right armrest 242 40 70 75 40 70 103 162 150 119 40 70 70 40 103 162 84 150 162 40 70 119 127 103 150 103 103150 32 70 70 70 32 70 31 40 31 70 70 32 157 31103 70 Frame Chaise 32 longue 70 31 70 75 43 80 108 47 85 85 157 10840 70 157 119 157 31 70 40 70 75 157 75 Piattaforme Frame Nuove75Frame Panche 2013 157 31 70 119 85 B18Q Framearmchair poltroncina Frame divano 31 70 157 75 32 56 Piattaforme Frame Frame divano Frame 157 75 poltroncina 157 Nuove75Frame Panche divano 157 75 60 34Frame 2013 31 70 10 doghe 210 83 Frame 60 divano CL Frame Chaise 40 longue 31 31 60 31 56 94 Frame poltroncina 70102 40 70 31 70 32 75 100 Piattaforme Frame Frame 31 60 divano 40 70 131 119 75 75 100 157 100 Nuove75Frame Panche 2013 40 157 32 56 75 70 34 103 21070 119 83 75 10 100 5 doghe 40 103 119 B18A 60 31 70 platform Framearmchair lounge 31 chair 47B18MD 210 119 32 56102 83bracciolo Frame chair poltroncina con tavolino integrato 94 senza 103 Piattaforme 32 70 Frame Frame lounge 40 70 Frame lounge chair 157 75 75 103 162 100 32 56 Frame lounge chair 34 157 40 70 34 31 56 210 105 doghe 83 doghe 75 31 70 103 119 40 70 21 0 102 94 83 47 70 40 70 32 56102 40 31 70 119 31 103 Frame 213 70 Frame poltroncina 85 75 lounge chair 31 108 31 70 40 70 119 32 70 56 75 34 103 108 157 5 doghe 210 119 83 31 56 75 131 119 103 75 armchair 108 75 31 56102 40 10870 47B18MS 210 83 platform B18B 31 70 103 162 213 40 70 85 31 60 Piattaforme Frame 31 70 119 32 56 40 70 213 103 85 75 108 31 70 75 31 100 56 119 40 70 40 70 85 31 56 112 31 70 108 21070 119 83 31 56 70 40 32 56 85 31 213 112 85 108 131 119 213 11910 doghe 85 85 chair 40 70 112 Frame lounge 108 31 70 210 83 132 31 84 213 56 112 162 Frame divano 108 CL Frame Chaise longue 31 56 Nuove Frame Panche 2013 31 56 Frame divano CL 213 119 85 Frame Chaise longue 112 chaise B18PD platform B18D longue Nuove Frame Panche 2013 108 85 70 31 32 56 Frame divano CL 213 31 56 85 Frame Chaise longue 5 doghe 132 213 40 70 31 70 75 Frame Chaise longue 210 31108 83 56 40 70 213 132 70 31 31 56 Frame divano CL Frame Chaise longue 34 103 doghe 157 10 40 70 75 162 34 31 56 31 70 213 10 doghe 85 31 56 32 157 75 94 132 103 102 213 162 102 94 70 157 31 70 31 Frame poltrona 75 103 162 213 213 210 74132 40 70 85 31 70 34 31 56 40 70 5 doghe Frame poltroncina con tavolino integrato senza bracciolo 10 doghe 31 31 56 70 34 32 112 B18RS chaise longue Frame sedia B18PS platform 157 5 doghe 75 108 102 40 70 157 75 157 47 75 103 162 31 132 213 31 56 70 47 102 40 70 157 40 75 210 74bracciolo 21370 162 103 132 Frame poltroncina con tavolino integrato senza Piattaforme Frame 213 157 85 75 103 162 3131 70 7040 70 56 70 Piattaforme Frame 31 5 doghe sedia 31 Frame Frame Chaise longue 32 103103 162119 40 70 Piattaforme Frame 43 80 31 56 157 75 157 157 40 70 32 56 210 74132 75 75 131 213 119 40 70 157 75 157 75 157 75131 157 75 119 Frame 112 poltroncina B18SCTS armchair with 108left table 70 70 32 31 Frame poltroncina Frame divano CL 150 112 Chaise longue Frame 31 70 31 70 162 design Francesco Rota 40 70 31 70 119 Frame con tavolino integrato Frame poltroncina 119 85 Frame Chaise 31 longue 70 Frame lounge chair 32 56 132 Piattaforme Frame 83 83 31 56 32 32 56 56 32 56 131 31 56 70 32 213 210 210 40 70210 32 56 131 B18RD chaise longue 83 119 Frame divano 40 CL 70 31 56 31 56 67 103 85 213 213 43 80 80 43 Frame divano CL 70 40 31 56 31 56 52 67 47 67 103 213 132 43 40 80 132 Frame divano 40 70 70 213 CL 316756 103 31 56 103 52 Frame43 Panche 80 213 213 132 132 B18N bench32 52 40 70 40 70 103 divano 40 67 Frame 32 103 40 70 70 Frame Panche 210 74 210 74 32 Frame 47 sedia Frame sedia Frame Panche B18H bench 75 80 47 43 84 103 150 32 32 43 80 32 32 67 67 47 47 47 75 47 29 84 103 103102 150 84 40 70 40 70 40 40 70 102 150 40 70 70 Frame poltrona40 Frame divano32 32 8452 103 102 47 43 80 102 Frame poltrona40 70 80 Panche Nuove 43 Frame 2013 B18G 47 bench 75 52 52 47 47 103 29 42 32 6740 70 67 103 52 38 102 34 29 40 70 Frame poltrona 119 40 70 132 3 Frame 119 162 85 162 85 74 132 162 162 3 Frame Frame Frame Frame sedia 3 132 12 162 162 162 162 3 1 103 103 3 Frame 47 43 80 31 1 132 12 3 74 162 119 162 Frame sedia 162 52 119 162 47 119 12 43 80 43 80 Frame Frame Frame Panche 43 80 42 119 52 85 B18K side table 52 47 94 103 119 integrato 52102 47 38 47 poltroncina con tavolino Frame Panche Frame 29 47 Frame Panche 40Frame poltrona 40 70 70 34 12 42 12 52 119 75 47 103 103 119 integrato Frame divano CL con tavolino 38102 Frame poltroncina 47 Frame Panche 29 47 70 40 40 70 Nuove Frame Panche 2013 32 32 47 side table 5240 150 B18J 47 47 70103150 150 119 40 70con tavolino Frame poltroncina integrato 29 47 40 70 32 34 32 119 85 103 102 162 75 47 47 102 94 150 75 119 Frame poltroncina con tavolino integrato 40 70 40 70 32 32 Frame divano34 CL B18F 47 side table 102 150 47 119 75 40 70 47 150 102 119 40 70 29 40 70 29 40 70 103 162 40 70 70 Frame poltroncina con tavolino integrato 103 162 Frame sedia 52150 47 31 47 84 40 70 3267 162 Piattaforme Frame 119 tavolino47integrato se 52 Frame poltroncina con 47 43 80 150 47 119 84 157 162 75 103 162 40 70 210 74 84 42 Frame new 2012 162 40 70 42 B18V side table 47 sedia 3267 Frame 40 38150 70 40 70 56 47 47 119 40 70 38 47 31 437080 213 0 119 40 7021 210 162 40 70 43 80 84 210 40 70 32 210 83 157 157 84 new 2012 75 150 131 162 119 210 119 31 56 119 52 Frame 131 47 52 210 74 32 56 67 31 56 103 162 47 150 52 Frame poltrona 119 67 29 47 213 Piattaforme Frame 43 80 85 29 47 31 43 56 84 80 32 56 Frame sedia Frame poltrona 40 con 162 integrato senza bracciolo 70 tavolino 0 21 83 B18X Frame poltroncina 213 85 chair Frame new 2012 B18SCTD armchair with right table Frame poltrona Frame new 2012 213 31 56 85 40 70 40 70 47 83 32 56 84 67 40 70 40 21 700 31 162 52 67 31 56 56 Frame new 2012 47 213 85 43 80 31 56 35 63 119 Frame poltrona 150 40 70 131 119 213 40 70 85 43 80 210 83 Frame Panche 213 10356 84 119 40 70 31 162 2012 Nuove Frame Panche 31 2013 Frame new Frame poltrona 213 103 56 119 85 127 75 Frame poltrona 52 67 131 31 56 119 213 119 316756 47 85 32 56 103 40 70 132 35 63 213 80 31 56 Frame poltrona Frame43 Panche Frame poltroncina con tavolino integrato Frame poltroncina con tavolino integrato senza brac 213 85132 213 Nuove Frame Panche 2013 0 21 40 70 83 Frame poltroncina con tavolino integrato Frame poltroncina con tavolino integrato senza brac 31 35 63 103 119 3256 132 34 Frame new 2012 213 127 75 10 doghe 31 56 52 Frame poltrona 40 70 35 63integrato 67poltroncina con tavolino integrato Frame Frame poltroncina con tavolino senza brac 40 70 31 56 56 31102 103 119 47 31 56 35 63 40 70 150 213 94 127 75 85 Frame Panche 213 35 63 132 43 80 31 40 70 40 70 56 213 Nuove Frame132 Panche 2013 Frame poltrona 131 119 242 103 119 integrato 213 75 senza brac 213 132 85 Frame con tavolino integrato Frame poltroncina con tavolino 32poltroncina 40 70 40 70 34 103 11910 doghe 127 75 32 40 70 35 63 34 3132 127 75 56 213 150 131 5 doghe 40 70 40 70 52 132 Frame31 119 119 67 Frame poltroncina con tavolino poltroncina con 32 47bracciolo 56 102 150 94 35 63 integrato 210tavolino integrato senza 74 35 102 63 31 56 75 47 150 131 102 119 119 Frame Panche 103 32 119 132 83 83 83 75 83 21 tavolini tavolini 21 130 90 90 90 Cove design Francesco Rota 90 21 piattaforme 90 piattaforme B25M platform 21 140 35 130 88 130 130 B25N sofa 190 schienali 3570 schienali 35 schienali 35 60 190 205 B25D sofa 45 35 poltrona 35 poltrona 32 90 180 205 250 B25E pouf 250 250 75 35 35 57 90 73 140 poltrona schienali 140 205 88 205 88 tavolini 45 250 88 90 60 45 32 75 35 57 60 90 32 75 B25H 90 side table 35 32 90 90 pouf 21 schienali 73 70 45 88 90 70 90 21 32 35 90 210 90 B25F 90 double platform 210 210 180 35 180 210 210 21 90 140 210 210 210 45 35 210 210 90 45 45 32 60 88 90 70 90 90 21 90 side table B25L 90 70 180 90 75 88 B25A 60 sun bed 70 35 35 70 35 57 45 90 piattaforma 73 e lettino piattaforma 73 e lettino 35 90 180 pouf 180 90 70 88 35 70 45 45 35 45 3590 70 45 B25G armchair 90 70 35 45 35 57 250 88 90 90 45 35 90 90 45 88 35 21 90140 35 21 90 90 90140 35 90 90 70 45 60 90 90 32 45 88 45 88 70 210 90 35 70 180 piattaforma 70 45 e lettino 45 90 21 250 88 B25SCA backrest 60 21 90 90 45 45 90 140 90 35 90 35 70 45 B25SCD right backrest/armrest 73 schienali 21 90 schienali 21 90 tavolini 90 210 piattaforma 35 tavolini epiattaforma lettino 90 e lettino piattaforma 35 90 e lettino 35 pouf 35 57 90 pouf 73 35 pouf 35 57 90 75 21 B25SCS left backrest/armrest 21 88 90 35 21 schienali 190 140 140 210 35 205 90 140 70 35 190 190 90 140 90 88 90 45 88 75 140 45 21 90 140 21 88 210 221 36 69 235 321 305 305 98 238 96 63 Mellow design Francesco Rota 36 69 238 321 36 69 36 69 B44AE 2-seater sofa 832 305 321 305 98 503 89 B44FSE B44LSE 96 63 B44HSE 503 89 36 69 235 238 321 34 68,5 36 69 34305 68,5 103 238 B44BE 3-seater sofa 321 238 36 69 388 321 305 96 63 103 34 68,5 36 69 321 34305 68,5 321 123 96 63 36 69 36 69 103 321 305 89 503 503 532 503 832 832 388 103 96 63 96 63 503 123 89 36 69 235 36 69 321 321 235 36 69 305 36 69 305 B44FDE 321 36 69 321 238 B44HDE 305 96 63 36 69 238 B44LDE 388 36 69 305 503 36 69 96 63 503 883 123 532 305 305 388 96 63 503 96 63 503 832 883 123 36 69 36 69 321 321 36 69 388 321 305 305 36 69 36 32169 321 36 69 388 96 63 96 63 503 36 69 321 36 69 123 305 305 321 96 63 883123 503 388 96 63 883123 123 110 104 110 160 110 104 107 104 22 Welcome chaise chaise longue longue design Francesco Rota 38 77 107 Soufflé Soufflé Soufflé 160 Soufflé B87AE element with left arm 107 38 77 38 77 107 107 corner element B87ME 85 160 160 160 107 38 77 38 77 77 16038 77 38 77 pouf 38 107 107 107 107 element with right 107 B87BE 110 110 110 110 110 arm 72/80 160 110 160 140 107 107 92 140 10777 38 107 107 107 107 pouf pouf B87CE central element 38 104 77 38 77 38 110 104 104 104 104 104 38 38 38 38 10438 77 77 77 77 77 110 110 110 110 110 104 140 140 140 B27H easy chair 110 110 110 110 110 104 104 104 107 107 107 107 107 140 140 140 140 140 104 104 104 104 104 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 125 125 140 110 140 B27L chaise longue 110 36 85 38 38 38 104 104 150/160 150/160 180 144 144 36 102 B27D pouf 35 70 35 70 55 125 125 200 200 38 38 38 38 38 43 36 36 36 36 140 140 140 140 140 52 102 B27E platform 77 77 77 77 77 110 110 110 110 110 102 102 85 43 102 102 104 104 104 104 104 200 B27G sofa 160 160 160 160 160 110 110 110 110 110 160 160 105/115 105/115 144 104 104 38 38 160 160 160 160 160 arm 35 70 35 70 Ease 125 B87HE pouf 38 38 77 38 77 144 38 77 107 77 38 77 38 107 107 107 107 chaise longue right B87EE 30 38 77 105/115 38 77 43 105/115 104 110 110 110 35 70 B27C pouf 35 70 35 70 B87GE pouf B87DE chaise longue left arm 104 38 38 77 38 77 38 77 160 36 43 52 102 150/160 110 38 77 38 77 elemento angolare 38 77 elemento angolare 102 35 70 B27F pouf 30 50 38 77 140 B87NE corner element 36 Float Float Float mini 77 38 77 38 38 77 36 200 105/115 J02A easy chair elemento angolare 38 77 78 Float design Francesco Rota 38 77 125 105/115 102 36 36 52 223 Orlando design Claesson, Koivisto, Rune, Bestetti Associati 140 140 B77A seat 285 31 31 31140 140 95 95 afra 70 105 95 190 31 31 3195 95 3195 95 19031 B77C seat 285 31 285 95 95 31 190 31 140 190 140 285 95 31 Otto 70 35 Paola design CRS Lenti 70 105 35 105 38 35 70 100 35 70 100 105 31140 95 95 140 95 48 57 95 95 31 190140 190 31 31 3195 95 140 95 95 140 B77D seat 31 95 140 95 31 285 140 31 95 95 140 95 95 48 48 B68C 190 31 80 31 31 95 95 95 46 46 pouf round 31 31 31 31 31 31 80 80 31 31 38 60 round pouf B68D 80 31 63/82 63/82 46 31 60 B77E back rest 70 34 66 34 66 34 66 34 66 165 38 46 60 31 31 31 140 31 B38D pouf 63/82 57 60 80 31 31 70 165 165 46 38 60 48 48 31 70 165 36 68 100 100 100 100 165 165 165 165 100 57 cylindrical pouf B68B 38 57 31 100 100 36 68 36 68 36 31 31 285 B77B seat 100 100 100armchair B38B 105 31 36 68 100 57 round pouf B68A 31 31 70 70 31 afra B38A armchair afra B68G armchair 35 95 Afra design Francesco Rota afra 31 285 Otto design Francesco Rota 31 31 31 36 36 36 63/82 63/82 63/82 63/82 63/82 B38E pouf 32 123/139 123/139 123/139 123/139 32 32 32 123/139 123/139 123/139 123/139 Nido Nido design Patricia Urquiola, Eliana Gerotto Surf design Francesco Rota Swell design CRS Paola Lenti 28 76 32 96 Nido B23A armchair B23B pouf 106 70 106 82 28 76 B12CL sun bed 70 B78A sun bed 82 29 79 70 32 96 42 40 45 106 106 53 53 34 67 34 67 140 Sand design Francesco Rota 34 67 140 Wave 34 67 design Francesco Rota 140 170 170 34 14025/63 28 66 / 76 65 82 65 85 B12PL/1 fixed lounge chair 82 40 40 Daydream design Francesco Rota 98 98 98 98 B84A sun bed 19 25/63 207 27 207 92 206 27 85 40 40 28 76 140 140 98 34 B09 chaise longue 140 98 98 98 34 67 140 B12PL adjustable lounge chair 70 98 98 34 67 53 70 200 194 170 42 53 90 70 170 20 194 29 79 22 80 22 80 225 Baia design Francesco Rota Ease design Francesco Rota Adagio design Francesco Rota Ease Ease seat B30A B50C low lounge chair B66A suspended seat 32 57 70 32 32 57 57 70 70 B50B lounge chair 220 82 42 82 82 57 32 82 70 32 32 82 82 70 70 180 82 82 75 75 50 180 Swing design Edward Van Vliet 220 27 27 27 50 50 82 B50A sun bed 75 57 48 200 200 200 75 70 50 B65B suspended seat 220 48 140 70 50 75 75 Kiti design Francesco Rota Sunset design Francesco Rota 75 kiti B40Asunset table B49A chair 149 149 B40C side table 47,5 86 57,6 75 75 100 200 60,3 149 120 100 100 200 200 149 75 75 14 14914 80,5 149 120 149 149 80,5 75 75 149 mira 250 Mira design Francesco Rota B40D table 14 14 120 120 B40F side table 120 120 120 120 80,5 80,5 14 14 120 120 14 46 81 57 chair B41A 149 100 120 80,5 62,3 sunset 75 14 14 100 200 120 120 46 81 62,3 52,5 mira B40B table 14 120 120 B41B chair with armrests 46 81 57 75 62,3 149 250 100 149 46 81 52,5 62,3 14 120 80,5 75 200 100 227 100 Plano Plano Plano 62 73 62 design Francesco Rota 250 B47A table h cm 73 B47L table h cm 62 200 160 B47D table h cm 73 B47P table h cm 62 100 200 B47H bookshelf 35 67 100 200 73 100 73 62 100 100 B47B table h cm 73 73 62 100 300 B47M table h cm 62 62 160 62 35 B47Q table h cm 62 200 200 160 200 200 200 73 200 62 100 B47C table h cm 73 B47S side table 62 73 100 B47N table h cm 62 160 62 160 35 35 35 35 67 20 200 200 35 35 20 200 73 250 73 250 100 73 300 300 62 73 100 62 100 62 100 62 100 100 100 20 67 73 100 B47G bookshelf 100 B47E table h cm 73 100 62 100 35 100 100 90 Giro design Francesco Rota 100 100 Strap design Victor Carrasco 90 27/41,5 100 side 90 B58D table 100 100 100 100 B58A table B83A side table 100 55/74,5 100 30 100 18,5 100 55/74,5 100 55/74,5 100 B58B side27/41,5 table 100 27/41,5 65 100 40 45 40 65 45 40 27/41,5 100 18,5 B58C side table 100 100 100 100 65 50 50 50 50 100 27/41,5 65 27/41,5 50 55/74,5 100 65 B83C side table 50 100 100 18,5 27/41,5 45 90 18,5 100 65 30 B83B 45 side table B58E table 100 100 100 30 45 100 27/41,5 100 100 45 100 65 65 27/41,5 100 100 18,5 100 100 229 43 63 84 50 45 Heron 84 design 63 Francesco Rota Heron B45A stool 45 sgabelli 27 60 27 tavoli 45 60 50 60 27 43 50 60 27 5070 45 50 60 B45E side table 50 43 63 50 B45C stool 45 45 4550 63 105 85 27 B45F 70 table 60 70 60 43 50 70 105 B10B pouf 63 105 70 50 50 105 22 105 80 60 27 63 8443 60 4550 tavoli 60 45 50 43 50 50 45 45 72 43 27 50 45 43 60 60 60 B10A pouf 70 72 70 27 design CRS Paola Lenti 60 43 27 80 Heron Stone sgabelli 105 85 27 B45L stool with backrest 22 80 22 40 43 85 60 45 45 45 40 40 43 B45D side table 85 45 85 72 27 45 27 207 63 84 45 40 85 50 side table 50 B45G 43 50 45 63 tavoli 207 85 27 43 98 65 65 5070 85 63 50 25/63 98 25/63 98 140 sgabello con schienale 98 27 60 50 43 50 43 60 140 34 67 140 34 B08A pouf 43 43 75 96 60 27 60 stool B45B 27 60 72 105 85 27 27 105 85 60 70 50 60 43 27 50 85 50 85 43 27 60 85 27 60 85 70 140 98 34 27 27 6085 60 B45H side table 85 60 45 45 60 140 tavoli 45 B45M stool with backrest 63 84 98 Shell 140 34 67 design CRS Paola Lenti 45 45 98 140 4550 45 50 63 63 84 140 34 67 43 tavoli 45 45 63 50 45 43 50 98 Sika design CRS Paola Lenti AC96 basket Agadir design CRS Paola Lenti Taiki design CRS Paola Lenti AC332E cylinder low lantern AC314E lamp 34 26 17 26 AC333E cylinder high lantern 34 42/81 26 AC97 basket 26 27 26 26 38 17 45/88 42/81 37 37 43 40 43 26 26 30 37 30 30 30 28 30 AC335E oval high lantern 37 30 30 28 37 28 37 24 37 37 26 43 AC312E lamp 40 40 30 30 28 AC313E28lamp 40 34 34 34 40 27 AC334E 30 oval low lantern 40 30 27 27 27 30 38 45/88 27 28 37 34 20 60 60 20 20 60 22 28 28 24 28 22 AC336E cylinder little lantern 24 22 24 19 24 22 24 20 22 22 19 20 AC337E 19 cylinder little lantern 20 19 19 20 19 20 20 231 Indoor products Divani modulari, poltrone, piattaforme, chaise longue e pouf, ergonomici e confortevoli, rivestiti in una selezione di tessuti dalle grandi qualità funzionali ed estetiche. Forme essenziali che, coordinate a tappeti e complementi, consentono di realizzare ambienti living su misura. Ergonomic and comfortable modular sofas, armchairs, platforms, chaise longues and poufs, available in a selection of fabrics featured by both functionality and aesthetics. Essential pieces that, coordinated to rugs and accessories, allow for the creation of tailor made living areas. 220 100 40 64 40 64 140 Allnew 220 design Francesco Rota 140 150 140 100 100 40 64 120 40 64 40 64 140 40 64 100 40 64 140 All+ All+ 150 40 64 240 40 64 B46AS 140 element with left arm All+ 100 150 40 64 40 64 140 140 120 140 140 100 100 B46AD 140 element with 220 40 40 64 64 right 40 64arm 100 100 40 64 100 100 40 64 64 40 140 140 40 64 40 64 140 B46E corner 220 element 140 140 40 64 64 40 40 64 40 64 140 100 40 64 40 64 140 120 long B46DS element 100 150 150 100 40 64 B46DD All+ 220 220 All+ 40 64 40 64 120 140 40 64 40 64 140element with left B46BS arm 40 64 240 40 64 140 220 40 64 140 40 40 64 64 220 140element with right arm B46BD 140 150 100 100 140 40 64 40 64 120 40 64 120 100 150 100 150 150 100 150 100 40 64 220 40 64 100 100 86 37 79 ami 77 214 77ami 214 86 37 79 39 72 39 72 86 63 63 37 79 86 45 75 37 79 37 79 6590 sofa B32D 90 50 73 73 72 72 3975 39 45 77 77 65 63 63 50 37 79 37 64 34 79 154 154 65 ami ami 90armchair 90 B32E ami 65 ami 154 154 154154 77 77 50 140 140 37 37 79 79 34 64 73 73 375079 37 79 B32G armchair 77 77 214 214 63 140 63 140 86 86 637963 37 37 79 37 79 37 79 154154 90 90 86 86 73 73 45 45 37 75 37 75 79 79 90 659065 73 50 73 50 79 79 37 79 37 37 79 37 86 14086 140 214214 154 B32H154 chair 100 100 86 86 37 79 72 79 393772 39 72 72 39 37 39 79 37 79 37 79 37 79 34 64 34 64 100 40 64 140 37 79 154 100 40 64 100 100 40 64 100 140 37 79 100 100 100 100 73 37 79 B32B154 sofa 100 220 40 64 240 40 64 220 100 100 100 100 40 64 100 100 37 79 90 B32C154 sofa 100 100 100 220 100 100 63 154 amiami 100 40 64 100 100 77 37 79 Ami 90 design Francesco Rota 73 150 40 64 40 64 100 140 100 40 64 40 64 140 B46C central element 40 64 64 40 220 element 100 with 40 64right arm 40 64 100 40 64 63 39 72 150 220 40 64 40 64 220 220 100 220 long 140 150 150 40 64 64 40 40 64 100 100 100 120 220 100 40 64 150 40 64left arm 100 with 120 140 100 100 B46F sofa 77 40 64 154 154 65 65 154 154 65 65 154 154 140 140 75 79 75 45 37 45 37 507950 86 86 50 50 37 79 37 79 37 79 64 79 64 34 37 34 86 86 65 65 214 214 86 86 50 50 37 79 37 79 214 214 86 86 45 75 45 75 233 100 100 41 70 41 70 100 100 Cover design Victor Carrasco 41 70 100 B72A element with left arm 100 100 41 70 41 70 41 123 123 123 123 70 70 70 70 B72B element with right arm 123 123 123 123 41 70 41 41 70 70 41 70 100 100 100 100 B72C central element 100 100 100 100 41 70 41 41 70 70 41 70 100 100 100 100 123 100 100 100 100 100 100 41 70 41 70 100 100 100 41 41 41 97 97 100 100 100 100 175 97 175 100 41 100 100 17 100 B72L 97 side table 17 17 17 B21S element with left arm Atollo M Atollo M 123 175 B72F longue 123chaise41 175 70 right arm 41 70 123 175 123 175 41 70 41 70 123 175 123 175 41 70 B72H 123pouf B72D corner element 41 70 41 41 70 70 41 70 100 41 70 100 100 100 100 Atollo M design Francesco Rota 100 70 100 B72E chaise longue left arm 100 41 41 41 41 100 100 97 97 97 97 Atollo M 127 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 100 100 100 100 41 70 41 70 41 70 41 70 41 41 41 41 17 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 100 100 100 100 98 127 127 127 98 33 60 98 98 33 60 127 98 60 B21C central 33 element 100 98 33 33 60 60 127 98 127 98 33 33 60 100 98 127 127 127 127 127 127 100 100 100 pouf B21PB 100 100 100 100 B21E pouf 33 60 33 60 33 60 33 60 33 60 33 33 33 33 33 127 100 127 127 100 98 75 100 100 98 75 98 75 100 100 100 70 70 100 100 98 98 37 60 - Atollo Ultima 37 60 - Atollo127 Ultima 37 60 98 98 127 127 37 60 - Atollo Ultima 33with Atollo M 60 right B21D element 127 98 arm 33 60 Atollo M 100 100 41 70 41 70 41 70 41 70 - Atollo Ultima 33 60 33 60 - Atollo Ultima 37 60 37 60 37 60 37 60 37 63 37 60 37 63 37 60 37 37 63 37 63 37 63 37 37 37 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 75 98 75 98 75 75 75 240 240 120 120 240 120 Ribbon design Claesson, Koivisto, Rune, Bestetti Associati Smile design Francesco Rota 41 B67D platform 41 41 41 200 200 200 200 B67A platform 120 120 120 120 B75A armchair 32 63 100 100 B75B sofa 41 280 280 B67C platform 41 120 41 120 120 120 120 41 32 66 98 B67E back rest 120 33 73 41 240 120 120 120 120 157 120 280 240 41 41 41 73 73 73 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 120 41 120 41 240 120 B67B platform 41 200 200 120 41 120 41 200 120 41 120 120 120 41 120 41 120 120 33 73 73 73 33 33 34 34 34 235 38 65 Pillar design Victor Carrasco B59E 38 65 38 65 B59P 277 2-seater sofa 277 178 277 277 178 277 178 335 B59A 3-seater sofa 178 178 335 178 B59B 38 38 38 38 38 38 65 65 65 65 65 65 38 38 38 38 38 38 65 65 65 65 65 65 38 38 38 38 38 38 65 65 65 65 65 65 125,5 95 125,5 95 95 125,5 95 236 38 65 38 65 95 236 236 38 65 65 38 95 95 236 282,5 38 65 95 125,5 282,5 282,5 230 282,5 282,5 230 282,5 B59D left element 230 282,5 230 230 282,5 230 282,5 230 38 38 38 38 38 38 65 65 65 65 65 65 38 38 38 38 38 38 65 65 65 65 65 65 38 65 38 38 38 38 65 65 65 65 125,5 125,5 95 125,5 125,5 95 125,5 95 125,5 95 95 125,5 95 125,5 95 38 65 125,5 125,5 95 125,5 230 38 65 38 65 95 230 230 38 65 38 65 95 95 282,5 282,5 230 282,5 230 95 236 282,5 38 65 38 65 38 65 95 125,5 B59F 230 282,5 right elem. 230 230 282,5 230 95 166,5 with 38 38 38 38 shelves 38 65 65 65 65 65 38 38 38 38 38 65 65 65 65 65 38 38 38 38 38 38 65 65 65 65 65 65 282,5 230 282,5 282,5 230element right 282,5 125,5 95 125,5 125,5 95 125,5 38 65 sofa B59C left elem. with shelves 175 125,5 125,5 95 125,5 125,5 95 125,5 335 236 335 335 236 3-seater 335 38 65 38 65 282,5 282,5 282,5 B59N 2-seater sofa 277 236 230 282,5 230 230 282,5 230 230 B59G left chaise longue 38 65 38 65 38 65 175 175 175 175 B59H left chaise longue 123 175 123 123 175 123 123 175 123 123 175 B59M 123 right 123 123 224,5 224,5 224,5 224,5 224,5 172 224,5 172 38 38 38 38 38 38 65 65 65 65 65 65 38 38 65 65 B59L 175right chaise longue 123 175 175 38 65 38 65 230 123 175 38 65 38 38 38 38 65 65 65 65 38 38 38 38 38 38 65 65 65 65 65 65 chaise longue 38 65 125,5 125,5 125,5 95 125,5 95 95 125,5 95 125,5 95 125,5 125,5 95 125,5 95 125,5 95 95 125,5 95 95 166,5 166,5 166,5 166,5 135 166,5 135 135 166,5 135 135 166,5 166,5 135 166,5 166,5 135 166,5 135 135 166,5 135 135 38 65 135 125,5 38 65 125,5 125,5 125,5 38 38 38 38 38 125,5 95 125,5 95 65 65 65 65 65 123 123 123 123 38 65 38 65 38 65 38 65 38 65 38 65 166,5 166,5 166,5 166,5 135 135 135 135 B59Q left element 224,5 224,5 224,5 B59S224,5 left element 172 172 172 172 38 38 38 38 65 65 65 65 38 38 38 38 65 65 65 65 38 38 38 38 65 65 65 65 125,5 125,5 125,5 125,5 95 95 95 95 B59R right element 95 38 65 38 65 38 65 38 65 175 175 175 175 224,5 224,5 224,5 224,5 B59T right element 172 172 172 172 38 65 38 65 38 65 38 65 125,5 125,5 125,5 125,5 95 95 95 95 37 37 72 72 165 165 165 Kimono design Francesco Rota 37 72 85 242 37 72 85 37 72 85 37 72 85 37 72 85 168 85 B62C left element 161 165 85 B02 chaise longue Linea 25 53 85 85 85 165 165 37 72 165 85 165 165 37 72 85 165 165 37 72 85 165 37 72 85 165 37 72 85 85 37 72 37 72 Dondolo 30 63 77 125 125 60 Cubo Shito design Francesco Rota 37 37 72 72 37 72 207 80 125 B62L right platform 65 34 70 37 37 72 72 165 125 125 42 125 18 18 60 40 60 B76A armchair 36 90 90 22 22 80 80 78 B76C pouf 165 37 72 85 165 37 72 85 165 37 72 165 165 165 85 85 B62H left platform 37 72 B62D right element Linea design Francesco Rota 37 37 72 72 37 72 168 37 72 B62E central element 242 168 85 165 B62A 3-seater sofa 242 85 85 37 37 72 72 165 165 B62B 2-seater sofa 37 72 85 73 48 26 26 Atollo 48 73 37 72 165 37 72 125 165 37 72 125 165 37 72 125 165 37 72 125 165 37 72 125 165 25 50 120 80 25 50 120 125 80 25 160 210 50 100 80 237 240 50 So 05 140 140 So So design Francesco Rota 33 60 33 60 115 80 115 80 60 33 60 33 33 60 60 33 115 80 115 B33B 80 33 60 33 60 33 60 80 80 33 60 33 60 80 80 33 60 105 33 60 33 60 33 60 33 60 140 105 105 B33ES 105 left arm33 60 140 33 60 140 140 33 60 33 60 140 33 60 105 105 140 105 105 B33ED 105 140 105 140 140 115 right 105 105 arm 105 105 105 105 105 105 80 105 80 105 33 60 33 60 33 60 33 60 105 80 B33CS chaise longue B33CD 33 60 33 60 33 60 80 80 105 33 60 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 170 105 170 170 105 105 170 170 170 33 60 105 33 60 80 105 105 80 33 60 80 80 140 140 33 105 140 140 140 105 33 105 105 105 33 60 33 60 33 60 33 60 33 60 33 60 33 33 33 80 80 140 140 105 140 105 140 105 105 105 105 33 60 80 33 80 33 140 140 33 60 33 60 33 60 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 170 105 170 105 170 170 105 170 105 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 Ivy design Claesson, Koivisto, Rune B73A small service table 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 50 61 50 61 B73B big service table 35 91 33 60 33 60 33 33 33 33 B33G pouf 105 140 105 140 105 105 105 105 170 170 170 170 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 35 91 Flip design Francesco Rota B74A service table 170 170 33 33 33 33 33 33 60 33 60 33 60 33 60 105 longue 105chaise B33D 105 105 33 60 33 60 105 33 60 105 80 80 140 105 140 105 33 60 33 60 B33F 33 60 pouf 33 60 115 33 60 80 115 115 central element 105 105 B33H central element 05 05 33 60 33 60 115 115 105 105 105 140 5 B33AD right arm 140 140 115 115 So B33AS So left arm33 60 So 33 60 33 60 140 140 170 170 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 42 55 Aqua Collection Nido 6 Ami 8 Sand12 Surf14 Stone15 Island16 Frame19 Pavilion22 Orlando24 Welcome27 Wave 28, 33 Baia 30, 47 Sabi32 Cove 34, 58, 80 Swell36 Daydream38 Afra40 Otto 42, 88 Ease43 Wabi44 Float48 Haven50 Swing52 Adagio53 Ala54 Mellow57 Canvas62 Teatime64 Greenery Sunset Kiti Mira Giro Abri Ombra Plano Shield Sunset Taiki Heron Strap Agadir Sika Shell 66 68 70 71 73, 83 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 83 84 87 89 Home Collection Atollo M 92 Kimono 94 Allnew 96 Cover 98 Shito100 Ribbon102 Pillar104 Smile106 So108 Linea110 Ami111 Flip114 Heron115 Ivy115 Indoor rugs Origami118 Graffito120 Flussi122 Greca124 Imperfetto126 Tatami128 Yard130 Onda131 Fashion132 Cornice 25 134 Cornice 50 135 Quadri 100 136 Quadri 50 137 Flower140 Script142 Kaleidoscope144 Pixel146 Prisma148 Dune150 Deep152 Raya154 Signs156 Shore158 Ros(a)e160 Alkazar162 Arabesque164 Daisy166 Tune168 Zoe170 Spin 172 Shang173 Outdoor rugs Air176 Wind178 Wind Low 180 Mat + 182 Marea184 Sahara186 Ray188 Samo190 Policromo192 Zoe194 Crochet198 Echo199 Spin200 Giardino201 Orto202 Shang204 Cosmo206 Spin off 208 Drawings210 Paola Lenti srl si riserva il diritto di apportare modifiche tecniche e dimensionali e di introdurre miglioramenti che potrebbero cambiare l’estetica dei prodotti presentati in catalogo. I riferimenti colore stampati non sono vincolanti. Paola Lenti srl reserves the right to alter the technical and dimensional specifications given in this publication and to introduce improvements that may change the aesthetics of the products shown in this catalogue. The printed colours hues are not binding. Concept CRS Paola Lenti Photo Sergio Chimenti Photo processing Paola Lucente, Effetto Print Alecom srl Cover surface Traccia, Paola Lenti for Oikos Paola Lenti srl Via Po, 100 A 20821 Meda MB Italia ph. +39 0362 344587 fx. +39 0362 71204 info@paolalenti.it www.paolalenti.com capitale sociale 75.000,00 i.v. C.C.I.A.A. di Milano R.E.A. MB 1350348 c.f. e p.iva IT02100810965
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