Treasure of the Cathedral: Stained Glass
Treasure of the Cathedral: Stained Glass
OUR LADY OF FAIR HAVEN CATHEDRAL in ROSEAU MEANINGS AND DETAILS DOMINA DE BONO PORTU, WINDOW # 2 On the left panel of this window, we see a sailing ship , on rough sea. The VIRGIN MARY, crowned as the Queen of Heaven, with infant JESUS, on a CLOUD, looking over and protecting this ship and its passengers. The BLUE sky of heaven reflected in the mantle of The Queen of Heaven. The sun is setting in the West. Notice the details of the sailing ship: the French flag, the mast and cross bar making the shape of the crucifix. The rolling waves !! On the right panel we notice the majestic facade of our cathedral and the mooring of Roseau. The Title of the window : DOMINA DE BONO PORTU, originally known in French as Notre-Dame du Bon Port du Mouillage de Roseau Or in English Our Lady of the Good Haven of the Mooring of Roseau OUR LADY OF FAIR HAVEN CATHEDRAL in ROSEAU MEANINGS AND DETAILS DOMINA DE BONO PORTU, WINDOW # 2 The Title of our second window : DOMINA DE BONO PORTU, originally known in French as Now called Notre-Dame du Bon Port du Mouillage de Roseau or in English Our Lady of the Good Haven (= good port) of the Mooring of Roseau. OUR LADY OF FAIR HAVEN. This illustrates again the connection with the town of NANTES in FRANCE, where on the town’s wharf , a Notre-Dame du Bon Port Church is located. The Louis DEBIERRE organ , in our Cathedral, is also from NANTES. The organ, Stations of the Cross and the Stained Glass windows were all installed and officially Blessed in 1883 in our Cathedral, according to Diocesan Records. This window has many layers of meaning and symbolism: 1. Mary , the Mother of God, as the protector of the seafaring people. In this capacity Mary is commonly called Stella Maris (or The Star of the Sea ) . This has long been the favourite title by which people of the sea have called on the Blessed Virgin Mary in whose protection they have always trusted . The sea has always been the most feared elements of nature because of its enormous power to sustain life or destroy. We humans are powerless and insignificant in the midst of its rage. Stella Maris "sea-star" is a name of Polaris, the "guiding star" (also "lodestar", "ship star", "steering star", etc.) because it has been used for celestial navigation at sea since antiquity. Under this title, the Virgin Mary is believed to intercede as a guide and protector of those who travel or seek their livelihoods on the sea. 2. Mary , the Mother of God, as the patroness of the Catholic ministry or mission to seafarers. This aspect of the Virgin has led to Our Lady, Star of the Sea, being named as patroness of the Catholic missions to seafarers, the Apostleship of the Sea, and to many coastal churches being named Stella Maris or Mary, Star of the Sea. This devotion towards Our Lady with this ancient title is very popular throughout the Catholic world. Dr. Lennox Honychurch has explained several times how the old main entrance of Our Lady of Fair Haven Cathedral was connected directly with the Roseau moorings or habour via Church Lane, inviting the sailors to offer thanksgiving (= Eucharist) for a safe journey and take part in the sacraments. Hence her name of Notre-Dame du Bon Port du Mouillage de Roseau or in English Our Lady of the Good Haven (= good port) of the Mooring of Roseau. Quote “As Her son, Jesus Christ, accompanied his disciples in their vessels, helped them in their work and calmed the storms so the Church accompanies seafarers, caring for the special spiritual needs of those who for various reasons live and work in the maritime world.” Pope John Paul II APOSTOLIC LETTER MOTU PROPRIO "STELLA MARIS ON THE MARITIME APOSTOLATE” 1997. OUR LADY OF FAIR HAVEN CATHEDRAL in ROSEAU MEANINGS AND DETAILS DOMINA DE BONO PORTU, WINDOW # 2 3. Mary , the Mother of God, as the sign of HOPE to God’s people, sinners in search of salvation. "Mary means Star of the sea, for as mariners are guided to port by the ocean star, so Christians attain to glory through Mary's maternal intercession ." St. Thomas Aquinas +1274 The words “ Star of the Sea” are a translation of the Latin title Stella Maris, first reliably used with relation to the Virgin Mary in the ninth century. The title was used to emphasize Mary's role as a sign of hope and as a guiding star for Christians. The sea covers all the earth and symbolises all the people of the earth. Our Lady was therefore identified from the very earliest days of the Church as the guiding light to her son, Our Lord, for all the people of the earth. The metaphor of life’s journey across the sea always has been a powerful one. As the 12th-century Saint Bernard of Clairvaux put it : “If the winds of temptation arise; If you are driven upon the rocks of tribulation look to the star, CALL ON MARY; If you are tossed upon the waves of pride, of ambition, of envy, of rivalry, look to the star, CALL ON MARY. Should anger, or avarice, or fleshly desire violently assail the frail vessel of your soul, look at the star, CALL ON MARY.” As Pope Benedict expresses on YOUTH DAY 2009 : “The crisis of hope is more likely to affect the younger generations . In socio-cultural environments with few certainties, values or firm points of reference, they find themselves facing difficulties that seem beyond their strength.” 4. Mary , the Mother of God, as the protectress and HOLY MOTHER of the Catholic (=Universal) Church . From the earliest days Christians have symbolized the Church as a ship. In the ancient world, good roads were few and people travelled by boat and relied upon the boat’s strength and sturdiness as they steered it towards a harbour, the “SAFE HAVEN” of arrival at their destination. A ship stood for protection from the sea- but also for venturing into the unknown. The ship’s captain used in antiquity and the middle ages the stars to navigate. So, the image of Christ’ Church as a ship or an ark is a well known image or symbol in art, a ship afloat on the choppy waters of the world. The Church as Noah’s ark saved believers from the destruction of the world. If turned West as in our window, it is directed towards the world’s end, the setting of the sun. “In all the turbulences which afflict the suffering and toiling church, Mary remains always the Quote from Pope Benedict XVI in 2005 on “ MARY, light in a self-destructive world.” star of salvation. It is She who is the true center in which we trust...” It is interesting here that the sailing ship had a French flag as it is common knowledge that the Catholic Faith was brought to Dominica by French settlers. A little more about Mary’s STAR SYMBOLISM . The star is a symbol of divine guidance or favour, derived from the account of the Magi or 3 kings, who followed the star to the infant Jesus. The stars of the Queen of Heaven, are 8 pointed stars, referring to the 8 people which were saved on board Noah’s ark and the 8 th day, the day of Jesus’ resurrection according to the Jewish week. These 8 pointed stars can be seen on the mantle of OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE and her chapel in BOURNE. The eight pointed star means REDEMPTION, RESURRECTION. OUR LADY OF FAIR HAVEN CATHEDRAL in ROSEAU MEANINGS AND DETAILS DOMINA DE BONO PORTU, WINDOW # 2 IN CONCLUSION : Mary , the Mother of God, as the protector of our renovation project . Also a church building is thought of as a ship, bearing the congregation inside it. The area, where the people of God sit, is called THE NAVE, “navis” in Latin, which means SHIP. Our project to renovate our Cathedral of Fair Haven, has as protector its patron : OUR LADY OF FAIR HAVEN. The completion of this project, surely after a lot of tribulations, troubles and challenges, will be the arrival of this ship in a FAIR PORT, with Her guidance. CALL ON HER PROTECTION AND INTERCESSION for this project !!!!!! Hail Star of the Sea Hail Lady Mary, our gentle candle in the darkness! Send us the light when we are falling into sorrow when we are cast about by waves of fear and anger when we are drowning in despair. O Mother of Holy Hope renew us with the child-like trust and joy of your son Jesus. Amen