Address Space Analysis for Middleware Application based on OPC UA
Address Space Analysis for Middleware Application based on OPC UA
11th International Conference on DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION SYSTEMS, Suceava, Romania, May 17-19, 2012 Address Space Analysis for Middleware Application based on OPC UA Simona-Anda GHERASIM, Vasile G. GAITAN, Adrian M. GAITAN, Elisabeta TATULESCU, Daniel SIMION, Mihai F. URSULEANU ”Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, str.Universitatii nr.13, RO-720229 Suceava II. Abstract — One of the most difficult requirements of applications in automation industry is data transfer. This data transfer is done through a middleware. The researchers have studied various solutions for the transfer of information to be provided in a reliable manner by another application. This paper presents a middleware architecture made for monitoring and controlling industrial processes. Keywords - address space; informational model; hierarchical types; middleware application; OPC specifications. I. ADDRESS SPACE IN THE OPC SPECIFICATIONS Address space is the virtual address area which can be assigned to a user, network host, a peripheral device or other logical or physical entity, or separate programs to run. OPC uses a client-server approach for information exchange. An OPC server encapsulates the process information sources and makes them valid for the defined interfaces. OPC clients connect to the OPC server and can access and process the data provided. Data processing and production applications can be: either client or server [5]. INTRODUCTION A. OPC DA In the OPC DA specification, the server objects are able to navigate and to identify any object in the hierarchy of address space. One of the most important tasks which can be performed by a client in order to read data is monitoring the changes occurring on the server. For this continuous monitoring, the client defines an update rate. This is used to verify the values that change cyclically. After this update rate, the server sends to the clients only the values that have been changed. With the continued need for large scale production of various products, researchers have developed a range of equipment and automation applications. In the industrial automation, the data exchange between applications (or applications and peripherals) has an important role. Because of that, researchers have tried different solutions for the exchange of information to be made in a reliable manner by another application. Starting from applications based on COM / DCOM, the most important specifications for data exchange automation industry, have been provided by the OPC Foundation. Thus, OPC Foundation released a series of specifications, such as: OPC Data Access (OPC DA), OPC Historical Data Access (OPC HDA), OPC Alarm & Events (OPC A&E), OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA), OPC eXpress Interface (OPC XI). The last two specifications made a shift from old technology based on COM / DCOM to a service-oriented architecture, providing data in a platform independent manner [1] [2]. OPC UA specification unifies previously specifications in a single address space, able to deal with current data, alarms and events, as well as historical data and events. A remarkable improvement is address space model, in which suppliers may provide a rich and extensible data model using object oriented techniques. Thus, the great interest in advanced modeling capacity in many areas leads to initiatives of standardizing information models based on OPC UA. Specifications mentioned above are widely accepted in industry and already implemented by any system of automated industry [3] [4]. B. OPC HDA The only difference between OPC HDA and the classic OPC (DA), is on OPC Historical Data Access that provides access to the stored data. In OPC DA specification, data acquisition is made in real time, but in OPC HDA data are stored in a database first. Historical archives of the HDA contain data information from the simple to the more complex details. Navigating into the server address space is made through a specialized object, named OPCHDABrowser. C. OPC A&E The main functionality of the OPC A&E is the transmission of alarms and events from different event sources. Data acquisition from alarms and events is achieved in two stages: creating an EventServer object and receiving events messages by this object. D. OPC XML-DA In the OPC XML-DA specification, the COM/DCOM 83 11th International Conference on DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION SYSTEMS, Suceava, Romania, May 17-19, 2012 technology was replaced by HTTP/SOAP and web services. For information exchange, the functionality was reduced to a minimum set of methods from the classic OPC. Eight methods were needed to cover the key features of OPC DA. These methods are: GetStatus, Read, Write, Browse, GetProperties, Subscribe, SubscriptionPolledRefresh and SubscriptionCancel. E. OPC UA OPC UA unifies all existing specifications, without loss of features or performance, even with the addition of still unimplemented features. A wide range of applications where OPC is used, require scalability for embedded systems, such as: SCADA, DCS, MES and ERP systems. III. REQUIREMENTS FOR OPC UA SPECIFICATION Figure 1 Nodes and References between them We can identify two types of requirements imposed to the OPC UA specification: communication requirements for distributed systems and data modeling requirements for describing a system and its specific information. Depending on the communication between distributed systems, the application based on OPC UA has to be reliable, robust and fault tolerance, has to be platform independent, scalable and redundant to observe the condition of high availability. Also, the application must be high performance in Intranet environments, interoperable, the security and access control must be very safe, and also Internet communication through firewalls has to be possible. The platform independence and scalability needs to be able to integrate OPC interfaces, even while running on different platforms. As for data modeling, the application based on OPC UA should have a common design for all OPC data: to be object oriented and to allow scalability from simple models to complex models. This model should include extensibility types of system to be able of providing meta-information and describing also complex systems. Finally, the application must have an abstract base model, which can be any time a base for other standard data models. Another important design goal was to enable an easy migration to OPC Unified Architecture to protect the most successful investment classic standard OPC [1][2][3]. IV. These concepts are instances or different types of data. Attributes are used to describe nodes and depending on NodeClass, a Node can have different sets of attributes. Fig. 1 illustrates these concepts. Nodes 1, 2 and 3 contains sets of attributes; links between nodes are carried by References (1..6). There are common attributes to several units. These attributes are detailed in following table. NodeId identifies uniquely a Node on the server and is the most important concept to address information. The server returns NodeIds which access or query address space and the client uses NodeId to call the specific node. A node can have several alternative NodeIds used for addressing. The standard node identifier, NodeID can be acquired by reading the NodeId attribute, even if the Node was accessed from a node alternative. Table I COMMON ATTRIBUTES NODES OF OPC UA[2] Attributes NodeId NodeClass BrowseName THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF OPC UA MODEL DisplayName Concepts of the OPC UA are Nodes and References between them. Nodes may belong to different NodeClasses, depending on their purpose. Description WriteMask UserWriteMask Description Node ID is unique identifier of Node within the OPC UA server and is used to address a node in the OPC UA Services. NodeClass is a list identifying the class of nodes of current node (or object method). BrowseName identifies the node that navigates OPC UA server. Node contains the name that should be used to display the name of a user interface. Therefore, it is located. This optional attribute contains a textual description of the location of a node. It is optional and specifies which attributes of a Node can be written (writable) or modified by OPC UA client. It is optional and specifies which attributes of a node can be modified by a user connected to server. BrowseName is used only for surfing and not intended to 84 11th International Conference on DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION SYSTEMS, Suceava, Romania, May 17-19, 2012 display the name of a node. DisplayName and Description are used for localization. Theoretically, a reference is the relationship between exactly two nodes. Therefore, it is uniquely identified by: source reference node, target node, reference types and the semantic reference. In practice, the server may put a reference in one direction only, and may indicate a reference to another node in the OPC UA server or absent one. So, we can say that a reference is like a pointer which indicates a pervious node and the latter one holds the NodeId for the next node. This can be seen in Figure 2. properties, reference types are displayed as nodes in the address space. This allows customers to take advantage of information about the references used by OPC UA server nodes to access the server's address space [3][4][5]. V. SCENARIO Our scenario presents a network architecture using embedded systems for client-server approach and middleware OPC for information transfer. The application developed for this case study was based on achieving client applications for embedded systems. OPC client was ported on embedded systems using eBox-2300SX and PDX089T using NET Compact Framework2.0/3.5 and Windows Embedded CE 6.0 platforms. This application was developed to allow monitoring and controlling industrial processes. For this reason, it was called MCPI[6]. A. The MCPI application Architecture The MCPI application is an executable software module containing embedded objects. MCPI is being part of a complex architecture of SCADA applications, presented in Fig. 4. MCPI Architecture Figure 2 References, seen as pointers to Nodes Objects: OPC-DA OPC-AE OPC-HDA x.dll There are two types of references, such as: symmetrical and asymmetrical references. An asymmetric reference is represented by an arrow indicating direction, for example a reference type "has-parent" or "is-child-of" showing parent or child node. The symmetrical reference, however, is represented by a double arrow pointing both directions. An example is "issibling-of". In asymmetric references the direction is very important, while in the symmetrical ones, it does not matter. Graphic Objects Non-Graphic Objects z.dll Objects: Paterns y.dll MCPI.exe – MCPI application with embedded base objects OPC AE server AEServer.exe OPC HDA server HistServer.exe Report Generator.exe gpDAServer.exe - OPC data server Component acquisition interface Component acquisition – Objects dictionary, Acquisition cycle, Networks manager -gpcc_ODV.dll Database Component acquisition interface ASCII.dll Figure 3 Basic reference types hierarchy ModBus.dl l CANOpen USB.dll MBus.dll Sim.dll Local Industrial Network A reference cannot be accessed directly, but indirectly through a node. It also cannot contain attributes or properties and cannot be represented by a node. Finally, references are used to expose the semantic differences in how nodes are accessed. In conclusion, OPC UA specification has defined a set of ReferenceTypes. Some of them are used in fundamental areas, for example, to describe a type of hierarchy. To manage these types of references, they were organized in a hierarchy. Although references are nodes and do not have attributes or Figure 4 SCADA System Architecture MCPI application objects are objects embedded in OPC type, object type templates, graphics and non-graphical. MCPI application has two modes: edit and execution. Editing mode allows implementing or modifying the project. This work mode can be made when the application is decoupled 85 11th International Conference on DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION SYSTEMS, Suceava, Romania, May 17-19, 2012 from the server. In the execution mode, the application is running with the new changes made during editing mode. Figure 6 OPC object Architecture Root Directory (project) does not appear in the address space tree structure of the project. It will be managed internally to ensure a uniform structure of the management of project objects. VI. CONCLUSION The address space is a remarkable improvement of the OPC Unified Architecture, to the old specifications. Through this model, providers may expose a rich and extensible data model using object oriented techniques. Application developed for the case study, consists in an OPC client ported on the embedded system eBox-2300SX. Application development presented in Chapter V will continue with performing different tests to analyze the network overload performance and data traffic. Also, we will try to use the proposed architecture with RFID tags and readers to make a complete inventory of existing products from a different container or warehouse, with lower costs. Figure 5 Scenario Architecture B. The MCPI application context The basic components are MCPI application project, objects and connections. The project is a group of independent or interconnected objects, represented by the executable software module. User task is to create, configure and connect objects together. The user creates projects (MCPI distinct applications) to perform certain tasks and also can open and close the project without affecting other projects running in parallel. Each object can be configured by the user through the setup window parameters, so an object can have multiple functionalities. OPC type objects are the only ones that can be connected to OPC servers. Once created an OPC object, it can be connected to any other objects from the same project. These objects can be graphical displays and control objects through which the user can access the process values. This is the usual mode of communication with physical devices in the process. If necessary, it can be developed internal communication application objects (for serial communication, Ethernet, wireless – with specific interfaces). Each object has a BaseObject interface and may have an optional OPC interface or a specific one. The Address space of a project consists in all objects being part of a project. The only exception is represented by graphical objects. They are managed only as a display information items at the window level [7]. In conclusion, the project is a set of objects and connections, and it’s most important task is to manage the entire list of objects linked or independent. In a project, objects are grouped in folders. Each object has a unique name in its directory and the directories will have a unique name at the project level. The project will be a tree structure of directories, subdirectories and objects. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by the project "Knowledge provocation and development through doctoral research PRODOCT - Contract no. POSDRU/88/1.5/S/52946 ", project cofounded from European Social Fund through Sectorial Operational Program Human Resources 2007-2013. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 86 Frank Iwanitz, Jurgen Lange. OPC Fundamentals, Implementation and Application, . Heidelberg - Huthig: 2nd rev. Edition, ISBN 3-7785-28831, 2002. Wolfgang Mahnke, Stefan-Helmut Leitner, Matthias Damm. OPC Unified Architecture, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. OPC-Foundation. OPC UA Specification: (Part 1-11) – Concepts. Version 1.00,. July 28, 2006. OPC-Foundation. OPC UA Specification: (Part 1-11) – Concepts. Version 1.00,. July 28, 2006. OPC-Foundation. OPC UA Specification: Part 3 – Address Space Model. Version 1.00. July 28, 2006. Găitan Gheorghiţă Vasile, Dănilă M. G., Robu M. 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