CHRIS IAN - Robeson County Fair
CHRIS IAN - Robeson County Fair
Fa ir we at Home and Agricultural Exhibits LIVESTOCK SHOWS Entertainment Galore CONTESTS Demolition Derby SCRUMPTIOUS FOOD! Monster Truck Show ARTS & CRAFTS Fun For All! h e r s ays e !” “ Ya’l l c om Hw y 41 Lumberton • ALLEN ORTHOPEDICS • Buy e-ticke ts online! UNIMED Companion Home Care CHRIS IAN WGQR - 105.7 LISTINING NETWORK Oliver Oil Co. Lumberton Honda Lumberton Honda “Where Rides” “Where Everybody Everybody Rides” 1-800-711-HONDA 1-800-711-HONDA ROBESONIAN THE BAIRD’S ANIMAL HOSPITAL NORTH END VETERINARY CLINIC Dr. Michael Deese 3169 E. Elizabethtown Road | Lumberton, NC Dr. Lora Cummings 5791 Fayetteville Road | Lumberton, NC 910.739.4998 910.738.9368 NORTH STAR VETERINARY HOSPITAL PEMBROKE VETERINARY HOSPITAL Dr. Kim Krivit | Dr. Julie Irwin 532 Canady Road | Parkton, NC Dr. David E. Brooks 1447 Prospect Road | Pembroke, NC 910.858.2525 910.521.3431 SOUTH ROBESON VETERINARY CLINIC SOUTHEASTERN VETERINARY HOSPITAL Dr. Roni LaVine 9464 NC Hwy 41 South | Fairmont, NC Dr. Curt Locklear Jr. | Dr. Natalie Morris | Marilyn Duda, DVM 910.628.7178 910.739.9411 1720 NC Hwy 211 W. | Lumberton, NC R O B E S O N CO U N T Y VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Serving Robeson County for 24 Years! B Baker aker CHEVROLET RED SPRINGS Big savings on all the new Chevys! The 2012’s are arriving! Great time to trade during Chevrolet’s Model Year Wrap Up! Robeson County’s Pre-Owned Headquarters Acres of the best late model low mileage cars and trucks ALL BRANDS OF TRUCKS! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A 30 MPG CARS TOO! WORK TRUCKS! CUSTOM TRUCKS! VANS! SPORT UTILITIES! 0 DOWN DELIVERS! $$ PRE-OWNED TRUCK OR SUV! WE HAVE FINANCE SOURCES TO HELP GOOD PEOPLE WITH PAST CREDIT PROBLEMS! We Have A Good Selection Of Late Model Low Mileage Pre-Owned Cars That Get Great Gas Mileage! Imports & Domestics! EVERYBODY IS APPROVED! WE BUY USED CARS! ON SITE FINANCING! B Baker aker CHEVROLET Chris Smith Craig Parnell Carson Baker HWY 211 RED SPRINGS • 910- 843-5168 14 Miles West Of I-95 UNDER THE BIG AMERICAN FLAG BRINGING YOU THE BEST IN SURGICAL CARE Established in 1975, our Board Certif ied Surgeons have over 50 years of surgical experience. This experience, knowledge, and dedication will ensure you the very best in surgical care. Your good health is our top priority. Samuel E. Britt II MD FACS Peter L. Villani MD FACS Steven J. Muscoreil MD FACS Barry E. Williamson MD FACS Outpatient/ Ambulatory Surgery Vascular/Endovascular Surgery Acid Ref lux Surgery Gastric Banding Serving Lumberton, Pembroke & surrounding counties. Off ice Surgery Laparoscopic Surgery Endoscopy Colonoscopy Thoracic Surgery Pediatric Surgery Lap Band/Weightloss LUMBERTON SURGICAL ASSOCIATES PA 3001 N. Elm Street, Lumberton, NC 910.738-8556 • Call Us Today For A Fair Bluff Deal. NO BLUFF’N! Fair Bluff 658 Main St Fair Bluff, NC | (910) 649-7531 3 POINT BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT SPONSORED BY ROBESON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS .............................................................27 ALAN SANDS COMEDY HYPNOTIST.......................................................................................................................................................................30 BARNYARD TOURS SPONSORED BY BETTY CAROL’S DINER..........................................................................................................................34 BEACH MUSIC NIGHT FEATURING BAND OF OZ, SPONSORED BY 105.3 COOL RADIO .............................................................................31 BEST LEGS COMPETITION/ENTRY FORM SPONSORED BY KAYSER ROTH HOSIERY.................................................................................40 BIG NIGHT ON TOUR SPONSORED BY FOXY 99 “THE BIG STICK” ..................................................................................................................33 BOBBY HILL LIVE STAGE SHOW .............................................................................................................................................................................18 BOOTH INFORMATION ...............................................................................................................................................................................................16 BOOTH & EXHIBIT RULES.........................................................................................................................................................................................17 BRADLEY GASKIN “MR. BARTENDER” SPONSORED BY 95.7 WKML..............................................................................................................20 CHAINSAW CUTTING CONTEST SPONSORED BY LREMC .................................................................................................................................30 CHEERLEADING CONTESTS SPONSORED BY TOM TAYLOR & ROBESON COUNTY RECREATION DEPARTMENT..............................24 CHICKEN BOG SPONSORED MY MOUNTAIRE FARMS .......................................................................................................................................34 COLORING PAGE .........................................................................................................................................................................................................13 CONGRATULATIONS FROM THE NC DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COMMISSIONER .........................................................................................9 DIAPER DERBY SPONSORED BY BARGAIN HOUSE AND COMMISSIONER TOM TAYLOR.........................................................................31 DEMOLITION DERBY& ENTRY FORM SPONSORED BY OLIVER OIL/SUN DO KWIK SHOPS AND THE “A” GROUP .......................35-38 FFA TRACTOR DRIVING CONTEST SPONSORED BY PITTMAN ELECTRIC AND SOUTHEASTERN FARM EQUIPMENT.......................29 FFA TRUCK DRIVING CONTEST SPONSORED BY PITTMAN ELECTRIC ........................................................................................................29 GOT TO BE NC AGRICULTURE..................................................................................................................................................................................19 LITTLE MISS AND JR MISS ROBESON REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL FAIR PAGEANT ...................................................................................23 MEMORIES OF MAYBERRY .......................................................................................................................................................................................16 MONSTER TRUCK SHOW SPONSORED BY LUMBERTON HONDA & LUMBERTON KIA ............................................................................15 NORTH CAROLINA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION ..................................................................................................................................................15 OPEN ART EXHIBIT .....................................................................................................................................................................................................21 OLD COUNTRY FAIR AFTERNOON SPONSORED BY MIKE HALL AUTO SALES............................................................................................33 PEDAL TRACTOR DRAG RACING ............................................................................................................................................................................33 PRAISE DANCE COMPETITION.................................................................................................................................................................................32 PUPPETONE ROCKERS SPONSORED BY LUMBEE GUARANTY BANK ...........................................................................................................18 ROBESON COUNTY MASTERGARDENERS............................................................................................................................................................14 ROBESON REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL FAIR BOARD OF DIRECTORS ...........................................................................................................11 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS.............................................................................................................................................................................................6-7 SCHOOL ART CONTEST ..............................................................................................................................................................................................18 SPECIAL ORGANIZATIONS DAY/SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN’S DAY/SENIOR CITIZEN’S DAY.................................................................22 SPONSORSHIPS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................12 STAR FAMILY CIRCUS ................................................................................................................................................................................................21 STEP SHOW COMPETITION & REGISTRATION .....................................................................................................................................................26 TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................................................................................................................5 U GOT TALENT SPONSORED BY ROBESON COUNT 4-H JR FAIRBOARD........................................................................................................39 WELCOME FROM THE NC LABOR COMMISSIONER .............................................................................................................................................9 WELCOME FROM THE ROBESON REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL FAIR BOARD PRESIDENT ..........................................................................8 WELCOME FROM WADE SHOWS .............................................................................................................................................................................10 WINE EXHIBIT AND COMPETITION ........................................................................................................................................................................25 YOUTH STEAK COOK-OFF SPONSORED BY COMMISSIONER HUBERT SEALEY AND MOORE’S BROTHER MEAT MARKET ...........28 LIVE STOCK AND 4-H ADULT YOUTH BREEDING MEAT GOAT SHOW....................................................................................................................................................47 ADULT YOUTH MARKET HOG SHOW .....................................................................................................................................................................49 LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ENTRY FORM.............................................................................................................................................................44 LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY INFO AND RULES .....................................................................................................................................................39 LIVESTOCK YOUTH AND ADULT SHOW REGISTRATION FORM ......................................................................................................................45 REGIONAL 4-H POULTRY JUDGING CONTEST/RULES...................................................................................................................................50-51 REGIONAL 4-H POULTRY JUDGING ENTRY FORM ..............................................................................................................................................52 REGIONAL 4-H YOUTH HEIFER/STEER SHOW SPONSORED BY CAPE FEAR FARM CREDIT .....................................................................55 REGIONAL 4-H YOUTH HOG SHOW .......................................................................................................................................................................45 REGIONAL 4-H YOUTH LAMB SHOW SPONSORED BY CAPE FEAR FARM CREDIT ....................................................................................54 REGIONAL 4-H YOUTH MARKET HOG SHOW......................................................................................................................................................45 REGIONAL 4-H YOUTH MEAT GOAT SHOW...........................................................................................................................................................46 REGIONAL 4-H YOUTH POULTRY SHOWS .............................................................................................................................................................53 REGIONAL 4-H YOUTH RABBIT SHOW..................................................................................................................................................................48 HOME AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS HOME EXHIBIT ENTRY FORM ..................................................................................................................................................................................66 DEPT. A - HORTICULTURE ...................................................................................................................................................................................56-57 DEPT. B - FIELD CROPS...............................................................................................................................................................................................57 DEPT. C - FLOWERS................................................................................................................................................................................................57-58 DEPT. D - CLOTHING ...................................................................................................................................................................................................58 DEPT. E - NEEDLE WORK ...........................................................................................................................................................................................58 DEPT. F - CRAFTS....................................................................................................................................................................................................58-59 DEPT. G - BAKED PRODUCTS....................................................................................................................................................................................59 DEPT. H - CANNED GOODS...................................................................................................................................................................................59-60 CANNING FAIR RULES AND REGULATIONS .........................................................................................................................................................65 DEPT. I - YOUTH......................................................................................................................................................................................................60-61 DEPT. J - SWINE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................61 DEPT. K - BEEF CATTLE..............................................................................................................................................................................................61 DEPT. L - DAIRY ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................61 DEPT. M - MEAT GOATS ..............................................................................................................................................................................................61 DEPT. N - HORSES ........................................................................................................................................................................................................61 DEPT. O - POULTRY ................................................................................................................................................................................................61-64 DEPT. P - RABBITS .......................................................................................................................................................................................................64 DEPT. Q - SHEEP ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................64 DEPT. R - ANTIQUES....................................................................................................................................................................................................64 DEPT. V - OTHER ANIMALS .......................................................................................................................................................................................64 DEPT. W - WINE ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................25 5 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 9:00 am 12:00 Noon 4:30 pm to 11:00 pm 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Kando & Company/MONDAY 7:00 & 8:30 pm 7:00 pm to until 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm Schedule Judging of Booths and Exhibits - Closed to the public Judges Luncheon By Invitation Only Home Exhibit Building Luncheon Sponsored by TLC Catering Gates open to Public Ticket booths “Bobby Hill” Live Stage Show McDonald’s Midway Stage Sponsored in part by Lumbee Guaranty Bank Opening ceremony & ribbon cutting (Elected Officials & Special Guests Cherie Berry Commission of Labor McDonald’s Midway Stage beside the Al Parnell Jr. Home Exhibit Building Puppetone Rockers Roving the grounds Sponsored in part by Lumbee Guaranty Bank Praise Dancing McDonald’s Midway Stage Praise Dancing Competition WKML presents – Artist to be announced South Stage Gate # 10 Sponsored by WKML Radio SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 Monster Truck Show/SATURDAY 12:00noon 8:00 am to Noon 8:00 am to Noon 11:00 am to Midnight 11:00 am to 1:30 pm 11:00am to 3:00 pm 12:00 Noon 1:00 pm & 5:00 pm & 9:00 pm 2:30 pm 3:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Wine judging Note Closed to Public ** Home Exhibit Building Everett Davis, Chair Sponsored by True Value Hardware Livestock registering animals Livestock Building 4-H Animal Check-in Livestock Building Fair Open to the Public 4-H Goat Show Check/Weigh in Livestock Building. Sponsored by Cape Fear Farm Credit Company Family Days Entertainment Stage Gate # 10 Sponsored by Kayser Roth Livestock Building Opens -Livestock Building Puppetone Rockers Riding around on grounds Sponsored in part by Lumbee Guaranty Bank 4-H Youth Meat Goat Show Livestock Building “3” Point Basket Ball Tournament (Cash & Prizes) Sponsored by Robeson County Commissioners – Cummings, Oxendine, Stephens, Taylor “Bobby Hill” Live Stage Show McDonald’s Stage Adult/Youth Breeding Meat Goat Show Livestock Building TBD Entertainment Gate # 10 Jr. Miss & Little Miss Robeson County Fair Pageant Entertainment Gate #10 Monster Truck Show (*** Admission Price-$10.00) Lumberton Honda/Kia Grandstand , OCTOBER 2 Cheerleader Contest/MONDAY SUNDAY 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm Fair Open to the Public 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm 1:00 pm 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm 3:00 pm Free Admission with Current church bulletin until 3:00 pm Free Amusements Rides for the 1st hour ONLY Sponsored by Wade Shows Military Appreciation Day Free Admission to all Military Personnel with proper photo ID Puppetone Rockers Roving the grounds Sponsored in part by Lumbee Guaranty Bank BB&T Gospel on the Grounds Featuring the Best in Local Gospel. TBA. “Bobby Hill” Live Stage Show McDonalds Stage Sponsored in part by Lumbee Guaranty Bank MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 The Oxendines/THURSDAY Band of Oz/WEDNESDAY Diaper Derby/SATURDAY Barney & Goober/TUESDAY 6 10:00 am to 12:00 noon 4:30 pm to 11:00 pm Allen Faircloth, Chair 6:30 pm to finished 6:30 pm & 9:00 pm 6:30-9:00 pm 7:00 & 8:00 7:00 pm 7:00 & 8:30 PM Barnyard Tours (Pre-K must pre-register) Livestock Building Sponsored by Betty Carol’s Diner. Fair Open to the Public Cheerleader Contest (Rain Date is Oct 5, Wed) Grand Stand Area. Alan Sands, Comedy Hypnotist McDonald’s Midway Stage Sponsored by Fair Bluff Ford WGQR “Q-Artist Connection Entertainment tent Gate #10 Sponsored by WGWR Puppetone Rockers. Sponsored in part by Lumbee Guaranty Bank 4-H Youth Rabbit Show Livestock Arena Kandu and Company Family Entertainment for the entire Family Grounds Near South Food Court. Sponsored by New Century Bank TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4 10:00 to 12:00 noon 4:30 pm to 11:00 pm 4:30 pm to 10:00 pm 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm & 9:00 pm 7:00 & 8:00 & 9:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 6:30 & 8:00 PM All evening Special Needs Children’s Day (by invitation only) (Rain Date Oct. 6, Thurs) Special appearance of FairWeather the Fair Mascot!! Fair open to the Public Children School Days Free with School Coupon Sponsored by Allen Orthopedics Special appearance of FairWeather the Fair Mascot 5th & 6th Grades Cheerleading Contest Grandstands Area Alan Sands Comedy Hypnotist McDonald’s Midway Stage Sponsored by Fair Bluff Ford Puppetone Rockers Sponsored in part by Lumbee Guaranty Bank Youth /Adult Hog Show Livestock Arena Step Show South Tent Gate # 10 Sponsored by Jr. Fair Board Kandu and Company Grounds. Sponsored by New Century Bank Barney & Gomer (Mayberry Memories) Grounds WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 10:00 am to 12:00 noon 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm 2:00 pm 4:30 pm to 11:00 pm 4:30 pm to 11:00 pm 4:30 pm to 10:00 pm 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm 5:30 pm & 7:00 pm & 8:00 pm 6:00 pm & 9:30 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm Barn Yard Tours (Pre-K must pre-register) Livestock Building Sponsored by Betty Carol’s Diner Senior Citizen Day (62 & older admitted free all day) Gate # 10 South Rain Date Oct 8, Thursday Sponsored by Unimed “Bobby Hill” Live Stage Show Entertainment Stage Gate # 10 Sponsored in part by Lumbee Guaranty Bank Fair Open to the Public College Day Special Free Admission with Current Year College ID Children School Days Free with School Coupon Sponsored by Allen Orthopedics Special appearance of Fairweather the Fair Mascot Puppetone Rockers Sponsored in part by Lumbee Guaranty Bank Alan Sands Comedy Hypnotist McDonald’s Midway Stage 4-H Poultry Show Livestock Arena 4-H Turkey Show Livestock Arena of Events WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 (continued) 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm 7:00 pm until ***New*** 6:30 & 8:00 PM Kayser Roth Best Legs Contest McDonald’s Midway Stage Sponsored by Kayser Roth Beach Music Night with Band of Oz - South Tent Gate # 10 Sponsored by , First Bank & 105.3 COOL Beach Music & Oldies Chain Saw Cutting Contest Grandstand area Sponsored by LREMC Barney & Gomer Mayberry Memories Grounds Kandu and Company Near South Food Court. Sponsored by New Century Bank THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 2:00 pm 4:30 pm to 11:00 pm 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm 6:30 pm & 9:00 pm 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm ***New*** 6:30 & 8:00 PM 4-H Poultry Judging Contest Livestock Arena Free admission for 5 cans of Food to be donated to Robeson Co. Church & Community Center Food Pantry Fair Open to the Public FFA Truck & Tractor Driving Contest Grandstand Track Area Sponsored by: Pittman Electric Alan Sands Comedy Hypnotist McDonald’s Midway Stage 100.9 Gospel Sing Featuring The Oxendines South Tent Gate # 10 Sponsored by 100.9 FM Kandu and Company Grounds Near South Food Court. Sponsored by New Century Bank FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 Barn Yard Tours (Pre-K must pre-register) Livestock Building Sponsored by Betty Carol’s Diner Fair Open to the Public Alan Sands Comedy Hypnotist McDonald’s Midway Stage Sponsored by Fair Bluff Ford “The Big Stick Foxy 99” “Big Night On Tour 2011” South Tent Gate # 10 Sponsored by FOXY 99 Radio Kandu and Company Grounds near South Food Court. Sponsored by New Century Bank Lumber River Garden Tractor Pull Grandstand Track Area Sponsored by Fair Bluff Ford 10:00 am to 12:00 noon 4:30 pm to Midnight 6:30 pm & 9:00 pm 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm 6:00/ 7:00 & 8:00 PM 6:00-11:30 PM Alan Sands/MON.-FRI. o“Bobby Hill” Show/FRIDAY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 8:00 am to10:30 am 10:30 am to 1:00 pm 11:00 am to Midnight 11:00 am 11:00 am -3:00PM 11:00 am 3:00 pm 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm 5:30 & 8:00 & 10:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 2:00-5:00 & 8:00PM 12:00 midnight Registration for 4-H Lamb Show Livestock Arena Registration for 4-H Heifer/Steer Show Livestock Arena Fair Open to the Public 4-H Youth Lamb Show Livestock Arena Companion Home Care /Unimed Company Family Days Midway Stage Graphic Packaging Family Days - Quickie Family Day South Tent Gate # 10 Tent Family Day 17th Annual Chicken Bog Cook Off South Tent Gate # 10 Judging @ 5:00 pm Plates sold at 6:00 Proceeds go to the FFA Sponsored by Mountaire Farms of NC 4-H Youth Heifer/Steer Shows Livestock Arena Sponsored by Cape Fear Farm Credit “Youth Steak Cook-Off Picnic Area South Side Sponsored by Hubert Sealey, Moore’s Brother’s 35th Annual Diaper Derby McDonald’s Midway Stage Sponsored by Tom Taylor & The Bargain House Old Country Fair Afternoon McDonald’s Midway Stage Sponsored by Mike Hall Auto Sales Pedal Tractor Drag Racing Livestock Building Sponsored by Mike Hall Auto Sales Alan Sands Comedy Hypnotist McDonald’s Midway Stage Sponsored by Fair Bluff Ford Demo Derby Grandstand Track Area Morris Bennett, Chair , 738-9990 Sponsored by: Oliver Oil/Sun Do Quick “U” Got Talent! South Tent Gate # 10 Sponsored by Jr. Fair Board Kandu and Company Grounds. Sponsored by New Century Bank Fair Closes for the 2011 Season SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm Exhibit Hall opens for removing booths Pick up animals oPuppetone Rockers/Fri.-Wed. o Demo Derby/SATURDAY MONDAY, OCTOBER 10 9:00 am to 12:00 noon Exhibit Hall opens until noon Not responsible for booths not removed after 12:00 NOON *Daily Events* w w w.robe soncount During Judging all Exhibit Buildings will be closed to the public! Fa rm A nim a l s • Po n y Ri de s • E x hi bit Di sp la y s • H o rt icu lt ur a l Ex h ib it s • A nt i que s • C a rniv a l R id es ! ANTIQUE TRACTOR DISPLAY . . . . . . . . . . .Sponsored by Lumber River Old Iron Club (Jr. Callahan, President) Friday Sept 30- Sat Oct 7 BARNYARD TOURS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for Pre-KMonday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:00 (must pre-register) ALAN SANDS “COMEDY HYPNOTIST” (FREE) . . . . . . . . .Sponsored by Fair Bluff Ford, Monday – Friday Oct 3 – 7 (6:30 pm & 9:00 pm) ALAN SANDS “COMEDY HYPNOTIST” (FREE) . . . . . . . . . .Sponsored by Fair Bluff Ford,Saturday, Oct 8 (5:30 pm, 8:00 pm & 10; 30 pm) THE PUPPETONE ROCKERS (FREE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Friday –Wednesday (6 Big Days) Sponsored in part by Lumbee Guaranty Bank PETTING FARM BY EZ RIDE (FREE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Friday- Saturday (Full 9 Days) KANDU & COMPANY ENTERTAINMENT for the entire family . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sponsored by New Century Bank, 6 days Monday- Saturday STAR FAMILY CIRCUS & THRILL SHOW DAILY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Friday-Sat. 9 Big Days “o 3”PointBasketBallTournament/SATURDAY FARM ANIMALS PONY RIDES EXHIBIT DISPLAYS HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITS ANTIQUES CARNIVAL RIDES! Antique Tractor Display Sponsored by: LUMBER RIVER OLD IRON CLUB (JR. CALLAHAN, PRESIDENT) Display behind the Al Parnell Jr. Home Exhibit Building at the North Gate . Thursday – Saturday 7 I learned in school that there are four seasons in the year: winter, spring, summer and fall. Thank goodness I learned that there is a fifth season and it is called "fair season". Fair season this year is September 30 through October 8, 2011. I can smell the Italian sausages with onions and peppers, cotton candy, and apple pie as I think about it now. We are proud to offer new events this year such as our first ever "Monster Truck Show”. We also welcome our new carnival-Wade Shows. Wade Shows is the third largest carnival in the world. They play the Oklahoma State Fair, come to us, and from here go to the North Carolina State Fair. On behalf of all board members, friends, and volunteers, I welcome you and your family to the sixty-fifth Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair. Among the opportunities that we offer to attend the fair at a discount are a free admission with each paid admission ticket (buy one get one free) sponsored by The Robesonian for September 30. Also, this year, we are delighted to team with the Robeson County Church and Community Center Food Bank in allowing free admission for Thursday night of the fair with five non-perishable food items presented at the gate. We will continue our Sunday free admission with a church bulletin for the first two hours. Also, all day Sunday we are delighted to honor our men and women serving in the military by allowing free admission all day with a military photo ID. Tuesday, we are proud to provide the opportunity for approximately eight thousand Special Needs Children to attend the fair free. Wednesday, we salute our senior citizens with free admission for over 5000 senior citizens. Once again Allen Orthopedics has provided free tickets for admission on Tuesday and Wednesday to over 65,000 school children in Robeson and surrounding counties Visit our web site at to get advanced tickets, see our schedule or get entry forms for our many competitions. The Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair has been awarded the Image Award eight times in the past 27 years, recognizing us as the best fair in the state of North Carolina. We think that 2011 is our year to bring home number nine! Join us. We think you will agree! See you at the fair September 30 through October 8, 2011. Allen Faircloth President Growing Better Growing Together 8 Greetings from Labor Commissioner Cherie Berry Welcome to the 2011 Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair. The 65th annual celebration is sure to live up to its theme, “Nothing But Fun—One Ride At The Time.” The N.C Department of Labor values its long-standing partnership with the Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair. Together we strive to provide fairgoers with the safest midway possible. Each mechanical ride is carefully inspected by a certified ride inspector from the N.C. Department of Labor to ensure patrons have “nothing but fun.” I would like to personally thank President Allen Faircloth, Past President Coble Wilson, and the entire staff of volunteers for their commitment to making the midway one of the safest in the state. On a grander scale, their efforts have helped elevate North Carolina’s status as one of the safest states in the country in which to ride an amusement device. Robeson County is fortunate to have a premier entertainment venue like the Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair. Its selection of agricultural exhibits, exciting shows and amusement rides continues to attract crowds from across the region. It is no surprise that the Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair has received the Image Award for the best fair in its size category eight times. I am sure there will be many more awards down the road. Best of luck for a safe and successful 2011 season! 9 Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair PO BOX 2566 Lumberton, NC 28359 Attn: Allen Faircloth Dear Allen, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for placing your trust and confidence in Wade Shows to provide the midway for the 2011 Robeson Regional Fair. As you know, Wade Shows plays some of the largest State Fairs in the country, including providing half the rides at your own North Carolina State Fair. We are always looking for additional events that have sound management, a progressive approach to marketing and top of the line customer service. The Robeson Regional Fair is exactly that type of fair. Your event has been on our radar screen for many years with our East Coast routing change and when the opportunity to present my carnival at your fair came about, my team and I welcomed the chance to work with the Robeson Regional Fair. As you know, we will be sending several spectacular attractions from the Oklahoma State Fair to the Robeson Regional Fair which will also appear at the North Carolina State Fair. Your regional fair will now have the ability to draw from our large arsenal of state fair attractions. In addition to rides, you can expect to see improvements in customer service amenities on your midway. Shaded seating areas, LED lighting, picnic tables and benches and a clean, comfortable midway are some of the features that set us apart from our competition in the industry. Finally, I want to mention safety which is of vital importance to my company. Wade Shows has one of the top safety records in the country and we take operator training, drug testing and background checking very seriously. At Wade Shows, safety is our number one priority. Alan, I want to thank you and your board once again for selecting Wade Shows to provide the carnival for the Robeson Regional Fair this year. I am looking forward to bringing the finest in midway entertainment for your fair and the wonderful people of the greater Lumberton area. See you in October! Sincerely Yours, Frank Zaitshik Wade Shows 10 2011 Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair 9 BIG DAYS September 30 - October 8, 2011 Highway 41 South, Lumberton - Gate Admission: $6 We welcome you to the 2010 Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair Check our web page at: Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair Board of Directors President…………………………………………………………………………………….… Allen Faircloth Vice President for Administration….……………………………………………….……….......Marie Gibson Vice President for Facility Operations………………………….………………………………...Buddy Jones Vice President for Fair Operations…………………………………….………….………......…...Dixon Britt Directors at Large......................................................................................................................... Rudy Paul G. ....................................Terry Stewart ......................................Dave Welch Immediate Past President & President Emeritus..………………………..............………Coble D. Wilson, Jr. Morris Bennett Hubert Bullard Lisa Douglas Charles Ivey Kenny Morgret Charles Roberts G. Terry Stewart Coble D. Wilson, Jr. Associate Members Wendy Chavis Members Buddy Britt Everett Davis Allen Faircloth Buddy Jones Rudy Paul Aggie Rogers Tom Taylor Ex officio Board Members Dixon Britt Shea Ann DeJarnette Marie Gibson Claudio Medina Alan Prevatte Bill Starnes, Jr. Dave Welch Executive Sec./Treas. – Jeannette Freeman Maintenance Director – Howard McDuffie Security/Caretaker – Ed Callahan Grounds/Marketing Director- Maurice Leggett Junior Fair Board Aggie Rogers – Coordinator, Junior Fair Board Members Korina Pittman, Chair Christopher Bullard, Co-Chair Megan Hurst Christian McRae James Nixon T’Asha Shelby Ashley Sealey Zachary White Sally Baxley Juanita Chavis Missy McLean-Wright Stephanie Parnell Peggy Prevatte Zach Roberts Morris Rozier Daniel Sealey Aubrey Swett Pattie Wilson Friends of the Fair Debbie Britt Mike Hall Marilyn L. Merritt Judy Paul Kerrie Roach Bobby Rogers Larry Russ Michelle Shooter Judy W. St. Armour 11 Nelson Brownlee, Jr. Irene McDuffie Becky Parnell Jordan Pittman Jessica Roberts Jill Rozier Ronnie Sampson Jean Stewart Estelle Wiggins THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR 2011 SPONSORS Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsors CHRIS IAN Lumberton Lumberton Honda Honda WGQR - 105.7 ALLEN ORTHOPEDICS LISTINING NETWORK UNIMED “Where “Where Everybody Everybody Rides” Rides” 1-800-711-HONDA 1-800-711-HONDA Companion Home Care Oliver Oil Co. Silver Sponsors ROBESONIAN THE BB&T • Betty Carol’s Diner • Cape Fear Farm Credit • Fair Bluff Ford Lumber River Trading Company • Lumberton Area Chamber of Commerce Mike Hall’s Auto Sales • New Centry Bank Pait’s Tractor & Equipment • Pittman Electric Robeson County Recreation Department Robeson County Commissioners: Tom Taylor, Roger Oxendine, Jerry Stephens, Raymond Cummings S&W Concrete • Southeast Farm Equipment • TLC Catering The “A” Group • The Bargain House • Pet Milk & Ice Cream 12 l A n a g o i r g i c e u l R t u n ral Fair o s e b o R 13 M t y a n s u t e o r C G n ardners o s e b o R Master Gardener volunteers are part of the volunteer staff of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. They provide unbiased, research based educational assistance and programs in horticulture and environmental issues to the gardening public. Join us at the fair… and throughout the year! • The group meets the second Monday of each month for educational field trips, events, and community service projects. • The Extension Master Gardener Plant Sale is held each year on the last Saturday in April at 7 a.m. • Extension Master Gardener Volunteers will be available during the fair to answer questions and concerns about your home landscape and garden. • Join us for our new class of Extension Master Gardener Volunteers beginning January of 2012! For all questions and information regarding the Master Gardener program, please contact Kerrie Roach, Extension Horticulture Agent, at the Extension Center by phone (910) 671-3276 or E-mail at 14 THE ROBESON COUNTY FAIR IS PLEASED TO RECOGNIZE THE IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTIONS MADE BY THE ROBESON COUNTY CENTER OF THE NORTH CAROLINA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE Administration Cathy Graham..........................................................................................................Interim County Director Denese Prevatte....................................................................................................Administration Secretary Aletha Mebane............................................................................................................................Receptionist Agriculture Nelson Brownlee..........................................................................................Area Farm Management Agent James Parsons................................................................................................................Area Poultry Agent Kerrie Roach.................................................................................................................... Horticulture Agent Mac Malloy ..................................................................................................................................Crops Agent Michelle Shooter ..................................................................................................................Livestock Agent Mandy Swisher................................................................................................Tourism Development Agent Debbie Humphrey ...........................................................................................................................Secretary 4-H and Family and Consumer Sciences Shea Ann DeJarnette......................................................................................................................4-H Agent Aggie Rogers............................................................................................................4-H Program Associate Penny McCartney ............................................................................................................................Secretary Christy Strickland ....................................................................Parenting and Human Development Agent Janice Fields .................................................................................Food, Nutrition, and Safe Homes Agent Ava Locklear........................................................................................................EFNEP Program Assistant Tamika McLean ...................................................................................................EFNEP Program Assistant Fair catalogs are available at the Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. O. P. Owens Agriculture Center, Highway 72 West, Lumberton, NC. Telephone number: (910)671-3276 The Rolling Thunder is Here! SPONSORED BY: Lumberton Honda Lumberton Honda “Where Everybody Rides” “Where Everybody Rides” 1-800-711-HONDA 1-800-711-HONDA SPONSORED BY: Mons 8:30pmter Truck Sh - Grands o tand (N w! Saturda ot in yO cluded w ct. 1st th fair en 15 trance) 10 $ Show on ly BOOTH INFORMATION COMMERCIAL BOOTH SPACE All organizations and businesses interested in securing commercial booth space in the Exhibit Building please contact Buddy Jones at (910)739-7111 (Home) or (910)739-0080 (Business) before Monday, September 26. Food concessions and other outside commercial space can be secured by calling Hubert Bullard at (910)309-5785. The cost of an 8’ X 8’ booth is $ 175.00. Two all week passes are included. Noncommercial Booth Space Non commercial Booth Space is open to all organizations and groups in Robeson and adjoining counties in the classifications listed below. Reservations for booths may be made by calling Buddy Jones at 739-7111 or 7390080 no later than Thursday, September 29. FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Classifications Extension Homemaker Organizations Home Economics Classes (FHA) School Classes a. Grades K-6 b. Grades 7-9 c. Grades 10-12 4-H Clubs Scout Troops Senior Citizen Groups FFA Groups Other Vocational Groups Special Community Clubs (Booths Must Be Educational) Public or Nonprofit Organizations Private Agricultural Development Organizations Prizes Separate prizes will be awarded in each classification except 9, 10, and 11 1st Place $175 2nd Place $150 Classes 1-8 Deemed Credible by Judges $125 Best Overall Entry Educational $500 Best Overall Entry Commercial ribbon SCORING CHART FOR BOOTH EXHIBITS Educational Value...............................................................................40 points Arrangements......................................................................................20 points Quality of Materials............................................................................20 points Originality............................................................................................20 points TOTAL...............................................................................................100 points Booth Rules All booth exhibitors must report the classification of their entry to Buddy Jones at 739-0080 or 739-7111 no later than Monday, September 26, 2011. Youth and agricultural-related booths will be located in the Home Exhibit Building. All other booths will be exhibited in the Exhibit Building. Fabric sides will be furnished for each booth by the Robeson County Fair. The booths along perimeter walls will be 8 feet wide and 8 feet deep with an 8-foot high backdrop and 3-foot high sides. All other booths will be 8 feet wide and 8 feet deep with 3 foot high backdrop and sides. Booths may be constructed higher than 3 feet on each side. Setting up of booths will be on Wednesday (9/28), Thursday (9/29), from 11 am to 7 pm. Booth must be completed before 7 pm on Thursday (9/29), to be eligible for judging. Judging of booths will start at 9 am on Friday (9/30). No exhibitors will be allowed in the Exhibit Building during the judging. Exhibitors will furnish all materials, tables, chairs, tools, and equipment for their booths. The Fair Board reserves the right to designate the classification of any entry. Judges may award the cash prizes at their discretion. All booths must be the work of product or the group entering same. Remember that special emphasis is given in scoring for the educational value of the exhibit. Any change in rules will be posted in the Exhibit Building and will supersede all earlier rules. Public (nonprofit) organizations may display information of educational material without charge. These organizations are not eligible for cash prizes but are eligible for judging for “Best Overall Entry Commercial”. Two awards will be made, at the discretion of the judges to the best educational booth and the best commercial booth in the fair. Commercial will receive a ribbon, not cash prizes. NO BOOTH MAY BE DISMANTLED BEFORE 1 PM SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9TH. Any booth removed before Sunday will forfeit any prize money awarded to said booth. The exhibitor will also forfeit booth space allocated in future fairs. The Exhibit Building will be open on Sunday, October 9, from 1-5 pm and Monday, October 10, from 9 am to 12 noon for dismantling and removing booths. Any booth materials not removed by 12 noon on Monday, October 10 will become property of the Robeson County Fair Board and prize money will be forfeited. 1. Passes will be issued only to those personnel requiring same. No more than two free passes will be issued for each booth regardless of the number of persons interested in said booth. Additional passes may be purchased for $25.00 each. The Fair Board reserves the right to revoke any pass at any time for any reason it deems appropriate. 2.Passes will be issued when the booth is set up. Someone will be in the exhibit hall to assign your passes. Passes will remain in the possession of those persons requiring same. The Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair Ticket Office will not be responsible for keeping passes at the Ticket Office. 3.All exhibits will be numbered and recorded in the entry books of the fair. Exhibit tags with corresponding numbers will be issued to the exhibitor. This is your claim ticket, so please keep it in some secure place. This claim ticket will have to be presented at the gate Sunday, October 9, to gain admittance to the fairgrounds from 1 to 5 pm. Prizes not collected by 5 pm on Sunday, October 9, will be forfeited by the exhibitor. Exhibitors are responsible for knowing appropriate category in which the exhibits are to be entered. Registration form may be printed from 16 INFORMATION AND GENERAL RULES Exhibitors and patrons are requested to make constructive criticism and offer helpful suggestions toward bettering any part of our Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair. The Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair Board reserves the right to amend, add to, and interpret the following rules. The Fair Board will employ law enforcement officers, and will use diligence to promote safety and protection of patrons and their exhibits and property. Under no circumstances will the Fair Board or any of its officers and employees be responsible for loss or damage to persons and their property, including entries, exhibits, automobiles in parking lots, and articles left in cars because of accidents, theft, fire, the elements, or other conditions. 2011 County Fair - Best in Show at the North Carolina State Fair The 2011 County Fair - Best in Show will feature the best arts and crafts entries from agricultural fairs across the state. One youth and one adult winner will be selected from each fair. Winners will receive $200, to be split between the fair and participant. All entries will be on display at the North Carolina State Fair, which runs October 13-23, 2011 in Raleigh. All entries will be judged for a $1000 Grand Prize to be given to the best youth and best adult entries. Arts and crafts entries can include, but are not limited to, paintings, furniture, woodworking, crossstitch, metalwork, pottery, dolls and baskets. Due to space limitations, exhibits larger than a wooden chair will not be accepted. The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services regulates Fairs to ensure they meet minimum exhibit and premium requirements. There are 46 agriculture fairs in North Carolina. More information can be found online at 17 ROBESON REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL FAIR SCHOOL ART CONTEST Co-sponsored in conjunction with the Public Schools of Robeson County Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair Board, Wendy Chavis Rules and Regulations Registration forms may be printed from The Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair Board is sponsoring in conjunction with the Public Schools of Robeson County, a School Art Contest. The Art Contest is open to all public school children in Robeson County. The Artwork of our students will be displayed during the week of the Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair. The following categories apply to the Art Contest. Category 1-Grades K through 3 - prize money awarded for first, second, and third place Category 2-Grades 4 through 6 - prize money awarded for first, second, and third place Category 3-Grades 7 through 9 - prize money awarded for first, second, and third place Category 4-Grades 10-12 - prize money awarded for first, second, and third place Artwork may consist of drawings, paintings, sculptures, and any other type of artwork. Both matted and non-matted drawings will be acceptable. There is a maximum limit of ten entries per school to be registered for the Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair School Art Contest. Public Schools of Robeson County will determine the entries in this contest. A registration form must be placed on the back of the artwork in order to be entered in this contest. “Bobby Hill” Live Stage Show See Fair Schedule McDonald’s Midway Stage Sponsored by: “Puppetone Rockers” Riding around the fair grounds See fair schedule 18 Got To Be NC Agriculture Visit the Agricultural Exhibits Around the Fairgrounds, Collect the Secret Words, and You Might Win a New Bicycle!!! RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS: This contest is open to persons five (5) to twelve (12) years of age. You must collect five secret words to be eligible for prizes. The secret words can be found on signs at agricultural exhibits around the fairgrounds. TO ENTER: • Visit Got To Be NC Agriculture Booth in Al Parnell Home Exhibit Building • Complete the form below, filling in all the blanks, including five secret words. Please print all the information so you can be contacted if you win. Return the form to the booth once you’ve completed your search. • You don't have to be present to win. Winning names will be selected at the end of the fair, and a minimum of two bicycles, will be given away in the Discover Agriculture contest at this fair. • Employees and their families of this fair and/or sponsoring organizations of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture are not eligible to win any prizes in the Discover Agriculture contest. • Winners will be selected by the fair manager or his/her designee in a random drawing from all fully completed entries, and the decision of the above representative will be final. NAME:_______________________________________________ AGE:______________ TELEPHONE:_______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ZIP:_______________________________________________________________________ Memories of Mayberry SECRET WORDS: 1. _____________________ 2.______________________ 3.______________________ 4. _____________________ 5. _____________________ Sponsored by:_____________________________________________________________ COME SEE “Barney, Gomer & the Mayberry Squad Car Tuesday and Wednesday October 4th & 5th, 2011 ALL EVENING! 19 - Open 7 Days A Week •ANTIQUES •USED FURNITURE •GIFTS •PRIMITIVES •ARTS & CRAFTS •CANDLES Useful Junk...something for everyone! 3540 East Elizabethtown Rd. • Lumberton, NC 28358 w w Your Home, Farm & Garden Center St. Pauls Farmers Exchange Inc. • Feed • Seed • Fertilizer LUMBERTON REGIONAL AIRPORT 163 Airport Blvd. Lumberton, NC 28358 Bus: 910-739-6480 Fax: 910-671-3947 • Metal Roofing • Fencing & Posts • Lawn & Garden Supplies 222 W. Broad Street St. Pauls, NC 28384 • Pet Supplies • Plants in Season • Much Much More! 910.865.4149 910.865.3459 Friday, Sept. 30th 7:30pm Sponsored by: 20 OPEN ART EXHIBIT Registration form may be printed from Rules and Eligibility 1. All exhibitors must reside in Robeson or adjoining counties. 2. Entries are limited to 1 per class for each artist and must have been created within the last 12 months. 3. All artwork must be framed or matted, complete with an attached wire and ready for hanging as wall diplay. Items not ready for hanging will not be displayed. 4. No picture may be exhibited that has been entered in this fair in previous years. Picture dimensions must not exceed 140” perimeter. 5. Entries will be accepted only by the Art Exhibit Committee during the following hours of registration: Sunday, September 25, from 2 pm to 6 pm, Monday. September 26 from 4 pm to 8 pm, and Tuesday, September 27, 4 pm - 8 pm. 6. No entry is to be removed from the exhibit until Sunday, October 9 from 1 to 5 pm. 7. All entries must be properly identified with an official entry blank on the back upper right corner. These forms will be furnished by the committee at registration. 8. The Art Exhibit Committee, the judge, the sponsor of the exhibit area, or any other person connected with the Art Shop will not be held responsible for loss or damage of any kind to entries submitted to the competitions. 9. The committee reserves the right to reject any entry which is not original or does not comply with the above rules. ART DIVISIONS 1st 2nd Class 1 Acrylics or Oils T-1-1 Adult-18 and Up $35 $15 T-1-2 Junior - Under 18 $35 $15 Class 2 Watercolors T-2-1 Adult-18 and Up $35 $15 T-2-2 Junior--Under 18 $35 $15 Class 3 Drawings T-3-1 Adult Charcoal - 18 and Up $35 $15 T-3-2 Junior Charcoal -Under 18 $35 $15 T-3-3 Adult Pastels -18 and Up $35 $15 T-3-4 Junior Pastels-Under 18 $35 $15 T-3-5 Adult Ink -18 and Up $35 $15 T-3-6 Junior Ink -Under 18 $35 $15 T-3-7 Adult Pencil -18 and Up $35 $15 T-3-8 Junior Pencil -Under 18 $35 $15 Class 4 Graphic Design $35 $15 T-4-1 Adult (ads, book cover, comics, etc.) 18 and Up $35 $15 T-4-2 Junior (ads, book cover, comics, etc.) Under 18 $35 $15 Class 5 Photography T-5-1 Adult (black & White) 18 and Up $35 $15 T-5-2 Junior (black & White) Under 18 $35 $15 T-5-3 Adult (color) 18 and Up $35 $15 T-5-4 Junior (color) Under 18 $35 $15 21 DAILY! Friday thru Saturday 9 Big Days! SPECIAL ORGANIZATIONS RECOGNITION DAY Coordinator: Allen Faircloth, (910) 734-2733 Monday, October 3 4:30 p.m. - 10 p.m. The Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair Board would like to say “Thank You” to those special organizations that serve the community. This will be the only day and time that special organizations will be allowed free admission. Prior approval must be given. All organizations need to contact Allen Faircloth to confirm the number of guests. Your group must arrive together and will only be admitted as a group. Organizations that have received this special invitation in the past are Robeson House, Boys and Girls Home, Family Violence Center, and other such groups. If you feel your group would be eligible, contact Allen Faircloth at (910) 734-2733. SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN’S DAY Coordinators: G. Terry Stewart (910) 536-8961 and Hubert Bullard Tuesday, October 4, 10 a.m. to 12 noon The Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair Board provides the opportunity for special needs children from Robeson, Bladen, Hoke, and Scotland County schools to attend the fair on Tuesday, October 4, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at no charge. The fairgrounds are opened at 10 a.m. so the special needs children can enjoy the fair without the usual crowds. Admission is free for the special needs children with prior approval. Pepsi Cola provides a free drink, Pet Ice Cream provides free ice cream. All rides that are safe for this group are provided free. Most vendors give special prices or do not charge during this event. Most groups bring a bag lunch and eat at the grounds. We need to clear the grounds no later than 12:30 for the next event. Your group must contact G. Terry Stewart to receive approval. (910) 536-8961 Only school vehicles will be admitted to the grounds. SENIOR CITIZENS DAY Sponsored by Companion Home Care - Unimed Aggie Rogers, Chair (910) 671-3276 Lumber River Council of Government, (910) 618-5533 Aging Program Mayorʼs Committee for the Challenged Wednesday, October 5, 2:00-4:00 p.m. UNIMED Companion Home Care ADMISSION IS FREE As a tribute to senior citizens of Robeson County and surrounding counties, all senior citizens are invited to participate in this afternoon of fun and fellowship at the Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair on Wednesday, October 5. Planned activities will be held from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Senior Citizens Day is a cooperative effort of the Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair Board, Lumber River Council of Governments, and the Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service and sponsored by Companion Home Care - Unimed. 22 Lethal Threat F A I R P A GEANT Saturday, October 2, 2010 - 5:00 pm L itt le Miss & Jr. M iss Saturday, October 1, 2011 • 6:00 pm Coordinated by Robeson County Junior Fair Board Aggie Rogers, Advisor and Contact Person (910) 671-3276 Two age groups: Applications are available at the: Rules and Regulations Little Miss (Age 5-8) Open to all youth age 5 - 14 Junior Miss (Age 9-14) O. P. Owens Agriculture Center Highway 72, West 455 Caton Road Lumberton, NC 28358 Telephone: (910) 671-3276 Fax: (910) 671-6278 All applications are due Monday, September 12, 2011 NO LATE REGISTRATION WILL BE ACCEPTED Judging Criteria Appearance Introduction Interview Questions Talent Prizes 1st place - $100.00 & Trophy 2nd place - $ 75.00 & Trophy 2 0 1 1 FA I R P A G EA N T Saturday, October 1, 2011 • 6:00 p.m. • Robeson County Fairground REGISTRATION FORM Deadline – Monday, September 12, 2011 Name___________________________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone________________________________________________________________________________ _ Email address_____________________________________________________________________________ Please check one: Little Miss (Age 5-8)___________ Mail or Fax Registration Form to: Aggie Rogers c/o Fair Pageant P.O. Box 2280 Lumberton, NC 28359 Fax: (910) 671-6278 Jr. Miss (Age 9-14)____________ If you have any questions, please contact Aggie Rogers: (910) 671-3276 23 CHEERLEADING CONTEST Coordinator: Rudy Paul, (910) 671-3090 Monday, October 3rd at 6:30 p.m. (Rain date 10/5/11) Sponsored by Robeson County Recreation Department 1. The contest will be held in the Grandstand area. 2. There will be three divisions - Middle School, Junior Varsity, and Varsity. 3. Squads should assemble beside the Grandstand ready and in uniform 30 minutes prior to the contest. 4. Each squad will perform a cheer, chant, and dance combo that should not exceed 2 1/2 minutes. 5. Advisors will meet 15 minutes before the contest. 6. Trophies will be awarded to the first place team with individual trophies in each division. A team trophy will also be given to the second place team in each division. 7. Each squad will be judged on group performance, group cheer, group chant, group stunt, group dance, appearance, voice inflection, facial expression, motion technique, spirit, enthusiasm, and gymnastics. 8. All junior high school squads will compete as Junior varsity. 9. Only 2 coaches per team allowed in the gate free with cheerleaders. *This does not include free rides or a ride pass.* For additional information call Rudy Paul (910) 671-3090. Registration form may be printed from ROBESON COUNTY RECREATION DEPARTMENT 5TH & 6TH GRADE CHEERLEADING COMPETITION Sponsored By Commissioner Tom Taylor Tuesday, October 4th at 6:30 p.m. COMMISSIONER TOM TAYLOR Welcome to Robeson County Parks & Recreation Commissionʼs annual Cheerleading Competition. Here are the rules and regulations that are required for competition. * Coaches may spot mounts, place props only. * No mounts above shoulders! * If your squad is broken up into two, they must cheer as two squads. Trophies will be given to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Remind the participants that this competition is for them to have fun and show off their stuff. 1) Routine Time - Routine time limit is 2 minutes & 30 seconds or less. Timing begins with first words or motions. 2) Music and Dance - Music can be in segments throughout the routine or played at one time. Cheering skills may be incorporated with the music; however, only your actual dance will be scored in the dance category. Your music must be “cued” when brought to the music table. A representative from your squad must start and stop your music. 3) Performance area - You will be allowed to set up any legal props. You cannot begin your routine in a pyramid or stunt - you must work into it. 4) Props - the only props allowed are signs, megaphone, flags, and pom poms. Signs must be used to evoke a crowd response. All props must be carried onto the performance area, before the performance by the competitors or coaches and must be used. No “scenery” allowed. 5) End of Routine - Timing will stop with squads last words or motion. 6) Penalties - A penalty will be deducted from your final score for each rule infraction, time limit violation, stunt & pyramid infraction or any prop violation. For additional information, call Rudy Paul at (910) 671-3090. 24 WINE EXHIBIT AND COMPETITION Coordinator: Everett Davis, (910) 739-7386 Sponsored by: Your friendly store for all your grape production and wine making needs. 1675 N. Roberts Avenue, Lumberton, NC (910) 739-7788 Wine judging will be conducted Saturday, October 1st, 12:00pm Fairgoers are invited to watch the judging AMATURE DIVISION ONLY 1. Entries will be accepted at the Robeson County Fairgrounds at the times established for entering home exhibits. 2. Entrant must be the producer of the wine, and all entries must be home prepared. 3. Amateur wine makers residing in Robeson, Bladen, Columbus, Cumberland, Hoke, Scotland, and Dillon counties are eligible to enter this competition. 4. If more than one bottle of wine is entered in the same class by the same individual, the one bottle that is to be judged must be clearly marked by entrant. 5. All bottles of wine shall be corked or capped. 6. Each wine will be judged on its own merit (Danish System), and will be awarded a blue, red, or white ribbon along with appropriate prize money. 7. A “Best of Class” ribbon will be presented in each category, but no additional prize money will be awarded. 8. Judges will evaluate wine on color, clarity bouquet, flavor, and overall presentation (exclusive of the label, bottle, etc.) 9. The judges’ decisions will be final, and may not be contested. 10. Entrants may collect their entries, ribbons, and prize money at the Al Parnell Home Exhibit Building on the Robeson County Fairgrounds on Sunday, October 9 between 1:00 and 5:00pm. CLASS DEPARTMENT W W-1-1 White Vinifera W-3-1 White Hybrid W-5-1 White Native American (Muscadine) W-2-1 W-4-1 W-6-1 W-7-1 W-8-1 W-9-1 Red Vinifera Red Hybrid Red Native American (Muscadine) Blueberry Wines Strawberry Wines Other Fruit Wines Blue Ribbon $10 Red Ribbon White Ribbon $7 $5 $7 $10 $7 $10 $10 $7 $10 $7 $10 $7 $10 $7 $10 $7 $10 $7 25 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 Stompin’ At The Fair Step Show Competition Tuesday, October 4, 2011 – 7:30 pm Coordinated by Robeson County Jr. Fair Board • Aggie Rogers – Contact Person Open to the following groups: Middle Schools • Jr. High Schools Senior High Schools Community Teams • Church Teams - Each team must pre-register by Monday, September 12, 2011 - Each team will have a maximum of ten minutes to perform - Teams should NOT be larger than twenty - Teams will be responsible for their own music Judging Category (1-25 points) - Originality - Precision - Unity - Appearance Mail or Fax Application to: Aggie Rogers P.O. Box 2280 Lumberton, NC 28358 Fax: (910) 671-6278 Applications are available at: O. P. Owens Agricultural Center 455 Caton Road (Highway 72 West) Lumberton, North Carolina 28358 Prizes 1st Place…….$ 100.00 2nd Place…....$ 75.00 3rd Place….....$ 50.00 Deadline: Monday, September 12, 2011 ** No Late Application will be accepted Tuesday, October 4, 2011 Stompin’ At The Fair Step Show Competition REGISTRATION FORM DEADLINE, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2011 Team Name___________________________________________________Contact _________________________________________________________ Contact Address_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone__________________________________________Cell #__________________________________________ Email address__________________________________________________________________________________ (Please check one) Middle School { } Community Team { } Jr. High School { Church Team{ } } Senior High School { } Please list individual names of team members Team Leader (s) _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ A CD player and speakers will be provided. You must provide any additional equipment needed for your show If you have any questions, call Aggie Rogers at (910)671-3276 26 “3” Point Basketball Tournament Saturday, October 1, 2011 • 3:00 pm Sponsored by Robeson County Commissioners - Raymond Cummings, Roger Oxendine, Jerry Stephens, Tom Taylor Coordinated by Robeson County Jr. Fair Board Aggie Rogers – Chair Open to the following Division: Middle & Jr. School (Age 9-14) Senior High School (Age 15-19) Age 20 & Over Everyone must Pre-Register by Monday, September 12, 2011 A $5.00 will be required when registering LIMITED TO THE FIRST FIFTEEN (15) IN EACH DIVISION Registration Forms available at the Robeson County Extension Center 455 Caton Road (Highway 72 West) Lumberton, NC - (910) 671-3272 1st Place – Middle/Jr. School: .$100.00…2nd Place…$75.00 ….3rd Place.. $50.00 1st Place – Senior High:……...$200.00….2nd Place…$75.00….3rd Place…$50.00 1st Place – Age 20 & Over:…..$200.00…2nd Place….$50.00… 3rd Place…$50.00 “3” Point Basketball Tournament Saturday, October 1, 2011 • Robeson County Fairgrounds • 3:00 pm REGISTRATION FORM Name_________________________________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________________________________________________________ Email address___________________________________________________________________________________ Please Check one: Middle/Jr. School ( Senior High ( Age 20 & Over ( ) ) ) Everyone must Pre-Register by Monday, September 12, 2011 $5.00 will be required when registering. 27 2ND “YOUTH” STEAK COOK-OFF General Rules Contact Aggie Rogers (910) 671-3276 Robeson County Jr. Fair Board Sponsored by: Commissioner Hubert Sealey and Moore Brothers Natural Saturday, October 8, 2011 • 2pm Open to first fifteen to register Age: 13-19 Must bring small grill (gas or charcoal) One hour time limit including set-up and table decorations You will receive one 10oz. Rib Eye Steak “Youth” Score based on Safety Food Handling Taste and Seasoning Overall Appearance Attractiveness (including table set-up) COOK-OFF Registration Form available at the Robeson County Extension Center 455 Caton Road (Highway 72 West) Lumberton, NC or the Public Schools. Prizes 1st Place…….$ 100.00 2nd Place…….$75.00 3rd Place…..$50.00 Deadline to Register – September 12, 2011 • NO LATE REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED 2ND “YOUTH” STEAK COOK-OFF October 8, 2011 • 2:00 pm REGISTRATION FORM * * * FIRST FIFTEEN TO REGISTER * * * Name________________________________________________________________________Age______________ Address_______________________________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________________________________________________________ Email address___________________________________________________________________________________ Mail or Fax Registration to: Aggie Rogers P.O. Box 2280 Lumberton, North Carolina 28358 Telephone: (910) 671-3276 Fax: (910) 671-6278 First Place….$ 100.00 Prizes: Second Place….$ 75.00 “Youth” 3rd Place..$ 50.00 28 COOK-OFF FFA TRACTOR DRIVING CONTEST Coordinator: Zach Roberts, (910) 671-6050 or (910) 987-1423 Thursday, October 6th - 4 p.m. Grandstand Area - Sponsored by: Pittman Electric & Southeastern Farm Equipment 1. Open to active members of FFA in the Lumber River Federation. 2. Club competition will consist of three competitors. The two lowest (best) scores will be counted to determine club overall score. 3. Contestants must be a minimum of 14 years of age. 4. Safety is to be practiced at all times, and unsafe driving can be grounds for disqualification. 5. Course layout will be the tractor driving course from the NC FFA contest. 6. Scoring will be the same as the NC FFA contest. 7. The Fair Board reserves the right to disqualify any contestant or club that operates equipment in an unsafe manner. 8. Top individual in the Federation will advance to state FFA competition. Prizes Club Individual 1st Place: Trophy Trophy 2nd Place: Trophy Trophy 3rd Place: Trophy Trophy FFA TRUCK DRIVING CONTEST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Coordinator: Zach Roberts, (910) 671-6050 or (910) 987-1423 Thursday, October 6th - 4 p.m. Grandstand Area - Sponsored by: Pittman Electric Open to active members of FFA in the Lumber River Federation. Course will be the same as used in the NC FFA contest. Contestants must have a valid driver license. Safety is to be practiced at all times, and unsafe driving can be grounds for disqualification. Clubs will be limited to three competitors. The two lowest (best) scores will be used to determine the club overall score. The Fair Board reserves the right to disqualify any contestant or club that operates equipment in an unsafe manner. 8. Top individual in the federation will advance to state FFA competition. 9. Scoring will be the same as the NC FFA contest. Prizes Club Individual 1st Place: Trophy Trophy 2nd Place: Trophy Trophy 3rd Place: Trophy Trophy 29 CHAIN SAW CUTTING CONTEST Coordinator: Tom Taylor (910) 739-7516 Wednesday, October 5th - 7:00 p.m. Grandstand Area Sponsored by LREMC Pre-register with The Bargain House, 1403 E. 5th Street, Lumberton. Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Saw Size 0 -2.5 2.6 -3.1 3.2 - 3.5 3.6 - 4.1 4.2 - 5.0 5.1 - Up Open Pipe Saw Dealer Tomʼs Open Class 1st & 2nd place trophies or plaques for each class. Rules Registration form may be printed from Starting position will be hands on log, saw on ground. When called by announcer, assume starting position with saw on ground. When flagman drops his hand, cutter must saw and make 2 complete cuts. The winner is the first person whose 2nd cut hits the ground first. All contestants must wear safety equipment. Only the saw operator will be admitted through the side gate without paying admission into the fair. Alan Sands Comedy Hypnotist y b r e D o Dem Oct. 3rd-8th, McDonalds Stageway ea nd ar a t s d n a , Gr m p 7 • h t Oct. 8 Sponsored by: Oliver Oil Co. 30 Powerfully funny BEACH MUSIC NIGHT FEATURING BAND OF OZ Wednesday, October 5, 2011 7:00pm-10:00pm THE GAIN R A B E HOUS 35th ANNUAL DIAPER DERBY Coordinator: Buddy Britt, (910) 738-7004 Saturday, October 8th - 3:30 - 4:00 pm. Sponsor: The Bargain House - Commissioner Tom Taylor 1st Place ..........................................................................$100 Cash Prize 2nd Place ..........................................................................$75 Cash Prize 3rd Place...........................................................................$50 Cash Prize Comm issio Tom Ta ner ylor Registration form may be printed from Rules 1. Competitors must be between 6 and 12 months and not yet walking. 2. Competition is open to residents of Robeson and adjoining counties. 3. Only two adults may accompany the baby at the “racetrack.” 4. At no time can the parent or guardian enter the boundaries of the “Racetrack.” 5. Babies will crawl the length of the “Racetrack” which will be 10ʼx10ʼ. 6. Should there not be a winner at the end of three minutes, the baby closest to the finish line will be declared the winner. 7. For further information contact Buddy Britt at (910) 738-7004. 31 Pr ai se D an ce Co m p e t i t i o n at the Robeson County Fairgrounds Friday, September 30 - 6:30 pm Coordinated by The Robeson County Junior Fair Board Aggie Rogers – Contact Person (910) 671-3276 General Rules and Guidelines All groups entering must pre-register by Monday, September 12 No Late appl icat ions w ill be accept ed Open to all Groups Performing Groups will be admitted to the fair free. Groups are limited to (10) ten and one leader Groups are responsible for their own music (CD player will be provided) There will be a time limit of five (5) minutes for each performance. Prizes 1st place....................$ 100.00 2nd Place....................$ 75.00 3rd place....................$ 50.00 Registration information can be obtained by calling: Aggie Rogers O.P. Owens Agricultural Center Highway 72, West (910) 671-3276 Fax: (910) 671-6278 Pr ai se D an ce Co m p e t i t i o n REGISTRATION FORM Deadline, Monday, September 12 Fax or mail to: Aggie Rogers Post Office Box 2280, Lumberton, NC 28359 Fax: (910) 671-6278 Name of Group____________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________ Telephone_________________________________________________________________________ Email______________________________________________________________________________ No groups larger than (10) and one leader Please list names _________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________________ Leader’s Name 32 OLD COUNTRY FAIR AFTERNOON Coordinator: Alan Prevatte, (910) 739-8681 SPONSORED BY: MIKE HALL AUTO SALES Saturday, October 8th, 4:00-5:00 pm Youth Division 15 years old and younger 1. Balloon Blowing Contest..........................................................................................................................Trophy 2. Soda Cracker Eating Contest ..................................................................................................................Trophy 3. Pepsi Drinking Contest ............................................................................................................................Trophy 4. Corn Shucking .........................................................................................................................................Trophy 5. Corn Shelling ...........................................................................................................................................Trophy 6. Hula-Hoop Contest ..................................................................................................................................Trophy 7. Jump Rope Contest .................................................................................................................................Trophy 8. Pedal Tractor Drag Racing ......................................................................................................................Trophy 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards will be given. Adults 9. Pie Eating Contest Trophy 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards will be given. The judges reserve the right to restrict or make divisions in the age groups. Pedal Tractor Drag Racing Registration form may be printed from Livestock Building - Saturday, October 8th, 4:00-5:00 pm Coordinator: Buddy Britt (910)738-7004 RULES: 1. There will be three age groups: 4-5 yrs., 6-7 yrs., 8-9 yrs. 2. NO PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED. 3. Race track dimensions will be 6ft x 15ft with each lane being 3ft x 15ft. 4. Each race will begin with a verbal command from the judge. The first one across the finish line will win the race. All ties compete again until a winner is determined. 5. The winners in the finals of each age group will win trophies - 1st, 2nd, & 3rd places. 6. Contact person will be Buddy Britt at (910) 738-7004. SPONSORED BY: MIKE HALL AUTO SALES “The B I G S t i c k Foxy 99” “Big Night On Tour 2011” F r i d a y, O c t . 7 t h , 7 p m Special entertainment to be announced! Stay tuned to The Big Stick Foxy 99 for details! 33 Sponsored by: 17TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CHICKEN BOG COOK-OFF Contacts: Jean Stewart (910) 671-0926 * Everett Davis, (910) 739-7386 Coordinated by: FFA Chapters in Robeson County MOUNTAIRE FARMS OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Sponsored by: Registration form may be printed from Saturday, October 8th Chicken Bog judging at 5:00 • Plates Available to Public at 6:00 1st Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1000 and Trophy 2nd Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$300 and Trophy 3rd Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$200 and Trophy Contestants are not required to decorate their booths. Judging will be based on the recipe only. The purpose of this contest is to determine the “National Chicken-Bog Champion.” General Rules 1. All contestants wishing to enter must pre-register by 5:00 p.m., Friday, October 7. Registration information and a complete set of rules may be obtained by calling (910) 671-3276 or from the Robeson County Extension Center, 455 Caton Road (NC 72) in Lumberton. 2. A refundable $20 deposit will be required when registering. 3. Fair passes will be provided to the cook and one assistant. 4. Contestants will be expected to provide all ingredients and all equipment required to compete. Only LP gas cookers are allowed. 5. No ingredients can be precooked before arriving at fairgrounds. 6. Any ingredients may be used, but bog must contain rice and the equivalent of at least one chicken. 7. Booth set up and cooking may begin any time after 12:00 noon 8. Taste judging will begin at exactly 5:00 p.m. Contestants will be judged on their recipe at that time whether it is ready or not. 9. After completion of judging, the public will be allowed to sample the 3 recipes of their choice for a $5 donation which includes a Pepsi or Mountain Dew. 10. All funds donated will be provided to the Vocational Agriculture Program of the Public Schools of Robeson County. BARNYARD TOURS Sponsored by Betty Carol’s Diner Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair Monday, October 3th and Wednesday, October 5th 10:00am Contact person - Buddy Britt (910) 738-7004 Children must be accompanied by their teachers, teachers’ assistants and any parents who would like to come along and help supervise. Classes should bring a bag lunch and eat on the grounds. Tour times are limited, so the first twelve to submit applications will be accepted on the tour. 34 “WORLD’S LARGEST DEMOLITION DERBY®” Sponsored by: Oliver Oil/Sun Do Kwik Shop and The “A” Group Saturday, October 8th at 7:00pm Total purse $1,500. Grandstand Area Chairman: Morris Bennett (910)738-9990 Oliver Oil Co. The “A” Group The “Winner” and “Second Place” Winner of this Championship Demolition Derby event will represent the Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair at the North Carolina State Championship Demolition Derby at the North Carolina State Fair on Sunday, October 23rd at 2:30pm to compete for the state title. (NO OTHER ALTERNATES WILL BE PERMITTED.) PROGRAM OF EVENTS (You may enter all 3 qualifying events) PASSENGER CAR EVENTS # 1 - # 3: In each of these events, the “Winners” (last two cars running) will receive $100 and a trophy. Both are guaranteed a starting position in Championship Event #5. LAST CHANCE EVENT #4: Open to all NON-qualifiers and their wrecked cars from the first three events. The “Winners” (last two cars running) from this event will receive $50, a trophy and will qualify for Championship Event #5. CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT #5: Consists of the eight winners from the previous events. The “Winner” (last car running) will receive the Championship Trophy, and $600. Second place driver will receive a trophy and $200. Both drivers will qualify for the State Championship Demolition Derby in Raleigh, NC JM PRODUCTIONS STOCK DEMOLITION DERBY RULES WILL APPLY. DOWNLOAD RULES AT HOWEVER, IF YOU WANT TO MAKE CHANGES THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS/CHANGES WILL BE PERMITTED. Rule Questions call (716) 583-8201, 583-8203. Stock means as car was manufactured NEW. N0 additional reinforcements (Example: no extra screws, bolts or tie downs in hood, trunk or fenders, no pre- bending your car, no additional welding or cutting of any metal except bumpers and what is permitted in our rules.) No additional reinforcements will be permitted except the following. You will be permitted to change the location of the fuel tank and battery, providing you accomplish this in a manner approved by a Motor Sport Race Sanctioning Body’s Rules. The fuel tank recommendation by JM Productions is a stock gas tank in stock position, NASCAR approved fuel cell, or a U.S. Coast Guard Marine fuel tank, installed behind a firewall. Drivers may use an “approved inside gas tank”. No gas cans. If you choose to use an inside gas tank: A marine-type gas tank is highly recommended. A plastic marine tank will be permitted providing it is installed in a solid steel box; only the top may remain open, for inspection. No external electric fuel pumps are permitted inside the driver’s compartment! All electric fuel pumps must shut off with ignition/toggle switch painted yellow within reach of the driver. No rubber hold-down’s permitted. Only 3 gallons of gas will be permitted. Gas tank must be securely fastened and covered in the trunk area over the rear end housing or in the area vacated by the rear seat. A metal firewall is mandatory. Gas line must run underneath the car. All connections/fittings must be double clamped and leak proof. Stock gas tanks must be removed if you are installing an inside gas tank. Engine: Any make or model providing same cylinder size is used. Transmission: Any make or model providing support bracket is stock with rubber mount. Example: If support bracket is bolted to frame it must remain bolted. Pre wrecked cars: If metal is hitting your tires, use a sledge hammer (NO CUTTING) to pound back out of the way. Battery (1 Car battery only) will also be permitted inside the car providing it is secured and completely covered. Bumper ends may be bent in or cut, must use stock or smaller car bumper. 4 inches of weld will be permitted on the front and rear bumper. Dash Board may be removed; all sharp edges must be covered. Hood and Trunk must be in place no additional cutting will be permitted except holes for stacks. If you have a big hole in your hood it must be covered. Hood and Trunk tie downs: 4 positions on each will be permitted with 2 chains link diameter and a combination of 2 strands of #9 wire in 2 additional locations or all 4 locations with 2 strands of #9 wire in each if no chains are used or 3 strands of coat hanger wire in each of the 4 locations. NOTHING ELSE WILL BE PERMITTED. Exhaust: Stacks 5 inches or less will be permitted providing they extend above the hood. Transmission: Floor shifters will be permitted providing they have a rounded or tee end. Differential/Rear End: Maybe welded/modified to create a positive traction rear end. 35 TO ENTER THE DEMOLITION DERBY: Enclose $15 entry fee which must be a MONEY ORDER, BANK DRAFT or BUSINESS CHECK made payable to JM Productions, Inc. NO PERSONAL CHECKS! Avoid $25 late Entry Fee at Pit Gate and enter early! Mail Entry and fee to: JM PRODUCTIONS, INC., 4751 Southwestern Blvd. Hamburg, NY 14075 PIT PASSES ($10 EACH): The driver and all crew members must purchase a pit pass, which is for participant medical insurance. You must be 16 years old to enter the pits. Anyone under the age of 18 must sign a Minorʼs Release with a parent or guardian during the pit gate hours. PIT GATE: You may enter Fairgrounds through the Demolition Derby Pit Gate #8. 3788 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive HWY 41 South, between the hours of 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM ONLY! Cars entering after 6:00 PM will not be allowed to compete. CAR REMOVAL: ALL cars must be removed from the fairgrounds property by Sunday, October 9th. All remaining cars will be towed at drivers/owners expense. JM PRODUCTIONS, INC. “WORLD’S LARGEST DEMOLITION DERBY®” ENTRY 2011 ROBESON REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL FAIR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8th 7:00 PM DRIVERʼS NAME___________________________________________________________________________________________________ AGE_________________ Social Security #______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STATE______________ ZIP CODE______________________________ PHONE (___________) ________________________________________ EMAIL: If you would like your entry via email in 2012, please provide your email address. # OF CARS: ____________ X $15 PRE-ENTRY FEE PER CAR = Total Entry Fee Enclosed $________________ ($25 ENTRY AT PIT GATE) If my entry is accepted, I agree to compete for prize money and trophies as indicated on the Entry Form and agree to obey all rules and regulations. I understand that “The Decisions of the Officials are Final” as noted on the enclosed rules and understand my entry may be refused and fee refunded. In conjunction with my acceptance in any event produced by JM Productions, Inc., I hereby grant exclusive rights to interviews, photographs, video/film of me, my automobile or likeness to JM Productions, Inc. without permission, reservation or financial consideration to use in any manner JM Productions, Inc. may wish. DRIVER SIGNATURE______________________________________________________ 36 DATE____________________________2011 JM PRODUCTIONS, INC. WORLD’S LARGEST DEMOLITION DERBY® 2011 RULES AND REGULATIONS Each and every entrant is subject to the following rules and regulations in the interest of safety and equal competition. SEE ATTACHED ENTRY FORM FOR RULE CHANGES. DISCLAIMER: JM Productions, Inc. does not imply or guarantee safety. Total responsibility for inspection of car safety and rule compliance is by the owner/driver, not JM Productions, Inc. Entrants in the Derby are not employees of JM Productions, Inc. but are independent contractors and assume all related responsibilities. You must supply your own car. Officials reserve the right to alter program or purse structure in the interest of time restraints. In the event of a tie, the money will be divided equally among the winners. NO ENTRY REFUNDS. If you do not understand any of the rules or regulations, it is YOUR obligation to call our office for clarification at (716) 648-5100. DRIVER INFORMATION: 1. ENTRY: You MUST complete entry form as instructed. Drivers MUST be 16 years of age or older and hold a VALID PERMIT with experience. ALL drivers/pit crew members under the age of 18 MUST have a parent or legal guardian with them at the pit gate to sign a Minor’s Release. Drivers MUST wear clean, long pants and long sleeve shirts when in competition (coveralls recommended). Drivers MUST wear a SNELL or DOT approved FULL FACE HELMET and some form of eye protection. Drivers MUST wear a safety belt and shoulder harness during competition. Shoulder harness MUST be a quick release type such as in any new automobile. Drivers MAY enter as many cars as there are qualifying heats UNLESS otherwise noted on entry form. 2. CONDUCT: Drivers are responsible for the actions of their crew members. Any driver or crew member not obeying the rules will be disqualified. All competition rules are described at the mandatory driver’s meeting that is held 30 minutes prior to the event. Officials will shut down any car that is deemed a safety risk to drivers and spectators. (Example: throwing rubber from spinning tires or rims, doing donuts and/or creating a hazard to drivers and spectators.) 3. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: are PROHIBITED in the Demolition Derby, infield and pit area. Violation by any driver or crew member means disqualification of car and pit pass forfeiture. 4. THE OFFICIAL’ S DECISION IS FINAL: Any participant who violates the intent of JM Productions rules shall be considered to have engaged in unsportsmanlike conduc t which could result in a fine of up to $500 and/or a suspension of up to 5 years. All fines shall be added on to future event winners’ purse. JM Productions reserves the right to refuse the entry of any car or participant if it is felt that a participant’s present or past conduct is or was not in the best interest of the sport. INSURANCE/PIT INFO: All drivers and pit crew members entering the infield MUST purchase a pit pass and sign a WAIVER & RELEASE. 5. WAIVER & RELEASE: Anyone signing a waiver and release form at the sign in desk and purchasing a pit pass will be covered by insurance which covers up to $10,000 as secondary medical expense coverage with a $50 deductible. ALL INJURIES MUST BE REPORTED TO OFFICIALS IMMEDIATELY! 6. PIT PASSES: You must be 16 years of age or older to purchase a pit pass and enter the pit area (parent or guardian must be present at pit gate to sign a Minor‘s Release with entrants under 18 years old.) Your Pit Pass includes your insurance protection described above. It is NOT good for grandstand admission. 7. PIT GATE: DO NOT BRING YOUR CAR TO SHOW LOCATION UNTIL PIT GATE OPENS. Officials reserve the right to close the pit gate one hour prior to show time if enough cars have entered to make a complete show. This pertains to all cars, including those that are pre-entered. 8. PIT AREA: A MAXIMUM speed limit of 5 MPH MUST be obeyed at all times in the pit area, parking lot and driveways. Coolers will not be a llowed in the infield or pit area. SAFETY AND CAR SPECIFICATIONS: All cars must pass a safety inspection and comply with the official‘s decision on make/model, to be safe and equally competitive. Unobserved items escaping detection during inspection does not make them legal. Non-conformance to the rules will be called illegal. All permitted LEGAL exceptions or changes to the rules will be noted by JM Productions on the entry blank. It is recommended that each car be equipped with a dry chemical extinguisher within the r each of the driver. 9. CARS PERMITTED: a. Any two or four door, hardtop, STOCK 2-wheel drive car or 1980 and newer station wagons weighing between 2,600 and 4,800 pounds is permitted (Weight source- NADA Used Car Guide or bluebook) with the exception of pre-1989 Chrysler Imperials, and all 4 x 4s, AWD, T-tops, Camaros, Firebirds and El Caminos of ANY weight are NOT permitted. b. Car must be stock (see exceptions noted below, or on the entry). Stock means manufactured showroom equipped including the same make/model for engine, transmission and differential components. c. Each car must have the original, complete dashboard and VIN number. 10. CAR APPEARANCE: a. Both front doors MUST be painted white and be free of all lettering. EXCEPTION: If JMP is pre-assigning your number by mail, please wait for paint instructions. b. Cars will not be permitted into the pit area unless painting is completed and dry. c. Driver/Sponsor lettering on other areas is permitted if it is in good taste (remember, it‘s a family show). ALL lettering and numbers MUST be neat. 11. BRAKES: All cars MUST have 4 wheel brakes in good operating condition. 12. BUMPERS: Must remain stock. You may re-bolt using same size in existing holes (No Drilling) or tack-weld the bumper to the frame, bumper shock or mounts. Each bumper is allowed only four, ½ -inch tack welds. This is the only alteration allowed. Plastic bumpers will be permitted. Plastic bumper covers that appear loose must be removed. 13. CARBURETOR AIR FILTER: MUST be in place. 14. DIFFERENTIALS: Cars with locked, welded, modified posi-traction or modified limited slip differentials are ILLEGAL. TEST OF STOCK DIFFERENTIAL: With one wheel jacked up and the other wheel on the ground, wheel must rotate 360 degrees with transmission in neutral or driveshaft removed. 15. DOORS: All doors MUST be chained shut. ONLY the driver‘s side doors may be welded shut by using no more than 12-inches of weld on each door. 16. DRIVER’S COMPARTMENT: Reinforcements are only permitted inside the driver‘s compartment for safety. Although a (NASCAR TYPE) roll cage, 4 point cage/roll over bar or door-todoor bar is permitted they are not required. Reinforcements cannot be secured to the frame or extend into the back seat area. 17. ENGINE MOTOR MOUNTS: Engine may be secured to the frame by any method that does not strengthen any other components. 18. ELECTRICAL UNITS: a. One car battery (6 or 12 volt only) solenoid, voltage regulator, computer electronics, may be relocated, provided they remain under the hood and forward of the front firewall. b. Battery may be installed in a steel case providing the terminal side remains open. c. All fuses MUST be removed except those controlling ignition, gauges and charging system. d. All air bags must be disconnected. 19. EXHAUST PIPES: MUST remain STOCK and extend beyond the driver‘s seat. Muffler and converter may be removed. Cars that smoke e xcessively will be disqualified. 20. FAN BLADE: MUST be a clutch or electric fan and may be of any make or model. Clutch fans MUST be protected by a radiator fan shroud or the fan blade must be removed. 21. FENDERS AND INNER / OUTER WHEEL WELLS: MUST be in place, NO cutting, folding or bending is permitted. Plastic inner wheel wells maybe removed. 22. GAS TANK: a. MUST be stock and remain in original position (unless otherwise noted by JMP on entry). Factory tanks located inside the vehicle will not be permitted. b. MUST be chained or wired up through the car or trunk floor. c. No more than 3 gallons of gasoline permitted. d. There MUST be a sheet metal screw in the fuel tank that can be easily removed to check fuel level. This screw must be inserted on one side of the gas tank, three (3) inches up from the lowest part of the tank. e. A protective cover (rubber, metal or plastic) no thicker than 3/16 inches, may be placed around the gas tank secured by a chain or wire. (Reinforcement is for the gas tank protection only. The plate or cover cannot be secured to the frame or any other part that would strengthen the car.) f. Gas line may be replaced with new rubber gas line providing it remains under the car. 23. GLASS: All glass MUST be removed, including headlights, plastic taillights, bulbs, mirrors and windshield. Broken glass anywhere in the car (doors, body panels, trunk, etc.) must be removed or the car will not be admitted. Stop lights working during the event means disqualification as it poses a fire hazard. 24. HEATING/COOLING SYSTEM: a. Radiator may be bypassed, but MUST remain in original position with no reinforcement. All antifreeze must be drained and replaced with water. b. Heater system may be bypassed or removed. c. Freon MUST be removed from ALL air conditioning units per Federal Regulations. 25. HOOD AND TRUNK: Must be in place - FIRE REGULATION - To prevent hoods and trunks from opening, each must be tied down in 2 or 3 positions after inspection. a. Use no more than 2 strands of COAT HANGER WIRE or 1 strand of #9 wire on each, to prevent them from opening or see (b) below. b. Two positions may be tied down, each with one (1) 24-inch long by ¼-inch maximum link diameter chain or smaller. The chains must have 1 link of slack and cannot reinforce any other part of the car. c. A hole must be cut in the hood 1-foot to the side of the center of the air cleaner and no larger than 8 inches in diameter. d. Hood and trunk hinges must remain hooked up but all springs must be disconnected. 26. IGNITION SWITCH: (HOT WIRING) Complete ignition switch may be relocated and/or altered providing key or toggle switches are accessible within 16 inches of the steering wheel. 27. INTERIOR/EXTERIOR: a. ALL carpet, visors and both rear seat cushions MUST be removed. (Front passenger seat must remain in place.) Exception: If front passenger seat is removed, a bar must be installed from the driver’s door to the passenger door, directly behind the front seat for extra support. It is recommended that driver’s door panel upholster y be left in place, driver’s side padding is required. b. Fiberglass/plastic front/rear clip and grill parts and all loose materials, mirrors, wheel covers, sharp hood ornaments, trailer hitch/hitch brackets and all soft chrome molding MUST be removed. c. All dirt and loose pieces of glass MUST be swept / vacuumed out of car and doors. d. Door handles may be left on the car. (CONTINUED ON BACK) 37 28. ROOF: All sunroofs must have glass removed and covered/fastened with sheet metal of same strength as roof material. Vinyl roof cover may be removed. 29. SUSPENSION: Suspension MUST be factory soft and move up and down freely a total of 6 inches by one man‘s effort. Car MUST sit at stock height, (maximum 20 inches from the ground to the center of the stock front and rear bumper.) Frozen shocks are illegal. 30. TIRES: a. CAR TIRES ONLY! Any 2-4 ply, original rim size. MAXIMUM TIRE PRESSURE - 35 PSI HOT. Officials must be able to read ALL digits and wording: make of tire, tire size and ply. No LT or truck tires permitted. b. NO RECAPS on drive wheels. c. NO INNER LINERS or STUDS. Inner tube is permitted provided they are filled with air only -- NO liquids or solids. d. NO DONUT TIRES permitted. e. ALL wheel weights MUST be removed. 31. TRANSMISSION: It is ILLEGAL to alter or relocate shifting method of transmission from factory stock; however, to stop shifting linkage from coming off, it is recommended to wire, clip, tack weld or change linkage to prevent this. The transmission lines may be bypassed; transmission cooler must remain under the hood. PROTEST: $50.00 MUST accompany each written protest and MUST be submitted within THREE minutes of completion of event. If officials find the protested car to be illegal, the fee will be returned. Protest MUST apply to winners only and pertain to a RULE VIOLATION that, in the opinion of the officials, gives the car an advantage. ALL winning cars are under OFFICIAL PROTEST by JMP prior to awarding any prize money. CADILLAC ’70 ’71, ’72 ’73, ’74, ’75 ’76 ’77, ’78 AMC ’70 – ’72 ’81 ’83 – ’87 ’87 ’84 – ’86 BUICK ’80 – ’83, ’85 – ’88 ’84, ’89 – ’91 ’82 – ’89 ’85 – ’87 CHEVROLET ’71 – ’77 ’77 & ’79 ’78 – ’87 ’80 – ’85 ’82 – ’94 ’85 – ’88 ’87 ’87 – ’88 ’97 ’98 – ‘00 ’98 – ‘02 CHRYSLER ’82 - ‘86 ’87, ‘88 ’83, ‘84 ’83, ‘85 ’84, ‘86 DODGE ’71 – ’94 ’78 – ’79 ’78 – ’90 ’81 – ’89 ’82 – ’83 ACURA ’86 – ’96 ’97 – ‘98 AUDI ’79 ’80 ’81 – ’83 ’84 – ’87 ’88 DAEWOO ’99 – ‘02 ‘99 DAIHATSU ’90 – ’92 THE FOLLOWING AMERICAN CARS ARE KNOWN TO BE OVER 4,800 LBS. CADILLAC FLEETWOOD - (‘75 & ‘76 SPECIAL) & BROUGHAM FLEETWOOD (’60 & ’75 SPECIAL) ALL MODELS CALAIS, DEVILLE, EL DORADO, & FLEETWOOD EL DORADO CHRYSLER ’76 BROUGHAM’S (ALL MODELS) FORD ’74, ’75, ’76 THUNDERBIRD (ALL MODELS) (AMERICAN MOTORS COMPANY) GREMLIN SPIRIT (EXCEPT DL) ALLIANCE (RENAULT) GTA ENCORE (RENAULT) DODGE cont’d ’83 – ’88 ‘83 – ’87 ’84 ’87 – ’88, ’90 , ’93 ’94 – ’01 EAGLE ’88 ’89 – ’96 ’93 – ’94 FORD ’70 – ’72 SKYLARK (EXCEPT ’83 T-TYPE) SKYLARK SKYLARK 2-DR CUSTOM SKYHAWK SOMERSET VEGA MONZA 2-DR COUPE CHEVETTE CITATION CAVALIER (EXCEPT ’92 – ’94 S’WAGON) NOVA, SPECTRUM, SPRINT BERETTA CORSICA CAVALIER COUPE 2-DR METRO PRIZM LEBARON (EXCEPT ’82 - ‘ 86 TOWN & COUNTRY, ’85 - ’86 GTS) LEBARON SEDAN ONLY E CLASS NEW YORKER LASER COLT (EXCEPT ’80 S’WAGON & ’88 – ’91 VISTA) CHALLENGER OMNI ARIES 400 FOX 4000 4000 & COUPE 2-DR 4000 S & GT 80/90 4-DR 80 LANUS NUBIRA EXCEPT WAGONS CHARADE HONDA ’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 – ’02 ’99 – ‘02 ’00 – ‘02 HYUNDAI ’89 – ’02 ‘94 – ’99 ’99 – ‘01 ’00 – ‘02 ’01 – ‘02 ISUZU ALL ’70 – ’02 MODELS EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: ACCORD LXI & PRELUDE SI ACCORD LXI & SEI & PRELUDE SI PRELUDE SI - ACCORD ACCORD & PRELUDE CIVIC Si 5 SPEED S 2000 ALL ’86 – ’02 MODELS EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING SONATA ELANTRA GLS & WAGONS TIBURON ELANTRA 01 - G300 & 02 – G350 ALL ’81 – ’93 MODELS EXCEPT ’83 – ’89 IMPULSE, ’91 – ’93 TURBO & ’92 HATCHBACK KIA EXCEPT ’01 – ’02 OPTIMA, ’02 SPECTRA DD/JMP 2011 MERCURY ’74, ’75 GRAND MARQUIS - V8 - 4D PILLARED ’71 – ’80 ’78 – ’80 ’79 – ’80 ’79 – ’82 ’85 ’81 – ’02 ’82 – ’88 ’84 – ’94 ’88 – ’93 ’94 – ’97 ’00 – ‘01 ‘02 MERCURY ’72 ’75 – ’76 ’77 – ’80 ’79 - ‘82 ‘83 ’91 – ‘94 ’79 + ‘81 ’81 – ’87 600 (EXCEPT ’87 & ’88 SE) CHARGER DAYTONA (EXCEPT TURBO Z) SHADOW SHADOW (’93 2-DR ONLY) NEON MEDALLION SEDAN DL SUMMIT (EXCEPT ’92 – ’96 S’WAGON) TALON DL MAVERICK (’71 2-DR ONLY, ’72 ALL BUT GRABBER) PINTO (EXCEPT ’75 &’76 S’WAGON) FIESTA FAIRMONT 2-DR SEDAN MUSTANG MUSTANG (’85 2-DR SEDAN LX ONLY) ESCORT EXP TEMPO (’87 GL & 2-DR LX &’88 – ’90 GL & 2-DR GLS ONLY, ’91 L, 6L 2-DR, GLS 2-DR; ’92 – ’93 GL ONLY) FESTIVA ASPIRE FOCUS (EXCEPT SE WAGON) FOCUS HATCHBACK 2DR ZX3,4DR SE, 4DR ZTS YEARS 1970- 2002 MERCURY cont’d ’82 – ’83 ’84 – ’94 ’88 – ‘99 OLDSMOBILE ’80 – ’82 ’82 – ’88 ’85 – ’90 PLYMOUTH ’76 – ’80 ’78 – ’90 ’79 – ’82 ’78 – ’79 ’81 – ’89 ’83 – ’87 ’83 – ’94 ’85 – ’88 ’87 – ’88, ’90 ‘93 ,’90 – ’94 ’94 – ’00 PONTIAC ’75 – ’77 ’79, ’84 – ’94 ’80 – ’84 ’81 – ’87 ’82 – ’83 ’84 – ’88 ’85 – ’91 ’88 – ’90 SATURN ’91 – ’99 ’00 – ‘02 COMET 2-DR BOBCAT RUNABOUT BOBCAT CAPRI (EX. ’79-80 GHIA + ’81 GS) CAPRI (EX. L + GS) CAPRI ZEPHYER (EXCEPT S’WAGON) LYNX THE FOLLOWING FOREIGN CARS ARE KNOWN TO BE LESS THAN 2,600 LBS. INTEGRA (’90 – ’96 3-DR RS ONLY) INTEGRA 3DR RS & R, 97 3DR LS & GS ALL MODELS ’89 – ’97 ‘94 ’97 – ‘02 ’97 – ‘02 CONTINENTAL (ALL MODELS) CONTINENTAL & MARK III (ALL MODELS) CONTINENTAL & MARK III & IV (ALL MODELS) THE FOLLOWING AMERICAN CARS ARE KNOWN TO BE LESS THAN 2,600 LBS. GEO KIA ’94 – ’02 MAZDA ’74 – ’75 ’76 – ’78 ’84 ’86 ’87 ’88 – ’89 ’90 – ’96 YEARS 1970- 2002 LINCOLN ’69, ’72, ’77 ’71 ’73 – ’76 ALL ’71 – ’02 MODELS EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: RX4 RX4 & COSMO 626 2-DR DELUXE 626 TURBO TOURING & RX7 626 GT TOURING & RX7 626 LX & TURBO, RX7, MX6 LX & GT, 929 626, MX6 LX & GT, RX7, 929, plus ’93 MX6-LS, ’94 – ’97 MX6, ’95 – PROTÉGÉ ES MX3 GS MILLENIA 626 MAZADA cont’d ‘02 MITUSBISHI ’83 – ’84 ’85 – ’88 ’89 ’90 – ’96 ’97 – ’02 ’02 NISSAN (DATSUN) ’74 ’75 ’76 ’77 ’78 ’79 ’80 – ’81 ’82 – ’83 ’84 ’85 ’86 NISSAN (DATSUN) ’87 ’88 ’89 – ’96 ’95 – ‘98 ’99 – ‘02 OPEL RENAULT SUBARU ’88 – ’89 ’90 – ’94 ’93 ’94 – ‘96 ’95 SUZUKI PROTÉGÉ, 01 LX 2.0 & ES 2.0 ALL ’83 – ’02 MODELS EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: STARION STARION & GALANT STARION, GALANT & SIGMA GALANT, SIGMA & ECLIPSE GS/16V, plus ’92 – ’95 EXPO, ’94 ECLIPSE GS 3000 GT,DIAMANTE,GALANTE,ECLIPSE LANCER ALL ’70 – ’86 MODELS EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: 260Z 2-2 STATION WAGON & 280Z 280A 2-2 810 & 280Z 810 S’WAGON & 208Z 810 200 SX, 810, 280ZX 200 SX HATCH, MAXIMA, 280Z8 MAXIMA & 300ZX MAXIMA, 300ZX, 200ZE XF & TURBO MAXIMA, 300 ZX, 200 SX E HATCH & XE HATCH & TURBO, STANZA XE ’87 – 02 MODELS SENTRA & PULSAR SENTRA, PULSAR, 200 SX XE HATCHBACK SENTRA & PULSAR, ’91 – ’96 NX4, ’94 – ’95 200SX ONLY SENTRA & 200 SX ONLY SENTRA EXCEPT ’00 – ’02 SE ALL ’70 – ’79 MODELS ALL ’70 – ’86 MODELS ALL MODELS ’70 –’87 ALL EXCEPT XT6, ’89 GL WAGON TURBO ALL EXCEPT LEGACY ALL EXCEPT IMPREZA SPORTSWAGON LS SVX, 94 LOYALE ALL EXCEPT LEGACY L & WAGONS ALL ’89 – ’02 MODELS EXCEPT ’02 AERIO 38 LN7 TOPAZ (EX. 87 4 DR. SPORT + 4 DR. LS ALL 88 – 91 4 DR’S + 92 LS + LTS) TRACER OMEGA (’83 & ’84 4-CYL/2-DR ONLY) FIRENZA CALAIS (EXCEPT ’88 – ’91 INT ’L & ’90, ’91 SL) ARROW HORIZON CHAMP SAPPORO RELIANT TURISMO COLT (EXCEPT ’88 – ’94 VISTA) CARAVELLE (EXCEPT ’88 SE) SUNDANCE (’93 2 DR ONLY) LASER (EXCEPT ’90 TURBO; ’91 – ’94 TURBO, RS) NEON ASTRE (EXCEPT S’WAGON)) SUNBIRD – (’79 COUPE ONLY(EXCEPT ’90 GT) ’91 L4 ONLY PHOENIX (’80 EXCEPT 5-DR LJ, ’82 5-DR SJ, ’83 5 DR LJ & SJ, ’84 COUPE ONLY) T-1000 J-2000 FIERO (EXCEPT GT) GRAND AM (EXCEPT SE), 90 LE 2-DR ONLY LE MANS SATURN S SERIES YEARS 1970- 2002 TOYOTA ’70 ’71 ’73 – ’74 ’75 ’76 ’77 ’78 ’79 – ’80 ’81 ’82 ’83 ’84 – ’85 ’86 ’87 ’88 – ’96 ’97 – ‘98 ’97 – ‘02 ’01 – ‘02 VOLKSWAGON ’73 ’84 ’85 ’87 – ’88 ’86 ’90 – ’96 ’90 – ‘02 ’90 – ‘94 ’93, ’96,’00-‘02 ‘93 ’94 – ‘95 ’95 – ‘02 ’97 – ‘98 ’98 – ‘02 ‘99 ’00 – ‘02 ALL ’70 – ’02 MODELS EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: 2000GT, CROWN CROWN CORONA MARK II CORONA 2 DR HATCHBACK & STNWAGON & MARK II & SR5 CELICA GT LIFTBACK, CORONA DLX-MARK II, SR5 CELICA GT LIFTBACK, CORONA CUSTOM 2-DR SEDAN & DLX CORONA DLX STATION WAGON & CRESSIDA CELICA SUPRA & CRESSIDA CELICA GT, SUPRA, CRESSIDA CORONA WAGON & LIFTBACK, CELICA SUPRA, CRESSIDA CELICA GT-S LIFTBACK & SUPRA, CRESSIDA CELICA GTS & SUPRA, CRESSIDA SUPRA, CRESSIDA ALL EXCEPT CELICA 2D/LIFTBACK GT-S, SUPRA, CAMRY, CRESSIDA ALL EXCEPT COROLLA ALL-TRAC, CELICA 2D/LIFTBACK GT-S & TURBO, SUPRA, CAMRY, CRESSIDA, plus ’93 CELICA, ’91 – ’95 MR2 SUPRA, 97 CELICA GT CAMRY, AVALON PRIUS ALL ’70 – ’02 MODELS EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: 412 STATION WAGON QUATUM GL WAGON QUANTUM GL QUATUM QUATUM GL & SYNCRO PASSAT, ’90 – ’92 CORRADO, ’93 – ’96 JETTA, ’93 – ’95 GOLF 4 DR GL, ’95-96 GOLF GTI PASSAT CORRADO JETTA GOLF III & ’94 4 DR, ’95 GOLF III GL & VR6, ’96 GOLF TDI & VR6,’97-’99 GOLF,’99 NEW GOLF JETTA III CABRIO JETTA GLS & GLX, ’98 WOLFSBURG NEW BEETLE NEW JETTA, 99 JETTA VR6 GOLF “U” Got Talent The Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair S a t u r d a y, O c t o b e r 8 t h • 7 : 0 0 p. m . REGISTRATION DUE – SEPTEMBER 12 N a m e _________________________________________ A g e ____________ A d d r e s s ________________________________________________________ Te l e p h o n e _____________________________________________________ E m a i l ___________________________________________________________ No gr oups l ar ger t han (6) ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ (If gr oup – please list names) All participants must contact Aggie Rogers for Auditions Please call Aggie Rogers (910) 671-3276 for questions Fax: (910) 671-6278 N o lat e r e gis t r at ions w ill be accept ed “U” Got Talent Showcase Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair Saturday, October 8, 2011 • 7:00 pm Sponsored by Robeson County 4-H Junior Fairboard Aggie Rogers – Contact Person (910) 671-3276 There will be four age divisions: • 5-8 Cloverbuds (Non-Competitive) • 9-13 Junior Division • 14-19 Senior Division • 20 & Older Applications are available at ALL SCHOOLS and the O.P. Owens Agricultural Center in Lumberton, NC All applications are to be turned in at the O. P. Owens Agricultural Center by Monday, September 12, 2011 NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST CONTACT AGGIE ROGERS FOR AUDITIONS 39 th o R r- y e s KayHosier Spo y db re nso “Best Legs Competition” Coordinator: Dave Welch, (910) 827-1333 Ever been told that you have great legs, this is your opportunity to prove it ! When: 8 pm on Wednesday, October 5th. Where: Midway Stage (between building), Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair Grounds. Register Today: Call Devon Hunt at 910-739-8111, Ext 7362 for registration form, or stop by Kayser-Roth’s Lumberton Plant to pick up, or complete registration form on-line at Registration is “free”. Pre-registration form must be returned by Wednesday, Sept 28th. All pre-registered contestants receive a “free” gate pass ($6 value) to the fair. Last minute registration is permitted at the stage until competition start time. All contestants receive two pairs of No nonsense hosiery/socks ($10+ value). These must be worn during competition. Categories - Male and Female Males wear socks (one category – ages 18 and up). Females wear hosiery (four categories) - Ages 18-29 years, Ages 30-49 years, and Ages 50-64 and Ages 65 and up Judging – Contestants will be judged on stage and behind a curtain with only your legs seen by the panel and audience. Prizes – Each category winner will receive the following: Trophy, $200 worth of No nonsense products (retail value) The Robeson County Fair will make $10 donation per contestant to the United Way of Robeson County. “Best Legs Competition” Coordinator: Dave Welch, (910)827-1333 ENTRY FORM Please complete entry form and return to Devon Hunt, Kayser-Roth Corporation, 3707 West 5th Street, Lumberton, NC 28358. Pre-registration forms due by Wednesday, Sept. 28th Last minute registration permitted at stage until completion starts. Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________ Phone Number:_____________________Email________________________________________ Select Your Category: ____Male Socks (age 18 and up) ____Female Hosiery (age 18-29) Registration form may be printed from ____Female Hosiery (age 30-49) ____Female Hosiery (age 50-64) ____Female Hosiery (age 65 and up) So that we can send you the appropriate size hosiery please provide: Sock/Hoseiry Size:__________ Height:_______Weight:______ Last minute registration allowed at stage until event start time. ALL PROCEEDS DONATED TO UNITED WAY OF ROBESON COUNTY 40 MUFFLERS Plus Gift Certificates Available • Marc Chantal Handbags • Not Your Daughter’s Jeans • Madison Hill • Ming Wang • Frank Lyman • 7 for All Mankind • Citizens of Humanity • City Girl • Donald J. Pliner • Onex Shoes • J. Renee • Pandora Jewelry • Brighton • Rainbow • Reef • Tribal Expires October 8th, 2011. Does not apply to previous purchases or Sales Merchandise. • Jack Rogers Shoes Excludes all Pandora Jewelry • Vineyards Vines 20% OFF One Regular Priced Item 20% Off coupon does not apply to Gift Certificate Store Hours: Monday - Saturday 9:00 - 5:30 (910)739-5100 1010 West 5th Street Lumberton, NC 28358 4533 Fayetteville Road - Lumberton, NC 739-1189 4312 Ludgate Street, Lumberton, NC 910-739-1010 TATUM’S AUTO SALES s of Office e Law h t f o it ck Pa Patri & e Job Bruce A. . P , e ob J . F Br uce We salute the dedicated women & men Congrat ulat ions We Are The Bank of the Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair. Buy Here • Pay Here Check Out Our Clean Reliable Used Cars & Trucks (910) 738-6000 2725 E. Elizabethtown Road Lumberton, NC ON THE 65TH ANNUAL ROBESON COUNTY FAIR! 41 Saturday, October 1 Sunday, October 2 Monday, October 3 Tuesday, October 4 Wednesday, October 5 Thursday, October 6 Friday, October 7 Saturday, October 8 Sunday, October 9 2011 Livestock Schedule Exhibit Animal Check-In Robeson 4-H Check-In Livestock Building Opens 4-H Goat Show Check/Weigh In 4-H Youth Goat Show Adult/Youth Meat Goat Show 4-H Youth Rabbit Show Adult/Youth Market Hog Show 8:00 AM until Noon 8:00 AM until Noon 11:00 AM 11:00 AM-1:30 PM 2:30 PM One hour after end of 4-H Goat Shows (app. 6:00 PM) 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 4-H Youth Poultry Show (Broilers/Laying Hens/Turkeys) 7:00 PM Registration for 4-H Lamb Show 4-H Lamb Show Weigh-In Registration for 4-H Heifer/Steer 4-H Youth Lamb Show 4-H Youth Heifer/Steer Shows 8:00-10:30 AM 8:00-10:30 AM 10:30-1:00 PM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 4-H Poultry Judging Contest Pick up Animals 2:00 PM 12:00-2:00 PM Frequently Asked Questions about Livestock Shows. I am in 4-H and want to compete in the animal shows. Do I have to pen my animal for the week of the fair? -Robeson 4-H youth are required to pen their animals for the week of the fair. -Youth from all other counties competing in animal shows may bring their animals the day of the show. The only exception is poultry that must be checked in and blood tested on the first Saturday of the fair between 8 and 11 AM. -Youth who want to pen their animals for the week of the fair need to fill out an exhibit and a show registration forms. What is a project record? -A project record is a written report that highlights the learning opportunities that the youth record during their experience. Do I have to turn in a project record? -Robeson County 4-H youth are required to turn in project records when their animals are penned. -All other youth are not required to turn in project records. However, in the case of a tie the judge may use the record books to break the tie. I am not in 4-H and raise animals and would like to show in the 4-H shows can I? -Registration for the 4-H Youth shows is dependent on taking part in a 4-H approved animal science project. Contact your local 4-H county agent on whether or not you would be allowed to show. -If it is not listed as a 4-H youth show but as an adult/youth show you just need to fill out a show form and return it by the deadline to take part in the show. What if I do not want to show my animals just have them on exhibit at the fair? -To pre-register and have us reserve a pen for you please fill out an exhibit form. We will hold cages for you until 10:00 AM on Saturday, October 1, 2011. If you have not arrived by 10 your cages will be up for others to use on a first come first serve basis. Can only youth show animals at the fair? -No, we do have shows in some species for adults. If you check our fair book pages you will see opportunities for adults to show goats and hogs. Is the Robeson County Show a terminal show? -No we are not a terminal show. However hogs that are penned and shown should be taken for slaughter after the fair. 42 OF LUMBERTON, NC Service Award YOUR HOMETOWN BANK 12 Area Locations To Serve You Our Home. On Your Land. $0 Deposit. • Pembroke • Fairmont • St. Pauls • Maxton • Hope Mills • Lake Rim • Red Springs • Rowland • Lumberton (3) • Falcon Village “Helping you secure a brighter financial future!” Ask How. Lumbee Guaranty Bank 403 East Third Street • Pembroke, NC 28372 910-521-9707 (910)739-6123 6684 Hwy. 41N • Lumberton, NC LIFE ST. JOSEPH of the Pines Living Independently for Elders LIFE is a Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), which can assist elders to live safely at home or with their loved ones with help from a team of health care professionals. For more information contact the enrollment line at Southeastern Lifestyle Center is a medically based fitness facility that provides professional support to meet your fitness goals. We offer two convenient locations in Lumberton and Red Springs. Our amenities include: indoor swimming pools, whirlpools/dry saunas, racquetball courts, an indoor basketball court, an indoor walking track, cardiovascular equipment, strength training machines, and a variety of free weights. Our aerobic classes are top notch, with popular classes such as an intense outdoor training program called “Black Ops”, Aqua Zumba, water aerobics, Zumba, Yoga, Power Burn, Step, and much more!!! We invite you to meet our staff, try our equipment, and experience the exceptional service that we provide to our community. 910-429-7220 NOW OPEN! LIFE Services including but not limited to: •Adult day health services, including recreational and social programs •Primary and specialty medical care •Prescriptions and over-the-counter medications •Occupational, physical, and speech therapies •Transportation •Caregiver and family support Call For Membership Information Lumberton, NC 28358 (910) 738-5433 Red Springs, NC28377 (910) 843-9355 Improving the quality of health through exercise since 1987 43 4900 Raeford Road • Fayetteville, NC • St. Joseph of the Pines is the leading provider of senior living and healthcare serving the Sandhills region since 1948. 2011 ROBESON REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL FAIR LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRE-FAIR ENTRY FORM NOTE: THIS FORM IS ONLY FOR ANIMALS TO BE EXHIBITED ALL WEEK. THIS IS NOT THE REGISTRATION FORM FOR “SHOWING” ANIMALS. CAGE AVAILABILITY IS BASED ON FIRST ENTRY FORMS RECEIVED, FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. DEADLINE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 RETURN TO: Michelle Shooter Cooperative Extension Service P.O. Box 2280 Lumberton, NC 28359-2280 Exhibitor’s Name:_____________________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Email:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number:______________________________________ Adult Exhibitor (20 years old and over) Department (Refer to Fairbook) OR County:____________________________ Youth Exhibitor years old (age on January 1, 2011) Animal Entry (name, scrapie tag#, description/breed) 1 animal per class per exhibitor Make copies as needed 44 Cage# (office use only) 2011 Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair Youth and Adult Livestock Show Registration Form (To be used to register for all 4-H Youth and Adult/Youth Shows) Exhibitor’s Name__________________________________ Age on January 1, 2011 (for youth shows only):_____________ Address___________________________________________ City:___________________ State:_____ Zip Code:____________ County:________________________________ Telephone Number: (______)______-____________ Youth Showmanship - Circle appropriate division: Cloverbud (noncompetive) Junior Division 1 (ages 5-8) Junior Division 2 (ages 9-10) (ages 11-13) Are your a member of the Sandhills Showmanship Circuit? _____Yes _____No Are your registering for a 4-H Youth Show? _____Yes _____No Are your registering for an Adult/Youth Meat Goat Show? Type of Animal % or Fullblood (Example) % goat FB goat Breed/(Cattle Only) Gender/(Goats, Cattle, Lambs) Wether Doe 326 313 _____Yes Tattoo or Ear/Scrapie Tag Garth Senior (ages 14-19) _____No Name of Animal Snoop Dog Birth Date (Heifers, Adult/Youth Doe and Buck Classes) 04/11/11 02/10/10 All hogs, youth show goats, and lambs must be weighed in 1 hour before start of show. Goats, sheep and cattle must have valid health certificates. All pigs must be from a pseudorabies negative herd. REGISTRATION MUST BE POSTMARKED BY: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH Forms may be e-mailed to: or Please fax to (910) 671-6278 or mail to: Michelle Shooter Cooperative Extension Service PO Box 2280 Lumberton, NC 28359-2280 45 Regional 4-H/Youth Meat Goat Show Coordinator: Shea Ann DeJarnette and Michelle Shooter (910) 671-3276 Saturday, October 1st, 2011 2:30 PM Coordinated by The Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service 1. Limited to youth participating in the 4-H Meat Goat Project who pre-register with the Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. 2. Goats should be delivered to the Robeson County Livestock building on Saturday, October 1st, 2011 between 8 and noon. Completed project record books must also be submitted at this time, as well as a current, valid health certificate. All goats must also have a scrapie tag before the animal can be penned and must be weighed in. 3. Weigh in time for the show will begin at 11 and last until 1:30 p.m. 4. Youth may show more than one goat however if a youth has multiple goats in the same weight class/heat they may only show one. Substitute showman are permitted and must be announced before entering the show ring. 4. Placings will be formulated on animal quality or showmanship. Ties will be broken based on the quality of the project record book. 5. Goats may be sold during the fair. Exhibitors receive all money direct from the buyer. There will not be an organized animal project sale. All goats are to be picked up between 12 and 2 pm Sunday, October 9th, 2011, NOT BEFORE. • No unworthy animal will be awarded a premium. Worthiness will be determined by the judge or judges of that category. Cloverbud Division (ages 5-8) is noncompetitive. Each participant: Trophy & $10. Showmanship Junior Division 1 (ages 9-10) Junior Division 2 (ages 11-13) Senior Division (ages 14-19) Meat Goat Premiums Meat Goat Light Weight Meat Goat Middle Weight Meat Goat Heavy Weight Grand Champion $60 & Trophy 1st $40 2nd $30 3rd $20 4th and below $10 $40 $30 $20 $10 $40 1st $40 $40 $40 $30 2nd $30 $30 $30 46 $20 3rd $20 $20 $20 $10 4th and below $10 $10 $10 Reserve Champion $50 & Trophy Adult/Youth Breeding Meat Goat Show Coordinators: Shea Ann DeJarnette & Michelle Shooter (910) 671-3276 Saturday, October 1, 2011 6:00 p.m. Coordinated by: The Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Center -Goats must be health certified disease–free. -Valid Health Certificates and scrapies tags required at check-in. -Goats must be halter, hand, or collar broken to lead in a show ring. -A registration form must be submitted for each showman by September 12. -No additions or substitutions will be allowed the day of the show. -Judges discretion to combine or separate categories based on the number registered. Doe Shows Percentage Boer Fullblood Boer Does born after 6/30/11 Does born after 6/30/11 Does born after 4/1/11-6/30/11 Does born after 4/1/11-6/30/11 Does born after 1/1/11-3/31/11 Does born after 1/1/10-3/31/11 Does born after 10/1/10-12/31/10 Does born after 10/1/10-12/31/10 Does born after 4/1/10-9/30/10 Does born after 4/1/10-9/30/10 Does born after 9/1/09-3/31/10 Does born after 9/1/09-3/31/10 Does born after 8/1/08-8/31/09 Does born after 8/1/08-8/31/09 Does born before 8/1/08 Does born before 8/1/08 Grand Champion Doe Trophy and $60 Reserve Champion Doe Trophy and $50 Percentage Boer Buck born after 6/30/11 Buck born after 4/1/11-6/30/11 Buck born after 1/1/11-3/31/11 Buck born after 10/1/10-12/31/10 Buck born after 4/1/10-9/30/10 Buck born after 9/1/09-3/31/10 Buck born after 8/1/08-8/31/09 Buck born before 8/1/08 Buck Shows Grand Champion Buck Trophy and $60 Reserve Champion Buck Trophy and $50 Class Placing 1st $40 2nd $30 Grand Champion Doe Trophy and $60 Reserve Champion Doe Trophy and $50 Fullblood Boer Buck born after 6/30/11 Buck born after 4/1/11-6/30/11 Buck born after 1/1/11-3/31/11 Buck born after 10/1/10-12/31/10 Buck born after 4/1/10-9/30/10 Buck born after 9/1/09-3/31/10 Buck born after 8/1/08-8/31/09 Buck born before 8/1/08 Grand Champion Buck Trophy and $60 Reserve Champion Buck Trophy and $50 3rd $20 47 4th and Below $10 Regional 4-H Youth Rabbit Show Coordinators: Shea Ann DeJarnette & Michelle Shooter (910) 671-3276 Monday, October 3rd, 2011 7:00 PM Coordinated by The Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service 1. Limited to youth participating in the 4-H Rabbit Project who pre-register with the Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. 2. One rabbit (under one year of age) should be delivered to the Robeson County Livestock building on Saturday, October 1, 2011 between 8 and 11 am. Youth living outside of Robeson County, registered to compete in this show, may bring their rabbits a half hour before the show. Completed project record books must also be submitted at this time. Project Record books are mandatory for Robeson County youth and will be available to the judge in the event of a tie. 3. Placings will be formulated on animal quality and showmanship. Ties will be broken based on the quality of the project record book. 4. Rabbits may be sold during the fair. Exhibitors receive all money direct from the buyer. There will not be an organized animal project sale. All rabbits are to be picked up between noon and 2 pm Sunday, October 9, 2011, NOT BEFORE. Any rabbits not picked up by three p.m. on October 9, 2011 will be given away. • No unworthy animal will be awarded a premium. Worthiness will be determined by the judge or judges of that category. Cloverbud Division (ages 5-8) is noncompetitive. Each participant: Trophy & $10. 1st place: 2nd place: 3rd place: 4th place and Below: Junior Division (ages 9-13) Ribbon & $40 Ribbon & $30 Ribbon & $20 Ribbon & $10 Jane’s Cleaning Service Senior Division (ages 14-19) Ribbon & $40 Ribbon & $30 Ribbon & $20 Ribbon & $10 New 2011 Edition Lumbee Knives starting at $45.49 Come get them while they last! For a “White-Glove” Clean since 2003 Commercial & Residential *** References given upon request *** We customize our service to fit the needs of your business or home. FREE ESTIMATES Now serving Robeson, Dillon, & Cumberland Counties Referral program available 910-374-5780 or 910-628-1302 Pembroke Hardware 7331 Hwy 711, Pembroke, NC Turquoise Edition Licensed & Bonded 48 910-521-3406 Adult/Youth Market Hog Show Coordinators: Shea Ann DeJarnette & Michelle Shooter (910) 671-3276 Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 7 p.m. Coordinated by: The Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Center 1. Purebred and crossbred hogs must weigh between 210 and 280 pounds to show. 2. All hogs must originate from a pseudo rabies-negative monitored herd as outlined by the North Carolina Pseudo Rabies Control Program. 3. Exhibitors are limited to one entry per class light weight and heavy weight. 4. There will be no organized hog sale. Hogs must be sold by owner or slaughtered for home use. *No unworthy animal will be awarded a premium. Worthiness will be determined by the judge or judges of that category. Showmanship Ages 18 and under Ages 19 and older 1st $40 $40 Market Hog Show 1st Lightweight Market Hog (210-245 lbs) $40 Heavyweight Market Hog (246-280 lbs) $40 Reserve Champion Trophy and $50 Grand Champion Trophy and $60 2nd $30 $30 3rd $20 $20 2nd $30 $30 3rd $20 $20 4th and Below $10 $10 4th and Below $10 $10 On-Site All Smiles Dentistry Back To School Special Sunny 50cc Trike Full Line of Tires, Batteries, and Parts for most makes and models Gator 150cc Scooter LUMBERTON AUTO & CYCLES & SHED DEPOT Free exam with purchase of x-raysa $70 savings Up to 12ʼ x 28” sheds Will Build to Suit “Your” Needs! through August 25, 2011 910-674-3112 Office Hours: M-F 9-3 Accepts NC Health Choice and Medicaid, preferred providers with United Concordia and Delta Dental. Accepts most insurances. Sales • Service • Parts Department 800 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Lumberton, NC 49 1500 NORTH ROBERTS AVE. LUMBERTON, NC 910-617-0300 50 ROBESON COUNTY 4-H POULTRY JUDGING RULES AND GENERAL INFORMATION (ADAPTED FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE RULES) A poultry judging team is composed of 2 to 4 members. Each team member’s score will be combined and calculated to a mean average. Each team member must meet all the requirements of eligibility, junior (ages 9-13) or senior (ages 14-18) level age requirements. Mixed teams will be allowed however the teams will compete on the level of the oldest member (if a team is made up of three 12 year olds and a 15 year old the team will be classified as a Senior team.). Schools and communities may have multiple teams to participate in the poultry-judging contest, which is held at the Robeson Regional Fair each year. Each team member will also be registered as an individual for competition. Individuals are allowed to compete who are not members of a team. At the Robeson County contest, junior and senior teams will be ranked according to their total team mean average score. Individuals will be ranked by total individual scores. The first place junior and senior teams will each receive a $50 check and trophy, second place in each age division will receive at $40 check and ribbon and third place will receive a $30 check and ribbon. The overall junior and senior individual first place winners will receive a $50 check and trophy, second place in each age division will receive at $40 check and ribbon and third place will receive a $30 check and ribbon. Rules for the Robeson County Poultry Judging Contest 1. For the Robeson County Contest, prior Registration through the Robeson County 4-H Office is mandatory. 2. Each group may register multiple junior (ages 9-13) and/or senior (ages 14-18) levels. Teams, or mixed age level teams but mixed-aged teams will be placed in the senior division. However youth may only be entered on one team for competition. All team members and individuals without a team will be registered in the individual competition. 3. All contestants are to report to the contest site and check in 15 minutes prior to contest starting time. The contest will be held at the Livestock Building at the Robeson Regional Fairgrounds. 4. Placing cards will be provided for all contestants when they check in. Each contestant needs to write their name and school on each card. Each contestant will write the placing on the proper card and hand it to the monitor before shifting to the next class. Contestants will not be allowed to see cards or alter any cards after they are handed in. This means if you hand in the wrong card, it will not be scored. 5. Teams will be divided so that no two contestants from the same team will be in the same group. Each group will remain together throughout the contest. 6. 10-12 minutes will be allowed for placing each class. Also, a maximum of two minutes will be allowed each contestant for giving oral reasons on Classes 1 or 2. Qualified judges will listen to and score oral reasons on the two production classes. Using notes while giving reasons will not be permitted. 7. Anyone found communicating with members of their team, rotation group, or audience members will be disqualified and removed from the contest. Classes DIVISION I: Egg Production – Hens: Perfect Score – 300 points Class 1 & 2 – Past Production Hens: You will judge eight (8) hens for past egg production qualities (4 hens in each class). The birds, which show the best production qualities, should be placed first, second, third and fourth. Birds in this class must be handled. Contestants will give reasons on either Class 1 or 2. Each class is worth 100 points. Class 3 – Oral Reasons: No notes are allowed while giving reasons. Ten (10) points will be deducted if notes are used. This is comparison judging, and you must describe why the class was placed accordingly during your oral reasons. Pigment loss, handling qualities, and body capacity must be mentioned. If contestants are not properly prepared or give inadequate reasons, they will be scored accordingly. Reasons class is worth 100 points. DIVISION II: Market Poultry: Perfect Score – 200 points Class 4 – Ready to Cook: RTC will be composed of ten (10) Ready-to-Cook Broilers in the 2 to 6 pound category. All carcasses will be judged according to USDA standards and graded A, B, or C quality. Carcasses are not to be handled. Five (5) points will be deducted for each grade separation line crossed. Ten (10) points will be deducted if the contestant fails to enter a grade or if more than one grade is entered. Carcass class is worth 100 points. The USDA Grading Standard for grading whole carcasses has changed for Grade A birds. The breast and leg of a whole carcass is now allowed the following cuts and tears in the skin. Remember that the thigh is considered part of the leg. The back and wings of a carcass are considered elsewhere. A whole carcass is composed of six parts: the breast, the back, two wings, and two legs. Cuts and tears are not cumulative on a carcass in determining its grade. The part of a carcass with the most significant cut or tear determines the grade of the carcass. For Grade A Carcass Cut and Tears: Weight Breast and Legs Elsewhere 2 – 6 lbs 1/4” 1 1/2” 6 – 16 lbs 1/2” 2” over 16 lbs 1/2” 3” All other carcass grade standards are the same as before. Class 5 – Poultry Parts: This class will consist of ten (10) mixed poultry parts. Each contestant is to identify the parts by name. The parts cannot be handled. The parts are listed in the National Manual plus drummette and flat (these are in the new manual). Ten (10) points will be deducted for each incorrect answer. Parts class is worth 100 points. DIVISION III: Eggs: Perfect Score – 500 points Class 6 & 7 – Exterior Eggs: Will be composed of 20 white eggs to be graded for Exterior Shell Quality and graded A, B, or Dirty. One (1) point will be deducted if the A-B line is crossed and three (3) points deducted if the B-Dirty line is crossed. Four (4) points will be deducted if a contestant fails to enter a grade or if multiple grades are entered for an egg. Exterior egg class is worth 200 points. Class 8 & 9 – Interior Eggs: Will be composed of 20 white eggs to be judged for Interior Quality by candling them and grading them AA, A, B or Inedible. One (1) point will be deducted for each grade separation line crossed except when the line between B and Inedible is crossed, then three (3) points will be deducted. Five (5) points will be deducted if a contestant fails to enter a grade or enters more than one grade for an egg. Class 10 – Broken Out Eggs: Will be composed of ten (10) broken-out eggs to be judged for Interior Quality and graded AA, A, B or Inedible. Three (3) points will be deducted for each grade separation, except when the line between B and Inedible is crossed, then four (4) points will be deducted. Ten (10) points will be deducted if a contestant fails to enter a grade or enters multiple grades for an egg. Broken out class is worth 100 points. Total Possible Score – 1000 points 51 Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair Poultry Judging Entry Form (For Team and Individual Entries) Coordinators: Shea Ann DeJarnette, James Parsons & Michelle Shooter (910) 671-3276 Thursday, October 6, 2011 2:00 P. M. Coordinated By: The Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooprative Extension Service Limited to youth (ages 9-19 as of January 1, 2011) who pre-register with the Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. • Participants are expected to arrive and check in 15 minutes before the scheduled start time of the event. • Please use this form for team and individual entries (all members of a team are automatically entered as individuals). • Youth between the ages of 9-13 will compete in the Junior age division. Youth between the ages of 14-19 will compete in the senior age division. • Mixed teams are allowed, and must compete in the age division of the oldest member. • Teams are made up of at least 2 youth and no more than 4 youth. • One school or community may have more than one team. • Each youth may compete on a team and as an individual (youth may only compete on one team). • Winning team checks will be mailed to the team address listed on this form. • Winning individual checks will be mailed to the address on this form for individuals. • Youth may be disqualified at the discretion of the judge or event organizers examples include use of cell phones, talking, signaling, text messaging, photo taking etc. Team Name (Leave blank if registering individuals only)______________________________________________ Team Address _______________________ City: __________________ NC: _____ Zip: __________________ Phone Number: _____________________ Team or Individual Member Information: Name:________________________________________________________________ Age: _______________ Address: __________________________ City: _________________ NC: ______ Zip: __________________ Name:________________________________________________________________ Age: _______________ Address: __________________________ City: _________________ NC: ______ Zip: __________________ Name:________________________________________________________________ Age: _______________ Address: __________________________ City: _________________ NC: ______ Zip: __________________ Name:________________________________________________________________ Age: _______________ Address: __________________________ City: _________________ NC: ______ Zip: __________________ 52 Regional 4-H Youth Poultry Shows (Broiler Meat Chickens, Laying Hens, Turkeys) Coordinators: Shea Ann DeJarnette, James Parsons & Michelle Shooter (910) 671-3276 Wednesday, October 5, 2011 7:00 PM Coordinated by The Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service 1. Limited to youth participating in the 4-H Poultry Projects who pre-register with the Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. 2. Two laying hens, and/or two broilers, should be delivered to the Robeson County Livestock building on Saturday, October 1, 2011 between 8 and 11 am to be blood tested. Any bird that is not blood tested at this time will not be allowed in the building. Completed project record books must also be submitted at this time. Project record books are not mandatory for youth outside of Robeson County but may be used by the judge in the event of a tie. 3. Placings will be formulated on animal quality and showmanship. Ties will be broken based on the quality of the project record book. 4. Poultry may be sold during the fair. Exhibitors receive all money direct from the buyer. There will not be an organized animal project sale. All birds are to be picked up between noon and 2 pm Sunday, October 9, 2011, NOT BEFORE. Any bird not picked up by 2 p.m. On October 9, 2011 will be given away. * No unworthy animal will be awarded a premium. Worthiness will be determined by the judge or judges of that category. Cloverbud Division (ages 5-8) is noncompetitive. Each participant: Trophy & $10. Junior Division (ages 9-13) 1st place: Ribbon & $40 2nd place: Ribbon & $30 3rd place: Ribbon & $20 4th place and Below: Ribbon & $10 Turkey Show only: Grand Champion Turkey $60 Senior Division (ages 14-19) Ribbon & $40 Ribbon & $30 Ribbon & $20 Ribbon & $10 Reserve Champion Turkey $50 Get Real auto insurance that comes with a real Agent (910) 521-3133 Pembroke Office We’re Celebrating Over 50 Years of Business With You-Thank You! We Carry a Complete Line of Plumbing and Electrical Supplies for Residential, Commercial and Industrial Use. MCKENZIE SUPPLY COMPANY Committed To Quality North Carolina Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co. Farm Bureau Insurance of North Carolina, Inc. Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Co., Jackson, MS An Independent licence of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Get Real Auto ● Home ● Life ● Health 53 726 East 16th Street • Lumberton, NC 738-4801 An Employee Owned Company Larry Pope President Regional 4-H Youth Lamb Show Coordinators: Shea Ann DeJarnette, & Michelle Shooter (910) 671-3276 Saturday, October 8, 2011 11:00 AM Sponsored by: Cape Fear Farm Credit Coordinated by: The Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service 1. Limited to youth who pre-register with the Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. 2. Animals must be shown as individuals and each participant limited to one per class. 3. Animals will be divided into classes as evenly as possible based on the number of animals and weights. 4. Animals will be weighed and participants will receive a number between 8 am and 10:30 am on Saturday, October 8, 2011. A valid Health Certificate must also be presented at this time. 5. Lambs may be sold during the fair. Exhibitors receive all money direct from the buyer. There will not be an organized animal project sale. * No unworthy animal will be awarded a premium. Worthiness will be determined by the judge or judges of that category. Cloverbud Division (ages 5-8) is noncompetitive. Each participant: Trophy & $10. Showmanship Junior Division 1 (ages 9-10) Junior Division 2 (ages 11-13) Senior Division (ages 14-19) Lambs Premiums Lamb Light Weight Lamb Middle Weight Lamb Heavy Weight Grand Champion $60 1st $40 2nd $30 3rd $20 4th and below $10 $40 $30 $20 $10 $40 1st $40 $40 $40 $30 2nd $30 $30 $30 $20 3rd $20 $20 $20 $10 4th and below $10 $10 $10 Reserve Champion $40 54 Regional 4-H Youth Heifer/Steer Show Coordinator: Shea Ann DeJarnette & Michelle Shooter (910) 671-3276 Saturday, October 8, 2011 2:00 PM Sponsored by: Cape Fear Farm Credit Coordinated by: The Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service 1. Limited to youth (ages 5-19 as of January 1, 2011) who pre-register with the Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. 2. Classes will be limited to 10 entries. Classes with more than 10 entries will be divided. Classes with fewer entries may be combined at the judges discretion. 3. Different age heifers may be grouped together depending on the number of entries. 4. Heifers must be born on or after November 1, 2008 but no later than April 30, 2010. A valid health certificate must also be presented at check in. 5. Judging in the showmanship category is strictly on showmanship and not fitting. 6. The showmanship category for Heifer and Steers will be done together by age divisions of the showman. There will be market shows for Heifers and Steers, separately, based on age of the animal. * No unworthy animal will be awarded a premium. Worthiness will be determined by the judge or judges of that category. Cloverbud Division (ages 5-8) is noncompetitive. Each participant: Trophy & $10. Showmanship Junior Division 1 (ages 9-10) Junior Division 2 (ages 11-13) Senior Division (ages 14-19) Market Show Divisions Born 3/1/11-4/30/11 Born 1/1/2011-2/28/11 Born 11/1/11-12/31/10 Born 9/1/10-10/31/10 Born 7/1/10-8/31/10 Born 5/1/10-6/30/10 Born 3/1/10-4/30/10 Born 1/1/10-2/28/10 Born 11/2/09-12/31/09 Grand Champion $60 1st $40 2nd $30 $40 $30 $40 1st $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 3rd $20 4th and below $10 $20 $10 $30 $20 2nd $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 3rd $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $10 4th and below $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 Reserve Champion $50 55 HOME AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS Coordinators: Alan Prevatte (910) 739-8681 Dixon ENTRIES TAKEN AT ONLY THESE DAYS & TIMES: Sun. (September 25th) 1-6 P.M. Mon. (September 26th) 4-8 P.M. Tue. (September 27th) 4-8 P.M. Suggested that cut flowers and baked goods be entered on Tuesday, September 27th. 1. All entries must be registered with the coordinators of the Exhibit Building. All exhibits must remain on display throughout the fair. Articles may be reclaimed by owner (ticket holder) on Sunday, October 9th between 1 and 5 p.m. Any article removed from the Exhibit Building before Sunday will forfeit any cash prize awarded to said article. 2. No person may enter more than one article in the same category. Collections or displays must be made up of articles other than those entered in single classes. All articles must have been prepared, made or grown by the exhibitor within the last twelve months to be eligible for judging. 3. Containers for entries in Departments A, B, and C (cut flowers only) will be furnished by the Fair Board. Disposable protective covering is recommended for clothing and handiwork. 4. All entries will be judged Friday, Sept. 30th, after 9:00 a.m. No exhibitors will be allowed inside the display areas until all Judging is completed. 5. If there is only one entry in a class, any prizes awarded will be at the judgesʼ discretion. 6. A grand prize of $100 will be awarded to the winner of the most blue ribbons in the Adult Division and $50 in the Junior Division. 7. The coordinator may create additional classes at their discretion for articles not on a premium list. 8. The Fair Board reserves the right to reject any entry not considered suitable for exhibit. A-1-1 A-1-2 A-1-3 A-1-4 A-2-1 A-3-1 A-3-2 A-4-1 A-5-1 A-5-2 A-6-1 A-6-2 A-6-3 A-7-1 A-7-2 A-8-1 A-8-2 A-8-3 A-9-1 HORTICULTURE – DEPARTMENT A – Class 1 - Apples (Tray of 5) Red Delicious Yellow Delicious Any Other Red Variety Any Other Yellow Variety 1st $6 $6 $6 $6 Class 2 - Figs (Tray of 4) 1st Figs, Any Variety $6 A-9-2 A-9-3 A-9-4 A-9-5 A-9-6 A-9-7 A-9-8 A-9-9 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 Class 3 -Grapes (Tray of 12) 1st 2nd Muscadine Grapes, White Variety $6 $3 Muscadine Grapes, Black Variety $6 $3 Class 4 - Pears (Tray of 4) 1st Pears, Any Variety $6 2nd $3 Class 6 - Other Fruits 1st Pomegranates (Tray of 2) $6 Most Unusual Edible Fruit $6 Peaches (2) $6 2nd $3 $3 $3 Class 5 - Persimmons 1st American (12 Fruits) $6 Japanese (Plate of 4) $6 2nd $3 $3 Class 7 - Pecans (25 Nuts, Not In Husk) 1st 2nd Stuarts $6 $3 Any Other Variety $6 $3 Class 8 - Other Nuts (12 Nuts) 1st 2nd Black Walnuts $6 $3 Chestnuts $6 $3 Any Other Variety of Edible Nut $6 $3 Class 9 - Beans and Peas 1st Green Beans, Whole-Pod Fresh $6 2nd $3 56 Green Beans, Dry Shelled (15) Lima Beans, Whole-Pod Fresh Lima Beans, Shelled Dry/Fresh Southern Peas, Whole Pod Fresh Southern Peas, Shelled Dry/Fresh Dried Peas (Other) Crowder Peas Dried Beans $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 A-10-1 A-10-2 A-10-3 A-10-4 A-10-5 A-10-6 A-10-7 A-10-8 A-10-9 A-10-10 A-10-11 A-10-12 A-10-13 A-10-14 A-10-15 A-10-16 A-10-17 A-10-18 A-10-19 A-10-20 A-10-21 A-10-22 Class 10 - Curcubits 1st Cucumbers, Pickling (4) $6 Cucumbers, Slicing (4) $6 Yellow Squash (4) $6 Zucchini Squash (4) $6 Any Other Summer Squash $6 Acron Squash $6 Butternut Squash $6 Any Other Winter Squash $6 Gourd, Best Useful Specimen(s) $6 Gourd, Best Decorative Specimen $6 Gourd, Other $6 Pumpkin, Biggest $25 Pumpkin, Best $6 Watermelon, Biggest $25 Watermelon, Best $6 Honeydew Melon $6 Seedless Watermelon $6 Burpless Cucumber $6 Icebox Watermelon $6 Canteloupe $6 Other Squash $6 Other Melon $6 A-11-1 A-11-2 A-11-3 Collards, Biggest Collards, Best Cabbage A-12-1 A-12-2 A-12-3 A-12-4 A-12-5 A-12-6 A-12-7 Class 11 - Greens 1st $6 $6 $6 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $10 $3 $10 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 Class 12 - Miscellaneous Vegetables 1st 2nd Eggplant (2) $6 $3 Okra (8) $6 $3 Pepper, Bell (4) $6 $3 Pepper, Banana (12) $6 $3 Pepper, Hot Red or Green (6) $6 $3 Pepper, Jalepeno (6) $6 $3 Pepper, Other (6) $6 $3 A-12-8 A-12-9 A-12-10 A-12-11 A-12-12 A-12-13 Tomato, Large Fruited Red (4) Tomato, Large Fruited Yellow (4) Tomato, Small Fruit Var. (6) Most Unusual Vegetable Finger Hot Pepper Tomato - Other $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 Class 13 - Root Crops 1st A-13-1 Irish Potatoes, White (4) $6 A-13-2 Irish Potatoes, Red (4) $6 A-13-3 Onions, White (4) $6 A-13-4 Onions, Yellow (4) $6 A-13-5 Turnips (4) $6 A-13-6 Sweet Potatoes, Porto Rico (4) $6 A-13-7 Sweet Potatoes, Jewel (4) $6 A-13-8 Sweet Potatoes, Any Other (4) $6 A-13-9 Carrots (5) $6 A-13-10 Purple Turnips $6 Class 14 - Miscellaneous 1st A-14-1 Herbs, Dried in Bundle $6 A-14-2 Indian Corn (4 ears) $6 A-14-3 Popcorn (4 ears) $6 A-14-4 Eggs $6 A-14-5 Eggs, Brown (12) $6 A-14-6 Eggs, White (12) $6 A-14-7 Honey $6 A-14-8 Sunflower, Any Variety (1) $6 A-14-9 Miscellaneous $6 A-14-10 Bundle Fresh Herbs $6 A-14-11 Honeycomb $6 A-14-12 Honeydew Melon $6 B-1-1 B-1-2 B-1-3 B-2-1 B-2-2 B-3-1 B-3-2 B-4-1 B-4-2 B-5-1 B-5-2 B-6-1 B-6-2 B-6-3 B-7-1 B-7-2 B-8-1 B-8-2 B-8-3 B-8-4 B-9-1 B-9-2 B-9-3 B-10-1 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 B-10-2 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 1st $6 $6 $6 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 Class 2 - Cotton 1st Any Variety (1-lb. Plastic bag) $6 Best Stalk $6 2nd $3 $3 Class 4 - Oats 1st Any Variety (Small Tray) $6 Best Sheath (20 to 30 Plants) $6 2nd $3 $3 Class 6 - Rye 1st Any Variety (Small Tray) $6 Best Sheath (20 to 30 Plants) $6 Sheath, Other (20 to 30 Plants) $6 2nd $3 $3 $3 Class 3 - Wheat 1st Any Variety (Small Tray) $6 Best Sheath (20 to 30 Plants) $6 Class 5 - Barley 1st Any Variety (Small Tray) $6 Best Sheath (20 to 30 Plants) $6 Class 7 - Soybeans 1st Any Variety (Small Tray) $6 Best Stalk $6 Class 8 - Sorghum 1st Any Variety (Small Tray) $6 Best Single Head $6 Sorghum Syrup $6 Sweet Sorghum Stalks $6 Class 9 - Peanuts 1st Spanish (Small Tray) $6 Runner (Small Tray) $6 Best Plant with Pods Attached $6 Class 10 - Hay 1st Coastal (3-lb. Sample Tied) $6 2nd $3 $3 B-11-1 B-11-2 B-11-3 B-11-4 B-11-5 B-11-6 Class 11 - Tobacco 1st Best Wrapper (1 lb. in Plastic) $6 Best Smoking Leaf (1 lb. in Plastic.)$6 Best Cutters (1 lb. in Plastic) $6 Best Lugs (1lb. in Plastic) $6 Best Displayed Bulk Cured $6 Tobacco Plant $6 B-12-1 B-12-2 B-12-3 Pearl Millet Sugar Cane Syrup C-1-1 C-1-2 C-1-3 C-1-4 C-1-5 C-1-6 C-1-7 C-1-8 C-1-9 C-1-10 C-1-11 C-1-12 C-1-13 C-1-14 C-1-15 C-1-16 C-1-17 C-1-18 C-1-19 C-1-20 C-1-21 C-1-22 C-1-23 C-1-24 C-1-25 C-1-26 C-1-27 C-1-28 C-1-29 C-1-30 C-1-31 C-1-32 C-1-33 C-1-34 C-1-35 Single 1st Ageratum Althea Asters Cannas Celosia,Crested(Cockscomb) Celosia,Plumed Chrysanthemum Dahlia Gerbera Daisy Hibiscus Lilies Marigold Orchid Rose (Pink) Rose (Red) Rose (White) Rose (Yellow) Rose (Any other color) Salvia Spider Lily Spray of Berries-Nandina Spray of Berries-Pyracantha Spray of Berries-Beautyberry Sunflowers Zinnia Best Cut Flower Not Listed Cosmos Vinca-Perriwinkle Lantana Japanese Lantern Impatient Marigold - Giant Marigold - Dwarf Zinnia - Giant Zinnia - Dwarf C-2-1 C-2-2 C-2-3 C-2-4 2nd $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $6 Class 12 - Pearl Millet 1st $6 $6 $6 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 FLOWERSClass – DEPARTMENT C 1 -Cut Flowers FIELD CROPS – DEPARTMENT B– Class 1 - Corn Yellow Hybrid (tray of 4 ears) White Hybrid (tray of 4 ears) Best Formed Single Ear, Any Var. Other (3 lb. Sample Tied) 57 C-3-1 C-3-2 C-3-3 C-3-4 C-3-5 C-3-6 C-3-7 C-3-8 C-3-9 C-3-10 C-3-11 C-3-12 C-3-13 C-3-14 C-3-15 C-3-16 C-3-17 C-3-18 C-3-19 C-3-20 C-3-21 C-3-22 C-3-23 C-3-24 C-3-25 2nd $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 Class 2 - Arrangements 1st Best Dried Arrangement $6 Best Fresh Arrangement $6 Best Arrangement-Native Plants $6 Best Arrangement - Other $6 Class 3 - Potted Plants 1st African Violet $6 Begonia (Wax) $6 Begonia(Any Type Except Wax) $6 Thanksgiving/Christmas Cactus $6 True Cactus $6 Coleus $6 Dieffenbachia $6 Dracaena $6 Ferns $6 Weeping Fig $6 Geranium $6 Impatiens $6 Jade Plant $6 Orchid $6 Ornamental Pepper $6 Peperomia $6 Philodendron $6 Best Potted Plant Not Listed $6 Bell Pepper Tree $6 Pepper Plant $6 Croton $6 Bromelaids $6 Kalanchoe $6 Tropical Plants $6 Pineapple Plant $6 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 C-3-26 C-3-27 C-4-1 C-4-2 C-4-3 C-4-4 C-4-5 C-4-6 C-4-7 C-4-8 C-4-9 D-1-1 D-1-2 D-1-3 D-1-4 D-1-5 D-1-6 D-1-7 D-1-8 D-1-9 D-1-10 D-1-11 D-1-12 D-1-13 D-1-14 D-1-15 D-1-16 D-1-17 D-1-18 D-1-19 D-1-20 D-1-21 D-1-22 D-1-23 D-1-24 D-1-25 D-1-26 D-1-27 D-1-28 D-1-29 Banana Tree Other $6 $6 Class 4 - Hanging Baskets 1st Fern $6 Pothos (Devilʼs Ivey) $6 Spider Plant $6 Swedish Ivy $6 Wandering Jew $6 Best Hanging Basket Not Listed $6 Philodendron $6 Begonia Hanging Basket $6 Cactus $6 E-2-5 E-2-6 E-2-7 E-2-8 E-2-9 E-2-10 E-2-11 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 E-3-1 E-3-2 E-3-3 E-3-4 E-3-5 CLOTHING – DEPARTMENT D– Class 1 - Adult Apron Blouse Coat (Lined) Coat (Unlined) Dress (Church) Dress (House) Dress (Party or Evening) Dress (Sport) Dress and Jacket Ensemble Handbag Jacket/Blazer (Lined or Unlined) Jacket (Manʼs) Jumper Outfit (Three or More Pieces) Pajamas or Gown Pants (Manʼs) Robe (Beach or House) Shirt (Manʼs) Shorts/Slacks Skirt Suit (Lined) Suit (Unlined) Suit (Manʼs or Ladyʼs) Ladyʼs Lingerie Costume Adult Vest Miscellaneous Jacket Sweat Shirt Jacket (decoration) 1st $6 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 D-2-1 D-2-2 D-2-3 D-2-4 D-2-5 D-2-6 D-2-7 D-2-8 D-2-9 D-2-10 D-2-11 D-2-12 Class 2 - Child 1st Jacket (Childʼs) $10 Pants (Boyʼs) $10 Childʼs Suit (Boyʼs or Girlʼs) $10 Childʼs Coat (Lined) $10 Childʼs Dress $10 Childʼs Play Dress $10 Infant Wear (Any Item) $10 Childʼs Shorts $10 Childʼs Shirt $10 Childʼs Vest $10 Shirt (Boyʼs) Miscellaneous $10 E-1-1 E-1-2 E-1-3 E-1-4 E-1-5 E-1-6 E-1-7 E-1-8 E-1-9 E-1-10 E-1-11 E-1-12 E-1-13 Knitted Baby Set Baby Sweater or Dress Knitted Hat Small Knitted Article Knitted Pocketbook Knitted Shawl or Stole Knitted Dress or Suit Knitted Coat, Cape or Poncho Knitted Sweater Knitted Sweater Decorated Knitted Baby Afghan Knitted Afghan Any Other Knitted Article E-2-1 E-2-2 E-2-3 E-2-4 $3 $3 2nd $3 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 Class 2 - Needlepoint 1st Needlepoint Pillow $6 Needlepoint Picture $6 Any Article-Decorative Stitche $6 Bell Pull or Wall Hanging $6 E-5-1 E-5-2 E-5-3 E-5-4 E-5-5 E-5-6 E-5-7 E-5-8 E-5-9 E-5-10 E-5-11 E-5-12 E-5-13 E-5-14 E-5-15 E-5-16 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 Class 3 - Crewel Embroidery 1st Crewel Article(handbag,etc.) $6 Crewel Picture/Wall Hanging $6 Crewel Pillow $6 Clothing-Decor with Crewel $6 Creative Crewel Embroidery $6 Class 4 - Creative Stitchery 1st Creative Stitchery Pillow $6 Creative Stitchery Picture $6 Original Piece-No Pattern $6 Huck Embroidery $6 Latch Hook $6 Embroidery-Tablecloth $6 Creative Stitchery-Other $6 Class 5 - Crochet 1st Crocheted Baby Set $6 Crocheted Hat $6 Crocheted Cape or Stole $6 Sweater or Jacket-Adult $6 Sweater or Jacket-Child $6 Crocheted Suit,Dress or Coat $6 Crocheted Pillow $6 Crocheted Novelty Article $6 Small Crocheted Article $6 Medium Crocheted Article $6 Large Crocheted Article $6 Crocheted Bedspread $6 Decorative Afghan $6 Baby Afghan of Lap Robe $6 Crocheted Afghan $6 Crocheted Item Not Listed $6 E-6-1 E-6-2 E-6-3 E-6-4 E-6-5 E-6-6 E-6-7 E-6-8 E-6-9 E-6-10 E-7-1 E-7-2 E-7-3 E-7-4 E-7-5 E-7-6 Applique Wreath Patchwork Quilt Quilt Hand Tied Fringe Smocking F-1-1 F-1-2 F-1-3 Glaze Underglazed Miscellaneous $5 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 Class 6 - Cross Stitch 1st Picture (Design stamped on fab) $6 Sampler (Design stamped on fab) $6 Article (Stamped on Fabric) $6 Cross Stitch Picture $6 Cross Stitch Pillow $6 Large Cross Stitch Article $6 Medium Cross Stitch Article $6 Small Cross Stitch Article $6 Cross Stitch Pictorals $6 Piece of Cross Stitch $6 2nd $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 NEEDLEWORK – DEPARTMENT E– Class 1 - Knitting 1st $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 E-4-1 E-4-2 E-4-3 E-4-4 E-4-5 E-4-6 E-4-7 Original-Novelty Plastic Canva Pattern- Novelty Plastic Canvas Piece of Bargello Needlepoint Article-Small Needlepoint Article-Medium Needlepoint Article-Large Original Piece of Needlepoint F-2-1 F-2-2 F-2-3 F-2-4 F-2-5 F-2-6 F-2-7 F-3-1 F-3-2 F-3-3 58 Class 7 - Other 1st $6 $6 $15 $15 $6 $6 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $10 $10 $3 $3 CRAFTS – DEPARTMENT F– Class 1 - Ceramics 1st $6 $6 $6 2nd $3 $3 $3 Class 3 - Pottery 1st Free Form Sculpture $6 Hand Thrown Bowls $6 Potters Wheel Bowls $6 2nd $3 $3 $3 Class 2 - Leather Work 1st Belts $6 Billfold,etc. $6 Bookmarks $6 Knife Holder $6 Pictures $6 Pocketbook or Bag $6 Miscellaneous $6 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 F-3-4 F-3-5 Hand Thrown Pots, Jugs, etc. Potters Wheel Pots, Jugs, etc. $6 $6 $3 $3 Class 4 - Woodworking 1st Bookends $6 Box $6 Candleholders $6 Clock Case $6 Doll Furniture $6 Jewelry Set $6 Lamps $6 Lathework $6 Plaque or Tray $6 Picture Frame $6 Miscellaneous Woodworking $6 Wood Reproduction $6 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 F-6-1 F-6-2 F-6-3 F-6-4 F-6-5 F-6-6 F-6-7 F-6-8 F-6-9 F-6-10 F-6-11 F-6-12 F-6-13 F-6-14 F-6-14 F-6-16 F-6-17 F-6-18 F-6-19 F-6-20 F-6-21 F-6-22 F-6-23 F-6-24 F-6-25 F-6-26 F-6-27 F-6-28 F-6-29 F-6-30 F-6-31 F-6-32 F-6-33 F-6-34 F-6-35 F-6-36 F-6-37 F-6-38 F-6-39 F-6-40 F-6-41 F-6-42 F-6-43 F-6-44 F-6-45 F-6-46 F-6-47 F-6-38 F-7-39 F-6-50 F-6-51 Class 6 - Other Crafts 1st Block Prints $6 Bread Dough $6 Candleholders $6 Christmas Decorations $6 Decoupage (Pictures) $6 Dolls (Fabric) $6 Fashion Doll $6 Dolls (Porcelain) $6 Egg Shell Ornaments or Item $6 Fabric Sculpture (Madonnas, etc.) $6 Fabric Belts $6 Natural Materials (Pine Needle) $6 Flowers (Other) $6 Forged Foil $6 Jewelry (Metal or Paper) $6 Liquid Embroidery $6 Macrame (Purses) $6 Macrame (Other) $6 Metal Works $6 Applique on Clothes $10 Painting On Clothes $10 Painting on Fabric $6 Painting on Glass $6 Painting on Metal $6 Painting on Wood $6 Planting (Other) $6 Paper Mache $6 Paper Tole $6 Potpourri $6 Quill Work $6 Soap (Homemade) $6 Stained Glass $6 Stenciling (Fabric) $6 Stenciling (Wood) $6 Stenciling (Paper) $6 String Art $6 Stuffed Art $6 Tatting $6 Silk Screening $6 Basket Weaving $6 Scherenschnitte $6 Chair or Stool Weaving $6 Needlepoint $6 Decorative Basket $6 Miscellaneous $6 Wreaths $6 Decorative Gourd $6 Decorative Towel Set $10 Decorative Pot Holder $6 Decorative Clay Pots $6 Candleholder $6 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $5 $5 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $5 $3 $3 $3 G-1-1 G-1-2 G-1-3 G-1-4 G-1-5 Drop Cookies, Any Kind Rolled Cookies, Any Kind Icebox Cookies Sweet Treats Brownies F-4-1 F-4-2 F-4-3 F-4-4 F-4-5 F-4-6 F-4-7 F-4-8 F-4-9 F-4-10 F-4-11 F-4-12 F-5-1 F-5-2 F-5-3 F-5-4 Class 5 - Woodcarving 1st Birds $6 Ducks and Decoys $6 Figurines $6 Miscellaneous $6 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 G-4-1 G-4-2 G-4-3 G-4-4 G-4-5 G-4-6 Class 4 - Breads 1st Biscuits $6 Corn Muffins $6 Fruit Breads $6 Yeast Rolls $6 Sourdough Bread $6 Miscellaneous Bread $6 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 H-1-1 H-1-2 H-1-3 H-1-4 H-1-5 H-1-6 H-1-7 H-1-8 H-1-9 H-1-10 H-1-11 Apples (Whole or Sliced) Applesauce Blackberries Blueberries Cherries (Pitted or Whole) Figs Peaches Pears Plums Grape Juice Any Other Variety G-2-1 G-2-2 G-2-3 G-2-4 G-2-5 G-2-6 G-2-7 G-2-8 G-2-9 G-2-10 Peach Apple Chess Chocolate Potato Butterscotch Pecan Pumpkin Cherry Any Other Pie G-3-1 G-3-2 G-3-3 G-3-4 G-3-5 G-3-6 G-3-7 G-3-8 G-3-9 G-3-10 G-3-11 G-3-12 G-3-13 G-3-14 G-3-15 G-3-16 G-3-17 G-3-18 G-3-19 G-3-20 Fruit Red Velvet Devilʼs Food Carmel Pound (Un-iced) Chocolate Pound Pound (Iced) Angel Food Lemon Chiffon Applesauce German Chocolate Banana Nut Carrot Pineapple Cupcakes (6) Best Decorated Any Other Cake Coconut Cake Pecan Lemon Pound H-2-1 H-2-2 H-2-3 H-2-4 H-2-5 H-2-6 H-2-7 H-2-8 H-2-9 H-2-10 H-2-11 H-2-12 H-2-13 H-2-14 H-2-15 H-2-16 H-2-17 H-2-18 H-2-19 H-2-20 H-2-21 H-2-22 H-2-23 BAKED PRODUCTS – DEPARTMENT G– Class 1 - Cookies 1st $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 Class 2 - Pies 1st $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 59 H-3-1 H-3-2 Class 3 - Cakes 1st $15 $15 $12 $12 $15 $15 $15 $15 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $6 $30 $10 $12 $12 $15 2nd $10 $10 $8 $8 $10 $10 $10 $10 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $3 $15 $6 $8 $8 $10 CANNED GOODS – DEPARTMENT H– Class 1 - Canned Fruits 1st $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 Class 2 - Canned Vegetables 1st Beets $6 Beans (Lima) $6 Beans (String) $6 Carrots (Whole or Cut) $6 Corn $6 Okra $6 Peas (Field) $6 Peas (Green) $6 Pimento Peppers (Pint or Half) $6 Pumpkins $6 Sauerkraut $6 Sweet Potatoes $6 Tomatoes $6 Tomato Juice $6 Tomato Puree $6 Any Other Variety $6 Jalapeno Peppers $6 Barbecue Sauce $6 Potatoes $6 Vegetable Soup $6 Chili Beans $6 Corn White $6 Beans/Speckled $6 Class 3 - Preserves 1st Apple $6 Blackberry $6 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 H-3-3 H-3-4 H-3-5 H-3-6 H-3-7 H-3-8 H-3-9 H-3-10 H-3-11 Cherry Fig Grape Peach Pear Plum Strawberry Watermelon Any Other Preserve $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 H-4-1 H-4-2 H-4-3 H-4-4 H-4-5 H-4-6 H-4-7 H-4-8 H-4-9 H-4-10 Class 4 - Jam and Fruit Butter 1st Apple Butter $6 Blackberry $6 Fig $6 Grape $6 Peach $6 Pear $6 Plum $6 Strawberry $6 Other Jam or Fruit Butter $6 Blueberry $6 H-5-1 H-5-2 H-5-3 H-5-4 H-5-5 H-5-6 H-5-7 H-5-8 H-5-9 H-5-10 H-5-11 Apple Blackberry Crabapple Grape Plum Other Jelly Pepper Jelly Blueberry Jelly Strawberry Jelly Peach Pear Class 5 - Jelly 1st $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 H-6-1 H-6-2 H-6-3 H-6-4 H-6-5 H-6-6 H-6-7 H-6-8 H-6-9 H-6-10 H-6-11 H-6-12 H-6-13 H-6-14 H-6-15 H-6-16 H-6-17 H-6-18 H-6-19 Class 6 - Pickles and Relishes 1st Beet Pickle $6 Chili Sauce $6 Chowchow $6 Cucumber Pickle (Sliced/Whole) $6 Cucumber Pickler (Dill) $6 Dixie Relish $6 Peach Pickle (Sweet) $6 Squash $6 Tomato Pickle (Slice Green) $6 Watermelon Rind $6 Pepper Relish $6 Pear Relish $6 Other Varieties $6 Salsa $6 Okra $6 Figs- pickled $6 Pickled Vegetables $6 Apple Rings $6 Miscellaneous $6 I-1-1 I-1-2 I-1-3 I-1-4 I-1-5 I-1-6 I-1-7 I-1-8 I-1-9 I-1-10 I-1-11 I-1-12 I-1-13 I-1-14 I-1-15 I-1-16 I-1-17 I-1-18 I-1-19 I-1-20 I-1-21 I-1-22 I-1-23 I-1-24 Applesauce Apples Berries (Any Kind) Peaches Pears Jellies Jam Preserves Tomatoes Tomato Juice Tomato Puree String Beans Butter Beans Field Peas Carrots Okra Corn (Not on Cob) Beets Potatoes Relish Cucumber Pickle Pickled Vegetable Other Canned Goods Salsa $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 I-2-1 I-2-2 I-2-3 I-2-4 I-2-5 I-2-6 I-2-7 I-2-8 I-2-9 I-2-10 I-2-11 I-2-12 I-2-13 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 I-3-1 I-3-2 I-3-3 I-3-4 I-3-5 I-3-6 I-3-7 I-3-8 I-3-9 I-3-10 I-3-11 I-3-12 I-3-13 I-3-14 I-3-15 I-3-16 I-3-17 I-3-18 I-3-19 I-3-20 I-3-21 I-3-22 I-3-23 I-3-24 I-3-25 I-3-26 I-3-27 I-3-28 I-3-29 I-3-30 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 YOUTH – DEPARTMENT I– Class 1 - Canned Goods 1st $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 60 I-4-1 I-4-2 I-4-3 I-4-4 I-4-5 I-4-6 I-4-7 I-4-8 I-4-9 I-4-10 I-4-11 I-4-12 I-4-13 I-4-14 I-4-15 I-4-16 I-4-17 I-4-18 I-4-19 I-4-20 I-4-21 I-4-22 I-4-23 I-4-24 I-4-25 I-4-26 I-4-27 I-4-28 I-4-29 I-4-30 I-4-31 I-4-32 I-4-33 I-4-34 I-4-38 I-4-39 I-4-40 I-4-41 I-4-42 I-4-43 Class 2 - Baked Goods 1st Cakes (Pound) $15 Cakes (Layer) $15 Biscuits (6) $6 Pies (No Meringue) $6 Muffins (6) $6 Cupcakes (6) $6 Brownies (6) $6 Chocolate Fudge (6) $6 Candy (6) $6 Cookies, Dropped (6 in box) $6 Cookies, Rolled (6 in box) $6 Cookie Bar $6 Bread $6 2nd $10 $10 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 Class 4 - Crafts 1st Decorative Basket $6 Rug Making $6 Creative Stitchery $6 Cross Stitch $6 Embroidery $6 Needlepoint $6 Knitting $6 Woodcraft $6 Craft Specimen $6 Mosaics (Tiles with Grout) $6 Decoupage $6 Ceramics $6 Bead Craft $6 Crocheted Items $6 Flower Arrangement $6 Pine Needle Craft $6 Handmade Jewelry (Metal/Paper) $6 Jewelry (Other) $6 Fabric Doll $6 Dolls (Other) $6 Woodworking Project $6 Leatherwork $6 Painting on Clothes $6 Applique on Clothes $6 Other Decorative Clothing $6 Sand Art $6 Glass Etching $6 Miscellanous Craft $6 Pottery $6 Christmas Decorations $6 Metal Craft $6 Flower Pot Painting $6 Candleholder $6 Wreath $6 Decorative Gourd $6 Potpourri $6 Chalk $6 Picture Frame $6 Painting on Objects $6 Stencil Painting $6 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 Class 3 - Clothing/Sewing Project 1st 2nd Uniform (Part or All) $6 $3 Blouse $10 $5 Skirt $10 $5 Bedroom Slippers $6 $3 Best Dress or Ensemble $10 $5 Suit $10 $5 Coat $10 $5 Pants $10 $5 Pantsuit $10 $5 Jumper $10 $5 School Clothes $10 $5 Shorts $10 $5 Vest $10 $5 Sleeping Garment $6 $3 Accessories (Hat, Belt, etc.) $6 $3 Costume $10 $5 Potholder $6 $3 Pin Cushion $6 $3 Equipment Sewing Box $10 $5 Pair Curtains $10 $5 Hand Towels $6 $3 Apring (Fancy) $6 $3 Pillowcases $6 $3 Quilt $10 $5 Luncheon Set or Place Mats $6 $3 Pillow $6 $3 Doll Clothes $6 $3 Ensemble $6 $3 Skirt $10 $5 Stuffed Toy $3 $3 I-5-1 I-5-2 I-5-3 I-5-4 I-5-5 I-5-6 I-5-7 I-5-8 I-5-9 I-5-10 I-5-11 I-5-12 I-5-13 I-5-14 I-5-15 I-5-16 I-5-17 I-5-18 I-5-19 I-5-20 I-5-21 I-5-22 I-5-23 I-5-24 I-5-25 I-5-26 I-5-27 I-5-28 I-5-29 I-5-30 I-5-31 I-5-32 I-5-33 I-5-34 I-5-35 I-5-36 I-5-37 I-5-38 I-5-39 I-5-40 I-5-41 I-5-42 I-5-43 I-5-44 I-5-45 I-5-46 I-5-47 I-5-48 I-5-49 I-5-50 I-5-51 I-5-52 I-5-53 I-5-54 I-6-1 I-6-2 I-6-3 I-6-4 I-6-5 I-6-6 I-6-7 I-6-8 I-6-9 I-6-10 I-6-11 I-6-12 I-6-13 I-6-14 I-6-15 I-6-16 I-6-17 I-6-18 J-1-1 J-1-2 J-1-3 J-1-4 J-1-5 J-1-6 J-1-7 J-1-8 J-1-9 J-1-10 Class 5 - Crops Yellow Hybrid Corn (5 Ears) $6 Any Variety Yellow Corn (5 Ears) $6 Stalk of Cotton $6 Tobacco (1 lb. Display) $6 Stalk of Soybeans $6 Stalk of Peanuts $6 Hay $6 Tray of Sweet Potatoes (5) $6 Tray of Soybeans $6 Tray of Irish Potatoes (5) $6 Tray of Wheat $6 Tray of Oats $6 Tray of Tomatoes (5) $6 Tray of Field Peas, Pod (10) $6 Tray of Pecans (25) $6 Tray of Grapes (25) $6 Bunch of Collards $6 Bunch of Turnips $6 Pumpkin $6 Summer Squash, Any Variety (5) $6 Winter Squash, Any Variety (5) $6 Turban Squash $6 Indian Corn (5 Ears) $6 Gourds $6 Watermelon $6 Cucumbers (5) $6 Pepper (5) $6 Okra $6 Eggplant $6 Peanuts (12) $6 Hickory Nuts (8) $6 Sweet Onion (5) $6 Pears (5) $6 Sunflower Head $6 Hot Peppers $6 Persimmons $6 Sweet Peppers $6 Eggs $6 Apples $6 Pomegranates $6 Lima Beans $6 Honeydew $6 Pole Beans $6 Carrots $6 Radish $6 Dried Peas $6 Shelled Peas $6 Canteloupe $6 Figs $6 Popcorn $6 Bell Pepper $6 Grape Tomatoes $6 Walnuts $6 Burpless Cucumber $6 Class 6 - Miscellaneous 1st Potted Plants $6 Hanging Basket $6 Cut Flower (Single) $6 Flower Arrangement $6 Photography (3 Photos Mounted) $6 Home Improvement (Fabrics) $6 Home Improvement (Accessories) $6 Plumbing Project $6 Masonry Project $6 Welding Project $6 Electrical Project $6 Small Engine Project $6 Automotive Project $6 Science Project (FFA) $6 Wildlife Project (FFA) $6 Jar Honey $6 Any Project Not Listed $6 Antiques $6 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 2nd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 SWINE – DEPARTMENT J – Class 1 - Swine Junior Boar, All Breeds Senior Boar, All Breeds Maternal-Type Breeding Gilt Meat Type Breeding Gilt Sow, All Breeds Pen-of-Three Feeder Pigs, A.B. Market Hog, All Breeds Sow with Pigs Baby Pigs Pot - Bellied Pigs 1st $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 2nd $9 $9 $9 $9 $9 $9 $9 $9 $9 $9 3rd $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 K-1-1 K-1-2 K-1-3 K-1-4 K-1-5 K-1-6 K-1-7 K-1-8 Yearling Bull, All Breeds Senior Bull, All Breeds Yearling Heifer, All Breeds Senior Heifer Beef Cow, All Breeds Cow-Calf Pair, All Breeds Feeder Calf, All Breeds Market Steer, All Breeds 1st $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 2nd $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 3rd $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 L-1-1 L-1-2 Dairy Heifer, All Breeds Dairy Cow, All Breeds 1st $20 $20 2nd $15 $15 3rd $10 $10 DAIRY – DEPARTMENT L– Class 1 - Cow L-2-1 L-2-2 Class 2 - Goat 1st Mature Female Dairy Goat, A.B. $20 Dairy Kid Goat $20 M-1-1 M-1-2 M-1-3 Kid Doe Wethers 1st $15 $15 $15 2nd $10 $10 $10 3rd $5 $5 $5 N-1-1 N-1-2 Mature Horse, All Breeds Young Horse, All Breeds 1st $20 $20 2nd $15 $15 3rd $10 $10 Class 3 - Mule 1st $20 2nd $15 3rd $10 2nd $15 $15 MEAT GOATS – DEPARTMENT M– Class 1 - Meat Goat HORSES – DEPARTMENT N– Class 1 - Horse N-2-1 N-2-2 Class 2 - Pony 1st Mature Pony (Over 1 Year Old) $20 Young Pony (Under 1 Year Old) $20 N-3-1 Mule N-4-1 Donkey (Any Age) O-1-1 O-1-2 O-1-3 O-1-4 O-1-5 O-1-6 O-1-7 O-1-8 O-1-9 Plymouth Rock Dominiques Wyandottes Javes Rhode Islands Chanticleers Jersey Giants Games Buff O-2-1 O-2-2 O-2-3 O-2-4 O-2-5 O-2-6 O-2-7 O-2-8 O-2-9 61 BEEF CATTLE – DEPARTMENT K– Class 1 - Cattle Class 4 - Donkey 1st $20 2nd $15 $15 2nd $15 POULTRY –Class DEPARTMENT O– 1 - Best Female American Chicken 1st $7 $7 $7 $7 $7 $7 $7 $7 $7 2nd $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 Class 2 - Best Male American Chicken 1st 2nd Plymouth Rocks $7 $5 Dominiques $7 $5 Wyandottes $7 $5 Javes $7 $5 Rhode Islands $7 $5 Chahteclers $7 $5 Jersey Giants $7 $5 Games $7 $5 Buff $7 $5 3rd $10 $10 3rd $10 $10 3rd $10 3rd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 3rd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 O-3-1 O-4-1 O-4-2 O-4-3 O-5-1 O-5-2 O-5-3 O-6-1 O-7-1 O-7-2 O-7-3 O-7-4 O-8-1 O-8-2 O-8-3 O-8-4 O-9-1 O-9-2 O-9-3 O-9-4 O-10-1 O-10-2 O-10-3 O-11-1 O-11-2 O-11-3 O-12-1 O-13-1 O-13-2 O-13-3 O-13-4 O-13-5 O-13-6 O-13-7 Class 3 - Best Pair American Chicken 1st 2nd Best Pair American Chicken $9 $6 Class 4 - Best Female Asiatics Chicken 1st 2nd Brahmas $7 $5 Cochins $7 $5 Langshans $7 $5 Class 5 - Best Male Asiatics Chicken 1st 2nd Brahmas $7 $5 Cochins $7 $5 Langshans $7 $5 Class 6 - Best Pair Asiatics Chicken 1st 2nd Best Pair Asiatics Chicken $9 $6 Class 7 - Best Female English Chicken 1st 2nd Dorkings $7 $5 Cornish $7 $5 Orpingtons $7 $5 Sussex $7 $5 Class 8 - Best Male English Chicken 1st 2nd Best Pair English Chicken $7 $5 Best Pair Cornish Chicken $7 $5 Best Pair Orpington Chicken $7 $5 Best Pair Sussex Chicken $7 $5 Class 9 - Best Pair English Chicken 1st 2nd Dorkings $9 $6 Cornish $9 $6 Orpingtons $9 $6 Sussex $9 $6 Class 10 - Best Female Mediterranean Chicken 1st 2nd Leghorns $7 $5 Minorcas $7 $5 Spanish Anconas $7 $5 Class 11 - Best Male Mediterranean Chicken 1st 2nd Leghorns $7 $5 Minorcas $7 $5 Spanish Anconas $7 $5 Class 12 - Best Pair Mediterranean Chicken 1st 2nd Best Pair Mediterranean Chicken $9 $6 Class 13 - Best Female Continental Chicken 1st 2nd Hamburgs $7 $5 Campines $7 $5 Polish $7 $5 Houdans $7 $5 La Fleche $7 $5 Crevecours $7 $5 Favorolles $7 $5 O-14-1 O-14-2 O-14-3 O-14-4 O-14-5 O-14-6 O-14-7 Class 14 - Best Male Continental Chicken 1st 2nd Hamburgs $7 $5 Campines $7 $5 Polish $7 $5 Houdans $7 $5 La Fleche $7 $5 Crevecours $7 $5 Favorolles $7 $5 O-15-1 Best Pair Continental Chicken O-16-1 O-16-2 O-16-3 O-16-4 O-16-5 O-16-6 O-16-7 Sumatras Malays Cubalayas Phoenix Yokahamas Aseels Shamos O-17-1 Class 15 - Best Pair Continental Chicken 1st 2nd $9 $6 Class 16 - Best Female Oriental Chicken 1st 2nd $7 $5 $7 $5 $7 $5 $7 $5 $7 $5 $7 $5 $7 $5 Class 17 - Best Male Oriental Chicken 1st 2nd Sumatras $7 $5 O-17-2 O-17-3 O-17-4 O-17-5 O-17-6 O-17-7 $4 3rd $3 $3 $3 O-18-1 3rd $3 $3 $3 3rd $3 $3 $3 $3 3rd $4 $4 $4 $4 3rd $3 $3 $3 3rd $4 3rd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 3rd $4 3rd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 3rd $3 62 3rd $4 O-21-1 O-21-2 O-21-3 3rd $4 $4 $4 O-22-1 O-22-2 O-22-3 O-22-4 O-22-5 O-22-6 O-22-7 Class 22 - Best Female Other Bantams 1st 2nd Modern Games $7 $5 Old English Games $7 $5 Japanese $7 $5 Mille Fleur $7 $5 Silkies $7 $5 Golden Seabright $7 $5 Silver Seabright $7 $5 O-24-1 O-24-2 3rd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 Class 18 - Best Pair Oriental Chicken 1st 2nd Best Pair Oriental Chicken $9 $6 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 Class 21 - Best Pair Misc. Chicken 1st 2nd Best Pair Misc. Chicken $9 $6 Blacksex Link Female $9 $6 Blacksex Link Male $9 $6 O-23-1 O-23-2 O-23-3 O-23-4 O-23-5 O-23-6 O-23-7 3rd $3 $3 $3 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 3rd $3 $3 $3 $3 O-20-1 O-20-2 O-20-3 O-20-4 3rd $3 $3 $3 $3 $7 $7 $7 $7 $7 $7 Class 19 - Best Female Misc. Chicken 1st 2nd Sultans $7 $5 Frizzles $7 $5 Naked Necks $7 $5 Araucanas $7 $5 O-19-1 O-19-2 O-19-3 O-19-4 3rd $4 Malays Cubalayas Phoenix Yokahamas Aseels Shamos Class 20 - Best Male Misc. Chicken 1st 2nd Sultans $7 $5 Frizzles $7 $5 Naked Necks $7 $5 Araucanas $7 $5 Class 23 - Best Male Other Bantams 1st 2nd Modern Games $7 $5 Old English Games $7 $5 Japanese $7 $5 Mille Fleur $7 $5 Silkies $7 $5 Golden Seabright $7 $5 Silver Seabright $7 $5 Class 24 - Best Pair Other Bantams 1st 2nd Best Pair Other Bantams $9 $6 Hen with Baby Chicks $9 $6 O-25-1 Class 25 - Best Pair Other Bantams - A.B. 1st 2nd Best Pair Other Bantams - A.B. $9 $6 O-26-1 Guineas O-27-1 Guineas O-28-1 Guineas O-29-1 O-29-2 O-29-3 Talouse Embden African O-30-1 O-30-2 O-30-3 Talouse Embden African O-31-1 Class 26 - Best Female Guineas 1st 2nd $7 $5 Class 27 - Best Male Guineas 1st $7 Class 28 - Best Pair Guineas 1st $9 2nd $5 2nd $6 Class 29 - Best Female Heavy Geese 1st 2nd $9 $6 $9 $6 $9 $6 Class 30 - Best Male Heavy Geese 1st 2nd $9 $6 $9 $6 $9 $6 Class 31 - Best Pair Heavy Geese 1st 2nd Best Pair Heavy Geese $11 $8 3rd $3 $3 $3 $3 3rd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 3rd $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 3rd $4 $4 3rd $4 3rd $3 3rd $3 3rd $4 3rd $4 $4 $4 3rd $4 $4 $4 3rd $6 O-32-1 O-32-2 O-32-3 O-32-4 O-33-1 O-33-2 O-33-3 O-33-4 Class 32 - Best Female Medium Geese 1st 2nd Sebastopol $9 $6 Pilgrim $9 $6 American $9 $6 Pomeranian $9 $6 Class 33 - Best Male Medium Geese 1st 2nd Sebastopol $9 $6 Pilgrim $9 $6 American $9 $6 Pomeranian $9 $6 O-34-1 Class 34 - Best Pair Medium Geese 1st 2nd Best Pair Medium Geese $11 $8 O-35-1 O-35-2 O-35-3 O-35-4 Chinese Roman Canada Egyptian O-36-1 O-36-2 O-36-3 O-36-4 Chinese Roman Canada Egyptian Class 36 - Best Male Medium Geese 1st 2nd $9 $6 $9 $6 $9 $6 $9 $6 O-37-1 Class 37 - Best Pair Light Geese 1st 2nd Best Pair Light Geese $11 $8 O-38-1 O-38-2 O-38-3 O-38-4 Pekin Alyesbury Rouen Muscovy Class 38 - Best Female Heavy Ducks 1st 2nd $9 $6 $9 $6 $9 $6 $9 $6 O-39-1 O-39-2 O-39-3 O-39-4 Pekin Alyesbury Rouen Muscovy Class 35 - Best Male Light Geese 1st $9 $9 $9 $9 2nd $6 $6 $6 $6 Class 39 - Best Male Heavy Ducks 1st 2nd $9 $6 $9 $6 $9 $6 $9 $6 O-40-1 Class 40 - Best Pair Heavy Ducks 1st 2nd Best Pair Heavy Ducks $11 $8 O-41-1 O-41-2 O-41-3 O-41-4 Cayuga Crested Swedish Buff O-42-1 O-42-2 O-42-3 O-42-4 Cayuga Crested Swedish Buff O-43-1 Class 41 - Best Female Medium Ducks 1st 2nd $9 $6 $9 $6 $9 $6 $9 $6 Class 42 - Best Male Medium Ducks 1st 2nd $9 $6 $9 $6 $9 $6 $9 $6 Class 43 - Best Pair Medium Ducks 1st 2nd Best Pair Medium Ducks $11 $8 O-44-1 O-44-2 O-44-3 O-44-4 O-44-5 O-44-6 Runners Campbell Magpie Call East India Mallard O-45-1 O-45-2 O-45-3 O-45-4 O-45-5 O-45-6 Runners Campbell Magpie Call East India Mallard Class 44 - Best Female Light Ducks 1st 2nd $9 $6 $9 $6 $9 $6 $9 $6 $9 $6 $9 $6 Class 45 - Best Male Light Ducks 1st $9 $9 $9 $9 $9 $9 2nd $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 3rd $4 $4 $4 $4 3rd $4 $4 $4 $4 3rd $6 3rd $4 $4 $4 $4 3rd $4 $4 $4 $4 3rd $6 3rd $4 $4 $4 $4 3rd $4 $4 $4 $4 3rd $6 3rd $4 $4 $4 $4 3rd $4 $4 $4 $4 3rd $6 3rd $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 3rd $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 63 O-46-1 Class 46 - Best Pair Light Ducks 1st 2nd Best Pair Light Ducks $11 $8 O-47-1 Turkey O-48-1 Turkey O-49-1 Turkeys O-50-1 Turkey O-51-1 Turkey O-52-1 Turkeys O-53-1 Turkey O-54-1 Turkey O-55-1 Other Turkey O-56-1 Peafowl O-57-1 Peafowl O-58-1 Peafowl O-59-1 O-59-2 Rollers Homers O-60-1 O-60-2 Rollers Homers O-61-1 Rollers O-62-1 Fantails O-63-1 Fantails O-64-1 Fantails O-65-1 O-65-2 Jacobbean Helmets O-66-1 O-66-2 Jacobbean Helmets Class 47 - Best Hen, Bronze Turkey 1st 2nd $9 $6 Class 48 - Best Male, Bronze Turkey 1st 2nd $9 $6 Class 49 - Best Pair, Bronze Turkeys 1st 2nd $11 $8 Class 50 - Best Hen, White Turkey 1st 2nd $9 $6 Class 51 - Best Male, White Turkey 1st 2nd $9 $6 Class 52 - Best Pair, White Turkeys 1st 2nd $11 $8 Class 53 - Black Spanish Turkey 1st 2nd $9 $6 Class 54 - Burbourn Red Turkey 1st 2nd $9 $6 Class 55 - Turkey (Other) 1st $9 2nd $6 Class 57 - Best Male Peafowl 1st $7 2nd $5 Class 59 - Best Female Pigeon 1st $7 $7 2nd $5 $5 Class 56 - Best Female Peafowl 1st 2nd $7 $5 Class 58 - Best Pair Peafowl 1st $9 Class 60 - Best Male Pigeon 1st $7 $7 Class 61 - Best Pair Pigeon 1st $9 Class 62 - Best Female Pigeon 1st $7 Class 63 - Best Male Pigeon 1st $7 Class 64 - Best Pair Pigeons 1st $9 Class 65 - Best Female Pigeon 1st $7 $7 Class 66 - Best Male Pigeon 1st $7 $7 O-67-1 Class 67 - Best Pair Pigeons 1st Best Pair Pigeons $9 O-68-1 Other Class 68 - Best Female Pigeon 1st $7 2nd $6 2nd $5 $5 2nd $6 2nd $5 2nd $5 2nd $6 2nd $5 $5 2nd $5 $5 2nd $6 2nd $5 3rd $6 3rd $4 3rd $4 3rd $6 3rd $4 3rd $4 3rd $6 3rd $4 3rd $4 3rd $4 3rd $3 3rd $3 3rd $4 3rd $3 $3 3rd $3 $3 3rd $4 3rd $3 3rd $3 3rd $4 3rd $3 $3 3rd $3 $3 3rd $4 3rd $3 O-69-1 Class 69 - Best Male Pigeon 1st $7 Other 2nd $5 3rd $3 Class 71 - Best Female Large Bird 1st 2nd $10 $5 $10 $5 $10 $5 3rd $3 $3 $3 O-70-1 Class 70 - Best Pair Pigeon 1st Best Pair Pigeon Other $9 O-71-1 O-71-2 O-71-3 Ostrich Emu Rheas O-72-1 O-72-2 O-72-3 Ostrich Emu Rheas 2nd $6 Class 72 - Best Male Large Bird 1st $10 $10 $10 2nd $5 $5 $5 Class 74 - Best Female Dove 1st $7 2nd $5 O-73-1 Class 73 - Best Pair Large Bird 1st 2nd Best Large Bird $15 $10 O-74-1 Dove O-75-1 Dove Class 75 - Best Male Dove 1st $7 O-76-1 Class 76 - Best Pair Doves 1st Best Pair Doves $9 O-77-1 Quail O-78-1 Quail Class 77 - Best Female Quail 1st $7 Class 78 - Best Male Quail 1st $7 O-79-1 Class 79 - Best Pair Quail 1st Best Pair Quails $9 O-80-1 Pheasant O-81-1 Pheasant 2nd $5 2nd $6 2nd $5 2nd $5 2nd $6 Class 80 - Best Female Pheasant 1st 2nd $7 $5 Class 81 - Best Male Pheasant 1st $7 2nd $5 O-82-1 Class 82 - Best Pair Pheasants 1st 2nd est Pair Pheasants $9 $6 P-1-1 P-1-2 P-1-3 Buck Doe Pen of Two Rabbits RABBITS – DEPARTMENT P– Class 1 - Meat-Type Rabbit 1st $7 $7 $7 P-2-1 P-2-2 P-2-3 Class 2 - Fur-Type Rabbit 1st Buck $7 Doe $7 Pen of Two Rabbits $7 Q-1-1 Q-1-2 Q-1-3 Mature Ewe, All Breeds Ewe Lamb Wether 3rd $3 $3 $3 3rd $5 3rd $3 3rd $3 3rd $4 3rd $3 3rd $3 3rd $4 3rd $3 $3 $3 2nd $5 $5 $5 3rd $3 $3 $3 2nd $10 $10 $10 3rd $5 $5 $5 Class 3 - Farm Tools 1st $12 $12 $12 2nd $8 $8 $8 3rd $5 $5 $5 Misc. Machines R-3-1 R-3-2 R-3-3 Small Medium Large Class 2 - Machines 1st $12 Class 4 - Household Tools 1st Iron, Clock, Telephone, etc. $12 Class 5 - Kitchen Implements 1st Pots, Pans, Jars, etc. $12 Dishes, Glasses, Jars, etc. $12 Class 6 - Household Items 1st Dolls $12 Disney $12 Books $12 Toys, etc. $12 Jewelry $12 Trinkets, etc. $12 Glass Items, Vases, etc. $12 Personal Items, $12 Example: eyeglasses, etc. R-7-1 R-7-2 R-7-3 Cola Bottles Medicine Miscellaneous R-8-1 Misc. Items V-1-1 64 3rd $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 R-2-1 R-6-1 R-6-2 R-6-3 R-6-4 R-6-5 R-6-6 R-6-7 R-6-8 3rd $3 2nd $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 Tillage Planting Harvesting Processing (Grinders, etc.) Wagons, Sleds and Carts Steam Tractors Internal Combustion Tractors Stationary Engines Track and Walking Tractors R-5-1 R-5-2 3rd $4 1st $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 R-1-1 R-1-2 R-1-3 R-1-4 R-1-5 R-1-6 R-1-7 R-1-8 R-1-9 R-4-1 3rd $3 2nd $5 $5 $5 SHEEP – DEPARTMENT Q– Class 1 - Sheep (No Rams) 1st $15 $15 $15 3rd $4 ANTIQUES – DEPARTMENT R– Class 1 - Farming Class 7 - Bottles 1st $12 $12 $12 Class 8 - Miscellaneous Items 1st $12 2nd $8 2nd $8 3rd $5 3rd $5 2nd $8 $8 3rd $5 $5 2nd $8 $8 $8 3rd $5 $5 $5 2nd $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 2nd $8 OTHER AMINALS – DEPARTMENT V$15– Buffalo $20 3rd $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 3rd $5 $10 CANNING FAIR RULES AND REGULATIONS 2011 (Adapted from the NC State Fair Rules and Regulations) Food Preservation Products RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. In order to award premiums on a quality basis, all containers except canned fruits and vegetables may be opened. Any canned fruit or vegetable that resembles a commercial product may be opened for testing. 2. EXHIBITS WILL BE RULED OUT WHEN NOT IN STANDARD CANNING JARS OF THE SPECIFIED SIZE. Please include the ring with two-piece lid jars. 3. Unless an article is of good quality, no premiums will be awarded. 4. All products must be processed according to recognized safe methods found in the current editions of the USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning or the Ball Blue Book. 5. All jars must be labeled as to contents, processing method (pressure canner or boiling water bath) processing time and processing date. ENTRIES WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IF NOT LABELED. Sample Labels: Contents: Peaches - Hot Packed Processing Method: Boiling Water Bath Processing Time: 25 Minutes at 0-1000 feet Date Processed: September 2010 DRIED PRODUCTS Contents: Apricots Processing Method: Dehydrator Dried Processing Time: 8 hours Date Processed: July 2010 Contents: Green Beans Processing method: Hot Pack, Pressure Canned at 10 pounds Processing Time: 25 Minutes at 0-1000 feet Processing Date: July 2010 CRITERIA FOR JUDGING: I. Color ...............................................................20 points II. Liquid .............................................................10 points III. Appearance...................................................40 points IV. Appropriate size............................................10 points V. Pack...............................................................10 points VI. Jar fill ...........................................................10 points • That of natural fruit or vegetable. • Appropriate for product and method of processing. • Uniformly well-ripened products; no defective or over-ripe fruits or vegetables. Only young fruits and vegetables should be canned. • Uniformity of shape and size appropriate for product • Arrangement with reference to symmetry and best use of space within the jar. Attractiveness of pack should be considered but not time-wasting fancy packs. • Containers should be filled to level specified by standard recommendations. PRESERVES (HALF PINT OR PINT JARS) Preserves contain whole fruits or fruit pieces that retain their shape and are clear, shiny, tender and plump. The fruits are suspended in clear syrup that is the consistency of honey or soft jelly. These products should be filled to within 1/4 inch of top of standard canning jars and must be processed in a boiling water bath for airtight seal (no paraffin). CRITERIA FOR JUDGING I. Shape................................................................10 point II. Clearness and Color ......................................25 points III. Flavor ............................................................30 points IV. Texture..........................................................10 points V. Pack and Fill ....................................................5 points VI. Consistency ..................................................10 points VII. Proportion of Syrup to Fruit..........................10 points • Small fruit should be whole and have original shape as nearly as possible; larger fruits should maintain sliced shape • Fruit should be translucent and not too dark; liquid should be clear. • Natural fruit flavor, not overpowered with too much sugar • Tender, but firm and plump • Arrangement of fruit with reference to symmetry of jar; filled to 1/4" of top, water bath processed • Juice should be of honey consistency or slightly jellied • Two-thirds fruit and one-third syrup JAMS, CONSERVES, MARMALADES AND BUTTERS (HALF-PINT OR PINT JARS) Jams are made from crushed fruits cooked to a smooth consistency that will mound up on a spoon but not jelly firm. Conserves are fruit mixtures of jam consistency often containing citrus. A true conserve contains nuts and raisins. Marmalades contain small pieces of fruit or citrus peel evenly suspended in a transparent soft jelly. Butters are pureed fruit cooked to a smooth consistency. These products should be filled to 1/4" of top of standard canning jars and must be processed in a boiling water bath for airtight seal (no paraffin). CRITERIA FOR JUDGING I. Smoothness ....................................................20 points II. Flavor .............................................................35 points III. Consistency and Texture ..............................30 points IV. Color and Clearness.....................................10 points V. Jar Fill / Process ..............................................5 points • Tender fruit with smooth texture • Natural fruit flavor, not overpowered with added ingredients or spices • Tender and will mound in spoon; not tough, sticky, or gummy; spreads easily • Shiny fruit color; marmalades clear with suspended citrus • Filled jars to 1/4" of top of standard canning jars and water bath processed CRITERIA FOR JUDGING: I. Color................................................................10 points II. Clearness.......................................................10 points III. Crystals .........................................................10 points IV. Flavor............................................................30 points V. Consistency ...................................................35 points VI. Jar Fill / Process .............................................5 points • Pronounced, yet natural color • Transparent and sparkling • Lack of crystals; no sign of crystallization • Natural fruit flavor • Tender; breaks with distinct cleavage, angles hold shape; should not be syrupy, sticky, or tough • Fill jars to 1/4" of top of standard canning jars and process in boiling water bath CRITERIA FOR JUDGING I. Color ...............................................................20 points II. Stability...........................................................15 points III. Absence of Defects.......................................15 points IV. Flavor............................................................45 points V. Container ........................................................5 points • Typical color of well-ripened tomatoes or fruit • Little or no tendency to separate after standing a few minutes • No particles of fiber, skin or seed • Typical ripe tomato or fruit flavor; no objectionable “off” flavor • Juices in standard canning jars that have been water bath processed and have airtight seals CRITERIA FOR JUDGING I. Size and Shape...............................................10 points II. Flavor .............................................................30 points III. Texture..........................................................30 points IV. Color .............................................................15 points V. Proportion of Pickle to Liquid.........................10 points VI. Jar Fill / Process .............................................5 points • uniform size and shape • natural flavor, not over-spiced • firm, not tough, not soft • as near natural color as possible (unless specified) • jars filled with pickles; liquid to cover and fill spaces • standard canning jars should be filled to 1/2" of top and processed in boiling water bath JELLY (HALF-PINT OR PINT JARS) ALL JUICES FOR JELLIES MUST BE HOME PREPARED. NO COMMERCIAL JUICE MAY BE USED, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. JUICES & SYRUPS (PINT OR QUART JARS) PICKLES, RELISHES, CHUTNEYS, SALSAS AND SAUCES (HALF-PINT, PINT JARS, OR QUART JARS) For more information, contact: Janice Fields Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Sciences, Robeson County Center, North Carolina Cooperative Extension, P.O. Box 2280, Lumberton, NC 28359-2280 910-671-3276 (office); 910-671-6278 (fax) • 65 HOME EXHIBIT ENTRY FORM ROBESON REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL FAIR - LUMBERTON, NC The Fair Board assumes no responsibility in case of loss or damage to items or exhibits for any reason. Entries will be accepted on the condition that the person submitting agrees to the above statement. NAME:______________________________________________________ ADDRESS:__________________________________________________ CITY, ZIP:___________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________________________ EMAIL:______________________________________________________ 66 Exhibitor’s No. Ty s o n ’ s D i n e r Check out our booth at the fair! Come try our Old Fashion Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Fries and more! 2303 North Pine Street Lumberton, North Carolina Mike Tyson Thank you for your continued support H.T. “Tom” TAYLOR, JR. COUNTY COMMISSIONER District 7 910.272.9696 BIGGS PARK MALL The employees and Cathy Lewis, Manager, Gift Certificates Available Thank You for your continued support. We will continue to serve our customers with friendly downtown service. 2800 N. Elm Street | Lumberton, NC (910) 671-0028 WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! 302 CHESTNUT STREET | LUMBERTON ON-THE-PLAZA DOWNTOWN 738-1492 Gill Security Systems, Inc. Protecting What You Can’t Replace 24-Hour Monitoring as low as per month $17.00 Complete Alarm Systems Residential or Commercial 1965 North Roberts Avenue • Lumberton, NC SEE OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY ONLINE! The Bargain House New & Used Furniture Good Clean Used Appliances Over 55 Years of Experience 9 0 D ay Wa r r a n t y O n A l l A p p l i a n c e s Still Doing Business Like “HT” 1403 - 5 East 5th St., • Lumberton, NC • 739-5692 • Security Systems • Fire Systems • Camera Systems • Card Access Systems No phone line required to have a monitored security system. CALL MARVIN STEPHENS 910-433-2868 or Brighten your days with Huge Savings! Quality Value BRAND NAMES SUCH AS… Customer Temp-tations, Thomas Pacconi, Paula Deen, Royal Palace, Slatkin & Co, Satisfaction 50%-60% Off “As Seen on TV” Items Clothing & Such KitchenAid, Lori Greiner, & many more! Lumberton 910.618.0200 | Laurinburg 910.277.9954 Fairmont 910.628.5444 or 910.628.0575 Fayetteville 910.424.3900 This is the day the lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 M/C, Visa, Discover, and Debit Cards Accepted
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