1_Mr. Bessonov - GRFC 2014, 23
1_Mr. Bessonov - GRFC 2014, 23
Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators Gennady Bessonov, CCTT Secretary General Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators Integrated multimodal network Integrated multimodal services connect sea ports and terminals of Europe, Russia and the Asia-Pacific Region and can deliver a container from North Atlantic shores to the Pacific. (2) Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators Changes in through container traffic on the TSR 1999-2013 800 000 700 000 600 000 500 000 400 000 300 000 200 000 100 000 0 (3) 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 В межд. cообщ. Internat.traffic 71 505 127 961 150 370 205 893 306 894 398 216 392 750 351 695 620 831 604 710 267 062 442 862 553 215 643 308 705 745 В.т.ч. транзит Incl. transit 34 623 55 351 67 297 70 568 117 136 155 381 124 960 39 880 38 043 29 028 18 058 32 407 45 608 102 094 117 383 Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators International highhigh-capacity container traffic on the TSR ((empty empty and loaded, loaded, TEU) 1Q 2014 1Q 2013 Import 78 083 Export 64 650 Transit 25 004 In 1Q 2013 TSM international container traffic totalled 167 737 TEU (4) +19,07% Export 76 979 -11,92% Import 68 774 Transit +22,53% 30 638 In 1Q 2014 TSM international container traffic totalled 176 391 TEU, up 5.2% from 2013. Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators High-capacity container traffic between Russia and APR countries. High1Q 2013 – 1Q 2014, TEU (+ (+8 8%) 120 000 103 159 95 934 100 000 80 000 (+ (+11 11%) %) 49 304 44 431 60 000 40 000 18 154 13 898 20 000 0 1Q 2013 Russia - China (5) 1Q 2014 Russia - Japan Russia - Republic of Korea (+ (+31 31%) %) Transport products on the TSR: China – Russia – Europe (6) Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators Current significant trade flows between NorthNorth-Western Europe, Eastern Europe (Baltic States) and mainland Asia (7) Source : Panteia Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators Mercury service BALTIC TRANSIT Riga Express, Eurasia 1|2 Operator : SRR AS (8) Source : LIETUVOS GELEŽINKELIAI Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators Comparison of the logistics efficiency in Russia and foreign countries Relative expenses for logistics in Russia are higher than in other countries Logistics expenses, % from GDP General logistics efficiency is also losing Efficiency rate of logistics in 2014 Germany China Russia France Brasil Belgium India France Great Britain UN Italy Japan USA Germany Kazakhstan Russia Nominal GDP in 2011, billion dollars (9) Source : BCG Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators Market structure of the transport and logistics services Effective business-model drivers Integrated logistics Integrated logistics (4PL) supply management Contract logistics (complex 3PL) Complex service made upon client’s demand Optimal routes choosing Warehouse services Overland forwarding Mainline R/w transp. Aero and sea forwarding Sea transp. Aero transp. “last mile” Rolling stock Hauling Trucks Terminals Warehouse Freight forwarding (base 3PL) Freight transportation (2PL) Tankers Bulkers Airplanes Ports Airports (10) Source : BCG Infrastructure provision Efficiency of cost and service quality Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators Outsourcing share in word practice by elements of logistics 10-20% of companies have functions on outsourcing 20-50% of companies have functions on outsourcing More than 50% of companies have functions on outsourcing International transp. 78% National transp. 71% Forwarding 57% Customs support 48% Incoming logistics Warehou sing Internal logistics man-t Planning and management 23% Delivery invoice payment 17% Consulting 11% Fleet control 10% 4PL-services 9% Production & internal resources Warehou sing Outgoing logistics Requests handling Packaging, marking, assembling 24% Resource management 21% IT-services 15% (11) Source : BCG Client support Reverse logistics Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators 1. Transit time guarantee (12) Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators 2. Efficiency of customs procedures Burden of customs procedure, WEF (1=extremely inefficient to 7=extremely efficient) (13) Source: GTE Documents to export (number) Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators Main reasons for cargo detention on borders Incorrect execution of carriage and commercial documents 56% Untimely provision of cargo consignment by empty rolling 12% stock Technical errors 7% Commercial errors 8% Problems of customs processing Malfunctions of infrastructure Problems with regulatory documents 9% 7% 1% (14) Source: InterRail TSES 1% 9% 7% 8% 7% 12% 56% Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators 3. Transparency of the final transportation cost I. By railway transport via TSM through Zabaikalsk and Naushki border crossings. 1 2 3 4 5 1. Railway infrastructure tariffs: Railways of China, KTZ, RZD, BCh, PKP, DB. 2. Container flatcar rent 3. Security 4. Additional charge (handling, customs control, station charge etc.) 5. Operator’s commission II. Intermodal transport on the TSR the through Far East ports (sea + railway). 1 2 3 1. Sea freight 2. Stevedore's charges 3. Terminal services 4. Railway infrastructure tariffs: Railways of China, KTZ, RZD, BCh, PKP, DB. (15) 4 5 6 7 8 5. Container flatcar rent 6. Security 7. Additional charge (handling, customs control, station charge etc.) 8. Operator’s commission Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators Tariff policy for freight transport by container trains between China to Europe (40’ own) 7 069 km Osinovka/Krasnoe Brest 2 058 km 609 km Zabaikalsk/ Manzhouli Kanisai/Iletsk 3 025 km Dostyk/Alashankou Zabaikalsk – Krasnoe (1 044 CHF) Krasnoe – Zabaikalsk (464 CHF) Osinovka – Brest or return (230 CHF) Dostyk – Iletsk or return (859 CHF) Kanisai – Krasnoe or return (576 CHF) (16) China Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators 4. Unified legal framework SMGS Unified Rail Transport Law COTIF/CIM (17) Source: CIT Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators 5. Cargo security control Cargo transferring scheme (18) Problems of cargo security between cargo transfer points in the border area Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators Conceptual scheme of a system for security control and transit traffic monitoring IRIDIUM, INMARSAT GLOBALSTAR Railways Customs CCAST UIC/CCTT CCAST CC Internet Emergency mode MESC ЦЭТО ЦЭТО Regular mode Internet Central subsystem (MESC) GSM-operators Regional subsystem MESC – maintenance & engineering support centre CCAST UIC/CCTT – centre for coordinating and analytical solutions on transit traffic (19) CCAST CC - centre for coordinating and analytical solutions on transit traffic in terms of customs control Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators S2 WP5 Multimodality WP24 CIM/SMGS Commissions I, II, III GTE CCTT IC WG (20) Security BIRC CCTT IT WG Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators CCTT cooperation with international organizations OSJD, UIC, EurAsEC, ITC UNECE, CIT Information support Legislative and judical support Fare conditions Technological support Carriers, Rolling stock operators International + multimodal operators, Regulatory bodies Infrastructure Rolling stock Proposals for the improvement of transport and logistics products (21) Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators & cooperation - Global Team of Experts (GTE) SECURITY - Security BIRC BIRC - Standardization (22) Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators Freight corridors integration (23) Transsib Transport Corridor: Key Performance Indicators Service regularity Improvement of the regulatory framework Stable and competitive tariff TARGET PRIORITIES OF A MODERN TRANSPORT PRODUCT New infrastructure opportunities (24) Introduction of new technologies Thank you for your attention! CCTT Secretary General Gennady Bessonov info@icctt.com
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