Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport
Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport
Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network Ad hoc Expert Group Meeting on Facilitation of International Railway Transport Bangkok, 12‐13 March 2015 Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network CCTT: working for the integration of the Trans‐Siberian service State and municipal authorities Railways Service companies Ports Operators & Forwarders Shipping companies Currently CCTT has 100 members from 25 countries (railways and shipping companies, operators and forwarders, ports and stevedoring companies, state organizations, administrations and municipalities, telecom and marketing companies, insuring companies, as well as security services and media) 2 Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network TSR: integrated multimodal network Integrated multimodal services connect sea ports and terminals of Europe, Russia and the Asia‐Pacific Region and can deliver a container from North Atlantic shores to the Pacific. 3 Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network Dynamics of transit container transportation on TSM, 1999 ‐ 2014, TEU 800 000 700 000 600 000 500 000 400 000 300 000 200 000 100 000 0 4 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 В межд. cообщ. Internat.traffic 71 505 127 961 150 370 205 893 306 894 398 216 392 750 351 695 620 831 604 710 267 062 442 862 553 215 643 308 706 042 726 184 В.т.ч. транзит Incl. transit 34 623 55 351 67 297 70 568 117 136 155 381 124 960 39 880 38 043 29 028 18 058 32 407 45 608 102 094 117 467 131 246 Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network Volumes of international container transportation on TSM, 2013‐2014, TEU 2013 Export 272 228 2014 Import 316 347 Transit 117 467 5 +14,60% Export 311 971 ‐10,55% Import 282 967 Transit +11,73% 131 246 Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network Volumes of container cargo transportation between Russia and Asia‐Pacific, 2013 – 2014, TEU 6 Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network Dynamics of foreign trade volume change 2011 $739 billion Trade volume growth 2020 1,6 times $1 200 billion 2011 2020 USD bln Trade volume growth between China and EC from 117 mln. tonnes up to 170 mln. tonnes till 2020 China ЕС 567 800 Russia China 83,5 200 Turkey China 24 100 Russia Central Asia 42 60 Kazakhstan China 22,5 40 7 Source: Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network A considerable increase in freight transportation volumes between China and EC is expected by 2020 Freight transportation volumes between China and EC, mln tonnes Freight transportation volumes between China and EC, $ bln +45% +63% 1 200 170 117 2013 738 2020 2013 2020 What is needed to be done to develop railway transit through Common Economic Space? Source: BCG Analysis 8 Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network Target priorities of modern transport product Stable and competitive tariff Perfection of normative legal base Service regularity New infrastructure opportunities Introduction of new technology 9 Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network Broadening infrastructure possibilities Berlin KIEV Prague FRANCE Vienne Bratislava Budapest Берн Ljubljana Zagreb route length ≈ 390-430 km potential volume 16÷24 mln.tons Railway route construction project with a 1520 rail gage till Bratislava‐Vienna The project on Trans‐Siberian and Trans‐ Korean mainlines connection 10 Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network Container train – base technology of Trans‐Siberian transportations Transportation volumes as a part of container train, thousand, TEU +26,5% 846 192 260 2006 2007 361 300 2008 2009 476 2010 987 572 2011 2012 2013 11 Source: TransContainer Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network Modernization of container terminals network on Transsib for container trains technology TransContainer container terminals network capacity and forecasted flow Nizhnevartovsk Lagernaya Moscow Tov..Pav. Ekaterinburg – Tov.. 5000 Bazaikha 55% 55% 55% 56% 58% 2371 2455 2572 2740 2935 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 4000 63% 68% 74% 79% 3000 2000 1000 2935 2935 2935 2935 2017 2018 2019 2020 0 1 1 2 2 6 3 4 5 Capacity Мощность Loading Загрузка 1 3 1 0 8 1 1 7 9 1 TransContainer terminal Kostarikha Vladikavkaz cluster Blagoveshensk Blochnaya Reconstructing terminal Kleschikha Batareinaya Khabarovsk 2 12 Source: TransContainer Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network Terminals investments create infrastructure conditions for expanding block‐trains technology use Калининград-С Санкт-Пет-Фин Архангельск Санкт-Пет-Вит Ust-Luga Тверь 1 0 0 Рос сия Кунцево-2 1 0 0 Крас ное Польш а Дуйсбу рг Бр ест Беларус ь 5 0 7 5 25 Paveletskaya 3’727 ДФЭ Ханты-Мансийск Сузе мка Пермь Герман ия Ве на Австр До бр а Украи на 410 ДФЭ 1938 ДФЭ Investments 0.612 bln. rub. Нижний Тагил Ekaterinburg ия 1051 ДФЭ Екатеринбург Тюмень 5’315 ДФЭ 1’320 ДФЭ 121 ДФЭ Курган Челябинск Bazaikha Омск-Вост. Клещиха Барнаул 13 Source: TransContainer Батарейная Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network Import from Central and Western Chinese provinces is gravitated toward railway route through the territory of Kazakhstan and Russia Industrial hubs of Western and Central provinces and key transport arteries of China Lanzou biochemistry and medicine, petrochemistry, colored metal Routes’ comparison from Chongqing to Duisburg Distance Time Sea route ~ 20 000 km 45‐60 days r/w route through Dostyk ~10 700 km 21 days 16‐17 days (after optim.) r/w route through Zabaikalsk ~ 12 800 km 32 days Baotou Metallurgy, machinery Маньчжурия (Забайкальск) Алашанькоу (Dostyk) Урумчи Баотоу Urumchi agriculture Циндао Ланьчжоу Баоцзи Chongqing " silicone valley" Guizou aerospace technics Чэнду Далянь По морю Сиань Чунцин Шанхай Xi’an Chemicals, agriculture Куньминa Гонконг Large city Largest industrial hubs Border crossing Sea port Railway Provinces of W region development progr. River beneficial Source: China Western Development planning 2011‐2015; BCG Source: 14 Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network Transit routes of the Eurasian transport connection Duisburg Lodz Dobra Novorossiysk • • Hamburg • Warsaw • St. Petersburg Brest • • Moscow Brest – Zabaikalsk, Zabaikalsk – Brest, 12 days Chongqing – Duisburg, 14‐16 days Suzhou – Warsaw, 13 days Chengdu – Lodz, 10‐13 days Zhengzhou – Hamburg, 15 days Pusan – Brest/Dobra, 24 days Vladivostok Iletzk Naushki Dostyk Zabaikalsk Zamyn‐Uud Zhengzhou - Application of unified CIM/SMGS consignment note - Successful test transportation of high technology electronics in reefer containers during the winter period 15 Chengdu Chongqing Source: RZD Nakhodka Suzhou Pusan Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network Broadening the use of CIM/SMGS common consignment note Chongqing (China) – Duisburg (Germany) Weekly container service Total distance ‐ 10796 km Transit time ‐ 15‐16 days Average speed ‐ 690 km/day. Duisburg Brest Ileck Dostyk CIM/SMGS application speeds up border crossing, decreases car detention on borders Chóngqìng … 10 15 20 25 … days 16 Source: TransContainer Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network The electronic document passes the train ahead 1. Transfer of the electronic document to the border‐crossing point 2. Border control (Inspection of the document) 4. The electronic document 3. Mistake detected 7. No mistakes returned to the sender 5. Electronic document correction GO 6. Transfer of the corrected electronic document to the border‐crossing point 17 Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network Acceleration of customs clearance technology Finland Москва СПб Brest Защита Забайкальск Хабаровск Kazakhstan Dostyk Добра Mongolia Vostochny port Uzbekistan Находка Beijing Tadzhikistan China Average container staying time in Vostochny port Шанхай 18 16 14 Days 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 dates 18 Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network Providing security control and transit traffic monitoring IRIDIUM, INMARSAT GLOBALSTAR Internet Regional subsystem Emergency mode Regular mode Internet GSM-operators 19 Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network Облегчение пересечения границ Border‐crossing facilitation Организация перевозок Азия – Европа Asia – Europe transportation organization Внедрение унифицированной накладной ЦИМ/СМГС CIM/SMGS unified consignment note implementation Global Team Experts (GTE) Security BIRC (Совместная Памятка КСТП/МСЖД «Электронные пломбы») (CCTT/UIC common memo on MMNC) Правовая гармонизация Legal harmonization Мультимодальность Multimodality Проект «Евро‐Азиатские Транспортные Связи» (EATL) The Euro‐Asian Transport Links (EATL) project Единое транспортное право Common transportation law Проект «Транс‐Европейская железная дорога» (TER) Trans‐European Railway (TER) Project 20 Transsib Transport Corridor: Integration in the Global Transport Network TSR global view: connecting transport systems of APR countries, 1520 and Europe. Unified technology, pricing principle and traffic schedule. 21 Thank you for your attention! CCTT Secretary General Mr. Gennady Bessonov 22
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