Routes into Education - Higher Education Academy


Routes into Education - Higher Education Academy
Routes into
Te a c h i n g a n d E a r l y Ye a r s
in Kent and Medway
w w w. a h k a n d m . a c . u k
Do you have a lot of patience, enthusiasm and
a desire to help others learn and grow? If so, a
career in education might be for you! Whether
it is teaching science at secondary school,
Portuguese at primary school or helping
toddlers take their first steps, there are many
options within teaching and early years worth
In this booklet you will find information about
the opportunities available in Kent and Medway
to get the qualifications you need. Many of the
courses are flexible and even family friendly.
The government has recognized the
Some students choose to take a year or two
growing need for teachers, especially
out before taking a second, or even a third
in areas such as science, maths and
course. Of course this means you’re always
languages; and there may be special
improving your career and pay prospects as
incentives available in these areas.
Take a look at the progression maps
enclosed at the back of this booklet:
one gives a route into teaching
and the other into early years
and educational support. The
maps indicate which courses are
available where and what type of
employment or further courses they
can lead on to. Please seek advice
before enrolling on a course to make
sure it is the best one for you.
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Which Career?
There are many different jobs in the primary and
secondary education sectors as well as in early
years. The following are just a few examples of
jobs in this field to get you started:
Please see Early Years and Education Support map in the back of this booklet to get started
Cares for children in the carer’s home- may involve multiple
families at once.
Maternity Nurse
Helps new mothers in all aspects of caring for the newborn,
ranging from advice on breast feeding to establishing a routine
and bathing, and helping mum get back on her feet. They are
usually very experienced nannies and are on duty 24 hours a day,
6 days a week.
Cares for children in children’s home – may be a live in position.
Nursery Nurse
Works in child care centres and hospitals, working directly with
babies, toddlers and children.
Nursery Officer
Part of a team involved in the preparation and delivery of a
variety of stimulating activities for babies, toddlers and pre-school
Officer in Charge
Responsible for the care centre including childcare, finance,
staffing and liaising with parents and professionals.
Creche Worker
Organises play programmes for children in playgroups, crèche,
breakfast clubs, holiday schemes and out of school care.
w w w. a h k a n d m . a c . u k
Which Career?
WORKING IN SCHOOLS and with School-age Students
Please see Teaching and Early Years & Education Support map in the back of this booklet to get started
Classroom Assistant
Supports the teacher in the classroom. Works with small groups
and individuals. Supervises at break times and helps on school
Personal Advisor
Provide information, advice and guidance for 13 to 19 year olds in
areas such as careers, training and employment, difficulties at
home or school, and personal problems.
Head Teacher
Provides leadership and management for the school and may
also teach a few upper-level classes.
Learning Mentor
Provides support and guidance to children, young people and
those engaging with them by removing barriers to learning in
order to promote effective participation, enhance individual
learning, raise aspirations and achieve full potential.
Teach adult students in a specific academic or vocational subject
which they have studied to an advanced level. They are usually
also conducting their own research.
Music Teacher
May teach a general music class in a school or teach a particular
musical instrument in the home.
Seminar Leader
Lead student discussions and clarify information taught in the
lecture in an area in which they are becoming or already are an
Educates students in the school environment. They can teach
a variety of subjects at primary and secondary level. Secondary
school level requires focus on a minimum of one subject area.
Teaching Assistant
Prepares classes, organises and plays games with the children,
helps students with their work.
Youth Worker
Plans and organises sports programmes and other activities in
youth centres. They promote the personal, political, educational
and social development of young people.
w w w. a h k a n d m . a c . u k
Case Study 1
I left school at 16 with very few
qualifications as I wanted to start
working. I got a job in a primary
school and since my English was ok,
I managed to get work as a teaching
experience I had gained made me
consider the possibility of primary
school teaching. I talked to my
local university and found out about
Foundation Degrees. I did my Cache
Level 3 Diploma in Early Years and
was then offered a place on the
Early Years Foundation Degree. It’s
really good because I can continue
working whilst I study. I haven’t
made up my mind what to do next. I
could take this qualification and get a
higher paid job in a nursery or other
education setting, or I could go on
and get my BA in Early Years. If I did
that, I could do teacher training and
become a primary school teacher. All
these options are so exciting, I feel
really confident about the future and
my future employment options.
The case studies in this booklet are fictional examples
based on the experience of real students.
w w w. a h k a n d m . c o . u k
Early Years employers are looking for candidates with
practical experience and skills and apprenticeships
are a great way to achieve this. Apprenticeships
are work-based training programmes with the
opportunity to earn money, gain qualifications and
learn new knowledge and skills all at the same
What do you learn on an apprenticeship?
An apprentice follows a training programme based on a framework developed by the industry.
It defines the content of learning and this will vary for each industry. However, all frameworks
have three parts:
1. NVQ (National Vocational Qualification): developing skills in a work-based learning
2. Technical Certificate: learning the theory behind the work-based learning experience.
3. The development of key skills, including communication, IT, problem solving, number and
personal skills.
Apprenticeship (Level 2) - equivalent to 5 GCSEs A-C grade.
There are no set entry requirements. Check with your provider.
Advanced Apprenticeship (Level 3) – equivalent to A-Levels/HNC/BTEC.
You will need 5 GCSEs at grade A-C, or you can progress from the Apprenticeship
programme (above).
How to Apply
Apprenticeships are open to anyone aged 16-24 who is not already in full-time education. There
are different ways to apply:
1. 2. 3.
Call the national Apprenticeships helpline on 08000 150 600
Apply by going direct to an employer who offers apprenticeships
Contact your local learning provider or training provider to see which apprenticeships
they offer.
Contact details for learning providers are found in the back of this booklet
Private providers such as KEITS ( and KEY Training Services (www. through Kent County Council are also good sources to explore.
For more information, check out or ask your advisor about the
National Apprenticeships Vacancy Matching Service.
w w w. a h k a n d m . a c . u k
What is that?
In the world of teaching, there are so many
terms mentioned, it can be a bit confusing. So,
we’ve tried to make it a bit less complicated by
explaining some of the more common ones.
Golden Hello
This is a one-time financial bonus for postgraduate home and EU trainees
teaching priority subjects.
Graduate Teacher Programme- on-the-job training allowing graduates to
qualify as a teacher while they work. It’s often a good choice for mature
students who want to change to a teaching career, but need to continue
earning while they train.
An employment based route into secondary teaching for graduates in
Maths, Science and Design & Technology. It follows a similar pattern to the
secondary GTP, but with additional subject specific training and support that
continues into the NQT year.
Initial Teacher Training- This is the overarching term for all training programs
that prepare students to become teachers.
National Curriculum
Art and Design, Citizenship, Design and Technology, English, Geography,
History, Information and Communication Technology, Mathematics, Modern
Foreign Languages, Music, PE, Science, Religious Education, Careers
Education, Work-related Learning, Personal, Social and Health Education.
Newly Qualified Teacher-a teacher who has just achieved QTS and is
usually in their induction year.
Post Graduate Certificate in Education- one of the most common routes into
teaching for recent university graduates.
Priority Subjects
These are subjects the government has recognised as being in greater
need of teachers. This list changes frequently, but at the time of publication
included: mathematics, science, modern languages, design and technology,
English and drama, ICT, music and engineering.
Qualified Teacher Status- achieved through successful completion of Initial
Teacher Training.
Registered Teacher Programme-provides a blend of work-based teacher
training and academic study, allowing non-graduates with some experience
of higher education to complete their degree and qualify as a teacher at the
same time.
School-Centered Initial Teacher Training- designed and delivered by
groups of neighbouring schools and colleges for graduates that want to
complete their training in a school environment. Programmes are taught by
experienced, practising teachers, and often tailored towards local teaching
needs. All SCITT courses lead to qualified teacher status (QTS) and many
will also award a PGCE.
w w w. a h k a n d m . a c . u k
Case Study 2
After A-Levels I went and worked in my dad’s
business, but I couldn’t see myself doing that
forever. I investigated different job options
and found that teaching sounded
interesting. I managed to do a
couple of weeks work experience
in a local primary and secondary
school, but even having done that,
I’m not sure which age range I’d
like to teach.
I decided to start a BA in Education
Studies. With this qualification I can
go into either primary or secondary
teaching, and the course gives me
time to study and learn about what
it will be like working with students.
Because I’ve just turned 22, I think
this degree will help my confidence
in working with kids far more than
if I had gone straight through and
taken a general BA.
I’m currently looking for a school to
sponsor me through a GTP course,
but if I don’t get it, I’ll do a PGCE.
The case studies in this booklet are fictional examples
based on the experience of real students.
Ta s t e r s & O t h e r
A partnership between Canterbury Christ Church University and
Hibernia College in Ireland. iTeach delivers online initial teacher
education to students across England who wish to pursue a flexible
and convenient route to becoming a qualified teacher.
Open Learn
This is a fantastic resource available through the Open University,
which provides free access to all OU course materials. There are
over 30 courses directly related to education as well as many others
in a variety of subjects. It is a great way to learn a bit more about
different areas and continue learning, whatever stage of life you’re in.
Student Associate
For HND, foundation degree, undergraduate or postgraduate
students interested in gaining classroom experience while pursuing
their studies. There is a tax-free bursary around £40 for every day
spent in school or college during the scheme. All students are given
a training and induction programme to prepare them for working
with young people. You will then spend fifteen days in a school or
college working alongside experienced teachers and assisting them
in classroom teaching.
Teach First
A programme run by an independent organisation enabling top
graduates to spend two years working in challenging secondary
schools in London, Manchester and the Midlands. It is for high-flying
graduates who may not otherwise have considered teaching or aren’t
sure of it as a long-term career. It leads to qualified teacher status
(QTS) but also provides the potential to develop a commerciallyoriented career through high quality teacher and leadership training,
internships, coaching, work experience with leading employers and
See for more details.
w w w. a h k a n d m . a c . u k
14 - 19 Diplomas
This is a new qualification, designed by employers, that is being introduced in phases, starting September
2008. By 2011, Diplomas should be widely available throughout the nation. At the moment, there is not
a Diploma specifically for education, teaching or early years. However, there are quite a few options for
students in this area.
Society, Health and Development Diploma
This is the part of the first phase of diplomas, offered from 2008 and focuses on children
and young people as well as health, community justice, social care and others. This would
be helpful if you are working in early years; but it would also be good to understand young
people and community justice if you chose to work with older students or even excluded
young people.
17 Different Diplomas
The four others currently available are Engineering, Construction and the Built
Environment, Information Technology and Creative and Media. Up coming topics include
Land-based Studies, Business Administration and Finance, Public Services and others.
Many education providers become specialists in an area first and then obtain an extra
qualification to teach in their area of expertise. If you choose this route, there are many
course options available to you.
In addition to the specific focus of any given diploma, English, Maths and ICT are also included to give you
the skills necessary to succeed in life and employment. Diplomas are offered by a partnership of institutions,
which means you will not spend all your time sitting at a desk in a classroom. Activities will take place in
your college or school, as well as with local employers or businesses.
There are three levels of Diploma:
1. The Foundation Diploma: lasts about the same length as four GCSEs
and can be started in year 10 or year 12.
2. The Higher Diploma: lasts about the same length as five or six GCSEs
and can be started in year 10 or year 12.
3. The Advanced Diploma: lasts about the same length as three A levels.
For more information on 14-19 Diplomas see:, or
w w w. a h k a n d m . a c . u k
Case Study 3
I’m 19 and left school after GCSE’s and have
spent the past couple of years working in a
range of jobs and trying to work out what
I want to do. I really thought I would enjoy
working with small children and decided to
take a CACHE Level 2 Diploma in Childcare
and Education. It deals with all the practical
aspects of looking after really young children,
as well as their social and emotional
development. I’m currently applying for jobs
as an assistant in day nurseries and creches,
but I’m also looking into my options for further
study. If I do well, I’ll be able to get a place
on the CACHE Level 3 course in Childcare
and Education. This would mean I can
get work as a nursery nurse and as I gain
more work experience I might be able to
move into a supervisory or managerial
role. Ultimately, I’d like to own my
own nursery so I’d be making better
money and be my own boss.
Sources of Info
Further Education Colleges in Kent and Medway
For information about: Educational guidance, Financial information, Course information including NVQs,
CACHE, Certificates and Diplomas, GCSEs, City and Guilds, Access, A-Levels, HND/C, Foundation degrees.
Tel: 01227 811111
Chatham, Rochester, Maidstone
Tel: 01634 830633
Dartford and Gravesend
Tel: 0800 074 1447
Ashford, Dover, Folkestone,
New Romney
Tel: 0845 207 8220
Tel: 01843 605040
Tel: 01732 358101
Higher Education Institutions in Kent and Medway
For information about: Degree and Foundation Degrees, Registered and Graduate Teacher programmes,
Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), flexible PGCE and Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)
Broadstairs, Canterbury, Chatham
and Folkestone
Tel: 01227 767700
Chatham and Greenwich
Tel: 0800 005 006
Tel: 0870 333 4340
Canterbury and Medway
Tel: 01227 764000
Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham,
Maidstone and Rochester
Tel: 01227 817302, 01622 620000, 01634 888702
w w w. a h k a n d m . a c . u k
More Info
Teaching and Early Years sources
National Childminding
Association (NCMA)
Royal Court, 81 Tweedy
Road Bromley, Kent BR1
0800 169 4486
Information on childminding and nannying.
Pre-school Learning
2nd Floor, Enterprise House
II Avebury Avenue,Tonbridge
Kent TN9 1TL
01732 363070
Educational charity specialising in Early Years.
Training and
Development Agency
for Schools
151 Buckingham Palace
Road, London SW1W 9SZ
0845 6000 991
For comprehensive information on how to become a teacher,
what the job is like and the financial support available.
Other Progression-related Sources
Access to HE
Information about Access courses for students with nontraditional qualifications or none at all.
Impartial information about Further and Higher Education.
Direct Gov
The official government website for citizens. It includes
information about education, employment and everything
Search engine and database for educational opportunities
across the UK.
Kent Adult Education
08458 247247
Educational guidance and course information on Learning
Support courses, GCSEs, City and Guilds, LSA courses,
CLANSA, A-Levels, OCN courses.
Kent & Medway
Lifelong Learning
This website provides information on courses in colleges and
universities for students already in the work place.
Learn Direct
Advice on qualifications, careers and other training.
Medway Adult
Learning Council
Green Street, Gillingham,
Kent ME7 5TJ
01634 306000
Educational guidance and course information for students
over 16.
A good source of information for university students for
postgraduate qualifications and career opportunities.
UCAS - Universities
and Colleges
Admissions Service
This website provides details of types of courses and where
they are offered. It is also the central organisation that
processes applications for full-time undergraduate courses at
UK universities and colleges.
Some of the information in this publication may change. Aimhigher
Kent and Medway recommend you contact individual institutions for
course information and entry requirements.
w w w. a h k a n d m . a c . u k
Routes into Education
Te a c h i n g a n d E a r l y Ye a r s i n K e n t a n d M e d w a y
Ben Lisbon, Inspire to Aim Higher
2008 Art Competition entry
These booklets have been produced in collaboration with the
Kent & Medway Lifelong Learning Network
Canterbury Christ Church University
Hall Place, Harbledown,
Canterbury, Kent
Tel: 01227 782565
© 2008 Aimhigher Kent and Medway
2nd Edition
Key to Institutions
Canterbury College
Mid-Kent College
North West Kent College
Industry Experience
Relevant Industry Experience
Relevant Industry Experience
Successful Interview
GCSEs Grades E-G/
No Qualifications
GCSEs Grade D - G
GCSEs Grade A* - C
Access Course /
A level / Advanced GCE
South Kent College
Access Course /
A level / Advanced GCE
Thanet College
West Kent College
Canterbury Christ Church University
University of Kent
University of Greenwich
Open University
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Classroom-based Qualifications*
Classroom-based Qualifications*
Classroom-based Qualifications*
Level 4 (HE) Qualifications
NVQ Children’s Care, Learning and
(Senior Staff with Management
Opportunities only)
2 yrs PT
* Dark blue bordered boxes at the top of this
map show the different possible general entry
requirements for the corresponding level
Foundation Award in Caring for
Young People and Children
1 yr FT
CACHE Diploma in Child Care and Education
2 yrs FT
CACHE Diploma in Child Care
and Education
Work-based Qualifications**
CACHE Certificate in Child Care and
1 yr FT
Work-based Qualifications**
Entry level preparation for
Childcare (12 weeks FT)
CACHE Award in Child Care
NVQ in Playwork 1 yr PT
and Education
1 yr FT
City and Guilds NVQ in Health
and Social Care
(Children and Young People)
9 months PT
CACHE Technical Certificate in
Children’s Care, Learning and
NCFE Certificate in Developing
Child and Youth Studies
Child Studies with
NVQ in Children’s Care, Learning and
(City and Guilds or CACHE)
1 yr PT
(CACHE, City and Guilds, OCR)
A Levels - Advanced Level, a General Certificate of
Education (usually after GCSE’s)
1 yr PT
Childhood Studies
Early Childhood Studies
Early Years
Education Studies
Lifelong Learning
Open Degree
NVQ Teaching Assistant
(CACHE, City and Guilds, OCR)
1 yr PT
Community Development
Early Years
Education Administration
Health and Social Care (Early Years)
Informal and Community Education
Intellectual and Developmental
ACCESS Course - Entry qualification for Degrees
and professional training courses for mature
See booklet page 5
Advanced Apprenticeships
See booklet page 5
Teaching Assistance
Early Years
Early Years
Foundation Degree- higher education work-based
qualification equivalent to the first two years of a
BA/BSc degree
Child and Youth Studies
Subject Specialisation
NVQ in Playwork
6 months PT
NVQ Teaching Assistant
Work-based Foundation Degree**
(2yrs FT/5-6yrs PT)
Work-based Qualifications**
CACHE – Certificate in Childcare and Educationprovides vocational training and qualifications
Higher National Diploma in Advanced
Practice Working with Children and
2 yrs FT
Early Childhood Studies
(Crèche work/playgroup work)
BA - Bachelor of Arts (Degree)
Skills for Early Years Practice
12 weeks PT
NVQ in Children’s Care, Learning
and Development
(City and Guilds or CACHE)
1 yr PT
Certificate in Higher Education Support
for Learners with Additional Educational
Needs (requires GCSE English and 2
years work experience)
1 yr FT
Level 4 (HE)
(3years FT/ 5-6years PT)
Learning Mentors
Learning Support
Working with Young People
Lifelong Learning
GCSE- General Certificate of Secondary Education
FT - Full time course
PT - Part time course
*Classroom-based Qualifications
The majority of the course is based on academic
assessment in a college environment, but it includes
work experience in the college or on placement:
current employment not a prerequisite.
**Work-based Qualifications
All assessments take place in the work place.
You must have a minimum of 12 months work
experience and be employed at least 16 hours a
week and have employer approval for 1 day a week
release for theory instruction at college hence the
part-time classification.
Job Options
Job Options
Crèche worker
Play group worker
Job Options
Job Options
Job Options
Nursery Assistant
Nursery Supervisor, Crèche Leader,
Supervisor role in a variety
Unqualified Teacher, Youth and
Crèche Assistant
Playgroup Leader, Pre-school Leader,
of Early Years settings
Community Worker, Adult Education
Playgroup Assistant
Special Educational Needs Supporter,
Advanced Teaching Assistant, Learning
Organiser, Careers/Personal Advisor
Toy library worker
Nursery Nurse, Nanny/Child-minder,
Mentor, Youth Worker, Nursery Supervisor,
(Connexions), Education and Welfare
Mother’s Helper
Classroom Assistant.
Crèche Leader.
Officer, SupervisorSocial Worker
Babysitter/au pair
Some of the information in this publication may change. Aimhigher Kent and Medway recommend you contact individual institutions for course information and entry requirements.
Key to Institutions
Canterbury College
Mid-Kent College
North West Kent College
South Kent College
Thanet College
West Kent College
Canterbury Christ Church University
University College for the Creative Arts
University of Kent
A-Levels/Advanced GCE or Access Course or Advanced NVQ
University of Greenwich
Open University
* Dark blue bordered boxes at the top of this map show the different
possible general entry requirements for the corresponding level
Level 3 Qualification in Education-related
subject and work experience
* See other side of this map
Level 3 Qualification in relevant subject
and currently employed 2 days a week
Job Options
BA/BSs (3-4 yrs FT/ 5-6 yrs PT)
Primary Teacher
BA in Primary Education with QTS
Level 4 (HE)
Work based Foundation Degree
(2yrs FT/5-6 yrs PT)
Leading to final year of BA
Top Up BA in Primary Education
with QTS
For Early Years and other related Foundation
Degrees, please see Foundation Degrees
included on Early Years and Educational Support
map on reverse
BA in Design Technology with Secondary
leading to QTS
- Post-Compulsory Education and
Area of Expertise (Level 3 minimum)
and current teaching opportunity
90 hours per year
(Full time sessional or voluntary)
Level 4 (HE)
Diploma in Teaching in Lifelong
Learning Sector
2yrs including PTLLS & CTLLS
A Levels - Advanced Level, a General Certificate of
Education (usually after GCSE’s)
BSC in Science and Secondary Education
with QTS
- Certificate in Higher Education in
support for Learners with Additional
Education Needs
1yr PT
BA Education Studies
BA Music Education
- Certificate in Delivering Learning
(in post-complusary Sector)
45hrs PT
Top Up BA in Lifelong Learning
1-2 yrs
- NOCN Advanced Certificate in
information, Advice and Guidance
Any BS/BSc with at least 50% National
QTS - Qualified Teacher Status
RTP - Registered Teacher Programme
SCITT - School Cetred Teacher Programme
Job Options
Primary Teacher
GTP or SCITT (in School)
(see booklet page 6)
(see booklet page 6)
Job Options
Secondary Teacher
Job Options
Diploma in Teaching in Lifelong
Learning Sector
Post-Compulsory Teacher/Lecturer
Certificate in Subject Specialism
Basic Skills
Any BS/BSc and current teaching opportunity
CACHE – Certificate in Childcare and Educationprovides vocational training and qualifications
PGCE - Post Graduate Certificate of Education
Curriculum Subject
(see booklet page 6)
BSc - Bachelor of Science
GTP - Graduate Teacher Programme
PGCE in Primary Education
BA Early Years
BA - Bachelor of Arts (Degree)
GCSE- General Certificate of Secondary Education
Teaching Qualifications
BA Child and Youth Studies
ACCESS Certificate - Entry qualification for
Degrees and professional training courses for
mature students
Foundation Degree- higher education work-based
qualification equivalent to the first two years of a
BA/BSc degree
Secondary Teacher
BSC in Mathematics and Secondary
leading to QTS
BA Early Childhood Studies
GCSE English C or above and 1 A-Level
Literacy/numeracy testing and relevant
Job Options
at least 90 hrs per year
Teaching English
Job Options
Specialist/Advanced Teaching Assistant
Further Education Lecturer
Learning Mentor
Youth Worker
Adult Education Organiser
Some of the information in this publication may change. Aimhigher Kent and Medway recommend you contact individual institutions for course information and entry requirements.