CT July 2016 PDF - Florida Society of American Foresters


CT July 2016 PDF - Florida Society of American Foresters
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, July, 2016
from the
1015 West Elsmere Place, San Antonio, Texas 78201 USA
+1 (210) 459-5591
From a young colleague in Dzerzhinsk
This letter arrived in my inbox from a 12 year old in Dzerzhinsk. I have a couple things I'm going to send him, and
it occurred to me that you might enjoy reading this young man's letter. Maybe you know a firefighter who might
like to write or send Nickoly a patch or pin.
Hello, hello, hello !!! My name is Nikolay and I very much hope that my letter reached the right place. I am writing to you from
the distant Russia. I live in the city of Dzerzhinsk, is in central Russia. We have a very beautiful city. I am 12 years old and that's
why I'm writing you. My dad worked a fireman, and recently our firefighters renamed the Ministry of Emergency Situations. When
I grow up, I will be sure to serve as firefighter or military. Although I am still young, but I think that we should choose this
profession. None of my classmates did not want to have a profession that I want. But I think that to serve the community - it is
right and necessary. My dad is a very brave fireman. And about a year ago I started collecting everything connected with the fire.
Even my dad says that I have a good collection. So I have a small request to you. If possible, please send me a souvenir with your
name or logo. Well, badge, pen or key chain. My dad says you do not send, and I on the contrary, I believe that you send. I've seen
pictures on internet, you have a beautiful uniforms. Thanks in advance. I am very sorry for my bad English. Please send me
something for my collection here at this address: Country: Russian Federation postal code: 606000 region: Nizhny
Novgorod Region city: Dzerzhinsk Street, house: Urickogo st. 2-59 Nikolay Vinogradov
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Abe, Sayaka and Kaoru Fujioka
Title: Simulation of slash-and-burn using a cellular automata
Source: pages 523-526 in, Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and
Applications (BWCCA), 2014 Ninth International Conference on
Year: 2014
Keywords: modling
Abstract: In this paper, we presented a two-dimensional cellular automata model for
predicting fire spread of slash-and-burn. In order to clear land for fields or increase the
soil fertility of established fields, farmers intentionally set fires. We simulated some
standard ways of fire ignition...
Author(s): Abrams, M. D.
Title: Sowing the seeds of fire and oak in the eastern US: A tribute to Buell et al. 1954
Source: Fire Ecology 12(2): 7-12
Year: 2016
Keywords: history
Abstract: A 323-year-old white oak (Quercus alba L.) tree in Mettler's Woods in central
New Jersey, USA, was the subject of the Buell et al. 1954 paper. They identified six fire
scars formed between 1641 and 1711, with a mean fire return interval of 8.6 years over
this ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: Agl@psu.edu
FRI Access Number: 106463
Author(s): Adab, Hamed
Title: Using Probabilistic Methods to Evaluate Landfire Hazard
Source: Conference Paper, 8 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: A forest fire is regarded as a disaster that destroys natural and human
resources. Usually first reason of forest fires are lightning, moreover it can be happened
by human carelessness or torching activities. Anthropogenic factors such as distance from
roads, paths and vicinity to settlements become more highlighted in some areas as well
as physiographic factors such as elevation, slope and aspect. There are large firefighter
services including ...
FRI Access Number: 106578
Author(s): Afelu, Bareremna, Jeremie Fontodji Kokou, Kouami Kokou
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Title: Impact des feux sur la biomasse dans les savanes guineo-soudaniennes du Togo
Source: Mettre a l'epreuve l'acceptabilite sociale 16(1):
Year: 2016
Keywords: Tropics agriculture
Abstract: In Togo, the setting on fire of vegetation is a very common ancestral practice in
farming. Beyond certain norms, the useful aspect of bush fire is superseded by its
devastative effect on the ecosystems and environment. One of these effects is the fire
influences on the vegetable biomass production and diversity. In front of forest fires
occurrence enhancing, due to climate ...
Author(s): Agranat, Vladimir, Valeriy Perminov
Title: Multiphase CFD Model of Wildland Fire Initiation and Spread
Source: Proceedings for the 5th International Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, April
11-15, 2016, Portland, Oregon, USA
Year: 2016
Keywords: modeling behavior
Abstract: Introduction Wildland fires are extremely complex and destructive phenomena
and their behavior depends on the state of vegetation, meteorological conditions and
ground terrain. Experimental studies of wildfire behavior are expensive and challenging
tasks. This makes the development of robust and accurate models of wildfire behavior an
extremely important ...
Contact Author: vlad@acfda.org
FRI Access Number: 106552
Author(s): Allen, Corrie H., Lael Parrott, Catherine Kyle
Title: An individual-based modelling approach to estimate landscape connectivity for
bighorn sheep ( Ovis canadensis)
Source: PeerJ, 4:e2001; DOI 10.7717/peerj.2001, 22 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: wildlife
Abstract: Preserving connectivity, or the ability of a landscape to support species
movement, is among the most commonly recommended strategies to reduce the
negative effects of climate change and human land use development on species.
Connectivity analyses have traditionally used a corridor-based approach and rely heavily
on least cost path modeling and circuit theory to delineate corridors. Individual-based
models are gaining popularity...
Contact Author: lael.parrott@ubc.ca
FRI Access Number: 106593
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Amalina, Putri, Lilik Budi Prasetyo, Siti Badriyah Rushayati
Title: Forest Fire Vulnerability Mapping in Way Kambas National Park
Source: Procedia Environmental Sciences 33: 239-252
Year: 2016
Keywords: mapping
Abstract: In tropical area, especially in Sumatra Island, shifting cultivation is dominant
agricultural system. The farmer used to use fire during land preparation as a strategy to
overcome labor shortage. Forest fire has been given special attention due to its impact to
the environment. It sources of greenhouse gases ...
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Contact Author: Amalina264@yahoo.com
FRI Access Number: 106653
Author(s): Andela, N., G. R. van der Werf, J. W. Kaiser, T. T. van Leeuwen, M. J. Wooster,
C. E. R. Lehmann
Title: Biomass burning fuel consumption dynamics in the (sub)tropics assessed from
Source: Biogeosciences Discussions, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Landscape fires occur on a large scale in (sub)tropical savannas and grasslands,
affecting ecosystem dynamics, regional air quality and concentrations of atmospheric
trace gasses. Fuel consumption per unit of area burned is an important but poorly
constrained parameter in fire emission modelling. We combined satellite-derived ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: niels.andela@nasa.gov
FRI Access Number: 106662
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Spring Pole Pierces UTV Roll Protection Cage
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: vehicle accident
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106687
Author(s): Anonymous
Source: The Chemical Engineer 900: 22-23
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: interface canada
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Fire camp overrun by fire
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 3 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: management
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106682
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Crew carrier near miss
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 3 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: vehicle accident
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106640
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Canada's Oil Sands Hub City Begis Recovery from Wildfire
Source: Engineering & Mining Journal 217(6): 4
Year: 2016
Keywords: conflagration interface canada
FRI Access Number: 106616
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Chainsaw Geyser Sprays/Ignites Sawyer
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 3 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: chainsaw accident investigation
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106599
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Saddle Mountain Medical Extraction
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Coconino
National Forest, Arizona, 3 pages
Year: 2016
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Keywords: medical
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106562
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Transforming a Beloved Landscape
Source: American Forests 122(2): 7
Year: 2016
Keywords: management
FRI Access Number: 106531
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Climate change, fire and ecosystems in the U. S
Source: White paper, 7 pages
Year: n. d.
Keywords: climate
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FRI Access Number: 106768
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Increased risk of catastropic wildfires: global warming's wake-up call for the western
united states
Source: National Wildlife Federation, 8 pages
Year: 2008
Keywords: wildlife
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106763
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Report on the Summit-Martin Fires
Source: State Emergency Assessment Team, Santa Cruz and Santa Clara Counties, CA, 130
Year: 2008
Keywords: conflagration management
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Santa Cruz County-San Mateo County, Community Wildfire Protection Plan
Source: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF), Santa Cruz, CA,
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Year: 2010
Keywords: management
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106794
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Lockheed Fire Post-Fire Risk Assessment
Source: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, San Mateo-Santa Cruz Unit,
109 pages
Year: 2009
Keywords: management
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106795
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Medic team's patient extraction
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, 5 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: evacuation injury
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106475
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Chainsaw fuel cap near miss
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, 4 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: chainsaw investigation
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106461
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Day One Rhabdomyolysis
Source: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rogue River-Siskiyou National
Forest, Facilitated Learning Analysis, 11 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: illness firefighters health
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106457
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: "I don't want to be 'that guy'"
Source: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Facilitated Learning Analysis, 16
Year: 2016
Keywords: illness firefighters health heat stroke
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106474
Author(s): Archer-Nicholls, Scott, Douglas Lowe, David M. Schultz, Gordon McFiggans
Title: Aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions in a regional coupled model: The effects of
convective parameterisation and resolution
Source: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16: 5573-5594
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: The Weather Research and Forecasting model with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) has
been used to simulate a region of Brazil heavily influenced by biomass burning. Nested
simulations were run at 5 and 1 km horizontal grid spacing for three case studies in
September 2012. Simulations were run with and without fire emissions, convective
parameterisation on the 5 km domain, and aerosol-radiation interactions in order to
explore the differences...
Contact Author: g.mcfiggans@manchester.ac.uk
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FRI Access Number: 106716
Author(s): Archibald, S.
Title: Managing the human component of fire regimes: lessons from Africa
Source: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology sociology
Abstract: Human impacts on fire regimes accumulated slowly with the evolution of
modern humans able to ignite fires and manipulate landscapes. Today, myriad voices aim
to influence fire in grassy ecosystems to different ends, and this is complicated by a
colonial ...
Author(s): Ardiyanto, A. and J. Mathews
Source: Journal of Oil Palm, Environment and Health 7: 28-33
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke economics
Abstract: Dense haze, caused by the smoke from peat fire in Central Kalimantan,
Indonesia from September to October 2015, resulted in low oil extraction rates (OER) in
the palm oil mills. The reduced total sunshine hours due to haze affected the OER four
weeks after, ...
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Contact Author: joshua.mathews@bumitama.com
FRI Access Number: 106530
Author(s): Armenteras, Dolors, cerian Gibbes, Carla Vivacqua, Juan Sebastian Espinosa,
Wania Dubela, Favio Goncales, Christopher Castro
Title: Interactions between Climate, Land Use and Vegetation Fire Occurrences in El
Source: Atmosphere, February, 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Vegetation burning is a global environmental threat that results in local
ecological, economic and social impacts but also has large-scale implications for global
change. The burning is usually a result of interacting factors such as climate, land use and
vegetation type. Despite its importance as a factor shaping ecological, economic and
social processes, countries highly vulnerable to climate change in Central America, such
as El Salvador, lack...
Contact Author: jusespinosago@unal.edu.co
FRI Access Number: 106661
Author(s): Artes, T., A. Cortes, T. Margalef
Title: Large Forest Fire Spread Prediction: Data and Computational Science
Source: Procedia Computer Science 80: 909-918
Year: 2016
Keywords: modeling behavior
Abstract: The accurate prediction of forest fire propagation is a crucial issue to minimize
its effects. So, several models have been developed to determine the forest fire
propagation beforehand. Such models require several input parameters that in some
cases cannot be ...
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Contact Author: Tomas.artes@caos.uab.es
FRI Access Number: 106454
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Ayres, Andrew, Alexander Degolia, Matthew Fienup, Yunyeol Kim, Jade Sainz,
Laura Urbisci, Daniel Viana, Graham Wesolowski, Andrew J. Plantinga, Christina Tague
Title: Social Science/Natural Science Perspectives on Wildfire and Climate Change
Source: Geography Compass
Year: 2016
Keywords: climate
Abstract: In western North America, wildfire is a critical component of many ecosystems
and a natural hazard that can result in catastrophic losses of human lives and property.
Billions of dollars are spent suppressing wildfires each year. In the past decades,
academic research has made substantial contributions to the understanding ...
FRI Access Number: 106702
Author(s): Bahrani, Babak
Title: Effects of Weathering on Performance of Intumescent Coatings for Structure Fire
Protection in the Wildland-Urban Interface
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, 171 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: interface structures
Abstract: The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of weathering on the
performance of intumescent fire-retardant coatings on wooden products. The weathering
effects included primary (solar irradiation, moisture, and temperature) and secondary
(environmental contaminants) parameters at various time intervals. Wildland urban
interface (WUI) fires have been an increasing threat to lives and properties...
FRI Access Number: 106633
Author(s): Baker, K. R., M. C. Woody, G. S. Tonnesen, W. Hutzell, H. O. T. Pye, M. R.
Beaver, G. Pouliot, T. Pierce
Title: Contribution of regional-scale fire events to ozone and PM2.5 air quality estimated
by photochemical modeling approaches
Source: Atmospheric Environment 140: 539-554
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Two specific fires from 2011 are tracked for local to regional scale contribution
to ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) using a freely available regulatory
modeling system that includes the BlueSky wildland fire emissions tool, Spare Matrix
Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE) model, Weather and Research Forecasting...
Contact Author: baker.kirk@epa.gov
Author(s): Ballard, Joanne P., Sally P. Horn, Zheng-Hua Li
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Title: A 23,000-year microscopic charcoal record from Anderson Pond, Tennessee, USA
Source: Palynology, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Charcoal records of past fires are important for reconstruction of
paleoenvironments and paleoclimate, particularly when compared with pollen records of
past vegetation, but such records are scarce in the southeastern US. To address the
question of ...
Contact Author: joannepballard@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106627
Author(s): Barni, Paulo Eduardo, Yan Tavares de Sousa
Source: Conference
Year: 2016
Keywords: Tropics
Abstract: The study aimed to estimate the area of primary forest impacted by forest fires
in the understory in an area of approximately 10,000 km2 in the Southern Region of
Roraima. The mapping was done by visual and manual edition Landsat 8-aided field data
(GPS) and heat sources in a GIS environment. 824.8 km2 impacted area ...
Contact Author: paulinpa2007@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106594
Author(s): Battipaglia, Giovanna, Tadeja Savi, Davide Ascoli, Daniele Castagneri, Assunta
Esposito, Stefan Mayr, Andrea Nardini
Title: Effects of prescribed burning on ecophysiological, anatomical and stem hydraulic
properties in Pinus pinea L
Source: Tree Physiology, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: prescribed burning
Abstract: Prescribed burning (PB) is a widespread management technique for wildfire
hazard abatement. Understanding PB effects on tree ecophysiology is key to defining
burn prescriptions aimed at reducing fire hazard in Mediterranean pine plantations, such
as Pinus pinea L. stands. We assessed physiological responses of adult P. pinea trees ...
Contact Author: giovanna.battipaglia@unina2.it
FRI Access Number: 106583
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Bellows, Robin S., Ariel C. Thomson, Kate J. Helmstedt, Robert A. York,
Matthew D. Potts
Title: Damage and mortality patterns in young mixed conifer plantations following
prescribed fires in the Sierra Nevada, California
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 376: 193-204
Year: 2016
Keywords: mortality prescribed burning
Abstract: High-severity wildfires increasingly influence forests in the western United
States. Extensive research has identified preventative practices including mechanical and
prescribed fire treatments to reduce wildfire severity in mature stands. Yet limited
research has investigated fuel management treatments in young stands which can be
particularly vulnerable to even low intensity fire. To address this gap, we investigated
how prescribed fire (conducted in both the spring and fall)...
Contact Author: ryork@berkeley.edu
FRI Access Number: 106737
Author(s): Benali, Akli, Ana R. Ervilha, Ana C.L. Sa, Paulo M. Fernandes, Renata M.S. Pinto,
Ricardo M. Trigo, Jose M.C. Pereira
Title: Deciphering the impact of uncertainty on the accuracy of large wildfire spread
Source: Science of The Total Environment 569-570: 73-85
Year: 2016
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: Predicting wildfire spread is a challenging task fraught with uncertainties.
"Perfect" predictions are unfeasible since uncertainties will always be present. Improving
fire spread predictions is important to reduce its negative environmental impacts. Here,
we propose to understand, characterize, and quantify the impact of uncertainty in the
accuracy of fire spread predictions for very large wildfires ...
Contact Author: Aklibenali@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106715
Author(s): Berner, L. T., P. S. A. Beck, M. M. Loranty, H. D. Alexander
Title: Siberian Boreal Forest Aboveground Biomass and Fire Scar Maps, Russia, 1969-2007.
ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
Source: Data set
Year: 2016
Keywords: statistics
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Abstract: This data set provides 30-meter resolution mapped estimates of Cajander larch
(Larix cajanderi) aboveground biomass (AGB), circa 2007, and a map of burn perimeters
for 116 forest fires that occurred from 1966-2007. The data cover~ 100,000 km2 of the ...
Author(s): Bernhardt, Emily L., Teresa N. Hollingsworth, F. Stuart Chapin
Title: Fire severity mediates climate-driven shifts in understorey community composition
of black spruce stands of interior Alaska
Source: Journal of Vegetation Science 22: 32-44
Year: 2011
Keywords: climate
Abstract: How do pre-fire conditions (community composition and environmental
characteristics) and climate-driven disturbance characteristics (fire severity) affect postfire community composition in black spruce stands...
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Contact Author: Thollingsworth@fs.fed.us
FRI Access Number: 106789
Author(s): Bianchi, Lucas, Marcos Radins, Ignacio A Mundo, Anabela Bonada, Ricardo
Title: Fire history of Nothofagus pumilio forests along a precipitation gradient in southern
Patagonian Andes of Argentina
Source: Poster
Year: 2016
Keywords: Fire is a frequent disturbance in the Nothofagus pumilio forests across the
southern Patagonian Andes. However, historical records of fire occurrence in the region
are scarce. Most fire histories in the Patagonian Andes have been derived from fire scars
in conifers; broadleaf species have rarely been used. Recent studies have shown the
potential of the deciduous N. pumilio, the ...
FRI Access Number: 106676
Author(s): Bilici, Ebru, Abdullah Emin Akay
Title: Risks Factors Associated with Post-Fire Salvage Logging Operations
Source: Eur J Forest Eng 2015, 1(2): 93-100
Year: 2015
Keywords: silviculture
Abstract: Logging operations are generally listed in the most dangerous work groups
since they require very heavy and difficult tasks. Besides, they are performed in varying,
unpredictable, and uncontrolled work environment. In Turkey, traditional logging
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
operations with limited usage of mechanized harvesting systems potentially increase
occupational health and work safety problems. On the other hand...
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Contact Author: ebru.bilici@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106744
Author(s): Bindon, P.
Title: Old Campsites, New Tenants: A Study of Recent and Prehistoric Fireplaces Near
Wiluna, Western Australia
Source: Master of Arts Thesis, Discipline of Archaeology, University of Western Australia
Keywords: paleohistory
Author(s): Bird, D. W., R. Bliege Bird, B. F. Codding
Title: Pyrodiversity and the anthropocene: The role of fire in the broad spectrum
Source: Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 25(3): 105-116
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology paleohistory
Abstract: Brian Codding is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Utah.
His research is both ethnographic and archeological in nature, with a focus on present and
past human- environment interactions in Australia and North America. Recent articles on
his research ...
Contact Author: dwb5537@psu.edu
Author(s): Bird, R. B., D. W. Bird, B. F. Codding
Title: People, El Nino southern oscillation and fire in Australia: fire regimes and climate
controls in hummock grasslands
Source: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371: 20150343
Year: 2016
Keywords: sociology climate
Abstract: While evidence mounts that indigenous burning has a significant role in shaping
pyrodiversity, the processes explaining its variation across local and external biophysical
systems remain limited. This is especially the case with studies of climate-fire interactions,
Contact Author: rub33@psu.edu
FRI Access Number: 106766
Author(s): Black, C. H., K. M. Cummins, D. M. Lawson, C. Cobb
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Title: Using wildfires as a natural experiment to evaluate the effect of fire on southern
California vernal pool plant communities
Source: Global Ecology and Conservation 7: 97-106
Year: 2016
Keywords: wetlands
Abstract: Fires in Mediterranean-type ecosystems (MTEs) have been studied widely with
emphasis on shrub and grassland vegetation types. Although vernal pools comprise a very
small fraction of MTEs, they are important to regional biodiversity due to high local ...
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Contact Author: dawn.lawson@navy.mil
FRI Access Number: 106618
Author(s): Boer, Matthias M., Bowman, David M. J. S., Murphy, Brett P., Cary, Geoffrey J.,
Cochrane, Mark A., Fensham, Roderick J., Krawchuk, Meg A., Price, Owen F., Victor Resco
De Dios, Williams, Richard J., Bradstock, Ross A.
Title: Future changes in climatic water balance determine potential for transformational
shifts in Australian fire regimes
Source: Environmental Research 11(6):
Year: 2016
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Most studies of climate change effects on fire regimes assume a gradual
reorganization of pyrogeographic patterns and have not considered the potential for
transformational changes in the climate-vegetation-fire relationships underlying
continental-scale fire regimes. Here, ...
Contact Author: m.boer@westernsydney.edu.au
FRI Access Number: 106537
Author(s): Boucher, Jonathan, Christian Hebert, Jacques Ibarzabal, Eric Bauce
Title: High conservation value forests for burn-associated saproxylic beetles: An approach
for developing sustainable post-fire salvage logging in boreal forest
Source: Insect Conservation and Diversity, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: insects
Abstract: Fire-killed timber is considered as a loss of potential revenues and is thus
increasingly salvaged, though not without concerns for biodiversity conservation. Indeed,
a large diversity of burn-associated saproxylic beetles use recently burned trees.
Contact Author: jboucher@sopfeu.qc.ca
FRI Access Number: 106601
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Bougiatioti, Aikaterini, Spiros Bezantakos, Iasonas Stavroulas, Nikos Kalivitis,
Panagiotis Kokkalis, George Biskos, Nikolaos Mihalopoulos, Alexandros Papayannis,
Athanasios Nenes
Title: Biomass-burning impact on CCN number, hygroscopicity and cloud formation during
summertime in the eastern Mediterranean
Source: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16: 7389-7409
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: This study investigates the concentration, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN)
activity and hygroscopic properties of particles influenced by biomass burning in the
eastern Mediterranean and their impacts on cloud droplet formation. Air masses sampled
were subject to a range of atmospheric processing (several hours up to 3 days). Values of
the hy-groscopicity parameter, were derived from CCN measurements and a Hygroscopic
Tandem Differential Mobility An-alyzer (HTDMA). An Aerosol Chemical Speciation
Monitor (ACSM) ...
Contact Author: kbougiatioti@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106585
Author(s): Boucher, Jonathan
Title: Integration de la caracterisation de la severite du feu dans les outils d'amenagement
ecosystemique en foret boreale
Source: Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Laval, Quebec, 168 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106747
Author(s): Bowman, David M. J. S., George L. W. Perry, Steve I. Higgins, Chris N. Johnson,
Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, Brett P. Murphy
Title: Pyrodiversity is the coupling of biodiversity and fire regimes in food webs
Source: Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences 371:
20150169, 12 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Fire positively and negatively affects food webs across all trophic levels and
guilds and influences a range of ecological processes that reinforce fire regimes, such as
nutrient cycling and soil development, plant regeneration and growth, plant community
assembly and dynamics, herbivory and predation. Thus we argue that rather than
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
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Contact Author: david.bowman@utas.edu.au
FRI Access Number: 106596
Author(s): Bristow, M., L. B. Hutley, J. Beringer, S. J. Livesley, A. C. Edwards, S. K. Arndt
Title: Quantifying the relative importance of greenhouse gas emissions from current and
future savanna land use change across northern Australia
Source: Biogeosciences Discussions
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Clearing and burning of tropical savanna leads to globally significant emissions
of greenhouse gases (GHG) although there is large uncertainty relating to the magnitude
of this flux. Australia's tropical savannas occupy over 25 % of the continental land mass
and have a potential to significant influence the national greenhouse ...
Contact Author: lindsay.hutley@cdu.edu.au
FRI Access Number: 106550
Author(s): Brown, Julian, Alan York and Fiona Christie
Title: Fire effects on pollination in a sexually deceptive orchid
Source: International Journal of Wildland Fire, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: insects ecology regeneration
Abstract: Research into the effectiveness of prescribed fire in managing pollination has
only recently begun. The effects of fire on pollination have not been explored in sexually
deceptive systems. Further, the potential for multiple effects operating at different
spatial scales has not been explored in any pollination system despite multiscale effects
on pollination observed in agricultural landscapes. We observed...
Contact Author: julian.macpherson.brown@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106604
Author(s): Butler, B.
Title: A study of the impact of slope and wind on firefighter safety zone effectiveness
Source: FireScience.gov report, 21 pages
Year: 2014
Keywords: behavior
Abstract: The term safety zone was first introduced into the official literature in 1957 in
the aftermath of the Inaja fire that killed 11 firefighters. Since then identification of safety
zones has been an integral task for all wildland firefighters. The work that resulted in the
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
current guidelines used officially in the U.S. is based on radiant heating, flat ground and
no wind ...
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Contact Author: bwbutler@fs.fed.us
FRI Access Number: 106729
Author(s): Bybee, Jordan, Bruce A. Roundy, Kert R. Young, April Hulet, Darrell B. Roundy,
Leann Crook, Zachary Aanderud, Dennis L. Eggett, Nathan L. Cline
Title: Vegetation Response to Pinon and Juniper Tree Shredding
Source: Rangeland Ecology & Management 69: 224-234
Year: 2016
Keywords: management fuel exotics
Abstract: Pinon (Pinus spp.) and juniper (Juniperus spp.) expansion and infilling in
sagebrush (Artemisia L.) steppe communities can lead to high-severity fire and annual
weed dominance. To determine vegetation response to fuel reduction by tree
mastication (shredding) or seeding and then shredding, we measured cover for shrub and
herbaceous ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: bruce_roundy@byu.edu
FRI Access Number: 106711
Author(s): Calder, W. John, April Rog, Aaron Knoll, Bryan N. Shuman
Title: The role of fire in the vegetation response to Little Ice Age climate change in the Big
Woods of Minnesota
Source: Conference paper
Year: 2011
Keywords: ecology paleohistory
Abstract: The Big Woods, an expanse of forest that included Acer, Tilia, Ostrya, and Ulmus
species in southern Minnesota, developed between AD 1300 - 1500. The processes
involved in the development of the Big Woods remain unclear, but an expansion of forest
following a reduction in fire frequency as the result of climate change is a common
feature of multiple hypotheses. Recent landscape modeling suggests ...
Author(s): Campbell, Monica L., David A. Keith, Peter J. Clarke
Title: Regulation of seedling recruitment and survival in diverse ecotonal temperate forest
Source: Plant Ecology, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: regeneration
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Abstract: Fire is an important factor driving the position and stability of ecotones
between fire-prone and less flammable forest types. To better understand, the
recruitment processes that mediate plant persistence in ecotonal systems...
Author(s): Campbell, J. L., D. C. Donato, J. B. Fontaine
Title: Effects of post-fire logging on fuel dynamics in a mixed-conifer forest, Oregon, USA:
A 10-year assessment
Source: International Journal of Wildland Fire, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: silviculture salvage
Abstract: Removal of fire-killed trees (ie post-fire or salvage logging) is often conducted in
part to reduce woody fuel loads and mitigate potential reburn effects. Studies of postsalvage fuel dynamics have primarily used chronosequence or modelling approaches,
with ...
Contact Author: john.campbell@oregonstate.edu
FRI Access Number: 106451
Author(s): Carrillo, Carlos, Tom s Artes, Ana Cortes, Tom s Margalef
Title: Error Function Impact in Dynamic Data-Driven Framework Applied to Forest Fire
Spread Prediction
Source: Procedia Computer Science 80: 418-427
Year: 2016
Keywords: modeling behavior
Abstract: In order to use environmental models effectively for management and decisionmaking, it is vital establish an appropriate level of confidence in their performance. There
are different ways and different methodologies to establish the confidence of the models.
For this reason an adequate error formula is a very important thing, because ...
Contact Author: carles.carrillo@e-campus.uab.cat
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106706
Author(s): Caracciolo, Domenico, Erkan ISTANBULLUOGLU, Leonardo Valerio NOTO, Scott
Title: Mechanisms of shrub encroachment into Northern Chihuahuan Desert grasslands
and impacts of climate change investigated using a cellular automata model
Source: Advances in Water Resources 91: 46-62
Year: 2016
Keywords: hydrology
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Abstract: Arid and semiarid grasslands of southwestern North America have changed
dramatically over the last 150 years as a result of woody plant encroachment.
Overgrazing, reduced fire frequency, and climate change are known drivers of woody
plant encroachment into grasslands. In this study, relatively simple algorithms for
encroachment factors (i.e., grazing, grassland fires, and seed dispersal by grazers) are
proposed and implemented in the ...
Contact Author: domenico.caracciolo@unipa.it
FRI Access Number: 106656
Author(s): Carbone, Lucas M., Ramiro Aguilar
Title: Contrasting effects of fire frequency on plant traits of three dominant perennial
herbs from Chaco Serrano
Source: Austral Ecology, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: frequency ecology
Abstract: Fire frequencies are currently increasing inmany regions across the world as a
result of anthropic activities, affecting ecological processes and plant population
dynamics. Fire can generate important changes in soil properties, altering nutrient
dynamics and thereby plant growth. Here we analyse fire frequency effects on soil quality
and plant traits of three native perennial herbaceous plants (Cologania broussonetii...
FRI Access Number: 106610
Author(s): Carr, Joel, Paolo D'Odorico, Victor Engel, Jed Redwine
Title: Tree island pattern formation in the Florida Everglades
Source: Ecological Complexity 26: 37-44
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology wetlands
Abstract: The Florida Everglades freshwater landscape exhibits a distribution of islands
covered by woody vegetation and bordered by marshes and wet prairies. Known as "tree
islands", these ecogeomorphic features can be found in few other low gradient, nutrient
limited freshwater wetlands. In the last few decades, however, a large percentage ...
Contact Author: jcarr@usgs.gov
FRI Access Number: 106608
Author(s): Carlo, N. J., H. J. Renninger, K. L. Clark, K. V. R. Schafer
Title: Impacts of prescribed fire on Pinus rigida Mill. in upland forests of the Atlantic
Coastal Plain
Source: Tree Physiology, available online 2016
Source: 2016
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Keywords: prescribed burning
Abstract: A comparative analysis of the impacts of prescribed fire on three upland forest
stands in the Northeastern Atlantic Plain, NJ, USA, was conducted. Effects of prescribed
fire on water use and gas exchange of overstory pines were estimated via sap-flux rates
and ...
Contact Author: karinavr@andromeda.rutgers.edu
FRI Access Number: 106536
Author(s): Cattau, M. E., M. E. Harrison, I. Shinyo, S. Tungau, M. Uriarte
Title: Sources of anthropogenic fire ignitions on the peat-swamp landscape in Kalimantan,
Source: Global Environmental Change 39: 205-219
Year: 2016
Keywords: cause
Abstract: Fire disturbance in many tropical forests, including peat swamps, has become
more frequent and extensive in recent decades. These fires compromise a variety of
ecosystem services, among which mitigating global climate change through carbon
storage is ...
Contact Author: megan.cattau@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106740
Author(s): Cattau, Megan E., Mark E. Harrison, Iwan Shinyo, Sady Tungau, Maria Uriarte,
Ruth DeFries
Title: Sources of anthropogenic fire ignitions on the peat-swamp landscape in Kalimantan,
Source: Global Environmental Change 39 (2016) 205-219
Year: 2016
Keywords: cause tropics
Abstract: Fire disturbance in many tropical forests, including peat swamps, has become
more frequent and extensive in recent decades. These fires compromise a variety of
ecosystem services, among which mitigating global climate change through carbon
storage is particularly important for peat swamps. Indonesia holds the largest amount of
tropical peat carbon globally, and mean annual CO2 emissions from decomposition of
deforested and drained peatlands...
Contact Author: megan.cattau@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106535
Author(s): Cawson, Jane G., Petter Nyman, Hugh G. Smith, Patrick N. J. Lane, Gary J.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Title: How soil temperatures during prescribed burning affect soil water repellency,
infiltration and erosion
Source: Geoderma 278: 12-22
Year: 2016
Keywords: soils prescribed burning
Abstract: Fire can create, strengthen or destroy soil water repellency, with potential
implications for soil infiltration, surface runoff and erosion. Laboratory studies suggest
fire-induced changes to water repellency relate to soil temperatures during the burn.
However, relations between temperature and repellency are rarely tested in the field
where spatial variations in fuel type, soil type and soil moisture may lead to more
complex responses to fire. Furthermore, few studies link point-scale water repellency
measurements to hydro-geomorphic effects at larger...
Contact Author: Jane.Cawson@unimelb.edu.au
FRI Access Number: 106703
Author(s): Chin, Anne, Li An, Joan L. Florsheim, Laura R. Laurencio, Richard A. Marston,
Anna P. Solverson, Gregory L. Simon, Emily Stinson, Ellen Wohl
Title: Investigating feedbacks in human-landscape systems: Lessons following a wildfire in
Colorado, USA
Source: Geomorphology 252: 40-50
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: As human interactions with Earth systems continue to intensify, understanding
the complex relationships among human activity, landscape change, and societal
responses to those changes becomes increasingly important. Interdisciplinary research
centered on the theme of "feedbacks" in human-landscape systems serves ...
Contact Author: Anne.chin@ucdenver.edu
FRI Access Number: 106671
Author(s): Chinamati, Luckson a, Spikelele Mtetwa, George Nyamadzawo
Title: Causes of wildland fires, associated socio-economic impacts and challenges with
policing, in Chakari resettlement area, Kadoma, Zimbabwe
Source: Fire Science Reviews 5: 12 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: cause
Abstract: Zimbabwe is among the most fire prone countries in Africa south of the Sahara.
Annually over 1 million hectares of land are destroyed by wildland fires during the fire
season which runs from July to November. Wildland fires are caused by several agents,
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
cost huge socio and economic loses and are difficult to police. The objective of this study
was to evaluate the causes of ...
Contact Author: gnyama@yahoo.com
FRI Access Number: 106629
Author(s): Chipman, M. L., V. Hudspith, P. E. Higuera, P. A. Duffy, R. Kelly, W. W. Oswald
and F. S. Hu
Title: Spatiotemporal patterns of tundra fires: late-Quaternary charcoal records from
Source: Biogeosciences, 12, 4017-4027
Year: 2015
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Anthropogenic climate change has altered many ecosystem processes in the
Arctic tundra and may have resulted in unprecedented fire activity. Evaluating the
significance of recent fires requires knowledge from the paleofire record because
observational data in the Arctic span only several decades, much shorter than the
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: fshu@life.illinois.edu
FRI Access Number: 106756
Author(s): Cooke, B., D. Williams, T. Paveglio, M. Carroll
Title: Living with fire: How social scientists are helping wildland-urban interface
communities reduce wildfire risk
Source: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station,
Science You Can Use Bulletin, Issue 19, 9 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: sociology
Abstract: Reducing wildfire risk to lives and property is a critical issue for policy makers,
land managers, and citizens who reside in high-risk fire areas of the United States - this is
especially the case in the Rocky Mountain region and other western states. In order for a
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106487
Author(s): Coughlan, Michael R.
Title: Wildland Arson as Clandestine Resource Management: A Space-Time Permutation
Analysis and Classification of Informal Fire Management Regimes in Georgia, USA
Source: Environmental Management, available online 2016
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: Arson
Abstract: Forest managers are increasingly recognizing the value of disturbance-based
land management techniques such as prescribed burning. Unauthorized, "arson" fires are
common in the southeastern United States where a legacy of agrarian cultural heritage
persists amidst an increasingly forest-dominated landscape. This paper reexamines...
Contact Author: coughlan@uga.edu
FRI Access Number: 106646
Author(s): D'Andrea, Robert
Title: Paleoecology of Utah's GSENM: Human landscape impacts and implications for
resource management on the Colorado Plateau.
Source: M. S. Thesis, Northern Arizona University, 178 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Two sediment cores (LP-12-03 and MC-13-01) and five Neotoma middens were
recovered from southern Utah's Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM).
Reconstructions of climate, fire and vegetation histories for Fiftymile Mountain and
Meadow Canyon were created through the analysis of lithological proxies, stratigraphic
pollen and charcoal..
FRI Access Number: 106654 The recovery of forest ecosystems following severe fire is
influenced by post-fire management. The removal of burnt tree stumps (salvage logging)
is a common practice in Spain following fire. In some cases, the use of heavy machinery in
addition to the vulnerability...
FRI Access Number: 106675
Author(s): Danilin, I. M., Z. Tsogt
Title: Dynamics of structure and biological productivity of post-fire larch forests in the
Northern Mongolia
Source: Contemporary Problems of Ecology
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Peculiarities of forming and growth of post-fire larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.)
forests at the southern range of their distribution in the Northern Mongolia were studied.
Regularities of the stand structure and dynamics of biological productivity are analyzed
and discussed in the paper. It has been proved that the structure of the organic...
Author(s): Davies, Kirk W., Jon D. Bates, Chad S. Boyd and Tony J. Svejcar
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Title: Prefire grazing by cattle increases postfire resistance to exotic annual grass (Bromus
tectorum) invasion and dominance for decades
Source: Ecology and Evolution, April, 2016, pages 3356-3366
Year: 2016
Keywords: Agriculture cattle
Abstract: Fire, herbivory and their interaction influence plant community dynamics.
However, little is known about the influence of prefire herbivory on postfire plant
community response, particularly long-term resistance to postfire exotic plant invasion in
areas that historically experienced limited large herbivore pressure and infrequent,
periodic fires ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: kirk.davies@oregonstate.edu
FRI Access Number: 106637
Author(s): Davies, K. W., A. M. Nafus, C. S. Boyd, A. Hulet, J. D. Bates
Title: Effects of Using Winter Grazing as a Fuel Treatment on Wyoming Big Sagebrush
Plant Communities
Source: Rangeland Ecology & Management 69: 179-184
Year: 2016
Keywords: wildlife grazing
Abstract: More frequent wildfires and incidences of mega-fires have increased the
pressure for fuel treatments in sagebrush (Artemisia) communities. Winter grazing has
been one of many fuel treatments proposed for Wyoming big sagebrush (A. tridentata
Nutt. subsp. wyomingensis Beetle and A. Young) communities. Though fire risk ...
Contact Author: kirk.davies@oregonstate.edu
FRI Access Number: 106636
Author(s): Davies, G. M., N. Kettridge, C. R. Stoof, A. Gray, D. Ascoli
Title: The role of fire in UK peatland and moorland management: The need for informed,
unbiased debate
Source: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371: 20150342
Year: 2016
Keywords: peat
Abstract: Fire has been used for centuries to generate and manage some of the UK's
cultural landscapes. Despite its complex role in the ecology of UK peatlands and
moorlands, there has been a trend of simplifying the narrative around burning to present
it as an only ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: davies.411@osu.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
FRI Access Number: 106485
Author(s): de Sa Arruda, Wellinton, Jens Oldeland, Antonio Conceicao Paranhos Filho,
Arnildo Pott, Nicolay L. Cunha, Iria Hiromi Ishii, Geraldo Alves Damasceno-Junior
Title: Inundation and Fire Shape the Structure of Riparian Forests in the Pantanal, Brazil
Source: PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 11(6): e0156825. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156825
Year: 2016
Keywords: flooding tropics
Abstract: Inundation and fire can affect the structure of riparian vegetation in wetlands.
Our aim was to verify if there are differences in richness, abundance, basal area,
composition and topographic preference of woody species in riparian forests related to
the fire history, flooding duration, or the interaction between both...
Contact Author: geraldodamasceno@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106546 Author(s): Demske, Dieter, Pavel E Tarasov, Christian Leipe,
Bahadur S Kotlia, Lalit M Joshi, Tengwen Long
Title: Record of vegetation, climate change, human impact and retting of hemp in Garhwal
Himalaya (India) during the past 4600 years
Source: The Holocene, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: This study is focused on a 3.55-m-long sediment core retrieved from Badanital
(i.e. the BT core) in 2008. Badanital (30x29-50-N, 78x55-26-E, 2083 m a.s.l.) is a small lake
located in the upper catchment area of the Ganges in Garhwal Himalaya, northern India.
The lake and the regional broad-leaved semi-evergreen forests ...
Contact Author: ptarasov@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Author(s): Doerr, S. H. and C. L. Santin
Title: Global trends in wildfire and its impacts: perceptions versus realities in a changing
Source: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371: 20150345
Year: 2016
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Wildfire has been an important process affecting the Earth's surface and
atmosphere for over 350 million years and human societies have coexisted with fire since
their emergence. Yet many consider wildfire as an accelerating problem, with widely held
perceptions both in the media and scientific papers of increasing fire occurrence, severity
and resulting losses. However, important exceptions aside, the quantitative...
Contact Author: s.doerr@swan.ac.uk
FRI Access Number: 106473
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Dominic, Anto Raja
Title: Evaluation of meteorological forest fire risk indices and projection of fire risk for
German federal states
Source: M. S. Thesis, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Forestry, 104 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: risk weather
Abstract: An increase in the risk of forest fires in Central Europe is seen as a likely
consequence of global warming. Therefore, timely planning of adaptation measures is
necessary and requires the evaluation of specific hazards in affected regions. Knowledge
about potential regional effects of climate change on the risk of forest fires is required to
protect the forested regions in the Upper ...
Contact Author: stagl@pik-potsdam.de
FRI Access Number: 106718
Author(s): Doty, Anna C., Clare Stawski, Brad S. Law, Fritz Geiser
Title: Post-wildfire physiological ecology of an Australian microbat
Source: Journal of Comparative Physiology B, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: wildlife australia
Abstract: Historical patterns of wildfires are being altered as a result of changing climate
and therefore are becoming an increasingly pressing global issue. How small mammals
deal physiologically with changes in landscape and food ...
Contact Author: Adoty@une.edu.au
FRI Access Number: 106538
Author(s): Doug Lewis
Title: Stand and landscape-level simulations of mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus
ponderosae) and salvage logging effects on live tree and deadwood habitats in southcentral British Columbia, Canada
Source: Forest Ecology and Management
Year: 2009
Keywords: insects
Abstract: The effects of mountain pine beetle (MPB, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins)
and salvage logging were modeled on live trees and deadwood habitats, including snags
and coarse woody debris (CWD), in stands that varied by lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta
Dougl.) dominance, age and growing site quality. Results were projected ...
Author(s): Dragozi, Eleni, Ioannis Z Gitas, Sofia Bajocco, Dimitris G Stavrakoudis
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Title: Exploring the Relationship between Burn Severity Field Data and Very High
Resolution GeoEye Images: The Case of the 2011 Evros Wildfire in Greece
Source: Remote Sensing
Year: 2016
Keywords: remote senisng
Abstract: Monitoring post-fire vegetation response using remotely-sensed images is a top
priority for post-fire management. This study investigated the potential of very-highresolution (VHR) GeoEye images on detecting the field-measured burn severity of a forest
fire that occurred in Evros (Greece) during summer 2011. To do so, we ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: igitas@for.auth.gr
FRI Access Number: 106790
Author(s): Duarte, Lia, Ana Claudia Teododo
Title: An easy, accurate and efficient procedure to create forest fire risk maps using the
SEXTANTE plugin Modeler
Source: Journal of Forestry Research, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: risk mapping
Abstract: To prevent, detect, and protect against forest fires, forest personnel need to
define rules for determining forest fire risk. In Portugal, all municipalities must annually
produce forest fire risk (FFR) maps. To produce more reliable FFR maps more easily, we
developed an open source model using the Modeler plugin of SEXTANTE in the ...
Contact Author: Amteodor@fc.up.pt
Author(s): Duff, Thomas J., Derek M. Chong, Kevin G. Tolhurst
Title: Indices for the evaluation of wildfire spread simulations using contemporaneous
predictions and observations of burnt area
Source: Environmental Modelling & Software 83: 276-285
Year: 2016
Keywords: modeling behavior
Abstract: Methods to objectively evaluate performance are critical for model
development. In contrast to recent advances in wildfire simulation, there has been
limited attention to evaluating fire model performance. Information to validate fire
models is typically limited, commonly to a few perimeter observations at a small number
of points in time. We review metrics for comparing two burnt areas at a point in time ...
Contact Author: Tjduff@unimelb.edu.au
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Engebretson, Jesse M., Troy E. Hall, Jarod J. Blades, Christine S. Olsen, Eric
Toman, and Stacey S. Frederick
Title: Characterizing Public Tolerance of Smoke from Wildland Fires in Communities across
the United States
Source: Journal of Forestry, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke health
Abstract: Little is known about public tolerance of smoke from wildland fires. By
combining data from two household surveys, we sought to determine whether tolerance
of smoke from wildland fires varies with its origin or managerial rationale, to describe
geographical variation in tolerance of smoke, and to describe the relationship between
personal smoke-related health experience and tolerance of smoke. Tolerance tended to
be moderate and higher in cases when managers were attempting...
Contact Author: jesse.engebretson@oregonstate.edu
FRI Access Number: 106465
Author(s): Epting, J. and Verbyla, D. L.
Title: Landscape Level Interactions of Pre-Fire Vegetation, Burn Severity, and Post-Fire
Vegetation over a 16-Year Period in Interior Alaska
Source: Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35: 1367-1377
Year: 2005
Keywords: ecology
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: D.Verbyla@uaf.edu
FRI Access Number: 106793
Author(s): Eriksen, Christine, Gordon Waitt, Carrie Wilkinson
Title: Gendered Dynamics of Wildland Firefighting in Australia
Source: Society and Natural Resources, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: gender women
Abstract: This article examines the gendered dynamics of wildland firefighting through
analysis of employment statistics and in-depth interviews with employees of the National
Parks and Wildlife Service in New South Wales, Australia. The statistics suggest increased
gender equality for women following the affirmative gender politics ...
Contact Author: ceriksen@uow.edu.au
FRI Access Number: 106650
Author(s): Errington, Ruth C.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Title: Early successional plant community dynamics on a reclaimed oil sands mine in
comparison with natural boreal forest communities
Source: Ecoscience, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Forming the majority of plant diversity in boreal forests, understory
communities are important drivers of nutrient cycling and overstory succession. In
western Canadian boreal forests, fire is the primary mechanism of natural disturbance,
with oil sands mining a substantial anthropogenic disturbance in north-eastern Alberta.
An ...
Contact Author: ruth.errington@canada.ca
FRI Access Number: 106569
Author(s): Evangeliou, N., S. Zibtsev, V. Myroniuk, M. Zhurba, T. Hamburger, A. Stohl, Y.
Balkanski, R. Paugam, T. A. Mousseau, A. P. Muller, S. I. Kireev
Title: Resuspension and atmospheric transport of radionuclides due to wildfires near the
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 2015: An impact assessment
Source: Scientific Reports
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke radioactivity toxicity
Abstract: In April and August 2015, two major fires in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (CEZ)
caused concerns about the secondary radioactive contamination that might have spread
over Europe. The present paper assessed, for the first time, the impact of these fires over
Contact Author: Nikolaos.Evangeliou@nilu.no
FRI Access Number: 106631
Author(s): Evans, Alexander
Title: 2015 Wildfire Season: An Overview
Source: Southwestern U.S. Ecological Restoration Institute and Southwest Fire Science
Consortium, Northern Arizona University. 13 p
Year: 2016
Keywords: statistics
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106456
Author(s): Faivre, N. R., Y. Jin, M. L. Goulden, J. T. Randerson
Title: Spatial patterns and controls on burned area for two contrasting fire regimes in
Southern California
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Source: Ecosphere, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: An improved understanding of the mechanisms that regulate wildfire risk at
local to regional scales is needed for the design of effective fire and ecosystem
management. We investigated the spatial distribution of burned area in Southern
California during 1960-2009 using five different data-driven methods: multiple linear
regression, generalized...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: belotte.faivre@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106632
Author(s): Fernandez, Jesus Ruiz, Marc Oliva, Anabela Cruces, Vera Lopes, Maria da
Conceicao Freitas, Cesar Andrade, Cristina Garcia-Hernandez, Jose Antonio Lopez-Saez,
Miguel Geraldes
Title: Environmental evolution in the Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Mountains, SW Europe)
since the Last Glaciation
Source: Quaternary Science Reviews 138: 87-104
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: The Western Massif of the Picos de Europa (latitude 43x N, longitude 4-5x W)
includes some of the highest peaks in the Cantabrian Mountains. This massif was heavily
glaciated during the Last Glaciation, though the post-glacial environmental evolution is
still poorly understood. Using a complementary geomorphological and sedimentological
approach, we have reconstructed the environmental events occurred in this massif since
the last ...
Contact Author: ruizjesus@uniovi.es
FRI Access Number: 106668
Author(s): Ferragut, Luis, Isabel Asensio and Santiago Monedero
Source: European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and
Engineering, P. NeittaanmAaki, T. Rossi, K. Majava, and O. Pironneau (eds.), V. Capasso
and W. JAager (assoc. eds.), JyvAaskylAa, 24-28 July 2004
Year: 2004
Keywords: behavior modeling
Abstract: A numerical method is developed for fire spread simulation modelling. The two
dimensional model presented takes into account moisture content, radiation, wind and
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
slope effects, which are by far the most important mechanisms in fire spread. We consider
the combustion of a porous solid, where the energy,,,
Contact Author: ferragut@usal.es
FRI Access Number: 106730
Author(s): Ferranti, Francesca
Title: Improving integration between forest fire, biomass production and rural
development policy objectives. A multilevel and polycentric governance study of
European, Spanish and Catalan policies.
Source: STSM Report, FP1207, 30 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: The two topics of forest fire prevention and production of forest biomass for
energy are receiving increasing attention in the debates about forest policy and
governance. At the level of the European Union, legislations and policy documents were
produced to regulate the way Member States deal with these two forest-relevant
contexts. Consequently, actions have been taken by ...
FRI Access Number: 106574
Author(s): Fernandez-Manso, Alfonso, Carmen Quintano, Dar A. Roberts
Title: Burn severity influence on post-fire vegetation cover resilience from Landsat
MESMA fraction images time series in Mediterranean forest ecosystems
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment 184: 112-123
Year: 2016
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Mediterranean ecosystems are adapted to recurrent forest fires by having
regeneration mechanisms that overcome the immediate effects of fire. However, the
increasing frequency of fires in most European Mediterranean countries is challenging the
natural regrowth capability of these ecosystems. In this context, monitoring post-fire
vegetation recovery is a priority for forest management...
FRI Access Number: 106791
Author(s): Fidanova, S., P. Marinov
Title: The impact of slope on fire spread simulation
Source: Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 15(3): 505-510
Year: 2016
Keywords: behavior
Abstract: Every year a lot of hectares of forest are burn in Europe, especially in the south
part of Europe, where the climate is hot and dry during the summer. Last decades, with
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
climate change, this part of the Europe becomes dryer and increase of the field fires is
observed. The same problems arise in northern America, Australia and other dry regions.
A model field fire spread can have several applications. The prevision of the fire front can
help the...
Contact Author: stefka@parallel.bas.bg
FRI Access Number: 106736
Author(s): Fidej, G., A. Rozman, T. A. Nagel, I. Dakskobler and J. Diaci
Title: Influence of salvage logging on forest recovery following intermediate severity
canopy disturbances in mixed beech dominated forests of Slovenia
Source: iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry
Year: 2016
Keywords: silviculture
Abstract: The practice of salvage logging dead and damaged timber following large high
severity disturbances has raised much controversy, partly because of the negative
ecological effects that such practices have on forest ecosystems. Many ...
Contact Author: gal.fidej@bf.uni-lj.si
FRI Access Number: 106781
Author(s): Fischer, A. Paige, Thomas A. Spies, Toddi A. Steelman, Cassandra Moseley, Bart
R. Johnson, John D. Bailey, Alan A. Ager, Patrick Bourgeron, Susan Charnley, Brandon M.
Collins, Jeffrey D. Kline, Jessica E. Leahy, Jeremy S. Littell, James D. A. Millington, Max
Nielsen-Pincus, Christine S. Olsen, Travis B. Paveglio, Christopher I. Roos, Michelle M.
Steen-Adams, Forrest R. Stevens, Jelena Vukomanovic, Eric M. White and David M. J. S.
Source: Wildfire risk as a socioecological pathology
Source: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14(5): 276-284
Year: 2016
Keywords: risk sociology
Abstract: Wildfire risk in temperate forests has become a nearly intractable problem that
can be characterized as a socioecological "pathology": That is, a set of complex and
problematic interactions among social and ecological systems across multiple spatial and
temporal scales. Assessments of wildfire risk could benefit from recognizing and
accounting for these interactions in terms of socioecological systems, also known...
Contact Author: Apfisch@umich.edu
FRI Access Number: 106777
Author(s): Flerchinger, G. N., M. S. Seyfried, S. P. Hardegree
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Title: Hydrologic Response and Recovery to Prescribed Fire and Vegetation Removal in a
Small Rangeland Catchment: Hydrologic Recovery to Rangeland Vegetation Disturbance
Source: Ecohydrology
Year: 2016
Keywords: hydrology prescribed burning
Abstract: Prescribed fire can be used to return wild lands to their natural fire cycle,
control invasive weeds, and reduce fuel loads, but there are gaps in the understanding of
post-disturbance responses of vegetation and hydrology. The impact of a prescribed fire
and subsequent aspen cutting on evapotranspiration (ET) and streamflow...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: gerald.flerchinger@ars.usda.gov
FRI Access Number: 106700
Author(s): Founds, Michael
Title: Post-Fire Near-Surface Runoff from Small-Scale Rainfall Simulations, Santa Cruz
Source: Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sciences Department,
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California, 43 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: erosion
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106796
Author(s): Fox, D. M., F. Maselli, P. Carrega
Title: Using SPOT images and field sampling to map burn severity and vegetation factors
affecting post forest fire erosion risk
Source: Catena 75: 326-335
Year: 2008
Keywords: remote sensing erosion
Abstract: Runoff and erosion rates are known to increase substantially after a major forest
fire. Erosion control measures therefore need to be put into place quickly after a large
fire, and determining where to locate the measures requires accurate mapping of post
fire erosion risk. Burn severity can be determined from field observations...
Contact Author: fox@unice.fr
FRI Access Number: 106788
Author(s): Fuentes, Laura, Amaia Unzalu, Beatriz Duguy
Title: Characterization of custom fuel models in pine forests treated with prescribed fires:
Assessing the efficiency of this fuel treatment for managing fire risk in Northeastern Spain
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Source: Poster
Year: 2016
Keywords: fuel
Abstract: This study intends to: 1) assess the short-term structural changes caused by a
spring prescribed burning on the understory vegetation of a Pinus halepensis forest, and
2) characterize the custom fuel model for the Control (pre-fire)...
FRI Access Number: 106591
Author(s): Fujioka, Kaoru, Sayaka Abe
Title: A model for slash-And-burn using cellular automata
Source: International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 16(1):
Year: 2016
Keywords: modeling tropics
Abstract: Slash-And-burn is one of the efficient ways to clear land for fields or increase
the soil fertility of established fields, in which farmers intentionally set fires to their field.
On the other hand, a cellular automaton is used to simulate fire spread such as forest fire.
Therefore, in this paper, we demonstrated fire spread during slash-And-burn...
Author(s): Gazzard, R., J. McMorrow, J. Aylen
Title: Wildfire policy and management in England: An evolving response from Fire and
Rescue Services, forestry and cross-sector groups
Source: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371: 20150341
Year: 2016
Keywords: policy
Abstract: Severe wildfires are an intermittent problem in England. The paper presents the
first analysis of wildfire policy, showing its halting evolution over two decades. First efforts
to coordinate wildfire management came from local fire operation groups, where ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: rob.gazzard@forestry.gsi.gov.uk
FRI Access Number: 106486
Author(s): Ghazanfari, P., M.R. Abdollahi, A. Moieni, S.S. Moosavi
Title: Effect of plant-derived smoke extract on in vitro plantlet regeneration from
rapeseed (Brassica napus L. cv. Topas) microspore-derived embryos
Source: International Journal of Plant Production 6 (3):
Year: 2012
Keywords: smoke regeneration ecology
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Abstract: The effect of aqueous smoke extract, derived from Tanacetum parthenium, on
in vitro plantlet regeneration from rapeseed (Brassica napus L. cv. Topas) microsporederived embryos (MDEs) was evaluated in this study. Inoculation of rapeseed MDEs with
the smoke-extract dilutions...
Contact Author: m.abdollahi@basu.ac.ir
FRI Access Number: 106735
Author(s): Gitas, Ioannis, George Mitri, Sander Veraverbeke and Anastasia Polychronaki
Title: Advances in Remote Sensing of Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery Monitoring - A
Source: Chapter 7, in: Remote Sensing of Biomass - Principles and Applications, edited by
Lola Fatoyinbo, InTech
Year: 2012
Keywords: remote sensing
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106690
Author(s): Giunta, Andrew, Michael Jenkins, Elizabeth Hebertson, Allen Munson
Title: Disturbance Agents and Their Associated Effects on the Health of Interior DouglasFir Forests in the Central Rocky Mountains
Source: Forests, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Interior Douglas-fir is a prevalent forest type throughout the central Rocky
Mountains. Past management actions, specifically fire suppression, have led to an
expansion of this forest type. Although Douglas-fir forests cover a broad geographic
range, few studies have described the interactive effects of various disturbance agents on
forest ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: mike.jenkins@usu.edu
FRI Access Number: 106717
Author(s): Gonzalez-De Vega, S., J. De las Heras, D. Moya
Title: Resilience of Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems and fire severity in semiarid
areas: Responses of Aleppo pine forests in the short, mid and long term
Source: Science of the Total Environment, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: severity
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Abstract: In recent decades, the fire regime of the Mediterranean Basin has been
disturbed by various factors: climate change; forest management policies; land cover;
changed landscape. Size and severity have notably increased, which in turn have
increased large fires events with N500 ha burned (high severity). In spite of
Mediterranean ecosystems' high resilience to fire, these changes have implied more
vulnerability and reduced natural recovery with irreparable long-term negative effects.
Contact Author: Daniel.Moya@uclm.es
FRI Access Number: 106695
Author(s): Gorgone-Barbosa, Elizabeth, Virginia R. Pivello, M. Jaime Baeza, Alessandra
Title: Disturbance as a factor in breaking dormancy and enhancing invasiveness of African
grasses in a Neotropical Savanna
Source: Acta Botanica Brasilica 30(1): 131-137
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology regeneration
Abstract: The Cerrado is threatened by wildfires and invasive species. We aimed to
evaluate in laboratory conditions whether temperature fluctuation at the soil surface,
resulting from the absence of vegetation due to fire, can affect the germination of
Urochloa decumbens and U. brizantha, two invasive African grasses. Seeds of both
species were submitted to simulations...
Contact Author: elizabethgorgone@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106659
Author(s): Govindaraj, M., P. Masilamani, V. Alex Albert, M. Bhaskaran
Title: Plant derived smoke stimulation for seed germination and enhancement of crop
growth: A review
Source: Agricultural Reviews 37(2): 87-100
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke regeneration
Abstract: Smoke is an important factor involved in fire and post fire germination cues.
The role of smoke in stimulating germination was first highlighted in South Africa in a
study on Audouinia capitata, a threatened fynbos species. Farmers throughout the world
have traditionally used fire and smoke in grain drying ...
Contact Author: masil_mahesh@yahoo.com
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106734
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Gowlett, J. A. J.
Title: The discovery of fire by humans: A long and convoluted process
Source: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371, 20150164
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Numbers of animal species react to the natural phenomenon of fire, but only
humans have learnt to control it and to make it at will. Natural fires caused
overwhelmingly by lightning are highly evident on many landscapes. Birds such as hawks,
and some other ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: gowlett@liverpool.ac.uk
FRI Access Number: 106482
Author(s): Graham, Robert C., Louise M. Egerton-Warburton, Paul F. Hendrix, Peter J.
Shouse, Jodi L. Johnson-Maynard, Sylvie A. Quideau, Paul D. Sternberg, Jack A. Jobes, Joan
M. Breiner
Title: Wildfire Effects on Soils of a 55-Year-Old Chaparral and Pine Biosequence
Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal 80: 376-394
Year: 2016
Keywords: soils
Abstract: A chaparral and pine biosequence established in 1946 was burned in a wildfire
in 2002. Thorough studies of the soil environments during the previous two decades
established a baseline for comparison of post-fire changes. Aboveground vegetation was
reduced to charred stems, and litter layers were combusted to white ash and ...
Contact Author: robert.graham@ucr.edu
FRI Access Number: 106720
Author(s): Guangdong Tian, Yaping Ren, MengChu Zhou
Title: Dual-Objective Scheduling of Rescue Vehicles to Distinguish Forest Fires via
Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Optimization Combined Algorithm
Source: IEEE's Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Year: 2016
Keywords: suppression
Abstract: It is complex and difficult to perform the emergency scheduling of forest fires in
order to reduce the operational cost and improve the efficiency of extinguishing fire
services. A new research issue arises when: 1) decision-makers want to minimize the
number of rescue vehicles (or fire-fighting ones) while minimizing the extinguishing
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Guehaz, Riad, Venkataraman Sivakumar, Mohammed Traiche
Title: Demonstrating LiDAR Technique on Forest Fire Detection in Algiers and Durban: A
preliminary study
Source: Unpublished manuscript, 5 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: In Algeria, we are developing a dual mobile LiDAR system for environmental
studies. The detection of forest fire in continuous mountainous forests in north Algeria is
the primary focus of this application [7]. Especially, in those hilly and inaccessible zones
where the risk factor of a forest fire is high in summer. The purpose of this application is
to identify the signature...
Contact Author: rguehaz@cdta.dz
FRI Access Number: 106649
Author(s): Hailu, Abiot, Abdella Gure, Girma Mengesha, Yosef Mamo, Addisu Asefa
Title: Response of Swayne's Hartebeest to Fire-induced Habitat Change in Senkelle
Sanctuary, Ethiopia
Source: Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal 4(2): 122-126
Year: 2015
Keywords: wildlife
Abstract: Fire disturbance is one principal conservation tool to improve wildlife habitat
savanna ecosystems, but it can also have the opposite effect if unregulated as it favors
the growth and establishment of invasive alien species and bush encroachment by
indigenous species. The main aim of the present study was to examine the res Swayne's
Hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus swaynei Ethiopian endemic subspecies to fire-induced
Contact Author: Aa.mitiku@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106666
Author(s): Halsey, R. W. and J. E. Keeley
Title: Conservation issues: California Chaparral. Reference Module in Earth Systems and
Environmental Sciences
Source: (book) Elsevier Inc. 12pp. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.09584-1
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
FRI Access Number: 106797
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Hamad, A. M. B. A., B. Amireh, H. El Atfy, A. Jasper, D. Uhl
Title: Fire in a Weichselia-dominated coastal ecosystem from the Lower Cretaceous
(Barremian) of the Kurnub Group in NW Jordan
Source: Cretaceous Research 66: 82-93
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Large intervals of the Cretaceous are considered as a 'high-fire'period in Earth's
history. However, so far most studies dealing in greater detail with the fossil evidence of
palaeo-wildfires, ie fossil charcoal, originate from the northern hemisphere (ie North ...
Contact Author: dieter.uhl@senckenberg.de
FRI Access Number: 106742
Author(s): Hantson, S., A. Arneth, S. P. Harrison, D. I. Kelley, I. Colin Prentice, Sam S. Rabin,
Sally Archibald, Florent Mouillot, Steve R. Arnold, Paulo Artaxo, Dominique Bachelet,
Philippe Ciais, Matthew Forrest, Pierre Friedlingstein, Thomas Hickler, Jed O. Kaplan, Silvia
Kloster, Wolfgang Knorr, Gitta Lasslop, Fang Li, Stephane Mangeon, Joe R. Melton,
Andrea Meyn, Stephen Sitch, Allan Spessa, Guido R. van der Werf, Apostolos Voulgarakis
and Chao Yue
Title: The status and challenge of global fire modelling
Source: Biogeosciences 13, 3359-3375
Year: 2016
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: Biomass burning impacts vegetation dynamics, biogeochemical cycling,
atmospheric chemistry, and climate, with sometimes deleterious socio-economic impacts.
Under future climate projections it is often expected that the risk of wildfires will increase.
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: stijn.hantson@kit.edu
FRI Access Number: 106563
Author(s): Hasburgh, Laura E., Donald S. Stone, Samuel L. Zelinka
Title: Laboratory Investigation of Fire Transfer from Exterior Wood Decks to Buildings in
the Wildland-Urban Interface
Source: Fire Technology
Year: 2016
Keywords: interface structures
Abstract: In the wildland-urban interface, wood decks are a target for wildfire and may be
ignited by firebrands or flaming debris. Wood decks also present a potential source for
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
ignition of structures in the wildland-urban interface. However, their role in ignition of
the adjacent structure is unclear and current regulation is based in part ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: lehasburgh@fs.fed.us
FRI Access Number: 106641
Author(s): Herron-Thorpe, Farren L., G. H. Mount, Louisa K. Emmons, Joseph K. Vaughan
Title: Air quality simulations of wildfires in the Pacific Northwest evaluated with surface
and satellite observations during the summers of 2007 and 2008
Source: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14: 12533-12551
Year: 2014
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Evaluation of a regional air quality forecasting system for the Pacific Northwest
was carried out using a suite of surface and satellite observations. Wildfire events for the
2007 and 2008 fire seasons were simulated using the Air Information Report for Public
Access and Community Tracking v.3 (AIRPACT-3) framework utilizing ...
Contact Author: farrenthorpe@wsu.edu
FRI Access Number: 106769
Author(s): Heumann, Blane
Title: Reflections on 50 years of burning in the Nature Conservancy
Source: The Nature Conservancy
Year: 2012
Keywords: prescribed burning
Abstract: blog on nature conservancy web site
Author(s): Hevia, A., J.G. Alvarez-Gonzalez, E. Ruiz-Fernandez, C. Prendes, A.D. RuizGonzalez, J. Majada, E. Gonzalez-Ferreiro
Title: Modelling canopy fuel and forest stand variables and characterizing the influence of
thinning in the stand structure using airborne LiDAR
Source: Revista de Teledeteccion 45: 41-55
Year: 2016
Keywords: fuel silviculture
Abstract: Forest fires are a major threat in NW Spain. The importance and frequency of
these events in the area suggests the need for fuel management programs to reduce the
spread and severity of forest fires. Thinning treatments can contribute for fire risk
reduction, because they cut off the horizontal continuity of forest fuels. Besides, it is ...
Contact Author: Ahevia@cetemas.es
FRI Access Number: 106660
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Hicke, Jeffrey A., Arjan J. H. Meddens, Crystal A. Kolden
Title: Recent Tree Mortality in the Western United States from Bark Beetles and Forest
Source: Forest Science, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: mortality insects
Abstract: Forests are substantially influenced by disturbances, and therefore accurate
information about the location, timing, and magnitude of disturbances is important for
understanding effects. In the western United States, the two major disturbance agents
that kill trees are wildfire and bark beetle outbreaks. Our objective was to quantify ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: jhicke@uidaho.edu
FRI Access Number: 106712
Author(s): Hjerpe, Evan, Yeon-Su Kim, Leah Dunn
Title: Forest density preferences of homebuyers in the wildland-urban interface
Source: Forest Policy and Economics 70: 56-66
Year: 2016
Keywords: interface
Abstract: In the fire-prone Western U.S., the scale of surrounding forest density can be
realized by homebuyers as an amenity for aesthetics and cooling effects, or as a
disamenity in terms of wildfire risk. There has been a lack of academic attention to
understanding this duality of forest density preferences for homebuyers in at-risk
Wildland Urban Interfaces (WUIs). To fill this gap, we investigated the influence of forest
density on WUI house sales ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: evan@conservationecon.org
FRI Access Number: 106606
Author(s): Holbrook, Joseph D.
Title: Occupancy and abundance of predator and prey: implications of the fire-cheatgrass
cycle in sagebrush ecosystems
Source: Ecosphere 7(6):e01307, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: wildlife
Abstract: Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) ecosystems are declining due to biological
invasions and changes in fire regimes. Understanding how ecosystem changes influence
functionally important animals such as ecosystem engineers is essential to ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Contact Author: jholbrook03@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106543
Author(s): Hostler, David, Deanna Colburn, Jon C. Rittenberger, Steven E. Reis
Title: Effect of Two Work-to-Rest Ratios on Cardiovascular, Thermal, and Perceptual
Responses During Fire Suppression and Recovery
Source: Prehospital Emergency Care
Year: 2016
Keywords: health firefighters
Abstract: Fire suppression is a physically demanding occupation that often results in
significant heat stress and hypohydration. Guidelines for the number of work intervals
allowed before a structured recovery were consensus derived and have not been tested.
Methods: Apparently healthy firefighters were recruited for this field study. Subjects
were assigned to two or three bouts of live fire training prior to 20 minutes of structured
Author(s): Huan Gu, Christopher A. Williams, Bardan Ghimire, Feng Zhao, Chengquan
Title: High-resolution forest carbon flux mapping and monitoring in the Pacific Northwest
with time since disturbance and disturbance legacies inferred from remote sensing and
inventory data
Source: Biogeosciences Discussions doi:10.5194/bg-2016-163, 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Assessment of forest carbon storage and uptake is central to understanding the
role forests play in the global carbon cycle and policy-making aimed at mitigating climate
change. Current U.S. carbon stocks and fluxes are monitored and reported at fine-scale
regionally, or coarse-scale nationally. We proposed a new methodology of quantifying ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: HuGu@clarku.edu
FRI Access Number: 106630
Author(s): Huijnen, V., M. J. Wooster, J. W. Kaiser, D. L. A. Gaveau, J. Flemming, M.
Parrington, A. Inness, D. Murdiyarso, B. Main, M. van Weele
Title: Fire carbon emissions over maritime southeast Asia in 2015 largest since 1997
Source: Scientific Reports 6: 26886, 9 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Abstract: In September and October 2015 widespread forest and peatland fires burned
over large parts of maritime southeast Asia, most notably Indonesia, releasing large
amounts of terrestrially-stored carbon into the atmosphere, primarily in the form of CO2,
CO and CH4. With a mean emission rate of 11.3 Tg CO2 per day during Sept-Oct 2015...
FRI Access Number: 106588
Author(s): Iglesias, Virginia, Vera Markgraf, Cathy Whitlock
Title: 17,000years of vegetation, fire and climate change in the eastern foothills of the
Andes (lat. 44xS)
Source: Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 457: 195-208
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Paleoenvironmental records from Patagonia reveal the importance of latitude,
longitude and elevation in shaping the response of vegetation to climate change. We
examined the vegetation, fire and watershed history from two sites at lat. 44xS, as
inferred from pollen, charcoal and lithologic data. These reconstructions were compared
with independent paleoenvironmental records to better understand ecosystem dynamics
along ...
Contact Author: virginia.iglesias@msu.montana.edu
FRI Access Number: 106575
Author(s): Iglesias, V., V. Markgraf, C. Whitlock
Title: 7,000 years of vegetation, fire and climate change in the eastern foothills of the
Andes (lat. 44x S)
Source: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 457: 195-208
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Paleoenvironmental records from Patagonia reveal the importance of latitude,
longitude and elevation in shaping the response of vegetation to climate change. We
examined the vegetation, fire and watershed history from two sites at lat. 44 S, as
inferred ...
Contact Author: virginia.iglesias@msu.montana.edu
Author(s): Jaffe, D., W. Hafner, D. Chand, A. L. Westerling, D. V. Spracklen
Title: Interannual Variations in Wildfire PM2.5 in the Western United States
Source: Environmental Science and Technology 42: 2812-2818
Year: 2008
Keywords: smoke
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Abstract: In this study we have evaluated the role of wildfires on concentrations of fine
particle (d < 2.5 m) organic carbon (OC) and particulate mass (PM2.5) in the Western
United States for the period 1988-2004. To do this, we examined the
relationshipbetweenmeansummerPM2.5andOCconcentrations at 39 IMPROVE sites with a
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106513
Author(s): Jeon, B. R. and H. M. Chae
Title: The Analysis on Forest Fire Occurrence Characteristics by Regional Area in Korea
from 1990 to 2014 Year
Source: Journal of forest and environmental science
Year: 2016
Keywords: korea statistics
Abstract: Understanding regional characteristics in forest fire occurrence is important to
establish effective forest fire prevention policy in Korea. This study analyzed the
characteristics of forest fires occurred in 16 administrative districts for recent 25 years
(1990-2014) to ...
Author(s): Jimenez-Morillo, Nicasio T., Jose M. de la Rosa, Derek Waggoner, Gonzalo
Almendros, Francisco J. Gonzalez-Vila, Jose A. Gonzalez-Perez
Title: Fire effects in the molecular structure of soil organic matter fractions under Quercus
suber cover
Source: CATENA 145: 266-273
Year: 2016
Keywords: soils
Abstract: Forest fires cause immediate and lasting environmental impacts in soil organic
matter (SOM) by modifying existing chemical structures, forming new ones, or
adding/removing materials such as fresh or charred biomass. In this paper, the
information provided by analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS) of whole soil samples and two
particle-size fractions (coarse and fine) is analysed in a sandy soil from a typical ...
Contact Author: jag@irnase.csic.es
FRI Access Number: 106713
Author(s): Jinsang Jung, Youngsook Lyu, Minhee Lee, Taekyung Hwang, Sangil Lee,
Sanghyub Oh
Title: Impact of Siberian forest fires on the atmosphere over the Korean Peninsula during
summer 2014
Source: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16: 6757-6770
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: korea smoke
Abstract: Extensive forest fires occurred during late July 2014 across the forested region
of Siberia, Russia. Smoke plumes emitted from Siberian forest fires underwent long-range
transport over Mongolia and northeast China to the Korean Peninsula, which is located
3000 km south of the Siberian forest. A notably high aerosol optical depth ...
Contact Author: jsjung@kriss.re.kr
FRI Access Number: 106708
Author(s): John Handmer, Saffron O'Neill
Title: Examining bushfire policy in action: Preparedness and behaviour in the 2009 Black
Saturday fires
Source: Environmental Science and Policy 63: 55-62
Year: 2016
Keywords: policy australia
Abstract: An important part of reducing the risk of disaster is the preparedness of the
people at risk. Australian bushfire authorities have policies and publicity about what
households should do to be prepared - which include knowledge about fire risk,
awareness of one's own risk, taking specific steps to reduce risk including having an
emergency plan. Yet, there is sparse...
Contact Author: John.handmer@rmit.edu.au
FRI Access Number: 106580
Author(s): Jones, Michael and Marlin Bowles
Title: Tree Ring Analysis of Eastern Red Cedar Reveals Fire History of Fults Hill Prairie
Nature Preserve, and its Relationship to Climate and Loss of Prairie Vegetation
Source: The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL 60532, 14 pages
Year: 2013
Keywords: history
Abstract: We used tree ring analysis of eastern red cedar to develop a chronology of
historic fire at Fults Hill Prairie Nature Preserve, and to understand its relationship to
historic climate and loss of prairie habitat measured on aerial photos. Hill prairies have
been declining in area in Illinois since the 1960s, and loss of prairie vegetation at Fults Hill
Prairie is significantly impacting the biodiversity of an important ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106779
Author(s): Jones, M. D. and M. L. Bowles
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Title: Eastern redcedar dendrochronology links hill prairie decline with decoupling from
climatic control of fire regime and reduced fire frequency
Source: The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 143(3):239-253
Year: 2016
Keywords: history climate
Abstract: Human-caused decreased fire frequency allows a shift toward woody
vegetation in North American grasslands. Since the 1960s, Midwest hill prairies have
declined in area due to invasion by Juniperus virginiana L.(eastern redcedar) and
encroachment of ...
Contact Author: mbowles@mortonarb.org
FRI Access Number: 106792
Author(s): Kajukalo, Katarzyna, Barbara Fialkiewicz-Koziel, Mariusz Galka, Piotr Kolaczek,
Mariusz Lamentowicz
Title: Abrupt ecological changes in the last 800 years inferred from a mountainous bog
using testate amoebae traits and multi-proxy data
Source: European Journal of Protistology, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology wetlands
Abstract: Mountainous peatlands of Western Sudetes are considered a unique habitats in
Central Europe. The region contains one of the largest raised bog complexes in temperate
Europe and is thus of great importance for biodiversity conservation. In this first highresolution study from this region we use long-term ecological data ...
Contact Author: katarzyna.kajukalo@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106628
Author(s): Kambezidis, Harry D., George K. Kalliampakos
Title: Fire-Risk Assessment in Northern Greece Using a Modified Fosberg Fire-Weather
Index That Includes Forest Coverage
Source: International Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: risk weather
Abstract: The spatial distribution of the monthly mean values for various climatological
parameters in Northern Greece is derived. The corresponding data come from
measurements at several meteorological stations located in Central Macedonia, Eastern
Macedonia, and Thrace (CM/EMT) area in the period 1975-1997. The collected data
concern high temperature and low...
Contact Author: harry@noa.gr
FRI Access Number: 106652
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Kato, E., A. Ito, M. Kawamiya
Title: Modeling the Global Emissions from Vegetation Fire for the Scenario Data of
Integrated Assessment Model
Source: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #B31E-0341
Year: 2008
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Biomass burning is one of the important source of anthropogenic emissions of
trace gases and aerosols. Recent developments of global fire emission inventories based
on various satellite observations have improved the quality and seasonality of its
emissions, however, the division of the causes into natural fires and anthropogenic fires
usually cannot be determined easily by the remote sensing measurements. In this study,
we evaluated ...
Contact Author: ekato@jamstec.go.jp
Author(s): Kathrin Kramer, Peter Brang, Hansheinrich Bachofen, Harold Bugmann and
Thomas Wohlgemuth
Title: Site factors are more important than salvage logging for tree regeneration after
wind disturbance in Central European forests
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 331: 116-128
Year: 2014
Keywords: silviculture
Abstract: Wind disturbance is the main natural driver of forest dynamics in Central and
Northern Europe, but little is known regarding the general patterns of tree regeneration
following windthrow in this region. On the basis of 89 windthrow gaps, we quantified
natural tree regeneration 10 and 20 years after wind disturbance, and identified the
factors ...
Contact Author: kathrin.kramer@wsl.ch
FRI Access Number: 106782
Author(s): Keeley, Jon E., Marti Witter and Liz van Mantgem
Title: Why should old-growth chaparral be protected?
Source: Research Brief for Resource Managers, California Fire Science Consortium, 2 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: The unique combinations of soils, variable topographies, climates, and
predictable fire regimes have shaped at least 44 functionally remarkable chaparral plant
communities in five regions around the world.
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106470
Author(s): Keeley, J. E., J.T. Parker, and M.C. Vasey
Title: Resprouting and seeding hypotheses: A test of the gap-dependent model using
resprouting and obligate seeding subspecies of Arctostaphylos
Source: Plant Ecology 1-8 DOI: 10.1007/s11258-015-0551-ze
Year: 2016
Keywords: regeneration ecology
Abstract: In sibling Arctostaphylos subspecies, natural selection prefers obligate seeders
when the fuel structure is discontinuous whereas resprouting is favored in dense fuel
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Keeley, Jon E., Marti Witter and Liz van Mantgem
Title: Ecological correlates with resprouting and seeding
Source: Research Brief for Resource Managers, California Fire Science Consortium, 2 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: regeneration ecology
Abstract: In sibling Arctostaphylos subspecies, natural selection prefers obligate seeders
when the fuel structure is discontinuous whereas resprouting is favored in dense fuel
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106469
Author(s): Kellner, K.F., N.I. Lichti, R.K. Swihart
Title: Midstory removal reduces effectiveness of oak (Quercus) acorn dispersal by small
mammals in the Central Hardwood Forest region
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 375: 182-190
Year: 2016
Keywords: wildlife
Abstract: Timber harvests that aim to promote oak (Quercus) regeneration may have
indirect impacts on seedling recruitment by altering trophic interactions between oak and
animals. For example, changes in habitat structure following harvest may alter the
conditionally mutualistic relationship between oak and small mammal granivores...
Contact Author: kkellner@purdue.edu
FRI Access Number: 106680
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Kelly, Bruce E.
Source: Railway Age 217(5): 20-21
Year: 2016
Keywords: suppression equipment railroad
FRI Access Number: 106476
Author(s): Kidnie, Susan, Miguel Cruz, David Nichols, Richard Hurley, Jim Gould, Rachel
Bessell, Alen Slijepcevic
Title: The effect of curing on fire behaviour in grasslands
Source: Proceedings for the 5th International Fire Behaviour and Fuels Conference April
11-15, 2016, Melbourne, Australia
Year: 2016
Keywords: behavior grasslands
Contact Author: s.kidnie@cfa.vic.gov.au
FRI Access Number: 106658
Author(s): Kinoshita, Alicia
Title: Post-fire hydrologic behavior and recovery: Advancing spatial and temporal
prediction with an emphasis on remote sensing
Source: Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 181 pages
Year: 2012
Keywords: hydrology
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106692
Author(s): Kitzberger, T., G. L. W. Perry, J. Paritsis, J. H. Gowda, A. J. Tepley, A. Holz and T.
T. Veblen
Title: Fire-vegetation feedbacks and alternative states: common mechanisms of
temperate forest vulnerability to fire in southern South America and New Zealand
Source: New Zealand Journal of botany, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: In the context of global warming and increasing impacts of invasive plants and
animals, we examine how positive fire-vegetation feedbacks are increasing the
vulnerability of pyrophobic temperate forests to conversion to pyrophytic non-forest
vegetation in ...
Contact Author: kitzberger@comahue-conicet.gob.ar
FRI Access Number: 106533
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Klimaszewski-Patterson, Anna, Scott A. Mensing
Title: Multi-disciplinary approach to identifying Native American impacts on Late
Holocene forest dynamics in the southern Sierra Nevada range, California, USA
Source: Anthropocene, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Fire is a natural disturbance component and driver of forest composition in the
western United States. Cooler/wetter climates are typically associated with less frequent
fires and succession of montane forests to more shade-tolerant, fire-sensitive taxa.
Native Americans have lived in California since the terminal Pleistocene and used fire to
alter the landscape and maximize natural resources; however, determining the extent
and ...
Contact Author: Annap@nevada.unr.edu
FRI Access Number: 106579
Author(s): Koivula, Matti, John R. Spence
Title: Effects of post-fire salvage logging on boreal mixed-wood ground beetle
assemblages (Coleoptera, Carabidae)
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 236: 102-112
Year: 2006
Keywords: salvage silviculture
Abstract: The frequency and intensity of salvage logging has recently increased in burned
forests of the Canadian boreal so that post-fire areas make up a significant annual share
of all harvested forest land in some years. However, little is known about how this
practice affects re-establishment of animal and plant communities ...
Contact Author: mkoivula@ualberta.ca
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106746
Title: A Simple Physical Model for Forest Fire Spread Rate
SYMPOSIUM, pp. 851-862
Year: 2005
Keywords: modeling behavior
Abstract: Based on energy conservation and detailed heat transfer mechanisms, a simple
physical model for fire spread is presented for the limit of one-dimensional steady-state
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
contiguous spread of a line fire in a thermally-thin uniform porous fuel bed. The solution
for the fire spread rate is found as...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106728
Author(s): Koshurnikova, Nataly, Sergey Verkhovets, Olga Antamoshkina, Nataly
Trofimova, Lyudmila Zlenko, Andrey Zhuikov
Title: Assessment of Central Siberia Forest Ecosystems Sustainability to Forest Fires:
Academic Research Outcomes
Source: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 214, 5 December 2015, Pages 1008-1018
Year: 2015
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: The majority of negative consequences caused by extreme and natural hazards
are qualified as weather and climate-related emergency situations. Programs and
measures developed to reduce climate risks for economics should be based on scientific
background, R&D projects and ongoing monitoring. Fire has always been remained as the
main natural factor devastating forest ecosystems...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: nkoshurnikova@sfu-kras.ru
FRI Access Number: 106560
Author(s): Kulkarni, Charuta, Dorothy M. Peteet, Rebecca Boger, Linda E. Heusser
Title: Exploring the role of humans and climate over the Balkan landscape: 500 years of
vegetational history of Serbia
Source: Quaternary Science Reviews 144: 83-94
Year: 2016
Keywords: climate
Abstract: We present the first, well-dated, high-resolution record of vegetation and
landscape change from Serbia, which spans the past 500 years. Biological proxies (pollen,
spores, and charcoal), geochemical analysis through X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), and a
detailed chronology based on AMS 14C dating from a western Serbian sinkhole core ...
Contact Author: ckulkarni@gradcenter.cuny.edu
FRI Access Number: 106607
Author(s): Kulikowski, A.
Title: Post-fire succession in Yellowstone's springtail community
Source: Undergraduate Research Study
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Abstract: Arthropods fill numerous ecological roles during post-fire succession, including
pollination, mediation of flora via herbivory, and decomposition. Particularly important
are the ecosystem services provided by litter and soil arthropods in the class Collembola.
Collembolans, ...
Author(s): Kumi-Boateng, B. and I. Yakubu
Title: Modelling Forest Fire Risk in the Goaso Forest Area of Ghana: Remote Sensing and
Geographic Information Systems Approach
Source: International Journal of Environmental, Chemical, Ecological, Geological and
Geophysical Engineering 10(6): 618-625
Year: 2016
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: Forest fire, which is, an uncontrolled fire occurring in nature has become a
major concern for the Forestry Commission of Ghana (FCG). The forest fires in Ghana
usually result in massive destruction and take a long time for the firefighting crews to gain
control ...
Contact Author: kumi@umat.edu.gh
FRI Access Number: 106639
Author(s): Lamont, Byron B., Mick E. Hanley, Philip K. Groom, Tianhua He
Title: Bird pollinators, seed storage and cockatoo granivores explain large woody fruits as
best seed defense in Hakea
Source: Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics
Year: 2016
Keywords: wildlife birds
Abstract: Nutrient-impoverished soils with severe summer drought and frequent fire
typify many Mediterranean-type regions of the world. Such conditions limit seed
production and restrict opportunities for seedling recruitment making protection from
granivores paramount. Our focus was on Hakea, a genus of shrubs widespread...
FRI Access Number: 106590
Author(s): Langhans, C., P. N. J. Lane, P. Nyman, P. J. Noske
Title: Scale dependency of effective hydraulic conductivity on fire-affected hillslopes
Source: Water Resources Research, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: hydrology
Abstract: Effective hydraulic conductivity (K e) for Hortonian overland flow modeling has
been defined as a function of rainfall intensity and runon infiltration assuming a
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
distribution of saturated hydraulic conductivities (K s). But surface boundary condition
during infiltration ...
Contact Author: christoph.langhans@unimelb.edu.au
FRI Access Number: 106755
Author(s): Leal, Alejandra, Bibiana Bilbao, Juan Carlos Berrio, Hermann Behling, Jose
Vicente Montoya, Carlos Mendez
Title: Late Holocene gallery forest retrogression in the Venezuelan Guayana: New data
and implications for the conservation of a cultural landscape
Source: The Holocene, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Fire is considered a major threat to forest conservation in the Neotropics.
Palaeoecological studies are critical for understanding the long-term interactions of
climate, fire, and human activities in the savanna-forest dynamic. Here, new data from
palynological analyses conducted in sedimentary records from the northern edge of the
Amazon ...
Contact Author: Avleal@usb.ve
FRI Access Number: 106673
Author(s): Leal, B. E. Z., A. R. Hirakawa, T. D. Pereira
Title: Onboard fuzzy logic approach to active fire detection in Brazilian amazon forest
Source: IEEE's Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic 52(2):
Year: 2016
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Fire spots occur throughout the world, with local impacts on land use,
productivity, evapotranspiration, biodiversity, etc., and global and regional impacts
related to biochemical, hydrological, and atmospheric processes [1]. Fire spots are caused
mainly ...
Author(s): Lehsten, Veiko, William de Groot, Florian Sallaba
Title: Fuel fragmentation and fire size distributions in managed and unmanaged boreal
forests in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 376: 148-157
Year: 2016
Keywords: fuel
Abstract: Forest fires are an important disturbance factor of boreal forests, annually
burning about 0.5% of the forested area in Canada. Wildfire regimes are influenced by
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
climate and a number of studies project an increase in wildfire activity with climate
change. Another factor influencing wildfires is human intervention...
Contact Author: veiko.lehsten@nateko.lu.se
Author(s): Littell, J. S., D. L. Peterson, K. L. Riley, Y. Liu, C. H. Luce
Title: Fire and drought
Source: Pages 135-154, Chapter 7, in: Effects of Drought on forests and Rangelands in the
United States, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
Year: 2016
Keywords: drought
Abstract: Historical and presettlement relationships between drought and wildfire have
been well documented in much of North America, with forest fire occurrence and area
burned clearly increasing in response to drought. Drought interacts with other controls
(forest productivity, ...
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FRI Access Number: 106481
Author(s): Litton, Creighton M. and Clay Trauernicht
Title: Grazing to reduce blazing
Source: Pacific Fire Exchange Fact Sheet, April 2016, 2 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: weather hawaii
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106480
Author(s): Lloveria, Raquel Montorio, Fernando Perez-Cabello, Alberto Garcia-Martin,
Juan de la Riva Fernandez
Title: Combined Methodology Based on Field Spectrometry and Digital Photography for
Estimating Fire Severity
Source: Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 1(4):
Year: 2009
Keywords: severity remote sensing
Abstract: Fire severity can be considered one of the most influential factors in the postfire
development of burnt areas. Ground level studies documenting changes in reflectance
values improve the discrimination of spatial fire severity across large areas. The objective
of this study was to determine those spectral regions most sensitive ...
Contact Author: montorio@unizar.es
FRI Access Number: 106697
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Lloveria, Raquel Montorio, Fernando Perez-Cabello, Alberto Garcia-Martin
Title: Assessing post-fire ground cover in Mediterranean shrublands with field
spectrometry and digital photography
Source: ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 119: 187-197
Year: 2016
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Fire severity can be assessed by identifying and quantifying the fractional
abundance of post-fire ground cover types, an approach with great capacity to predict
ecosystem response. Focused on shrubland formations of Mediterranean-type
ecosystems, three burned areas (Ibieca and Zuera wildfires and Penaflor experimental
fire) were sampled in the summers of 2006 and 2007. Two different ground...
Contact Author: montorio@unizar.es
Author(s): Lu Liang, Todd J. Hawbaker, Zhiliang Zhu, Xuecao Li, Peng Gong
Title: Forest disturbance interactions and successional pathways in the Southern Rocky
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 375: 35-45
Year: 2016
Keywords: insects ecology
Abstract: The pine forests in the southern portion of the Rocky Mountains are a
heterogeneous mosaic of disturbance and recovery. The most extensive and intensive
stress and mortality are received from human activity, fire, and mountain pine beetles
(MPB; Dendroctonus ponderosae). Understanding disturbance interactions ...
Contact Author: liang@uamont.edu
FRI Access Number: 106732
Author(s): Martin, R. Adam, Sarah T. Hamman, Kathryn C. Hill
Title: Burning for Butterflies
Source: Conference paper
Year: 2016
Keywords: insects prescribed burning
Abstract: Prescribed fire is a keystone management tool in prairie restoration. Rare and
sensitive butterfly species often direct this management, and the restoration and
enhancement of their habitat is a primary objective of many prescribed burns. It is
important to understand how we can utilize fire to create and maintain butterfly habitat,
particularly for the Taylor's checkerspot
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Marlon, Jennifer R., Ryan Kelly, Anne-Laure Daniau, Boris Vanni re, Mitchell J.
Power, Patrick Bartlein, Philip Higuera, Olivier Blarquez, Simon Brewer, Tim Brancher,
Angelica Feurdean, Graciela Gil Romera, Virginia Iglesias, S. Yoshi Maezumi, Brian Magi,
Colin J. Courtney Mustaphi, Tonishtan Zhihai
Title: Reconstructions of biomass burning from sediment-charcoal records to improve
data - model comparisons
Source: Biogeosciences 13: 3225-3244
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: The location, timing, spatial extent, and frequency of wildfires are changing
rapidly in many parts of the world, producing substantial impacts on ecosystems, people,
and potentially climate. Paleofire records based on charcoal accumulation in sediments
enable modern changes in biomass burning to be considered in their long-term context.
Paleofire records also provide insights into the causes and impacts of past wildfires and
Contact Author: jennmarlon@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106571
Author(s): Maringer, Janet, Davide Ascoli, Luuk Dorren, Peter Bebi, Marco Conedera
Title: Temporal trends in the protective capacity of burnt beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.)
against rockfall
Source: European Journal of Forest Research, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests covering relief-rich terrain often provide direct
protection from rockfall for humans and their property. However, the efficacy in
protecting against such hazards may abruptly and substantially ...
Contact Author: jm@ilpoe.uni-stuttgart.de
FRI Access Number: 106567
Author(s): Martin, D. A.
Title: At the nexus of fire, water and society
Source: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B
Year: 2016
Keywords: hydrology
Abstract: The societal risks of water scarcity and water-quality impairment have received
considerable attention, evidenced by recent analyses of these topics by the 2030 Water
Resources Group, the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. What are the ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Mason, Joseph A., Peter M. Jacobs, Kristine E. Gruley, Paul Reyerson, Paul R.
Title: Parent material influence on soil response to vegetation change, Southeastern
Minnesota, U.S.A.
Source: Geoderma 275: 1-17
Year: 2016
Keywords: soils
Abstract: Soil morphology changes dramatically across the former transition from forest
to grassland in the Midwestern U.S.A. That vegetation boundary shifted as a result of
Holocene climatic change and fire suppression following Euroamerican settlement, but
the timescale of soil response to those vegetation changes and the factors that
Contact Author: mason@geography.wisc.edu
FRI Access Number: 106615
Author(s): Mason, Norman W. H., Cyril Frazao, Rowan P. Buxton, Sarah J. Richardson
Title: Fire form and function: evidence for exaptive flammability in the New Zealand flora
Source: Plant Ecology, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: This study tests whether or not foliar flammability is related to resource-use
and anti-herbivore defence strategies of plant species. We measured the flammability (at
400 xC) of 1640 dry and fresh leaves across 115 common native New Zealand woody and
herbaceous species collected from sites throughout New Zealand. We used three
indicators of foliar flammability-leaf temperature at smoke production and on ...
Contact Author: masonn@landcareresearch.co.nz
FRI Access Number: 106576
Author(s): McDonald, Peter J., Alistair Stewart, Andrew T. Schubert, Catherine E. M. Nano,
Chris R. Dickman, Gary W. Luck
Title: Fire and grass cover influence occupancy patterns of rare rodents and feral cats in a
mountain refuge: Implications for management
Source: Wildlife Research 43: 121-129
Year: 2016
Keywords: wildlife rodents
Abstract: Feral cats (Felis catus) are implicated in the ongoing decline of Australian
mammals. New research from northern Australia suggests that predation risk from feral
cats could be managed by manipulating fire regimes to increase grass cover. Aims. We
investigate the role of fire history and hummock grass cover in the occurrence ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Contact Author: peterj.mcdonald@nt.gov.au
FRI Access Number: 106551
Author(s): Melquiades, F. L. and E. L. Thomaz
Title: X-Ray Fluorescence to Estimate the Maximum Temperature Reached at Soil Surface
during Experimental Slash-and-Burn Fires
Source: Journal of Environmental Quality
Year: 2016
Keywords: soils temperature
Abstract: An important aspect for the evaluation of fire effects in slash-and-burn
agricultural system, as well as in wildfire, is the soil burn severity. The objective of this
study is to estimate the maximum temperature reached in real soil burn events using
energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence...
Contact Author: fmelquiades@uel.br
FRI Access Number: 106472
Author(s): Meradji, Sofiane, Gilbert Accary, Dominique Morvan, Oleg BESSONOV,
Dominique Fougere
Title: Numerical Simulation of Grassland-Fires Behavior Using FireStar3D Model
Source: Pages 129-140, in: Conference on Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics
Year: 2016
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: This study reports 3D numerical simulations of the ignition and the propagation
of grassland fires. The mathematical model consists in solving the conservation equations
governing the behavior of the coupled system formed by the vegetation and the ambient
atmosphere. Based on a finite volume discretization, the computation code is parallelized
using OpenMP directives and had been the subject of numerous validations. the model
was ...
FRI Access Number: 106644
Author(s): Miao, Y., D. Zhang, X. Cai, F. Li, H. Jin, Y. Wang, B. Liu
Title: Holocene fire on the northeast Tibetan Plateau in relation to climate change and
human activity
Source: Quaternary International, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: A series of Holocene charcoal concentrations (CC) records from a slope
sedimentary section in Gonghe Basin, northeast Tibetan Plateau, are analyzed to
investigate fire characteristics (eg, frequency or magnitude) and their linkages with ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Contact Author: yunfine2000@sina.com
Author(s): Miguel L. Villarreal, Laura M. Norman, Steven Buckley, Cynthia S.A. Wallace,
Michelle A. Coe
Title: Multi-index time series monitoring of drought and fire effects on desert grasslands
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment 183: 186-197
Year: 2016
Keywords: fuel moisture
Abstract: The Western United States is expected to undergo both extended periods of
drought and longer wildfire seasons under forecasted global climate change and it is
important to understand how these disturbances will interact and affect recovery and
composition of plant communities in the future. In this research paper we describe the
temporal response of grassland communities to drought and fire in ...
Contact Author: mvillarreal@usgs.gov
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106455
Author(s): Mirzadeh, Seyed jafar, Nasrin Salehnia, Bita Banezhad, Mohammad Bannayan
Title: Monitoring and Predicting Wildfire Using Fire Indices and CMIP5 Data (Case study:
Golestan National Park)
Source: in: AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 December, 2015
Year: 2016
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Fire occurrence in fields and forest, is quite high in Iran which has intensified
recently and it may be due to climate changes. Golestan National Park, is the first national
park in Iran which is registered in the list of UNESCO World Heritage as one of the 50
Earth ecological reserves. In 2014, a number of fire occurred in this park. In this study,
attempt to monitor Angstrom and Nestrov...
FRI Access Number: 106645
Author(s): Miranda, B. R., B. R. Sturtevant, I. Schmelzer, F. Doyon
Title: Vegetation recovery following fire and harvest disturbance in central Labrador - A
landscape perspective
Source: Canadian Journal of Forest Research, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: silviculture ecology
Abstract: Understanding vegetation recovery patterns following wildfire and logging
disturbance is essential for long-term planning in sustainable forestry. Plot-scale studies
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
indicate differences in revegetation rates and post-disturbance composition in Labrador
(Canada) ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: brmiranda@fs.fed.us
FRI Access Number: 106798
Author(s): Mitsopoulos, Ioannis, Giorgos Mallinis, Sergiy Zibtsev, Mehmet Yavuz, Bulent
Saglam, Omer Kucuk, Vadim Bogomolov, Anatoliy Borsuk, George Zaimes
Title: An integrated approach for mapping fire suppression difficulty in three different
ecosystems of Eastern Europe
Source: Spatial Science, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: suppression
Abstract: Increased fire activity, related both to human activities and to climate change,
necessitates effective fire prevention and suppression strategies. The main purpose of
this paper is to model and map fire suppression difficulty ...
Contact Author: ioanmits@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106548
Author(s): Modugno, Sirio, Heiko Balzter, Beth Cole, Pasquale Borrelli
Title: Mapping regional patterns of large forest fires in Wildlandk-Urban Interface areas in
Source: Journal of Environmental Management 172, 1 May 2016, Pages 112-126
Year: 2016
Keywords: mapping interface
Abstract: Over recent decades, Land Use and Cover Change (LUCC) trends in many
regions of Europe have reconfigured the landscape structures around many urban areas.
In these areas, the proximity to landscape elements with high forest fuels has increased
the fire risk to people and property. These Wildlank-Urban Interface areas (WUI) can be
defined as landscapes where anthropogenic urban land use and forest fuel mass come
into contact. Mapping their extent is needed to prioritize fire risk...
Contact Author: sirio.modugno@gmail.com
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106557
Author(s): Moir, Melinda L., David J. Coates, Jason Kensington, Sarah Barrett, Gary S.
Title: Concordance in evolutionary history of threatened plant and insect populations
warrant unified conservation management approaches
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Source: Biological Conservation 198: 135-144
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology rare endangered
Abstract: Threatened organisms may act as host to a suite of dependent organisms,
which are potentially cothreatened, yet management is rarely coordinated between host
and dependent species. Here, we test the congruency of ...
Contact Author: melinda.moir@uwa.edu.au
FRI Access Number: 106568
Author(s): Montagnoli, A., M. Terzaghi, B. Baesso, R. Santamaria, G. S. Scippa and D.
Title: Drought and fire stress influence seedling competition in oak forests: fine-root
dynamics as indicator of adaptation strategies to climate change
Source: Reforesta 1: 86-105
Year: 2016
Keywords: drought regeneration
Abstract: Increased summer drought and wildfires as a consequence of continuing
climate change are expected to lead to disturbance of Mediterranean ecosystems.
Seedlings recruitment is sensitive to both stresses and, therefore, any adaptation and
restoration ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: Antonio.montagnoli@uninsubria.it
FRI Access Number: 106529
Author(s): Montague, R. E.
Title: Wildland Fire Analysis and Comments Based on the San Jose Water Company NTMP,
November 7, 2006
Source: Unpublished report, 3 pages
Year: 2006
Keywords: hydrology
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106787
Author(s): Mooney, Shannon, Mik Petter, Peter Milne
Title: Koala Habitat Mapping and Habitat Risk Assessment of Noosa Council
Source: SEQ Catchments Ltd., Technical Report, 25 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: wildlife australia
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Abstract: Modelling and mapping of koala habitat based on koala sightings data and
forest utilisation. A koala threat map was also developed based on 5 criteria including
density of roads, lot size for urbanisation, fire frequency and fire hazard, vegetation
clearing, and koala injury. Applying a confidence check through...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106664
Author(s): Moritz, Max A., Knowles, Scott Gabriel
Title: Coexisting with Wildfire
Source: American Scientist 104(4): 220-227
Year: 2016
Keywords: interface
FRI Access Number: 106689
Author(s): Moreno, Jose M.
Title: Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the
Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the world
Source: FUME, 32 pages
Year: 2014
Keywords: climate economics
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106714
Author(s): Morris, Gail, L. Mike Conner
Title: Effects of forest management practices, weather, and indices of nest predator
abundance on nest predation: A 12-year artificial nest study
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 366: 23-31
Year: 2016
Keywords: management wildlife birds
Abstract: Nest predation is often the primary cause of avian nest failure, and factors
influencing nest predation are diverse. To better understand how forest management
practices, weather, and indices of nest predator abundance influence nest predation, we
set artificial ground nests at 100 sites for 2 weeks each summer from 2002 to 2013...
Contact Author: gmorris@jonesctr.org
FRI Access Number: 106667
Author(s): Moreno, Clara E., Eirik Fjeld, Espen Lydersen
Title: The effects of wildfire on mercury and stable isotopes (k15N, k13C) in water and
biota of small boreal, acidic lakes in southern Norway
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Source: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188: 178
Year: 2016
Keywords: Toxicity
Abstract: Effects of wildfire on main water chemistry and mercury (Hg) in water and biota
were studied during the first 4 post-fire years. After severe water chemical conditions
during hydrological events a few months following the wildfire, the major water chemical
parameters were close to pre-fire conditions 4 years after the fire...
Contact Author: claraenedina@hotmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106613
Author(s): Nasanbat, Elbegjargal, Ochirkhuyag Lkhamjav
Source: ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and
Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLI-B1, 2016, pp.469-473
Year: 2016
Keywords: mapping
Abstract: Grassland fire is a cause of major disturbance to ecosystems and economies
throughout the world. This paper investigated to identify risk zone of wildfire
distributions on the Eastern Steppe of Mongolia. The study selected variables for wildfire
risk assessment using a combination of data collection, including Social Economic,
Climate, Geographic Information...
Contact Author: n_elbegjargal@yahoo.com
FRI Access Number: 106748
Author(s): Neale, Timothy
Title: Burning anticipation: Wildfire, risk mitigation and simulation modelling in Victoria,
Source: Environment and Planning A, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: Wildfire is a global environmental "problem" with significant socioeconomic and
socionatural impacts that does not lend itself to simple technical fixes (Gill et al., 2013:
439). In Australia, a country with a pronounced history of disastrous landscape fires, these
impacts are expected to increase as the peri-urban population continues ...
FRI Access Number: 106602
Author(s): Neves, Frederico De Siqueira, T. C. Lana, M. C. Anjos, A. C. Reis, G. Wilson
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Title: Ants in Burned and Unburned Areas in Campos Rupestres Ecosystem
Source: Sociobiology 63(1): 628-636
Year: 2016
Keywords: insects ants
Abstract: Ground-dwelling ants have shown consistent resilience to fire in savanna
environments. We carried out a study to investigate how ant community structure
responds to fire in a harsh and fragile Cerrado ecosystem, the campos rupestres. We
studied the change in the ant communities on a local scale subjected to fire in ...
Contact Author: fredneves@ufmg.br
FRI Access Number: 106586
Author(s): Ondei, Stefania, Lynda D. Prior, Tom Vigilante and David M. J. S. Bowman
Title: Post-fire resprouting strategies of rainforest and savanna saplings along the
rainforest-savanna boundary in the Australian monsoon tropics
Source: Plant Ecology, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: regeneration ecology
Abstract: In tropical areas where climatic conditions support both rainforests and
savannas, fire is considered one of the main factors determining their distribution,
particularly in environments where growth rates are limited by water availability. The
observed expansion of some rainforests into savannas suggests that rainforest saplings
could have...
Contact Author: stefania.ondei@utas.edu.au
FRI Access Number: 106498
Author(s): Orczewska, Anna, Artur Obidzinski, Katarzyna Zolna
Source: Studia i Materialy CEPL w Rogowie 12(2): 377-387
Year: 2010
Keywords: ecology
Contact Author: Anna.orczewska@us.edu.pl
FRI Access Number: 106678
Author(s): Orczewska, Anna, Katarzyna Zolna, Malgorzata Zaczek
Title: Spontaneous Stand Regeneration and Herb Layer Restoration in Post-Fire Woods 16
Years after a Forest Fire (Rudziniec Forests, Southern Poland Case)
Source: Chapter 3, in: Terrestrial Biomes, Edited by Marlon Nguyen, Nova Science
Publishers, Inc.,
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: regeneration ecology
Author(s): Page, S. E., Hooijer, A.
Title: In the line of fire: The peatlands of Southeast Asia
Source: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371: 20150176
Year: 2016
Keywords: peat tropics
Abstract: Peatlands are a significantcomponent of the global carbon (C) cycle, yet despite
their role as a long-term C sink throughout the Holocene, they are increasingly vulnerable
to destabilization. Nowhere is this shift from sink to source happening more rapidly than
in Southeast Asia...
Contact Author: sep5@le.ac.uk
FRI Access Number: 106704
Author(s): Pearson, Scott F., Knapp, Shannon M.
Title: Considering Spatial Scale and Reproductive Consequences of Habitat Selection when
Managing Grasslands for a Threatened Species
Source: PLoS ONE 11(6): 1-20
Year: 2016
Keywords: wildlife birds
Abstract: Habitat selection that has fitness consequences has important implications for
conservation activities. For example, habitat characteristics that influence nest success in
birds can be manipulated to improve habitat quality with the goal of ultimately improving
reproductive success.We examined habitat selection by the threatened streaked horned
lark (Eremophila alpestris strigata) at both the breeding-site...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: scott.pearson@dfw.wa.gov
FRI Access Number: 106985
Author(s): Peace, Mika, Trent Mattner, Graham Mills, Jeffrey Kepert, Lachlan McCaw
Title: Coupled fire-atmosphere simulations of the Rocky River fire using WRF-SFIRE
Source: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 55: 1151-1168
Year: 2016
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: The coupled atmosphere-fire spread model "WRF-SFIRE" has been used to
simulate a fire where extreme fire behavior was observed. Tall flames and a dense
convective smoke column were features of the fire as it burned rapidly up the Rocky River
gully on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. WRF-SFIRE simulations of the event show a
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
number of interesting dynamical processes resulting from fire-atmosphere feedback,
including the following: fire spread was sensitive to small changes in mean...
Contact Author: m.peace@bom.gov.au
FRI Access Number: 106648
Author(s): Peet, Lisa
Title: Canadian Libraries Help Evacuees
Source: Library Journal 141(11): 14-16
Year: 2016
Keywords: interface canada
FRI Access Number: 106617
Author(s): Pellegrini, Adam F. A., A. Carla Staver, Lars O. Hedin, Amy Tourgee
Title: Aridity, not fire, favors nitrogen-fixing plants across tropical savanna and forest
Source: Ecology, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: drought tropics
Abstract: Tropical savannas are hypothesized to be hot spots of nitrogen fixer diversity
and activity because of the high disturbance and low nitrogen characteristic of savanna
landscapes. Here we compare the abundances of nitrogen-fixing and non-fixing trees in
both tropical savannas and tropical forests under climatically equivalent ...
Contact Author: Apellegr@princeton.edu
FRI Access Number: 106725
Author(s): Pengfei Yu, Owen B. Toon, Charles G. Bardeen, Anthony Bucholtz, Karen H.
Rosenlof, Pablo E. Saide, Arlindo Da Silva, Luke D. Ziemba, Kenneth L. Thornhill, Jose-Luis
Jimenez, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Joshua P. Schwarz, Anne E. Perring, Karl D. Froyd, N. L.
Wagner, Michael J. Mills, Jeffrey S. Reid
Title: Surface Dimming by the 2013 Rim Fire Simulated by a Sectional Aerosol Model
Source: Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: Albedo smoke
Abstract: The Rim Fire of 2013, the third largest area burned by fire recorded in California
history, is simulated by a climate model coupled with a size-resolved aerosol model.
Modeled aerosol mass, number and particle size distribution...
FRI Access Number: 106547
Author(s): Pereg, Lily, Jorge Mataix-Solera, Mary McMillan, Funesta Garcia-Orenes
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Title: Increasing microbial diversity and nitrogen cycling potential of burnt forest soil in
Spain through post-fire management
Source: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-10310-3, 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: microbes soils
Abstract: Microbial diversity and function in soils are increasingly assessed by the
application of molecular methods such as sequencing and PCR technology. We applied
these techniques to study microbial recovery in post-fire forest soils. The recovery of
forest ecosystems following severe fire is influenced by post-fire management. The
removal of burnt tree stumps (salvage logging) is a common practice in Spain following
fire. In some cases, the use of heavy machinery in addition to the vulnerability...
FRI Access Number: 106675
Author(s): Pereira, Mario, Michael Leuenberger, Joana Parente, Marj Tonini
Title: Wildfire susceptibility mapping: comparing deterministic and stochastic approaches
Source: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-7395, 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: mapping
Abstract: Estimating the probability of wildfire-occurrence in a certain area under
particular environmental conditions represents a modern tool to support forest
protection plans and to reduce fires consequences. This can be performed by the
implementation of wildfire susceptibility mapping, normally achieved employing more or
less sophisticated models which combine the predisposing ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: gpereira@utad.pt
FRI Access Number: 106655
Author(s): Pereoglou, Felicia
Title: Population processes in an early successional heathland: A case study of the eastern
chestnut mouse (Pseudomys gracilicaudatus)
Source: Thesis
Year: 2016
Keywords: wildlife rodents
Abstract: The eastern chestnut mouse (Pseudomys gracilicaudatus) has been described as
a fire specialist inhabitant of early successional heathland. There is a global concern that
changes to natural disturbance regimes will place early successional habitat specialists
like the eastern chestnut mouse at an increased risk of extinction by altering landscape
patterns of habitat suitability. Despite this concern, the fundamental ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Pereira, Gabriel, Ricardo Siqueira, Nilton E. Rosario, Karla L. Longo, Saulo R.
Freitas, Francielle S. Cardozo, Johannes W. Kaiser, Martin J. Wooster
Title: Assessment of fire emission inventories during the South American Biomass Burning
Analysis (SAMBBA) experiment
Source: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16: 6961-6975
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Fires associated with land use and land cover changes release large amounts of
aerosols and trace gases into the atmosphere. Although several inventories of biomass
burning emissions cover Brazil, there are still considerable uncertainties and differences
among them. While most fire emission inventories utilize the parameters ...
Contact Author: pereira@ufsj.edu.br
FRI Access Number: 106540
Author(s): Peterson, N. B., V. T. Parker
Title: Dispersal by rodent caching increases seed survival in multiple ways in canopy-fire
Source: Ecology and Evolution 6(3): 4298-4306
Year: 2016
Keywords: wildlife rodents
Abstract: Seed-caching rodents have long been seen as important actors in dispersal
ecology. Here, we focus on the interactions with plants in a fire-disturbance community,
specifically Arctostaphylos species (Ericaceae) in California chaparral. Although
mutualistic relationships between caching rodents and plants are well studied, little is
known how...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: peterson.n.brian@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106722
Author(s): Peterson, Chris J., Andrea D Leach
Title: Limited salvage logging effects on forest regeneration after moderate-severity
Source: Ecological Applications 18(2): 407-420
Year: 2008
Keywords: silviculture
Abstract: Recent conceptual advances address forest response to multiple disturbances
within a brief time period, providing an ideal framework for examining the consequences
of natural disturbances followed by anthropogenic management activities. The
combination of two or more disturbances in a short period may produce ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Contact Author: chris@plantbio.uga.edu
Author(s): Pierce, L., I. Harlan, J. Inman, M. Casanova
Title: The Parker Flats Prescribed Burn: 10th Year Post-fire Vegetation Recovery
Source: Unpublished manuscript, 17 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: prescribed burning ecology military
Abstract: In 2000, vegetation in the 150-acre Parker Flats Parcel on Fort Ord was cleared
of vegetation in order to remove unexploded ordnance. Subsequent vegetation regrowth
from 2000-2005 favored plant species that are able to regenerate from below-ground
buds ( ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106527
Author(s): Pimont, FranCois, Maxime Soma, Jean-Luc Dupuy, Eric Rigolot, Frederic Jean
Title: Estimating canopy load and bulk density distribution using calibrated T-LiDAR indices
Source: Proceedings for the 5th International Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, April
11-15, 2016, Portland, Oregon, USA
Year: 2016
Keywords: fuel
Abstract: Canopy leaf biomass distribution is a factor of fire behaviour, which affects rate
of spread, intensity and crown fire potential. At plot scale, the inventory-based approach
combines a stem inventory, allometric equation for leaf mass and its vertical cumulative
distribution to estimate leaf load and bulk density profile. This approach is still very timeconsuming and allometric equation performance can be highly variable among sites. We
Contact Author: francois.pimont@avignon.inra.fr
FRI Access Number: 106663
Author(s): Pimenova, Elena A., Mikhail N. Gromyko, Svetlana N. Bondarchuk, Vera F.
Malysheva, Ekaterina F. Malysheva, Alexander E. Kovalenko
Title: Post-fire Successions of Vegetation and Pinus koraiensis Ectomycorrhizal
Communities in Korean Pine-Broadleaf Forests of the Central Sikhote-Alin
Source: Achievements in the Life Sciences, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology fungi
Abstract: The characteristics of four stages of demutational succession of a valley Korean
pine-broadleaf forest are provided according to the parameters most vividly capturing
the structure of the plant community and influencing the renewal and mycorrhization of
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) seedlings. It was found that Korean pine seedlings grow in
a competitive ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: konoplyanka75@mail.ru
FRI Access Number: 106625
Author(s): Piva, M.
Title: The Impact of Fuel Load and Fire Season on the Control of Sericea Lespedeza
Source: M. S. Thesis, Emporia State University, 51 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: fuel season
Abstract: Sericea lespedeza, Lespedeza cuneata, is an invasive species of legume
introduced to North America in the 1800s. Since its introduction, it has become wide
spread throughout the Midwest, having detrimental effects on tallgrass prairies by
outcompeting native plant ...
FRI Access Number: 106478
Author(s): Platt, William J., Darin P. Ellair, Jean M. Huffman, Stephen E. Potts and Brian
Title: Pyrogenic fuels produced by savanna trees can engineer humid savannas
Source: Ecological Monographs, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: encroachment
Abstract: Natural fires ignited by lightning strikes following droughts frequently are
posited as the ecological mechanism maintaining discontinuous tree cover and grassdominated ground layers in savannas. Such fires, however, may not reliably maintain
humid savannas. Pyrogenic shed leaves of savanna trees, however, might engineer fire
characteristics in ways that maintain humid savannas through effects on ground layer
plants. We
Contact Author: btplat@lsu.edu
Author(s): Potter, Christopher S.
Title: Vegetation Regrowth Following Wildfires in the Santa Cruz Mountains of Northern
California Monitored Using Landsat Satellite Image Analysis
Source: Open Journal of Forestry, 6, 82-93
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology remote sensing
Abstract: The Santa Cruz Mountain range in northern California is a coastal landscape
with a history of extensive forest logging and frequent large wildfires that have recently
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
destroyed numerous residential structures at the wildland interface. Results from Landsat
satellite image time-series analysis since 1984 of the study area within the Los Gatos
Creek and Corralitos Creek watersheds showed that none of the severe drought...
Contact Author: chris.potter@nasa.gov
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106786
Author(s): Power, M. J., B. S. Whitney, F. E. Mayle, D. M. Neves
Title: Fire, climate and vegetation linkages in the Bolivian Chiquitano seasonally dry
tropical forest
Source: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371: 20150165
Year: 2016
Keywords: Tropics
Abstract: South American seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs) are critically
endangered, with only a small proportion of their original distribution remaining. This
paper presents a 12 000 year reconstruction of climate change, fire and vegetation
dynamics in the Bolivian ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: mitchell.power@geog.utah.edu
FRI Access Number: 106775
Author(s): Prato, T., B. Keane, D. Fagre
Title: Assessing and managing wildfire risk in the wildland-urban interface
Source: Journal of Forestry, October/November, pages 41-48
Year: 2008
Keywords: risk interface
Abstract: Wildfires generate ecosystem benefits and socioecological costs. On the benefit
side, wildfire is an essential natural process that stimulates vegetation growth, enhances
biodiversity, and sustains ecosystem health. On the cost side, large, intense wildfires
often cause human injury/mortality, structural damages, commercial timber losses,
natural resource degradation, temporary disruption of ecosystem processes, and high ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106778
Author(s): Pyne, S. J.
Title: Fire in the mind: changing understandings of fire in Western civilization
Source: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Abstract: For most of human history, fire has been a pervasive presence in human life,
and so also in human thought. This essay examines the ways in which fire has functioned
intellectually in Western civilization as mythology, as religion, as natural philosophy and ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: stephen.pyne@asu.edu
FRI Access Number: 106765
Author(s): Quinton, Sophie
Source: Planning 81(11): 9
Year: 2015
Keywords: planning
FRI Access Number: 106688
Author(s): Rajashekara, S., M. G. Venkatesha
Title: Seasonal Incidence and Diversity Pattern of Avian Communities in the Bangalore
University Campus, India
Source: Proceedings of the Zoological Society, pages 1-16
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: The present study deals with the species abundance, diversity and species
richness of avian communities in the Bangalore University Campus (BUC), Bengaluru,
India. One hundred and six species of birds belonging to 42 families under 68 genera were
recorded. Shannon-Wiener's and Fisher's alpha diversities, species evenness, species
richness of bird communities, number of bird species and percentage of population
density of birds ...
Contact Author: venkatmelally@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106624
Author(s): Ramaswami, G.
Title: The Distribution, Dynamics & Impacts Of Invasive Lantana Camara In A Seasonal
Forest Of Mudumalai, Southern India
Year: 2016
Keywords: exotics
Abstract: ... It was found that biotic factors such as the presence of the shrub Helicteres
isora and abiotic factors such as proximity to drainages and the combination of fire and
drought promoted the intensification of lantana invasion in time while proximity to
streams, higher total annual ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Rancourt, D. G.
Title: Anatomy of the false link between forest fires and anthropogenic CO2
Source: Unpublished manuscript, 19 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: In this critical review of the scientific literature about fire, I describe how the
false notion of a link between forest fires and anthropogenic CO2 was ignited in 2006 by a
fatally flawed article promoted in the science-trend-setting magazine Science, and spread
like wildfire through the scientific literature and beyond, driven in part by high winds of
climate modelling extravagance...
FRI Access Number: 106545
Author(s): Rea, Geraldine, Clare Paton-Walsh, Solene Turquety, Martin Cope, David
Title: Impact of the New South Wales Fires during October 2013 on regional air quality in
eastern Australia
Source: Atmospheric Environment 131: 150-163
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Smoke plumes from fires contain atmospheric pollutants that can be
transported to populated areas and effect regional air quality. In this paper, the
characteristics and impact of the fire plumes from a major fire event that occurred in
October 2013 (17-26) in the New South Wales (NSW) in Australia, near the populated
areas of Sydney and Wollongong, are studied.
Contact Author: geraldine.rea@lmd.polytechnique.fr
FRI Access Number: 106683
Author(s): Reinhart, Kurt O., Sadikshya R. Dangi, Lance T. Vermeire
Title: The effect of fire intensity, nutrients, soil microbes, and spatial distance on grassland
Source: Plant and Soil, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: soils
Abstract: Variation in fire intensity within an ecosystem is likely to moderate fire effects
on plant and soil properties. We tested the effect of fire intensity on grassland biomass,
soil microbial biomass, and soil nutrients. Additional tests determined plant-microbe,
plant-nutrient, and microbe-nutrient associations...
Contact Author: kurt.reinhart@ars.usda.gov
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Reid, Colleen E., Michael Jerrett, Ira B. Tager, Maya L. Petersen, Jennifer K.
Mann, John R. Balmes
Title: Differential respiratory health effects from the 2008 northern California wildfires: A
spatiotemporal approach
Source: Environmental Research 150: 227-235
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke health
Abstract: We investigated health effects associated with fine particulate matter during a
long-lived, large wildfire complex in northern California in the summer of 2008. We
estimated exposure to PM2.5 for each day using an exposure prediction model created
through data-adaptive machine learning methods from a large set of spatiotemporal data
sets. We then used Poisson generalized estimating equations to calculate the effect of
exposure to 24-hour average PM2.5 on cardiovascular and respiratory
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Contact Author: coreid@hsph.harvard.edu
FRI Access Number: 106554
Author(s): Reidy, Jennifer L., Frank R. Thompson, Carl Schwope, Scott Rowin, James M.
Title: Effects of prescribed fire on fuels, vegetation, and Golden-cheeked Warbler
(Setophaga chrysoparia) demographics in Texas juniper-oak woodlands
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 376: 96-106
Year: 2016
Keywords: wildlife birds prescribed burning
Contact Author: jennifer.reidy@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106565
Author(s): Rengers, F. K., G. E. Tucker, J. A. Moody, B. A. Ebel
Title: Illuminating Wildfire Erosion and Deposition Patterns with Repeat Terrestrial Lidar
Source: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 121(3):
Year: 2016
Keywords: remote sensing soils
Abstract: Erosion following a wildfire is much greater than background erosion in forests
because of wildfire-induced changes in soil erodibility and water infiltration. While many
previous studies have documented post-wildfire erosion with point and small plot-scale
measurements, the spatial distribution of post-fire erosion patterns ...
Contact Author: frengers@usgs.gov
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106753
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Riano, D., E. Chuvieco, S. Ustin, R. Zomer, P. Dennison, D. Robert, J. Salas
Title: Assessment of vegetation regeneration after fire through multitemporal analysis of
AVIRIS images in the Santa Monica Mountains
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment 79: 60-71
Year: 2002
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Spectral mixture analysis (SMA) from Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging
Spectrometer (AVIRIS) was used to understand regeneration patterns after fire in two
semiarid shrub communities of the Santa Monica Mountains, California: northern mixed
chaparral and coastal sage scrub. Two fires were analyzed: The Malibu Topanga fire (3
November 1993) and the Calabasas fire (21 October 1996). SMA was compared to the
results of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index...
Contact Author: david.riano@uah.es
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106691
Author(s): Rickards, Lauren
Title: Goodbye Gondwana? Questioning disaster triage and fire resilience in Australia
Source: Australian Geographer 47(2): 127-137
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: A global tragedy is unfolding in Tasmania. World heritage forests are burning;
1000-year-old trees and the hoary peat beneath are reduced to char. Fires have already
taken stands of King Billy and Pencil Pine. the last remaining fragments of an ecosystem
that once spread across the supercontinent of Gondwana. Pockets ...
Contact Author: lauren.rickards@rmit.edu.au
FRI Access Number: 106701
Author(s): Robertson, Ann, Esther Githumbi, Daniele Colombaroli
Title: Paleofires and Models Illuminate Future Fire Scenarios
Source: In: Advances in Interdisciplinary Paleofire Research: Data and Model Comparisons
for the Past Millennium; Harvard Forest, Petersham, Massachusetts, 27 September to 2
October 2015
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
FRI Access Number: 106677
Author(s): Robinson, N. M., S. W. J. Leonard, A. F. Bennett, M. F. Clarke
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Title: Are forest gullies refuges for birds when burnt? The value of topographical
heterogeneity to avian diversity in a fire-prone landscape
Source: Biological Conservation
Year: 2016
Keywords: wildlife birds
Abstract: In forest ecosystems, uniformity in fire spread may be moderated by
topography such that sheltered areas (eg gullies) escape fire. However, gullies are not
immune to fire and, under extreme fire weather conditions, can burn. This may
compromise their habitat ...
Contact Author: natasha.robinson@anu.edu.au
FRI Access Number: 106600
Author(s): Roder, Achim, Joachim Hill, Beatriz Duguy, Jose Antonio Alloza, Ramon Vallejo
Title: Using long time series of Landsat data to monitor fire events and post-fire dynamics
and identify driving factors. A case study in the Ayora region (eastern Spain)
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment 112: 259-273
Year: 2008
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: The Ayora region, situated about 60 km southwest of the city of Valencia/Spain,
was chosen to demonstrate pathways of characterizing fire events and post-fire
succession in Mediterranean ecosystems using multi-temporal satellite imagery. A
corresponding time series of 6 Landsat MSS, 13 Landsat-5 TM and 1 Landsat-7
ETM+images, covering the period 1975-2000, was processed to account for geometric and
radiometric distortions as well as sensor calibration. Spectral Mixture Analysis...
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Contact Author: roeder@uni-trier.de
FRI Access Number: 106693
Author(s): Rodrigues, Ailton G., T#lio G.S. Oliveira, Patricia P. de Souza, Leonardo M.
Title: Temperature effects on Acrocomia aculeata seeds provide insights into overcoming
dormancy in neotropical savanna palms
Source: Flora - Morphology Distribution Functional Ecology of Plants 223: 30-37
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology regeneration
Abstract: Seed tolerance to the elevated temperatures of soils during the spring/summer
seasons or due to the passage of fire is an important adaptation for Cerrado (neotropical
savanna) seeds. The present work evaluated the influence of elevated temperatures on
the seed viability and germination of the palm tree Acrocomia aculeata...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Contact Author: Ailtongrodrigues@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106635
Author(s): Roos, Chris, Andrew C. Scott, Claire M. Belcher, Bill Chaloner, Jonathan Aylen,
Rebecca Bliege Bird, Michael R. Coughlan, Bart R. Johnson, Fay H. Johnston, Julia
McMorrow, Toddi Steelman
Title: Living on a flammable planet: interdisciplinary, cross-scalar and varied cultural
lessons, prospects and challenges
Source: Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences 371:
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Living with fire is a challenge for human communities because they are
influenced by socio-economic, political, ecological and climatic processes at various spatial
and temporal scales. Over the course of 2 days, the authors discussed how communities
could live with fire challenges at local, national and transnational scales. Exploiting our
diverse, international...
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Contact Author: croos@smu.edu
FRI Access Number: 106534
Author(s): Rowe, Courtney L. J. and Elizabeth A. Leger
Title: Seed Source Affects Establishment of Elymus multisetus in Postfire Revegetation in
the Great Basin
Source: Western North American Naturalist 72(4):543-553
Year: 2012
Keywords: regeneration
Abstract: Postfire revegetation with native perennial grasses is difficult to achieve in
disturbed arid rangelands. If local populations are adapted to current conditions, then
locally collected seed would be predicted to have higher survival than nonlocal seed, and
using local seed should improve revegetation success. However, for revegetation projects
in the Great Basin, sufficient quantity of local seed is often difficult to obtain
Contact Author: eleger@cabnr.unr.edu
FRI Access Number: 106500
Author(s): Royo, Alejandro A., Chris J. Peterson, John S. Stanovick and Walter P. Carson
Title: Evaluating the ecological impacts of salvage logging: can natural and anthropogenic
disturbances promote coexistence?
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Source: Ecology 97(6): 1566-1582
Year: 2016
Keywords: silviculture salvage
Abstract: Salvage logging following windthrow is common throughout forests worldwide
even though the practice is often considered inimical to forest recovery. Because
salvaging removes trees, crushes seedlings, and compacts soils, many warn this practice
may delay succession, suppress diversity, and alter composition. Here, over 8 yr following
windthrow, we experimentally evaluate how salvaging affects tree succession across 11
gaps in...
Contact Author: Aroyo@fs.fed.us
Author(s): Sanguinetti, Javier
Title: Climate Change, wildfires and non-native granivores interactions in Araucaria
araucana forests, Argentina
Source: The Rufford Foundation, Technical Report, 28 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: climate wildife
Abstract: In this report we summarized the actions and results of our research during
2014-2015 in relation to damage caused by fires in the past 30 years in Araucaria forests
located in Argentina (Tromen, Rucachoroy, Norquinco and Moquehue sites). Our goal was
to assess the capacity and recovery trend in reproduction comparing burnt and unburnt
stands. We studied Araucaria ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106665
Author(s): Sanchez-Pinillos, Martina, Lluis Coll, Miquel De Caceres, Aitor Ameztegui
Title: Assessing the persistence capacity of communities facing natural disturbances on
the basis of species response traits
Source: Ecological Indicators 66: 76-85
Year: 2016
Keywords: wildlife birds
Abstract: Adequately assessing the ecosystem resilience and resistance is a challenging
and essential question in the current context of widespread environmental change. Here
we suggest the use of a quantitative measure we call Persistence Index (PI) to assess the
capacity of communities to maintain their functions and services after ...
Contact Author: martina.sanchezpinillos@ctfc.es
FRI Access Number: 106598
Author(s): Santin, Cristina, Stefan H. Doerr
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Title: Fire effects on soils: The human dimension
Source: Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences 371:
Year: 2016
Keywords: soils
Abstract: Soils are among the most valuable non-renewable resources on the Earth. They
support natural vegetation and human agro-ecosystems, represent the largest terrestrial
organic carbon stock, and act as stores and filters for water...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: csantinwildfire@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106623
Author(s): Saranya, Kotturu, C. Sudhakar Reddy, P. V. V. Prasada Rao
Title: Estimating carbon emissions from forest fires over a decade in Similipal Biosphere
Reserve, India
Source: Draft manuscript, 24 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: The forest fire is a well-recognized threat to biodiversity and a significant cause
of ecological degradation. Fires emit significant amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere.
Studies have found that greenhouse gas emissions from forest fires strongly influence
climate change. In the present study, the Spatio-temporal patterns of forest fires were
examined from 2004 to 2013 in ...
Contact Author: saranyakotturu@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106758
Author(s): Schepers, Lennert, Birgen Haest, Sander Veraverbeke, Toon Spanhove, Jeroen
Vanden Borre and Rudi Goossens
Title: Burned Area Detection and Burn Severity Assessment of a Heathland Fire in Belgium
Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy (APEX)
Source: Remote Sensing 6(3): 1803-1826
Year: 2014
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Uncontrolled, large fires are a major threat to the biodiversity of protected
heath landscapes. The severity of the fire is an important factor influencing vegetation
recovery. We used airborne imaging spectroscopy data from the Airborne Prism
Experiment (APEX) sensor to: (1) investigate which spectral regions and spectral indices
perform best in discriminating burned from unburned areas; and (2) assess the burn
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
severity of a recent fire in the Kalmthoutse Heide, a heathland area in Belgium. A
separability index was used to estimate...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106696
Author(s): Schneider, G. F., C. W. Weekley, E. S. Menges
Title: Fire, Invertebrate Damage, and Reproductive Output in the Endemic Forb Liatris
ohlingerae (Asteraceae)
Source: Castanea, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology rare endangered
Abstract: In pyrogenic ecosystems, fire often plays an integral part in plant population
dynamics. For a subset of plant species in such ecosystems, fire is connected to seed set
and/or germination, resulting in post-fire recruitment episodes. We investigated the ...
Author(s): Schroeder, Mark J.
Title: Technical development of the National Fire-Danger Rating System
Source: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, unpublished report
Year: n. d.
Keywords: danger
Author(s): Schweizer, D. W. and R. Cisneros
Title: Forest fire policy: change conventional thinking of smoke management to prioritize
long-term air quality and public health
Source: Air Qual Atmos Health, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke health
Abstract: Wildland fire smoke is inevitable. Size and intensity of wildland fires are
increasing in the western USA. Smoke-free skies and public exposure to wildland fire
smoke have effectively been postponed through suppression. The historic policy of
suppression has systematically both instilled a public expectation of a smoke-free
environment and...
Contact Author: rcisneros@ucmerced.edu
FRI Access Number: 106445
Author(s): Scott, A. C., W. G. Chaloner, C. M. Belcher, C. I. Roos
Title: The interaction of fire and mankind: Introduction
Source: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371: 20150162
Year: 2016
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Fire has been an important part of the Earth system for over 350 Myr. Humans
evolved in this fiery world and are the only animals to have used and controlled fire. The
interaction of mankind with fire is a complex one, with both positive and negative
aspects. ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: A.scott@es.rhul.ac.uk
FRI Access Number: 106483
Author(s): Shaohua Yu, Fang Cheng, Caiye Xie, Yang Zhou, Cong Wu, Chixin Cheng, Gui
Title: Paleoenvironment Reconstruction and Sedimentary Record in the Wanqingsha Area
of the Pearl River Estuary
Source: Tropical Geography, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: In order to reconstruct the eustatic change and paleoenvironment of the
estuary of Pearl River since the late Pleistocene, the Core ZK 316-2, which located in the
Wanqingsha district of the estuary of Pearl River, has been choose to carry on pollen
combining with diatom and lithological analysis. Results of
Author(s): Shaw, E. A., K. Denef, C. M. de Tomasel, M. F. Cotrufo
Title: Fire affects root decomposition, soil food web structure, and carbon flow in tallgrass
Source: SOIL 2: 199-210
Year: 2016
Keywords: soils
Abstract: Root litter decomposition is a major component of carbon (C) cycling in
grasslands, where it provides energy and nutrients for soil microbes and fauna. This is
especially important in grasslands where fire is common and removes aboveground litter
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: elizabeth.shaw@colostate.edu
FRI Access Number: 106488
Author(s): Shekhar, Chandra, Rajashekar Gopalakrishnan, Kiran Chand Thumaty, Jayant
Singhal, Sudhakar Reddy C, Jyoti Singh, S. Vazeed Pasha, Suresh Middinti, Mutyala
Praveen, Arul Raj Murugavel, Yugandhar Reddy S, Mani Kumar Vedantam, Anil Yadav,
G.Srinivasa Rao, Gururao Diwakar Parsi, Vinay Kumar Dadhwal
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Title: Monitoring of forest fires from space - ISRO's initiative for near real-time monitoring
of the recent forest fires in Uttarakhand, India
Source: Current science 110(11): 2057-2060
Year: 2016
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Indian Space Research Organisation, as part of its "Disaster Management
Support Program (DMSP)" has generated and disseminated near-real time, active forest
fire locations for over a decade. The present study is carried out following the
unprecedented number of forest fires in April-May 2016 in the northern Indian state of
Uttarakhand. A very large number of forest fires were observed between ...
Contact Author: chandra.s.jha@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106577
Author(s): Shenoy, Aditi, Jill F. Johnstone, Eric S. Kasischke
Title: Growth responses to burn severity amplify initial vegetation recruitment patterns in
boreal forests of interior Alaska
Source: Conference paper
Year: 2009
Keywords: severity
Abstract: The boreal forests of interior Alaska have recently been experiencing an
increase in wildfire frequency, severity, and spatial extent. Conditions caused by severe
burning have been linked to significant variations in post-fire vegetation recruitment
patterns, and in particular, a shift from black spruce to aspen seedling dominance in
severely burned
Author(s): Shi Shengcai, Zheng Huanneng, Niu Shukui and Han Shuting
Title: The ground surface down-wind fire spread regularity and the fire spread model
Source: International Association for Fire Safety Science, pages 107-110
Year: n. d.
Keywords: behavior modeling
FRI Access Number: 106731
Author(s): Silva, P. R. S., E. Ignotti, B. F. A. Oliveira, W. L. Junger, F. Morais
Title: High risk of respiratory diseases in children in the fire period in Western Amazon
Source: Revista de Sa#de P#blica
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke health
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Abstract: To analyze the toxicological risk of exposure to ozone (O 3) and fine particulate
matter (PM 2.5) among schoolchildren.. METHODS Toxicological risk assessment was
used to evaluate the risk of exposure to O 3 and PM 2.5 from biomass burning among ...
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FRI Access Number: 106619
Author(s): Simon, E., S. D. Choi, M. K. Park
Title: Understanding the fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at a forest fire site using
a conceptual model based on field monitoring
Source: Journal of Hazardous Materials
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke toxicity
Abstract: Forest fires are a well-known source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs). After forest fires, residual ash above a soil layer can be highly contaminated with
PAHs. However, little is known about the fate of these contaminants, particularly about
their ...
Author(s): Sister, V. G., E. M. Ivannikova, A. G. Gudkov, V. Yu. Leushin, I. A. Sidorov, V. A.
Plyushchev, A. P. Soldatenko
Title: Detection of Forest and Peat-Bog Fire Centers by Means of Microwave Radiometer
Source: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Year: 2016
Keywords: detection
Abstract: The possibility of using microwave radiometer sounding for monitoring
dangerous fire situations in forests is examined in this article. The need to use complex
multi-frequency sounding is justified. The possibility and expediency of using a multichannel scanning aviation complex to solve the stated problem are evaluated. ..
Author(s): Srivas, Thayjes, Tomas Artes, Raymond de Callafon, Ilkay Altintas
Title: Wildfire Spread Prediction and Assimilation for FARSITE Using Ensemble Kalman
Source: Procedia Computer Science 80: 897-908
Year: 2016
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: This paper extends FARSITE (a software used for wildfire modeling and
simulation) to incorporate data assimilation techniques based on noisy and limited spatial
resolution observations of the fire perimeter to improve the accuracy of wildfire spread
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
predictions. To include data assimilation in FARSITE, uncertainty on both the simulated
wildfire perimeter and the measured wildfire perimeter is used...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: Tsrivas@eng.ucsd.edu
FRI Access Number: 106477
Author(s): Stahle, Laura N., Cathy Whitlock, Simon G. Haberle
Title: A 17,000-Year-Long Record of Vegetation and Fire from Cradle Mountain National
Park, Tasmania
Source: Frontiers of Ecology and Evolution, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: On centennial to millennial timescales fire regimes are driven by climate
changes, vegetation composition and human activities. We reconstructed the postglacial
vegetation and fire history based on pollen and charcoal data from a small lake in Cradle
Mountain National Park and investigated the influence that climate, people, and
vegetation had on past fire regimes. In the ...
Contact Author: laura.stahle@msu.montana.edu
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106772
Author(s): Stambaugh, M. C., R. P. Guyette, J. M. Marschall, D. C. Dey
Title: Scale dependence of oak woodland historical fire intervals: contrasting The Barrens
of Tennessee and Cross Timbers of Oklahoma, USA
Source: Fire Ecology 12(2): 65-84
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology frequency
Abstract: Characterization of scale dependence of fire intervals could inform
interpretations of fire history and improve fire prescriptions that aim to mimic historical
fire regime conditions. We quantified the temporal variability in fire regimes and
described the ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: stambaughm@missouri.ed
FRI Access Number: 106452
Author(s): Stevens, Jens T., Hugh D. Safford, Malcolm P. North, Jeremy S. Fried, Andrew N.
Gray, Peter M. Brown, Christopher R. Dolanc, Solomon Z. Dobrowski, Donald A. Falk,
Calvin A. Farris, Jerry F. Franklin, Peter Z. Fule, R. Keala Hagmann, Eric E. Knapp, Jay D.
Miller, Douglas F. Smith, Thomas W. Swetnam, Alan H. Taylor
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Title: Average Stand Age from Forest Inventory Plots Does Not Describe Historical Fire
Regimes in Ponderosa Pine and Mixed-Conifer Forests of Western North America
Source: PLoS ONE 11(5): e0147688. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0147688
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Quantifying historical fire regimes provides important information for managing
contemporary forests. Historical fire frequency and severity can be estimated using
several methods; each method has strengths and weaknesses and presents challenges for
interpretation and verification. Recent efforts to quantify the timing of historical highseverity fire events in forests of western North America have assumed...
Contact Author: jtstevens@ucdavis.edu
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106467
Author(s): Stine, M. B.
Title: Biogeomorphic disturbance: A case study on associations and methods after fire
within the alpine treeline ecotone
Source: CATENA 145: 107-117
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Biogeomorphology is an increasingly popular field of study, but the approaches
to biogeomorphic research and methods are not yet well developed. This research
evaluated ecologic and geomorphic interactions after fire within the alpine treeline
ecotone of ...
Contact Author: mstine@sbc.edu
Author(s): Stover, Kyle C. and Christopher R. Keyes
Title: Forest Fuels and Wildfire Hazard in Two Fire-Excluded Old-Growth Ponderosa Pine
Stands: Contrasting Stand-Average Calculations with Measures of Spatial Heterogeneity
Source: Biodivers Manage Forestry 5(2): 9 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: fuel management
Abstract: Forest managers in the northern Rocky Mountains are charged with conducting
restoration treatments that will enhance the resilience of fire-dependent old-growth
stands, and reduce their susceptibility to stand-replacing fire. Yet, stand-average metrics
that are routinely used for prescription development poorly characterize the typically
heterogeneous stand structure and forest ...
Contact Author: christopher.keyes@umontana.edu
FRI Access Number: 106582
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Stockdale, Christopher Alec, Mike Flannigan, S. Ellen Macdonald
Title: Is the END (Emulation of Natural Disturbance) a new beginning? A critical analysis of
the use of fire regimes as the basis of forest ecosystem management with examples from
the Canadian western coridillera
Source: Environmental Reviews, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology canada
Abstract: As our view of disturbances such as wildfire has shifted from prevention to
recognizing their ecological necessity, so too forest management has evolved from
timber-focused even-aged management to more holistic ...
Contact Author: cstockda@ualberta.ca
FRI Access Number: 106542
Author(s): Sutomo, Sutomo
Title: Proof of Acacia nilotica stand expansion in Bekol Savanna, Baluran National Park,
East Java, Indonesia through remote sensing and field observations
Source: Biodiversitas 17(1): 96-101
Year: 2016
Keywords: encroachment
Abstract: One of woody species that is known to inhabit certain savanna ecosystems is
Acacia nilotica. The Acacia nilotica tree is widespread in the northern savannah regions,
and its range extends from Mali to Sudan and Egypt. Acacia nilotica was first introduced
to Java Island in 1850. It then spread to Bali, East Nusa Tenggara, Timor and Papua. Found
in grasslands, savanna is ...
Contact Author: sutomo.uwa@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106642
Author(s): Swan, Matthew, Carolina Galindez-Silva, Fiona Christie, Alan York, Julian Di
Title: Contrasting responses of small mammals to fire and topographic refugia: SMALL
Source: Austral Ecology 41(4): 437-445
Year: 2016
Keywords: wildlife australia
Abstract: Unburnt patches within burnt landscapes are expected to provide an important
resource for fauna, potentially acting as a refuge from direct effects of fire and allowing
animals to persist in burnt landscapes. Nevertheless, there ...
Contact Author: swanm@unimelb.edu.au
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Swetnam, Thomas W., Joshua Farella, Christopher I. Roos, Matthew J.
Liebmann, Donald A. Falk, Craig D. Allen
Title: Multiscale perspectives of fire, climate and humans in western North America and
the Jemez Mountains, USA
Source: Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences 371:
Year: 2016
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Interannual climate variations have been important drivers of wildfire
occurrence in ponderosa pine forests across western North America for at least 400 years,
but at finer scales of mountain ranges and landscapes human land uses sometimes overrode climate influences.We reconstruct...
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Contact Author: Tswetnam@ltrr.arizona.edu
FRI Access Number: 106595
Author(s): Syaufina, Lailan, Imas Sukaesih Sitanggang, Lusi Maulana Erman
Title: Challenges in Satellite-based Research on Forest and Land Fires in Indonesia:
Frequent Item Set Approach
Source: Procedia Environmental Sciences 33, 2016, Pages 324-331
Year: 2016
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Forest fire research in Indonesia has been in increasing trend since 1982/1983and 1997/1998-fire episodes. The first episode emphasized on fire impacts and the
second episode has more research on emission and pollution. Satellite-based researches
on fire are scattered and still limited. This study aimed to analyze fire satellite-based
research aspects and challenges for the future....
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: syaufina2016@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106558
Author(s): Takahashi, Hidenori, Adi Jaya, Suwido H. Limin
Title: Compact Firefighting System for Villages and Water Resources for Firefighting in
Peatland Area of Central Kalimantan
Source: Chapter, pages 407-417, in: Tropical Peatland Ecosystems, Springer Books
Year: 2016
Keywords: management suppression
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Abstract: The quick extinguish in the incipient stage of fire is the most effective and
important in peat fire in tropical peatlands. The compact fire extinguish systems, which
are suitable for firefighting in peat/forest fires, were lent to the local firefighting teams in
the tropical peatland. Quantity of water resources for firefighting in peatland were
evaluated. Water of the receiver in the canal, the fire...
Contact Author: nana77hihc@ybb.ne.jp
Author(s): Tang, Xi-bin, Cheng Huang, Sheng-rong Lou, Li-ping Qiao, Hong-li Wang, Min
Zhou, Ming-hua Chen, Chang-Hong Chen, Qian Wang, Gui-ling Li, Li Li, Hai-yong Huang and
Gang-frng Zhang
Year: Emission factors and PM chemical composition study of biomass burning in the
Yangtze River Delta Region
Source: Environmental Science 35(5): 1623-1632
Year: 2014
Keywords: smoke health
Contact Author: chench@saes.sh.cn
FRI Access Number: 106502
Author(s): Tasker, Kaitlin A., Eugenio Y. Arima
Title: Fire Regimes in Amazonia: The Relative Roles of Policy and Precipitation
Source: Anthropocene, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation is now a
vital component in climate change mitigation strategies. Global initiatives such as REDD+
are receiving growing investments, and in-country policy makers are under pressure to
protect intact forests. In 2008, Brazil met these pressures by making deforestation
reduction a central piece of its climate change policy. Although previous research found
that this...
Contact Author: ktasker@utexas.edu
Author(s): Tatli, Hasan, Kasim KOCAK
Title: Wild Forest Fires Susceptibility in the South Marmara Of Turkey via Canadian Forest
Fire Weather Index
Source: Submitted to Natural Hazards, Working Paper, 3 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: management weather
Abstract: In this study, the susceptibility of the wild forest fires over the forests in the
Balikesir district located in the south Marmara in Turkey was investigated by Canadian
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI). The forests in the corresponding region are often facing
the wild fires.
Contact Author: Tatli.hasan@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106603
Author(s): Taylor, S. W., Douglas G. Woolford, C. B. Dean and David L. Martell
Title: Wildfire Prediction to Inform Fire Management: Statistical Science Challenges
Source: Statistical Science 28(4): 586-615
Year: 2013
Keywords: statistis
Abstract: Wildfire is an important system process of the earth that occurs across a wide
range of spatial and temporal scales. A variety of methods have been used to predict
wildfire phenomena during the past century to better our understanding of fire
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Contact Author: staylor@nrcan.gc.ca
FRI Access Number: 106705
Author(s): Tedim, F., V. Leone, G. Xanthopoulos
Title: A wildfire risk management concept based on a social-ecological approach in the
European Union: Fire Smart Territory
Source: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 18: 138-153
Year: 2016
Keywords: risk
Abstract: The current wildfire policies in European Union countries have not solved the
wildfire problem and probably will not be effective in the future, as all the initiatives
focus on suppression and minimize the use of fire embedded in the Traditional Ecologic
Contact Author: ftedim@letras.up.pt
FRI Access Number: 106752
Author(s): Tepley, Alan J., Thomas T. Veblen, George L. W. Perry, [...], Cameron E. Naficy
Title: Positive Feedbacks to Fire-Driven Deforestation Following Human Colonization of
the South Island of New Zealand
Source: Ecosystems, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology paleohistory
Abstract: Altered fire regimes in the face of climatic and land-use change could
potentially transform large areas from forest to shorter-statured or open-canopy
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
vegetation. There is growing concern that once initiated, these nonforested landscapes
could be perpetuated almost indefinitely through a suite of positive feedbacks with fire...
Contact Author: TepleyA@si.edu
FRI Access Number: 106767
Author(s): Tessler, Naama, Lea Wittenberg, Noam Greenbaum
Title: Vegetation cover and species richness after recurrent forest fires in the Eastern
Mediterranean ecosystem of Mount Carmel, Israel
Source: Science of The Total Environment, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Fire is a common disturbance in Mediterranean ecosystems, and can have a
destructive, influential, and even essential, effect on vegetation and wildlife. In recent
decades there has been a general increase in the number of fires in the Mediterranean
Basin, including in Mount Carmel, Israel. The effects of recurrent forest fires ...
Contact Author: naamates@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106612
Author(s): Thomas-Van Gundy, M. A. and G. J. Nowacki
Title: Landscape-fire relationships inferred from bearing trees in Minnesota
Source: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania,
36 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: We display the in uence of pre-European settlement re on vegetation across
Minnesota by harnessing the power of bearing trees as indicators of past res on the
landscape. Species and genera of trees used as bearing trees in Public Land Surveys ...
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FRI Access Number: 106638
Author(s): Thompson, M. P., D. G. MacGregor, D. E. Calkin
Title: Risk management: Core principles and practices, and their relevance to wildland fire
Source: Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-350. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 29 p
Year: 2016
Keywords: risk
Abstract: The Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture faces a future of increasing
complexity and risk, pressing financial issues, and the inescapable possibility of loss of
human life. These issues are perhaps most acute for wildland fire management, the
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
highest risk activity in which the Forest Service engages. Risk management (RM) has long
been put forth as an appropriate approach for addressing fire, and agency-wide adoption
of RM...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: mpthompson02@fs.fed.us
FRI Access Number: 106727
Author(s): Thomopoulos, Stelios C. A., Dimitris M. Kyriazanos, Alkiviadis Astyakopoulos,
Kostantinos Dimitros, Christos Margonis, Giorgos Konstantinos Thanos, Katerina
Title: OCULUS fire: A control and command system for fire management with crowd
sourcing and social media interconnectivity
Source: Conference Paper
Year: 2016
Keywords: management
Author(s): Thorn, Simon, Claus Bassler, Thomas Gottschalk, Jorg M ller
Title: New Insights into the Consequences of Post-Windthrow Salvage Logging Revealed
by Functional Structure of Saproxylic Beetles Assemblages
Source: PLoS ONE 9(7): e101757. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101757
Year: 2014
Keywords: salvage silviculture
Abstract: Windstorms, bark beetle outbreaks and fires are important natural
disturbances in coniferous forests worldwide. Wind-thrown trees promote biodiversity
and restoration within production forests, but also cause large economic losses due to
bark beetle infestation and accelerated fungal decomposition. Such dama...
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Contact Author: simon@thornonline.de
FRI Access Number: 106743
Author(s): Thompson, Matthew, Phil Bowden, April Brough, Joe Scott, Julie GilbertsonDay, Alan Taylor, Jennifer Anderson, Jessica Haas
Title: Application of Wildfire Risk Assessment Results to Wildfire Response Planning in the
Southern Sierra Nevada, California, USA
Source: Forests
Year: 2016
Keywords: risk planning
Abstract: How wildfires are managed is a key determinant of long-term socioecological
resiliency and the ability to live with fire. Safe and effective response to fire requires
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
effective pre-fire planning, which is the main focus of this paper. We review general
principles of effective federal fire management planning in the U.S., and introduce ...
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Contact Author: jrhaas@fs.fed.us
FRI Access Number: 106549
Author(s): Thonicke, Kirsten, Susanne Rolinski, Werner von Bloh, Anja Rammig
Title: Role of fire in biome-boundary shifts in Europe
Source: Conference proceedings
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Recent studies have shown that climatic fire risk is projected to increase with
future climate change due to increases in droughts and heat waves. In many fire regimes
this trend translates into increasing area burnt, but recent analyses of fire statistics and
other fire-related data have shown that climate fire risk is not always linearly related to
area burnt or fire severity. This
Author(s): Thonicke, Kirsten, Werner von Bloh, Julia Lutz, Almut Arneth
Title: Changes in future fire regimes under climate change
Source: EGU General Assembly 2013, held 7-12 April, 2013 in Vienna, Austria, id.
Year: 2013
Keywords: Ecology
Abstract: Fires are expected to change under future climate change, climatic fire is is
increasing due to increase in droughts and heat waves affecting vegetation productivity
and ecosystem function. Vegetation productivity influences fuel production, but can also
limit fire spread. Vegetation-fire models allow investigating the interaction between
wildfires and vegetation ...
Author(s): Thorn, Simon, Claus Bassler, Miroslav Svoboda, Jorg Muller
Title: Effects of natural disturbances and salvage logging on biodiversity - Lessons from the
Bohemian Forest
Source: Forest Ecology and Management, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: silviculture
Abstract: Severe natural disturbances are common in many forest ecosystems,
particularly in the Northern Hemisphere. Attempts to minimize their effects through
forest management include salvage logging. In the Bohemian Forest, one of Central
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Europe's largest continuous forests, windstorms and bark beetle outbreaks have affected
stands ...
Contact Author: simon@thornonline.de
FRI Access Number: 106783
Author(s): Tianran Zhang, Martin J. Wooster, David C. Green, Bruce Main
Title: New field-based agricultural biomass burning trace gas, PM2.5, and black carbon
emission ratios and factors measured in situ at crop residue fires in Eastern China
Source: Atmospheric Environment 121, November 2015, Pages 22-34
Year: 2015
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Despite policy attempts to limit or prevent agricultural burning, its use to
remove crop residues either immediately after harvest (e.g. field burning of wheat
stubble) or after subsequent crop processing (e.g. "bonfires" of rice straw and rapeseed
residues) appears to remain widespread across parts of China. Emission factors for these
types of small but highly numerous fire are therefore required to fully assess their impact
on atmospheric composition and air pollution. Here we describe the design and
deployment of a new smoke measurement system for the close-range...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: martin.wooster@kcl.ac.uk
FRI Access Number: 106561
Author(s): Tianhua He, Haylee D'Agui, Sim Lin Lim, Neal J. Enright, Yiqi Luo
Title: Evolutionary potential and adaptation of Banksia attenuata (Proteaceae) to climate
and fire regime in southwestern Australia, a global biodiversity hotspot
Source: Scientific Reports 6:26315
Year: 2016
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Substantial climate changes are evident across Australia, with declining rainfall
and rising temperature in conjunction with frequent fires. Considerable species loss and
range contractions have been predicted; however, our understanding...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: Tianhua.He@curtin.edu.au
FRI Access Number: 106553
Author(s): Trauernicht, Clay
Title: El Nino and Long-Lead Fire Weather Prediction for Hawaii and US affiliated Pacific
Source: Pacific Fire Exchange Fact Sheet 2015-1, 2 pages
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Year: 2015
Keywords: weather hawaii
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106479
Author(s): Tredennick, Andrew, Niall P. Hanan
Title: Tree harvest, fire, and drought can drive state transitions in savannas
Source: The American Naturalist 185(5): 14 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: silviculture
Abstract: Deciphering the mechanisms by which ecosystems shift between alternate
stable states is a central goal of modern ecology, and a necessary task to inform
management decisions. Several lines of evidence suggest savanna and forest are alternate
stable states at the mesic end of the savanna distribution, and at the arid end savanna and
Contact Author: Atredenn@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106799
Author(s): Treurnicht, Martina, Jorn Pagel, Karen J. Esler, Annelise Schutte-Vlok, Henning
Nottebrock, Tineke Kraaij, Anthony G Rebelo, Frank M. Schurr
Title: Environmental drivers of demographic variation across the global geographic range
of 26 plant species
Source: Journal of Ecology 104: 331-342
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Understanding how rates of reproduction and survival respond to
environmental variation across species - geographical ranges is a key task for both basic
and applied ecology. So far, however, environmental drivers of range-wide demographic
variation have only been studied in a few plant species without considering the
potentially confounding effects of population density on demographic rates. We present
a large-scale demographic...
Contact Author: martinatreurnicht@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106539
Author(s): Troncoso Castro, J. Max, Alfredo Saldana, Mauricio J. Rondanelli-Reyes
Title: Recent plant history and fire regimes of the coastal peat bog of Chepu, Great Island
of Chiloe, Chile
Source: Gayana - Botanica
Year: 2015
Keywords: peat history
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Abstract: The reconstruction of vegetation through pollen analysis and the fire regimes
inferred from charcoal particles are of great importance to the study of past climatic
phenomena such as the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warm Period. The aim of this
study was to reconstruct the vegetational history of the "Chepu" anthropic peat bog...
Contact Author: josetroncoso@udec.cl
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106773
Author(s): Tunison, J. T., D'Antonio C. M., Loh R.
Title: Fire, grass invasions and revegetation of burned areas in Hawai'i Volcanoes National
Source: In Galley KE, Wilson TP (eds). Proceedings of the Invasive Species Workshop: The
Role of Fire in the Controls and Spread of Invasive Species. Vol. 11. KS: Allen Press
Year: 2001
Keywords: hawaii ecology
Author(s): Ulok, G., A.A. Nuruddin, R. Go, P.M. Tahir
Title: Leaves calorific values of selected species in burnt tropical peat swamp forest in
Selangor, Malaysia
Source: American Journal of Environmental Sciences 12(2): 63-67
Year: 2016
Keywords: flammability
Abstract: Forest fire in Malaysia's peat swamp forest is a major concern since it is
contributing to the country's haze episode. Forest fire in peat areas is difficult to be
extinguished and may occur for days. Understanding fuel characteristics is the key to
develop effective fuel management in peat swamp forest. The objectives of this study
were to evaluate the common species...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: Ainuddin@upm.edu.my
FRI Access Number: 106710
Author(s): Umbanhowar, Charles E. Jr
Title: Interaction of fire, climate and vegetation change at a large landscape scale in the
Big Woods of Minnesota, USA
Source: The Holocene 14(5): 661-676
Year: 2004
Keywords: paleohistory climate
Abstract: The Big Woods region of Minnesota is on the prairie-forest border and is a much
studied model for the interaction of climate, fire and vegetation. The purpose of this study
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
was (a) to document the extent and timing of changes in vegetation and fire over the past
2000 years and (b) to examine the link between charcoal influx and vegetation during the
eighteenth and early nineteenth...
Contact Author: ceumb@stolaf.edu
FRI Access Number: 106771
Author(s): Urrego, D. H., Bush, M. B., Silman, M. R., Niccum, B. A., De La Rosa, P.,
McMichael, C. H., Hagen, S., Palace, M.
Title: Holocene fires, forest stability and human occupation in south-western Amazonia
Source: J. Biogeogr. 40, 521e533
Year: 2013
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: The Upper Beni sites were not reached by expanding savannas during periods of
major environmental change, suggesting forest resilience and a degree of ecotone
stability. We associated the largest observed change in these forests with late Holocene
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: d.urrego@epoc.u-bordeaux1.fr
FRI Access Number: 106723
Author(s): van Mantgem, Phillip, Mark Schwartz
Title: Bark heat resistance of small trees in Californian mixed conifer forests: Testing some
model assumptions
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 178: 341-352
Year: 2003
Keywords: bark ecology
Abstract: An essential component to models of fire-caused tree mortality is an
assessment of cambial damage. Cambial heat resistance has been traditionally measured
in large overstory trees with thick bark, although small trees have thinner bark and thus
are more sensitive to fire. We undertook this study to determine if ...
Contact Author: pvanmantgem@usgs.gov
FRI Access Number: 106726
Author(s): Van Wagtendonk, Kent, Douglas F Smith
Title: Prioritizing Lightning Ignitions in Yosemite National Park with a Biogeophysical and
Sociopolitically Informed Decision Tool
Source: Pages 129-135, Chapter 21, in: Weber, Samantha, ed. 2016. Engagement,
Education, and Expectations - The Future of Parks and Protected Areas: Proceedings of the
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
2015 George Wright Society Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites.
Hancock, Michigan: George Wright Society.
Year: 2016
Keywords: lightning
Abstract: Entering the 2014 fire season, managers in Yosemite National Park had cautious
optimism while the rest of California had an exceptional drought on their minds. That,
coupled with memories of the 2013 Rim fire, gave reason for cautiousness. However,
optimism was due, in part, to the park's successful ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: kent_van_wagtendonk@nps.gov
FRI Access Number: 106643
Author(s): Van Mantgem, Phillip J., Jonathan C. B. Nesmith, MaryBeth Keifer, Eric E. Knapp
Title: Can climate change increase fire severity independent of fire intensity?
Source: Conference
Year: 2012
Keywords: climate
Abstract: There is a growing realization that regional warming may be linked to increasing
fire size and frequency in forests of the western US, a trend occurring in concert with
increased fuel loads in forests that historically experienced frequent surface fires. Recent
studies have also suggested that warming temperatures are correlated with...
Contact Author: pvanmantgem@usgs.gov
Author(s): Varela, Elsa, Mario Solino
Title: Incorporating economic valuation into fire prevention planning and management in
Southern European countries
Source: Forest Systems 24(2):
Year: 2016
Keywords: economics
Abstract: This article describes and analyzes the links between the fire-based scientific
knowledge, the social perception of fire prevention and forest fires and the economic
valuation requirements to assess social preferences for fire prevention measures.Area of
study: Southern European countries.Material and Methods: For that purpose...
Contact Author: elsa.varela.r@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106674
Author(s): Varner, Johanna, Mallory S. Lambert, Joshua J. Horns, [...], M. Denise Dearing
Title: Too hot to trot? Evaluating the effects of wildfire on patterns of occupancy and
abundance for a climate-sensitive habitat specialist
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Source: International Journal of Wildland Fire
Year: 2015
Keywords: climate rare endangered
Abstract: Wildfires are increasing in frequency and severity as a result of climate change
in many ecosystems; however, effects of altered disturbance regimes on wildlife remain
poorly quantified. Here, we leverage an unexpected opportunity to investigate how fire
affects the occupancy and abundance of a climate-sensitive habitat specialist...
Contact Author: johanna.varner@utah.edu
FRI Access Number: 106754
Author(s): Varner, J. M., M. A. Arthur, S. L. Clark, D. C. Dey, J. L. Hart
Title: Fire in eastern North American oak ecosystems: filling the gaps
Source: Fire Ecology 12 (2): 1-6
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: This special issue of Fire Ecology is focused on the fire ecology of eastern USA
oak (Quercus L.) forests, woodlands, and savannas. The papers were presented as part of
the Fifth Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA, in 2015. ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: julianvarner@fs.fed.us
FRI Access Number: 106449
Author(s): Vayreda, Jordi, Jordi Martinez-Vilalta, Marc Gracia, Josep G Canadell, Javier
Title: Anthropogenic-driven rapid shifts in tree distribution lead to increased dominance
of broadleaf species
Source: Global Change Biology, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: encroachment ecology
Abstract: Over the past century, major shifts in the geographic distribution of tree species
have occurred in response to changes in land use and climate. We analyse species
distribution and abundance from about 33,000 forest inventory plots in Spain sampled
twice over a period of 10-12 years. We show a dominance of range contraction
(extinction), and demographic decline over range expansion (colonization), with 7 out of
11 species exhibiting...
Contact Author: j.vayreda@creaf.uab.es
Author(s): Venne, Louise S., Joel C. Trexler, Peter C. Frederick
Title: Prescribed burn creates pulsed effects on a wetland aquatic community
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Source: Hydrobiologia, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: prescribed burning wetlands
Abstract: Fire in uplands and wetlands results in a release of nutrients and increased light
in the burned area. However, fire effects on aquatic community dynamics are not well
understood. We hypothesized that the addition of light and nutrients resulting from
prescribed burns in wetlands increases periphyton biomass and supports increased
Contact Author: lvenne@ufl.edu
FRI Access Number: 106669
Author(s): Veraverbeke, S., I. GITAS, T. KATAGIS, A. POLYCHRONAKI, B. SOMERS AND R.
Title: Assessing post-fire vegetation recovery using red-near infrared vegetation indices:
Accounting for background and vegetation variability
Year: 2012
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Post-fire vegetation cover is a crucial parameter in rangeland management. This
study aims to assess the post-fire vegetation recovery three years after the large fires on
the Peloponnese peninsula in southern Greece. In this context, thirteen red-near infrared
(R-NIR) Vegetation...
Contact Author: rudi.goossens@ugent.be
FRI Access Number: 106694
Author(s): Villarreal, M. L., L. M. Norman, S. Buckley, C. S. A. Wallace
Title: Multi-index time series monitoring of drought and fire effects on desert grasslands
Source: Remote Sensing of envirnment 183: 186-197
Year: 2016
Keywords: drought
Abstract: The Western United States is expected to undergo both extended periods of
drought and longer wildfire seasons under forecasted global climate change and it is
important to understand how these disturbances will interact and affect recovery and ...
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Contact Author: mvillarreal@usgs.gov
FRI Access Number: 106528
Author(s): Vogel, Jennifer A., Rolf R. Koford, Diane M. Debinski
Title: Direct and indirect responses of tallgrass prairie butterflies to prescribed burning
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Source: J Insect Conserv 14: 663-677
Year: 2010
Keywords: insects butterflies
Abstract: Fire is an important tool in the conservation and restoration of tallgrass prairie
ecosystems. We investigated how both the vegetation composition and butterfly
community of tallgrass prairie remnants changed in relation to the elapsed time (in
months) since prescribed fire.
Contact Author: jenvogel@iastate.edu
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FRI Access Number: 106721
Author(s): Wagenbrenner, Natalie S., Jason M. Forthofer, Brian K. Lamb, Kyle S. Shannon,
Bret W. Butler
Title: Downscaling surface wind predictions from numerical weather prediction models in
complex terrain with WindNinja
Source: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16: 5229-5241
Year: 2016
Keywords: wind weather modeling
Abstract: Wind predictions in complex terrain are important for a number of applications.
Dynamic downscaling of numerical weather prediction (NWP) model winds with a highresolution wind model is one way to obtain a wind forecast that accounts for local terrain
effects, such as wind speed-up over ridges, flow channeling in valleys, flow separation
around terrain obstacles, and flows induced by local surface heating and cooling...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: nwagenbrenner@fs.fed.us
FRI Access Number: 106651
Author(s): Wagenbrenner, Joseph W., Lee H. MacDonald, Robert N. Coats, Peter R.
Robichaud and Robert E. Brown
Title: Effects of post-fire salvage logging and a skid trail treatment on ground cover, soils,
and sediment production in the interior western United States
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 335: 176-193
Year: 2015
Keywords: silviculture salvage
Abstract: Post-fire salvage logging adds another set of environmental effects to recently
burned areas, and previous studies have reported varying impacts on vegetation, soil
disturbance, and sediment production with limited ...
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Contact Author: jwwagenb@mtu.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
FRI Access Number: 106745
Author(s): Walker, M. J., D. Anesin, D. E. Angelucci, A. Aviles-Fernandez, F. Berna, A. T.
Buitrago-Lopez, Y. Fernandez-Jalvo, M. Haber-Uriarte, A. Lopez-Jimenez, M. LopezMartinez, I. Martin-Lerma, J. Ortega-Rodriganez, J.-L. Polo-Camacho, S. E. Rhodes, D.
Richter, T. Rodriguez-Estrella, J.-L. Schwenninger, A.R. Skinner
Title: Combustion at the late Early Pleistocene site of Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Rio
Quipar (Murcia, Spain)
Source: Antiquity 80(351): 571-589
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Control of fire was a hallmark of developing human cognition and an essential
technology for the colonisation of cooler latitudes. In Europe, the earliest evidence comes
from recent work at the site of Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Rio Quipar in south-eastern
Spain. Charred and calcined bone and thermally altered chert were recovered from a
deep, 0.8-million-year-old sedimentary deposit. A combination...
Contact Author: mjwalke@gmail.com
FRI Access Number: 106572
Author(s): Walsh, Megan Kathleen
Title: Natural and anthropogenic influences on the holocene fire and vegetation history of
the Willamette Valley, Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington
Source: Ph. D. Dissertation, Department of Geography, University of Oregon, 399 pages
Year: 2008
Keywords: paleohistory
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FRI Access Number: 106757
Author(s): Weili Liu, Lin Qi, Yunting Fang, Jian Yang
Title: Wildfire effects on ecosystem nitrogen cycling in a Chinese boreal larch forest,
revealed by 15N natural abundance
Source: Biogeosciences Discussions, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Wildfire is reported to exert strong influences on N cycling, particularly during
the early succession period immediately after burning (i.e., < 1 year). Previous studies
have mainly focused on wildfires influences on inorganic N concentrations and N
mineralization rates; but plant and soil 15N natural abundance (expressed by k15N), as a
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
spatial-temporal integrator of ecosystem N cycling, could provide a more comprehensive
Contact Author: jian.yang@uky.edu
FRI Access Number: 106672
Author(s): Weir, John R., Dirac Twidwell, Carissa L. Wonkka
Title: from Grassroots to National Alliance: The Emerging Trajectory for Landowner
Prescribed Burn Associations
Source: Rangelands, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: prescribed burning
Abstract: Due to woody plant encroachment and seeing the need for fire on their lands,
private landowners throughout the southern Great Plains have started forming
prescribed burn associations (PBA) to assist each other with conducting prescribed fires.
Members of PBAs work together by pooling equipment and other resources, organizing...
FRI Access Number: 106670
Author(s): Weiss, J., M. Crimmins, G. Garfin, P. Brown
Title: El Nino 2015-2016: Will It Affect the Wildland Fire Season in Arizona?
Source: University of Arizona, Cooperative Extension, 7 pages
Year: 2016
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Unexpected below-average precipitation over the past six months has allowed
grasses, leaves, twigs, and shrubs to dry out. These desiccated fine fuels have heightened
wildland fire danger in the state, despite relatively favorable temperature, humidity, and
wind in ...
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FRI Access Number: 106620
Author(s): Weiner, Nathan I., Eva K. Strand, Stephen C. Bunting, Alistair M. S. Smith
Title: Duff Distribution Influences Fire Severity and Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery in
Sagebrush Steppe
Source: Ecosystems, available online 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: fuel severity
Abstract: Woody plant expansion is a global phenomenon that alters the spatial
distribution of nutrients, biomass, and fuels in affected ecosystems. Altered fuel patterns
across the landscape influences ecological processes including fire behavior, fire effects,
and can impact post-fire plant germination and establishment. The purpose ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Contact Author: evas@uidaho.edu
FRI Access Number: 106749
Author(s): Wei Chen, Kazuyuki Moriya, Tetsuro Sakai, [...], Chunxiang Cao
Title: Post-fire forest regeneration under different restoration treatments in the Greater
Hinggan Mountain area of China
Source: Ecological Engineering 70: 304-311
Year: 2014
Keywords: restoration
Abstract: Forest fire is one of the dominant disturbance factors in boreal forests. Post-fire
forest regeneration is crucial to both ecological research and forest management. Three
different restoration treatments, namely natural regeneration, artificial regeneration, and
artificial promotion, were adopted in the Greater Hinggan Mountain area of China after a
serious forest fire occurred on May 6, 1987. Natural regeneration means recovering
naturally ...
Contact Author: chenwei@bre.soc.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp
FRI Access Number: 106784
Author(s): Westerling, A.L., D.R. Cayan, A. Gershunov, M. D. Dettinger and T. J. Brown
Title: Statistical Forecast of the 2001 Western Wildfire Season Using Principal Components
Source: Experimental Long-Lead Forecast Bulletin 10: 71-75
Year: 2001
Keywords: climate statistics
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106524
Author(s): Westerling, A. L., A. Gershunov and D. R. Cayan
Title: Statistical Forecasts of Western Wildfire Season Severity
Source: Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, Reno,
Nevada, November 2001, pp 202-205
Year: 2001
Keywords: statistics
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106523
Author(s): Westerling, A. L., A. Gershunov, D. R. Cayan and T. P. Barnett
Title: Long Lead Statistical Forecasts of Western U.S. Wildfire Area Burned
Source: International Journal of Wildland Fire 11(3-4) 257-266
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Year: 2002
Keywords: statistics
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106522
Author(s): Westerling, A. L., T. J. Brown, A. Gershunov, D. R. Cayan and M. D. Dettinger
Title: Climate and Wildfire in the Western United States
Source: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 84(5): 595-604
Year: 2003
Keywords: climate
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106521
Author(s): Westerling, A. L., A. Gershunov and D. R. Cayan
Title: Statistical Forecasts of the 2003 Western Wildfire Season Using Canonical
Correlation Analysis
Source: Experimental Long-Lead Forecast Bulletin 12(1,2):
Year: 2003
Keywords: statistics
Abstract: Experimental forecasts for the 2003 fire season indicate low area burned in
most western deserts and basins, high area burned in the southern Rocky Mountains and
at higher elevations in Arizona and New Mexico, and mid to high area burned in the Sierra
Nevada. This pattern ...
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106520
Author(s): Westerling, A. L. and T. W. Swetnam
Title: Interannual to Decadal Drought and Wildfire in the Western United States
Source: EOS, 84(49): 545,554-555
Year: 2003
Keywords: climate
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106519
Author(s): Westerling, A. L., D. R. Cayan, T. J. Brown, B. L. Hall and L. G. Riddle
Title: Climate, Santa Ana Winds and Autumn Wildfires in Southern California
Source: EOS, 85(31): 289,296
Year: 2004
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Keywords: climate
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106518
Author(s): Westerling, A. L. and B. P. Bryant
Title: Climate Change and Wildfire In and Around California: Fire Modeling and Loss
Source: Public Interest Energy Research, California Energy Commision. CEC-500-2005-190SF, Sacramento, CA.
Year: 2006
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Using statistical models, wildfire risks are described as a function of climatic
variables such as temperature and precipitation, and of hydrologic variables simulated
using temperature and precipitation. Wildfire risks for the GFDL and PCM models and the
A2 and B1 emissions scenarios are compared for 2005-2034, 2035-2064, and...
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106517
Author(s): Westerling, A. L., H. G. Hidalgo, D. R. Cayan, T. W. Swetnam
Title: Warming and Earlier Spring Increases Western U.S. Forest Wildfire Activity
Source: Science 313: 940-943
Year: 2006
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Western United States forest wildfire activity is widely thought to have
increased in recent decades, yet neither the extent of recent changes nor the degree to
which climate may be driving regional changes in wildfire has been systematically
documented. Much of the public and scientific discussion of changes in western United
States wildfire has focused instead on the effects of 19th and 20th-century land-use
history. We compiled a comprehensive database of large wildfires in western United
States forests since 1970 and...
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106516
Author(s): Westerling, A. L.
Title: Os incendios no oeste dos EEUU e o cambio climatico
Source: Chapter 2 in Prevendo os Desastres Ambientais: Unha reflexion critica, Ruiz de
Elvira, Ed. Monographias 06: Escola Galega de Administracion Publica, Santiago de
Compostela, Galicia. ISBN 9788445344309
Year: 2007
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Keywords: climate
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106515
Author(s): Westerling, A. L. and B. P. Bryant
Title: Climate Change and Wildfire in California
Source: Climatic Change 87: s231-249
Year: 2008
Abstract: Wildfire risks for California under four climatic change scenarios were
statistically modeled as functions of climate, hydrology, and topography. Wildfire risks for
the GFDL and PCM global climate models and the A2 and B1 emissions scenarios were
compared for 2005-2034, 2035-2064, and 2070-2099 against a modeled 1961-1990
reference period in California and neighboring states
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106514
Author(s): Westerling, A. L.
Title: Climate and Wildfire in the Western United States
Source: California Applications Program White Paper, Climate Research Division, Scripps
Institution of Oceanography. NOAA Regional Integrated Science and Assessment Program
Year: 2008
Keywords: climate
Abstract: The number and extent of wildfires in the western United States each season
are driven by natural factors such as fuel availability, temperature, precipitation, wind,
humidity, and the location of lightning strikes, as well as anthropogenic factors. It is well
known that climate fluctuations significantly affect these natural factors, and thus...
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106512
Author(s): Westerling, A. L.
Title: Climatology for Wildfire Management
Source: Chapter 6, in Economics of Forest Disturbance: Wildfires, Storms, and Pests,
Series: Forestry Sciences, Vol 79. T.P. Holmes, J.P. Prestemon and K.L. Abt, Eds., XIV, 422
p. Springer. ISBN: 978-1-4020-4369-7
Year: 2008
Keywords: economics climate
Abstract: Forest and wildfire managers in the western United States are very familiar with
weather information and forecasts provided by various public and private sources. Even
very sophisticated users of these products, however, may be less familiar with climate
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
information and forecasts and their applications. Partly this is because the scientific
community has made rapid progress in climate, and particularly climate forecasting, as a
field of applied study in recent decades...
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106759
Author(s): Westerling, A. L.
Title: Los incendios en el oeste de los EEUU y el cambio climatico
Source: Chapter 2, in: Prevencioin de los Desastres Ambientales: Una reflexion critica, Ruiz
de Elvira, Ed
Year: 2009
Keywords: management
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
Author(s): Westerling, A. L., B. P. Bryant, H. K. Preisler, T.P. Holmes, H. G. Hidalgo, T. Das,
S.R. Shrestha
Title: Climate Change, Growth and California Wildfire
Source: Public Interest Energy Research, California Energy Commision, Sacramento, CA
Year: 2009
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Large wildfire occurrence and burned area are modeled using hydroclimate and
landsurface characteristics under a range of future climate and development scenarios.
The range of uncertainty for future wildfire regimes is analyzed over two emissions
pathways (the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios [SRES] A2 and B1 scenarios); three
global climate models (Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques CM3, Geophysical
Fluid Dynamics Laboratory CM21 and National Center for Atmospheric Research...
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106511
Author(s): Westerling, A. L., M. G. Turner, E. H. Smithwick, W. H. Romme, M. G. Ryan
Title: Continued warming could transform Greater Yellowstone fire regimes by mid-21st
Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(32): 13165-13170
Year: 2011
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Climate change is likely to alter wildfire regimes, but the magnitude and timing
of potential climate-driven changes in regional fire regimes are not well understood. We
considered how the occurrence, size, and spatial location of large fires might respond to
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
climate projections in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem (GYE) (Wyoming), a large
wildland ecosystem...
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106510
Author(s): Westerling, A. L.
Title: Brevia: Climate Change Could Rapidly Transform Greater Yellowstone Fire Regimes
Source: Mountain Views: The Newsletter of the Consortium for Integrated Climate
Research in Western Mountains (CIRMOUNT), 5(2):30-32
Year: 2011
Keywords: climate
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106509
Author(s): Westerling, A. L., B. P. Bryant, H. K. Preisler, T. P. Holmes, H. Hidalgo, T. Das,
and S. Shrestha
Title: Climate Change and Growth Scenarios for California Wildfire
Source: Climatic Change 109(1): 445-463
Year: 2011
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Large wildfire occurrence and burned area are modeled using hydroclimate and
landsurface characteristics under a range of future climate and development scenarios.
The range of uncertainty for future wildfire regimes is analyzed over two emissions
pathways (the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios [SRES] A2 and B1 scenarios); three
global climate...
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106761
Author(s): Westerling, A. L., S. P. Harrison and P. J. Bartlein
Title: Fire: Are we facing an increase in wildfires?
Source: PAGES news, 20(1):24-25
Year: 2012
Keywords: climate
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106762
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Westerling, A. LeRoy, Timothy J. Brown, Tania Schoennagel, Thomas W.
Swetnam, Monica G. Turner, and Thomas T. Veblen
Title: Climate and Wildfire in Western US Forests
Source: Chapter 3 in Forest Conservation in the Anthropocene: Science, Policy, and
Practice. Edited by V. Alaric Sample, R. Patrick Bixler, and Char Miller. University Press of
Year: 2016
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Prior work shows western US forest wildfire activity increased abruptly in the
mid-1980s. Large forest wildfires and areas burned in them have continued to increase
over recent decades, with most of the increase in lightning-ignited fires. Northern US
Rockies forests dominated early increases in wildfire activity, and still contributed 50% of
the increase in large fires over the last decade. However, the...
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106508
Author(s): Westerling, A. L. R.
Title: Increasing western US forest wildfire activity: sensitivity to changes in the timing of
Source: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371: 20150178.
Year: 2016
Keywords: statistics
Abstract: Prior work shows western US forest wildfire activity increased abruptly in the
mid-1980s. Large forest wildfires and areas burned in them have continued to increase
over recent decades, with most of the increase in lightning-ignited fires. Northern US
Rockies forests dominated early increases in wildfire activity, and still contributed...
Contact Author: leroy.westerling@icloud.com
FRI Access Number: 106525
Author(s): Wills, Timothy J.
Title: Using Banksia (Proteaceae) node counts to estimate time since fire
Source: Australian Journal of Botany 51(3):239-242
Year: 2002
Keywords: frequency ecology
Abstract: In Australia, numerous methods have been used to determine the time since
the last fire at a given site. One method involves counting the number of annual growth
nodes on Banksia spp. that are either killed by fire, or regenerate from surviving
rootstocks, to determine above-ground plant age. Although a number of studies have
used the Banksia node-count method to estimate plant and therefore...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Contact Author: Timothy_wills@ghd.com.au
FRI Access Number: 106460
Author(s): Wills, Timothy J. and Jennifer Read
Title: Soil seed bank dynamics in post-fire heathland succession in south-eastern Australia
Source: Plant Ecology 190: 1-12
Year: 2007
Keywords: regeneration
Abstract: Soil seed banks can exert a strong influence on the path of vegetation
succession following fire, with species varying in their capacity to persist in the seed bank
over time, leading to changes in seed bank composition and propagules available for postfire colonisation. This study examined the effect of time since fire on soil seed bank
dynamics in a chronosequence...
Contact Author: Timothy_wills@ghd.com.au
FRI Access Number: 106459
Author(s): Wills, Timothy J. and Jennifer Read
Title: Effects of heat and smoke on germination of soil-stored seed in a south-eastern
Australian sand heathland
Source: Australian Journal of Botany 50(2):197-206
Year: 2001
Keywords: ecology regeneration
Abstract: Various fire-related agents, including heat, smoke, ash and charred wood, have
been shown to break dormancy and promote germination of soil-stored seed in a broad
range of species in mediterranean-type systems. However, relatively little work has been
conducted in south-eastern Australian heathlands. This study examined the effects of
heat and smoked water on germination of the soil seed bank in a mature sand heathland
within the Gippsland Lakes Coastal Park...
Contact Author: Timothy_wills@ghd.com.au
FRI Access Number: 106458
Author(s): Wilson, Jack F.
Title: from whence they came: A perspective on federal wildland firefighters in the
department of the interior
Source: unpublished manuscript
Year: n. d.
Keywords: firefighters management
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Author(s): Winton, Vicky, Viviene Brown, Matthias Leopold, BelindaD'Ovidio, Emielda
Yusiharni, Annie Carson, Colin Hamlett
Title: The first radiometric Pleistocene dates for Aboriginal occupation at Weld Range,
Inland Mid West, Western Australia
Source: Australian Archaeology 82(1): 60-66
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory australia
Abstract: We present the results of radiometric dating at Yalibirri Mindi Rockshelter
located in the Weld Range, Mid West region, Western Australia. A sequence of three
Pleistocene dates from charcoal found in association with flaked stone artefacts and with
a basal date of 29,089 q 132 years uncal. BP (-DAMS 009920) provides the first evidence
for Pre-Last Glacial...
Contact Author: vicky.winton@uwa.edu.au
FRI Access Number: 106681
Author(s): Wotawa, Gerhard and Michael Trainer
Title: The Influence of Canadian Forest Fires on Pollutant Concentrations in the United
Source: Science Vol. 288, Issue 5464, pp. 324-328
Year: 2000
Keywords: smoke
Author(s): Wu, Y., Y. Xue, J. Lu, Y. Xie, T. Xu, W. Li, C. Wu
Title: Space-time impact of forest fire on power grid fault probability
Source: Automartion of Electric Power Systems 3
Year: 2015
Keywords: infrastructure powerliines
Abstract: According to the ways and mechanisms of electrical equipment faults caused by
forest fire, a modified model of transmission line fault probability is developed. And an
early-warning defense method based on the spatial-temporal distribution of power grid
fault probability is proposed. Firstly, by combining ...
Author(s): Xiayun Xiao, Simon G. Haberle, Ji Shen, Bin Xue, Sumin Wang
Title: Postglacial fire history and interactions with vegetation and climate in southwestern
Yunnan Province of China based on charcoal and pollen records
Source: Climate of the Past Discussions available online, 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: paleohistory
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Abstract: A high-resolution, continuous 18.5 ka-long (1 ka=1000 cal yr BP) macroscopic
charcoal record from Qinghai Lake in southwestern Yunnan Province, China reveals the
postglacial fire frequency and variability history. The results show that three periods with
high fire frequency and intensity occurred during the periods 18.5-15.0 ka, 13.0-11.5 ka,
and 4.3-~1.0 ka, respectively. This record was compared with the pollen record from...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
Contact Author: xyxiao@niglas.ac.cn
FRI Access Number: 106724
Author(s): Xin Huang, Aijun Ding, Lixia Liu, Qiang Liu, Ke Ding, Wei Nie, Zheng Xu, Xuguang
Chi, Minghuai Wang, Jianning Sun, Weidong Guo, Congbin Fu
Title: Effects of aerosol-radiation interaction on precipitation during biomass-burning
season in East China
Source: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discuss., doi:10.5194/acp-2016-272, 2016
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Biomass burning is a main source for primary carbonaceous particles in the
atmosphere and acts as a crucial factor that alters Earth's energy budget and balance. It is
also an important factor influencing air quality, regional climate and sustainability in the
domain of Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX). During the exceptionally ...
Contact Author: dingaj@nju.edu.cn
FRI Access Number: 106614
Author(s): Young, Adam M., Philip E. Higuera, Paul A. Duffy and Feng Sheng Hu
Title: Climatic thresholds shape northern high-latitude fire regimes and imply vulnerability
to future climate change
Source: Ecography 39: 001-012
Year: 2016
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Boreal forests and arctic tundra cover 33% of global land area and store an
estimated 50% of total soil carbon. Because wildfire is a key driver of terrestrial carbon
cycling, increasing fire activity in these ecosystems would likely have global implications.
To anticipate potential spatiotemporal variability in fire-regime shifts, we modeled the
spatially explicit 30-yr probability of fire occurrence as a function of climate and
Contact Author: philip.higuera@umontana.edu
FRI Access Number: 106698
Author(s): Yu Chang, Zhiliang Zhu, Yuting Feng, Yuehui Li, rencang Bu and Yuanman Hu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Title: The spatial variation in forest burn severity in Heilongjiang Province, China
Source: Natural Hazards, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Quantitative assessment of forest burn severity and determination of its spatial
variation are important for post-fire forest restoration and forest fire management. In
this paper, we assessed forest burn severity using pre- and post-fire Landsat TM/ETM+
data and field-surveyed data and explored the spatial variation in burn ...
Contact Author: changyu@iae.ac.cn
FRI Access Number: 106750
Author(s): Yukili, Leewe, Ahmad Ainuddin Nuruddin, Ismail Adnan Abdul Malek, Sheriza
Mohamad Razali
Title: Analysis of Hotspot Pattern Distribution at Sabah, Malaysia for Forest Fire
Source: Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 9(3): 291-295
Year: 2016
Keywords: statistics tropics
Abstract: Forest fire is a major threat to tropical forest ecosystem and can be detected as
hotspots using satellite technology. Its pattern and distribution can be used to identify
areas where there are occurrence of forest fire. This study aims to assess and investigate
the hotspots pattern in Sabah during 2006-2010. This study was conducted in Sabah,
located in the ...
You can link to this open access PDF at FRI's web site
FRI Access Number: 106709
Author(s): Zylstra, Philip
Title: Explaining feedbacks between fire and flammability in the Snowgums and beyond
Source: Australasian Plant Conservation 24(4): 14-15
Year: 2016
Keywords: ecology
Contact Author: pzylstra@uow.edu.au
FRI Access Number: 106634
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Another new book on the Yarnell Incident
The Fire Line, Fernanda Santos, 2016, Flatiron Books, 288 pages, $11.61
Impeccably researched, drawing upon more than a hundred hours of interviews with the
firefighters’ families, colleagues, state and federal officials, and researchers, New York
Times Phoenix Bureau Chief Fernanda Santos has written a very good book about the fatal
Yarnell Hill Fire. This book provides much insight into the events prior to Marsh's fatal
decision to lead his men away from a secure safety zone. This is, by far, the better
researched and better written narrative of the fire, but, of necessity, still lacks any insight
into Marsh's state of mind when he decided to move his crew.
Click on the book image above to link to your Amazon account.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New Book about the Yarnell Incident
My Lost Brothers, Brendan McDonough and Stephan Talty. 2016. Hachette Book Group,
New York, 278 pages. $16.20 hardbound
This is a memoir, not an analysis, and provides little we didn't know about the Yarnell
fatality incident in which 19 hotshots were killed when overrun by fire in Arizona in 2013.
The story begins with the survivor's childhood, and carries forward to his third year as a
firefighter on the Granite Mountain Interregional Hotshot Crew. He was separated from
the crew as a lookout on the Yarnell Hills Fire, and is in the dark as much as all of us as to
what was behind the fatal decision to cross a mile of green in the path of the fire. Despite
this disappointment, I might recommend the book as a good read.
Click on the book image above to link to your Amazon account.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Firestick Ecology, Vic Jurskis, 2016, Connor Court Publishing Pty Ltd, 370 pages, $20.55
Aborigines came to Australia and burnt out most of the trees and bushes. The megafauna starved whilst eucalypts,
herbs, grasses and mesofauna flourished. The ancient culture survived an ice age, global warming and hugely rising
seas, forging economies in woodlands and deserts. Europeans doused the firestick, woodlands turned to scrub,
mesofauna perished, megafires and tree-eaters irrupted. Foresters rekindled the firestick and greens stole it.
Megafires and declines are back with a vengeance whilst ecologists dream-up reasons not to burn. Ecological
history shows that we must apply the firestick frequently, willingly and skillfully to restore a healthy, safe
environment and economy.
Click on the book image above to link to your Amazon account.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New Book about Stoddard's Methods in Management of Longleaf Pine
The Art of Managing Longleaf: A Personal History of the Stoddard-Neel Approach, 2012, Leon Neel, The
University of Georgia Press, 212 pages. $24.95
Once considered controversial, the Stoddard Method is now accepted among foresters and environmentalists as
the best art in managing this highly fire dependent species. Herbert Stoddard was not an educated man compared
to his peers, but his feet-on-the-ground capacity for understanding complex ecological landscapes is genius. A
close friend of Aldo Leopold and other environmental thinkers of his time, he worked with Leon Neel to develop
and test his set of management principles. This book is an interview with Neel that describes the evolution of the
Stoddard-Neel approach, its details, and the results of their studies. This is well-written books that will fully explain
the Stoddard principles and their genesis and bring to the reader an intimate feel for the place, the times and the
To order, please click on the book image or contact Amanda Sharp at asharp@uga.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New Book on the Role of Fire in the Earth System
Vegetation Fires and Global Change, 2013, Edited by Johann Georg Goldammer, Kessell Publishing House, 400
pages, 35 Euro ($36.61) plus shipping.
This very reasonably priced book written in 17 Chapters by 59 of the world's most well-known fire
scientists is a global state-of-the-art analysis of the role of vegetation fires in the earth system - fire
science, ecology, atmospheric chemistry, remote sensing and climate change modeling. Chapters include
discussions of paleofire, current fire regimes in Russia, boreal permafrost biomes, tropical southeast Asia,
tropical South America, Mediterranean, Australia, temperate-Mediterranean North America, Subsahara
Africa, emissions, fire modeling, social and economic dimensions of fire, remote sensing and climate
To order, click on the book image or contact Norbert Kessel at nkessel@web.de. There is a discount for
20 copies or more.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New Book on Prescribed Burning in Russia
Prescribed Burning in Russia and Neighbouring Temperate-Boreal Eurasia, edited by Johann Georg Goldammer,
2013, Kessel Publishing House, 326 Pages, 35 Euro ($36.61), plus shipping costs.
To me personally, this is a very exciting addition to the literature on fire in Russia. Invited by Dr. Goldammer and
our hosts in Krasnoyarsk in the early 1990's, I was thrilled to be able to attend the conference being put on my our
Russian colleagues and to witness a burn experiment on Bor Island in northern Siberia. That experiment was the
beginning of twenty years of work summarized in this book. Equally exciting and important is the rare opportunity
to read about the history and progress in prescribed burning in Russia and to see references in the bibliographies
in this book to Russian literature that have not been available until now. Written by Goldammer and a number of
preeminent scientists in Russia, this is an excellent reference to fire in this part of the world.
To order, click on the book image or contact Norbert Kessel at nkessel@web.de. There is a discount for
20 copies or more.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New Book on fire Investigation
Wildfire Investigation Guidelines for practitioners, 2015, Cornelis de Ronde and Johann Georg Goldammer,
Kessel Publishing House, 132 pages, 17 Euro ($18.27), plus shipping.
There are few books available that cover wildland fire investigation in detail. This new book summarizes
two decades of experience in South Africa investigating fires. The chapters cover the ecology of fire, fuel
and fire dynamics, cause and origin determination, reconstruction of wildfire spread, witness reports,
damage assessment, insurance and arbitration. Nicely illustrated in color and well written, this book is
essential to anyone interested in this field.
To order, click on the book image or contact Norbert Kessel at nkessel@web.de. There is a discount for
20 copies or more.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
California: A Fire Survey, Stephen J. Pyne, 2016, University of Arizona Press, 216 pages,
The coastal sage and shrublands of California burn. The mountain-encrusting chaparral burns. The conifer
forests of the Sierra Nevada, Cascades, and Trinity Alps burn. The rain-shadowed deserts after watering
by El Niño cloudbursts and the thick forests of the rumpled Coast Range—all burn according to local
rhythms of wetting and drying. Fire season, so the saying goes, lasts 13 months.
In this collection of essays on the region, Stephen J. Pyne colorfully explores the ways the region has
approached fire management and what sets it apart from other parts of the country. Pyne writes that what
makes California’s fire scene unique is how its dramatically distinctive biomes have been yoked to a
common system, ultimately committed to suppression, and how its fires burn with a character and on a
scale commensurate with the state’s size and political power. California has not only a ferocity of flame
but a cultural intensity that few places can match. California’s fires are instantly and hugely broadcast.
They shape national institutions, and they have repeatedly defined the discourse of fire’s history. No other
place has so sculpted the American way of fire.
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will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Florida: A Fire Survey, Stephen J. Pyne, 2016, University of Arizona Press, 184 pages,
In Florida, fire season is plural, and it is most often a verb. Something can always burn. Fires burn
longleaf, slash, and sand pine. They burn wiregrass, sawgrass, and palmetto. The lush growth, the dry
winters, the widely cast sparks—Florida is built to burn.
In this important new collection of essays on the region, Stephen J. Pyne colorfully explores the ways the
region has approached fire management. Florida has long resisted national models of fire suppression in
favor of prescribed burning, for which it has ideal environmental conditions and a robust culture. Out of
this heritage the fire community has created institutions to match. The Tallahassee region became the
ignition point for the national fire revolution of the 1960s. Today, it remains the Silicon Valley of
prescription burning. How and why this happened is the topic of a fire reconnaissance that begins in the
panhandle and follows Floridian fire south to the Everglades.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Fuego en el Pantanal - Incendios forestales y perdida de recursos de biodiversidad en
San Matias - Santa Cruz, Martinez, Jose A., 2003, Investigaciones Regionales, Santa Cruz,
Bolivia, 187 pages, $45.01
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will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Natural Disturbances and Historic Range of Variation, edited by
Catheryn H. Greenberg and Beverly S. Collins, 2015, Springer,
400 pages, $92.58
This book discusses the historic range of variation (HRV) in the types, frequencies,
severities and scales of natural disturbances, and explores how they create
heterogeneous structure within upland hardwood forests of the Central Hardwood
Region (CHR). The book was written in response to a 2012 forest planning rule
which requires that national forests to be managed to sustain ‘ecological integrity’
and within the ‘natural range of variation’ of natural disturbances and vegetation
structure. Synthesizing information on HRV of natural disturbance types, and their
impacts on forest structure, has been identified as a top need.
Historically, both non-anthropogenic and anthropogenic disturbances were integral
to shaping central hardwood forests, and essential in maintaining diverse biotic
communities. Spatial extent, frequency and severity differ among natural
disturbance types, creating mosaics and gradients of structural conditions and
canopy openness across the landscape.
Click on the book image above to link to your own Amazon account through FRI's web site. Amazon
will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Nuevo enfoque en la defensa contra los incendios forestales en Espana /
New approach to protection against forest fires in Spain, Jorge Agudo
Gonzalez, 2010, Dykinson, 170 pages, $31.95
El trabajo que se publica es fruto de una larga e intensa investigación, que forma parte del proceso de desarrollo
de un proyecto europeo único en la materia y que aborda uno de los casos de gestión de incendios forestales más
destacados y complejos en Europa. El profesor Agudo elige para ello un enfoque integrador y territorial que se
aleja del clásico planteamiento sectorial desde el que se ha venido legislando y planificando la defensa contra
incendios forestales en los países europeos.
Click on the book image above to link to your own Amazon account through FRI's web site. Amazon
will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Prevencion de Riesgos Laborales y Ambientales en Trabajos de Extincion de Incendios
Forestales, Gregorio Perez Borrego, Jose Ignacio Morales Mesa, M. Jose Rodriguez
Ramos and Francisco Salas Trujillo, 2007, Tecnos Editorial, 416 pages, $37.95 and $28.50
Click on the book image above to link to your own Amazon account through FRI's web site. Amazon
will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
($37.95 and $28.50 used).
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Sistemas de Información Geográfica en incendios forestales: Caso de estudio para la
prevención de incendios en Parque Nacional Tunari - Bolivia, Daniel C. Cruz Fuentes ,
Editorial Academica Espanola, 188 pages, $72.00 and $67.34 used.
El Parque Nacional Tunari ubicado a 2 800 m.s.n.m en Bolivia tiene una alta frecuencia de incendios forestales.
Actualmente los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) son una herramienta de alta utilidad para la prevención
de incendios. La presente investigación se basa en la aplicación de estas herramientas. En base a la teoría de
desenvolvimiento del fuego y a estudios modelo, se definieron las variables concernientes a la ignición y
propagación. Además fueron seleccionados los atributos más relevantes, se recopiló y analizó la información para
luego procesarla en un modelo de análisis espacial. El ámbito antropogénico, la meteorología, topografía y la
vegetación son las esferas que combinadas de acuerdo con su importancia, hacen del modelo propuesto y sus
mapas resultantes una herramienta integral. Su discusión, corrección y validación con la participación de las
instituciones concernientes al tema, pueden poner el estudio en aplicación y a consideración como aporte a la
literatura especializada en la aplicación de SIG.
Click on the book image above to link to your own Amazon account through FRI's web site. Amazon
will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Gender and Wildfire, 2014, Christine Eriksen, Francis and Taylor Publishers, 185 pages,
In pursuit of lifestyle change, affordable property, and proximity to nature, people from all walks of life
are moving to the wildland-urban interface. Tragic wildfires and a predicted increase in high fire danger
weather with climate change have triggered concern for the safety of such amenity-led migrants in
wildfire-prone landscapes.
This book examines wildfire awareness and preparedness amongst women, men, households, communities
and agencies at the interface between city and beyond. It does so through an examination of two regions
where wildfires are common and disastrous, and where how to deal with them is a major political issue:
southeast Australia and the west coast United States. It follows women’s and men’s stories of surviving,
fighting, evacuating, living and working with wildfire to reveal the intimate inner workings of wildfire
response – and especially the culturally and historically distinct gender relations that underpin wildfire
Wildfire is revealed as much more than a "natural" hazard – it is far from gender-neutral. Rather, wildfire
is an important means through which traditional gender roles and power relations are maintained despite
changing social circumstances. Women’s and men’s subjectivities are shaped by varying senses of
inclusion, exclusion, engagement and disengagement with wildfire management. This leads to the
reproduction of gender identities with clear ramifications for if, how and to what extent women and men
prepare for wildfire.
Click on the book image above to link to your own Amazon account through FRI's web site. Amazon
will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Incendios forestales y su impacto, Iris Gomez Ramudo, Editorial Académica Española,
396 pages, $117.00 and $108.88 used
Según datos del MAGRAMA (Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente), en el último año se han
quemado más de 53.286 hectáreas de bosque en España en más de 2.495 incendios, 16 de ellos incluidos en los
considerados como Grandes Incendios Forestales. El año 2012, con 189.321 hectáreas arrasadas por el fuego, es
considerado uno de los peores de los últimos 20 años. Los incendios forestales se han convertido en un importante
problema ambiental, tanto en nuestro país como a nivel mundial. En el presente proyecto, a modo de revisión, se
exponen sus principales factores, causas y efectos, así como una serie de acciones que se deben llevar a cabo en
las tareas de prevención y detección, durante la propagación y en la extinción de incendios, sin olvidarnos de la
restauración de las superficies afectadas.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Incendios Forestales, Una Introducción a la Ecología del Fuego, Juli G. Pausas, 2012,
Catarata Publishers, 119 pages, 12 Euros ($13.67 US)
Por incendios forestales nos referimos a incendios (sean de origen natural o antrópico) que ocurren en los
ecosistemas terrestres, y que se propagan por la vegetación, sea del tipo que sea (bosques, sabanas, matorrales,
pastizales, humedales, turberas, etc.). Gran parte de la gente asocia los incendios forestales a eventos
catastróficos, Sin embargo, y como vemos al lo largo de este libro, los incendios forman parte de la misma
naturaleza y han moldeado la diversidad de nuestros ecosistemas. Existen regímenes de incendios que son
totalmente sostenibles desde el punto de vista ecológico, si bien es cierto que muchos cambios provocados por la
humanidad han generado regímenes de incendios insostenibles. La rama de la ciencia que estudia el papel de los
incendios en los organismos y los ecosistemas, se llama ecología del fuego, y es el tema central de este libro. La
ecología del fuego proporciona la base científica para mejorar el conocimiento y la gestión del territorio en
ambientes donde los incendios tienen un papel preponderante. No es posible realizar una gestión sostenible de los
recursos, sin tener una base sólida de los procesos implicados. Este libro pretende aportar alguno de estos
conocimientos al público general.
Click on the book image above to link to your own Amazon account through FRI's web site. Amazon
will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Incendios Forestals: Definiendo El Problema, Ecologia Y Manejo, Particiacion Social, Fortalecimiento De Capacidades,
Educacion Y Divulgacion, Flores-Garnica, J. G., Rodríguez-Trejo, D. A., Estrada-Murrieta, O., Sánchez-Zárraga, F., 2006,
Comisión Nacional Forestal and Mundi Prensa. México, 254 pages, $61.99
Chapters include: Sistema satelital de incendios forestales en México (Satelital system for forest fires in Mexico) J. A. Raigoza;
Avances en la investigación en incendios forestales en México (2004) (Advances in forest fires research in Mexico, 2004) J. G.
Flores; J. D. Benavides; Parámetros ambientales físico-bióticos y modelos para estudiar el comportamiento del fuego
(Phyisical-biotic environmental parameters and models to study fire behavior) L. Villers; Ecología del fuego y manejo integral
del fuego en las montañas del Valle de México, bosque de coníferas (Fire ecology and integrated fire management in the
mountains of Valle de México, conifer corest) D. A. Rodríguez; Efecto de los incendios forestales en el escurrimiento y la
erosión (Effects of forest fires in runoff and erosion) J. D. Benavides S.; J. G. Flores; Efecto del fuego en un matorral xerófilo en
el Valle de México (Effect of fire in a xerophytic shrubland in the Valle de México) S. Castillo A.; P. Guadarrama C.; Y. Martínez;
El programa de prevención de incendios FMCN-USAID (Thre fire prevention program FMCN-USAID) J. M. Frausto; Programa de
difusión de incendios forestales en la Zona sujeta a conservación ecológica Sierra de Zapalinamé (Forest fires extensionism
program in the zone under ecological conservation Sierra de Zapalinamé) C. Ochoa; Campaña de educación ambiental y
capacitación para el uso responsable del fuego en la reserva de la biosfera Ría Lagartos (Campaign of environmental education
and training for the responsible fire use in the preserve Ría Lagartos) M. Quijano F.; L. Hernández P., L. Poot; Capacitación en
manejo del fuego (Training in fire management) A. Nájera; Imporancia de la capacitación en la actividad de protección contra
los incendios forestales para México (Importance of training in the activity of protection against forest fires in Mexico) O.
Cedeño S.; R, Martínez; Experiencia de participación social en la prevención y combate de incendios forestales (Participation
experience in the prevention of forest fires and fire fighting) F. J. Hinojosa; Asociación de productores y responsables técnicos
del estado de Chihuahua, A. C. (Association of producers and technical responsibles of Chihuahua state, Civil Association) O.
Portillo G.; M. Saldaña L.; B. Arzabala M.; J. Torres; Consideraciones sobre incendios en bosques tropicales y templados de
áreas protegidas de México (Considerarions about forest fires in tropical rain forests and temperate forests of Mexican
protected areas) E. Alvarado; Sistema nacional de protección contra los incendios forestales (National system of protection
against forest fires) O. Estrada; Manejo del fuego y restauración de bosques en la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra de Manantlán
(Fire management and restoration of forests ath the Biosphere Reserve Sierra de Manantlán) E. Jardel P.; R. Ramírez V.; F.
Castillo N.; S. García R.; Ó. E. Balcazar M.; J. C. Chacón M.; J. E. Morfín R.
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the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price ($61.99).
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
La defensa contra incendios forestales, Ricardo Vélez Muñoz, 2000, McGraw-Hill,
Interamericana de Espana, 1340 pages, $99.95
El fenómeno de los incendios forestales. El comportamiento del fuego en los ecosistemas forestales. Planificación
de la defensa contra incendios forestales. La prevención. La extinción. La defensa contra incendios forestales en
Click on the book image above to link to your own Amazon account through FRI's web site. Amazon
will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Los Seguros contra incendios forestales y su aplicación en Galicia, Juan Picos Martín,
Fundacion Mapfre, 368 pages, $22.36
No description of this book is available.
This link is down right now, but you can find this book on amazon.com
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Manual del contrafuego. El manejo del fuego en la extincion de incendios forestales,
Enrique Martinez Ruiz, 2011, Mundi Presna, $20.42
Click on the book image above to link to your own Amazon account through FRI's web site. Amazon
will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Educacion E Incendios Forestales, Arturo Rodriguez, 2001, Mundi Prensa, 201 pages,
¿Por qué están aumentando los incendios forestales en todo el mundo y cuáles son sus causas? ¿quiénes
combaten los incendios de vegetación y cómo? ¿Puede el fuego tener efectos benéficos en los bosques? Estas y
muchas otras preguntas son contestadas en este libro, de manera amena, sencilla y con plenitud de ilustraciones.
Educación e Incendios Forestales va dirigido al público en general, pero también está diseñado para servir como
libro de texto en escuela técnicas profesionales. Asimismo, el material puede resultar de utilidad como referencia
para estudiantes de licenciatura, forestales, agrónomos, biólogos y de otras áreas afines, y como fuente de
información para maestros de escuelas a nivel básico y medio que vayan a enseñar temas ambientales y forestales
a sus niños y jóvenes estudiantes. El libro también fue pensado para que resulte de utilidad en la capacitación de
voluntarios o de combatientes que se inician en la lucha contra las llamas. Además de los temas clásicos de
prevención y combate, incluye, entre otros, una crónica de los incendios de México y Florida en 1998, otro sobre la
importancia de la educación en sus distintos niveles acerca del tema incendios, y una propuesta de manejo del
fuego. También se espera contribuir aunque sea mínimamente en informar a la opinión pública sobre el candente
tema de los incendios forestales.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Fire in Mediterranean Ecosystems, 2011, Jon E. Keeley, William J. bond, Ross A.
Bradstock, Juli G. Pausas and Philip W. Rundel, Cambridge University Press, 522 pages.,
$103.00 and $43.20 used
Exploring the role of fire in each of the five Mediterranean-type climate ecosystems, this book offers a unique view
of the evolution of fire-adapted traits and the role of fire in shaping Earth's ecosystems. Analyzing these
geographically separate but ecologically convergent ecosystems provides key tools for understanding fire regime
diversity and its role in the assembly and evolutionary convergence of ecosystems. Topics covered include regional
patterns, the ecological role of wildfires, the evolution of species within those systems, and the ways in which
societies have adapted to living in fire-prone environments. Outlining complex processes clearly and methodically,
the discussion challenges the belief that climate and soils alone can explain the global distribution and assembly of
plant communities. An ideal research tool for graduates and researchers, this study provides valuable insights into
fire management and the requirements for regionally tailored approaches to fire management across the globe.
Click on the book image above to link to your own Amazon account through FRI's web site. Amazon
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Special offer to Current Titles subscribers from the publisher
Global and Regional Vegetation Fire Monitoring from Space, paper, color plates, 303 pages, $59.00
Satellite remote sensing technology is playing an important role for monitoring fires and their consequences, as well
as in operational fire management. In response to this need as well as to respond to other needs for more rapid
progress in forest observation the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites initiated Global Observation of Forest
Cover (GOFC) as an international pilot project to test the concepts of an integrated global observing system. GOFC
was designed to bring together data providers and information users to make information products from satellite
and in-situ observations of forests more readily available worldwide. Fire Monitoring and Mapping was formed as
one of three basic components of GOFC. This book contains eighteen contributions (see below)authored by
scientists who represent the most active international research and development institutions, aiming at
coordinating and improving international efforts for user-oriented systems and products. These papers were initially
presented at a GOFC Fire Workshop held at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra. The volume is a contribution of the
GOFC Forest Fire Monitoring and Mapping Implementation Team to the Interagency Task Force Working Group
Wildland Fire of the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR).
List price of the book is $94.50, but the publisher will offer Current Titles readers a discount price of
$59.00, plus shipping costs. Order by clicking on the book cover above or at
http://www.kuglerpublications.com/index.php?p=11&page=publication. Enter the discount code
“AhernIBWF” in the remark box to have the discount applied.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
A Guide to Rate of Fire Spread Models for Australian Vegetation, M. G. Cruz, J. S. Gould, M. E.
Alexander, A. L. Sullivan, W. L. McCaw and S. Matthews, 2015, CSIRO Land and Water Flagship, $30
AuD ($21.94 US) plus shipping
Researchers from CSIRO and the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC) have
conducted a comprehensive analysis of the different fire spread models. Their aim was to determine
which models could be applied under different conditions for operational use in prescribed burning and
wildfire suppression in different Australian vegetation types - specifically grasslands, shrublands, both dry
and wet eucalypt forests, and in conifer plantation fuel types.
This publication consolidates, for the first time, all published Australian models into one resource guide,
together with a comprehensive analysis of their potential applications, benefits and limitations. It
evaluates application of the models in different vegetation types and burning conditions, and provides
detailed performance appraisals.
In the book, the authors examine the three different eras of bushfire rate of spread modelling
breakthroughs, including the initial breakthrough by Australia’s first fire researcher, Alan G McArthur,
over a twenty year period from the 1950s, through to the preliminary industry-research partnerships era
spanning from 1970 to 2002 to the present comprehensive research and industry collaboration era.
To order, click on the book image or go to http://www.afac.com.au/auxiliary/shop/product?ID=1469
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New Book on the Fynbos Vegetation of South Africa
Fynbos, edited by Nicky Allsopp, Jonathan Colville, G. Anthony Verboom, and Richard Cowling, Oxford
University Press, 2014, 416 pages, $64.95
This new book features 16 chapters written by 70 contributors, including fire ecologists David Ackerly,
Richard Cowling, Tineke Kraaij, David le Maitre, Guy and Jeremy Midgley, David Richardson, Brian van
Wilgen and G. Anthony Verboom. Discussions include the paleohistory of the fynbos, its fire ecology,
biological invasions, and the impact of climate change.
Chapters Include: Verboom, G. A., H. P. Linder, F. Forest, V. Hoffmann, N. G. Bergh And R. M. Cowling. Cenozoic
Assembly Of The Greater Cape Flora; Marean, C. W., H. C. Cawthra, R. M. Cowling, K. J. Esler, E. Fisher, A.
Milewski, A. J. Potts, E. Singels, And J. De Vynck Stone Age People In A Changing South African Greater Cape
Floristic Region; Altwegg, R., A. West, L. Gillson And G. F. Midgley Impacts Of Climate Change In The Greater Cape
Floristic Region; Ellis, A. G., G. A. Verboom, T. Van Der Niet, S. D. Johnson And H. P. Linder Speciation And
Extinction In The Greater Cape Floristic Region; Kraaij, T., B. W. Van Wilgen Drivers, Ecology, And Management Of
Fire In Fynbos; Slingsby, J. A., D. D. Ackerly, A. M. Latimer, H. P. Linder And A. Pauw The Assembly And Function Of
Cape Plant Communities In A Changing World
To order this book, please click on the book cover or this URL:
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Natural Disturbances and Historic Range of Variation, edited by
Catheryn H. Greenberg and Beverly S. Collins, 2015, Springer,
400 pages, $179.00 new and $92.58 used
This book discusses the historic range of variation (HRV) in the types, frequencies,
severities and scales of natural disturbances, and explores how they create
heterogeneous structure within upland hardwood forests of the Central Hardwood
Region (CHR). The book was written in response to a 2012 forest planning rule
which requires that national forests to be managed to sustain ‘ecological integrity’
and within the ‘natural range of variation’ of natural disturbances and vegetation
structure. Synthesizing information on HRV of natural disturbance types, and their
impacts on forest structure, has been identified as a top need.
Historically, both non-anthropogenic and anthropogenic disturbances were integral
to shaping central hardwood forests, and essential in maintaining diverse biotic
communities. Spatial extent, frequency and severity differ among natural
disturbance types, creating mosaics and gradients of structural conditions and
canopy openness across the landscape.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Ecology of Wildfire Residuals in Boreal Forests, Ajith H. Perera and Lisa J. Buse, 2015,
Wiley-Blackwell, 272 pages, $77.88 new and $92.46 used
Until I began reading this beautifully crafted book by Perera and Buse, I had not the slightest idea what "wildfire
residuals" are. With all the emphasis on spotting on large fires, the topic of residuals (unburned islands within the
footprint of the fire) has barely been elucidated until this excellent book. My own first awareness of the existence
and importance of residuals ("streets" I think we called them) was for me, and probably for you, in the aftermath
of the Yellowstone fires of '88, where some interesting fire patterns resulted from horizontal vortices. Perera and
Buse make a powerful team, as Perera has been studying residuals for many years, and Buse is a gifted science
writer. The result is a well organized and clearly written review of the literature on residuals, their formation, their
types, and their ecological and silvicultural roles. The studies cited and the principles discussed can be, for the
most part, transferred to ecosystems other than boreal forests. However, this is a valuable addition to works on
boreal forests, which (I learned) account for one-third the world's forests, and three-quarters of the world's
coniferous forests.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Click on the book cover to order this book on amazon.com (See box below)
Newly Released Book on the Yarnell Incident
On the Burning Edge, Kyle Dickman, 2015, Ballentine Books, 277 pages, $5.99 new and $5.78 used
Kyle Dickman, author of this new book on the Yarnell fatalities of 2013, is a former editor of Outside
magazine and a former member of the Tahoe Hotshots. His reporting has been nominated for a
National Magazine Award. In his well-researched book, he describes the inner dynamics of the Granite
Mountain hotshot crew. The reader gains valuable insights into the personal lives of the supervisors
and several of the crew members, and gets a perspective on what may have been in the minds of the
crew as they followed their supervisor out of their secure location in the black, across a half mile of
bone-dry brush toward the Boulder Springs Ranch. Dickman's description of the chaos that was
unfolding around the crew before, during and after the crew's shelter deployment is an worthy
contribution to the many studies done on this incident.
Click on the book image above to link to your own Amazon account through FRI's web site. Amazon
will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
($5.99/$5.78), but part of the proceeds goes to FRI.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New book on a forgotten fatal fire at a 25% discount
Montana's Waldron Creek Fire, 2015, Charles Palmer, History Press, 172 pages. $21.99.
I jumped with Charlie in 2000 and 2001, and it never occurred to me that he was thinking such serious
thoughts! Charlie, now incarnated as a professor at the University of Montana, accidentally uncovered
a long-forgotten fire, the 1931 Waldron Creek Fire, in which five men died when they got separated
from the rest of the crew. Charlie could find no records on the deaths, but was able to piece together
from family and other diverse sources what happed to the men, and what occurred after the discovery
of the bodies. This is a sad commentary on the commitment of a major federal agency to their
firefighters, which, unfortunately is not an isolated incident. Briefly covering the fatal Thirty Mile and
Esperanga Fires, Charlie underscores situations where resources at risk appear to be valued more than
lives of firefighters.
Current Titles subscribers will receive 25% off their order if you purchase both this book and Fighting
Fire in the Sierra Nevada (see next ad). To order, click on the cover or go to
www.arcadiapublishing.com. The coupon code to use at checkout is WILDLANDFIRE.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New book on the history of fire and prescribed burning on the Sierra National Forest in
California, USA at a 25% discount
Fighting Fire in the Sierra National Forest, Marcia Penner Freedman, 2015, History Press, 127 pages. $19.99
Ms. Freedman does an excellent job of covering the history of the early Sierra National Forest, with emphasis on
the controversy over prescribed burning. Starting with pre-settlement fire and moving into the early 20th
century, with the founding of the US Forest Service, she discusses the fight over "light burning." Although
westerners understood the use of fire, politics and the 1910 catastrophic Big Burn allowed anti-fire supporters
to gain the momentum on this argument. It wasn't until the arrival of Dr. Harold Biswell from the southeastern
tradition of prescribed burning that this tool was again seriously considered.
Current Titles subscribers will receive 25% off their order if you purchase both this book and Montana's
Waldron Creek Fire (see previous ad). To order, click on the cover or go to www.arcadiapublishing.com.
The coupon code to use at checkout is WILDLANDFIRE.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Burning Table Mountain, Simon Pooley, 2014, Palgrave Studies in World Environmental History, Palgrave
MacMillan Publishers, UK, 315 pages, $90.00
Reading this book is such a pleasure. Pooley has done an incredible amount of research and has a very firm
grasp of the history of South Africa, general ecological theory, and most especially fire ecology. The book details
the evolution of human understanding and use of fire from the practices of Khoikhoi herders to the recent
firestorm of January 2000.
"In this meticulously researched and lucidly written book, Simon Pooley exposes the reader to the myriad of
contradictions and conflicts that arise when northern Europeans colonise a fire-prone ecosystem...a must-read
for social and natural scientists that grapple with the human-wildland interface in the vast areas of the world's
fire-prone ecosystems." Professor Richard Cowling, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa
To order this book, please click on the book image or go to
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New Book on the Legal Aspects of Wildfire Mitigation
Disaster and Sociolegal Studies, edited by Susan Sterett, QuidPro LLC, New Orleans, 251
pages, $54.99
This book is very current on the legal aspects of disaster mitigation, and includes some interesting chapters wth
titles like: Uncertain Governance and Resilient Subjects in the Risk Society; Transboundary Impacts of the 2010
Haiti Earthquake Disaster; Disaster Mythology and Availability Cascades, and Long Term Recovery in Disaster
Response and the Role of Non-Profits. The most interesting to us will be Lloyd Burton's chapter The Comparative
Jurisprudence of Wildfire Mitigation. In this chapter, Burton, a professor of law and public policy in the School of
Public Affairs at the University of Colorado, Denver, compares the history and current status of law regarding
wildfire mitigation in two very different states - California and Colorado. Burton's observations, thoughts and
conclusions apply not only to US law but can be applied to research in other cultures as well, such as Australia
and Spain, to name two.
To purchase, please click on the book image or contact Alan Childress at Quid Pro Books at
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
The Chinchaga Firestorm, Cordy Tymstra, 2015, University of Alberta Press, 227 pages. Paperback US $34.95. PDF
US $27.99.
In 1950, the biggest firestorm documented in North America - 3,500,000 acres of forest burned in northern
Alberta and British Columbia - created the world's largest smoke layer in the atmosphere. The smoke travelled
half way around the northern hemisphere and made the moon and sun appear blue. The Chinchaga Firestorm is
an historical study of the effects of fire on the ecological process. Using technical explanations and archival
discoveries, Cordy Tymstra, a wildlife science coordinator with Environment and Sustainable Resource
Development at the government of Alberta, shows the beneficial yet destructive effects of many forest fires,
including the 2011 fire in Slave Lake, Alberta. This book will appeal to wildland fire scientists, foresters, forest
ecologists and policy makers, as well as those who are interested in western Canadian history and ecology.
To order this book, please click on the cover or go to
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation, 2nd
Edition, Johannes Lehmann and Stephen Joseph, Routledge, 976 pages, $140.00
The first edition of this book, published in 2009, was the definitive work reviewing the expanding research
literature on this topic. Since then, the rate of research activity has increased at least ten-fold, and biochar
products are now commercially available as soil amendments. This second edition includes not only substantially
updated chapters, but also additional chapters: on environmental risk assessment; on new uses of biochar in
composting and potting mixes; a new and controversial field of studying the effects of biochar on soil carbon
cycles; on traditional use with very recent discoveries that biochar was used not only in the Amazon but also in
Africa and Asia; on changes in water availability and soil water dynamics; and on sustainability and certification.
The book therefore continues to represent the most comprehensive compilation of current knowledge on all
aspects of biochar.
Click on the book image above to link to your own Amazon account through FRI's web site. Amazon
will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Thought-provoking book on fire in the Rocky Mountains (and everywhere else)
Fire Ecology in rocky Mountain Landscapes, William Baker, 2009, Island Press, 605 pages, $51.06
"Baker presents a refreshing perspective on fire ecology, revealing multidimensional factors at work in Rocky
Mountain ecosystems. His willingness to question established paradigms breaks new ground and will add
immensely to our understanding of fire in these systems, ensuring that this will be a standard reference for
years to come." Jon Keeley, research ecologist, US Geological Survey, and adjunct professor, University of
California, Los Angeles
"Baker makes a compelling argument that extensive, high-severity fires are a natural component of Rocky
Mountain ecosysstems; and he questions the widespread view that our 'fire problem' and 'forest health
problems' are a consequence of twentieth-century fire suppression. This book dismisses old strategies stressing
costly fuels reduction and fire suppression, and instead suggests sustainable strategies that treat wildfire as a
problem in land-use decision making." Thomas Veblen, professor, Department of Geography, University of
Colorado, Boulder
Click on the book image above to link to your own Amazon account through FRI's web site. Amazon
will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
($51.06), but part of the proceeds goes to FRI.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New book on fire in the earth system
Fire on Earth: An Introduction, Andrew C. Scott et al. 2014, Wiley Blackwell Books, 413 pages, $43.95
Fire on Earth puts fire in its rightful place as an integral part of the study of geology, geography,
biology, human histroy, physics and global chemistry. Fire is ubiquitous in various forms throughout
Earth and belongs as part of formal inquiries about our world. This full-colour test, containing over 250
illustrations of fire in all contexts, is designed to provide a synthesis of contemporary thinking, bringing
together the most powerful concepts and disciplinary voices to examine, in an international setting,
whiy planetary fire exists, how it works, and why is looks the way it does today. Students, lecturers,
researchers and professionals interested in the physical, ecological and historical characteristics of fire
will find this book, and accompanying web-based material, essential reading, it is an indispensible text
for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in all related disciplines, for general interest and for
providing an interdisciplinary foundation for further study.
Click on the book image above to link to your own Amazon account through FRI's web site. Amazon
will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
($43.95), but part of the proceeds goes to FRI.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Stephen Pyne's New Book
Between Two Fires, Stephen J. Pyne, 2015, University of Arizona Press, 539 pages.
Hardcover $50.66, paperback $18.79
Between Two Fires is America's story told through the nation's flames. Award-winning author stephen J. Pyne
tells of a fire revolution that began in the 1960s as simple suppression, stalled in the 1980s counterrevolution,
and finally was replaced with more enlightened programs of fire management. But today, writes Pyne, fire
agencies are scrambling for funds, firefighters continue to die, and the country seems unable to come to grips
with the fundamentals behind a rising tide of megafires. Pyne has constructed a history of record that will shape
our next century of fire management.
Click on the book image above to link to your own Amazon account through FRI's web site. Amazon
will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
($18.79), but part of the proceeds goes to FRI.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
The Year Yellowstone Burned: A twenty-Five-Year Perspective
Jeff Henry, 2015, Taylor Trade Publishing, 285 pages. $15.75 new and $11.70 used
Jeff Henry was working in Yellowstone National Park as a firefighter during the 1988 fires while
developing a career as a professional writer and photographer. Many of the excellent pictures in this
beautiful book are his. With a forward by Bob Barbee, Yellowstone's Superintendent from 1983-1994,
the book starts with an illustrated background of the history of fire in Yellowstone, and then is
organized chronologically by day.
Click on the book image above to link to your own Amazon account through FRI's web site. Amazon
will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
($15.75/$11.70), but part of the proceeds goes to FRI.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Black Saturday at Steels Creek
Peter Stanley, 2013, Scribe Press, Melbourne, 221 pages. Paperback $16.21
The Black Saturday bushfires killed 173 people - wreaking a greater human toll than any other fire in
Australia's history. Ten of those victims died in Steels Creek, a small community on Melbourne's
outskirts. It was a beautiful place, which its residents had long treasured and loved. By the evening of 7
February 2009, it felt like a battlefield. the most detailed account of any one community to emerge
from the fire, Black Saturday at Steels Creek shows what Black Saturday means not only for Steels
Creek, but also for Australia as a whole.
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($16.21), but part of the proceeds goes to FRI.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Fire Phenomena and the Earth System: An Interdisciplinary Guide to Fire Science
Edited by Claire M. Belcher, John Wiley and Sons, 333 pages, $133.95 new and $75.00
This is a colorful and beautifully put together book that will appeal to most everyone. Its 16 chapters, written by
fire scientists, are divided into sections on Fire Behaviour, Fire and the Biosphere, Fire and the Earth's Past and
Fire and the Earth System. Authors include Samual Abiven, Claire M. Belcher, William J. Bond, Luigi Boschetti,
Margaret E. Collinson, G. Matt Davies, Stefan H. Doerr, Ian J. Glasspool, Karen Hammes, Timothy M. Lenton,
James E. Lovelock, Ondrej Masek, Jeremy J. Midgley, Elsa Pastor, Eulalia Planas, Mitchell J. Power, Guillermo
Rein, David P. Roy, Andrew C. Scott, Richard A. Shakesby, Albert Simeoni, Alistair M.S. Smith, Jose L. Torero,
Solene Turguety and Andrew j. Watson.
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will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
($133.95/$75.00), but part of the proceeds goes to FRI.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Painting the Landscape with Fire: Longleaf Pines and Fire Ecology, Den Latham, 2013,
University of South Carolina Press, 218 pages, $24.51 new and $16.75 used
"Painting the Landscape with Fire weaves three narratives into its masterful account of the longleaf pine forest.
The fascinating story of its distinctive ecossystem supports Den Latham's explanation of why both wildfires and
controlled burns are increasingly recognized as essential to its health, while his profiles of numerous people who
live and work in this forest contribute a rich cultural perspective as well as a skein of droll dialogue." John Elder,
author of Reading the Mountains of Home and coeditor of The Norton Book of Nature Writing.
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will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
($24.51/$16.74), but part of the proceeds goes to FRI.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New Book on Yarnell Hill
From Tragedy to Recovery: The Yarnell Hill Wildfire of 2013, Emad Mohit. 2015. $15.00
new and $10.86 used
I would not recommend this book for someone looking for a description of events
involving the Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew. This is written by a member
of the Yarnell community who provides a background to the reader of the community,
the events of the fire (including the hotshot crew) from their perspective, and the postfire recovery efforts.
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will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
($15.00/$10.86), but part of the proceeds goes to FRI.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
The Fire Smart Home Handbook, Clyde Soles, Syons Press, 268 pages, $18.43 new and
$4.98 used
"A good primer for anyone who wants to understand wildfires."
—Durango Herald
"No threat is left untouched in this handbook worthy of a firefighters academy library."
—Publishers Weekly
“The Fire Smart Home Handbook is essential reading for people who live in fire-prone areas because it offers
practical information on how you can reduce the threat of wildfire against yourself and your neighbors.”
—Paul L. Cooke, director of the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control
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will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Hinckley and the Fire of 1894, 2014, Alaina Wolter Lyseth and Walt Tomas, Arcadia
Publishing, 128 pages, $11.30 new and $10.06 used
Imagine a force in nature more powerful than multiple atomic bombsthat was the Great Hinckley Fire of
September 1, 1894. In only four hours, the fire incinerated over 400 square miles of forest, killed at least 418
settlers and an unknown number of forest-dwelling Native Americans, and destroyed six towns in a firestorm of
flame. The elements that led to this unprecedented catastrophe included careless logging practices, a drought,
freakish weather, and suspected sparks from passing locomotives. The story of the 1894 fire is a saga of
devastation, heartbreak, heroism, survival, hope, and rebuilding that captured worldwide attention. Recently
discovered photographs provide a backdrop for a fresh look at the events surrounding the disaster and the
courage of the pioneers who survived to tell the tale.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
The Peshtigo Fire of 1871, Charles River Editors, CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 34
pages, $6.99 new and $4.44 used
"The air burned hotter than a crematorium and the fire traveled at 90 mph. I read an account of a Civil War
veteran who had been through some of the worst battles of the war. He described the sound - the roar - during the
fire as 100 times greater than any artillery bombardment.” – Bill Lutz
In arguably the most famous fire in American history, a blaze in the southwestern section of Chicago began to burn
out of control on the night of October 8, 1871. It had taken about 40 years for Chicago to grow from a small
settlement of about 300 people into a thriving metropolis with a population of 300,000, but in just two days in
1871, much of that progress was burned to the ground.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Ahead of the Flaming Front: A Life on Fire, 2014, Jerry D. Mathes III, Caxton Press, 260
pages, $16.82 new and $9.50 used
Veteran wildland firefighter Jerry Mathes II takes readers into the heart of wildfires from the forests of Idaho to
the deserts of the Mexican border and reveals the camaraderie of men and women bonded by the terror and
beauty and hardship of life on the fireline. He makes us live through thunderstorms scattering lightning and hail,
endure the high summer heat and shivering nights where bears prowl through wilderness spike camps, and the
quiet days of reflection waiting for what may come next. With a poets lyricism he tells of the life and death of
friends, negotiating the bureaucracy of the federal fire service, the rivalry of competing agencies, and carrying the
weight of absence from his daughters as they grow and the desperate feeling he is failing even as he seems to be
succeeding. Readers live alongside him as he grows from a stunned rookie trembling under flames arcing hundreds
of feet into the air to a seasoned member of the training cadre, bringing full circle his life on fire by fusing hard
won field experience with the classroom to give his students the tools to work and survive in the chaotic fire world
so that they can slay the dragon and the dragon does not slay them.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Plant Life on the Sandplains in Southwest Australia: A Global Biodiversity Hotspot, 2014,
Hans Lambers, editor, University of Western Australia Press, 348 pages, $59.72
Southwest Australia is a region increasingly recognized for its high levels of biodiversity and endemism, and it is
recognized as one of the world's top 25 'biodiversity hotspots,' based largely on its highly diverse and endemic
flora. This book has been assembled with current research and understanding about the southwestern Australian
flora, the greatest richness of which is on the sandplains, especially on the most nutrient-impoverished soils. To be
able to conserve threatened species, the animals that depend upon them, and the habitats they live in, it is
necessary to understand their functioning in the past and present in order to protect them for the future. The book
is an updated version of Kwongan: Plant Life of the Sandplain (Pate & Beard, 1984), and it demonstrates how much
knowledge and understanding has been gained over the past 30 years. The profound Aboriginal knowledge of
kwongan is also included in this beautifully illustrated book. [Subject: Australian Studies, Natural History, Botany,
Aboriginal Studies]
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New Book on Birds and Fire (for Young People)
Fire Birds: Valuing Natural Wildfires and Burned Forests, 2015, Sneed B. Collard III,
Bucking Horse Books, 48 pages, $10.63 new and $5.92 used
In Fire Birds Valuing Natural Wildfires and Burned Forests, award-winning science author Sneed B. Collard III
challenges society s negative views toward natural forest fires. By focusing on the research of biologist Richard
Hutto, Collard reveals the complex relationships between fire and thriving plant and animal communities. The
book especially focuses on the heavy use of burned forests by dozens of bird species and debunks the idea that
burned forests are worthless wastelands.
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will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
A New Book on Smokejumping
Smokejumper: A Memoir by One of America's Most Select Airborne Firefighters, 2015,
Jason A. Ramos and Julian Smith, William Morrow Press, 256 pages, $13.00 new and
$12.45 used
Forest and wildland fires are growing larger, more numerous, and deadlier every year — record drought
conditions, decades of forestry mismanagement, and the increasing encroachment of residential housing into the
wilderness have combined to create a powder keg that threatens millions of acres and thousands of lives every
year. One select group of men and women are part of America's front-line defense: smokejumpers. The
smokejumper program operates through both the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management.
Though they are tremendously skilled and only highly experienced and able wildland firefighters are accepted into
the training program, being a smokejumper remains an art that can only be learned on the job. Forest fires often
behave in unpredictable ways: spreading almost instantaneously, shooting downhill behind a stiff tailwind, or even
flowing like a liquid. In this extraordinarily rare memoir by an active-duty jumper, Jason Ramos takes readers into
his exhilarating and dangerous world, explores smokejumping’s remarkable history, and explains why their services
are more essential than ever before.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New Book on Fighting Fires Back in the Day
Fighting Forest Fires, 2014, G. Harvey Ralphson, Create Space Independent Publishing
Platform, 64 pages, $4.12
This collection of literature compiles many of the classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer
them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New Book on the Importance of High-Severity Fires
The Ecological Importance of Mixed-Severity Firest: Nature's Phoenix, 2015,
Dominick A. DellaSala and Chad T. Hanson, Elsevier, 450 pages, $63.50
The Ecological Importance of High-Severity Fires, presents information on the current paradigm shift in
the way people think about wildfire and ecosystems.
While much of the current forest management in fire-adapted ecosystems, especially forests, is focused on
fire prevention and suppression, little has been reported on the ecological role of fire, and nothing has been
presented on the importance of high-severity fire with regards to the maintenance of native biodiversity
and fire-dependent ecosystems and species.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New Book on Wildland Fire
Wildland Fires: A Worldwide Reality, 2015, Antonio Jose Bento Concalves and Antonio
Avelino Batista Vieira, Nova Press, 235 pages, $190.00
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will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Just a Few Jumper Stories, 2015, Rod Dow, CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Platform, 270 pages, $14.92
"Just a Few Jumper Stories" is a collection of 70 stories from 46 years of firefighting (32 with the smokejumpers) by
Alaska Smokejumper Rod Dow. It is intended as a straightforward attempt to archive campfire stories from the life
of a long time firefighter. All true tales, mostly funny incidents from his career, they portray the thrill, humor, and
love of the outdoors that comes from parachuting into wild country in Alaska and throughout the mountain west.
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will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Fire Call! Memoirs of a Smokejumper. 2015.
Major L. Boddicker, 324 pages, $15.00
Major Boddicker had a career with the U.S. Forest Service as a Smokejumper. He got to fires by parachuting out of
WWII aircraft. His experiences leading up to smokejumping and the fires and escapades around them make a
fascinating read. Boddicker's book is a mix of serious, hilarious, and off-beat adventures.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
More or Less Crazy, 2014, Murry A. Taylor, Amazon Digital Services, 437 pages, $19.99
I bought the paperback, downloaded and read the preview and could not wait. Went back and bought
the Kindle version. I could not put it down! Granted, I am an old smokejumper. I was a 3rd year jumper
from Boise on the lower ’48 booster crew to Fairbanks in 1973. Murry nailed it. The T-Hanger, the
personalities and perspectives of the smokejumpers were perfectly depicted. Every jumper has a unique
experience; the random nature of the jump list, combined with the number and nature of fire calls,
means that each jumper had a different mix of shared events. Smokejumpers live on the edge and
thereby savor the senses more than most. If you are interested in what it was really like... this book is for
By Robert M Totten
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Blue Ridge Fire Towers, 2015, Robert Sorrell, Arcadia Publishing, 144 pages, $10.23
Fire lookout towers have graced the highest peaks in the Blue Ridge Mountains for more than a century. Early
mountaineers and conservationists began constructing lookouts during the late 1800s. By the 1930s, states and the
federal government had built thousands of towers around the country, many in the Blue Ridge. While technology
allowed forestry services to use other means for early detection of fires, many towers still stand as a testament to
their significance. Author Robert Sorrell details the fascinating history of the lookouts in the Blue Ridges forests.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Auditoría de información en la prevención de incendios forestales, Codina Canet María
Adelina and Codina Canet Victor Manuel , 2015, Editorial Académica Española, 76 pages,
El documento aporta un análisis de los circuitos de información en la prevención de incendios forestales y el
control de las quemas agrícolas. Proporciona una panorámica del funcionamiento de los actuales canales de
información en el ámbito de la Organización, analizándose los factores estructurales y las tecnologías de la
comunicación. La investigación está basada en la metodología de la auditoria de información, cuyo objetivo central
es analizar el flujo de información, identificar la problemática y reflexionar sobre las estrategias para mejorar la
comunicación. La comarca de El Comtat es un terreno con un bosque autóctono de sierras y un Parque Natural
catalogado de especial protección coexistiendo con una arraigada agricultura de montaña y cultura del fuego. El
análisis concluye que se precisa una reflexión sobre los aspectos y elementos que intervienen en la gestión de la
información. Las conclusiones de la investigación tienen como objetivo influir en la toma de decisiones y ser una
herramienta para la reflexión sobre la situación actual del control de la información. Nuestro ánimo ha sido aportar
soluciones para mejorar y corregir situaciones irregulares detectadas.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New Book about a Firefighter's Life
Fire Season, 2014, Hollye Dexter, She Writes Press, 344 pages, $9.87 new $9.13 used
“Hollye Dexter’s book made me cry and laugh—sometimes all within one paragraph. She tells her story with power
and punch, and a truth that is unsettling and astonishing and ultimately uplifting. There isn't a soul who can't relate
to her memoir. It is filled with revelations, humanity, poignancy, balls-out courage, and humor. She is a role model
—Amy Ferris, screenwriter (Mr. Wonderful, Funny Valentines), playwright, and author of Marrying George Clooney
Click on the book image above to link to your own Amazon account through FRI's web site. Amazon
will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New Spanish Language Two Volume Set on the Ecology of Fire
Rodríguez Trejo Dante Arturo, 2014 and 2015, Incendios de vegetación. Su ecología, manejo e historia.
(Forest fires. Ecology, management and history), Volume 1, 889 pages, and Volume 2, 811 pages,
Published by Editorial Colegio de Posgraduados, the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Autonomous
Chapingo University and the Comisión Forestal Nacional, México. 811 p., price not available
Volume one focuses on the fire ecology of Mexican ecosystems, this is most of what is known about fire
regimes, fire adaptations, and fire effects on the environment, plus traditional fire management and
implications for integrated fire management. All this for: pine forests, oak, forests, true fir forests,
shrublands, grasslands, tropical rain forests, tropical seasonal forests, cloud forests, savannas, palm
lands, mangroves, wetlands, and reforestated areas. Volume two includes chapters on combustion, fire
behavior, essentials of prevention, presupression, detection, dispatch, fire fighting, and mopping up, as
well as prescribed burning and physical fitness of the fire fighter and the veteran. The last chapters refer
to history of forest fires in Mexico: genesis of forest fires on Earth, the start of use of fire for prehistoric
humans, mesoamerican cultures, Conquista through the 21st century in Mexico. Volume two includes the
cited literature, with 1,600 bibliographical references, a general alphabetical index, scientific names
index, glossary, as well as abstracts in English language of each one of the chapters of both volumes. In
both volumes are mentioned 1,900 plant and animal species.
To order click on the book image or contact: Mr. Esteban Pérez Ramos, Editorial Colegio de
Posgraduados (editorial Graduate College) esteban@fundacioncolpos.org
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Actualización en métodos y técnicas para el estudio de los suelos afectados por los
incendios forestales, Antonio Jordán, eds. Artemi Cerdà, 2011, Universidad de Valencia,
521 pages, $28.50
El objetivo de la investigación científica es alcanzar el conocimiento, y éste se obtiene mediante la observación y el
razonamiento sistemáticamente estructurado. De ello se deducen principios y leyes. Y para ello es necesario que
los científicos desarrollen y apliquen métodos y técnicasque permitan aprehender la realidad. En definitiva, se
buscan procedimientos y estrategias para hallar la verdad, y hacerla visible: el método; junto a un conjunto de
procedimientos y recursos que hagan posible la cuantificación: la técnica.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New Book on the Plant Ecology of Smoke
Ecology of Plant-Derived Smoke: Its Use in Seed Germination 1st Edition, 2014, Lara
Jefferson, Marcello Pennacchio, Kayri Havens-Young, Oxford University Press, 336
pages, $33.37
Ecology of Plant-Derived Smoke is the continuation of the research and discussion presented in Uses & Abuses of
Plant-Derived Smoke, published in 2010. Both books are the first of their kind in what is now an ever-expanding
and exciting field of research. This volume focuses on the use of plant-derived smoke as a tool, used for promoting
seed germination and growth.
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will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI, but you will pay no more than the normal Amazon price
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
New Book on Climate and the Paleohistory of Fire
Climate, Fire and Human Evolution, 2015, Andrew Gibson and Colin Groves, Springer,
227 pages, $87.17
This book outlines principal milestones in the evolution of the atmosphere, oceans and biosphere during the last 4
million years in relation with the evolution from primates to the genus Homo – which uniquely mastered the
ignition and transfer of fire. The advent of land plants since about 420 million years ago ensued in flammable
carbon-rich biosphere interfaced with an oxygen-rich atmosphere. Born on a flammable Earth surface, under
increasingly unstable climates descending from the warmer Pliocene into the deepest ice ages of the Pleistocene,
human survival depended on both―biological adaptations and cultural evolution, mastering fire as a necessity.
This allowed the genus to increase entropy in nature by orders of magnitude. Gathered around camp fires during
long nights for hundreds of thousandth of years, captivated by the flickering life-like dance of the flames, humans
developed imagination, insights, cravings, fears, premonitions of death and thereby aspiration for immortality,
omniscience, omnipotence and the concept of god. Inherent in pantheism was the reverence of the Earth, its rocks
and its living creatures, contrasted by the subsequent rise of monotheistic sky-god creeds which regard Earth as
but a corridor to heaven. Once the climate stabilized in the early Holocene, since about ~7000 years-ago
production of excess food by Neolithic civilization along the Great River Valleys has allowed human imagination
and dreams to express themselves through the construction of monuments to immortality. Further to burning
large part of the forests, the discovery of combustion and exhumation of carbon from the Earth’s hundreds of
millions of years-old fossil biospheres set the stage for an anthropogenic oxidation event, affecting an abrupt shift
in state of the atmosphere-ocean-cryosphere system. The consequent ongoing extinction equals the past five great
mass extinctions of species―constituting a geological event horizon in the history of planet Earth.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, June, 2016
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248 considered wastelands by the local inhabitants because their vegetation is
249 dominated by short, annual, unpalatable grasses (principally Loudetia ton250 goensis, but also Andropogon pseudapricus) with only widely scattered trees
251 (Pterocarpus lucena, Combretum micranthum, and Bombax costatum). Be252 cause of their low ability to retain moisture, vegetation on fuga and other
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, Mar-May, 2016
Fire Research Institute's Book Sale List
write to director@fireresearchinstitute.org
Prices Include Shipping
Abbott, I. And N. D. Burrows. Fire In Ecosystems Of South-West Western
Australia: Impacts And Management. (Book) Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The
Netherlands, 466 Pages. 2003. $60.00
Agee, J. K. Fire Ecology Of Pacific Northwest Forests. (Book) Island
Press, Washington, D. C., 493 Pages. 1993. $74.90
Allen, S. W. And G. W. Sharpe. An Introduction To American Forestry.
(Book) Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 466 Pages. 1960. $11.41
Anderson, A. A. And C. M. Anderson. The Hinckley Fire. (Book) New York,
Comet Press, 157 Pages. 1954. $14.48
Anonymous. Manual For Forest Fire Fighters. (Book) U. S. Department Of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Area, State And Private
Forestry, 120 Pages. 1970. $13.00
Anonymous. Fire Fighter's Guide. (Book) Florida Division Of Forestry, 166
Pages. 1983. $20.00
Anonymous. Wildland Fire Management Terminology. Food And Agricultural
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Anonymous. Report On The Meteorological Aspects Of The Ash Wednesday Fires
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Arno, S. F. And S. Allison-Bunnell. Flames In Our Forest: Disaster Or
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Barker, R. Scorched Earth: How The Fires Of Yellowstone Changed America.
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Barrows, J. S. Forest Fires In The Northern Rocky Mountains. Station Paper
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Bauer, M. D. A Taste Of Smoke. (Book) . 1955. $5.00
Brown, A. A. And K. P. Davis. Forest Fire: Control And Use. (Book) Second
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Bryant, E. A. Natural Hazards. (Book) Cambridge University Press,
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Carlisi, A. And T. Foxx. The Forest And The Fire. (Book) Los Alamos
Historical Society, Los Alamos, New Mexico. 2005. $15.00
Chuvieco, E. A Review Of Remote Sensing Methods For The Study Of Large
Wildland Fires. (Book) University Of Alcala, Alcala De Henares, Spain, 192
Pages. 1997. $30.00
Collins, S. L. And L. L. Wallace. Fire In North American Tallgrass
Prairies. (Book) University Of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Isbn 0-8061-2281-1,
175 Pages. 1990. $17.94
Cottrell, W. H. The Book Of Fire. (Book) Missoula, Montana, Mountain Press
Publishing Company, Missoula, Montana, Isn 0-87842-255-2, Paperback 70
Pages. 1989. $16.45
Despain, D. G. Yellowstone Vegetation. (Book) Roberts Rinehart Publishers,
Boulder, Colorado, 239 Pages. 1990. $10.00
Dixon, D. Forest Fire. (Book) Waterbird Books, Columbus, Ohio, 32 Pages.
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Eversman, S. And M. Carr. Yellowstone Ecology: A Road Guide. Mountain
Press, Missoula, Montana, 242 Pages. 1992. $10.00
Foody, G. And P. Curran. Environmental Remote Sensing From Regional To
Global Scales. (Book) J. Wiley And Sons, New York, 238 Pages. 1994. $30.00
Ford, R. Jr. Santa Barbara Wildfires. (Book) Mcnally And Loftin,
Publishers, Santa Barbara, California, 227 Pages. 1991. $32.54
Garvin, D. A. Learning In Action: A Guide To Putting The Learning
Organization To Work. (Book) Harvard Business School Press. 2000. $10.00
Gatesy, C. I. Firetowers, Lookouts And Rustic Cabins For Rent. (Book) Bear
Mountain Press, Glastonbury, Connecticut, 226 Pages. 1997. $50.00
Geddes, D. J. And E. R. Pfeiffer. The Caroline Forest Fire: 2nd February,
1979. (Book) South Australian Woods And Forest Department, Bulletin 26, 52
Pages. 1981. $25.00
Guthrie, J. D. Forest Fire And Other Verse. (Book) The American Forestry
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Halsey, R. W. Fire, Chaparral, And Survival In Southern California. (Book)
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Harvey, H. T., H. S. Shellhammer And R. E. Stecker. Giant Sequoia Ecology:
Fire And Reproduction. (Book) Scientific Monograph Series Number 12Washington, Dc, U. S. Department Of The Interior, National Park Service,
182 Pages. 1980. $12.75
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Hurst, R. M. The Smokejumpers. (Book), Caldwell, Idaho, Caxton Printers,
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Hyland, Adrian. Kinglake-350. (Book) Text Publishing Company, 261 Pages.
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Ismay, R. Firewise Communities: Where We Live, How We Live. (Book)
National Wildland/Urban Interface Fire Program, 1 Batterymarch Park,
Quincy, Massachusetts 02269, 176 Pages. 2003. $12.99
James, D. Forest Fire. (Book) Belmont Tower Books, New York, New York, 250
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Kemp, J. L. Epitaph For The Giants: The Story Of The Tillamook Burn.
(Book) Portland, Oregon, Touchstone Press, 1967, Library Of Congress No.
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Leavitt, C. Forest Protection In Canada 1912. (Book) Commission Of
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Leavitt, C. Forest Protection In Canada 1913-14. (Book) Commission Of
Conservation Canada, Ottawa, 317 Pages. 1915. $15.03
Leschuk, P. M. Ghosts Of The Fireground: Echoes Of The Great Peshtigo Fire
And The Calling Of A Wildland Firefighter. (Book) Harper Press, San
Francisco, 269 Pages. 2002. $16.80
Lucia, E. Tillamook Burn Country. (Book) The Caxton Printers, Limited,
Caldwell, Idaho 83605, 305 Pages. 1983. $15.61
Maclean, J. N. Fire On The Mountain. (Book) William Morrow And Company,
New York, 273 Pages. 1999. $13.00
Maclean, J. N. The Thirtymile Fire. (Book) Henry Holt And Company, New
York, 241 Pages. 2007. $14.35
Mcclaran, M. P. And T. R. Van Devender. The Desert Grassland. (Book)
University Of Arizona Press, Tucson, 346 Pages. 1995. $20.44
Mcpherson, G. R., D. D. Wade And C. B. Phillips. Glossary Of Wildland Fire
Management Terms Used In The United States. (Book) Society Of American
Forestry, Washington, D. C., 138 Pages. 1990. $22.15/$30.45
Murray, R. And K. White. State Of Fire: A History Of Volunteer
Firefighting And The Country Fire Authority In Victoria. (Book) Hargreen
Publishing Company, Melbourne, Australia. 1995. $51.94
Omi, P. H. Forest Fires. (Book) Abc Clio, Santa Barbara, California, 347
Pages. 2005. $42.06
Paulsen, G. Escape From Fire Mountain. (Book) Bantam Doubleday Dell Books
For Young Readers, New York, 67 Pages. 1995. $13.94
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Pyne, S. J. Fire On The Rim: A Firefighter's Season At The Grand Canyon.
(Book) Ballantine Books, New York, 299 Pages. 1989. $10.00
Pyne, S. J. America's Fires. (Book) Forest History Society, Durham, North
Carolina, 54 Pages. 1997. $34.89
Richards, V. Headlamps Against The Flames. (Book) Vantage Press, New York,
136 Pages. 1982. $30.00
Sagwal, S. S. Dictionary Of Forest Fire. (Book) Ashish Publishing House,
New Delhi, India, 64 Pages. 1991. $12.90
Salisbury, H. E. The Great Black Dragon Fire, A Chinese Inferno. (Book)
Little, Brown And Company, New York, 180 Pages. 1989. $49.00
Searls, H. Firewind. (Book) Berkeley Books, New York, 373 Pages. 1981.
Sholly, D. And S. M. Newman . Guardians Of Yellowstone. (Book) William
Morrow, New York, 317 Pages. 1991. $10.96
Smith, Conrad. Media And Apocalypse. (Book) Greenwood Press, Westport,
Connecticut, 213 Pages. 1992. $45.99
Smith, J. E. Fire Storms: After Action Report. (Book) Inter Consulting
Systems, Arroyo Grande, California, 91 Pages. 1994. $20.00
Stanbury, P. J. Bushfires: Their Effect On Australian Life And Landscape.
(Book) Macleay Museum, University Sydney, Sydney, Isbn 0 909635 19 6, 123
Pages. 1981. $44.12
Uman, M. A. All About Lightning. (Book) Dover Publications, New York, 167
Pages. 1986. $13.96
Wade, D. D., J. Ewel And R. Hofstetter. Fire In South Florida Ecosystems.
(Book) Us Forest Service, General Technical Report Se-17, 125 Pages. 1980.
Walstad, J. D., S. R. Radosevich And D. V. Sandberg. Natural And
Prescribed Fire In Pacific Northwest Forests. (Book) Oregon State
University Press, Waldo Hall 101, Corvallis, Oregon 97331, 503-754-3166.
1990. $31.14
Webster, J. K. The Complete Australian Bushfire Book. (Book) Penguin Books
Australia, Melbourne, 298 Pages. 1986.$30.00
Wettenhall, R. L. Bushfire Disaster - An Australian Community In Crisis.
(Book) Angus And Robertson, Sydney 320 Pages. 1975. $18.00
White, K. The 2000-2002 Forest Fires In The Western United States. (Book)
Rosen Publishing Group, New York, New York, 48 Pages. 2004. $10.00
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, Mar-May, 2016
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