Transnational, Translocal, Transcultural: Some Remarks on the


Transnational, Translocal, Transcultural: Some Remarks on the
SomeRemarkson the Relationsbetween
and EthnicChinosein Bali
fts @'d vtu s
hdrsh a Fr or bb.k a !
Ncw p:radienr will lollow wnh ns ßrm and dresoris, I. üe
corße of what is c!ftndr crucd "tb. sprial iurb", rlle rerhs
"hdftqopia" (Foudült1984)rnd'hh.oscapsr (Appadunil99t)
hav. b.cone rnong thc mon pronin.nt neolosisns.:Orhc!
newcacgori6 h3veben c@t.d usingtne sua6xinns', suchrs
rmns.ultunl.Bu( wh.r ir n.anr by rhcsc
.onptrnd vo'tJ: l.oü?atja)l Ern aser pomorcß of dre spariil
run en to rury eboutihn que*ion.Thish.kof&mrnric cldry
cones as . nlrpris.i sincc mosr $holm who are en$g.d i. rh;s
orn sbowr disrinctlavouraoroneoarhcn.w ercgori.r:Hrnnen
(1996) lor nnsn*ionil, Fßit€ (2001) for tlfrlocrl, md Velsch
(1999) lor tm.sultuEl. lur bow an rheyddoturne sucha *org
mnnihctu ro p..ticuh arns vhcn the disdnctioß h.N.d rhm
It is obvionsrh{ rhe nN r.rG wcre inüodlced to irrs
int.ra.tiöns and social ties beyond red md imagiied bordeß.
Likdi$ thcy kre coin.d to fldy si,l md dliu l p@cs6 of
global tdf.n circulition, and assborder mov.nenr (krp 2009),
Iinill, thc üm d. int.nd.d io ddcribe thc inr.rpLy btueen
rhe dobd md rh. locd. Br b.yond ihe th.mri.6elds in *hich
rhc ncw rcrms * applied, thcr. aE morc op.n quaiions than
uswe6. It is, for qamplc, quirc lrdar* üe bs Ens
refer ro ditrü€ni sc.lcs(slob.l, nrion.l, loal) or ro dilldcnt
of oalyds (insiturion l, di$usire, i.citioid). And lin.lly, arc th.
concpG to which thc nff rerm refe. s rcw s is oft n suggst.d
(L.e 2009)l
The iin of drn päp.r is to rhN thar uing Gftgori6 Nhich
dividc nidons, cuku6. dd ßligions into ricq, s€pad. ud6 6
moe ch.nftristic ol\i76rcm rhinldng thm, aorMplq of HindnB.linc conccpß.Again$ rhir brkround, ih. spatialun md 6e
.ologisN intrcduc€db/ it $em ls innovdve, ihoud nccky b
g6p whft rre principlq of tb. Hi.du,Balindc world vid,
tnd d.rding is fthted b s.qrhing clseed th{ n is cu.hl in
life to diFeren6.r
Trdsn.t onalor TEnslocal?
The omnih.nt
of prdicult rurnoß @ prddl.. te.ns ha o bc
$n €dns rh. brkeornd of rh. pmidlrr de6nnioß tney wr
girn. For Ulf Hdn q ao. eample, rh€re ü a $ong düuncuon
beNen it|nrtion.l and naß"ano,zl Acoding io hin, thc tern
t,tmationd tfeß to contdr in whicn so&s appcar$ corpoEr
actoß viQ-vis one anoth( and tdfunational, on ih. oih.r hrbd,
dr.ys .ticnrion io oth.r kinds of rdoß
individu:ls, linriip
groups, ethnic SouF{, socid norcnens, and so fo(h - *hor
activitis rd elarionshipsttrscend ,,rr,z/ boundädB (Hdncz
1t93, pp. 236 37). \/ith thn focuson nation.lboundtuiG,
hNd.r. rhe tern ftns,,,n,,/
eles to ftE (pohical unis) ärh.r
rhin b naions (onnuniries delinedon the bdn of r co,nnon
cukl'c rnd h..'ory,.TnF nv'r: oHo (onnre rbre rnd rrion
.nd ro dsuhe tbäi erery srte (md dery n.tion) ; a n2rion rde
(ibid., p. 237), &aibs ihis brclgmu.d, speätßöfa adn
;boy thar is onn€t.d Nnh the tem "trusn{", on. thn ons
&on th€ te.dencyof rhis tem to dmw rtten.ion to wh{ n n.srt6,
thar ;, ro th. coüinu.d signinena oathe mrior:l (Hmnco 1916,
\j(4rn a historic.l peßpecdvcis addedro tunsn{ion.l $ua,cs,
fonhd short@nings of thc of ihromtion:lity @ne to
th. aotu.w[ich all derive tom is implicit focus on tne .2rio.a],
Ir ol rl-" hß.on of Trlk nd. rhc n,i.on ,hre i. qui,e r
l2E i.venrion en.rging in Cenüd Europcno eanierüin rhe
eightend centuq,and not 6rmly €$ablished
in bme prrß of
Aticr a.d Ash until rh. a4 Mentietb century.Thus tb. rerm
seem ro be erher inappopriitc to dcsibe Äisroricalreladonships
b.t*.cn noo-Europeanrcgionr änd coünries. ft is ccft.inly
ippmpirte ro focu on üe hntory of !/stern ...ion s66, our
nenhd on tbc l*el ofa globdhisrory(whichgcs beyondnation.l
boundarie,nor on th. l*el oa lilc Norldsänd cultur.llyuupco
(which undernin€naional boundirier. H€ncctne
seemsrath€runsuiublefor änihmpological
A n o r h en_e wr c ' n , n r h r " m a C . dw n h t h e . p r . " . , u ' n L
tuahcl This rcrn is osedby Ulrile Freitrgaro invs he bnioner
dhnglene.ß beMen differentnon-Europernrcgionsin, lor
.,roF, AIru or Sonhcsr Ak 'F'.'bg r00i). rfi. loc! n on
ihc nobility of ac.o(, ide., .onnoditis, rd deF.cB b.M.n
diffcrcni I.gions of rhe Sourh and the consequenasof *hangc,
cn uhtion. rnd tlufer beyo.d €l or inasined bou.drüi Thc
cmphli. n no' on Jos'ns nriorul bo 'nd.r.6, bur on oßmmi18
In tlis cont*c n i: sqsd that ih.r. ak !@,y
bordcß,insid. and oußide the etion sate, which aE likesise
inponant. ir nrner I muhipliciry of bordes, which ar nor
necess.ily polnical, bur emnonic, social, rligiou, *c, (Fr.itag
2 0 0 t ,p , 2 ) ,
\qner6 thc oncepr öa tmn{iondirt
ti[6 tle qisene of
nation sbß .nd narional boundde aor gmicd, rne conepr of
rmlocii.r not only .mpbdiß tne dive iq, of3prtid mneps and
adjßtm€na, it ale dhs b tak th. sp2tid c{esori6 of rhe doß
into consideniion (Frcihg 2005, p. 3). Crucial lor rh. conceptof
.?n localiN.r lea. hown n ü.?db! fFi,r& i, rh. drffrn'aron
betren loelity rnd l@rionr hcrc rh. aocu is on rhe ibtcrunon
be@n thc inagimrion oa r.,/,r, (äs dprsed, 6r *mpte, by
th. r€rm sdtu, dd ihe pmctie ol padcuh ido( in prfticutd
/,.zrrz (ibid.). In rhir mr the term 'tfttulocal" rnd rhc .oncpr
of tmJoeliry cm.ncip.t. thcnsks aron ih. gdgDphic.l spße
and are usd in a nrher n.aphoric,l qy. Thus n is posible @
analF th€ ;nreDction bryond E:l ,,/ imagin.d fionri
md rc
Iöcosob thc dial.ctic of (rsfer md d€naqtion asa crucialroute
ro the lndcßtanding oa globaliation. ABi.$ rhn backsround,
üansnadon.lity ir onsidee,l o be nothing ebe blt i rpccid (x
If the con@pßof trmsr.tiondity änd dandoalny .nd rhe
Khohs vho us th*e conapb hN€ on thing in comhon, tr ß
th€n inreqt in hN the pro6 of globaliaiion i5 pqeivcd by the
bor rtoE (Hanncu t9r3, p. 24t). I shm ihn ine€t and Nill in
thn howp'@.tu ot rr:hl.nd d.hng. r pekiv.d
bv mrv Hildu Brlin6.. shr i\.J +ir{ rbout the' ongin)- r
p{pl.r rd th. @ß of then culture, {d finally how th.n sllperceptionäfGcß rhen dadons Nirh rhe Chi.e hjnorig in B2li.
Lo€lion of Locäliry:The L@ 2ed Cuhu€
In tie oniexi of ihe sprial tlm and the n.w terns relaiedto ir,
rhe tuncn entbrcpologi$Mffi AngCis onc of tbc no$ i.flu.nflar
Iigß. tsleh6 diEdd ou inention o thc 6ct ihd ft,pend norc
add mor. tinc in pl.s of tlsiena: notolwy md, nod
md hospiiäj,äiQoft dd süp.m.rkct, Hc cälhd rhcm "non'placs"
thu adding yd moüer neologi:n to the spatirl tun
md thc 5paa-oic.tcd pdadign rtu rcsuftedfron it. A. 'npact
of the qtersion of rhae "non-phß", whi.! ß .lwid.ri..d br ä
lack of int radion dd tbc eb$ne of a $ße of belongir& n what
md wbar in rhe Gdmm lfusläiion
Augt cdhd iup€nodmior
Beyond üe$ obsmrions on rh. ibt rconbcctednAsof nonpLr!. ,up.'modcrnny.nd $lrrude. rhd. ir rrrher pnrBe in
Auges bool th2t is quit€ signi6mr lor tn. rnä!^i6 ol digion md
nigoiion in mnsmtionai o! tmloc.l @n&xts.Augö reaeßb tne
ids oa thc locdizd sociegr, which he d.üib6 a follo*:
ln rh. .dnol%isr'ridel rcribrr (hn of.rchac o! "bIkwrd"
ill mtn de tveRgC (*. ould uy
l{Erion id dh. dd 3pd ir 6sy ro r.l .E rh.e n applid ro
a.rrlnq ana <Ldciß liL dß divisions,n igndon, urbrnia on
do lot inrudc.... B<hind rlll idcr of rL. lo.:liad ci.ty
da y li6 :noüc ü2t or.oEnEncy or rd{td.y
(Aus!rrt, p.4n
.uiur.,!€i.ry:nd individu:|,
Thc idc. of ihe loc,lizd society is, in orhd Mds, onn@d
qrh 'h. ,de ofd pLc. *hoe conni.'rnd rcnardrcrion.
..d csmngem.nt 6tu eo culturc, socieryand individuai aF .ithei
mknM or ab*m Fon tbc pcdpdiE of 'lE dhnologi$ (üd beF
Auga rcle6 to Mrel M,N r a pbnincnt .xamplc), "d nhnd
- a stuI nhnd" ir 1p.der pojsio! su'aac for rhc id.r oa"the
localiz€deciety" (Auga l99t p. t0). Tbe rdon why an nlmd
is sü;hbL io ünidng a pdticular rpae with . p.ddlar cuttureis
obvious "Tne contouß md lionticß of an irltbd c.n be dGignar.d
or thcd {ithoot diäcuty" (ibid,). ThcEaorethc e.hnogapherwho
ir l@ki€ for'lhe loc,liz.dsocied wisha "Ibr.rch.thnic gbüp
to hN. irs own i,hnd" {ibid.).
cruci,l to nor rhar n ir nor only thc cthnogr.ph4
It i5,[@4
Nho follo* the ida ofa loqliEd iocnty .nd thc inlge ofa
closedmd seltuumcienr
vond"; bis or h.r objrß cling to rhc
em. ia "l .\ r ,hn min 'h.r rhc 'nd'g"nobpopubtion,-r'
fmIN.onveBo w.ü rh. .Lnnolosij!' l6ion ,D'd., p. 4-) th6.
su+i:ing siniladri6 bcren .rhnologisB dd iaiivc me€e our
of thc hd th4 leording ro ^ügd, ihe oBoiatiob of spc rd
the foündins of plre arc cxpKions oa 2 coualivc pmdic thar
not only Vsc.n Earcheß, bur,ls loel roß (ibid.,
Again$ thir beksomd, I i.tetrd to shd how sprceis olgania-d
md phe i).ound.din BJ'. I rilldemon{dE thr Aug...Ug86(ion
rhr +. illurioNofrhc cünogdphe-rndthc 6nh!a of+r uiv.,
6nv.rge io tbc sunption of a dosd and slf-suffrcicnt -o,o,
6uld be appli.d to mmy fthnogrpbca, .t 16r uF io ine spri.l
türn, bur nor b .ll .atives.The contDr/ is ihe (s - rt l.dr in
the c6e of nr)' Hindu-B{in6e. EEn wher thcy liv. on d islmd
- a small isldd", th.n pereprion of thcir origin as I peopL rnd
of th. rooß of Eligion ud cultuft cona very closc to rhe
coneption lor which rhe norio. ol rrtubdä? n enhl, Sucba
trnsloc.l self-.onccprionof rhe Hi.du,Brlince [d sone crucb]
inpliürions for then rchtioro ro tne erhnicChin6c md otherjocrd
Sp&e and Creationon Ball
Tha! tinc and spaccc pe@ivcd and onceptudiad in in
ditreE.t eys is ä 6hnonpl2r in öe erhnogmphyof this island.
In rh. @n'exr.hd fo' ,h. pu'poe of 'hi. pap.'.jr i, $+l.,enr o
rnow thft rt. n mesuied in B,li uing @ difercnr .dendrß: thc
$-cdled Hindu-Balinescalendrr, vbich counß Nclre slrlünar
mobthi acl consnting of 29 or 30 dqs, a.d whos. yd (rz4a)
covcß lt5 d2ysi .ld rhe s-call.d Java-Balingcc.leodrn which
cornß 30 {els erch onsising of 7 d2),snd Nhos. )d p@z/
coveßonlr 2l0 drF. All m.jor ritual dents lollow onc olrh6c No
calendaß.Sine rh.y dividetime up inro diltdeni üniß witi diEeftnr
hngrns, the lituqical circle in Bdi digcß trem€ndouslyaon y€r
s ye* In on )ar, aörcample, rhe nos inpotut holy ,ll's in
Bali - N/.pi, oli.n conpard Grh New Y.rr, rnd Gdungr 2.d
Klningan,a mixrirreofAll Sainßa.d All Souß crn 6ll into one
nonth, and rhc n* tqr the m.4cns
ii. *pdied by dnsr half
: ve:r /loris lau uctrd lt) t. p
The g.n.R pflrpr'on
oarime,n@e4 is cycli@|timc ma/ clapsc,
but all livingbeingr
* rcboro ag,in r.d rg2in.'
Tle perceptionof i/z.r i. Bili llso follo$ I cukudly $.cific
mo&. H.r n i: suEcieorb knd rhft rh. onlind poinßß nor
(,{.r/) rd noud.ii-w.d
the emc 6 in the !(st, but sMd
(tJd, To visn thc $-callcd norh.r templeon B:li, Pün B$rkih,
locaed * rhe slops of the .cnüal nountain CününgAgung,
v.$ern visito^ hNe ro lolloN a noriheh, eßün, southeur or
w€*ern diftction, depe.ding aron where.heysa$ Balinc*, on tne
rn'Bn. ,lws lo-N rhe.rr dir.01 /,{,r,\,'ine 'h. mornrrin.
s the Bidcna ofdeitid m.l rhesc.6 'ne Hlm of
dil ao($, adinal poinß ü not oeur.l, bur normriEly qlucd,
This is mt6rd in the arcbit(tureof rne ishd: nos r€mpl$.e
oii.nrd bMds the nounftins, rhe cndcry dvays bNrds de
.cr, In thn mnc'irlird qJ, ii b<om6 oblou.,hr ü d'ndlpo'nb
on B,li trd. not onl) fo' (pf iJ. bu rßo Io. .p.'i'LJ o'rn'rion
,960, p. 36lL).
Ho*€ver,it is.ot thc oßmiztion of iine ind thc aoubdins
of spacerÄft difter Nhen it cohca to thc Hindo,BdlincF wodd
vicwj the sme is Jso the 6e with Fg.d ro thc origin of hunan
b.ings in g€ne.?lmd rhe oigin of the B:linesepcoplcin pairiculai
Hcft againdiFscnc re giv€n:aconling ro Hindu Balinec b.licl
Bftnna ücit.d thc cntift ünive6e, all gods,demons,nd humu
bciogs.Thcrc w.s no *olution of ninlind, büt nthd r single
c r . r ' i o na l r r h r r r l l c d r l l p c o p l .i n r ob . i n s r r h e- m . , ' m - .
Brann4 tbc cr..toi als produed the otber god! lik \4shnu, tne
prseo€r, md shiu, de .lcs@ye4bur las he lo$ - * leßt n
Bäli his l.adiogole wirhintbis üi.ity (Tris*ri orTrimurti)to
ShiE (Friederi.nl9tt, p.7).Ths rheloc.l Eriario. of Hinduism
in B,li i: lomdins ciled Sli%isn. Howfti nMdayr .I god.
ol rheH'ndu-B.lnaep hftn aid. rideby sidcon th. Cunung
Mihä Mdu, i harcnly nosbjn ad entre of thc anh, which
h6 is cqlird.nt in id thc Günug ,4gürg od in r,mbok in
lhe Cun!,g Rinjdi (Phälgumdi 1991,p. 39).
Thi! cration rd, h.ft gtdy sinpli6cd, n{ ben hdded down
in t.dirional pdnlarc d6 (l,,rzr), which, lMven ne no
turch.nt abourrhe dgin of üc B.lire p@plc, ticir r.lieion dd
culturc, T[is n üo not tmtiond in rh. o6.iäl Hindü-S.lin*
docüind (ih.c a. only i fcw öf rhm), bu. 4rhs in populd
ieligious b€licß th{ find tkir synboli. aprdion in n}rr', nru4
and ßqlmdc,
Pär of rLis q,mbolic qpKion is thc yhie hat
of, clzsc. @ wnon thc Hindu-B€lin@ r.fa s "Chin*
ThoOdginot the Balin*.: Tn€ l@mgEptry of an UneqqatCEUpte
On üc üiBin of üe B:liid pople. Hindu.s,lirse souhipp.ß
d rnind.d whcn rhey .nte. a templc in thc suiüd
pari of
d'e nlod that ü d.diacd to shih (tuh Di.n)- MDv of th6.
temolB conftin a @idlr
s[rine rhat is rhc hon. of a whir.
raft dr rhPr.5bie b red? Pldo
womrn rd a blackIrÜ- Thd. do cÄ.nc(ß, which älftF apFa
asl couple,arc nor rcpßehicd ö.ly by ndk, bur rlso by msume
rhrt over rheir wnole body.Sinceüese fiBu6 aG onsideEd to be
holy and po*erful, rhcy arc sacred6gurcs.Their mne is ß2rcng
&-,{ is a genericnimc ol unknownoigi. tn RGß b a gbup
of scrcd 69ü6 alno$ trluiRly conskri.gof @molPhic chaftcß
(*ild boa4 'igs .c.), &rA,g on th. othcr hrnd ; Balinae rnd
h6 ihe mening oflall . Thc Brmngr:ndüng Ggures
ar. t.ll, rnd
B:lin$e ac!o6 who dip nu rhcs ligurd to aninat. thed would lili
' h c ' p p . m . o f r l e b o d )o f ' l - ee $ l h d " g r n p J p p d r o n ' o
tb.n shoüld.ß, with tne sult rhr they rowerrcncndously abm
odiharr huhan bcinss.
with de rvitcn Rngd4 rhe BaroDg
h.duDg chucteß arc thc mos influcn al anihtupomorphicfisurcs
oo Büt whon do iney ftprsenr?'
Trling, closelook 2r !he* 6guK, ir becons obviourihrühey
rcprc$nt fst of rll differencs: tbc difiereocebeNen man .ml
{orrn. sh 'e rd blalr. bedJr.ful
.nd ügly.old rnd Jounsd,. A
morc generil jonogftF[r no{e€! mun ble turther deails into
rmun. dishftll.d vs. coEed i.n, poflding s. ß.ding foßhad
md chin, n.ird 6. bulbous nose,pnninenr terh ß. e.igmric
snilc dc. AI üse der,jls daiy in,liete tht this hcr.rosdüari.d
nul'icutuEl ouple rcpscbG a videFad dicnotony in Indon$ia:
th. dichoromyb.lscn i nobre(r/14) ..d . ru{ic (*@/) chanft4
which in a Nider snse rcfcß o the diffcrene b.tlen culture md
nature.Thc aucial poinr h€r€ is thar ii cortdt not ont to oü{
parB of In'lonesiabur rlso ro nany ihdnionr worldwide,ne
onjündion hereis nd b.Neo mr md cutuE, woma. and nrurc
eF{, bur rhe othcr fty abünd: rh. mnan wnh h.r whire
*in r.pße.ß rhe nobG(rz&) ch,trk4 who n obvioul/ not
noE dnd.guishcd dm her blick conpanion,bui aßo much old.i
This is dsly indiakd by hft lighr or gcy h1n, pe.dulousbress
and vom-out arlob.s, Br why do rhc Hindu-Bälinse h2ver ndk
epre$ning rn old,vhite, nobleMnin?'
Aitu.l Oc@iq6, Songsand DialoguB
Egard to tle naning ol Bmng Lndug rhc ditrerentritual
cont* e inpotut in vhich .h. shie l.dy ärd hd bhck mNI
naL ippaoce, They appendy p.rföm in with
both c.Ln.laß thd e ß.d in Bdi: rhey Frlom wh.d rl| Hin luB,lind. cisd!,
*hicI follos rh. $ld-lsr
incnals. indiqtd
the spriog or autum .quinoa 6 noor etc, On 1 tull moon night
n* o Lh. gring equinq rMcl.t , thct & ?ffpri.d
o r riar
or thc o@, shcr th.y e .or only ridDly ddd
in a synbolic
wy bnt rßo did.ed bqdr the high M b m Mr: pdrcutr
d.m. (Fao C.da Mceling) dd othd rn foß.
Bmns Lndms frgß rlio larc thct uud MFL (AE Dalem)
vhen thc J.n-Bdindc cdotu, which LighliBhb p.iti.uh! daF
{ pati.ular tin. inren:ls {K.jcng r{iwon, for 4dpl.), indiqts
dm nisfo@n6 c likely s hrpp.n (d on Fnday tlE thircorh,
!!3 @!*
6r hqr.e
accoding to !tuün concpB) or thar ir b rin€ to honoür tl'c
dad md rh€ sinß. Thde holy diis in pdnulü (c.luigm md
Klningm) e rhc bieh nn. ofBdong lädu.s rtivirid. Theo üe
6gu6 rft prded drougn de $ce6 oavillags.nd 6wns, and tbc
lEb, affited by the msic rhat a@npari6 th* pl6ioß,3rp
our of hous, PIry md sri6c in arorr oaBdong kndung ro
rceive rhcir porc.tion lor th. sr of th. liturgid rril Heß rgrn
n hmm6 obviousL\ar the whift hdy and bs bhck @mP3tuonrc
n€ic.lly powqtul, ind sine rhey arc ablco chdc ail for6 ämt
th€y rre sed in
In rcturn lor the pEtß md ,acd6c6 thr rhe saong lrdung
6gü16 r&iy. dnring pmcdsioß, th€ vhii. ldy rnd hd black
@.ea darcedd si.g io &ont ol the MßhipFß, Th$ rhcy m'nd
rhd of duti6 d Hindu (Hindü Dhma), reld. edsdd of
popul/r rorio /sopiL Ingei\ or deb{( diienr polniel isu6
(likr 6. KlitL cl. G6(Nik 2003). Büt sonetins dry
ako quärEl witn on. motb.r likc i jealor oüph, a.d rhq, ,,,.).
*cn errBe in scxu.l äFriß. Ther.for n n posibL ro condü'le
th* Biong t nduog liguq {c a unique nixtuft of qorcism abd
Mythsänd Leg€ndsr'The Sp I t ot Batngkang
Conn{ted wirÄ the onrcx( in whicb Baong L.ndung ngur6 mlc
thcn $rtch.nß rr nor only .nuü, songs,md dialogue, but also
nyrlN rd l€gardi Thdc *oüs arc lnNr in dcldl only by ftv
speci.li6, but all woß[ippeß 2r lsr hä€ jb nind rh{ rhe Nhite
lädy r.p6enß r Chinesewonan wno is naried ro the bli.k mr.ri
Beyordüis phin fäct,nFns,nd legendsvary,tltey * nühiple $d
co.rndicrory- Bur thc najoriV oathse mrEtivd en besunnrized
in No difiercni bui El cd kßio.s.
Arüding b üe tsr rcßioi - cällcd i. rhe follNins ihe
z/,rjal rcßion, sinc it iefes ro . pdiod d ih. mIgin besen
ntrhjal rd hnbricl tind - tb. rnc Ldy repqens a Chinae
princds dd il. blä.L nd ä pnnc fton rh. süth of ldia. TIE
Mo fel in lok wirn oneror[ü, bur rine tlEy belongedio differnt
r.ligions - rh. pdn6 {6 r Büdrhnt, th. prine ä ltindü - their
pftn6 did nor ?gc @ rneir gc(ing ndied. TheEfoE thcy dccidd
b ne, od for a lons tim. thcr had o 3d.h for a Fla& wllere
rley muld Iiv. rl€.rns. Fin:lly rhey(lft b B,li, wnee th.y $rlcd
doNn, And th. pcoplc who livc on rhis islandroday,th. Balin6.,
This mythicd veßion, whnh n kndn not only to thc Hind!Bäli.&, bur äl$ to rh. Chide ninoity io Bdi, ri6 to dphin
why rh. Balincschav. Baong hndung 6gua ind {hr ü.y
visudia üd dplain io rhemel€ by nms of rhis rrbol sy$em.
Thb ß more or lc$ tlut the roos of their rligion and dlture hy
oubid. ishd, in India dd Chiro, ind rlrt .lg th. origin of
thcmelve 5 . Fople is thc rcsult of rhe fusion oi diffcrcnr ahnic
Vhat ir rcmr*able in drc contdr of rhi ve^ion
bdones obviou. wh.n n n conpred wnh the pmilins wercrn
nlrions in thc \ves, which rcfer to tnen
origiro and rhe oos of th.n digion
d culd€, knd b ddm
rn uninreftüpi.dridirior .nd i gcnuinepi$, Things6 they
. d u J l J r D p e r : t u r e J b " l ' n h - ' o p u n ' i l r h . b € n n i 1 go r
.inc 'o l.Bi.mtc rhem.\oLh ns couldbe mo'edi,reFr on BJi.
r&ncn n cones m BarongLndung, üe Bdinse shN a ftsr.zl
undesendingof rh.nslß: ftligio. md cultureone qme lron
ürcad, and wnrt an be aoundon tß ishnd rodayn the rault ofr
Frsionof Indian and Chinse induener Evcnwbentne BdnBe li!.
on än idand r sn,ll n|sd". tbe),do not reaerro ir in ih.5ense
ol a "locli4d sie9". Tne urdftd'li.g
thq, bäw of demslvs
i. nrher oa thei beingnybid, ind in this seoserney conc .lose ro
so-crledpc.modern positions.rr
vis lvis Indir and Chin4 rhei!
ii d n pe@i!€d s r rhinl spre whercculturd innuencA&nßEc.
This rhid sp{e overcotus contndicrions and dificrcncs th2. .rc
.xpe,sd on ä s),nbolic l€vel by thc Bions rrdung 6guß and
tÄen so-c,lledcÄildrn: äs ttu skin ofthe Balindc b nenherbl.ct
nor Nhir. but brown k *.är, dl tbe oüd dinicnc$ wcft il$
on Bdi, naking rhis islandI qrthdis of 6nüadi{io.s
md thcrlorc an id€l phc for all ns inhabianß.
Here ir b(one cler thäi i[e B:linse arc .lso ensrsedin the
olg:n'a'ion ol rprc rnd Lne.ou'dJ'ionof p"r, bu' !on\n(n.y
or tnnrFrcnry bed.en cuhuft, rociety rd individu,l" ir puned
in I conplcrclydificmi
jw Hindu,Balinse qr'rhcy do
nor locdiE rheir cuturc in rhc s.ns th2i rh€y dcsigniteor ttre ß
ontom ud fontids - the oppNne is rhe6. Bodeß @i,urm,
rnd 'hc {mnse Lnr inüJda i. ino'po'r"d 'hbu8n nk'm 'u8e
into rhen own genc,lo6/. And ooce n baon6 paft oa thd oNn
,utuft. 'he ro'malv !nnge lo{\.h 'h'€,ening .hrn-rcilri6.
Büt nor all Balins ädheß to ib. myrhicalveßion thr sü@u.dr
B&ong L:ndung figü€- TÄe€ are oih.r ndniivq rhat givc othcr
2bou!dre l6soß th?r tÄewhi( hdy rnd hd bh.L
compMioninrendio tach rheB.lins.
Accoiding ro 'he r.,rl vedo.
ellcd in rhc lollowing th.
,!,,r'.zlv€6ion b&us it cfeß to de begin.ireofhn'odel m6
rhewhnenrk rtprcrnß r Chinese
ldy (PuüiCina),Nhilein
conrsr to ihe fißt veßion ine bhck nf ftftß ro r B,lirese
(Rajr B,li). The nnc oa this king is Sri Jrya Kesunuor Sri hya
PrnsN, boih of vhon are weu lnM
fron the tmditionJ muit
dd .dn6
whicn phc thae kings
in rh. Ncllih c.nüy ^D (!ern.t K.mpc6 l9rli älso et /Spi6
l o r 8 . p 2 o 4J n d w r t r y l ! . . p t 4 < , .A ! j , d , n g r u , h , . r c ^ , o n .
thc nameoarhewhie hdy is KangCing vi, Nho, ir is eid, hid
T r t v i \ e d [ o 1 ' h i n " i , , h - m m p r n y o f t e ,ü , t e o , r p r i 6 r
Afthoügn nucn oUft thrn rhe B:linesekin& nor lest due .o ner
white skin shewr daned *tremely atiktiv., such thrt th€ king
*rn,ed hfl r hr
Th" h'cn D' -ß or üe oua x.r ,gJilr
this madase bduse the Chinse lady did not sbar. tb. ftligion of
rhc Balin6. king:Shcwd . Büddhirt,qhilc he ffi i Hindu. Bur
rh. king ßtu$d to lollow th. adlice of bis pri6ß, Hc harticd Käns
Cing vi, bur on rhe da/ of rhc weddingir kited to riin which
did not sop until ihe wholclingdon wd nooded,
Thc hng and
hn entoumgeÄrd to deero the c2lder2of the cunung Brur, wherc
Jrey €r€credr p,lace.
pdrce is whe€ ine templeof Balingk ng
is locrted today.Accordingto the Bdin*, ihe mne of thn temple
is r conpound of (ine kins of) BJi and Kmg (the mne of his
Chin6o sifc): ,z/tng,{,,s bctue the plac wheß drn coupL ßided
dd wh.rc Hinduim (Agitu Hindu) ind Buddrnn (Asmr Bo.l2)
lued m fom the Hindu-Balin* Gligion (Agä !v.n
rcdry rhc Bdioae eler ro 'Th. Sprirol *hei th.y wdt
to .mpbsia that tbcE n loLene and pee beNen Buddhisß
Ho*€vea rhe historicd veßion is siu nor rold unril lhe rnu, mc
king md hn chinse wia. ftig.ed over Bdi fmm B.ling[rn8, d
düe to the wne poftic oa (ns Cins \/i, the whole ishnd $rt€d
to pröspei Ev.rrthins w5 &niL, cxceptihrt 5h€ws not rbre to
givc bttb to. child. Thsdor rhc king d€idcd to so b ihe Batur
L3ke to ncditrte dd pE), and ro *k th€ gods for an oßping.
Bur vhen hc drived üeE, hc mq tb. godds Dvi Ddu rd
immediarelyfell i. lov€*ith hci Thcy goi M.ied, r.l thc seoas
b.rne pEg.ür and larer deliv€Gda son, who Eceird rÄenime
Mayadenawa.sSince Si Jayr P:ng6 M nis.d by his Chi.ce
wiL, sh. sdrd to sefth for him 2r üe Beor t*g wheft sbc
,inall)foündhim in de ams of Dsi Da.u. Shcbcganb qurel
and sftrcd to 6ghr - but Nbat happenedrhen is r q!6tion oath.
vcNionone follos. SomeBdins 6ntinu. rne rcry by sayinsinrr
au the acs6 w.r. punish.d by rhe godr aorvh4 they bad done,
aor .duhd, jeälosy, and so forih. Othcr Bdinse @ntino. dre
iofl bv sving 'hr J ,olu'on B .ound.Ac d'ng,o dr: vo.ion,
Kmg Ci.g \qi . ow.d thc king to hde i sccondwife, bü only
underspecilicondniobs: The ldog n.d o ihport Chinse curßnq
(Pis Bolongo. Uang Kep.ns) b B,li, *h.rc n n sil ued 6 rirual
mon.yi he 2lso had to .Gt Chin.a renpls (KenGnS or Bio)
and tenpl€shrin.sNhichb€ane partof m. üc non inporun
Hindu-Bälinser€nph sn6 Ouri Besali,Puq UIun Dinu ec);
nd finilly h3 lad ro lile offhis anin$, vbich strblirhedtnc so
c.llcd Hind!-Bälinde both 6li.g rirual (MrhEI o. UFaB Potöns
GiBt, which dll i Frlnrn.d by young pcopleon inmediately
The prrticul.r condirioro bl Klds Cing wi may
ury, bur dr.y all provided dplanarion lor th. nünemu cutrura'
Giß in* fou.d thcn w1y f6n Chi.2 to Bali. Th. Balinese.e
obviously rwrre oa üe ii8uen@s ürt ddire fron then migng
visudia thcn with thc helpof.nn Puüi Cim. SFn
ftoh this p.ßpdtue, üe Chince lady rprsnß thc hobilitr oa
&!oK ind rhe tmsad of ides. Shedcdon$nts rhat rhc B3linse
do nor localiz theirculturcor Bdi 6 d illmd
a snall islind".
rrthea they rchind th€mselveof rhe fn thd culiuq ae alwäyr
int€rconr€crcd,thar rh€y d*€lop a.d chmg. Ir this (, the
BJ,nee \\ow rhq hd. r ,,dr,tocrl und..End,ns ot ,hei- oln
ThePoriticsot Inlelprctalion
Chinse induenc$ire ptr.nt on mny di$erenrlsels in B:li. The
Balincscärc iwrft of thcsci.flucnccsand mncedcthat noi only the
ft&res mcnrioncdäbovc,bot ilso $mc danc6 (Bdis cim), iuiß
(BuahLici), .nd e.ip6 (Cap C.i) onccenc fiom Chinä.lvcn
onc of(hen lavourite
dnhes(BabiCuling)is likelyro bc i Chincsc
Howse4 ?c@rding
ro the Chinse ninoritt in Bali,rhc
induencsfton Chinaaremuchmore*tensive.
4 t - 1 ' . . t - ' r * e , 1 s d t i , r e i . r d r r d l )r r e . h r n , , 1 \ n r
Buddhüß, büt 4en wnen th€r do not b"ve Brong hndung ligüres,
thc/ lnow rbout thc rnc hdr and onsider hcr to be oneof üeir
inccoß. Acconling to tnc mmti$ ihcy rcll of this Putri Cina,
bü nadiagc to rhc Balin6c king w6 r dd civninns ac. shenot
only u€cd rhe king 'o droirenhis anin$. which- as älr€dy
- erabli,lEdlhc Hindu'B.linsetooth'filingritual.shc
rlso 6ked hin to sitch oaathc liebt dürins tb.i std'ling night
b@ue she6 rEaid oahis uglyappatrce Acoding ro the erhnic
Chin$e in Bali tbn ü5 the originol a paiticularHindu-Balinese
noldry (Nyepij, wheb iU lighß rnd 6ß harc ro b..xringüish€d aor
onc dry 2nd one nighr. Tle Puri Ci.a alsoordcEd thar the oee
be c.naied ir homorphic cof6ns,sill unknown in Bali ar rhrr
tine, whi.h .*rbhhed ihe fimous Bdinse cemadon ce,sn,our,
(Ngäb.n).r' Accoiding ro sme cthnic Chin$e, thc Puoi Cim .ven
had b tacn ih€ Rrjr Bali .o' onl), hN to rppBach won.n p.h.l).
bu( also hd ro ert properly,sincehe n6 only usd to ftw nai
The long list of bcne6ß rh tbc Balincc king rfteiv€d toh
hn [ris. wirb thc Chinse hdy sems to be endlss, bur lhey all
denonsrar. rhr üc of rhe Cninse in Bali wr to rhc
advmhge of !U. Howevensince som. .rhric Clins clain rh2t
alhos rll najor cultuBl ftan! in Brli oncecxm. from China,
lheir dncouße hd r Äegemoni..himctcr: rlthough cnbcdd.d in a
simplc love 6to.y, n cLdy hassonc d.nenß of "B.Nty md the
Conparcd Nnh tne vcßion oa rhc dhnic Cnin$q in HinduB,lin$e tell the srory of Sri JayaPmgusand Kins Cing wi in a
onplecly difercnt way.Ekn rhougn,a<ordine to rben, r slution
beNfrn rhe R.jr Bali abd lis Purd Cina es found, r prticule
mbndene ü @nndcd wnh ihis inrermariiagc,Thir anbivzlerce
ddivs fron rhe fld rht shc nfl not ableto giß bntb to a child
- a fad not ncnrio.€d or *en denied by thc cthnic Chin.s
in Bali. Childlssns n, ol coum, a üid md a thEr tu cyqt
elarioßhip- And n is ds . centiil isu. for rne Hindu,Biline,
who smerin6 E&r to tb. Puüi Cina 6 "Thc Brftn r.dy" or (ib
he. deilicd form) as D.wi Mrdul,
Du€ to rhis mbivilence, rhe hi$orical veßion tu bc rold in ar
16r so ditreent Niyr cither rhe *hir hdy md hd bh.k nsband
arepraented s bavinghad ä succstul rhionrhip, sin@the, w{r
able to overome ryen ruch a cruci,l Fobl€n lilc childlcsüq!, or
thcy ar pesrd s rrl'.&r' rhtions[ip, sire th.y kre not $re to
s<!rc thc suc6ion. Tlecaoß Brong rfldung figur6 rß r zd,r
,/a hisorial inümrd:se vhich tu rrc r thc sn. iin d a
ftfthe madhss b@en B.lib6e md chins, ß rc, 6
txin' t waning agditu :tjt n vinonial rlrtionship6.L'
Inded, m.ny B.lin.i vho live i. rbc homhinous ccnri. of
rhen ishd, th€ *calkd Bali Agr, beliryc tbar .t[nic *gcg.!on ß
the n6sge of Landüns.In t[.n viw, th6. ec.d figrG
.e inrnded to cmind tbc Balinse rhd n i, fo6idden o marry
Chindq ihe godr weE €ain$ thir inr.rnrriagc, and n B onl/
beuc the Raja Bdi did not lollN üeir 2dvie tbai th.r ndc
Tne Baline in ü. :oürn @nnrh ihär in fomer tim6 suo, d u,
Elly dnted, bui in doing so tÄe/ rcler to rh. "Spnft of Balinglrg"
dd the f.ct thd Buddhismrd Hinduiln btue so cl6e in ihi:
ihnd ihrt ditrcenas b.Men ths dcnoninatioro G noNd.)^
difidlr b denne.In facr nany Balincs m1rry Chinse rod.r,,cv.n
whcn süch rl{io.shipr erc pecivcd s &,6, d hor in thc sens
Ite Histori€lK€meL Belws M)ö ad History
The tußiv6 rnr iuftund Btuongh.dung ngoa fom a conttut
to wsch con..ptions rh{ havc ben shap.dsirce rh. beg,""",s
of si€niific ecdh on 8ali, when thc conn€don beN€en Indit
rd B{i \a a \nowledScd
by w.{e'n \holrb. but 'he rnrqion
betren China and Brli M almos conplckly d.nicd, Scholm
likc Räffs rnd Cr.wtord p.rc.iEd Brli d a liing nNeum, where
belGe tadiiion and cßbn nad s!fril€d Jnst unchang.d(R'6e
1317,p- .w).
Ac.ordingio üeo, it w6 pdsibleto sudy in
Bdi what hrd .lftrdy ben losr in Jav. aor gcbdltions, that is,
Hindunm Ihß rppm-h. howeve',.uroffBJl not onty I'om ib
Chib6e tis, but ds fom hi$orr. I! u not udiil the cn,l of rhe
Nentieth centuryther a tuUcrundcßtmdinSof Balin6. cultur ws
ichieved rh{ did bot only .n@npd Indib bnt dso polynsff
md Chinse influence(Boon1t77,p.l8tri Br.d€n/deBoer1981,
P. r05).
In 6.t6i o the HinduJocusedpeNpetivc oarv4c'n schora^,
lhe B.linee emp[siz in rhei mnrivd that the moß of tlEir eli8ion
and cultuE rc in india z,/Cbina. Ä clo* onnectionwith both
co{nüi6 ü chphsi4d b/ I symbolicn.(iag€ beN.e' a. Indian
prilce or B.linse king oo tne one [ma rd a Chinde vonm o.
rhe orher lndia ind Cbiha *.e perceivedd beinghi$orically much
olderrhanBaliud thü.foc acloowhdged5 highcultuß { dr rm.
rine. AgriNr üis ba.lgmund, it b€om6 obvioü ihär tilm
borh counris rcre gsrly epprcciaad,sine thet lot only tuelled,but
alsoennobledih€ strblishnent of ßligion md dlüe on Bäli.''
Thir nthcr tmsloal orienkdon of the Balins is not qcluively
hiroricd. Sincerne middl€ of th. antury, tnere[s ben
r $rong oi€nbrion toMdr Indjä 6 . bulce of spiritualinspmrcn
md oernive advie (Isna 2001,t 192).Io !h€ 19t05,fo. exoph,
B.linse eholrs coNUltedreligiousorgmiatioN in Indiä in order
b shunh i Hindu rholos/ ,hat M.blc rc mcerthc ßtuncmeDs
for rhe l.donesim sotc to r€cogniz Hinduisn $ I legd religion
or &ama (nonotbcisn,holy book dc-). Si.ce rh. 1930s,rh.rc
hd againben a irong @riot.tior @qid5 India which Hindu
Balin.s look ro for enitual e.ckl which thet - at leßr the
6.d \a Hiaü tdß (Bh.ez,ad Gn
inGll€uak anong dcn
dc.) tn{ weft so tu ddcr uildNn o ih.n (Iisna 2001,p. r94),
Hot pilsdnasd firtha Ya@) to lodia bsmc quite popülü in rn
1990s(Brker 1t97,p. 37i Sonvn2004.p. 261).ändewn s.nding
one'schildrn to srudr i. I.dir ("moth.r rndii') is rn option rnrt
mny Bälinse inrellmals sioßlt onsidci'l
Thcs ten.Lnciesmut be s€n againn thc backbund of the
Islahiation ofjäe md oiher piru of Indondir Sine miny Balins
fel rhstened by thcn klnic neighbouß,rh€y sfrk to sablish
sde kibd oaconhmiry wnh thc Hinds in Indil lt is,of couße,
r im2ginedmmmmig in thc s.Ne oa BcnedictAndesn (198t),
whicb, bow{, eiv6 rhem thc leling that üey .re lot alotreaacing
Islm r r gm*ing world relision.
rn 6nrsr @ India, the Elationshipterdr Chi.a hr rna'ned
anbihlcnt. This hrs io do Nith tne hcr tbar thc Indianrucys
founded 1 @nmuniq on BJi, vh€r.6 rhe Chibae h2ve ben a
song minoriry in tbc islod for many sen.nrions. For difeßnr
r6ons, someoi rhes nisranß from China b.ome exFcmely
3ucstül .nd indueoii,l in (ononic rffain, wnich lcd to @nficß
wnh dr. indigenouspopulaiion.Alreadyin rhe niddl€ oa rhc
ni.ercenth ccnturr. eünic Chins in Indonsi2 wcE elled Tbe
lss of Äe I4f, I ddignation th dercd, anons other rÄings,
to thc lacr rhät in thc hisrory of Indondia they b<.me rcpeacoy
thc vicrins of rio$,
en in rh€ l96os rhousmdsof ethnic
ChineseNee killcd, not in thc ldr on Bäli, vioLnc 4ainr then
ucb.d iß peiou pak,)i
ln 1998,rios ind nds mpesoccudedäsainin J,l<.R md mmy
other ph6 in Indo.esia, *hi.h nmly led .o Sühaitoi;
Hignftion, Thir rjne nry Chinesencd b Singapor.or B{i. I.
Brl. 'heyleh obqoi\ mor.c.L' in o'l-erp)n. oflndon^iJ,
dspite rhe rttnude of thc Baliic& bNrrd5 thcm, who
borh lcl md rdTir thcn ..onomh pow.r
How*ea .owdarr rhe Repüblicof Indoncairis rrying ro cone b
normalElrtionswirh ns Chinsc ninoriq. the ChinÄeNs Yqr
hT becomca public holidir rnd Barongei drnc g@ups,rclated
ro rhe Brroos frnily .nd posibly anotherinvcnrion ftön Chin4
m rllowe'l o perform in public lgain, to ne.ion j6 No or thc
The Barcngtndune figürd mu$ bc sen isaini tbe b(kgomd
ol'hn ftrhe' pmbFmat r.h'.on,n'pbeNen 'lc'ror ry
md rhe indigenouspopülrtioo on Bdi, Th. Balinse us rhc purij
Cina and rhe Rajr Bdi d I nediun to de6ne collctirely rneir
aitnnde towardsthis ninori+ Ar I mediuh, howcv.r,Barong
LanduneGguresre mooll/ neutbl. Tbc nssSe rhar n ßociaied
wnh th. bhk end whitc nrls rnd ü diseninated rhbugh nyrhs,
rg.rd...on$ rnd d'dlogüe,
!.n bc borh'nkgnriveJnd.egresrne.
In rny 6e. i' n \o-icN m ,he M ..nk .peling 'o ib
]nday the Brong kndüng fiels have ntber in inregmrv.
oaBalin* md Chi.oe on Bali
inpad ürh r€ard @ the cmiMc
They enphsia th.t borh sids tool 2dvmbgeof the nppbcbcmc.t
of Hindüisn ind Buddhisn in Bni ("Spi!it of Bdinglmg") rnd rhc
cultunl and @nomic progrs intoduc.d by thc lud Cin, Ya
elemcnß' (to ue a €m ftom Frcdik
tnere rre enough unco<le<l
Bdth) rnd th. iory ould bc told difi!(ndy md virh diFee.t
$cial ihplicdons, clem€nßthrt naw to do vkh adullery,je.loust
If th6e ehncnb rc *Ked, n is alo poßiblero opt
and brrmdlor &grcgrtion rlnoush th. ncdium of Ba@ngtndung. Howca
Lnequ,l,ryot thc rcLriol.hipbe*.en ,he Brl'nae .nd Chin. e L
expesed md shiped by Barc.g l{dung in one way or tbe othei
Only curftnt dbnosndrn r.grch on rhn rymbol srsten wiu be
it) sh:ch op'ioa B,rol8 Lnduns 6gtß $ill .l"oos in
Tanslo€ or Tr4*uLtural?
Tne mltlx and lcg.nds con..cted wnn B2rons Lindung fi$rcr
conveyhoN glob,l procssa är. perccivcdt thc lGd lerd in SdiTne se.eräl hodus oa these$ods darly *pßscs the ide thar
do nor ($'ict th.n relgion rnd cuhut. to
the Hindü-BJinesc
tben irhd, Iniad üey hrv. a hth{ Gndocal or tzßdr-dr
und.ßftnding ofwn.t ir m€fi ro be Balinese.
rem baßtultutdliq ls ^no.hd nslogisn tn hs .nclged
in rhe couße of rhe spaiial tuh lnd thc sp{e-orienred prmdign.
Amons rhe nff o uc this te.m for tne diagnosirof thc !o{2lled
po$modern wnd wa the Gcrman pnibbphcr Vollgrng \
(lq8 , Itoor How1.r xhr he in"odued $ / Fry.o1t'prion
ir sinply connon sns for nuy Hindu-B.libesc.At lcd lrcm
a Hindü-B,linese p.ßpcctivc thcrc is norhing ns rs aar d rhc
ondption ol $Ncultuülity is ondded. Tli6, ai lcst, is whrt tbis
l;n?llrrim 'o dcrorr'ru,_b) rhn
wnh someHindu-Bälib6e
not only rje.6 thc ftditional @.cpt of
In bis wridngi
culture a uni6catory,lolk-boü.d, rnd *pmtory, he ilso rej($ ü.
6nc.pti.ns nf ktmltunli!
^nJ a"ltitulturaliry lot rehteÄEßoni
lniercultur.liq is criricird aör still proceding "aom a co.qvpuun
of cultur6 5 ishndr or sphcEd', while mlticultuElig, rccoidi.€
to \i/el(h, is 2lsobded on the irlrd,prnis',
the only di,f.rcne
being thar tn6e cuftuE now cxis! wnhin onc rnd th€ sne sarc
onnmiry (wcl$n 1999,p.3)Thdc coneFtioß, which hid al@dy bcen .üicized by Aügd
(l9tt) for ftaerrirg @ cuk!ß 6 isolaftd islfds, have,.aonling
to rvcl$h, no capäciiyto grup th. form ol ontenFoEy cültuß:
'''Iodryt cultws
de deply enhngl.d wnh rd ontinu.lly p.neftr
199r, p. l). In orhcrwords:"Tley hav. ißteld
ßuned r n w forn, wnich ir ro b. call.d tu rdrtual insof.r rhat
i. ?ßß th/0,9h clßsi..l .ulttni bound,ris" (ibid., p. 3).
The ider tb{ cutu6 'p.ndßG on. rnornef n spsscd by
the Hindu-Balin6e od a rymbolk ls€l wnh rhc müiae. beNen
tne Puiri Cim rd rllc Fija Beli, b.for. iheir {€ddi.g @uld €kc
pl.e, husbandandor bride nrd to nignte rd oveiconeimgined
and Hl boündrri€seected rhroughdifeßor cultuEl reditioN and
Acording to v.ßcn, the conceptions
oa interculturality
nülticultunliq, ignoE th. Gct rhd "mc. oaus ß cultuhl hybids"
/wctdr rqr. p. t), wt-i.\ did nor in6t.. LneunrtormizJ,iol
honogeniado. ol cu1tu6, bur tuhe. led to ncs lorns of cultunl
diveßi+ Tll; ida is .lso clea y sprcsed in rhe mruriE oarhe
Hindu B.lin*r rhe inerßariase of mcnb€ß of @ difceft cultuG
did not proaua a uniforn or honogenoGdltu€, but üigi.ded a
ns one, i.e. the Balindc olture. Agrißr this b(l{grcund, the Flfconeption ofrhe B,line* n6 6 be callcdbybrid i. so frr ß they
pe(eive rhemielvesd a crdsver of diFereDrculuol üadnion'
whär n d.{u'b'ng n \(. s h. Jßunen^ n üe'ng'inc
schene Gording to him. crlturA ftn d to be@mcenenglcdwitn
one sothd only in iecnt rin s. Tiis, howv.r, ir contndicred by
Hindu-Biinese thinkjng d expred though the nediun of Biione
Lrndung ir th6e gimt püppeß"clüly indicre,Indiq Cbim, md
Bdl' .u"ed 'o 1ir rlEadv\ine rhc b€nning o hi..oiel rim6.
Thcrc is no pr@eding fton islat d cultuB to inre@ltur.liry md
Gnally ro imßcultuElirr. &coiding to thc lndcGhding of thc
Hindu-Balinqc, cuhurd *E älMys incrcnnad
ü@ugh a fw
öapspL, id6, md d€fac6. LilG the bl&k ad whtu 6gü6, whic!
alwayrperform d a oüplc, cultuK nftr ßnein donc,
This, ho*d.a is nor ro que$ion üc fra rht in rh. com. ol
time migratory proc6*s b.came widd, onnüniclrion sy$ens
f6ter, rd ünonic irrerdepe.dencis $ongci Yd hybridhnon
do6 nor only cha€.crir .uliur6 in modcrnrines cultur.l
oobft hav. alMys h"{n the nün, comphaly isLrd dntu6
W.lsch does not d€ny rhe historic.l dincnsionsof th.s.
pbtrsÄ. ndsd. by (fering to . pd*e. Eom rheC.rrU wri'.r
Crl'. he .\.n g,'1 Jn d,mpi of ta.rual hßro'r
(\r'dsh 1999,p. t),,houd h. ßtncß nis exnpL
to rhe Euspem .ontdt. In doing$ he nüI6 Euope an !ü,1iMlf
yisl vis innucnes fom ot[cr non-Europen sür6. ln this ondr
Indon6ir agrin is d inpKivc dmple Nhcn rhc firo! Eurcpd
snips rriv€d in the Indo.siin arclüpelagoin t!. aly siftenrh
Gntury, Anbirn, I.dim, a.d Chin6. *.r almdy rhere.
Cültudi r€larionsbipsbetwn ths countnd had *isEd alEdy
for cedtuid md [ad then d6 io thc lmeuagG spok.n in
rhi6 r.gion: noE thr frAr Fr ant of thc old JNan6. hneürge,
Kawi,co,s;s oa*orrß fron lndim, Anbir,
d Chincrclourcd
(Radiehi 1196,p. 293e).
Bepnd rh6c .rniel rena*i, \vcl.h rriK ar somep@aolod
insi8b6. Fo. him, 'the rcoenition of i of inrm.l foeignoes
form +e pFnquirik for rhe rc+trnc. of rh. aFrnJ loFign(\i/elsch1996,p.6)- Be.g l-..dungfiglK rcpßeni this"int rn2l
6reignns", reminding rhe Hi.du,Balindc rhr rh. Chin6. hzve
b.en homeon Lne'r'.l"'e rhebe8inningofhi{o,ialrim6.
n ir .ot jus r natter of chma r62 he Balin* hN. rhi6
Pudi Cim dd rhoq d 16r bda, a degR of rolen.c. 6mrds tbc
erhni.Chin6. whichß qu'reunrurl in o'h.- prL of lrdon$i,
Büo.g Lddung 6gue aß a s),nbolic*pmion of mmglcnent,
i.r.rnixing 2.d conmonns,,and ultin*ely theyindiaft thd rhe
3J T$ pcr.eive'lem.ehe a 'he d t ofcßhrngerd in..n,.Tn.
Tne concepr of danscuftunlig prcmord by velsh is pefe.tly
nnrcred in sone Hindu B,lin€s con.eptionstha! arc qhboliall/
expresed tkoush the Rir Brli rnd his ?utri CiE \fith lnse
ngurcn tne Balinse ftnind ihemselvs on rne symbolicl.ver rh.t
lörcigninltu nc iG connitutiveoarh.; om cultuc. They ü.d.rcut
rhc pohdty bcNen slf abd orh.r by r.ferins to rhc oiher s p2rt
Tbis papcr n* rttenptcd ro rpply sone of the conc€pßoa thc
spatialnrn to Hindu'B?lin.5cthinking in ordcr to brinS out
ccndn p,fticulaiiicsol thir mrld view ind ethos.Ac@rdingto
thc Hindu-Brlinese,
thcn anesoß canc fbh Jali, theL relision
from Indi2,and someoatfieircutuftl ftns fbn China.Theysft
th€ origi. of thcn*lvesar well d rhc roos of thcir relisionrnd
culture ß rynr8 oußid€ then i,hrd m,l therelorchivc I hybrid
perc€prioooa rhemselves.
Trld.g ihe different locationr and
localiticsinto accounr,üey pe(eiv€th€mselvqin nrher globi
The BarcngLndung ngüß rdiculrte rhcs dimensiooson rhe
leveß of hyrh, legend.son6 and dialogüe.Tb.r hrve b€eDused
h thir pap.r 'o rcvcßerhe peßpective
ind to bring our sone of
of tl).
sp.a'orientcd paridign. Tbr ws
posibl. sinc rhe m.cepdo.sof !..slocaliryand mnscultunliry
ire expres.don the symboliclevelthrougböis intererhnic
who on.e nigmted ro B,li to .sbblnh ns aorns oa eligion atrll
cultur€on the nhnd. Ai rhesine tine, pbass oaBlobdüaNGr
and cxchansercr6s El or inagined bordcß wer. medeintelligible
on theloallacl, Finallr,i bcanc.Lar thatsprcen ogdad rnd
phcc is loundedin Baliin a {iy rbättünscndstb. boundriesof
This docsnor ntr tbar it n imposibl. ro locdia Baline$
clltu€. In Hindü-B,lin6e obcepiions, Bdi n whcrc th. B'linc
cEn.te, ommdomG, rd rcship thcn (dci[.d) rGtos, This
ihplie thft dyone @ting 6 conrcft b df Hi.du,Bdlin6c dhon
hs to tn.saer rhe ghG of his a66ß
o tbis islmd. To *o6hip
rhc dc6toß ii rt the 6e of thc HindGBdinq EliBion (B.lo 1949,
p.7; Zoetelspie1918,p. 30.
h n idded agrirot the bd€rcund of ded
sNhip th{ the
Brmng l{düng figu6 nur b. sen (co@wik 2006). TIE blacl
..d whnc nask rpr.snr rne cdlidt ancson of thc Balin6.
(Kawid) md rmind rh.m d th. lme rimc tbar inoüenas fBm
.b@d wereob$itutive oa üe origins noi only oarlEnslvs d a
p.opL, büt .ls of deir rcligion üd cultuß hdian and Chinse
infucnG in prrricular r viN.lked in th.k ngnG, .nd rhc lid
thai ther one mnid €.h othcr in B:li nde ihen pait of dreir
ow. genc{og/ .bd cuLue Beng L.ndung 6gurd r I rnind4
that thse infene dcs bord.ß md boun&ds havcalwayrbftn
thcre, Thcy irc ä ognniv. rool sirh which ille Hindu-B.linac
collccdv.l)' d€nn€ rheir rcl.tionshipsmong rhenslß, 6 wll d
2g:in$ rne Chin6c ninoit' in thcir hlind.
How.r, rhd insidB 4 nor 6pdfrc to öc Hindü,Bälin6e.To
inr.gnte lorci8n elcnebß inio on.i; own gencilog i! chMc.istic
ol m.ny sndl-sle societis who try ro ssi2re rhems.lvcswiih
cultuß they pcreivc io bc high culNres md wirh vhon rhc),
theEtur. s€k äIn[ation. Thc dNifiqtioß intuduced by !{6€m
rhinkjng, on thc contmry haE th. sidceifd th.t thcy .mph6ia
Ed or in.gined boünddes. Thcrc n, htuven r c.ucial diflcrcnc.
betren wßren ..d Hindu-Balinse onceptionl wh.6 in Bali
thcs concptions G l.gitimiad by religion, in t[e ver rh.y ire
a {ntuAc n.solk o! "Th. R.rjsiou
&d br tnc clmu R6!{h courcil
rid rh. 'opic of 'he 4rh me'iis. rhich ek pLe * rhc 6.simins oa May
.38 or 4d tut&'or tr Enmridn.l
*. 'lelind by Foüatl' ! r, plß "whiqh r sn.inhs
r,Gd u@P,- n wh,.h rtL Ä. o,hq
Gr niq of 3 Biyfl oltue "& linuid@ury rp!€r4
@nod, znd
(roudul' 1e31, p. 3). Hfrobpi*,
rdldins b Fouqult, e
"oJu& o.,r pL6, trn üusr I n,r br po. hh 6 ndek,h.rl@non
i! uriqr (ibid). ^! .I4d6
oa ü4 pr26, Fouqi ncDriolld b{n&
rnd pn oD P3rhift. hap.Ll. .nJ 6! [ono. 6.o.rd 4d qrGr-,
Dulum ud ribdie. ar dc pri.€ hrE in 6nmon th* lh. givd mtu
r tuly P,ldodnr. ,hc. IhatoE
rh./ pbridc d. pdsibility rot o / b qidcnly &e.d upon lh6 oqru, br
Ja re or Ärn no queaon !r.,h.
h.r.b,opir'an b( io.qd
@. ndo rorur Fo@Ji 3,q 4 tu b&! Ä 1066.ü.,En.I pb'tmprt.
o-(P, ot'.rhr€p6'hn
b.dh. lnl|n@n brdnsrc&padr.i
rslo,P dfl'.l ind 4ptu 'hc ida
,rrn kreuP|,r rc rons.,Ldi ,.ri@
uißlf.onrioun or cuhünlly hdnoclios" (Äppldüri r99r, p. r90.
Frhndqp4 2E pbroudrr handE, bu! lh. gDup id.n,ni6 b vli.[ ihq
eft $ndin6 qkt ody in n\. irusiDiion (ibid., pp r92, 202).
-'.n o, oJph o' parcple qh.chitr !.ll lnNn o Jnon rlL rdh.rn^
or ,n. Hhd!.Bortlq r.r,siol nr. . P| n ,plc 4 b. qr.d ,hr /"
diir.rcr wys br difl.rcn! sirl g,oup6(m.n md ftmen, old .nd 'run&
!i.h {d p@n ii hlcn ro! srur.d.
in &drn, c.miny,
ddod r rlc iiardr.iplirry
4d <onr4. a!.on,
rn 9( mo{ Bn n6. p..diE ,h.mßls ,\ Gopl(. rl< t, kdr rn, 6hs
Bcli!)4 r, (oldiry 6 d.n, 'o b. boh ii ani, 'o rp.* rhc Bniiq
B:rine Etisio!. Th. ercP. ot \h.
Bdinc. popl.' 6.tu.
r ndrs bomdry D{k r rgrid Jmßc arld
3ouF, . *rr r rsr6 Mulim rid chdnin d.ioniiltioa
i,6n of Jl i ü. h4G .nd nindr
of th. k ds
in lr a .of&ndi.' tuda ü ir3',n
,h.,.,n!&ft,io,. b!, !,sfi m ü.aF nr,rut diFrE @
rnd 'o ad6l.h a.i,t,n,
ihr 8.t.n*
- r. , , !) - n rnr Brtinq 6ryo
i4. Tor n
ornon vi,\ J"Dn* hm$ dr4 q,rr Bqr,1@rrcInt'
ß. i ,h'ion
of uL PoP.
r E h4tri
'o d.mon'E
pba,cd 6y ü- BJn6-..s- no r
.n6 änty ren,ty ton $uq
e quir ditr Er h rg..d 'o 8.da{ ?s., cr5, Etision, ud dtur.
f ti|]nE rbout ,hr dlp.adis on
o I (Blcr t9s9, p. rll). Th. bdid
o 'ta, rc,d q.", $h.h.od"ii, l<
idq of blins
,!,in $d iib orci on 6nill Th4 4 &bis
.]n"or sons '[< moS.Fof oP
,nc diyio. (Honb<h( 2003, P. 70.
7. The follovins sErni!ß on Blols rrduns 6suG.r 6*cd on inrüiE
n ü&4 oidmJ
oi Bni 6.ko
r9r7 ,nd 2003, Eünosnphic rindirsr
curins riom di 6erch h*. büi pu6lkh<dFflioüty in cqr@i! 2005,
{ ro. o. rr no&äon( {.[ hü bF oß Gd ü R ngd, mo 8... is x. .
a @nol?hic Drcry cheH
ofr.i deihqd { r nixM of 2 t6n nJ .
dn8o rh. dsic on $i! @picn Bdo ( 1919).By omruc Be@ryt{duis
rtuc ii6 6dft
ift obj.d of shni
{hiosnphi. eEEh, tnoush
n!ndo!.d in a-etrubi! 1937,zcrrspi6 rr33, [cro 1960,Bn&m/alBGr
h]e Bmdsr4dms nsuc.
Bo,h4 hrcPonomhi.,nd
cqiti4 @ ou,jilüd {üh4' Bri'6' ü cI@ @n 4 \p4 r0rr,'c
Mad lrlt). Th.eroE n is din]c . s n.k sd.6l j{d.D6 zhou ftc
P ndu.&rns. md,h.i, u- oI n-L
| {dvi,i6 of Bmns r:duns frsu6,
F corc{ik 2005,p} r39 2to.
T +tr.on@' h. tor
sd 'h. klic 6dr ö bcinsos,scd
A i dü i
x{J rr@u.< npü.
6rnl feru( of 'hn ui.qurt .ouptq
bo,, ,hl ,irut qoEft on q\r
nd lhl), o PBi'ie J.niL5 rbout üc
e. r.fi6 vh,.l h.,.,o b. ofqcn rc Eqir prei@onrrer +rn Büvh,n
!13r. bqrid 'hq plin 4., .hr ,\. krrr
!\q fuu6 rplqr
nrd.d 6 h* 6ti.k @nFior.
Th. dg! dphrir.h{
ir siEn ro nrurkGtrdtro,o my.[Jrnd tesa&)13
Adodings de hrlhi.n rßio
odod (cdE r973b,P r7n.
h. BrDnsbiduns lisus ttlr&ft,[e
4 ie! oc6@6 of rhl BriE. (Kd@)i In* ue!@Ä, u lodo.chir*
@uplc, wrc drc thc 66t i abnuß oa Bdi. Th.E & dh( vg5iotr,
honqr, whi.[ F€ orhr dphi.,iotu for rlt di*na
of 6]r[ üd lhne
rk @ncpt of.Lnturar rybidiry so6 he.k b Hooi Bhabha(rro) 4d üc
rm oIoErcn.nE biq oo@.i.ios
thq fretr..qF
.od bouidde beBci oi.! wtr cul
@nqpt oa hrbridity, hwsr
rlF impliq th{ rhl fdrri{
icl {q!
3hifi.d or da $,l b!ren cur,uG wa .! rer Fnr) hBGftd h,o
hrrh! .id l.s.i&
{ so dons wid Brreig r.nduis risu8,
nJ. }!Ul3 nr rhi MaFd.@n qcGd rI. Eli€ion or hn FEnß lnd
inqd<d th. whol. i5lud in wr6e. I
wr b nop .id dc.6y hin. Thir .piin. in ,h. m/rhotoaroa
Brri 6c : dr* lth. on Ih. rclnbn,hip b<M.! sliJr)z hlgu od Dqi
!o, onlr iü 5qun rnri bü rlc
T[e Ä., ,tx, K:ry C]nswi mr,les tF p.osur6thürsh b.|or m..,hs.
I oe 16ioD {nh pftudi!€
rhe orhs one {irh i rw Df ptlin c,h. Th. nrh
of tuth 6liic rkt.l poiis ou' rlu pdndins
.nd tegddr rctd ib.ur
d6i6 (szd Fipu) b r $cidly @p'rblc dislG.
ü r p . , f o . mM - o 6 f i .N r . p .
od Nebs, bu ,hi ,ioPt Plog ,o
hlK no, onlr rorgd@ rbour lhc nkiqi.?l ba.kreund or n\ci! idlll. bu,
dF 4om rh. Gl hes.
of Bidig L.ndui&
Thk dc no'.1!n 6 b. o.'hiosnp[y ofdhric Chile h B.]i.
b Beng bnduns 6guß b.i6ia
rh.ii pni.ü|* inrdß.
Thi vnh.t s)!rcß liL Brois Lndury.ould r4 $ boü . r,r'r,/
a ,or1r,
i! n d. @( of 'nhor
uriierry 36 h{.k b ctifold cür/jl iinüntid 6ey "R.tision { 1clkuhl
synd" (c(r
1973.). TIc @cht piir, honq.i k (hn ceft v4 q
.nic cnercr df ntut dioi, nq or
d& Fritia of inraEEion (h{ Gut,.d t@n n.
70 B.ond .r. Iw Fn,onr {tith 4
ftid oie üic]l @,nd be o .d th. ,4ßi41rßidn, nne n E6ß b ü.
295n) Aqodins o üii K6ion, rh. b]t[ Irk no, b u rdnn
Fne or . Bitins! kjry, but b r door oI.J turu c!d. M(nins. Thn
&mon riG on rhr ßidbouins iihdd orNq p.iidä, but fron om! @
ft n @ms @ BJi h 6!ins (hotQ .id ühq d.dty d!ß6 b ü6c who
ür rc $wo him etr.Lft !6par ud ;'ud dcftion. aaodidg b thk
e t r r c n .h . b L . r n r t ! € o . q d .
u {,
r.r.ioof u. ipponrq d
dn dron 4d s6 utd .o.h, h.m rE) rlon Bot,on r.
,tü Tx.
o@btu @!D<d wnh, for qupL
rh. Tdng qdnq (MdsD, rhc black
mora dir d.mor rnd ,o P_*^
hj5 w6ion ptdid6 no qpL&uq, or
,h. 6d dut dr bl{k m*k; atwyr &6hpbicd by i !hn. n5k vhi(I
rf.ö rc r chiK.l2dr
h 'hk 6nid, üis ui.qun @uph n p6h.bty b6r
$ Ep64iile a chot.h d!
m o& tfi. dils€ rh. dqo! +Qdi, !hi(h. oa coue, k r lcGßN a
üdnioid chioq n.dniio Iisily 6r.n.d ior oil, h [ii
2r. Thc tu, 'h{ cIiF k Frciltd * 4 d&:nd rhw6( hißrd.ütturc
,h!n Br, i op6.d io 4. tq d Bftns L4drs uDüd ,l r
h4' 13ß oI N..s
+n &16. r, ! r
n 3n, h{ hle, !r P{dutoß. hfl +
h PunE3i ö hn h.iry blek bd/ riq
vnib bckliour .lqiy iididr. Hwfti
n is b noa ü* hoc ei
6m6 ilb pt.)t rh. pudi cim s higtrty +pKi,.d
ror k!
aF ud wildon, te 5inq n k fo.6iaJo b n{!y.n otdd {d G(@niis
(s,hrcpotosEß ex ün h}?o€ü,,r,,
ro rhc 6r $cm) hishd rcr4
Diri4e brtlKD d. BJhc üng od hk chd& üfi ep6.ß.
22. Funhd rrtiou
tntrsforrotion, r *[
s id
i BrLie dsqib.d
or chinq ({hi.[ w5 obyioul, rh. sn. tu nanf of rh. Fpmor)
rdrr.d, nor nD D@ns L.ndurs @utd p6!rd. a4 p@rcion. sina jnqr
D.J nosiphk EsrJ h4 bdn do,. on +nr !ßJ f
Bu., n, t do,tr
n?s4. ,h6 P@'d4 !, ft 8intr shk
doleE in &li, F Rohids! 1995.
l99l) h.r 'ti ten iLh ,o mmfom oions kndüng p.lfomdc
Kd, üc 6bulos b6t, {hkh
th. obiid of bu*t üow iD, ror
q,nptr,t<..IlFofB,,b,t,n ln \h"'! 6ii,a, b rhi otrrod,-ion
Äsu6 4nrn I Yiid qPEsior ot
popur{ Eriqiü bdr6 q Dzri b thc p!6( dry
Thc ida ihit ouGid. iillq.dd i& .odri,üiE of rhl lddl dhu& ir qur
@nnon h, ror dmph, .aan rodoei: s ftrl (Fox 200n.
AnJ.\oa, R.rAi.r tnsiatd arrnlani.:
ü th. ottb rDd sttrl
,//v r,errr. Fnirfun:c.npun 1e33.
App*l!üi, Ä4qn.
No6 rnd Qusi6 for r Tnnsrionrl
tn tattu*s
Arenpobt; tuo,tirt k tk hü,..likn
M!.. Nq-?ttq': hnaddbn
b a htt
'p'ras ofsq.nnddni,
tuü ci]/,21.@: Müdaosa
ad,a K t'tut'*ht44
R.iib.k Ro{hh, 2006.
BiLlli Fßk L.
Hiidukn tid rh.IiJoi6iri skr; Rd. Delop
n nr'. Budsa b, /. 1r,1, LcDl a UolL4LqLr'r lt97' rr.1t.
Bondim,I Mad./F&dqikEusc&dcBo{. ßctüE Dcr. k rd\nial
r.b/ ofo,+ oxfo,n univsriiy Prc$,r9rt.
Eäo,h,.. 8tt,: ,4sr'4 Md ßqrury.NN Yqk ^u€urio, rt4e.
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