Private Use Permit Between The Forestry Development Authority
Private Use Permit Between The Forestry Development Authority
i.'i11 ate 1. j re Per T1.'i:!i: C'ontrar:t bet*'cen I he Fo listr-v Dev+lopn:en A.rithoriq, ${- TJtt Pt,clti,:) r-,j' Teet:tr,:' tr:a"f i0 il, i|-t '"ri .'?, :.- {,. erl '1,;,.: t l()- r( rii ) ::. ',L|t.,,,, l), Ilalr:t a j i.' j,ihL ittd\. 23. 2tt : r I I RtrTIJRJ-IC OF I,II]ERIA] M'JNTSERRADO COr.Ni\l I fRncll l\t fiR\ t rO\ l\r't Utt$tt\ tHt tORt:lR\ Dt\rtop\I \t \t tHoRt,t\ tH' trrrpt.t ot t!;R ( HITtDO\1. Dt\tklr I \LJ\,lBt k A\r, i,\r, FOR tL4ll!t.{||}rj Ot Hr.I\tu. oF tnRl\fl^\n Lor A,rD t\ oisrrir, I r11H1 q ts,_-a O11, I I (]R{ND BASSA CoIJN'IY, RI]PUBLIC OF LIBI,RIA rHr\.oNrl{qr r ia" ,a.r , )<-i ",, 4,", r ... 0, ,,. r-. | r . ..-,-i .*1, ,, . ,t'/.\.' ^.rcir .-d I r' . , ,, ,,,r.i" j,...^,.. " , l ' " ^1 D\ln :'11. ':", I -''''o'.-.. n,' 1c, ,, ,-.. . . ,! , I I I -11" : '""' I I I I I I r ,, wtrNtssr..t.H: I t I I t,emn, , r' 'oa | \! L, ,1 ,- r{do .t(n.Lt io 1. rh. pdr\ $HERllAS. rhc .\urho.iry is s[tr(orily.c5ponsjhte use ofxll dtc&nes of trm\r,nr\ WH!RE.\S. rhd .-^.".-R\otrh ., :l r 'r, t r lhe slsraimbt. and Cr7ens otTeemor Cbietd.m. t)iencl Nunbd Onc abovc descibcd. ., r..1r ro .-..r . wfIDRaAS, br !nlu! !f scdion j rj {t) til .I ,, '.1g",, dre Natonat r -r',.r, Jret m rrn. ..;,.,.",";;. ')-"' .J.: sisnlluLe !l hcsidenl Duiel t: oquJ or N.v.mber :9, .r.O rlr,r _ piiir li '.li " r'. ir. rnr.eo ."1 o ' !E i nJrl ofrhA.,, rr , r wHfRt s, d.. ,,t. 6r '., . -., r t,,,.. ,,r,, o,,D.e I C tG^ip*;i tbiough a L€Ller Mder rlc si$arur€ oi A.ring Assislanr Mini$d. Ma\*,ell c AthclEd also is thd said kdficjrnr tcrdr ortuicd lxhjbjr .8.,1olb_ _ WllERitAS, cirizcnr inctldrngclders andjannhsoliie abole nmcd o.". 8- ',_." t"- r!" -" ' ."rr!...r1 r :i-:*-'' ' ,)rr ,I "t' 0.r, s .o " Dum,1, ...n s..-, ot, ! !n <e d e1 .o do t.!,.. L. n l'le,,Trd,4 r"cl ier..rts u. rr'nrpr'.,oc ' ':' .Jdr \o . /<!l :lt: ,t:. i_l_ r.J r-* I ro$qc6 Ili!,sri{t rlrkme.r ir ti{tr otJ.orejar tjk)bat lud. nrrn re, tiJtr rli, rnuL rl ^- t kl \\ "1 , -'" hcrel. arached I I I I I I t I t I I I I t ..,o.r,,t sd mr.ti.d E{hihn..D 6mi;!ntnr.r in(cg.r rtr xccumu[rrv. io. t. , \\Irl Rr \\. oJ pan otrhis.odnql r!rlcodrneraiali/jn! h!n1arjht. Re sprcrcs.n rhr srid ]6.1r).tr.r.!rlt.779 hdchn!.r 1nl . ., 1. i I .l a l,rivde ljr P.nnn ibdr *ilt qrnlaD! or c.qr.m.n nr una .ur . o ., . ..q., tccmrrr , t,, , nro, rto$ n .ntcr ;n. conractul iid ro.lmc..rrl a.fv ri.s ril r!,r.c,renr eirlj dl NOlt. ItIFtIllif()lIt. Jitr rn.[in.LL rt]. r[ntrr x. ,\!rho.1! lh. lirnn U.v.h0nonr rlldlrirv nrc Jrrildrui..d N.rcmb.i L l,ria 't 1n.!rl ord,nr| fltu ll,n,Lrr ' Ir i' 1ir. ptm ]har surJ.. the Mn0xt .t .Deri.rn! or rtr lr! d lod. fl fln{ ttan.sln! t, r ler .t rlndtudi . riordl .llt yrDd tnre\r !s! nr.ttEd s.,.ntiir 1. henctir\ r'.r pr.lenr aJ n,iutu !..crd iLx,r f.'r$rr: rh.:cien.. a.ra.dtrrcri.col.r)nsenari.n.l l 'n.i rn. l .r tn p .o torcjresourc.s ., h n ' (o trr{s..t.rmb.r lan,l Tlr\ inct cs{ md.r!$rcnr Srlc L..ntrr.s, r.r.{ Usr Pcnnit&d piutc l:s. t,cnntr h, I I I I I I I I I I I I lt@ d fauna .apabte oi forc$ r.slurces. or land ser Lsrdd tu rhe rrpose ot iore$ry rfudncn4 hui nol i..luding ijnd ri pemraren! scdlcmenls and ldd thar has bc in lolrercnn uso lbr non shiftnrs cuLtivation oi.Drs or nisins liv.$ock. h |!.enland a tiact oi ltu'd. inciuding ns i j l:orcsl troducl any lrat$ialo. iton derired Forest Managemeri Orntracr: 50.000 -400 000 hs.rdcs k.1loldc.: I Land a lcr$n sho Oqr.r: d.Operior: r a liod loresr,c!'urG:. t.rcsril contra.r rhich cove6 atand arcd oJ holds a raLid foresl res.urces liceNc pe6o qho orus ldd hv legairirlc p.6on h.^estirg o. mxkin8 comdcrcial use ol lor.s Lrcn rcanft.s hcdns.. inchdine rre.$nr working,s EsotrFes rndera an cntl.ycr. ..otacl.r or orher reent t:or a n tre lcllins Opcmti.n\: legil rcqun r'\ t\eJ IIn.rn- lnndcr m.nrs ollhe H.tdc. belore felline ot 1,,^ot,o ." , .p.(pn5,',.. n'idal mnul .IeEibns pl:n and prcFarxr.n ot envirornedal imFlcr o Prilalc Use P.dit d lircsr.sou.c license issued h] the covemmenl la use .l lne a.ftst .esomes or pnur lr.d allos conncciaL p PubLic trse I)ennit: a foresl resoLrc. lL.e.\e iisued 1o rcsource finn rn arei ess rMn l0{r0 h.. rr cxra.t loresr q Relbre$.rion: dr. . ablkhftrm ol a kee planulion i. a preliouslr nft{.d arca th,t ha been aitecred b_v.urnrq. lnc. ar sonc other ao(.f .. so.i.le (lenerale de SuFeiLlnce ( thc innnndor.onpMy .esponsible to ndage lhe Chanr olcunodr Syslem. s I ft.ta.l a ihon trm lbresr rc$ur.s licenre nsued by Ihc Govcmen' li).!penodoidrce (,11rca* rh{allo*s i person b hd€! rimber 6on a spccincn ftd ol lor.$ la.d timber Sale [- LN I I I t I \kr€r rnd u,,und.n e(hnrrlDc.,,thnn conDrn. nsardtoi mdkcdorrL.;urltce.trh.c.rrhi6,tj,0116.. \ I b' 11. , \ 'ctu' , .t. a,r -- ...t ,o, r. r,,. ..- ro t .. ,, -. .,.. j \ rO \r r. alincNlsS81'D1n.7.?21 ,n.(d.s ir i poi.n: lh.nle alnr. runs S 2l; Iif.r lJtr n,.{.rs t I p.!r rhcnre x tir runs S,lt. E ft I t,t j8 m.i.h ro a ttjcrl| r tn. ni a lroift; r|coce I lin. ruos S :l, ti lijr t.al5 () r rh.n.e r I i!: rD! s . , Doinr: r.,,. , "t,. th.nce I lnrc rlns N tt. E f.r 49r Derers ro a rnenc. a ]joe run: s 8: w d 822 |oi,[ I I I I I I neldrs l. r fonrr rt$cd a lhc n h ! 0otril. th.rrc ! \''. i. r 6t, $ t8, ,,1 or l5S7 ljrre.r b x n.jnl: j.nce3 tri. 1,tr 5 tlS rn.r.rj rj j rnid: rherc. n I jnr nji\ N trn 'o.r..r telrlt1trnl ,D , rrJ d.!dJ Flso t :l tan,lt ..tpt a, tat t n! c^ | 16 tn4 1 .e ) l I I I t T I ES Nlap of ieenor lior€srtrnd I L;I tinc tunr S a I Irrmnr Fore.i Lrnd & M3l lhc d.a lirs r.itin t_rtiruds 6..r_0.-6.:1.1. \odh ol rh€ [qMi tu l,on-enudes 10'13 10':9' tven .l itr. crcrnrich rrcidian and f ii localed in (nrnd Basa I I na fltin LrJ *' .-*. I To hevost merchbrible trce sFeoics fton 18,779 h.ctdes oa rdcr ot otheeise callcd fic Teemorlors I !.d lo,,ri.i".r' r roro, dr o..:rJ,,,.pc,. 'Ib crearc allcmarile nscs.arhe r:ct oaldd atier lranestnrs I re1 -- o. J sunouding ro*ns and villaaes t. ld.l i. oJ acd\ , ,1. .on , (i d,u ContncrDurutioh |hc conra.r shall bc lnr clsven (l o ll lea6 Chsiaofcusrddy Sysren In keeping with Sc.rioo tl.5 olthc Nrional Foreslry Rctin t_au ot2006 and sccrir)ns (l :r5) ol FLrA Rcgtrl,tnrn 108-07. rhs cianr .J cunody slstenr rvil otr. on'c r.e d ntt .1 ,' wt .. ,,,.4 L fl, ,..|'-i.|too ebl ,lo ..,.. p.oou., o,., ' 'i',' nrrker shall be manaac! 'rorby socjeLe pr.cessing bd rhfl ro donesic or foreiln 11; \u: I r3eo.P'-' drd-o r..r,e'L ' ,t. r oJ \r.k, vJ,,*me|" 1 t and Re.r,l & stunPrec.Ir\ onsntenr s(h Se.lon i 7(b) .llhe NsijoMt Flre$ry Rcbrm Law of 2006. rhe Conpa) shrlluot bc chrged to pay lanJ tunrattax. H.*ever, nuntaeerhdtbc paid consinenl lvirh secrin 5.t (c) olth. Narionalfotusnv l.lctom r_aw a.d also consisrenr sitn serlion 22(b) olRegdtation 107-0? 8 .)rher F'rc\ d Lrrt,Tdrcr oiher fc.s and cOL TNes leried on dre pojec! shal be c.nsGtent wnh th. ^ll Revenud Lar olLibe.i! md rDA Ren,hrl.n 9 Pte-fetling D,rc Renrc Conirarr is conilled for lctln'g. atl pLc-te ng operalions inctudins rhc Lllo$ing nusl be comptercd: Posti.g US$50.!00.00 penbmance bodd Subnissi.n ofinnial mual opcmli.ns plan :\1 t I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I tl I I lnviromental lhp&t Assessmenl R€cruitnent ud cmtloytrr Ldw olLibdna bt, thc Conpey shal dd lnrenari.nat Libor orsanizario. be consistenl with I rbor 'te.ninrnon This coolact shall b. ierninaled itlhe c.npan, upon norice of brcach ol any tenn ot rhis Coni.ld lajh lo remcdl slid bi.a.h wirhin a penod of (60) srxt! 9 nor.e M,icur€ ln the elc .l oblisarions aorc nkjcue \hich causes cithor pd lnnn deetnre ns htrtr $dqi. rb. shal be susF.d;rt ;s lors as ,l* ioi.e The Altho.itl, sh.ll e.aft dd rhe Conpby mai.kins enlnonnentat qlrtiq, ot the crmns dca and compll $iih all orhcr.ondnion! conshteni with th; Lib;na orlis.slnre 1o inctLd.: War.r course t@r..rion r]rosio. pEvenlion Prvc rion of!.lturion to rik.s, srEans and othd *are^r,r,s bJ, disF.sal ot x b . d Pr cve.rnr ol fie t$as.. Th. oFeralio shju ak. be in codomtr! lrrh inrcmational conveNi(jns to which I-ib.ia G a lafiJ, 'll1el inchrdc: fie Convenii.n on BiodilesiN. rhe lrtcnarn,nat roid lab.r1 ahnng. o|da {he u.ncd Nalions ob Looei' cr ,1tmn...,^, lention ro c.mhat t)cseniLtcarnjn. the con}entnrn rr1.o.ri.,. ".p ll. corcmins L$s r'!r ', u '. rJ. b.'.. .n r'o-p., rur I". ...n.d,go,,.r1 a regulati.n sovcning Cnainofcu{odtlyillp.evail. .- k omtdr I I I I I ThG Asrccmenr ir bindi.s on th. Flnies rhc; succe$.rs werc rhysicallr prcienr ar .xecurnrn oflhis x,nrufrd01. i.{ff.. 's I I ^!, h rAb"L, I l0lltIIu cl'tnlNs oI ff,tMolt I I I G111.. cIIIf,FDOrl i L0NESTAR GLoTfiL rhllr affVEsrurrur I l- :1'lr,'!${.!rd44n8!E !q*,ri;; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I llor lL.scs D WoAbeL. Sr LihL i I fure_rr D.,rLoluenr.\uih,,Ftr \\crn 1o r r nre_ rdva d 'r .. -,.,,, r-, A r,. JLd!rn .rom6.rDisrd4 ar:i,rn, S.0", I r-d4 . ...:;.. ., ",:,:"..i':. :;;::;,",:l;l' . I , I o.ror r'' "..; "', i.,",r. .". "-",-,"p.,o ,o.,.e.J..p o..,i(. ".a"J "."-"! L, dgeFo.ta ton-\,a.. oDJ r,"o"d tnv",Dqr 'l ,."n^ rr\r nJrrle ddruren ntsLUL{J \!ri rl 5 br!klrlp lJ n Dr.!ror ne3resubnrh!i.r; "" ; " tr ,(.ro."d."J"no .,",. " ,, "," '::::1 ",:1,."'"."*:j: ,1,"""- ;.riT j. """;"i",,"1 ":::l : r aa) -t!t'+'4 l_scll t,1w: Ifr/': L- th lr+ F'1, &'lL. I I I I I I I I I I I I I aii_,iifr 2: l..l irom lh. r:!Lh.i th!'Jr. Nla ar!!l r'rl r\..:e l.llDr€: L]!r E rl 7a,2lii l:.1 lt ? loinr; '....ii.trr e1rr.q3:,t o''. .',,,1,.: r) :r . .r,.1,.r r'r.,,:.,,, r.-rr; 5:il .1i1e: (|.xizh,saybb.jr.3e:1.. rnl p$tll TL:' ,J :.:rr:I],:.":r.. ''. lr i:.s-ijPi: rL riij.: ',,1r. r!r.:.:i.: i,:ic1,r,. i-ir.:!tr-, ..:l iri!:'r:jr; r.. ,ir p.rn_in I I I t. q.i!.d' !re5ijFrL jliil:r rie 5aii c,irvrs ',uitr',\T 4L!D l!tr,:,x?.:'f rr..adr! [ .r J, ) Lr.: ri L E iir.' .ri'i !11. riil Dfr'l r!i1![55]Lllti)F l rlatE litELNil ;EI {i]rl asgsEl lla sll\L Nrl: Lrlifr rvri 2!r'rr nAi 19t! rilD t5 Tti RlPitsira ! I I I -h'l; Slallaa: A, (i\.G rY/, ' l\\Itl e rlijllilj ,11 ;.1 .r, ' : .,'^.^'..: ' "". ttt r\ IJE '", ta,. irlLP in! NcrutsL L' \.rlraa/lviltoNll' AR't]Ivlls ' !l CT\,T,I{ UNDEI $.t5Sr'onldi$ 11r1S ?2ND 0 A "' !_!g! 5E{E\I .!!NT CR ITI DEID r? r gti ]liE IIBtrtLA ID ClInl,EI (FOr.,EI], s-ruA LL \ 3,tu {\,.Op,(C\ r",'fEo,rtrd n{,IEFn)rli DrsrRtct;1, cR{\D irssA crurry ''r_rr Dirj sE FRL'\Y REFJELIC OF BtlII .\' -:FIr o!-pu ,t - \ ! ta !Ej, A.D, 1913, J.A. qto,\iltD _ ,if##lH"H;4il** *-*tM ax.ER( rr ro\Elit AND IRCBATE COL']tl trr\r IN vo'L!1E rllr{' rr pdcE 3 .I s CiLAND a1l^ lai f d. REP{ itst_tc i) trITRFR A b MINISTRY OT'I,ANDS MINNS & ENIIR(]Y 1000 I O A(Jri 10.,r02. MoNRlivrA 10. LIaFRl{ rlr:i ,lrRra^ rEr. I:il)226 953. FAX D |: irtatSr I,iBERIAii CARTOGRAPTIIC S' R VI C !] Ilon Moscs D w.gbeh. Sr. Itr{NAGiNC DTRECTOR aoro$r] tevelophcnr Aniio.ft, P. O. Bor t0-3010 p : "1.',:, . 1. . - , "v...," !-1, '- t " wc arc eiln pteascd 1a infom von chccred byouoffiqcs ard ee,e i;, nn I;:i:-**"^ ." u".- o" .i" ,pt .," ..,; " .ubnr,€d PRt\Att l\t rrkrl4t,. -&rea L.unF tr roeennp rheir ihe pkrtr c6.!d n I u, "p-.n p,. , Lr!-i ot dr nI lnd ,nri rtuirtrL! h.l . aer. r.r r.lLetr !v.,, -C". " '. ,'.: ,-r/"i.tLsU :Lkry.""1 I rln" ;itnil[ T I I I I I I I I EE '( )".y,^.t Z,l.,L+ gt$i* '::: t/."." NOTARY CERTIFICATE i,/.-,I . .)!,.i1/,. , . .?!.: -. ,!. I I t", I I I I I I I I I . ] MI\ RY MA.MtE HOWa .i '.*. j . "._. p' I I I I I I I RA )F rr .{r,.P : or rren.r ahildo t I I I i.INVE5I[I5NT !!l!_!!lErts Ntow,rAaRlowN,toLo :greer rDrihe..mBny5iJ rrr:!erheArnt oitonj.jlu T I I I I I I I I 1r L.r . r-'i5rrommuninsn opeGies, :ffcedro dorheloLotr.nss ,!hrD /6!FEsroNEhisheay,c osg og I I I t I t I I *#L{:: f *1*,i}#,"r:;Ti:i".:,:[:.ffi ri: ;:tT,ili; t]:#["":i"".t j:: ful[,lf*li:* ji::h*:ir":ly;r;ff :iii:".:: j:il.,r"i::*:r1,.jrr;:ffi " -i :, : +, "="i: :: ; ;ill ; J:jl; Tl .il:;i,:,.] r''rj 1 ::r'" i; lil".i :";'1'1:' r.'.:" *,,i;ii=,,,, " i I"di:ililThrlifr :.rff :il"jr"".#; ;"".::*::iiil,r I ;i:ril: #.#T; il:;;::fi :,jff :::"J:h:ri,ii I ji;,)il1?i:ll' i:h* iiit,t:::i:iff : t{1i::ii i,,iiili;}il, iiii_" I .',',,1'#ili;iiii'Jii!:iill',i:$:"HliiTJit"::T:;ii;".,iliff::.T:::";iT,# I I *lri:*ti"*,:r#xsr'#iqs,rr.,,"H:;;:,**xr,:nn::Jl" :Hi";r:; jr itr;:;,;"; :1fjj"f "i",Iffi"f ii nlt" t Ii:- ' ; 'Gl " DAVID KPOSWE4165'. €LDER EDwARDTSETTo'ADVlsoA SA'URDAY GIEIIE, ETOE! CHIEF TAWNENCE BEN5ON, ASST. ELDER EMMANUEI C- SAYONKON, TOWN.CHIEF GIAYWHEON I3WN. SECNOIV hF" StORMONOYU5AYNEI, ELDER CH €F sAMbEL B. rARn, sR nDER t"lN I I I I l I I I I l I I I t I I I I I T, ''.fua^''}1]'y.L.,+' EMMAXIJELG. CAR6AR, AI5 ST, ELDER /1[^ I I l l I I I I I I i'' tl sm* ^.-_=.!i;:_ --*fi-- I q!f4!!4!aw{s.dtoN I I I I I I LONE sTAR 6iOsATTRADE & I I JNV'5TMENTIN' -,ett'tt MR I€! DAVIDTR. PR'sIOENr/'F. I I I I fr0-^ o hF^o !'! ?€ E] -!.i :: F: E L ol th A E eE :; t la o ii .6- s rrt F ; l: \ 6q'{ iTF E\i I i"fr tg !!1^es 3 Bassx Colnry in romplia ce wrth alt relevant re.tuncfrenrs ol this secri.n iparicllarLv seciio. s 6cli.ii.jiil a.d d (i,ii,iii,rv,!,!i) respecti!eLy Maes & Raund\ :rhe area lies lo"li uhnr L.ltudcs 6.20 6.:l.j Nonh.fihc 10'29 wen or rhe Green$rch meriiian Co'nnencin3 ar ,4r" a p.i( l.d0o, a Equalo. add l.onlirudes h cE; Basa n is lo.ared nDrkcd on rhe surlitce otthe carrh t60l3.O.t 46, ort.r. !\ to o ,. a retu,. r, I e.?dti-,j, . t,. rt .j n rn","i i o.t ,d ..a., N \i. _odD.nj,ti!. .r b arc nr. rlEnce a Lmcrhs S 1:1. E aoj t,l5t meters to apoint, rtrcncea hne runs S 24'F lor 1,.142 metes ro I l]oio!: rlE cc a line ,rns S JS" E ti,r l.rl3 nete,s to a point: lltr(c a lioe runs S 2t. F tbr t,"415 dete6 ro a p.iit. rh.nce a line rrns S l7'F lo.49l ddtes t. a toint, rhen.c a |.e.urs S 76. E fo,,1,146 ncrerr r. a Nrnr mde6 thence a lide runs N 52. E lora97 mere6 ro a poinr; rrrcrce a lineruns S 8i w lirr322 meleA t.a poLnrtrheocea li...unr S 28. W f.r 1,537 mereAroapoift, rhencc a line runs S I l'$ lor 2.t51 mctcs ro a toint. drence d hne nrns N.15. W to. 1.641 mere6 to a poinr, rhen.e a linotuns S 60. w lor 5,973 merccto apoint, rhencea tnjc r"nsN 7i" \} lo.8.1.11 mele6 ro the tonr ot COM\IjNCEMENT. enbracinq t8.779 he.iarci ol Land and NO ItOttL I I I I I I rw t;ntli,!\ t_! loritr!atr !rcrsive trru, hv rhr r:rm\. *t obsewed an,l aurh.nriur.d ihar Deedel land ptunen_r r.Jy lies qnri ajrlnd Br\ix tlrlorr\ in l)istriri + 1 ana ONi,n\!rore D,fic1 TM atrd b.DDss h x arodl.ltc.tL. aid n.r dfrli.uh rrb..r rrlii Lhc a.x doc!,1.\eri4 * rl, aJ\.lrl,o l.,rn \irnagdor:nr C0nfiads lt.r..r.J lJLd3cJ rhe a d I),op!\cd Porcded Arcas Th. rrea in qr.!r.i bo.d.r laeelr'lmbcr (luditrn!. Ate$i C.oup ol (i,nrpanr.s ann Sa, i!lLll., Dccded ladd Tl,i rnll Laid inass nip!larc.l ,n (h. dccd 6 I 2 000 a.Jss l..hnicaLl!. b.causr ol rhd lrod dssigidoon rr(l \u(rh li$ .l *ir d.r..duc..d ti i.c.mdNdar. orh., la d us.! i)t%.1 rlrs [.d a.e] lilL\ ]rh,i (ll)m|ouod + I r:h, .,he brliicc ii; hLLs Lrillru Ltr ge po,lLi fl arl rhc ac.. paituila.y rh. rv6rr. ai.l .ii.Jn f lors a5 de!.nbcd ir thc dc.d..nnjs torcsr ar.l sp..rcs .{.cpr rhos. !0 lhe !rudi aLnnq dca, rh. drrn road leaiins ro rru,rrana (rirr .nnrn6 .l ho reolsori. !d t,o{.crcd qldlili anunrk ipr! e5 SDraLLponni olrli ri,e xrcr \ \!trrblc a(t harvcrLnq 1..mmetu'rl l!qg nqj TlD.sraphn:all!. alnrn r|c c,rir. land ma$ in r|. dc.d $Lbr,trrud 1o I'D.\s rcLari!cLy uar l|nh li* lvr{.J sars lhi crr re .onrN,r rv lare\ rhrt th3 deed i\ a iam, ! lecd arl rhar rhe .., lrrtr ! hrs o. 0r.l,len *ith I DA cJatrlng 0ci rssi.o n, rcpr.scrtar re rl !e I)x! lnr )r) cordrd ilrllrnq 'rh. ar.a is dr. venicano0 anl clninmrnon.i rhc:e d.lunr!trrs nr nrc to !R Der.bpmeni /\uth.nrv. ..u|led rvth .ur 9rnd tRnh,o! lhLch Lr{ed ti.n (Nfarch Io !,itr ol rb. lr- lil \r hetuin rec.nrn,.nd * lli.l Xl,nr!) ol Irod.. !io.\ & S!,!.y\ .iices. slpecLrlLr crd.grathy lt.tion ld rthcni.rtin 3mi appmval AJrer aulhdn!.aiin: ihr dccd and tnuqd icgii-nair. the IDA \ru,ll pe.ln.or rhc thc Jred hc tii,*rrdeJ . \; I 1i,e p.r r_:li.tu,r- R.n,rm I lrv (NTRI-I ol1016 ptuvriod ni chapr.r 1ir! ie.rj(ii i 6. rle thc,.lo.c rc.Dnnrcdd r[ar IrD]\ N4r rgcde r issle ! Prirale t:se Pernn inr J ard rilatii! 46,101 urrct ft 18,77r he&te:, r d.:.i!.d id !r.\ .on,priea !!.res & li.uodr 10 lhe r*orlc.acrand I I t. rl. P rivste Use Fe,rmit
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