pollen morphological
pollen morphological
A drcp of Bsidue @rmidtrg pollc. wis ptrced on ro a ,lide and monrcd Slyerim jelly. Tle pEpaEd stidc w.s studi.d urdcr rlE g6iN verc c@rcd in a unir sE. In udcr rhe mitu$oF and .gc of gni6 in rhr dirftnr Photography ll Phdog.apht olcenotn rr€q lnd sh.ub! woE ofreB pfiorographcd under thc t visios Erc nadc , panicutf empl. wa @tolare!, 19 Arr rhe ftoroSnDhs ll. F@ rhis comccdon nic.osop.. By tis ftrhod and shruhswhich oa L.hm aft rcpMuc€d in rhis work luidlec ot ttol. Dr. .A. thutb as p.n on "Kodactn'nf 'i) Micropnobg6phy was mad. b, usine 3j ftlds. rh€ filns *ee gor d.verop.d ma8nifiLrrions se'e madc fdo ln.s u fion Crrskt All the obsryrrioMl work on Phoro i, nn. "FU,l', tiln tm A SA cotdc<t ouclEd mgalivd and p.inc ofd.sirld Ljh.. bho^ pollcn morlhology, airborre polten nor, and MelitloDalynology wrs cari€d out on PZO R.saFh MicoscoF No.5559 and dam was colleted anh spccirlly nrdc.'lottur t,rdli)nnr,' wlich is rcFxluccd on ltu mxr |l.|gc, POLYNOLOGICAL RISEARCII LASORATORY BOTANY DEPARTMENT, PIJNJAB UNIVARSNY, OUAIIIE.AZAM CAMPUS, LAHOTE 5'590 POLLEN FT-ORA OF DTSTRfCI T,./IHORE {PUNJAB) Exin.l sl|(lt N". Mrke: Sragc Rc!,litrgi _ Negalive No. MUHAMMAD TAHAVI SUPERVISED BY PROF, DR. A.A. BHUTTA 21 rg:7 @ w"% % POLLEN MORPHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF TREES. SHRUBS AND CERTAIN HERBS OF LAHORE (PART - I) Drr.prion or ccn in rEdshrubs is povded in PrBF Nc.l09 ro ll4 Family: TrD.: Palnae nane: no*ring S.go: Dtt€ Pdh (Engtish)i (hq,ur (Utdu)i Khqji (Punjlbi) t'hoen& docty'd.n L. v.m.colar March - APril Fig Cais Irse pcreblal€ - Potare, I -sulot.; sulos l0 pm lonS ne bngrh rcxiE l'i8., Phrcl l 1.5 ,rm 12rm wid.. Size 14 (18) 22 rm. .nd intirc Sit (t2-l2.5 rmi 1 I /n Exine closl fiflv Plale T sJ tiShdv rh@ghout- gruulateisexire 2 rm thick Wodchousc, l'.)5, Fi8s 5 6 l 29l and 12 5'24 r ; nrdhM' 1952, p.306). lh€ fom ofStrin E nreuiblcs i. shows irs cloesr relalionship wnh that tpF3Bftq which dav segest $al Pahs ae 2a ol lhc Cvcadalts afll Nr hr lwav lom dEn Cymoospemous anccslors. Phnls arc wind rirboc, Tl. p.rs.it *ril.r lappal in sh.Mra.Ea lbdl Mc{icinal ind E llE ro<ldy is 12 lhe Ncw camlus,l'unjrb rtuitl ard trE juie ot thc p.lN ae i5 rich us! mdliciDllv '|rf, in vihmis B:, @flains su$zimd Po$$iun (K), lts vittnin C b codc hthcr ihrn tnat in cow'! milki thc f|!sh unfcmcntcd B, then tlE fcmnLd juicli Faigctui; luh rhrt thikNnv.lrtx't Properlicr c6lin8 and lax.tiw; it Th. thnN 'n!y &con'c th. gBins odgiMlly dispc^dl fiom lhe tEB grewn km,.w.y ltom Mmic and tlE F)lliutql &nci.trl .le ir juk juie in vitanin Br; il d$ tiN mn, vcry hiBh. or or ni6 hG les or vit min tl| jlice k !$d $ . d.mukct . diuEtt, a'n Erri8.B.r i. dud6 fron llE trunt, hru6, chil, n b coBidcrld litsh clfmiour for ftG lstmnt ot B dcmk t , diudic a'n di.rtc.. and in dis$ ot thc gcnitc!.iMry syri€n. 'th and lilsh ltuit ordlc .phdtisirc; iE infuion in is turt nutriln$,.lc ul4nl, I'nric, dFrl.'n!!|, lrxnliw. nill borh fo. childM .nd rdults, during of dE ferh for Fli.f frui in it Ery n@rishing a l cloBtivc. onval*tE fon f*E .ri ,at.r i. u*fut to. rclicvinS .hoholic lc!.s, 8omnhft.. dyenlfy, is and liv€r a'rl l.rvr, 20 is usl co[snp{ion ahlomiul di$nlcri it h p4{e ot dE ds ftarncnr ol hodacl* (cf. Drslur. !962), T/l usl. sBllpori .n int$ion .i0Er Bilcn .s r p.src, rydp or ds@lion, sir ll.ni in lO0 of wn r' posdcE{ sdi is rfl iol to etclids tor oPrcily or hc corncr' .d Vouchd:9316'/3/97 Slldq 9316/M msh inotiqdoni |hc fruit of soa ftioat, @ugll t5lhm. cold, inflmn.$on of dE ch6t cmplaints, {nd NcB.tlrc: 5/98/2/21 usd ror Fs! ly: TyFf Poocere qaodon d..OlB fu.) N.m: Flov.rlng S€esn: v€rn{ul.r 16. Bb.na grns (E.glish); Kali gha (Unlu); Ir.b (Punjabi) All round lhc Fig.? Jar n.tFl Gnin spb.ri€I, momponc. op.Nl.tc, p6iLq PoG @nd.d with ifi.mptcd Mryin 3 @ in di:mcr: opcolum rl5. @nded with sm@lh, $xiE a.d ftxiE | .5 ,rm rhick. Sia ansc 28(32) Oth* R.cords: wodehone (1965) 34-45 78). Pollcn grains hay h.come Mdidd.nd r.MMic TIF wholc plarn ils arcsh juic. t a rd. aftsrm ind cnuP dilmt r of 2 ,rd, ExiF 36 pm. zrhor, ahull, allerAies and hay .id Ashnf ( 1975- lcvs (cf. gaNd hoDcnn* u5.d mcdiciDlly. mc is used in drepsy .s a gns ir diui.ric, atlingdr, rn 3typrici diuctic, ha.@turir, vonilinS, hyst ria itd iNnity. Extdnally iis frc6h jui@ is u$d for ch.cking bleeding fro6 the rcs., c.|8nhal ophthrlnia. ficsh cuts rnd wounds. n'c sR$ is ris.d for sn yot(lq:9a2915l L bite (cf. Dastur, 1962). Slider 9429/M.T/3 N€g.rir.: 4/99/5/ 14 l0 (s!a, mn un r|tc@ vitt.) Nsnc: S.@ni Ydnacular Whcar (llulish)r caih@n nNding Febn..t - Mard FiB.l Grains ohhL - polar. Pl.tc rn. 6iE M€dicinal ard Econoni. The fton of rron lepDsy, u)i Cundttln (ArnJili) l F.2 n.ic T.S-l Monol)ohle, norc nr8ular poru op€Eulun aho nreglhr with a diamelcr 4-7 gEnulari exirc 2 (U as thick /m diMrtf Size 49 (52) 55 rs srine Ird inrim u r 9,rD, ,!D. ExiE tirinrty I pm thiok- lropc.lis lhi! plant is used dcdicinally Wheat di€t chrcric *ry€ a hone Fins. is uefll for lh@ suffering Wheat bEn isdcnutcenl andootlienr Voucher 9430/3/96 Slidc9430/M.T/? N€adiv.:4/9/5/tl Type vmrllr Narftr nM.ing S..$n: ko natt L, Cont M.ize (Ensfth): Matkri (Ud!) July - Augun ng,4 Gmin /rDr, annulus sliEhrly PtlitsI sphc.ioll teroblate. Mr'ropomrq pore alnbr i('udol Prcsnl dislitutly srn in rhr,ieurd stcimcn. Si/x td.ulate, siift 1.5 rm mxim I /m anl 1l i poru diamckr 5 m(l(,) I l4rm.Iiim iro 0.5,r'n fiick. si* olrhe snins Sivcn by Wodeho!$ (1965) is 90_100 lm a l Eillmrn (1954 120 vi$N-MinE .rd ch.rut r is 6lhcr nE Gupt! (1966) hrv. obsry.d lwo but lwo I'orci have nol &.n sn poE in cen in in Pakislani v.ftlk TL oorn NcrcnlEl6s. siz arg6 giv.n by ldi.n attlD6 i,.. 85-106 rm is simih to tlE deribcd sp.cjm6. PotLn gminrion .td its inpr.t in Fladon io rne tngth of silk is Siwn in rlE Subha.i (192) who lccordcd tlE 8rai6 siz! 67.5 thll th€ grains of Zca tu/J (9) is known lo bc roxic lo hNt l45 rn Lwr tnd shc cdnmcnlcd patEnK. Medl.hal and E onmlc Prop.rllB Mair plant is.rE6iv.ly ued rs . c.ltl. ted bo1n.s f6h g€n fod&r, silrg. s fdn in E li,nn ot .h olis (Lxus llMd). Fridlcs. eonl flak6 and lop com td rct5Ed 8tcr 4E (Siltz) aE f.lqErtly t ken bv Patis-it. Mair is !$d MaiE is also prcss.d to produce tar8. Nmber ol i.dusrial Produc.s li*e starci. mai4 oil, glurcn for fed, dcxtoF, corn syrup etc, Com is ale !$d in thc naNfsctling of .thyl and butvl akonol whisly. Mai4 oil is hiShly valuhle rs a cdting nFdia ft b als .d paini5 (ct sdba'Muny Votrcho: and 9428/5/ subnnn.nt.m. uql in md s!_miting 1989) Slldc: q428/M.T/2 Negtth.: 4/99/5/ l2 GloF 12 Fsrrflyr Salicaceae Typef Salit Vcrnacul.r Nefr: t.tutp.tu1Roxb. ldia. Willow (lhglish)r lhd-i-M:{nu (ljrdu)t r*b, Bit$ (Plnjabi) FIowinB S@n: F.brusy - M.r.h P|:let ttg.s ris.3 Grajn sub{pherical - prolatc. 3{olporate not clcarly wn coloi oFtr, 8 rlm long and 2 rrn wide. Siz 20 (22) 24 rm sxift 2 ,1n, rexine 1.5 /n and i im I SiF hcE fall! *ilnin thc sia h.tbacia, Salit M€dicin.l {d range Mla.ia .d $Li Erdtman (1952). Tl'c siz /n tbt.l,$ in the nguEd sptcincn, Exirc fait ly Ericllat.i rhick. ot Salit.lqhnoidet Sulit erend&n. Sulit .8. Qo-U tt6) stedy Epon d bt l.rger rhan lo/t .ri.otor ( | 7- t pm) Enoncd rcticclda hcrc is slighly r E onomic Propenie! Tinb.. is $inblc ror Match srick aod subahna.yam, 1989). Timbn is fodd€r, taMitrg, cElcs, criclct b vouch.r: o4ll, usl for tu s and 1, tl Gi Sambe-Muny .nd malch srick, paper putp. hask r making, phnting Slid.:gir]l/M sdn *ood (ci Sh.i*h, 193). TA N.g.tive 4/90/s/t6 FsmilJ: Moraceae Ty!.: DnrlM.tio paqtitn Vat. Nlmc now€ling Salonr Popo Mltbdry (|jnsti\lrj Kathzi tool (rlrdu). ved6cuh. M.rn - Ap.il n8.6 GEi6 prclrt ibout 2 rm. Sir! and , 2-3 13 (17) n.ter 19rrn. E ,in. fie (1965) l)|ant shcn Pttid:n .rx, rhc ic p6it.L M.dldnrl ud *id rE is e poc cals to hiy f.vd. ir h grying gFgariGty d6ing a[cr8iB {d orn . brcEhi.l conDuni@rion imn Dr. Bhuor). lrood . Prop.rti6 ndsq (ct Srmb.-Mlny.d It ND4.ft s tt.4 po iErst. E mron t928 in Wcjchds (t965) h^ rtP PlanB ued ao. paDer nanuf4ruriog. p.p.r granulatc, na rhown dE goia sia of D'roro,Etia opinjon rh.t rhc gmiB of di6 dises (Peen.l dimi.r s.riE I I jrn, Hia as fiic|( 6 sriE mixinun quanlily ot pottcn griin in lhq nonrh of AD.it,May in lLnr i! h ldd.tad ptrrc T.SIII ponc; poB mr atrsyr.r opposit..dt, .&h with intir. rbout 0.5 rm $ick,Cyroptsmic wodehde Eg.{ husd fo. Iibr. lrcm lh€ b.rt is u$tl in ctothing ad $rbahnanym, l9&r. fodde.. ba&(forputt, mta ctoth) crosion conrrot, llrniruru, hoxcs, packi.g cntcs, spons cquipn nri, veGr .nd ptywqn (ci Sheikh, 1993). Voucher 9358/ Slid.: 9158/M.T/5 Ncgalivc: l/99/4/3 lsrn: Motus i'dica L.t MMt Gi.lo& Gritt.) Whit€ Mulbefy ([nSlish)r Shehlool {Urlu) fig,s Fig.7 GEins Prchic - SDlErhal. Poor.i poEs 2, otrcs n!,slry (15,6) 16.l Th. !rus con'crs , )ptros(c t,, L.nch od*r. rn- Erift size (1958) bur tlEy psilatc or frin(y ofgriis rE ndc{i. l'1.r. T.Snll e&h have diamerer 5 t'dc Dun Drtr$truolfi sirc / , 15 | Btruh.: sxim L5pmmri.e I lrm and ir iF ar. uaue, to Matu! alba (22 4 x26,1 rtnr Et{s & Adlns sinil.r (17.1 - 20.6 rn) lll lhe snc sFrics. Nord.rt hy wodchous (1t65). ll has hecn slk,rn hy Vilhlco$ (tr?]) ltril M.,?x dt{ vhictr is no( qune @mnon rllcrSc.ic srBct ler Wod.houe (1965) h.s sho*n rlul ir in Soollrh Ciif(mia. Whitc It aes n on t928 in Hry Fcv€r. M.dicidd .nd Ecomic ltopeni6 ofyrrrhra The fruir iBcootinS b he ecmituge. TrE (Dt is cotuideE{ rt Th. mature carkins arc ueful rbr lhe lreame anl lautiv., The ba is supposd anthclmintic and astringent (ct, Mashh.di, l97E) voucher 910?/3/97 Slld.: 9307/M l5 T/l NceArivc 7/o8/J/lJ Fsmllyl Connabacese l9r\: lank.) CaMobis indico Indl.n Hemp (Enslish)i Bh.ng (Udu) nd&I n8.8 CniN $boblac - sph.riql, 3-Ponte, poes ruo|nql, cefi hving siE 2l (24) 2? r!m. Exirc Fihrc, rhickercd lne Nxin. I rd Sir b, and herc ifliB filh Edltman (1952) t dNces 'liamter ol al.nureri srinc phrt h6 ben $mewhnt smallc. trn rhc sir. hnSe (22.J ror c em s?.!i6. wdtclM$ (1 maotic o ol is mr followed by a Medicin.l pek sver ,rh l.j rD, I rm rhict. x 28/D) atrMy givcn 5) nrs giwtr rh. sia dr rhis sp€cies 25 pm. Wod€hou* (1965) on rh€ orher hMd has shown rhat rhc use rhis 4 ofl,ol€n of .d by na(oric law. Wherher rh. E6iB.onfuicd qu.ndy of tm*n. FunnerfloE, rhc airbom gni6 qe scleE Hay fevcr brcnchhl asrhma. .rd EcoMic Propertid Tbe plant has m|gic nedicinalpropenies ud is .longeith 'h€n' ir pEvcnls w.dering fercr rnd rh. pr|i*d cvat as lhe hcsr cy.. tB .fic|l otEnBli€s, on tun .E d€srill<l asexcitant,lErting. asrrinsenl.Irdc(etsl,hcttolen, cxElsltduleftc. ifttucsr coslivcncss, shrryens dc mc.r,ry anl crcites rpp.rne tt is sutlcrin! fn'm ltver. crradr. t6 n.ommudd |nr rhc trdltc Il .id is also leads lo indigcsrion, r{shing ofthe body, cough mclucholy, impotcmc dropiy. lf its seds arc ecn l@ wd fFly, ilEy d.smy rlE vn.t posa. dE jui@ to Flicve cinche, Thc lavcs arc made inro'Sherbar" and coMrvcd tbr intoxiatiq perpos. ft is stimldt .rd s€d.riv.. Mixing of lEnp hown !d 6 'Crrrar' or 'llNhi$l' 1cr. M.$hhNdi. {irh opiun is lt8). VdchF g/lly Sli.h: 94JJ/M.T/4 N€g.tiw: Frmtly: rcsin 4/9e/5/t8 Cheoopodiac€ac t nbt q@rr.f! (Erylirh)i t aho (U.du) flg.9 Gnia splE.ial, PolyDohre, IEB about 30 mu .rt, e&h havinB dilmer.r atrr inr.rl{61 di{an* 3 /rn. Siu 23 {25) 21 pn\. t,xirc etieutntq n.xj* I /m .nd inrirc $xitu 2 1.5 l.d /m. + I l|n $ick. st*i$ rlEndy sivfi b, Wod.h@ (196J) .nd driced rtPt rlE pt2nt is wi,n no iErqt ad d6 mt 3tBl er@$rve .mount of lollen and @rsion.lty act as a Ent aacror in hay tver polen 8ftrirs ol cl dlrr4 .Hy tBnf :lir hrD DercriDraon hoE Femhtcs ds dcsriprbn otlhc *rme J7 Medicinal dd Fonodic Propeni.s Plant is lMadve, M$elninlici ued in hepatic Plrnt @ntaitu csnti.l oil, and enlarSed splen, @mrerc .nd vitamin C. Platn is used &\ nrking gEen toql (cf. Baqlar, Vouchd: disrdc^ a. iigEdicnt in 1989). 9320/l/9 S[d.: 9J20/M.T/5 Negllye: ?/98/]/lE Aaopo&cn nz.al. L, Casmopolilan wccd (Etrglish) ng.lo Plat€-l GFiB sphcri€l - pdobbrc. PolypoBt ; po6 disrM ls rh.n 50, dftlcd, @h wirh ,m, sia 20 (22) 24 rlm. Erift nmlt gE.ulrrl stire 2 rm, mrift I /im ad inrim rt I /rn tha.k. Notrcvn$ elx)a cti* diamt€r abour 2 /m, intcrlDal 3 for ihis species in rhe publish.d fom. Sie hee falh within lhe sia ,ang. ibr the fanity (14 . 40 pn) alEadt Eponql bJ Erd|ln.n ( 1952). Thc ltanr ir rltc Ch.nopoAiuk n@le Poll.n norphology. ^d tlwi!.nd v@ch6: 04ll/ Ch.nopodim albuh (ln6's wiri lotliMtqt. Prcb.bty Quan B) arc sinitar in Inber (1975) havc shoM pcniw skin E i for c' Slide:9alUM 33 T/6 Negatire 5/98/,1/18 d/r!d Fonily: Typc: Anatunthut riri.lit L, Vfinarnlar Nanc: Pig Tre (ljnsli!h): Chrlhi, l)hando ltlrdu)r Karund (Puijabi) Flo{cring Season: April -,hly Figll PlirFll CBins spheric.l - subiphericrl, Polyl)onci F 2rn. 9ire 23 (25) 21 pm. Flinc wavy M.dicinal and Ecommic r $rc diamter rcliculat lxincl.S/rnr,rBximl,lmrnd in scorpion siing and smke bne Voucho: 9414/l/97 Slidc: 9ll4/M. Fsmily: Nyctaginaccae TtF. ao.,h@eia (Syn: Flowrirg l /8 (ci Neg{fivc 4/r/5/19 8olhoa,it dillutu tn r, O|!t.) lill'ri Snnl (lrrnu) Auguit - Novenb€r l'ig,l2 Itlrloll CraiBsph$icrl, PDINe 3-Cd|)lt: CohiulNod,45&o ,rm wjde. PolyDoBr.i fom|Iion S.rinc 2,rn, erift Baqlar, l9E9). c@.ite Mill, llog.ncul(liru'idDi Sqe( 25. hoFrll6 kavd eiolient, usd VcnMul Nanr. er moE th,n 1.5 rn. b|llrirurl llrc.nds l3 sia ?x4,rm. Sia 67 (71) 75 rm, ercludinS srinules Sdnules briSht 2 rto long wnh hr*s 2 Am *idc. imcrq,inulrr sia (3O di{r@ | /m anl inrifr N rl'ick pn) for Bocrh@io @nbaa which havc bcen cfNd md ,4\zrr'lir o@.Dtalion is $ critu. lirdmrn and previd.d with has givcn rh. $mwhat similar. The polyponte gni6 by E dtman (1952) as D{rh.avinac slir. Boliinviu.i@ (1t52) lrvlwtir whkh hr Eticolrt iNlldins ttL EcNn irclada aoueai4vill@ 3matl3i4 spinul4, The Flants of the family .e in*ct Mcdici&l and llxononic Itopertics Found thrcughout Itrdo-Prkhtan, abund.nr €6Fcially durinS raiN. pneiple h diuctic, chjeny ircrcNiry dE IE.r and srEn8rh 8loNruli of th. kilrcys lnr@gh rh€ h€.n, .id Eisitrg thc FriphcBl blood pE$re in coNquefl. dcns litllo or m nerion On Rsllinlbn il hN lilllc or m etion. On dE livcr dE &lion is priEip.lly soda.y atn ltu shik vrricry in oedor, ammia, h,n dis*s, bcB,icirl in elen4 hrmrhlle. nmnta. In I'atum nBliciEs i. 6thn , jrudic. .!d acliv€ actiog oo th. On rhe cells of lhe ruhulcs ir e Ih diuEric ougft an inlcsliBl @lic. TIE dl 40 Nq vrriely s|[as is laid on pop.ni€ (cr. Mahirdi, 198). Vou(hcr'9415/ Slidc: rA]s/M 'U? is €Iircienl ivc 4/'t)/5/2ll i5 ns Typq Stqaitrilk. q.clt ilk willil, Nme Se.$n: (!nslhh, Itdu) Vcrneculd Dougainvillca FloftrlnS M*ch " Augul Plater rlgr.l3(.,b) Gr.iB Oblatc subriangular,3{ulFtci Fig.6 PlrG T.S-[ alt qE.,I l1[r widc. Siz 27 (2t)) ll rD. EriE fainly reliolaF: srie2,tn, mrim 1.5/madinlire | /nlhick. Enllm.o (1952) h6 given tfE sia (24x36 tn) lot ltoueainilea sktbta Choisl. voucher 0Jo5/4/9? Slidc 9165/M I/2 Negalive: r/99/4/l0,ll Family: Capparrceae (C4parid.cca€) Typs ctulaewad4rwiiDc so. onon {SF: c. o&m B!cb_Hm.; c. olchllut tlrdd aoch. Jrohl. tlui c' ruIiSioid rucl. Plut.) Nane: seMn: v€m.cula. C.rlic P.t. (Eiglish)i Bama (Punj'bi) rbrc.ing April - Itty Flg.l4(a,bn) nrc.Il C.rins towrrds $bprelrt - F rgitu. fnintly rliculnlo; prolale. 3.colpomle; colpi open, Flg l? $ rd Pbt. T.$llI lon! talp€ring dimlc.7 rn .td I /e wide Si4 2l (21.5) 26 ,rm $riN2,!m. fttitu I 11 lhict nd it it t I ,!n lhi.t PoE The pollcn SEitsoflhis sFrics havc hlcn @ordlil in th( an is nor T high. Allb@sh $e Olaor i6 inwl pollin ed v€i ExiB rd llkir lilquctv ic llollen grrins KntNlrNcs b6onc airborrc. The all.rgeniciry ot$q grain in lltr nir is mt known, The rrecs c now sparely grovn h bnorc. Medlcinol md lhonomic ta!s, bart and ftorqlie mls ae u*d mdlicinrlly. TIE ldws stonehic, tonic, f.bdtug., s.ditiv., dchulc anrityEric, dr.mrive, ronic rnd sdrrivcr , aru nmn.tic. btulcr, rnd .tnipyrctic. Th. lErk b d€mulenl. ir pronotes rpp€lite. arcqsB secerion of hile; n is spaidly pEsribal in disorrLG of uriMry org.s. fcte6, lbr clicvine vomiring ad synptons of gras|rk irnrdon, for imfasing in thc bldderand tidn0yia sinpledoo@lid cr.ion of bilc. lnd in ollhc lxrk isgivcn. lhc a rubehciefl a.d v.sic.fl on lhe skin. The l"{rk and lc,v$ .E m q$ of (o'r bnrk&Nn$ !*d tu stuke bnci (ur. Dastu.. 1962). Vouchr: 9221/t/9? Slld.:9221lM T/4 N.gdrve 5/98/2/24 F mlly: Moringrceae ttro ti i sa ol. iJ. n | ^t|. lsyn . l.rrsotp.M Gu^n.l Ilors nddkh tle (Enrlhh)i Sai.tr (Udu) Figs.ls(!J, Platcll Cni6 spn€riollan'blarc, l{oltontq old oFn, Si* 30 (33) 36 rn. Exift pGildet sexind l .5 42 FlB,8 Pll|cT.S-IV 22 d lory ad 3 ,!n *ide- rn, ftxift I /n a l intift i I an $ick, Nair ( 1962) save Oe size (35x25 il]nJ l:ot M. cucaeuis si6 Epon d $€ si@ (33x32 |ltn) fot M. optetu. TtE Enin simild. All th€ tfir whita E tnrn \1952) J of thca spccics ale ae orh.Nie id.ntiql in orher morpbological rsturcs. M.diciml Dd Ecomic ProF.li6 Ihe lqv6, bad, rG u$nil a. edy mc, flo*!6 r,rl sls .c ui! miiciMllr. 1lt arxt qlarhal diss. Thc ba* of the lu diuEric and anrisorh{lic. The lEsh r@t ot thc younB st.n is trruch ar y@||g lq4r e.id. stinuh u&{ in inli$nous ntdicine for iotemitre fcv.s, cpil.F , hyslcrir, palsy, chonic rhcum.tBn. gout, dq,sy, dysprFia, aF u*d and . t.tanB atul onlargcmc otrhordeutrMdlivcr. fhc nowo6 boilc{ anaphtudhiac; as $eirjuie wirh milk is 4d A a .tc. Tn lqrcs, ncm btrk, @1s ilk diurctic, a.tilhhic. dig.stivc iathmatic. The rdds aG usd in disrses ol $e livcr and p@lysis with Nnd splen, nfii.oh. Ptins, and seds aG usl for sNkc bic (ct Dstur. l%2)- Sof dts witn nifted nqt ae lred and 6 pricl&s cosidcGd to vcry cohmn in $e llr|njtb. l-lonl buds .t c@tcl b. us.fll for diab.tic pali€nts (vcrbal @mmuniqtion Vouchrr: 9416/ Slide 9416/M.T/l N.grlivr: 4/oo/5/24 4J F.milyr Rocacere Ttpe etorolrJ4 Jqporld (Ih!trbJ Uodler Vcl'rodr N.@: lrlql nm.i.s S@en: Mrrch - Arril (Udu)r r.qud Fb.r6(r,!) GniN Oblare - prehr., {Punjabi) Ikr.-II dtrLd, j Frin 4 3-@lFnrq 6lpi closd, noes me ttur l0 rn. Sia 96 (lll) 126 l!m. Exie inl€cLr€, cricuht pn, Exire 2 tlm and indf I |rn tic*. Th. plant b insct pollimtcd. Hulng (1970) h4 .&h *irh di.trEtd 15 lastit*J liiolntrln delda rmllcr than 0E dc$.iM M.didn l .rd Fdmoi. EitirS r si/x (20-25x1?r5 flnBc lnt it wltich ix vc.y sp@imf,. PnF{.3 TIE fruit is cdibl., thc !a Flowcr is exletoBnt, lirui i. oltiv|lcd is sdnliw; Intusion or leares is giv€n in diartnod vouch€.: 4t 93?/ (ci ! rn !${ mrcnd tG.nd for it! fdit, in Elui.8 dtN a'rl vonning BaquNr, 1989). Sllde: 9437lM.T/2 Ne{r.tt9.: 4t915122,2) ftult?r i.. (L.) Bltich Type (Srn Anlghtus penica vernrl|f N.rer P@ch {!nslish); P, /r/rLa (1,.) slockt shrfialo {Uilu)r A.u (l'unjabi) Scrsonr Jdurrt - M.r il€s.l?({h) Florerhg l-t ndcll 1ii9 Hrc T.$lV Gmins6pherioalpmlate. U$ually sub'trirnBul . 3_oolAntccolpi 22 lrn l{}nB xrd 6rn sir wide, 2 apcolpiumdimt r l5pm.5i4 4l (48)56/m. Exift t4tale, tln, FxiF 1,5 rm wodchols (1965) hti* ldrlLd and srriat€r I An thict, th. snin siz 5057 lln in dirmrer or Ih. em tro lhe skio ol lhe rruil (ursionaut cnusc asrhmaiic stmprons .ltlDugh rtF Dl.nr ls lMt pouinaled. 1lE 86iB Ne ah-Blii speies. He rls(' noried lhar rhe dusr M.di.in.l ud Ec{oooic Propedts 'ftc l^t N lultivirn |n' ir: li!'l lll lkqurr. l.)i,s' vourh..: 9219/5/9? Stlde 9219/M.T/l N(getlvq 5/98/2/23 45 Far iErglish); Naastpali (urdu): Brsus6ht Fig.ro PLl. T.s.v FiF,l8(:,lr) 6di8 4 snhericalprolale. Usuilly sb'trimgular 3-colPdc colpi 16 rm wide, apaolpiun dime{€r rcxine l.5 rm intirc I /n 8 rn. EriE tdlate, PM aiw Itr3o BflirN rru 1 si ihr . $. dd I'n r ntu llt zlt?tlzl fdil, god rhiamift. Tncy hch in minr,ining Pe.rs tnu) t$tJud hy lhrmg *rnv h ttrlnto. N souEe of Fctcr and br8€ anolnt of sugr^ dcsnabt acid-hR balame in rhe hunan bodv (cf $rfc.ing lmr diNb.lcs vonchen 931?/3/97 Slid.: 931?/M T/4 N.3tllve: 5/98/2/24 ae @omnc'rled ro SlbDhdanyrn, 118 ProFrli6 Pear arc cultivrtcd for ns and a'rl 2 5 ,lm da) alE.dy Eponed bv Erdtmn a 4r' 0963) r(' rhc 8tuias EconolDic *rim long plblished literaruE Si4 hee app|@l*s lo lh€ (1970). GraiN arc ln-bome bur irs tx'Phrion is very Medicin.l diShlly slriaL; rn $ick. No peviour cpon cri5ts in siF fot (Puijabi) parienG sanb.-Munv & 1989). TvP€: Role (Enllish)i Gulab (Udu, Punjabi) Ecs,l, flarcll l'ur.\ nN G6ins sob sph$iuli Triooh.rru. i4,Mtei CrMollte. tow.t$ poi .d .rds: Glml6 rnaoS.d in rows giving lh. orlhc. apFaBB. SiE rn i si nc 22 (25) 28 irc 1 2 &m. $ Sivcn by d. Exi* nrirc: Frire The omnentarion rnd Edr&n M.dl.hd hd E onmic (1963) li\ $ickN Ecnli G41nt *rd iru usd Di$rolid.s mntioftd th. srrinllnt proFni.s ol coryllud ad $c mcdioiMl us rtf ltu in rm; Mrirc pBctie in nEh thick strhted 6 eriF of the €xire is al,Prorimlely tlE tutun r'. lhe sl srm n*, as nEnlnr&rl hy @ EN. wrcr of Voucn€.: 9355/4/9? Sllde: llf, OMt wrilca p€l,ls, dE uF of th.i. $h n* $ a or Adi c C|trlih is Inr8tlv way as oEnge nose. waler hy lhc haviiS thc |tn)Paics sirilnr o rhosol 'l'sc (ci. l9?8). Maslrhldi, P.rsiN (Aus) ol ftriE 6 . ProDerli6 l,crals, stan€m and oils of u*d t 2 tlpfrrin8 lerch. orto *rr$ it i''|dc in ldir rd 9155/M.T/l Ncgalirc: l/99/4/4 Family: Ca€sslpiniaceae Typq Bit,lni4 wi.tat4 L. v.ll|m||t N.l!e, &utinb, K.lb Flowerirg S.sn: klmt F@t (E slirh)i F€brury - Ap.il Plalelll Fi8.ll G6iN $bpreld.-ebtria!$1.r, 3{olpor.tq ColpioFn, diei.r ll /F *lt. dnd.d {ith Etiolatci FxiF 4.5 pn, (Urdu): (PunjabD Fig.20 widc, poas Kalrr HiE 2 !n rtNj inliE mwh grcitcr thd ,olrida .rrcrdd (51x38 Sie 1.5 rn) 7 30 PIlt€ llln long &d 12,rn (62) E7 l]n ExiE f,inll, /n lhict, llr 3i4 ofeains vitrd polliMt d. Butl (1989) Epqtcd lh€ si4 6n8. ol SniN gr* rEn8. lcngtn ol fl@l ri.horo is as cpon d by Eidtmn (1952), vishnu-Mi(re and shama (1962) gwe tlE size nr B. niesata 58_74144_58 are T,$v e ,rn lr i3 42 (54) 65 rrD and h. upto 532 ,rn. hoFni6 Thc rool is eminaive, tk flowcs ae Medicinrl .nd Econmic laxative and lhc bark rc0llcd ro hrve haling popcnid (cl. Ali, r973b). Vouchd: 9125/3/9? SliiL:9325/M T,l N.t llY.. 3/9/3n3 Typ.: Cattia asuttilolb v.rtt. v.|rldLr N.@: S6a (E glirh)r S.mo: noEins SrD@Lt (Udu. Nor@bs - March ngs.2t GniN suFtri.ngul.i, $bprolrc, {ide. hppering ro*,rds cds. Sia 1.5 ,.m and intire I Pu.jabi) I pn thicl. n tclll 3-colporat 32 (36) 40 !n. i Colpi oFn, 14 lrn lone I /m Exirc hindy rcriculare psilare;nexin Khan and M.mon ( l9?0) have reponql the sia oi rh€ srne spsies as 60i50.5 ltn. ad Esnmic Prop.rll€! Sd6 ws fi6. u!.d a r purgrtirc ncdiciE bt thc arly Anbian PhyshiaB, who inroduc.d n ido Emp.. It t .le th@8ht to cl@r llE skin or pimpk .rd to ctllcl *oms fmm $. intatiE. A llanc. m.d. bt nirins Ihc powdeEd ldB vith vimgrr M€dicinel is ev'mnenkl ed in sth afleli.rN, rl confiiBl {ifi lliE to dye th. hrir blrck (cl. Dtmck ., dl., VoNhe.: 9206/4/97 Slid.: 1980 (Lwtti ntmit l,-) is Vol.l) 906/M.TD Negarivq 5/98/2/10 Type' Vcrndl.rNuc rbwidg S..s: co'ldtoe Ltn&. C6sb Srnd.-Mitti AP.il - Mrt Figt,22 caitu sub{.iangul.r. 3-colpoal.; (26.5)29 /m. PlrloIII colpi opcn, 13 ,rn long, 3 Erift psiht -f.intly r.ticul.i.isxirc l 5 /rm, tin wide. si4 24 rerie I pm and intift.3 vou(bs: 9329/l/97 Slid. 9129/M T/6 N(c.live ?/o8/l/25 ryp€' Cas:dt Vdn@ld N.m: Goldcn lhovcr, P.ldstaoi lhtult L, Aft:lta Flo*qins Se.$: M.ftn - MrY G6ia subpolrlc. 33 (15) 3? (English): (URl!. Punjabi) Fgr.23(.,b,.d) /m. Sir lablm@ PIaIFIII 3-colPoratc; colpi 22x3 rdi po6 pn. Exirc hintly rctiollale: $xinc Khrn rnd M€non (19?O) Savc lhc E on.d nnse of gsiff s 2l 2 Frg'r2 n'i' T $vI 3, ach having dianetd 3 4n, mxitu I 4t sirc{49/n) lbr lh. sme snlcas (2,t.5) 28 5 /n flonl trichom4 upto 66.8 l1n. 50 rnd hc ds rl inlitu Bull (198t) s.ve tlE av€Bsc length of M.dlcl||rl {!rd Eonmic Pro!.rii.s laws rF lmtivc, dolli.nt, S.!ds qthrnic and meric. Baqur, Rot tonic .d fcbntuse. Pulp of ftuil is nild is ro.ic, tcbnrugcd. .stinlc Fr8ariE. an! nlrgntatc {cl. 1989). Th. bark is usd as uding nrtcri.l. The pulp of pols is uscd in EenFl to flav@r tobaeo, vaiious pans of Ihc plant3 ad als rpured Io halc mcdicin.l pop€ni€s (cf. Ali, 1973b). voucncr: 04|2/4/ .906/3/96 Slidc 92oo/M rA.r Nc8.riv.: 5/98/2/9.15 Type' ,rionb Vdtr..r|f Nzft: lsyn Poinci@ t Eid D{it.) FluDoy.ni iE (English): Gold-Mon$ (Urd!): fs8lz (Bojer.) Rafin (;ullMoha. (l'ud!bi). Flov.ring Sesn: MaFi - Miy !iss,24(aJrc,d) l'ule-lll lritr.lJ I'trteT,livl Gnins spheri@l oblate; 3-colpodr.rcolpi closd, 49r.n longand 39rrnwid., gBin Gms to he divided into ts F nioB bt an elonAad fumw lilc $trucfud alxtrt rn vide. Sia 65 (?0) ?6 /n. EriN ericulrre: sxiF 3 rn, mrim 2 llm adi idir 1 | rm rhick. vishnu MittE.dl Shnma (1962) havc giv.n lhe siTx (58 68i5454) for 2 Vouch€r 9!04/5/0?.9)6714/ Slide 926?, s4O4/M.T/1.,1 Neg.lhc 5/9812/1, 7/98J1/8 5l Typ€, V€n.cul.r Poinckna Nome puleh.nim L. Small Gold Moh.. (En8lish)i ctor. G l MIh.r S.gn: Frowrbg (Urdo. Plnjabi) Meh - M.t fiF{.2s(i,D) Grains spherical - oblalei widc, pou 3, tuurxlsl, Nh nranucly nriitc: eift l{olPo8l., Plxtclll in|ranSulir, colFi 20 rn lon8 and l5 rm luving diN'crcr l0 pD. Sia 48 {51) 54 pm. ljxiru 1.6rn, mxim 1.4 rm and inli* I d rhick. The gaiB of rhis spei6 .G huch sallff thrn Ddl&t r.8r2. Medicintl and Eononic Prcp.rtles All pmB oa thc /rnr.re eid to he emocn,Squc nnd pu.Salivc (cl. Vorcher: 92r4l5/9? Slid€r 9214/M Ttpe: ?r 5l9At2l22 Pa*intuaio oculeata L. vsnacular Name Pdcldy bl1m, Jclwlm thdtr (lhglhh); V.ll.t.tl Kikr Flowrin8 S.$on: CruiN l-.dlB,nttc. (Urdu) MaEh - May ngs,26 ro nthcr T/8 lLpariwt Dtnrf,t flnlFlv !ftnilt flr('idrl r,r sub Fig.l4 l'lrl( T.s-vll ont c, conru suhrri guhr. sull smll. edculare, rRr,tc. ora sr Eri!a|.3 rlm indi E|cr, nn8ulGaFrudtq 52 colpi 3,6 pm widc, ,rd .qurl lo dF lcngth of polf *ri& 2 rh ad intiE 1 | rn uis. Erift 4 ,ro; r.tin | .5 ,rn. rhick. M.dlclnd ond E@nomic PNp.nls It is a snrll av.N. tE.. It s.cds.rd po<h Th. wood is l@ {ith is used ft usl shalp *oody spircs. for shclct b.lt, .Bion @ rol, atd FforcsliIg s.rdy *dt6. 4ien b, r!i@ls. yolng bFrches 956/a/97 Slidc: 1995). 9356/M.T/l Ntgarire: ,u99l4/2 traEdly: Mlmosaceae Typcf Ac@i.t v..n*ulr. Nae K.buli Xik.., God, B.bdl (Udlu) nowering Tne ft lo@ ro rcai 8o{l.nd dsp. fiEwdl.nd ch.E@l(ct Baqur, lor voocher. h is grewn d o. orMmenlal rnd l.m.tia6 ll,iu.) ttlilld. (Slrt tlittos !@.!iu4 r'IM.) Seaer: Augrst - Mst n8,27 Gnins Polyad Plrte-Iv (coitnnd gBins),8c*nlly l6+lld. $mclimc$4 ObhtFpcrebhtc, flandd. E ch .!U 3slp6tc; @lpi ctosd, 9 rF or 8 ccllcd. long .nd 2 pn vid.. ells sizc 13 (15) l? pm. Si4 of soup a . {holc 47 (56) 68 lln. EriE f.intly gntul.r; $iic2 /tm, Exi* I lrm dl idiE + l rd lhht. Individu.l vishN-Mirtrc and shrdm (1962) h|re desribcd .a. /aa.xtutu *hich h|re indctinirc @lls, Polyad sir 66-?0156-61 rn. 53 ttoFrli6 TIE plut yiclds a hi8h cla grm and rt* flo*6 Medicin.l ud Econoric aE ulcd for FrtuE in Sdlh Ewop. (cr. sheikn, 1968). Blrk aDd pods arc aidngcnt, Oun t d.|nohdr, nulricnt aod molicnt (ct Baquar, 1989). VNch6: 9a0d3/9 Slid.: 9106/M T/4 N.gdir:5/98/Zl Phul.i (Punjfti); Palos (Baluchi) nS.2E G.!ia mtoutd Pldelv (Polyad) conposcd of E 4lh, lap'rins tl* ehole as a shol. 47 {49.5) 52 lln !d si4 of itdividu.l @ll Intrsticcs b.tw4n thc @lls 2 /n wida Exi@ PsihL and to fi inro lnc grain ltanen d lnd lcN shap.d Solp oblaF or peroblater siE of group ring: 6 *xin. ilMr& 15 (16 5) 18 rn l |xnlc erim l 5 ,n. rcxift N lhick intic + I ,rn thict fri rize r<l ortEr f€ro6 @ cl@l'! EI.IL6 ro atuia d'abota (25 6152 5 Pn) of tlEs Epond by Hydc |.d AdaF6 (1958). ThG gr'i's are iir bor* corcentElion plant to fom a srub m., shoe ccntin tucr8cnic eniir\' Irutl a.8c olgmitrs is 16 5 (40 5) 46 5tlm 'd hc als lar' tn' toe{ (1939) ePoned lhc size in dislricl lhclum av@8c lcngd of noBl trichoN upto l7l 4m 54 Medici.al ,nd Fxonomic Prop.rlld ne grlm is used in m.dicinc adl th. Gndcr twi$ lor cleaning thc teelh (cf AIi, 1971^), vouch€r. 940?/3/98 Slidc: 940?,M. Tytc, A.acio (En: Vel@dzr NAm: /5 N.gativr: 5/08/2/4 riloLa tl,lnn,t Dclilc, /. .Dr,i@ (L$r') wllld Se.s: Rokn (Puj.bi) Jlm - J.r!.rY n8.29 I'blelv Fi!.15 tLt€ T.svII GEitu compourn eolyad) comPscd of 16 celk, 8 fominl a 4! e'n6l bi@k of Whole sdis fl.ttcEd. itr tan.) ., Minov aaUN CUD At.blcs (EiSUsh); D.Dol (Utdu)l Klk.t, noeqi.g 1 t{o ticn, onn€.tcd lo fom I otE shaFd in8 emircling lh culE or 8 @lls (ll) l.ns-sh.p.d obltL-tPoblale. Sia of individul gEin I I pn.3'Flntu rnd sat ofgoup N a wh,lc 16 (19) 43 Fnr' I'xitu nsil o: sxtu 15 2 rrnr' di* s rhicL 6 exi0. and intin I tm, vishnu-Mirft ant Shama (1962) hrledescribcd c stft specics livinB the si4 ot 4246x42-44 16. ol Polta{. Wodchous (1965) h6 thc opinion lhal the graire or ,4.2(a may causc Dikl hay icvor Thc tlt is no douhl irrslt t/tlitr L{ hul its I'Nsx! in rne anofCentrul Punj.b slggs$ lhe posibilitt causing Bur O 9E9) rcponed thc si4 .rng. of gdins $ lengd of thc f.ichon6 lariabt. i... ftom 63 }!m 55 _ etldn 36 (38.5) 42 98 70 /n. brunchial hrubl€s ,rn and he also gave dd E@mic Prop.ni6 Thc young lav6 rnd lods t!. !s.d d ar 4tring.nt h di.Ener, 8Id of a d@rion of tlE ba* a an aring€ lotion. Ellemlly a stmng decclion of ns b t Medlclnd uselul asrriq.nt appliodon ro ul@6. Th. astringent bilt is used i. India lo assist in thc trcpantion of spnit frcn su8.r dnd l).|lm.jui@ by !@initating ftc Nlbumircus substa@s in rhe liqour and frcilitltin! fcmenhtion (ct DyMk.t dr,, 1890 Vol.l). Buk is uicd in t miaS ndust.ier rrn dE l*igs @ .Bbic obtli*d lom $€ r@s is usd lor adncsile usl poqrg ifld in .s bd bNh. Cun tu{iciB. In erlain p.ns of P.khkn ted€r pods aG u6€d in pickLs (Verbal @nmunication from Dr' Bhutla). vocher: 910l/4/96 Slld.: 9405/M.T/8 Negdiv.: 5/98/2/2 AUth LbbaL (L.l arh- (Srn: Minoe Lbb.t L.) Sian Sdh (Ud!)i K.bhish {Punjibi) Fig.16 llar. T,sFvIlI fi9s,30(&b) Pl.tFIv GniB @mporn blo.t of t*o 4's oE {Polyad) odl'oed of 16 elh, abovc thc o0Er. E in a ring and hck,w lhe plaE lying berw. rhc two on $e outside, hpering inw.rds to shapcd ns olrline in au planes t fil inlo foming cEirclin8 lh. cob. fN6 of cubical *ith intcstic6 b€rweetr lhc cells at their 8 lhc a.mr; si4 culE{h.Fd cntbl tybml.iqlly .how enlnl blNh periphcral (he ringr the wholc roondoi, "Oblak or p.robl corncB ol n€ripheBl cells aholr I llflr. a fl.ltcned anl SpNccs of Broup Na wholc 77 (81) 56 I slh 1 sqlae faced gni. e ccntdl .ells le6 bclw4n th€ 86/m Siaof individu.l c.ll 2a (26) 30 I@ and rD, 3.0od., Eiid of @t r FdPltnl cclb pcilrc, mxiE !r rhick .s s.riE .id intim .bqt M.lir., al. (1963) h.E desrihql lhh polyld. Enoincds .rud I rrh, liE eu$ .llcrgi.s o en 6nsc of SaiB rh. $cngc lcngth ol flonl richocs lpto t I ll tt ol tlE imr D.n or(85.8185 /m) tn rlhor8n th. hnjrb (v.6dl Munication fron Dr. A.A Bun ( 1989) Epon d thc .ri* stEi6 givin! ! sit or poucn is s||cd in thc polliBtcrl. TIE SniB of lhis planr pmb$ly CcnlEl ! srir planr of r i! iMl in individuh in tlE Bhuna) 63 (71 5) & /m .d h. lls 8arc rl|n M.di.j.il .nd Ec..mlc *toFrtL. It5 dLri.l b $.d s blood porifEr (ct D8tu., 1962) lt it culliv.tcd a orn.mcnbl r, rvcnuc tN. ll is B'!ul wi0 lu ke|Er ftr dllivalinA l$s fin htFv, li{sl.(t Us.d s eil bindd. lt Ek6 sood tu l wnh ebific v.loc or 5200 Czl. F.ts (ci B.q@t 1995) Thc r.'d.r ldc conbin 20t Prorcin Nri us{ 6 fc|{|€r for Vomhen 910&4/9? Slid.: 9108/M.T/6 N.s.tiv.: 5/98/2/5.19 Iyp€: Ptotopis Naftr flow€.ing S€ason: Melquit€ (Englisn) vermculd gbwlulov lorr, Mrrch . May Fig.3l C.ajns polatc - subprchre. Si4 25 (32) 34 !D. nateJv Flg.l7 Phre T.s-8 3{olpor.r.t colpiop.n, Erine psilat.i $xine I Ad, ftriN I 14 rm loa8 rnd &dtmD 11952). Kha. and M.mon (1970) e.vd si4 (63169 is a Dd Bun (1989) Epotrcd tlE rn) ro hr8. amu of sia nng. of 86is !s 23 (27) 3l po, side pl.nt or rhc Punj.b rid sheds pn widc. thick as serift and SiE hce lirlls withh rhc sirc irnAc lbr srffc stBics (22.5-12 It ? dt intiE t toF)n d by $€ sme spei6. Fll.n shicn rE rd lF de an 8aE flonl richons v.riabl. i.€. ?8.1I I rn. tE tdgth oa Mldici.al u.l Ec.ndnic PtoD.dla n hs rich pdcin nutirioMl v.l@ DE *@d is du6bl., sldng, osl for (ci sambs_Munt & subnnnanvm, 1989). fc@ nGl, tiEwood snd chrEdl lcav.s fom a vrlu.bh foddq (cf. BNqur. 195) Vouch{ 9409/ Slid.: 9409/M 58 T/a Ncgaliv.: 5/93/2/6 The podt ad Tlp€, Ptotoph cineruda lL.) uuce. lsynt Pntopit tpiag.tu L. Minotu.intudo L,) .rhlnd (ttdu); Clrtrd.n (l'uri&) n+32 n.telv CEiN Frcblzic - subprcl.t.. 3elpo6r.: colpi oFn. t4 widc. Sirc 3l i33) 35 rm. Dxie Dilnrc, Sid h€e falb wnhir $e si4 by range tot P. donimt a.d clind loming gdiBco@ntntion in rhe .n har long a.d E ,ro sriN I /nr. nuinc A dnrl ir sxrE lnl tpiciEeo (24-J6x32-38 Vishnu'Mitr aid Shm. (1962). lK populition i. ir is tlE rs the Puojab !n) 4oned Phin is $arc. while v.geution plant of Kotri Bamg. (Sind). Th. b$. M)dcd in Sin! (vcrbrl c(moDni.ntnm h, l)r' Mcdicin.l rnd E ormic Prcpert6 Tinb€r is lsed for agricultural implcmcnc Tle rsiatic gum is obhin d fron n (ct Samba Muny rnd subnhmantar, 1989) 'I'lle foliag€ of ni8h fenility n lopped lor fodd.r, oreil uder tid lhe pods arc ale usd 6 fdld.r. B..lue its campy is uscd itcquentlv in aem-forcsrrv in India rnd Pakttan (cf. Baqurr, 195). Voucner: 94lO/ Slidc: 9410/M.'tll 59 N(aariYe: 7/t8/l/15 Fabaceae (Papilionccete) Fsmily: auka ndovfua (lan.J o. K:8. (s!n But a Jrcndosa Dlut Pbr$ (udu)i Aah.) (Punjahi) ng.18 Pt r.T.S-lx I'lgs.3l(4b,c) Crais sphericd - sobrriangul{r.3-poac, e.ch lbre wifi dinnclcr (41) 45 /n, EIire fai.tly Etiolat€; sxift 2 rd, Exirc 1.5 /n and 6 ,1D. liE of4$ sd ror@ic hop.itie. Tb€ seds lrc usc{ menicinallt {nd is vcry much valu$lc. srcEd rEe b.rng ulled rhc DebuEr ot rh. god{ rn.j ol nadc ecnd utcsils TIE r.d L4!.s the lasr tun of a 3? intire I l]n 6ick- Vishnu-MnG and Shrm (1962) dc$ribcd thc sme sFci.s sivirs r Medicind Sie flowts.E offersj aE usd for naking th. hln being removed, in lhc pl.u.6 rcquiBl rwie orrhc pla is rko eallsl \dnrB. Fom rnples .r irs sood rhe bloody aI th€ 'chaul rhe BrNhnin boy beconcs lefparcm (Antm Pr(n). Thedry ll . i{dhu r iE kdl6 eEmony', wlEtr and mlsr eal tmn usl b acql aued S.midhaaE $€ 'Hon" th. scEd lie, The me is.lso tnown in Sansk.it .s 'bkshartu" or'Lic ter". ht * hr8c qunntitics,)i lr rrc collcclrtl hD ih hfutrcl*s {cl. Mr\l nli, t98). vou.hcr: 9413/ Slide: s4ll/M T/2 60 Ncaarirc: St98t2t 10, 3t99t4122 Type: Dalbeqia tittoo Roxb, v.nacll.r Nam€: P,kist.ni .@ sood (English)i Snlnu (Urdu): Tahli (Punjahi) Flo{e.lng S@on: M.rch - May Flc.34 natev f_8.14,26 Grains obla& - subriangular,3-colpomre; colpi open, 13 wid.. Si/! l8 (22.5) 27 lnr. lirtu tnnly ruticuhtc. *rnE flarcT.$V , Xlll /n t.5 ,rnr. long and 4 rlrnf, I ,. rlh rl vish.u-Mimand shama (1962) taodcd ftc sia Ense {2G28x22-24rm) for ln€ ed. rt€ics whik Khar llhough the rEc is ad Menor (190) itrsr lrnlitulcd shosed i$ ghis 42 Am in dianeltr. hul ltollcn hrve h$n eoordst in tlt rn durin8 sl,ring by $e pEsot wrncr Bu( (1989) rcDoncd tlE siz snge ol gnins as 16,5 (21.5) 26.5 ,rm.Bl lE rho sarc tlE.vene. Lngth of flonl richomes uplo 25.20rn- Mdi.nul Usd rl ltcotrotr!tu l,roptrlics as Foddcr, Fumioe, fulladch.r@|, nxnicidl (nx'ts md ba*), Md shadc (cl. Shcikh, c|ri|8os, sponine 8ooris, lirm dilMy l.rl). 'nTlcmonN The barL snd wood aE bnrer, lsr. acridi at r inyrcric npttrizcr: rlhys dtinr. vo hnnhift: cxn€don . amlElmintic. irnrs. hunrnrg scnsrrnoi coNs slinr discr$s. rouhler of fic anus, ulersr die$cs oi dp blcxl, lysltpsil and dlscdcry. 'lho juicc of the lqv$ clta6s is good for disees of ftc cyc (Yund'i) 'Ihu oil is |ptrhcd cxkrnrlly in aff@tioB. A d@rion of dc l.avcs is Siven Thc wood is co6idcEd alrmfiv.i vonitine (ci Kinikrand y@c\c.1 ii tl* acute sase of .l usfll in lcpGy, boik. edttiors, lo .llay B.su, 1987), ,342t4trt Slidci 9342lM. l A N.edhc: 7/9&l/34 Ditthtioa hlakei llor1, ax l'nkar Tvpc: gorcrhea. , Corel Trec (English)r Cul-&Nlshier (Urdu)r nss.35(:,0) l'lrlc-v CniN sobrirngulr - $boblare. 3-poBtei angulopoElc. nlt el, qch h{ving iirn r rnr Si( l? (11, ll ,lnr |lnr tliinr tlv rf ri uhft i vlif ftrine as thick as seritu rnd intift t I /n ftick. nirnrlo si& herc .qurls ro $ar or t. //r/ly'or,r (24x30 pm) Eponed tirdriui Vishtu Mnrc and Shamr (l%2) havc de$ritFi niE slxxics ol Ertit thoe E and such @tar fmn lhc now* of lhe two stNries whicn ftcrar fom floeer mNy al$ qus F lliDtion by 9,( r,04l93. lee in b€en rtrt, (1952) tM sn llnoE is iNct sucking lh. Sucling lfic bjrds sia rrrlc dl Snins 2l (24,5) 27.5 4r. 9l9l/5,97 slid.939t. ql4/M T/3.6 Ne|rrivc 5/98/2/ll,l/9/4/21 auu i1989) runoncd rh. vNh.r are birls h.vc S iN a l Nr or gr4!.a is closely r€lated hlving si& of l0-14x32-40 /im. th€ pollind.d md ir h$ b€.n obFned rhrt fiow I 62 Ettthrina (Synr globwds lPrrin.) Ptrks, E rlreroe Rorlr, Cor.l Trc (EnBlish)j Figs.36(.,b) OFinsebobl c.3-pontci tDE\ nrftldl, ll (33) 35 rn. Exin. faindy reticulr|cr eiirc V.r. glebftscns P.ai!.) Cll+Nthtd Pl.tFv cach 1.5 (Urdu)r Fig,l9 nd( T.SJX hrvnuJinndcrllrtrt rln, neiine as rhick as 5 lrnt. sxirc Sia h€r falls *irnin lhe size nnge for &yrln,a 6pp. e.l-44 ,ln) cport.d llrdtdrn (1952) Du(l (1989) r.toflcd rlr sirc fungc ol lr{irN i's 34.5 (3? 5) 40 M.di.in.l dd 5 by 4'. Economic hoDerlics Tne leaves md barks aE used nedicinrlly. Thc lc.vcs.Eamhclnri.ri!, c.fianic, galacksogue, €nmcnd8(Eue. and dtuuricnt The for ulce6 and for killing naggors in $cs: 6 an juia ol lcnvos is aiodyft lh. juke is u*l!t N n drersinB u$d fo. loodact*: lcnt6 n ry'liL{ lo disncN vcturcrl hoh*s, r t. eljcw rhelm ic paiB oijoinrs. lhe bffk is lnxnrive, di!rulic. onmcnrgoloc. cxpuckrrinl, N wrm J'dllie {l rhc an$clnjnlic, anlibilious. and fcbritu8c. The leav6. Mrk atl(l oots aru V Khrr: ,4l614/0? Slidc. t4loM l/.1 63 usl li'. sn Ni.Arrir( 5/o*/2/11 ?/r)ir/r/?4 s Typ.: I'onganu ?in"aro lL.l M$ti.,. Namer S€asonr Vemacular Ponsanrh (linslislDi Sulh Chcn (tr.du, PunjahD rbl€ring Ap.il . lhy tigs.3?(!,b) nale.v n9.20 Pla(€ T.s-xx Gftins 3-colporate. sub-uirngulm/sub-sphsi0r . Nnlll(o nrhcr sDall, tsilarc frrely gnnularc, rcctatc, colpi .nd loGs disrirct, diam.t.r of poE Itirf, anguklall(nufttu. 3.5 /rflr sqiN 2.1 /1nr r||d rrn rhict. Equarorirl dhncrr 22.5 (29.5) 35,5 rcrnr l.4 dn rlricl. 1 o ? rm. i i& + 8.0 /n, M.dicln.l .nd E oronic ProDen|6 'nr srds. lonv.s rlEun.dsm and of nls, ro anl oil dsmt d woms in us{ i. eei .rd clsif,8 fisNlous ses. Thc of rlE pod wom @.d thc Nl as a nllllicnr r Fnlily lir rliin diM$s IXc juicc ol nM6 porerion Voucher: 926{'/5/9? Slidc: 966/M Ttpe tr* Ml ac os.d Ngainsl T/2 as a is usl maj, *hqrinS for cldnin8 xoil ldl fo. diabets. and cou8h (ct. Dymat Negrtiv€: ?/98/l/6 S.rrartla r.rra4 (L.) Mer.lll, Nlhe Scasn: (Udu)iJol vem.cula. Jlyonli Floftring Atrgusl - lrcb.ldry lig.l8 Crrios (Punjahi) ll.lsvl pnfih(c . sublrirngul l Nrtlci for.s rl hrving dimere! 8 /N. Si4 28 (31) 34/nr lhu mllcs. rDrrtlcd. cr.h Uxinc lhirlly, ruliculrte; *rnt I pm. neiine 1 | ,rn' a'rl imifr 0.6 rm iuk. Visnm-Miltru n Shnrnta (lq'2) Nonjql t|r str ang. (26-28\22-2a @\ tor s.,.d.rrd (vittd.) Pe6. 8!tr (1989) EFnet dp sia 2l nr.gc ofBtuitu as {24.5) 2?.5 trlr. Mcdlclnal ald Economic Properties lsfjui@ and i! in aithelmintic. &trk is nsrrinscnr. $inula.ri usl skin dises in s6{ is emDc*,s,,Auu. {srrinlonr diarrher, mnsldd di{'nlcr ao'l c.largcil s0lar: nHlty 4lrlidt (cr. Brquar, 1969). vouch.r. 04l5/ Slidc o.l5/M r/l Ncgaliyc t/9v2/12 Ttiloli D ahxandnarum t,nt[. Clov$ (ljnglislr)r BcMm (Jrd!): Slt rlr fig.l9 lig,, nltcT,S.l Grains prclare. 3{olporNtei colpi (ahout 6x3 I rm and /]n). inline I /rr?rr L Siz€ 28 (32.5) 37 i I rm thick. Ilrrsvl l5 /tn long d I /m wid!. Ora l.lo.grt rtm lxim lainrly Ericulare. Scxino Siza hcrc falls some (l'u'!jnhi) 1.5 rm, &xnE wtul shoncr thd th- sizx ranse ol /!n) enoncd b, lirdrm& (1t52). vi\lxu-Mnrtu rd slhnM ( l%2). hoev.r, Fodcd th€ gain sia 6n!c (16-46 x 26-2E eG rFci6. ,rm) fo. (34145 'hc Mdidnrl lnd Dqmmac Protrlir$ Used as hest lodder for c. lo. Volchcr: 9417/ Slide: t4l1lM.172 N@alivc: 5/9lt/2/14 65 Family: Tlpe Rut{ceee Cntur a/rurrafrl& (Chndn.) S{ltrglc. lsrtt N.me. Selon: Cittut aci.la Rarb, Lifrania auftrtitoUa Ch.l9tn.t Yem*uL. L.nm noMhg July - Au86t GniB l(.tld rinbu (Punjabi) figs.4qr,b,c) Pr.levl Frg.2r (Erylish): suboblar. . pcrptularc. l-4 colpomr€i colpi open 14 sidc. Siz. 26 (28) 30 rrm. EriE, fiftly r.ti@laE. FriE 2 /m, irtnE ph Itre T.s'x long .nd 3 ftri* 1.5 ,rn rm In + | lnr Oicl. All dE &s*ih{rl qBic\ irlludln h rhis rcFfi rB nrwr Medlclnrl .nd E oaomic P.opqlis ltl juia is @Ni&red 6 c6ling. errigcunt dyspepsir, and 3ron&hic. thiht, f.v€r ctc. tu .nt.m inro rh€ cmlBnio. of d.dicires (cf, Dyn@k., dl., 1890 It ir uetul i. swl c.miDtive vot.t). Voucter: 9318/3/9? Slld. 9ll8/M 66 T/3 N.gadr.: 7/98/3/17 Typc Cattus Namet Sson: aunntitu L. ver.eul.r sou. or S€ville Orange (English)r Kha(e Nib! (udu) Flo*qing July - AuSusl Fig.4l Pl e-VI GBiN spbcri€rl-polale. 4{olpo8tei colPi open, porcs 4 sodcrines 5, rounded each having diameler 3 nliculatq scxift 2 /n, rcris 1.5 pr r n 14 /n pn. Sia long and 3 }n wid., 32 (34) 36 ,lm. Exinc ! po Ihick. Medicin.l and Econonic Pr.perti€s Th. fruit is ca.diotoric, l.xatirt adl anthelnintic, emovc faig@, lualiv€ and g( nl rpfi.odisiac. Thc flower is (inulaoli its $ncll tclicves j!i@ feve6, its col4i ils duoNldn is is onic, diuctic. us.lul in pilcs, enlarSenc or lhc splen, chcsl loublcs. and lu,nbaBo. Th€ l€.v.s ato Bien lor bmNhitis. Thc nlcl is u$tu| cheking vonninS, ad pcv€ ion ol i.te{iml woms (cf. Xinik{.281 Bau, rr 1987). voncnct 9132t3197 Slidc: t3l2lM.T/3 Nc! lvc: 3/9ql:l/28 Ttpe, crdr r.dicd v. Lin.tta B@dir. None S$$nr V€d*ul.r Cir.on (l,nglish); Ftoeering Jme - Augst T!.ej FiE42 (Ufllo, hrniNhi), Plate_vl CDiN sphe.i@l-tmlale. 4{ot|)ofllc: colpi oFn. poB 4, ruundc\|. sexim 2 /h, 15 Ptu dch hrvins dinnrcct 2 ,rm. Si4 l0 (32) ftxine 1.5 }!m tnd intinc 1.05 /n rhick. 14 nDg aln 3 I1r tnt liriE si.[. rulrcuralc: M.diclnd rnd Ecommlc Propertie lqn*r, Elicv.s so€ Urar, c@gh sthm, rhiar, hieogh. ft is gaj fof lh€ rhmr .nd dE juie Tlrc ripc liuir ,llays caEchc. The iis@t rtul sNri rrnnuhnl, discstinfu rtrd r,ric. x cuEs *.ds ar go.d for piles rnd in biliousN. Tl€ mr rflhelmit ic, is Emov. colici usful jn vomitinS rnd uritury calculus (cf. I(inik.raul &so, 1987). voucher 0134/3/9? Sli&: 9Jl4/Nl.T/5 N.gatlvc: 7,98/1 CY.lr drdr.d 10 v. limnuB Bdd. Th. CImn (English)r Grl"g.l (Urdu) Msy - July Fig.43 GFitu sph€ridlpol.lc. 4alponlc; olpi oFn, l8,rn ld8 rrn 3 ,rm wide. I'oEs 4, rcudlsj, sxic 2 rm, 4h hrvinS diadcltr 2 ,td. si4 l0 {12) l4 rn. lariE re{iculare; mxirc I rrn ad inlirc + I ]rm thict. Medlclnal end Economic Properllg Thc r@r is an$elninric: u$d in ad ir u*tu| if, vonniog, unMry costipaln,n d in on@F, ll toftovq\ c.hulu, and itulte fruns aE stimulafi, .sting€nt ro th€ borcls; cnmtlains, a$hnr. anJ @uSh rcf. Krrikar @ris of tE leth. TIF hdr, inl appetilc. lt is ustll flosF rrd to. ab<toniml Brsu, 198?.. Vonchcr:9316/l/99 Slidc: 9336/M.T/? N{lrllvc: ?/08/:l/12 68 uolic rlp.! d'!r v.fleLr NrG L) &r: c .!rr&.r Yr. l* $r.. Ofl|3. (Eglb$ !t*r (U'rl\ hrdr6i) !ffitse! rhaBt (D o.b.d( ,rL-tFlc lE4 tb.vr trlErrl Gnhr porc! 4 rF|En.lFle. &ohr-i q.r 17 modd, !|dI hrlrS ilimEr .!orr 3 rm. Sir. |!tLrfi.: -riE Sir Oad2 colpi 2.t r.e, Epored Ie) nportd M.d.lC dd criE ? d!.d lrtr [.r! h& r lid! lr!.. by Edd|. (r9t). th t.5 |!r toq d 35 3 (37.t 40 ,m. dEr&! nA. tu |b !e runl pruluc.! ! !.prlu fluir lrllst Mrtrl. dci in vibmtn C. 933yM.T/8 a9 AxnE ,|[ tict. E@h ntrd.t Ved..: 9!334rl9 8ll& rd {id., r.i.d|.| 298lrn9 rEdcs Typ.: WicuLt (t,.) Jrdt, (Stt Mtntd aoti@ L., Chotcot Mumla N.m: S.aM: v.mr.ubr ChiD Bor, nder hrS (E€lic!); nowdng Mor. or ld! rll the L, MuM, Kr|nni rudu) t@ rig.45 Plqlevl Fig.22 Plale T.$Xr C6iN q,lEriql - $b{rlate, 3$llhntq colpi otln, 2 | Sizc 27 (33) 39 ,d'/'lcalata rh- EiE d.irb-rcticuhr.: *riG 2 ,rm long ,ln, Erine l.5 rdl rrm 2 ,rn wi{G. anl itrtirc I M.dlclnd lnd F.onmic P.op€.t|., Ir isa lavourilecvcrgNn sh.ub,lt hqrs |fAc huNhs or swer.snrcllinr A gltBidc k obr.in€d ftm rhc 0orcB dllel M!fryin. ftc bad( is bii6, TIE povdcEd lc.t i! u!.d a .n lpplkdon to f6n cuE .d laws is dntnt in doFy- TIE dy$r .ry (cl Kinikd & B.$, lc.6.E qEd in llE l@lm u$d in sMrc dccetim of tlr of di.trl@ rn a 1987). Voehq: 932013191 Slidc: 9320/M.T/6 Ncgdlvc: 10 flosa. ?/98/3/19 Family: Mdiaceae Tyne: Audituchta indha (L.l A. Jis. ls!a: Melia @din.hta r,.l N!n.: S..s: ve.n&ula. Margosa FlowirS April - M.y Tre iEnllish); rig.46 Pollco ghin tcttrrcortnare (Brcvicohtrrro) tuFtrc Rgi,nr criD isnxnctulcty trIiE | M.dicinal rnd Esnomlc PioF 5 l1D sflrricrl, .vcnsc sizr tict pans ol neem aE imtonant. Tho bark and oil aE or mc{icinal valuc. Thc and 43-47 l1nr li6 In arci.nt Sa6krit rripruE all rcnili&rs (Udu, Punjabi) flare-vrl lhEkcned in contour son& whal squrrish b$oDiDg exiN rcry fimly rcacularc. Nftn iMcr epcllenrs. bavesrft ucd as dcsnhd as medicinaly tcNvcs lrd tsnrgs arc u*,j N ixder ror ger, cloct.Rt shst (cr: Baquar, 1995). vou(her c26al5,s7 Slid. o264/M Typ.' Ncgarive 7/98 3/5 Crr'r.r. roora Roxb. cx Rotrl, & wittd. Neme: now(.ine Sssn: Ve..acular Mlnog.ny (Engtish)i Tun (Urdo. Punjsbi) Mard - Mny rig.4? Criinss cricrl nnrl c crch hrvinBJinNtcr T,4 rbur 3 I,htc-Vll 4 oohotutc: odlfi7 rnr. Sizu 22 (21.5) 25 7l d ['ig.23l,lat.'l.S-Xl l,nr8rrrl I /,n widc, lrtrcs4. rnr- lixnE psilarc: sxnx | 5,rr. uic I rm and indB 1 | ,rn thick. Si4 I'cr falls c{NlBl snallcr nnge lor Ce.rrcl4 spp. (2t-44 $n) EDoned by E dtdan (1952). Pl.nG M.dicild &d E@lmlc oa |hatr rtu sia rh. f.nity rc hF.tue U3dl for furnifu€, f.x]de., orMnental, rinbsr, mcrlicinal (h!rk lor.jysnrcry), shdc r,rl cotrcruclion (cf, Shcitn, 193). Vou.her: 9295/4/9? Sllds 995/M.T/4 Ncgalive: 5/98/2/l? Typef M.tia alrtunch L, Vcm*d.r Nlnu (Srn: it ,.n tdrlr M. rlm.) Bc.1d TN, Chin! Tr$, pcnirn Uts (DnBtish)i B.k.in (Udu)i D.rt (Punj.bi) Flow.ing S.as: M.rcn - Mry nt.{a PhGVIt Cnins qrltrial - pdlnlc. 4-q'tBnq cotpi oltn, 2l or a laloryare wnh dianelcr abdr J rds, Sia 37 (39) 42 2 Ft&24 rn nng rn. liie nd.T.$XU d I rm witc, 1 psjtrtq eris rm, Erirc 2 rn rnd inrim t.5 ,rn rhick. Si?c h.c .pp@h.s very clos to rh. siz for rhc sm sp6ts (42-39 /n) reponcd by Erdr.un {1952). Mediciml rnd Eco{orDic hoFrties thc le.ws, r@t ba*, nows .f,d aruil' lB arc aE bi[.r and shn8l, purs.rirc in erion- Thc 12 ncd mcd,oietty. Art |t!nr ot rtE tqv$ ar arnitilhi:. diuEric ad ehdetugolrie. The dection of th€ lcdvcs is cmploycd in hyscri.. Th€ le.v* !rc usd aor stin disNs. IlE scn Thc and noEN ac.ffecliv. for rcli€vin! ftft@s hsddlp, ba.k is anth.lnindc, siinulaot ard antispasnodic. The roor bart is b.sr for andelmidics lava rolndwotus. emmcnagogle. Thc Tn. flow.6 aE frui$ soalql in wnisty tapcwoms and round*omr .rc Thc ecds aG ar use<! deohsro.nt, rcsolv€nr. .nd u$d .s 4n an$clni ic againsr for rh. r@rmcd of typhoid Erention orurire, .nd pelvic pai6 (cr. Dsru, l%2). voucher 0ll0/3/97 Slide: ollo/M.T/! f.v... Negarive: 4/99/5/25 Swiet.iio tuoctuthYh KinE. Hodu6 mrhagotrt (EnSlish) F|g.49 Cniis Sie suboblate - subpmlale. 3-@lpo6rer cotai 21 (23) 25 scxiE I /n. o!.n, 9 rrm tong and 2 E,rim norc or le$ psilah rhicteNd atong rn fiick, nexine .s rhick as *xift and jnlim t poB faintlt Ericuh.j I !m rhict Ske h.E falh *ithin th. sia (27x21 p6) tot Swi.ti@ hmins Ed'nfl ,rn *idc. rcnlio.*,J' (1952). M.diciml rrd Fenmic Pror.rra6 Itonn beDnksl anonS rhe lirsr grade riDbe6 lr is used ir rhe mrnuirctlrin! ot Snnophomi Bdio ad rLvision cabifc, piatus, orgns. t3 nneti, bowts. btusn brcks, j.Ell.ry n diciE c$incB. Prirlc^ box.r. blGks. sing mhiE coEls rd qrycd sood mrt5, (cf. Smb&Muny tnd SlnbRnmryrn, 1989) voLbd: 9139/3/9? Sll.h: Fsmily: Ttpc 9439/M T/2 N.t dE: a/9/r/2J Euphorlrt cere PhtlLdthtt tsr Ninl.: Irowcrt4 S..soor v.fl.cuL! 6 ict l'. E ttli.o olfi.inati' ctdrn ) ! Go.4lery (Edisn); AI (U'du) Mrr.h - Mrt ns.50 ndcvll ah Fk.al h.t.Sxll rF. Siz. 23 (26) 29 rn. E iF clh!|rt.: $xim 2 rrh. Fxir. s thic* ,r eri; !d inli|t | ,rm thtt lt h.! sinihririq with P. @rlrlMit W.lt, (2 | .544 pn) Gepl si2. ntg!. Th. qEiEn w GniB sph.ri{. 3-pont &&db.d in gratd dcr.il. b, Ptut Medlclorl lr lld E o||o.nh is uscd $ nd. pott hrins dbn|cl.l 09!). tto!.rtr6 tt i! olcd in dking tumiuc- Uscful fo. @cutrcltjn.d cha@I. Fruit i! l.xrriE, diurlric, .s|rinrcd is r ic! sE liv.stoct. Yorg of vit. C bE lr-s 4 .d .a rd PicrH (ct SlEil(n. 193) TlE Doctin Thc rolagc lopp.d ttd t it! tr[t.. good foddd ror s St! n mNE (ct B.qu. 195). vdtdh.r' E22215t91 s,!tu: q2Z2lM; l hil Nc8.llw 5/9ft2/26 Jcwellery bor€s, rn€dicim obines, Finrcrs hl€ks, wood wort5. (ct S.nb!-Muny .ri Suobohm.yd, Vouch{r9439/3/t Family: **inB d.chim ovcB. .nl orycd 1969)- Sllde: 9439/M.T/2 Nc8.tlv.:a/99/5/25 Euphorbiaceae Type, Phruonthu enblico (syn' Non€: now.ins Se.son: v€d.cols E l'. tbtica ollicinati' encrra.l coosebdry (Eislish)i Aml. (U.du) M!.ct ' M.y Fis.s{, natcvlt Fis.25 na& T.S'Xlt rm Sia 23 (26) 29 pm Eti* Ericularq srift 2 rn. reiiE s rhic* as $xift ad iiliP I Pn fiic* lt hls simihrnies {ith P. @rclt.rd w!lr. (21 5-44,rm).x€efl sia nns. TlE slBimn {i3 GniB sph.ricsl. 3 porate dcsribcd in BE.tct dcuik by Mediciml ft ud i diarcter 4 (1973) .ri6 fel. It is usd in m.ling charcoal. FNit is laxadve, is Pu tklnomic Prot is used as each pote having tumnuE. Ueful for @Nrodion td diutlic, asrtinScntaid Pickhd Gt SlEikI, 193) Thc liln good fodder ror dch suEe of Vn, C and pecin The foliage and frui$ na*e a livcstd!- Young bErchcs tre loPp.d d Vouchcr: 0222/5/0? Slidc 8reen mmurc (ct B'quar. 195) 0222/M'I/l Ncsatltc 5/98/)/76 Pu|t tjito totbrrshii W^tt Typcl \S!t brp.t.s ntbltjhii (v/|ll ) HrroeM ) Lilc ot lhe child (English); Plt4ju (Urdu)i ng,26,42 Pl.tcT,S-Xlll. Fig.sl Fl.re-vII Gr.ins sph€ric.l.3aolponL; alpiopen, (32) 35 d. 14 Exic dicuhtq exirc I ro. rexirc s /m long rhict '! anl4 eri* 5 l,nl widc rrd intiE xxI Si*29 r | 4m (27-31 t|nD rhick. SiE tponed hcru frlls wilhin lhu $i7r ru|uc lbr rhc srmc ipccics Epon d by Eftltman {1952). Medicinal and Eonolnic ProPcnid foits hulg lik. a Fllae ound lhe oecks of childcn to teP mem " h€ing tlm 'Garbhl_laa" in good health, They m mentioned in lhe'NiBha xs k!lhcm''fh! hnrd "Pnnuclion ofidPagnttion', nnd hddicidl otoflnics rc r rih{lcd The dricd w.inlded tuE de genenllv wotn ont, colds on rcd oalh.it suppossl 6 a chrm, nearinS bur d $mcrimc Sivcn intmall' noFni's (ci Dv'mf,k"d 1393 Voehq:9376/,U97 Stdc9l?6/M.T/2 N.ga{ve: 3/9/4/16 n Votlll)' Trpe: crner oil pl.ni {EnBlnh)i A.dd ru'nu)i Redi Flowe.s ot v.rions (Punjabi) e$ons 1-'g.27 n4. T.SXfi Cr.iB subobhc-p@lare. !-colp!tc;colpiopen, l3 /d lonsand3 rlm wid.. Si4 27 (28.5) 30 rrn. Exirc l)sil.r.r srim I pn, @xim as thick d sexift and intic0 6 rn Mcdlclnol and E.onomic Propcni$ d4ribdl d 80tn oil ard tmls aE a por8alir. lt is @fd acdfl flaul.nc., rleumrisn. f.v.r and intlammalorv aflclio.s o. in rhcumltisn tbe plafl b.aE th€ synonym m b. tlken Pith @w s v.tari mt cstivc6 ani of its cffici4v oil is ditected As a plr8ative lhc utim o. tn infusion ol ginBer or lhc de@lion or len MG kmwn -dNsmul|" lG lqvcs arc 4pliLrl lo llE hruNls l(' stop llk boited wilh lhe an wdirtr' ol the ncNlru.l toe (cf Mahhadi, andontn lhcv rru t$nuhrlv 1978). d il I lcal amlicaton in th('u8l o Prunrnc t in golls mil* and wde., il can bc u.cd as ophlnlnia, when rpdidl o Nilt TJpt: Sapiun N.n.: now€ling 560!: Vernacul.r s.bil.Mt \o\b. Clincse Tello* Trc {EnBlish); Pepli Chrrbi (Puijabi) June - Augun Iigs,53(a,b,c,d,e) nri.-vll Pollcng6iB 3 @ltorate, gr.nulatc, averag€ size dd E&nmic Ptupcnic Juie of thc rE is rcsiqfl ad.crid olgnins60150lrm, exirc $ick Medicin.l Vouchcr: 921215/9? T pc (cf. B4uar, 1989). $li{lt 9212lM.-l14 Nq,liv(: 5/e8/2/?l Trcei| ntdilotu L. Nane Seen: Ye.nrcular Tumri (Udu); C'nha! (Punjabi) Flowring F.bruary - M.rcb l i'1.54 tl c_Vll Fk-2A IU|r l.$Xlv Onins oblare-Froblale. 3-politcr nores roundql. cach hrving lirmctc.4 ,rm Siu 26 (28 5) Mcdicinrl 3l rdn. [xins nsildci rxinc l 5 por. ncxinc I dr {rd lnix I I rN $d Fenmi. ftopcrlic swer rl c{nling, uslul for toNtv.l ol rucllings, bilc lnd Phl!8mi thc nnr is pt*tib.d itr Soury or rheunatn atlErions Gi Dvm@t er z/. 1893 Vol lll) The lr is wood is whitc and soft, used forcatvin8 rrd trtrking lovs. Pnctin!.6cs. plywoo! (cr D!qua., 1995). vouch€r: C44O/ Stidc: 9440/M.T/4 Negativ€: 4/99/5/26 1l drnkir! Md Fanily: Anacrrdiaceae Typ.l M$go tre (ltrBlish)i A{tr (lr.'lu,: Itg.55 Plelc vlII CniB pcobl.t! - pt!l.tc. 3{lpodtq Sir 24 (26) 2E rrn, &nl. r.ticll.tq exiF tis.29,t @lPi qEn. 1,5 lrtn. 14 EriE 'nh (ltnjrhi) [,lar. ,rm long T.slIll, xlv rld 2 ,n eiL | /rm ad i|lriF + I ,rn Si4 IEE li.5 *nhin tlE si4 nryp lor M. Jaaida (2%lE F) ftto|rd ht EldtEn (1952). Phnts.c itgr DolliMrd. Th. SniN or Oh qEiei aE anboftMc{lcln l .nd Econornic PioPgti6 TrE |dv6. b. fron dricd lcdcr lev6 buming lczws The Sivcnn' , 8on can, trui ud is .E inhtlltl br* aN u$tl ft{itiMllv F wd:r Nric b.mtichlly givcn in dirrhoeu afll diatt|6. nE rum fmm lor rlicr is r$tingenu il h.s f'!nlu!i!. $! lcsordxu'. of dis.4s of llE nFl. r olrke! ronic.ctio. rrqr|[rulc . on hi:cup clc nmtus ftmbnFs: n di$nntgc\ Innn dr ulttus drl h'wls. dy*ncry. blcding pilcs. hemrhlgc fon tlE lungs id.liEs or ul.tu diartuu. 'nf, hart is u$tl in tl* lEr|mcnl ol .liPhtlPria Ntn t{hc. drnnl diss TIF dricd flMR ! .llring. cmBh ol thc bhddcr znd rit'cNl Iruil is glct : d|.y arc dv.n in l and diauier' cltonh tltsnlcry. TtE unrin ncd fruit h a$ringcnr ad, nnlieottstie. diurclic. Lr .di$o ulic TL llivc. invi8r'nrn|8. httcrin$ n'rl Nlringrnt t1E 1A seed is vcry ad rd.tdtra. efective in chronjc dl*ntcry, diithoM, dlcs. n,cno[lEsia henorihases erc (d. D.sur, 1962). T,l Vouch€r: 9123/l/9? Slld( 9323/M NeSelire. 7/98/3/2 Family: Dodonreac€ee (Splndrceae) TrDe: lrodoM.a seo[ lt'.) I8\' (synr ,r. ..liotcd Rorb. ,Lle v4m.dd Nim: nMri.g S.a$on: Ali.., S.ndh. (Plijabi) J..ur! - M.rch 118.56 Plrtevlll GniB pNbtcsplEriel. 3olponlc, @lpi ol*n Doc 3. o* in th. nildlc of Dxire + 0.alflc: exiE 2 *h @lP! htving rn, turir | 4m iEihlid 16 d lon! ttrt di.ftif 2 rn, sit d inlitu I I rn thie*. at intcmirql in 2a ! rn *i|. eO 28 dt. tll rir hol rhcir unltusn. Dr. Bhunr h.s crpc.i.frql thnl il uus $we Emmous annnl of SaiN ot lhis Plant altergcnic syq,loms aB vis.osc Linn.) in rh. thMt of rhc gniN alE irh.led dir.ctly. M.diciral rnd Eonmic ProD.ni€s l |( suD, tusin Eldin rhe hat litc r ll dd rlhunM liM.d nrcscu irr (N {rt m.al poulticc. From rncn stringe rtDy lu'vc snnc |chriluSq vitruci. whilc rlE rc$irrs rhc bowcrs opsn (cl. Dym$t (r 4/., 1890 eotrld suflrd_ rl'll rlev prop€nics it is .oil|i.Ftl I/2 pot{ble i'r ltu rnlerr lo vdl.l) vouclEr 9441/ slftlc 9441/M wourd N.g.llv€: 4/99/5/27 tNp Frnily: Rhamnace.e TiaPhB nanqulorio (Fxf,. Ir 1 i9hl & An. lsrft Z. nrutulilolid lanlr. lthohnns nh\n ana Burn. r.) N@er Floffiing S.Ton: Jhar berl (Ud!) KoLao_1,!ir (Ftnjibi) vcrn.cul.r MoNi - Jun., Augrst - NoBb.r ngs.57(.,b) Gnins sub{blale, suhpolrte inrrangulrr, €ach having nexirc 3 /n dBmt and intire l.5 rn r3 n..evl Il€.10 ?trl. T.$xv t.tl s'dclim{ suhriangula. S+olgnte: FG !n Siz€'16 (48) 50 /n hine l'sihtcisriN 6 3. /n thick thc plafi i5 itgt pouimtd (cl- latan4Jlat coqti ot salMlia tulobdn'a Medlch.l ,nd F.dmic kope.tl6 Thc ftuit is slible. Ddfths N lddcr for livc$&k wdxl aru loPpcd is usl as firuwood Gf. Baqur, 195) taKs ac lsd in bilious lDoliql extctull, on boils .td aildtiN sba6- Frun is .sringcnl (cr. Baqu(. l9E9) Vdch€rr 9418/ Slldq Ctl8/M 80 1/3 NeCIlv': 3/99/'U23 'ri qrtng: Fanily: Tiliscese Ttp.: v.lnl.'rl{ N.@. Addi atlotl$L. ft.b. (Udu, hnjrbt lldwitrgs.eF: Mtlli - Apr.ll !t€.58 GEins subrrbnSuh., Sia 15 (15.5) 16 PldFVnI tbbtc, 3{olflnrr Fig.ll nd. T.i!.XV colpi olrn. 9 rrm t!ng, 2 ,rm Didc. llm. Erirc psilatc-f.intly Eticulate; sxiE I pm. tuxire $ rhht .s $xin€ and inlim 0,5 ran thick. Siz. hcrc |' lk mlch snrll€r, rhan th€ sid nryc for th! srmc spLrics (.l4xa)5 M.dlcinal Alt Bfitrrcd hy lirluMr ud E@odic (1952). I'l:|ll| n &oDcrlks It i. oltietcd for it! eid fruir. rt3 brrl is Dtme* .r al., b dcnuhc.I. B.q!.r, | 890 nrwr nolhunBl. usl a a medy ot dtsntcry hrl Rtut bdk is u*l ir rlElmtis (.t vol.I)- Ftuir ir @lin8, *rringcnr rnd sldriclic. Intusid of tac e ulcd in plsrul.r .DprioB. !9E9). voucher' 9419/ Slld.: 9419/M.T/5 N.g.tive. .]/99/4/25 8l (ct Fo|nily: Malvaccae Typc Abutilot bld.nt tun Nxtrr: llo*ern'C S.#on: Mrhff ((rrdu. l'udthi) v{rnffdff April - fi6n . e. a Rt h. MUY Fl8,s9(.,b) Pl.ttvlll Cflios stheriual. I'olrpo.aor porcs noE thNn 50 Dwded, each havi{ ditmi.r 4 }!n and inreqbrd dht!ft. 4 rm. Si& 46 (49) 52 rlm &rcluding t?tB). Exine stiMlci lnircs 8 /m long wilh b|ss4.5 rm *ide aid 5 lrm .Pani F irc2 rn, rexine | ,rn. i intin. t Nan (1 2) I pm thict. e.v. lh. avcag. sia nhn$ae insr |x)lliMlrd. Phnrs h.vin8 voucncr: 9421/4/9? Typ€: (?2 pm) for tlE s.m speks. MGt or dE hmtql. lEiD my caus nNl irnnion. Slid. 9l2l/M T/8 N.€itir: l/99/tr?,2E Abutilon lndidolL,J 5w.6, (Srn: Sidd irdico L.) Nane: r'lopc.in& liu$n: Vcdade Mello* (EnSlth)j Karddl, Modml, Pdrd (Udu) throq+onl thc !car, l'is.50 Plilevlll Orrins snltricrl-t&ohhtc. PolyParite; loradin, .bout 5 ,.m Sik 64 (102) 142 N aoifritur. Ilonrrcd, i inc I ru 2 /r (cxcluiling spircd, ?.h krn! wirh Exi* lm, forami.r. 1.5r!m. lpinare, spirc5 hi*s ! /D widc, int*pind rhick Nnn (1962) !.vc de lvcDge size (80 a2 rn) dianeter as mrny dislarce 4 pm md for the sdc sp4ies. Medi.inal and f.onomic hopcdics All plns of lh. plam rE ued dcdicinaul, A d.@tiotr or dE leav4 as Bli.n intedally in bonchiris. cr|'fthil, bilioG dirdhea, SoRnrllrn, innMrMtion or rh. bladder, che( affdtioni, uBrhriris {nd fcvcB. Tfu lcivcx rtol novsrs .rc atlnlic{ lo boils and ulcc,s. 'Ihc brrk is diururic. lhc Mns rrc rl(' daururici d'L:y rtc usd is r p!lnonary, *darivei and arc usefulin srratrSurt, h.cmaorir and leprosy. thesecdsarc nutirive, ronic, denrulceo(, laxrlive ir piles. cxpcorohil lnr gomrhoea, ueer d chronic ctsiiris lt is al$ used rclicvarrS ooughs. usliil in {s rphrodkiru (cl. DNur, 1962). Okr! (english): Bhitdl (Urd!, hrnjahi) ti8.6t I'|.r.-vlll CEins stheriel. PolyFrarci porcs n,undc{, Nrre i4pn I9pn and al)an. si& I7l (194) 218 &m (crclodir8 dimorllhic. blurr, snallerspi*s 9 pnapart, Mcdicinal born rhe stines hrve ad 'lhc /n long a.d hrger ll[n 50, uh *irh di,nErcr spimr. lltiN sdmlcr slifts. tjflo lheirhNs,6 /D widc: s*ine 2.5 22 pn stns lonS and 30 rm. nciinc I / ! Fiononic Propoti.r Illit is ol oulicnrl o*. A dcc({ritr ol lllxh liuir is hkutr tu skfthal rlGcrions, innrbihy of lctrilGurinrry :r Lvcrs. orgrns, such .s cvstitis gonodhoea dysrh. h@nh@ .!d dilftul9 h posing uire- DE udipen d truit sr.mrorha rrd iniorion of lnmlr (.f. Danlr. Type. Nmer Sboe-noe.r (Englith)r S.en: Gr.ins sphe.i@t. PotyFratci No. Si2c 139 (l9l) 242 rat'irtrldishNr 4 Ilg.32 ErOT.$XV! Is offoEmiu dan 50, lonne. diamet€t 3 smdiro rn ad inlitu bramhed, 16 rn long wnn t nt|t, sPin$ $ bas 9 rn wid. t | !n lhiot (nuch lhinNrllEnqitE) (30_190 siru ['lls pn) hv |jlllmm (1952) lnd fxonomic Prop€rties In lhc 'tolal Gulht (Urd!, P!nj.bi) fl.teVIII eilhin thc ii?€ 6n8e q)one! for thc ,hmily Medlclnal Negaliv. l/99/4/26 rm (€xduding sPirE Exirc 3 /m tnick, nany rs for.niM, blum. i cue All @!trd lh. y.d.. 8g.62 rn, lo Eibisus resa nn.,sis L. v.mrulu Ito*fiini c.t.! 1962). T/4 Vouclrer: 4420, Slide: 9420 M is fBh toot juic$ ol lb. white nowored vatiety qirh nill 'l his slnb is rhc nos lestiv.h ol and sugar is common for nriiv. of Bind. in 1955 tlut h. l rdiru{ had caued lhc 94lrl/97 give. in $c doss of two Sonoiinca, ad tb. rmt powd.. it Sivcn for wrm rclald Slide 9.32/M ti4 ll8 conlL$sn'n dl I lbonion or rhis ccubim bt giving b'r th. floq.N ruhbed down virh paFy. *cd (cf Mashhadi. Vouchcr. is t/l 1978) Ncg.live 4/99/5/17 Bombacaceae Family: Satndtio (!i!t notohoie (DC.I S.ho( nnd Endlicher.) Utrhhl, silk.couon Frg.63 'ntuttuncnllt<') lF (English); 1 rn ,rn Erire Eticulttc Fi8.$ e: cold srirc l on'n 15 rn nat€ T.s'XVl krnB mrirc I rm 5 llnr. rhick. Si@ hcc lalls wilhin dre sie mngc EPonql fot ht nrdhrn ) slnbrl (Urd!)i P|!telX ofti.s suhl.i,nButaq'cft)bl c l colBt vide- Si4 59 (62) 65 Sclntl rl Ullli'hq rtrl and a'Dhd olbtn 3 rnt intitu 131166 t $r) (1952) whilc Nrn (1962) Medicinal .nd Econonic PrDperlict All flns ol llt srranSury and is Nl,Plicd lruc nrc u$d trludicnrllv lmall' ro 'tlE lrslu slincruOions Th€ ttrk i3 rl livsn luvL\ is Ei{rn as rphrodisiac in senin!l weitness. lls Plslc is usud over inlUNDdlidrs nl I dcnulccnt ind dd cruplir)ns or onic rltcftlivc ntpric dcnrulc' r rfnnnisir' ll is innlcna lsetul in diitrhoe!, dtse ery' h.enoPtvsis of pulmoM't tubcrculosis Incnrcs rliurdclrvc'v hrcnmcmc$is, rNl n&nonlFgil ll is rls) usclitl tur chaking 'lboBu Thc rdl is rsl.inBenr, of r Yo!.S it is uscrul indYsnlc.Y Thc ,'l nr tc is srimul.nl. ronic, ererh. tnP nxn ir rs'l in s.turher dd n,,uen is IicrllY rlJPhu'l ovlr hoih, v'tus rtrd irch lr5 6tomi* Ninnge anl dvenrory' A nast nadc llrdrvliurl(h$nulirirlI cnn,ric inllrnnn0(n). r! utccfllnnr ol llt blnddd nnJ kidrtrys. 'l hr $a{s gomrhq, gl€t. chronic€ysritis. enum0nm, Vouche.r 9304/3/9 Slidc: nnd c nrhlldisa{s(cll u$lirl io l)nstur. l 2). 9304/M.T/l N{!.riv.: ?/98/l/16 Familyl St€rculiacc8c Typc: St.tulia c.tlo..ta R^xh. Nrnc f|owitr8 ScM. s.mri (l'!ij$i) vemxubr N Marclt - Ap.il }lpr.6l(r,D) l'l clt llA..i.l ltrk l.S-\vll (ituirss ericnl.l llnlo:torlr r'udql, |$rcdntrrl$7 rtrr Silc:lir(.11) 1:l rn. Erim minut l, spinuldei $riB 2 pr, icxinc I ,rnr nBl inrim t | l]D thick. Sit heE is gEarer rhan rlE Mcdicinal siz nnSc for t d/drd { +2o /rnt rcF|nql ht l:rd|nm (| 952) !|ld thoro c P.oFrti$ Tlu hrrl yields.n inferiot IibN. sltong bul c.mc. nsd litr rrlnrl qE Vouci..: 9425/ Slidc: 9425/M.-tl5 Ntgarnt l/99/.1/12 (cr' Typ€f Pt Ntp.tuun ocenfuUan Willd. Nrn€: now.iry S€@tr: F.he Aer (Enrlish); (amk Chrnp. (U.du. Puojabi) vern*ll.r A!.il - Junc ncs.65 Pl.lsIX Poll€n gBin sph€rcid.l, spiDos., about 2 rn 34 pomrc, spinulcs thict excluding spinules. Average Medicinrl .nd E ondric FitJS sjt 40 /n t 4 nt T.$XVII /'n, sxirc tl'iclcr is dirmctcr ProF.ti6 Tlts|lalsolfloreB tlan*s, h,ving Eood polhh (ci A lrrse.verBen lrce. lr is cultivalcd !s orMmcnral rEe. ac us.d B'|qu , mcdicioally. Th. Nood is uscd for making 1995) Vouche.: 9356/4/9? Slidc: 9356/M.T/4 Ncgaiivc: 3/9/4/5 Family: Lythrec€re Type bg.rl.o.nio indi.a L. Nrnc Flo*ering Seson: lhurush (lJrdu)r SNni' Vcrn dl|r l)l'urx (lt fii) May " August Fiss.66(.,b) Onis sphdic.l-oblat. PLlelx 3-colpodlci colpus closd, $dl 30 rn long. 2 ro rhick, rhiulcninS unilorn in thcnriddlo dnd d thecnds, wniuh ae blin! nores:lhDt l0 nr.dud, poro didttcr 6 r . Stx :1, (47) 55 p . ItxnE l rrur sltirlu md irrltu l 5 /nr 6ick Erdhan(1952)Bavethesrrinrizctlnsc(3lil3rrm)torr.(/v,r/.rrawhichis dh.r sdallcr $a. th. gnis of L. lloiled@e R.a. 87 M.diclnll ,nd Fionmi. ftopc.llB ll isoulrivrtur as anorMtun|d lre {cr. B:qur,1995).orrk,lavd |,rowcR .rc consi.lcrcd hydBgoguc, da\ric .nj plrgaiv€. Ar* b samul.nt .nd febritugc (cf. vokltr.9:5,1/5/0/. o2oa,a/e7 Sli& 4204, c254lM t/1.! Femily: hmicrcere TtF. Pttica Annatun Name Flowcrlng Seoson: Ponegranet (E Slish)j vernacul.r Ncartlv. J/98/2/16. 7/03,3/4 1,, An. (Urdu, PunFbi) Aprtl - July, Sept€db€r - D€cenbcr FiE51 Pl.teIX 118.36 Plrr. T.S-XUtr GdiN $bpmlate prel .. lolpo6r!; colpi opcn, 16,/n long.i.l3 rrn wid.; on cituul.r with diamEr /n. nexire 3 I pn a.d intjre 1 I rrn Siz€ hee coituides b, r!m. Sia 25 (2?) 29 pn. Exi* faintly r.ticul.t : sriE r.5 thick. sith $e si& nige for lhe smc speics ( 19x26 rn) Eponcd Erdtman (1952). Medicinll and &on@ic P.openi6 Th. l*v€s, b,rk. root bar[. nowcrs lilsh A lenvcs is given in dysnl.ry, rs r styptic for dddlion of rh. lavcs t6rk of t ustul a slh rd rma is ed rruntrncrr ol and fruit aE louco'l!r., sn rhc cy..w.sh, for 88 mldicinrlly. Th. jui4 of cheking of blading ftun nos. dig4r .s 3n sndElnidic- Th. hncnn'rh,gcs. lul*rculds !*d of rh. b@.1 caviry. Thc @t b.rt i. .fidriE for diw of childBn, dE Thc flow.a and used now* buds.i0 uscd as for rhc ftaln.nr ol l4orho.a, slyl,lic. bl.trode., asrdtS! rM kDic. Ihcy.ru chronic diatrhea, dyent ry, brotuhnb .rc, Thc fruit h valu.d as a nomachic Md efrigcEnl. The juice of lruit is gircn in ryphus, gstric..srhmaric f.v.B. innahn.tion of uriMry t@t. o$thrlmia and ha.morh.ges. Thc b!* and fruir aE u$d fu sukc bilr (ci Dstur, |X2). vou.hcr: 9348/4/9 Slider 934E/M.T/3 Nceatirc; 3/99/4/l Family: Combretaceae R.trt@r Cr..pfi (Englbh): rbodn.r Bril (Urdu, Punjabi) Apdl - M.! Flgr.6E(.,b) ng.J7 n.t. T.$XvllI nde CEins polar. a'n rounjdl, tEragoMl- SdlPo6tei colpls rn 15 lon8, | 5 rm lobs Sia Sia('l3r3l Pn) thick blunt, colpirllerdrins wnh th@ F.udcolpoid ftin wallcd aM3 al Oc 40 (4?) 54 pm- iiE Erie 2 rm, slicllalc. by Edtrn.n (1952) M.dicinrl .nd Fe.d f.lh. c bit d inliE rnru.r tlun lhc e, as $tie ow m.ntiotql liw $cds brui$l ho*y orram, sume for.rplhion of rlE.nt(W Dynnl lhict ti4 En8. ProF.li6 ln rhc uMs ol lombrici, tou. or (cf. as nnd 8ivctr in childrcn. Thc itr.lccluary lu!6 ' arc asringenl dl.. l89l vol.ll). Vo*her: 9388/4/9? Slidc: 9188/M,T/2 Ncg.titc; 3/9/4/19 20 E9 {i r@ilolia (sytri r adaao \Yt8l,l & Atn drrro wieht & A.n.) Fig.69 Plarcx Fig.26 n cT.s-x[r C6i6 PrclrE.Anb muid.d. hcxrgodl. 3{olt56rq @ld at|cmritr8 psud€ohoid |hin *rlleJ a@s which rE (nrieuotrs IjxiN reliculllq surnD I rrj. ncxilo rs dricr N M€dicinal ud Esnonic nr thc srtu At!s. stx l? xl n itrc 1 ( with rhe t) rm. 19 | anr rhiok. pt,,'rl ProD€nies Chiefly thc bark is usd medicin.lly lr is c@ling, NrjnBeil, lonic. lcbdtuge. cardie, stimllanr,Iirhotripric, cholaSoge d vdrcnry. lr i$, rd.ic The dc@tion of harl is usfut as an hl*|n di$Ns |slrinSe lor clcuil! s'ns, uteA. chan B\ An ornhcnt pr€paEd of lh. bark is uelul in .cf Thc h{rk is usd lor snike hafjuice is usn lbr crnche, trl@6 dd $Es. Thr rruil is u*d N N erc bik.lh€ d!$bsltuu .nd lhcltrtrkistrssdlnrtunins. lh0rirnhcrisusdlnrNildnrgl,rrkkirUurds xl othd lss (cf. B4!&, 1995). vouchcr: 9424/ Slid. 9424/M l/l Nc8rtiv.. l/9e/4/J. f.miaalia b.knca Ro rype: rm€r S.son: b. YemcuLr B€l€ric mrrobalao (English)i B.he.a (Udu, Punjabi) Flowerirg Atril - Junc fi9.70 Plrtex fig.38 Pllte T.S.XIX PoUe. gdin tricolpodc, sph€ruidrl, Anb lEraBodl, oriSielly rricolFoErc, in filll!.d speimcn orc cin inigi* fray confuse. Avem8. siu l5x20 irs shape is hexacolporNtc. rm Exine linely grirrlltc I In Eality t{r tsud@lpi ,rm rhic*. Mcdicinal and E orcmic rrop.rriG A large deciduous te. the tinber is used lor bous building.nei being tte.r.d Tlr l'uh (cf. Dynck in wal*, which n|kcs it dr.able. The lruii yiclds laninr (cl. Biquar, 1995). of rhe trun is astrinScrt, laradE, ronic, dig6riv€, att€noant .nd ap€ric.t yonchlt 927215191 Sl\la: 9212tM ll2 Ncgntiyc: 7/)8/3/10 FamilJ: Barringtoniac€ae (LcrJthidaceae) TJD.: B@i4gto"la Vern.cular NMc Seastr: aaE lo lL.) G.errn. O.k (English)i S.mund.r Phal (Urdu)i Jlgar nowc.ing a. (PunJabi) April - Joly Ii8.?l l,lirc.x Grains prolale stherical prol.tc. wide. Siz€ 30133.5) 3? ll'n. Exioe t I coltare; colpi oper, lig.l9 na|c 2l /D long and 2 rtrl Dilarcj sxine I.5 rlh, ncxirc I rn l.$-xlx and intinc 0.5 M€dicina, and rxom,nic ftopertics fte Gt Baquar, bark is rich in raonin, u$d ro inloriel€ fish, culliv.i.d 195), The kaves, @ts, lruit and wds arc us{ d orl1.ftnlzt mediciMlly. Thc lcaves is giv.n in diarrh@a and cmctic. Th. bark is $rringcnt; ir is us.d in blcmnh@ md in tuleia. Thc b.rl i! lpplied lo Elicw prin f@ bn6 The root ac(s as an apericnti it st!fth; b pescrikd rs tE juie ot di.rrh@, and lrings of an emetic ro childEtr hNving ciLmlly in colds. Thc wood is lsd as henGralic in m.imrhr8ir. Th. fruit is pBribcd in gingivnir 6 srringenr d ronic. TIE s€ds aE ued for it is applicd childrcr $flerin8 t fod aote borchial crtarhi fo. hod.ch. ald snatc bite (ct Dastur, 2J. Vouch6: 9f42l Slid.: 944UM,T|4 N.SrtiE: 4/9/5/29 F6mily: Myrtac€se Cauid.non .ittinus (Ctr,, Ar.$, ls!n: Ctuitt n@ ta"c.olatut DC.) ng.la n.t. Flg.72 Grai6 sub.triangular wide, Sia 19 (20 5) 22 scxire and intinc .bout - $b{ph.rical. 3-olpate; colpi open. t0 ln. Exi* a.indy dicllate; sexinc I /m rhict. Sia hce lalh within 92 1.5 rhe /ft, !n T.S-Y\X long .rd 2 ndiine si4 6ige fo. Ns rn rhick as $. frmily (12-35 lltn) reponcd by Edman (1952). TtE pla is iN.cr pollinded bur jb gnir$ @qsionauy become airbonc, Me.licinsl and F,.onomic Propenk Cultisted.s o@@.t l r@ (ct Baqud, 1995). Vouche.: 9230/5/97 Slid€: 9230/M.T/2 Neg.tive:4/9/5/24,12 Tlpe' Euca\ptut slobulus P^tkct. Veroaculd Nmc The Alsrrdian gmr trc., llluc gm (thStistr)i s{2ida (Urdu) S.er nowqirg F.bory , Mar.h Fig.73 Ptat€-X Fi9.39,47 Pbre T.S-XXry, X|x GraiB sphcrical-obl|rc. 3{olprt.i sycotFre. potyporarei loes tels rhan 50 arurcx. ,oundd wnh diah.rcr 6 /m, inreqDrat dhramc 2 ro. Sia 56 (@) 65 /rm. I Exire Eticulale; sexire 6 l!m, rexioe much rarScr D.rick rhd rhc siz€ nn8. Eponcd /rm and tt E. intift e 8/rrd6 Medici!.I .nd F.onoDic I pn thick. Si& heE falk leifori4 (23x,t5 rn) by E drmn 0952). (1966) h.s Epon d the gmiN oflnis gctu3 thc opiDion rhat I ar lirborrc. vi av@ (t9?l) h.j is tcs porcntiatly .tl.rgic &oF.ti6 lhc ldves yield oil which k vatxdl in modioine as an lnri$pric. IcbrilUc, caminativ., slinulant, di.phoEic, .niheleindc and anridalarirl. Ercatyptus oil mEaes diSe lhe RoN of salirc, gasrric and on (cf, Saoha i esinal jui@s a lbus iftrsss aD.tite ad Mlny & SuhEhmanyam, t989). Vovhct: 944413191 Slid.: 9444/M.T/l Ncgarirc: 4/9/5/l 9l Typ.: Psidiln gulowL. v.lmuLr Nae: c@rr FlosdlnS Saon: (Englhh): Anru& (udu, Pu.j.bi) Ap.il - Moy Pl.re-x Fig.7a nt.al Pt r.l,$xx Gaitu $btri.n8llar - pmlare, psilar., rngul@pcauntc, @dtc, 3{olpoac colpi o!.n 16.5 rm long and 3 pm vide, Porc .lliplic.l 3.3 rm in dilm.t r. Apedpilm siB2.2rD mriE2rh,.nd si2. 16 (19) 22. Pl.nr t iMt pollin tcd but thc g6i6 r|! di,ml.r ?.30d, inrcdolpiun i ir 1 2ln rhick. Poll.n l4-5 /n. Erire psilatc, Medicinrl aad E onomlc Properale. It is a large shNb of snall t@, It is cultivatql for fruit. Wdd b lsed !o handl. inpl@ot lnd other t@k. charco.l (ct Baqur, 195). agriculdldl Fdn h ardnEcot ard lus Wood is , tcd.fty rle ro us.d fo. fievood .nd for ou$ @stivcB. It is silablc diarrlroe a'd dysm.ry, TIE b€rk it also atriiSefl .nd is fo. $. chronic diatrh@a of childrcn. Thc l@vcs hav. dirrn@. (ci Dymek.r rl., Von h.r: .ls t@I|mid.d c b€en used a. an sli&: 9247/M.T/l a in E.r.d, Niring.ft in 1891 Vol.U). 115191 o,ritr8 Negdiee: 7/9E/3/2 SJry81m l'!It c!ad, (L.) Skeel. Eus.ria jMbotaao ttu. tttv.) e. cmini (L.t Blacl Bery (Enslish)i Jmun (Ud!, Punj,bi)i Fig.?s GraiB oPca, 6 /m Exift I rn Adbr long and Plde'x Flg.a2 Pl.t T.S-XXI anguhr with stright {or sliShdy onvex) sida 3-cotp.re; colpi I rrn widc. Si4 17 (19) 2l /1n. Exim pdl.rq rhick ald intirc sxiE 1.5 /rm, :t I rd tnict. Siz. hcE faus wiilin tn. sizE nng. for E. chrood.ha (12x18,5 rm) Eponed Edtne Mnni (1952). cuiiet ( 1962) gave $c dime$ion ol @ugaia jMbol4tu). O@ioMlly Medicin.l Md r.onml. ltE lat6, brt ae ast.ingcnt. ftno[hagir. fie 1he rhc sniB as gnin! rrc f@id io 8?8!rt l8 ,.n ror bc ai.bof b, , ProD€niet td frun ac u*d nEdiciDlly. Th€ leavcs, bdLs rnd se.ds aE lqvB, bark foit.nd Fd! h.ftficial i, di.rrh@, dyFnt€ry Nrd Thc fruil is somchic, crminarive, an sotuoric aod diuElic. The s€ns @ Fg.rded a mGl cfretivc itr diNb.r.s ndlitu .d glrduri. Gt D.slur, 1962). Hadsood is rcddish'gEy brcwn, elaively hardi duEbl. in water, Esislant !o temit€. It is lsd itr joiEry and qry.ntry; usd for mki.g husic.l iNtdcnr, oatr. nisls .nd agriclltur.l iDplcm. s. Trs .t b@r5. us.d .s orn.ftntal lree lor *ind bHks rrxj h.ds€. Bark ontiiN t min, usd in EnninB arn drcs (ct Daqur., 195). Voucher; 92lll4/97 Slid.: tlllM.T/8 95 N€g,llv€: 5/98/2/20 Famib: Eben&ceae Typ€: DbVWs .nbryopt{tt Vcu.olo N@e Flowilg S@n: Wlld M.ngo614n (English); C.b (Urdu) LB. May FtE76 P|ltcxl Fi8.4, neb T.S-XXI Palynmo.ph Gdias prelac splE.ial40 (rt4) 48 ph. Exine psilalc; 3dponci olpi fxire 2 tn, open 22 ,rn long ard Nxine 1.5 /rn and intire 6 ,rm t I {itc. Sirc Pm rhick, Medi.iql 0d E@nonic Pr.pqtis Ih. b.rk leB, fon rd dri.d s..ds.E rE u*tu1 atrirgcotl, in Il'e riF fNit h bbod- nte brvd and us.d n diciqlly, bart rr! gononhe, u.cd for sdrc bne br*.rd fdi. difrno.3, hfEorhlg* .rd tnc cuE of chrcnic dy*otery, ediblc; it is usfut in TIE tcproay atn (cr Drjtu, disM of rhc 1962). Voucher 9/122l Slide: 9422lM.T/6 t{eg tiyet 3t99t4129 Familyr Oleaceae TyF: .IosatMn tndMlitlo@ L. Nrm: Se$on: JMin. Y€m.cnL. SDarish Flovoing M.rcn - June tdr8.n (Englhh): Chmb.li (Urdu) Pht'xl CEitu pmblrtc-$hpmlrtc. 34 colparci col/ oFn. I t /rm lonc a'n Si& 60 (64) 68 rm. E:ire psihre t I rm waxti srirc + | rm, rexill! 3 ,,n wid.. s fiict as exine rnd intire 0.5 pm 0 ck. sir! herc falls wi0in 76 pn) epon€d by Eldinan the sizc nige tot l. hunileL. (e (1952)- M€dicinol and Economlc Prop€.ti6 Fm s a flowcB a Frtutud oil ii pFprEd rid th. thysicisB pwrib.d rh.lovcs Emdy in skin disas, ulceB ot l.av.s aG aDplied !o $ft cotu aE chcwcd bt thoe sho tlE plrnt is oroiihcr rhc ft@rh, erc. FEsh jui6 rnd ol &n oil prcpacd with n in ororhca. nr of rhc l€.vs $ffc. fton ulenrion of rh. n!@ut neDbEE of rh. n$lh. cotuiderd |o b. d@b6rMrr, arrhclninric. diuEric rrd .Dm@gogG. TtF now.s ec @hrodhhc (ci Dym@k aal,, l89l Vol,II), VouclEr q23lll/97 Slid(: Typ€, J@tbt6 Nam: Season: o2ll/M.T/l Ncgalik: t/98232 olfEiaate L. Y€m..rlar P€di Floverlng Mercn - Jure Clmtdi (U^tu)j Dobi, .1p6te pt.tlxl Fic.78 Cr.ins oblarejubrolarcj 3-cotporoidarei cotpi on n Siz. 36 (44) 52 /m. Scrirc 2 rm, mxim I Sia Cnabrti (Purj.bi) here appmach.s very close ro fte by Erdurrn (1952). 97 rn and sie inti* 15 rn i 1 tong.nd 6rm wide ,ln rlic*. range givcn for , /lr,,ild (57x46 pnD dd E&Doni. Medicinal Propcrti€s R@r is us.d in ringworn. flowB (ci Baqw, Pl. co.tdE alt loid jAminin and esnlial oil fM l9E9). Vo!.hF: q232l3/9? Sltdc: nl2rM.T/l N.gatrK 5/48217 q. Type. Srrhta .Mdi W.ll Nue. nosering Sealon: Llloc (Enelbh)j Sh.frl, K.hlmu (Punjabi) V.rn.cullr Royl€ May - July Fr8,?9 Pl.rFxI Cnitr slb-s?herie!$bpDl.tq l-colpomidatc; l, widq poB Etiolate; ach having di.mcr .boot siE 1.5 mxim d rhict 19 a sxim rn. Si4 ,a and ,n"ga wlSqis L. h6 ber d*.ih.d !v.6s. siE is an i'st Mcdiciml for tnis sp€i6 rs ah.ut 26 3 /d colpi opcn, 25 /m long ard 3 i (46),l{| ,!n. EriE f.intry im abdt I pn rhick. by Woden@s (19'65) who 8.tc which h snrller tha^ pouiEt r! pl.nt but ccaioMlly it n.y c.ue ad hay-a€v.f . biri.r prituiplc (.f. Daqur, 1989). Voucher C443l Slide $41/M.T/4 Negative: 4/9/5/10 98 dt Sttiua.r@di. k Ecommic Prope.tle Seed is aslring.at, S@d contiins a /m Frmily: Apocyoace5e Typcf AAod. s.holarit n. 8., Vdr.d.r Nrn.| I}.ril T... (Etrglish): CbblLn (Udu) nosi.g Season: D.c6Dber - Mrtch n GXI Flt.aa fln. &.m Pollcn snin irs 3lup. .id @lpi ticolpont , t $d r|{i8!l!t cxiF d ct |.lklhL. In iB n (Pholool porls scctrrs lo bc simiLr with tlut of &Lrld st!. ar.tr8F 3iz. drinun di.nr.ta. Ri'r rt.rslB.G havi9 toilt {iln 45 rlD in M.dlcid .nd Wood E roodlc T.$XXll Eticllnion. hop.dL. k efr lnd whir.. Ir b osql tor mikinS n lch +li s, It is cultivrul r5 rd (ct Baqu. 195). IlE b. B $ tonic.ltmtirc, lnd uFtul in fcwr. srin disc, .d ilyrFpsir. Tlt liFtlE of dF b|rt it u*d in 6n in cc a . rcry o.nrm. d poe.rtur 8.len8otE (ct rynocl ., al., l89l vol.ll). Vostd:93&5/9 SUd.:9]E/M.T/5 NqalE:5/9&133 Typ.r N.nw (Srn: ltt NrnG: 5.&o: bll'MMlll ni6 odtrrn Sol.td) Vdtrrcllar Th. OL2trdd (Englhh)i K$d(Unu) noftring Apdl - O.lob.r n8r.8(.,h) n{FXI I1t.4! Ptrl. T.$Xxll Pollcn SniB splEdc.fFobl|t., trholpoEL, colpi liF .!d pointcd lc$ tun th. l.ryrh of lDlrr uis, iii.rcolpium 13-16 pn. A|@lpiun !6 rrm. lu! nrd.d t 5 rrh sia 3l O5.t 39 fcly rtrk{hE, r,n. Eria Phnl i3 iG..r pollinlEd occ..ionlt siF 3.9 ,tnr, HtE 2 rn.d idi|t no|t bc llw 2 b..n food viririqg dr Mdbrl |!d E ono|c ftlFd.t It i5 e o@nEtld pL i! poi$ru .d 8hruD. TIE @ld !c f$d (cf. &qut, rdtd sutr e d.$db.d ir trc Eici..- 8ot! ttud! r! d.scrih.d |' lol *d poilonoor. llEy c usd a s .xrc l .ppli.rtiotr io .slliry. 195). In sr|l|bit iB Lprory rd rldo di!€nca n|cl a iElr (cf. DF$cl a dL, lEgl votta}l't v53lslvl 8[&: 9253/M.T/a Trp.. Vol.ID. lLtdr.: 794,3/3 tfun na nbta L. . vlr!{| e Nl|n.: P.4rr&.rr r.d., r...4,b&Aft.) 6rD: Jdlo Tn , hgod. ftl. (Eglio); Ctepr' x.ltlr Ctep. (U'6)i rhldl|d (hni$i) Cd Chln (P.ltiD) rtoi'rr|{ S..s: Mry - < n9l2 nri.-)q GniB sphdnrl. 3+olFlc, po!6 rqrn d, .*n bvinS diMdd 4 rD. Si& 27 (30) !3 r|m. Erltt FiLEi siE 1.5 rn. ttrilt a thtk B exi|E .|d l0o i,nnE :t I ,ln sia 3l (35.5) 39 rh. Eri* li*ly tltkutitc, exinc Ptut is inst polliEtcd oc.:sioMlly /m, 3.9 BiE2rn hotEy h.cs halc tdhitE2 ben t@nd ebning dE Medlclrll dd Esmn c Plop.nie It is & omanenGl shnb. Ihc 1995). In Sd*rit itl mediql dcscribcd 6 ph t works .rc des.ibcd in two hot md poisonous. Tncy iG u$d s5 t5llt/9 Typ.: SlltL. t253lM be falal (ct 8aqur, vd€ti.s. Both ldids !e rn exteml applicalion to ssllings, lcptuy ard skin dises slch .s irch Gt DyDmk .r VoElEr: ad c@ld pohomus al. T/l , l89l vol ll) Ne.rrre: ?/98/l/J ?tw.tin nb't L. (grd. P. @@tnab Roth' vmacular Nm.: Jsnino Tc, Prgoda rG P adratolit att', (Englirb): CniDpr, Kbti. ChMP. Odu): ftdgtP.d (Punj.bi) Ctl Itowe.ng Sag!: Chin (PcBia.) Ma! - July Fl8!.82 Gdis splE.iql. 3-colp.t., (30) 33 rn. Eire psilatci exim PldeXI diml.l 4 Pm. SiE27 /m, Exitu a thick d exift ttd ifliF + r rn poEs loudLd. each havins 1,5 to0 Mdicitr, F.ormic Prope.ti6 and The roor bark is slronlly pur8alive, and a vdE€rl so6. PIasr.R mdc ol dc ba.I arc sid uslirl rcncdt in goiorh$tr .nd uklul in disFBitrg had nmouA ro be (ci Dyn@t dtdl. l89t vol.lD. Vou(hs 92515/97 Slide 9225/M T/? N.grriv€: 5/48/2/28 Typ.: It.Eai. p.eriar, (P.r.) fthu4 vem..ul.r lsrn: m.r.da ..'litotia J!s.) Yellov Okdd.r (EnBlish); piL,Ks€r (Urdu), N.nq z.rd crnl.a (Purjrbi) Frowering S..sn: Thoughour rh€ yen., Iig.E3 narcxt GEiru sphedcafflaflen d. 3{otponrei cotpi opcn 15 l1m tong ard 4 rm widci poEs 3, e&h having dimetc.4 ]rn. Si& 54 (60) 66 uneven; sxine 3 tie rn, neiire (62x7O-72 rm) tor tk 1.5 ,.m lnd inline t /n. Exiie iegularly pilrcd I rm rhjck. Ituang (lt?O) and Savc tbc eaiN of th. en. sFcies. M.dicinal and E@nohic P.openi6 Il is .n acrid poisotr. of or rtr {rr.rct ol Ihc p'rnr xs i rhc bark .s . dnstic purg.rive. ot rhe fruir tumLrty |nr inrcnni c $ .mric. lclur (ut. t)ynr{k .r z/ Vouch$ 9360/4/9? Slid.: gloo/M.T/l Negrtive. 1/$/4/4 l0l and , I't9t Family: lloraginaceac Tvpe: lsri NaDe. verneuld noP€ring Eo.tia tuminata c, Bt, clatl^.t Puna (Punjabi) S..!on: M&ch - Apd (!,horc) Fis.84(a,b) Pblexu Cniro splEri@l,prel.c, 3sl0oEte; cotpi oFn, l8 (20.5) 23 /n. hin. faindy rcticulrrej 7 exitu I rm, /m Fig.47 Ptrle lonS arn 3 uirc rn rs rhic* as T.$Xxtv widc. Sia sxift.rd t I l1n thick, Sia hcE app@ch.s ro the si4 mg. fot E, l&vk l.db,, E, intirc taifolia. E. neida tnn E. silwi.4 (20.5 29 rm) cpori.d by Edtn.n (19J2). Cupt (1971) eordcd Dc sizo 24.3x19.1 lnr tbr rhc sme spccics. vou.hq: 9217/t/97 Slidc 9217/M.l/4 Ncgativc. 5/98/2/25 Family: TyPer Ckwlendtutu heme Neq 3@n: Vdnrcds Ani, Adrd, Pi.d noft.itrg July - Au8lsr Flg,85 cs.^n. (U.du) Ptd6XII Grains suboblarc slbprotde 3 cotpare: cotpi op.n. 42 Polypohle; nor€s 1 mded, /n lon8, 2 rn wide por. dianeler 6 rm. AnBddpcnus|c ryenuE 6 rm wldc sie 57 (53) 60 /rm (excluding lhe vcmqc). Erirc rhhr, vfruurt vcruNrc 2xt ,n sri* rnlm a\ rh(k ,a 2 ,,m, m\ine r 2 ,rm rnd 102 *rrft. Sia giEn h.Ef.lbwirhin d. sia a.g€ GDone! tor rhc trnily (17.5,t56/,n) by Erdhrn (1952). Nair .nd R.htun smc spec'es, Thc sFci6.n is iMt ( 1962) Bord.d rhc sje dng€ (56-58 rn) for rhc poDirarcd. Medici..l lnd F,coNni. h.perri6 Th. l€aves and @ts e u*d n diciMlly. TtE in srofulous and lcrercal disdscs. b f6hjuie is usd s an allemr ch prepad with lfie l!.nvcs is ,ccomncndcd Thc rools arc ued as a fcbri fules and as nn enhrmalion in rlru@rhD (ci Dastur. 1962). Votcn r:9229t51y Srid.: 9229tM.Tt I Ne8{tv.: J/96/2/lO FamilJ: Lrmiacese (Labiateae) TYF: O.inun basi[.t'n L. v€..erlrr NM.: Bsit (Fjstish): K.ti T!hl, rbw€rins S.r$nr Nia,_bo ru,nu): Babut (puij.bi) M.rch - June Flgs,E6(.,b) n.llxtr Pblyrondph Grains obl.rc-polaG. 6 colparei colpi open, 15 pm tonB and tO 6? (68J 74 N. (hiner thm €riE Exift redculat.; sxim and I rm, mrim 4 rm ad NriE). 103 rm widc Sj4 ioram I /rm (much Siz. h.E faus wilhi. rlE size nngc for rhe family (2&12.5 /m) ftponcd by Erdtrnan 0952). MedLln.l Malit rr !1. (1963) cav€ dE sia (60 ,le) in diamer. of lhe em dd Fionoftlc P.op.rrt6 Thc n rb, le.v.s ard Gds rre us.d ftdicin.lly. Tlr helb is diaphoElic. srimul&t, @miedv. znd .xFctoEnr, Thc seeds denllant, diuElic and nourishitrg; coDlipalion, rE u&d gomde4 ror sEkc bn. t|r aomaric, ad nNitaginNs. scds aru Bivcn in diarnB. hrbilual i .ml piles, ou8h, Lidrcy disordcn and fev.r. The lav6 (ci D.stu., 1962). Volchd 9366/49? Slid. 9lo6/M.T/J Neeativ. J/99/4/t2.t3 Family: Solanacea€ R.a. r<i Rdi (Urdu) Pl.rexll Irgs.ET(a,b) Grai.s lubprolate{ubrrimgulrr. 3-@lporale, colpi open, 2 widc Sia 29 (32) 3l l1m. Etitu faiflly sriat.; lhiftr th& $ire) aod irriE I d td sxift 2 /n, rcxic thict. Siz. n@ fatls duch long rnd 2 &m t.6 rn Gtigh(y. mtl€r 0!n |hc si& nnqe giren tor C.strun snithii (13x40 pn) hy EdlmNn (1952). Att.rgenic synproms ofgnins rre unknown bu Dr. Ahuna has cxpcriemed voucher: 9229/5/9? Slldc 9229/M 104 $at T/5 rhc ghi6 cause Fltimsis lo Neg.dre. 5/98/2/2a Family: Bignoniaceae Ttpc, lt.t.npladgM a.l.no ty'lun SNn,.x ttlt. & ||K. Nmq noweringse.lonr S@D Phrli, Nrg plBli (Uilu); lhri pztra (puijabD Vemacul.r Norenbd rig.8E PoUen t Pt.tFxtI Figs.rr6(!,b) pt.tc T.s-XXu gditrs sth€riql-tubspheridl, rricotFrc (!fiicotpalr), stinul. 9,m {'rn. at eqlatorial lire lhey arc 24-in nuftber uniform 1.5 pm at de hae and 3.4 rn tong sp'nul.s aG amngal in oga hare. sia nnge 42 (58.8) 78 rm. Eri* spirutaE Frift 5.2 rm including spirul€s, ncxim 2 /fi which is aho spinuloid, inti* I fm lnicl Polymlogicrl infomalio. oflhis speies is nor avaititt€, tnown @ord ako shovs lhat spinuloid or spinules havc revM lErn rcordcd fca$e ol Bignoniaer€ (cl Erdrnan. sl,coies all 1952) t.73, wno has ^ patymtogical cha@rcris menriord 2o-g.ftn d o 25 of thosc l.ck spinutcs. Phnt is ins(t po inrkd. M€dicinal and E@nohic Prop.nies h is a m.dium siz dsid!@s Il h like! duc ro i$ qlict Sowlh tE.li and icultivacd in p,lisren 6 an.v.N uvc.ges tbtiagc (ot. Shuitl, l.x8). voucher 9230/5/97 Sll.t.:92.10/M.T/5 Ncg.rtv.:5/98/2/J7 t05 tc. Type' lacM&la ninos{olia D. Doa. (syn: J. o,liloutr R. Bt.J N.mc Se$r v€rtr|cula. Ne.lun (Udu, Punj|bi) Florerlng Marth Ftg.E9 ptatc-xtll Ghins sph.rical - prolrtc. 3{otpar.i otpi open,2t rrm tong.nd rt4 (47) 50 ,.m- Erire Eticularc; Sia heE Llb Ftg.4E nore wnhin rhc size si* tu9. 2.5 ,n, nqiE, 6pn 2 &m and inlim for tbe family (10-?0 rn) T.&xxrv wjdc. Sjr I llm ftick. rcponed by Erdtmn (1952). Vouchor 9rt46l Slidq 9446/M.T/6 N.grtlv.: 4/9/5/31 Type. Kg.li. pi.nora DC. N,trrc: tilowelitr8 S6on. Srnsgr trut (lh8lish)r l,,trdN (l,nlu) Vc.n{ulnr Jrly - AugNr Iig.90 narcxrll Crai6 sphcrical-subpolarc. l{olprtei colpi ol€n, Stze 42 (46) 50 pn &ine Eiculaci s.xine 2 /n, ll nerine | .5 lig.49 nsae T.S-xxv /]o lorg and 5 /rn wid.. /li and intire I /m thict. Medicinll ,trd e.ononi. Propqtig Unripeftd ftui h sid ro be poiso@s bol is tough and is ucd for planldng, for Vouds: 9423/ Slidcr nalirg .r boxes and r42llM'l/? r06 nEdiciNlly inlotunr. Th. wood dusdl crncs in Africr icf. Nctt{tivc: 3/9914/10