of one of the following brands viz. (i) Bisleri, (ii) Kinley (iii) Aquafina
of one of the following brands viz. (i) Bisleri, (ii) Kinley (iii) Aquafina
No. D-3 l0l3 13 12012-Admn' Govetnment of lndia MinistrY of Rural DeveloPment DePartment of Land Resources *rr16* NBO Building, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated the g' ! '2014 To, (As per list attached) Subject- Award of contract for supply of potable drinking water jars/bottles to the Department of Land Resources. Sir, The Department of Land Resources intends to award annual contract for supply potable drinking water in the following specifications:- l. 2. of jars of 20 liter or 25liter bottles of 250m1, 500 ml, and 1 liter of one of the following brands viz. (i) Bisleri, (ii) Kinley (iii) Aquafina (iv) Himalaya and (v) Bonaqua in various rooms of the Department at Krishi Bhawan/ NBO Building lNir-un Bhawan)/ CGO Complex/residence of Hon'ble MOS(RD), New Delhi. The Department is looking for reputed firms having adequate familiarity/experience in the field. The estimated annual requirement could be around 1850 water jars of 20 hter, 6700 water bottles of I lt. and 5600 water bottles of 500 ml. The specification of the potable water shall be as per BIS 14543 -2004. 2. The tender form (Annexure-I) must be sent in sealed cover prominently marked as ..ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DRINKING WATER JARS/BOTT-[,ES',. IntETEStEd firms may send their quotations in sealed covers addressed by name to the under signed latest by 3.00 PM on28.4.2014. The quotations will be opened on the same day at 4.00 PM in room No. 3, NBO Building, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi in the presence of the tenderers or their representative who may wish to be present at that time. 3. Terms and conditions of the tender & resultant contract shall be as under- (a) Tenders from only those firms will be entertained which are registered for the services desired in the tender and have Service Tax Number, VAT No., PAN No. (b) Experience: On the date of opening of bids, the firm should have minimum two contracts for supply of drinking water at Govt. Departments/Autonomous bodies or PSUs and furnish necessary documents in this regard. (c) Certificate of Satisfaction: The firm should produce along with the bid certificates of satisf-action fiom at least two of their customers(Govt. Departments/Autonomous bodies or PSUs only) to whom they are supplying drinking water on the date of opening of bids. -1- be required to suPPlY Potable (d) It may be noted that the selected tenderer would water dispensers are installed in drinking water in each and every room where in Delhi' The supply is to be effected as various-floors/wings of the Department and when required' water/ maintaining the water firm is already providing the potable drinking of Central Government' details dispensers of any other MinistryTiepartment quotations' The rate quoted should thereof may also be furnished along #itn tn. the date of award of contract' remain valid for the period of one year from (e) In (f case water on very short notice as and The firm should be in position to supply potable when required. (office as well (g) The owner of the firm should be available on his direct telephone as also be given' residence) and also on mobile phone. Mobile number shall (h) The potable water would be ISI standard (ISI code No. is required to be mentioned of the in tender offer) as per BIS- 14543 -2004 specif,rcation as per Annexure II be open for the tender. In case of deficiency in service or quality of water, it would security' performance Department to cancel the contract and forfeit the of Compensation, if any, in case of any loss of health of the employees on account contractor, the by supplied water watei borne diseases occurred due to intake of will be the responsibility of the supplier' (i) The tender should be accompanied with the Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. form of DD/ Pay order from any of the Nationalized Bank in favour of P&AO(LR), New Delhi. 25,0001- in the C) Tenders may please quote their unconditional rates and it shall be ensured that there are no cutting/ overwriting in the tender form. The price quoted at the time of submission of tender should remain valid for 45 days from the date of tender opening and the rates finalized on the basis of these prices shall remain in force during the currency of the contract which will normally be for a period of one year. It may specifically be noted that no changes/escalations in the accepted rates shall be allowed during currency of the contract. (k) The contractor shall be responsible for payment of wages/ settlement of dues with workers engaged by the firm as per prevailing labour/ wage laws in force in NCT of Delhi and the Department of Land Resources shall not be a party to any dispute between the contractor and workers. 0) The contractor shall arrange to get the character and antecedents of workers/ labourers verified from Police authority before deployment and their full particulars shall be furnished to the Department of Land Resources. seek any clarifications/ see the kind of requirement Department is looking for. Section Officer (GA), Room No. 12, NBO Buidling, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-l10011. (Telephone No. 2306 3599 ot 2304 4617) may be contacted with prior appointment on qny working day before (m)The prospective bidders are free to tender opening. -2- bidder whose bid the lowest evaluated (n) The contract shall normally be awarded to *n" is eligible/qualified to perform the has been found to be responsive ".J in the tender per the terms and conditions iniorporated contract satisfactory as letter. to the terms and condition of (o) If any of the bidders have any objection with regard within 10 days of the issue of the tender the tender, the same may be pointed out documents. (p)Thetendererwhosequotationisfinallyaccepted,shallhavetofurnish five thousand only) in performance security of sum oltt 25,0A0i- (Rs. Twenty deposit in any of the favour of p&AO(in), New Delhi by means of fixed bidder to the successful Nationalized Bank. The earnest moner shall be returned only) as performance only after depositing Rs. 25,000/-(Rs. Twenty five thousand security. or if (q) If the supplier fails to supply the water jars/water bottles in the stipulated time the Department the quatity of the water is not as per the approved/ required norms, jars from the market at the shall be free to make necessary procurement of water bills or suppliers, risk and cost which shall be recoverable from his pending in Further performance security besides resulting in cancellation of the contract. of the bill for case of any deficiency in service, a penalty of 5o/o of the total amount the relevant period will be imposed. (r) The Department shall be free to test the sample of drinking water supplied by the suppliei from any independent source for which all required cooperation/ documentation shall be submitted by the suppliers. (s) Monthly payment shall be released only on submission of water test reports with the bill. (t) The contract may be extended for one year in case services given by supplier are found satisfactory. (u) All matters/disputes pertaining to the tender and resultant contract shall be settled by the Head of the Department or Officer nominated by him for the purpose. The contract terms are interpretable under the applicable Indian Law subject to the jurisdiction of NCT of Delhi' yours faithfu'v. (Anoop Kumar) Under Secretary to the Govt. on India Tele:2306 2722 Copy to: PSA, NIC with the request to upload it on e-procurement and Deptt.'s websites. -3- ANNEXURE L DRINKING WATER FOR THE ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR PACKAGED DEPARTMENT OF LAND RESOURCES' 1. Name of the tenderer (in Block letter) 2 Address 3 Telephone No. 4 Bank Draft No. & date 5 Amount of Draft 6 Name of the Bank 7 Registration No. of the firm (Please enclose the copy of registration) 8 VAT No. 9 Service Tax No. 10 PAN No. l1 Experience (Name of the TWO Govt. departments/Autonomous bodies or PSUs where the firm is supplying drinking water on the date of opening of bids and copy of AMC) Satisfaction: [from at least two of their customers (Govt. departments/Autonomous bodies or PSUs only) to whom they are supplying drinking 12 Certificate of water on the date of opening of bids]. Declaration I/we hereby declare and affirm that Vwe have read and understood the terms and conditions of the contract as stipulated in the tender notice No. D-3l0Ill03l2012-Admn., Accordin gly,ll we hereby offer the rate for annual contract of drinking dated water jars/water bottles as indicated in the tender notice. Rates offered (Rs.) per unit 25 ltrs jar if available Himalaya Date. I 0--"* -r^^- - a 1. 2. n public drinking water supplies systems' water should be from any potable water source including a. lr should be clear colourless / transparenu agreeable objectionable odour. be 2' b. The maximum turbidity, NTU should should be 500' maximum mg/1, soiids, dissolved ;. The total 8'5' and 6'5 d. The pH value should be between taste and not having any various compositions, forms and capacities that Drinking water filted in hermeticallysealed containers of treatment' further without is suita6le for direct consumption 4. Dlslnfections: I or physical methods' ol the number ol The reduction by means of chemical agents and t,iicrooiganems fo a level that does not compromise food safety or suitability' Treatment: S.1 filtration' Water intended for packaging may be subiected lo treatment namely, decantation, filter, filter,.cartridge filter, depth membrane with combination oititir.iionr, ieiation, filtratiori other any or osmosis reverse @mineralization, demineralization, filtration, activated carbon method to meet the prescribed standard and packed' S.Z The drinking water may be disinfected to a level that will not lead to harmful contamination in the ddnking water. Hyglenlc Condltlons: Orinrcng water shall be cotlected, processed, handled, packaged and marked in accordance with the hylienic practices. 7. Be free from Escherichia coti, Coliform, Faecal Streptococci and Staphylo@ccus aureus, Sulphite reducing anaerobes, Pseudomonas aerqinosa, Aerobic Microbial Count, Yeast, Mould, Salmonella, Shigella, Mbrio Cholera and V, Parahaemolytlcus. Pesticides resjdues as covered under the relevant Rule of the Prev€ntation of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 shall be below the detectable limitswhen tested in accordance with the relevant methods. Packlng (Speclfieatlon In respect ot Jars): Drinking waler shall be packed in clean, colourless, transparent and tamper proof iar / container made of pogthelene (PE) conforming'to lS 10146 or polyvinylchloride (PVC) conforming toJS_10148 or lS tOiSf or polypropylene conforming to lS 10910 or polyalkylene terephthalate (PET and PBT) conforming to'iS tZzSZ or poly earboiute contorming to lS 14971 or polystyrene conforming to lS 10142 or sterile glass botlles suitable for preventing pqssible adulteration or contaminalion ol the water. 10. Marking: The following particulars shall be marked legibly and indelibly on the label of *- .' (t) jol"., / - I I eri !!Ar I a) Name of the Product ' b) Name and address of the Processor' c) Brand narne if anY; d t d) Batch or code number; e) Date of Processing / Packing' F -uptoalaut"l month'in capital letters) 0 ;;;; i;t;n**piioi i) il;;,h;r^;;6;;"q"ir"d Or Bestforconsumptionwithin-daysormonths|romdateofpacking. s) Net Volume. h) Direction for storage and measuresunder the standards of weights and 11. Labellng Prohibltlons: Claims of ll.lNoclaimsconcerningmed'cinal(preventive'allevialive.orcurative)effects-shallbe ;Y;tg bv th€ standard'unless true made in respecr of rhe properries "itil,'ptii'rtt, made Oe itratt consurner bt tre other beneficial etfects related to neitftr and non misleading' 11.2Thenameo|thetoca|ity,hamlet.orspeci|ied.p|ace,iil-Ttformparto|thebrardname Gier cotticted / processed at ihe place designated unless it refers fo packaged drinking 1 1.3 by the brand name' mind pictorial device' which may create confusion in the The use of any statement or of-any and composition orisin' niture, ttt" inbrt .of rhe puuic 'ptop"tfet |r'ii'"|i"[v "iiJAiT;;dil of drinking water' is prohibited' 12 BIS Cenification and Marking 13 General requlrcment for'Jars: Filling and ""arirrglirL-Lrs hygienic conditions' should be done with automatic machines under with testing the water' A fltness ccrtlficate along The supplier shoutd have his oryn labPrat9ry lor The batch' each wlth alti'lriJ"tE ilryJqt.ol'ded the anatysts report wlitr-manuractuang coJeriment taboratory or a reputed laboratory every rvater shoutd atso monttt and thelr report should be sent to conslgnee' from a labotatory of ils choice without any a dahr r^ h2ve wz Alliance Air reserves the right to have the waler tested b".noi'1i'i;eil;; 15 refgrence to the Party. 16 i.e with maximum shelf life and date of supply suoply to be effected from latest batch of manufacturing ;dild Ue nittin 15 days of date of manufaciuring' claim.arising out ol delay in supply of items The supptier shall indemnify Alliance Ai.r against any to- tn"*"i.9j ;lfi 3oaro !ryt-"'1o,*lg:":,3s|t,1:::1"o' ai'-anv loss or dlmages incurred therebv' 'J':fifi:ff'#;"'Hii'#ff6"0J'ti-Ani"nce tr#5:: ,A covered in the cont€cr and poor qualrtv