Haiti`s Orphans - Boston Haitian Reporter
Haiti`s Orphans - Boston Haitian Reporter
Exploring the haitian american experience BostonHaitian.com © copyright 2007 www.bostonhaitian.com Boston Neighborhood News, Inc. BOSTON HAITIAN REPORTER Vol. 7, Issue 1 JANUARY 2007 FREE Haiti’s Orphans How do they survive? AIDS orphan Decheno Felix, age unknown, a “restavek” or domestic servant, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Although he does not attend school, walking the younger children to school is one of his chores. On a typical day, Decheno Felix is up before dawn to trek down a mountain and fetch water for his cousins. He is not alone. Full story, page 10. (AP Photo/South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Mike Stocker) INSIDE THE REPORTER Alteon’s vision for the big screen- and the small one too Yvon Alteon’s life work has been to present Haitian culture from a different perspective. Today, his family joins him in the multi-media effort that is Tele Diaspora. Page 4 Farewell to the man behind the camera Jean Gabriel “Poulou” Chiappini, 55, whose skills with the camera quietly made Tele Kreyol possible, is mourned by the Boston community. Wilner Auguste writes, Page 2 The Dems’ challenge: How can our Congress help Haiti? Brian Concannon- Page 8 Presidential cancer scare prompts anxieties-Page 7 Yvon Alteon Page boston haitian Reporter January 2007 Menino: ‘Saving’ Strand Theatre is a city priority By Patrick McGroarty Reporter Staff Mayor Thomas Menino used the State of the City address he delivered this week from Dorchester’s Strand Theatre to publicly revive plants to renovate the Uphams Corner landmark beginning with $6 million in capital improvements. In a half-hour speech delivered to a theatre crowded with public officials and city leaders and broadcast live on television, Menino also pledged to add 190 new police officers to the Boston force during fiscal 2007 (50 more than previously expected) and announced the creation of an innovative new early education program called “Smart from the Start.” Each initiative highlighted in the speech was carefully chosen to portray the mayor as actively engaging neighborhoods beyond the city’s downtown core and eagerly infusing new ideas into the work of his 13 year-old administration. Menino’s decision to deliver his 10th State of the City address from the Strand was another facet of that two-pronged objective. It has been a decade since the mayor last gave the speech from beyond downtown, and the previous occasion was also in Dorchester. In 1996, he gave the address from the Jeremiah E. Burke high school, at a time when the Burke was seen as a sad symbol of the failed Boston Public School system. Menino’s plan for the Strand is essentially the re-institution of a strategy first recommended by a task force he appointed in 2004. That body determined that an initial capital investment would be necessary to bring the theatre up to a basic level of functionality for local and nationally touring entertainment acts and to make it attractive to a deep-pocketed private management company. Some preliminary work, which concluded in 2005, replaced nearly 300 seats in the theatre’s orchestra section and peeled back decades of gaudy paint to expose the charm of the theatre’s original detailing to prospective investors. But the work wasn’t enough to persuade a management company to take on the extensive renovation project or to take a gamble on investing in Uphams Corner, where transportation and public safety concerns are still potential roadblocks to drawing large crowds from beyond the immediate neighborhood. The new plan calls for $4 million already allotted for fiscal 2007 and an additional $2 million to be requested in 2008 to make improvements to the almost 90 yearold theatre’s heating, plumbing, and mechanical infrastructure during a complete theatre closure that will begin on January 31 and stretch into much of the year. The Strand Theatre Task Force will be reassembled to organize the renovation project and to court the favor of potential investors for a project that the mayor estimated could cost as much as $25 million. The hope is that these improvements and the promise of a complete renovation will convince national entertainment acts (the list of past Strand headliners includes the Temptations, Al Green, and Phish) to return to Dorchester. In December 2005, an electrical short at the theatre delayed a performance of the Urban Nutcracker by almost 20 minutes. This past holiday season, for the first time in its six year history, BalletRox staged the Urban Nutcracker at a downtown theatre instead of at the Strand. Menino says luring acts like the Nutcracker, with a hometwon constituency and natural connection to the neighborhood, is a priority of the initial renovation. “The Urban Nutcracker doesn’t belong downtown. It belongs here, in the neighborhood,” said Menino in an interview with the Reporter. “My goal is to have the restoration bring the Strand to a position in the community like the Apollo.” Menino was referring to the famed theatre in Harlem, but there are key differences that may make emulating the Appollo’s success difficult. “This would have to be partnered with an initial investment in the local infrastructure,” said City Councillor Charles Yancey, whose district in Dorchester and Mattapan does not include Uphams Corner. “Parking and traffic flow in this neighborhood are horrendous.” Bringing 1400 politicians, neighborhood leaders, and journalists to Uphams Corner for Tuesday night’s address required a legion of detailed police officers and shuttle buses to cart drivers back and forth from the Bayside Expo Center. Yet the mayor says that he believes existing bus service, limited parking at a municipal lot across Columbia Road on Ramsey Street, and the promise of improved service on the Fairmount Line would be sufficient to support a full calendar of performances at the theatre. “Rapid transit and the enactment of the Indigo Line is something that I have always supported,” said Menino. “The Strand is part of a larger vision that I have for Uphams Corner that includes the Kroc Center, the housing stock.” Uphams Corner is hanging on the cusp of significant revitalization, with several major projects slated to make headway in the year to come: Most importantly, construction continues on the $100 million Kroc community center at the corner of Dudley and Clifton Streets; a CVS store is expected to come to Dudley Street as well, at the site of the former America’s Food Basket; and merchant Hal Cohen is looking to sell the more than two- Mayor Tom Menino acre property he owns at 65 East Cottage Street to a developer who would preserve commercial jobs there and in conjunction with a development that included affordable housing. At-Large City Councillor Sam Yoon said that he was impressed by the mayor’s speech, and faithful in his vision for Uphams Corner. “Investment in isolation is not going to lift all of our problems. But you have to start somewhere, and these plans sounded like a good step in that direction.” Yancey said he was encouraged, but not satisfied, with the mayor’s overall message. “It was not as ambitious as I had hoped,” said Yancey, pointing out that plans for a new Mattapan branch library, which the mayor mentioned in his speech, date back to at least 1997 and that plans to renovate the Strand has been in the works for several years. “He came out earlier this year with a plan for a downtown skyscraper and to move city hall; I would have wanted just as ambitious of a grander vision for the larger city of Boston.” Menino also pledged to bring 190 new officers into the Boston Police Department in the upcoming fiscal year, 50 more cops than the previous benchmark. The mayor also pledged that he would soon travel to Washington D.C. for a meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) to press the need for tougher national gun laws to protect urban youths. Locally, he mentioned that department command staff would be required to spend more time in district station houses, and generally echoed the communityfocused rhetoric that new commissioner Ed Davis has related to city residents at a number of recent community forums. While 2006 was a very strong year for the Boston Public School system, as the department received national recognition for recent improvements and a promising new commissioner was found in Manuel Rivera of Rochester New York, the mayor said that he is “far from satisfied” with the performance of Boston’s public schools, and announced the creation of a “Smart from the Start” program that would target the poorest and youngest Bostonians with a slate of social and language-based programming to prepare them for school. Jean Gabriel Chiappini, videographer, dead at age 55 By Wilner Auguste Special to the Reporter Jean Gabriel Chiappini, a Tele Kreyol production adviser and cameraman, died on Wednesday, November 29, at New England Medical Center, where he had been admitted four days earlier after suffering from a stroke. Gabriel was 55 and had been with Tele Kreyol since the beginning of the Haitian access TV program. Popularly known by name “Poulou”, Gabriel Chiappini was born in Cap-Haitian in the northern part of Haiti on February 27, 1951. After a joyful childhood, said one of his sisters, Gabriel moved with his parents to Port-au-Prince, the capital, for his academic studies at the Lycee Alexandre Petion and the college of Francois Capois. He became a master in the art of photography, a talent he had inherited from his father Jean Chiappini, who owned Chiappini’s Foto in Port-au-Prince. For years, Gabriel managed the photography studio where his professional performance helped him Jean Gabriel Chiappini’s skills behind the camera for the Tele Kreyol network made him an essential part of the local Haitian community. provide for his family. Gabriel immigrated to the United States with his family in the middle of 1986. After spending sometimes in New York, he moved to Boston in 1987 where he worked as a bank assistant and special courier for 18 years. During Haiti’s unrest of 1985-1986, said his sister, Huguette, Gabriel gradually added to his technical accomplishments, the mastery of video camera, which became his main tool for journalistic reporting. Gabriel was well known in Haiti and the Haitian community of Boston for his professional photography and video recordings during social ceremonies such as marriages, communion, graduations and baptisms. Jean Gabriel Chiappini was among the original members of Tele Kreyol. He brought to the program all the experiences he gained from his works in Haiti with his many video reports of the February 1986 events in Haiti. Gabriel had always had the difficult camera task in Tele Kreyol Productions, from the camera close up shot in the BNN studio in Roxbury to the camera on top of the Mobile van production or the shoulder strap camera. He also produced two segments for Tele Kreyol: “Mache Chache,” with reporter Jean Claude Charlet and “Sante se Riches,” with Dr. Michel H. Brutus, Executive Director of the Health Education Learning Resource Projects (H.E.L.P.) Gabriel helped also with the production of Camera Mosaique, a TV program produced by Yves Cajuste. A wake was held for Gabriel on Friday, December 8, 2006 at the Waitt Funeral Home in Brockton. During this time his children, friends, and family members reflected on his life. “I lost a brother, a son, and a good friend,” said Dr.Charles Dessalines from New York, a Haitian musicologist who married Gabriel wife’s cousin. “Chiappini was an exceptional father and a model spouse.” “He lived a great life,” said well-known artist of Canada, Luc Mervil, Mrs. Chiappini’s nephew and God’s son. Mervil, who led mourners to applaud Gabriel’s great life said, “When you met Gabriel, you met someone with values. His values will never die.” Gabriel’s funeral service was held at the Church of Christ the King in Brockton on Saturday, December 9, 2006. His old friend from Haiti, professor Smith Barthelus, former editorin-chief of the Haitian newspaper “Le Nouveau Monde”, presented Chiappini as a professional photographer and cameraman who used his great talent to serve his country, Haiti, and his Boston community. “He lived for his profession and for others,” declared Barthelus. “He had nothing for himself. Gabriel always wanted to share all his possessions with his friends. Jean Gabriel Chiappini is survived by his wife, Heguette Mardi Chiappini, his children, Gabrielle, Patrick, Jean Hugues, Judermia, and Sainthia, his great children, Nicholas and Annelle Chiappini Resendes, his brothers and Sisters Huguette Chiappini Altine, Nicole Chiappini Lecoin, Georges Chiappini Dallemand, Jean-Claude Chiappini, many nephews, nieces, cousins, brother and sister-in laws. January 2007 BOSTON HAITIAN Reporter Page International News Michelle Montas takes job as UN chief’s spokesperson By Edith M. Lederer UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Incoming U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Sunday appointed veteran Indian diplomat Vijay Nambiar as his chief of staff and award-winning Haitian journalist Michelle Montas as his spokesperson. The appointments were the first by Ban, who officially takes the reins of the United Nations on New Year’s Day. In a statement, he said he intends to make further appointments in the coming days. “Today’s appointments will serve as a solid basis for establishing my team and pursuing a program of reform of the Secretariat to provide cntinuity along with change,’’ Ban said. Montas began reporting for Radio Haiti-Inter in the early 1970s with her husband, Jean Dominique, where the two exposed human rights abuses, political corruption and state-sponsored violence in Haiti. Between 1980 and 1994, the radio station was attacked six times and Montas and her husband were forced into exile twice. Dominique was assassinated on April 3, 2000, as he walked into the station. Montas continued to work at the station, but after her bodyguard was fatally shot on Christmas Day 2002 and threats continued she closed the station in February 2003 and fled to New York. She served as spokesperson for the U.N. General Assembly in 2003 and is currently the head of the French unit of U.N. Radio. A graduate of the Columbia University School of Journalism, she received the Maria Moors Cabot Prize for courage in journalism in 2002. Nambiar, a former Indian ambassador to the United Nations, has served since March as special adviser to outgoing Secretary-General Kofi Annan on a wide range of issues, including as a contact with the 192 U.N. ambassadors. Before coming to the United Nations, Nambiar served as India’s deputy national security adviser. He joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1967 and specialized in the Chinese language, serving in Hong Kong and Beijing. He has served as India’s ambassador to Pakistan, China, Malaysia, Afghanistan and Algeria. “I have known Mr. Nambiar for a long time and we share deep confidence and respect for each other,’’ Ban said. Michelle Montas, an award-winning Haitian journalist who was married to slain journalist Jean Dominique, has been named the spokesperson for the new United Nations’ General-Secretary Ban Ki-moon. Page boston haitian Reporter Reporter’s January 2007 News about people making moves in & around our community Men Nou Consistency, values key to success at Tele Diaspora By Yolette Ibokette Contributing Editor If you ask Yvon Alteon, Chief Executive Officer of Tele Diaspora, Inc., to tell you the formula for his astonishing success, he’ll say, “We’re persistent, disciplined, and we persevere.” Consciously or not, he says, “we” as he enthusiastically shares the overdue recognition he’s been receiving with his business partners and family members. (Alteon was honored with a special award at the annual Haitian-Americans United dinner earlier in the month.) This selfless trait may also due to the fact that he has 19 brothers and sisters. Born in St. Raphael, an area in the countryside that is about 45 minutes from Cap Haitien, Alteon says life was good for his hard-working family. Unlike those who live in Port-au-Prince, they were never hungry because they could easily go to their farm for plantains, sweet potatoes and vegetables. In this safe and loving environment, he completed his primary schooling and then his secondary schooling in Cap Haitien. After studying cinematography in Port-au-Prince, he left Haiti in December 1985. He spent three days in Miami and then arrived in Boston on January 1st, 1986. Alteon says, “Although I had relatives living in other parts of the United States, I came to Boston because an older sister was already living here.” He’s been here ever since. In Boston, Alteon went straight to work. Married at the tender age of 21 in Haiti and with two children back there, he had responsibilities. After working for two years, he attended the Connecticut School of Broadcasting to study radio and television broadcasting. He then worked as a volunteer on radio broadcasts and later professionally at Radio Metropole and Radio Nouveaute hosting educational programs and talk shows. In 1989, Alteon began working in television broadcasting, achieving one of his dreams. He continued to run Yvon Video Productions where he filmed weddings, baptisms, Yvon Alteon communions and other events. “Although we’re busy with other projects now, we still have Yvon Video Productions because the demand is still out there,” he says. As the head of Tele Diaspora, Inc., he’s now confidently turned Diaspora Express and Video Services over to his children to run. His oldest son, Vontsky, 23 years-old, oversees the business. His daughter, Yveline, 21 years old, manages it; and Yvens, 16, is the technological genius. Alteon is most thankful to his wife of 25 years, Janique, who’s always supported him. “Whatever success we’ve achieved is in large part due to her,” Alteon says. In 1991, Tele Diaspora began broadcasting with only 30 minutes of programming. Today, it has 8 ½ hours of live weekend programming. It’s also accessible live on the Internet all over the world at: telediaspora.com. “When we created Tele Diaspora, it was because we saw that there was a lack of information in the community. While Tele Kreyol was already in existence 4 or 5 years before us, we were the first television station with a commercial goal in Boston.” Since businesses could only advertise on radio programs, Tele Diaspora offered an alternative because unlike other television programs, they paid for their time slot. Tele Diaspora is on Channel 26 on Cuenca Vision (through Comcast) and Channel 58 (non-cable) on Saturdays from 9 p.m. until 12 a.m. and Sundays from 7 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. The programs vary greatly. There’s a gospel program hosted by Pastor Verdieu Laroche; “Rankont” with Danique Eloi; An’n Koze with Gary Zizi; Gabrielle Rene and Andre Bastien, Jr., discuss financial matters; Patrick Romain hosts a show on tax issues; Nicole Cesar’s “Tiffany” focuses on kids in Haiti; Gerlens Cesar covers computer-related issues; Elda S. James tackles legal questions; Dr. Philip Barron has a chiropractic show; David Cange reports on news from Haiti; Ronald Nelson delves into sports; and Rony Dorvil has music news. The hosting coordinator of all these dynamic programs is Beethoven Camille. In addition to these programs, Tele Diaspora has been producing, distributing and funding Haitian films for 12 years. Some of these films are shown and promoted on some of the programs. They’re also sometimes shown at the Strand Theater and then sold on DVDs by Diaspora Express and Video Services. “We’re a worldwide distributor with affiliates in most major cities in the United States, the Caribbean, Paris, Canada and Haiti. We have three warehouses with about a million DVDs.” While all of the films were produced in Haiti at one time, this is no longer the case. The U.S. and Canada are now popular locations for filming due to the persistent violence and political unrest that have plagued Haiti. However, Alteon says he’ll return to making films in Haiti as soon as the situation improves. A better political environment will also stimulate opportunities to produce more films and for the youth to find work in the industry. He’s also discovered that Haitians love Haitian films. Whereas they lose interest in a Hollywood film that comes to Haiti after two weeks in the theaters, a Haitian film attracts large crowds for at least 2 months. As successful as the Haitian film industry has been and continues to be, it also has its challenges. For example, there aren’t enough theaters in Haiti to show films once they’re completed. With only Imperial and the recently re-opened Capitol, a film can be on a waiting list for two years before it finds a venue. Unfortunately, during this wait, they’re often pirated. Haiti’s market is also very small. As a result, Alteon is trying to enter the U.S. market. He believes Haitian films play a very special role for the dyaspora. “Haitian films encourage respect for the culture and people. We’ve often been portrayed in an unfavorable light by oth- ers who film the worst parts of the country. Now when people see a Haitian film, they wonder if it was really shot in Haiti because they never knew that the country had so many beautiful places,” he says. Alteon would like to see Haiti’s film industry become as successful as Nigeria’s, which has flourished since 1992. According to Alteon, it’s the second source of revenues after agriculture, and Nigeria’s government now sees its value and has begun to support it. “We’re encouraging the Haitian government to value our film industry. There are many jobs in this field. In film, you don’t have to be an intellectual or scholar to participate. You can sweep the yard, do makeup, clean cars, or carry a camera. So this industry can help Haiti develop and advance.” Alteon is convinced that Haitian films have evolved to the point that it’s the best avenue to reach the community. He encourages people to make these films. In Haiti, he works with a very talented group of actors and executive producers: Jean Gardy Bien-Aime, Reginald Lubin, Smoy Noisie, Etienne Mora Jr., Reynald Delerme and executive producer, Sachat Parisot. In the future, in addition to producing and distributing films, Alteon would also like to have a worldwide television station similar to CNN and MTV. “Even if we die at 95 years old, at 93, we aim to have this station. We live in this country that offers many opportunities. We’re as smart as the folks who created CNN or ABC, and we have our values.” IT’S TIME TO THINK ABOUT MIDDLE SCHOOL NOW! IS YOUR CHILD CURRENTLY IN 4TH GRADE? Boston Collegiate Charter School x Tuition-free, public school x Highest Math MCAS scores in Massachusetts! x School bus service provided x Average class size of 22 students x Serving grades 5 — 12 since 1998 x College preparatory program, with support for all students x 100% college acceptance rate x Recruiting students in grades 5—8 for the 2007-08 school year ***Attend an Information Session*** Sessions Begin at 6:00PM Jan. 11, 2007 @ Boston Collegiate Charter School, 11 Mayhew Street, Dorch., MA Jan. 18, 2007 @ Hyde Park Branch Library, 35 Harvard Ave., Hyde Park, MA CALL (617) 265-1172 OR CHECK OUR WEBSITE: WWW.BOSTONCOLLEGIATE.ORG January 2007 BOSTON HAITIAN Reporter Page Dental pain can be a real obstacle for students, teachers By Yolette Ibokette Contributing Editor Those of us who are teachers know that there are always one or two students who have difficulty paying attention in class for various reasons. Surprisingly, one of those reasons is dental pain. What I didn’t know is that this is a fairly common occurrence in many classrooms in Boston and surrounding cities and towns. A recent study by the Catalyst Institute funded by Delta Dental on children’s oral health finds that kids with dental pain tend to experience more absenteeism and have difficulty paying attention in class. In order to improve dental care, some cities have instituted schoolbased dentistry programs. For example, the Forsyth Institute, an independent organization that conducts oral health research, funds a program that sends dentists to some Boston, Lynn and Cape Cod schools twice a year to perform screenings. In addition to cavities, these dentists have found problems such as infections, gum swellings, gum drainage and kids in need of root canals. The dentists fill cavities with temporary fillings, place sealants in teeth and provide other services. The Cambridge Public Health Department’s Children’s Dental Program which began in 1997 starts this process with a visit to classrooms by Joyce LeFevre, the Children’s Dental Program coordinator, to prepare the kids for the experience. She first teaches the kids how to care for their teeth. Then she dons a dental mask and gloves and shows them dental mirrors and lights. This tends to make kids feel less afraid, particularly those who’ve never seen a dentist. The following week, the dentist visits the school. John Giunta, DMD, Professor of Oral Pathology, Emeritus from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, who volunteers with the program after more than 30 years’ teaching at Tufts, performs basic dental screenings in Cambridge’s schools. Dr. Giunta has diagnosed problems such as cavities, abscesses, malocclusion (improper meeting of upper and lower teeth) and poor oral hygiene. Children who have dental problems are referred for treatment. Dr. Giunta notes, “Dental health is very important to overall good health. It can prevent infections and, perhaps, diseases elsewhere in the body.” According to the doctor, not only does good dental hygiene prevent things such as tooth decay, gum disease and even bad breath, it can also help with serious diseases like heart attack, stroke, poorly controlled diabetes and even some problems in pregnancy. He continues, “One should seek dental care the same as they would a yearly physical. In fact, the mouth may present with signs of systemic disease elsewhere in the body. Sometimes, it may be the first sign of the disease. Diabetes or AIDS are examples. So, oral health is very important.” According to LeFevre, “The program is successful and is very important to all children, especially the disadvantaged. We’ve provided oral health instruction and dental screenings to thousands of children in preschool through grade 4.” She has also seen the number of children being screened increase over the years. LeFevre also helps families to access treatment and gives them information on dental clinics in the area. This is helpful to many Haitian families who don’t have a regular dentist. Additionally, poor oral hygiene is a problem in the Haitian community in adults and children. Many adults don’t visit the dentist unless they’re in serious pain. It’s somewhat understandable since many families don’t have health and/or dental insurance and instead rely on free care when in pain or sick. Dr. Giunta adds, “Unfortunately if a parent did not receive good dental care themselves, they may not appreciate its benefits and may not stress or seek out good dental care for their children.” However, the epidemic of tooth decay in children isn’t limited to the Haitian community or even Massachusetts. It’s a national epidemic. The Forsyth Institute says, “The Surgeon General has reported that oral diseases are rampant in one third of America’s children, many of whom are disadvantaged.” To help prevent tooth decay, the American Dental Association (ADA) makes the following recommendations for good oral hygiene: • Brush teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Tooth brushing plays an important everyday role for personal oral hygiene and effective plaque removal. • Clean between teeth daily with floss. This removes plaque and food particles from between the teeth and under the gum line. • Eat a balanced diet and limit between-meal snacks. • Visit your dentist twice a year for professional cleanings and oral exams. • Replace toothbrushes every three or four months or sooner if the bristles become frayed. Children’s toothbrushes often need replacing more frequently than adults because they can wear out sooner. • Do not share toothbrushes. This could result in an exchange of body fluids between the users of the toothbrush, placing the individuals involved at an increased risk for infections. • Rinse toothbrushes thoroughly with tap water after brushing to remove any remaining toothpaste and debris. Store the brush in an upright position if possible and allow the toothbrush to air-dry until used again. • Do not store toothbrushes in closed containers or cover them. A moist environment such as a closed container encourages the growth of bacteria. In addition to the aforementioned measures, regular visits to the dentist are a must. The mayor’s office in Boston suggests that families who lack health and/or dental insurance call MassHealth at: 1-888665-9993. Adults and children can also receive quality, low-cost dental care at Boston University’s School of Dental Medicine at 100 East Newton Street,near the Boston Medical Center. In Cambridge, for free dental care, families can contact the Children’s Dental Health program at: 617-665-3800. Health Insurance ALERT Have you been receiving Free Care? We can help you with the new changes to your Free Care insurance coverage. If you receive a letter from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts about insurance changes, please bring it to Dorchester House or Codman Square Health Center as soon as possible. We’ll help you learn if you qualify for the new Commonwealth Care Health Insurance Program. Please continue to see your doctor. High quality, friendly health care in your neighborhood. For information, or to make an appointment with an enrollment specialist, call: 617-740-2294 or 617-740-2642 617-822-8310 or 617-822-8108 Page boston haitian Reporter January 2007 News from Haiti Engel: Deportees not fueling crime in Haiti By Myrna Domit PORT-AU-PRINCE - A senior U.S. legislator has pledged to help resolve a dispute between Haiti and the United States over deporting Haitian convicts to their homeland but rejected Haiti’s assertion that the U.S. policy has fueled violent crime. U.S. Rep. Eliot Engel, a Democrat from New York, called the long-standing disagreement over deportees “a sensitive issue’’ but emphasized that Haitian convicts sent home by the United Stateswere not “the only reason why there is a lack of security’’ in theimpoverished Caribbean nation. “It might be simple to say that if we just solve the deportee problem, everything will be well with security. But we don’t believe that,’’ said Engel, the incoming chairman of the House western hemisphere subcommittee. “We are however committed to try to bring the two sides together on the deportee issue,’’ he added during a news conference. “We believe Haiti must tackle the problem of security and we are eager to help.’’ Haitian officials weren’t immediately Haitian Prime Minister Jacques Edouard Alexis has says an increase in the number of criminal deportees the US sends to Haiti would “complicate the security situation.’’ available to comment. Engel was speaking at the close of a two-day trip to Haiti along with five other Democrats - Donald Payne, of New Jersey; Kendrick Meek, of Florida; and Barbara Lee, Maxine Waters and Lynn Woolsey, all of Preval’s Independence Day speech cut short by power By Evens Sanon Associated Press Writer PORT-AU-PRINCEPresident Rene Preval defended the country’s fledgling democracy in a televised Independence Day speech on January 1 that was cut short by a power failure. Preval’s microphone stopped working about six minutes into his address before a crowd in Gonaives, the northern city where the country’s declaration of independence from France was signed Jan. 1, 1804. He walked off the outdoor stage when the power did not return after several minutes. Preval, elected in February, said the gangs blamed for widespread violence were sabotaging the country’s recovery from a February 2004 revolt that toppled former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. ``All the people that are not for peace are the ones who don’t want democracy. They only want power for a small group,’’ Preval said. ``Today the Haitian people have a historic opportunity to create a government that will benefit everyone and build a democracy in peace.’’ Preval’s microphone was powered by a generator, and several parliament members addressed the crowd before it apparently failed. Few Haitians have electricity, and outages occur frequently. Last month, Haitians voted in local elections billed as a step toward the troubled country’s return to democratic rule following Aristide’s ouster. Preval urged Haitians to have patience for his young coalition government, describing democracy as a key to the country’s development. ``Democracy is a difficult exercise, but it must be done,’’ he said. Preval, 63, returned to Haiti on Dec. 29 after undergoing medical tests in Cuba where he said doctors determined his prostate cancer has not returned. He was diagnosed with cancer in 2001, the final year of his first presidential term. (AP) Suspect arrested in slaying of Jordanian peacekeepers PORT-AU-PRINCE - U.N. Troops and local police raided a slum in Haiti’s capital on Jan. 5 and arrested an alleged gang member wanted in the slaying of two Jordanian peacekeepers, the U.N. mission said. No shots were fired during the pre-dawn operation in Port-au-Prince’s Cite Soleil slum, a base for well-armed gangs blamed for a spate of kid- nappings and shooting deaths, the mission said in a statement. An alleged gang member identified only as Zachari was captured and turned over to Haitian police for the Nov. 10 killing of the Jordanians, who were driving back to base when their jeep came under heavy gunfire. A suspected kidnapper also was arrested in Former military commander arrested in Delray Beach DELRAY BEACH, Fla. - A former Haitian military commander listed on a United Nations list of human rights violators has been arrested in Florida, U.S. authorities said last month. Placide Jolicoeur, 52, was arrested Nov. 29 at his home in Delray Beach and is awaiting deportation at the Krome Detention Center outside Miami, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said. Jolicoeur served as a commander of Haiti’s military sub-district in Mirebalais in 1992, according to ICE. The U.S. Department of State has identified him as a human rights violator, and he is among 240 human rights violators listed by the U.N. Civilian Mission. (AP) the raid. The U.N. mission said Zachari directed kidnappings for the feared Beloney gang, which authorities allege is behind a wave of recent abductions for ransom. In December, U.N. troops and Haitian police raided Cite Soleil and killed five people in the peacekeeping mission’s bloodiest crackdown in months. U.N. troops have announced plans to increase patrols next week to prevent kidnappers from targeting children returning to school after the Christmas holiday. The 8,800-strong U.N. force arrived in July 2004 to restore order in the Caribbean nation after a chaotic uprising toppled former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haiti’s first democratically elected leader. Fourteen peacekeepers have died since the mission began, including six Jordanians. (AP) California. Last week, Haitian Prime Minister Jacques Edouard Alexis said the United States would soon increase the number of criminal deportees it sends to Haiti from 25 to 100 per month - a move he said would “complicate the security situation.’’ Alexis also said the United States warned Haitian officials that they would lose vital aid and U.S. travel rights unless they cooperated with the policy - an accusation denied by the U.S. Embassy in Port-auPrince. Engel said the lawmakers met with President Rene Preval and Alexis but didn’t say whether they discussed the deportee issue. Haiti’s government doesn’t track how many crimes are committed by people who have been deported, and no hard evidence exists to suggest they significantly affect crime in Haiti, which has a police force of 4,000 to patrol a country of 8 million. The country has struggled to disarm politically aligned street gangs that flourished i the aftermath of a 2004 revolt that toppled former president JeanBertrand Aristide. In recent months, dozens of foreigners and Haitians have been kidnapped, and violence has forced hundreds of slum dwellers to flee their homes despite the presence of an 8,800-strong U.N. peacekeeping force. At least 2 wounded as crowd clashes with police PORT-AU-PRINCETwo people were injured when an angry mob clashed with police on Dec. 21 while officers tried to transfer two men suspected of attempting to kidnap a child, witnesses said. The melee erupted when a crowd of several hundred people descended on the police station to demand the suspects be released so they could be lynched, witnesses said. At least two men were wounded by gunfire when Haitian and U.N. police fired shots and tear gas to disperse the crowd, according to two Associated Press photographers at the scene. It was unclear who shot the men and their condition was not immediately known. A U.N. vehicle was also set on fire and destroyed during thefracas. Haitian police spokesman Frantz Lerebours said the two kidnapping suspects were later transferred to another jail and were being held for questioning. Kidnappings are a major threat in the Haitian capital and both the U.N. and national police have recently launched operations in recent weeks intended to crack down on the problem. The appeal also is aimed at ``ensuring that authorities are better prepared in the event of natural disasters,’’ said Joel Boutroue of the U.N. stabilization mission in Haiti. The global body maintains an 8,800strong peacekeeping force in the Caribbean country, sent to restore order after a bloody Feb- ruary 2004 revolt toppled former President JeanBertrand Aristide. After a relative lull in violence, peacekeepers and Haitian police have been struggling to contain killings and kidnappings blamed on street gangs, some of which declare loyalty to Aristide. Aristide lives in exile in South Africa. (AP) U.N. issues appeal for $98 million to help Haiti GENEVA (AP) - The United Nations appealed Dec. 18 for contributions of $98 million to help stabilize Haiti, where gang violence has forced hundreds to flee their homes in recent months. The U.N. said it needs money for programs aimed at boosting Haiti’s economic recovery and to help provide people with basic services. At least 5 killed as UN troops battle gangs in Cite Soleil By Evens Sanon Associated Press Writer PORT-AU-PRINCEU.N. peacekeeping troops traded heavy gunfire for more than five hours on Dec. 22 with gangs in a slum of the Haitian capital, and at least five people were killed. U.N. armored personnel carriers converged on the seaside slum of Cite Soleil early in the morning and fighting quickly erupted between the two sides, according to witnesses. Later, people who live in the slum showed As- sociated Press photographers the bodies of five men they said had been killed by fire from the U.N. troops. Two others, including a young boy, had gunshot wounds. In past gunbattles in Haiti’s crowded, mazelike slums, people have been struck by crossfire from both sides so it was not possible to confirm who shot the five men. The U.N. released a statement saying it had launched a joint operation with Haiti’s National Police in Cite Soleil as part of an effort to fight a recent upsurge in kidnapping and other violence by gangs based in the slum. U.N. representatives could not immediately comment on reports of casualties. U.N. forces were also seeking to take back control from the gangs of a principal route through the slum at the northern edge of the capital, Portau-Prince. It was not immediately known if there were any casualties among the international force, which came to Haiti following the rebellion that ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004. January 2007 BOSTON HAITIAN Reporter Page News from Haiti Preval’s possible illness adds to uncertainty By Stevenson Jacobs PORT-AU-PRINCE- The disclosure that Haitian President Rene Preval’s prostate cancer may have returned has some here worried that more political turmoil lies ahead with his planned departure for treatment. Preval revealed Dec. 10 that blood tests in Havana showed possible signs of cancer but said the results were inconclusive. He said he would return to Cuba on Dec. 26 for more tests and treatment. Reaction to the news has been surprisingly muted in a country that only days before had buzzed with rumors that the bearded 63-year-old leader was gravely ill. Perhaps seeking to quiet such talk, Preval made a surprise appearance Sunday night at a small reception in the capital for a visiting delegation of U.S. legislators. He chatted with diplomats, joked with friends and puffed on cigarettes during the outdoor party at the U.S. ambassador’s residence. Preval’s medical disclosure comes as Haiti struggles against the gang violence that erupted after a 2004 rebellion overthrew former President Jean Bertrand-Aristide, a one-time Preval ally. Preval won a landslide presidential victory in February and enjoyed several months of relative calm in the country. Since May, however, dozens of foreigners and Haitians have been kidnapped and gang fighting has forced hundreds to flee their homes in the capital of Port-au-Prince despite the presence of an 8,800-strong U.N. peacekeeping force. One opposition lawmaker, Frantz Robert Monde of the Fusion party, suggested over the weekend President Preval says his prostate cancer has not returned, despite a scare last month. AP photo that the president may have to temporarily step down while he undergoes treatment. Preval’s office offered no comment on the remarks. Charles Henri Baker, a wealthy industrialist and former presidential candidate who has been critical of the government, said stepping down could destabilize the impoverished Caribbean country. ``You can see our police are not able to secure the streets. (U.N. peacekeepers) are not able to do so either ... so if there’s an absence of power, it could go anywhere,’’ Baker said. The two-time president was first diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2001, the final year of his first presidential term. Preval had surgery in Cuba to treat the disease and has regular checkups. Taiwan’s ambassador to Haiti said he met with Preval before he went to Cuba for medical tests last week and said he appeared ill. ``He wasn’t very well, however, I don’t think it was so serious,’’ Cheng-Ta Yang said, adding he believed Preval’s possible illness would have a ``psychological impact’’ but little else. ``The stability of this country doesn’t depend on President Preval himself,’’ he said. Haiti’s minister for women’s affairs noted that other leaders have remained in power while battling illness. ``Francois Mitterand led France while being sick without revealing the evil that he suffered, a cancer of the prostate like our head of state,’’ Laurence Jocelyn Lassegue told reporters. If Preval were to step down, Haiti’s constitution requires the head of the Supreme Court to become president and fresh elections to be called in 90 days. The constitution also allows Preval to temporarily hand over power to an executive council made up of Cabinet members and led by the prime minister. (AP) Girl speaks, shops publicly after 16-pound mass removed from her face at US hospital By Jennifer Kay SUNRISE, Florida (AP) - A teenager who had been unwilling to leave her home in Haiti after a football-sized tumor enveloped her face went on a public shopping spree on Dec. 20. “Thank you,’’ Marlie Casseus, 14, said with a smile to one woman who handed her $10 to buy batteries for her new portable CD player. With a pink cell phone clipped to her jeans, Marlie also filled up her shopping cart with DVDs, video games and new clothes. Four surgeries this year at Holtz Children’s Hospital in Miami removed the 16-pound (7-kilogram) tumor, re- centered Marlie’s eyes and defined her nose, and implanted a synthetic skeleton made of hard polymer under her eyes that looks like normal cheekbone. “She’s come a long way. She is happy,’’ her mother, Maleine Antoine, told another Wal-Mart shopper who stopped to congratulate Marlie on Preval: U.S. not doing enough to help fight drugs By STEVENSON JACOBS Associated Press Writer PORT-AU-PRINCE -President Rene Preval said Haiti remained a ``victim of drug-consuming countries’’ in a speech on Jan. 9, accusing the United States in particular of not doing enough to help his impoverished nation fight the narcotics trade. In his annual address to open Parliament, Preval called drug trafficking and the corruption it breeds the main threats facing Haiti as it struggles to return to stability following a chaotic 2004 revolt that toppled former President JeanBertrand Aristide. Renewing a criticism he made in his first presidential term, Preval accused rich, drug-consuming countries of blaming Haiti for failing to stop the flow of illegal drugs while doing little to boost the Caribbean country’s weak defenses. ``A lot of crimes happening in the country are connected to drugs. But everybody knows that Haiti doesn’t produce drugs. Haiti isn’t a big consumer of drugs. ... Haiti is the victim of drug-consuming countries, mainly the United States,’’ Preval said, repeating the words from a speech he first made six years ago. “Since I made that speech ... , has the situation changed? I don’t think so,’’ Preval said. A spokeswoman at the U.S. Embassy in Portau-Prince declined to comment. With its ill-equipped defense forces and hardto-protect coastline, Haiti has long been an attractive transshipment point for drug traffickers smuggling South American cocaine into the U.S. and Europe. Preval’s speech came as his young government struggles to contain a surge in kidnappings and killings blamed mostly on street gangs, some of which are thought to have ties with the drug trade. Preval said traffickers were seeking to corrupt Parliament and the executive branch and fuel instability to ease smuggling. ``Drug trafficking and instability go hand-inhand,’’ he said. ``It’s a violent poison for society.’’ The speech was the second time in recent weeks that Preval’s government singled out Haiti’s largest international donor for alleged neglect. Late last year, Haiti’s prime minister accused the U.S. of threatening to cut off aid unless the country accepted Haitian criminal deportees. U.S. officials denied making any threat. her first big shopping trip after undergoing reconstructive surgeries. The $1,400 shopping spree was funded by a Florida woman who read media reports about Marlie’s medical saga. The tumor-like growth, first noticed when Marlie was 8, had choked off her ability to speak, crushed her airways and stretched her features so far apart that only her eyes, nostrils and a single tooth were recognizable. U.S. doctors have said she was near death when she arrived in Miami last year. Now Marlie shows off her dance moves and ability to sip water from a cup like anyone else. She has been in speech therapy since a tracheotomy tube was removed from her throat last month. She converses in Creole with her mother, but only the vowels in the words are clear - without teeth she cannot clearly enunciate consonants. “For a long time, she’s never talked. I’m happy to hear her voice,’’ Antoine said. The teen and her mother headed home to Portau-Prince on Dec. 23. Marlie will return to Miami in two years for additional surgeries on her nose and jaw and to receive dental implants, said Dr. Jesus Gomez, who has led Marlie’s surgical teams. Marlie suffers from a rare form of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, a nonhereditary genetic disease that causes bone to swell and become jelly-like. The condition affects her entire skeleton: she is bowlegged and short for her age, and her fingers and feet are swollen and crooked. (AP) Children released unharmed by kidnappers in Haiti PORT-AU-PRINCEKidnappers freed seven children who were seized on their way to school in a volatile suburb of Haiti’s capital, a U.N. official said Dec. 15. The children were released unharmed late on Dec. 14 following negotiations between their relatives and the captors, but it was unclear whether a ransom was paid, U.N. police spokesman Fred Blaise said. The students, whose ages were not released, were riding to school in the northern La Plaine suburb when armed men hijacked their vehicle. Their release came as several Haitian media outlets reported a string of new child abductions in and around Port-auPrince. Ten children were kidnapped in the capital on Dec. 14, private Radio Kiskeya reported. Haitian authorities could not immediately confirm the report. More than 30 children have been reported kidnapped in Haiti since November, alarming residents of the impoverished Caribbean nation of 8 million. Most of the crimes are blamed on street gangs that flourished in the aftermath of a violent uprising in 2004 that toppled former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haiti’s first democratically elected leader. U.N. peacekeepers this week launched a round of anti-kidnapping operations in the capital, detaining 25 suspects so far and setting up random checkpoints, Blaise said. The measures will continue for several days, he said. Meanwhile, fear of kidnappers has led many schools in the capital to close until after the Christmas holiday. (AP) Page boston haitian Reporter January 2007 Commentary Resolve to find the Truth about U.S. role in Haiti By Brian Concannon, Jr. The New Year is a good time for all kinds of resolutions: resolutions (or firm decisions) to do certain things better; the resolution (or settling) of conflicts; and passing resolutions (or expressions of a joint opinion). Although any time of any year is a good time for resolutions promoting stability, prosperity and peace in Haiti, this New Year presents a particularly good opportunity for Americans and our government. Haiti was the Americas’ second independent country- proclaiming its independence on New Year’s Day 203 years ago. But we did not recognize that independence for fifty-eight years. The refusal to recognize Haiti was the result of a conflict between our espoused principles of freedom and our practice of keeping millions of human beings in slavery. The U.S. could not acknowledge the freedom of a country run by former slaves without asking hard questions about ourselves. Abraham Lincoln took a step towards resolving that conflict on June 5, 1862, when he recognized Haiti during the U.S. Civil War. Three and a half months later, President Lincoln took the next step, resolving to soon emancipate all slaves in areas remaining loyal to the rebel Confederacy. True to his word, on New Year’s Day 1863 Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, instantly turning the abolition of slavery into the principal issue of the U.S. Civil War. Our conflict between slavery and freedom was definitely resolved with the Union victory in the war and the ratification of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in December 1865, which abolished slavery for good throughout the U.S. Emancipation was Brian Concannon, Jr. important, not only because it freed over four million Americans from the bondage of slavery, but also because it freed the rest of the U.S. from the hypocrisy of keeping slaves in a country that claimed to be free. Ending the hypocrisy also raised America’s international standing: by the 1860’s, most countries recognized slavery as the evil it always was. By resolving to eliminate the evil, we earned respect, and friends. In particular, emancipation forced France and England, whose commercial interests would have benefited from an independent Confederacy, but whose principles opposed slavery, to stay out of the war. Two hundred years after its independence, Haiti presented the U.S. with another potential conflict between our espoused principles- this time our commitment to democracy- and our practices. On February 29, 2004, the country’s 33rd coup d’etat forced the constitutional President Jean-Bertrand Aristide out of the country on a U.S. plane. He was replaced by a brutal dictatorship that reigned until June 2006, and thousands of Haitians were killed in political violence over the next two years. President Aristide claimed that the Bush administration played BOSTON HAITIAN REPORTER “An Exploration of the Haitian-American Experience” A publication of Boston Neighborhood News Inc. 150 Mt. Vernon St., Suite 120 , Dorchester, MA 02125 Worldwide at bostonhaitian.com Mary Casey Forry, Publisher (1983-2004) Edward W. Forry, Associate Publisher William P. Forry, Managing Editor Steve Desrosiers, Contributing Editor Yolette Ibokette, Contributing Editor Jack Conboy, Advertising Manager Richardson Innocent, Advertising/Sales News Room Phone : (617) 436-1222 Advertising : (617) 436-2217 E-mail: news@dotnews.com Boston Haitian Reporter Reporter is not liable for errors appearing in advertisements beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. The right is reserved by Boston Haitian Reporter to edit, reject or cut any copy without notice. Next Issue: February 2007 Next edition’s Deadline: Friday, January 26 at 4 p.m. All contents © Copyright 2007 Boston Neighborhood News, Inc. Mail subscription rates $20.00 per year, payable in advance. Make checks and money orders payable to the Boston Haitian Reporter and mail to: Boston Haitian Reporter, 150 Mt. Vernon Street, Suite #120, Dorchester, MA 02125 a key role in his overthrow, by supporting his armed and unarmed opponents, weakening the government through a development assistance embargo, and eventually forcing him onto the plane. Mr. Aristide’s claim is echoed by many, including members of the U.S. Congress, world leaders, and millions of Mr. Aristide’s supporters in Haiti. The claim is also supported by reports from human rights groups, documents filed in lawsuits and by media investigations, including a New York Times investigation published last February. If these charges are true, the Bush Administration’s practices conflicted with the fundamental American commitment to democracy, both here and abroad, a principle that President Bush has espoused widely, even justifying the Iraq War as a democracy promotion exercise. These practices would also have violated international law, and caused great suffering in Haiti. The Bush Administration has consistently rejected the allegations. Officials contend that the withholding of aid was not an embargo, but a legitimate effort to force the government to correct election irregularities; that U.S. aid to Haiti fought poverty and helped build democracy; and that President Aristide asked the U.S. to fly him out of the country after he had resigned in the face of a rebel takeover of much of Haiti. The best way to resolve these conflicting accounts of the U.S. role in Haiti’s 2004 coup d’etat is an impartial, independent inquiry. If the Bush Administration is correct in its denials, it deserves to have the record set straight. If the Administration did participate in the overthrow of an elected government, that fact should be established. Haitians need to know whether they can trust the U.S. to keep our word and respect our principles. More importantly, determining the causes and mechanics of Haiti’s 33rd coup d’etat is essential for avoiding the 34th. Establishing the truth about the U.S. role in Haiti’s coup is also important for the U.S. Although the 2004 coup did remove a government that our government disliked, in the medium and long terms, the overthrow hurt U.S. interests. The instability caused by the 33rd coup (like the 32d and others) generated refugee flows that placed unwanted pressure on our immigration and homeland security systems. U.S. troops, already overextended in Iraq and Afghanistan, were stretched thinner by a three-month deployment in Haiti. The post-coup chaos provided more opportunities for South American drugs to pass through Haiti to the U.S. Allegations of U.S. involvement in Haiti’s coup also hurt our international standing, at a time when we need friends in the world. They particularly undermine our credibility with respect to our claims that we are trying to establish democracy in Iraq, and our criticisms of other governments as undemocratic. The countries of the Africa Union and the Caribbean Communitytogether almost onethird of the United Nations’ members- called for the UN to conduct an independent inquiry in March 2004. The UN declined to investigate and instead sent troops to Haiti to support the illegal Interim Government. That support, along with the troops’ shootings and illegal arrests of political dissidents makes Haitians distrust the UN’s ability to impartially investigate the coup. The new U.S. Congress that will take office on January 4 may provide the best opportunity for a credible investigation of the February 2004 coup d’etat. Unlike the UN, Congress has the ability to require Bush Administration officials to answer questions and produce relevant documents. Some members of Congress supported the President’s Haiti policies in 2004, while others opposed it, which could help ensure balance. Congress already has a vehicle for such an investigation: the proposed “Responsibility to Uncover the Truth about Haiti Act”, known as the TRUTH Act. The TRUTH Act would appoint a bi-partisan, independent commission charged with investigating the February 2004 coup d’etat, and determining whether the U.S. contributed to the overthrow of the Constitutional President, directly or by channeling aid to groups that helped the overthrow. The TRUTH Act’s commission would resemble the Iraq Study Group that released its report last month. Commission members would be appointed by Congress (half by Republican leaders, half by Democrats), and would be entrusted with reviewing all the evidence, and submitting a final, public report, including findings, conclusions, and recommendations of corrective measures, if needed. The new Democratic tilt in Congress means that members who have shown a keen interest in Haitian policy, like Massachusetts’ own Congressman William Delahunt, above, can now press their interests to greater effect. The TRUTH Act was originally filed in 2005 in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Barbara Lee of California, with 21 co-sponsors. It was referred to the House International Relations Committee’s Western Hemisphere Subcommittee, where it languished. But with the arrival of the new Congress, the TRUTH Act’s time may have come. Following a December visit to Haiti, Rep. Lee promised to re-introduce the Act. This time she will have more support in both the International Relations Committee and the House as a whole, both of which have a majority of Democrats. Rep. William Delahunt of Quincy, another member of the International Relations Committee, could provide critical support for the TRUTH Act. Mr. Delahunt has followed Haiti closely, visiting the country several times. Although he did not co-sponsor the original TRUTH Act, Mr. Delahunt has shown a willingness to challenge the Administration when its pronouncements on Haiti conflict with his information. The former prosecutor’s sharp questions during hearings following the coup d’etat in 2004 exposed contradictions in the Administration’s policies, and he has refuted Administration claims of problems with Haiti’s 2000 elections with his own observations as an observer that day. Over the last few months, Delahunt has shown an increased willingness to confront President Bush on other international relations issues. In November, he joined Republican Rep. Jeffrey Flake of Arizona to call for an investigation of potential misuse of so-called “democracy promotion” funds in Cuba. In September, he criticized the Administration’s manipulation of intelligence on Iraq, especially the withholding of information showing that the Iraq War is fueling, rather than combating, terrorism. Congressman Delahunt will soon be in a particularly good position to pursue all these investigations- he is expected to become chairman of the Oversight and Investigations panel of the House Committee on International Relations. By enacting the TRUTH Act, Congress could establish the facts about the U.S. role in Haiti’s 2004 coup d’etat, thereby resolving, once and for all, the outstanding controversies about that role. If the investigation determines that the U.S. did participate in President Aristide’s overthrow, that knowledge would allow Congress to take steps to resolve the conflict between such illegal and harmful practices and our professed policy of promoting democracy and respecting human rights. The knowledge would also inform the most important resolution of all: a commitment by everyone who works on Haiti issues- Haitians and Americans, government officials, candidates and voters- to allocate political power in Haiti with ballots, not bullets, and to promote the stability that Haiti’s peace and prosperity requires. Human Rights lawyer Brian Concannon Jr. directs the Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti, ijdh.org. January 2007 BOSTON HAITIAN Reporter Page Editorial Major effort needed to make Strand Theatre viable Is the Strand Theatre worth saving? That’s a question that Mayor Menino answered this week with a resounding yes..when 1400 persons filled the theatre for the Mayor’s State of the City addresss. This week, the Mayor put the weight of his powerful office behind the concept- along with a promise of $6 million in city funds over the next two years to renovate the Columbia Road building. But Menino’s hopes for the Strand, however admirable, need be measured against the reality of the theatre’s past and present. This is not the first time that City Hall has pledged to give the Strand a new lease on life: after its reclamation by the city in the late 1970s, then-Mayor Kevin White used the venue for his annual speech, and then, as now, there was a promise that, with government help, the Strand would be revived. But alas, almost three decades later, efforts to make the Strand a viable neighborhood arts venue have come up decidedly short. Good intentions, and internal touch-ups to the building itself, will not save the Strand Theatre from its present position as a largely irrelevant, little-used and antiquated venue. The Mayor sees his investment in the Strand as symbolic of a renewed emphasis on neighborhood improvements in Uphams Corner, and that should be very welcome all across the city. But as he himself lamented in his speech, there once were neighborhood theatres throughout the city, and now only the Strand remains And the reasons why are not a mystery: in a dramatically different world of movie megaplexes and home entertainment, these old palace-like theatres are expensive to maintain. Even the few remaining live performance theatres in downtown Bosotn struggle to survive amidst fierce competition for product and audiences. Mayor Menino’s instincts, however, are correct: The Strand can be preserved, and set on a new course. But to be successful where past efforts have failed, the city-funded improvements will require professional management and marketing skills; otherwise, it might be better to invest the funds elsewhere in the neighborhood. Any attempt to save the Strand that does not tackle the problem of infrastructure and accessibility in Uphams Corner is badly flawed. On Tuesday, city officials themselves urged people coming to the Mayor’s address to park at Bayside Expo Center, and take shuttle buses to the Strand, because parking for 1400 theatre-goers is inadequate. What other city venue would require that sort of maneuvering to bring in an audience! Put simply, without parking, attractions at the Strand are not likely to succeed. An imaginative plan is needed to deliver on the potential of the renovations. This plan could include the construction of a parking structure in Uphams Corner to accommodate the event-goers. The city should leverage its relationships with Boston’s business community to help pay for the new infrastructure. A valet parking system should be considered, and Bank of America, the Strand’s next door neighbor on Columbia Road, could be asked to make a commitment to this neighborhood arts center. The bank recently announced the end of a long standing sponsorship of the Celebrity Series of performing arts at several downtown venues. Perhaps this bank, formerly headquartered here in Boston, would step up to support the Strand. The $6 million commitment by Menino is a good start. What is needed now is some imagination, a resolve to push the envelope, and a willingness to go the distance to make Uphams Corner, and the Strand, a real destination for people from Dorchester and beyond. - Ed Forry Reporter Publisher Commentary City’s pushes new economic plan for Mattapan By Dana Whiteside Did you know that Mattapan’s roadways and thoroughfares are some of the most heavily traveled in the City? Morton Street alone sees 34,000 vehicles per day; Blue Hill Avenue sees upwards of 22,000. Cummins Highway and River Street each boast nearly 20,000 each day. What might it be like for Mattapan to attract these travelers in quality shops, thereby bringing dollars and investment to the neighborhood? This is one of the many questions which the next phase of the MEDI effort will begin to address. In July 2006, Mayor Thomas M. Menino and Boston Redevelopment Authority Director Mark Maloney unveiled the comprehensive Economic Action Agenda which was created as part of the Mattapan Economic Development Initiative (“MEDI”) planning process. This document provides a roadmap and framework for activities to improve the economics and quality of life for the Mattapan – namely through (1) improving the business districts of Mattapan Square, Blue Hill Avenue Center and the Morton Street Village Corridor; (2) creating job opportunities within the neighborhood and (3) increasing capital investment in commercial areas and properties. The Mayor also charged City agencies, led by the Boston Redevelopment Authority, to work with the community to make into reality the vision and recommendations set forth within the MEDI Economic Action Agenda. To further jump-start implementation, he committed “$250,000 in seed capital” to support viable commercial/retail real estate development and announced the hiring of two MEDI Business Development Managers (“BDM’s”)to coordinate business efforts, providing direct access to City and private resources that support small business growth. Since the fall, elements of the implementation phase have been underway. Business Development Managers Danny Hardaway and Stu Rosenberg have been working diligently to connect with and provide assistance to the over 250 small businesses and establishments along Mattapan’s commercial corridors. This work has included coordination of meetings with businesses operators and property owners to introduce them to the wide array of municipal and private sector services to help expand or improve their property. As a result, the Mattapan neighborhood will see an infusion of BLDC (Boston Local Development Corporation) loan, RESTORE (façade improvement) grants and other sources that will help change the look and feel of the business districts. As has been announced, the Mayor has also named a Community Implementation Team (“CIT”) to serve in an advisory capacity and take part in guiding the implementation phase working with City agencies to put in place various strategies recommended as part of the MEDI Economic Action Agenda. This advisory board will be charged with : 1- Providing support for strategies outlined in the MEDI Economic Action Agenda namely to: (a) improve appearance of commercial districts; (b) create a Mattapan retail identity; (c) advise the BRA and City agencies relative to economic development priorities for MEDI – namely a successful Main Streets designation for Mattapan; 2- Serving as a resource to the MEDI City Team and related departments through informational review and participation in regular working sessions and development of programs such as the MEDI Neighborhood Retail Program; 3- Serving in an advisory capacity relative to projects and issues relevant to zoning, real estate development review, business development and community organization in Mattapan; 4- Providing community representation through active participation in public meetings in addition to communication about the goals, direction and progress of the MEDI with all neighborhood stakeholders; and 5- Providing support for projects and outreach efforts of the MEDI (e.g. BOSTON SHINES in Mattapan, community charettes, project review, etc.) The members of the Mayoral Community Implementation Team for MEDI are: -Rev. John Borders, Pastor, Morning Star Baptist Church -Ms. Barbara Brewster, Chairperson, Mattapan Civic Association -Mr. Jeff Brewster, Manager, McDonalds (Mattapan Square) -Mr. Jim Clarke, Mattapan Street Neighborhood Association & Former Vice-Chair Boston State CAC -Mr. Gerard David, Member, Morton Street Board of Commerce -Ms. Denise Fotopolous, Member Mattapan Board of Trade -Ms. Dawn Greenidge, Former MEDI CAG Member -Ms. Louise Gant, Board Chairperson, Mattapan CDC, Former MEDI CAG Member -Mr. Ernst Guerrier, Principal Guerrier & Associate -Mr. Russell Holmes, Former Chair, MEDI CAG - Ms. Cheryl Johns, Manager, Sovereign Bank -Ms. G. Sierra Khan, Managing Director, Mattapan Cultural Arts Development -Mr. David Lopes, Chairperson, Wellington Hill Association; Former MEDI CAG Member -Mr. Azid Mohammed, Former MEDI CAG Member -Mr. Jean-Claude Sanon, Director, Community Outreach, Haitian-American Public Health Initiative -Ms. Thelma Sullivan, Owner “The Black Pages” -Ms. Judy Vance, Chairperson, Woodhaven Street Association -Ms. Sandy Zamour-Calixte, Coordinator, External Affairs Sherriff’s Department -Mr. James Claiborne, Captain, Area B-3 Police Station, Ex-Officio -Mr. Spencer DeShields, Executive Director, Mattapan Community Development Corp.,Ex-Officio -Fr. William (“Bill”) Joy, Pastor Saint Angela’s Parish, Ex-Officio -Ms. Lillie Searcy, Executive Director Mattapan Family Service Center, Ex-Officio Mayor Tom Menino unveiled a draft of the BRA’s MEDI report in Mattapan last summer. -Ms. Azzie Young, Executive Director, Mattapan Community Health Center, Ex-Officio Regular meetings of the MEDI CIT will begin in late January/early February of 2007 and will be organized in similar fashion to those held by the previously engaged Community Advisory Group which facilitated the planning phase of this initiative. There are significant and exciting new opportunities proposed for Mattapan with which the MEDI effort will take part. Examples include the improvements to MBTA Stations at Mattapan Square and Morton Street; the proposed Morton Street Homes Development by the Mattapan CDC; the development of the former Cote Ford site; the forward movement of 872 Morton Street; and the proposed Transit Oriented Development project at Mattapan Square by Nuestra/EDFC. Similarly we will work to coordinate efforts to attract the new and improved goods and services referenced in the MEDI Consumer Survey while supporting the work of those existing businesses that wish to remain competitive and viable in the newly created market. As we move ahead, we look forward to the continued efforts of our MEDI Business Development Managers, greater coalition building among our community stakeholders and broad participation from residents, business operators, property owners and Mattapan institutions alike as we collaborate to make Mattapan an even greater neighborhood to live, work, invest and play. Dana Whiteside is the Deputy Director for Economic Development at the Boston Redevelopment Authority. Page 10 boston haitian Reporter January 2007 A nation of children Number of AIDS orphans on the rise in Haiti By TIM COLLIE South Florida Sun-Sentinel PORT-AU-PRINCE (AP) -Charline might become a poet. Maybe a teacher or a diplomat. She might become a voice for all the children here who live alone or afraid in the city and in villages where people seem to die a lot. But Charline is just 16. She takes pride in her role as surrogate mother to the other children. Her story begins with a song that she and the others sing: ``Let us, the children, live because we are the hope of the country. We are like a spring that bubbles forth but never runs dry. Children of Saline ... of Haiti ... of Miami ... Let the children live in peace.’’ ••• Here is the first thing to know about Haiti, the bare and brown western claw of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola: It is a nation of children. Gray hair is getting harder and harder to find. Eight million people live here; four million are under age 14. Too many of them are children without parents. Today, a large slice of their generation - by some official accounts, 250,000 - has lost one parent or both to AIDS. The global epidemic, now in its 25th year, has killed more than 400,000 people in Haiti. It has killed tens of thousands more throughout the Caribbean, steppingstone islands in Florida’s backyard and one of the largest tourist playgrounds on Earth. The number of children orphaned by AIDS will likely continue to grow. Experts see no end in sight. They voice concern: If things don’t veer from their current path, Caribbean society, and the Caribbean economy that relies heavily on tourism, will suffer more. Haiti, the poorest country in the hemisphere and sixth-poorest on Earth, has by far the region’s highest A nurse checks the pulse of a patient at Dr. Paul Farmer’s Zanmi Lasante Hospital in Cange, Haiti, Sept. 20, 2006. Farmer, a Harvard University professor, is founder of Partners in Health, a pioneering medical mission in Haiti’s highlands that gives free treatment to thousands.(AP Photo/Ariana Cubil) rate of baby and child deaths, the highest rate of AIDS deaths, and the highest number of children orphaned by AIDS. This year, for the first time, anyone living with HIV/AIDS in Haiti can get the new generation of drugs that turns a killer disease into a manageable condition. But there are hurdles to getting the drugs: bad roads, distant villages, scant information, fear. At the same time, of the thousands and thousands of young people left, a handful will be nurtured in places where they learn about the disease that killed their parents. Where they will learn about (Continued on page 11) January 2007 BOSTON HAITIAN Reporter Page 11 Orphans often fend for themselves on streets of capitol (Continued from page 10) acceptance over stigma, facts over fear. Where, in turn, they will learn to teach others who still fear and shun anyone connected to AIDS. Charline is one whose life hangs in the balance. She was just 4 when her mother got sick with the wasting disease that the child knew only as tuberculosis. A father died before Charline knew him and an older brother left for the Dominican Republic, as thousands of Haitians do each year, looking for work. Charline and another brother took care of their mother the only way they could. They went into the streets to beg. Charline: ``Every day, I put on my clothes and went to the street ... Me and my brother, we each took a different route ... In the middle of the day, I’d come home to my mother. I’d cook for her. I’d braid her hair, and I’d make sure she drank her medicine … Sometimes when I didn’t get any money to go home, I would send a message to my mother that I wasn’t coming home that night.’’ ••• Charline came to the street when the AIDS epidemic was in its 12th year. The disease had claimed thousands of lives. About that time, doctors, missionaries and others who worked with children saw something different: more kids in the street. It soon became clear: Hundreds were orphans who had lost one parent or both to AIDS. The children often didn’t know what killed their mothers or fathers. If others knew, those children were treated like walking dead. No orphanages would take them. Something else they didn’t know: They could well be carrying the virus, too, because roughly one-fourth of children born to HIV/AIDS-infected mothers are carriers themselves. On the streets, children look for a new family, people who look out for one another, called a ``cartel.’’ Charline found hers among the older kids who slept under the benches in front of Haiti’s National Palace, in Champs de Mars park. She stood out. For one thing, she was a girl. Ten years ago, street kids were mostly boys. The girls came later, as the epidemic killed more mothers. Charline showed up in clean clothes and then went home most nights to a mom. She was on the street, but not yet of the street, a big difference in Haiti. She was not a kokorat, the name for kids who live on the street full time. ••• Charline: ``A man came ... and asked what was happening to me. I told him how the other kokorat attacked me ... He told me I should go talk to this woman in the car. I did not want to go ... Very often people wanted to steal me because I was a nice girl. People would always tell me that they wanted to take me to foreign lands ... I was afraid that this woman was going to take me away, and I’d never see my mother again.’’ ••• Charline at age 7 could have been a restavek, a child sold or sent off to relatives to work as a household slave. She could have stayed on the street, become a prostitute, or maybe been sold and shipped over the border to the Dominican Republic. Instead, she went to the woman in the car, a wellconnected advocate for women and children, one of those unexplained angels sent to save lives. Charline: ``I mustered my strength and walked over to the car and the woman ... She picked me up and sat me on her lap. She asked me why I was in the street, and I was telling her all about my mother ... I told her that I hadn’t brought my mother anything to eat for a while, that I had to go and see her. And she bought clothes for me. She bought me sandals.’’ ••• Nearly a mile above the city is La Maison l’Arc en Ciel, Rainbow House, the first orphanage in the country, and still one of only a few, built for children of AIDS dead. It is here that Charline arrived nine years ago. The sanctuary was founded in 1996 by a French Canadian lawyer and her Haitian husband in response to a gaping national need. Haiti had orphanages, dozens in every major city, some run by churches, some by the government. But none, not one, would knowingly take a child orphaned by AIDS. Danielle and Robert Penette hoped to change that. They found a home on a choice plot of mountain land - a mansion once owned by the family of the wife of Haiti’s former dictator Jean-Claude ``Baby Doc’’ Duvalier. Within the year, Rainbow House had 17 children, the youngest 14 months old. The Penettes had one rule: No child older than 6, because after that, children are too tough to reach, too far gone. But something about Charline touched them. They gave her a home. Charline is luckier than most, living in the protective fold of Rainbow House. Twice she tried to escape over the compound walls, to go back to the city to beg, to bring help for her mother, maybe to keep her live a bit longer. Her mother died one month after Charline arrived. Charline: ``When my mother died I wasn’t sad at all because I saw that she was suffering so much ... After her death, I became very mean ... When I realized I didn’t have a mother or a father anymore, I started crying. I did not sleep. I could not eat. But you know, it was Mrs. Penette who gave me strength. She always told me that if I was here today in this orphanage it was because I had enough strength to take care of my mother.’’ ••• As part of their social education, the children at Rainbow House who were old enough to understand heard the question: What would they do if they found out a friend, a teacher or a roommate had HIV, the virus that causes AIDS? The questions are the underpinning of the Rainbow House philosophy: The only right way to live is to embrace anyone who is infected. After the deaths of some of the younger children, Charline’s Unofficial no longer: ‘Clef gets ambassador’s title PORT-AU-PRINCE - Wyclef Jean has been named a roving ambassador for Haiti, the foreign minister announced Thursday. The 34-year-old hiphop star will promote development in the country and represent Haiti at various events abroad, said Foreign Affairs Minister Reynald Clerisme. President Rene Preval chose Jean for the honorary position as a way to boost the image of an impoverished country that is struggling to restore stability after a violent rebellion in 2004. “We have so much to recover from with our bad reputation. With Wyclef, we can gain a lot,’’ Clerisme said. Jean, a Haitian citizen who lives in the United States, wasn’t immediately available for comment. His Yele Haiti foundation promotes arts, education and sports as a way to bring jobs and development to Haiti. He grew up in poverty but left Haiti for the U.S. at age 9. Jean later won fame with The Fugees and as a solo performer. (AP) Read the Reporter online anytime: www.bostonhaitian.com Above: Josny Simplice sits down for a break as his day begins fetching water as other children walk past him in their starched school uniforms, in Port au Prince, Haiti, April 4, 2006. Simplice is an AIDS orphan who has never attended school and now a “restavek”, a domestic servant. (AP Photo/South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Mike Stocker) emotions softened. She opened her arms when the younger girls, some frail and sick, climbed into her lap wanting to play and be held, wanting her to love them back. They were her new family, and they needed her, just as her mother had. ••• Charline is a young woman now. She attends eighth grade at a school near Rainbow House. She will leave in a few years to start a new phase of her life. Right now, she is a teenage girl much like teenage girls everywhere. She thinks about her future, about where her path will lead outside the compound walls. She imagines becoming a poet, a teacher, a diplomat, a doctor. But wherever she goes, she says, her true mission will be this: To speak for children who are affected by HIV/AIDS. It is, she explains, her calling. Her mission from God. Charline: ``If God did not see that I can stand up and fight against this disease, he’d never give it to me ... I praise God that he chose me to be sero-positive ... It’s because God sees me as a special person that he makes me sick.’’ ••• In the Caribbean, as in the United States, being infected with HIV/AIDS no longer means certain death. Powerful drugs that control symptoms and slow the path of the virus have poured into the Caribbean nations that need them most, including Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Guyana. Medicine that prevents pregnant women from passing the virus on to their babies is there for the asking as well. These medicines hold half the key to this generation’s future. Because, to get to the medicine, you have to step forward. And that means telling someone - doctors, family, friends - that you, or maybe your loved one ones, are infected. (AP) IT’S TIME TO THINK ABOUT MIDDLE SCHOOL NOW! IS YOUR CHILD CURRENTLY IN 4TH GRADE? Boston Collegiate Charter School x Tuition-free, public school x Highest Math MCAS scores in Massachusetts! x School bus service provided x Average class size of 22 students x Serving grades 5 — 12 since 1998 x College preparatory program, with support for all students x 100% college acceptance rate x Recruiting students in grades 5—8 for the 2007-08 school year ***Attend an Information Session*** Sessions Begin at 6:00PM Jan. 11, 2007 @ Boston Collegiate Charter School, 11 Mayhew Street, Dorch., MA Jan. 18, 2007 @ Hyde Park Branch Library, 35 Harvard Ave., Hyde Park, MA CALL (617) 265-1172 OR CHECK OUR WEBSITE: WWW.BOSTONCOLLEGIATE.ORG Page 12 boston haitian Reporter January 2007 Coast Guard says it stopped fewer migrants off of Florida By LAURA WIDES-MUNOZ MIAMI - The number of migrants stopped off the southeastern U.S. coast dropped by more than 40 percent last year, the U.S. Coast Guard said. Coast Guard agents patrolling the waters of South Carolina, Florida and the Caribbean, where migrants from Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic frequently arrive, stopped 6,061 migrants in 2006, down from 10,279 in 2005. Stormy weather, fear of increased patrols and political changes in the migrants’ home countries contributed to the drop, officials said. The number of Cubans stopped at sea dropped only slightly, but the number of Haitians stopped dropped sharply, down 60 percent to 769 people. The number of Dominicans stopped also had a steep drop - down 50 percent to 2,203. Miami-based Haitian advocate Marleine Bastien said the drop in Haitian apprehensions was likely tied to last year’s election of the country’s president, Rene Preval, who has received wide support both internationally and at home. ``Haitians want to live in Haiti. They want to stay in Haiti. They only come here when they feel their lives and the lives of their loved ones are threatened,’’ Bastien said. ``Whenever there’s a democratically elected government in place, they tend to have a ‘wait and see’ attitude.’’ Bastien said U.S. immigration policies have also decreased the flow. Haitians who illegally make it into the U.S. are generally sent back, while most Cubans who reach U.S. soil are allowed to stay. A separate set of figures shows that Cubans may have been more successful in reaching land in 2006 than in 2005. During fiscal years 2005 and 2006, the number of Cubans detained by border patrol on land in South Florida jumped from 2,530 to 3,076. Miami Border Patrol spokesman Victor Colon called the change insignificant. But South Florida immigration attorney Wilfredo Allen said the statistics could signal an increase - not a decrease - in Cuban immigrants. Coast Guard officials said the announcement by Fidel Castro in July that he was handing over power to his brother may have caused enough uncertainty about the future of the dictatorship to keep some Cubans from attempting to leave. But Allen said the uncertainty may have prompted more people to migrate, and that tighter restrictions by both the Cuban and U.S. governments have prompted more people to rely on smugglers. ``And the smugglers are effective at their job,’’ Allen said. Still, the overall decrease in interdictions at sea mirrors the overall drop in illegal immigrants arrested by Border Patrol agents in South Florida and the Caribbean during the 2006 fiscal year. (AP) Dominican activist Pierre recovering from heart surgery By John Porretto HOUSTON (AP) - A Dominican human rights activist was recovering this week from heart surgery, her doctor said. Sonia Pierre was doing well and could be heading home in one week, said Dr. John C. Baldwin, a cardiac surgeon who arranged the operation. Pierre’s heart condition was discovered during a medical examination in November, when she was in Washington BOSTON PREPARATORY CHARTER PUBLIC SCHOOL Extending Excellence Currently accepting applications for the 2007-2008 6th grade class. Learn more online at www.bostonprep.org, by calling (617) 333-6688, or at the following information sessions, held at 1286 Hyde Park Avenue in Hyde Park: Thursday, January 11th, 6:00-7:00 PM Saturday, January 20th, 10:00-11:00 AM Tuesday, January 23rd, 6:00-7:00 PM Thursday, February 8th, 6:00-7:00 PM Wednesday, February 28th, 6:00-7:00 PM to receive the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award honoring her for her work fighting discrimination against Haitian descendants. While in Kennedy’s office, Pierre agreed to an examination by Baldwin, a member of the board of directors for the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial, which gives the annual human rights award. Baldwin sent her to Texas, where he once headed the department of surgery at Methodist Hospital in Houston. Baldwin said Methodist agreed to do the surgery Jan. 8 as a charitable case, though a Methodist spokeswoman said she was prohibited by federal law from commenting on such matters. Pierre, who is in her early 40s and was raised in a migrant worker camp, began as an activist three decades ago at the age of 13, when she was arrested for leading a march to demand rights for sugar cane cutters. More recently her group, the Movement for Dominican Women of Haitian Descent, has fought to secure education and citizenship for ethnic Haitians living in the Dominican Republic. An estimated 500,000 to 1 million ethnic Haitians live in the Dominican Republic, many in isolated village slums. Haitians fleeing poverty provide cheap labor for the Dominican economy, particularly during the sugar cane harvest, Kennedy noted at the awards ceremony. Many face abuse, harsh living conditions and the constant threat of deportation, he said. Apply now for K2 and 5th Grade! 2007 – 2008 School Year (Applications also available for waiting list for 1st, 2nd, & 6th grades) Our Mission: To provide an academically rigorous education to students from the city of Boston that will ensure that they are prepared to succeed in college. Our Location: 190 Cummins Highway, Roslindale. Student Achievement: (2006 MCAS) #1 in the state for 8th grade English Language Arts #5 in Boston for 8th grade Math (includes all Boston Exam Schools) #2 in Boston for 8th grade Science (includes all Boston Exam Schools) Program Highlights: Middle School Elementary School * Class sizes of 24 or less * 3 hrs. of daily literacy instruction * 2 periods of daily math instruction * Weekly progress report * Daily in-school tutoring & homework support * Class size of 15 students * 3 ½ hrs. of literacy instruction daily * Individualized literacy instruction * Strong emphasis on phonics * Rigorous math curriculum * Nightly homework Both schools offer extended school day (8am to 4pm) and school year – 30% more time at school than under a traditional schedule. Strictly enforced code of conduct, and mandatory school uniforms. To receive an application for admission for the 2007-2008 school year you must attend an information session at the school. Monday, Jan. 29th @ 6pm Saturday, Feb. 10th @ 10am Thursday, Feb. 15th @ 6pm Monday, March 5th @ 6pm Application deadline March 6th at 5pm! Sonia Pierre, right, is shown receiving the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award in November from Senator Edward Kennedy. ``Because of Sonia, this neglected, impoverished, downtrodden community has greater rights and greater hope for a future where equality and justice are not just ideas, but reality,’’ the senator said. Pierre is the 23rd recipient of the award given in honor of the former senator, U.S. attorney general and presidential candidate who was assassinated in 1968. FREE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSES! IN RANDOLPH Please call the Randolph Community Partnership AT 781-961-8888 Classes starting in January the neighborhood house charter school The Neighborhood House Charter School is a small, urban, multicultural school located at 21 Queen Street in Dorchester enrolling 400 students in grades K1- 8. Small classes, great teacher to student ratios, high academic standards and individualized learning plans are the hallmarks of this school. The lottery for the 2007-2008 Kindergarten One Class will be held on Wednesday, March 7, 2007. Applications for the K1 lottery will be accepted until Friday, February 16, 2006. Any applications received after that date will be added to the waiting list. In order to be eligible for enrollment into K1, children must be age 4 on September 1, 2007. Parent tours are scheduled for Friday mornings at 9:00A.M. by appointment. To receive an application, get information or sign up for a tour, please call (617) 825-0703. You can also download applications from our website at www.NHCSonline.org January 2007 BOSTON HAITIAN Reporter Page 13 Profiles in Haitian Art Rebellious American Seldon Rodman championed Haitian art By Steve Desrosiers Contributing Editor We have unfortunately come to the end of our brief year or so long journey through the other Haitian revolution – Haiti’s native arts movement. It had its great native and non-native generals, men like Dewitt Peters, Jose Gomez Sicre, a Cuban critic who was influential in helping Peters advance the cause of the native arts movement, and artists Albert Mangones and Geo Remponneau, who among many others helped to administer the success of Haitian arts on the world scene. There were the great soldiers of the tradition, the painters, men and women who struggled in the trenches of isolation and poverty carving and preserving their perspective of life in a tragic and beautiful Island. Its champions included artists like Maya Deren, Seldon Rodman and the many other who gave Seldon Rodman, far right, was more than just a patron of the arts for Haiti: He also participated, writing a play based on the revolution. their time and talents in helping Haitians polish and preserve their native arts. We owe a debt of gratitude to those persons who helped to bring critical acclaim and world attention to Haitian art. One such individual took the cause of Haiti’s art practitioners to heart. He lived in Haiti and tirelessly memorialized its great artists. His books on Haitian art continue to be the best references on the life and the meaning of the work of Haiti’s greatest painters. He defended their works, commissioned some for himself and kept coming back for more whether the Island was stable or under the veil of dictatorship. The American, Seldon Rodman, was one of a kind. Born in Manhattan in 1909 to wealthy parents, Seldon lost his father, an architect, before his first birthday. The Yale educated Rodman was an avowed rebel with many axes to grind. And grind those axes he did through a variety of publications in the 1930s lashing out at everything from Yale’s leadership to the Roosevelt administration’s New Deal programs during the American depression. He missed his college graduation in order to rush off to Europe and meet his favorite authors, men like Ernest Hemingway, Leon Trotsky, and James Joyce among others. Among the risks that brought the young Rodman notoriety in the 1930s was an attempt to rile wealthy customers at the Waldorf-Astoria to leave the restaurant in support of striking waiters. He gained more attention for publishing a well thought out anthology of poetry that included African-American folk songs. In 1938 he visited Haiti for the first time, learned of its history and was inspired to pen a play on the Haitian revolution that was staged in Haiti. Nelson Rockefeller traveled to the Island to attend the premier of that play in 1942. Seldon joined DeWitt Peters in championing Haiti’s native artists and by 1948 was co-directing the Centre D’Art. He would go on to memorialize and popularize Haitian artists with three books on Haitian art and to commission artist Wilson Bigaud to provide the art work for a children’s book on the life of the average Haitian peasant family. By 1949 he was influential in facilitating and directing the mural painting paintings of Port-auPrince’s Cathedral Ste. Trinite. Rodman championed Haitian artists among other third world artists and amassed a vast personal collection of their work. He owned a home in Jacmel and traveled to Haiti right into his senior years. In the mid 1980s he donated a large portion of his Haitian art collection to Yale University and Ramapo College in New Jersey. Both universities went on to published extensive catalogs on Haitian arts. He died at age 93 in New Jersey, survived by an extensive family and over 40 books on a wide (Continued on page 19) Page 14 boston haitian Reporter January 2007 Community Health News Get Moving! By Vidya Sharma Tips for Staying in Shape this Winter With the arrival of cold winter months, many of us prefer to stay indoors, sip a cup of our favorite hot beverage, and find excuses for not staying physically active. A recent survey of 5000 people suggested that about 30% do not get any exercise at all around this time of the year. Regular physical activity has been proven to improve muscle strength, increase energy, increase mental sharpness, improve the efficiency of heart and lungs, lower blood pressure, help in weight loss and maintenance of optimum weight. A regular exercise plan of at least 30 minutes per day on most days of the week will help in reducing the risk of several chronic diseases such as overweight and obesity, Chiropractor River Street Spine Clinic, P.C. Ryan M. Warnock, D.C. -Back Pain -Personal Injury -Neck Pain -Wellness Care -Workman’s Comp -Sports Injuries 500 River Street Mattapan, MA Phone: 617-298-1776 Nous Pare Creole Cordima Chiropractic Center Relief for Car Accident Injuries! • Personal Injury • Whiplash • Neck Pain • Back Pain • Work Injury • Headaches Nous Pale Kreyol 690 Broadway, Somerville Call Today! 617-629-2600 high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, type II diabetes mellitus and many others. Whether you choose to exercise indoors or outdoors, be sure to take adequate safety precautions. It is always a good idea to dress in layers, especially for outdoor activity. Wear comfortable clothing, shoes and socks. Keep yourself hydrated at all times by drinking plenty of fluids before, during and after exercising. Warming-up before beginning any form of activity helps to improve blood circulation and loosen all the muscles. Staying physically active does not necessarily mean jogging or running or taking special exercise classes. Several routine tasks that we perform on a daily basis can be a source of great healthboosting activities. Some common examples include: • Activities like cooking, taking out trash, ironing, vacuuming, mopping, shoveling snow, cleaning out the garage, cleaning your closets, playing with your kids, taking your pet for a walk, etc. help to burn those extra calories. • Getting up from the couch and walking across the room for changing channels on the television rather than using the remote. Keep in mind, every little bit counts! • Parking your car at the farthest end of the parking lot and then walking to the grocery store. When inside, take a walk around various aisles instead of heading straight to the aisle of interest. This not only enables us to remain healthy, but also improves our knowledge of the various products in the store. • Using stairs more often instead of elevators. • Getting off one stop earlier when using the train or bus and then walking the remaining distance to reach your destination. • Walking while talking on the phone, instead of sitting on the couch. • Renting exercise videos from public libraries and incorporating at least one of them in your daily routine. A great abdominal workout at all times would be to tighten and hold in your stomach muscles as in taking a deep breath for about 30 seconds and subsequently releasing it. Repeat this for about 10 times. So, don’t let the arrival of winter dampen your spirit to exercise. Follow the above useful tips to stay active, feel fresh and energetic as we prepare to battle the cold weather! Vidya Sharma, MA, RD, LDN is a Community Nutritionist at Mattapan Community Health Center. Caregiver Advisor (Haitian Creole) The Caregiver Alliance of Suffolk County is seeking a dynamic, bi-lingual Haitian Creole/English-speaking individual for fulltime position as Caregiver Advisor for caregivers of the elderly. Must have excellent communication and presentation skills, strong organizational abilities; ability to work independently and as team member. BA in Human Services or equivalent experience and minimum 4 years experience working in human services, case management and/or with the elderly is preferred. E-mail resumes & cover letter to twalker@centralboston.org or fax to Ms. Walker @ 617-277-5025 Mattapan Community Health Center welcomes Dr. Lauren LaGrega who earned a BA degree in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. She is a graduate of Tufts University School of Medicine and of the North Shore University Hospital Pediatric Residency Program, where she received the Resident of the Year Award. Dr LaGrega brings a wealth of experience as an Attending Physician at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital, Bronx, New York and as an Instructor in Pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. Mattapan Community Health Center is pleased to add another experienced doctor to its winning pediatric team. Dr. LaGrega is accepting new patients. Call 617-296-0061 for an appointment. Pictured above with Dr. Lauren LaGrega of Mattapan Community Health Center is Samuel J. Dorcemond, a bright-eyed model patient. January 2007 BOSTON HAITIAN Reporter Page 15 Mattapan Community Health Center News Regular exams are key to fighting Cervical Cancer By Julie Mottl-Santiago, CNM, MPH and Lisa Thomas, RN January is Cervical Health Awareness month and it was declared by the US Congress to raise awareness about the need for prevention and treatment of cervical cancer. Mattapan Community Health Center is pleased to share this important information about the disease. Almost 4,000 women die every year in the US of cervical cancer, with African American women 2 to 3 times more likely to die than white women. Cervical cancer happens when abnormal cells grow out of control in the cervix, or the lower part of the woman’s womb (the upper part of the womb is where the baby grows when a woman is pregnant). The cervix opens into the vagina (birth canal) that goes to the outside of the body. Fortunately, cervical cancer can be almost en- tirely prevented by getting regular pap smears at your clinic or provider’s office. The pap smear can save a woman’s life because it can detect precancerous cells on the cervix that can then be treated. If the pap test shows abnormal cells are growing, the provider or health center will notify you about what the next steps to take will be, depending on what the results show. Sometimes only a repeat test is necessary; sometimes a “colposcopy” to look more closely at the cervix and take a biopsy is done. This is a short, relatively painless procedure done in a clinic or doctor’s office. It is important to keep the follow-up appointments after an abnormal pap test so that any pre-cancerous cells are not just found but also treated. Most women who get cervical cancer have never had a pap smear or not had one in 5 years or more. Cervical cancer is caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), a sexually transmitted virus carried by both men and women. There are generally no symptoms of the highest risk types of HPV, and there is no good test for detecting HPV in men. The virus changes into cancer in a woman’s cervix and can evolve slowly over years. Recent studies show that condoms protect against HPV virus. They are also associated with lower rates of cervical cancer and are effective in preventing other sexually transmitted infections. Women should have a pap smear every 1-3 years, starting 3 years after becoming sexually active. Pap smears are done by many different providers, including nurse-midwives, obstetrician/gynecologists, family practice physicians, and nurse-practitioners. Women under 30 should be tested every year, while women over 30 who have had 3 normal pap smears for 3 years in a row can talk with their provider about whether they can be tested every 2-3 years. Older women between the ages 65 to 70 should have at least three normal Pap tests and no abnormal Pap tests in the last 10 years, but can then ask their provider about whether they need to continue to be tested. Teens can prevent cervical cancer in the future by visiting their health center, even if they are too young for a pap smear. Their provider will talk with them about what they can do to prevent cancer in the future. There is also now a vaccine that prevents HPV, the primary cause of cervical cancer. The vaccine is recommended for girls from the ages of 11-12 but can be given as young as 9 years old and up to 26 years of age. The vaccine is given in a series of three injections and works best when all three are given. Even those who have been vaccinated still need to get pap smears regularly, though, since there are many types of the HPV virus and the vaccine does not protect against all of them. For the same reason, women who have had HPV already may still benefit from vaccination, since they probably have not been exposed to all types of the virus. It is not yet known whether males can benefit from the HPV vaccine and it is not recommended at this time. Most health insurance companies cover Pap smears and the HPV vaccine, including Mass Health. Women without health insurance may be eligible for pap smears through alternative funding programs like the Women’s Health Network and the Free Care pool. For more information, call and make an appointment with your primary care provider or call Mattapan Health Center at 617-296-0061. Julie Mottl-Santiago is a nurse-midwife at Boston Medical Center who provides care (including pap smears) at Mattapan Community Health Center. Lisa Thomas is the OB/GYN nurse at Mattapan Community Health Center. Reach your audience with the Reporter Call 617.436.1222 Mattapan car wash & quick lube • Full Service Automatic Wash • 14-Point Quick Lube st” e e B rd zine h “T AwaMaganer! in on st e w Bo tim 3 • Towel Drying & Detailing • Deluxe Interior Cleaning • 4 Self-Serve Wash Bays • 6 Self-Serve Vacuums & Oil Service • Simonize --- Waxing • Upholstery Shampoo • Vinyl & Motor Cleaning 1480 Blue Hill Avenue (Near Mattapan Sq.) 617- 298-4466 Page 16 boston haitian Reporter January 2007 National News Haitian immigrant stripped of U.S. citizenship By Jennifer Kay MIAMI (AP) - A Haitian-American man stripped of his U.S. citizenship after being convicted of federal drug trafficking charges was released to his family, after U.S. authorities failed to find a country where he could be deported. Lionel Jean-Baptiste, 59, said U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials let him know December 21 he would be released from the Krome Detention Center, about a week after an administrative review of his case. “I’m feeling happy, I’m with my family. I didn’t even think they would release me,’’ he said in a telephone interview from his Miami home. “I couldn’t wait to get out.’’ He had been held at Krome outside Miami since June. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that foreigners who cannot be deported cannot be held indefinitely, and set a six-month detention maximum. “He was released on an order of supervision while we continue pursuing his removal,’’ said ICE spokeswoman Barbara Gonzalez. Jean-Baptiste became a U.S. citizen in April 1996. He served seven years in prison on a January 1997 conviction for conspiring to distribute crack cocaine - a crime he still insists he did not commit. “But for that one single incident, you have a man who was otherwise a legal, law-abiding citizen. He would be a candidate for a good, solid citizen in the community,’’ his attorney, Andre Pierre, said. Jean-Baptiste, a former restaurant owner, is no longer a citizen of any nation. His native Haiti refused to take him because he gave up his citizenship in the Caribbean country to become an American; France also declined on the grounds he never lived there. His attorney said JeanBaptiste could remain in the U.S. as a man without a country indefinitely. EMPIRE ENERGY, INC Boston, MA 02122 • Every Day Low Price • Sunday Very, Very Special Price on Heating Oil. As Low As $209. per hundred • Installations of Boilers as Low as $3500 (Some Finance) • We except ABCD and Joe for oil TEL: 617-288-5998 AFFORDABLE CONDOMINIUMS: WATERTOWN REPTON place 555 Pleasant St., Watertown A New Condominium Address Watertown Community Housing is marketing twenty-eight 1, 2 & 3 BR condos for sale to income-eligible firsttime buyers. Brand new construction, top appliances, amenities. Income Limits: $46,300 for one-person households $52,950 for two-person households $59,550 for three-person households $66,150 for four-person households Sales Prices: $131,567 - $188,277 Details and application: 617-923-3505 watertowncommunityhousing.org Applications accepted: Jan. 1, 2007. Application deadline: March 19, 2007. He must check in with immigration officials and will be permitted to work, but cannot leave the U.S., Pierre said. An immigration judge revoked Jean-Baptiste’s U.S. citizenship and ordered him deported in September - the first time since 1962 that the U.S. government ordered a naturalized citizen deported after a drug conviction. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear Jean-Baptiste’s case last year, after the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta ruled that the federal government could revoke his citizenship. The appeals court agreed with government attorneys who argued that Jean-Baptiste was not a person of “good moral character’’ before becom- Caption: Lionel Jean-Baptiste, a Haitian-American man, sitting, stripped of his citizenship after being convicted of federal drug trafficking charges, was released to his family Thursday, Dec. 21, 2006, in Miami. From left are daughter Naomie Jean-Baptiste, grandson McLeon Jean-Baptiste, niece Taina Milfort, and wife, Raymonde Jean-Baptiste. U.S. authorities failed to find a country to which he could be deported. (AP Photos/Mitchell Zachs) ing a citizen. He arrived in the U.S. by boat in 1980. He went on to gain permanent residency, buy a restaurant in Miami’s Little Haiti neighborhood and eventually brought his wife and three sons from Port-au-Prince. Two daughters were born in Miami. (AP) Immigration Q & A I am married to a US citizen? Why do I need a medical exam for Green Card? Q: I am filing for a green card (lawful permanent resident status), based on my marriage to a US citizen. I understand that a medical examination is part of the application process. Why is that necessary? Can I just take the form to our family doctor and have her fill it out? A: The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) requires a medical examination for adjustment of status applicants in order to determine whether there are any health-related issues that could affect JOHN C. GALLAGHER Insurance Agency HOME & AUTO INSURANCE Specializing in Homeowners and Automobile Insurance for more than a quarter century of reliable service to the Dorchester community. an immigrants admissibility to the US, such as tuberculosis or HIV. The exam can also identify medical conditions that require follow-up care. The medical examination must be sent to USCIS with the adjustment of status application. (Note that an adjustment of status applicant who came to the US on a K visa will have had a medical examination as part of the visa application process at home and will not need to repeat the procedure in the US. He will only need to send in a copy of the vaccination supplement with his adjustment of status application.) All USCIS medical examinations include: • Physical Examination: Applicants are required to have a physical examination and a mental status evaluation. • Tuberculin (TB) Skin Test: All applicants 2 years of age and older are required to have a tuberculin skin test (TST). • Serologic (Blood) Test: All applicants 15 years of age and older are required to have serologic (blood) tests for HIV and for syphilis. Applicants under age 15 can be tested for HIV or syphilis if there is reason to suspect the possibility of infection. • Vaccinations: Applicants need to show that they are current with all vaccinations recommended by US public health officials. See the complete list of recommended vaccinations at uscis.gov. Unfortunately, you cannot have the medical examination done by your family doctor. The doctor performing the exam must be on the USCIS list of approved “Civil Surgeons” and you must pay the cost of the exam. You can find the list of approved physicians using the Civil Surgeons Locator on the USCIS web site, uscis. gov, or by calling USCIS national customer service at 1-800-375-5283. The doctor you choose will fill out Form I-693 and the required vaccination supplement that will be submitted to USCIS as part of your application package. The form and supplement are placed in a sealed envelope by the doctor Project Hope has the following full-time positions available: New Accounts Welcome • Senior Counselor/Case Manager • Counselor/Case Manager • Housing Stabilization Advocate at Fields Corner MBTA Please see our website for more information. www.prohope.org 1471 Dorchester Ave. Phone: 265-8600 “We Get Your Plates” and signed or stamped across the seal; you must not open it. The doctor should give you a copy for your records. The results of a medical exam are valid for 12 months, so you should apply for adjustment of status as soon as possible after you have your exam. If you have any questions about the medical exam, especially if you are concerned that you have a medical condition that could affect your eligibility to become a legal permanent resident, call IIC at 617-542-7654 or visit one our legal clinics for a confidential consultation. Disclaimer: These articles are published to inform generally, not to advise in specific cases. Areas of law are rapidly changing. US Citizenship and Immigration Services and the US Department of State regularly amend regulations and alter processing and filing procedures. For legal advice seek the assistance of an IIC immigration specialist or an immigration lawyer. IRISH IMMIGRATION CENTER 59 Temple Place, Suite 1010, Boston, MA 02111 Telephone (617) 5427654 Fax (617) 5427655 Email: immigration@ iicenter.org Web site: www.iicenter.org An organization accredited by the US Department of Justice January 2007 BOSTON HAITIAN Reporter Page 17 Ruth’s Recipes Getting the basics down to cook rice with ease By Marie Ruth Auguste Special to the Reporter Cooking rice is not a difficult task, yet, I often hear complaints about making that dish. Lately, I have been running into young Haitian/ Haitian American women including some of my dearest friends that just can’t get this rice thing right. I hear things like: “No matter what I do my rice never comes out like my mom’s, it’s always too hard.” Or, “my rice always comes out mushy or pàt.” One woman told me that when she began to cook Haitian food, she used a food processor to prepare her spices because she didn’t have a pilon, which is Kreyol for wooden mortar. For one reason or another, her rice dishes were always terrible; she tried everything that her mother told her but still, could not get it right. This woman decided that the secret was in the pilon. “There must be some kind of voodoo in that thing that makes the food taste so good,” she said. So, she went to Haiti and bought a pilon. Still, this lady continued to have issues with cooking rice. Marie Ruth Auguste If you’re a pro in the kitchen, white rice, rice and beans, peas, djondjon (dry mushrooms) etc. make no difference to you, piece of cake! For others, cooking Haitian rice is a disappointing experiment regardless of the type of rice in question. The fact is, as easy as cooking rice may seem to some of us, there are a number of ways to spoil it and ruin a meal. Too much water, over stirring, not enough rice, overcooking and under cooking, and wrong temperature will mess up your rice. For example, I have a friend who gets so exited when she cooks that she can’t stop stirring, her rice is always pàt (mushy). The good news is that once you master these little intricacies, you will never ruin another rice dish again. Yes! It’s that simple. Sometimes people ask if the type of rice used makes a difference. I believe the answer to that is yes, however, the basic rules always apply. What do you really need to keep in mind when cooking rice? Amount of water, amount of rice, temperature and time. These are the essentials but obviously you also need to add the right ingredients for taste. To avoid mushy rice, make sure that you don’t use too much water/not enough rice, also avoid constant stirring. So how do you know when you have the right amount of rice for x amount of water if you’re not following a recipe? When you add rice to boiling water, place it in the center of the cooking pot at once before you stir. You should have a mountain of rice right in the center of the pot. At this point, make sure that you can see the very tip of the mountain of rice just above or below the surface of the water. Cook rice uncovered between medium high and high temperature until the water disappears, and when you can barely hear the boiling sound. Using a temperature that is too high will cause the cooking water to evaporate too quickly; you may end up with partially cooked rice that is burned. After the boiling water vanishes and when you can barely hear the boiling sound, you must lower the temperature to low and cover tightly, this process is called toufé and it can make or break the result of your rice. You should toufé for at least 15 to 20 minutes for small to medium servings (2 to 8 people) and longer for larger amounts. During this final step, the temperature should remain on low and you should NOT under any circumstance uncover the pot. Some of you know exactly what I’m talking about. My mother for example gets terrified if you touch that rice during the “toufé cycle! Once you master the basic rules, you can embellish the flavor of your rice with coconut milk, shrimp, okra etc. whatever suits your tastes and your diet. Here are some basic and traditional Haitian rice recipes, bon appetit! Plain White Rice Makes 2-4 servings 4 cups of water 4 tablespoon of vegetable oil 1 ½ teaspoon of salt (or to taste) 1 whole scallion (cleaned/ cut in half) 4 cups of regular white rice In a small to medium cooking pot, heat up oil on medium high for about a minute and fry scallion until golden (be careful with the hot oil popping) then add water and salt. Stir and taste for salt amount. Bring to a boil on high. When boiling begins wash rice in room temperature water (I wash my rice three times.) Drain washing water and add rice to the center of the cooking pot at once. Again, you should be able to see the very tip of the rice. If you can’t see the tip of the mountain of rice before you stir you have too much water or not enough rice. Stir lightly and cook until water evaporates, approximately 15 minutes. Next, reduce temperature to low and cover very tightly for 20 minutes. Serve warm with your favorite bean sauce, seafood, meat or poultry. Rice and sweet peas with dry mushrooms (duri colé a poi frans avek djon-djon) Makes 2-4 servings 1 cup dry dark brown mushrooms (djon-djon) 1 cup of sweet green peas (frozen or fresh) 2 ½ cup of golden rice (or white rice) 3 cups water 1 large garlic clove (minced) 1 scallion (cleaned and minced) 1 chicken bouillon (maggi) 1 teaspoon seasoned salt (i.e. lawry’s) 2 cloves 1 fresh parsley sprig 1 wedge green sweet pepper 4 table spoon pure vegetable oil (cholesterol free) 1 teaspoon butter 3 pinches of ground black pepper Boil djon-djon in 2 cups of water, for about 5 minutes. Next, completely drain dark broth out of the mushrooms into a bowl using a strainer. As you drain the mushrooms add one cup of warm water, mix and squeeze to get all the black broth. Set broth aside and discard the remaining mushroom stuff. PS- Some people blend djon-djon for best (Continued on page 19) You Need A Bigger Home Not A Bigger Payment Members C R E D I T U N I O N Get More Home for your Money: ♦Low Fixed and Adjustable Rate Options ♦Affordable MHFA and HLPR loans** ♦Special Programs for 1st Time Homebuyers ♦Jumbo Mortgages and Second Mortgages 6.00% APR* 30 year Fixed Mortgage ♦Construction Loans and Land Loans Call the Adams Village branch at (617) 265-6967, or stop by 494 Gallivan Blvd., Dorchester for more information. *Annual percentage rate and subject to change without notice. Property must be located within a 100 mile radius of MPCU main office. Repayment on 30 year terms equals 360 monthly payments of $6.00 per $1000 borrowed. Other terms available. **Mass. Housing Financy Agency, Home Loan Payment Relief Loose change hanging around the house? Bring it to the coin counter at MPCU on Gallivan Blvd. and help a local organization. All proceeds for the month of January will be donated to the Colonel Daniel Marr Boys and Girls Club Page 18 boston haitian Reporter January 2007 Pan-Caribbean News Officials fear citrus-leaf-eating butterfly could ravage Caribbean, Florida crops By JONATHAN M. KATZ SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic - An Asian butterfly known for ravaging the leaves of young citrus trees has spread from the Dominican Republic to other Caribbean islands and could soon strike fruit producers in Florida, agriculture experts said. The lime swallowtail butterfly was spotted in the Dominican Republic three years ago - the first recorded sighting in the Western Hemisphere, said Brian Farrell, a Harvard biology professor who led the field study that found it. The insect has since appeared in Jamaica and Puerto Rico, and U.S. officials are concerned it could next hop to the United States and threaten Florida’s $9 billion citrus industry. U.S. officials have criticized the Dominican government for not trying to eradicate the butterfly. ``I don’t think the (Dominican agriculture) ministry is doing anything. They don’t see it as a problem,’’ said Russell Duncan, of the U.S. Agriculture Department’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service in Santo Domingo. U.S. officials worry the pest could be brought into the U.S. by a tourist or with illegally transported Help Wanted Lead Teacher Immediate Opening LENA PARK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a non-profit community based social services agency, is currently seeking a qualified and experienced teacher to fill an immediate vacancy in its Early Education Program. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree, Associates Degree or advanced degree in Early Childhood Education and EEC Lead Teacher Certification. Send cover letter and resume to: H. Pete Wilson, Lena Park CDC, 150 American Legion Highway, Dorchestser, MA 02124; Fax 617-436-0999: E-mail hwilson@lenapark.org Project Hope has the following full-time positions available: • Senior Counselor/Case Manager • Counselor/Case Manager • Housing Stabilization Advocate Please see our website for more information. www.prohope.org Disability Law Center Seeks Staff Attorney Two years experience representing clients who have been discriminated against in the areas of employment and housing discrimination or public accommodations. Familiarity with ADA, G.L. chapter 151B and DMH and DMR practices and procedures. Bilingual skills a plus. DLC is an EOE. People with disabilities and people of color encouraged to apply. See www.dlc-ma.org for complete job description, app. process and benefits. Application deadline C.O.B. 2/2/07 fruit. Known as a strong flier suited for island hopping in Asia, the butterfly might also manage the trip on its own. It is not known how the butterflies reached the Caribbean, Farrell said. Dominican officials say the butterfly problem is under control and there is no need for a widespread eradication campaign. ``This isn’t a big problem for us,’’ said Damian Andujar, director of the Dominican Agriculture Ministry’s fruit department. The butterflies, distinguished by red and yellow wing markings and bright blue eyespots, have such a taste for citrus leaves that they often strip trees of all but their branches. A year after they were discovered in the Dominican Republic, an infestation destroyed more than 4,000 young trees owned by produce giant Grupo Rica - 3 percent of its nursery stock, said Felipe Mendez, a company official. Caterpillars ate every leaf on many of the trees they attacked, Mendez said. Damage to the company’s orchards in the country’s south has since been contained by workers trained to pick leaves at the first sign of butterfly eggs. ``We realized we had a natural enemy,’’ Mendez said. Workers in Jamaica also have been trying to kill the caterpillars by hand. An aerial spraying campaign has not been attempted for fear of damaging nearby beekeepers’ hives, Agriculture Minister Roger Clarke told the Jamaica Observer. (AP) Bermuda cracks down on undocumented workers By ELIZABETH ROBERTS HAMILTON, Bermuda - Foreigners who overstay their visas in Bermuda will soon become wanted fugitives, as the wealthy enclave adopts new measures to capture and deport them amid growing public anger over illegal immigration. The Immigration Ministry has announced it will begin sharing photos of visa violators with a local anti-crime group, which will post the images on the Internet and publicize rewards for their capture. “Anybody who overstays their time is a problem as far as we are concerned because of the importance we attach to the adherence to the law,’’ said Robert Horton, the administrative head of the immigration ministry in the British territory. Crime Stoppers Bermuda said that within days it will publish the first photos, of two Jamaican construction workers, on a Web site that will also feature suspects for other criminal offenses. The group, which is supported by private donations, said it would pay rewards of up to $1,000 to anyone who provides information leading to the capture of the illegal immigrants. Those who provide the tips can remain anonymous, said the group’s chairman, Sean Pitcher. “Bermudians are very law-abiding citizens, but people may be reticent to get involved,’’ Pitcher said. The government is also considering other measures against illegal immigration, including greater penalties for those caught employing or sheltering them. Undocumented residents make up a tiny fraction of Bermuda’s 65,000 people, but there have been increased complaints that illegal workers have become a drain on public resources and are taking jobs, especially in the construction sector. “They may not be committing a serious crime, but they’re basically taking jobs away from Bermudians,’’ Pitcher said. ``What they’re doing is displacing people who could be working legitimately.’’ Bermuda, a chain of tiny Atlantic Ocean islands 640 miles (1,030 kilometers) east of the U.S., is one of the wealthiest places in the world. The territory is generally accessible to immigrant residents only through guest worker programs, which employ about 9,900 people ranging from doctors and lawyers to laborers. Visas typically expire after six years. Those who deliberately stay past their deadline are deported and blacklisted from returning, Horton said. Bermuda deports about 20 foreigners each year, including those convicted of crimes. Guest workers traditionally came from the Caribbean, the United Kingdom and the United States, but a growing number now come elsewhere, including India and Sri Lanka. Recent months have seen increased friction over immigration, including the beating in July of a Portuguese man outside a bar in the capital of Hamilton. Leaders in the long-established Portuguese community, which makes up about 9 percent of the population, said the man was targeted because he was an immigrant. Immigration Minister Derrick Burgess, who took office in September, has made a personal commitment to deport illegal residents, Horton said. The crackdown has been welcomed by some in the construction field. Louis Somner, an industry spokesman, described the Web site as ``a good effort’’ and said the government should go further and fingerprint those who enter Bermuda on short-term permits. Horton said it was understandable that foreigners would want to extend their stay on an island known for its mild climate and rare pink-sand beaches, but ultimately the territory should be reserved for Bermudians. “It’s not a major problem but it is a problem,’’ he said. ``We’re a small society and we are always concerned about strains on our social system.’’ (AP) Dominican president delays Middle East trip to advance expansion of natural gas plant SANTO DOMINGO - Dominican President Leonel Fernandez postponed a Middle East trip earlier this month that was to promote the expansion of a natural gas terminal in the Caribbean nation, the country’s Foreign Ministry said. The ministry did not give a reason for the postponement of the trip to Qatar. Fernandez was to meet with officials to discuss expanding an AES Inc. plant east of Santo Domingo for purposes of routing liquefied natural gas from Qatar to the United States. The trip, which would have also included a visit to India to discuss business deals, is still planned for the first half of 2007, the ministry said. The Dominican Republic’s ambassador in Doha, Hugo Guiliani Cury, told The Peninsula newspaper in December that his country could serve as a way-station for natural gas from Qatar if the United States decided not to increase its number of liquid natural gas terminals due to security concerns. The AES Andres facility, located 30 kilometers (19 miles) east of the Dominican Republic’s capital, also generates electricity for local use. It currently imports natural gas from Trinidad and Tobago, Guiliani said. The Dominican Re- public has been trying to boost relations with Middle Eastern countries in hopes of lowing fuel prices and addressing chronic energy shortages. Regular gasoline sold at US$3.74 (euro2.82) per gallon this month. (AP) Did You Know? You can read the full edition of the Reporter @ bostonhaitian.com January 2007 BOSTON HAITIAN Reporter Page 19 Pan-Caribbean News Montserrat volcano shoots ash cloud 5 miles into the sky By BENNETTE ROACH OLVESTON, Montserrat - The volcano that destroyed Montserrat’s capital in 1997 shot a cloud of ash more than five miles into the sky on Jan. 8, and one of the island’s chief scientists said the blast was ``a warning call.’’ The government has advised about 50 families on the northwestern side of the volcano’s base that their homes were at risk from flows of blistering gas and debris if the dome collapses. Gov. Deborah Barnes Jones said she would sign an evacuation order making it illegal for people to remain in the area. The blast, accompanied by increased seismic rumbling, released gases and steam from inside a lava dome that has grown rapidly over the last week, said Dr. Vicky Hards, director of the Montserrat Volcano Observatory. ``I think it was a warning call ... of what it can do,’’ Hards said. The explosion around sunrise also sent a flow of volcanic material cascading two miles down the northwest flank, but did not immediately threaten any of the British Caribbean island’s 5,000 inhabitants, Hards said. Sirens alerted people to listen to the radio for updates. ``People in the affected area know who they are and should work urgently on packing up and arranging for alternative accommodations,’’ Barnes Jones said in a radio address. Only ``a handful’’ of residents were believed to still be living in the threatened area, said Mark Twigg, head of the governor’s office. ``This causes genuine hardship for people who have to leave, and this is taken lightly by nobody,’’ he said. The volcano’s latest burst of activity began on Dec. 24. Glowing streaks of red from the pyroclastic flows have created nighttime spectacles visible across much of the island. The volcano’s rising dome remained in place after Monday’s explosion, raising fears of a bigger event soon. The Soufriere Hills volcano became active in 1995, and more than half the territory’s 12,000 in- Rodman helped cultivate Haitian art (Continued from page 13) over 40 books on a wide variety of subjects. People like Seldon Rodman, who was born into a world of wealth and privilege, teach us something about the things that money can’t buy. Courage, honesty, integrity and far above all a love for all of humanity. Neither great wealth nor great poverty bestows such graces on a person. We choose whether or not to cultivate the courage necessary to bear life’s crosses. Awareness of such things are important before the camouflage of skin color and the tragedies of history prevent us from being grateful for the existence and the industry of the likes of the late Seldon Rodman. We are deeply grateful to Cary Seldon Rodman for his work among Haiti’s artists. Today’s Haitian art scene is a far cry from the optimistic venture that was achieved by DeWitt Peters by the 1960s. The current scene is one where a few art dealers and art galleries dominate opportunities for artists to show their work. There is always the worsening poverty, the scarcity of art supplies coupled with the fall of tourism and thus a rarity of buyers. Opportunities to exhibit are also difficult to come by. Many artists work by signing long term contracts with galleries that in turn sell and profit from their art. The galleries usually own the artist’s copyright and as such whatever fame the artist earns really benefits the galleries. If this weren’t enough, the price for the work of a great artist automatically doubles upon his death usually resulting is huge profits for art dealers. All is not lost, however, as the story of Haitian art continues in the industry Taking the mystery out of cooking Haitian rice (Continued from page 13) result. Next, heat 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil and add minced garlic, scallion, chicken bouillon, salt and cloves. If you have a pilon use it for the mincing, if not, a food processor will do. When the spices begin to turn golden, add peas, seasoned salt and adobo. Stir fry for a couple of minutes and add dark mushroom broth which should be about 2 and 2/3 cups. Then add sweet green pepper, parsley, one whole hot pepper (do not slice). Taste and add salt/pepper if desired. After a couple of minutes of boiling, wash rice and add directly in the center of the pot at once. Stir once and let cook on medium high for about 15 minutes or until broth dries up completely. Finally bring temperature to low, cover tightly for 20 minutes. Do not disturb during this final step. Rice and peas (duri colé a poi rouj) Makes 6 to 8 servings 1 and ¼ dry roman beans (I used goya from the plastic bag) 3.5 cups original yellow rice (i.e. uncle ben’s) 2 whole cloves 3 wholes (minced) 7 cups of water 1 cup pure coconut milk (I used goya from the can) 1 scallion (minced) 3 garlic cloves (minced) 1 chicken bouillon cube/ maggi (minced) 1-teaspoon salt (mixed w/ minced spices) 1 teaspoon seasoned salt (lawrys) 1 teaspoon adobo all purpose seasoning (without pepper) ground black pepper to taste 1 fresh parsley and thyme sprigs (tied together) 1 whole green hot pepper (habaneros) do not cut open 1 small slice of green sweet pepper 1 teaspoon butter 1/3 cup pure vegetable oil (cholesterol free i.e. crisco) Wash beans and boil with 6 cups of water and the coconut milk (if you choose to use coco milk.) Cook beans on medium high to high for 35 to 40 minutes. Add the additional cup of water after cooking beans. Remove the 3 cloves from beans and drain. Set broth aside for later. Heat up oil on high and then add the minced spices, you should mash them up together in your pilon or food processor. When the spices turn golden (not burned) add the drained beans, seasoned salt, adobo, black pepper, both green peppers, parsley and thyme. Cover for one minute. Next, lightly stir and add bean broth. Taste for salt and other ingredients. Bring to a boil, then wash rice and add as directed previously. Add butter and cook on medium to medium high until broth disappears. Bring fire to low and toufé as described above. Contact Ruth with your ideas, comments and suggestions at ruthrecipes@ yahoo.com. And watch for her website, coming soon: ruthsrecipes.com of artists who are working outside of the country in places like New York and Canada. They are persons like Shubert Denis, Francois Gracia, Lucien Bordeau, Sofia Lacroix and the Janet Sanon who continue to branch out on the foundation set not so long ago by bright eyed and courageous collection of individuals who succumbed to the frightful need to shed a little more light into the world by doing something apparently impractical. habitants moved away. An eruption in 1997 buried much of the south, including the capital of Plymouth, and killed 19 people. Since then, the mountainous, teardrop-shaped island has gone on a building binge. A new city center is planned for Little Bay, the future capital, in northwest Montserrat. The island has a new airport to replace the one that was engulfed by lava flows and a 700-seat concert hall. A new parliament, courthouse and cricket field are planned. Associated Press writer Michael Melia contributed to this story from San Juan, Puerto Rico. advertisement Freshly painted & updated large 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartment units available on January 1st, 2007. All units equipped with newly installed gas heating systems and new hot water tanks. utilites not included. Section 8 welcome. Mattapan Community Development Corp. 617•296•2000 PLATINUM REAL ESTATE “A Full Service Georgia Real Estate Company” Residential, Commercial, Investment Properties Guerguens Nadeem Sales Associate Phone: (404) 247-0973 Fax: (770) 982-2274 platinum_realtor@bellsouth.net Relocating to Georgia? 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