March 2015 - First Congregational Church of Griswold


March 2015 - First Congregational Church of Griswold
First Congregational Church of Griswold
March 2015
Volume 19, Issue 3
Greetings from Pastor Ede
March 2015
When God made a promise to Abraham, because he had no one greater by whom to swear, he
swore by himself, saying, "I will surely bless you and multiply you." And thus Abraham, having patiently endured, obtained the promise. Human beings, of course, swear by someone greater than themselves, and an
oath given as confirmation puts an end to all dispute. In the same way, when God desired to show even
more clearly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeable character of his purpose, he guaranteed it by an
oath, so that through two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible that God would prove false, we who
have taken refuge might be strongly encouraged to seize the hope set before us. We have this hope, a sure
and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters the inner shrine behind the curtain, where Jesus, a
forerunner on our behalf, has entered, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. Hebrews 6:13-20
This past week I started out with just a bad cold and then each day it got worse and worse. I do
not know if it was the shock of leaving Hawaii at 76 degrees and landing at Bradley airport and stepping off the plane to one degree, but something got ahold of my body. By the time I got to the doctor’s
on Thursday, I felt so bad that my only hope was the he would have some miracle cure for me. Fortunately that came in the form of antibiotics. I got to thinking about the fact that if I put that much hope
in a human to make me better, how much better it is to put my hope in God to make all realms of my
life better. Not just the physical but also the emotional and spiritual.
It is important for all of us to have hope in our lives. The Hebrews passage that is printed
above uses the anchor as a symbol for our hope. An anchor keeps us safe. The anchor roots us into a
foundation that will keep us on the right track like an anchor keeps a ship in one place, a safe harbor.
Just as the anchor is hidden deep at the bottom of the sea but keeps the ship in a safe place and afloat.
Hope often dwells deep within us.
We live lives of deep, almost unspeakable trust that God is with us. Our hope is in what we
know about God. Our hope is in our understanding of God’s power and our understanding of God’s
grace. I think the combination of faith, hope and love is not accidental in the scripture. They feed on
each other.
We have to experience God’s love and love others which gives our life energy. Our faith is the
foundation of the relationship we have with God. Our hope that is deep inside of us keeps us on our
We also see in this passage from Hebrews that Jesus gives us our way to God. Our hope in God
is given to us by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection. In the baptism classes I have taught
over the years I taught that Jesus is our bridge to God. As we go through Lent let us remember the
promise of hope that we have because of God’s love for us in sending his son Jesus Christ. As we
learned in John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him will have eternal life.
Pastor Ede
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J A NU A R Y 2015
Holy Week Activities
Lenten Candles
Palm Sunday – Join us as we begin Holy Week
with our Palm Sunday Worship service.
We are going to do something new in worship this Lenten Season. Just as candles are
used in the Advent wreath we will be using candles during Lent. In Lent we start out with all
of the candles lit and then extinguish a candle
each week until we come to our Maundy Thursday/Good Friday service and the last candle, the
Christ Candle will be extinguished. Just as the
Lenten season reminds us of Christ’s journey to
the cross, the seven candles and the weekly extinguishing of each one enhances that long, soon
to be dark
journey. We work our way
to that moment of total darkness that we feel on
Good Friday. All through Lent we are traveling
with Jesus on the road to the cross, going from
light to dark. Hopefully by using the candles it
will be a visual reminder of the journey that we
are taking with Christ. What a solemn moment
that is when the Christ candle will be extinguished at the Maundy Thursday/Good Friday
service. Then there will be the joyous celebration on Easter morning when the Christ candle
is relit to celebrate the resurrection.
Maundy Thursday – We will begin at 6:15pm
with a Seder and then go into the Sanctuary for
a Tenebrae Service.
Good Friday – On the first Good Friday, Jesus
of Nazareth walked the way of the cross through
the streets of Jerusalem to the place called Golgotha where he was crucified. Today Christians
unite in walking the way of the Cross, not
through the streets of Jerusalem, but through
the streets of Norwich. The stations will conclude on the steps of the Central Baptist Church
in Norwich. Remembering the suffering of
Christ, the Procession will move from Chelsea
Parade down Broadway and Union Street to
Central Baptist Church. We walk and sing in
commemoration of Christ’s journey. Pastor Ede
will be participating in this journey. Come and
join in this Ecumenical event that begins at 6pm
on April 3.
Easter Sunday –
Sunrise Service – Join us at the overlook at Geer Farm for an Ecumenical Sunrise
Service. The Service will begin at 6:15 AM.
Easter Breakfast – We will be having
an Easter Breakfast at the church immediately
follow the Sunrise Service.
Easter Service – We will be having our
regular worship at 10:00 am on Easter Sunday.
An Easter Egg Hunt for the children will be held
immediately following the Service.
Pastor’s Party
March 15, 2015
After worship – 12:00 pm
Our next Pastor’s party will be after
worship on March 15 and we will conclude
at Noon. We will have activities that
focus on Holy Week. Children of all ages
are welcome to join us.
Lenten Bible Study
It is not too late to join us for the Lenten
Bible Study. We will be having a Lenten Bible
Study on Wednesday evenings from March 4 –
March 25. We will begin at 6:00 with a soup and
bread supper followed by a Bible Study.
This year we will be studying “People of
the Passion.” Each week, a major participant in
Jesus’ last week of life will be studied: Mary,
Mary Magdalene, Peter, Nicodemus, Pilate, and
Judas. These individuals represent a continuum
of human responses to Jesus: faithfulness, gratitude, conflict, power, and betrayal. We will work
to see ourselves in each of them and in each of
the human responses to Jesus which they represent.
Mark your calendars and join us for a
time of fellowship and study.
Lent/Holy Week
Scripture Readings
March 1, 2015
Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16
Psalm 22:23-31
Romans 4:13-25
Mark 8:31-38
March 8, 2015
Exodus 20:1-17
Psalm 19
1 Corinthians 1:18-25
John 2:13-22
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Lenten/Holy Week Sermon Series
February 22, 2015 – Remember the Cross, 1 Peter 3:18-22
March 1, 2015 - Remember God’s Promises, Romans 4:13-25
March 8, 2015 - Remember God’s Holiness, John 2:13-22
March 15, 2015 - Remember Our Redemption, Ephesians 2:1-10
March 22, 2015 - Remember God’s Glory, John 12:20-33
March 29, 2015 - Remember the Hosannas, Mark 11:1-11
April 2, 2015 - Remember Christ Our Servant, John 13:1-17, 31b-35
April 5, 2015 - Celebrate the Resurrection, Mark 16:1-8
March 15, 2015
Numbers 21:4-9
Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22
Ephesians 2:1-10
John 3:14-21
March 22, 2015
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Psalm 51:1-12
Hebrews 5:5-10
John 12:20-33
March 29, 2015 – Palm Sunday
Mark 11:1-11
Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
Isaiah 50:4-9a
Philippians 2:5-11
April 2, 2015 – Maundy
Exodus 12:1-4, 11-14
Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
John 13:1-17, 31b-35
April 3, 2015 – Good Friday
Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Psalm 22
Hebrews 10:16-25
John 18:1-19:42
April 5, 2015 – Easter Sunday
Acts 10:34-43
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
John 20:1-18
Mark 16:1-8
NLA Youth Gathering
March 13 & 14
6 PM to 10 AM
Colchester Federated Church
60 Main St., Colchester, CT
Come and join other youth from the New London Association
Churches for an exciting overnight event!
Enjoy: Fun Games, Music, Basketball, Pizza Baking, Mission
Project, Special Midnight Worship, More!
Snacks, dinner and breakfast will be served.
Participants: Bring a sleeping bag, pillow, jammies, toiletries,
fun/junk food to share (we’ve got drinks!) and a positive
***Please leave personal entertainment
electronics at home***
If you are interested,
Contact Mrs. Phillips (860-639-7144).
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Church Life and Growth
Our committee met on Feb 12th to begin working on an upcoming event: a bike rally! This will be
Saturday June 6th so save the date and come join us for a fun-filled time! There will be more
details to follow to let you know specifics of the event and how to sign up to participate or to
help out!
Church Life and Growth Committee
Easter Egg Hunt
April 5
After worship
We will be having our annual
Easter Egg Hunt right after
worship on Easter Sunday,
April 5. We are accepting
donations of pre-filled plastic
eggs. The candy in the eggs
needs to be wrapped candy. We
are also accepting cash
donations to cover the cost of
the eggs. We look forward to
this fun event.
Sunday Mornings 9-9:45 AM
Games, Prayer and discussions on
issues pertinent to young people
age 14 through Senior High. Please
join us any Sunday and bring a
Trustees Report
The trustees have made sure that the church
and parsonage lots are plowed. Also the sidewalks
have been shoveled and swept for easier access to the
church during the Lenten worship services and Bible
The tiles for the hallway in the Sunday
School wing have been purchased. Come check them
out the next time you are in the Coit room.
The Trustees (Scott, Steve, Steve, Bob, Paul, and Liz)
I am with you always to the close of the age;
Matthew 28:16
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March-May 2015 Readers List
Child Care List March 1 through
March 31,2015
March 1 – Valerie King 860-376-3850
Sam Guillemette 860-376-5813
If you can’t make the date scheduled please try
to trade with someone else first. Otherwise
you can e-mail me at
March 8 – Liz Longacre 860-376-5837
Ruth Phillips 860-591-1419
3/1 Paul and Ryan Phillips
3/8 Valerie King
3/15 Linda Merchant
3/22 JacobLongacre
3/29 John McMahon
4/5 Samm Racich
4/12 Jim Kendall
4/19 Abby Merchant
4/26 John McMahan
5/3 Barbara Spillane
5/10 Gwyn Pepin
5/17 Jennifer Norman
5/24 Tammi Veit
5/31 Maureen Green
March 15– Mona Ames 860-203-0855
Ina Macko 860-376-4709
March 22 – Andrea Charron 860-376-0702
Lindsay Rogers 860-376-9796
March 29- Jen Howe 860-376-1747
Abigail Merchant 860-376-589
General Child Care Ages: Children 8
years old and younger
Please make arrangements
with another child care provider on
the list if you are unable to do child care on
the date assigned to you.
If you are interested in volunteering to
provide child care services, please contact Jen
Howe or Cindy Phillips.
List Coordinator: Samm Racich
Thank you for your help!
Through our observance of Lent,
help us to understand the meaning
of Your Son's death and resurrection,
and teach us to reflect it in our lives.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son.
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Deacon’s Report
Happy March,
We have survived the coldest month on record for February, and thank God for daylight
savings time next Sunday on the 8th. The days are beginning to lengthen and soon, Easter will
be upon us. The deacons have been helping the Pastor prepare for the season of lent during
the month of March. We have asked members of the congregation for support in reading
scripture, and extinguishing a candle each Sunday leading up to Easter, where the Christ candle will be lit and stay lit! Hallelujah! The deacons have also begun planning for our evening
Maundy Thursday service on April 2nd. Please feel welcome to see one of the deacons with any
questions or concerns you may have regarding worship time. Stay warm and see you on Sunday!
Erika, Linda, Nick, Sulma, Steve and Val
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March 2015
9AM Sunday
School & Youth
10 AM Worship
with Communion
Soup for the
8:30 Confirmation Class
9AM Sunday
School & Youth
10 AM Worship
Soup for the
9AM Prayer
9AM Sunday
School & Youth
10 AM Worship
11 AM Pastor’s
9AM Sunday
School & Youth
10 AM Worship
9AM Prayer
6 PM Bread and
Soup with Bible
Study immediately following
6:30 PM Church Life
and Growth
7 PM Choir
6:30 Deacons
6 PM Bread and
Soup with Bible
Study immediately following
7 PM Choir
6 PM Bread and
Soup with Bible
Study immediately following
7 PM Choir
6:30 PM Church Life
and Growth
6 PM Bread and
Soup with Bible
Study immediately following
9AM Prayer
9AM Prayer
7 PM Choir
7:30 Church
9AM Sunday
School & Youth
10 AM Palm
Sunday Worship
9AM Prayer
April 1
6:15 Seder Service
Tenebrae Service
following Seder
Maundy Thursday
6 PM Norwich
Stations of the
Cross in
Norwich (see
page 2 of this
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First Congregational
First Congregational Church
Annual Chicken Barbeque
April 18 , 2015
Griswold Volunteer Fire Department
$10.00 Adults
$5.00 Children
See a Fundraising Member for
(Take out only)
Easter Sunday
Memorial Flowers
If anyone would like to
purchase flowers in memory of loved
ones for Easter Sunday Service please
let Linda know. A memorial bulletin
will be given out at church and Linda
will be sure your names are included.
If you would like to purchase the
flowers on your own you are welcome to
bring them to the church the Saturday
before Easter. If you want Linda to
purchase them for you, please give her
your donation and she will see that it is
taken care of.
Church of Griswold Directory
Phone 860-376-2682
On the WEB:
Mail: 878 Voluntown Road,
Griswold, CT 06351
Pastor Ede Steele
Parsonage 860-376-4342
Deacons: 860...
Linda Merchant
Steve Ford-King
Nick Waterman
Sulma Fuentes
Erika Rogers
Valerie Grills
Glen Norman
Chair of Trustees:
Scott Merchant
Steeple Editor:
Andrea Charron 376-0102
E-Mail Addresses
First Church:
Web coordinator:
Steeple Editor:
Lord God, I have tried in vain to reform myself, and I have
failed. Only you can truly change my heart; and I pray that you will
do it, by the power of your Holy Spirit.
Make me your instrument, Holy God. Replace every prideful thought with a psalm, every angry instinct with a prayer of love
and forgiveness. Let the sight of me radiate your glory, not mine;
let every word that comes from my mouth be music from your harp
and every thought in my mind the dove of your Spirit. Inhabit me,
infuse me, reform me, that I may live only in Christ, and He in me.
First Congregational Church of Griswold
878 Voluntown Road, Griswold
Connecticut 06351-3315
First Congregational Church of Griswold is an Open and Affirming congregation which respects
the worth and dignity of all persons who come to our Church family regardless of race, age,
marital standing, gender, economic status, mental or physical challenges, nationality or sexual
Our Church is a member of the United Church of Christ.
No matter who you are,
or where you are on life’s journey,
you are welcome here.
878 Voluntown Rd.
Griswold, CT 06351
Phone 860-376-2682,